Bull Profile ofile isk Pr lletin Risk ulletin R in t ulle rofile Bu Profile B file B Risk k Pro etin Risk P lletin Risk Bulletin file is R le in o u ll t r fi u B e P o B ll r k le u P fi le is B ofile Risk Profi Risk Pro lletin Risk Bulletin R Bulletin r P k Ris tin k file ofile lletin rofile Bu Bulle le Bu k Pro in Ris isk Pr ulletin file B isk Profile Risk Profi etin Risk P ulletin Ris Bulletin R file Bullet rofile o r P P Risk Bull Profile B k Profile tin R Bulletin k Pro tin Risk Bulle rofile le k in Ris is ulletin lle ulletin file B isk Profile Risk Profi etin Risk P ulletin Ris Bulletin R file Bullet Profile Bu Profile B Risk o r P R o k k B ll in r le k in t is is u t P in fi e le is t R R B e o ll fi k e ll R r u ulletin rofile Bull Profile B isk Profile in Risk Pro tin Risk P ulletin Ris Bulletin file Bulletin Profile Bu k Profile le e P file B k R is B t k Pro etin Risk ulletin Ris Bulletin ofile Bulle rofile Bull k Profile Risk Profi Risk Pro lletin Risk Bulletin R Bulletin is R Ris kP k ofile Risk Pr ofile etin le Bulletin rofile Bu k Profile lletin rofile Bull Profile B is r r in ll u t P R P u B e k k B ll in in Ris t Profile tin Risk P lletin Risk ulletin Ris le Bulletin ofile Bulle Profile Bu isk Profile Risk Profi tin Risk P ulletin Ris Bulletin Ris file Bullet rofile k is R B P r R k B u lle ro ofi lle in ulletin Profile Bu k Profile B isk Profile tin Risk Pr etin Risk P ulletin Ris le Bulletin file Bullet Profile Bu isk Profile isk Profile tin Risk P lletin Risk ulleti R file B u R B e k Pro lletin Risk ulletin Ris Bulletin ofile Bulle Profile Bull k Profile Risk Profi in Risk Pro lletin Risk Bulletin R Bulletin rofile Bull Profile B k Profile B Ri le k r t B is is u le u tin P file B isk Profile Risk Profi etin Risk P lletin Risk Bulletin R file Bulletin ofile Bulle Profile B isk Profile Risk Profi etin Risk ulletin Ris Bulletin R file Bulle Profi r R k B u ll ro o ll in R P k le r is u t le in B P u t in fi le e P fi k R is B t B e in k o ll fi le o e t R k is ll r r u o fi ll is le in u r R le t is P B o u fi R file B Risk P ulletin Risk Bulle Bulle lletin file B k Pro etin R isk Pr Risk P rofile ofile k Pro lletin sk Pr ulletin Ris Bulletin R le Bulletin rofile Bull Profile Bu isk Profile Risk Pro tin Risk P ulletin Ris Bulletin le Bulletin Profile Bu k Profile B isk Profile tin R in fi e le P k is fi t R R B e B o ll fi k le e o ll R is k r u r o fi ll rofile Risk Pro in Risk P lletin Ris Bulletin R le Bulletin rofile Bu Profile B isk Profile Risk Pr tin Risk P ulletin Ris Bulletin le Bulletin rofile Bu k Pr P u t in fi le e P fi ulletin ofile Bulle k Profile B isk Profile Risk Pro etin Risk ulletin Risk Bulletin R file Bullet rofile Bull k Profile B Risk Profi Risk Pro lletin Risk Bulletin Ris Bu o ll r in R P is u le in r t is B u t P in fi le file R B P e k t R e B in fi o ll k le e t ll k is r o u le in ll fi r t P R tin fi u B o Ris Bu file Ris k Pro lletin ulle Risk Bulle Bulle k Pro Risk P isk Pr k Pro rofile ulletin rofile ofile B file B lletin in Ris Profile Risk Pro tin Risk P ulletin Ris Bulletin R file Bulletin Profile Bu k Profile B Risk Profiletin Risk Pr etin Risk P Bulletin Ris le Bulletin file Bullet Profile Bu isk P B e k o ll fi le o e tin Bulle rofile Bull isk Profile Risk Profi in Risk Pr lletin Risk Bulletin Ris le Bulletin rofile Bull Profile Bu isk Profile Risk Pro tin Risk Pr ulletin Ris Bulletin R le B u t in fi le R B P e k t R e B in fi o ll kP le e t ll k is r o u le in ll fi e in is u le r t P R Profi is t fi u B o ll R B fi e P e r u n Bull k Pro etin Risk lletin Risk Bulle k Pro tin Risk P lletin Risk Bulletin R le Bulletin rofile Bull k Profile B isk Profile file B isk Profile is le is o R fi r R o P r in kP Risk ulletin R le Bulletin file Bulle rofile Bu k Profile Risk Profi in Risk P lletin Ris ulletin R le Bullet rofile Bull Profile Bu isk Profile Risk t is P B o lletin u kP isk lletin tin R Profi le Bu k Profile B Risk Profi in Risk Pr etin Risk Bulletin R le Bulletin ofile Bulle Profile B k Profile Risk ulletin Ris Bulletin R file Bulle Profile Bu Profile t ll k is r in fi e in is u le t P R is t o ll R B fi e e r R o k u B ll o in r ll P le k r t B is is u le in u P fi t k is fi tin R k Bull R B lle Risk Profile k Pro Risk P Bulle k Pro ofile B lletin Profile lletin etin R le Bu rofile tin Ris isk Pr lletin Risk ulletin Ris le Bulletin ofile Bulle Profile Bu isk Profile Risk Profi tin Risk P ulletin Risk Bulletin Ris le Bulletin rofile Bull Profile Bu isk Profile Ri R B R k u B k ofi lle Pr etin rofi le kP tin ofile B isk Profile tin Risk Pr lletin Risk ulletin Ris le Bulletin ofile Bulle Profile Bu isk Profile Risk Profi tin Risk P ulletin Ris Bulletin Ris file Bulletin rofile Bull Profi R B fi e P e r R o k k u B ll o in r ll P le k r t B is is u le in u P in fi t e le P k is fi t R R B B o ll fi k le le o R is k r u o fi lle rofile isk Pr ulletin in Ris etin R k Pro le Bu k Profile B Risk Profiletin Risk Pr etin Risk P Bulletin Ris le Bulletin file Bulletin Profile Bu Risk P ulletin Ris Bulletin R file Bullet rofile Bull Profile B Risk Profi ull lle isk le rofi Risk Pro Ris tin B u fi P e o B k o in ll P r le k t r B is u le in P fi e le k P is t fi ulletin R B etin R o ll fi rofile Risk Pro etin Risk tin Ris Bulletin rofile Bulle Profile Bu k Profile Risk Pro tin Risk Pr lletin Risk Bulletin R le Bulletin rofile Bull k Profile B k Pro e ll u ll B is is u le in u P in fi t e le P k is fi t R R B B e o ll fi k le e o R is k r ll u r o fi ll in is le in R P le r u is t t B P o fi lletin Risk Bulle Profile Bu k Profile Risk Profi tin Risk P lletin Risk Bulletin R file Bulletin ofile Bulle k Profile etin R isk Pr k Pro e k is r n Ris Bulletin R le Bulletin rofile Bull Profile Bu isk Profile u o ll is le in r R P t is B u fi R P e R k o B in ll Pr file et le k P isk tin Ris fi ulleti R Bu etin Profile Risk Pro lletin Risk ulletin Ris Bulletin ofile Bulle Profile Bull k Profile Risk Profi in Risk Pro lletin Risk Bulletin R Bulletin rofile Bull Profile B k P le k r t B is is u le in u P in fi t e le P k is fi t R R B Ris Pro Bull ulle file Risk Profi etin Bulle k Profile B isk Profile Risk Pro etin Risk tin R etin ulletin rofile Bull k Profile B isk Profile Risk Pro etin Risk ulletin Risk Bulletin ofile Bulle rofile Bull k Profile ll R in is B u t R B e in le t ll fi ll is e le in in r P R Bu et Ris ull kP ofile isk Pro tin R le Bullet rofile Bu Profile B isk Profi Risk P tin Risk Bulle lletin rofile R ulletin in Ris isk Pr Bulle ofile B sk Pr etin Risk P Bulletin R le Bulletin file Bullet Profile Bu k Profile Risk Profi tin Risk P lletin Risk Bulletin R file Bulletin ofile Bulle k Profile B isk Profile Risk e o R is k r ll u r o fi e Bu isk Profile Risk Pro in Risk P ulletin Ris Bulletin R le Bulletin rofile Bull Profile B isk Profile Risk Pr tin Risk P ulletin Ris Bulletin le Bulletin Profi fi le e P fi k R B tin R B et in lletin file Bullet rofile Bull k Profile isk Profile Risk Pro lletin Risk ulletin Ris Bulletin ofile Bulle rofile Bull k Profile Risk Profi in Risk Pro lletin Risk Bul R P is u le in r t is B o u t P in fi r R B P e k t R e B in o ll P k le e t ll k is r u le in Profile Ris kP Bull llet ofile in R rofi Risk lletin Ris le Bulletin file Bulle rofile Bu Profi le B u isk Pr etin Risk ulletin Ris le Bulletin file Bullet Profile Bu isk Profile Risk Profi tin Risk P ulletin Risk ulletin Ris file B Risk Profi in Risk Pro etin Risk P Bulletin R B o ll B e fi r R k B u ll r o in P file B et ull le isk Pr etin Risk ulletin Ris le Bulletin file Bullet Profile Bu isk Profile Risk Profile tin Risk P Profile tin Bulle rofile Bull Profile B Risk Profi in Risk Pro etin Risk Bulletin R ulle rofile B Bull Profile B isk Profi Risk Pro tin Risk ulletin R Bulletin B P k le t ll le fi e in is u k le t fi o ll R B fi e P is B R ro ulle ofile Bu Pro in Risk file tin k Pr etin Risk file tin R Bulletin Bull Risk r Profile etin R Bulle t k Pro Risk P Bulle ofile k Pro in Ris ofile B rofile in Risk Pr etin Risk P ulletin Ris le Bulletin file Bullet rofile Bull k Profile isk Profile in Risk Pr lletin Risk ulletin Ris le Bulletin ofile Bulle rofile Bull isk P r R P t is P t B o ll u fi R fi B r Bulle rofile Bu k Pro etin Risk P lletin Risk Bulletin file ofile k Pro tin Risk P lletin Risk Bulletin R le Bulletin rofile Bulle k Profile B isk Profile u le ll fi e isk Pr u kP le ro tin Ris P R is tin Ris in Ris Bulletin R file Bulle rofile Bull k Profile B Risk Profi in Risk Pro etin Risk Bulletin R Bulletin ofile Bulle Profile Bu k Profile B Risk Profi tin Risk P etin ll P ll e le r t k ro is in Profile tin Risk P lletin Risk ulletin Ris file Bulletin ofile Bulle Profile Bu isk Profile Risk Profi tin Risk P ulletin Ris Bulletin R file Bullet rofile Bull Profile Bu Risk P B R k u o B k o in lle lle Pr le Bu k Profile B isk Profile tin Risk Pr etin Risk ulletin Ris le Bulletin file Bullet Profile Bu isk Profile Risk Profile tin Risk Pr lletin Risk ulletin Ris le Bulletin rofil R B fi is e ro k ull ulle Profi file B etin le Bu isk P tin R etin R le Bulletin rofile Bull Profile B isk Profile in Risk Pro etin Risk P ulletin Ris Bulle rofile Bull k Profile B Risk Profi Risk Pro lletin Risk Bulletin R Bullet k le P t fi ll R B fi e is k o u o ll in r R P le r is u t le in is B u t in fi le e P fi k R B t R B e in o ll fi le o kP e t k is ll r r u o fi ll e le in in u le r R P t is P t Bull ulle tin Ri Profi file B etin le Bu k Pro Profi isk P tin R Risk file B Risk Bulle ofile B isk Profile Risk Pro lletin Risk ulletin Ris Bulletin ofile Bulle rofile Bull k Profile Risk Profi in Risk Pro lletin Risk Bulletin R Bulletin rofile Bulle Pro R P k B is u le u P in file tin et le Pr ulletin ofile Bulle k Profile B isk Profile Risk Profi etin Risk ulletin Risk Bulletin R file Bullet rofile Bull k Profile B Risk Profi Risk Pro lletin Risk Bulletin Ris Bull o ll in isk Pr ulletin Ris Bulletin R le Bulletin Profile Bu k Profile B isk Profile in Risk Pr etin Risk P ulletin Ris le Bulletin file Bullet Profile Bu isk Profile isk Profile tin R B B k is R ro k lle ull file ofi llet rofi in R Profile Risk Pro tin Risk P ulletin Ris Bulletin R file Bulletin Profile Bu k Profile B isk Profile tin Risk Pr etin Risk P ulletin Ris le Bulletin file Bullet Profile Bu isk P R B B e o ll fi k le tin e o R is k r ll u r o fi ll e is le in R P le r u is t B P o ll u in fi R fi r P B t e k R u B o k o ll tin k B Bulle Risk P Profile le Bu rofile isk Pr ulletin tin Ris le Bu isk Pr Bulle ulletin tin Ris in Ris Profile Risk Bulletin R le Bulletin file Bulle Profile B isk Profile Risk Profi etin Risk P lletin Risk Bulletin R file Bullet rofile Bulle k Profile B Risk Profile Risk Profi etin o k ll u fi o ll r in R P is u le le in r t is B o u t P in fi fi r R B P e k t Pro Risk Bulle file B isk P etin R rofile k Pro etin Risk ulletin Ris Bulletin file Bulle rofile Bull k Profile Risk ulletin o ll etin R le Bulletin rofile Bull Profile B isk Profile in Risk Pro etin Risk P ulletin Ris is le P r B ll u in fi R P t k u B o e le r k B is in ll fi t P k R is t e u fi ll B Profile k Pro Risk Bulle Risk P Bulle etin R ofile lletin file B le Bu ofile k Pro etin R tin Ris n Ris le Bulletin ofile Bulle rofile Bull isk Profile Risk Profi in Risk Pr lletin Risk Bulletin Ris le Bulletin rofile Bull Profile Bu isk Profile Risk Pro tin Risk Pr ulle u t P in fi fi r R B P e k t R e B in o o ll P k le e t ll k is r r Ris kP Bull lletin ofile in R rofile Profi sk P etin Risk lletin Ris le Bulletin file Bulle rofile Bu le Bu isk Pr etin Risk ulletin Ris le Bulletin file Bullet Profile Bu isk Profile Risk Profi tin Risk P ulletin Ris P fi ro Bu R ull k o P B r is le in k P t fi o ll R B e le fi e is r R k k o B u fi o ll R l ull tin isk Pr ulletin le Bu Risk P tin Ris isk Pr Profile tin Ris Bulle Profile B isk Profile Risk Profi ofile B lletin ulletin etin R ofile Bulle Profile Bu k Profile B Risk Profi in Risk Pr etin Risk Bulletin R le Bulletin ofile Bulle Profile B k Profile isk ul in R Bulletin R B t e t ll k is r r le in ll fi e in is u k le t P P R is t fi u o ll R B fi e ro ulle ofile Bu Pro in R k Pr etin Risk file tin R Bulletin Risk ulletin Ris Bulletin Bull file B k Profile Risk Risk P Bulle k Pro ofile B Pr ll et le rofile tin Ris k Pro ofile B isk Profile tin Risk Pr lletin Risk ulletin Ris le Bulletin ofile Bulle Profile Bu isk Profile Risk Profi tin Risk P ulletin Ris Bulletin Ris le Bulletin rofile Bull Pro fi fi P R B r e e R k u o B k o in ll ll P r le k t r B is is u le u in in P fi e le k t P is t R fi R B B o ll le fi e ll Ris Pr isk le ro tin isk Bu ofi ulle tin Pro in R file isk Pr etin Risk Bulletin R le Bulletin ofile Bulle Profile B isk Profile Risk Profi etin Risk P lletin Risk Bulletin R file Bullet ofile Bulle k Profile B k Pro k r ll u n Ris Bulletin R r o fi ll is le in R P le r u is t B isk P ulle file etin tin R Profi k Pro le Bu Profi Risk isk P tin R ulletin file B Profile Risk Pro lletin Risk ulletin Ris Bulletin R ofile Bulle Profile Bull k Profile B Risk Profi in Risk Pro lletin Risk Bulletin R Bulletin rofile Bulle Profile B k Pr le k t r B is is u le u in in P fi e le k t P is t R fi R B B o ll le fi e k e is R r o k u fi ll o ll r in R P is le le in r B u t P fi fi ro R k tin Ris Bu llet Risk Bulle Risk P k Pro k Pro ulletin Bulle lletin ofile B in Ris rofile lletin Risk P Profile le Bu tin Ris Bulletin le Bulletin Profile Bu k Profile B isk Profile tin Risk Pr etin Risk ulletin Ris le Bulletin file Bullet Profile Bu isk Profile Risk Profi tin Risk P ullet R B e is ro R k k ofi B ull lle file ofi k Pro in Risk Pr ulletin Ris Bulletin R le Bulletin rofile Bull k Profile B isk Profile in Risk Pr etin Risk P ulletin Ris le Bulletin file Bulletin Profile Bu k Profile isk t P Bulle k Profile B isk Profile Risk Profi etin Risk ulletin Ris Bulletin R file Bullet rofile Bull k Profile B Risk Profi Risk Pro etin Risk Bulletin Ris Bulletin R ofil R P ro tin B is is ull le ull Pr in file tin etin R le Bulletin file Bulle k Profile B isk Profile Risk Profi etin Risk P lletin Risk Bulletin R file Bullet rofile Bulle k Profile B Risk Profile Risk Pro etin Risk ulle o u fi o ll r R P r is le in is B o u t in P r etin P fi k R Bull Profile B t R B e ll le o e tin k is ll r u fi ll e le in u le R t is P B o ll u fi sk P tin Risk Bulletin fi B r e R u o B k Ris Ris Bull k Pr etin isk P Risk rofile ofile k Pro ulletin file B lle ofile le Bu isk Profile Risk Pro tin Risk Pr ulletin Ris Bulletin R le Bulletin Profile Bull k Profile B isk Profile in Risk Pr etin Risk P ulletin Ris le Bulletin file Bulletin Pro fi t R R B in B e o ll fi k le t e o is k r ll u r o fi ll e in is le in R P le r u is t t B P o ll u fi R fi r P e B e k R u B tin k B ro is ull isk ull file tin Pro kP tin Bulle Profile rofile le Bu etin R Profile file B k Pro Risk Bulle tin Ris Risk P Bulle etin R in Ris Risk P lletin Risk Bulletin file Bullet rofile Bull k Profile Risk Profile Risk Pro lletin Risk ulletin Ris Bulletin ofile Bulle Profile Bull isk Profile Risk Profi in R le le in r is u B o u t P in fi fi r R P e k t R B ll t Risk Bulle Risk k Pro k Pro ulletin Bulle ofile lletin ofile B in Ris r lletin Risk P Profile le Bu tin Ris Bulletin le Bulletin Profile Bu k Profile B isk Profile tin Risk Pr etin Risk ulletin Ris le Bulletin file Bullet Profile Bu isk Profile Risk Profi tin Risk P e ll u B Ris Pro isk ulle rofile B tin R file Bulle ofile Bull Profile B isk Profi in R Bulletin rofile Risk Profi tin Risk k R B t e in P e t is ll ll e le in k u R t ll u fi is P B r e B tin ro Bu isk ulle Pro in Risk file kP tin nR tin R file Bull Bulle Risk Profile k Pro t Risk P Bulle etin R Bulle in Ris ofile B ofile lletin Profile k Pro rofile in Risk Pr etin Risk ulletin Ris le Bulletin file Bullet rofile Bull k Profile Risk Profile in Risk Pr lletin Risk ulletin Ris le Bulletin rofile Bulle Profile Bu isk is t t B P o ll u fi R fi r P e B e k R u B o k in o ll P ll le r t k B r is in u is u fi le in e t P k le P R is t fi B o ll R B e le fi r R k k o u fi o lle e Ris ull tin k Pro isk Pr ulletin le Bu Risk P tin Ris isk Pr Profile tin Ris Bulle Profile B isk Profile ofile B lletin ulletin tin Ris Bulletin R ofile Bulle Profile Bu k Profile B Risk Profi tin Risk Pr lletin Risk Bulletin R le Bulletin ofile Bulle Profile B k Profile k R is k is r r ulleti in R lletin fi Profile etin Risk P lletin Risk ulletin Ris file Bulletin rofile Bulle Profile Bu isk Profile Risk Pro tin Risk P ulletin Ris Bulletin R file Bullet Profile Bu Profile B Ris B e k R u B o k in o ll P ll le r t k B r is in u file B isk Profile Risk Profileetin Risk P lletin Risk Bulletin Ris file Bulletinrofile Bulle Profile Bu isk Profile Risk Profi etin Risk P ulletin Ris Bulletin R file Bullet Profi R u o B k o in ll ll letin R le Bulletin Profile Bu k Profile B isk Profile in Risk Pr etin Risk P ulletin Ris le Bulletin file Bullet Profile Bu k Profile Risk Profile tin Risk Pr lletin Risk ulle B R B fi is et ro Ris k k ull Bu ofi lle sk Pr ulletin Ris Bulletin R le Bulletin rofile Bull k Profile B isk Profile in Risk Pro etin Risk P ulletin Ris le Bulletin file BulletinProfile Bu k Profile isk Profile tin R P R is t fi B o ll R B e le fi e is r R k k o u ll fi o ll in r R P le r is u t le in is B o u t in P r fi e P fi k R B t R B e in o Risk P lletin Risk Bulletin file Bullet rofile Bull k Profile Risk Profile Risk Pro lletin Risk ulletin Ris Bulletin ofile Bulle Profile Bull isk Profile Risk Pro u ulletin file Bwww.rssb.co.uk kP rofile Risk Pro tin Ris Bulletin file Bulletin Profile Bu k Profile B Risk Profile tin Risk Pr etin Risk Bulletin R le Bulletin o r tin Ris P Risk P in Bulle Risk lletin file Bullet rofile Bulle k Profile Risk Profile Risk Pro lletin Risk ulletin Ris Bulletin ofile Bulle Profile Bull k Profile Risk Profi u B Profile Risk Pro tin Risk P ulletin Ris Bulletin le Bulletin Profile Bu k Profile B isk Profile tin Risk Pr etin Risk ulletin Ris le Bulletin fi R B B le e tin k Pro lletin Risk ulletin Ris Bulletin ofile Bulle Profile Bull k Profile Risk Profi Bulle rofile Bull k Profile Risk Profi B is is le u in tin Ris P Pr k Safety Risk Model Risk Profile Bulletin Appendix B Version 7 August 2011 A profile of safety risk on the GB mainline railway Appendix B. Precursor Risk Contributions (Table B1) B.1. Introduction Precursors represent the causes that can lead to the hazardous events modelled in the SRM. The risk contribution from each precursor and its associated hazardous event is presented in Table B1 in FWI per year. The Excel version of Table B1 (which can be downloaded from the RSSB Rail Risk Portal at www.safetyriskmodel.co.uk) contains the annual rate of risk contribution for precursors in FWI, fatalities, major injuries, minor RIDDOR-reportable injuries, minor non-RIDDOR-reportable injuries and shock/trauma class 1 or class 2 injuries per year. The risk contributions in Table B1 represent the amount by which the total risk for the hazardous event would reduce if the failure frequency for the precursor was reduced to zero. For precursors where no data is available, the following techniques have been used (where possible) to assign frequencies: Empirical Bayes estimates1. Expert judgement from technical specialists within RSSB. A statistical method using the chi-squared (2) distribution for zero failures2. Where it has not been possible to carry out the techniques listed above, a value of zero has been assigned to the precursor. These precursors have not been published in the SRMRPB. Some of the hazardous events have been broken down into sub-hazardous event categories, eg HEM-05 is split into HEM-05A and HEM-05B, because the consequences for each sub-hazardous event are significantly different from each other. 1 Bedford,T, Quigley, J. and Walls, L. (2003) Statistical review of SRM:WP2 Report, Strathclyde University, Glasgow. 2 Green, AE and Bourne, AJ Reliability Technology, March 1977 Version 7.1 — August 2011 1 Table B1 The following abbreviations have been used in the Table B1 precursor descriptions: 2 Abbreviation Meaning ABCL AHB AOCL Cat A SPAD DEMU DLOCO DMU ECS ELOCO EMU FP FT H&V HEM HEN HET HST IC junc LC MCB MCG MOP miscomm MWL NPT OC OHL OHLE OTM OTP PCLS pln POS PT RTA RV S&C SAS O SAS P SPAD UWC (+T) WSF automatic barrier level crossing, locally-monitored automatic half barrier level crossing automatic open level crossing, locally-monitored category A SPAD diesel-electric multiple unit diesel locomotive diesel multiple unit empty coaching stock electric locomotive electric multiple unit footpath level crossing freight train heating and ventilation movement accident non-movement accident train accident high speed train infrastructure controller junction level crossing manually-controlled barrier level crossing manually-controlled gate level crossing member of the public miscommunication miniature warning lights non-passenger train open level crossing overhead line overhead line equipment on-track machine on-track plant parcels train plain line possession passenger train road traffic accident road vehicle switches and crossings start against running line signal start against platform starter signal signal passed at danger user worked level crossing (+ telephone) wrong-side signal failure Version 7.1 — August 2011 Table B1 The Groups in Table B1 refer to SPAD error groupings determined as a result of Lord Cullen’s recommendations3. Error category Group 1 SPAD sub-category Ambiguous/incomplete information given Correct information given but misunderstood Information not given Wrong information given Group 2 Driver anticipation of signal clearance Driver failure to check signal aspect Driver failure to locate signal aspect Driver failure to react to caution aspect Driver ignorance of rules/instructions Driver violation of rules/instructions Group 3 Driver misreading of previous signal Driver viewing of correct signal but misreading aspect Driver misreading by viewing wrong signal Group 4 Driver misjudgement of environmental conditions Driver misjudgement of train behaviour Unknown driver misjudgement Group 5 Signaller communication human error Signaller operating error Uncategorised driver error Group 6 Other environmental cause Rolling stock failure Train misrouting by signaller Wrongside signal failure Group 7 3 Train collision due to train runaway p.231, Part 1 Report, The Ladbroke Grove Rail Inquiry, the Rt Hon the Lord Cullen, PC. Version 7.1 — August 2011 3 Table B1 Table B1 describes the normaliser used to calculate the frequency for each hazardous event precursor. The following table shows the normalisers: Normaliser abbreviation Normaliser description Value Pass jour Passenger journeys per year 1.237×109 Pass km Passenger kilometres per year 5.044×1010 Tot trn km Total train kilometres per year 557,159,839 Pass trn km Passenger train kilometres per year 488,217,472 Non pass trn km Non-passenger train kilometres per year 68,942,367 Frt tr km on ps lines Freight train kilometres on passenger lines per year 42,870,087 Frt tr km on frt lines Freight train kilometres on freight-only lines per year 2,968,976 Frt & PCLS trn km Freight and parcels train kilometres per year 46,563,359 ECS trn km Empty coaching stock kilometres per year 22,379,008 ECS & PCLS trn km Empty coaching stock and parcels train kilometres per year 23,103,304 Pass dsl loco trn km Diesel locomotive passenger stock kilometres per year 2,777,905 Pass el loco trn km Electric locomotive passenger stock kilometres per year 18,479,946 Pass DMU trn km Diesel multiple unit passenger stock kilometres per year 177,303,723 Pass EMU trn km Electric multiple unit passenger stock kilometres per year 223,086,636 Pass HST trn km High-speed train passenger stock kilometres per year 66,569,261 LXs: ABCL Number of automatic barrier, locally monitored level crossings, 52 LXs: AHB Number of automatic half barrier level crossings 452 LXs: AOCL Number of automatic open, locally monitored level crossings 117 LXs: FP Number of footpath level crossings LXs: FP + MWL Number of footpath level crossings with miniature warning lights 40 LXs: MCB Number of manually-controlled barrier level crossings 234 LXs: MCB + CCTV Number of manually-controlled barrier level crossings with closed circuit television 391 LXs: MCG Number of manually-controlled gate level crossings 183 LXs: OC Number of open level crossings 55 LXs: UWC Number of user-worked level crossings 883 LXs: UWC + MWL Number of user-worked level crossings with miniature warning lights 96 LXs: UWC + T Number of user-worked level crossings with telephone OTP hrs Hours per year of on-track plant operation 2,129,400 Infra worker hrs Full time equivalent infrastructure worker hours per year 54,900,000 Infra workers (FTE) Full time equivalent infrastructure workers per year 30,500 Stations Total number of stations on railway infrastructure 2,531 Trk m Total track metres on railway infrastructure 4 2,236 1,667 31,073,000 Version 7.1 — August 2011 Table B1 Table B1 indicates how each hazardous event precursor was derived by showing one of the following designations: D – The precursor frequency is predominately based on observed data (however it may include some modifications due to one of the techniques highlighted in Section B.1). E – Very little or no data has been observed for the precursor. The frequency has been predominately estimated using one of the techniques highlighted in Section B.1. B.2. Table B1 in Excel The Excel version of Table B1 contains more detail than the printed version. Additional information can be accessed using the expansion and filter buttons on the sheet. The following information is available: Summary row Train collisions (HET-01, HET-02 and HET-03) Passenger, Workforce, Member of Public risk breakdown Column totals, summing only the unhidden rows (eg when filtered) and not including subtotals in the rows below National frequency of SPADs (events per normaliser) National frequency of SPADs (events per year) Breakdown of risk shown in terms of: Fatalities per year Major injuries/year RIDDOR-reportable minor injuries per year Non-RIDDOR-reportable minor injuries per year Shock/trauma injuries per year Further expansion to show: Fatalities per event Major injuries per event RIDDOR-reportable minor injuries per event Non-RIDDOR-reportable minor injuries per event Shock/trauma injuries per event Customised grouping of risk The Excel filter buttons at the top of each column can be useful to filter rows to show only hazardous events or precursors of particular interest, eg miscommunication, open level crossings, or bridges. Once filtered, the summary row will sum only the precursors that are visible. The Excel version of Table B1 released on the RSSB website will be compatible with both the 2003 and the 2007 versions of Microsoft Excel. Version 7.1 — August 2011 5 Table B1 The following diagrams indicate how to access the additional information described above by using the Excel grouping buttons to expand the table to reveal hidden data: Chart 1. Table B1 in Excel – extra data Click here to reveal the HET-01/02/03 SPAD data columns. Click here to expand columns into passenger, workforce, and member of public breakdowns. Click here to reveal the summary row. Chart 2. Table B1 in Excel – expanded view Expanded to reveal consequences per event, as well as per year. Expanded to reveal passenger, workforce and member of the public breakdowns. Expanded to reveal the summary row. 6 Version 7.1 — August 2011 Table B1 Filter buttons can be used to customise the viewed precursor rows to show (and include in the Totals) only the precursors of particular interest. As an example below, the precursors relating to coupling can be identified by using filter buttons. Chart 3. Table B1 in Excel – Filtering Click on the filter button to open the dialogue box, then select Custom Filter. In this example, only the precursor descriptions that contain the word coupling will be selected. The summary row will only sum the visible rows (ie those with coupling in the description). Version 7.1 — August 2011 7 This page has been intentionally left blank 8 Version 7.1 — August 2011 Table B1 National frequency Hazardous event code Precursor code HET‐01 HET‐01A HET‐01A HET‐01A HET‐01A HET‐01A HET‐01A HET‐01A HET‐01A HET‐01A HET‐01A HET‐01A HET‐01A HET‐01A HET‐01A HET‐01A HET‐01A HET‐01A HET‐01A HET‐01A HET‐01A HET‐01A HET‐01A HET‐01A HET‐01A HET‐01A HET‐01A HET‐01A HET‐01A HET‐01A Collision between two passenger trains resulting from a: passenger train Cat A SPAD; runaway train; misrouted train; or WSF Collision between two passenger trains resulting from a: passenger train Cat A SPAD; misrouted train; or WSF Ambiguous or incomplete information given by driver/signaller (Group 1): PFC1‐‐J PT SPAD due to miscomm of ambiguous/incomplete info at junc Pass trn km PFC1‐‐JO PT SPAD due to miscomm of ambiguous/incomplete info at junc SAS O Pass trn km PFC1‐‐P PT SPAD due to miscomm of ambiguous/incomplete info on pln line Pass trn km PFC1‐‐PO PT SPAD due to miscomm of ambiguous/incomplete info on pln line SAS O Pass trn km PFC1‐‐JP PT SPAD due to miscomm of ambiguous/incomplete info at junc SAS P Pass trn km PFC1‐‐PP PT SPAD due to miscomm of ambiguous/incomplete info on pln line SAS P Pass trn km Correct information given but misunderstood by driver/signaller (Group 1): PFC2‐‐JP PT SPAD due to miscomm of correct info given but misunderstood at junc SAS P Pass trn km PFC2‐‐J PT SPAD due to miscomm of correct info given but misunderstood at junc Pass trn km PFC2‐‐JO PT SPAD due to miscomm of correct info given but misunderstood at junc SAS O Pass trn km PFC2‐‐PP PT SPAD due to miscomm of correct info given but misunderstood on pln line SAS P Pass trn km PFC2‐‐PO PT SPAD due to miscomm of correct info given but misunderstood on pln line SAS O Pass trn km Pass trn km PFC2‐‐P PT SPAD due to miscomm of correct info given but misunderstood on pln line Information not given by driver/signaller (Group 1): PFC4‐‐J PT SPAD due to miscomm of info not given at junc Pass trn km PFC4‐‐JP PT SPAD due to miscomm of info not given at junc SAS P Pass trn km PFC4‐‐JO PT SPAD due to miscomm of info not given at junc SAS O Pass trn km PFC4‐‐PP PT SPAD due to miscomm of info not given on pln line SAS P Pass trn km PFC4‐‐PO PT SPAD due to miscomm of info not given on pln line SAS O Pass trn km PFC4‐‐P PT SPAD due to miscomm of info not given on pln line Pass trn km Wrong information given by driver/signaller (Group 1): PFC3‐‐J PT SPAD due to miscomm of wrong info given at junc Pass trn km PFC3‐‐JP PT SPAD due to miscomm of wrong info given at junc SAS P Pass trn km PFC3‐‐JO PT SPAD due to miscomm of wrong info given at junc SAS O Pass trn km PFC3‐‐P PT SPAD due to miscomm of wrong info given on pln line Pass trn km PFC3‐‐PP PT SPAD due to miscomm of wrong info given on pln line SAS P Pass trn km PFC3‐‐PO PT SPAD due to miscomm of wrong info given on pln line SAS O Pass trn km Cause precursor description Version 7.1 — August 2011 Normaliser (events/ normaliser) 1.76E‐12 8.79E‐13 9.70E‐13 9.44E‐13 6.09E‐13 3.15E‐13 3.51E‐12 2.64E‐12 6.09E‐13 6.29E‐13 2.18E‐13 1.68E‐13 6.09E‐13 6.09E‐13 6.09E‐13 3.15E‐13 2.18E‐13 1.68E‐13 8.79E‐13 6.09E‐13 6.09E‐13 4.85E‐13 2.18E‐13 2.18E‐13 Deriv. HEN of POS (% of total prec. split (%) HE risk) (D, E) Risk contribution (events/ year) (FWI/ year) 0.2369 0.1961 0.0027 8.58E‐04 4.29E‐04 4.74E‐04 4.61E‐04 2.97E‐04 1.54E‐04 0.0038 0.0017 0.0013 2.97E‐04 3.07E‐04 1.07E‐04 8.21E‐05 0.0012 2.97E‐04 2.97E‐04 2.97E‐04 1.54E‐04 1.07E‐04 8.21E‐05 0.0015 4.29E‐04 2.97E‐04 2.97E‐04 2.37E‐04 1.07E‐04 1.07E‐04 0.3936 0.3789 0.0058 0.0020 9.95E‐04 9.20E‐04 8.96E‐04 6.90E‐04 2.99E‐04 0.0086 0.0040 0.0030 6.90E‐04 5.97E‐04 2.07E‐04 1.59E‐04 0.0027 6.90E‐04 6.90E‐04 6.90E‐04 2.99E‐04 2.07E‐04 1.59E‐04 0.0032 9.95E‐04 6.90E‐04 6.90E‐04 4.60E‐04 2.07E‐04 2.07E‐04 100.00% 96.28% 1.47% 0.51% 0.25% 0.23% 0.23% 0.18% 0.08% 2.19% 1.01% 0.76% 0.18% 0.15% 0.05% 0.04% 0.69% 0.18% 0.18% 0.18% 0.08% 0.05% 0.04% 0.83% 0.25% 0.18% 0.18% 0.12% 0.05% 0.05% D D D D E D D D E D E E E E E D E E D E E D E E ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 9 Table B1 National frequency Hazardous event code Precursor code HET‐01A HET‐01A HET‐01A HET‐01A HET‐01A HET‐01A HET‐01A HET‐01A HET‐01A HET‐01A HET‐01A HET‐01A HET‐01A HET‐01A HET‐01A HET‐01A HET‐01A HET‐01A HET‐01A HET‐01A HET‐01A HET‐01A HET‐01A HET‐01A HET‐01A HET‐01A HET‐01A HET‐01A HET‐01A HET‐01A HET‐01A Driver anticipates signal clearance (Group 2): PFD1‐‐P PT SPAD due to driver anticipation of signal clearance on pln line PFD1‐‐J PT SPAD due to driver anticipation of signal clearance at junc PFD1‐‐JP PT SPAD due to driver anticipation of signal clearance at junc SAS P PFD1‐‐JO PT SPAD due to driver anticipation of signal clearance at junc SAS O PFD1‐‐PP PT SPAD due to driver anticipation of signal clearance on pln line SAS P PFD1‐‐PO PT SPAD due to driver anticipation of signal clearance on pln line SAS O Driver fails to check signal aspect (Group 2): PFD2‐‐P PT SPAD due to driver failure to check signal aspect on pln line PFD2‐‐JP PT SPAD due to driver failure to check signal aspect at junc SAS P PFD2‐‐J PT SPAD due to driver failure to check signal aspect at junc PFD2‐‐PP PT SPAD due to driver failure to check signal aspect on pln line SAS P PFD2‐‐PO PT SPAD due to driver failure to check signal aspect on pln line SAS O PFD2‐‐JO PT SPAD due to driver failure to check signal aspect at junc SAS O Driver fails to locate signal (Group 2): PFD3‐‐P PT SPAD due to driver failure to locate signal aspect on pln line PFD3‐‐J PT SPAD due to driver failure to locate signal aspect at junc PFD3‐‐PP PT SPAD due to driver failure to locate signal aspect on pln line SAS P PFD3‐‐PO PT SPAD due to driver failure to locate signal aspect on pln line SAS O PFD3‐‐JP PT SPAD due to driver failure to locate signal aspect at junc SAS P PFD3‐‐JO PT SPAD due to driver failure to locate signal aspect at junc SAS O Driver fails to react to cautionary aspect (Group 2): PFD4‐‐P PT SPAD due to driver failure to react to cautionary aspect on pln line PFD4‐‐J PT SPAD due to driver failure to react to cautionary aspect at junc Driver ignorance of rules/instructions (Group 2): PFD5‐‐J PT SPAD due to driver ignorance of rules/instructions at junc PFD5‐‐P PT SPAD due to driver ignorance of rules/instructions on pln line PFD5‐‐PO PT SPAD due to driver ignorance of rules/instructions on pln line SAS O PFD5‐‐JP PT SPAD due to driver ignorance of rules/instructions at junc SAS P PFD5‐‐JO PT SPAD due to driver ignorance of rules/instructions at junc SAS O PFD5‐‐PP PT SPAD due to driver ignorance of rules/instructions on pln line SAS P Cause precursor description Version 7.1 — August 2011 Normaliser (events/ normaliser) Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km 7.68E‐12 3.43E‐12 5.98E‐13 5.98E‐13 4.34E‐13 3.01E‐13 Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km 1.86E‐11 2.13E‐11 1.69E‐11 7.27E‐12 3.44E‐12 3.37E‐12 Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km 1.50E‐11 1.04E‐11 4.34E‐13 4.34E‐13 4.14E‐13 4.14E‐13 Pass trn km Pass trn km 3.37E‐11 1.92E‐11 Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km 1.14E‐12 6.68E‐13 4.34E‐13 4.14E‐13 4.14E‐13 3.01E‐13 Deriv. HEN of POS (% of total prec. split (%) HE risk) (D, E) Risk contribution (events/ year) (FWI/ year) 0.0064 0.0038 0.0017 2.92E‐04 2.92E‐04 2.12E‐04 1.47E‐04 0.0346 0.0091 0.0104 0.0082 0.0035 0.0017 0.0016 0.0133 0.0073 0.0051 2.12E‐04 2.12E‐04 2.02E‐04 2.02E‐04 0.0258 0.0164 0.0094 0.0016 5.58E‐04 3.26E‐04 2.12E‐04 2.02E‐04 2.02E‐04 1.47E‐04 0.0114 0.0073 0.0025 4.42E‐04 4.42E‐04 4.11E‐04 2.85E‐04 0.0585 0.0176 0.0158 0.0125 0.0069 0.0033 0.0025 0.0234 0.0143 0.0077 4.11E‐04 4.11E‐04 3.07E‐04 3.07E‐04 0.0461 0.0319 0.0142 0.0028 8.46E‐04 6.34E‐04 4.11E‐04 3.07E‐04 3.07E‐04 2.85E‐04 2.90% 1.85% 0.65% 0.11% 0.11% 0.10% 0.07% 14.87% 4.48% 4.01% 3.17% 1.75% 0.83% 0.63% 5.95% 3.62% 1.96% 0.10% 0.10% 0.08% 0.08% 11.72% 8.11% 3.61% 0.71% 0.22% 0.16% 0.10% 0.08% 0.08% 0.07% D D D D D E D D D D D D D D D D E E D D D D D E E E ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 10 Table B1 National frequency Hazardous event code Precursor code HET‐01A HET‐01A HET‐01A HET‐01A HET‐01A HET‐01A HET‐01A HET‐01A HET‐01A HET‐01A HET‐01A HET‐01A HET‐01A HET‐01A HET‐01A HET‐01A HET‐01A HET‐01A HET‐01A HET‐01A HET‐01A HET‐01A HET‐01A HET‐01A HET‐01A HET‐01A HET‐01A HET‐01A HET‐01A HET‐01A HET‐01A HET‐01A HET‐01A HET‐01A Driver violation of rules/instructions (Group 2): PFD6‐‐P PT SPAD due to driver violation of rules/instructions on pln line PFD6‐‐PO PT SPAD due to driver violation of rules/instructions on pln line SAS O PFD6‐‐J PT SPAD due to driver violation of rules/instructions at junc PFD6‐‐PP PT SPAD due to driver violation of rules/instructions on pln line SAS P PFD6‐‐JP PT SPAD due to driver violation of rules/instructions at junc SAS P PFD6‐‐JO PT SPAD due to driver violation of rules/instructions at junc SAS O Driver misreads by viewing wrong signal (Group 3): PFR3‐‐J PT SPAD due to driver viewing the wrong signal at junc PFR3‐‐P PT SPAD due to driver viewing the wrong signal on pln line PFR3‐‐JP PT SPAD due to driver viewing the wrong signal at junc SAS P PFR3‐‐PP PT SPAD due to driver viewing the wrong signal on pln line SAS P PFR3‐‐PO PT SPAD due to driver viewing the wrong signal on pln line SAS O PFR3‐‐JO PT SPAD due to driver viewing the wrong signal at junc SAS O Driver misreads previous signal (Group 3): PFR1‐‐P PT SPAD due to driver misreading the previous signal aspect on pln line PFR1‐‐J PT SPAD due to driver misreading the previous signal aspect at junc PFR1‐‐JP PT SPAD due to driver misreading the previous signal aspect at junc SAS P PFR1‐‐JO PT SPAD due to driver misreading the previous signal aspect at junc SAS O PFR1‐‐PO PT SPAD due to driver misreading the previous signal aspect on pln line SAS O PFR1‐‐PP PT SPAD due to driver misreading the previous signal aspect on pln line SAS P Driver views correct signal but misreads aspect (Group 3): PFR2‐‐J PT SPAD due to driver misreading aspect on correct signal at junc PFR2‐‐P PT SPAD due to driver misreading aspect on correct signal on pln line PFR2‐‐PP PT SPAD due to driver misreading aspect on correct signal on pln line SAS P PFR2‐‐JP PT SPAD due to driver misreading aspect on correct signal at junc SAS P PFR2‐‐PO PT SPAD due to driver misreading aspect on correct signal on pln line SAS O PFR2‐‐JO PT SPAD due to driver misreading aspect on correct signal at junc SAS O Driver misjudges environmental conditions (Group 4): PFJ1‐‐J PT SPAD due to driver misjudge of environmental conditions at junc PFJ1‐‐P PT SPAD due to driver misjudge of environmental conditions on pln line Driver misjudges train behaviour (Group 4): PFJ2‐‐J PT SPAD due to driver misjudge of train behaviour at junc PFJ2‐‐P PT SPAD due to driver misjudge of train behaviour on pln line Cause precursor description Version 7.1 — August 2011 Normaliser (events/ normaliser) Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km 3.38E‐12 1.46E‐12 1.43E‐12 5.86E‐13 4.29E‐13 2.98E‐13 Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km 1.19E‐11 6.16E‐12 6.90E‐13 4.71E‐13 4.71E‐13 4.78E‐13 Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km 6.60E‐12 7.87E‐13 6.70E‐13 6.70E‐13 4.57E‐13 4.57E‐13 Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km 5.20E‐12 3.84E‐12 2.49E‐12 1.82E‐12 6.22E‐13 6.32E‐13 Pass trn km Pass trn km 1.01E‐11 1.68E‐12 Pass trn km Pass trn km 1.52E‐11 3.92E‐12 Deriv. HEN of POS (% of total prec. split (%) HE risk) (D, E) Risk contribution (events/ year) (FWI/ year) 0.0037 0.0017 7.15E‐04 6.97E‐04 2.86E‐04 2.10E‐04 1.45E‐04 0.0099 0.0058 0.0030 3.37E‐04 2.30E‐04 2.30E‐04 2.34E‐04 0.0047 0.0032 3.84E‐04 3.27E‐04 3.27E‐04 2.23E‐04 2.23E‐04 0.0071 0.0025 0.0019 0.0012 8.91E‐04 3.04E‐04 3.09E‐04 0.0058 0.0049 8.20E‐04 0.0093 0.0074 0.0019 0.0067 0.0032 0.0014 0.0011 5.55E‐04 3.18E‐04 2.20E‐04 0.0164 0.0088 0.0058 5.11E‐04 4.46E‐04 4.46E‐04 3.54E‐04 0.0087 0.0063 5.83E‐04 4.96E‐04 4.96E‐04 4.33E‐04 4.33E‐04 0.0123 0.0039 0.0036 0.0024 0.0014 5.90E‐04 4.68E‐04 0.0131 0.0115 0.0016 0.0209 0.0172 0.0037 1.71% 0.82% 0.35% 0.27% 0.14% 0.08% 0.06% 4.17% 2.24% 1.49% 0.13% 0.11% 0.11% 0.09% 2.21% 1.59% 0.15% 0.13% 0.13% 0.11% 0.11% 3.11% 0.98% 0.92% 0.60% 0.34% 0.15% 0.12% 3.32% 2.92% 0.40% 5.32% 4.37% 0.94% D D D D D E D D D D D E D D E E E E D D D D D E D D D D ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 11 Table B1 National frequency Hazardous event code Precursor code HET‐01A HET‐01A HET‐01A HET‐01A HET‐01A HET‐01A HET‐01A HET‐01A HET‐01A HET‐01A HET‐01A HET‐01A HET‐01A HET‐01A HET‐01A HET‐01A HET‐01A HET‐01A HET‐01A HET‐01A HET‐01A HET‐01A HET‐01A HET‐01A HET‐01A HET‐01A HET‐01A HET‐01A HET‐01A HET‐01A HET‐01A HET‐01A HET‐01A HET‐01A HET‐01A Unknown driver misjudgement (Group 4): PFJ3‐‐J PT SPAD due to unknown driver misjudge at junc PFJ3‐‐P PT SPAD due to unknown driver misjudge on pln line Signaller communication errors (Group 5): PFOHE3‐‐J PT SPAD due to handsignaller communication human error at junc PFOHE3‐‐JO PT SPAD due to handsignaller communication human error at junc SAS O PFOHE3‐‐JP PT SPAD due to handsignaller communication human error at junc SAS P PFOHE3‐‐PO PT SPAD due to handsignaller communication human error on pln line SAS O PFOHE4‐‐JP PT SPAD due to other staff communication human error at junc SAS P PFOHE4‐‐JO PT SPAD due to other staff communication human error at junc SAS O PFOHE4‐‐PO PT SPAD due to other staff communication human error on pln line SAS O PFOHE3‐‐PP PT SPAD due to handsignaller communication human error on pln line SAS P PFOHE4‐‐PP PT SPAD due to other staff communication human error on pln line SAS P PFOHE4‐‐P PT SPAD due to other staff communication human error on pln line PFOHE3‐‐P PT SPAD due to handsignaller communication human error on pln line PFOHE4‐‐J PT SPAD due to other staff communication human error at junc Signaller operating errors (Group 5): PFOHE2‐‐JP PT SPAD due to signal equipment operating error at junc SAS P PFOHE2‐‐JO PT SPAD due to signal equipment operating error at junc SAS O PFOHE2‐‐PO PT SPAD due to signal equipment operating error on pln line SAS O PFOHE2‐‐PP PT SPAD due to signal equipment operating error on pln line SAS P PFOHE2‐‐P PT SPAD due to signal equipment operating error on pln line PFOHE2‐‐J PT SPAD due to signal equipment operating error at junc Uncategorised driver error (Group 5): PFUC1‐‐J PT SPAD due to uncategorised driver error at junc PFUC1‐‐P PT SPAD due to uncategorised driver error on pln line PFUC1‐‐JO PT SPAD due to uncategorised driver error at junc SAS O PFUC1‐‐PP PT SPAD due to uncategorised driver error on pln line SAS P PFUC1‐‐JP PT SPAD due to uncategorised driver error at junc SAS P PFUC1‐‐PO PT SPAD due to uncategorised driver error on pln line SAS O Other environmental: PFE2‐‐J PT SPAD due to vegetation on the track at junc PFE1‐‐J PT SPAD due to other environmental conditions at junc PFE1‐‐P PT SPAD due to other environmental conditions on pln line PFE2‐‐P PT SPAD due to vegetation on the track on pln line Cause precursor description Version 7.1 — August 2011 Normaliser (events/ normaliser) Pass trn km Pass trn km 7.03E‐13 1.94E‐13 Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km 3.27E‐12 3.27E‐12 3.27E‐12 2.35E‐12 1.19E‐12 1.19E‐12 8.13E‐13 8.13E‐13 8.13E‐13 6.26E‐13 6.26E‐13 5.70E‐13 Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km 1.19E‐12 1.19E‐12 8.13E‐13 8.13E‐13 6.26E‐13 5.70E‐13 Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km 1.72E‐12 1.34E‐12 1.20E‐12 4.34E‐13 4.14E‐13 3.01E‐13 Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km 1.01E‐11 8.08E‐12 2.79E‐12 1.39E‐12 Deriv. HEN of POS (% of total prec. split (%) HE risk) (D, E) Risk contribution (events/ year) (FWI/ year) 4.38E‐04 3.43E‐04 9.47E‐05 0.0092 0.0016 0.0016 0.0016 0.0011 5.82E‐04 5.82E‐04 3.97E‐04 3.97E‐04 3.97E‐04 3.06E‐04 3.06E‐04 2.78E‐04 0.0025 5.82E‐04 5.82E‐04 3.97E‐04 3.97E‐04 3.06E‐04 2.78E‐04 0.0026 8.38E‐04 6.53E‐04 5.84E‐04 2.12E‐04 2.02E‐04 1.47E‐04 0.0109 0.0049 0.0039 0.0014 6.81E‐04 9.80E‐04 7.96E‐04 1.84E‐04 0.0190 0.0037 0.0037 0.0037 0.0022 8.82E‐04 8.82E‐04 7.71E‐04 7.71E‐04 7.71E‐04 5.94E‐04 5.94E‐04 4.22E‐04 0.0043 8.82E‐04 8.82E‐04 7.71E‐04 7.71E‐04 5.94E‐04 4.22E‐04 0.0044 0.0013 0.0013 8.85E‐04 4.11E‐04 3.07E‐04 2.85E‐04 0.0246 0.0114 0.0092 0.0026 0.0013 0.25% 0.20% 0.05% 4.84% 0.94% 0.94% 0.94% 0.57% 0.22% 0.22% 0.20% 0.20% 0.20% 0.15% 0.15% 0.11% 1.10% 0.22% 0.22% 0.20% 0.20% 0.15% 0.11% 1.12% 0.32% 0.32% 0.22% 0.10% 0.08% 0.07% 6.24% 2.91% 2.33% 0.67% 0.34% E E D D D D E E E E E E E E E E E E E E D D D D E E D D D D ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 12 Table B1 National frequency Hazardous event code Precursor code HET‐01A HET‐01A HET‐01A HET‐01A HET‐01A HET‐01A HET‐01A HET‐01A HET‐01A HET‐01A HET‐01A HET‐01A HET‐01A HET‐01A HET‐01A HET‐01A HET‐01A HET‐01A HET‐01A HET‐01A HET‐01B HET‐01B HET‐01B HET‐01B HET‐01B Rolling stock: PFTRS2‐‐J PT SPAD due to traction control failure at junc PFTRS1‐‐J PT SPAD due to brake failure at junc PFTRS2‐‐P PT SPAD due to traction control failure on pln line PFTRS1‐‐P PT SPAD due to brake failure on pln line Train misroute: PTSEDEC PT misroute due to signaller decision making failures PTSEMEM PT misroute due to signaller memory lapses PTSEUNC PT misroute due to unknown signaller issues PTSEPER PT misroute due to signaller perception issues PTSEACT PT misroute due to signaller action failures Wrongside signal failures: PPC/L‐‐J PT WSF due to coloured light at junc signal PPUNCAT‐‐J PT WSF due to uncategorised at junc signal PPC/L‐‐P PT WSF due to coloured light at pln signal PPUNCAT‐‐P PT WSF due to uncategorised at pln signal PPT/C‐‐J PT WSF due to track circuit at junc signal PPT/C‐‐P PT WSF due to track circuit at pln signal PPSEM‐‐J PT WSF due to semaphore signal at junc signal PPSEM‐‐P PT WSF due to semaphore signal at pln signal Collision between two passenger trains resulting from a passenger train runaway PDRVERR‐PE PT runaway due to driver error PMISCERRPE PT runaway due to unknown failure PBRKDEF‐PE PT runaway due to vehicle defect/brake failure PDEFCOUPPE PT runaway due to coupling failure HET‐02P HET‐02PA HET‐02PA HET‐02PA HET‐02PA HET‐02PA HET‐02PA HET‐02PA HET‐02PA Collision between a passenger train and non‐passenger train resulting from a: passenger train Cat A SPAD; runaway train; misrouted train; or WSF Collision between a passenger train and non‐passenger train resulting from a: passenger train Cat A SPAD; misrouted train; or WSF Ambiguous or incomplete information given by driver/signaller (Group 1): 2.19E‐13 PFC1‐‐J PT SPAD due to miscomm of ambiguous/incomplete info at junc Pass trn km 1.10E‐13 PFC1‐‐JO PT SPAD due to miscomm of ambiguous/incomplete info at junc SAS O Pass trn km 1.21E‐13 PFC1‐‐P PT SPAD due to miscomm of ambiguous/incomplete info on pln line Pass trn km 1.18E‐13 PFC1‐‐PO PT SPAD due to miscomm of ambiguous/incomplete info on pln line SAS O Pass trn km 7.59E‐14 PFC1‐‐JP PT SPAD due to miscomm of ambiguous/incomplete info at junc SAS P Pass trn km 3.92E‐14 PFC1‐‐PP PT SPAD due to miscomm of ambiguous/incomplete info on pln line SAS P Pass trn km Cause precursor description Version 7.1 — August 2011 Normaliser (events/ normaliser) Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km 1.17E‐12 1.17E‐12 3.24E‐13 3.24E‐13 Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km 8.98E‐12 3.95E‐12 1.17E‐12 2.94E‐13 8.88E‐14 Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km 1.58E‐11 1.37E‐11 1.49E‐11 1.29E‐11 2.37E‐12 2.23E‐12 2.30E‐13 2.17E‐13 Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km 4.61E‐11 3.07E‐11 3.39E‐12 3.39E‐12 Deriv. HEN of POS (% of total prec. split (%) HE risk) (D, E) Risk contribution (events/ year) (FWI/ year) 0.0015 5.74E‐04 5.74E‐04 1.58E‐04 1.58E‐04 0.0071 0.0044 0.0019 5.71E‐04 1.44E‐04 4.34E‐05 0.0305 0.0077 0.0067 0.0073 0.0063 0.0012 0.0011 1.12E‐04 1.06E‐04 0.0408 0.0225 0.0150 0.0017 0.0017 0.0033 0.0013 0.0013 3.08E‐04 3.08E‐04 0.0164 0.0102 0.0045 0.0013 3.33E‐04 1.01E‐04 0.0651 0.0179 0.0155 0.0142 0.0123 0.0027 0.0021 2.61E‐04 2.06E‐04 0.0147 0.0081 0.0054 5.94E‐04 5.94E‐04 0.83% 0.34% 0.34% 0.08% 0.08% 4.16% 2.58% 1.14% 0.34% 0.08% 0.03% 16.54% 4.55% 3.94% 3.60% 3.12% 0.68% 0.54% 0.07% 0.05% 3.72% 2.05% 1.37% 0.15% 0.15% 0.0295 0.0244 3.33E‐04 1.07E‐04 5.35E‐05 5.90E‐05 5.75E‐05 3.71E‐05 1.92E‐05 0.0747 0.0712 0.0011 3.61E‐04 1.81E‐04 1.76E‐04 1.72E‐04 1.25E‐04 5.72E‐05 100.00% 95.39% 1.44% 0.48% 0.24% 0.24% 0.23% 0.17% 0.08% D D E E ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ D D D D E D ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ E E E E D D D D D D D D D D D D D 13 Table B1 National frequency Hazardous event code Precursor code HET‐02PA HET‐02PA HET‐02PA HET‐02PA HET‐02PA HET‐02PA HET‐02PA HET‐02PA HET‐02PA HET‐02PA HET‐02PA HET‐02PA HET‐02PA HET‐02PA HET‐02PA HET‐02PA HET‐02PA HET‐02PA HET‐02PA HET‐02PA HET‐02PA HET‐02PA HET‐02PA HET‐02PA HET‐02PA HET‐02PA HET‐02PA HET‐02PA HET‐02PA HET‐02PA HET‐02PA HET‐02PA HET‐02PA HET‐02PA HET‐02PA Correct information given but misunderstood by driver/signaller (Group 1): PFC2‐‐JP PT SPAD due to miscomm of correct info given but misunderstood at junc SAS P PFC2‐‐J PT SPAD due to miscomm of correct info given but misunderstood at junc PFC2‐‐JO PT SPAD due to miscomm of correct info given but misunderstood at junc SAS O PFC2‐‐PP PT SPAD due to miscomm of correct info given but misunderstood on pln line SAS P PFC2‐‐PO PT SPAD due to miscomm of correct info given but misunderstood on pln line SAS O PFC2‐‐P PT SPAD due to miscomm of correct info given but misunderstood on pln line Information not given by driver/signaller (Group 1): PFC4‐‐JP PT SPAD due to miscomm of info not given at junc SAS P PFC4‐‐JO PT SPAD due to miscomm of info not given at junc SAS O PFC4‐‐J PT SPAD due to miscomm of info not given at junc PFC4‐‐PP PT SPAD due to miscomm of info not given on pln line SAS P PFC4‐‐PO PT SPAD due to miscomm of info not given on pln line SAS O PFC4‐‐P PT SPAD due to miscomm of info not given on pln line Wrong information given by driver/signaller (Group 1): PFC3‐‐J PT SPAD due to miscomm of wrong info given at junc PFC3‐‐JO PT SPAD due to miscomm of wrong info given at junc SAS O PFC3‐‐JP PT SPAD due to miscomm of wrong info given at junc SAS P PFC3‐‐P PT SPAD due to miscomm of wrong info given on pln line PFC3‐‐PP PT SPAD due to miscomm of wrong info given on pln line SAS P PFC3‐‐PO PT SPAD due to miscomm of wrong info given on pln line SAS O Driver anticipates signal clearance (Group 2): PFD1‐‐P PT SPAD due to driver anticipation of signal clearance on pln line PFD1‐‐J PT SPAD due to driver anticipation of signal clearance at junc PFD1‐‐JP PT SPAD due to driver anticipation of signal clearance at junc SAS P PFD1‐‐JO PT SPAD due to driver anticipation of signal clearance at junc SAS O PFD1‐‐PP PT SPAD due to driver anticipation of signal clearance on pln line SAS P PFD1‐‐PO PT SPAD due to driver anticipation of signal clearance on pln line SAS O Driver fails to check signal aspect (Group 2): PFD2‐‐P PT SPAD due to driver failure to check signal aspect on pln line PFD2‐‐JP PT SPAD due to driver failure to check signal aspect at junc SAS P PFD2‐‐J PT SPAD due to driver failure to check signal aspect at junc PFD2‐‐PP PT SPAD due to driver failure to check signal aspect on pln line SAS P PFD2‐‐PO PT SPAD due to driver failure to check signal aspect on pln line SAS O PFD2‐‐JO PT SPAD due to driver failure to check signal aspect at junc SAS O Cause precursor description Version 7.1 — August 2011 Normaliser (events/ normaliser) Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km 4.38E‐13 3.29E‐13 7.59E‐14 7.85E‐14 2.72E‐14 2.10E‐14 Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km 7.59E‐14 7.59E‐14 7.59E‐14 3.92E‐14 2.72E‐14 2.10E‐14 Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km 1.10E‐13 7.59E‐14 7.59E‐14 6.05E‐14 2.72E‐14 2.72E‐14 Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km 9.58E‐13 4.28E‐13 7.45E‐14 7.45E‐14 5.41E‐14 3.75E‐14 Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km 2.32E‐12 2.66E‐12 2.10E‐12 9.06E‐13 4.29E‐13 4.20E‐13 Deriv. HEN of POS (% of total prec. split (%) HE risk) (D, E) Risk contribution (events/ year) (FWI/ year) 4.73E‐04 2.14E‐04 1.60E‐04 3.71E‐05 3.83E‐05 1.33E‐05 1.02E‐05 1.54E‐04 3.71E‐05 3.71E‐05 3.71E‐05 1.92E‐05 1.33E‐05 1.02E‐05 1.84E‐04 5.35E‐05 3.71E‐05 3.71E‐05 2.95E‐05 1.33E‐05 1.33E‐05 7.94E‐04 4.68E‐04 2.09E‐04 3.64E‐05 3.64E‐05 2.64E‐05 1.83E‐05 0.0043 0.0011 0.0013 0.0010 4.43E‐04 2.10E‐04 2.05E‐04 0.0016 7.22E‐04 5.42E‐04 1.25E‐04 1.14E‐04 3.97E‐05 3.06E‐05 5.03E‐04 1.25E‐04 1.25E‐04 1.25E‐04 5.72E‐05 3.97E‐05 3.06E‐05 5.98E‐04 1.81E‐04 1.25E‐04 1.25E‐04 8.82E‐05 3.97E‐05 3.97E‐05 0.0022 0.0014 4.85E‐04 8.45E‐05 8.45E‐05 7.89E‐05 5.47E‐05 0.0112 0.0034 0.0030 0.0024 0.0013 6.26E‐04 4.76E‐04 2.11% 0.97% 0.73% 0.17% 0.15% 0.05% 0.04% 0.67% 0.17% 0.17% 0.17% 0.08% 0.05% 0.04% 0.80% 0.24% 0.17% 0.17% 0.12% 0.05% 0.05% 2.93% 1.87% 0.65% 0.11% 0.11% 0.11% 0.07% 15.00% 4.52% 4.04% 3.19% 1.77% 0.84% 0.64% D D E D E E E E E D E E D E E D E E D D D D D E D D D D D D ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 14 Table B1 National frequency Hazardous event code Precursor code HET‐02PA HET‐02PA HET‐02PA HET‐02PA HET‐02PA HET‐02PA HET‐02PA HET‐02PA HET‐02PA HET‐02PA HET‐02PA HET‐02PA HET‐02PA HET‐02PA HET‐02PA HET‐02PA HET‐02PA HET‐02PA HET‐02PA HET‐02PA HET‐02PA HET‐02PA HET‐02PA HET‐02PA HET‐02PA HET‐02PA HET‐02PA HET‐02PA HET‐02PA HET‐02PA HET‐02PA Driver fails to locate signal (Group 2): PFD3‐‐P PT SPAD due to driver failure to locate signal aspect on pln line PFD3‐‐J PT SPAD due to driver failure to locate signal aspect at junc PFD3‐‐PO PT SPAD due to driver failure to locate signal aspect on pln line SAS O PFD3‐‐PP PT SPAD due to driver failure to locate signal aspect on pln line SAS P PFD3‐‐JP PT SPAD due to driver failure to locate signal aspect at junc SAS P PFD3‐‐JO PT SPAD due to driver failure to locate signal aspect at junc SAS O Driver fails to react to cautionary aspect (Group 2): PFD4‐‐P PT SPAD due to driver failure to react to cautionary aspect on pln line PFD4‐‐J PT SPAD due to driver failure to react to cautionary aspect at junc Driver ignorance of rules/instructions (Group 2): PFD5‐‐J PT SPAD due to driver ignorance of rules/instructions at junc PFD5‐‐P PT SPAD due to driver ignorance of rules/instructions on pln line PFD5‐‐PO PT SPAD due to driver ignorance of rules/instructions on pln line SAS O PFD5‐‐JP PT SPAD due to driver ignorance of rules/instructions at junc SAS P PFD5‐‐JO PT SPAD due to driver ignorance of rules/instructions at junc SAS O PFD5‐‐PP PT SPAD due to driver ignorance of rules/instructions on pln line SAS P Driver violation of rules/instructions (Group 2): PFD6‐‐P PT SPAD due to driver violation of rules/instructions on pln line PFD6‐‐PO PT SPAD due to driver violation of rules/instructions on pln line SAS O PFD6‐‐J PT SPAD due to driver violation of rules/instructions at junc PFD6‐‐PP PT SPAD due to driver violation of rules/instructions on pln line SAS P PFD6‐‐JP PT SPAD due to driver violation of rules/instructions at junc SAS P PFD6‐‐JO PT SPAD due to driver violation of rules/instructions at junc SAS O Driver misreads by viewing wrong signal (Group 3): PFR3‐‐J PT SPAD due to driver viewing the wrong signal at junc PFR3‐‐P PT SPAD due to driver viewing the wrong signal on pln line PFR3‐‐JP PT SPAD due to driver viewing the wrong signal at junc SAS P PFR3‐‐PP PT SPAD due to driver viewing the wrong signal on pln line SAS P PFR3‐‐PO PT SPAD due to driver viewing the wrong signal on pln line SAS O PFR3‐‐JO PT SPAD due to driver viewing the wrong signal at junc SAS O Cause precursor description Version 7.1 — August 2011 Normaliser (events/ normaliser) Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km 1.87E‐12 1.30E‐12 5.41E‐14 5.41E‐14 5.17E‐14 5.17E‐14 Pass trn km Pass trn km 4.20E‐12 2.39E‐12 Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km 1.43E‐13 8.33E‐14 5.41E‐14 5.17E‐14 5.17E‐14 3.75E‐14 Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km 4.22E‐13 1.83E‐13 1.78E‐13 7.30E‐14 5.35E‐14 3.71E‐14 Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km 1.49E‐12 7.69E‐13 8.60E‐14 5.87E‐14 5.87E‐14 5.96E‐14 Deriv. HEN of POS (% of total prec. split (%) HE risk) (D, E) Risk contribution (events/ year) (FWI/ year) 0.0017 9.15E‐04 6.36E‐04 2.64E‐05 2.64E‐05 2.52E‐05 2.52E‐05 0.0032 0.0020 0.0012 2.05E‐04 6.96E‐05 4.07E‐05 2.64E‐05 2.52E‐05 2.52E‐05 1.83E‐05 4.62E‐04 2.06E‐04 8.91E‐05 8.69E‐05 3.56E‐05 2.61E‐05 1.81E‐05 0.0012 7.26E‐04 3.75E‐04 4.20E‐05 2.86E‐05 2.86E‐05 2.91E‐05 0.0045 0.0027 0.0015 7.89E‐05 7.89E‐05 5.86E‐05 5.86E‐05 0.0088 0.0061 0.0027 5.34E‐04 1.62E‐04 1.22E‐04 7.89E‐05 5.86E‐05 5.86E‐05 5.47E‐05 0.0013 6.15E‐04 2.66E‐04 2.02E‐04 1.06E‐04 6.07E‐05 4.21E‐05 0.0031 0.0017 0.0011 9.75E‐05 8.56E‐05 8.56E‐05 6.76E‐05 6.01% 3.66% 1.98% 0.11% 0.11% 0.08% 0.08% 11.83% 8.20% 3.63% 0.71% 0.22% 0.16% 0.11% 0.08% 0.08% 0.07% 1.73% 0.82% 0.36% 0.27% 0.14% 0.08% 0.06% 4.21% 2.26% 1.50% 0.13% 0.11% 0.11% 0.09% D D D D E E D D D D D E E E D D D D D E D D D D D E ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 15 Table B1 National frequency Hazardous event code Precursor code HET‐02PA HET‐02PA HET‐02PA HET‐02PA HET‐02PA HET‐02PA HET‐02PA HET‐02PA HET‐02PA HET‐02PA HET‐02PA HET‐02PA HET‐02PA HET‐02PA HET‐02PA HET‐02PA HET‐02PA HET‐02PA HET‐02PA HET‐02PA HET‐02PA HET‐02PA HET‐02PA HET‐02PA HET‐02PA HET‐02PA HET‐02PA HET‐02PA HET‐02PA HET‐02PA HET‐02PA HET‐02PA HET‐02PA HET‐02PA HET‐02PA HET‐02PA Driver misreads previous signal (Group 3): PFR1‐‐P PT SPAD due to driver misreading the previous signal aspect on pln line PFR1‐‐J PT SPAD due to driver misreading the previous signal aspect at junc PFR1‐‐JP PT SPAD due to driver misreading the previous signal aspect at junc SAS P PFR1‐‐JO PT SPAD due to driver misreading the previous signal aspect at junc SAS O PFR1‐‐PP PT SPAD due to driver misreading the previous signal aspect on pln line SAS P PFR1‐‐PO PT SPAD due to driver misreading the previous signal aspect on pln line SAS O Driver views correct signal but misreads aspect (Group 3): PFR2‐‐J PT SPAD due to driver misreading aspect on correct signal at junc PFR2‐‐P PT SPAD due to driver misreading aspect on correct signal on pln line PFR2‐‐PP PT SPAD due to driver misreading aspect on correct signal on pln line SAS P PFR2‐‐JP PT SPAD due to driver misreading aspect on correct signal at junc SAS P PFR2‐‐PO PT SPAD due to driver misreading aspect on correct signal on pln line SAS O PFR2‐‐JO PT SPAD due to driver misreading aspect on correct signal at junc SAS O Driver misjudges environmental conditions (Group 4): PFJ1‐‐J PT SPAD due to driver misjudge of environmental conditions at junc PFJ1‐‐P PT SPAD due to driver misjudge of environmental conditions on pln line Driver misjudges train behaviour (Group 4): PFJ2‐‐J PT SPAD due to driver misjudge of train behaviour at junc PFJ2‐‐P PT SPAD due to driver misjudge of train behaviour on pln line Unknown driver misjudgement (Group 4): PFJ3‐‐J PT SPAD due to unknown driver misjudge at junc PFJ3‐‐P PT SPAD due to unknown driver misjudge on pln line Signaller communication errors (Group 5): PFOHE3‐‐JO PT SPAD due to handsignaller communication human error at junc SAS O PFOHE3‐‐J PT SPAD due to handsignaller communication human error at junc PFOHE3‐‐JP PT SPAD due to handsignaller communication human error at junc SAS P PFOHE3‐‐PO PT SPAD due to handsignaller communication human error on pln line SAS O PFOHE4‐‐JP PT SPAD due to other staff communication human error at junc SAS P PFOHE4‐‐JO PT SPAD due to other staff communication human error at junc SAS O PFOHE3‐‐PP PT SPAD due to handsignaller communication human error on pln line SAS P PFOHE4‐‐PO PT SPAD due to other staff communication human error on pln line SAS O PFOHE4‐‐PP PT SPAD due to other staff communication human error on pln line SAS P PFOHE4‐‐P PT SPAD due to other staff communication human error on pln line PFOHE3‐‐P PT SPAD due to handsignaller communication human error on pln line PFOHE4‐‐J PT SPAD due to other staff communication human error at junc Cause precursor description Version 7.1 — August 2011 Normaliser (events/ normaliser) Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km 8.23E‐13 9.82E‐14 8.35E‐14 8.35E‐14 5.69E‐14 5.69E‐14 Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km 6.49E‐13 4.78E‐13 3.10E‐13 2.28E‐13 7.76E‐14 7.89E‐14 Pass trn km Pass trn km 1.26E‐12 2.09E‐13 Pass trn km Pass trn km 1.90E‐12 4.88E‐13 Pass trn km Pass trn km 8.76E‐14 2.42E‐14 Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km 4.08E‐13 4.08E‐13 4.08E‐13 2.92E‐13 1.49E‐13 1.49E‐13 1.01E‐13 1.01E‐13 1.01E‐13 7.81E‐14 7.81E‐14 7.11E‐14 Deriv. HEN of POS (% of total prec. split (%) HE risk) (D, E) Risk contribution (events/ year) (FWI/ year) 5.87E‐04 4.02E‐04 4.79E‐05 4.08E‐05 4.08E‐05 2.78E‐05 2.78E‐05 8.89E‐04 3.17E‐04 2.33E‐04 1.51E‐04 1.11E‐04 3.79E‐05 3.85E‐05 7.19E‐04 6.17E‐04 1.02E‐04 0.0012 9.26E‐04 2.38E‐04 5.46E‐05 4.28E‐05 1.18E‐05 0.0011 1.99E‐04 1.99E‐04 1.99E‐04 1.43E‐04 7.26E‐05 7.26E‐05 4.95E‐05 4.95E‐05 4.95E‐05 3.81E‐05 3.81E‐05 3.47E‐05 0.0017 0.0012 1.11E‐04 9.47E‐05 9.47E‐05 8.31E‐05 8.31E‐05 0.0023 7.36E‐04 6.98E‐04 4.53E‐04 2.58E‐04 1.13E‐04 8.94E‐05 0.0024 0.0021 3.05E‐04 0.0038 0.0031 7.12E‐04 1.80E‐04 1.44E‐04 3.53E‐05 0.0035 6.73E‐04 6.73E‐04 6.73E‐04 4.27E‐04 1.68E‐04 1.68E‐04 1.48E‐04 1.48E‐04 1.48E‐04 1.14E‐04 1.14E‐04 8.06E‐05 2.23% 1.61% 0.15% 0.13% 0.13% 0.11% 0.11% 3.14% 0.99% 0.93% 0.61% 0.35% 0.15% 0.12% 3.20% 2.79% 0.41% 5.14% 4.18% 0.95% 0.24% 0.19% 0.05% 4.73% 0.90% 0.90% 0.90% 0.57% 0.23% 0.23% 0.20% 0.20% 0.20% 0.15% 0.15% 0.11% D D E E E E D D D D D E D D D D E E D D D D E E E E E E E E ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 16 Table B1 National frequency Hazardous event code Precursor code HET‐02PA HET‐02PA HET‐02PA HET‐02PA HET‐02PA HET‐02PA HET‐02PA HET‐02PA HET‐02PA HET‐02PA HET‐02PA HET‐02PA HET‐02PA HET‐02PA HET‐02PA HET‐02PA HET‐02PA HET‐02PA HET‐02PA HET‐02PA HET‐02PA HET‐02PA HET‐02PA HET‐02PA HET‐02PA HET‐02PA HET‐02PA HET‐02PA HET‐02PA HET‐02PA Signaller operating errors (Group 5): PFOHE2‐‐JP PT SPAD due to signal equipment operating error at junc SAS P PFOHE2‐‐JO PT SPAD due to signal equipment operating error at junc SAS O PFOHE2‐‐PP PT SPAD due to signal equipment operating error on pln line SAS P PFOHE2‐‐PO PT SPAD due to signal equipment operating error on pln line SAS O PFOHE2‐‐P PT SPAD due to signal equipment operating error on pln line PFOHE2‐‐J PT SPAD due to signal equipment operating error at junc Uncategorised driver error (Group 5): PFUC1‐‐P PT SPAD due to uncategorised driver error on pln line PFUC1‐‐J PT SPAD due to uncategorised driver error at junc PFUC1‐‐JO PT SPAD due to uncategorised driver error at junc SAS O PFUC1‐‐PP PT SPAD due to uncategorised driver error on pln line SAS P PFUC1‐‐JP PT SPAD due to uncategorised driver error at junc SAS P PFUC1‐‐PO PT SPAD due to uncategorised driver error on pln line SAS O Other environmental: PFE2‐‐J PT SPAD due to vegetation on the track at junc PFE1‐‐J PT SPAD due to other environmental conditions at junc PFE1‐‐P PT SPAD due to other environmental conditions on pln line PFE2‐‐P PT SPAD due to vegetation on the track on pln line Rolling stock: PFTRS2‐‐J PT SPAD due to traction control failure at junc PFTRS1‐‐J PT SPAD due to brake failure at junc PFTRS2‐‐P PT SPAD due to traction control failure on pln line PFTRS1‐‐P PT SPAD due to brake failure on pln line Train misroute: PTSEDEC PT misroute due to signaller decision making failures PTSEMEM PT misroute due to signaller memory lapses PTSEUNC PT misroute due to unknown signaller issues PTSEPER PT misroute due to signaller perception issues PTSEACT PT misroute due to signaller action failures Cause precursor description Version 7.1 — August 2011 Normaliser (events/ normaliser) Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km 1.49E‐13 1.49E‐13 1.01E‐13 1.01E‐13 7.81E‐14 7.11E‐14 Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km 1.67E‐13 2.14E‐13 1.49E‐13 5.41E‐14 5.17E‐14 3.75E‐14 Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km 1.26E‐12 1.01E‐12 3.48E‐13 1.74E‐13 Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km 1.46E‐13 1.46E‐13 4.04E‐14 4.04E‐14 Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km 1.12E‐12 4.92E‐13 1.46E‐13 3.67E‐14 1.11E‐14 Deriv. HEN of POS (% of total prec. split (%) HE risk) (D, E) Risk contribution (events/ year) (FWI/ year) 3.17E‐04 7.26E‐05 7.26E‐05 4.95E‐05 4.95E‐05 3.81E‐05 3.47E‐05 3.28E‐04 8.13E‐05 1.04E‐04 7.28E‐05 2.64E‐05 2.52E‐05 1.83E‐05 0.0014 6.15E‐04 4.92E‐04 1.70E‐04 8.49E‐05 1.82E‐04 7.15E‐05 7.15E‐05 1.97E‐05 1.97E‐05 8.81E‐04 5.46E‐04 2.40E‐04 7.12E‐05 1.79E‐05 5.41E‐06 8.27E‐04 1.68E‐04 1.68E‐04 1.48E‐04 1.48E‐04 1.14E‐04 8.06E‐05 8.47E‐04 2.43E‐04 2.42E‐04 1.69E‐04 7.89E‐05 5.86E‐05 5.47E‐05 0.0045 0.0021 0.0017 5.07E‐04 2.54E‐04 6.01E‐04 2.41E‐04 2.41E‐04 5.90E‐05 5.90E‐05 0.0030 0.0018 8.11E‐04 2.40E‐04 6.05E‐05 1.83E‐05 1.11% 0.23% 0.23% 0.20% 0.20% 0.15% 0.11% 1.13% 0.33% 0.32% 0.23% 0.11% 0.08% 0.07% 6.02% 2.78% 2.22% 0.68% 0.34% 0.80% 0.32% 0.32% 0.08% 0.08% 3.98% 2.47% 1.09% 0.32% 0.08% 0.02% E E E E E E D D D D E E D D D D E E E E D D D D D ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 17 Table B1 National frequency Hazardous event code Precursor code HET‐02PA HET‐02PA HET‐02PA HET‐02PA HET‐02PA HET‐02PA HET‐02PA HET‐02PA HET‐02PA HET‐02PB HET‐02PB HET‐02PB HET‐02PB HET‐02PB Wrongside signal failures: PPC/L‐‐J PT WSF due to coloured light at junc signal PPUNCAT‐‐J PT WSF due to uncategorised at junc signal PPC/L‐‐P PT WSF due to coloured light at pln signal PPUNCAT‐‐P PT WSF due to uncategorised at pln signal PPT/C‐‐J PT WSF due to track circuit at junc signal PPT/C‐‐P PT WSF due to track circuit at pln signal PPSEM‐‐J PT WSF due to semaphore signal at junc signal PPSEM‐‐P PT WSF due to semaphore signal at pln signal Collision between a passenger train and non‐passenger train resulting from a passenger train runaway PDRVERR‐PE PT runaway due to driver error PMISCERRPE PT runaway due to unknown failure PDEFCOUPPE PT runaway due to coupling failure PBRKDEF‐PE PT runaway due to vehicle defect/brake failure HET‐02NP HET‐02NPA HET‐02NPA HET‐02NPA HET‐02NPA HET‐02NPA HET‐02NPA HET‐02NPA HET‐02NPA HET‐02NPA HET‐02NPA HET‐02NPA HET‐02NPA HET‐02NPA HET‐02NPA HET‐02NPA HET‐02NPA Cause precursor description Normaliser (events/ normaliser) Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km 1.97E‐12 1.71E‐12 1.86E‐12 1.61E‐12 2.95E‐13 2.78E‐13 2.87E‐14 2.71E‐14 Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km 5.74E‐12 3.83E‐12 4.22E‐13 4.22E‐13 Collision between a non‐passenger train and passenger train resulting from a: non‐passenger train Cat A SPAD; runaway train; misrouted train; or WSF Collision between a non‐passenger train and passenger train resulting from a: non‐passenger train Cat A SPAD; misrouted train; or WSF Ambiguous or incomplete information given by driver/signaller (Group 1): 3.97E‐11 Non‐pass trn km NFC1‐‐J NPT SPAD caused by miscomm of ambiguous or incomplete info at junc 1.32E‐11 NFC1‐‐JO NPT SPAD caused by miscomm of ambiguous or incomplete info at junc SAS O Non‐pass trn km 6.62E‐12 NFC1‐‐JP NPT SPAD caused by miscomm of ambiguous or incomplete info at junc SAS P Non‐pass trn km 3.79E‐12 NFC1‐‐PO NPT SPAD due to miscomm of ambiguous/incomplete info on pln line SAS O Non‐pass trn km 2.55E‐12 NFC1‐‐JOS NPT SPAD due to miscomm of ambiguous/incomplete info at shunt SAS O Non‐pass trn km 2.25E‐12 NFC1‐‐JS NPT SPAD due to miscomm of ambiguous/incomplete info at shunt Non‐pass trn km 1.31E‐12 NFC1‐‐PP NPT SPAD due to miscomm of ambiguous/incomplete info on pln line SAS P Non‐pass trn km 1.08E‐12 NFC1‐‐P NPT SPAD due to miscomm of ambiguous/incomplete info on pln line Non‐pass trn km 8.84E‐13 NFC1‐‐JPS NPT SPAD due to miscomm of ambiguous/incomplete info at shunt SAS P Non‐pass trn km Correct information given but misunderstood by driver/signaller (Group 1): NPT SPAD caused by miscomm arising from correct information being given but NFC2‐‐J Non‐pass trn km 1.99E‐11 misunderstood at junc NPT SPAD caused by miscomm arising from correct information being given but NFC2‐‐JO Non‐pass trn km 1.32E‐11 misunderstood at junc SAS O NPT SPAD caused by miscomm arising from correct information being given but 1.32E‐11 Non‐pass trn km NFC2‐‐JP misunderstood at junc SAS P 3.79E‐12 NFC2‐‐PO NPT SPAD due to miscomm of correct info given but misunderstood on pln line SAS O Non‐pass trn km Version 7.1 — August 2011 Deriv. HEN of POS (% of total prec. split (%) HE risk) (D, E) Risk contribution (events/ year) (FWI/ year) 0.0038 9.62E‐04 8.34E‐04 9.08E‐04 7.87E‐04 1.44E‐04 1.36E‐04 1.40E‐05 1.32E‐05 0.0051 0.0028 0.0019 2.06E‐04 2.06E‐04 0.0121 0.0032 0.0028 0.0027 0.0024 4.86E‐04 4.06E‐04 4.73E‐05 3.95E‐05 0.0034 0.0019 0.0013 1.39E‐04 1.39E‐04 16.22% 4.35% 3.77% 3.63% 3.15% 0.65% 0.54% 0.06% 0.05% 4.61% 2.54% 1.69% 0.19% 0.19% 0.6287 0.6247 100.00% ‐ 0.1669 0.0049 0.0027 9.13E‐04 4.57E‐04 2.61E‐04 1.76E‐04 1.55E‐04 9.06E‐05 7.47E‐05 6.09E‐05 0.0040 0.3003 0.0110 0.0064 0.0021 0.0011 5.29E‐04 2.55E‐04 2.25E‐04 1.83E‐04 1.51E‐04 8.83E‐05 0.0089 48.07% 1.76% 1.02% 0.34% 0.17% 0.08% 0.04% 0.04% 0.03% 0.02% 0.01% 1.42% ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 0.0014 0.0032 0.51% D ‐ 9.13E‐04 0.0021 0.34% D ‐ 9.13E‐04 0.0021 0.34% D ‐ 2.61E‐04 5.29E‐04 0.08% D ‐ D D D D D D D D D D E E D D D D D D E D E ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 18 Table B1 National frequency Hazardous event code Precursor code HET‐02NPA HET‐02NPA HET‐02NPA HET‐02NPA HET‐02NPA HET‐02NPA HET‐02NPA HET‐02NPA HET‐02NPA HET‐02NPA HET‐02NPA HET‐02NPA HET‐02NPA HET‐02NPA HET‐02NPA HET‐02NPA HET‐02NPA HET‐02NPA HET‐02NPA HET‐02NPA HET‐02NPA HET‐02NPA HET‐02NPA HET‐02NPA HET‐02NPA HET‐02NPA HET‐02NPA HET‐02NPA HET‐02NPA HET‐02NPA HET‐02NPA HET‐02NPA HET‐02NPA HET‐02NPA HET‐02NPA NFC2‐‐JOS NPT SPAD due to miscomm of correct info given but misunderstood at shunt SAS O NFC2‐‐PP NPT SPAD due to miscomm of correct info given but misunderstood on pln line SAS P NFC2‐‐P NPT SPAD due to miscomm of correct info given but misunderstood on pln line NFC2‐‐JPS NPT SPAD due to miscomm of correct info given but misunderstood at shunt SAS P NFC2‐‐JS NPT SPAD due to miscomm of correct info given but misunderstood at shunt Information not given by driver/signaller (Group 1): NFC4‐‐J NPT SPAD caused by miscomm arising from no information being given at junc NFC4‐‐JO NPT SPAD caused by miscomm arising from no information being given at junc SAS O NFC4‐‐JP NPT SPAD caused by miscomm arising from no information being given at junc SAS P NFC4‐‐PP NPT SPAD due to miscomm of info not given on pln line SAS P NFC4‐‐PO NPT SPAD due to miscomm of info not given on pln line SAS O NFC4‐‐JOS NPT SPAD due to miscomm of info not given at shunt SAS O NFC4‐‐JPS NPT SPAD due to miscomm of info not given at shunt SAS P NFC4‐‐JS NPT SPAD due to miscomm of info not given at shunt NFC4‐‐P NPT SPAD due to miscomm of info not given on pln line Wrong information given by driver/signaller (Group 1): NFC3‐‐J NPT SPAD caused by miscomm arising from wrong information being given at junc NFC3‐‐JO NPT SPAD caused by miscomm arising from wrong information being given at junc SAS O NFC3‐‐JP NPT SPAD caused by miscomm arising from wrong information being given at junc SAS P NFC3‐‐JS NPT SPAD due to miscomm of wrong info given at shunt NFC3‐‐PP NPT SPAD due to miscomm of wrong info given on pln line SAS P NFC3‐‐PO NPT SPAD due to miscomm of wrong info given on pln line SAS O NFC3‐‐P NPT SPAD due to miscomm of wrong info given on pln line NFC3‐‐JOS NPT SPAD due to miscomm of wrong info given at shunt SAS O NFC3‐‐JPS NPT SPAD due to miscomm of wrong info given at shunt SAS P Driver anticipates signal clearance (Group 2): NFD1‐‐P NPT SPAD due to driver anticipation of signal clearance on pln line NFD1‐‐JS NPT SPAD due to driver anticipation of signal clearance at shunt NFD1‐‐JO NPT SPAD caused by anticipation of signal clearance at junc SAS O NFD1‐‐JP NPT SPAD caused by anticipation of signal clearance at junc SAS P NFD1‐‐J NPT SPAD caused by anticipation of signal clearance at junc NFD1‐‐PO NPT SPAD due to driver anticipation of signal clearance on pln line SAS O NFD1‐‐PP NPT SPAD due to driver anticipation of signal clearance on pln line SAS P NFD1‐‐JOS NPT SPAD due to driver anticipation of signal clearance at shunt SAS O NFD1‐‐JPS NPT SPAD due to driver anticipation of signal clearance at shunt SAS P Cause precursor description Version 7.1 — August 2011 Normaliser Deriv. HEN of POS (% of total prec. split (%) HE risk) (D, E) Risk contribution (events/ normaliser) (events/ year) (FWI/ year) Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km 3.83E‐12 1.31E‐12 1.08E‐12 1.28E‐12 7.49E‐13 Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km 1.32E‐11 6.62E‐12 4.59E‐12 1.31E‐12 1.31E‐12 1.28E‐12 8.84E‐13 7.49E‐13 3.75E‐13 Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km 3.31E‐11 1.32E‐11 4.59E‐12 6.74E‐12 1.90E‐12 1.90E‐12 1.62E‐12 8.84E‐13 8.84E‐13 Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km 7.46E‐12 8.95E‐12 6.69E‐12 6.26E‐12 3.86E‐12 2.61E‐12 2.61E‐12 1.76E‐12 1.76E‐12 2.64E‐04 9.06E‐05 7.47E‐05 8.79E‐05 5.16E‐05 0.0021 9.13E‐04 4.57E‐04 3.17E‐04 9.06E‐05 9.06E‐05 8.79E‐05 6.09E‐05 5.16E‐05 2.59E‐05 0.0045 0.0023 9.13E‐04 3.17E‐04 4.65E‐04 1.31E‐04 1.31E‐04 1.12E‐04 6.09E‐05 6.09E‐05 0.0029 5.14E‐04 6.17E‐04 4.61E‐04 4.32E‐04 2.66E‐04 1.80E‐04 1.80E‐04 1.21E‐04 1.21E‐04 3.82E‐04 1.83E‐04 1.51E‐04 1.27E‐04 7.48E‐05 0.0046 0.0021 0.0011 7.38E‐04 1.83E‐04 1.83E‐04 1.27E‐04 8.83E‐05 7.48E‐05 5.24E‐05 0.0098 0.0053 0.0021 7.38E‐04 6.74E‐04 2.64E‐04 2.64E‐04 2.27E‐04 8.83E‐05 8.83E‐05 0.0050 0.0010 8.94E‐04 7.78E‐04 7.28E‐04 4.49E‐04 3.64E‐04 3.64E‐04 1.76E‐04 1.76E‐04 0.06% 0.03% 0.02% 0.02% 0.01% 0.74% 0.34% 0.17% 0.12% 0.03% 0.03% 0.02% 0.01% 0.01% 0.01% 1.57% 0.85% 0.34% 0.12% 0.11% 0.04% 0.04% 0.04% 0.01% 0.01% 0.80% 0.17% 0.14% 0.12% 0.12% 0.07% 0.06% 0.06% 0.03% 0.03% D E D D D D D E E E D E D E D D E D D D D E E D D E D D D D D D ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 19 Table B1 National frequency Hazardous event code Precursor code HET‐02NPA HET‐02NPA HET‐02NPA HET‐02NPA HET‐02NPA HET‐02NPA HET‐02NPA HET‐02NPA HET‐02NPA HET‐02NPA HET‐02NPA HET‐02NPA HET‐02NPA HET‐02NPA HET‐02NPA HET‐02NPA HET‐02NPA HET‐02NPA HET‐02NPA HET‐02NPA HET‐02NPA HET‐02NPA HET‐02NPA HET‐02NPA HET‐02NPA HET‐02NPA HET‐02NPA HET‐02NPA HET‐02NPA HET‐02NPA HET‐02NPA HET‐02NPA HET‐02NPA HET‐02NPA Driver fails to check signal aspect (Group 2): NFD2‐‐J NPT SPAD caused by failure to check signal aspect at junc NFD2‐‐JO NPT SPAD caused by failure to check signal aspect at junc SAS O NFD2‐‐JOS NPT SPAD due to driver failure to check signal aspect at shunt SAS O NFD2‐‐JS NPT SPAD due to driver failure to check signal aspect at shunt NFD2‐‐JP NPT SPAD caused by failure to check signal aspect at junc SAS P NFD2‐‐P NPT SPAD due to driver failure to check signal aspect on pln line NFD2‐‐PP NPT SPAD due to driver failure to check signal aspect on pln line SAS P NFD2‐‐PO NPT SPAD due to driver failure to check signal aspect on pln line SAS O NFD2‐‐JPS NPT SPAD due to driver failure to check signal aspect at shunt SAS P Driver fails to locate signal (Group 2): NFD3‐‐J NPT SPAD caused by failure to locate signal aspect at junc NFD3‐‐JS NPT SPAD due to driver failure to locate signal aspect at shunt NFD3‐‐JO NPT SPAD caused by failure to locate signal aspect at junc SAS O NFD3‐‐JOS NPT SPAD due to driver failure to locate signal aspect at shunt SAS O NFD3‐‐P NPT SPAD due to driver failure to locate signal aspect on pln line NFD3‐‐JP NPT SPAD caused by failure to locate signal aspect at junc SAS P NFD3‐‐JPS NPT SPAD due to driver failure to locate signal aspect at shunt SAS P NFD3‐‐PO NPT SPAD due to driver failure to locate signal aspect on pln line SAS O NFD3‐‐PP NPT SPAD due to driver failure to locate signal aspect on pln line SAS P Driver fails to react to cautionary aspect (Group 2): NFD4‐‐J NPT SPAD caused by failure to react to cautionary aspect at junc NFD4‐‐P NPT SPAD due to driver failure to react to cautionary aspect on pln line NFD4‐‐JS NPT SPAD due to driver failure to react to cautionary aspect at shunt Driver ignorance of rules/instructions (Group 2): NFD5‐‐JO NPT SPAD caused by ignorance of rules/instructions at junc SAS O NFD5‐‐J NPT SPAD caused by ignorance of rules/instructions at junc NFD5‐‐PO NPT SPAD due to driver ignorance of rules/instructions on pln line SAS O NFD5‐‐P NPT SPAD due to driver ignorance of rules/instructions on pln line NFD5‐‐JP NPT SPAD caused by ignorance of rules/instructions at junc SAS P NFD5‐‐JOS NPT SPAD due to driver ignorance of rules/instructions at shunt SAS O NFD5‐‐JS NPT SPAD due to driver ignorance of rules/instructions at shunt NFD5‐‐PP NPT SPAD due to driver ignorance of rules/instructions on pln line SAS P NFD5‐‐JPS NPT SPAD due to driver ignorance of rules/instructions at shunt SAS P Cause precursor description Version 7.1 — August 2011 Normaliser (events/ normaliser) Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km 1.48E‐10 8.15E‐11 7.91E‐11 7.10E‐11 2.94E‐11 2.30E‐11 1.84E‐11 9.22E‐12 3.10E‐12 Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km 1.04E‐10 8.95E‐11 3.86E‐11 3.87E‐11 1.79E‐11 6.26E‐12 5.27E‐12 2.61E‐12 2.61E‐12 Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km 1.02E‐10 2.69E‐11 4.17E‐12 Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km 9.65E‐12 9.45E‐12 5.22E‐12 5.22E‐12 6.26E‐12 5.27E‐12 4.47E‐12 1.81E‐12 1.22E‐12 Deriv. HEN of POS (% of total prec. split (%) HE risk) (D, E) Risk contribution (events/ year) (FWI/ year) 0.0319 0.0102 0.0056 0.0055 0.0049 0.0020 0.0016 0.0013 6.36E‐04 2.14E‐04 0.0211 0.0072 0.0062 0.0027 0.0027 0.0012 4.32E‐04 3.63E‐04 1.80E‐04 1.80E‐04 0.0092 0.0070 0.0019 2.88E‐04 0.0033 6.66E‐04 6.52E‐04 3.60E‐04 3.60E‐04 4.32E‐04 3.63E‐04 3.08E‐04 1.25E‐04 8.40E‐05 0.0525 0.0172 0.0095 0.0079 0.0071 0.0034 0.0032 0.0026 0.0013 3.10E‐04 0.0338 0.0121 0.0089 0.0045 0.0039 0.0025 7.28E‐04 5.27E‐04 3.64E‐04 3.64E‐04 0.0160 0.0119 0.0038 4.17E‐04 0.0058 0.0011 0.0011 7.29E‐04 7.29E‐04 7.28E‐04 5.27E‐04 4.47E‐04 2.52E‐04 1.22E‐04 8.40% 2.75% 1.52% 1.26% 1.14% 0.55% 0.51% 0.41% 0.21% 0.05% 5.42% 1.93% 1.43% 0.72% 0.62% 0.40% 0.12% 0.08% 0.06% 0.06% 2.57% 1.90% 0.60% 0.07% 0.92% 0.18% 0.18% 0.12% 0.12% 0.12% 0.08% 0.07% 0.04% 0.02% D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D E E ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 20 Table B1 National frequency Hazardous event code Precursor code HET‐02NPA HET‐02NPA HET‐02NPA HET‐02NPA HET‐02NPA HET‐02NPA HET‐02NPA HET‐02NPA HET‐02NPA HET‐02NPA HET‐02NPA HET‐02NPA HET‐02NPA HET‐02NPA HET‐02NPA HET‐02NPA HET‐02NPA HET‐02NPA HET‐02NPA HET‐02NPA HET‐02NPA HET‐02NPA HET‐02NPA HET‐02NPA HET‐02NPA HET‐02NPA HET‐02NPA HET‐02NPA HET‐02NPA HET‐02NPA Driver violation of rules/instructions (Group 2): NFD6‐‐J NPT SPAD caused by violation of rules/instructions at junc NFD6‐‐JO NPT SPAD caused by violation of rules/instructions at junc SAS O NFD6‐‐JS NPT SPAD due to driver violation of rules/instructions at shunt NFD6‐‐JOS NPT SPAD due to driver violation of rules/instructions at shunt SAS O NFD6‐‐P NPT SPAD due to driver violation of rules/instructions on pln line NFD6‐‐JP NPT SPAD caused by violation of rules/instructions at junc SAS P NFD6‐‐PO NPT SPAD due to driver violation of rules/instructions on pln line SAS O NFD6‐‐PP NPT SPAD due to driver violation of rules/instructions on pln line SAS P NFD6‐‐JPS NPT SPAD due to driver violation of rules/instructions at shunt SAS P Driver misreads by viewing wrong signal (Group 3): NFR3‐‐J NPT SPAD caused by viewing the wrong signal at junc NFR3‐‐JO NPT SPAD caused by viewing the wrong signal at junc SAS O NFR3‐‐JS NPT SPAD due to driver viewing the wrong signal at shunt NFR3‐‐JP NPT SPAD caused by viewing the wrong signal at junc SAS P NFR3‐‐JOS NPT SPAD due to driver viewing the wrong signal at shunt SAS O NFR3‐‐PO NPT SPAD due to driver viewing the wrong signal on pln line SAS O NFR3‐‐P NPT SPAD due to driver viewing the wrong signal on pln line NFR3‐‐JPS NPT SPAD due to driver viewing the wrong signal at shunt SAS P NFR3‐‐PP NPT SPAD due to driver viewing the wrong signal on pln line SAS P Driver misreads previous signal (Group 3): NFR1‐‐J NPT SPAD caused by misreading the previous signal aspect at junc NFR1‐‐JO NPT SPAD caused by misreading the previous signal aspect at junc SAS O NFR1‐‐P NPT SPAD due to driver misreading previous signal aspect on pln line NFR1‐‐JP NPT SPAD caused by misreading the previous signal aspect at junc SAS P NFR1‐‐PO NPT SPAD due to driver misreading previous signal aspect on pln line SAS O NFR1‐‐PP NPT SPAD due to driver misreading previous signal aspect on pln line SAS P NFR1‐‐JS NPT SPAD due to driver misreading previous signal aspect at shunt NFR1‐‐JOS NPT SPAD due to driver misreading previous signal aspect at shunt SAS O NFR1‐‐JPS NPT SPAD due to driver misreading previous signal aspect at shunt SAS P Cause precursor description Version 7.1 — August 2011 Normaliser (events/ normaliser) Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km 4.53E‐11 4.16E‐11 2.72E‐11 1.90E‐11 7.56E‐12 6.75E‐12 3.53E‐12 1.76E‐12 8.22E‐13 Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km 1.49E‐10 7.80E‐11 2.86E‐11 1.81E‐11 2.10E‐11 1.13E‐11 1.05E‐11 3.81E‐12 1.96E‐12 Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km 1.53E‐11 1.08E‐11 4.54E‐12 5.06E‐12 2.75E‐12 2.75E‐12 2.78E‐12 1.85E‐12 1.85E‐12 Deriv. HEN of POS (% of total prec. split (%) HE risk) (D, E) Risk contribution (events/ year) (FWI/ year) 0.0106 0.0031 0.0029 0.0019 0.0013 5.21E‐04 4.65E‐04 2.43E‐04 1.22E‐04 5.67E‐05 0.0222 0.0103 0.0054 0.0020 0.0012 0.0014 7.82E‐04 7.26E‐04 2.63E‐04 1.35E‐04 0.0033 0.0011 7.46E‐04 3.13E‐04 3.49E‐04 1.90E‐04 1.90E‐04 1.91E‐04 1.28E‐04 1.28E‐04 0.0174 0.0053 0.0048 0.0027 0.0019 0.0011 7.84E‐04 4.92E‐04 2.46E‐04 8.21E‐05 0.0372 0.0173 0.0091 0.0029 0.0021 0.0021 0.0016 0.0015 3.81E‐04 2.74E‐04 0.0057 0.0018 0.0013 6.33E‐04 5.88E‐04 3.84E‐04 3.84E‐04 2.77E‐04 1.85E‐04 1.85E‐04 2.78% 0.84% 0.77% 0.43% 0.30% 0.17% 0.13% 0.08% 0.04% 0.01% 5.95% 2.77% 1.45% 0.46% 0.34% 0.34% 0.25% 0.24% 0.06% 0.04% 0.91% 0.28% 0.20% 0.10% 0.09% 0.06% 0.06% 0.04% 0.03% 0.03% D D D D D D D D E D D D D D D D D E D E D D E E E E E ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 21 Table B1 National frequency Hazardous event code Precursor code HET‐02NPA HET‐02NPA HET‐02NPA HET‐02NPA HET‐02NPA HET‐02NPA HET‐02NPA HET‐02NPA HET‐02NPA HET‐02NPA HET‐02NPA HET‐02NPA HET‐02NPA HET‐02NPA HET‐02NPA HET‐02NPA HET‐02NPA HET‐02NPA HET‐02NPA HET‐02NPA HET‐02NPA HET‐02NPA HET‐02NPA HET‐02NPA HET‐02NPA HET‐02NPA HET‐02NPA HET‐02NPA HET‐02NPA HET‐02NPA HET‐02NPA HET‐02NPA HET‐02NPA HET‐02NPA HET‐02NPA HET‐02NPA Driver views correct signal but misreads aspect (Group 3): NFR2‐‐J NPT SPAD caused by misreading aspect on correct signal at junc NFR2‐‐JO NPT SPAD caused by misreading aspect on correct signal at junc SAS O NFR2‐‐JOS NPT SPAD due to driver misreading aspect on correct signal at shunt SAS O NFR2‐‐JP NPT SPAD caused by misreading aspect on correct signal at junc SAS P NFR2‐‐PO NPT SPAD due to driver misreading aspect on correct signal on pln line SAS O NFR2‐‐JS NPT SPAD due to driver misreading aspect on correct signal at shunt NFR2‐‐P NPT SPAD due to driver misreading aspect on correct signal on pln line NFR2‐‐PP NPT SPAD due to driver misreading aspect on correct signal on pln line SAS P NFR2‐‐JPS NPT SPAD due to driver misreading aspect on correct signal at shunt SAS P Driver misjudges environmental conditions (Group 4): NFJ1‐‐J NPT SPAD caused by misjudge of environmental conditions at junc NFJ1‐‐P NPT SPAD due to driver misjudge of environmental conditions on pln line NFJ1‐‐JS NPT SPAD due to driver misjudge of environmental conditions at shunt Driver misjudges train behaviour (Group 4): NFJ2‐‐J NPT SPAD caused by misjudge of train behaviour at junc NFJ2‐‐P NPT SPAD due to driver misjudge of train behaviour on pln line NFJ2‐‐JS NPT SPAD due to driver misjudge of train behaviour at shunt Unknown driver misjudgement (Group 4): NFJ3‐‐J NPT SPAD caused by unknown misjudge at junc NFJ3‐‐JS NPT SPAD due to unknown driver misjudge at shunt NFJ3‐‐P NPT SPAD due to unknown driver misjudge on pln line Signaller communication errors (Group 5): NFOHE3‐‐J NPT SPAD caused by handsignaller communication error at junc NFOHE3‐‐JO NPT SPAD caused by handsignaller communication error at junc SAS O NFOHE3‐‐JP NPT SPAD caused by handsignaller communication error at junc SAS P NFOHE4‐‐JO NPT SPAD caused by other staff communication error at junc SAS O NFOHE4‐‐J NPT SPAD caused by other staff communication error at junc NFOHE4‐‐JP NPT SPAD caused by other staff communication error at junc SAS P NFOHE3‐‐PO NPT SPAD due to handsignaller communication error on pln line SAS O NFOHE3‐‐PP NPT SPAD due to handsignaller communication error on pln line SAS P NFOHE4‐‐PP NPT SPAD due to other staff communication error on pln line SAS P NFOHE4‐‐PO NPT SPAD due to other staff communication error on pln line SAS O NFOHE4‐‐JS NPT SPAD due to other staff communication error at shunt NFOHE3‐‐JS NPT SPAD due to handsignaller communication error at shunt NFOHE4‐‐JPS NPT SPAD due to other staff communication error at shunt SAS P Cause precursor description Version 7.1 — August 2011 Normaliser (events/ normaliser) Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km 4.81E‐11 4.42E‐11 1.51E‐11 9.56E‐12 7.50E‐12 7.56E‐12 4.28E‐12 3.75E‐12 1.75E‐12 Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km 2.29E‐11 2.50E‐12 1.53E‐12 Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km 9.94E‐11 8.12E‐12 8.83E‐12 Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km 5.30E‐12 1.53E‐12 4.33E‐13 Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km 1.71E‐11 1.71E‐11 1.71E‐11 1.92E‐11 6.28E‐12 6.24E‐12 4.90E‐12 4.90E‐12 4.90E‐12 4.90E‐12 4.94E‐12 4.94E‐12 3.29E‐12 Deriv. HEN of POS (% of total prec. split (%) HE risk) (D, E) Risk contribution (events/ year) (FWI/ year) 0.0098 0.0033 0.0030 0.0010 6.59E‐04 5.17E‐04 5.21E‐04 2.95E‐04 2.58E‐04 1.20E‐04 0.0019 0.0016 1.72E‐04 1.05E‐04 0.0080 0.0068 5.60E‐04 6.09E‐04 5.01E‐04 3.65E‐04 1.05E‐04 2.99E‐05 0.0089 0.0012 0.0012 0.0012 0.0013 4.33E‐04 4.30E‐04 3.38E‐04 3.38E‐04 3.38E‐04 3.38E‐04 3.41E‐04 3.41E‐04 2.27E‐04 0.0164 0.0056 0.0051 0.0015 0.0011 0.0010 7.56E‐04 5.97E‐04 5.23E‐04 1.75E‐04 0.0042 0.0037 3.49E‐04 1.53E‐04 0.0180 0.0160 0.0011 8.82E‐04 0.0011 8.52E‐04 1.53E‐04 6.04E‐05 0.0174 0.0028 0.0028 0.0028 0.0022 7.30E‐04 7.25E‐04 6.83E‐04 6.83E‐04 6.83E‐04 6.83E‐04 4.94E‐04 4.94E‐04 3.29E‐04 2.63% 0.89% 0.82% 0.24% 0.18% 0.17% 0.12% 0.10% 0.08% 0.03% 0.67% 0.59% 0.06% 0.02% 2.88% 2.56% 0.18% 0.14% 0.17% 0.14% 0.02% 0.01% 2.78% 0.44% 0.44% 0.44% 0.36% 0.12% 0.12% 0.11% 0.11% 0.11% 0.11% 0.08% 0.08% 0.05% D D D D D D D D E D D E D D D E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 22 Table B1 National frequency Hazardous event code Precursor code HET‐02NPA HET‐02NPA HET‐02NPA HET‐02NPA HET‐02NPA HET‐02NPA HET‐02NPA HET‐02NPA HET‐02NPA HET‐02NPA HET‐02NPA HET‐02NPA HET‐02NPA HET‐02NPA HET‐02NPA HET‐02NPA HET‐02NPA HET‐02NPA HET‐02NPA HET‐02NPA HET‐02NPA HET‐02NPA HET‐02NPA HET‐02NPA HET‐02NPA HET‐02NPA HET‐02NPA HET‐02NPA HET‐02NPA HET‐02NPA HET‐02NPA HET‐02NPA NFOHE4‐‐JOS NPT SPAD due to other staff communication error at shunt SAS O NFOHE3‐‐JOS NPT SPAD due to handsignaller communication error at shunt SAS O NFOHE3‐‐JPS NPT SPAD due to handsignaller communication error at shunt SAS P NFOHE3‐‐P NPT SPAD due to handsignaller communication error on pln line NFOHE4‐‐P NPT SPAD due to other staff communication error on pln line Signaller operating errors (Group 5): NFOHE2‐‐JO NPT SPAD caused by signal equipment operating error at junc SAS O NFOHE2‐‐J NPT SPAD caused by signal equipment operating error at junc NFOHE2‐‐JP NPT SPAD caused by signal equipment operating error at junc SAS P NFOHE2‐‐PP NPT SPAD due to signal equipment operating error on pln line SAS P NFOHE2‐‐PO NPT SPAD due to signal equipment operating error on pln line SAS O NFOHE2‐‐JS NPT SPAD due to signal equipment operating error at shunt NFOHE2‐‐JPS NPT SPAD due to signal equipment operating error at shunt SAS P NFOHE2‐‐JOS NPT SPAD due to signal equipment operating error at shunt SAS O NFOHE2‐‐P NPT SPAD due to signal equipment operating error on pln line Uncategorised driver error (Group 5): NFUC1‐‐J NPT SPAD caused by uncategorised driver error at junc NFUC1‐‐JO NPT SPAD caused by uncategorised driver error at junc SAS O NFUC1‐‐JS NPT SPAD due to uncategorised driver error at shunt NFUC1‐‐PO NPT SPAD due to uncategorised driver error on pln line SAS O NFUC1‐‐JOS NPT SPAD due to uncategorised driver error at shunt SAS O NFUC1‐‐P NPT SPAD due to uncategorised driver error on pln line NFUC1‐‐PP NPT SPAD due to uncategorised driver error on pln line SAS P NFUC1‐‐JP NPT SPAD caused by uncategorised driver error at junc SAS P NFUC1‐‐JPS NPT SPAD due to uncategorised driver error at shunt SAS P Other environmental: NFE1‐‐J NPT SPAD caused by other environmental conditions at junc NFE2‐‐J NPT SPAD caused by vegetation on the track at junc NFE1‐‐P NPT SPAD due to other environmental conditions on pln line NFE2‐‐JS NPT SPAD due to vegetation on the track at shunt NFE1‐‐JS NPT SPAD due to other environmental conditions at shunt NFE2‐‐P NPT SPAD due to vegetation on the track on pln line Cause precursor description Version 7.1 — August 2011 Normaliser Deriv. HEN of POS (% of total prec. split (%) HE risk) (D, E) Risk contribution (events/ normaliser) (events/ year) (FWI/ year) Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km 3.29E‐12 3.29E‐12 3.29E‐12 1.40E‐12 1.40E‐12 Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km 1.92E‐11 6.28E‐12 6.24E‐12 4.90E‐12 4.90E‐12 4.94E‐12 3.29E‐12 3.29E‐12 1.40E‐12 Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km 9.45E‐12 6.69E‐12 5.27E‐12 2.61E‐12 3.51E‐12 2.24E‐12 1.81E‐12 2.17E‐12 1.22E‐12 Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km 1.52E‐11 5.28E‐12 3.11E‐12 1.52E‐12 1.52E‐12 6.23E‐13 2.27E‐04 2.27E‐04 2.27E‐04 9.64E‐05 9.64E‐05 0.0038 0.0013 4.33E‐04 4.30E‐04 3.38E‐04 3.38E‐04 3.41E‐04 2.27E‐04 2.27E‐04 9.64E‐05 0.0024 6.52E‐04 4.61E‐04 3.63E‐04 1.80E‐04 2.42E‐04 1.54E‐04 1.25E‐04 1.50E‐04 8.40E‐05 0.0019 0.0011 3.64E‐04 2.15E‐04 1.05E‐04 1.05E‐04 4.29E‐05 3.29E‐04 3.29E‐04 3.29E‐04 1.95E‐04 1.95E‐04 0.0064 0.0022 7.30E‐04 7.25E‐04 6.83E‐04 6.83E‐04 4.94E‐04 3.29E‐04 3.29E‐04 1.95E‐04 0.0041 0.0011 7.78E‐04 5.27E‐04 3.64E‐04 3.51E‐04 3.12E‐04 2.52E‐04 2.52E‐04 1.22E‐04 0.0041 0.0024 8.49E‐04 4.34E‐04 1.52E‐04 1.52E‐04 8.69E‐05 0.05% 0.05% 0.05% 0.03% 0.03% 1.03% 0.36% 0.12% 0.12% 0.11% 0.11% 0.08% 0.05% 0.05% 0.03% 0.65% 0.18% 0.12% 0.08% 0.06% 0.06% 0.05% 0.04% 0.04% 0.02% 0.66% 0.39% 0.14% 0.07% 0.02% 0.02% 0.01% E E E E E E E E E E E E E E D E D D D D E E E D E D E E D ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 23 Table B1 National frequency Hazardous event code Precursor code HET‐02NPA HET‐02NPA HET‐02NPA HET‐02NPA HET‐02NPA HET‐02NPA HET‐02NPA HET‐02NPA HET‐02NPA HET‐02NPA HET‐02NPA HET‐02NPA HET‐02NPA HET‐02NPA HET‐02NPA HET‐02NPA HET‐02NPA HET‐02NPA HET‐02NPA HET‐02NPA HET‐02NPA HET‐02NPA HET‐02NPA HET‐02NPA HET‐02NPA HET‐02NPB HET‐02NPB HET‐02NPB HET‐02NPB HET‐02NPB HET‐02NPB Rolling stock: NFTRS1‐‐J NPT SPAD caused by brake failure at junc NFTRS2‐‐J NPT SPAD caused by traction control failure at junc NFTRS1‐‐JS NPT SPAD due to brake failure at shunt NFTRS2‐‐JS NPT SPAD due to traction control failure at shunt NFTRS1‐‐P NPT SPAD due to brake failure on pln line NFTRS2‐‐P NPT SPAD due to traction control failure on pln line Train misroute: NPSEDEC NPT misroute due to signaller decision making failures NPSEMEM NPT misroute due to signaller memory lapses NPSEUNC NPT misroute due to unknown signaller issues NPSEPER NPT misroute due to signaller perception issues NPSEACT NPT misroute due to signaller action failures Wrongside signal failures: NPC/L‐‐J NPT WSF due to coloured light at junc signal NPC/L‐‐P NPT WSF due to coloured light at pln signal NPUNCAT‐‐J NPT WSF due to uncategorised at junc signal NPUNCAT‐‐JS NPT WSF due to uncategorised at junc shunt signal NPUNCAT‐‐P NPT WSF due to uncategorised at pln signal NPSHUNT‐‐JS NPT WSF due to shunt signal NPT/C‐‐J NPT WSF due to track circuit at junc signal NPT/C‐‐JS NPT WSF due to track circuit at junc shunt signal NPT/C‐‐P NPT WSF due to track circuit at pln signal NPSEM‐‐J NPT WSF due to semaphore signal at junc signal NPSEM‐‐P NPT WSF due to semaphore signal at pln signal Collision between a non‐passenger train and passenger train resulting from a non‐passenger train runaway NDRVERR‐NE NPT runaway due to driver error NBRKDEF‐NE NPT runaway due to vehicle defect/brake failure NMISCERRNE NPT runaway due to unknown failure NCOUPDEFNE NPT runaway due to coupling failure NVAND‐‐‐NE NPT runaway due to vandalism activity Cause precursor description Version 7.1 — August 2011 Normaliser (events/ normaliser) Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km 3.83E‐11 8.86E‐12 3.69E‐12 2.56E‐12 1.04E‐12 7.24E‐13 Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km 1.76E‐11 6.95E‐12 3.03E‐12 1.19E‐12 2.70E‐13 Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km 1.27E‐11 1.19E‐11 7.74E‐12 1.05E‐11 7.31E‐12 3.44E‐12 1.34E‐12 1.81E‐12 1.26E‐12 1.84E‐13 1.74E‐13 Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km 3.20E‐09 1.60E‐09 9.60E‐10 1.07E‐10 1.07E‐10 Deriv. HEN of POS (% of total prec. split (%) HE risk) (D, E) Risk contribution (events/ year) (FWI/ year) 0.0038 0.0026 6.11E‐04 2.54E‐04 1.76E‐04 7.20E‐05 4.99E‐05 0.0020 0.0012 4.79E‐04 2.09E‐04 8.21E‐05 1.86E‐05 0.0040 8.73E‐04 8.24E‐04 5.34E‐04 7.22E‐04 5.04E‐04 2.37E‐04 9.21E‐05 1.25E‐04 8.70E‐05 1.27E‐05 1.20E‐05 0.4118 0.2206 0.1103 0.0662 0.0074 0.0074 0.0085 0.0062 0.0014 3.69E‐04 2.55E‐04 1.46E‐04 1.01E‐04 0.0047 0.0028 0.0011 4.87E‐04 1.91E‐04 4.34E‐05 0.0080 0.0020 0.0017 0.0012 0.0010 0.0010 3.44E‐04 2.15E‐04 1.81E‐04 1.76E‐04 2.96E‐05 2.42E‐05 0.2784 0.1491 0.0746 0.0447 0.0050 0.0050 1.35% 0.99% 0.23% 0.06% 0.04% 0.02% 0.02% 0.75% 0.45% 0.18% 0.08% 0.03% 0.01% 1.28% 0.33% 0.27% 0.20% 0.17% 0.16% 0.06% 0.03% 0.03% 0.03% 0.00% 0.00% 44.56% 23.87% 11.94% 7.16% 0.80% 0.80% D E D E D E D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 24 Table B1 National frequency Hazardous event code Precursor code Cause precursor description HET‐02NP POS Collision between OTP and passenger train resulting from OTP incorrectly outside possession Passenger Train Driver Error leading to Collision between OTP and a Passenger Train ‐ OTP HET‐02NP POS OT14I43 incorrectly outside possession limits Driver/Operator Error ‐ Signal Passed at Danger leading to Collision between OTP and a HET‐02NP POS OT14I14 Passenger Train ‐ OTP incorrectly outside possession limits Incorrect Management of IC Interface leading to Collision between OTP and a Passenger HET‐02NP POS OT14I31 Train ‐ OTP incorrectly outside possession limits Possession Irregularity leading to Collision between OTP and a Passenger Train ‐ OTP HET‐02NP POS OT14I46 incorrectly outside possession limits Driver/Operator Error ‐ Inattention leading to Collision between OTP and a Passenger Train ‐ HET‐02NP POS OT14I12 OTP incorrectly outside possession limits Defect on Other Vehicle leading to Collision between OTP and a Passenger Train ‐ OTP HET‐02NP POS OT14I07 incorrectly outside possession limits Defect on OTM leading to Collision between OTP and a Passenger Train ‐ OTP incorrectly HET‐02NP POS OT14I08 outside possession limits Driver/operator Error ‐ Braking leading to Collision between OTP and a Passenger Train ‐ HET‐02NP POS OT14I11 OTP incorrectly outside possession limits Driver/Operator Error ‐ Speeding leading to Collision between OTP and a Passenger Train ‐ HET‐02NP POS OT14I15 OTP incorrectly outside possession limits Handsignaller Error leading to Collision between OTP and a Passenger Train ‐ OTP HET‐02NP POS OT14I17 incorrectly outside possession limits Unsafe System of Work Employed by Workers leading to Collision between OTP and a HET‐02NP POS OT14I54 Passenger Train ‐ OTP incorrectly outside possession limits Infrastructure Defect leading to Collision between OTP and a Passenger Train ‐ OTP HET‐02NP POS OT14I32 incorrectly outside possession limits Driver/Operator Error ‐ Propelling leading to Collision between OTP and a Passenger Train ‐ HET‐02NP POS OT14I13 OTP incorrectly outside possession limits Signaller Error leading to Collision between OTP and a Passenger Train ‐ OTP incorrectly HET‐02NP POS OT14I50 outside possession limits Version 7.1 — August 2011 Normaliser (events/ normaliser) Deriv. HEN of POS (% of total prec. split (%) HE risk) (D, E) Risk contribution (events/ year) (FWI/ year) 0.0500 0.0460 7.36% ‐ OTP hrs 6.69E‐09 0.0143 0.0131 2.10% E ‐ OTP hrs 5.71E‐09 0.0122 0.0112 1.79% E ‐ OTP hrs 2.35E‐09 0.0050 0.0046 0.74% E ‐ OTP hrs 2.35E‐09 0.0050 0.0046 0.74% E ‐ OTP hrs 9.85E‐10 0.0021 0.0019 0.31% E ‐ OTP hrs 9.85E‐10 0.0021 0.0019 0.31% E ‐ OTP hrs 9.85E‐10 0.0021 0.0019 0.31% E ‐ OTP hrs 8.66E‐10 0.0018 0.0017 0.27% E ‐ OTP hrs 8.66E‐10 0.0018 0.0017 0.27% E ‐ OTP hrs 5.91E‐10 0.0013 0.0012 0.19% E ‐ OTP hrs 5.12E‐10 0.0011 0.0010 0.16% E ‐ OTP hrs 2.36E‐10 5.03E‐04 4.63E‐04 0.07% E ‐ OTP hrs 1.97E‐10 4.19E‐04 3.86E‐04 0.06% E ‐ OTP hrs 1.58E‐10 3.35E‐04 3.09E‐04 0.05% E ‐ 25 Table B1 National frequency Hazardous event code HET‐03 HET‐03A HET‐03A HET‐03A HET‐03A HET‐03A HET‐03A HET‐03A HET‐03A HET‐03A HET‐03A HET‐03A HET‐03A HET‐03A HET‐03A HET‐03A HET‐03A HET‐03A HET‐03A HET‐03A HET‐03A HET‐03A HET‐03A HET‐03A HET‐03A HET‐03A HET‐03A HET‐03A HET‐03A HET‐03A HET‐03A HET‐03A Precursor code Cause precursor description Normaliser Collision between two non‐passenger trains resulting from a: non‐passenger train Cat A SPAD; runaway train; misrouted train; or WSF Collision between two non‐passenger trains resulting from a: non‐passenger train Cat A SPAD; misrouted train; or WSF Ambiguous or incomplete information given by driver/signaller (Group 1): NFC1‐‐J NPT SPAD caused by miscomm of ambiguous or incomplete info at junc Non‐pass trn km NFC1‐‐JO NPT SPAD caused by miscomm of ambiguous or incomplete info at junc SAS O Non‐pass trn km NFC1‐‐JP NPT SPAD caused by miscomm of ambiguous or incomplete info at junc SAS P Non‐pass trn km NFC1‐‐PO NPT SPAD due to miscomm of ambiguous/incomplete info on pln line SAS O Non‐pass trn km NFC1‐‐JOS NPT SPAD due to miscomm of ambiguous/incomplete info at shunt SAS O Non‐pass trn km NFC1‐‐JS NPT SPAD due to miscomm of ambiguous/incomplete info at shunt Non‐pass trn km NFC1‐‐PP NPT SPAD due to miscomm of ambiguous/incomplete info on pln line SAS P Non‐pass trn km NFC1‐‐P NPT SPAD due to miscomm of ambiguous/incomplete info on pln line Non‐pass trn km NFC1‐‐JPS NPT SPAD due to miscomm of ambiguous/incomplete info at shunt SAS P Non‐pass trn km Correct information given but misunderstood by driver/signaller (Group 1): NPT SPAD caused by miscomm arising from correct information being given but NFC2‐‐J Non‐pass trn km misunderstood at junc NPT SPAD caused by miscomm arising from correct information being given but NFC2‐‐JO Non‐pass trn km misunderstood at junc SAS O NPT SPAD caused by miscomm arising from correct information being given but NFC2‐‐JP Non‐pass trn km misunderstood at junc SAS P NFC2‐‐JOS NPT SPAD due to miscomm of correct info given but misunderstood at shunt SAS O Non‐pass trn km NFC2‐‐PO NPT SPAD due to miscomm of correct info given but misunderstood on pln line SAS O Non‐pass trn km NFC2‐‐PP NPT SPAD due to miscomm of correct info given but misunderstood on pln line SAS P Non‐pass trn km NFC2‐‐JPS NPT SPAD due to miscomm of correct info given but misunderstood at shunt SAS P Non‐pass trn km NFC2‐‐P NPT SPAD due to miscomm of correct info given but misunderstood on pln line Non‐pass trn km NFC2‐‐JS NPT SPAD due to miscomm of correct info given but misunderstood at shunt Non‐pass trn km Information not given by driver/signaller (Group 1): NFC4‐‐J NPT SPAD caused by miscomm arising from no information being given at junc Non‐pass trn km NFC4‐‐JO NPT SPAD caused by miscomm arising from no information being given at junc SAS O Non‐pass trn km NFC4‐‐JP NPT SPAD caused by miscomm arising from no information being given at junc SAS P Non‐pass trn km NFC4‐‐PP NPT SPAD due to miscomm of info not given on pln line SAS P Non‐pass trn km NFC4‐‐PO NPT SPAD due to miscomm of info not given on pln line SAS O Non‐pass trn km NFC4‐‐JOS NPT SPAD due to miscomm of info not given at shunt SAS O Non‐pass trn km NFC4‐‐JPS NPT SPAD due to miscomm of info not given at shunt SAS P Non‐pass trn km NFC4‐‐JS NPT SPAD due to miscomm of info not given at shunt Non‐pass trn km NFC4‐‐P NPT SPAD due to miscomm of info not given on pln line Non‐pass trn km Version 7.1 — August 2011 (events/ normaliser) Deriv. HEN of POS (% of total prec. split (%) HE risk) (D, E) Risk contribution (events/ year) (FWI/ year) 5.829 0.0457 0.0014 7.51E‐04 2.50E‐04 1.25E‐04 7.16E‐05 4.82E‐05 4.24E‐05 2.48E‐05 2.05E‐05 1.67E‐05 0.0011 0.1283 0.0320 0.0010 5.80E‐04 1.93E‐04 9.67E‐05 4.69E‐05 3.22E‐05 2.84E‐05 1.63E‐05 1.34E‐05 1.12E‐05 8.27E‐04 100.00% 24.95% 0.79% 0.45% 0.15% 0.08% 0.04% 0.03% 0.02% 0.01% 0.01% 0.01% 0.65% 5.44E‐12 3.75E‐04 2.90E‐04 0.23% D ‐ 3.63E‐12 2.50E‐04 1.93E‐04 0.15% D ‐ 3.63E‐12 2.50E‐04 1.93E‐04 0.15% D ‐ 1.05E‐12 1.04E‐12 3.60E‐13 3.49E‐13 2.97E‐13 2.05E‐13 7.23E‐05 7.16E‐05 2.48E‐05 2.41E‐05 2.05E‐05 1.41E‐05 5.74E‐04 2.50E‐04 1.25E‐04 8.67E‐05 2.48E‐05 2.48E‐05 2.41E‐05 1.67E‐05 1.41E‐05 7.09E‐06 4.83E‐05 4.69E‐05 1.63E‐05 1.61E‐05 1.34E‐05 9.45E‐06 4.31E‐04 1.93E‐04 9.67E‐05 6.70E‐05 1.63E‐05 1.63E‐05 1.61E‐05 1.12E‐05 9.45E‐06 4.65E‐06 0.04% 0.04% 0.01% 0.01% 0.01% 0.01% 0.34% 0.15% 0.08% 0.05% 0.01% 0.01% 0.01% 0.01% 0.01% 0.00% D D E D D D ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 1.09E‐11 3.63E‐12 1.81E‐12 1.04E‐12 6.99E‐13 6.16E‐13 3.60E‐13 2.97E‐13 2.42E‐13 3.63E‐12 1.81E‐12 1.26E‐12 3.60E‐13 3.60E‐13 3.49E‐13 2.42E‐13 2.05E‐13 1.03E‐13 D D D D D D E D E D D E E E D E D E ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 26 Table B1 National frequency Hazardous event code Precursor code HET‐03A HET‐03A HET‐03A HET‐03A HET‐03A HET‐03A HET‐03A HET‐03A HET‐03A HET‐03A HET‐03A HET‐03A HET‐03A HET‐03A HET‐03A HET‐03A HET‐03A HET‐03A HET‐03A HET‐03A HET‐03A HET‐03A HET‐03A HET‐03A HET‐03A HET‐03A HET‐03A HET‐03A HET‐03A HET‐03A Wrong information given by driver/signaller (Group 1): NFC3‐‐J NPT SPAD caused by miscomm arising from wrong information being given at junc NFC3‐‐JO NPT SPAD caused by miscomm arising from wrong information being given at junc SAS O NFC3‐‐JS NPT SPAD due to miscomm of wrong info given at shunt NFC3‐‐JP NPT SPAD caused by miscomm arising from wrong information being given at junc SAS P NFC3‐‐PP NPT SPAD due to miscomm of wrong info given on pln line SAS P NFC3‐‐PO NPT SPAD due to miscomm of wrong info given on pln line SAS O NFC3‐‐P NPT SPAD due to miscomm of wrong info given on pln line NFC3‐‐JOS NPT SPAD due to miscomm of wrong info given at shunt SAS O NFC3‐‐JPS NPT SPAD due to miscomm of wrong info given at shunt SAS P Driver anticipates signal clearance (Group 2): NFD1‐‐JS NPT SPAD due to driver anticipation of signal clearance at shunt NFD1‐‐P NPT SPAD due to driver anticipation of signal clearance on pln line NFD1‐‐JO NPT SPAD caused by anticipation of signal clearance at junc SAS O NFD1‐‐JP NPT SPAD caused by anticipation of signal clearance at junc SAS P NFD1‐‐J NPT SPAD caused by anticipation of signal clearance at junc NFD1‐‐PO NPT SPAD due to driver anticipation of signal clearance on pln line SAS O NFD1‐‐PP NPT SPAD due to driver anticipation of signal clearance on pln line SAS P NFD1‐‐JPS NPT SPAD due to driver anticipation of signal clearance at shunt SAS P NFD1‐‐JOS NPT SPAD due to driver anticipation of signal clearance at shunt SAS O Driver fails to check signal aspect (Group 2): NFD2‐‐J NPT SPAD caused by failure to check signal aspect at junc NFD2‐‐JO NPT SPAD caused by failure to check signal aspect at junc SAS O NFD2‐‐JOS NPT SPAD due to driver failure to check signal aspect at shunt SAS O NFD2‐‐JS NPT SPAD due to driver failure to check signal aspect at shunt NFD2‐‐JP NPT SPAD caused by failure to check signal aspect at junc SAS P NFD2‐‐P NPT SPAD due to driver failure to check signal aspect on pln line NFD2‐‐PP NPT SPAD due to driver failure to check signal aspect on pln line SAS P NFD2‐‐PO NPT SPAD due to driver failure to check signal aspect on pln line SAS O NFD2‐‐JPS NPT SPAD due to driver failure to check signal aspect at shunt SAS P Cause precursor description Version 7.1 — August 2011 Normaliser (events/ normaliser) Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km 9.07E‐12 3.63E‐12 1.85E‐12 1.26E‐12 5.19E‐13 5.19E‐13 4.45E‐13 2.42E‐13 2.42E‐13 Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km 2.45E‐12 2.04E‐12 1.83E‐12 1.72E‐12 1.06E‐12 7.15E‐13 7.15E‐13 4.81E‐13 4.81E‐13 Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km 4.05E‐11 2.23E‐11 2.17E‐11 1.95E‐11 8.05E‐12 6.31E‐12 5.05E‐12 2.53E‐12 8.49E‐13 Deriv. HEN of POS (% of total prec. split (%) HE risk) (D, E) Risk contribution (events/ year) (FWI/ year) 0.0012 6.26E‐04 2.50E‐04 1.27E‐04 8.67E‐05 3.58E‐05 3.58E‐05 3.07E‐05 1.67E‐05 1.67E‐05 7.92E‐04 1.69E‐04 1.41E‐04 1.26E‐04 1.18E‐04 7.29E‐05 4.93E‐05 4.93E‐05 3.32E‐05 3.32E‐05 0.0087 0.0028 0.0015 0.0015 0.0013 5.55E‐04 4.35E‐04 3.48E‐04 1.74E‐04 5.86E‐05 9.18E‐04 4.84E‐04 1.93E‐04 8.51E‐05 6.70E‐05 2.35E‐05 2.35E‐05 2.01E‐05 1.12E‐05 1.12E‐05 5.35E‐04 1.13E‐04 9.23E‐05 8.79E‐05 8.23E‐05 5.07E‐05 3.23E‐05 3.23E‐05 2.22E‐05 2.22E‐05 0.0060 0.0019 0.0011 9.98E‐04 8.97E‐04 3.86E‐04 2.85E‐04 2.28E‐04 1.14E‐04 3.91E‐05 0.72% 0.38% 0.15% 0.07% 0.05% 0.02% 0.02% 0.02% 0.01% 0.01% 0.42% 0.09% 0.07% 0.07% 0.06% 0.04% 0.03% 0.03% 0.02% 0.02% 4.65% 1.51% 0.84% 0.78% 0.70% 0.30% 0.22% 0.18% 0.09% 0.03% D D D E D D D E E D D E D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 27 Table B1 National frequency Hazardous event code Precursor code HET‐03A HET‐03A HET‐03A HET‐03A HET‐03A HET‐03A HET‐03A HET‐03A HET‐03A HET‐03A HET‐03A HET‐03A HET‐03A HET‐03A HET‐03A HET‐03A HET‐03A HET‐03A HET‐03A HET‐03A HET‐03A HET‐03A HET‐03A HET‐03A HET‐03A HET‐03A HET‐03A HET‐03A HET‐03A HET‐03A HET‐03A HET‐03A HET‐03A HET‐03A Driver fails to locate signal (Group 2): NFD3‐‐J NPT SPAD caused by failure to locate signal aspect at junc NFD3‐‐JS NPT SPAD due to driver failure to locate signal aspect at shunt NFD3‐‐JO NPT SPAD caused by failure to locate signal aspect at junc SAS O NFD3‐‐JOS NPT SPAD due to driver failure to locate signal aspect at shunt SAS O NFD3‐‐P NPT SPAD due to driver failure to locate signal aspect on pln line NFD3‐‐JP NPT SPAD caused by failure to locate signal aspect at junc SAS P NFD3‐‐JPS NPT SPAD due to driver failure to locate signal aspect at shunt SAS P NFD3‐‐PP NPT SPAD due to driver failure to locate signal aspect on pln line SAS P NFD3‐‐PO NPT SPAD due to driver failure to locate signal aspect on pln line SAS O Driver fails to react to cautionary aspect (Group 2): NFD4‐‐J NPT SPAD caused by failure to react to cautionary aspect at junc NFD4‐‐P NPT SPAD due to driver failure to react to cautionary aspect on pln line NFD4‐‐JS NPT SPAD due to driver failure to react to cautionary aspect at shunt Driver ignorance of rules/instructions (Group 2): NFD5‐‐JO NPT SPAD caused by ignorance of rules/instructions at junc SAS O NFD5‐‐J NPT SPAD caused by ignorance of rules/instructions at junc NFD5‐‐JP NPT SPAD caused by ignorance of rules/instructions at junc SAS P NFD5‐‐JOS NPT SPAD due to driver ignorance of rules/instructions at shunt SAS O NFD5‐‐PO NPT SPAD due to driver ignorance of rules/instructions on pln line SAS O NFD5‐‐P NPT SPAD due to driver ignorance of rules/instructions on pln line NFD5‐‐JS NPT SPAD due to driver ignorance of rules/instructions at shunt NFD5‐‐PP NPT SPAD due to driver ignorance of rules/instructions on pln line SAS P NFD5‐‐JPS NPT SPAD due to driver ignorance of rules/instructions at shunt SAS P Driver violation of rules/instructions (Group 2): NFD6‐‐J NPT SPAD caused by violation of rules/instructions at junc NFD6‐‐JO NPT SPAD caused by violation of rules/instructions at junc SAS O NFD6‐‐JS NPT SPAD due to driver violation of rules/instructions at shunt NFD6‐‐JOS NPT SPAD due to driver violation of rules/instructions at shunt SAS O NFD6‐‐P NPT SPAD due to driver violation of rules/instructions on pln line NFD6‐‐JP NPT SPAD caused by violation of rules/instructions at junc SAS P NFD6‐‐PO NPT SPAD due to driver violation of rules/instructions on pln line SAS O NFD6‐‐PP NPT SPAD due to driver violation of rules/instructions on pln line SAS P NFD6‐‐JPS NPT SPAD due to driver violation of rules/instructions at shunt SAS P Cause precursor description Version 7.1 — August 2011 Normaliser (events/ normaliser) Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km 2.85E‐11 2.45E‐11 1.06E‐11 1.06E‐11 4.91E‐12 1.72E‐12 1.44E‐12 7.15E‐13 7.15E‐13 Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km 2.80E‐11 7.37E‐12 1.14E‐12 Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km 2.64E‐12 2.59E‐12 1.72E‐12 1.44E‐12 1.43E‐12 1.43E‐12 1.23E‐12 4.96E‐13 3.34E‐13 Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km 1.24E‐11 1.14E‐11 7.45E‐12 5.20E‐12 2.07E‐12 1.85E‐12 9.66E‐13 4.83E‐13 2.25E‐13 Deriv. HEN of POS (% of total prec. split (%) HE risk) (D, E) Risk contribution (events/ year) (FWI/ year) 0.0058 0.0020 0.0017 7.29E‐04 7.30E‐04 3.38E‐04 1.18E‐04 9.95E‐05 4.93E‐05 4.93E‐05 0.0025 0.0019 5.08E‐04 7.88E‐05 9.18E‐04 1.82E‐04 1.78E‐04 1.18E‐04 9.95E‐05 9.87E‐05 9.87E‐05 8.45E‐05 3.42E‐05 2.30E‐05 0.0029 8.55E‐04 7.86E‐04 5.13E‐04 3.58E‐04 1.43E‐04 1.27E‐04 6.66E‐05 3.33E‐05 1.55E‐05 0.0039 0.0014 0.0011 5.07E‐04 4.88E‐04 2.22E‐04 8.23E‐05 6.65E‐05 3.23E‐05 3.23E‐05 0.0017 0.0013 3.33E‐04 5.26E‐05 6.23E‐04 1.27E‐04 1.24E‐04 8.23E‐05 6.65E‐05 6.46E‐05 6.46E‐05 5.64E‐05 2.24E‐05 1.54E‐05 0.0020 5.94E‐04 5.46E‐04 3.43E‐04 2.40E‐04 9.35E‐05 8.86E‐05 4.36E‐05 2.18E‐05 1.04E‐05 3.06% 1.06% 0.88% 0.40% 0.38% 0.17% 0.06% 0.05% 0.03% 0.03% 1.35% 1.05% 0.26% 0.04% 0.49% 0.10% 0.10% 0.06% 0.05% 0.05% 0.05% 0.04% 0.02% 0.01% 1.54% 0.46% 0.43% 0.27% 0.19% 0.07% 0.07% 0.03% 0.02% 0.01% D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D E E D D D D D D D D E ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 28 Table B1 National frequency Hazardous event code Precursor code HET‐03A HET‐03A HET‐03A HET‐03A HET‐03A HET‐03A HET‐03A HET‐03A HET‐03A HET‐03A HET‐03A HET‐03A HET‐03A HET‐03A HET‐03A HET‐03A HET‐03A HET‐03A HET‐03A HET‐03A HET‐03A HET‐03A HET‐03A HET‐03A HET‐03A HET‐03A HET‐03A HET‐03A HET‐03A HET‐03A HET‐03A HET‐03A HET‐03A HET‐03A Driver misreads by viewing wrong signal (Group 3): NFR3‐‐J NPT SPAD caused by viewing the wrong signal at junc NFR3‐‐JO NPT SPAD caused by viewing the wrong signal at junc SAS O NFR3‐‐JS NPT SPAD due to driver viewing the wrong signal at shunt NFR3‐‐JOS NPT SPAD due to driver viewing the wrong signal at shunt SAS O NFR3‐‐JP NPT SPAD caused by viewing the wrong signal at junc SAS P NFR3‐‐PO NPT SPAD due to driver viewing the wrong signal on pln line SAS O NFR3‐‐P NPT SPAD due to driver viewing the wrong signal on pln line NFR3‐‐JPS NPT SPAD due to driver viewing the wrong signal at shunt SAS P NFR3‐‐PP NPT SPAD due to driver viewing the wrong signal on pln line SAS P Driver misreads previous signal (Group 3): NFR1‐‐J NPT SPAD caused by misreading the previous signal aspect at junc NFR1‐‐JO NPT SPAD caused by misreading the previous signal aspect at junc SAS O NFR1‐‐JP NPT SPAD caused by misreading the previous signal aspect at junc SAS P NFR1‐‐P NPT SPAD due to driver misreading previous signal aspect on pln line NFR1‐‐JS NPT SPAD due to driver misreading previous signal aspect at shunt NFR1‐‐PP NPT SPAD due to driver misreading previous signal aspect on pln line SAS P NFR1‐‐PO NPT SPAD due to driver misreading previous signal aspect on pln line SAS O NFR1‐‐JOS NPT SPAD due to driver misreading previous signal aspect at shunt SAS O NFR1‐‐JPS NPT SPAD due to driver misreading previous signal aspect at shunt SAS P Driver views correct signal but misreads aspect (Group 3): NFR2‐‐J NPT SPAD caused by misreading aspect on correct signal at junc NFR2‐‐JO NPT SPAD caused by misreading aspect on correct signal at junc SAS O NFR2‐‐JOS NPT SPAD due to driver misreading aspect on correct signal at shunt SAS O NFR2‐‐JP NPT SPAD caused by misreading aspect on correct signal at junc SAS P NFR2‐‐JS NPT SPAD due to driver misreading aspect on correct signal at shunt NFR2‐‐PO NPT SPAD due to driver misreading aspect on correct signal on pln line SAS O NFR2‐‐P NPT SPAD due to driver misreading aspect on correct signal on pln line NFR2‐‐PP NPT SPAD due to driver misreading aspect on correct signal on pln line SAS P NFR2‐‐JPS NPT SPAD due to driver misreading aspect on correct signal at shunt SAS P Driver misjudges environmental conditions (Group 4): NFJ1‐‐J NPT SPAD caused by misjudge of environmental conditions at junc NFJ1‐‐P NPT SPAD due to driver misjudge of environmental conditions on pln line NFJ1‐‐JS NPT SPAD due to driver misjudge of environmental conditions at shunt Cause precursor description Version 7.1 — August 2011 Normaliser (events/ normaliser) Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km 4.08E‐11 2.14E‐11 7.84E‐12 5.75E‐12 4.95E‐12 3.11E‐12 2.88E‐12 1.04E‐12 5.38E‐13 Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km 4.18E‐12 2.96E‐12 1.39E‐12 1.24E‐12 7.61E‐13 7.54E‐13 7.54E‐13 5.07E‐13 5.07E‐13 Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km 1.32E‐11 1.21E‐11 4.14E‐12 2.62E‐12 2.07E‐12 2.05E‐12 1.17E‐12 1.03E‐12 4.79E‐13 Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km 6.28E‐12 6.85E‐13 4.19E‐13 Deriv. HEN of POS (% of total prec. split (%) HE risk) (D, E) Risk contribution (events/ year) (FWI/ year) 0.0061 0.0028 0.0015 5.40E‐04 3.96E‐04 3.41E‐04 2.14E‐04 1.99E‐04 7.20E‐05 3.71E‐05 9.00E‐04 2.89E‐04 2.04E‐04 9.56E‐05 8.57E‐05 5.24E‐05 5.20E‐05 5.20E‐05 3.50E‐05 3.50E‐05 0.0027 9.08E‐04 8.35E‐04 2.86E‐04 1.80E‐04 1.43E‐04 1.42E‐04 8.09E‐05 7.08E‐05 3.30E‐05 5.09E‐04 4.33E‐04 4.72E‐05 2.89E‐05 0.0042 0.0020 0.0010 3.61E‐04 2.65E‐04 2.37E‐04 1.40E‐04 1.30E‐04 4.81E‐05 2.43E‐05 6.15E‐04 2.01E‐04 1.42E‐04 6.65E‐05 5.61E‐05 3.50E‐05 3.40E‐05 3.40E‐05 2.34E‐05 2.34E‐05 0.0018 6.32E‐04 5.81E‐04 1.91E‐04 1.26E‐04 9.55E‐05 9.28E‐05 5.30E‐05 4.64E‐05 2.21E‐05 3.85E‐04 3.35E‐04 3.09E‐05 1.93E‐05 3.27% 1.53% 0.80% 0.28% 0.21% 0.19% 0.11% 0.10% 0.04% 0.02% 0.48% 0.16% 0.11% 0.05% 0.04% 0.03% 0.03% 0.03% 0.02% 0.02% 1.43% 0.49% 0.45% 0.15% 0.10% 0.07% 0.07% 0.04% 0.04% 0.02% 0.30% 0.26% 0.02% 0.02% D D D D D D D D E D E D D E E E E E D D D D D D D D E D D E ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 29 Table B1 National frequency Hazardous event code Precursor code HET‐03A HET‐03A HET‐03A HET‐03A HET‐03A HET‐03A HET‐03A HET‐03A HET‐03A HET‐03A HET‐03A HET‐03A HET‐03A HET‐03A HET‐03A HET‐03A HET‐03A HET‐03A HET‐03A HET‐03A HET‐03A HET‐03A HET‐03A HET‐03A HET‐03A HET‐03A HET‐03A HET‐03A HET‐03A HET‐03A HET‐03A HET‐03A HET‐03A HET‐03A Driver misjudges train behaviour (Group 4): NFJ2‐‐J NPT SPAD caused by misjudge of train behaviour at junc NFJ2‐‐JS NPT SPAD due to driver misjudge of train behaviour at shunt NFJ2‐‐P NPT SPAD due to driver misjudge of train behaviour on pln line Unknown driver misjudgement (Group 4): NFJ3‐‐J NPT SPAD caused by unknown misjudge at junc NFJ3‐‐JS NPT SPAD due to unknown driver misjudge at shunt NFJ3‐‐P NPT SPAD due to unknown driver misjudge on pln line Signaller communication errors (Group 5): NFOHE4‐‐JO NPT SPAD caused by other staff communication error at junc SAS O NFOHE3‐‐J NPT SPAD caused by handsignaller communication error at junc NFOHE3‐‐JO NPT SPAD caused by handsignaller communication error at junc SAS O NFOHE3‐‐JP NPT SPAD caused by handsignaller communication error at junc SAS P NFOHE4‐‐J NPT SPAD caused by other staff communication error at junc NFOHE4‐‐JP NPT SPAD caused by other staff communication error at junc SAS P NFOHE4‐‐JS NPT SPAD due to other staff communication error at shunt NFOHE3‐‐JS NPT SPAD due to handsignaller communication error at shunt NFOHE4‐‐PP NPT SPAD due to other staff communication error on pln line SAS P NFOHE3‐‐PP NPT SPAD due to handsignaller communication error on pln line SAS P NFOHE3‐‐PO NPT SPAD due to handsignaller communication error on pln line SAS O NFOHE4‐‐PO NPT SPAD due to other staff communication error on pln line SAS O NFOHE4‐‐JPS NPT SPAD due to other staff communication error at shunt SAS P NFOHE3‐‐JOS NPT SPAD due to handsignaller communication error at shunt SAS O NFOHE3‐‐JPS NPT SPAD due to handsignaller communication error at shunt SAS P NFOHE4‐‐JOS NPT SPAD due to other staff communication error at shunt SAS O NFOHE4‐‐P NPT SPAD due to other staff communication error on pln line NFOHE3‐‐P NPT SPAD due to handsignaller communication error on pln line Signaller operating errors (Group 5): NFOHE2‐‐JO NPT SPAD caused by signal equipment operating error at junc SAS O NFOHE2‐‐J NPT SPAD caused by signal equipment operating error at junc NFOHE2‐‐JP NPT SPAD caused by signal equipment operating error at junc SAS P NFOHE2‐‐JS NPT SPAD due to signal equipment operating error at shunt NFOHE2‐‐PO NPT SPAD due to signal equipment operating error on pln line SAS O NFOHE2‐‐PP NPT SPAD due to signal equipment operating error on pln line SAS P Cause precursor description Version 7.1 — August 2011 Normaliser (events/ normaliser) Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km 2.72E‐11 2.42E‐12 2.23E‐12 Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km 1.45E‐12 4.19E‐13 1.19E‐13 Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km 5.27E‐12 4.69E‐12 4.69E‐12 4.69E‐12 1.72E‐12 1.71E‐12 1.35E‐12 1.35E‐12 1.34E‐12 1.34E‐12 1.34E‐12 1.34E‐12 9.02E‐13 9.02E‐13 9.02E‐13 9.02E‐13 3.83E‐13 3.83E‐13 Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km 5.27E‐12 1.72E‐12 1.71E‐12 1.35E‐12 1.34E‐12 1.34E‐12 Deriv. HEN of POS (% of total prec. split (%) HE risk) (D, E) Risk contribution (events/ year) (FWI/ year) 0.0022 0.0019 1.67E‐04 1.53E‐04 1.37E‐04 1.00E‐04 2.89E‐05 8.18E‐06 0.0024 3.64E‐04 3.23E‐04 3.23E‐04 3.23E‐04 1.19E‐04 1.18E‐04 9.33E‐05 9.33E‐05 9.25E‐05 9.25E‐05 9.25E‐05 9.25E‐05 6.22E‐05 6.22E‐05 6.22E‐05 6.22E‐05 2.64E‐05 2.64E‐05 0.0010 3.64E‐04 1.19E‐04 1.18E‐04 9.33E‐05 9.25E‐05 9.25E‐05 0.0017 0.0015 1.11E‐04 1.01E‐04 1.02E‐04 7.73E‐05 1.93E‐05 5.36E‐06 0.0017 2.53E‐04 2.50E‐04 2.50E‐04 2.50E‐04 8.25E‐05 8.20E‐05 6.24E‐05 6.24E‐05 6.06E‐05 6.06E‐05 6.06E‐05 6.06E‐05 4.16E‐05 4.16E‐05 4.16E‐05 4.16E‐05 1.73E‐05 1.73E‐05 7.01E‐04 2.53E‐04 8.25E‐05 8.20E‐05 6.24E‐05 6.06E‐05 6.06E‐05 1.30% 1.13% 0.09% 0.08% 0.08% 0.06% 0.02% 0.00% 1.35% 0.20% 0.19% 0.19% 0.19% 0.06% 0.06% 0.05% 0.05% 0.05% 0.05% 0.05% 0.05% 0.03% 0.03% 0.03% 0.03% 0.01% 0.01% 0.55% 0.20% 0.06% 0.06% 0.05% 0.05% 0.05% D D D E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 30 Table B1 National frequency Hazardous event code Precursor code HET‐03A HET‐03A HET‐03A HET‐03A HET‐03A HET‐03A HET‐03A HET‐03A HET‐03A HET‐03A HET‐03A HET‐03A HET‐03A HET‐03A HET‐03A HET‐03A HET‐03A HET‐03A HET‐03A HET‐03A HET‐03A HET‐03A HET‐03A HET‐03A HET‐03A HET‐03A HET‐03A HET‐03A HET‐03A HET‐03A HET‐03A HET‐03A HET‐03A NFOHE2‐‐JPS NPT SPAD due to signal equipment operating error at shunt SAS P NFOHE2‐‐JOS NPT SPAD due to signal equipment operating error at shunt SAS O NFOHE2‐‐P NPT SPAD due to signal equipment operating error on pln line Uncategorised driver error (Group 5): NFUC1‐‐J NPT SPAD caused by uncategorised driver error at junc NFUC1‐‐JO NPT SPAD caused by uncategorised driver error at junc SAS O NFUC1‐‐JS NPT SPAD due to uncategorised driver error at shunt NFUC1‐‐JOS NPT SPAD due to uncategorised driver error at shunt SAS O NFUC1‐‐PO NPT SPAD due to uncategorised driver error on pln line SAS O NFUC1‐‐JP NPT SPAD caused by uncategorised driver error at junc SAS P NFUC1‐‐P NPT SPAD due to uncategorised driver error on pln line NFUC1‐‐PP NPT SPAD due to uncategorised driver error on pln line SAS P NFUC1‐‐JPS NPT SPAD due to uncategorised driver error at shunt SAS P Other environmental: NFE1‐‐J NPT SPAD caused by other environmental conditions at junc NFE2‐‐J NPT SPAD caused by vegetation on the track at junc NFE1‐‐P NPT SPAD due to other environmental conditions on pln line NFE1‐‐JS NPT SPAD due to other environmental conditions at shunt NFE2‐‐JS NPT SPAD due to vegetation on the track at shunt NFE2‐‐P NPT SPAD due to vegetation on the track on pln line Rolling stock: NFTRS1‐‐J NPT SPAD caused by brake failure at junc NFTRS2‐‐J NPT SPAD caused by traction control failure at junc NFTRS1‐‐JS NPT SPAD due to brake failure at shunt NFTRS2‐‐JS NPT SPAD due to traction control failure at shunt NFTRS1‐‐P NPT SPAD due to brake failure on pln line NFTRS2‐‐P NPT SPAD due to traction control failure on pln line Train misroute: NPSEDEC NPT misroute due to signaller decision making failures NPSEMEM NPT misroute due to signaller memory lapses NPSEUNC NPT misroute due to unknown signaller issues NPSEPER NPT misroute due to signaller perception issues NPSEACT NPT misroute due to signaller action failures Cause precursor description Version 7.1 — August 2011 Normaliser Deriv. HEN of POS (% of total prec. split (%) HE risk) (D, E) Risk contribution (events/ normaliser) (events/ year) (FWI/ year) Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km 9.02E‐13 9.02E‐13 3.83E‐13 Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km 2.59E‐12 1.83E‐12 1.44E‐12 9.63E‐13 7.15E‐13 5.94E‐13 6.13E‐13 4.96E‐13 3.34E‐13 Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km 4.17E‐12 1.45E‐12 8.53E‐13 4.18E‐13 4.18E‐13 1.71E‐13 Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km 1.05E‐11 2.43E‐12 1.01E‐12 7.01E‐13 2.86E‐13 1.98E‐13 Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km 4.82E‐12 1.90E‐12 8.30E‐13 3.26E‐13 7.39E‐14 6.22E‐05 6.22E‐05 2.64E‐05 6.61E‐04 1.78E‐04 1.26E‐04 9.95E‐05 6.64E‐05 4.93E‐05 4.10E‐05 4.23E‐05 3.42E‐05 2.30E‐05 5.16E‐04 2.88E‐04 9.97E‐05 5.88E‐05 2.88E‐05 2.88E‐05 1.18E‐05 0.0010 7.24E‐04 1.67E‐04 6.97E‐05 4.83E‐05 1.97E‐05 1.37E‐05 5.49E‐04 3.33E‐04 1.31E‐04 5.72E‐05 2.25E‐05 5.09E‐06 4.16E‐05 4.16E‐05 1.73E‐05 4.49E‐04 1.24E‐04 8.79E‐05 6.65E‐05 4.43E‐05 3.23E‐05 2.85E‐05 2.77E‐05 2.24E‐05 1.54E‐05 3.84E‐04 2.22E‐04 7.71E‐05 3.85E‐05 1.92E‐05 1.92E‐05 7.71E‐06 7.90E‐04 5.60E‐04 1.29E‐04 4.66E‐05 3.23E‐05 1.29E‐05 8.96E‐06 4.24E‐04 2.57E‐04 1.01E‐04 4.42E‐05 1.74E‐05 3.94E‐06 0.03% 0.03% 0.01% 0.35% 0.10% 0.07% 0.05% 0.03% 0.03% 0.02% 0.02% 0.02% 0.01% 0.30% 0.17% 0.06% 0.03% 0.02% 0.02% 0.01% 0.62% 0.44% 0.10% 0.04% 0.03% 0.01% 0.01% 0.33% 0.20% 0.08% 0.03% 0.01% 0.00% E E E D E D D D E D E E D E D E E D D E D E D E D D D D D ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 31 Table B1 National frequency Hazardous event code Precursor code HET‐03A HET‐03A HET‐03A HET‐03A HET‐03A HET‐03A HET‐03A HET‐03A HET‐03A HET‐03A HET‐03A HET‐03A HET‐03B HET‐03B HET‐03B HET‐03B HET‐03B HET‐03B HET‐03 POS HET‐03 POS HET‐03 POS HET‐03 POS HET‐03 POS HET‐03 POS HET‐03 POS HET‐03 POS HET‐03 POS HET‐03 POS HET‐03 POS HET‐03 POS Wrongside signal failures: NPC/L‐‐J NPT WSF due to coloured light at junc signal NPC/L‐‐P NPT WSF due to coloured light at pln signal NPUNCAT‐‐JS NPT WSF due to uncategorised at junc shunt signal NPUNCAT‐‐J NPT WSF due to uncategorised at junc signal NPUNCAT‐‐P NPT WSF due to uncategorised at pln signal NPSHUNT‐‐JS NPT WSF due to shunt signal NPT/C‐‐JS NPT WSF due to track circuit at junc shunt signal NPT/C‐‐J NPT WSF due to track circuit at junc signal NPT/C‐‐P NPT WSF due to track circuit at pln signal NPSEM‐‐J NPT WSF due to semaphore signal at junc signal NPSEM‐‐P NPT WSF due to semaphore signal at pln signal Collision between two non‐passenger trains resulting from a non‐passenger train runaway NDRVERR‐NE NPT runaway due to driver error NBRKDEF‐NE NPT runaway due to vehicle defect/brake failure NMISCERRNE NPT runaway due to unknown failure NVAND‐‐‐NE NPT runaway due to vandalism activity NCOUPDEFNE NPT runaway due to coupling failure Collisions between trains inside possession (including OTP) OCSSOW‐‐‐H Unsafe System of Work employed by workers leading to collision ‐ Inside Possession OCDRVATENH Driver/operator error ‐ Inattention leading to collision ‐ Inside Possession OCINFDEF‐F Infrastructure defect leading to collision between ‐ Inside Possession OCDRVBRK‐H Driver/operator error ‐ Braking leading to collision ‐ Inside Possession OCDRVPROPH Driver/operator error ‐ Propelling leading to collision ‐ Inside Possession OCDRVSPEDH Driver/operator error ‐ Speeding leading to collision ‐ Inside Possession OCHSIGERRH Handsignaller error leading to collision ‐ Inside Possession OCIMINT‐‐H Incorrect management of IC interface leading to collision ‐ Inside Possession OCVEHDEF‐F Vehicle defect leading to collision ‐ Inside Possession OCSIGERR‐H Signaller error leading to collision ‐ Inside Possession OCDRVSPADH Driver/operator error ‐ Signal Passed at Danger leading to collision ‐ Inside Possession HET‐04 HET‐04A HET‐04A HET‐04A HET‐04A Collision of train with object (not resulting in derailment) Collision of train with object outside possession (not resulting in derailment) BVANOBJTHR Train collision with objects thrown/fired at trains by vandals AANMOBJEUE Train collision with animals on the line (excluding birds) BTREOBJEUE Train collision with trees/branches/vegetation Cause precursor description Version 7.1 — August 2011 Normaliser (events/ normaliser) (events/ year) (FWI/ year) 7.74E‐04 1.85E‐04 1.48E‐04 1.32E‐04 1.13E‐04 9.04E‐05 4.34E‐05 2.28E‐05 1.95E‐05 1.56E‐05 2.69E‐06 2.15E‐06 0.0666 0.0357 0.0178 0.0107 0.0012 0.0012 0.0297 0.0105 0.0060 0.0030 0.0022 0.0022 0.0015 0.0015 0.0015 7.47E‐04 2.58E‐04 2.58E‐04 0.60% 0.14% 0.12% 0.10% 0.09% 0.07% 0.03% 0.02% 0.02% 0.01% 0.00% 0.00% 51.92% 27.82% 13.91% 8.34% 0.93% 0.93% 23.13% 8.16% 4.66% 2.33% 1.75% 1.75% 1.17% 1.17% 1.17% 0.58% 0.20% 0.20% 0.7811 0.4040 0.2280 0.0382 0.0260 100.00% 51.72% 29.19% 4.89% 3.32% Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km 3.47E‐12 3.27E‐12 2.87E‐12 2.12E‐12 2.00E‐12 9.43E‐13 4.95E‐13 3.66E‐13 3.46E‐13 5.05E‐14 4.76E‐14 Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km 8.77E‐10 4.38E‐10 2.63E‐10 2.92E‐11 2.92E‐11 OTP hrs OTP hrs OTP hrs OTP hrs OTP hrs OTP hrs OTP hrs OTP hrs OTP hrs OTP hrs OTP hrs 9.39E‐07 5.37E‐07 2.68E‐07 2.01E‐07 2.01E‐07 1.34E‐07 1.34E‐07 1.34E‐07 6.71E‐08 2.31E‐08 2.31E‐08 0.0011 2.39E‐04 2.26E‐04 1.98E‐04 1.46E‐04 1.38E‐04 6.50E‐05 3.41E‐05 2.52E‐05 2.38E‐05 3.48E‐06 3.28E‐06 0.1128 0.0604 0.0302 0.0181 0.0020 0.0020 5.670 2.000 1.143 0.5714 0.4286 0.4286 0.2857 0.2857 0.2857 0.1429 0.0493 0.0493 1.90E‐06 1.02E‐06 6.93E‐07 3696.8 3671.8 1056.0 568.0 386.0 Tot trn km Tot trn km Tot trn km Deriv. HEN of POS (% of total prec. split (%) HE risk) (D, E) Risk contribution D D D D D D D D D E E ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ D D D ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D 32 Table B1 National frequency Hazardous event code Precursor code Cause precursor description Normaliser HET‐04A HET‐04A HET‐04A CAUNOTEST BVANMISCUE ABIRDOBJEUE HET‐04A BVANCONCUE HET‐04A BVANRUBLUE HET‐04A BVANTROLUE HET‐04A HET‐04A HET‐04A HET‐04A HET‐04A HET‐04A HET‐04A HET‐04A HET‐04A HET‐04A HET‐04A HET‐04A HET‐04A HET‐04A HET‐04A HET‐04A HET‐04A HET‐04A HET‐04A HET‐04A HET‐04A HET‐04A HET‐04A HET‐04A HET‐04A HET‐04A MMATOTHEUE UOBJTHRWTE BBICYOBJUE MINFAULTUE MISCOBJEUE MTCERROBJE BBLNOBJEUE YOBJECTSUH HBALOBJEUE RGATEBARUE BVANDETSUE ROBJSUSPUE RLNSOBJEUF YOBJECTSUF PTRAOBJEPF BVANOBSUUE ROHLOBJEUF BVANOHLE RBGDOBJEUF MVFOOBJEUE BVANSOFMAT UOOGOBJ‐TE BVANVEHIUE BVANTHRTRN PLATOBJEUE PLCOOBJEUE Train collision with object: cause/object not established Train collision with misc. objects placed/thrown on the line by vandals Train collision with birds Train collision with concrete blocks / troughing lids / stones (including ballast) placed/thrown on the line by vandals Train collision with rubble/rubbish/debris placed/thrown on the line by vandals Train collision with shopping trolleys/bin/pram/wheel barrow placed/thrown on the line by vandals Train collision with workforce engineering material/equipment left foul (including boards) Train collision with object thrown up by passing train Train collision with bicycles/tricycles/ child's scooter placed/thrown on the line by vandals Train collision with object due to infrastructure defect/fault Train collision with miscellaneous objects on the line Train collision with detonators/possession marker boards incorrectly placed on the line Train collision with objects blown onto the line Train collision with infrastructure (eg bridge, signal, cable) due to human error Train collision with high ballast Train striking gates / barriers at level crossing Train collision with detonators placed/thrown on the line by vandals Train collision with object suspended from bridge/tunnel/signals (including icicles) Train collision with debris from landslips Train collision with object due to defective rail vehicle Train collision with objects/debris fallen from trains Train collision with object suspended from bridge/tunnel/signal by vandals Train collision with debris from OHLE structures Train collision with debris on OHLE structures due to vandalism Train collision with debris from overbridges Train collision with maintenance vehicles left foul Train collision with sofa/mattress placed on the line by vandals Train collision with out of gauge item on passing train Train collision with motorbike left on the line by vandals Train collision with objects/debris (eg seat cushions) thrown from train by vandals Train collision with objects fallen from platform Train collision with debris from platform collapse Version 7.1 — August 2011 Deriv. HEN of POS (% of total prec. split (%) HE risk) (D, E) Risk contribution (events/ normaliser) (events/ year) (FWI/ year) Tot trn km Tot trn km Tot trn km 5.69E‐07 5.44E‐07 3.16E‐07 317.0 303.0 176.0 0.0213 0.0204 0.0118 2.73% 2.61% 1.52% D D D ‐ ‐ ‐ Tot trn km 2.55E‐07 142.0 0.0096 1.22% D ‐ Tot trn km 1.83E‐07 102.0 0.0069 0.88% D ‐ Tot trn km 1.33E‐07 74.00 0.0050 0.64% D ‐ Tot trn km Tot trn km Tot trn km Tot trn km Tot trn km Tot trn km Tot trn km Tot trn km Tot trn km Tot trn km Tot trn km Tot trn km Tot trn km Tot trn km Tot trn km Tot trn km Tot trn km Tot trn km Tot trn km Tot trn km Tot trn km Tot trn km Tot trn km Tot trn km Tot trn km Tot trn km 1.27E‐07 1.18E‐07 1.01E‐07 9.51E‐08 9.33E‐08 9.15E‐08 6.64E‐08 3.77E‐08 3.59E‐08 2.69E‐08 2.69E‐08 2.69E‐08 2.15E‐08 2.15E‐08 1.79E‐08 1.62E‐08 1.44E‐08 1.35E‐08 1.08E‐08 4.49E‐09 3.59E‐09 3.59E‐09 3.59E‐09 2.69E‐09 1.79E‐09 5.13E‐10 71.00 66.00 56.00 53.00 52.00 51.00 37.00 21.00 20.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 12.00 12.00 10.00 9.000 8.000 7.500 6.000 2.500 2.000 2.000 2.000 1.500 1.000 0.2857 0.0048 0.0044 0.0038 0.0036 0.0035 0.0034 0.0025 0.0014 0.0013 0.0010 0.0010 0.0010 8.07E‐04 8.07E‐04 6.73E‐04 6.06E‐04 5.38E‐04 5.05E‐04 4.04E‐04 1.68E‐04 1.35E‐04 1.35E‐04 1.35E‐04 1.01E‐04 6.73E‐05 1.92E‐05 0.61% 0.57% 0.48% 0.46% 0.45% 0.44% 0.32% 0.18% 0.17% 0.13% 0.13% 0.13% 0.10% 0.10% 0.09% 0.08% 0.07% 0.06% 0.05% 0.02% 0.02% 0.02% 0.02% 0.01% 0.01% 0.00% D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 33 Table B1 National frequency Hazardous event code HET‐04B HET‐04B HET‐04B HET‐04B HET‐04B HET‐04B HET‐04 POS HET‐04 POS HET‐04 POS HET‐04 POS HET‐04 POS HET‐04 POS HET‐04 POS HET‐04 POS HET‐04 POS HET‐04 POS HET‐04 POS HET‐04 POS HET‐04 POS Precursor code Cause precursor description Collision of train with RV outside possession (not resulting in derailment) RVSRTAF RV struck ‐ RTA ‐ vehicle on lineside via fence/wall RVSRTAE RV struck ‐ RTA ‐ vehicle on lineside via embankment/bank RVSOTH RV struck ‐ other cause RVSRTAB RV struck ‐ RTA ‐ vehicle on lineside via bridge RVSVANDA RV struck ‐ criminal/vandal activity ‐ vehicle on lineside Collision of train with object inside possession (not resulting in derailment) Inadequate Controls / Management leading to collision between train and an obstruction OT05I20T on/near running line ‐ inside possession Driver/operator error ‐ inattention leading to collision between train and an obstruction OT05I12T on/near running line ‐ inside possession Infrastructure Defect leading to collision between train and an obstruction on/near running OT05I32T line ‐ inside possession Maintenance Equipment/Tools on/near running line leading to collision between train and OT05I37T an obstruction on/near running line ‐ inside possession Unsafe System of Work Employed by Workers leading to collision between train and an OT05I54T obstruction on/near running line ‐ inside possession Defect on train leading to collision between train and an obstruction on/near running line ‐ OT05I59T inside possession Vandalism leading to collision between train and an obstruction on/near running line ‐ OT05I55T inside possession Driver/Operator Error ‐ speeding leading to collision between train and an obstruction OT05I15T on/near running line ‐ inside possession Driver/Operator Error ‐ braking leading to collision between train and an obstruction OT05I11T on/near running line ‐ inside possession OT05I60T Collision between train and animals on the line – inside possession OT05I61T RV struck ‐ collision with train inside possession Miscommunication leading to collision between train and an obstruction on/near running OT05I31T line ‐ inside possession Version 7.1 — August 2011 Normaliser Deriv. HEN of POS (% of total prec. split (%) HE risk) (D, E) Risk contribution (events/ normaliser) (events/ year) (FWI/ year) Tot trn km Tot trn km Tot trn km Tot trn km Tot trn km 2.24E‐09 7.69E‐10 7.69E‐10 3.59E‐10 2.39E‐09 3.640 1.250 0.4286 0.4286 0.2000 1.333 21.39 0.3703 0.1993 0.0683 0.0683 0.0319 0.0025 0.0068 47.40% 25.51% 8.75% 8.75% 4.08% 0.32% 0.88% D D D D D ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ OTP hrs 3.29E‐06 7.000 0.0022 0.29% E ‐ OTP hrs 2.35E‐06 5.000 0.0016 0.20% D ‐ OTP hrs 1.41E‐06 3.000 9.61E‐04 0.12% D ‐ OTP hrs 9.39E‐07 2.000 6.40E‐04 0.08% D ‐ OTP hrs 9.39E‐07 2.000 6.40E‐04 0.08% E ‐ OTP hrs 9.39E‐07 2.000 6.40E‐04 0.08% D ‐ OTP hrs 6.71E‐08 0.1429 4.57E‐05 0.01% D ‐ OTP hrs 2.37E‐08 0.0504 1.61E‐05 0.00% E ‐ OTP hrs 2.37E‐08 0.0504 1.61E‐05 0.00% E ‐ OTP hrs OTP hrs 2.37E‐08 2.37E‐08 0.0504 0.0504 1.61E‐05 1.61E‐05 0.00% 0.00% D E ‐ ‐ OTP hrs 2.37E‐08 0.0504 1.61E‐05 0.00% E ‐ 34 Table B1 National frequency Hazardous event code HET‐06 HET‐06A HET‐06A HET‐06A HET‐06A HET‐06A HET‐06A HET‐06B Precursor code Cause precursor description HET‐06C HET‐06C Collision between two passenger trains in station (permissive working) Collision between two passenger trains in station (permissive working): rollbacks PPWRDRHBPH Driver failure to apply brakes leading to roll back permissive working collision PPWRDRSUPH Driver error during train set‐up leading to roll back permissive working collision PPWRDRBKPH Driver inadvertent brake release leading to roll back permissive working collision PPWRDRSDPH Driver error during train shutdown leading to roll back permissive working collision PPWRBRK‐PF Defective brakes leading to roll back permissive working collision Collision between two passenger trains in station (permissive working): no potential for high‐speed impact Driver error while coupling/uncoupling units leading to permissive working collision: no PPWLDRSPPH potential for high‐speed impact Driver error accidentally selecting reverse instead of forwards leading to permissive working PPWLDRREVH collision: no potential for high‐speed impact Driver error when propelling leading to permissive working collision: no potential for high‐ PPWLDRPRPH speed impact Collision between two passenger trains in station (permissive working): potential for high‐speed impact Driver misjudges braking/failure to control train leading to permissive working collision: PPWPDRBKPH potential for high‐speed impact Driver loss of concentration leading to permissive working collision: potential for high‐speed PPWPDRCOPH impact Low adhesion due to rail contamination leading to permissive working collision: potential TPWPAHRCPE for high‐speed impact Low adhesion due to weather conditions leading to permissive working collision: potential WPWPAHWTPE for high‐speed impact PPWPDREXPH Driver inexperience leading to permissive working collision: potential for high‐speed impact PPWPBRK‐PF Defective brakes leading to permissive working collision: potential for high‐speed impact HET‐09 HET‐09A HET‐09A HET‐09A HET‐09A HET‐09A HET‐09A HET‐09A Train collision with buffer stops Train collision with buffer stops: rollbacks PBSRDRSUPH Driver error during train set‐up leading to roll back buffer stop collision PBSRDRGNPH Workforce error (general) leading to roll back buffer stop collision PBSRDRHBPH Driver failure to apply brakes leading to roll back buffer stop collision PBSRDRBKPH Driver inadvertent brake release leading to roll back buffer stop collision PBSRBRK‐PF Defective brakes leading to roll back buffer stop collision PBSRDRSDPH Driver error during train shutdown leading to roll back buffer stop collision HET‐06B HET‐06B HET‐06B HET‐06C HET‐06C HET‐06C HET‐06C HET‐06C Version 7.1 — August 2011 Normaliser (events/ normaliser) Deriv. HEN of POS (% of total prec. split (%) HE risk) (D, E) Risk contribution (events/ year) (FWI/ year) 5.804 2.726 1.0000 0.6667 0.6667 0.2500 0.1429 1.643 0.0528 0.0045 0.0016 0.0011 0.0011 4.11E‐04 2.35E‐04 0.0028 100.00% 8.48% 3.11% 2.07% 2.07% 0.78% 0.44% 5.37% D D D D D ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km 2.05E‐09 1.37E‐09 1.37E‐09 5.12E‐10 2.93E‐10 Pass trn km 2.39E‐09 1.167 0.0020 3.81% D ‐ Pass trn km 6.83E‐10 0.3333 5.75E‐04 1.09% D ‐ Pass trn km 2.93E‐10 0.1429 2.47E‐04 0.47% D ‐ 1.435 0.0455 86.14% ‐ Pass trn km 1.37E‐09 0.6667 0.0211 40.03% D ‐ Pass trn km 5.85E‐10 0.2857 0.0091 17.16% D ‐ Pass trn km 2.93E‐10 0.1429 0.0045 8.58% D ‐ Pass trn km 2.93E‐10 0.1429 0.0045 8.58% D ‐ Pass trn km Pass trn km 2.56E‐10 1.46E‐10 0.1250 0.0714 0.0040 0.0023 7.51% 4.29% D D ‐ ‐ 2.31E‐09 8.46E‐10 6.34E‐10 5.29E‐10 3.17E‐10 3.17E‐10 7.129 2.419 1.129 0.4129 0.3097 0.2581 0.1548 0.1548 0.1159 0.0040 0.0019 6.78E‐04 5.09E‐04 4.24E‐04 2.54E‐04 2.54E‐04 100.00% 3.43% 1.60% 0.58% 0.44% 0.37% 0.22% 0.22% D D D D D D ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km 35 Table B1 National frequency Hazardous event code HET‐09B HET‐09B HET‐09B HET‐09B HET‐09B HET‐09B HET‐09C HET‐09C HET‐09C HET‐09C HET‐09C HET‐09C HET‐09C HET‐09C HET‐09C HET‐09C HET‐09C HET‐09C HET‐09 POS HET‐09 POS HET‐09 POS HET‐09 POS HET‐09 POS HET‐09 POS HET‐09 POS HET‐09 POS HET‐09 POS Precursor code Cause precursor description Train collision with buffer stops: no potential for high speed impact PBSLDRBTPH Driver error using couple/ uncouple button leading to buffer stop collision PBSLDRSPPH Driver error while splitting units leading to buffer stop collision Driver error accidentally selecting reverse instead of forwards leading to buffer stop PBSLDRREVH collision PBSDSCOMPH Workforce communication failure leading to buffer stop collision PBSLDRPRPH Driver error when propelling leading to buffer stop collision Train collision with buffer stops: potential for high speed impact PBSMSBK2PH Driver misjudges braking leading to buffer stop collision PBSPBRK‐PF Defective brakes leading to buffer stop collision PBSPDRCOPH Driver loss of concentration leading to buffer stop collision WBSPAHLFPE Low adhesion due to leaves leading to buffer stop collision PBSPDREXPH Driver inexperience leading to buffer stop collision PBSPDRILPH Driver medical condition leading to buffer stop collision TBSPAHRCPE Low adhesion due to rail contamination leading to buffer stop collision WBSPAHWTPE Low adhesion due to weather conditions leading to buffer stop collision TBSPAHDRPH Low adhesion and driver fails to adjust to conditions leading to buffer stop collision PBSPCONTPF Defective train control equipment leading to buffer stop collision PBSRUNAWPH Run‐away train leading to buffer stop collision Train collision with buffer stops: OTP inside possession Driver/Operator error ‐ inattention leading to collision between OTP and buffers ‐ inside OT03I12T possession Driver/Operator error ‐ speeding leading to collision between OTP and buffers ‐ inside OT03I15T possession Driver/Operator error ‐ braking leading to collision between OTP and buffers ‐ inside OT03I11T possession OT03I32T Infrastructure defect leading to collision between OTP and buffers ‐ inside possession OT03I59T Defect on OTP leading to collision between OTP and buffers ‐ inside possession Driver/Operator error ‐ propelling leading to collision between OTP and buffers ‐ inside OT03I13T possession Driver/Operator error ‐ SPAD leading to collision between OTP and buffers ‐ inside OT03I14T possession Incorrect management of Infrastructure Manager interface leading to collision between OTP OT03I31T and buffers ‐ inside possession Version 7.1 — August 2011 Normaliser Deriv. HEN of POS (% of total prec. split (%) HE risk) (D, E) Risk contribution (events/ normaliser) (events/ year) (FWI/ year) Pass trn km Pass trn km 1.85E‐09 8.22E‐10 1.813 0.9032 0.4014 0.0031 0.0016 6.93E‐04 2.70% 1.34% 0.60% D D ‐ ‐ ‐ Pass trn km 7.52E‐10 0.3669 6.33E‐04 0.55% D ‐ Pass trn km Pass trn km 2.06E‐10 8.41E‐11 2.54E‐09 8.74E‐10 4.77E‐10 4.63E‐10 3.18E‐10 2.82E‐10 2.31E‐10 1.85E‐10 1.59E‐10 7.95E‐11 4.85E‐11 1.73E‐04 7.09E‐05 0.1083 0.0487 0.0167 0.0091 0.0088 0.0061 0.0054 0.0044 0.0035 0.0030 0.0015 9.27E‐04 5.52E‐04 0.15% 0.06% 93.40% 41.97% 14.43% 7.87% 7.63% 5.25% 4.65% 3.82% 3.05% 2.62% 1.31% 0.80% 0.48% D D Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km 0.1004 0.0411 2.764 1.242 0.4269 0.2329 0.2258 0.1552 0.1376 0.1129 0.0903 0.0776 0.0388 0.0237 0.1333 ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ OTP hrs 2.63E‐08 0.0560 2.32E‐04 0.20% E ‐ OTP hrs 1.25E‐08 0.0267 1.10E‐04 0.10% E ‐ OTP hrs 1.25E‐08 0.0267 1.10E‐04 0.10% E ‐ OTP hrs OTP hrs 3.13E‐09 3.13E‐09 0.0067 0.0067 2.76E‐05 2.76E‐05 0.02% 0.02% E E ‐ ‐ OTP hrs 2.50E‐09 0.0053 2.21E‐05 0.02% E ‐ OTP hrs 1.88E‐09 0.0040 1.66E‐05 0.01% E ‐ OTP hrs 6.26E‐10 0.0013 5.52E‐06 0.00% E ‐ D D D D D D D D D D E 36 Table B1 National frequency Hazardous event code HET‐10 HET‐10A HET‐10A HET‐10A HET‐10A HET‐10A HET‐10A HET‐10A HET‐10A HET‐10A HET‐10A HET‐10A HET‐10B HET‐10B HET‐10B HET‐10B HET‐10B HET‐10B HET‐10B HET‐10B HET‐10B HET‐10B HET‐10C HET‐10C HET‐10C HET‐10C HET‐10C HET‐10C Precursor code Cause precursor description Passenger train collision with road vehicle on level crossing Passenger train collision with road vehicle on level crossing: MCB + CCTV VCCTVRTATE RV struck by train ‐ on MCB + CCTV ‐ RV incorrectly on LC due to RTA VCCTVSPDTH RV struck by train ‐ on MCB + CCTV ‐ SPAD at signal protecting the LC RV struck by train ‐ on MCB + CCTV ‐ RV incorrectly on LC due to environmental VCCTVEBLTE factors/driver error: user brakes too late VCCTVATRTH RV struck by train ‐ on MCB + CCTV ‐ RV driver error: road user turns onto the railway VCCTVMANTH RV struck by train ‐ on MCB + CCTV ‐ railway staff error in manual control VCCTVDELTH RV struck by train ‐ on MCB + CCTV ‐ RV driver deliberate action LCCTVSKPTH RV struck by train ‐ on MCB + CCTV ‐ signaller/crossing keeper error VCCTVASETH RV struck by train ‐ on MCB + CCTV ‐ RV driver error: fails to observe level crossing RV struck by train ‐ on MCB + CCTV ‐ RV incorrectly on LC due to environmental factors: VCCTVESNTE sunlight obscures crossing/lights RV struck by train ‐ on MCB + CCTV ‐ RV incorrectly on LC due to environmental factors: poor VCCTVEVSTE crossing visibility Passenger train collision with road vehicle on level crossing: MCB RV struck by train ‐ on MCB ‐ RV incorrectly on LC due to environmental factors/driver error: VMCB‐EBLTE user brakes too late LMCB‐SKPTH RV struck by train ‐ on MCB ‐ signaller/crossing keeper error VMCB‐SPDTH RV struck by train ‐ on MCB ‐ SPAD at signal protecting the LC VMCB‐ATRTH RV struck by train ‐ on MCB ‐ RV driver error: road user turns onto the railway VMCB‐DELTH RV struck by train ‐ on MCB ‐ RV driver deliberate action VMCB‐ASETH RV struck by train ‐ on MCB ‐ RV driver error: fails to observe level crossing RV struck by train ‐ on MCB ‐ RV incorrectly on LC due to environmental factors: sunlight VMCB‐ESNTE obscures crossing/lights VMCBRTA‐TE RV struck by train ‐ on MCB ‐ RV incorrectly on LC due to RTA RV struck by train ‐ on MCB ‐ RV incorrectly on LC due to environmental factors: poor VMCB‐EVSTE crossing visibility Passenger train collision with road vehicle on level crossing: MCG LMCG‐SKPTH RV struck by train ‐ on MCG ‐ signaller/crossing keeper error RV struck by train ‐ on MCG ‐ RV driver deliberate action VMCG‐DELTH RV struck by train ‐ on MCG ‐ RV incorrectly on LC due to environmental factors/driver error: VMCG‐EBLTE user brakes too late VMCG‐ASETH RV struck by train ‐ on MCG ‐ RV driver error: fails to observe level crossing RV struck by train ‐ on MCG ‐ RV incorrectly on LC due to environmental factors: sunlight VMCG‐ESNTE obscures crossing/lights Version 7.1 — August 2011 Normaliser Deriv. HEN of POS (% of total prec. split (%) HE risk) (D, E) Risk contribution (events/ normaliser) (events/ year) (FWI/ year) Pass trn km Pass trn km 1.21E‐10 5.68E‐11 12.35 0.1761 0.0592 0.0277 2.969 0.0608 0.0204 0.0096 100.00% 2.05% 0.69% 0.32% D E ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ Pass trn km 3.95E‐11 0.0193 0.0067 0.22% E ‐ Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km 3.16E‐11 2.79E‐11 2.53E‐11 1.89E‐11 1.76E‐11 0.0154 0.0136 0.0123 0.0092 0.0086 0.0053 0.0047 0.0043 0.0032 0.0030 0.18% 0.16% 0.14% 0.11% 0.10% E E E E E ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ Pass trn km 1.50E‐11 0.0073 0.0025 0.09% E ‐ Pass trn km 7.11E‐12 0.0035 0.0012 0.04% E ‐ 0.2978 0.1031 3.47% ‐ Pass trn km 2.56E‐10 0.1248 0.0432 1.46% D ‐ Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km 2.43E‐10 2.57E‐11 2.32E‐11 1.93E‐11 1.45E‐11 0.1184 0.0126 0.0113 0.0094 0.0071 0.0410 0.0043 0.0039 0.0033 0.0025 1.38% 0.15% 0.13% 0.11% 0.08% D E E E E ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ Pass trn km 1.24E‐11 0.0060 0.0021 0.07% E ‐ Pass trn km 1.10E‐11 0.0054 0.0019 0.06% E ‐ Pass trn km 5.83E‐12 0.0028 9.86E‐04 0.03% E ‐ Pass trn km Pass trn km 1.02E‐10 5.80E‐11 0.1054 0.0497 0.0283 0.0358 0.0169 0.0096 1.21% 0.57% 0.32% D D ‐ ‐ ‐ Pass trn km 2.41E‐11 0.0118 0.0040 0.13% E ‐ Pass trn km 1.14E‐11 0.0055 0.0019 0.06% E ‐ Pass trn km 9.76E‐12 0.0048 0.0016 0.05% E ‐ 37 Table B1 National frequency Hazardous event code Precursor code HET‐10C VMCG‐SPDTH HET‐10C HET‐10C HET‐10D HET‐10D HET‐10D HET‐10D HET‐10D HET‐10D HET‐10D HET‐10D HET‐10D HET‐10D HET‐10D HET‐10D HET‐10D HET‐10D HET‐10D HET‐10D HET‐10D HET‐10D HET‐10D HET‐10D HET‐10E HET‐10E HET‐10E HET‐10E HET‐10E HET‐10E HET‐10E Cause precursor description RV struck by train ‐ on MCG ‐ SPAD at signal protecting the LC RV struck by train ‐ on MCG ‐ RV incorrectly on LC due to environmental factors: poor VMCG‐EVSTE crossing visibility VMCGRTA‐TE RV struck by train ‐ on MCG ‐ RV incorrectly on LC due to RTA Passenger train collision with road vehicle on level crossing: ABCL VABCLASETH RV struck by train ‐ on ABCL ‐ RV driver error: fails to observe level crossing RV struck by train ‐ on ABCL ‐ RV incorrectly on LC due to environmental factors: sunlight VABCLESNTE obscures crossing/lights RV struck by train ‐ on ABCL ‐ RV incorrectly on LC due to environment factors/driver error: VABCLEBLTE user brakes too late VABCLDRRTH RV struck by train ‐ on ABCL ‐ train driver error VABCLAGDTH RV struck by train ‐ on ABCL ‐ RV driver error: grounding VABCLSTRTE RV struck by train ‐ on ABCL ‐ RV stranded/failed on LC VABCLVANTE RV struck by train ‐ on ABCL ‐ RV deliberately placed on level crossing PABCLOVSTH RV struck by train ‐ on ABCL ‐ train driver error: train overspeeding VABCLDELTH RV struck by train ‐ on ABCL ‐ RV driver deliberate action: ignores lights LABCLBLETF RV struck by train ‐ on ABCL ‐ equipment failure: lights/barriers fail to operate VABCLASTTH RV struck by train ‐ on ABCL ‐ RV driver error: second train coming RV struck by train ‐ on ABCL ‐ RV incorrectly on LC due to environmental factors: poor VABCLEVSTE crossing visibility VABCLABBTH RV struck by train ‐ on ABCL ‐ RV driver error: blocking back VABCLRTATE RV struck by train ‐ on ABCL ‐ RV incorrectly on LC due to RTA VABCLMANTH RV struck by train ‐ on ABCL ‐ railway staff error in manual control LABCLDETTF RV struck by train ‐ on ABCL ‐ equipment failure: failure to detect approaching train VABCLATRTH RV struck by train ‐ on ABCL ‐ RV driver error: road user turns onto the railway VABCLSUIXPE RV struck by train ‐ on ABCL ‐ RV driver suicide PABCLSPDTH RV struck by train ‐ on ABCL ‐ SPAD at stop sign protecting the LC Passenger train collision with road vehicle on level crossing: AHB VAHB‐DELTH RV struck by train ‐ on AHB ‐ RV driver deliberate action: zigzags barriers RV struck by train ‐ on AHB ‐ RV incorrectly on LC due to environmental factors/driver error: VAHB‐EBLTE user brakes too late VAHB‐STRTE RV struck by train ‐ on AHB ‐ RV stranded/failed on LC VAHB‐ASETH RV struck by train ‐ on AHB ‐ RV driver error: fails to observe level crossing RV struck by train ‐ on AHB ‐ RV incorrectly on LC due to environmental factors: sunlight VAHB‐ESNTE obscures crossing/lights VAHB‐ABBTH RV struck by train ‐ on AHB ‐ RV driver error: blocking back Version 7.1 — August 2011 Normaliser Deriv. HEN of POS (% of total prec. split (%) HE risk) (D, E) Risk contribution (events/ normaliser) (events/ year) (FWI/ year) Pass trn km 4.60E‐12 0.0022 7.63E‐04 0.03% E ‐ Pass trn km 4.39E‐12 0.0021 7.29E‐04 0.02% E ‐ Pass trn km 1.96E‐12 1.59E‐10 3.26E‐04 0.0575 0.0108 0.01% 1.94% 0.37% E Pass trn km 9.58E‐04 0.4195 0.0778 D ‐ ‐ ‐ Pass trn km 1.56E‐10 0.0759 0.0106 0.36% D ‐ Pass trn km 1.46E‐10 0.0715 0.0100 0.34% D ‐ Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km 9.42E‐11 6.55E‐11 6.55E‐11 4.78E‐11 3.61E‐11 2.66E‐11 2.32E‐11 9.97E‐12 0.0460 0.0320 0.0320 0.0233 0.0176 0.0130 0.0113 0.0049 0.0064 0.0045 0.0045 0.0033 0.0025 0.0018 0.0016 6.78E‐04 0.22% 0.15% 0.15% 0.11% 0.08% 0.06% 0.05% 0.02% E E E E E E E E ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ Pass trn km 6.17E‐12 0.0030 4.20E‐04 0.01% E ‐ Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km 3.48E‐12 2.32E‐12 9.28E‐13 8.00E‐13 6.83E‐13 1.45E‐11 1.89E‐13 1.26E‐09 2.37E‐04 1.58E‐04 6.31E‐05 5.45E‐05 4.65E‐05 3.08E‐05 1.29E‐05 0.9206 0.2124 0.01% 0.01% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 31.01% 7.16% E E E E E E E Pass trn km 0.0017 0.0011 4.53E‐04 3.91E‐04 3.34E‐04 0.0071 9.22E‐05 3.371 0.6144 D ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ Pass trn km 8.97E‐10 0.4381 0.1515 5.10% D ‐ Pass trn km Pass trn km 7.57E‐10 5.18E‐10 0.3694 0.2531 0.1277 0.0875 4.30% 2.95% D D ‐ ‐ Pass trn km 3.92E‐10 0.1913 0.0662 2.23% D ‐ Pass trn km 3.74E‐10 0.1825 0.0631 2.12% D ‐ 38 Table B1 National frequency Hazardous event code Precursor code HET‐10E HET‐10E HET‐10E HET‐10E HET‐10E HET‐10E HET‐10E HET‐10E HET‐10E HET‐10E VAHB‐VANTE VAHBRTA‐TE VAHB‐ATRTH VAHB‐AGDTH VAHBSUIXPE VAHB‐MANTH LAHB‐DETTF PAHB‐OVSTH LAHB‐BLETF VAHB‐ASTTH HET‐10E HET‐10F HET‐10F HET‐10F HET‐10F HET‐10F HET‐10F HET‐10F HET‐10F HET‐10F HET‐10F HET‐10F HET‐10F HET‐10F HET‐10F HET‐10F HET‐10F HET‐10F HET‐10F HET‐10F Cause precursor description RV struck by train ‐ on AHB ‐ RV deliberately placed on level crossing RV struck by train ‐ on AHB ‐ RV incorrectly on LC due to RTA RV struck by train ‐ on AHB ‐ RV driver error: road user turns onto the railway RV struck by train ‐ on AHB ‐ RV driver error: grounding RV struck by train ‐ on AHB ‐ RV driver suicide RV struck by train ‐ on AHB ‐ railway staff error in manual control RV struck by train ‐ on AHB ‐ equipment failure: failure to detect approaching train RV struck by train ‐ on AHB ‐ train driver error: train overspeeding RV struck by train ‐ on AHB ‐ equipment failure: lights/barriers fail to operate RV struck by train ‐ on AHB ‐ RV driver error: second train coming RV struck by train ‐ on AHB ‐ RV incorrectly on LC due to environmental factors: poor VAHB‐EVSTE crossing visibility Passenger train collision with road vehicle on level crossing: AOCL VAOCLDELTH RV struck by train ‐ on AOCL ‐ RV driver deliberate action: ignores lights / red light running VAOCLASETH RV struck by train ‐ on AOCL ‐ RV driver error: fails to observe level crossing RV struck by train ‐ on AOCL ‐ RV incorrectly on LC due to environmental factors: sunlight VAOCLESNTE obscures crossing/lights RV struck by train ‐ on AOCL ‐ RV incorrectly on LC due to environmental factors/driver VAOCLEBLTE error: user brakes too late LAOCLLSETF RV struck by train ‐ on AOCL ‐ AOCL lights fail to operate VAOCLVANTE RV struck by train ‐ on AOCL ‐ road vehicle deliberately placed on level crossing RV struck by train ‐ on AOCL ‐ RV incorrectly on LC due to environmental factors: poor VAOCLEVSTE crossing visibility VAOCLASTTH RV struck by train ‐ on AOCL ‐ RV driver error: second train coming VAOCLDRRTH RV struck by train ‐ on AOCL ‐ train driver error VAOCLAGDTH RV struck by train ‐ on AOCL ‐ RV driver error: grounding/stuck VAOCLSTRTE RV struck by train ‐ on AOCL ‐ RV stranded/failed on LC PAOCLOVSTH RV struck by train ‐ on AOCL ‐ train driver error: train overspeeding VAOCLABBTH RV struck by train ‐ on AOCL ‐ RV driver error: blocking back VAOCLRTATE RV struck by train ‐ on AOCL ‐ RV incorrectly on LC due to RTA LAOCLDETTF RV struck by train ‐ on AOCL ‐ equipment failure: failure to detect approaching train VAOCLATRTH RV struck by train ‐ on AOCL ‐ RV driver error: road user turns onto the railway VAOCLSUIXPE RV struck by train ‐ on AOCL ‐ RV driver suicide PAOCLSPDTH RV struck by train ‐ on AOCL ‐ SPAD at stop board protecting the LC Version 7.1 — August 2011 Normaliser Deriv. HEN of POS (% of total prec. split (%) HE risk) (D, E) Risk contribution (events/ normaliser) (events/ year) (FWI/ year) Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km 3.12E‐10 2.49E‐10 1.97E‐10 1.26E‐10 1.56E‐09 9.97E‐11 8.60E‐11 3.89E‐11 2.24E‐11 1.14E‐11 0.1523 0.1216 0.0960 0.0616 0.7614 0.0487 0.0420 0.0190 0.0109 0.0056 0.0527 0.0421 0.0332 0.0213 0.0183 0.0168 0.0145 0.0066 0.0038 0.0019 1.77% 1.42% 1.12% 0.72% 0.62% 0.57% 0.49% 0.22% 0.13% 0.07% D D D D D D E E E E ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ Pass trn km 6.44E‐12 0.0031 0.0011 0.04% E ‐ Pass trn km Pass trn km 2.83E‐09 9.86E‐10 2.870 1.383 0.4816 0.3962 0.1911 0.0666 13.35% 6.44% 2.24% D D ‐ ‐ ‐ Pass trn km 7.33E‐10 0.3578 0.0495 1.67% D ‐ Pass trn km 6.58E‐10 0.3213 0.0444 1.50% D ‐ Pass trn km Pass trn km 2.32E‐10 1.05E‐10 0.1134 0.0513 0.0157 0.0071 0.53% 0.24% D D ‐ ‐ Pass trn km 9.66E‐11 0.0472 0.0065 0.22% D ‐ Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km 8.93E‐11 4.89E‐11 3.37E‐11 3.37E‐11 1.86E‐11 1.79E‐12 1.19E‐12 4.11E‐13 3.54E‐13 7.46E‐12 9.71E‐14 0.0436 0.0239 0.0164 0.0164 0.0091 8.72E‐04 5.82E‐04 2.01E‐04 1.73E‐04 0.0036 4.74E‐05 0.0060 0.0033 0.0023 0.0023 0.0013 1.21E‐04 8.04E‐05 2.78E‐05 2.39E‐05 1.15E‐05 6.55E‐06 0.20% 0.11% 0.08% 0.08% 0.04% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% D D E E E E E E E E E ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 39 Table B1 National frequency Hazardous event code HET‐10G HET‐10G HET‐10G HET‐10G HET‐10G HET‐10G HET‐10G HET‐10G HET‐10G HET‐10G HET‐10G HET‐10G HET‐10G HET‐10G HET‐10G HET‐10H HET‐10H HET‐10H HET‐10H HET‐10H HET‐10H HET‐10H HET‐10H HET‐10H HET‐10H HET‐10H HET‐10H HET‐10H Precursor code Cause precursor description Passenger train collision with road vehicle on level crossing: UWC + MWL VUWCMEFCTE RV struck by train ‐ on UWC + MWL ‐ RV driver error: user fails to observe lights VUWCMAMITE RV struck by train ‐ on UWC + MWL ‐ RV driver error: misuse due to gates left open RV struck by train ‐ on UWC + MWL ‐ RV incorrectly on LC due to environmental factors: VUWCMESNTE sunlight obscures crossing/lights VUWCMDELTH RV struck by train ‐ on UWC + MWL ‐ RV driver deliberate action VUWCMAGDTH RV struck by train ‐ on UWC + MWL ‐ RV driver error: grounding LUWCM‐LETF RV struck by train ‐ on UWC + MWL ‐ equipment failure: lights fail to operate VUWCMSTRTE RV struck by train ‐ on UWC + MWL ‐ RV stranded/failed on LC VUWCMVANTE RV struck by train ‐ on UWC + MWL ‐ RV deliberately placed on level crossing VUWCMASTTH RV struck by train ‐ on UWC + MWL ‐ RV driver error: second train coming RV struck by train ‐ on UWC + MWL ‐ RV incorrectly on LC due to environmental factors: VUWCMEBLTE user brakes too late VUWCMRTATE RV struck by train ‐ on UWC + MWL ‐ RV incorrectly on LC due to RTA RV struck by train ‐ on UWC + MWL ‐ RV incorrectly on LC due to environmental factors: VUWCMEVSTE poor crossing visibility VUWCLSUIXPE RV struck by train ‐ on UWC + MWL ‐ RV driver suicide LUWCMDETTF RV struck by train ‐ on UWC + MWL ‐ equipment failure: failure to detect approaching train Passenger train collision with road vehicle on level crossing: UWC + T RV struck by train ‐ on UWC + T ‐ RV driver error: road user fails to use phone to check line is VUWCTEFCTE clear VUWCTSKPTH RV struck by train ‐ on UWC + T ‐ signaller/crossing keeper error VUWCTAMITE RV struck by train ‐ on UWC + T ‐ RV driver error: misuse due to gates left open VUWCT‐DELTH RV struck by train ‐ on UWC + T ‐ RV driver deliberate action VUWCTVANTE RV struck by train ‐ on UWC + T ‐ RV deliberately placed on level crossing VUWCTAGDTH RV struck by train ‐ on UWC + T ‐ RV driver error: grounding VUWCT‐STRTE RV struck by train ‐ on UWC + T ‐ RV stranded/failed on LC VUWCTASTTH RV struck by train ‐ on UWC + T ‐ RV driver error: second train coming RV struck by train ‐ on UWC + T ‐ RV incorrectly on LC due to environmental factors/driver VUWCTEBLTE error: user brakes too late VUWCTRTA‐TE RV struck by train ‐ on UWC + T ‐ RV incorrectly on LC due to RTA RV struck by train ‐ on UWC + T ‐ RV incorrectly on LC due to environmental factors: poor VUWCTEVSTE crossing visibility VUWCTSUIXPE RV struck by train ‐ on UWC + T ‐ RV driver suicide Version 7.1 — August 2011 Normaliser Deriv. HEN of POS (% of total prec. split (%) HE risk) (D, E) Risk contribution (events/ normaliser) (events/ year) (FWI/ year) Pass trn km Pass trn km 8.40E‐10 2.81E‐10 0.8075 0.4101 0.1372 0.2467 0.1255 0.0420 8.31% 4.23% 1.41% D D ‐ ‐ ‐ Pass trn km 1.73E‐10 0.0844 0.0258 0.87% D ‐ Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km 1.23E‐10 9.36E‐11 8.32E‐11 2.56E‐11 2.10E‐11 4.68E‐12 0.0600 0.0457 0.0406 0.0125 0.0102 0.0023 0.0184 0.0140 0.0124 0.0038 0.0031 6.99E‐04 0.62% 0.47% 0.42% 0.13% 0.11% 0.02% E D D E E E ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ Pass trn km 3.34E‐12 0.0016 4.99E‐04 0.02% E ‐ Pass trn km 9.94E‐13 4.85E‐04 1.49E‐04 0.01% E ‐ Pass trn km 7.07E‐13 3.45E‐04 1.06E‐04 0.00% E ‐ Pass trn km Pass trn km 3.99E‐12 2.20E‐13 0.0019 1.07E‐04 2.218 6.02E‐05 3.29E‐05 0.7090 0.00% 0.00% 23.88% E E ‐ ‐ ‐ Pass trn km 2.56E‐09 1.250 0.4004 13.49% D ‐ Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km 6.76E‐10 5.89E‐10 2.82E‐10 2.04E‐10 1.47E‐10 5.58E‐11 8.56E‐12 0.3299 0.2874 0.1375 0.0995 0.0719 0.0273 0.0042 0.1057 0.0921 0.0440 0.0319 0.0230 0.0087 0.0013 3.56% 3.10% 1.48% 1.07% 0.78% 0.29% 0.05% D D D D D D E ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ Pass trn km 7.23E‐12 0.0035 0.0011 0.04% E ‐ Pass trn km 2.27E‐12 0.0011 3.56E‐04 0.01% E ‐ Pass trn km 1.52E‐12 7.41E‐04 2.37E‐04 0.01% E ‐ Pass trn km 9.13E‐12 0.0045 2.01E‐04 0.01% E ‐ 40 Table B1 National frequency Hazardous event code HET‐10I HET‐10I HET‐10I HET‐10I HET‐10I HET‐10I HET‐10I HET‐10I HET‐10I HET‐10I HET‐10I HET‐10I HET‐10I HET‐10I HET‐10J HET‐10J HET‐10J HET‐10J HET‐10J HET‐10J HET‐10J HET‐10J HET‐10J HET‐10J HET‐10J HET‐10J HET‐10J HET‐10J HET‐10J Precursor code Cause precursor description Passenger train collision with road vehicle on level crossing: UWC VUWC‐ASSTE RV struck by train ‐ on UWC ‐ RV driver error: fails to stop, look and listen VUWC‐AGDTH RV struck by train ‐ on UWC ‐ RV driver error: grounding VUWC‐ASETE RV struck by train ‐ on UWC ‐ RV driver error: poor sighting VUWC‐AMITE RV struck by train ‐ on UWC ‐ RV driver error: misuse due to gates left open VUWC‐DELTH RV struck by train ‐ on UWC ‐ RV driver deliberate action VUWC‐VANTE RV struck by train ‐ on UWC ‐ RV deliberately placed on level crossing VUWC‐STRTE RV struck by train ‐ on UWC ‐ RV stranded/failed on LC RV struck by train ‐ on UWC ‐ RV incorrectly on LC due to environmental factors: sunlight VUWC‐ESNTE obscures crossing/view up and down tracks VUWC‐ASTTH RV struck by train ‐ on UWC ‐ RV driver error: second train coming RV struck by train ‐ on UWC ‐ RV incorrectly on LC due to environmental factors/driver error: VUWC‐EBLTE user brakes too late VUWCRTA‐TE RV struck by train ‐ on UWC ‐ RV incorrectly on LC due to RTA RV struck by train ‐ on UWC ‐ RV incorrectly on LC due to environmental factors: poor VUWC‐EVSTE crossing visibility VUWCSUIXPE RV struck by train ‐ on UWC ‐ RV driver suicide Passenger train collision with road vehicle on level crossing: OC VOC‐‐ASSTE RV struck by train ‐ on OC ‐ RV driver error: fails to stop, look and listen VOC‐‐DELTH RV struck by train ‐ on OC ‐ RV driver deliberate action VOC‐‐ASETE RV struck by train ‐ on OC ‐ RV driver error: poor sighting RV struck by train ‐ on OC ‐ RV incorrectly on LC due to environmental factors: sunlight VOC‐‐ESNTE obscures crossing/view up and down tracks VOC‐‐ASETH RV struck by train ‐ on OC ‐ RV driver error: fails to observe level crossing RV struck by train ‐ on OC ‐ RV incorrectly on LC due to environmental factors/driver error: VOC‐‐EBLTE user brakes too late VOC‐‐OVSTH RV struck by train ‐ on OC ‐ train driver error: train overspeeding RV struck by train ‐ on OC ‐ RV incorrectly on LC due to environmental factors: poor crossing VOC‐‐EVSTE visibility VOC‐‐AGDTH RV struck by train ‐ on OC ‐ RV driver error: grounding VOC‐‐STRTE RV struck by train ‐ on OC ‐ RV stranded/failed on LC VOCRTA‐‐TE RV struck by train ‐ on OC ‐ RV incorrectly on LC due to RTA VOC‐‐ATRTH RV struck by train ‐ on OC ‐ RV driver error: road user turns onto the railway VOC‐‐ABBTH RV struck by train ‐ on OC ‐ RV driver error: blocking back VOC‐‐SUIXPE RV struck by train ‐ on OC ‐ RV driver suicide Version 7.1 — August 2011 Normaliser Deriv. HEN of POS (% of total prec. split (%) HE risk) (D, E) Risk contribution (events/ normaliser) (events/ year) (FWI/ year) Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km 7.21E‐10 6.01E‐10 5.91E‐10 4.81E‐10 2.02E‐10 9.37E‐11 4.17E‐11 1.350 0.3521 0.2934 0.2883 0.2347 0.0987 0.0457 0.0203 0.4029 0.1054 0.0878 0.0863 0.0702 0.0295 0.0137 0.0061 13.57% 3.55% 2.96% 2.91% 2.37% 1.00% 0.46% 0.21% D D D D D D E ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ Pass trn km 1.18E‐11 0.0058 0.0017 0.06% E ‐ Pass trn km 6.66E‐12 0.0033 9.73E‐04 0.03% E ‐ Pass trn km 5.30E‐12 0.0026 7.74E‐04 0.03% E ‐ Pass trn km 1.63E‐12 7.97E‐04 2.38E‐04 0.01% E ‐ Pass trn km 1.12E‐12 5.44E‐04 1.63E‐04 0.01% E ‐ Pass trn km 6.55E‐12 1.26E‐09 5.26E‐11 1.09E‐11 7.68E‐05 0.0100 0.0095 3.93E‐04 8.18E‐05 0.00% 0.34% 0.32% 0.01% 0.00% E Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km 0.0032 0.6553 0.6175 0.0257 0.0053 D D E ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ Pass trn km 8.48E‐12 0.0041 6.34E‐05 0.00% E ‐ Pass trn km 2.49E‐12 0.0012 1.86E‐05 0.00% E ‐ Pass trn km 2.20E‐12 0.0011 1.65E‐05 0.00% E ‐ Pass trn km 3.06E‐13 1.50E‐04 2.29E‐06 0.00% E ‐ Pass trn km 2.45E‐13 1.20E‐04 1.83E‐06 0.00% E ‐ Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km 5.55E‐14 5.55E‐14 3.06E‐14 5.89E‐15 2.94E‐15 1.23E‐14 2.71E‐05 2.71E‐05 1.50E‐05 2.87E‐06 1.44E‐06 6.00E‐06 4.15E‐07 4.15E‐07 2.29E‐07 4.40E‐08 2.20E‐08 8.86E‐10 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% E E E E E E ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 41 Table B1 National frequency Hazardous event code Precursor code HET‐10K HET‐10K HET‐10K HET‐10K HET‐10K HET‐10K HET‐10K HET‐10K HET‐10K Passenger train collision with road vehicle on level crossing: FP (includes FP MWL) VFPC‐ASSTE RV struck by train ‐ on FP ‐ RV driver error: fails to stop, look and listen VFPC‐AGDTH RV struck by train ‐ on FP ‐ RV driver error: grounding VFPC‐‐DELTH RV struck by train ‐ on FP ‐ RV driver deliberate action LFPC‐‐LETF RV struck by train ‐ on FP ‐ equipment failure: lights fail to operate VFPC‐EFCTE RV struck by train ‐ on FP ‐ RV driver error: user fails to observe lights VFPC‐VANTE RV struck by train ‐ on FP ‐ RV deliberately placed on level crossing VFPC‐ASTTH RV struck by train ‐ on FP ‐ RV driver error: second train coming VFPC‐SUIXPE RV struck by train ‐ on FP ‐ RV driver suicide HET‐11 HET‐11A HET‐11A HET‐11A Non‐passenger train collision with road vehicle on level crossing Non passenger train collision with road vehicle on level crossing: MCB + CCTV VCCTVRTATE RV struck by train ‐ on MCB + CCTV ‐ RV incorrectly on LC due to RTA VCCTVSPDTH RV struck by train ‐ on MCB + CCTV ‐ SPAD at signal protecting the LC RV struck by train ‐ on MCB + CCTV ‐ RV incorrectly on LC due to environmental VCCTVEBLTE factors/driver error: user brakes too late VCCTVATRTH RV struck by train ‐ on MCB + CCTV ‐ RV driver error: road user turns onto the railway VCCTVMANTH RV struck by train ‐ on MCB + CCTV ‐ railway staff error in manual control VCCTVDELTH RV struck by train ‐ on MCB + CCTV ‐ RV driver deliberate action LCCTVSKPTH RV struck by train ‐ on MCB + CCTV ‐ signaller/crossing keeper error VCCTVASETH RV struck by train ‐ on MCB + CCTV ‐ RV driver error: fails to observe level crossing RV struck by train ‐ on MCB + CCTV ‐ RV incorrectly on LC due to environmental factors: VCCTVESNTE sunlight obscures crossing/lights RV struck by train ‐ on MCB + CCTV ‐ RV incorrectly on LC due to environmental factors: poor VCCTVEVSTE crossing visibility Non passenger train collision with road vehicle on level crossing: MCB RV struck by train ‐ on MCB ‐ RV incorrectly on LC due to environmental factors/driver error: VMCB‐EBLTE user brakes too late LMCB‐SKPTH RV struck by train ‐ on MCB ‐ signaller/crossing keeper error VMCB‐SPDTH RV struck by train ‐ on MCB ‐ SPAD at signal protecting the LC VMCB‐ATRTH RV struck by train ‐ on MCB ‐ RV driver error: road user turns onto the railway VMCB‐DELTH RV struck by train ‐ on MCB ‐ RV driver deliberate action VMCB‐ASETH RV struck by train ‐ on MCB ‐ RV driver error: fails to observe level crossing RV struck by train ‐ on MCB ‐ RV incorrectly on LC due to environmental factors: sunlight VMCB‐ESNTE obscures crossing/lights VMCBRTA‐TE RV struck by train ‐ on MCB ‐ RV incorrectly on LC due to RTA HET‐11A HET‐11A HET‐11A HET‐11A HET‐11A HET‐11A HET‐11A HET‐11A HET‐11B HET‐11B HET‐11B HET‐11B HET‐11B HET‐11B HET‐11B HET‐11B HET‐11B Cause precursor description Version 7.1 — August 2011 Normaliser Deriv. HEN of POS (% of total prec. split (%) HE risk) (D, E) Risk contribution (events/ normaliser) (events/ year) (FWI/ year) 8.19E‐11 5.98E‐11 1.08E‐11 3.69E‐12 3.63E‐12 3.23E‐12 8.36E‐13 3.49E‐13 0.0802 0.0400 0.0292 0.0053 0.0018 0.0018 0.0016 4.08E‐04 1.70E‐04 0.0259 0.0130 0.0095 0.0017 5.84E‐04 5.74E‐04 5.11E‐04 1.32E‐04 3.63E‐06 0.87% 0.44% 0.32% 0.06% 0.02% 0.02% 0.02% 0.00% 0.00% Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km 1.42E‐10 6.68E‐11 2.169 0.0292 0.0098 0.0046 0.4663 0.0094 0.0032 0.0015 Non‐pass trn km 4.64E‐11 0.0032 Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km 3.71E‐11 3.28E‐11 2.97E‐11 2.22E‐11 2.07E‐11 Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km E D E E E E E E ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 100.00% 2.01% 0.68% 0.32% D E ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 0.0010 0.22% E ‐ 0.0026 0.0023 0.0020 0.0015 0.0014 8.21E‐04 7.25E‐04 6.56E‐04 4.90E‐04 4.58E‐04 0.18% 0.16% 0.14% 0.11% 0.10% E E E E E ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 1.76E‐11 0.0012 3.90E‐04 0.08% E ‐ 8.35E‐12 5.76E‐04 1.85E‐04 0.04% E ‐ 0.0494 0.0159 3.40% ‐ Non‐pass trn km 3.00E‐10 0.0207 0.0066 1.42% D ‐ Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km 2.85E‐10 3.02E‐11 2.73E‐11 2.27E‐11 1.71E‐11 0.0197 0.0021 0.0019 0.0016 0.0012 0.0063 6.69E‐04 6.03E‐04 5.02E‐04 3.77E‐04 1.35% 0.14% 0.13% 0.11% 0.08% D E E E E ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ Non‐pass trn km 1.45E‐11 0.0010 3.22E‐04 0.07% E ‐ Non‐pass trn km 1.29E‐11 8.89E‐04 2.85E‐04 0.06% E ‐ 42 Table B1 National frequency Hazardous event code HET‐11B HET‐11C HET‐11C HET‐11C HET‐11C HET‐11C HET‐11C HET‐11C HET‐11C HET‐11C HET‐11D HET‐11D HET‐11D HET‐11D HET‐11D HET‐11D HET‐11D HET‐11D HET‐11D HET‐11D HET‐11D HET‐11D HET‐11D HET‐11D HET‐11D HET‐11D HET‐11D HET‐11D HET‐11D Precursor code Cause precursor description RV struck by train ‐ on MCB ‐ RV incorrectly on LC due to environmental factors: poor crossing visibility Non passenger train collision with road vehicle on level crossing: MCG LMCG‐SKPTH RV struck by train ‐ on MCG ‐ signaller/crossing keeper error VMCG‐DELTH RV struck by train ‐ on MCG ‐ RV driver deliberate action RV struck by train ‐ on MCG ‐ RV incorrectly on LC due to environmental factors/driver error: VMCG‐EBLTE user brakes too late VMCG‐ASETH RV struck by train ‐ on MCG ‐ RV driver error: fails to observe level crossing RV struck by train ‐ on MCG ‐ RV incorrectly on LC due to environmental factors: sunlight VMCG‐ESNTE obscures crossing/lights VMCG‐SPDTH RV struck by train ‐ on MCG ‐ SPAD at signal protecting the LC RV struck by train ‐ on MCG ‐ RV incorrectly on LC due to environmental factors: poor VMCG‐EVSTE crossing visibility VMCGRTA‐TE RV struck by train ‐ on MCG ‐ RV incorrectly on LC due to RTA Non passenger train collision with road vehicle on level crossing: ABCL VABCLASETH RV struck by train ‐ on ABCL ‐ RV driver error: fails to observe level crossing RV struck by train ‐ on ABCL ‐ RV incorrectly on LC due to environmental factors: sunlight VABCLESNTE obscures crossing/lights RV struck by train ‐ on ABCL ‐ RV incorrectly on LC due to environment factors/driver error: VABCLEBLTE user brakes too late VABCLDRRTH RV struck by train ‐ on ABCL ‐ train driver error VABCLSTRTE RV struck by train ‐ on ABCL ‐ RV stranded/failed on LC VABCLAGDTH RV struck by train ‐ on ABCL ‐ RV driver error: grounding VABCLVANTE RV struck by train ‐ on ABCL ‐ RV deliberately placed on level crossing PABCLOVSTH RV struck by train ‐ on ABCL ‐ train overspeeding VABCLDELTH RV struck by train ‐ on ABCL ‐ RV driver deliberate action: ignores lights LABCLBLETF RV struck by train ‐ on ABCL ‐ equipment failure: lights/barriers fail to operate VABCLASTTH RV struck by train ‐ on ABCL ‐ RV driver error: second train coming RV struck by train ‐ on ABCL ‐ RV incorrectly on LC due to environmental factors: poor VABCLEVSTE crossing visibility VABCLABBTH RV struck by train ‐ on ABCL ‐ RV driver error: blocking back VABCLRTATE RV struck by train ‐ on ABCL ‐ RV incorrectly on LC due to RTA VABCLMANTH RV struck by train ‐ on ABCL ‐ railway staff error in manual control LABCLDETTF RV struck by train ‐ on ABCL ‐ equipment failure: failure to detect approaching train VABCLATRTH RV struck by train ‐ on ABCL ‐ RV driver error: road user turns onto the railway PABCLSPDTH RV struck by train ‐ on ABCL ‐ SPAD at stop sign protecting the LC VMCB‐EVSTE Version 7.1 — August 2011 Normaliser Deriv. HEN of POS (% of total prec. split (%) HE risk) (D, E) Risk contribution (events/ normaliser) (events/ year) (FWI/ year) Non‐pass trn km 6.85E‐12 4.72E‐04 1.52E‐04 0.03% E ‐ Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km 1.20E‐10 6.81E‐11 0.0175 0.0082 0.0047 0.0056 0.0026 0.0015 1.20% 0.57% 0.32% D D ‐ ‐ ‐ Non‐pass trn km 2.83E‐11 0.0020 6.26E‐04 0.13% E ‐ Non‐pass trn km 1.33E‐11 9.20E‐04 2.95E‐04 0.06% E ‐ Non‐pass trn km 1.15E‐11 7.91E‐04 2.53E‐04 0.05% E ‐ Non‐pass trn km 5.41E‐12 3.73E‐04 1.19E‐04 0.03% E ‐ Non‐pass trn km 5.16E‐12 3.56E‐04 1.14E‐04 0.02% E ‐ Non‐pass trn km 2.31E‐12 1.87E‐10 5.09E‐05 0.0092 0.0017 0.01% 1.97% 0.37% E Non‐pass trn km 1.59E‐04 0.0696 0.0129 D ‐ ‐ ‐ Non‐pass trn km 1.83E‐10 0.0126 0.0017 0.36% D ‐ Non‐pass trn km 1.72E‐10 0.0119 0.0016 0.34% D ‐ Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km 1.11E‐10 7.69E‐11 7.69E‐11 5.62E‐11 4.25E‐11 3.12E‐11 2.72E‐11 1.17E‐11 0.0076 0.0053 0.0053 0.0039 0.0029 0.0022 0.0019 8.08E‐04 0.0010 7.12E‐04 7.12E‐04 5.20E‐04 3.93E‐04 2.89E‐04 2.52E‐04 1.08E‐04 0.22% 0.15% 0.15% 0.11% 0.08% 0.06% 0.05% 0.02% E E E E E E E E ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ Non‐pass trn km 7.25E‐12 5.00E‐04 6.71E‐05 0.01% E ‐ Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km 4.08E‐12 2.72E‐12 1.09E‐12 9.40E‐13 8.03E‐13 2.22E‐13 2.82E‐04 1.88E‐04 7.51E‐05 6.48E‐05 5.53E‐05 1.53E‐05 3.78E‐05 2.52E‐05 1.01E‐05 8.71E‐06 7.43E‐06 2.05E‐06 0.01% 0.01% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% E E E E E E ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 43 Table B1 National frequency Hazardous event code HET‐11D HET‐11E HET‐11E HET‐11E HET‐11E HET‐11E HET‐11E HET‐11E HET‐11E HET‐11E HET‐11E HET‐11E HET‐11E HET‐11E HET‐11E HET‐11E HET‐11E HET‐11E HET‐11E HET‐11F HET‐11F HET‐11F HET‐11F HET‐11F HET‐11F HET‐11F HET‐11F HET‐11F HET‐11F HET‐11F Precursor code Cause precursor description VABCLSUIXPE RV struck by train ‐ on ABCL ‐ RV driver suicide Non passenger train collision with road vehicle on level crossing: AHB VAHB‐DELTH RV struck by train ‐ on AHB ‐ RV driver deliberate action: zigzags barriers RV struck by train ‐ on AHB ‐ RV incorrectly on LC due to environmental factors/driver error: VAHB‐EBLTE user brakes too late VAHB‐STRTE RV struck by train ‐ on AHB ‐ RV stranded/failed on LC VAHB‐ASETH RV struck by train ‐ on AHB ‐ RV driver error: fails to observe level crossing RV struck by train ‐ on AHB ‐ RV incorrectly on LC due to environmental factors: sunlight VAHB‐ESNTE obscures crossing/lights VAHB‐ABBTH RV struck by train ‐ on AHB ‐ RV driver error: blocking back VAHB‐VANTE RV struck by train ‐ on AHB ‐ RV deliberately placed on level crossing VAHBRTA‐TE RV struck by train ‐ on AHB ‐ RV incorrectly on LC due to RTA VAHB‐ATRTH RV struck by train ‐ on AHB ‐ RV driver error: road user turns onto the railway VAHB‐AGDTH RV struck by train ‐ on AHB ‐ RV driver error: grounding VAHB‐MANTH RV struck by train ‐ on AHB ‐ railway staff error in manual control LAHB‐DETTF RV struck by train ‐ on AHB ‐ equipment failure: failure to detect approaching train PAHB‐OVSTH RV struck by train ‐ on AHB ‐ train driver error: train overspeeding LAHB‐BLETF RV struck by train ‐ on AHB ‐ equipment failure: lights/barriers fail to operate VAHB‐ASTTH RV struck by train ‐ on AHB ‐ RV driver error: second train coming VAHBSUIXPE RV struck by train ‐ on AHB ‐ RV driver suicide RV struck by train ‐ on AHB ‐ RV incorrectly on LC due to environmental factors: poor VAHB‐EVSTE crossing visibility Non passenger train collision with road vehicle on level crossing: AOCL VAOCLDELTH RV struck by train ‐ on AOCL ‐ RV driver deliberate action: ignores lights / red light running VAOCLASETH RV struck by train ‐ on AOCL ‐ RV driver error: fails to observe level crossing RV struck by train ‐ on AOCL ‐ RV incorrectly on LC due to environmental factors: sunlight VAOCLESNTE obscures crossing/lights RV struck by train ‐ on AOCL ‐ RV incorrectly on LC due to environmental factors/driver VAOCLEBLTE error: user brakes too late LAOCLLSETF RV struck by train ‐ on AOCL ‐ AOCL lights fail to operate VAOCLVANTE RV struck by train ‐ on AOCL ‐ road vehicle deliberately placed on level crossing RV struck by train ‐ on AOCL ‐ RV incorrectly on LC due to environmental factors: poor VAOCLEVSTE crossing visibility VAOCLASTTH RV struck by train ‐ on AOCL ‐ RV driver error: second train coming VAOCLDRRTH RV struck by train ‐ on AOCL ‐ train driver error VAOCLAGDTH RV struck by train ‐ on AOCL ‐ RV driver error: grounding/stuck Version 7.1 — August 2011 Normaliser Deriv. HEN of POS (% of total prec. split (%) HE risk) (D, E) Risk contribution (events/ normaliser) (events/ year) (FWI/ year) Non‐pass trn km 1.70E‐11 Non‐pass trn km 1.48E‐09 0.0012 0.5593 0.1019 7.61E‐07 0.1391 0.0327 0.00% 29.83% 7.01% D ‐ ‐ ‐ Non‐pass trn km 1.05E‐09 0.0727 0.0233 5.00% D ‐ Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km 8.89E‐10 6.09E‐10 0.0613 0.0420 0.0197 0.0135 4.22% 2.89% D D ‐ ‐ Non‐pass trn km 4.60E‐10 0.0317 0.0102 2.18% D ‐ Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km 4.39E‐10 3.67E‐10 2.93E‐10 2.31E‐10 1.48E‐10 1.17E‐10 1.01E‐10 4.57E‐11 2.63E‐11 1.34E‐11 1.83E‐09 0.0303 0.0253 0.0202 0.0159 0.0102 0.0081 0.0070 0.0031 0.0018 9.27E‐04 0.1263 0.0097 0.0081 0.0065 0.0051 0.0033 0.0026 0.0022 0.0010 5.82E‐04 2.97E‐04 1.79E‐04 2.08% 1.74% 1.39% 1.10% 0.70% 0.56% 0.48% 0.22% 0.12% 0.06% 0.04% D D D D D D E E E E D ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ Non‐pass trn km 7.57E‐12 5.22E‐04 1.67E‐04 0.04% E ‐ Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km 3.33E‐09 1.16E‐09 0.4762 0.2294 0.0799 0.0639 0.0308 0.0107 13.70% 6.61% 2.30% D D ‐ ‐ ‐ Non‐pass trn km 8.61E‐10 0.0594 0.0080 1.71% D ‐ Non‐pass trn km 7.73E‐10 0.0533 0.0072 1.54% D ‐ Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km 2.73E‐10 1.23E‐10 0.0188 0.0085 0.0025 0.0011 0.54% 0.25% D D ‐ ‐ Non‐pass trn km 1.14E‐10 0.0078 0.0011 0.23% D ‐ Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km 1.05E‐10 5.74E‐11 3.95E‐11 0.0072 0.0040 0.0027 9.72E‐04 5.32E‐04 3.66E‐04 0.21% 0.11% 0.08% D D E ‐ ‐ ‐ E 44 Table B1 National frequency Hazardous event code HET‐11F HET‐11F HET‐11F HET‐11F HET‐11F HET‐11F HET‐11F HET‐11F HET‐11G HET‐11G HET‐11G HET‐11G HET‐11G HET‐11G HET‐11G HET‐11G HET‐11G HET‐11G HET‐11G HET‐11G HET‐11G HET‐11G HET‐11G HET‐11H HET‐11H HET‐11H HET‐11H HET‐11H HET‐11H HET‐11H HET‐11H HET‐11H Precursor code Cause precursor description VAOCLSTRTE RV struck by train ‐ on AOCL ‐ RV stranded/failed on LC PAOCLOVSTH RV struck by train ‐ on AOCL ‐ train overspeeding VAOCLABBTH RV struck by train ‐ on AOCL ‐ RV driver error: blocking back VAOCLRTATE RV struck by train ‐ on AOCL ‐ RV incorrectly on LC due to RTA LAOCLDETTF RV struck by train ‐ on AOCL ‐ equipment failure: failure to detect approaching train VAOCLATRTH RV struck by train ‐ on AOCL ‐ RV driver error: road user turns onto the railway PAOCLSPDTH RV struck by train ‐ on AOCL ‐ SPAD at stop board protecting the LC VAOCLSUIXPE RV struck by train ‐ on AOCL ‐ RV driver suicide Non passenger train collision with road vehicle on level crossing: UWC + MWL VUWCMEFCTE RV struck by train ‐ on UWC + MWL ‐ RV driver error: user fails to observe lights VUWCMAMITE RV struck by train ‐ on UWC + MWL ‐ RV driver error: misuse due to gates left open RV struck by train ‐ on UWC + MWL ‐ RV incorrectly on LC due to environmental factors: VUWCMESNTE sunlight obscures crossing/lights VUWCMDELTH RV struck by train ‐ on UWC + MWL ‐ RV driver deliberate action VUWCMAGDTH RV struck by train ‐ on UWC + MWL ‐ RV driver error: grounding LUWCM‐LETF RV struck by train ‐ on UWC + MWL ‐ equipment failure: lights fail to operate VUWCMSTRTE RV struck by train ‐ on UWC + MWL ‐ RV stranded/failed on LC VUWCMVANTE RV struck by train ‐ on UWC + MWL ‐ RV deliberately placed on level crossing VUWCMASTTH RV struck by train ‐ on UWC + MWL ‐ RV driver error: second train coming RV struck by train ‐ on UWC + MWL ‐ RV incorrectly on LC due to environmental factors: VUWCMEBLTE user brakes too late VUWCMRTATE RV struck by train ‐ on UWC + MWL ‐ RV incorrectly on LC due to RTA RV struck by train ‐ on UWC + MWL ‐ RV incorrectly on LC due to environmental factors: VUWCMEVSTE poor crossing visibility LUWCMDETTF RV struck by train ‐ on UWC + MWL ‐ equipment failure: failure to detect approaching train VUWCLSUIXPE RV struck by train ‐ on UWC + MWL ‐ RV driver suicide Non passenger train collision with road vehicle on level crossing: UWC + T RV struck by train ‐ on UWC + T ‐ RV driver error: road user fails to use phone to check line is VUWCTEFCTE clear VUWCTSKPTH RV struck by train ‐ on UWC + T ‐ signaller/crossing keeper error VUWCTAMITE RV struck by train ‐ on UWC + T ‐ RV driver error: misuse due to gates left open VUWCT‐DELTH RV struck by train ‐ on UWC + T ‐ RV driver deliberate action VUWCTVANTE RV struck by train ‐ on UWC + T ‐ RV deliberately placed on level crossing VUWCTAGDTH RV struck by train ‐ on UWC + T ‐ RV driver error: grounding VUWCT‐STRTE RV struck by train ‐ on UWC + T ‐ RV stranded/failed on LC VUWCTASTTH RV struck by train ‐ on UWC + T ‐ RV driver error: second train coming Version 7.1 — August 2011 Normaliser Deriv. HEN of POS (% of total prec. split (%) HE risk) (D, E) Risk contribution (events/ normaliser) (events/ year) (FWI/ year) Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km 3.95E‐11 2.18E‐11 2.10E‐12 1.40E‐12 4.83E‐13 4.16E‐13 1.14E‐13 8.76E‐12 Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km 9.87E‐10 3.30E‐10 0.0027 0.0015 1.45E‐04 9.65E‐05 3.33E‐05 2.87E‐05 7.87E‐06 6.04E‐04 0.1340 0.0680 0.0228 3.66E‐04 2.02E‐04 1.94E‐05 1.30E‐05 4.47E‐06 3.85E‐06 1.06E‐06 3.80E‐07 0.0365 0.0186 0.0062 0.08% 0.04% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 7.83% 3.98% 1.33% D D ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ Non‐pass trn km 2.03E‐10 0.0140 0.0038 0.82% D ‐ Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km 1.44E‐10 1.10E‐10 9.78E‐11 3.01E‐11 2.47E‐11 5.49E‐12 0.0100 0.0076 0.0067 0.0021 0.0017 3.79E‐04 0.0027 0.0021 0.0018 5.67E‐04 4.64E‐04 1.03E‐04 0.58% 0.44% 0.39% 0.12% 0.10% 0.02% E D D E E E ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ Non‐pass trn km 3.92E‐12 2.70E‐04 7.38E‐05 0.02% E ‐ Non‐pass trn km 1.17E‐12 8.05E‐05 2.20E‐05 0.00% E ‐ Non‐pass trn km 8.30E‐13 5.72E‐05 1.56E‐05 0.00% E ‐ Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km 2.58E‐13 4.68E‐12 1.78E‐05 3.23E‐04 0.3680 4.86E‐06 6.28E‐07 0.1003 0.00% 0.00% 21.50% E E ‐ ‐ ‐ Non‐pass trn km 3.01E‐09 0.2074 0.0566 12.15% D ‐ Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km 7.94E‐10 6.92E‐10 3.31E‐10 2.39E‐10 1.73E‐10 6.56E‐11 1.01E‐11 0.0547 0.0477 0.0228 0.0165 0.0119 0.0045 6.93E‐04 0.0149 0.0130 0.0062 0.0045 0.0033 0.0012 1.89E‐04 3.21% 2.79% 1.34% 0.97% 0.70% 0.26% 0.04% D D D D D D E ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ E E E E E E E E 45 Table B1 National frequency Hazardous event code HET‐11H HET‐11H HET‐11H HET‐11H HET‐11I HET‐11I HET‐11I HET‐11I HET‐11I HET‐11I HET‐11I HET‐11I HET‐11I HET‐11I HET‐11I HET‐11I HET‐11I HET‐11I HET‐11J HET‐11J HET‐11J HET‐11J HET‐11J HET‐11J HET‐11J HET‐11J HET‐11J HET‐11J Precursor code Cause precursor description RV struck by train ‐ on UWC + T ‐ RV incorrectly on LC due to environmental factors/driver error: user brakes too late VUWCTRTA‐TE RV struck by train ‐ on UWC + T ‐ RV incorrectly on LC due to RTA RV struck by train ‐ on UWC + T ‐ RV incorrectly on LC due to environmental factors: poor VUWCTEVSTE crossing visibility VUWCTSUIXPE RV struck by train ‐ on UWC + T ‐ RV driver suicide Non passenger train collision with road vehicle on level crossing: UWC VUWC‐ASSTE RV struck by train ‐ on UWC ‐ RV driver error: fails to stop, look and listen VUWC‐AGDTH RV struck by train ‐ on UWC ‐ RV driver error: grounding VUWC‐ASETE RV struck by train ‐ on UWC ‐ RV driver error: poor sighting VUWC‐AMITE RV struck by train ‐ on UWC ‐ RV driver error: misuse due to gates left open VUWC‐DELTH RV struck by train ‐ on UWC ‐ RV driver deliberate action VUWC‐VANTE RV struck by train ‐ on UWC ‐ RV deliberately placed on level crossing VUWC‐STRTE RV struck by train ‐ on UWC ‐ RV stranded/failed on LC RV struck by train ‐ on UWC ‐ RV incorrectly on LC due to environmental factors: sunlight VUWC‐ESNTE obscures crossing/view up and down tracks VUWC‐ASTTH RV struck by train ‐ on UWC ‐ RV driver error: second train coming RV struck by train ‐ on UWC ‐ RV incorrectly on LC due to environmental factors/driver error: VUWC‐EBLTE user brakes too late VUWCRTA‐TE RV struck by train ‐ on UWC ‐ RV incorrectly on LC due to RTA RV struck by train ‐ on UWC ‐ RV incorrectly on LC due to environmental factors: poor VUWC‐EVSTE crossing visibility VUWCSUIXPE RV struck by train ‐ on UWC ‐ RV driver suicide Non passenger train collision with road vehicle on level crossing: OC VOC‐‐ASSTE RV struck by train ‐ on OC ‐ RV driver error: fails to stop, look and listen VOC‐‐DELTH RV struck by train ‐ on OC ‐ RV driver deliberate action VOC‐‐ASETE RV struck by train ‐ on OC ‐ RV driver error: poor sighting RV struck by train ‐ on OC ‐ RV incorrectly on LC due to environmental factors: sunlight VOC‐‐ESNTE obscures crossing/view up and down tracks VOC‐‐ASETH RV struck by train ‐ on OC ‐ RV driver error: fails to observe level crossing RV struck by train ‐ on OC ‐ RV incorrectly on LC due to environmental factors/driver error: VOC‐‐EBLTE user brakes too late VOC‐‐OVSTH RV struck by train ‐ on OC ‐ train overspeeding RV struck by train ‐ on OC ‐ RV incorrectly on LC due to environmental factors: poor crossing VOC‐‐EVSTE visibility VOC‐‐STRTE RV struck by train ‐ on OC ‐ RV stranded/failed on LC VUWCTEBLTE Version 7.1 — August 2011 Normaliser Deriv. HEN of POS (% of total prec. split (%) HE risk) (D, E) Risk contribution (events/ normaliser) (events/ year) (FWI/ year) Non‐pass trn km 8.50E‐12 5.86E‐04 1.60E‐04 0.03% E ‐ Non‐pass trn km 2.67E‐12 1.84E‐04 5.03E‐05 0.01% E ‐ Non‐pass trn km 1.78E‐12 1.23E‐04 3.36E‐05 0.01% E ‐ Non‐pass trn km 1.07E‐11 8.47E‐10 7.06E‐10 6.94E‐10 5.65E‐10 2.38E‐10 1.10E‐10 4.90E‐11 1.43E‐06 0.0610 0.0160 0.0133 0.0131 0.0106 0.0045 0.0021 9.22E‐04 0.00% 13.08% 3.42% 2.85% 2.80% 2.28% 0.96% 0.44% 0.20% E Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km 7.39E‐04 0.2239 0.0584 0.0487 0.0478 0.0389 0.0164 0.0076 0.0034 D D D D D D E ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ Non‐pass trn km 1.39E‐11 9.55E‐04 2.61E‐04 0.06% E ‐ Non‐pass trn km 7.82E‐12 5.39E‐04 1.47E‐04 0.03% E ‐ Non‐pass trn km 6.22E‐12 4.29E‐04 1.17E‐04 0.03% E ‐ Non‐pass trn km 1.92E‐12 1.32E‐04 3.61E‐05 0.01% E ‐ Non‐pass trn km 1.31E‐12 9.03E‐05 2.47E‐05 0.01% E ‐ Non‐pass trn km 7.69E‐12 1.49E‐09 6.18E‐11 1.28E‐11 1.03E‐06 0.0016 0.0015 6.39E‐05 1.33E‐05 0.00% 0.35% 0.33% 0.01% 0.00% E Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km 5.30E‐04 0.1087 0.1025 0.0043 8.86E‐04 D D E ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ Non‐pass trn km 9.97E‐12 6.87E‐04 1.03E‐05 0.00% E ‐ Non‐pass trn km 2.92E‐12 2.01E‐04 3.02E‐06 0.00% E ‐ Non‐pass trn km 2.59E‐12 1.79E‐04 2.68E‐06 0.00% E ‐ Non‐pass trn km 3.60E‐13 2.48E‐05 3.72E‐07 0.00% E ‐ Non‐pass trn km 2.88E‐13 1.99E‐05 2.98E‐07 0.00% E ‐ Non‐pass trn km 6.52E‐14 4.49E‐06 6.74E‐08 0.00% E ‐ 46 Table B1 National frequency Hazardous event code HET‐11J HET‐11J HET‐11J HET‐11J HET‐11J HET‐11K HET‐11K HET‐11K HET‐11K HET‐11K HET‐11K HET‐11K HET‐11K HET‐11K HET‐11 POS HET‐11 POS HET‐11 POS HET‐11 POS HET‐11 POS HET‐11 POS HET‐11 POS HET‐11 POS HET‐11 POS HET‐11 POS HET‐11 POS HET‐11 POS HET‐11 POS HET‐11 POS Precursor code Cause precursor description VOC‐‐AGDTH RV struck by train ‐ on OC ‐ RV driver error: grounding VOCRTA‐‐TE RV struck by train ‐ on OC ‐ RV incorrectly on LC due to RTA VOC‐‐ATRTH RV struck by train ‐ on OC ‐ RV driver error: road user turns onto the railway VOC‐‐ABBTH RV struck by train ‐ on OC ‐ RV driver error: blocking back VOC‐‐SUIXPE RV struck by train ‐ on OC ‐ RV driver suicide Non passenger train collision with road vehicle on level crossing: FP (includes FP MWL) VFPC‐ASSTE RV struck by train ‐ on FP ‐ RV driver error: fails to stop, look and listen VFPC‐AGDTH RV struck by train ‐ on FP ‐ RV driver error: grounding VFPC‐‐DELTH RV struck by train ‐ on FP ‐ RV driver deliberate action LFPC‐‐LETF RV struck by train ‐ on FP ‐ equipment failure: lights fail to operate VFPC‐EFCTE RV struck by train ‐ on FP ‐ RV driver error: user fails to observe lights VFPC‐VANTE RV struck by train ‐ on FP ‐ RV deliberately placed on level crossing VFPC‐ASTTH RV struck by train ‐ on FP ‐ RV driver error: second train coming VFPC‐SUIXPE RV struck by train ‐ on FP ‐ RV driver suicide OTP collision with road vehicle on level crossing inside possession OT04I05POS Crossing User Error ‐ RV struck by OTP on level crossings inside possession Unsafe System of Work Employed by Workers ‐ RV struck by OTP on level crossings inside OT04I54POS possession OTP Driver/Operator Error (Inattention) ‐ RV struck by OTP on level crossings inside OT04I12POS possession OT04I15POS OTP Driver/Operator Error (Speeding) ‐ RV struck by OTP on level crossings inside possession OT04I11POS OTP Driver/Operator Error (Braking) ‐ RV struck by OTP on level crossings inside possession OT04I32POS Infrastructure Defect ‐ RV struck by OTP on level crossings inside possession OT04I59POS Defect on OTP ‐ RV struck by OTP on level crossings inside possession OT04I17POS Handsignaller Error ‐ RV struck by OTP on level crossings inside possession OTP Driver/Operator Error (Signal Passed at Danger) ‐ RV struck by OTP on level crossings OT04I14POS inside possession Incorrect Management of IC Interface ‐ RV struck by OTP on level crossings inside OT04I31POS possession OT04I46POS Possession Irregularity ‐ RV struck by OTP on level crossings inside possession OT04I50POS Signaller Error ‐ RV struck by OTP on level crossings inside possession OTP Driver/Operator Error (Propelling) ‐ RV struck by OTP on level crossings inside OT04I13POS possession Version 7.1 — August 2011 Normaliser Deriv. HEN of POS (% of total prec. split (%) HE risk) (D, E) Risk contribution (events/ normaliser) (events/ year) (FWI/ year) Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km 6.52E‐14 3.60E‐14 6.92E‐15 3.46E‐15 1.44E‐14 Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km 9.62E‐11 7.03E‐11 1.26E‐11 4.34E‐12 4.27E‐12 3.80E‐12 9.82E‐13 4.10E‐13 OTP hrs 4.22E‐08 4.49E‐06 2.48E‐06 4.77E‐07 2.39E‐07 9.95E‐07 0.0133 0.0066 0.0048 8.72E‐04 2.99E‐04 2.94E‐04 2.62E‐04 6.77E‐05 2.82E‐05 0.1198 0.0898 6.74E‐08 3.72E‐08 7.15E‐09 3.58E‐09 6.00E‐11 0.0043 0.0022 0.0016 2.85E‐04 9.76E‐05 9.60E‐05 8.55E‐05 2.21E‐05 2.94E‐08 0.0196 0.0147 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.93% 0.46% 0.34% 0.06% 0.02% 0.02% 0.02% 0.00% 0.00% 4.19% 3.15% OTP hrs 8.44E‐09 0.0180 0.0029 OTP hrs 1.12E‐09 0.0024 OTP hrs OTP hrs OTP hrs OTP hrs OTP hrs 5.62E‐10 5.62E‐10 5.62E‐10 5.62E‐10 5.62E‐10 OTP hrs E E E E E E ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 0.63% E ‐ 3.91E‐04 0.08% E ‐ 0.0012 0.0012 0.0012 0.0012 0.0012 1.96E‐04 1.96E‐04 1.96E‐04 1.96E‐04 1.96E‐04 0.04% 0.04% 0.04% 0.04% 0.04% E E E E E ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 5.62E‐10 0.0012 1.96E‐04 0.04% E ‐ OTP hrs 2.81E‐10 5.99E‐04 9.78E‐05 0.02% E ‐ OTP hrs OTP hrs 2.81E‐10 2.81E‐10 5.99E‐04 5.99E‐04 9.78E‐05 9.78E‐05 0.02% 0.02% E E ‐ ‐ OTP hrs 2.81E‐10 5.99E‐04 9.78E‐05 0.02% E ‐ E D E E E E E E 47 Table B1 National frequency Hazardous event code HET‐12 HET‐12 HET‐12 HET‐12 HET‐12 HET‐12 HET‐12 HET‐12 HET‐12 HET‐12 HET‐12 HET‐12 HET‐12 HET‐12 HET‐12 HET‐12 HET‐12 HET‐12 HET‐12 HET‐12 HET‐12 HET‐12 HET‐12 HET‐12 HET‐12 HET‐12 HET‐12 HET‐12 HET‐12 HET‐12 HET‐12 HET‐12 HET‐12 HET‐12 HET‐12 Precursor code Cause precursor description Derailment of passenger train RLNS‐‐‐‐UF Running into landslip leading to PT derailment ‐ from cutting VBND‐‐‐‐UE Running into vehicle through boundary fence leading to PT derailment XSGM‐‐‐‐PH Signaller/ crossing keeper error leading to PT derailment XDSC‐‐‐‐PF Defective S&C leading to PT derailment PSPD‐‐‐‐PH SPAD at S&C leading to PT derailment TBCK‐‐‐‐PF Track buckle leading to PT derailment BTRE‐‐‐‐UE Running into tree leading to PT derailment PCRW‐‐‐‐PH Other driver/train crew error at S&C leading to PT derailment DEEQ‐‐‐‐UF Equipment detached from same train leads to PT derailment XPRD‐‐‐‐PH Track maintenance staff error leading to PT derailment RBSHCOL‐UE Rail bridge collapse ‐ bridge bashing leading to PT derailment PWHL‐‐‐‐PF Wheel failure leading to PT derailment RBGS‐‐‐‐UF Rail bridge structural failure leading to PT derailment XPOS‐‐‐‐PF Points in the wrong position and not detected leading to PT derailment TTWS‐‐‐‐PF Track twist leading to PT derailment TSPG‐‐‐‐PF Gauge spread (assumed always slow speed) leading to PT derailment XSCO‐‐‐‐PH Incorrect scotch and clip of points leading to PT derailment TFSH‐‐‐‐PF Broken fishplate leading to PT derailment AANM‐‐‐‐UE Running into large animals leading to PT derailment BVAN‐‐‐‐UE Running into item placed on the track by vandals leading to PT derailment RSLP‐‐‐‐PF Subsidence/ landslip under track leading to PT derailment – on embankment WSNO‐‐‐‐UE Running into snow/ice leading to PT derailment SWRG‐‐‐‐PF Wrongside signal failure at S&C leading to PT derailment TBKR‐‐‐‐PF Broken rail leading to PT derailment VBGV‐‐‐‐UE Running into vehicle fallen from overbridge leading to PT derailment PAXB‐‐‐‐PF Seized axle box bearing leading to PT derailment PAXL‐‐‐‐PF Axle failure leading to PT derailment XSCM‐‐‐‐PF Movement of points under train (equipment faults) leading to PT derailment Structural collapse due to scour and water action leading to PT derailment (includes sea RSCR‐‐‐‐UE walls) BFLL‐‐‐‐UE Running into item that has fallen onto the line leading to PT derailment MMAT‐‐‐‐UE Running into engineering material/equipment left foul leading to train derailment POSL‐‐‐‐PH Overspeeding leading to PT derailment PSHN‐‐‐‐PH Shunter error leading to PT derailment PTRA‐‐‐‐PF Running into object fallen from preceding train leading to PT derailment Version 7.1 — August 2011 Normaliser Deriv. HEN of POS (% of total prec. split (%) HE risk) (D, E) Risk contribution (events/ normaliser) (events/ year) (FWI/ year) Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km 2.24E‐09 6.07E‐10 1.28E‐09 1.28E‐09 7.68E‐10 7.33E‐10 6.07E‐10 5.67E‐10 4.49E‐10 3.78E‐10 1.48E‐11 2.83E‐10 1.20E‐11 2.56E‐10 2.44E‐10 7.68E‐10 2.44E‐10 2.24E‐10 2.24E‐10 2.24E‐10 2.24E‐10 2.24E‐10 2.24E‐10 2.24E‐10 8.67E‐11 1.89E‐10 1.89E‐10 1.89E‐10 7.086 1.095 0.2963 0.6250 0.6250 0.3750 0.3581 0.2963 0.2768 0.2191 0.1845 0.0072 0.1384 0.0058 0.1250 0.1194 0.3750 0.1194 0.1095 0.1095 0.1095 0.1095 0.1095 0.1095 0.1095 0.0423 0.0923 0.0923 0.0923 1.955 0.2773 0.1785 0.1582 0.1582 0.0949 0.0907 0.0750 0.0701 0.0564 0.0467 0.0429 0.0357 0.0346 0.0316 0.0308 0.0304 0.0302 0.0282 0.0277 0.0277 0.0277 0.0277 0.0277 0.0277 0.0255 0.0238 0.0238 0.0234 100.00% 14.19% 9.13% 8.09% 8.09% 4.86% 4.64% 3.84% 3.58% 2.89% 2.39% 2.19% 1.82% 1.77% 1.62% 1.57% 1.56% 1.55% 1.44% 1.42% 1.42% 1.42% 1.42% 1.42% 1.42% 1.30% 1.22% 1.22% 1.19% D D D D D D D D D D E D E D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ Pass trn km 7.41E‐12 0.0036 0.0214 1.10% E ‐ Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km 1.73E‐10 1.73E‐10 6.70E‐11 9.90E‐11 9.45E‐11 0.0847 0.0847 0.0327 0.0483 0.0461 0.0214 0.0214 0.0159 0.0122 0.0119 1.10% 1.10% 0.81% 0.63% 0.61% D D D D D ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 48 Table B1 National frequency Hazardous event code Precursor code Cause precursor description Normaliser HET‐12 HET‐12 HET‐12 HET‐12 HET‐12 HET‐12 HET‐12 HET‐12 HET‐12 HET‐12 HET‐12 HET‐12 HET‐12 HET‐12 HET‐12 PWHF‐‐‐‐PF PBUF‐‐‐‐PF YMSC‐‐‐‐PE PSUS‐‐‐‐PF UTRN‐‐‐‐UE BBLN‐‐‐‐UE RBGD‐‐‐‐UF RWAL‐‐‐‐UF RDRN‐‐‐‐UF RBSH‐‐‐‐UE TTUNBKR‐PF TTKD‐‐‐‐UE RTUNWALLUF BBLD‐‐‐‐UE WWIN‐‐‐‐UE HET‐12 RBLD‐‐‐‐UF HET‐12 HET‐12 HET‐12 HET‐12 HET‐12 HET‐12 RSIG‐‐‐‐UF VMVE‐‐‐‐UE PCATDR‐‐PH ROHL‐‐‐‐UF RQAK‐‐‐‐UE WFLD‐‐‐‐UE Wheel flats or wheel/tyre wear beyond limits leading to PT derailment Buffer locking leading to PT derailment Miscellaneous/ unknown causes on plain line leading to PT derailment Suspension system/bogie failure leading to PT derailment Running into train derailed while in depot/siding leading to PT derailment Running into items blown onto the line leading to PT derailment Running into to debris from overbridge leading to PT derailment Running into debris from retaining wall leading to PT derailment Drainage culvert/pipework collapse leading to PT derailment Bridge bashing leading to bridge displacement (not collapse) and PT derailment Broken rail in tunnel leading to PT derailment Track damage from other undetected derailment leading to PT derailment Running into debris in the tunnel leading to PT derailment Running into objects from building site leading to PT derailment High winds leading to PT derailment Running into debris from lineside structure/building, including used and unused station and platform leading to PT derailment. Running into debris from signalling gantry leading to PT derailment Running into maintenance vehicle leading to PT derailment Runaway leading to PT derailment Running into debris from OHLE structure leading to PT derailment Structural damage due to earthquake leading to PT derailment Running into flooding leading to PT derailment HET‐13 HET‐13 FTP HET‐13 FTP HET‐13 FTP HET‐13 FTP HET‐13 FTP HET‐13 FTP HET‐13 FTP HET‐13 FTP HET‐13 FTP HET‐13 FTP HET‐13 FTP Derailment of non‐passenger train Derailment of freight train on passenger line outside possession XSGM‐‐‐‐FH Signaller/crossing keeper error leading to FT derailment on pass. line FSPD‐‐‐‐FH Signal passed at danger at S&C leading to FT derailment on pass. line FMSC‐‐‐‐FF Miscellaneous mechanical fault leading to FT derailment on pass. line FCRW‐‐‐‐FH Other driver/train crew error at S&C leading to FT derailment on pass. line FCATDR‐‐FH Runaway leading to FT derailment on pass. line XMISC‐‐‐FF Miscellaneous/unknown cause on S&C leading to FT derailment on pass. line YMSC‐‐‐‐FE Miscellaneous/unknown cause on plain line leading to FT derailment on pass. line XDSC‐‐‐‐FF Defective S&C leading to FT derailment on pass. line FSUS‐‐‐‐FF Suspension system/bogie failure leading to FT derailment on pass. line VBND‐‐‐‐UE Running into vehicle through boundary fence leading to FT derailment on pass. line Version 7.1 — August 2011 Deriv. HEN of POS (% of total prec. split (%) HE risk) (D, E) Risk contribution (events/ normaliser) (events/ year) (FWI/ year) Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km 9.45E‐11 9.45E‐11 9.45E‐11 9.45E‐11 8.97E‐11 8.67E‐11 6.54E‐11 4.45E‐11 4.45E‐11 4.28E‐11 2.19E‐11 3.59E‐11 1.59E‐11 1.79E‐11 1.79E‐11 0.0461 0.0461 0.0461 0.0461 0.0438 0.0423 0.0319 0.0217 0.0217 0.0209 0.0107 0.0175 0.0078 0.0088 0.0088 0.0119 0.0119 0.0119 0.0119 0.0111 0.0107 0.0081 0.0055 0.0055 0.0053 0.0052 0.0045 0.0038 0.0022 0.0022 0.61% 0.61% 0.61% 0.61% 0.57% 0.55% 0.41% 0.28% 0.28% 0.27% 0.27% 0.23% 0.19% 0.11% 0.11% D D D D E D E E E E D E E E E ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ Pass trn km 1.24E‐11 0.0060 0.0015 0.08% E ‐ Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km 1.01E‐11 8.97E‐12 4.10E‐11 6.18E‐12 1.79E‐13 8.97E‐14 0.0049 0.0044 0.0200 0.0030 8.76E‐05 4.38E‐05 0.0012 0.0011 9.60E‐04 7.64E‐04 2.26E‐05 1.13E‐05 0.06% 0.06% 0.05% 0.04% 0.00% 0.00% E E E E E E ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 2.62E‐08 2.33E‐08 2.18E‐08 1.91E‐08 1.46E‐08 1.17E‐08 1.09E‐08 8.75E‐09 8.18E‐09 6.07E‐10 58.45 10.12 1.125 1.0000 0.9352 0.8183 0.6250 0.5000 0.4676 0.3750 0.3507 0.0260 0.5536 0.2786 0.0288 0.0256 0.0244 0.0209 0.0152 0.0128 0.0122 0.0096 0.0091 0.0090 100.00% 50.33% 5.20% 4.62% 4.41% 3.78% 2.75% 2.31% 2.20% 1.73% 1.65% 1.62% D D D D D D D D D D ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ Frt tr km on ps lines Frt tr km on ps lines Frt tr km on ps lines Frt tr km on ps lines Frt tr km on ps lines Frt tr km on ps lines Frt tr km on ps lines Frt tr km on ps lines Frt tr km on ps lines Frt tr km on ps lines 49 Table B1 National frequency Hazardous event code Precursor code Cause precursor description HET‐13 FTP HET‐13 FTP HET‐13 FTP HET‐13 FTP HET‐13 FTP HET‐13 FTP HET‐13 FTP HET‐13 FTP HET‐13 FTP HET‐13 FTP HET‐13 FTP HET‐13 FTP HET‐13 FTP HET‐13 FTP HET‐13 FTP HET‐13 FTP HET‐13 FTP HET‐13 FTP HET‐13 FTP HET‐13 FTP HET‐13 FTP HET‐13 FTP HET‐13 FTP HET‐13 FTP HET‐13 FTP HET‐13 FTP HET‐13 FTP TTWS‐‐‐‐FF TSPG‐‐‐‐FF TTUNBKR‐FF XPRD‐‐‐‐FH FSNT‐‐‐‐FF FLOAD‐‐‐FH FBUF‐‐‐‐FF FAXL‐‐‐‐FF XSCM‐‐‐‐FF TMSC‐‐‐‐FF FMARS‐‐‐FH FSHN‐‐‐‐FH FWHF‐‐‐‐FF FUNDER‐‐FF TCYCLIC‐FF TBCK‐‐‐‐FF XSCO‐‐‐‐FH RLNS‐‐‐‐UF FTRA‐‐‐‐FF FWHL‐‐‐‐FF FAXB‐‐‐‐FF RBSHCOL‐UE FOSL‐‐‐‐FH RBGS‐‐‐‐UF VBGV‐‐‐‐UE XFOS‐‐‐‐FF FCUP‐‐‐‐FF HET‐13 FTP RSCR‐‐‐‐UE HET‐13 FTP HET‐13 FTP HET‐13 FTP HET‐13 FTP HET‐13 FTP HET‐13 FTP HET‐13 FTP BTRE‐‐‐‐UE DEEQ‐‐‐‐UF TFSH‐‐‐‐FF SWRG‐‐‐‐FF TBKR‐‐‐‐FF AANM‐‐‐‐UE WSNO‐‐‐‐UE Track twist leading to FT derailment on pass. line Gauge spread leading to FT derailment on pass. line Broken rail in tunnel leading to FT derailment on pass. line Track maintenance staff error leading to FT derailment on pass. line Severe braking/snatch leading to FT derailment on pass. line Uneven loading leading to FT derailment on pass. line Buffer locking leading to FT derailment on pass. line Axle failure leading to FT derailment on pass. line Movement of points under train (equipment fault) leading to FT derailment on pass. line Misc. track fault leading to FT derailment on pass. line Marshalling of train leading to FT derailment on pass. line Shunter error leading to FT derailment on pass. line Wheel flat or wheel/tyre wear beyond limits leading to FT derailment on pass. line Twisted underframe leading to FT derailment on pass. line Cyclic top leading to FT derailment on pass. line Track buckle leading to FT derailment on pass. line Incorrect scotch and clip of points leading to FT derailment on pass. line Running into landslip leading to FT derailment on pass. line ‐ from cutting Running into object fallen from preceding train leading to FT derailment on pass. line Wheel failure leading to FT derailment on pass. line Seized axle box bearing leading to FT derailment on pass. line Rail bridge collapse ‐ bridge bashing leading to FT derailment on pass. line Overspeeding leading to FT derailment on pass. line Rail bridge structural failure leading to FT derailment on pass. line Running into vehicle fallen from overbridge leading to FT derailment on pass. line Points in the wrong position and not detected leading to FT derailment on pass. line Coupling failure leading to FT derailment on pass. line Structural collapse due to scour and water action leading to FT derailment on pass. line (includes sea walls) Running into tree leading to FT derailment on pass. line Equipment detached from same train leads to FT derailment on pass. line Broken fishplate leading to FT derailment on pass. line Wrongside signal failure at S&C leading to FT derailment on pass. line Broken rail leading to FT derailment on pass. line Running into large animal leading to FT derailment on pass. line Running into snow/ice leading to FT derailment on pass. line Version 7.1 — August 2011 Normaliser Deriv. HEN of POS (% of total prec. split (%) HE risk) (D, E) Risk contribution (events/ normaliser) (events/ year) (FWI/ year) Frt tr km on ps lines Frt tr km on ps lines Frt tr km on ps lines Frt tr km on ps lines Frt tr km on ps lines Frt tr km on ps lines Frt tr km on ps lines Frt tr km on ps lines Frt tr km on ps lines Frt tr km on ps lines Frt tr km on ps lines Frt tr km on ps lines Frt tr km on ps lines Frt tr km on ps lines Frt tr km on ps lines Frt tr km on ps lines Frt tr km on ps lines Frt tr km on ps lines Frt tr km on ps lines Frt tr km on ps lines Frt tr km on ps lines Frt tr km on ps lines Frt tr km on ps lines Frt tr km on ps lines Frt tr km on ps lines Frt tr km on ps lines Frt tr km on ps lines 8.00E‐09 7.34E‐09 3.38E‐09 6.32E‐09 5.45E‐09 5.45E‐09 5.45E‐09 5.36E‐09 5.27E‐09 3.63E‐09 2.92E‐09 2.92E‐09 2.73E‐09 2.73E‐09 2.73E‐09 2.73E‐09 2.73E‐09 2.24E‐09 2.11E‐09 2.11E‐09 2.11E‐09 1.48E‐11 1.53E‐09 1.20E‐11 8.67E‐11 1.13E‐09 1.05E‐09 0.3429 0.3146 0.1449 0.2711 0.2338 0.2338 0.2338 0.2299 0.2259 0.1555 0.1250 0.1250 0.1169 0.1169 0.1169 0.1169 0.1169 0.0962 0.0904 0.0904 0.0904 6.36E‐04 0.0654 5.13E‐04 0.0037 0.0483 0.0452 0.0089 0.0082 0.0076 0.0069 0.0061 0.0061 0.0061 0.0060 0.0058 0.0041 0.0033 0.0032 0.0030 0.0030 0.0030 0.0030 0.0030 0.0025 0.0024 0.0024 0.0024 0.0021 0.0018 0.0017 0.0013 0.0012 0.0012 1.62% 1.48% 1.37% 1.25% 1.10% 1.10% 1.10% 1.08% 1.04% 0.73% 0.59% 0.58% 0.55% 0.55% 0.55% 0.54% 0.54% 0.44% 0.43% 0.43% 0.43% 0.38% 0.33% 0.30% 0.23% 0.22% 0.21% D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D E D E D D D ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ Frt tr km on ps lines 7.41E‐12 3.18E‐04 0.0010 0.19% E ‐ Frt tr km on ps lines Frt tr km on ps lines Frt tr km on ps lines Frt tr km on ps lines Frt tr km on ps lines Frt tr km on ps lines Frt tr km on ps lines 6.07E‐10 4.49E‐10 2.24E‐10 2.24E‐10 2.24E‐10 2.24E‐10 2.24E‐10 0.0260 0.0192 0.0096 0.0096 0.0096 0.0096 0.0096 6.65E‐04 5.02E‐04 2.51E‐04 2.46E‐04 2.46E‐04 2.46E‐04 2.46E‐04 0.12% 0.09% 0.05% 0.04% 0.04% 0.04% 0.04% D D D D D D D ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 50 Table B1 National frequency Hazardous event code Precursor code HET‐13 FTP HET‐13 FTP HET‐13 FTP HET‐13 FTP HET‐13 FTP HET‐13 FTP HET‐13 FTP HET‐13 FTP HET‐13 FTP HET‐13 FTP HET‐13 FTP HET‐13 FTP HET‐13 FTP HET‐13 FTP RSLP‐‐‐‐FF BVAN‐‐‐‐UE MMAT‐‐‐‐UE BFLL‐‐‐‐UE UTRN‐‐‐‐UE BBLN‐‐‐‐UE RBGD‐‐‐‐UF RDRN‐‐‐‐UF RWAL‐‐‐‐UF RBSH‐‐‐‐UE TTKD‐‐‐‐UE RTUNWALLUF BBLD‐‐‐‐UE WWIN‐‐‐‐UE HET‐13 FTP HET‐13 FTP HET‐13 FTP HET‐13 FTP HET‐13 FTP HET‐13 FTP HET‐13 FTF HET‐13 FTF HET‐13 FTF HET‐13 FTF HET‐13 FTF HET‐13 FTF HET‐13 FTF HET‐13 FTF HET‐13 FTF HET‐13 FTF HET‐13 FTF HET‐13 FTF HET‐13 FTF HET‐13 FTF HET‐13 FTF Cause precursor description Subsidence/landslip under track leading to FT derailment on pass. line Running into item placed on the track by vandals leading to FT derailment on pass. line Running into Engineers' materials left foul leading to FT derailment on pass. line Running into item that have fallen onto the line leading to FT derailment on pass. line Running into train derailed while in depot/siding leading to FT derailment on pass. line Running into item blown onto the line leading to FT derailment on pass. line Running into to debris from overbridge leading to FT derailment on pass. line Drainage culvert/pipework collapse leading to FT derailment on pass. line Running into debris from retaining wall leading to FT derailment on pass. line Bridge bashing leading to bridge displacement (not collapse) and FT derailment on pass. line Track damage from other undetected derailment leading to FT derailment on pass. line Running into debris in the tunnel leading to FT derailment on pass. line Running into object from building site leading to FT derailment on pass. line High winds leading to FT derailment on pass. line Running into debris from lineside structure/building, including used and unused station and RBLD‐‐‐‐UF platform leading to FT derailment on pass. line RSIG‐‐‐‐UF Running into debris from signalling gantry leading to FT derailment on pass. line VMVE‐‐‐‐UE Running into maintenance vehicle leading to FT derailment on pass. line ROHL‐‐‐‐UF Running into debris from OHLE structure leading to FT derailment on pass. line RQAK‐‐‐‐UE Structural damage due to earthquake leading to FT derailment on pass. line WFLD‐‐‐‐UE Running into flooding leading to FT derailment on pass. line Derailment of freight train on freight only line outside possession TSPG‐‐‐‐NF Gauge spread leading to FT derailment on freight only line TTWS‐‐‐‐NF Track twist leading to FT derailment on freight only line XSGM‐‐‐‐NH Signaller/ crossing keeper error leading to FT derailment on freight only line FCATDR‐‐NH Runaway leading to FT derailment on freight only line XDSC‐‐‐‐NF Defective S&C leading to FT derailment on freight only line FSPD‐‐‐‐NH Signal passed at danger at S&C leading to FT derailment on freight only line XMISC‐‐‐NF Miscellaneous/unknown cause on S&C leading to FT derailment on freight only line FSHN‐‐‐‐NH Shunter error leading to FT derailment on freight only line TTUNBKR‐NF Broken rail in tunnel leading to FT derailment on freight only line FMARS‐‐‐NH Marshalling of train leading to FT derailment on freight only line FOSL‐‐‐‐NH Overspeeding leading to FT derailment on freight only line FMSC‐‐‐‐NF Miscellaneous mechanical fault leading to FT derailment on freight only line FCRW‐‐‐‐NH Other driver/train crew error at S&C leading to FT derailment on freight only line VBND‐‐‐‐UE Running into vehicle through boundary fence leading to FT derailment on freight only line Version 7.1 — August 2011 Normaliser Deriv. HEN of POS (% of total prec. split (%) HE risk) (D, E) Risk contribution (events/ normaliser) (events/ year) (FWI/ year) Frt tr km on ps lines Frt tr km on ps lines Frt tr km on ps lines Frt tr km on ps lines Frt tr km on ps lines Frt tr km on ps lines Frt tr km on ps lines Frt tr km on ps lines Frt tr km on ps lines Frt tr km on ps lines Frt tr km on ps lines Frt tr km on ps lines Frt tr km on ps lines Frt tr km on ps lines 2.24E‐10 2.24E‐10 1.73E‐10 1.73E‐10 8.97E‐11 8.67E‐11 6.54E‐11 4.45E‐11 4.45E‐11 4.28E‐11 3.59E‐11 1.59E‐11 1.79E‐11 1.79E‐11 0.0096 0.0096 0.0074 0.0074 0.0038 0.0037 0.0028 0.0019 0.0019 0.0018 0.0015 6.81E‐04 7.69E‐04 7.69E‐04 2.46E‐04 2.46E‐04 1.90E‐04 1.90E‐04 9.84E‐05 9.51E‐05 7.17E‐05 4.88E‐05 4.88E‐05 4.69E‐05 4.01E‐05 3.56E‐05 1.97E‐05 1.97E‐05 0.04% 0.04% 0.03% 0.03% 0.02% 0.02% 0.01% 0.01% 0.01% 0.01% 0.01% 0.01% 0.00% 0.00% D D D D E D E E E E E E E E ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ Frt tr km on ps lines 1.24E‐11 5.30E‐04 1.35E‐05 0.00% E ‐ Frt tr km on ps lines Frt tr km on ps lines Frt tr km on ps lines Frt tr km on ps lines Frt tr km on ps lines 1.01E‐11 8.97E‐12 6.18E‐12 1.79E‐13 8.97E‐14 2.11E‐07 2.11E‐07 2.11E‐07 2.11E‐07 1.68E‐07 1.68E‐07 1.26E‐07 1.26E‐07 3.25E‐08 4.21E‐08 2.20E‐08 2.18E‐08 1.91E‐08 6.07E‐10 1.11E‐05 9.84E‐06 6.77E‐06 2.01E‐07 1.00E‐07 0.0591 0.0072 0.0072 0.0071 0.0067 0.0057 0.0057 0.0043 0.0043 0.0028 0.0014 9.18E‐04 7.50E‐04 6.43E‐04 6.00E‐04 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 10.68% 1.31% 1.31% 1.28% 1.21% 1.03% 1.03% 0.77% 0.77% 0.51% 0.26% 0.17% 0.14% 0.12% 0.11% E E E E E Frt tr km on frt lines Frt tr km on frt lines Frt tr km on frt lines Frt tr km on frt lines Frt tr km on frt lines Frt tr km on frt lines Frt tr km on frt lines Frt tr km on frt lines Frt tr km on frt lines Frt tr km on frt lines Frt tr km on frt lines Frt tr km on frt lines Frt tr km on frt lines Frt tr km on frt lines 4.33E‐04 3.85E‐04 2.65E‐04 7.69E‐06 3.85E‐06 4.954 0.6250 0.6250 0.6250 0.6250 0.5000 0.5000 0.3750 0.3750 0.0966 0.1250 0.0654 0.0648 0.0567 0.0018 ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ D D D D D D D D D D D D D D 51 Table B1 National frequency Hazardous event code Precursor code Cause precursor description HET‐13 FTF HET‐13 FTF HET‐13 FTF HET‐13 FTF HET‐13 FTF HET‐13 FTF HET‐13 FTF XFOS‐‐‐‐NF YMSC‐‐‐‐NE FSUS‐‐‐‐NF XPRD‐‐‐‐NH FLOAD‐‐‐NH FBUF‐‐‐‐NF FSNT‐‐‐‐NF HET‐13 FTF XSCM‐‐‐‐NF HET‐13 FTF HET‐13 FTF HET‐13 FTF HET‐13 FTF HET‐13 FTF HET‐13 FTF HET‐13 FTF HET‐13 FTF HET‐13 FTF HET‐13 FTF HET‐13 FTF HET‐13 FTF HET‐13 FTF HET‐13 FTF FAXL‐‐‐‐NF RBSHCOL‐UE TMSC‐‐‐‐NF RBGS‐‐‐‐UF TCYCLIC‐NF FUNDER‐‐NF FWHF‐‐‐‐NF TBCK‐‐‐‐NF XSCO‐‐‐‐NH VBGV‐‐‐‐UE RLNS‐‐‐‐UF FAXB‐‐‐‐NF FWHL‐‐‐‐NF FTRA‐‐‐‐NF HET‐13 FTF RSCR‐‐‐‐UE HET‐13 FTF HET‐13 FTF HET‐13 FTF HET‐13 FTF HET‐13 FTF FCUP‐‐‐‐NF BTRE‐‐‐‐UE DEEQ‐‐‐‐UF TFSH‐‐‐‐NF AANM‐‐‐‐UE HET‐13 FTF BVAN‐‐‐‐UE HET‐13 FTF HET‐13 FTF HET‐13 FTF HET‐13 FTF WSNO‐‐‐‐UE TBKR‐‐‐‐NF RSLP‐‐‐‐NF SWRG‐‐‐‐NF Points in the wrong position and not detected leading to FT derailment on freight only line Miscellaneous/unknown cause on plain line leading to FT derailment on freight only line Suspension system/bogie failure leading to FT derailment on freight only line Track maintenance staff error leading to FT derailment on freight only line Uneven loading leading to FT derailment on freight only line Buffer locking leading to FT derailment on freight only line Severe braking/snatch leading to FT derailment on freight only line Movement of points under train (equipment fault) leading to FT derailment on freight only line Axle failure leading to FT derailment on freight only line Rail bridge collapse ‐ bridge bashing leading to FT derailment on freight only line Misc. track fault leading to FT derailment on freight only line Rail bridge structural failure leading to FT derailment on freight only line Cyclic top leading to FT derailment on freight only line Twisted underframe leading to FT derailment on freight only line Wheel flat or wheel/tyre wear beyond limits leading to FT derailment on freight only line Track buckle leading to FT derailment on freight only line Incorrect scotch and clip of points leading to FT derailment on freight only line Running into vehicle fallen from overbridge leading to FT derailment on freight only line Running into landslip leading to FT derailment on freight only line ‐ from cutting Seized axle box bearing leading to FT derailment on freight only line Wheel failure leading to FT derailment on freight only line Running into object fallen from preceding train leading to FT derailment on freight only line Structural collapse due to scour and water action leading to FT derailment on freight only line (includes sea walls) Coupling failure leading to FT derailment on freight only line Running into tree leading to FT derailment on freight only line Equipment detached from same train leads to FT derailment on freight only line Broken fishplate leading to FT derailment on freight only line Running into large animal leading to FT derailment on freight only line Running into item placed on the track by vandals leading to FT derailment on freight only line Running into snow/ice leading to FT derailment on freight only line Broken rail leading to FT derailment on freight only line Subsidence/landslip under track leading to FT derailment on freight only line Wrongside signal failure at S&C leading to FT derailment on freight only line Version 7.1 — August 2011 Normaliser Deriv. HEN of POS (% of total prec. split (%) HE risk) (D, E) Risk contribution (events/ normaliser) (events/ year) (FWI/ year) Frt tr km on frt lines Frt tr km on frt lines Frt tr km on frt lines Frt tr km on frt lines Frt tr km on frt lines Frt tr km on frt lines Frt tr km on frt lines 1.63E‐08 1.09E‐08 8.18E‐09 6.32E‐09 5.45E‐09 5.45E‐09 5.45E‐09 0.0483 0.0324 0.0243 0.0188 0.0162 0.0162 0.0162 5.48E‐04 3.75E‐04 2.81E‐04 2.13E‐04 1.88E‐04 1.88E‐04 1.88E‐04 0.10% 0.07% 0.05% 0.04% 0.03% 0.03% 0.03% D D D D D D D ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ Frt tr km on frt lines 5.27E‐09 0.0156 1.78E‐04 0.03% D ‐ Frt tr km on frt lines Frt tr km on frt lines Frt tr km on frt lines Frt tr km on frt lines Frt tr km on frt lines Frt tr km on frt lines Frt tr km on frt lines Frt tr km on frt lines Frt tr km on frt lines Frt tr km on frt lines Frt tr km on frt lines Frt tr km on frt lines Frt tr km on frt lines Frt tr km on frt lines 5.02E‐09 1.48E‐11 3.63E‐09 1.20E‐11 2.73E‐09 2.73E‐09 2.73E‐09 2.73E‐09 2.73E‐09 8.67E‐11 2.24E‐09 2.11E‐09 2.11E‐09 2.11E‐09 0.0149 4.40E‐05 0.0108 3.55E‐05 0.0081 0.0081 0.0081 0.0081 0.0081 2.57E‐04 0.0067 0.0063 0.0063 0.0063 1.72E‐04 1.44E‐04 1.25E‐04 1.16E‐04 9.38E‐05 9.38E‐05 9.38E‐05 9.19E‐05 9.19E‐05 8.57E‐05 7.61E‐05 7.25E‐05 7.25E‐05 7.25E‐05 0.03% 0.03% 0.02% 0.02% 0.02% 0.02% 0.02% 0.02% 0.02% 0.02% 0.01% 0.01% 0.01% 0.01% D E D E D D D D D D D D D D ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ Frt tr km on frt lines 7.41E‐12 2.20E‐05 7.21E‐05 0.01% E ‐ Frt tr km on frt lines Frt tr km on frt lines Frt tr km on frt lines Frt tr km on frt lines Frt tr km on frt lines 1.05E‐09 6.07E‐10 4.49E‐10 2.24E‐10 2.24E‐10 0.0031 0.0018 0.0013 6.66E‐04 6.66E‐04 3.62E‐05 2.06E‐05 1.54E‐05 7.72E‐06 7.61E‐06 0.01% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% D D D D D ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ Frt tr km on frt lines 2.24E‐10 6.66E‐04 7.61E‐06 0.00% D ‐ Frt tr km on frt lines Frt tr km on frt lines Frt tr km on frt lines Frt tr km on frt lines 2.24E‐10 2.24E‐10 2.24E‐10 2.24E‐10 6.66E‐04 6.66E‐04 6.66E‐04 6.66E‐04 7.61E‐06 7.56E‐06 7.56E‐06 7.56E‐06 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% D D D D ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 52 Table B1 National frequency Hazardous event code Precursor code HET‐13 FTF HET‐13 FTF BFLL‐‐‐‐UE MMAT‐‐‐‐UE HET‐13 FTF HET‐13 FTF HET‐13 FTF HET‐13 FTF HET‐13 FTF HET‐13 FTF HET‐13 FTF HET‐13 FTF HET‐13 FTF HET‐13 FTF HET‐13 FTF HET‐13 FTF HET‐13 FTF HET‐13 FTF HET‐13 FTF HET‐13 FTF HET‐13 EP HET‐13 EP HET‐13 EP HET‐13 EP HET‐13 EP HET‐13 EP HET‐13 EP HET‐13 EP HET‐13 EP HET‐13 EP HET‐13 EP HET‐13 EP HET‐13 EP HET‐13 EP Cause precursor description Running into item that have fallen onto the line leading to FT derailment on freight only line Running into Engineers' materials left foul leading to FT derailment on freight only line Running into train derailed while in depots/sidings leading to FT derailment on freight only UTRN‐‐‐‐UE line BBLN‐‐‐‐UE Running into item blown onto the line leading to FT derailment on freight only line RBGD‐‐‐‐UF Running into to debris from overbridge leading to FT derailment on freight only line RDRN‐‐‐‐UF Drainage culvert/pipework collapse leading to FT derailment on freight only line RWAL‐‐‐‐UF Running into debris from retaining wall leading to FT derailment on freight only line Bridge bashing leading to bridge displacement (not collapse) and FT derailment on freight RBSH‐‐‐‐UE only line Track damage from other undetected derailment leading to FT derailment on freight only TTKD‐‐‐‐UE line RTUNWALLUF Running into debris in the tunnel leading to FT derailment on freight only line BBLD‐‐‐‐UE Running into object from building site leading to FT derailment on freight only line WWIN‐‐‐‐UE High winds leading to FT derailment on freight only line Running into debris from lineside structure/building, including used and unused station and RBLD‐‐‐‐UF platform leading to FT derailment on freight only line RSIG‐‐‐‐UF Running into debris from signalling gantry leading to FT derailment on freight only line VMVE‐‐‐‐UE Running into maintenance vehicle leading to FT derailment on freight only line ROHL‐‐‐‐UF Running into debris from OHLE structure leading to FT derailment on freight only line RQAK‐‐‐‐UE Structural damage due to earthquake leading to FT derailment on freight only line WFLD‐‐‐‐UE Running into flooding leading to FT derailment on freight only line Derailment of ECS or parcels train on passenger line FSPD‐‐‐‐CH Signal passed at danger at S&C leading to ECS or PCLS derailment XSGM‐‐‐‐CH Signaller/ crossing keeper error leading to ECS or PCLS derailment XDSC‐‐‐‐CF Defective S&C leading to ECS or PCLS derailment VBND‐‐‐‐UE Running into vehicle through boundary fence leading to ECS or PCLS derailment TSPG‐‐‐‐CF Gauge spread leading to ECS or PCLS derailment XMISC‐‐‐CF Miscellaneous/unknown causes on S&C leading to ECS or PCLS derailment XFOS‐‐‐‐CF Points in the wrong position and not detected leading to ECS or PCLS derailment FCATDR‐‐CH Runaway leading to ECS or PCLS derailment FSHN‐‐‐‐CH Shunter error leading to ECS or PCLS derailment FMSC‐‐‐‐CF Miscellaneous mechanical fault leading to ECS or PCLS derailment RBSHCOL‐UE Rail bridge collapse ‐ bridge bashing leading to ECS or PCLS derailment TMSC‐‐‐‐CF Misc. track fault leading to ECS or PCLS derailment RBGS‐‐‐‐UF Rail bridge structural failure leading to ECS or PCLS derailment Version 7.1 — August 2011 Normaliser Deriv. HEN of POS (% of total prec. split (%) HE risk) (D, E) Risk contribution (events/ normaliser) (events/ year) (FWI/ year) Frt tr km on frt lines Frt tr km on frt lines 1.73E‐10 1.73E‐10 5.15E‐04 5.15E‐04 5.88E‐06 5.88E‐06 0.00% 0.00% D D ‐ ‐ Frt tr km on frt lines 8.97E‐11 2.66E‐04 3.04E‐06 0.00% E ‐ Frt tr km on frt lines Frt tr km on frt lines Frt tr km on frt lines Frt tr km on frt lines 8.67E‐11 6.54E‐11 4.45E‐11 4.45E‐11 2.57E‐04 1.94E‐04 1.32E‐04 1.32E‐04 2.94E‐06 2.22E‐06 1.51E‐06 1.51E‐06 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% D E E E ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ Frt tr km on frt lines 4.28E‐11 1.27E‐04 1.45E‐06 0.00% E ‐ Frt tr km on frt lines 3.59E‐11 1.07E‐04 1.23E‐06 0.00% E ‐ Frt tr km on frt lines Frt tr km on frt lines Frt tr km on frt lines 1.59E‐11 1.79E‐11 1.79E‐11 4.72E‐05 5.33E‐05 5.33E‐05 9.30E‐07 6.09E‐07 6.09E‐07 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% E E E ‐ ‐ ‐ Frt tr km on frt lines 1.24E‐11 3.67E‐05 4.19E‐07 0.00% E ‐ Frt tr km on frt lines Frt tr km on frt lines Frt tr km on frt lines Frt tr km on frt lines Frt tr km on frt lines 1.01E‐11 8.97E‐12 6.18E‐12 1.79E‐13 8.97E‐14 4.87E‐08 2.71E‐08 2.16E‐08 6.07E‐10 1.08E‐08 1.08E‐08 5.41E‐09 5.41E‐09 4.98E‐09 4.33E‐09 1.48E‐11 3.63E‐09 1.20E‐11 3.43E‐07 3.04E‐07 2.10E‐07 6.17E‐09 3.09E‐09 0.0464 0.0122 0.0068 0.0054 0.0046 0.0028 0.0027 0.0014 0.0013 0.0012 0.0011 0.0010 9.43E‐04 8.29E‐04 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 8.37% 2.20% 1.22% 0.98% 0.84% 0.51% 0.49% 0.24% 0.23% 0.22% 0.20% 0.19% 0.17% 0.15% E E E E E ECS & PCLS trn km ECS & PCLS trn km ECS & PCLS trn km ECS & PCLS trn km ECS & PCLS trn km ECS & PCLS trn km ECS & PCLS trn km ECS & PCLS trn km ECS & PCLS trn km ECS & PCLS trn km ECS & PCLS trn km ECS & PCLS trn km ECS & PCLS trn km 3.00E‐05 2.66E‐05 1.83E‐05 5.33E‐07 2.66E‐07 3.563 1.125 0.6250 0.5000 0.0140 0.2500 0.2500 0.1250 0.1250 0.1149 0.1000 3.43E‐04 0.0838 2.76E‐04 ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ D D D D D D D D D D E D E 53 Table B1 National frequency Hazardous event code Precursor code Cause precursor description HET‐13 EP HET‐13 EP VBGV‐‐‐‐UE RLNS‐‐‐‐UF HET‐13 EP RSCR‐‐‐‐UE HET‐13 EP HET‐13 EP HET‐13 EP HET‐13 EP HET‐13 EP HET‐13 EP HET‐13 EP HET‐13 EP HET‐13 EP HET‐13 EP HET‐13 EP HET‐13 EP HET‐13 EP HET‐13 EP HET‐13 EP HET‐13 EP HET‐13 EP HET‐13 EP HET‐13 EP HET‐13 EP HET‐13 EP HET‐13 EP HET‐13 EP HET‐13 EP HET‐13 EP HET‐13 EP HET‐13 EP HET‐13 EP HET‐13 EP HET‐13 EP HET‐13 EP HET‐13 EP FOSL‐‐‐‐CH TBCK‐‐‐‐CF BTRE‐‐‐‐UE FCRW‐‐‐‐CH DEEQ‐‐‐‐UF XPRD‐‐‐‐CH TTUNBKR‐CF FWHL‐‐‐‐CF TTWS‐‐‐‐CF XSCO‐‐‐‐CH TFSH‐‐‐‐CF AANM‐‐‐‐UE BVAN‐‐‐‐UE TBKR‐‐‐‐CF WSNO‐‐‐‐UE RSLP‐‐‐‐CF SWRG‐‐‐‐CF FAXB‐‐‐‐CF FAXL‐‐‐‐CF XSCM‐‐‐‐CF MMAT‐‐‐‐UE BFLL‐‐‐‐UE FTRA‐‐‐‐CF YMSC‐‐‐‐CE FWHF‐‐‐‐CF FSUS‐‐‐‐CF FBUF‐‐‐‐CF UTRN‐‐‐‐UE BBLN‐‐‐‐UE RBGD‐‐‐‐UF RTUNWALLUF RDRN‐‐‐‐UF Running into vehicle fallen from overbridge leading to ECS or PCLS derailment Running into landslip leading to ECS or PCLS derailment ‐ from cutting Structural collapse due to scour and water action leading to ECS or PCLS derailment (includes sea walls) Overspeeding leading to ECS or PCLS derailment Track buckle leading to ECS or PCLS derailment Running into tree leading to ECS or PCLS derailment Other driver/train crew error at S&C leading to ECS or PCLS derailment Equipment detached from same train leads to ECS or PCLS derailment Track maintenance staff error leading to ECS or PCLS derailment Broken rail in tunnel leading to ECS or PCLS derailment Wheel failure leading to ECS or PCLS derailment Track twist leading to ECS or PCLS derailment Incorrect scotch and clip of points leading to ECS or PCLS derailment Broken fishplate leading to ECS or PCLS derailment Running into large animal leading to ECS or PCLS derailment Running into item placed on the track by vandals leading to ECS or PCLS derailment Broken rail leading to ECS or PCLS derailment Running into snow/ice leading to ECS or PCLS derailment Subsidence/landslip under track leading to ECS or PCLS derailment Wrongside signal failure at S&C leading to ECS or PCLS derailment Seized axle box bearing leading to ECS or PCLS derailment Axle failure leading to ECS or PCLS derailment Movement of points under train (equipment fault) leading to ECS or PCLS derailment Running into Engineers' materials left foul leading to ECS or PCLS derailment Running into item that have fallen onto the line leading to ECS or PCLS derailment Running into objects fallen from preceding trains leading to ECS or PCLS derailment Miscellaneous/unknown cause on plain line leading to ECS or PCLS derailment Wheel flat or wheel/tyre wear beyond limits leading to ECS or PCLS derailment Suspension system/bogie failure leading to ECS or PCLS derailment Buffer locking leading to ECS or PCLS derailment Running into train derailed while in depot/siding leading to ECS or PCLS derailment Running into items blown onto the line leading to ECS or PCLS derailment Running into to debris from overbridge leading to ECS or PCLS derailment Running into debris in the tunnel leading to ECS or PCLS derailment Drainage culvert/pipework collapse leading to ECS or PCLS derailment Version 7.1 — August 2011 Normaliser Deriv. HEN of POS (% of total prec. split (%) HE risk) (D, E) Risk contribution (events/ normaliser) (events/ year) (FWI/ year) ECS & PCLS trn km ECS & PCLS trn km 8.67E‐11 2.24E‐09 0.0020 0.0518 6.62E‐04 5.60E‐04 0.12% 0.10% D D ‐ ‐ ECS & PCLS trn km 7.41E‐12 1.71E‐04 5.14E‐04 0.09% E ‐ ECS & PCLS trn km ECS & PCLS trn km ECS & PCLS trn km ECS & PCLS trn km ECS & PCLS trn km ECS & PCLS trn km ECS & PCLS trn km ECS & PCLS trn km ECS & PCLS trn km ECS & PCLS trn km ECS & PCLS trn km ECS & PCLS trn km ECS & PCLS trn km ECS & PCLS trn km ECS & PCLS trn km ECS & PCLS trn km ECS & PCLS trn km ECS & PCLS trn km ECS & PCLS trn km ECS & PCLS trn km ECS & PCLS trn km ECS & PCLS trn km ECS & PCLS trn km ECS & PCLS trn km ECS & PCLS trn km ECS & PCLS trn km ECS & PCLS trn km ECS & PCLS trn km ECS & PCLS trn km ECS & PCLS trn km ECS & PCLS trn km ECS & PCLS trn km 1.42E‐09 7.33E‐10 6.07E‐10 5.67E‐10 4.49E‐10 3.78E‐10 9.45E‐11 2.83E‐10 2.44E‐10 2.44E‐10 2.24E‐10 2.24E‐10 2.24E‐10 2.24E‐10 2.24E‐10 2.24E‐10 2.24E‐10 1.89E‐10 1.89E‐10 1.89E‐10 1.73E‐10 1.73E‐10 9.45E‐11 9.45E‐11 9.45E‐11 9.45E‐11 9.45E‐11 8.97E‐11 8.67E‐11 6.54E‐11 1.59E‐11 4.45E‐11 0.0327 0.0169 0.0140 0.0131 0.0104 0.0087 0.0022 0.0065 0.0056 0.0056 0.0052 0.0052 0.0052 0.0052 0.0052 0.0052 0.0052 0.0044 0.0044 0.0044 0.0040 0.0040 0.0022 0.0022 0.0022 0.0022 0.0022 0.0021 0.0020 0.0015 3.67E‐04 0.0010 5.14E‐04 1.83E‐04 1.52E‐04 1.42E‐04 1.17E‐04 9.44E‐05 7.47E‐05 7.37E‐05 6.36E‐05 6.10E‐05 5.83E‐05 5.60E‐05 5.60E‐05 5.60E‐05 5.60E‐05 5.60E‐05 5.60E‐05 4.91E‐05 4.91E‐05 4.72E‐05 4.33E‐05 4.33E‐05 2.46E‐05 2.46E‐05 2.46E‐05 2.46E‐05 2.46E‐05 2.24E‐05 2.17E‐05 1.63E‐05 1.26E‐05 1.11E‐05 0.09% 0.03% 0.03% 0.03% 0.02% 0.02% 0.01% 0.01% 0.01% 0.01% 0.01% 0.01% 0.01% 0.01% 0.01% 0.01% 0.01% 0.01% 0.01% 0.01% 0.01% 0.01% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D E D E E E ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 54 Table B1 National frequency Hazardous event code Precursor code HET‐13 EP HET‐13 EP HET‐13 EP HET‐13 EP HET‐13 EP RWAL‐‐‐‐UF RBSH‐‐‐‐UE TTKD‐‐‐‐UE BBLD‐‐‐‐UE WWIN‐‐‐‐UE HET‐13 EP HET‐13 EP HET‐13 EP HET‐13 EP HET‐13 EP HET‐13 EP HET‐13 POS HET‐13 POS HET‐13 POS HET‐13 POS HET‐13 POS HET‐13 POS HET‐13 POS HET‐13 POS HET‐13 POS HET‐13 POS HET‐13 POS HET‐13 POS HET‐13 POS HET‐13 POS HET‐13 POS HET‐13 POS HET‐13 POS Cause precursor description Running into debris from retaining wall leading to ECS or PCLS derailment Bridge bashing leading to bridge displacement (not collapse) and ECS or PCLS derailment Track damage from other undetected derailment leading to ECS or PCLS derailment Running into objects from building site leading to ECS or PCLS derailment High winds leading to ECS or PCLS derailment Running into debris from lineside structure/building, including used and unused station and RBLD‐‐‐‐UF platform leading to ECS or PCLS derailment. RSIG‐‐‐‐UF Running into debris from signalling gantry leading to ECS or PCLS derailment VMVE‐‐‐‐UE Running into maintenance vehicle leading to ECS or PCLS derailment ROHL‐‐‐‐UF Running into debris from OHLE structure leading to ECS or PCLS derailment RQAK‐‐‐‐UE Structural damage due to earthquake leading to ECS or PCLS derailment WFLD‐‐‐‐UE Running into flooding leading to ECS or PCLS derailment Derailment of train inside possession (including OTP) ORSSOW‐‐‐H Unsafe System of Work employed by workers leading to rollover ‐ Inside possession ORDRVAT‐‐H Driver/operator error ‐ Inattention leading to rollover ‐ Inside Possession ODINFDEF‐F Infrastructure defect leading to derailment ‐ Inside possession ODSSOW‐‐‐H Unsafe System of Work employed by workers leading to derailment ‐ Inside possession ODVHDEF‐‐F Vehicle defect leading to derailment ‐ Inside Possession ORINFDEF‐F Infrastructure defect leading to rollover ‐ Inside possession ODPCERR‐‐H Points controller error leading to derailment ‐ Inside possession ODDRVAT‐‐H Driver/operator error ‐ Inattention leading to derailment ‐ Inside Possession ODCOLOBJ‐H Collision with obstruction on/near line leading to derailment ‐ Inside Possession ODIMINT‐‐H Incorrect management of IC interface leading to derailment ‐ Inside Possession ODSIGERR‐H Signaller error leading to derailment ‐ Inside possession ORVHDEF‐‐F Vehicle defect leading to rollover ‐ Inside Possession ORIMINT‐‐H Incorrect management of IC interface leading to rollover ‐ Inside Possession ODDRVBRK‐H Driver/operator error ‐ Braking leading to derailment ‐ Inside Possession ODDRVSPEDH Driver/operator error ‐ Speeding leading to derailment ‐ Inside Possession ODDRVSPADH Driver/operator error ‐ Signal Passed at Danger leading to derailment ‐ Inside Possession Version 7.1 — August 2011 Normaliser Deriv. HEN of POS (% of total prec. split (%) HE risk) (D, E) Risk contribution (events/ normaliser) (events/ year) (FWI/ year) ECS & PCLS trn km ECS & PCLS trn km ECS & PCLS trn km ECS & PCLS trn km ECS & PCLS trn km 4.45E‐11 4.28E‐11 3.59E‐11 1.79E‐11 1.79E‐11 0.0010 9.88E‐04 8.29E‐04 4.15E‐04 4.15E‐04 1.11E‐05 1.07E‐05 9.34E‐06 4.48E‐06 4.48E‐06 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% E E E E E ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ECS & PCLS trn km 1.24E‐11 2.85E‐04 3.09E‐06 0.00% E ‐ ECS & PCLS trn km ECS & PCLS trn km ECS & PCLS trn km ECS & PCLS trn km ECS & PCLS trn km 1.01E‐11 8.97E‐12 6.18E‐12 1.79E‐13 8.97E‐14 4.70E‐07 2.01E‐07 5.30E‐06 5.17E‐06 2.42E‐06 6.71E‐08 1.74E‐06 1.54E‐06 8.05E‐07 5.37E‐07 4.03E‐07 9.26E‐09 9.26E‐09 9.26E‐09 9.26E‐09 9.26E‐09 2.52E‐06 2.24E‐06 1.54E‐06 4.67E‐08 2.33E‐08 0.1695 0.0585 0.0251 0.0222 0.0217 0.0101 0.0084 0.0073 0.0065 0.0034 0.0023 0.0017 0.0012 0.0012 3.89E‐05 3.89E‐05 3.89E‐05 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 30.62% 10.56% 4.53% 4.02% 3.92% 1.83% 1.51% 1.32% 1.17% 0.61% 0.41% 0.31% 0.21% 0.21% 0.01% 0.01% 0.01% E E E E E OTP hrs OTP hrs OTP hrs OTP hrs OTP hrs OTP hrs OTP hrs OTP hrs OTP hrs OTP hrs OTP hrs OTP hrs OTP hrs OTP hrs OTP hrs OTP hrs 2.34E‐04 2.07E‐04 1.43E‐04 4.15E‐06 2.07E‐06 39.81 1.000 0.4286 11.29 11.00 5.143 0.1429 3.714 3.286 1.714 1.143 0.8571 0.0197 0.0197 0.0197 0.0197 0.0197 ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ D D D D D D D D D D D E E E E E 55 Table B1 National frequency Hazardous event code HET‐17 HET‐17i HET‐17i HET‐17i HET‐17i HET‐17i HET‐17i HET‐17i HET‐17i HET‐17i HET‐17i HET‐17i HET‐17i HET‐17i HET‐17i HET‐17i HET‐17i HET‐17i HET‐17i HET‐17i HET‐17i HET‐17i HET‐17i HET‐17i HET‐17i HET‐17i HET‐17i HET‐17i HET‐17i HET‐17i HET‐17i Precursor code Cause precursor description Fire on passenger train Fire on passenger train interior PFIREIAVEH PT EMU: fires inside PT due to arson/vandalism fires PFIREIBCLF PT ELOCO: fires inside PT buffet car fires PFIREIBCHF PT HST/DEMU: fires inside PT buffet car fires PFIREICFEF PT EMU: fires inside PT cab fires PFIREIBCEF PT EMU: fires inside PT buffet car fires PT HST/DEMU: fires inside PT due to human error /carelessness (includes crew and PFIREIHEHF passenger and discarded cigarettes) PFIREIELEF PT EMU: fires inside PT due to electrical equipment PFIREIHVEF PT EMU: fires inside PT due to H&V equipment fault PFIREIELDF PT DMU: fires inside PT due to electrical equipment PFIREIAVDH PT DMU: fires inside PT due to arson/vandalism fires PT DMU: fires inside PT due to human error /carelessness (includes crew and passenger and PFIREIHEDH discarded cigarettes) PFIREIAVHH PT HST/DEMU: fires inside PT due to arson/vandalism fires PFIREIAVLH PT ELOCO: fires inside PT due to arson/vandalism fires PFIREICFDF PT DMU: fires inside PT cab fires PT ELOCO: fires inside PT due to human error /carelessness (includes crew and passenger PFIREIHELH and discarded cigarettes) PFIREIHVDF PT DMU: fires inside PT due to H&V equipment faults PT EMU: fires inside PT due to human error /carelessness (includes crew and passenger and PFIREIHEEH discarded cigarettes) PFIREIBCIF PT DLOCO: fires inside PT buffet car fires PFIREIELHF PT HST/DEMU: fires inside PT due to electrical equipment PFIREIHVLF PT ELOCO: fires inside PT due to H&V equipment faults PT DLOCO: fires inside PT due to human error /carelessness (includes crew and passenger PFIREIHEIH and discarded cigarettes) PFIREIOTEF PT EMU: fires inside due to other causes (including mechanical equipment) PFIREIAVIH PT DLOCO: fires inside PT due to arson/vandalism fires PFIREIHVIF PT DLOCO: fires inside PT due to H&V equipment faults PFIREICFHF PT HST/DEMU: fires inside PT cab fires PFIREICFLF PT ELOCO: fires inside PT cab fires PFIREIOTDF PT DMU: fire inside due to other causes (including mechanical equipment) PFIREIHVHF PT HST/DEMU: fires inside PT due to H&V equipment faults PFIREICFIF PT DLOCO: fires inside PT cab fires Version 7.1 — August 2011 Normaliser Deriv. HEN of POS (% of total prec. split (%) HE risk) (D, E) Risk contribution (events/ normaliser) (events/ year) (FWI/ year) Pass EMU trn km Pass el loco trn km Pass HST trn km Pass EMU trn km Pass EMU trn km 1.02E‐07 1.19E‐07 2.70E‐08 6.28E‐09 4.48E‐09 82.51 38.76 22.67 2.200 1.800 1.400 1.000 0.0985 0.0371 0.0217 0.0021 0.0017 0.0013 9.56E‐04 100.00% 37.64% 22.01% 2.14% 1.75% 1.36% 0.97% D D D D D ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ Pass HST trn km 1.50E‐08 1.000 9.56E‐04 0.97% D ‐ Pass EMU trn km Pass EMU trn km Pass DMU trn km Pass DMU trn km 3.89E‐09 3.59E‐09 3.89E‐09 3.76E‐09 0.8683 0.8000 0.6899 0.6667 8.30E‐04 7.65E‐04 6.60E‐04 6.38E‐04 0.84% 0.78% 0.67% 0.65% D D D D ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ Pass DMU trn km 2.82E‐09 0.5000 4.78E‐04 0.49% D ‐ Pass HST trn km Pass el loco trn km Pass DMU trn km 6.44E‐09 2.32E‐08 2.26E‐09 0.4286 0.4286 0.4000 4.10E‐04 4.10E‐04 3.83E‐04 0.42% 0.42% 0.39% D D D ‐ ‐ ‐ Pass el loco trn km 2.16E‐08 0.4000 3.83E‐04 0.39% D ‐ Pass DMU trn km 2.26E‐09 0.4000 3.83E‐04 0.39% D ‐ Pass EMU trn km 1.79E‐09 0.4000 3.83E‐04 0.39% D ‐ Pass dsl loco trn km Pass HST trn km Pass el loco trn km 1.08E‐07 3.89E‐09 1.35E‐08 0.3000 0.2590 0.2500 2.87E‐04 2.48E‐04 2.39E‐04 0.29% 0.25% 0.24% D D D ‐ ‐ ‐ Pass dsl loco trn km 9.00E‐08 0.2500 2.39E‐04 0.24% D ‐ Pass EMU trn km Pass dsl loco trn km Pass dsl loco trn km Pass HST trn km Pass el loco trn km Pass DMU trn km Pass HST trn km Pass dsl loco trn km 1.02E‐09 7.20E‐08 7.20E‐08 3.00E‐09 1.08E‐08 1.02E‐09 2.50E‐09 3.60E‐08 0.2285 0.2000 0.2000 0.2000 0.2000 0.1816 0.1667 0.1000 2.18E‐04 1.91E‐04 1.91E‐04 1.91E‐04 1.91E‐04 1.74E‐04 1.59E‐04 9.56E‐05 0.22% 0.19% 0.19% 0.19% 0.19% 0.18% 0.16% 0.10% D D D D D D D D ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 56 Table B1 National frequency Hazardous event code Precursor code HET‐17i HET‐17i HET‐17i HET‐17i HET‐17i HET‐17e HET‐17e HET‐17e HET‐17e HET‐17e HET‐17e HET‐17e HET‐17e HET‐17e HET‐17e HET‐17e HET‐17e HET‐17e HET‐17e HET‐17e HET‐17e HET‐17e HET‐17e HET‐17e HET‐17e HET‐17e HET‐17e HET‐17e HET‐17e HET‐17e HET‐17e HET‐17e HET‐17e HET‐17e HET‐17e HET‐17e PFIREIELLF PT ELOCO: fires inside PT due to electrical equipment PFIREIOTHF PT HST/DEMU: fires inside due to other causes (including mechanical equipment) PFIREIOTLF PT ELOCO: fire inside due to other causes (including mechanical equipment) PFIREIELIF PT DLOCO: fires inside PT due to electrical equipment PFIREIOTIF PT DLOCO: fires inside due to other causes (including mechanical equipment) Fire on passenger train exterior PFIREOENDF PT DMU: engine fires (including exhaust fires and oil/diesel leaks) PFIREOENHF PT HST/DEMU: engine fires (including exhaust fires and oil/diesel leaks) PFIREOBSDF PT DMU: brake fires (sparking or dragging) PFIREOOUDF PT DMU: underframe fire outside due to other causes PFIREOEUDF PT DMU: electric equipment fires outside (underframe) PFIREOOTDF PT DMU: fires outside due to other causes (excluding underframe) PFIREOEUEF PT EMU: electric equipment fires (underframe) excluding traction motor PFIREOOUEF PT EMU: underframe fire outside due to other causes PFIREOBSIF PT DLOCO: brake fires (sparking or dragging) PFIREOAXDF PT DMU: hot/failed axle box fires PFIREOOUHF PT HST/DEMU: underframe fire outside due to other causes PFIREOTMEF PT EMU: traction motors fires PFIREOTMIF PT DLOCO: traction motor fires PFIREOOTEF PT EMU: fires outside due to other causes (excluding underframe) PFIREOMEDF PT DMU: mechanical equipment fires PFIREOOTHF PT HST/DEMU: fires outside due to other causes (excluding underframe) PFIREOAXEF PT EMU: hot/failed axle box fires PFIREOTMHF PT HST/DEMU: traction motor fires PFIREOBSHF PT HST/DEMU: brake fires (sparking or dragging) PFIREOAXHF PT HST/DEMU: hot/failed axle box fires PFIREOELDF PT DMU: electrical equipment fires (excluding underframe) PFIREOEUHF PT HST/DEMU: electrical equipment fires (underframe) excluding traction motor PFIREOCCEF PT EMU: current collection/return fires PFIREOMEEF PT EMU: mechanical equipment fires PFIREOBSLF PT ELOCO: brake fires (sparking or dragging) PFIREOENIF PT DLOCO: engine fires (including exhaust fires and oil/diesel leaks) PFIREOMEHF PT HST/DEMU: mechanical equipment fires PFIREOELEF PT EMU: electrical equipment fires (excluding underframe) PFIREOBSEF PT EMU: brake fires (sparking or dragging) PFIREOVAEH PT EMU: fires outside PT due to vandalism Cause precursor description Version 7.1 — August 2011 Normaliser Deriv. HEN of POS (% of total prec. split (%) HE risk) (D, E) Risk contribution (events/ normaliser) (events/ year) (FWI/ year) Pass el loco trn km Pass HST trn km Pass el loco trn km Pass dsl loco trn km Pass dsl loco trn km 3.89E‐09 1.02E‐09 1.02E‐09 3.89E‐09 1.02E‐09 Pass DMU trn km Pass HST trn km Pass DMU trn km Pass DMU trn km Pass DMU trn km Pass DMU trn km Pass EMU trn km Pass EMU trn km Pass dsl loco trn km Pass DMU trn km Pass HST trn km Pass EMU trn km Pass dsl loco trn km Pass EMU trn km Pass DMU trn km Pass HST trn km Pass EMU trn km Pass HST trn km Pass HST trn km Pass HST trn km Pass DMU trn km Pass HST trn km Pass EMU trn km Pass EMU trn km Pass el loco trn km Pass dsl loco trn km Pass HST trn km Pass EMU trn km Pass EMU trn km Pass EMU trn km 5.08E‐08 8.51E‐08 1.24E‐08 1.18E‐08 1.13E‐08 7.03E‐09 1.20E‐08 1.17E‐08 3.60E‐07 5.21E‐09 1.17E‐08 8.97E‐09 2.16E‐07 7.02E‐09 2.85E‐09 7.02E‐09 5.18E‐09 6.44E‐09 6.44E‐09 5.18E‐09 1.91E‐09 5.01E‐09 2.99E‐09 2.83E‐09 3.25E‐08 7.20E‐08 2.84E‐09 1.91E‐09 1.79E‐09 1.79E‐09 0.0719 0.0682 0.0189 0.0108 0.0028 43.75 9.000 5.667 2.200 2.087 2.000 1.247 2.667 2.616 1.000 0.9234 0.7814 2.000 0.6000 1.565 0.5045 0.4673 1.155 0.4286 0.4286 0.3448 0.3389 0.3333 0.6667 0.6321 0.6000 0.2000 0.1889 0.4265 0.4000 0.4000 6.88E‐05 6.52E‐05 1.81E‐05 1.03E‐05 2.72E‐06 0.0614 0.0158 0.0100 0.0039 0.0037 0.0035 0.0022 0.0018 0.0018 0.0018 0.0016 0.0014 0.0013 0.0011 0.0011 8.88E‐04 8.22E‐04 7.78E‐04 7.54E‐04 7.54E‐04 6.07E‐04 5.97E‐04 5.87E‐04 4.49E‐04 4.26E‐04 4.04E‐04 3.52E‐04 3.32E‐04 2.87E‐04 2.69E‐04 2.69E‐04 0.07% 0.07% 0.02% 0.01% 0.00% 62.36% 16.09% 10.13% 3.93% 3.73% 3.58% 2.23% 1.82% 1.79% 1.79% 1.65% 1.40% 1.37% 1.07% 1.07% 0.90% 0.84% 0.79% 0.77% 0.77% 0.62% 0.61% 0.60% 0.46% 0.43% 0.41% 0.36% 0.34% 0.29% 0.27% 0.27% D E D E E D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D E E D D D D D D D D D ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 57 Table B1 National frequency Hazardous event code Precursor code Cause precursor description HET‐17e HET‐17e HET‐17e HET‐17e HET‐17e HET‐17e HET‐17e HET‐17e HET‐17e HET‐17e HET‐17e HET‐17e HET‐17e HET‐17e HET‐17e HET‐17e HET‐17e HET‐17e HET‐17e HET‐17e HET‐17e PFIREOVADH PFIREOELHF PFIREOEUIF PFIREOVAIH PFIREOVAHH PFIREOOULF PFIREOEULF PFIREOTMLF PFIREOOTLF PFIREOCCLF PFIREOENLF PFIREOAXLF PFIREOOUIF PFIREOVALH PFIREOENEF PFIREOMELF PFIREOOTIF PFIREOAXIF PFIREOELLF PFIREOMEIF PFIREOELIF PT DMU: fires due to vandalism PT HST/DEMU: electrical equipment fires (excluding underframe) PT DLOCO: electrical equipment fires (underframe) excluding traction motor PT DLOCO: fires due to vandalism PT HST/DEMU: fires due to vandalism PT ELOCO: underframe fire outside due to other causes PT ELOCO: electrical equipment fires (underframe) excluding traction motor PT ELOCO: traction motor fires PT ELOCO: fires outside due to other causes (excluding underframe) PT ELOCO: current collection/return fires PT ELOCO: engine fires (including oil/diesel leak) PT ELOCO: hot/failed axle box fires PT DLOCO: underframe fire outside due to other causes PT ELOCO: fires due to vandalism PT EMU: engine fires (including oil/diesel leak fires) PT ELOCO: mechanical equipment fires PT DLOCO: fires outside due to other causes (excluding underframe) PT DLOCO: hot/failed axle box fires PT ELOCO: electrical equipment fires (excluding underframe) PT DLOCO: mechanical equipment fires PT DLOCO: electrical equipment fires (excluding underframe) HET‐20 HET‐20A HET‐20A HET‐20A HET‐20A HET‐20A HET‐20A HET‐20A HET‐20A HET‐20A HET‐20A HET‐20A HET‐20A HET‐20A Fire on non‐passenger train Fire on non‐passenger train outside possession PFWGCAR‐E Fire on FT or PCLS wagon ‐ cargo PFWGHAB‐E Fire on FT or PCLS wagon ‐ axle/bearing failure PFWGSBS‐E Fire on FT or PCLS wagon ‐ brakes (sparking or dragging) PFWGVAN‐E Fire on FT or PCLS wagon ‐ vandalism/arson PFWGHE‐‐E Fire on FT or PCLS wagon ‐ human error/carelessness PFLCDENG‐E Fire on FT or PCLS diesel loco ‐ engine (including exhaust fires and oil/diesel leaks) PFOTMEN‐‐E Fire on OTM outside possession ‐ engine (including exhaust fires and oil/diesel leaks) PFWGOTHUE Fire on FT or PCLS wagon ‐ other underframe PFWGELU‐E Fire on FT or PCLS wagon ‐ electrical underframe (excluding traction motor) PFWGOTH‐E Fire on FT or PCLS wagon ‐ other (excluding underframe) PFWGEL‐‐E Fire on FT or PCLS wagon ‐ all electrical (excluding underframe) PFDCSDMUEE Fire on DMU ECS/berthed ‐ engine (including exhaust fires and oil/diesel leaks) Version 7.1 — August 2011 Normaliser Pass DMU trn km Pass HST trn km Pass dsl loco trn km Pass dsl loco trn km Pass HST trn km Pass el loco trn km Pass el loco trn km Pass el loco trn km Pass el loco trn km Pass el loco trn km Pass el loco trn km Pass el loco trn km Pass dsl loco trn km Pass el loco trn km Pass EMU trn km Pass el loco trn km Pass dsl loco trn km Pass dsl loco trn km Pass el loco trn km Pass dsl loco trn km Pass dsl loco trn km Frt & PCLS trn km Frt & PCLS trn km Frt & PCLS trn km Frt & PCLS trn km Frt & PCLS trn km Frt & PCLS trn km ECS trn km Frt & PCLS trn km Frt & PCLS trn km Frt & PCLS trn km Frt & PCLS trn km ECS trn km Deriv. HEN of POS (% of total prec. split (%) HE risk) (D, E) Risk contribution (events/ normaliser) (events/ year) (FWI/ year) 8.06E‐10 1.91E‐09 4.00E‐08 3.60E‐08 1.25E‐09 1.17E‐08 1.08E‐08 7.73E‐09 7.02E‐09 5.41E‐09 5.41E‐09 5.19E‐09 1.17E‐08 4.51E‐09 3.74E‐10 2.84E‐09 7.02E‐09 5.19E‐09 1.91E‐09 2.84E‐09 1.91E‐09 0.1429 0.1273 0.1111 0.1000 0.0833 0.2169 0.2000 0.1429 0.1297 0.1000 0.1000 0.0959 0.0326 0.0833 0.0833 0.0524 0.0195 0.0144 0.0353 0.0079 0.0053 2.51E‐04 2.24E‐04 1.96E‐04 1.76E‐04 1.47E‐04 1.46E‐04 1.35E‐04 9.62E‐05 8.74E‐05 6.74E‐05 6.74E‐05 6.46E‐05 5.74E‐05 5.61E‐05 5.61E‐05 3.53E‐05 3.43E‐05 2.54E‐05 2.38E‐05 1.39E‐05 9.35E‐06 0.26% 0.23% 0.20% 0.18% 0.15% 0.15% 0.14% 0.10% 0.09% 0.07% 0.07% 0.07% 0.06% 0.06% 0.06% 0.04% 0.03% 0.03% 0.02% 0.01% 0.01% 7.35E‐09 6.78E‐09 5.65E‐09 1.70E‐09 1.13E‐09 2.49E‐08 2.68E‐08 5.39E‐11 5.39E‐11 5.39E‐11 5.39E‐11 1.46E‐08 9.201 6.868 0.3421 0.3158 0.2632 0.0789 0.0526 1.158 0.6000 0.0025 0.0025 0.0025 0.0025 0.3273 0.0230 0.0157 0.0049 0.0045 0.0038 0.0011 7.51E‐04 1.62E‐04 4.46E‐05 3.58E‐05 3.58E‐05 3.58E‐05 3.58E‐05 2.43E‐05 100.00% 68.51% 21.27% 19.63% 16.36% 4.91% 3.27% 0.71% 0.19% 0.16% 0.16% 0.16% 0.16% 0.11% D D D D D E D D E D D D E D D E E E D E D ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ D D D D D D D E E E E D ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 58 Table B1 National frequency Hazardous event code Precursor code Cause precursor description HET‐20A HET‐20A HET‐20A HET‐20A PFLCDEU‐‐E PFLCELTM‐E PFLCDBRS‐E PFLCDE‐‐‐E HET‐20A PFLCDERF‐E HET‐20A PFDCSHSTEE HET‐20A PFECSEU‐E HET‐20A HET‐20A HET‐20A HET‐20A HET‐20A HET‐20A HET‐20A HET‐20A HET‐20A HET‐20A HET‐20A HET‐20A HET‐20A HET‐20A HET‐20A HET‐20A HET‐20A HET‐20A HET‐20A HET‐20A HET‐20A HET‐20A HET‐20A HET‐20A HET‐20A HET‐20A HET‐20A PFOTMELU‐E PFECSE‐‐E PFOTMEL‐‐E PFECSAV‐E PFECSCC‐E PFDCSDMUNE PFLCDEDBSE PFDCSBS‐‐E PFOTMOTU‐E PFLCDHE‐‐E PFDCSDMUFE PFECSAX‐E PFOTMHE‐‐E PFOTMAX‐‐E PFLCDETM‐E PFDCSHSTNE PFLCDABF‐E PFLCDTM‐‐E PFLCDUC‐‐E PFLCELEUE PFLCELBSFE PFLCELE‐‐E PFDCSDMUOE PFDCSHSTFE PFDCSHSTUE PFECSBS‐E PFECSDRB‐E Fire on FT or PCLS diesel loco ‐ electrical (excluding underframe) Fire on FT or PCLS electric loco ‐ traction motor fires Fire on FT or PCLS diesel loco ‐ brakes (sparking or dragging) Fire on FT or PCLS diesel loco ‐ electrical underframe (excluding traction motor fires) Fire on diesel loco (including ECS/berthed) ‐ engine (including exhaust fires and oil/diesel leaks) Fire on HST/DEMU ECS ‐ engine (including oil/diesel leaks and exhaust system) Fire on EMU (ECS/berthed) ‐ all electrical underframe (excluding traction motor and current collection) Fire on OTM outside possession ‐ all underframe electrical fires (excluding traction motor) Fire on EMU (ECS/berthed) ‐ all electrical (excluding underframe and current collection) Fire on OTM outside possession ‐ all electrical fires (excluding underframe) Fire on EMU (ECS/berthed)‐ arson/vandalism Fire on EMU (ECS/berthed) ‐ current collection/return Fire on DMU ECS/berthed ‐ underframe electrical fires Fire on diesel loco (including ECS/berthed) ‐ brakes (sparking or dragging) Fire on diesel hauled stock ECS ‐ brakes (sparking or dragging) Fire on OTM outside possession ‐ other underframe Fire on FT or PCLS diesel loco ‐ human error/carelessness Fire on DMU ECS/berthed ‐ electrical fires (excluding underframe) Fire on EMU (ECS/berthed) ‐ axle/bearing failure Fire on OTM (outside possession) ‐ human error/carelessness Fire on OTM outside possession ‐ axle/bearing failure Fire on diesel loco (including ECS/berthed) ‐ traction motor fires Fire on HST/DEMU ECS ‐ all electrical underframe fires (excluding traction motors) Fire on FT or PCLS diesel loco ‐ axle/bearing failure Fire on FT or PCLS diesel loco ‐ traction motor fires Fire on FT or PCLS diesel loco ‐ other underframe Fire on FT or PCLS electric loco ‐ electrical underframe (excluding traction motor) Fire on FT or PCLS electric loco ‐ brakes (sparking or dragging) Fire on FT or PCLS electric loco ‐ electrical (excluding underframe) Fire on DMU ECS/berthed ‐ due to other causes (excluding underframe) Fire on HST/DEMU ECS ‐ all electrical (excluding underframe) Fire on HST/DEMU ECS ‐ other underframe Fire on EMU (ECS/berthed) ‐ brakes (sparking or dragging) Fire on electric hauled stock ECS ‐ brakes (sparking or dragging) Version 7.1 — August 2011 Normaliser Deriv. HEN of POS (% of total prec. split (%) HE risk) (D, E) Risk contribution (events/ normaliser) (events/ year) (FWI/ year) Frt & PCLS trn km Frt & PCLS trn km Frt & PCLS trn km Frt & PCLS trn km 3.39E‐09 3.39E‐09 2.83E‐09 2.83E‐09 0.1579 0.1579 0.1316 0.1316 2.21E‐05 2.21E‐05 1.84E‐05 1.84E‐05 0.10% 0.10% 0.08% 0.08% D D D D ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ECS trn km 9.75E‐09 0.2182 1.62E‐05 0.07% D ‐ ECS trn km 8.77E‐09 0.1964 1.46E‐05 0.06% D ‐ ECS trn km 7.89E‐09 0.1765 1.31E‐05 0.06% D ‐ ECS trn km ECS trn km ECS trn km ECS trn km ECS trn km ECS trn km ECS trn km ECS trn km ECS trn km Frt & PCLS trn km ECS trn km ECS trn km ECS trn km ECS trn km ECS trn km ECS trn km Frt & PCLS trn km Frt & PCLS trn km Frt & PCLS trn km Frt & PCLS trn km Frt & PCLS trn km Frt & PCLS trn km ECS trn km ECS trn km ECS trn km ECS trn km ECS trn km 7.18E‐09 6.58E‐09 5.98E‐09 5.85E‐09 5.58E‐09 5.06E‐09 4.87E‐09 4.74E‐09 4.47E‐09 1.13E‐09 4.22E‐09 3.90E‐09 3.72E‐09 3.72E‐09 2.85E‐09 2.40E‐09 5.65E‐10 5.65E‐10 5.65E‐10 5.65E‐10 5.65E‐10 5.65E‐10 2.20E‐09 2.00E‐09 1.95E‐09 1.95E‐09 1.95E‐09 0.1606 0.1471 0.1338 0.1309 0.1249 0.1133 0.1091 0.1062 0.1000 0.0526 0.0944 0.0873 0.0833 0.0833 0.0637 0.0538 0.0263 0.0263 0.0263 0.0263 0.0263 0.0263 0.0493 0.0448 0.0436 0.0436 0.0436 1.19E‐05 1.09E‐05 9.94E‐06 9.73E‐06 9.29E‐06 8.42E‐06 8.11E‐06 7.89E‐06 7.43E‐06 7.36E‐06 7.01E‐06 6.49E‐06 6.19E‐06 6.19E‐06 4.73E‐06 4.00E‐06 3.68E‐06 3.68E‐06 3.68E‐06 3.68E‐06 3.68E‐06 3.68E‐06 3.67E‐06 3.33E‐06 3.24E‐06 3.24E‐06 3.24E‐06 0.05% 0.05% 0.04% 0.04% 0.04% 0.04% 0.04% 0.03% 0.03% 0.03% 0.03% 0.03% 0.03% 0.03% 0.02% 0.02% 0.02% 0.02% 0.02% 0.02% 0.02% 0.02% 0.02% 0.01% 0.01% 0.01% 0.01% E D E D D D D E D D D D D D E E D D D D D D E D D D D ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 59 Table B1 National frequency Hazardous event code Precursor code Cause precursor description HET‐20A HET‐20A HET‐20A HET‐20A HET‐20A HET‐20A HET‐20A HET‐20A HET‐20A HET‐20A HET‐20A HET‐20A HET‐20A HET‐20A HET‐20A HET‐20A HET‐20A HET‐20A HET‐20A PFECSTM‐E PFECSOUCE PFLCELCC‐E PFDCSHSTOE PFLCELETME PFLCDO‐‐‐E PFLCDOU‐‐E PFLCELEN‐E PFDCSDMUBE PFDCSDMUVE PFDCSDMUUE PFDCSHSTME PFECSO‐‐E PFECSHE‐‐E PFECSEN‐E PFDCSHSTRE PFDCSHSTBE PFDCSDMUAE PFDCSEFU‐E HET‐20A PFDCSDEL‐E HET‐20A HET‐20A HET‐20A HET‐20A HET‐20A HET‐20A HET‐20A HET‐20A HET‐20A HET‐20A HET‐20A HET‐20A HET‐20A HET‐20A HET‐20A PFLCELBS‐E PFECSEFU‐E PFLCELELUE PFDCSEF‐‐E PFLCDEEL‐E PFLCELEL‐E PFLCELCCPE PFECSEF‐‐E PFLCDAV‐‐E PFLCDOF‐‐E PFDCSOTU‐E PFLCELOTUE PFECSOTU‐E PFDCSOT‐‐E PFLCELOT‐E Fire on EMU (ECS/berthed) ‐ traction motor fires Fire on EMU (ECS/berthed) ‐ other underframe cause Fire on FT or PCLS electric loco ‐ current collection/return Fire on HST/DEMU ECS ‐ other (excluding underframe) Fire on electric loco (ECS and berthed) ‐ traction motor fires Fire on diesel loco (including ECS and berthed) ‐ other (excluding underframe) Fire on diesel loco (including ECS and berthed) ‐ other underframe fires Fire on electric loco (ECS and berthed) ‐ engine (including fires and oil/diesel leaks) Fire on DMU ECS/berthed ‐ brakes (sparking or dragging) Fire on DMU ECS/berthed ‐ arson/vandalism Fire on DMU ECS/berthed ‐ due to other causes (underframe) Fire on HST/DEMU ECS ‐ traction motor fires Fire on EMU (ECS/berthed) ‐ other (excluding underframe) Fire on electric hauled stock ECS ‐ human error/carelessness Fire on EMU (ECS/berthed) ‐ engine (including exhaust fires and oil/diesel leaks) Fire on HST/DEMU ECS ‐ axle/bearing failure Fire on HST/DEMU ECS ‐ brakes (sparking or dragging) Fire on DMU ECS/berthed ‐ axle/bearing failure Fire on diesel hauled stock ECS ‐ electrical underframe (excluding traction motor) Fire on diesel loco (including ECS and berthed) ‐ electrical underframe (excluding traction motor) Fire on electric loco (ECS and berthed) ‐ brakes (sparking or dragging) Fire on electric hauled stock ECS ‐ electrical underframe (excluding traction motor) Fire on electric loco (ECS and berthed) ‐ electrical underframe (excluding traction motor) Fire on diesel hauled stock ECS ‐ all electrical (excluding underframe) Fire on diesel loco (including ECS and berthed) ‐ electrical (excluding underframe) Fire on electric loco (ECS and berthed) ‐ electrical (excluding underframe) Fire on electric loco (ECS and berthed) ‐ current collection/return problems Fire on electric hauled stock ECS ‐ electrical (excluding underframe) Fire on FT or PCLS diesel loco ‐ arson/vandalism Fire on FT or PCLS diesel loco ‐ other (excluding underframe) Fire on diesel hauled stock ECS ‐ other underframe Fire on electric loco (ECS and berthed) ‐ underframe other Fire on electric hauled stock ECS ‐ other underframe Fire on diesel hauled stock ECS ‐ other (excluding underframe) Fire on electric loco (ECS and berthed) ‐ other (excluding underframe) Version 7.1 — August 2011 Normaliser Deriv. HEN of POS (% of total prec. split (%) HE risk) (D, E) Risk contribution (events/ normaliser) (events/ year) (FWI/ year) ECS trn km ECS trn km Frt & PCLS trn km ECS trn km ECS trn km ECS trn km ECS trn km ECS trn km ECS trn km ECS trn km ECS trn km ECS trn km ECS trn km ECS trn km ECS trn km ECS trn km ECS trn km ECS trn km ECS trn km 1.95E‐09 1.95E‐09 3.21E‐10 1.04E‐09 9.75E‐10 9.75E‐10 9.75E‐10 9.75E‐10 9.75E‐10 9.75E‐10 9.75E‐10 9.75E‐10 9.75E‐10 9.75E‐10 9.75E‐10 7.71E‐10 6.70E‐10 6.70E‐10 4.26E‐10 0.0436 0.0436 0.0149 0.0234 0.0218 0.0218 0.0218 0.0218 0.0218 0.0218 0.0218 0.0218 0.0218 0.0218 0.0218 0.0173 0.0150 0.0150 0.0095 3.24E‐06 3.24E‐06 2.09E‐06 1.74E‐06 1.62E‐06 1.62E‐06 1.62E‐06 1.62E‐06 1.62E‐06 1.62E‐06 1.62E‐06 1.62E‐06 1.62E‐06 1.62E‐06 1.62E‐06 1.28E‐06 1.11E‐06 1.11E‐06 7.08E‐07 0.01% 0.01% 0.01% 0.01% 0.01% 0.01% 0.01% 0.01% 0.01% 0.01% 0.01% 0.01% 0.01% 0.01% 0.01% 0.01% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% D D D E D D D D D D D D D D D E D D D ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ECS trn km 4.26E‐10 0.0095 7.08E‐07 0.00% E ‐ ECS trn km ECS trn km ECS trn km ECS trn km ECS trn km ECS trn km ECS trn km ECS trn km Frt & PCLS trn km Frt & PCLS trn km ECS trn km ECS trn km ECS trn km ECS trn km ECS trn km 3.79E‐10 3.77E‐10 3.77E‐10 3.55E‐10 3.55E‐10 3.14E‐10 2.67E‐10 2.59E‐10 4.81E‐11 4.81E‐11 1.55E‐10 1.37E‐10 1.37E‐10 9.25E‐11 8.19E‐11 0.0085 0.0084 0.0084 0.0079 0.0079 0.0070 0.0060 0.0058 0.0022 0.0022 0.0035 0.0031 0.0031 0.0021 0.0018 6.30E‐07 6.27E‐07 6.27E‐07 5.90E‐07 5.90E‐07 5.22E‐07 4.44E‐07 4.31E‐07 3.13E‐07 3.13E‐07 2.57E‐07 2.28E‐07 2.28E‐07 1.54E‐07 1.36E‐07 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% E D E D D E E D E E E E E E E ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 60 Table B1 National frequency Hazardous event code Precursor code HET‐20A HET‐20A HET‐20A HET‐20A HET‐20A HET‐20A HET‐20A HET‐20A HET‐20A HET‐20A HET‐20A HET‐20A HET‐20A HET‐20A HET‐20A HET‐20A HET‐20A HET‐20A HET‐20A HET‐20A HET‐20A HET‐20A HET‐20A HET‐20A HET‐20A HET‐20A HET‐20A HET‐20 POS HET‐20 POS HET‐20 POS HET‐20 POS PFECSOT‐‐E Fire on electric hauled stock ECS ‐ other (excluding underframe) PFLCDEAX‐E Fire on diesel loco (including ECS/berthed) ‐ axle/bearing failure PFDCSAX‐‐E Fire on diesel hauled stock ECS ‐ axle/bearing failure PFLCELAX‐E Fire on electric loco (ECS and berthed) ‐ axle/bearing failure PFECSAX‐‐E Fire on electric hauled stock ECS ‐ axle/bearing failure PFLCELOU‐E Fire on FT or PCLS electric loco ‐ other underframe PFLCELOTFE Fire on FT or PCLS electric loco ‐ other (excluding underframe) PFLCELHEFE Fire on FT or PCLS electric loco ‐ human error/carelessness PFLCELAVFE Fire on FT or PCLS electric loco ‐ arson/vandalism PFLCELAXFE Fire on FT or PCLS electric loco ‐ axle/bearing failure PFLCEDEN‐E Fire on FT or PCLS electric loco ‐ engine (including oil/diesel leaks) PFECSHE‐E Fire on EMU (ECS/berthed) ‐ human error/carelessness PFOTMTM‐‐E Fire on OTM outside possession ‐ traction motor fires PFOTMOT‐‐E Fire on OTM outside possession ‐ other (excluding underframe) PFOTMBS‐‐E Fire on OTM outside possession ‐ brakes (sparking or dragging) PFOTMCAR‐E Fire on OTM outside possession ‐ cargo PFOTMAV‐‐E Fire on OTM outside possession ‐ arson/vandalism PFDCSDMUCE Fire on DMU ECS/berthed ‐ human error/carelessness PFDCSHSTAE Fire on HST/DEMU ECS ‐ arson/vandalism PFDCSHSTLE Fire on HST/DEMU ECS ‐ human error/carelessness PFLCDEHE‐E Fire on diesel loco (including ECS/berthed) ‐ human error/carelessness PFDCSAV‐‐E Fire on diesel hauled stock ECS ‐ arson/vandalism PFLCDEAV‐E Fire on diesel loco (including ECS/berthed) ‐ arson/vandalism PFDCSHE‐‐E Fire on diesel hauled stock ECS ‐ human error/carelessness PFECSAV‐‐E Fire on electric hauled stock ECS ‐ arson/vandalism PFLCELHE‐E Fire on electric loco (ECS and berthed) ‐ human error/carelessness PFLCELAV‐E Fire on electric loco (ECS and berthed) ‐ arson/vandalism Fire on OTP inside possession OT08I59 Defect on OTP leading to Fire on OTP ‐ Inside Possession OT08I54 Vandalism leading to Fire on OTP ‐ Inside Possession OT08I55 Unsafe system of work employed by workers leading to Fire on OTP ‐ Inside Possession Cause precursor description Version 7.1 — August 2011 Normaliser Deriv. HEN of POS (% of total prec. split (%) HE risk) (D, E) Risk contribution (events/ normaliser) (events/ year) (FWI/ year) ECS trn km ECS trn km ECS trn km ECS trn km ECS trn km Frt & PCLS trn km Frt & PCLS trn km Frt & PCLS trn km Frt & PCLS trn km Frt & PCLS trn km Frt & PCLS trn km ECS trn km ECS trn km ECS trn km ECS trn km ECS trn km ECS trn km ECS trn km ECS trn km ECS trn km ECS trn km ECS trn km ECS trn km ECS trn km ECS trn km ECS trn km ECS trn km 8.19E‐11 6.84E‐11 6.84E‐11 6.06E‐11 6.06E‐11 5.73E‐12 5.73E‐12 5.73E‐12 5.73E‐12 5.73E‐12 5.73E‐12 2.18E‐11 1.98E‐11 1.98E‐11 1.98E‐11 1.98E‐11 1.98E‐11 1.40E‐11 6.65E‐12 6.65E‐12 1.18E‐12 1.18E‐12 1.18E‐12 1.18E‐12 1.04E‐12 1.04E‐12 1.04E‐12 OTP hrs OTP hrs OTP hrs 1.07E‐06 1.42E‐08 1.10E‐08 0.0018 0.0015 0.0015 0.0014 0.0014 2.67E‐04 2.67E‐04 2.67E‐04 2.67E‐04 2.67E‐04 2.67E‐04 4.88E‐04 4.44E‐04 4.44E‐04 4.44E‐04 4.44E‐04 4.44E‐04 3.13E‐04 1.49E‐04 1.49E‐04 2.63E‐05 2.63E‐05 2.63E‐05 2.63E‐05 2.33E‐05 2.33E‐05 2.33E‐05 2.333 2.280 0.0303 0.0233 1.36E‐07 1.14E‐07 1.14E‐07 1.01E‐07 1.01E‐07 3.73E‐08 3.73E‐08 3.73E‐08 3.73E‐08 3.73E‐08 3.73E‐08 3.63E‐08 3.30E‐08 3.30E‐08 3.30E‐08 3.30E‐08 3.30E‐08 2.33E‐08 1.11E‐08 1.11E‐08 1.96E‐09 1.96E‐09 1.96E‐09 1.96E‐09 1.73E‐09 1.73E‐09 1.73E‐09 0.0072 0.0071 9.40E‐05 7.23E‐05 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 31.49% 30.76% 0.41% 0.31% E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E D E E ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 61 Table B1 National frequency Hazardous event code HET‐21 HET‐21A HET‐21A HET‐21 POS HET‐21 POS HET‐21 POS Precursor code Cause precursor description Train crushed by structural collapse or large object (not at a station) Train crushed by structural collapse or large object outside possession (not at station) Train crushed by significant railway structural collapse or large object (bridge, tunnel, RSTRUCT‐‐‐F building, retaining wall, road vehicle) OTP crushed by structural collapse or large object inside possession (not at station) OT11I32 Infrastructure Defect OTP Crushed by Structural Collapse ‐ Inside Possession Unsafe System of Work Employed by Workers OTP Crushed by Structural Collapse ‐ Inside OT11I54 Possession HET‐22 HET‐22 Train crushed by structural collapse or large object (at a station) RSTATSTR‐F Train crushed by structural collapse at station HET‐23 HET‐23 Explosion on passenger train PEXPLOS‐PF Spontaneous explosion on a passenger train HET‐24 HET‐24 HET‐24 Explosion on freight train FEXPLOSHFF Spontaneous explosion on a freight train (hazardous freight) FEXPLOS‐FF Spontaneous explosion on a freight train (non‐hazardous freight) HET‐25 HET‐25A HET‐25A HET‐25A HET‐25A HET‐25A HET‐25B HET‐25B HET‐25B HET‐25B HET‐25B Passenger train division (not leading to collision) Passenger train division (not leading to collision): in station USNOTESTPE Division in station ‐ cause not established USCOUERRPH Division in station due to coupling error USDFCOUPPF Division in station due to defective coupling USDRVBUTPH Division in station due to driver pressing the uncoupling button in error Passenger train division (not leading to collision): in running URNOTESTPE Division in running ‐ cause not established URDFCOUPPF Division in running due to defective coupling URDRVBUTPH Division in running due to driver pressing the uncoupling button in error URCOUERRPH Division in running due to coupling error Version 7.1 — August 2011 Normaliser (events/ normaliser) Deriv. HEN of POS (% of total prec. split (%) HE risk) (D, E) Risk contribution (events/ year) (FWI/ year) 6.00E‐04 5.91E‐04 0.0080 0.0080 100.00% 99.94% ‐ ‐ Tot trn km 1.06E‐12 5.91E‐04 0.0080 99.94% D ‐ OTP hrs 2.96E‐12 8.40E‐06 6.30E‐06 4.82E‐06 3.62E‐06 0.06% 0.05% E ‐ ‐ OTP hrs 9.87E‐13 2.10E‐06 1.21E‐06 0.02% E ‐ Stations 3.95E‐06 0.0100 0.0100 0.0441 0.0441 100.00% 100.00% E ‐ ‐ Pass trn km 4.10E‐11 0.0200 0.0200 0.0049 0.0049 100.00% 100.00% E ‐ ‐ Non‐pass trn km Non‐pass trn km 1.45E‐10 8.19E‐11 0.0156 0.0100 0.0056 0.0686 0.0681 5.67E‐04 100.00% 99.17% 0.83% E E ‐ ‐ ‐ 12.20 7.600 4.800 1.200 1.000 0.6000 4.600 3.200 0.6000 0.6000 0.2000 0.0079 0.0038 0.0024 5.95E‐04 4.96E‐04 2.98E‐04 0.0041 0.0029 5.41E‐04 5.41E‐04 1.80E‐04 100.00% 47.61% 30.07% 7.52% 6.26% 3.76% 52.39% 36.45% 6.83% 6.83% 2.28% Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km 9.83E‐09 2.46E‐09 2.05E‐09 1.23E‐09 Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km 6.55E‐09 1.23E‐09 1.23E‐09 4.10E‐10 D D D D D D D D ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 62 Table B1 National frequency Hazardous event code HET‐26 HET‐26A HET‐26A HET‐26A HET‐26A HET‐26A HET‐26B HET‐26B HET‐26B HET‐26B HET‐26B Precursor code Cause precursor description Collision between a failed train and an assisting train Collision between a failed passenger train and an assisting train Low adhesion due to leaves leading to an assisting train collision with a failed passenger UASSILEPE train UASSIDBPE Defective brakes leading to an assisting train collision with a failed passenger train Low adhesion due to rail contamination leading to an assisting train collision with a failed UASSIRCPE passenger train Failed train not properly secured leading to an assisting train collision with a failed UASSISEPE passenger train (runaway) Collision between a failed non‐passenger train and an assisting train Low adhesion due to leaves leading to an assisting train collision with a failed non‐ UASSILEFE passenger train Failed train not properly secured leading to an assisting train collision with a failed non‐ UASSISEFE passenger train (runaway) UASSIDBFE Defective brakes leading to an assisting train collision with a failed non‐passenger train Low adhesion due to rail contamination leading to an assisting train collision with a failed UASSIRCFE non‐passenger train Version 7.1 — August 2011 Normaliser (events/ normaliser) Deriv. HEN of POS (% of total prec. split (%) HE risk) (D, E) Risk contribution (events/ year) (FWI/ year) 0.4167 0.0833 0.0106 0.0026 100.00% 24.08% ‐ ‐ Pass trn km 6.83E‐11 0.0333 0.0010 9.63% D ‐ Pass trn km 3.41E‐11 0.0167 5.12E‐04 4.82% D ‐ Pass trn km 3.41E‐11 0.0167 5.12E‐04 4.82% D ‐ Pass trn km 3.41E‐11 0.0167 5.12E‐04 4.82% D ‐ 0.3333 0.0081 75.92% ‐ Non‐pass trn km 1.93E‐09 0.1333 0.0032 30.37% D ‐ Non‐pass trn km 9.67E‐10 0.0667 0.0016 15.18% D ‐ Non‐pass trn km 9.67E‐10 0.0667 0.0016 15.18% D ‐ Non‐pass trn km 9.67E‐10 0.0667 0.0016 15.18% D ‐ 63 This page has been intentionally left blank Version 7.1 — August 2011 64 Table B1 National frequency Hazardous event code Precursor code HEM‐01 HEM‐01A HEM‐01A HEM‐01B HEM‐01B Passenger injury during evacuation following stopped train (not at a platform) Passenger injury during evacuation following stopped train (controlled evacuation) PEVCCNT‐‐H Passenger injury during controlled evacuation following a stopped train Passenger injury during evacuation following stopped train (uncontrolled evacuation) PEVCUCNT‐H Passenger injury during uncontrolled evacuation following a stopped train HEM‐03 HEM‐03 Passenger struck while leaning out of train (train in running) PPLEANT‐‐H Passenger struck while leaning out of train (train in running) HEM‐05 HEM‐05A HEM‐05A HEM‐05A HEM‐05A HEM‐05B HEM‐05B HEM‐05B HEM‐05B HEM‐06 HEM‐06 HEM‐06 HEM‐06 Train door closes on passenger Train door closes on passenger (slam‐door) PSLALIGH‐H Train door closes on passenger (slam door stock) whilst alighting PSLBOARD‐H Train door closes on passenger (slam door stock) whilst boarding PSLOTHER‐H Train door closes on passenger (slam door stock) other/unknown Train door closes on passenger (non‐slam door) PPOBOARD‐H Train door closes on passenger (non‐slam door stock) whilst boarding PPOALIGH‐H Train door closes on passenger (non‐slam door stock) whilst alighting PPOOTHER‐H Train door closes on passenger (non‐slam door stock) other/unknown Passenger fall between stationary train and platform PFALLALIUH Passenger fall between a stationary train and platform whilst alighting PFALLBOAUH Passenger fall between a stationary train and platform whilst boarding PFALLOTHUH Passenger fall between a stationary train and platform ‐ other HEM‐07 HEM‐07 Cause precursor description Normaliser (events/ normaliser) (events/ year) (FWI/ year) Pass jour 1.66E‐09 Pass jour 1.29E‐10 2.216 2.057 2.057 0.1593 0.1593 0.0165 0.0123 0.0123 0.0042 0.0042 100.00% 74.33% 74.33% 25.67% 25.67% D ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ Pass jour 1.04E‐09 1.283 1.283 0.2014 0.2014 100.00% 100.00% D ‐ ‐ 0.6172 0.0536 0.0220 0.0203 0.0113 0.5636 0.2793 0.2267 0.0576 1.479 0.8734 0.4085 0.1971 100.00% 8.69% 3.56% 3.29% 1.83% 91.31% 45.25% 36.73% 9.33% 100.00% 59.05% 27.62% 13.33% Pass jour Pass jour Pass jour 5.39E‐09 4.98E‐09 2.77E‐09 Pass jour Pass jour Pass jour 1.34E‐07 1.09E‐07 2.77E‐08 Pass jour Pass jour Pass jour 8.49E‐08 1.34E‐07 1.25E‐08 351.7 16.25 6.669 6.156 3.428 335.4 166.2 134.9 34.28 286.7 105.0 166.3 15.41 Passenger fall from train in service onto track (no electric shock nor struck by train) PTSGFALL‐H Passenger fall from train in service onto track (no electric shock nor struck by train) Pass jour 3.55E‐10 0.4394 0.4394 0.0189 0.0189 HEM‐08 HEM‐08 HEM‐08 Passenger fall from platform and struck by train PPLLFALL‐H Passenger fall from platform and struck by train under the influence PPLGFALL‐H Passenger fall from platform and struck by train ‐ general causes Pass jour Pass jour 2.59E‐09 1.90E‐09 5.560 3.208 2.352 HEM‐09 HEM‐09A HEM‐09A HEM‐09A HEM‐09A HEM‐09A Passenger injury while boarding/alighting a train (platform side) Passenger injury while alighting from a train (platform side) PTASFALL‐H Passenger injury while alighting from a stationary train PTALFALL‐H Passenger injury while alighting from train under the influence PTAMFALL‐H Passenger injury while alighting from a moving train PTALLTSP‐H Passenger injury while alighting from a train to the cess (on the platform side) 2.16E‐07 3.35E‐08 2.22E‐09 1.39E‐09 592.2 313.3 267.4 41.48 2.742 1.714 Version 7.1 — August 2011 Deriv. HEN of POS (% of total prec. split (%) HE risk) (D, E) Risk contribution Pass jour Pass jour Pass jour Pass jour D D D D ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 100.00% 100.00% D ‐ ‐ 2.004 1.511 0.4932 100.00% 75.39% 24.61% D D ‐ ‐ ‐ 3.243 2.173 1.854 0.2877 0.0190 0.0119 100.00% 67.00% 57.18% 8.87% 0.59% 0.37% D D D D ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ D D D D D D 65 Table B1 National frequency Hazardous event code Precursor code HEM‐09B HEM‐09B HEM‐09B HEM‐09B Passenger injury while boarding a train (platform side) PTBSFALL‐H Passenger injury while boarding a stationary train PTBLFALL‐H Passenger injury while boarding a train under the influence PTBMFALL‐H Passenger injury while boarding a moving train HEM‐10 HEM‐10A HEM‐10A HEM‐10B HEM‐10B HEM‐10 POS HEM‐10 POS Passenger struck by / contact with moving train while on platform Passenger struck by / contact with moving train due to being too close to platform edge PPLSTR‐‐‐H Passenger struck by / contact with moving train due to being too close to platform edge Passenger injury due to being hit by train door or out of gauge item while on platform PPLSTD‐‐‐E Passenger injury due to being hit by train door or out of gauge item while on platform Passenger on platform struck by / contact with train ‐ inside possession PSTROTP‐OE Passenger on platform struck by / contact with moving train inside possession HEM‐11 HEM‐11A Passenger struck/crushed by train while crossing the track at or near a station on a crossing Passenger struck/crushed by train on MCB + CCTV level crossing adjacent to station Passenger struck/crushed by train on MCB + CCTV adjacent to station ‐ user violation: climbs PCCTVCLIMH over barrier/cattle grids Passenger struck/crushed by train on MCB + CCTV adjacent to station ‐ proper use: user PCCTVTRAPH trapped Passenger struck/crushed by train on MCB + CCTV adjacent to station ‐ proper use: train PCCTVTRAIH unexpected Passenger struck/crushed by train on MCB level crossing adjacent to station Passenger struck/crushed by train on MCB adjacent to station ‐ user violation: climbs over PMCB‐CLIMH barrier/cattle grids Passenger struck/crushed by train on MCB adjacent to station ‐ proper use: train PMCB‐TRAIH unexpected Passenger struck/crushed by train on MCG level crossing adjacent to station Passenger struck/crushed by train on MCG adjacent to station ‐ user violation: climbs over PMCG‐CLIMH barrier/cattle grids Passenger struck/crushed by train on MCG adjacent to station ‐ proper use: train PMCG‐TRAIH unexpected HEM‐11A HEM‐11A HEM‐11A HEM‐11B HEM‐11B HEM‐11B HEM‐11C HEM‐11C HEM‐11C Cause precursor description Version 7.1 — August 2011 Normaliser Pass jour Pass jour Pass jour Deriv. HEN of POS (% of total prec. split (%) HE risk) (D, E) Risk contribution (events/ normaliser) (events/ year) (FWI/ year) 2.17E‐07 8.04E‐09 6.92E‐10 278.9 268.1 9.941 0.8554 1.070 1.029 0.0381 0.0033 33.00% 31.72% 1.18% 0.10% 9.841 9.624 9.624 0.2139 0.2139 0.0039 0.0039 1.568 1.565 1.565 0.0020 0.0020 2.97E‐04 2.97E‐04 100.00% 99.85% 99.85% 0.13% 0.13% 0.02% 0.02% 0.8734 0.1561 0.7074 0.1264 100.00% 17.87% Pass jour 7.78E‐09 Pass jour 1.73E‐10 OTP hrs 1.82E‐09 D D D D D D ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ Pass jour 8.97E‐11 0.1109 0.0899 12.70% D ‐ Pass jour 2.06E‐11 0.0255 0.0206 2.92% D ‐ Pass jour 1.59E‐11 0.0196 0.0159 2.25% D ‐ 0.1024 0.0829 11.73% ‐ Pass jour 7.42E‐11 0.0918 0.0743 10.51% D ‐ Pass jour 8.61E‐12 0.0107 0.0086 1.22% D ‐ 0.0214 0.0173 2.45% ‐ Pass jour 1.55E‐11 0.0192 0.0155 2.20% D ‐ Pass jour 1.80E‐12 0.0022 0.0018 0.26% D ‐ 66 Table B1 National frequency Hazardous event code HEM‐11D HEM‐11D HEM‐11D HEM‐11D HEM‐11D HEM‐11D HEM‐11D HEM‐11D HEM‐11D HEM‐11E HEM‐11E HEM‐11E HEM‐11E HEM‐11E HEM‐11E HEM‐11E HEM‐11E HEM‐11E Precursor code Cause precursor description Passenger struck/crushed by train on ABCL level crossing adjacent to station Passenger struck/crushed by train on ABCL adjacent to station ‐ user error: second train PABCL2TRAH coming Passenger struck/crushed by train on ABCL adjacent to station ‐ proper use: slipped, tripped, PABCLFALLH fell or snagged on crossing Passenger struck/crushed by train on ABCL adjacent to station ‐ user violation: ignores PABCLFSLLH lights/barriers Passenger struck/crushed by train on ABCL adjacent to station ‐ proper use: train PABCLMALFF unexpected Passenger struck/crushed by train on ABCL adjacent to station ‐ user error: PABCLDOG‐H distracted/forced by dog Passenger struck/crushed by train on ABCL adjacent to station ‐ user error: unaware of PABCLUNAWH crossing Passenger struck/crushed by train on ABCL adjacent to station ‐ proper use: slow PABCLSLOWH moving/short warning Passenger struck/crushed by train on ABCL adjacent to station ‐ proper use: road traffic PABCLRTA‐H accident Passenger struck/crushed by train on AHB level crossing adjacent to station Passenger struck/crushed by train on AHB adjacent to station ‐ user error: second train PAHB‐2TRAH coming Passenger struck/crushed by train on AHB adjacent to station ‐ proper use: slipped, tripped, PAHB‐FALLH fell or snagged on crossing Passenger struck/crushed by train on AHB adjacent to station ‐ user violation: ignores PAHB‐WALKH lights/barriers Passenger struck/crushed by train on AHB adjacent to station ‐ proper use: slow PAHB‐SLOWH moving/short warning PAHB‐MALFF Passenger struck/crushed by train on AHB adjacent to station ‐ proper use: train unexpected Passenger struck/crushed by train on AHB adjacent to station ‐ user error: distracted/forced PAHB‐DOG‐H by dog Passenger struck/crushed by train on AHB adjacent to station ‐ user error: unaware of PAHB‐UNAWH crossing Passenger struck/crushed by train on AHB adjacent to station ‐ proper use: road traffic PAHB‐RTA‐H accident Version 7.1 — August 2011 Normaliser (events/ normaliser) Deriv. HEN of POS (% of total prec. split (%) HE risk) (D, E) Risk contribution (events/ year) (FWI/ year) 0.0606 0.0491 6.94% ‐ Pass jour 4.11E‐11 0.0508 0.0411 5.81% D ‐ Pass jour 6.74E‐12 0.0083 0.0068 0.95% D ‐ Pass jour 7.78E‐13 9.62E‐04 7.79E‐04 0.11% D ‐ Pass jour 1.36E‐13 1.69E‐04 1.37E‐04 0.02% D ‐ Pass jour 1.27E‐13 1.57E‐04 1.27E‐04 0.02% D ‐ Pass jour 1.12E‐13 1.38E‐04 1.12E‐04 0.02% D ‐ Pass jour 6.83E‐14 8.45E‐05 6.84E‐05 0.01% D ‐ Pass jour 9.96E‐16 1.23E‐06 9.98E‐07 0.00% D ‐ 0.0665 0.0538 7.61% ‐ Pass jour 4.45E‐11 0.0550 0.0446 6.30% D ‐ Pass jour 7.92E‐12 0.0098 0.0079 1.12% D ‐ Pass jour 1.21E‐12 0.0015 0.0012 0.17% D ‐ Pass jour 5.16E‐14 6.38E‐05 5.17E‐05 0.01% D ‐ Pass jour 2.12E‐14 2.62E‐05 2.12E‐05 0.00% D ‐ Pass jour 1.97E‐14 2.44E‐05 1.97E‐05 0.00% D ‐ Pass jour 1.74E‐14 2.15E‐05 1.75E‐05 0.00% D ‐ Pass jour 3.70E‐15 4.58E‐06 3.71E‐06 0.00% D ‐ 67 Table B1 National frequency Hazardous event code HEM‐11F HEM‐11F HEM‐11F HEM‐11F HEM‐11F HEM‐11F HEM‐11F HEM‐11F HEM‐11F HEM‐11H HEM‐11H HEM‐11H HEM‐11H HEM‐11H HEM‐11H HEM‐11H HEM‐11H HEM‐11H HEM‐11H Precursor code Cause precursor description Passenger struck/crushed by train on AOCL level crossing adjacent to station Passenger struck/crushed by train on AOCL adjacent to station ‐ user error: second train PAOCL2TRAH coming Passenger struck/crushed by train on AOCL adjacent to station ‐ proper use: slipped, PAOCLFALLH tripped, fell or snagged on crossing PAOCLFSLLH Passenger struck/crushed by train on AOCL adjacent to station ‐ user violation: ignores lights Passenger struck/crushed by train on AOCL adjacent to station ‐ proper use: train PAOCLMALFF unexpected Passenger struck/crushed by train on AOCL adjacent to station ‐ user error: PAOCLDOG‐H distracted/forced by dog Passenger struck/crushed by train on AOCL adjacent to station ‐ user error: unaware of PAOCLUNAWH crossing Passenger struck/crushed by train on AOCL adjacent to station ‐ proper use: slow PAOCLSLOWH moving/short warning Passenger struck/crushed by train on AOCL adjacent to station ‐ proper use: road traffic PAOCLRTA‐H accident Passenger struck/crushed by train on UWC + T level crossing adjacent to station PUWCTSIGHH Passenger struck/crushed by train on UWC + T adjacent to station ‐ user error: poor sighting PUWCT2TRAH Passenger struck/crushed by train on UWC + T adjacent to station ‐ user error: second train Passenger struck/crushed by train on UWC + T adjacent to station ‐ proper use: slipped, PUWCTFALLH tripped, fell or snagged on crossing Passenger struck/crushed by train on UWC + T adjacent to station ‐ user error: fails to stop, PUWCTFSLLH look and listen Passenger struck/crushed by train on UWC + T adjacent to station ‐ user violation: nips PUWCTNIP‐H across in front of train Passenger struck/crushed by train on UWC + T adjacent to station ‐ user error: PUWCTDOG‐H distracted/forced by dog Passenger struck/crushed by train on UWC + T adjacent to station ‐ user error: unaware of PUWCTUNAWH crossing Passenger struck/crushed by train on UWC + T adjacent to station ‐ proper use: signaller PUWCTTRAIH error Passenger struck/crushed by train on UWC + T adjacent to station ‐ proper use: road traffic PUWCTRTA‐H accident Version 7.1 — August 2011 Normaliser (events/ normaliser) Deriv. HEN of POS (% of total prec. split (%) HE risk) (D, E) Risk contribution (events/ year) (FWI/ year) 0.0062 0.0050 0.71% ‐ Pass jour 4.15E‐12 0.0051 0.0042 0.59% D ‐ Pass jour 7.38E‐13 9.12E‐04 7.39E‐04 0.10% D ‐ Pass jour 1.12E‐13 1.38E‐04 1.12E‐04 0.02% D ‐ Pass jour 3.55E‐15 4.39E‐06 3.56E‐06 0.00% D ‐ Pass jour 3.30E‐15 4.08E‐06 3.30E‐06 0.00% D ‐ Pass jour 2.92E‐15 3.61E‐06 2.92E‐06 0.00% D ‐ Pass jour 1.78E‐15 2.20E‐06 1.78E‐06 0.00% D ‐ Pass jour 1.89E‐17 2.34E‐08 1.90E‐08 0.00% D ‐ Pass jour Pass jour 8.84E‐12 8.84E‐12 0.0241 0.0109 0.0109 0.0195 0.0089 0.0089 2.76% 1.25% 1.25% D D ‐ ‐ ‐ Pass jour 1.55E‐12 0.0019 0.0016 0.22% D ‐ Pass jour 1.38E‐13 1.70E‐04 1.38E‐04 0.02% D ‐ Pass jour 8.54E‐14 1.06E‐04 8.55E‐05 0.01% D ‐ Pass jour 3.44E‐14 4.25E‐05 3.44E‐05 0.00% D ‐ Pass jour 2.11E‐15 2.61E‐06 2.11E‐06 0.00% D ‐ Pass jour 2.52E‐16 3.11E‐07 2.52E‐07 0.00% D ‐ Pass jour 2.81E‐17 3.48E‐08 2.82E‐08 0.00% D ‐ 68 Table B1 National frequency Hazardous event code HEM‐11I HEM‐11I HEM‐11I HEM‐11I HEM‐11I HEM‐11I HEM‐11I HEM‐11I HEM‐11I HEM‐11K HEM‐11K HEM‐11K HEM‐11K HEM‐11K HEM‐11K HEM‐11K HEM‐11K HEM‐11L HEM‐11L HEM‐11L HEM‐11L HEM‐11L Precursor code Cause precursor description Passenger struck/crushed by train on UWC level crossing adjacent to station PUWC‐SIGHH Passenger struck/crushed by train on UWC adjacent to station ‐ user error: poor sighting PUWC‐2TRAH Passenger struck/crushed by train on UWC adjacent to station ‐ user error: second train Passenger struck/crushed by train on UWC adjacent to station ‐ proper use: slipped, tripped, PUWC‐FALLJ fell or snagged on crossing Passenger struck/crushed by train on UWC adjacent to station ‐ user error: PUWC‐DOG‐H distracted/forced by dog Passenger struck/crushed by train on UWC adjacent to station ‐ user error: fails to stop, look PUWC‐FSLLH and listen Passenger struck/crushed by train on UWC adjacent to station ‐ user violation: nips across in PUWC‐NIP‐H front of train Passenger struck/crushed by train on UWC adjacent to station ‐ user error: unaware of PUWC‐UNAWH crossing Passenger struck/crushed by train on UWC adjacent to station ‐ proper use: road traffic PUWC‐RTA‐H accident Passenger struck/crushed by train on FP + MWL crossing adjacent to station PFPCM2TRAH Passenger struck/crushed by train on FP MWL adjacent to station ‐ user error: second train Passenger struck/crushed by train on FP MWL adjacent to station ‐ proper use: slipped, PFPCMFALLH tripped, fell or snagged on crossing Passenger struck/crushed by train on FP MWL adjacent to station ‐ user violation: ignores PFPCMIGRLH lights Passenger struck/crushed by train on FP MWL adjacent to station ‐ user error: PFPCMDOG‐H distracted/forced by dog Passenger struck/crushed by train on FP MWL adjacent to station ‐ proper use: slow PFPCMSLOWH moving/short warning Passenger struck/crushed by train on FP MWL adjacent to station ‐ proper use: train PFPCMTRAIH unexpected Passenger struck/crushed by train on FP MWL adjacent to station ‐ user error: unaware of PFPCMUNAWH crossing Passenger struck/crushed by train on FP crossing adjacent to station PFPC‐SIGHH Passenger struck/crushed by train on FP adjacent to station ‐ user error: poor sighting PFPC‐2TRAH Passenger struck/crushed by train on FP adjacent to station ‐ user error: second train Passenger struck/crushed by train on FP adjacent to station ‐ user error: slipped, tripped, fell PFPC‐FALLH or snagged on crossing Passenger struck/crushed by train on FP adjacent to station ‐ user error: fails to stop, look PFPC‐FSLLH and listen Version 7.1 — August 2011 Normaliser Deriv. HEN of POS (% of total prec. split (%) HE risk) (D, E) Risk contribution (events/ normaliser) (events/ year) (FWI/ year) Pass jour Pass jour 1.26E‐14 1.26E‐14 3.43E‐05 1.55E‐05 1.55E‐05 2.78E‐05 1.26E‐05 1.26E‐05 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% D D ‐ ‐ ‐ Pass jour 2.21E‐15 2.73E‐06 2.21E‐06 0.00% D ‐ Pass jour 1.93E‐16 2.39E‐07 1.94E‐07 0.00% D ‐ Pass jour 9.67E‐17 1.20E‐07 9.69E‐08 0.00% D ‐ Pass jour 7.28E‐17 9.00E‐08 7.29E‐08 0.00% D ‐ Pass jour 5.86E‐18 7.25E‐09 5.90E‐09 0.00% D ‐ Pass jour 8.43E‐20 1.04E‐10 1.00E‐10 0.00% D ‐ Pass jour 1.35E‐11 0.0238 0.0166 0.0193 0.0135 2.72% 1.91% D ‐ ‐ Pass jour 4.94E‐12 0.0061 0.0050 0.70% D ‐ Pass jour 5.35E‐13 6.61E‐04 5.36E‐04 0.08% D ‐ Pass jour 1.60E‐13 1.97E‐04 1.60E‐04 0.02% D ‐ Pass jour 9.75E‐14 1.21E‐04 9.77E‐05 0.01% D ‐ Pass jour 1.95E‐14 2.41E‐05 1.95E‐05 0.00% D ‐ Pass jour 1.60E‐14 1.98E‐05 1.60E‐05 0.00% D ‐ Pass jour Pass jour 1.94E‐11 1.94E‐11 0.0528 0.0240 0.0240 0.0428 0.0194 0.0194 6.05% 2.74% 2.74% D D ‐ ‐ ‐ Pass jour 3.40E‐12 0.0042 0.0034 0.48% D ‐ Pass jour 2.74E‐13 3.39E‐04 2.74E‐04 0.04% D ‐ 69 Table B1 National frequency Hazardous event code Precursor code HEM‐11L PFPC‐NIP‐H HEM‐11L HEM‐11L HEM‐11M HEM‐11M HEM‐11M HEM‐11M HEM‐11M HEM‐11M HEM‐11M HEM‐11M HEM‐11N HEM‐11N HEM‐11N HEM‐11N HEM‐11N HEM‐11N HEM‐11N HEM‐11N Cause precursor description Passenger struck/crushed by train on FP adjacent to station ‐ user violation: nips across in front of train Passenger struck/crushed by train on FP adjacent to station ‐ user error: distracted/forced PFPC‐DOG‐H by dog Passenger struck/crushed by train on FP adjacent to station ‐ user error: unaware of PFPC‐UNAWH crossing Passenger struck/crushed by train on station pedestrian crossing with MWL Passenger struck/crushed by train on station pedestrian crossing with MWL ‐ user error: PSPWL2TRAH second train coming Passenger struck/crushed by train on station pedestrian crossing with MWL ‐ proper use: PSPWLFALLH slipped, tripped, fell or snagged on crossing Passenger struck/crushed by train on station pedestrian crossing with MWL ‐ user violation: PSPWLIGRLH ignores lights Passenger struck/crushed by train on station pedestrian crossing with MWL ‐ user error: PSPWLDOG‐H distracted/forced by dog Passenger struck/crushed by train on station pedestrian crossing with MWL ‐ proper use: PSPWLSLOWH slow moving/short warning Passenger struck/crushed by train on station pedestrian crossing with MWL ‐ proper use: PSPWLMALFF train undetected/lights fail Passenger struck/crushed by train on station pedestrian crossing with MWL ‐ user error: PSPWLUNAWH unaware of crossing Passenger struck/crushed by train on station pedestrian crossing (no lights) Passenger struck/crushed by train on station pedestrian crossing (no lights) ‐ user error: PSPC‐SIGHH poor sighting Passenger struck/crushed by train on station pedestrian crossing (no lights) ‐ user error: PSPC‐2TRAH second train coming Passenger struck/crushed by train on station pedestrian crossing (no lights) ‐ proper use: PSPC‐FALLH slipped, tripped, fell or snagged on crossing Passenger struck/crushed by train on station pedestrian crossing (no lights) ‐ user error: fails PSPC‐FSLLH to stop, look and listen Passenger struck/crushed by train on station pedestrian crossing (no lights) ‐ user violation: PSPC‐NIP‐H nips across in front of train Passenger struck/crushed by train on station pedestrian crossing (no lights)‐ user error: PSPC‐DOGH distracted/forced by dog Passenger struck/crushed by train on station pedestrian crossing (no lights) ‐ user error: PSPC‐UNAWH unaware of crossing Version 7.1 — August 2011 Normaliser Deriv. HEN of POS (% of total prec. split (%) HE risk) (D, E) Risk contribution (events/ normaliser) (events/ year) (FWI/ year) Pass jour 1.84E‐13 2.27E‐04 1.84E‐04 0.03% D ‐ Pass jour 7.70E‐14 9.53E‐05 7.72E‐05 0.01% D ‐ Pass jour 3.42E‐14 4.23E‐05 3.43E‐05 0.00% D ‐ 0.1174 0.0951 13.45% ‐ Pass jour 7.62E‐11 0.0943 0.0764 10.80% D ‐ Pass jour 1.40E‐11 0.0173 0.0140 1.98% D ‐ Pass jour 3.03E‐12 0.0037 0.0030 0.43% D ‐ Pass jour 9.04E‐13 0.0011 9.06E‐04 0.13% D ‐ Pass jour 5.53E‐13 6.84E‐04 5.54E‐04 0.08% D ‐ Pass jour 1.10E‐13 1.36E‐04 1.10E‐04 0.02% D ‐ Pass jour 9.06E‐14 1.12E‐04 9.08E‐05 0.01% D ‐ 0.1673 0.1355 19.15% ‐ Pass jour 6.15E‐11 0.0760 0.0616 8.70% D ‐ Pass jour 6.15E‐11 0.0760 0.0616 8.70% D ‐ Pass jour 1.05E‐11 0.0130 0.0105 1.49% D ‐ Pass jour 8.69E‐13 0.0011 8.70E‐04 0.12% D ‐ Pass jour 5.83E‐13 7.21E‐04 5.84E‐04 0.08% D ‐ Pass jour 2.44E‐13 3.02E‐04 2.45E‐04 0.03% D ‐ Pass jour 1.09E‐13 1.34E‐04 1.09E‐04 0.02% D ‐ 70 Table B1 National frequency Hazardous event code HEM‐11O HEM‐11O HEM‐11O HEM‐11O HEM‐11O HEM‐11O HEM‐11O HEM‐11O HEM‐11P HEM‐11P HEM‐11P HEM‐11P HEM‐11P HEM‐11P HEM‐11P HEM‐11 POS HEM‐11 POS HEM‐12 HEM‐12A HEM‐12A HEM‐12A HEM‐12A HEM‐12A Precursor code Cause precursor description Passenger struck/crushed by train on station barrow crossing with lights Passenger struck/crushed by train on station barrow crossing with lights ‐ proper use: PSBWLFALLH slipped, tripped, fell or snagged on crossing Passenger struck/crushed by train on station barrow crossing with lights ‐ user violation: PSBWLUNACH unauthorised use Passenger struck/crushed by train on station barrow crossing with lights ‐ user error: PSBWLPASEH general PSBWLWFE‐H Passenger struck/crushed by train on station barrow crossing with lights ‐ workforce error Passenger struck/crushed by train on station barrow crossing with lights ‐ user error: PSBWLDOG‐H distracted/forced by dog Passenger struck/crushed by train on station barrow crossing with lights ‐ proper use: train PSBWLMALFF undetected/lights fail Passenger struck/crushed by train on station barrow crossing with lights ‐ user error: PSBWLUNAWH unaware of crossing Passenger struck/crushed by train on station barrow crossing (no lights) Passenger struck/crushed by train on station barrow crossing (no lights) ‐ user violation: PSBC‐UNACH unauthorised use Passenger struck/crushed by train on station barrow crossing (no lights) ‐ proper use: PSBC‐FALLH slipped, tripped, fell or snagged on crossing PSBC‐PASEH Passenger struck/crushed by train on station barrow crossing (no lights) ‐ user error: general PSBC‐WFE‐H Passenger struck/crushed by train on station barrow crossing (no lights) ‐ workforce error Passenger struck/crushed by train on station barrow crossing (no lights) ‐ user error: PSBC‐DOGH distracted/forced by dog Passenger struck/crushed by train on station barrow crossing (no lights) ‐ user error: PSBC‐UNAWH unaware of crossing Passenger struck/crushed by train while crossing the track at or near a station on a crossing inside possession Passenger struck/crushed by a train on a crossing at or near a station inside a possession ‐ PSTRXOTPOE user error MOP (trespasser) struck/crushed by train while on tracks at station MOP (trespasser) struck/crushed by train while on tracks at station KATRESTNNH Adult trespasser struck while on track at station (not crossing tracks) KATRESTN‐H Adult trespasser struck while crossing track at station JCTRESTNNH Child trespasser struck while on track at station (not crossing tracks) JCTRESTN‐H Child trespasser struck while crossing track at station Version 7.1 — August 2011 Normaliser (events/ normaliser) Deriv. HEN of POS (% of total prec. split (%) HE risk) (D, E) Risk contribution (events/ year) (FWI/ year) 0.0048 0.0039 0.55% ‐ Pass jour 2.02E‐12 0.0025 0.0020 0.29% D ‐ Pass jour 1.20E‐12 0.0015 0.0012 0.17% D ‐ Pass jour 3.30E‐13 4.08E‐04 3.30E‐04 0.05% D ‐ Pass jour 1.65E‐13 2.04E‐04 1.65E‐04 0.02% D ‐ Pass jour 1.48E‐13 1.83E‐04 1.48E‐04 0.02% D ‐ Pass jour 1.80E‐14 2.23E‐05 1.80E‐05 0.00% D ‐ Pass jour 1.48E‐14 1.83E‐05 1.48E‐05 0.00% D ‐ 0.0693 0.0561 7.94% ‐ Pass jour 4.71E‐11 0.0583 0.0472 6.68% D ‐ Pass jour 5.39E‐12 0.0067 0.0054 0.76% D ‐ Pass jour Pass jour 1.67E‐12 8.33E‐13 0.0021 0.0010 0.0017 8.35E‐04 0.24% 0.12% D D ‐ ‐ Pass jour 7.03E‐13 8.69E‐04 7.04E‐04 0.10% D ‐ Pass jour 3.12E‐13 3.86E‐04 3.13E‐04 0.04% D ‐ 5.98E‐04 4.84E‐04 0.07% 2.81E‐10 5.98E‐04 4.84E‐04 0.07% 2.08E‐08 8.97E‐09 4.49E‐10 4.49E‐10 17.11 17.10 11.60 5.000 0.2500 0.2500 12.65 12.64 9.056 3.232 0.1952 0.1616 100.00% 99.96% 71.59% 25.55% 1.54% 1.28% OTP hrs Tot trn km Tot trn km Tot trn km Tot trn km ‐ D ‐ D D D D ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 71 Table B1 National frequency Hazardous event code Precursor code HEM‐12 POS HEM‐12 POS HEM‐12 POS HEM‐12 POS HEM‐12 POS MOP (trespasser) struck/crushed by train while on track at station inside possession OTRESTNNOH Adult trespasser struck while on tracks at station inside possession (not crossing tracks) OTRESTN‐OH Adult trespasser struck by a train while crossing track at station inside possession OTRJSTNNOH Child trespasser struck while on tracks at station inside possession (not crossing tracks) OTRJSTN‐OH Child trespasser struck by a train while crossing track at station inside possession HEM‐14 HEM‐14A HEM‐14A HEM‐14A HEM‐14A HEM‐14A HEM‐14A HEM‐14A HEM‐14A HEM‐14A HEM‐14A HEM‐14B HEM‐14B HEM‐14 POS HEM‐14 POS HEM‐14 POS HEM‐14 POS HEM‐14 POS Workforce (not infrastructure worker) struck/crushed by train Workforce (not infrastructure worker) struck/crushed by train outside possession GTDINATT‐H Train crew (driver) inattention while on track leading to being struck/crushed by train GOWINATT‐H Other workforce inattention while on track leading to being struck/crushed by train TDSTRTRK‐H Train crew (driver) struck/crushed while taking short cuts across lines TDSTRFALLH Train crew (driver) struck by train following slip, trip or fall OWSTRFALLH Other workforce struck by train following slip, trip or fall OWSTRTRK‐H Other workforce struck/crushed while taking short cuts across lines GTCINATT‐H Train crew (other) inattention while on track leading to being struck/crushed by train TCSTRTRK‐H Train crew (other) struck/crushed while taking short cuts across lines TCSTRFALLH Train crew (other) struck by train following slip, trip or fall Workforce (not infrastructure worker) struck/crushed by train outside possession (error during coupling) GOWCOCRU‐H Other workforce error during coupling/uncoupling leading to being struck/crushed by train Train crew (driver) error during coupling/uncoupling leading to being struck/crushed by GTDCOCRU‐H train Workforce (not infrastructure worker) struck/crushed by train inside possession GTCSCOTPOE Train crew (other) struck/crushed by train inside possession GTDSCOTPOE Train crew (driver) struck/crushed by train inside possession GTCSTOTPOH Train crew (other) struck/crushed by train during coupling/uncoupling inside possession GTDSTOTPOH Train crew (driver) struck/crushed by train during coupling/uncoupling inside possession HEM‐15 HEM‐15A HEM‐15A HEM‐15A HEM‐15 POS HEM‐15 POS HEM‐15 POS HEM‐15 POS Workforce fall/alighting from moving train Train crew fall from moving train GTCFAFRT‐H Train crew (other) fall from moving train GTDFAFRT‐H Train crew (driver) fall from moving train Workforce fall from moving train inside possession GTCFAOTP‐H Train crew (other) fall from moving train inside possession GTDFAOTP‐H Train crew (driver) fall from moving train inside possession GTWFAFRT‐H Infrastructure worker fall from moving train inside possession HEM‐14B Cause precursor description Version 7.1 — August 2011 Normaliser OTP hrs OTP hrs OTP hrs OTP hrs Deriv. HEN of POS (% of total prec. split (%) HE risk) (D, E) Risk contribution (events/ normaliser) (events/ year) (FWI/ year) 2.12E‐09 9.14E‐10 4.57E‐11 4.57E‐11 0.0067 0.0045 0.0019 9.73E‐05 9.73E‐05 0.0049 0.0035 0.0013 7.60E‐05 6.29E‐05 0.04% 0.03% 0.01% 0.00% 0.00% 0.3507 0.2751 0.0743 0.0587 0.0370 0.0370 0.0294 0.0294 0.0046 0.0023 0.0023 0.0367 0.0294 100.00% 78.43% 21.18% 16.74% 10.56% 10.56% 8.39% 8.38% 1.31% 0.66% 0.66% 10.47% 8.37% D D D D D D D D D D ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ D D D D ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ Tot trn km Tot trn km Tot trn km Tot trn km Pass jour Pass jour Tot trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km 2.07E‐10 1.64E‐10 1.03E‐10 1.03E‐10 3.70E‐11 3.69E‐11 1.28E‐11 7.33E‐12 7.33E‐12 Pass jour 4.31E‐11 0.5584 0.4278 0.1155 0.0913 0.0576 0.0576 0.0458 0.0457 0.0072 0.0036 0.0036 0.0667 0.0533 Tot trn km 2.39E‐11 0.0133 0.0073 2.09% D ‐ OTP hrs OTP hrs OTP hrs OTP hrs 1.28E‐08 6.38E‐09 7.23E‐09 3.62E‐09 0.0639 0.0272 0.0136 0.0154 0.0077 0.0389 0.0175 0.0087 0.0085 0.0042 11.10% 4.98% 2.49% 2.42% 1.21% D D D D ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 0.5714 0.1429 0.0952 0.0476 0.4286 0.2143 0.1071 0.1071 0.1852 0.0265 0.0177 0.0088 0.1587 0.0794 0.0397 0.0397 100.00% 14.30% 9.53% 4.77% 85.70% 42.85% 21.43% 21.43% Pass trn km Tot trn km 1.95E‐10 8.55E‐11 OTP hrs OTP hrs OTP hrs 1.01E‐07 5.03E‐08 5.03E‐08 D D D D D ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 72 Table B1 National frequency Hazardous event code Precursor code HEM‐16 HEM‐16A HEM‐16A HEM‐16A HEM‐16A HEM‐16A HEM‐16B HEM‐16B HEM‐16B HEM‐16B HEM‐16B HEM‐16C HEM‐16C HEM‐16C HEM‐16C HEM‐16C HEM‐16D HEM‐16D HEM‐16D HEM‐16D HEM‐16D HEM‐16 POS HEM‐16 POS HEM‐16 POS HEM‐16 POS HEM‐16 POS HEM‐16 POS HEM‐16 POS Workforce injury while boarding/alighting train Workforce injury while alighting train to platform GTCALPLT‐H Train crew (other) injury while alighting train to platform GOWALPLT‐H Other workforce injury while alighting train to platform GTDALPLT‐H Train crew (driver) injury while alighting train to platform GTWALPLT‐H Infrastructure worker injury while alighting train to platform Workforce injury while alighting train to track GTDALTRK‐H Train crew (driver) injury while alighting train to track GTWALTRK‐H Infrastructure worker injury while alighting train to track GTCALTRK‐H Train crew (other) injury while alighting train to track GOWALTRK‐H Other workforce injury while alighting train to track Workforce injury while boarding train from platform GTCBOPLT‐H Train crew (other) injury while boarding train from platform GOWBOPLT‐H Other workforce injury while boarding train from platform GTDBOPLT‐H Train crew (driver) injury while boarding train from platform GTWBOPLT‐H Infrastructure worker injury while boarding train from platform Workforce injury while boarding train from track GTDBOTRK‐H Train crew (driver) injury while boarding train from track GTCBOTRK‐H Train crew (other) injury while boarding train from track GTWBOTRK‐H Infrastructure worker injury while boarding train from track GOWBOTRK‐H Other workforce injury while boarding train from track Workforce injury while boarding/alighting train ‐ inside possession GTWALOTPOE Infrastructure worker injury while alighting inside possession GTDALOTPOE Train crew (driver) injury while alighting inside possession GTDBAOTPOE Train crew (driver) injury while boarding inside possession GTWBAOTPOE Infrastructure worker injury while boarding inside possession GTCALOTPOE Train crew (other) injury while alighting inside possession GTCBAOTPOE Train crew (other) injury while boarding inside possession HEM‐17 HEM‐17A HEM‐17A HEM‐17A Workforce struck while leaning out of train (train in running) Train crew struck while leaning out of train outside possession GTCSTRLE‐H Train crew (other) struck while leaning out of train GTDSTRLE‐H Train crew (driver) struck while leaning out of train Cause precursor description Version 7.1 — August 2011 Normaliser (events/ normaliser) (events/ year) (FWI/ year) 0.8497 0.4654 0.3614 0.0585 0.0452 3.80E‐04 0.1616 0.1274 0.0137 0.0137 0.0068 0.1575 0.0968 0.0326 0.0280 1.29E‐04 0.0361 0.0299 0.0027 0.0022 0.0013 0.0291 0.0137 0.0046 0.0040 0.0033 0.0023 0.0013 100.00% 54.77% 42.53% 6.88% 5.32% 0.04% 19.02% 15.00% 1.61% 1.61% 0.80% 18.53% 11.39% 3.83% 3.30% 0.02% 4.25% 3.52% 0.31% 0.26% 0.16% 3.43% 1.61% 0.54% 0.47% 0.39% 0.27% 0.16% 0.0191 0.0180 0.0122 0.0058 100.00% 94.43% 63.80% 30.63% Pass trn km Pass jour Tot trn km Infra worker hrs 1.86E‐07 1.19E‐08 2.03E‐08 1.73E‐09 Tot trn km Infra worker hrs Pass trn km Pass jour 3.35E‐08 3.64E‐08 4.10E‐09 8.09E‐10 Pass trn km Pass jour Tot trn km Infra worker hrs 7.31E‐08 9.70E‐09 1.85E‐08 8.67E‐10 Tot trn km Pass trn km Infra worker hrs Pass jour 1.62E‐08 1.64E‐09 1.21E‐08 3.23E‐10 OTP hrs OTP hrs OTP hrs OTP hrs OTP hrs OTP hrs 9.39E‐07 3.13E‐07 5.64E‐07 4.70E‐07 1.57E‐07 1.88E‐07 214.9 116.8 90.67 14.67 11.33 0.0952 23.67 18.67 2.000 2.000 1.000 58.05 35.67 12.00 10.33 0.0476 10.87 9.000 0.8000 0.6667 0.4000 5.600 2.000 0.6667 1.200 1.000 0.3333 0.4000 3.41E‐09 1.44E‐09 2.612 2.467 1.667 0.8000 Pass trn km Tot trn km Deriv. HEN of POS (% of total prec. split (%) HE risk) (D, E) Risk contribution D D D D D D ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ D D ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D 73 Table B1 National frequency Hazardous event code Precursor code HEM‐17 POS HEM‐17 POS HEM‐17 POS HEM‐17 POS Workforce struck while leaning out of train inside possession GTWSTRLE‐H Infrastructure worker struck while leaning out of train inside possession GTDSLOTPOH Train crew (driver) struck while leaning out of train inside possession GTCSLOTPOH Train crew (other) struck while leaning out of train inside possession HEM‐19 HEM‐19A Infrastructure worker struck/crushed by train in motion Infrastructure worker struck/crushed by train in motion outside possession Infrastructure worker struck by train due to failure to set up an appropriate safe system of GFSAFWNSUH work GFSAFWNFUH Infrastructure worker struck by train due to failure to follow the safe system of work set up GSTR‐‐‐‐UH Infrastructure worker struck by train due to straying onto the running line Infrastructure worker struck by train due to failure to move out of the path of the train GFAILA‐‐UH (aware of train) Infrastructure worker struck by train due to failure to move out of the path of the train (not GFAILN‐‐UH aware of train) GSTF‐‐‐‐UH Infrastructure worker struck by train due to slip, trip or fall GCOM‐‐‐‐UH Infrastructure worker struck by train due to failure in/lack of communication GGGE‐‐‐‐UH Infrastructure worker struck by out of gauge item on passing train Infrastructure worker struck/crushed by train in motion inside possession GALIT‐‐OTPH Infrastructure worker struck by train due to alighting from train – inside possession Infrastructure worker struck/crushed by train due to mechanical/system failure on train – GBRP‐‐OTPF inside possession GSTF‐‐OTPH Infrastructure worker struck/crushed by train due to slip, trip or fall – inside possession Infrastructure worker struck/crushed by train due to failure in/lack of communication – GCOM‐‐OTPH inside possession Infrastructure worker struck/crushed by train due to unauthorised/incorrect movement – GDRV‐‐OTPH inside possession Infrastructure worker struck by train due to failure to move out of the path of the train (not GFAILNOTPH aware of train) – inside possession Infrastructure worker struck/crushed by train due to failure to set up an appropriate safe GFSWNSOTPH system of work – inside possession Infrastructure worker struck/crushed by train due to failure to follow the safe system of GFSWNFOTPH work set up – inside possession GSTL‐‐OTPH Infrastructure worker struck by train due to straying out of possession onto the running line Infrastructure worker struck/crushed by train due to mis‐management of machine – inside GWAG‐‐OTPH possession HEM‐19A HEM‐19A HEM‐19A HEM‐19A HEM‐19A HEM‐19A HEM‐19A HEM‐19A HEM‐19 POS HEM‐19 POS HEM‐19 POS HEM‐19 POS HEM‐19 POS HEM‐19 POS HEM‐19 POS HEM‐19 POS HEM‐19 POS HEM‐19 POS HEM‐19 POS Cause precursor description Version 7.1 — August 2011 Normaliser OTP hrs OTP hrs OTP hrs Deriv. HEN of POS (% of total prec. split (%) HE risk) (D, E) Risk contribution (events/ normaliser) (events/ year) (FWI/ year) 3.02E‐08 2.32E‐08 1.49E‐08 0.1455 0.0644 0.0494 0.0317 0.0011 4.70E‐04 3.60E‐04 2.31E‐04 5.57% 2.47% 1.89% 1.21% 4.333 2.364 1.916 1.027 100.00% 53.60% D D D ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ Infra worker hrs 9.98E‐09 0.5477 0.2619 13.67% D ‐ Infra worker hrs Infra worker hrs 9.98E‐09 1.26E‐08 0.5477 0.6937 0.2619 0.2459 13.67% 12.83% D D ‐ ‐ Infra worker hrs 4.74E‐09 0.2604 0.1245 6.50% D ‐ Infra worker hrs 2.24E‐09 0.1227 0.0587 3.06% D ‐ Infra worker hrs Infra worker hrs Infra worker hrs 2.24E‐09 9.11E‐10 3.41E‐10 6.89E‐09 0.0435 0.0239 0.0066 0.8889 0.1810 2.27% 1.25% 0.35% 46.40% 9.45% D E E Infra worker hrs 0.1227 0.0500 0.0187 1.970 0.3785 D ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ Infra worker hrs 6.89E‐09 0.3785 0.1810 9.45% D ‐ Infra worker hrs 4.46E‐09 0.2446 0.0867 4.53% D ‐ Infra worker hrs 2.10E‐09 0.1153 0.0551 2.88% D ‐ Infra worker hrs 2.10E‐09 0.1153 0.0551 2.88% D ‐ Infra worker hrs 2.10E‐09 0.1153 0.0551 2.88% D ‐ Infra worker hrs 2.10E‐09 0.1153 0.0551 2.88% D ‐ Infra worker hrs 1.93E‐09 0.1057 0.0506 2.64% E ‐ Infra worker hrs 2.10E‐09 0.1153 0.0409 2.13% D ‐ Infra worker hrs 1.55E‐09 0.0853 0.0408 2.13% E ‐ 74 Table B1 National frequency Hazardous event code Precursor code Cause precursor description HEM‐19 POS GSIGEROTPH HEM‐19 POS GFAILAOTPH HEM‐19 POS GSHUNTOTPH HEM‐19 POS GGGE‐‐OTPH HEM‐19 POS GSPD‐‐OTPH HEM‐19 POS GSPOS‐OTPE Infrastructure worker struck by train wrongly inside possession due to signaller error Infrastructure worker struck by train due to failure to move out of the path of the train (aware of train) – inside possession Infrastructure worker struck/crushed by train due to failure to control shunting movements – inside possession Infrastructure worker struck by out of gauge item on passing train – inside possession Infrastructure worker struck by train wrongly inside possession due to signal passed at danger Infrastructure worker struck by train wrongly inside possession due to wrongside signal failure HEM‐20 Workforce struck by flying object thrown up by passing train (includes objects thrown up by OTM movements outside a possession) Workforce (non‐infrastructure worker) struck by flying object disturbed by or thrown up from passing train outside possession (includes objects thrown up by OTM movements outside a possession) 2.87E‐09 GTCSTGRT‐P Train crew (other) struck by foreign body in the eye Pass trn km 9.70E‐10 GOWSTGRT‐P Other workforce struck by foreign body in the eye Pass jour 7.69E‐10 GTDSTGRT‐P Train crew (driver) struck by foreign body in the eye Tot trn km 5.12E‐10 GTCSTFLY‐P Train crew (other) struck by other flying object (excluding eye) Pass trn km 2.02E‐10 GOWSTFLY‐P Other workforce struck by other flying object (excluding eye) Pass jour 1.48E‐10 GTDSTFLY‐P Train crew (driver) struck by other flying object (excluding eye) Tot trn km Infrastructure worker struck by flying object disturbed by or thrown up from passing train outside possession (includes objects thrown up by OTM movements outside a possession) 7.65E‐08 GTWSTFLY‐P Infrastructure worker struck by other flying object (excluding eye) Infra worker hrs 1.82E‐08 GTWSTGRT‐P Infrastructure worker struck by foreign body in the eye Infra worker hrs Workforce inside possession struck by flying object disturbed by or thrown up from passing train 6.26E‐07 GTWFYOTPOE Infrastructure worker struck by other flying object (excluding eye) inside possession OTP hrs 1.79E‐07 GTCFYOTPOE Train crew (other) struck by other flying object (excluding eye) inside possession OTP hrs 8.95E‐08 GTDFYOTPOE Train crew (driver) struck by other flying object (excluding eye) inside possession OTP hrs 1.34E‐07 GTWGDTPOSE Infrastructure worker struck by foreign body in the eye inside possession OTP hrs 6.71E‐08 GTCGDTPOSE Train crew (other) struck by foreign body in the eye inside possession OTP hrs 1.92E‐08 GTDGDTPOSE Train crew (driver) struck by foreign body in the eye inside possession OTP hrs HEM‐20A HEM‐20A HEM‐20A HEM‐20A HEM‐20A HEM‐20A HEM‐20A HEM‐20B HEM‐20B HEM‐20B HEM‐20 POS HEM‐20 POS HEM‐20 POS HEM‐20 POS HEM‐20 POS HEM‐20 POS HEM‐20 POS Version 7.1 — August 2011 Normaliser Deriv. HEN of POS (% of total prec. split (%) HE risk) (D, E) Risk contribution (events/ normaliser) (events/ year) (FWI/ year) Infra worker hrs 1.06E‐09 0.0584 0.0279 1.46% E ‐ Infra worker hrs 6.13E‐10 0.0337 0.0161 0.84% E ‐ Infra worker hrs 6.13E‐10 0.0337 0.0119 0.62% E ‐ Infra worker hrs 6.13E‐10 0.0337 0.0119 0.62% E ‐ Infra worker hrs 4.24E‐10 0.0233 0.0111 0.58% E ‐ Infra worker hrs 3.26E‐10 0.0179 0.0086 0.45% E ‐ 11.19 0.1059 100.00% ‐ 3.611 0.0137 12.92% ‐ 1.400 1.200 0.4286 0.2500 0.2500 0.0824 0.0055 0.0047 0.0017 7.45E‐04 7.45E‐04 2.46E‐04 5.21% 4.47% 1.60% 0.70% 0.70% 0.23% 5.200 0.0634 59.87% 4.200 1.000 2.374 1.333 0.3810 0.1905 0.2857 0.1429 0.0408 0.0594 0.0039 0.0288 0.0189 0.0054 0.0027 0.0011 5.63E‐04 1.61E‐04 56.15% 3.72% 27.21% 17.82% 5.09% 2.55% 1.06% 0.53% 0.15% D D D D D E ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ D D D E E D D E ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 75 Table B1 National frequency Hazardous event code Precursor code HEM‐21 HEM‐21A HEM‐21A HEM‐21A HEM‐21A HEM‐21A HEM‐21B HEM‐21B HEM‐21B HEM‐21B HEM‐21B HEM‐21C HEM‐21C HEM‐21C HEM‐21C HEM‐21 POS HEM‐21 POS HEM‐21 POS HEM‐21 POS Workforce fall between stationary train and platform Workforce fall between stationary train and platform whilst alighting GTCFALLAUH Train crew (other) fall between stationary train and platform whilst alighting GTDFALLAUH Train crew (driver) fall between stationary train and platform whilst alighting GOWFALLAUH Other workforce fall between stationary train and platform whilst alighting GTWFALLAUH Infrastructure worker fall between stationary train and platform whilst alighting Workforce fall between stationary train and platform whilst boarding GTCFALLBUH Train crew (other) fall between stationary train and platform whilst boarding GOWFALLBUH Other workforce fall between stationary train and platform whilst boarding GTDFALLBUH Train crew (driver) fall between stationary train and platform whilst boarding GTWFALLBUH Infrastructure worker fall between stationary train and platform whilst boarding Workforce fall between stationary train and platform ‐ other GTCFALLOUH Train crew (other) fall between stationary train and platform ‐ other GOWFALLOUH Other workforce fall between stationary train and platform ‐ other GTDFALLOUH Train crew (driver) fall between stationary train and platform ‐ other Workforce fall between stationary train and platform inside possession GTWTPPOS‐H Infrastructure worker fall between stationary train and platform inside possession GTDTPPOS‐H Train crew (driver) fall between stationary train and platform inside possession GTCTPPOS‐H Train crew (other) fall between stationary train and platform inside possession HEM‐22 HEM‐22 HEM‐22 Workforce fall out of train onto track at station (no electric shock nor struck by train) GTCFATRK‐H Train crew (other) fall out of train onto track at station (no electric shock nor struck by train) Train crew (driver) fall out of train onto track at station (no electric shock nor struck by GTDFATRK‐H train) Infrastructure worker fall out of train onto track at station (no electric shock nor struck by GTWFATRK‐H train) GOWFATRK‐H Other workforce fall out of train onto track at station (no electric shock nor struck by train) HEM‐23 HEM‐23A HEM‐23A HEM‐23A HEM‐23A HEM‐23A Train door closes on workforce Train door closes on workforce GTDEXTDO‐E External train door closes on train crew (driver) GTCEXTDO‐E External train door closes on train crew (other) GOWEXTDO‐E External train door closes on other workforce GTWEXTDO‐E External train door closes on infrastructure worker HEM‐22 HEM‐22 Cause precursor description Version 7.1 — August 2011 Normaliser (events/ normaliser) Deriv. HEN of POS (% of total prec. split (%) HE risk) (D, E) Risk contribution (events/ year) (FWI/ year) 0.5435 0.3598 0.2496 0.0612 0.0487 3.42E‐04 0.0779 0.0588 0.0150 0.0040 5.25E‐05 0.1052 0.0680 0.0348 0.0023 6.16E‐04 3.64E‐04 1.62E‐04 8.91E‐05 100.00% 66.20% 45.92% 11.27% 8.95% 0.06% 14.33% 10.82% 2.76% 0.74% 0.01% 19.35% 12.52% 6.41% 0.43% 0.11% 0.07% 0.03% 0.02% D D D ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ Pass trn km Tot trn km Pass jour Infra worker hrs 7.12E‐08 1.53E‐08 5.48E‐09 8.67E‐10 Pass trn km Pass jour Tot trn km Infra worker hrs 5.47E‐08 5.50E‐09 3.26E‐09 4.34E‐10 Pass trn km Pass jour Tot trn km 2.96E‐08 5.99E‐09 8.87E‐10 OTP hrs OTP hrs OTP hrs 3.35E‐08 1.49E‐08 8.20E‐09 108.0 50.12 34.77 8.529 6.778 0.0476 35.34 26.69 6.807 1.815 0.0238 22.38 14.47 7.415 0.4941 0.1206 0.0714 0.0317 0.0175 Pass trn km 1.46E‐10 0.1429 0.0714 0.0061 0.0031 100.00% 50.00% D ‐ ‐ Tot trn km 6.41E‐11 0.0357 0.0015 25.00% D ‐ Infra worker hrs 3.25E‐10 0.0179 7.67E‐04 12.50% D ‐ Pass jour 1.44E‐11 0.0179 7.67E‐04 12.50% D ‐ 3.70E‐08 7.01E‐08 1.71E‐08 4.05E‐09 77.37 76.12 20.60 34.20 21.10 0.2222 0.1658 0.1620 0.0690 0.0573 0.0353 3.72E‐04 100.00% 97.73% 41.65% 34.54% 21.31% 0.22% D D D D ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ Tot trn km Pass trn km Pass jour Infra worker hrs D D D D D D D D D D D 76 Table B1 National frequency Hazardous event code Precursor code HEM‐23 POS HEM‐23 POS HEM‐23 POS Train door closes on workforce inside possession GTDEXDPOSE External train door closes on train crew (driver) inside possession GTWEXDPOSE External train door closes on infrastructure worker inside possession HEM‐25 HEM‐25A HEM‐25A HEM‐25A HEM‐25 POS MOP (trespasser) struck/crushed by train while on railway infrastructure not at station MOP (trespasser) struck/crushed by train while on railway infrastructure outside possession not at station KADTRES‐‐H MOP (adult trespasser) struck/crushed by train while on railway infrastructure not at station JCHTRES‐‐H MOP (child trespasser) struck/crushed by train while on railway infrastructure not at station MOP (trespasser) struck/crushed by train while on railway infrastructure inside possession not at station MOP (adult trespasser) struck/crushed by train while on railway infrastructure inside KSTROTP‐OH possession not at station MOP (child trespasser) struck/crushed by train while on railway infrastructure inside JSTROTP‐OH possession not at station HEM‐25 POS HEM‐25 POS HEM‐27 HEM‐27A HEM‐27A HEM‐27A HEM‐27A HEM‐27B HEM‐27B HEM‐27B HEM‐27C HEM‐27C HEM‐27C Cause precursor description MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian or cyclist struck/crushed by train on level crossing or footpath crossing MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian or cyclist struck/crushed by train on MCB + CCTV level crossing MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian or cyclist struck/crushed by train on MCB + CCTV ‐ user KCCTVCLIMH violation: climbs over barrier MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian or cyclist struck/crushed by train on MCB + CCTV ‐ proper KCCTVTRAPH use: user trapped MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian or cyclist struck/crushed by train on MCB + CCTV ‐ proper KCCTVTRAIH use: train unexpected MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian or cyclist struck/crushed by train on MCB level crossing MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian or cyclist struck/crushed by train on MCB ‐ user violation: KMCB‐CLIMH climbs over barrier MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian or cyclist pedestrian or cyclist struck/crushed by train on KMCB‐TRAIH MCB ‐ proper use: train unexpected MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian or cyclist struck/crushed by train on MCG level crossing MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian or cyclist struck/crushed by train on MCG ‐ user violation: KMCG‐CLIMH climbs over barrier MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian or cyclist struck/crushed by train on MCG ‐ proper use: KMCG‐TRAIH train unexpected Version 7.1 — August 2011 Normaliser OTP hrs OTP hrs Deriv. HEN of POS (% of total prec. split (%) HE risk) (D, E) Risk contribution (events/ normaliser) (events/ year) (FWI/ year) 4.70E‐07 1.17E‐07 1.250 1.000 0.2500 0.0038 0.0034 4.19E‐04 2.27% 2.02% 0.25% 31.81 31.80 30.60 1.200 0.0124 23.87 23.86 22.96 0.9004 0.0052 100.00% 99.98% 96.21% 3.77% 0.02% D D D D ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ Tot trn km Tot trn km 5.49E‐08 2.15E‐09 OTP hrs 5.59E‐09 0.0119 0.0050 0.02% D ‐ OTP hrs 2.19E‐10 4.67E‐04 1.97E‐04 0.00% D ‐ 7.188 0.7318 5.823 0.5929 0% 0% ‐ ‐ LXs: MCB + CCTV 0.0017 0.6587 0.5336 0% D ‐ LXs: MCB + CCTV 1.06E‐04 0.0413 0.0335 0% D ‐ LXs: MCB + CCTV 8.14E‐05 0.0318 0.0258 0% D ‐ 0.1075 0.0871 0% ‐ LXs: MCB 4.27E‐04 0.1000 0.0810 0% D ‐ LXs: MCB 3.23E‐05 0.0076 0.0061 0% D ‐ 0.0213 0.0172 0% ‐ LXs: MCG 1.08E‐04 0.0198 0.0160 0% D ‐ LXs: MCG 8.18E‐06 0.0015 0.0012 0% D ‐ 77 Table B1 National frequency Hazardous event code HEM‐27D HEM‐27D HEM‐27D HEM‐27D HEM‐27D HEM‐27D HEM‐27D HEM‐27D HEM‐27D HEM‐27E HEM‐27E HEM‐27E HEM‐27E HEM‐27E HEM‐27E HEM‐27E HEM‐27E HEM‐27E Precursor code Cause precursor description MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian or cyclist struck/crushed by train on ABCL level crossing MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian or cyclist struck/crushed by train on ABCL ‐ user violation: KABCLFSLLH ignores lights/barriers MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian or cyclist struck/crushed by train on ABCL ‐ user error: KABCLDOG‐H distracted/forced by dog MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian or cyclist struck/crushed by train on ABCL ‐ user error: KABCL2TRAH second train coming MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian or cyclist struck/crushed by train on ABCL ‐ proper use: KABCLFALLH slipped, tripped, fell or snagged on crossing MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian or cyclist struck/crushed by train on ABCL ‐ proper use: KABCLMALFF train unexpected MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian or cyclist struck/crushed by train on ABCL ‐ user error: KABCLUNAWH unaware of crossing MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian or cyclist struck/crushed by train on ABCL ‐ proper use: KABCLSLOWH slow moving/short warning MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian or cyclist struck/crushed by train on ABCL ‐ proper use: KABCLRTA‐H road traffic accident MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian or cyclist struck/crushed by train on AHB level crossing MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian or cyclist struck/crushed by train on AHB ‐ user violation: KAHB‐WALKH ignores lights/barriers MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian or cyclist struck/crushed by train on AHB ‐ proper use: KAHB‐SLOWH slow moving/short warning MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian or cyclist struck/crushed by train on AHB ‐ user error: KAHB‐DOG‐H distracted/forced by dog MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian or cyclist struck/crushed by train on AHB ‐ user error: KAHB‐2TRAH second train coming MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian or cyclist struck/crushed by train on AHB ‐ proper use: KAHB‐FALLH slipped, tripped, fell or snagged on crossing MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian or cyclist struck/crushed by train on AHB ‐ proper use: KAHB‐MALFF train unexpected MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian or cyclist struck/crushed by train on AHB ‐ user error: KAHB‐UNAWH unaware of crossing MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian or cyclist struck/crushed by train on AHB ‐ proper use: KAHB‐RTA‐H road traffic accident Version 7.1 — August 2011 Normaliser (events/ normaliser) Deriv. HEN of POS (% of total prec. split (%) HE risk) (D, E) Risk contribution (events/ year) (FWI/ year) 0.0592 0.0479 0% ‐ LXs: ABCL 3.08E‐04 0.0160 0.0130 0% D ‐ LXs: ABCL 2.00E‐04 0.0104 0.0084 0% D ‐ LXs: ABCL 1.90E‐04 0.0099 0.0080 0% D ‐ LXs: ABCL 1.89E‐04 0.0098 0.0080 0% D ‐ LXs: ABCL 1.08E‐04 0.0056 0.0045 0% D ‐ LXs: ABCL 8.85E‐05 0.0046 0.0037 0% D ‐ LXs: ABCL 5.40E‐05 0.0028 0.0023 0% D ‐ LXs: ABCL 7.88E‐07 4.10E‐05 3.32E‐05 0% D ‐ 1.004 0.8131 0% ‐ LXs: AHB 0.0017 0.7471 0.6053 0% D ‐ LXs: AHB 1.41E‐04 0.0637 0.0516 0% D ‐ LXs: AHB 1.08E‐04 0.0487 0.0394 0% D ‐ LXs: AHB 1.02E‐04 0.0461 0.0373 0% D ‐ LXs: AHB 1.02E‐04 0.0459 0.0372 0% D ‐ LXs: AHB 5.79E‐05 0.0262 0.0212 0% D ‐ LXs: AHB 4.76E‐05 0.0215 0.0174 0% D ‐ LXs: AHB 1.01E‐05 0.0046 0.0037 0% D ‐ 78 Table B1 National frequency Hazardous event code HEM‐27F HEM‐27F HEM‐27F HEM‐27F HEM‐27F HEM‐27F HEM‐27F HEM‐27F HEM‐27F HEM‐27G HEM‐27G HEM‐27G HEM‐27G HEM‐27G HEM‐27G HEM‐27G HEM‐27G HEM‐27G Precursor code Cause precursor description MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian or cyclist struck/crushed by train on AOCL level crossing MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian or cyclist struck/crushed by train on AOCL ‐ user violation: KAOCLFSLLH ignores lights MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian or cyclist struck/crushed by train on AOCL ‐ user error: KAOCLDOG‐H distracted/forced by dog MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian or cyclist struck/crushed by train on AOCL ‐ user error: KAOCL2TRAH second train coming MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian or cyclist struck/crushed by train on AOCL ‐ proper use: KAOCLFALLH slipped, tripped, fell or snagged on crossing MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian or cyclist struck/crushed by train on AOCL ‐ proper use: KAOCLMALFF train unexpected MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian or cyclist struck/crushed by train on AOCL ‐ user error: KAOCLUNAWH unaware of crossing MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian or cyclist struck/crushed by train on AOCL ‐ proper use: KAOCLSLOWH slow moving/short warning MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian or cyclist struck/crushed by train on AOCL ‐ proper use: KAOCLRTA‐H road traffic accident MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian or cyclist struck/crushed by train on UWC + MWL level crossing MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian or cyclist struck/crushed by train on UWC + MWL ‐ user KUWCMIGRLH violation: ignores lights MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian or cyclist struck/crushed by train on UWC + MWL ‐ user KUWCMDOG‐H error: distracted/forced by dog MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian or cyclist struck/crushed by train on UWC + MWL ‐ user KUWCM2TRAH error: second train coming MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian or cyclist struck/crushed by train on UWC + MWL ‐ proper KUWCMWARNH use: slow moving/short warning MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian or cyclist struck/crushed by train on UWC + MWL ‐ proper KUWCMTRAIH use: train unexpected MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian or cyclist struck/crushed by train on UWC + MWL ‐ user KUWCMUNAWH error: unaware of crossing MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian or cyclist struck/crushed by train on UWC + MWL ‐ proper KUWCMFALLH use: slipped, tripped, fell or snagged on crossing MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian or cyclist struck/crushed by train on UWC + MWL ‐ proper KUWCMRTA‐H use: road traffic accident Version 7.1 — August 2011 Normaliser (events/ normaliser) Deriv. HEN of POS (% of total prec. split (%) HE risk) (D, E) Risk contribution (events/ year) (FWI/ year) 0.0891 0.0722 0% ‐ LXs: AOCL 5.12E‐04 0.0599 0.0485 0% D ‐ LXs: AOCL 6.04E‐05 0.0071 0.0057 0% D ‐ LXs: AOCL 5.72E‐05 0.0067 0.0054 0% D ‐ LXs: AOCL 5.70E‐05 0.0067 0.0054 0% D ‐ LXs: AOCL 3.25E‐05 0.0038 0.0031 0% D ‐ LXs: AOCL 2.67E‐05 0.0031 0.0025 0% D ‐ LXs: AOCL 1.63E‐05 0.0019 0.0015 0% D ‐ LXs: AOCL 1.73E‐07 2.03E‐05 1.64E‐05 0% D ‐ 0.1952 0.1581 0% ‐ LXs: UWC + MWL 0.0012 0.1198 0.0970 0% D ‐ LXs: UWC + MWL 4.02E‐04 0.0386 0.0312 0% D ‐ LXs: UWC + MWL 2.01E‐04 0.0193 0.0156 0% D ‐ LXs: UWC + MWL 1.23E‐04 0.0118 0.0096 0% D ‐ LXs: UWC + MWL 2.45E‐05 0.0024 0.0019 0% D ‐ LXs: UWC + MWL 2.01E‐05 0.0019 0.0016 0% D ‐ LXs: UWC + MWL 1.54E‐05 0.0015 0.0012 0% D ‐ LXs: UWC + MWL 2.71E‐07 2.60E‐05 2.11E‐05 0% D ‐ 79 Table B1 National frequency Hazardous event code HEM‐27H HEM‐27H HEM‐27H HEM‐27H HEM‐27H HEM‐27H HEM‐27H HEM‐27H HEM‐27H HEM‐27H HEM‐27I HEM‐27I HEM‐27I HEM‐27I HEM‐27I HEM‐27I HEM‐27I HEM‐27I HEM‐27I Precursor code Cause precursor description MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian or cyclist struck/crushed by train on UWC + T level crossing MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian or cyclist struck/crushed by train on UWC + T ‐ user error: KUWCTFSSLH fails to stop, look and listen MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian or cyclist struck/crushed by train on UWC + T ‐ user error: KUWCTDOG‐H distracted/forced by dog MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian or cyclist struck/crushed by train on UWC + T ‐ user KUWCTNIP‐H violation: nips across in front of train MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian or cyclist struck/crushed by train on UWC + T ‐ user error: KUWCTSIGHH poor sighting MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian or cyclist struck/crushed by train on UWC + T ‐ user error: KUWCT2TRAH second train coming MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian or cyclist struck/crushed by train on UWC + T ‐ user error: KUWCTUNAWH unaware of crossing MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian or cyclist struck/crushed by train on UWC + T ‐ proper use: KUWCTFALLH slipped, tripped, fell or snagged on crossing MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian or cyclist struck/crushed by train on UWC + T ‐ proper use: KUWCTTRAIH train unexpected MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian or cyclist struck/crushed by train on UWC + T ‐ proper use: KUWCTRTA‐H road traffic accident MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian or cyclist struck/crushed by train on UWC level crossing MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian or cyclist struck/crushed by train on UWC ‐ user error: KUWC‐DOG‐H distracted/forced by dog MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian or cyclist struck/crushed by train on UWC ‐ user error: fails KUWC‐FSLLH to stop, look and listen MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian or cyclist struck/crushed by train on UWC ‐ user error: KUWC‐SIGHH poor sighting MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian or cyclist struck/crushed by train on UWC ‐ user violation: KUWC‐NIP‐H nips across in front of train MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian or cyclist struck/crushed by train on UWC ‐ user error: KUWC‐2TRAH second train coming MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian or cyclist struck/crushed by train on UWC ‐ user error: KUWC‐UNAWH unaware of crossing MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian or cyclist struck/crushed by train on UWC ‐ proper use: KUWC‐FALLH slipped, tripped, fell or snagged on crossing MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian or cyclist struck/crushed by train on UWC ‐ proper use: KUWC‐RTA‐H road traffic accident Version 7.1 — August 2011 Normaliser (events/ normaliser) Deriv. HEN of POS (% of total prec. split (%) HE risk) (D, E) Risk contribution (events/ year) (FWI/ year) 0.7491 0.6069 0% ‐ LXs: UWC + T 2.11E‐04 0.3521 0.2852 0% D ‐ LXs: UWC + T 1.06E‐04 0.1760 0.1426 0% D ‐ LXs: UWC + T 6.56E‐05 0.1093 0.0885 0% D ‐ LXs: UWC + T 5.28E‐05 0.0880 0.0713 0% D ‐ LXs: UWC + T 8.07E‐06 0.0134 0.0109 0% D ‐ LXs: UWC + T 3.23E‐06 0.0054 0.0044 0% D ‐ LXs: UWC + T 2.47E‐06 0.0041 0.0033 0% D ‐ LXs: UWC + T 3.87E‐07 6.44E‐04 5.22E‐04 0% D ‐ LXs: UWC + T 4.32E‐08 7.19E‐05 5.83E‐05 0% D ‐ 0.5575 0.4517 0% ‐ LXs: UWC 4.00E‐04 0.3534 0.2863 0% D ‐ LXs: UWC 1.00E‐04 0.0883 0.0716 0% D ‐ LXs: UWC 6.76E‐05 0.0597 0.0483 0% D ‐ LXs: UWC 3.76E‐05 0.0332 0.0269 0% D ‐ LXs: UWC 1.51E‐05 0.0134 0.0108 0% D ‐ LXs: UWC 6.06E‐06 0.0054 0.0043 0% D ‐ LXs: UWC 4.64E‐06 0.0041 0.0033 0% D ‐ LXs: UWC 8.72E‐08 7.70E‐05 6.23E‐05 0% D ‐ 80 Table B1 National frequency Hazardous event code HEM‐27J HEM‐27J HEM‐27J HEM‐27J HEM‐27J HEM‐27J HEM‐27J HEM‐27J HEM‐27K HEM‐27K HEM‐27K HEM‐27K HEM‐27K HEM‐27K HEM‐27K HEM‐27K HEM‐27L HEM‐27L HEM‐27L Precursor code Cause precursor description MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian or cyclist struck/crushed by train on OC level crossing MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian or cyclist struck/crushed by train on OC ‐ user error: fails KOC‐‐FSLLH to stop, look and listen MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian or cyclist struck/crushed by train on OC ‐ user error: poor KOC‐‐SIGHH sighting MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian or cyclist struck/crushed by train on OC ‐ user violation: KOC‐‐NIP‐H nips across in front of train MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian or cyclist struck/crushed by train on OC ‐ user error: KOC‐‐DOG‐H distracted/forced by dog MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian or cyclist struck/crushed by train on OC ‐ proper use: KOC‐‐FALLH slipped, tripped, fell or snagged on crossing MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian or cyclist struck/crushed by train on OC ‐ user error: KOC‐‐UNAWH unaware of crossing MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian or cyclist struck/crushed by train on OC ‐ proper use: road KOC‐‐RTA‐H traffic accident MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian or cyclist struck/crushed by train on FP + MWL level crossing MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian or cyclist struck/crushed by train on FP + MWL ‐ user KFPCMIGRLH violation: ignores lights MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian or cyclist struck/crushed by train on FP + MWL ‐ user KFPCMDOG‐H error: distracted/forced by dog MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian or cyclist struck/crushed by train on FP + MWL ‐ user KFPCM2TRAH error: second train coming MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian or cyclist struck/crushed by train on FP + MWL ‐ proper KFPCMWARNH use: slow moving/short warning MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian or cyclist struck/crushed by train on FP + MWL ‐ proper KFPCMTRAIH use: train unexpected MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian or cyclist struck/crushed by train on FP + MWL ‐ user KFPCMUNAWH error: unaware of crossing MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian or cyclist struck/crushed by train on FP + MWL ‐ user KFPCMFALLH error: slipped, tripped, fell or snagged on crossing MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian or cyclist struck/crushed by train on FP (no lights) level crossing MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian or cyclist struck/crushed by train on FP ‐ user error: fails to KFPC‐FSLLH stop, look and listen MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian or cyclist struck/crushed by train on FP ‐ user error: poor KFPC‐SIGHH sighting Version 7.1 — August 2011 Normaliser (events/ normaliser) Deriv. HEN of POS (% of total prec. split (%) HE risk) (D, E) Risk contribution (events/ year) (FWI/ year) 0.0039 0.0031 0% ‐ LXs: OC 3.69E‐05 0.0020 0.0016 0% D ‐ LXs: OC 1.57E‐05 8.65E‐04 7.01E‐04 0% D ‐ LXs: OC 9.83E‐06 5.40E‐04 4.38E‐04 0% D ‐ LXs: OC 3.19E‐06 1.76E‐04 1.42E‐04 0% D ‐ LXs: OC 3.01E‐06 1.66E‐04 1.34E‐04 0% D ‐ LXs: OC 1.41E‐06 7.76E‐05 6.28E‐05 0% D ‐ LXs: OC 6.80E‐08 3.74E‐06 3.03E‐06 0% D ‐ 0.2785 0.2256 0% ‐ LXs: FP + MWL 0.0030 0.1198 0.0970 0% D ‐ LXs: FP + MWL 0.0020 0.0812 0.0658 0% D ‐ LXs: FP + MWL 0.0010 0.0406 0.0329 0% D ‐ LXs: FP + MWL 6.20E‐04 0.0248 0.0201 0% D ‐ LXs: FP + MWL 1.24E‐04 0.0050 0.0040 0% D ‐ LXs: FP + MWL 1.02E‐04 0.0041 0.0033 0% D ‐ LXs: FP + MWL 7.78E‐05 0.0031 0.0025 0% D ‐ 3.389 2.745 0% ‐ LXs: FP 5.56E‐04 1.244 1.008 0% D ‐ LXs: FP 3.13E‐04 0.6996 0.5668 0% D ‐ 81 Table B1 National frequency Hazardous event code HEM‐27L HEM‐27L HEM‐27L HEM‐27L HEM‐27L HEM‐27 POS HEM‐27 POS HEM‐27 POS HEM‐27 POS HEM‐27 POS HEM‐27 POS HEM‐27 POS HEM‐27 POS HEM‐27 POS HEM‐27 POS HEM‐27 POS HEM‐27 POS HEM‐27 POS Precursor code Cause precursor description MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian or cyclist struck/crushed by train on FP ‐ user error: distracted/forced by dog MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian or cyclist struck/crushed by train on FP ‐ user violation: KFPC‐NIP‐H nips across in front of train MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian or cyclist struck/crushed by train on FP ‐ user error: KFPC‐UNAWH unaware of crossing MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian or cyclist struck/crushed by train on FP ‐ user error: KFPC‐2TRAH second train coming MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian or cyclist struck/crushed by train on FP ‐ proper use: KFPC‐FALLH slipped, tripped, fell or snagged on crossing MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian or cyclist struck/crushed by train on level crossing inside possession MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian or cyclist struck/crushed by train on FP level crossing KSTRFP‐‐OH inside possession MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian or cyclist struck/crushed by train on AHB level crossing KSTRAHB‐OH inside possession MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian or cyclist struck/crushed by train on UWC + T level KSTRUWCTOH crossing inside possession MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian or cyclist struck/crushed by train on MCB + CCTV level KSTRCCTVOH crossing inside possession MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian or cyclist struck/crushed by train on UWC level crossing KSTRUWC‐OH inside possession MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian or cyclist struck/crushed by train on FP + MWL level KSTRFPCMOH crossing inside possession MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian or cyclist struck/crushed by train on UWC + MWL level KSTRUWCMOH crossing inside possession MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian or cyclist struck/crushed by train on MCB level crossing KSTRMCB‐OH inside possession MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian or cyclist struck/crushed by train on AOCL level crossing KSTRAOCLOH inside possession MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian or cyclist struck/crushed by train on ABCL level crossing KSTRABCLOH inside possession MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian or cyclist struck/crushed by train on MCG level crossing KSTRMCG‐OH inside possession MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian or cyclist struck/crushed by train on OC level crossing KSTROC‐‐OH inside possession KFPC‐DOG‐H Version 7.1 — August 2011 Normaliser Deriv. HEN of POS (% of total prec. split (%) HE risk) (D, E) Risk contribution (events/ normaliser) (events/ year) (FWI/ year) LXs: FP 3.13E‐04 0.6996 0.5668 0% D ‐ LXs: FP 1.87E‐04 0.4177 0.3384 0% D ‐ LXs: FP 6.95E‐05 0.1555 0.1260 0% D ‐ LXs: FP 5.90E‐05 0.1319 0.1068 0% D ‐ LXs: FP 1.81E‐05 0.0404 0.0328 0% D ‐ 0.0027 0.0022 0% ‐ LXs: FP 5.76E‐07 0.0013 0.0010 0% D ‐ LXs: AHB 8.45E‐07 3.82E‐04 3.09E‐04 0% D ‐ LXs: UWC + T 1.71E‐07 2.85E‐04 2.31E‐04 0% D ‐ LXs: MCB + CCTV 7.12E‐07 2.78E‐04 2.25E‐04 0% D ‐ LXs: UWC 2.40E‐07 2.12E‐04 1.72E‐04 0% D ‐ LXs: FP + MWL 2.65E‐06 1.06E‐04 8.58E‐05 0% D ‐ LXs: UWC + MWL 7.73E‐07 7.42E‐05 6.01E‐05 0% D ‐ LXs: MCB 1.75E‐07 4.09E‐05 3.31E‐05 0% D ‐ LXs: AOCL 2.90E‐07 3.39E‐05 2.75E‐05 0% D ‐ LXs: ABCL 4.33E‐07 2.25E‐05 1.82E‐05 0% D ‐ LXs: MCG 4.43E‐08 8.10E‐06 6.56E‐06 0% D ‐ LXs: OC 2.67E‐08 1.47E‐06 1.19E‐06 0% D ‐ 82 Table B1 National frequency Hazardous event code Precursor code HEM‐30 HEM‐30A HEM‐30A HEM‐30A HEM‐30 POS HEM‐30 POS MOP (trespasser) fall while on train exterior MOP (trespasser) fall while on exterior of train KSURF‐‐‐‐H MOP (trespasser) fall/injured while on train exterior (surfing) KELSUR‐‐‐E MOP (trespasser) electric shock while on train exterior (surfing) MOP (trespasser) fall while on exterior of train inside possession KSURFOYPOH MOP (trespasser) fall/electric shock while on exterior of train inside possession HEM‐31 HEM‐31A Suicide (or attempted suicide) involving rolling stock in motion Attempted suicide involving rolling stock in motion Attempted suicide or suspected suicide (not resulting in fatality) involving rolling stock in KSUIAT‐‐‐H motion Suicide involving rolling stock in motion KSUICD‐‐‐H Suicide or suspected suicide resulting in fatality involving rolling stock in motion HEM‐31A HEM‐31B HEM‐31B HEM‐32 HEM‐32A HEM‐32A HEM‐32 POS HEM‐32 POS HEM‐38 HEM‐38A HEM‐38A HEM‐38A HEM‐38A HEM‐38A HEM‐38B HEM‐38B HEM‐38B HEM‐38B HEM‐38B Cause precursor description Normaliser (events/ normaliser) (events/ year) (FWI/ year) Tot trn km Tot trn km 1.20E‐09 5.13E‐10 OTP hrs 1.74E‐10 0.9528 0.9524 0.6667 0.2857 3.71E‐04 3.71E‐04 0.2139 0.2138 0.1206 0.0932 7.38E‐05 7.38E‐05 100.00% 99.97% 56.38% 43.59% 0.03% 0.03% 242.0 37.83 207.4 2.399 100.00% 1.16% Version 7.1 — August 2011 D D D ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ Trk m 1.22E‐06 37.83 2.399 1.16% D ‐ Trk m 6.57E‐06 204.2 204.2 205.0 205.0 98.84% 98.84% D ‐ ‐ 1.200 1.200 1.200 4.67E‐04 0.0145 0.0145 0.0145 5.65E‐06 100.00% 99.96% 99.96% 0.04% 4.67E‐04 5.65E‐06 0.04% 103.4 25.42 16.78 5.057 3.161 0.4214 77.93 40.76 11.30 7.375 18.50 0.6588 0.1882 0.1259 0.0380 0.0237 5.60E‐04 0.4706 0.3059 0.0848 0.0553 0.0246 100.00% 28.56% 19.12% 5.76% 3.60% 0.09% 71.44% 46.43% 12.87% 8.40% 3.73% MOP (non‐trespasser) outside railway infrastructure struck by object from operations on railway infrastructure MOP (non‐trespasser) outside railway infrastructure struck by objects thrown from operations on railway infrastructure 3.86E‐08 KRCIOBJ‐‐E MOP (non‐trespasser) struck by objects thrown from railway infrastructure Trk m MOP (non‐trespasser) outside railway infrastructure struck by objects thrown from operations on railway infrastructure inside possession MOP (non‐trespasser) struck by objects thrown from railway infrastructure inside KPOSSOBJ‐E OTP hrs 2.19E‐10 possession Passenger injury due to sudden train movement Passenger injury due to sudden changes in train speed PPABODBRUP Passenger strikes part of body due to sudden changes in train speed PPAOTHBRUP Passenger: other due to sudden changes in train speed PPAOBJBRUP Passenger struck by object inside train due to sudden changes in train speed PPASCABRUP Passenger scald/burn due to sudden changes in train speed Passenger injury due to lurching PPABODLRUP Passenger strikes part of body due to lurching PPAOBJLRUP Passenger struck by object inside train due to lurching PPAOTHLRUP Passenger: other due to lurching PPASCALRUP Passenger scald/burn due to lurching Deriv. HEN of POS (% of total prec. split (%) HE risk) (D, E) Risk contribution Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km 3.44E‐08 1.04E‐08 6.47E‐09 8.63E‐10 Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km 8.35E‐08 2.32E‐08 1.51E‐08 3.79E‐08 D E D D D D D D D D ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 83 Table B1 National frequency Hazardous event code Precursor code HEM‐39 HEM‐39A HEM‐39A HEM‐39A HEM‐39A HEM‐39A HEM‐39A HEM‐39B HEM‐39B HEM‐39B HEM‐39B HEM‐39B HEM‐39B HEM‐39 POS HEM‐39 POS Workforce injury due to sudden train movement Workforce injury due to sudden changes in train speed GTCBODBRUP Train crew (other) strikes part of body due to sudden changes in train speed GTCOBJBRUP Train crew (other) struck by object inside train due to sudden changes in train speed GTCOTHBRUP Train crew (other): other causes due to sudden changes in train speed GTCSCABRUP Train crew (other) scald/burn due to sudden changes in train speed GTDINJBRUP Train crew (driver): all injuries due to sudden changes in train speed Workforce injury due to lurching GTCBODLRUP Train crew (other) strikes part of body due to lurching GTCSCALRUP Train crew (other) scald/burn due to lurching GTCOTHLRUP Train crew (other): other causes due to lurching GTCOBJLRUP Train crew (other) struck by object inside train due to lurching GTDINJLRUP Train crew (driver): all injuries due to lurching Workforce injury due to sudden train movement inside possession GTCLUPOSOE Train crew (other) injury due to lurching inside possession HEM‐40 HEM‐40A MOP (non‐trespasser) struck by / contact with moving train due to being too close to platform edge MOP (non‐trespasser) struck by / contact with moving train due to being too close to platform edge MOP (non‐trespasser) struck by / contact with moving train due to being too close to PMPSTR‐‐‐H Tot trn km platform edge MOP (non‐trespasser) struck by / contact with moving train due to being too close to platform edge inside possession MOP (non‐trespasser) struck by / contact with moving train due to being too close to PMPSTRPOSH OTP hrs platform edge inside possession HEM‐40A HEM‐40 POS HEM‐40 POS Cause precursor description Normaliser (events/ normaliser) Deriv. HEN of POS (% of total prec. split (%) HE risk) (D, E) Risk contribution (events/ year) (FWI/ year) 392.0 42.67 16.33 12.20 8.667 3.667 1.800 349.3 174.7 68.33 56.00 44.67 5.600 0.1111 0.1111 0.9248 0.1306 0.0500 0.0373 0.0265 0.0112 0.0055 0.7939 0.3970 0.1553 0.1273 0.1015 0.0127 2.53E‐04 2.53E‐04 100.00% 14.12% 5.41% 4.04% 2.87% 1.21% 0.60% 85.85% 42.93% 16.80% 13.76% 10.98% 1.38% 0.03% 0.03% 1.000 1.000 0.1730 0.1730 100.00% 99.96% 1.000 0.1730 99.96% 3.89E‐04 6.73E‐05 0.04% 1.83E‐10 3.89E‐04 6.73E‐05 0.04% D ‐ Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km Tot trn km 3.35E‐08 2.50E‐08 1.78E‐08 7.51E‐09 3.23E‐09 Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km Tot trn km 3.58E‐07 1.40E‐07 1.15E‐07 9.15E‐08 1.01E‐08 OTP hrs 5.22E‐08 1.79E‐09 D D D D D D D D D D D ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ D ‐ ‐ HEM‐41 HEM‐41 MOP (non‐trespasser) fall between stationary train and platform KPLTFALL‐H MOP (non‐trespasser) fall between stationary train and platform Pass jour 3.23E‐10 0.4000 0.4000 0.0021 0.0021 100.00% 100.00% D ‐ ‐ HEM‐42 HEM‐42 Passenger struck by flying object thrown up by passing train while at station PSTRUCKO‐E Passenger struck by flying object thrown up by passing train Pass jour 5.28E‐09 6.531 6.531 0.0105 0.0105 0% 0% D ‐ ‐ HEM‐43 HEM‐43A HEM‐43A HEM‐43A HEM‐43A Train door closes on MOP (non‐trespasser) Train door (slam door) closes on MOP (non‐trespasser) KSLOTHER‐H Train door (slam door) closes on MOP (non‐trespasser) other KSLALIGH‐H Train door (slam door) closes on MOP (non‐trespasser) whilst alighting KSLBOARD‐H Train door (slam door) closes on MOP (non‐trespasser) whilst boarding 1.73E‐10 1.37E‐11 3.52E‐12 0.9305 0.2352 0.2139 0.0169 0.0044 0.0019 7.76E‐04 7.05E‐04 5.59E‐05 1.44E‐05 100.00% 39.90% 36.28% 2.87% 0.74% D D D ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ Version 7.1 — August 2011 Pass jour Pass jour Pass jour 84 Table B1 National frequency Hazardous event code Precursor code HEM‐43B HEM‐43B HEM‐43B HEM‐43B Train door (non‐slam door) closes on MOP (non‐trespasser) KPOALIGH‐H Train door (non‐slam door) closes on MOP (non‐trespasser) whilst alighting KPOOTHER‐H Train door (non‐slam door) closes on MOP (non‐trespasser) other KPOBOARD‐H Train door (non‐slam door) closes on MOP (non‐trespasser) whilst boarding HEM‐44 HEM‐44A HEM‐44A HEM‐44B HEM‐44B MOP (trespasser) jump from train in service MOP (trespasser) jump from slam door train in service PPSLJUMP‐H MOP (trespasser) jump from slam door train in service MOP (trespasser) jump from power door train in service PPPDJUMP‐H MOP (trespasser) jump from power door train in service HEM‐50 Witnessing a traumatic event (movement) Witnessing a traumatic event ‐ near miss with signallers, trespassers, workers on line, PNMMISC‐‐E operating irregularities PNMPFT‐‐‐E Witnessing a traumatic event ‐ near miss with persons/vehicles on level crossings HEM‐50 HEM‐50 Cause precursor description Version 7.1 — August 2011 Normaliser Pass jour Pass jour Pass jour Deriv. HEN of POS (% of total prec. split (%) HE risk) (D, E) Risk contribution (events/ normaliser) (events/ year) (FWI/ year) 2.77E‐10 1.90E‐10 9.50E‐11 0.6954 0.3428 0.2351 0.1175 0.0012 5.76E‐04 3.95E‐04 1.97E‐04 60.10% 29.63% 20.32% 10.16% 0.6850 0.4277 0.4277 0.2573 0.2573 0.1726 0.1471 0.1471 0.0255 0.0255 100.00% 85.24% 85.24% 14.76% 14.76% 107.7 0.1107 100.00% Pass jour 3.46E‐10 Pass jour 2.08E‐10 D D D D D ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ Trk m 2.72E‐06 84.67 0.0870 78.64% D ‐ Trk m 7.40E‐07 23.00 0.0236 21.36% D ‐ 85 This page has been intentionally left blank Version 7.1 — August 2011 86 Table B1 National frequency Hazardous event code Precursor code HEN‐01 HEN‐01 HEN‐01 HEN‐01 HEN‐01 Exposure to a fire on railway infrastructure not at a station YLNOFIRE‐E Infrastructure worker exposure to fire on railway infrastructure (not at a station) GTDOFIRE‐E Train crew (driver) exposure to fire on railway infrastructure (not at a station) GOWOFIRE‐E Other workforce exposure to fire on railway infrastructure (not at a station) GTCOFIRE‐E Train crew (other) exposure to fire on railway infrastructure (not at a station) HEN‐02 HEN‐02 Cause precursor description Normaliser Deriv. HEN of POS (% of total prec. split (%) HE risk) (D, E) Risk contribution (events/ normaliser) (events/ year) (FWI/ year) Infra worker hrs Tot trn km Pass jour Pass trn km 3.44E‐08 7.98E‐10 8.98E‐11 1.58E‐10 2.521 1.889 0.4444 0.1111 0.0770 0.0167 0.0125 0.0029 7.37E‐04 5.11E‐04 100.00% 74.91% 17.63% 4.41% 3.05% D D D E 68% 90% 1% 20% ‐ Exposure to fire on railway infrastructure at a station YLNSFIRE‐E Exposure to fire on railway infrastructure at a station Pass jour 3.59E‐10 0.4444 0.4444 0.0045 0.0045 100.00% 100.00% D ‐ ‐ HEN‐03 HEN‐03 Exposure to fire in a station not on railway infrastructure YSTAFIRE‐E Exposure to fire in a station not on railway infrastructure Pass jour 3.23E‐10 0.4000 0.4000 0.0102 0.0102 100.00% 100.00% D ‐ ‐ HEN‐04 Exposure to explosion on railway infrastructure Infrastructure worker exposure to an explosion on railway infrastructure (other than at a GTWEEXPLNE station) 1.000 0.0421 100.00% HEN‐04 80% Infra worker hrs 1.82E‐08 1.000 0.0421 100.00% D 80% HEN‐05 HEN‐05 Exposure to an explosion at a station YLNSEXPL‐E Exposure to an explosion at a station Pass jour 4.04E‐11 0.0500 0.0500 0.1500 0.1500 100.00% 100.00% E ‐ ‐ HEN‐07 HEN‐07 HEN‐07 HEN‐07 Passenger exposure to hazardous substances PHAZSSUB‐E Passenger exposure to other hazardous substances PANIINSB‐E Passenger exposure to animal/insect bites PEXPTOX‐‐E Passenger exposure to smoke, fumes or dusts Pass jour Pass jour Pass jour 1.21E‐09 2.96E‐09 1.90E‐10 5.395 1.497 3.663 0.2350 0.0175 0.0110 0.0048 0.0017 100.00% 62.82% 27.32% 9.86% D D D ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ HEN‐08 HEN‐08 Passenger observes electrical arcing at station PSTAARC‐‐E Passenger observes electrical arcing at station Pass jour 1.90E‐10 0.2351 0.2351 0.0044 0.0044 100.00% 100.00% D ‐ ‐ HEN‐09 HEN‐09 Passenger electric shock at station (OHLE) PSHKSOHL‐H Passenger electric shock at station (OHLE) Pass jour 5.39E‐11 0.0667 0.0667 0.0075 0.0075 100.00% 100.00% D ‐ ‐ HEN‐10 HEN‐10 Passenger electric shock at station (conductor rail) PCONDST‐‐H Passenger electric shock at station (conductor rail) Pass jour 1.38E‐09 1.711 1.711 0.8477 0.8477 100.00% 100.00% D ‐ ‐ HEN‐11 HEN‐11 Passenger electric shock at station (non‐traction supplies) PSHKSNTS‐H Passenger electric shock at station (non‐traction supplies) Pass jour 1.03E‐09 1.274 1.274 0.0046 0.0046 100.00% 100.00% D ‐ ‐ Version 7.1 — August 2011 87 Table B1 National frequency Hazardous event code HEN‐13 HEN‐13 HEN‐13 HEN‐13 HEN‐13 HEN‐14 HEN‐14A HEN‐14A HEN‐14A HEN‐14A HEN‐14A HEN‐14A HEN‐14A HEN‐14A HEN‐14A HEN‐14A HEN‐14B HEN‐14B HEN‐14B HEN‐14B HEN‐14B HEN‐14B HEN‐14B HEN‐14B HEN‐14B HEN‐14B Precursor code Cause precursor description Passenger fall from platform onto track (no electric shock nor struck by train) Passenger fall from platform onto track (not struck by train or electrocuted by conductor PPNLFALL‐H rail) under the influence Passenger fall from platform onto track (not struck by train or electrocuted by conductor PPNGFALL‐H rail) ‐ general causes Passenger fall from platform onto track (no electric shock nor struck by train) due to illness ‐ PPLTFILL‐E seizure, collapse, etc Passenger fall from platform onto track (not struck by train or electrocuted by conductor PPLTVIMP‐E rail) due to visual impairment Passenger slip, trip or fall Passenger slip, trip or fall (platform) PPLTSLNC‐E Passenger slip, trip or fall on platform other cause PPLTSUCO‐E Passenger slip, trip or fall due to surface contamination on platform PPLTSLR‐‐H Passenger slip, trip or fall due to running on platform PPLTSLU‐‐E Passenger slip, trip or fall due to uneven surface on platform PPLTALC‐‐E Passenger slip, trip or fall on platform due to being under the influence PPLTSLI‐‐E Passenger slip, trip or fall due to ice/snow on platform PPLTSLO‐‐E Passenger slip, trip or fall due to object on platform PPLTILL‐‐E Passenger slip, trip or fall on platform due to ill health PPLTOVER‐E Passenger slip, trip or fall due to overcrowding on platform Passenger slip, trip or fall (stairs) PSTRUNSPEE Passenger slip, trip or fall on stairs other cause PSTRRUN‐‐E Passenger slip, trip or fall due to running on stairs PSTRALC‐‐E Passenger slip, trip or fall on stairs due to being under the influence PSTRSUCO‐E Passenger slip, trip or fall due to surface contamination on stairs PSTRILL‐‐E Passenger slip, trip or fall on stairs due to ill health PSTRSURF‐E Passenger slip, trip or fall due to uneven surface on stairs PSTRICE‐‐E Passenger slip, trip or fall due to ice/snow on stairs PSTROBJ‐‐E Passenger slip, trip or fall due to object on stairs PSTRCROWDE Passenger slip, trip or fall due to overcrowding on stairs Version 7.1 — August 2011 Normaliser (events/ normaliser) Deriv. HEN of POS (% of total prec. split (%) HE risk) (D, E) Risk contribution (events/ year) (FWI/ year) 50.84 0.7056 100.00% ‐ Pass jour 2.01E‐08 24.81 0.3443 48.79% D ‐ Pass jour 1.27E‐08 15.77 0.2188 31.02% D ‐ Pass jour 4.84E‐09 5.988 0.0831 11.78% D ‐ Pass jour 3.46E‐09 4.277 0.0594 8.41% D ‐ 2900.6 844.8 211.2 159.3 152.9 89.13 79.53 56.38 50.39 41.82 4.114 986.1 571.1 163.5 102.5 67.19 33.60 16.80 15.93 8.227 7.199 23.42 6.455 1.614 1.217 1.168 0.6810 0.6077 0.4308 0.3851 0.3196 0.0314 9.193 5.324 1.524 0.9555 0.6264 0.3132 0.1566 0.1485 0.0767 0.0671 100.00% 27.57% 6.89% 5.20% 4.99% 2.91% 2.60% 1.84% 1.64% 1.36% 0.13% 39.26% 22.74% 6.51% 4.08% 2.67% 1.34% 0.67% 0.63% 0.33% 0.29% Pass jour Pass jour Pass jour Pass jour Pass jour Pass jour Pass jour Pass jour Pass jour 1.71E‐07 1.29E‐07 1.24E‐07 7.21E‐08 6.43E‐08 4.56E‐08 4.07E‐08 3.38E‐08 3.33E‐09 Pass jour Pass jour Pass jour Pass jour Pass jour Pass jour Pass jour Pass jour Pass jour 4.62E‐07 1.32E‐07 8.29E‐08 5.43E‐08 2.72E‐08 1.36E‐08 1.29E‐08 6.65E‐09 5.82E‐09 D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 88 Table B1 National frequency Hazardous event code HEN‐14C HEN‐14C HEN‐14C HEN‐14C HEN‐14C HEN‐14C HEN‐14C HEN‐14C HEN‐14C HEN‐14C HEN‐14D HEN‐14D HEN‐14D HEN‐14D HEN‐14D HEN‐14D HEN‐14D HEN‐14D HEN‐14D HEN‐14D HEN‐14E HEN‐14E HEN‐14F HEN‐14F HEN‐14F HEN‐14F HEN‐14F HEN‐14F HEN‐14F HEN‐14F Precursor code Cause precursor description Passenger slip, trip or fall (escalator) PESCUNSPEE Passenger slip, trip or fall on escalator other cause PESCALC‐‐E Passenger slip, trip or fall on escalator due to being under the influence PESCOBJ‐‐E Passenger slip, trip or fall due to object on escalator PESCILL‐‐E Passenger slip, trip or fall on escalator due to ill health PESCRUN‐‐E Passenger slip, trip or fall due to running on escalator PESCSUCO‐E Passenger slip, trip or fall due to surface contamination on escalator PESCSURF‐E Passenger slip, trip or fall due to uneven surface on escalator PESCCROWDE Passenger slip, trip or fall due to overcrowding on escalator PESCICE‐‐E Passenger slip, trip or fall due to ice/snow on escalator Passenger slip, trip or fall (station concourse) PCONSUCO‐E Passenger slip, trip or fall due to surface contamination on station concourse PCONUNSPEE Passenger slip, trip or fall on station concourse (includes waiting room) other cause PCONOBJ‐‐E Passenger slip, trip or fall due to object on station concourse (includes waiting room) Passenger slip, trip or fall on station concourse (includes waiting room) due to being under PCONALC‐‐E the influence Passenger slip, trip or fall due to uneven surface on station concourse (includes waiting PCONSURF‐E room) PCONILL‐‐E Passenger slip, trip or fall on station concourse (includes waiting room) due to ill health PCONRUN‐‐E Passenger slip, trip or fall due to running on station concourse (includes waiting room) PCONICE‐‐E Passenger slip, trip or fall due to ice/snow on station concourse (includes waiting room) PCONCROWDE Passenger slip, trip or fall due to overcrowding on station concourse (includes waiting room) Passenger slip, trip or fall while legitimately crossing line on station crossing PPLTLINE‐E Passenger slip, trip or fall while legitimately crossing line on station crossing Passenger slip, trip or fall (chair, bench, wheelchair) PCHAUNSPEE Passenger slip, trip or fall from chairs, benches, wheelchairs etc other cause Passenger slip, trip or fall from chairs, benches, wheelchairs etc due to being under the PCHAALC‐‐E influence Passenger slip, trip or fall from defective chairs, benches, etc (due to vandalism, poor PCHADEF‐‐E maintenance etc) PCHAILL‐‐E Passenger slip, trip or fall from chairs, benches, wheelchairs etc due to ill health PCHASURF‐E Passenger slip, trip or fall from chairs, benches, wheelchairs etc due to uneven surface PCHASUCO‐E Passenger slip, trip or fall from chairs, benches, wheelchairs due to surface contamination PCHAOBJ‐‐E Passenger slip, trip or fall from chairs, benches, wheelchairs etc due to object Version 7.1 — August 2011 Normaliser (events/ normaliser) Deriv. HEN of POS (% of total prec. split (%) HE risk) (D, E) Risk contribution (events/ year) (FWI/ year) 3.383 2.310 0.6613 0.1546 0.1118 0.1094 0.0190 0.0079 0.0076 0.0011 3.651 1.378 0.8513 0.3955 14.45% 9.86% 2.82% 0.66% 0.48% 0.47% 0.08% 0.03% 0.03% 0.00% 15.59% 5.88% 3.64% 1.69% Pass jour Pass jour Pass jour Pass jour Pass jour Pass jour Pass jour Pass jour Pass jour 2.69E‐07 7.71E‐08 1.80E‐08 1.30E‐08 1.27E‐08 2.22E‐09 9.22E‐10 8.81E‐10 1.29E‐10 Pass jour Pass jour Pass jour 1.46E‐07 9.01E‐08 4.18E‐08 487.5 332.9 95.30 22.28 16.11 15.77 2.742 1.140 1.089 0.1593 477.7 180.3 111.4 51.75 D D D ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ Pass jour 3.49E‐08 43.19 0.3300 1.41% D ‐ Pass jour 2.91E‐08 35.99 0.2750 1.17% D ‐ Pass jour Pass jour Pass jour Pass jour 2.02E‐08 2.00E‐08 3.48E‐09 8.65E‐10 0.1912 0.1886 0.0329 0.0082 0.0226 0.0226 0.1004 0.0511 0.82% 0.81% 0.14% 0.03% 0.10% 0.10% 0.43% 0.22% D D D D 8.47E‐09 25.02 24.68 4.300 1.069 3.771 3.771 20.59 10.48 D ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ Pass jour 3.05E‐09 Pass jour Pass jour 3.88E‐09 4.799 0.0234 0.10% D ‐ Pass jour 1.46E‐09 1.809 0.0088 0.04% D ‐ Pass jour Pass jour Pass jour Pass jour 1.39E‐09 1.11E‐09 2.30E‐10 1.04E‐10 1.714 1.371 0.2840 0.1290 0.0084 0.0067 0.0014 6.29E‐04 0.04% 0.03% 0.01% 0.00% D D D D ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ D D D D D D D D D D 89 Table B1 National frequency Hazardous event code Precursor code HEN‐14G HEN‐14G HEN‐14G HEN‐14G HEN‐14G HEN‐14G HEN‐14G HEN‐14G HEN‐14G Passenger slip, trip or fall (ramps) PRAMUNSPEE Passenger slip, trip or fall on ramps other cause PRAMSUCO‐E Passenger slip, trip or fall on ramps due to surface contamination PRAMRUN‐‐E Passenger slip, trip or fall due to running on ramps PRAMICE‐‐E Passenger slip, trip or fall due to ice/snow on ramps PRAMALC‐‐E Passenger slip, trip or fall on ramps due to being under the influence PRAMSURF‐E Passenger slip, trip or fall due to uneven surface on ramps PRAMILL‐‐E Passenger slip, trip or fall on ramps due to ill health PRAMOBJ‐‐E Passenger slip, trip or fall due to object on ramps HEN‐15 HEN‐15 Cause precursor description Normaliser Deriv. HEN of POS (% of total prec. split (%) HE risk) (D, E) Risk contribution (events/ normaliser) (events/ year) (FWI/ year) Pass jour Pass jour Pass jour Pass jour Pass jour Pass jour Pass jour Pass jour 2.36E‐08 1.39E‐08 1.33E‐08 4.51E‐09 3.60E‐09 3.11E‐09 2.49E‐09 3.89E‐10 80.18 29.14 17.14 16.45 5.575 4.456 3.849 3.085 0.4807 0.6127 0.2227 0.1310 0.1257 0.0426 0.0341 0.0294 0.0236 0.0037 2.62% 0.95% 0.56% 0.54% 0.18% 0.15% 0.13% 0.10% 0.02% D D D D D D D D ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ Passenger fall from overbridge at station PPOVERB‐‐H Passenger fall from overbridge at station Pass jour 1.73E‐10 0.2139 0.2139 0.0621 0.0621 100.00% 100.00% D ‐ ‐ HEN‐16 HEN‐16 Passenger fall during an evacuation at station PEVCFALL‐H Passenger fall during an evacuation at station Pass jour 4.04E‐11 0.0500 0.0500 0.0027 0.0027 100.00% 100.00% D ‐ ‐ HEN‐21 HEN‐21 HEN‐21 HEN‐21 Workforce struck/crushed by structural collapse or large object GTWSTMIS‐E Infrastructure worker struck/crushed by structural collapse or large object GOWFSTMI‐E Other workforce struck/crushed by structural collapse or large object GTCSTMIS‐E Train crew struck/crushed by structural collapse or large object Infra worker hrs Pass jour Pass trn km 1.82E‐07 1.89E‐09 6.83E‐10 12.67 10.00 2.333 0.3333 0.4227 0.3337 0.0779 0.0111 100.00% 78.95% 18.42% 2.63% D D D 72% 80% 50% ‐ HEN‐22 HEN‐22 HEN‐22 HEN‐22 Workforce trapped in machinery GTWTRPPT‐E Infrastructure worker trapped in points/point machines GTWTRPMA‐E Infrastructure worker trapped in machinery (not points) GOWTRPMA‐E Workforce (not infrastructure worker) trapped in machinery Infra workers (FTE) Trk m Pass jour 1.31E‐04 4.29E‐08 5.39E‐10 6.000 4.000 1.333 0.6667 0.0622 0.0291 0.0221 0.0111 100.00% 46.68% 35.55% 17.77% D D D 88% 100% 100% 30% HEN‐23 HEN‐23 HEN‐23 HEN‐23 HEN‐23 HEN‐23 HEN‐23 HEN‐23 HEN‐23 Workforce struck by / contact with / trapped in object at station GOWTCHPA‐E Other workforce struck by / contact with / trapped in object at station GTCTCHPA‐E Train crew (other) struck by / contact with / trapped in object at station GTDTCHPA‐E Train crew (driver) struck by / contact with / trapped in object at station GTWTCHPA‐E Infrastructure worker struck by / contact with / trapped in object at station GOWSTFBE‐E Other workforce struck by foreign body in the eye at station GTDSTFBE‐E Train crew (driver) struck by foreign body in the eye at station GTCSTFBE‐E Train crew (other) struck by foreign body in the eye at station GTWSTFBE‐E Infrastructure worker struck by foreign body in the eye at station Pass jour Pass trn km Tot trn km Infra worker hrs Pass jour Tot trn km Pass trn km Infra worker hrs 3.90E‐07 1.09E‐07 3.49E‐08 3.00E‐07 5.89E‐09 7.78E‐09 7.37E‐09 2.23E‐08 588.0 482.3 53.40 19.43 16.44 7.290 4.333 3.600 1.222 1.418 1.172 0.1297 0.0472 0.0399 0.0128 0.0076 0.0063 0.0022 100.00% 82.66% 9.15% 3.33% 2.82% 0.91% 0.54% 0.45% 0.15% D D D D D D D D 7% 7% ‐ 1% 40% 7% 1% ‐ 40% Version 7.1 — August 2011 90 Table B1 National frequency Hazardous event code Precursor code HEN‐24 HEN‐24A HEN‐24A HEN‐24A HEN‐24A HEN‐24A HEN‐24B HEN‐24B HEN‐24B HEN‐24B HEN‐24B HEN‐24C HEN‐24C HEN‐24C HEN‐24C HEN‐24C HEN‐24D HEN‐24D HEN‐24D HEN‐24D HEN‐24D HEN‐24E HEN‐24E HEN‐24E HEN‐24E HEN‐24E HEN‐24F HEN‐24F HEN‐24F HEN‐24F HEN‐24F HEN‐24G HEN‐24G HEN‐24G HEN‐24G HEN‐24G Workforce slip, trip or fall <2m Workforce slip, trip or fall <2m (platform) GOW<2PLT‐E Other workforce slip, trip or fall (<2m) on platform GTC<2PLT‐E Train crew (other) slip, trip or fall (<2m) on platform GTD<2PLT‐E Train crew (driver) slip, trip or fall (<2m) on platform GTW<2PLT‐E Infrastructure worker slip, trip or fall (<2m) on platform Workforce slip, trip or fall <2m (stairs) GOW<2STP‐E Other workforce slip, trip or fall (<2m) on stairs GTW<2STP‐E Infrastructure worker slip, trip or fall (<2m) on stairs GTC<2STP‐E Train crew (other) slip, trip or fall (<2m) on stairs GTD<2STP‐E Train crew (driver) slip, trip or fall (<2m) on stairs Workforce slip, trip or fall <2m (escalator) GOW<2ESC‐E Other workforce slip, trip or fall (<2m) on escalator GTC<2ESC‐E Train crew (other) slip, trip or fall (<2m) on escalator GTD<2ESC‐E Train crew (driver) slip, trip or fall (<2m) on escalator GTW<2ESC‐E Infrastructure worker slip, trip or fall (<2m) on escalator Workforce slip, trip or fall <2m (station concourse) GOW<2CON‐E Other workforce slip, trip or fall (<2m) on station concourse GTC<2CON‐E Train crew (other) slip, trip or fall (<2m) on station concourse GTD<2CON‐E Train crew (driver) slip, trip or fall (<2m) on station concourse GTW<2CON‐E Infrastructure worker slip, trip or fall (<2m) on station concourse Workforce slip, trip or fall <2m (walkway) GTW<2WAL‐E Infrastructure worker slip, trip or fall (<2m) on walkway GOW<2WAL‐E Other workforce slip, trip or fall (<2m) on walkway GTD<2WAL‐E Train crew (driver) slip, trip or fall (<2m) on walkway GTC<2WAL‐E Train crew (other) slip, trip or fall (<2m) on walkway Workforce slip, trip or fall <2m (ramp) GTW<2SLS‐E Infrastructure worker slip, trip or fall (<2m) on ramp GOW<2SLS‐E Other workforce slip, trip or fall (<2m) on ramp GTD<2SLS‐E Train crew (driver) slip, trip or fall (<2m) on ramp GTC<2SLS‐E Train crew (other) slip, trip or fall (<2m) on ramp Workforce slip, trip or fall <2m (bridge) GTW<2BRG‐E Infrastructure worker slip, trip or fall (<2m) on bridge GOW<2BRG‐E Other workforce slip, trip or fall (<2m) on bridge GTC<2BRG‐E Train crew (other) slip, trip or fall (<2m) on bridge GTD<2BRG‐E Train crew (driver) slip, trip or fall (<2m) on bridge Cause precursor description Version 7.1 — August 2011 Normaliser (events/ normaliser) Pass jour Pass trn km Tot trn km Infra worker hrs 7.25E‐08 1.28E‐07 5.32E‐08 9.71E‐08 Pass jour Infra worker hrs Pass trn km Tot trn km 7.73E‐08 5.28E‐07 5.60E‐08 1.91E‐08 Pass jour Pass trn km Tot trn km Infra worker hrs 3.84E‐09 4.10E‐09 1.08E‐09 1.82E‐09 Pass jour Pass trn km Tot trn km Infra worker hrs 3.88E‐08 3.36E‐08 5.74E‐09 1.82E‐08 Infra worker hrs Pass jour Tot trn km Pass trn km 1.58E‐07 6.47E‐09 5.13E‐09 3.28E‐09 Infra worker hrs Pass jour Tot trn km Pass trn km 3.61E‐07 1.10E‐08 5.98E‐09 5.74E‐09 Infra worker hrs Pass jour Pass trn km Tot trn km 7.29E‐08 1.89E‐09 1.46E‐09 3.59E‐10 Deriv. HEN of POS (% of total prec. split (%) HE risk) (D, E) Risk contribution (events/ year) (FWI/ year) 1000.9 187.0 89.67 62.33 29.63 5.333 162.7 95.67 29.00 27.33 10.67 7.450 4.750 2.000 0.6000 0.1000 68.60 48.00 16.40 3.200 1.000 21.12 8.667 8.000 2.857 1.600 39.60 19.80 13.67 3.333 2.800 7.248 4.000 2.333 0.7143 0.2000 6.044 0.8756 0.4199 0.2919 0.1388 0.0250 0.8380 0.4928 0.1494 0.1408 0.0550 0.0384 0.0245 0.0103 0.0031 5.15E‐04 0.3213 0.2248 0.0768 0.0150 0.0047 0.1324 0.0543 0.0501 0.0179 0.0100 0.3610 0.1805 0.1246 0.0304 0.0255 0.0339 0.0187 0.0109 0.0033 9.37E‐04 100.00% 14.49% 6.95% 4.83% 2.30% 0.41% 13.87% 8.15% 2.47% 2.33% 0.91% 0.64% 0.40% 0.17% 0.05% 0.01% 5.32% 3.72% 1.27% 0.25% 0.08% 2.19% 0.90% 0.83% 0.30% 0.17% 5.97% 2.99% 2.06% 0.50% 0.42% 0.56% 0.31% 0.18% 0.06% 0.02% D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D 43% ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 18% 7% 80% ‐ 1% ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 33% 80% ‐ 1% ‐ 42% 80% 7% 1% ‐ 46% 80% 7% ‐ 1% 91 Table B1 National frequency Hazardous event code Precursor code HEN‐24H HEN‐24H HEN‐24H HEN‐24H HEN‐24H HEN‐24I HEN‐24I HEN‐24I HEN‐24I HEN‐24J HEN‐24J HEN‐24J HEN‐24J HEN‐24K HEN‐24K HEN‐24K HEN‐24K HEN‐24K HEN‐24L HEN‐24L HEN‐24L HEN‐24L HEN‐24L HEN‐24M HEN‐24M HEN‐24M HEN‐24M HEN‐24M HEN‐24N HEN‐24N HEN‐24N HEN‐24N HEN‐24N Workforce slip, trip or fall <2m (on or about track) GTW<2TRK‐E Infrastructure worker slip, trip or fall (<2m) on or about track GTD<2TRK‐E Train crew (driver) slip, trip or fall (<2m) on or about track GOW<2TRK‐E Other workforce slip, trip or fall (<2m) on or about track GTC<2TRK‐E Train crew (other) slip, trip or fall (<2m) on or about track Workforce slip, trip or fall <2m (signal box) GOW<2SIG‐E Other workforce slip, trip or fall (<2m) in signal box GTW<2SIG‐E Infrastructure worker slip, trip or fall (<2m) in signal box GTD<2SIG‐E Train crew (driver) slip, trip or fall (<2m) in signal box Workforce slip, trip or fall <2m (ladder) GTW<2LAD‐H Infrastructure worker slip, trip or fall (<2m) from ladder GOW<2LAD‐H Other workforce slip, trip or fall (<2m) from ladder GTC<2LAD‐H Train crew (other) slip, trip or fall (<2m) from ladder Workforce slip, trip or fall <2m (from platform not struck by train) GOW<2POL‐E Other workforce slip, trip or fall (<2m) from platform onto the line (not struck by train) GTW<2POL‐E Infrastructure worker slip, trip or fall (<2m) from platform onto the line (not struck by train) GTD<2POL‐E Train crew (driver) slip, trip or fall (<2m) from platform onto the line (not struck by train) GTC<2POL‐E Train crew (other) slip, trip or fall (<2m) from platform onto the line (not struck by train) Workforce slip, trip or fall <2m (level crossing) GOW<2LCR‐E Other workforce slip, trip or fall (<2m) on level crossing GTW<2LCR‐E Infrastructure worker slip, trip or fall (<2m) on level crossing GTC<2LCR‐E Train crew (other) slip, trip or fall (<2m) on level crossing GTD<2LCR‐E Train crew (driver) slip, trip or fall (<2m) on level crossing Workforce slip, trip or fall <2m (vehicle) GTW<2VEH‐E Infrastructure worker slip, trip or fall (<2m) from vehicle GOW<2VEH‐E Other workforce slip, trip or fall (<2m) from vehicle GTC<2VEH‐E Train crew (other) slip, trip or fall (<2m) from vehicle GTD<2VEH‐E Train crew (driver) slip, trip or fall (<2m) from vehicle Workforce slip, trip or fall <2m (other) GOW<2GEN‐E Other workforce slip, trip or fall (<2m) at other location GTW<2GEN‐E Infrastructure worker slip, trip or fall (<2m) at other location GTC<2GEN‐E Train crew (other) slip, trip or fall (<2m) at other location GTD<2GEN‐E Train crew (driver) slip, trip or fall (<2m) at other location Cause precursor description Version 7.1 — August 2011 Normaliser (events/ normaliser) Infra worker hrs Tot trn km Pass jour Pass trn km 6.27E‐06 5.98E‐08 2.55E‐08 3.41E‐09 Pass jour Infra worker hrs Tot trn km 1.99E‐08 4.16E‐08 2.24E‐10 Infra worker hrs Pass jour Pass trn km 8.59E‐08 2.91E‐09 2.05E‐10 Pass jour Infra worker hrs Tot trn km Pass trn km 2.16E‐09 4.37E‐08 2.15E‐09 8.78E‐10 Pass jour Infra worker hrs Pass trn km Tot trn km 5.39E‐09 6.19E‐08 2.05E‐09 1.79E‐09 Infra worker hrs Pass jour Pass trn km Tot trn km 4.08E‐07 2.91E‐09 8.78E‐10 7.18E‐10 Pass jour Infra worker hrs Pass trn km Tot trn km 6.01E‐09 9.71E‐08 3.41E‐09 1.44E‐09 Deriv. HEN of POS (% of total prec. split (%) HE risk) (D, E) Risk contribution (events/ year) (FWI/ year) 410.9 344.3 33.33 31.60 1.667 27.08 24.67 2.286 0.1250 8.414 4.714 3.600 0.1000 6.695 2.667 2.400 1.200 0.4286 12.07 6.667 3.400 1.000 1.000 26.83 22.40 3.600 0.4286 0.4000 15.23 7.429 5.333 1.667 0.8000 2.576 2.158 0.2089 0.1981 0.0104 0.1268 0.1155 0.0107 5.85E‐04 0.0885 0.0496 0.0379 0.0011 0.0827 0.0329 0.0296 0.0148 0.0053 0.0756 0.0418 0.0213 0.0063 0.0063 0.2711 0.2264 0.0364 0.0043 0.0040 0.2231 0.1088 0.0781 0.0244 0.0117 42.61% 35.71% 3.46% 3.28% 0.17% 2.10% 1.91% 0.18% 0.01% 1.46% 0.82% 0.63% 0.02% 1.37% 0.55% 0.49% 0.25% 0.09% 1.25% 0.69% 0.35% 0.10% 0.10% 4.49% 3.75% 0.60% 0.07% 0.07% 3.69% 1.80% 1.29% 0.40% 0.19% D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D 70% 80% 1% 33% ‐ 13% 7% 80% 1% 59% 80% 33% ‐ 29% ‐ 80% 1% ‐ 41% 33% 80% ‐ 1% 71% 80% 33% ‐ 1% 44% 33% 80% ‐ 1% 92 Table B1 National frequency Hazardous event code HEN‐25 HEN‐25A HEN‐25A HEN‐25A HEN‐25B HEN‐25B HEN‐25B HEN‐25B HEN‐25C HEN‐25C HEN‐25C HEN‐25C HEN‐25D HEN‐25D HEN‐25D HEN‐25E HEN‐25E HEN‐25E HEN‐25F HEN‐25F HEN‐25F HEN‐25G HEN‐25G HEN‐25H HEN‐25H HEN‐25I HEN‐25I HEN‐25I Precursor code Cause precursor description Workforce slip, trip or fall >2m Workforce slip, trip or fall >2m (hole/pit) GTW>2HOL‐E Infrastructure worker slip, trip or fall (>2m) into hole/pit GOW>2HOL‐E Other workforce slip, trip or fall (>2m) into hole/pit Workforce slip, trip or fall >2m (embankment/wall/hill/cliff/sloping surface) Infrastructure worker slip, trip or fall (>2m) from or down GTW>2EMB‐E embankment/wall/hill/cliff/sloping surface Train crew (driver) slip, trip or fall (>2m) from or down embankment/wall/hill/cliff/sloping GTD>2EMB‐E surface Other workforce slip, trip or fall (>2m) from or down embankment/wall/hill/cliff/sloping GOW>2EMB‐E surface Workforce slip, trip or fall >2m (stairs/steps) GOW>2STP‐E Other workforce slip, trip or fall (>2m) on stairs/steps GTC>2STP‐E Train crew (other) slip, trip or fall (>2m) on stairs/steps GTW>2STP‐E Infrastructure worker slip, trip or fall (>2m) on stairs/steps Workforce slip, trip or fall >2m (scaffold/temporary structure) Infrastructure worker slip, trip or fall (>2m) from scaffold or temporary structure (excluding GTW>2SCF‐E on track machines, cranes, cherry pickers) Other workforce slip, trip or fall (>2m) from scaffold or temporary structure (excluding on GOW>2SCF‐E track machines, cranes, cherry pickers) Workforce slip, trip or fall >2m (ladder) GTW>2LAD‐H Infrastructure worker slip, trip or fall (>2m) from ladder GOW>2LAD‐H Other workforce slip, trip or fall (>2m) from ladder Workforce slip, trip or fall >2m (road vehicle) GTW>2ROV‐E Infrastructure worker slip, trip or fall (>2m) from road vehicle (eg RRVs in road mode) GOW>2ROV‐E Other workforce slip, trip or fall (>2m) from road vehicle (eg RRVs in road mode) Workforce slip, trip or fall >2m (rail vehicle) Infrastructure worker slip, trip or fall (>2m) from rail vehicle (eg on track machines, RRVs in GTW>2RAV‐E rail mode) Workforce slip, trip or fall >2m (bridge) GTW>2BRG‐E Infrastructure worker slip, trip or fall (>2m) from or through bridge Workforce slip, trip or fall >2m (crane) GTW>2CRN‐E Infrastructure worker slip, trip or fall (>2m) from crane (eg cherry pickers) GOW>2CRN‐E Other workforce slip, trip or fall (>2m) from crane (eg cherry pickers) Version 7.1 — August 2011 Normaliser (events/ normaliser) Deriv. HEN of POS (% of total prec. split (%) HE risk) (D, E) Risk contribution (events/ year) (FWI/ year) 16.32 3.476 3.333 0.1429 3.514 0.6437 0.0899 0.0862 0.0037 0.0908 100.00% 13.96% 13.39% 0.57% 14.11% D D 62% 77% 80% 10% 65% Infra worker hrs Pass jour 6.07E‐08 1.16E‐10 Infra worker hrs 5.10E‐08 2.800 0.0724 11.24% D 80% Tot trn km 7.69E‐10 0.4286 0.0111 1.72% D 1% Pass jour 2.31E‐10 0.2857 0.0074 1.15% D 10% Pass jour Pass trn km Infra worker hrs 9.70E‐10 4.10E‐10 3.64E‐09 1.600 1.200 0.2000 0.2000 2.029 0.0830 0.0622 0.0104 0.0104 0.1052 12.89% 9.67% 1.61% 1.61% 16.35% D D D 18% 10% ‐ 80% 81% Infra worker hrs 2.91E‐08 1.600 0.0830 12.89% D 100% Pass jour 3.47E‐10 0.4286 0.0222 3.45% D 10% Infra worker hrs Pass jour 2.34E‐08 9.70E‐10 Infra worker hrs Pass jour 1.09E‐08 8.98E‐11 2.486 1.286 1.200 0.7111 0.6000 0.1111 0.2857 0.1289 0.0667 0.0622 0.0369 0.0311 0.0058 0.0148 20.03% 10.36% 9.67% 5.73% 4.83% 0.90% 2.30% Infra worker hrs 5.20E‐09 0.2857 0.0148 2.30% Infra worker hrs 7.29E‐09 Infra worker hrs Pass jour 5.20E‐09 1.01E‐10 0.4000 0.4000 0.4107 0.2857 0.1250 0.0103 0.0103 0.0106 0.0074 0.0032 1.61% 1.61% 1.65% 1.15% 0.50% D D D D D D D D 57% 100% 10% 69% 80% 10% 80% 80% 80% 80% 100% 100% 100% 93 Table B1 National frequency Hazardous event code Precursor code HEN‐25J HEN‐25J HEN‐25J HEN‐25K HEN‐25K HEN‐25K HEN‐25N HEN‐25N HEN‐25N Workforce slip, trip or fall >2m (roof/permanent structure) GTW>2ROF‐E Infrastructure worker slip, trip or fall (>2m) from roof / permanent structure GOW>2ROF‐E Other workforce slip, trip or fall (>2m) from roof/permanent structure Workforce slip, trip or fall >2m (trees/shrubbery) GTW>2TRE‐E Infrastructure worker slip, trip or fall (>2m) from tree/shrubbery GOW>2TRE‐E Other workforce slip, trip or fall (>2m) from tree/shrubbery Workforce slip, trip or fall >2m (structure/vehicle/hydraulic failure) GOW>2SVH‐E Other workforce slip, trip or fall (>2m) due to structure/vehicle/hydraulic failure GTW>2SVH‐E Infrastructure worker slip, trip or fall (>2m) due to structure/vehicle/hydraulic failure HEN‐26 HEN‐26 HEN‐26 HEN‐26 HEN‐26 Workforce struck/crushed by non‐train vehicle GTWSTNTV‐E Infrastructure worker struck/crushed by non‐train vehicle GOWSTNTV‐E Other workforce struck/crushed by non‐train vehicle GTCSTNTV‐E Train crew (other) struck/crushed by non‐train vehicle GTDSTNTV‐E Train crew (driver) struck/crushed by non‐train vehicle HEN‐27 HEN‐27A HEN‐27A HEN‐27A HEN‐27B HEN‐27B HEN‐27B HEN‐27C HEN‐27C HEN‐27C HEN‐27C HEN‐27C Workforce scalds or burns due to contact with hot object (not on train) Workforce burn due to electrical equipment failure (not on train) GOWBURNE‐H Other workforce burn due to electrical equipment failure GTWBURNE‐H Infrastructure worker burn due to electrical equipment failure Workforce burn due to welding, flame / disc cutting or angle grinding GTWBURNW‐H Infrastructure worker burn due to welding, flame / disc cutting or angle grinding GOWBURNW‐H Other workforce burn due to welding, flame / disc cutting or angle grinding Workforce burn due to other causes (not on train) GOWBURNO‐E Other workforce burn due to other causes GTWBURNO‐E Infrastructure worker burn due to other causes GTDBURNO‐E Train crew (driver) burn due to other causes GTCBURNO‐E Train crew (other) burn due to other causes HEN‐28 HEN‐28A HEN‐28A HEN‐28A HEN‐28A HEN‐28A Workforce observes electrical arcing Workforce observes electrical arcing (conductor rail) GTWARCCO‐E Infrastructure worker observes electrical arcing: conductor rail GOWARCCO‐E Other workforce observes electrical arcing: conductor rail GTDARCCO‐E Train crew (driver) observes electrical arcing: conductor rail GTCARCCO‐E Train crew (other) observes electrical arcing: conductor rail Cause precursor description Version 7.1 — August 2011 Normaliser (events/ normaliser) Deriv. HEN of POS (% of total prec. split (%) HE risk) (D, E) Risk contribution (events/ year) (FWI/ year) 0.0247 0.0173 0.0074 0.0356 0.0207 0.0148 0.0130 0.0065 0.0065 3.84% 2.69% 1.15% 5.53% 3.22% 2.30% 2.01% 1.01% 1.01% Infra worker hrs Pass jour 6.07E‐09 1.16E‐10 Infra worker hrs Pass jour 7.29E‐09 2.31E‐10 Pass jour Infra worker hrs 1.01E‐10 2.28E‐09 0.4762 0.3333 0.1429 0.6857 0.4000 0.2857 0.2500 0.1250 0.1250 Infra worker hrs Pass jour Pass trn km Tot trn km 1.09E‐07 3.64E‐09 2.46E‐09 7.18E‐10 12.10 6.000 4.500 1.200 0.4000 0.2472 0.1489 0.0956 0.0021 6.86E‐04 100.00% 60.23% 38.66% 0.83% 0.28% 0.0669 0.0011 6.59E‐04 3.96E‐04 0.0278 0.0264 0.0014 0.0380 0.0185 0.0152 0.0028 0.0016 100.00% 1.58% 0.99% 0.59% 41.55% 39.44% 2.11% 56.87% 27.61% 22.68% 4.23% 2.37% 0.1022 0.0528 0.0235 0.0218 0.0044 0.0031 100.00% 51.63% 23.00% 21.32% 4.26% 3.05% Pass jour Infra worker hrs 2.70E‐10 3.64E‐09 Infra worker hrs Pass jour 2.43E‐07 5.78E‐10 Pass jour Infra worker hrs Tot trn km Pass trn km 7.55E‐09 1.40E‐07 2.56E‐09 1.64E‐09 33.81 0.5333 0.3333 0.2000 14.05 13.33 0.7143 19.23 9.333 7.667 1.429 0.8000 1.96E‐08 8.09E‐10 3.59E‐10 2.93E‐10 4.690 2.422 1.079 1.000 0.2000 0.1429 Infra worker hrs Pass jour Tot trn km Pass trn km D D 73% 100% 10% 51% 80% 10% 45% 10% 80% D D D D 50% 80% 4% ‐ ‐ D D D D D D D D 60% 34% 7% 80% 95% 100% 7% 35% 7% 80% 1% ‐ D D D D 54% 50% 90% 25% 1% ‐ D D D D 94 Table B1 National frequency Hazardous event code Precursor code HEN‐28B HEN‐28B HEN‐28B HEN‐28B HEN‐28B HEN‐28C HEN‐28C HEN‐28C HEN‐28C Workforce observes electrical arcing (OHLE) GTCARCOH‐E Train crew (other) observes electrical arcing: OHLE GTWARCOH‐E Infrastructure worker observes electrical arcing ‐ OHLE GOWARCOH‐E Other workforce observes electrical arcing: OHLE GTDARCOH‐E Train crew (driver) observes electrical arcing: OHLE Workforce observes electrical arcing (other) GTWARCOT‐E Infrastructure worker observes electrical arcing: other causes GTDARCOT‐E Train crew (driver) observes electrical arcing: other causes GTCARCOT‐E Train crew (other) observes electrical arcing: other causes HEN‐29 HEN‐29A HEN‐29A HEN‐29A HEN‐29A HEN‐29A HEN‐29B HEN‐29B HEN‐29B HEN‐29B HEN‐29B HEN‐29C HEN‐29C HEN‐29C HEN‐29C HEN‐29C Workforce exposure to hazardous substances (including stings, bites and needle injuries) Workforce exposure to animal/insect bites GTWIINSB‐E Infrastructure worker exposure to animal/insect bites GOWIINSB‐E Other workforce exposure to animal/insect bites GTCIINSB‐E Train crew (other) exposure to animal/insect bites GTDIINSB‐E Train crew (driver) exposure to animal/insect bites Workforce exposure to needle stick injuries GTWNEED‐E Infrastructure worker exposure to needle stick injuries GOWNEED‐E Other workforce exposure to needle stick injuries GTCNEED‐E Train crew (other) exposure to needle stick injuries GTDNEED‐E Train crew (driver) exposure to needle stick injuries Workforce exposure to other hazardous substances (excluding asphyxiation) GTWHAZS‐E Infrastructure worker exposure to other hazardous substances (excluding asphyxiation) GOWHAZS‐E Other workforce exposure to other hazardous substances (excluding asphyxiation) GTCHAZS‐E Train crew (other) exposure to other hazardous substances (excluding asphyxiation) GTDHAZS‐E Train crew (driver) exposure to other hazardous substances (excluding asphyxiation) HEN‐30 HEN‐30A HEN‐30A HEN‐30A HEN‐30A HEN‐30B HEN‐30B HEN‐30B HEN‐30B Workforce electric shock (conductor rail) Workforce electric shock (conductor rail) due to fall GTWFACON‐H Infrastructure worker electric shock: contact with conductor rail due to fall GTDFACON‐H Train crew (driver) electric shock: contact with conductor rail due to fall GOWFACON‐H Other workforce electric shock: contact with conductor rail due to fall Workforce electric shock (conductor rail) via item/object GTWITCON‐H Infrastructure worker electric shock: contact with conductor rail via item/object GOWITCON‐H Other workforce electric shock: contact with conductor rail via item/object GTDITCON‐H Train crew (driver) electric shock: contact with conductor rail via item/object Cause precursor description Version 7.1 — August 2011 Normaliser (events/ normaliser) Pass trn km Infra worker hrs Pass jour Tot trn km 8.19E‐10 7.29E‐09 1.16E‐10 2.56E‐10 Infra worker hrs Tot trn km Pass trn km 1.82E‐08 2.56E‐10 8.25E‐11 Infra worker hrs Pass jour Pass trn km Tot trn km 2.19E‐07 9.43E‐09 5.74E‐09 2.39E‐09 Infra worker hrs Pass jour Pass trn km Tot trn km 6.68E‐08 2.61E‐09 2.56E‐10 1.12E‐10 Infra worker hrs Pass jour Pass trn km Tot trn km 4.55E‐07 1.27E‐08 2.34E‐09 7.69E‐10 Infra worker hrs Tot trn km Pass jour 5.20E‐09 2.56E‐10 2.17E‐11 Infra worker hrs Pass jour Tot trn km 3.64E‐08 1.18E‐10 2.56E‐10 Deriv. HEN of POS (% of total prec. split (%) HE risk) (D, E) Risk contribution (events/ year) (FWI/ year) 1.086 0.4000 0.4000 0.1429 0.1429 1.183 1.000 0.1429 0.0403 0.0237 0.0087 0.0087 0.0031 0.0031 0.0258 0.0218 0.0031 8.78E‐04 23.15% 8.53% 8.53% 3.05% 3.05% 25.22% 21.32% 3.05% 0.86% 77.12 27.80 12.00 11.67 2.800 1.333 7.087 3.667 3.233 0.1250 0.0625 42.24 25.00 15.67 1.143 0.4286 0.1506 0.0507 0.0219 0.0213 0.0051 0.0024 0.0086 0.0044 0.0039 1.51E‐04 7.54E‐05 0.0913 0.0540 0.0339 0.0025 9.26E‐04 100.00% 33.70% 14.55% 14.14% 3.39% 1.62% 5.68% 2.94% 2.59% 0.10% 0.05% 60.62% 35.88% 22.49% 1.64% 0.62% 3.794 0.4554 0.2857 0.1429 0.0268 2.288 2.000 0.1456 0.1429 0.3922 0.0918 0.0576 0.0288 0.0054 0.0889 0.0777 0.0057 0.0056 100.00% 23.40% 14.68% 7.34% 1.38% 22.67% 19.81% 1.44% 1.42% D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D 37% ‐ 90% 25% 1% 76% 90% 1% ‐ 45% 37% 80% 5% ‐ 1% 44% 80% 5% ‐ 1% 49% 80% 5% ‐ 1% 79% 58% 90% 1% 25% 80% 90% 25% 1% 95 Table B1 National frequency Hazardous event code Precursor code HEN‐30C HEN‐30C HEN‐30C Workforce (other than OTP workforce) electric shock (conductor rail) due to incorrect isolation GTWISCON‐H Infrastructure worker electric shock: contact with conductor rail due to isolation error GOWISCON‐H Other workforce electric shock: contact with conductor rail due to isolation error HEN‐31 HEN‐31A HEN‐31A HEN‐31A HEN‐31B HEN‐31B HEN‐31B HEN‐31B Workforce electric shock (OHLE) Workforce electric shock (OHLE) (direct contact) GTWISOHL‐H Infrastructure worker electric shock: contact with OHLE due to incorrect isolation GTDISOHL‐H Train crew (driver) electric shock: contact with OHLE due to incorrect isolation Workforce electric shock (OHLE) (indirect contact) GTWITOHL‐H Infrastructure worker electric shock: contact with OHLE via item/object GOWITOHL‐H Other workforce electric shock: contact with OHLE via item/object GTDITOHL‐H Train crew (driver) electric shock: contact with OHLE via item/object HEN‐32 HEN‐32 HEN‐32 HEN‐32 HEN‐32 Workforce electric shock (non‐traction supply) GOWESNTS‐H Other workforce electric shock (non‐traction supply) GTWESNTS‐H Infrastructure worker electric shock (non‐traction supply) GTDESNTS‐H Train crew (driver) electric shock (non‐traction supply) GTCESNTS‐H Train crew (other) electric shock (non‐traction supply) HEN‐33 HEN‐33A HEN‐33A HEN‐33A HEN‐33B HEN‐33B HEN‐33B HEN‐33B HEN‐33B HEN‐33C HEN‐33C Workforce affected by fumes/smoke/asphyxiation/drowning Workforce affected by fumes/smoke/asphyxiation not at a station GTWASPHY‐E Infrastructure worker affected by fumes/smoke/asphyxiation not at a station GOWASPHY‐E Other workforce affected by fumes/smoke/asphyxiation not at a station Workforce affected by fumes/smoke/asphyxiation at a station GOWASPHS‐E Other workforce affected by fumes/smoke/asphyxiation at a station GTDASPHS‐E Train crew (driver) affected by fumes/smoke/asphyxiation at a station GTCASPHS‐E Train crew (other) affected by fumes/smoke/asphyxiation at a station GTWASPHS‐E Infrastructure worker affected by fumes/smoke/asphyxiation at a station Workforce asphyxiation (drowning) GTWDROWN‐E Infrastructure worker drowning HEN‐35 HEN‐35A HEN‐35A HEN‐35A HEN‐35A HEN‐35A Workforce involved in road traffic accident whilst on duty Workforce (other than OTP workforce) involved in road traffic accident while on duty GTWRTA‐‐‐H Infrastructure worker involved in road traffic accident GOWRTA‐‐‐H Other workforce involved in road traffic accident GTDRTA‐‐‐H Train crew(driver) involved in road traffic accident GTCRTA‐‐‐H Train crew(other) involved in road traffic accident Cause precursor description Version 7.1 — August 2011 Normaliser Infra worker hrs Pass jour Deriv. HEN of POS (% of total prec. split (%) HE risk) (D, E) Risk contribution (events/ normaliser) (events/ year) (FWI/ year) 1.82E‐08 4.03E‐11 1.050 1.000 0.0498 0.2115 0.2015 0.0100 53.93% 51.38% 2.56% 0.2582 0.1474 0.1310 0.0164 0.1109 0.0745 0.0224 0.0140 100.00% 57.06% 50.72% 6.34% 42.94% 28.86% 8.66% 5.41% D D D 85% 100% 100% 100% 66% 90% 25% 1% D D D D 29% 7% 80% 1% ‐ Infra worker hrs Tot trn km 7.29E‐09 8.97E‐11 Infra worker hrs Pass jour Tot trn km 1.21E‐08 1.62E‐10 2.24E‐10 1.442 0.4500 0.4000 0.0500 0.9917 0.6667 0.2000 0.1250 Pass jour Infra worker hrs Tot trn km Pass trn km 5.12E‐09 5.46E‐08 5.13E‐10 4.10E‐10 9.819 6.333 3.000 0.2857 0.2000 0.0360 0.0232 0.0110 0.0010 7.33E‐04 100.00% 64.50% 30.55% 2.91% 2.04% 0.1561 0.0441 0.0264 0.0176 0.0859 0.0588 0.0110 0.0098 0.0063 0.0262 0.0262 100.00% 28.23% 16.94% 11.29% 55.01% 37.64% 7.06% 6.27% 4.03% 16.76% 16.76% 0.7950 0.7940 0.3970 0.2433 0.1281 0.0256 100.00% 99.88% 49.94% 30.61% 16.11% 3.22% Infra worker hrs Pass jour 1.09E‐08 3.23E‐10 Pass jour Tot trn km Pass trn km Infra worker hrs 1.08E‐09 4.49E‐10 4.55E‐10 2.60E‐09 Infra worker hrs 8.67E‐10 2.996 1.000 0.6000 0.4000 1.948 1.333 0.2500 0.2222 0.1429 0.0476 0.0476 5.65E‐07 1.54E‐08 1.79E‐08 4.10E‐09 62.67 62.00 31.00 19.00 10.00 2.000 Infra worker hrs Pass jour Tot trn km Pass trn km D D D D 87% 90% 25% D 42% 62% 90% 20% 20% 20% 1% ‐ 80% 80% 80% D D D D 12% 12% 15% 13% 1% ‐ D D D D D D 96 Table B1 National frequency Hazardous event code Precursor code HEN‐35B HEN‐35B Signaller struck by road vehicle GSIGSTRVH Signaller struck by road vehicle HEN‐36 HEN‐36 Cause precursor description Normaliser Deriv. HEN of POS (% of total prec. split (%) HE risk) (D, E) Risk contribution (events/ normaliser) (events/ year) (FWI/ year) LXs: MCB + CCTV 0.0017 0.6667 0.6667 9.63E‐04 9.63E‐04 0.12% 0.12% D ‐ ‐ MOP (adult trespasser) slip, trip or fall while on railway infrastructure KTRSFALL‐H MOP (adult trespasser) slip, trip or fall while on railway infrastructure Trk m 5.99E‐07 18.60 18.60 0.7705 0.7705 100.00% 100.00% D ‐ ‐ HEN‐37 HEN‐37 HEN‐37 MOP (adult trespasser) electric shock (OHLE) KTRSOHLN‐H MOP (adult trespasser) electric shock: contact with OHLE not in station KTRSOHLS‐H MOP (adult trespasser) electric shock: contact with OHLE in station Trk m Trk m 3.86E‐08 1.29E‐08 1.600 1.200 0.4000 0.6533 0.4900 0.1633 100.00% 75.00% 25.00% D D ‐ ‐ ‐ HEN‐38 HEN‐38A HEN‐38A HEN‐38B HEN‐38B MOP (adult trespasser) electric shock (conductor rail) MOP (adult trespasser) electric shock (conductor rail) at station KTRSCONS‐H MOP (adult trespasser) electric shock: contact with conductor rail at station MOP (adult trespasser) electric shock (conductor rail) not at station KTRSCONN‐H MOP (adult trespasser) electric shock: contact with conductor rail not at station 6.210 4.652 4.652 1.558 1.558 100.00% 74.91% 74.91% 25.09% 25.09% HEN‐39 HEN‐39 HEN‐39 Trk m 2.00E‐07 Trk m 9.01E‐08 9.000 6.200 6.200 2.800 2.800 MOP (adult trespasser) electric shock (non‐traction supply) KTRSNTSN‐H MOP (adult trespasser) electric shock: contact with non‐traction supplies not in station KTRSNTSS‐H MOP (adult trespasser) electric shock: contact with non‐traction supplies in station Trk m Trk m 1.95E‐09 1.95E‐09 0.1212 0.0606 0.0606 0.0051 0.0026 0.0026 HEN‐40 HEN‐40 MOP (child trespasser) slip, trip or fall while on railway infrastructure JTRSFALL‐H MOP (child trespasser) slip, trip or fall while on railway infrastructure Trk m 4.29E‐08 1.333 1.333 HEN‐41 HEN‐41 HEN‐41 MOP (child trespasser) electric shock (OHLE) JTRSOHLN‐H MOP (child trespasser) electric shock: contact with OHLE not in station JTRSOHLS‐H MOP (child trespasser) electric shock: contact with OHLE in station Trk m Trk m 4.51E‐08 4.60E‐09 HEN‐42 HEN‐42 HEN‐42 MOP (child trespasser) electric shock (conductor rail) JTRSCONS‐H MOP (child trespasser) electric shock: contact with conductor rail in station JTRSCONN‐H MOP (child trespasser) electric shock: contact with conductor rail not in station Trk m Trk m HEN‐43 HEN‐43 HEN‐43 MOP (child trespasser) electric shock (non‐traction supply) JTRSNTSN‐H MOP (child trespasser) electric shock: contact with non‐traction supplies not in station JTRSNTSS‐H MOP (child trespasser) electric shock: contact with non‐traction supplies in station Trk m Trk m Version 7.1 — August 2011 D ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 100.00% 50.00% 50.00% D D ‐ ‐ ‐ 0.0596 0.0596 100.00% 100.00% D ‐ ‐ 1.543 1.400 0.1429 0.2462 0.2234 0.0228 100.00% 90.74% 9.26% D D ‐ ‐ ‐ 2.15E‐08 1.07E‐08 1.000 0.6667 0.3333 0.4024 0.2683 0.1341 100.00% 66.67% 33.33% D D ‐ ‐ ‐ 3.22E‐09 2.68E‐09 0.1833 0.1000 0.0833 0.0077 0.0042 0.0035 100.00% 54.55% 45.45% E E ‐ ‐ ‐ D 97 Table B1 National frequency Hazardous event code HEN‐44 HEN‐44A HEN‐44A HEN‐44A HEN‐44A HEN‐44A HEN‐44A HEN‐44B HEN‐44B HEN‐44B HEN‐44B HEN‐44B HEN‐44C HEN‐44C HEN‐44C HEN‐44C HEN‐44C Precursor code Cause precursor description Normaliser MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian or cyclist/motorcyclist struck/trapped by level crossing equipment MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian or cyclist/motorcyclist struck/trapped by level crossing equipment on MCB + CCTV MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian or cyclist/motorcyclist struck/trapped by level crossing KEQUCCTV1H LXs: MCB + CCTV equipment on MCB + CCTV ‐ user error MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian or cyclist/motorcyclist struck/trapped by level crossing KEQUCCTV2H LXs: MCB + CCTV equipment on MCB + CCTV ‐ user violation MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian or cyclist/motorcyclist struck/trapped by level crossing KEQUCCTV3H LXs: MCB + CCTV equipment on MCB + CCTV ‐ proper use: other MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian or cyclist/motorcyclist struck/trapped by level crossing LXs: MCB + CCTV KEQUCCTV4H equipment on MCB + CCTV ‐ proper use: equipment failure MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian or cyclist/motorcyclist struck/trapped by level crossing LXs: MCB + CCTV KEQUCCTV5H equipment on MCB + CCTV ‐ proper use: signaller error MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian or cyclist/motorcyclist struck/trapped by level crossing equipment on MCB MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian or cyclist/motorcyclist struck/trapped by level crossing KEQUMCB‐1H LXs: MCB equipment on MCB ‐ user error MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian or cyclist/motorcyclist struck/trapped by level crossing KEQUMCB‐2H LXs: MCB equipment on MCB ‐ user violation MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian or cyclist/motorcyclist struck/trapped by level crossing KEQUMCB‐4H LXs: MCB equipment on MCB ‐ proper use: equipment failure MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian or cyclist/motorcyclist struck/trapped by level crossing LXs: MCB KEQUMCB‐3H equipment on MCB ‐ proper use: other MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian or cyclist/motorcyclist struck/trapped by level crossing equipment on MCG MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian or cyclist/motorcyclist struck/trapped by level crossing KEQUMCG‐3H LXs: MCG equipment on MCG ‐ proper use: other MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian or cyclist/motorcyclist struck/trapped by level crossing KEQUMCG‐1H LXs: MCG equipment on MCG ‐ user error MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian or cyclist/motorcyclist struck/trapped by level crossing KEQUMCG‐2H LXs: MCG equipment on MCG ‐ user violation MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian or cyclist/motorcyclist struck/trapped by level crossing LXs: MCG KEQUMCG‐4H equipment on MCG ‐ proper use: equipment failure Version 7.1 — August 2011 (events/ normaliser) Deriv. HEN of POS (% of total prec. split (%) HE risk) (D, E) Risk contribution (events/ year) (FWI/ year) 12.02 7.533 0.1439 0.0902 100.00% 62.69% 0.0094 3.667 0.0439 30.51% D ‐ 0.0036 1.400 0.0168 11.65% D ‐ 0.0026 1.000 0.0120 8.32% D ‐ 0.0020 0.8000 0.0096 6.66% D ‐ 0.0017 0.6667 0.0080 5.55% D ‐ 1.743 0.0209 14.50% 0.0028 0.6667 0.0080 5.55% D ‐ 0.0026 0.6000 0.0072 4.99% D ‐ 0.0014 0.3333 0.0040 2.77% D ‐ 6.11E‐04 0.1429 0.0017 1.19% D ‐ 0.9976 0.0119 8.30% 0.0036 0.6667 0.0080 5.55% D ‐ 7.81E‐04 0.1429 0.0017 1.19% D ‐ 6.07E‐04 0.1111 0.0013 0.92% D ‐ 4.21E‐04 0.0770 9.22E‐04 0.64% D ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 98 Table B1 National frequency Hazardous event code HEN‐44D HEN‐44D HEN‐44D HEN‐44D HEN‐44E HEN‐44E HEN‐44E HEN‐44E HEN‐44G HEN‐44G HEN‐44G HEN‐44G HEN‐44H HEN‐44H HEN‐44H HEN‐44H HEN‐44I HEN‐44I HEN‐44I HEN‐44I Precursor code Cause precursor description Normaliser MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian or cyclist/motorcyclist struck/trapped by level crossing equipment on ABCL MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian or cyclist/motorcyclist struck/trapped by level crossing KEQUABCL3H LXs: ABCL equipment on ABCL ‐ proper use MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian or cyclist/motorcyclist struck/trapped by level crossing KEQUABCL1H LXs: ABCL equipment on ABCL ‐ user error MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian or cyclist/motorcyclist struck/trapped by level crossing KEQUABCL2H LXs: ABCL equipment on ABCL ‐ user violation MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian or cyclist/motorcyclist struck/trapped by level crossing equipment on AHB MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian or cyclist/motorcyclist struck/trapped by level crossing KEQUAHB‐1H LXs: AHB equipment on AHB ‐ user error MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian or cyclist/motorcyclist struck/trapped by level crossing KEQUAHB‐3H LXs: AHB equipment on AHB ‐ proper use MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian or cyclist/motorcyclist struck/trapped by level crossing KEQUAHB‐2H LXs: AHB equipment on AHB ‐ user violation MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian or cyclist/motorcyclist struck/trapped by level crossing equipment on UWC + MWL MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian or cyclist/motorcyclist struck/trapped by level crossing KEQUUWCM3H LXs: UWC + MWL equipment on UWC + MWL ‐ proper use MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian or cyclist/motorcyclist struck/trapped by level crossing KEQUUWCM1H LXs: UWC + MWL equipment on UWC + MWL ‐ user error MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian or cyclist/motorcyclist struck/trapped by level crossing KEQUUWCM2H LXs: UWC + MWL equipment on UWC + MWL ‐ user violation MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian or cyclist/motorcyclist struck/trapped by level crossing equipment on UWC + T MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian or cyclist/motorcyclist struck/trapped by level crossing KEQUUWCT3H LXs: UWC + T equipment on UWC + T ‐ proper use MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian or cyclist/motorcyclist struck/trapped by level crossing KEQUUWCT1H LXs: UWC + T equipment on UWC + T ‐ user error MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian or cyclist/motorcyclist struck/trapped by level crossing KEQUUWCT2H LXs: UWC + T equipment on UWC + T ‐ user violation MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian or cyclist/motorcyclist struck/trapped by level crossing equipment on UWC MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian or cyclist/motorcyclist struck/trapped by level crossing KEQUUWC‐3H LXs: UWC equipment on UWC ‐ proper use MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian or cyclist/motorcyclist struck/trapped by level crossing KEQUUWC‐1H LXs: UWC equipment on UWC ‐ user error MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian or cyclist/motorcyclist struck/trapped by level crossing LXs: UWC KEQUUWC‐2H equipment on UWC ‐ user violation Version 7.1 — August 2011 (events/ normaliser) Deriv. HEN of POS (% of total prec. split (%) HE risk) (D, E) Risk contribution (events/ year) (FWI/ year) 0.1086 0.0013 0.90% 0.0011 0.0596 7.14E‐04 0.50% D ‐ 6.27E‐04 0.0326 3.91E‐04 0.27% D ‐ 3.14E‐04 0.0163 1.95E‐04 0.14% D ‐ 0.4470 0.0054 3.72% 4.19E‐04 0.1896 0.0023 1.58% D ‐ 3.60E‐04 0.1626 0.0019 1.35% D ‐ 2.10E‐04 0.0948 0.0011 0.79% D ‐ 0.0779 9.33E‐04 0.65% 6.72E‐04 0.0645 7.72E‐04 0.54% D ‐ 7.46E‐05 0.0072 8.58E‐05 0.06% D ‐ 6.51E‐05 0.0063 7.49E‐05 0.05% D ‐ 0.1936 0.0023 1.61% 9.72E‐05 0.1620 0.0019 1.35% D ‐ 1.08E‐05 0.0180 2.16E‐04 0.15% D ‐ 8.14E‐06 0.0136 1.62E‐04 0.11% D ‐ 0.2104 0.0025 1.75% 2.01E‐04 0.1776 0.0021 1.48% D ‐ 2.23E‐05 0.0197 2.36E‐04 0.16% D ‐ 1.49E‐05 0.0131 1.57E‐04 0.11% D ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 99 Table B1 National frequency Hazardous event code HEN‐44K HEN‐44K HEN‐44K HEN‐44K HEN‐44L HEN‐44L HEN‐44L HEN‐44L Precursor code Cause precursor description MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian or cyclist/motorcyclist struck/trapped by level crossing equipment on FP + MWL MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian or cyclist struck/trapped by level crossing equipment on KEQUFPM‐3H LXs: FP + MWL FP + MWL ‐ proper use MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian or cyclist struck/trapped by level crossing equipment on KEQUFPM‐1H LXs: FP + MWL FP + MWL ‐ user error MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian or cyclist struck/trapped by level crossing equipment on KEQUFPM‐2H LXs: FP + MWL FP + MWL ‐ user violation MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian or cyclist/motorcyclist struck/trapped by level crossing equipment on FP MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian or cyclist struck/trapped by level crossing equipment on KEQUFP‐‐3H LXs: FP FP ‐ proper use MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian or cyclist struck/trapped by level crossing equipment on KEQUFP‐‐1H LXs: FP FP ‐ user error MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian or cyclist struck/trapped by level crossing equipment on KEQUFP‐‐2H LXs: FP FP ‐ user violation HEN‐45 HEN‐45A HEN‐45A HEN‐45B HEN‐45B HEN‐45C HEN‐45C MOP (non‐trespasser) fall onto railway infrastructure MOP (non‐trespasser) fall onto railway infrastructure from bridge (incl. RTA) KRCIFBRG‐H MOP (non‐trespasser) fall onto railway infrastructure from bridge, footbridge MOP (non‐trespasser) fall onto railway infrastructure from wall, bank, roof, fence (incl. RTA) KRCIFOTH‐H MOP (non‐trespasser) fall onto railway infrastructure from wall, bank, roof, fence MOP (non‐trespasser) fall onto railway infrastructure from other ‐ eg viaduct (incl. RTA) KRCIFOTT‐H MOP (non‐trespasser) fall onto railway infrastructure from other eg viaduct HEN‐46 HEN‐46A HEN‐46A HEN‐46A HEN‐46A MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian or cyclist/motorcyclist slip, trip, or fall on level crossing or footpath crossing MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian or cyclist/motorcyclist slip, trip, or fall on MCB + CCTV KSTFCCTV3H MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian slip, trip, or fall on MCB + CCTV ‐ proper use: other KSTFCCTV4H Pedestrian slip, trip or fall on MCB + CCTV ‐ proper use: surface in need of maintenance KCYCCCTV3H MOP (non‐trespasser) cyclist fall on MCB + CCTV ‐ proper use: other MOP (non‐trespasser) cyclist fall on MCB + CCTV ‐ proper use: surface in need of KCYCCCTV4H maintenance KSTFCCTV1H MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian slip, trip, or fall on MCB + CCTV ‐ user error KCYCCCTV1H MOP (non‐trespasser) cyclist fall on MCB + CCTV ‐ user error KMOTCCTV3H MOP (non‐trespasser) motorcyclist fall on MCB + CCTV ‐ proper use: other KSTFCCTV2H MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian slip, trip, or fall on MCB + CCTV ‐ user violation MOP (non‐trespasser) motorcyclist fall on MCB + CCTV ‐ proper use: surface in need of KMOTCCTV4H maintenance KCYCCCTV2H MOP (non‐trespasser) cyclist fall on MCB + CCTV ‐ user violation HEN‐46A HEN‐46A HEN‐46A HEN‐46A HEN‐46A HEN‐46A HEN‐46A Normaliser Version 7.1 — August 2011 (events/ normaliser) Deriv. HEN of POS (% of total prec. split (%) HE risk) (D, E) Risk contribution (events/ year) (FWI/ year) 0.0383 4.59E‐04 0.32% 7.99E‐04 0.0320 3.83E‐04 0.27% D ‐ 8.88E‐05 0.0036 4.25E‐05 0.03% D ‐ 7.04E‐05 0.0028 3.37E‐05 0.02% D ‐ 0.6675 0.0080 5.55% 2.52E‐04 0.5640 0.0068 4.69% D ‐ 2.80E‐05 0.0627 7.50E‐04 0.52% D ‐ 1.83E‐05 0.0409 4.90E‐04 0.34% D ‐ 0.3366 0.1631 0.1631 0.1299 0.1299 0.0436 0.0436 100.00% 48.45% 48.45% 38.60% 38.60% 12.94% 12.94% Trk m 5.15E‐08 Trk m 4.51E‐08 Trk m 1.43E‐08 3.444 1.600 1.600 1.400 1.400 0.4444 0.4444 LXs: MCB + CCTV LXs: MCB + CCTV LXs: MCB + CCTV 0.0048 0.0030 0.0024 15.14 6.361 1.880 1.175 0.9402 0.3724 0.1565 0.0463 0.0289 0.0231 LXs: MCB + CCTV 0.0018 0.7052 LXs: MCB + CCTV LXs: MCB + CCTV LXs: MCB + CCTV LXs: MCB + CCTV 0.0014 9.02E‐04 7.51E‐04 5.46E‐04 LXs: MCB + CCTV LXs: MCB + CCTV ‐ ‐ D ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 100.00% 42.02% 12.42% 7.76% 6.21% D D D ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 0.0173 4.66% D ‐ 0.5289 0.3526 0.2938 0.2136 0.0130 0.0087 0.0072 0.0053 3.49% 2.33% 1.94% 1.41% D D D D ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 3.01E‐04 0.1175 0.0029 0.78% D ‐ 1.82E‐04 0.0712 0.0018 0.47% D ‐ D D 100 Table B1 National frequency Hazardous event code HEN‐46A HEN‐46A HEN‐46B HEN‐46B HEN‐46B HEN‐46B HEN‐46B HEN‐46B HEN‐46B HEN‐46B HEN‐46B HEN‐46B HEN‐46B HEN‐46B HEN‐46B HEN‐46C HEN‐46C HEN‐46C HEN‐46C HEN‐46C HEN‐46C HEN‐46C HEN‐46C HEN‐46C HEN‐46C HEN‐46C HEN‐46C HEN‐46C Precursor code Cause precursor description KMOTCCTV1H MOP (non‐trespasser) motorcyclist fall on MCB + CCTV ‐ user error KMOTCCTV2H MOP (non‐trespasser) motorcyclist fall on MCB + CCTV ‐ user violation MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian or cyclist/motorcyclist slip, trip, or fall on MCB KSTFMCB‐3H MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian slip, trip, or fall on MCB ‐ proper use: other MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian slip, trip, or fall on MCB ‐ proper use: surface in need of KSTFMCB‐4H maintenance KCYCMCB‐3H MOP (non‐trespasser) cyclist fall on MCB ‐ proper use: other KCYCMCB‐4H MOP (non‐trespasser) cyclist fall on MCB ‐ proper use: surface in need of maintenance KSTFMCB‐1H MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian slip, trip, or fall on MCB ‐ user error KCYCMCB‐1H MOP (non‐trespasser) cyclist fall on MCB ‐ user error KMOTMCB‐3H MOP (non‐trespasser) motorcyclist fall on MCB ‐ proper use: other KSTFMCB‐2H MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian slip, trip, or fall on MCB ‐ user violation MOP (non‐trespasser) motorcyclist fall on MCB ‐ proper use: surface in need of KMOTMCB‐4H maintenance KMOTMCB‐1H MOP (non‐trespasser) motorcyclist fall on MCB ‐ user error KCYCMCB‐2H MOP (non‐trespasser) cyclist fall on MCB ‐ user violation KMOTMCB‐2H MOP (non‐trespasser) motorcyclist fall on MCB ‐ user violation MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian or cyclist/motorcyclist slip, trip, or fall on MCG KSTFMCG‐3H MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian slip, trip, or fall on MCG ‐ proper use: other MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian slip, trip, or fall on MCG ‐ proper use: surface in need of KSTFMCG‐4H maintenance KCYCMCG‐3H MOP (non‐trespasser) cyclist fall on MCG ‐ proper use: other KCYCMCG‐4H MOP (non‐trespasser) cyclist fall on MCG ‐ proper use: surface in need of maintenance KSTFMCG‐1H MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian slip, trip, or fall on MCG ‐ user error KCYCMCG‐1H MOP (non‐trespasser) cyclist fall on MCG ‐ user error KMOTMCG‐3H MOP (non‐trespasser) motorcyclist fall on MCG ‐ proper use: other KSTFMCG‐2H MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian slip, trip, or fall on MCG ‐ user violation MOP (non‐trespasser) motorcyclist fall on MCG ‐ proper use: surface in need of KMOTMCG‐4H maintenance KMOTMCG‐1H MOP (non‐trespasser) motorcyclist fall on MCG ‐ user error KCYCMCG‐2H MOP (non‐trespasser) cyclist fall on MCG ‐ user violation KMOTMCG‐2H MOP (non‐trespasser) motorcyclist fall on MCG ‐ user violation Version 7.1 — August 2011 Normaliser Deriv. HEN of POS (% of total prec. split (%) HE risk) (D, E) Risk contribution (events/ normaliser) (events/ year) (FWI/ year) LXs: MCB + CCTV LXs: MCB + CCTV 1.50E‐04 5.96E‐05 0.0045 0.0014 5.74E‐04 0.0873 0.0262 0.39% 0.15% 23.45% 7.02% D D LXs: MCB 0.0588 0.0233 3.551 1.063 D ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ LXs: MCB 0.0028 0.6647 0.0163 4.39% D ‐ LXs: MCB LXs: MCB LXs: MCB LXs: MCB LXs: MCB LXs: MCB 0.0023 0.0017 0.0013 8.52E‐04 7.10E‐04 3.67E‐04 0.5317 0.3988 0.2991 0.1994 0.1662 0.0858 0.0131 0.0098 0.0074 0.0049 0.0041 0.0021 3.51% 2.63% 1.98% 1.32% 1.10% 0.57% D D D D D D ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ LXs: MCB 2.84E‐04 0.0665 0.0016 0.44% D ‐ LXs: MCB LXs: MCB LXs: MCB 1.42E‐04 1.22E‐04 5.64E‐05 0.0011 8.17E‐04 7.04E‐04 3.24E‐04 0.0165 0.0049 0.22% 0.19% 0.09% 4.42% 1.33% D D D LXs: MCG 0.0332 0.0286 0.0132 0.6693 0.2010 D ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ LXs: MCG 6.87E‐04 0.1257 0.0031 0.83% D ‐ LXs: MCG LXs: MCG LXs: MCG LXs: MCG LXs: MCG LXs: MCG 5.49E‐04 4.12E‐04 3.09E‐04 2.06E‐04 1.72E‐04 8.07E‐05 0.1005 0.0754 0.0565 0.0377 0.0314 0.0148 0.0025 0.0019 0.0014 9.27E‐04 7.73E‐04 3.63E‐04 0.66% 0.50% 0.37% 0.25% 0.21% 0.10% D D D D D D ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ LXs: MCG 6.87E‐05 0.0126 3.09E‐04 0.08% D ‐ LXs: MCG LXs: MCG LXs: MCG 3.43E‐05 2.69E‐05 1.36E‐05 0.0063 0.0049 0.0025 1.55E‐04 1.21E‐04 6.13E‐05 0.04% 0.03% 0.02% D D D ‐ ‐ ‐ 101 Table B1 National frequency Hazardous event code HEN‐46D HEN‐46D HEN‐46D HEN‐46D HEN‐46D HEN‐46D HEN‐46D HEN‐46D HEN‐46D HEN‐46D HEN‐46D HEN‐46D HEN‐46D HEN‐46E HEN‐46E HEN‐46E HEN‐46E HEN‐46E HEN‐46E HEN‐46E HEN‐46E HEN‐46E HEN‐46E HEN‐46E HEN‐46E HEN‐46E HEN‐46F HEN‐46F HEN‐46F HEN‐46F HEN‐46F HEN‐46F Precursor code Cause precursor description MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian or cyclist/motorcyclist slip, trip, or fall on ABCL KSTFABCL3H MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian slip, trip, or fall on ABCL ‐ proper use: other MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian slip, trip, or fall on ABCL ‐ proper use: surface in need of KSTFABCL4H maintenance KCYCABCL3H MOP (non‐trespasser) cyclist fall on ABCL ‐ proper use: other KCYCABCL4H MOP (non‐trespasser) cyclist fall on ABCL ‐ proper use: surface in need of maintenance KSTFABCL1H MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian slip, trip, or fall on ABCL ‐ user error KCYCABCL1H MOP (non‐trespasser) cyclist fall on ABCL ‐ user error KMOTABCL3H MOP (non‐trespasser) motorcyclist fall on ABCL ‐ proper use: other MOP (non‐trespasser) motorcyclist fall on ABCL ‐ proper use: surface in need of KMOTABCL4H maintenance KSTFABCL2H MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian slip, trip, or fall on ABCL ‐ user violation KMOTABCL1H MOP (non‐trespasser) motorcyclist fall on ABCL ‐ user error KMOTABCL2H MOP (non‐trespasser) motorcyclist fall on ABCL ‐ user violation KCYCABCL2H MOP (non‐trespasser) cyclist fall on ABCL ‐ user violation MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian or cyclist/motorcyclist slip, trip, or fall on AHB KSTFAHB‐3H MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian slip, trip, or fall on AHB ‐ proper use: other MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian slip, trip, or fall on AHB ‐ proper use: surface in need of KSTFAHB‐4H maintenance KCYCAHB‐3H MOP (non‐trespasser) cyclist fall on AHB ‐ proper use: other KCYCAHB‐4H MOP (non‐trespasser) cyclist fall on AHB ‐ proper use: surface in need of maintenance KSTFAHB‐1H MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian slip, trip, or fall on AHB ‐ user error KCYCAHB‐1H MOP (non‐trespasser) cyclist fall on AHB ‐ user error KMOTAHB‐3H MOP (non‐trespasser) motorcyclist fall on AHB ‐ proper use: other KSTFAHB‐2H MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian slip, trip, or fall on AHB ‐ user violation KMOTAHB‐4H MOP (non‐trespasser) motorcyclist fall on AHB ‐ proper use: surface in need of maintenance KMOTAHB‐1H MOP (non‐trespasser) motorcyclist fall on AHB ‐ user error KCYCAHB‐2H MOP (non‐trespasser) cyclist fall on AHB ‐ user violation KMOTAHB‐2H MOP (non‐trespasser) motorcyclist fall on AHB ‐ user violation MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian or cyclist/motorcyclist slip, trip, or fall on AOCL KSTFAOCL3H MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian slip, trip, or fall on AOCL ‐ proper use: other MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian slip, trip, or fall on AOCL ‐ proper use: surface in need of KSTFAOCL4H maintenance KCYCAOCL3H MOP (non‐trespasser) cyclist fall on AOCL ‐ proper use: other KCYCAOCL4H MOP (non‐trespasser) cyclist fall on AOCL ‐ proper use: surface in need of maintenance KSTFAOCL1H MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian slip, trip, or fall on AOCL ‐ user error Version 7.1 — August 2011 Normaliser Deriv. HEN of POS (% of total prec. split (%) HE risk) (D, E) Risk contribution (events/ normaliser) (events/ year) (FWI/ year) LXs: ABCL 0.0015 0.2597 0.0793 0.0064 0.0020 1.72% 0.52% D ‐ ‐ LXs: ABCL 9.54E‐04 0.0496 0.0012 0.33% D ‐ LXs: ABCL LXs: ABCL LXs: ABCL LXs: ABCL LXs: ABCL 7.63E‐04 5.72E‐04 4.29E‐04 2.86E‐04 2.38E‐04 0.0397 0.0298 0.0223 0.0149 0.0124 9.76E‐04 7.32E‐04 5.49E‐04 3.66E‐04 3.05E‐04 0.26% 0.20% 0.15% 0.10% 0.08% D D D D D ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ LXs: ABCL 9.54E‐05 0.0050 1.22E‐04 0.03% D ‐ LXs: ABCL LXs: ABCL LXs: ABCL LXs: ABCL 4.84E‐05 4.77E‐05 1.89E‐05 1.61E‐05 4.79E‐04 6.19E‐05 6.10E‐05 2.42E‐05 2.06E‐05 0.0177 0.0053 0.02% 0.02% 0.01% 0.01% 4.75% 1.43% D D D D LXs: AHB 0.0025 0.0025 9.84E‐04 8.39E‐04 0.7189 0.2165 D ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ LXs: AHB 2.99E‐04 0.1353 0.0033 0.89% D ‐ LXs: AHB LXs: AHB LXs: AHB LXs: AHB LXs: AHB LXs: AHB LXs: AHB LXs: AHB LXs: AHB LXs: AHB 2.39E‐04 1.80E‐04 1.35E‐04 8.98E‐05 7.48E‐05 3.24E‐05 2.99E‐05 1.50E‐05 1.08E‐05 5.94E‐06 9.20E‐04 0.0027 0.0020 0.0015 9.98E‐04 8.32E‐04 3.60E‐04 3.33E‐04 1.66E‐04 1.20E‐04 6.60E‐05 0.0086 0.0026 0.71% 0.54% 0.40% 0.27% 0.22% 0.10% 0.09% 0.04% 0.03% 0.02% 2.31% 0.71% D D D D D D D D D D LXs: AOCL 0.1082 0.0812 0.0609 0.0406 0.0338 0.0146 0.0135 0.0068 0.0049 0.0027 0.3505 0.1076 D ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ LXs: AOCL 5.75E‐04 0.0673 0.0017 0.44% D ‐ LXs: AOCL LXs: AOCL LXs: AOCL 4.60E‐04 3.45E‐04 2.59E‐04 0.0538 0.0404 0.0303 0.0013 9.93E‐04 7.45E‐04 0.36% 0.27% 0.20% D D D ‐ ‐ ‐ 102 Table B1 National frequency Hazardous event code Precursor code HEN‐46F HEN‐46F KCYCAOCL1H KMOTAOCL3H HEN‐46F HEN‐46F HEN‐46F HEN‐46F HEN‐46F HEN‐46G HEN‐46G HEN‐46G HEN‐46G HEN‐46G HEN‐46G HEN‐46G HEN‐46G HEN‐46G HEN‐46G HEN‐46G HEN‐46G HEN‐46G HEN‐46H HEN‐46H HEN‐46H HEN‐46H HEN‐46H HEN‐46H HEN‐46H HEN‐46H HEN‐46H HEN‐46H Cause precursor description MOP (non‐trespasser) cyclist fall on AOCL ‐ user error MOP (non‐trespasser) motorcyclist fall on AOCL ‐ proper use: other MOP (non‐trespasser) motorcyclist fall on AOCL ‐ proper use: surface in need of KMOTAOCL4H maintenance KMOTAOCL1H MOP (non‐trespasser) motorcyclist fall on AOCL ‐ user error KSTFAOCL2H MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian slip, trip, or fall on AOCL ‐ user violation KMOTAOCL2H MOP (non‐trespasser) motorcyclist fall on AOCL ‐ user violation KCYCAOCL2H MOP (non‐trespasser) cyclist fall on AOCL ‐ user violation MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian or cyclist/motorcyclist slip, trip, or fall on UWC + MWL MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian slip, trip, or fall on UWC + MWL ‐ proper use: surface in KSTFUWCM4H need of maintenance KSTFUWCM3H MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian slip, trip, or fall on UWC + MWL ‐ proper use: other KSTFUWCM2H MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian slip, trip, or fall on UWC + MWL ‐ user violation KSTFUWCM1H MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian slip, trip, or fall on UWC + MWL ‐ user error KMOTUWCM3H MOP (non‐trespasser) motorcyclist fall on UWC + MWL ‐ proper use: other MOP (non‐trespasser) motorcyclist fall on UWC + MWL ‐ proper use: surface in need of KMOTUWCM4H maintenance KCYCUWCM3H MOP (non‐trespasser) cyclist fall on UWC + MWL ‐ proper use: other MOP (non‐trespasser) cyclist fall on UWC + MWL ‐ proper use: surface in need of KCYCUWCM4H maintenance KMOTUWCM1H MOP (non‐trespasser) motorcyclist fall on UWC + MWL ‐ user error KCYCUWCM1H MOP (non‐trespasser) cyclist fall on UWC + MWL ‐ user error KMOTUWCM2H MOP (non‐trespasser) motorcyclist fall on UWC + MWL ‐ user violation KCYCUWCM2H MOP (non‐trespasser) cyclist fall on UWC + MWL ‐ user violation MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian or cyclist/motorcyclist slip, trip, or fall on UWC + T MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian slip, trip, or fall on UWC + T ‐ proper use: surface in need KSTFUWCT4H of maintenance KSTFUWCT3H MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian slip, trip, or fall on UWC + T ‐ proper use: other KSTFUWCT2H MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian slip, trip, or fall on UWC + T ‐ user violation KSTFUWCT1H MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian slip, trip, or fall on UWC + T ‐ user error KMOTUWCT3H MOP (non‐trespasser) motorcyclist fall on UWC + T ‐ proper use: other MOP (non‐trespasser) motorcyclist fall on UWC + T ‐ proper use: surface in need of KMOTUWCT4H maintenance KCYCUWCT3H MOP (non‐trespasser) cyclist fall on UWC + T ‐ proper use: other KCYCUWCT4H MOP (non‐trespasser) cyclist fall on UWC + T ‐ proper use: surface in need of maintenance KMOTUWCT1H MOP (non‐trespasser) motorcyclist fall on UWC + T ‐ user error Version 7.1 — August 2011 Normaliser Deriv. HEN of POS (% of total prec. split (%) HE risk) (D, E) Risk contribution (events/ normaliser) (events/ year) (FWI/ year) LXs: AOCL LXs: AOCL 1.73E‐04 1.44E‐04 0.0202 0.0168 4.96E‐04 4.14E‐04 0.13% 0.11% D D ‐ ‐ LXs: AOCL 5.75E‐05 0.0067 1.65E‐04 0.04% D ‐ LXs: AOCL LXs: AOCL LXs: AOCL LXs: AOCL 2.88E‐05 1.68E‐05 1.14E‐05 5.61E‐06 0.0034 0.0020 0.0013 6.56E‐04 0.2584 8.27E‐05 4.84E‐05 3.28E‐05 1.61E‐05 0.0064 0.02% 0.01% 0.01% 0.00% 1.71% D D D D ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ LXs: UWC + MWL 0.0013 0.1241 0.0031 0.82% D ‐ LXs: UWC + MWL LXs: UWC + MWL LXs: UWC + MWL LXs: UWC + MWL 5.54E‐04 2.20E‐04 1.85E‐04 1.85E‐04 0.0532 0.0211 0.0177 0.0177 0.0013 5.19E‐04 4.36E‐04 4.36E‐04 0.35% 0.14% 0.12% 0.12% D D D D ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ LXs: UWC + MWL 8.08E‐05 0.0078 1.91E‐04 0.05% D ‐ LXs: UWC + MWL 5.99E‐05 0.0058 1.41E‐04 0.04% D ‐ LXs: UWC + MWL 4.28E‐05 0.0041 1.01E‐04 0.03% D ‐ LXs: UWC + MWL LXs: UWC + MWL LXs: UWC + MWL LXs: UWC + MWL 3.77E‐05 2.00E‐05 8.98E‐06 5.66E‐06 0.0036 0.0019 8.62E‐04 5.43E‐04 0.6420 8.90E‐05 4.72E‐05 2.12E‐05 1.34E‐05 0.0158 0.02% 0.01% 0.01% 0.00% 4.24% D D D D ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ LXs: UWC + T 1.87E‐04 0.3119 0.0077 2.06% D ‐ LXs: UWC + T LXs: UWC + T LXs: UWC + T LXs: UWC + T 8.02E‐05 2.75E‐05 2.67E‐05 2.67E‐05 0.1337 0.0458 0.0446 0.0446 0.0033 0.0011 0.0011 0.0011 0.88% 0.30% 0.29% 0.29% D D D D ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ LXs: UWC + T 1.17E‐05 0.0195 4.79E‐04 0.13% D ‐ LXs: UWC + T LXs: UWC + T LXs: UWC + T 8.67E‐06 6.19E‐06 5.45E‐06 0.0145 0.0103 0.0091 3.56E‐04 2.54E‐04 2.24E‐04 0.10% 0.07% 0.06% D D D ‐ ‐ ‐ 103 Table B1 National frequency Hazardous event code HEN‐46H HEN‐46H HEN‐46H HEN‐46I HEN‐46I HEN‐46I HEN‐46I HEN‐46I HEN‐46I HEN‐46I HEN‐46I HEN‐46I HEN‐46I HEN‐46I HEN‐46I HEN‐46I HEN‐46J HEN‐46J HEN‐46J HEN‐46J HEN‐46J HEN‐46J HEN‐46J HEN‐46J HEN‐46J HEN‐46J HEN‐46J HEN‐46J HEN‐46J Precursor code Cause precursor description KCYCUWCT1H MOP (non‐trespasser) cyclist fall on UWC + T ‐ user error KMOTUWCT2H MOP (non‐trespasser) motorcyclist fall on UWC + T ‐ user violation KCYCUWCT2H MOP (non‐trespasser) cyclist fall on UWC + T ‐ user violation MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian or cyclist/motorcyclist slip, trip, or fall on UWC MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian slip, trip, or fall on UWC ‐ proper use: surface in need of KSTFUWC‐4H maintenance KSTFUWC‐3H MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian slip, trip, or fall on UWC ‐ proper use: other KMOTUWC‐3H MOP (non‐trespasser) motorcyclist fall on UWC ‐ proper use: other KSTFUWC‐1H MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian slip, trip, or fall on UWC ‐ user error KSTFUWC‐2H MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian slip, trip, or fall on UWC ‐ user violation MOP (non‐trespasser) motorcyclist fall on UWC ‐ proper use: surface in need of KMOTUWC‐4H maintenance KCYCUWC‐3H MOP (non‐trespasser) cyclist fall on UWC ‐ proper use: other KCYCUWC‐4H MOP (non‐trespasser) cyclist fall on UWC ‐ proper use: surface in need of maintenance KMOTUWC‐1H MOP (non‐trespasser) motorcyclist fall on UWC ‐ user error KCYCUWC‐1H MOP (non‐trespasser) cyclist fall on UWC ‐ user error KMOTUWC‐2H MOP (non‐trespasser) motorcyclist fall on UWC ‐ user violation KCYCUWC‐2H MOP (non‐trespasser) cyclist fall on UWC ‐ user violation MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian or cyclist/motorcyclist slip, trip, or fall on OC KSTFOC‐‐3H MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian slip, trip, or fall on OC ‐ proper use: other MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian slip, trip, or fall on OC ‐ proper use: surface in need of KSTFOC‐‐4H maintenance KCYCOC‐‐3H MOP (non‐trespasser) cyclist fall on OC ‐ proper use: other MOP (non‐trespasser) cyclist fall on OC ‐ proper use: crossing surface in need of KCYCOC‐‐4H maintenance KSTFOC‐‐1H MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian slip, trip, or fall on OC ‐ user error KCYCOC‐‐1H MOP (non‐trespasser) cyclist fall on OC ‐ user error KMOTOC‐‐3H MOP (non‐trespasser) motorcyclist fall on OC ‐ proper use: other KMOTOC‐‐4H MOP (non‐trespasser) motorcyclist fall on OC ‐ proper use: surface in need of maintenance KMOTOC‐‐1H MOP (non‐trespasser) motorcyclist fall on OC ‐ user error KMOTOC‐‐2H MOP (non‐trespasser) motorcyclist fall on OC ‐ user violation KSTFOC‐‐2H MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian slip, trip, or fall on OC ‐ user violation KCYCOC‐‐2H MOP (non‐trespasser) cyclist fall on OC ‐ user violation Version 7.1 — August 2011 Normaliser Deriv. HEN of POS (% of total prec. split (%) HE risk) (D, E) Risk contribution (events/ normaliser) (events/ year) (FWI/ year) LXs: UWC + T LXs: UWC + T LXs: UWC + T 2.89E‐06 1.30E‐06 7.07E‐07 0.0048 0.0022 0.0012 0.6974 1.19E‐04 5.33E‐05 2.90E‐05 0.0172 0.03% 0.01% 0.01% 4.61% D D D ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ LXs: UWC 3.87E‐04 0.3418 0.0084 2.26% D ‐ LXs: UWC LXs: UWC LXs: UWC LXs: UWC 1.66E‐04 5.53E‐05 5.53E‐05 5.01E‐05 0.1465 0.0488 0.0488 0.0442 0.0036 0.0012 0.0012 0.0011 0.97% 0.32% 0.32% 0.29% D D D D ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ LXs: UWC 2.42E‐05 0.0214 5.25E‐04 0.14% D ‐ LXs: UWC LXs: UWC LXs: UWC LXs: UWC LXs: UWC LXs: UWC 1.79E‐05 1.28E‐05 1.13E‐05 5.98E‐06 2.69E‐06 1.29E‐06 1.29E‐04 3.90E‐04 2.78E‐04 2.45E‐04 1.30E‐04 5.84E‐05 2.80E‐05 5.65E‐04 1.74E‐04 0.10% 0.07% 0.07% 0.03% 0.02% 0.01% 0.15% 0.05% D D D D D D LXs: OC 0.0158 0.0113 0.0100 0.0053 0.0024 0.0011 0.0230 0.0071 D ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ LXs: OC 8.06E‐05 0.0044 1.09E‐04 0.03% D ‐ LXs: OC 6.45E‐05 0.0035 8.72E‐05 0.02% D ‐ LXs: OC 4.83E‐05 0.0027 6.54E‐05 0.02% D ‐ LXs: OC LXs: OC LXs: OC LXs: OC LXs: OC LXs: OC LXs: OC LXs: OC 3.63E‐05 2.42E‐05 2.01E‐05 8.06E‐06 4.03E‐06 1.60E‐06 9.70E‐07 3.23E‐07 0.0020 0.0013 0.0011 4.43E‐04 2.22E‐04 8.79E‐05 5.34E‐05 1.78E‐05 4.91E‐05 3.27E‐05 2.73E‐05 1.09E‐05 5.45E‐06 2.16E‐06 1.31E‐06 4.38E‐07 0.01% 0.01% 0.01% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% D D D D D D D D ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 104 Table B1 National frequency Hazardous event code HEN‐46K Precursor code Cause precursor description Normaliser (events/ normaliser) Deriv. HEN of POS (% of total prec. split (%) HE risk) (D, E) Risk contribution (events/ year) (FWI/ year) 0.0862 0.0021 0.57% HEN‐46L MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian or cyclist slip, trip, or fall on FP + MWL crossing MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian or cyclist slip, trip, or fall on FP + MWL crossing ‐ proper KFPMFALL3H use: other MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian or cyclist slip, trip, or fall on FP + MWL crossing ‐ proper KFPMFALL4H use: surface in need of maintenance MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian or cyclist slip, trip, or fall on FP + MWL crossing ‐ user KFPMFALL1H error MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian or cyclist slip, trip, or fall on FP + MWL crossing ‐ user KFPMFALL2H violation MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian or cyclist slip, trip, or fall on FP crossing MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian or cyclist slip, trip, or fall on FP crossing ‐ proper use: KFPCFALL3H other KFPCFALL1H MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian or cyclist slip, trip, or fall on FP crossing ‐ user error MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian or cyclist slip, trip, or fall on FP crossing ‐ proper use: KFPCFALL4H surface in need of maintenance KFPCFALL2H MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian or cyclist slip, trip, or fall on FP crossing ‐ user violation HEN‐48 HEN‐48 MOP (non‐trespasser) exposure to fire on railway infrastructure KRCIFIRE‐E MOP (non‐trespasser) exposed to fire on railway infrastructure Trk m 1.61E‐09 0.0500 0.0500 0.0015 0.0015 100.00% 100.00% E ‐ ‐ HEN‐49 HEN‐49 MOP (non‐trespasser) exposure to explosion on railway infrastructure KRCIEXPL‐E MOP (non‐trespasser) exposed to explosion on railway infrastructure Trk m 1.61E‐09 0.0500 0.0500 0.3000 0.3000 100.00% 100.00% E ‐ ‐ HEN‐50 HEN‐50 MOP (non‐trespasser) observes electrical arcing KRCIARC‐‐E MOP (non‐trespasser) observes electrical arcing from railway infrastructure Trk m 6.44E‐09 0.2000 0.2000 0.0038 0.0038 100.00% 100.00% D ‐ ‐ HEN‐51 HEN‐51 MOP (non‐trespasser) electric shock (OHLE) KOHLCON‐‐H MOP (non‐trespasser) electric shock ‐ contact with OHLE Trk m 1.38E‐08 0.4286 0.4286 0.0479 0.0479 100.00% 100.00% D ‐ ‐ HEN‐52 HEN‐52 MOP (non‐trespasser) electric shock (conductor rail) KCONDCON‐H MOP (non‐trespasser) electric shock ‐ contact with conductor rail Trk m 3.47E‐09 0.1077 0.1077 0.0681 0.0681 100.00% 100.00% E ‐ ‐ HEN‐53 MOP (non‐trespasser) electric shock (non‐traction supplies) MOP (non‐trespasser) electric shock: contact with non‐traction supplies inside railway KSHKNTS‐‐E infrastructure 0.2000 7.33E‐04 100.00% 0.2000 7.33E‐04 100.00% HEN‐46K HEN‐46K HEN‐46K HEN‐46K HEN‐46L HEN‐46L HEN‐46L HEN‐46L HEN‐53 Version 7.1 — August 2011 ‐ LXs: FP + MWL 8.94E‐04 0.0357 8.79E‐04 0.24% D ‐ LXs: FP + MWL 5.96E‐04 0.0238 5.86E‐04 0.16% D ‐ LXs: FP + MWL 5.96E‐04 0.0238 5.86E‐04 0.16% D ‐ LXs: FP + MWL 7.09E‐05 0.0028 6.98E‐05 0.02% D ‐ 1.522 0.0374 10.05% ‐ LXs: FP 2.82E‐04 0.6309 0.0155 4.17% D ‐ LXs: FP 1.88E‐04 0.4206 0.0103 2.78% D ‐ LXs: FP 1.88E‐04 0.4206 0.0103 2.78% D ‐ LXs: FP 2.24E‐05 0.0501 0.0012 0.33% D ‐ Trk m 6.44E‐09 ‐ D ‐ 105 Table B1 National frequency Hazardous event code HEN‐54 HEN‐54 Precursor code Cause precursor description MOP (non‐trespasser) exposure to hazardous substances on railway infrastructure MOP (non‐trespasser) exposed to hazardous substance leakage on railway infrastructure KHAZORCI‐E other than station HEN‐55 HEN‐55 HEN‐55 HEN‐55 HEN‐55 HEN‐55 HEN‐55 HEN‐55 Passenger struck by / contact with / trapped in object at station PPOPAS‐‐‐E Passenger injury due to being hit accidentally by other passengers on platform or station PCONOBJRWE Passenger contact with other object on railway premises eg head strike on station sign PTRAPTCKGE Passenger trapped/injured in ticket gates PPOBST‐‐‐E Passenger injury due to being hit by objects not on platform PPLSOB‐‐‐E Passenger injury due to being hit by objects while on platform PPLSPL‐‐‐E Passenger injury due to being hit by platform vehicle while on platform PPVEST‐‐‐E Passenger injury due to being hit by vehicle not on platform HEN‐56 HEN‐56 HEN‐56 HEN‐56 HEN‐56 HEN‐56 HEN‐56 HEN‐56 HEN‐56 HEN‐56 Workforce struck by / contact with / trapped in object not at station GTWCRAIL‐E Infrastructure worker struck/crushed by rail GTWOBSTR‐P Infrastructure worker struck by moving object GTWPOWER‐H Infrastructure worker injured directly by power/hand tools GTWSTSLE‐E Infrastructure worker struck/crushed by sleepers GTWL‐M‐C‐H Infrastructure worker injury while lifting/moving/carrying GTWSTROB‐H Infrastructure worker injury due to striking/contact with object GTWSHARP‐H Infrastructure worker injury from contact with sharp object (including knives) GTWSTGRITP Infrastructure worker injury due to foreign body entering the eye GTWSTCLIP Infrastructure worker injury due to being struck by track clips Infrastructure worker injury due to being struck by bars whilst barring rails or other large GTWSTBAR‐P object GOWSTROB‐H Other workforce injury due to striking/contact with object GOWSHARP‐H Other workforce injury from contact with sharp object (including knives) GOWOBSTR‐P Other workforce struck by moving object GTWTREAD‐H Infrastructure worker injury due to treading on object/into troughing GOWPOWER‐H Other workforce injured directly by power/hand tools GTDSTROB‐H Train crew (driver) injury due to striking/contact with object GOWL‐M‐C‐H Other workforce injury while lifting/moving/carrying GTDCOUPL‐H Train crew (driver) injury while coupling/uncoupling rail vehicles GTDSHARP‐H Train crew (driver) injury from contact with sharp object (including knives) GOWCOUPL‐H Other workforce injury while coupling/uncoupling rail vehicles GTCL‐M‐C‐H Train crew (other) injury while lifting/moving/carrying GTDL‐M‐C‐H Train crew (driver) injury while lifting/moving/carrying HEN‐56 HEN‐56 HEN‐56 HEN‐56 HEN‐56 HEN‐56 HEN‐56 HEN‐56 HEN‐56 HEN‐56 HEN‐56 HEN‐56 HEN‐56 Version 7.1 — August 2011 Normaliser (events/ normaliser) Deriv. HEN of POS (% of total prec. split (%) HE risk) (D, E) Risk contribution (events/ year) (FWI/ year) 0.2000 0.1007 100.00% ‐ Trk m 6.44E‐09 0.2000 0.1007 100.00% D ‐ Pass jour Pass jour Pass jour Pass jour Pass jour Pass jour Pass jour 3.69E‐08 1.30E‐07 1.71E‐07 3.52E‐08 2.38E‐08 2.49E‐09 2.42E‐09 496.4 45.59 160.4 211.2 43.54 29.48 3.085 2.994 1.492 0.4607 0.4012 0.3859 0.1089 0.0737 0.0312 0.0303 100.00% 30.88% 26.89% 25.87% 7.30% 4.94% 2.09% 2.03% D D D D D D D ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ Infra worker hrs Infra worker hrs Infra worker hrs Infra worker hrs Infra worker hrs Infra worker hrs Infra worker hrs Infra worker hrs Infra worker hrs 9.41E‐07 2.56E‐06 1.88E‐06 3.70E‐07 1.04E‐06 7.10E‐07 9.29E‐07 3.16E‐07 2.41E‐07 578.9 51.64 140.3 103.3 20.33 56.90 39.00 51.00 17.33 13.21 2.883 0.7632 0.6007 0.4423 0.3005 0.2435 0.1173 0.0885 0.0742 0.0565 100.00% 26.47% 20.83% 15.34% 10.42% 8.45% 4.07% 3.07% 2.57% 1.96% D D D D D D D D D 80% 80% 80% 100% 80% 80% 80% 80% 80% 100% Infra worker hrs 1.70E‐07 9.356 0.0400 1.39% D 100% Pass jour Pass jour Pass jour Infra worker hrs Pass jour Tot trn km Pass jour Tot trn km Tot trn km Pass jour Pass trn km Tot trn km 9.72E‐09 1.51E‐08 1.19E‐08 1.46E‐07 2.59E‐09 6.10E‐09 2.43E‐09 4.19E‐09 3.59E‐09 1.46E‐09 2.05E‐09 1.79E‐09 12.03 18.67 14.67 8.000 3.200 3.400 3.000 2.333 2.000 1.800 1.000 1.000 0.0362 0.0324 0.0254 0.0139 0.0137 0.0059 0.0052 0.0040 0.0035 0.0031 0.0017 0.0017 1.25% 1.12% 0.88% 0.48% 0.48% 0.20% 0.18% 0.14% 0.12% 0.11% 0.06% 0.06% D D D D D D D D D D D D 14% 14% 14% 80% 14% 1% 14% 1% 1% 14% ‐ 1% 106 Table B1 National frequency Hazardous event code Precursor code Cause precursor description HEN‐56 HEN‐56 HEN‐56 HEN‐56 HEN‐56 HEN‐56 HEN‐56 HEN‐56 HEN‐56 HEN‐56 HEN‐56 HEN‐56 HEN‐56 HEN‐56 HEN‐56 GOWSTGRITP GTCOBSTR‐P GOWTREAD‐H GTDOBSTR‐P GTWCONPE‐H GTWCOUPL‐H GTCSHARP‐H GTCCOUPL‐H GTDTREAD‐H GTCSTROB‐H GOWCONPE‐H GTDSTGRITP GTCTREAD‐H GTDCONPE‐H GTCCONPE‐H Other workforce injury due to foreign body entering the eye Train crew (other) struck by moving object Other workforce injury due to treading on object/into troughing Train crew (driver) struck by moving object Infrastructure worker injury due to contact with other person Infrastructure worker injury while coupling/uncoupling rail vehicles Train crew (other) injury from contact with sharp object (including knives) Train crew (other) injury while coupling/uncoupling rail vehicles Train crew (driver) injury due to treading on object/into troughing Train crew (other) injury due to striking/contact with object Other workforce injury due to contact with other person Train crew (driver) injury due to foreign body entering the eye Train crew (other) injury due to treading on object/into troughing Train crew (driver) injury due to contact with other person Train crew (other) injury due to contact with other person HEN‐57 HEN‐57 Passenger scalds or burns due to contact with hot object (not on train) PBURNOTTRE Passenger scalds or burns not on train HEN‐58 Normaliser Deriv. HEN of POS (% of total prec. split (%) HE risk) (D, E) Risk contribution (events/ normaliser) (events/ year) (FWI/ year) Pass jour Pass trn km Pass jour Tot trn km Infra worker hrs Infra worker hrs Pass trn km Pass trn km Tot trn km Pass trn km Pass jour Tot trn km Pass trn km Tot trn km Pass trn km 8.09E‐10 1.37E‐09 5.39E‐10 1.08E‐09 1.09E‐08 3.64E‐09 8.19E‐10 6.83E‐10 5.98E‐10 4.10E‐10 1.16E‐10 2.56E‐10 1.18E‐10 4.19E‐11 1.27E‐11 1.000 0.6667 0.6667 0.6000 0.6000 0.2000 0.4000 0.3333 0.3333 0.2000 0.1429 0.1429 0.0576 0.0233 0.0062 0.0017 0.0012 0.0012 0.0010 0.0010 8.56E‐04 6.94E‐04 5.78E‐04 5.78E‐04 3.47E‐04 2.48E‐04 2.48E‐04 9.99E‐05 4.05E‐05 1.07E‐05 0.06% 0.04% 0.04% 0.04% 0.04% 0.03% 0.02% 0.02% 0.02% 0.01% 0.01% 0.01% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D 14% ‐ 14% 1% 80% 100% ‐ ‐ 1% ‐ 14% 1% ‐ 1% ‐ Pass jour 5.36E‐09 6.630 6.630 0.0116 0.0116 100.00% 100.00% D ‐ ‐ MOP (non‐trespasser) injury from objects/structures (eg bridges, steps, subways) other than in stations whilst on railway infrastructure MOP (non‐trespasser) injured from objects/structures (other than stations) whilst on KBRISTSUBE Pass jour 8.09E‐10 railway infrastructure 1.000 0.0069 #REF! 1.000 0.0069 #REF! D ‐ HEN‐59 HEN‐59 MOP (non‐trespasser) struck by / contact with / trapped in object at station KCONOBJRWE MOP (non‐trespasser) contact with other object on railway premises HEN‐60 HEN‐60 HEN‐60 HEN‐60 HEN‐60 Workforce exposure to noise (not on train) GOWEXPNO‐E Other workforce exposed to noise (not on train) GTWEXPNO‐E Infrastructure worker exposed to noise (not on train) GTCEXPNO‐E Train crew (other) exposed to noise (not on train) GTDEXPNO‐E Train crew (driver) exposed to noise (not on train) HEN‐61 HEN‐61 Passenger exposure to noise (not on train) PEXPONOISE Passenger exposed to noise HEN‐58 Version 7.1 — August 2011 ‐ Pass jour 1.16E‐08 14.33 14.33 0.0473 0.0473 100.00% 100.00% D ‐ ‐ Pass jour Infra worker hrs Pass trn km Tot trn km 1.08E‐09 1.30E‐08 1.23E‐09 2.56E‐10 2.790 1.333 0.7143 0.6000 0.1429 0.0033 0.0016 8.52E‐04 7.15E‐04 1.70E‐04 100.00% 47.78% 25.60% 21.50% 5.12% D D D D 22% 4% 80% ‐ 1% Pass jour 3.12E‐10 0.3860 0.3860 3.86E‐04 3.86E‐04 100.00% 100.00% D ‐ ‐ 107 Table B1 National frequency Hazardous event code Precursor code HEN‐62 HEN‐62 HEN‐62 HEN‐62 HEN‐62 HEN‐62 HEN‐62 HEN‐62 HEN‐62 HEN‐62 HEN‐62 HEN‐62 HEN‐62 HEN‐62 HEN‐62 Passenger on‐train incident (excluding sudden train movement & assaults) POTSTF‐‐‐E Passenger on‐train: slip, trip or fall POTOHEAT‐E Passenger on‐train: fainting/distress (not leading to evacuation) POTSTFLL‐E Passenger on‐train: struck/crushed by moving object POTINDOO‐E Passenger on‐train: caught by internal train doors POTSCOBN‐E Passenger on‐train: scald/burn POTSTROB‐E Passenger on‐train: strike/crush against object POTOTH‐‐‐E Passenger on‐train: other cause POTCAUSH‐E Passenger on‐train: caught on sharp object POTOTDEF‐E Passenger on‐train: other train defect POTINSB‐‐E Passenger on‐train: animal/insect bite POTDROPL‐E Passenger on‐train: struck by droplight POTELECT‐E Passenger on‐train: electric shock POTCAUNS‐E Passenger on‐train: caught on needle/syringe POTHAZSB‐E Passenger on‐train: exposure to hazardous substances HEN‐63 HEN‐63 HEN‐63 HEN‐63 HEN‐63 HEN‐63 HEN‐63 HEN‐63 HEN‐63 HEN‐63 HEN‐63 HEN‐63 HEN‐63 Workforce on‐train incident (excluding sudden train movement & assaults) GTCOTOBJ‐E Train crew (other) on‐train: strike against object GTCOTLUG‐E Train crew (other) on‐train: struck by moving object GTCOTSTF‐E Train crew (other) on‐train: slip, trip or fall GTCOTINT‐E Train crew (other) on‐train: caught by internal train doors GTDOTDEF‐E Train crew (driver) on‐train: other train defect GTCOTSCA‐E Train crew (other) on‐train: scald/burn GTCOTCAT‐E Train crew (other) on‐train: injured by catering trolley GTCOTDEF‐E Train crew (other) on‐train: other train defect GTDOTOBJ‐E Train crew (driver) on‐train: strike against object GTCOTSHA‐E Train crew (other) on‐train: caught by sharp object GTCDROPL‐E Train crew (other) on‐train: struck by droplight GTDOTINT‐E Train crew (driver) on‐train: caught by internal train doors Train crew (other) on‐train: fainting/distress due to train overheating (not leading to GTCOHEAT‐E evacuation) GTDOTSTF‐E Train crew (driver) on‐train: slip, trip or fall GTCOTHAZ‐E Train crew (other) on‐train: exposure to hazardous substance GTDOTHAZ‐E Train crew (driver) on‐train: exposure to hazardous substance GTDOTLUG‐E Train crew (driver) on‐train: struck by moving object GOWOTOBJ‐E Other workforce on‐train: strike against object HEN‐63 HEN‐63 HEN‐63 HEN‐63 HEN‐63 HEN‐63 Cause precursor description Version 7.1 — August 2011 Normaliser Deriv. HEN of POS (% of total prec. split (%) HE risk) (D, E) Risk contribution (events/ normaliser) (events/ year) (FWI/ year) Pass km Pass km Pass km Pass km Pass km Pass km Pass km Pass km Pass km Pass km Pass km Pass km Pass km Pass km 3.29E‐09 1.54E‐10 3.66E‐09 3.10E‐09 1.57E‐09 1.41E‐09 3.51E‐10 1.16E‐09 8.81E‐10 9.19E‐11 2.30E‐10 1.21E‐10 6.11E‐11 5.75E‐11 813.3 165.8 7.789 184.6 156.2 79.12 70.94 17.70 58.37 44.46 4.636 11.59 6.111 3.083 2.902 3.401 1.256 0.6840 0.3862 0.3267 0.1655 0.1484 0.1342 0.1221 0.0930 0.0351 0.0242 0.0128 0.0064 0.0061 100.00% 36.94% 20.11% 11.35% 9.61% 4.87% 4.36% 3.94% 3.59% 2.73% 1.03% 0.71% 0.38% 0.19% 0.18% D D D D D D D D D D D D D D ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km Tot trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km Tot trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km Tot trn km 2.83E‐07 2.30E‐07 2.14E‐07 2.08E‐07 1.75E‐07 2.61E‐07 1.44E‐07 1.33E‐07 8.42E‐08 1.42E‐07 5.80E‐08 3.89E‐08 1200.1 138.2 112.3 104.3 101.5 97.40 127.3 70.33 64.73 46.93 69.33 28.33 21.67 2.262 0.2808 0.2282 0.2119 0.2062 0.1979 0.1542 0.1429 0.1315 0.0953 0.0840 0.0576 0.0440 100.00% 12.41% 10.09% 9.37% 9.12% 8.75% 6.82% 6.32% 5.81% 4.21% 3.71% 2.54% 1.95% D D D D D D D D D D D D 0.7% ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 1% ‐ ‐ ‐ 1% ‐ ‐ 1% Pass trn km 9.10E‐10 0.4444 0.0390 1.73% D ‐ Tot trn km Pass trn km Tot trn km Tot trn km Pass jour 3.17E‐08 2.53E‐08 2.21E‐08 2.08E‐08 8.89E‐09 17.67 12.33 12.33 11.60 11.00 0.0359 0.0251 0.0251 0.0236 0.0223 1.59% 1.11% 1.11% 1.04% 0.99% D D D D D 1% ‐ 1% ‐ 7% 108 Table B1 National frequency Hazardous event code Precursor code Cause precursor description Normaliser HEN‐63 HEN‐63 HEN‐63 HEN‐63 HEN‐63 HEN‐63 HEN‐63 HEN‐63 HEN‐63 HEN‐63 HEN‐63 HEN‐63 HEN‐63 HEN‐63 HEN‐63 GTCOTBIT‐E GTDOTSHA‐E GTDDROPL‐E GTCOTOTH‐E GTCOTFOO‐E GTCOTELE‐E GTDOTFOO‐E GTDOTOTH‐E GOWOTSTF‐E GOWOTINT‐E GTCOTSYR‐E GOWOTLUG‐E GOWOTDEF‐E GOWOTSHA‐E GTDOTNOI‐E HEN‐63 GTDOHEAT‐E HEN‐63 HEN‐63 HEN‐63 HEN‐63 HEN‐63 HEN‐63 HEN‐63 HEN‐63 HEN‐63 GOWOTSYR‐E GTDOTBIT‐E GTDOTELE‐E GOWDROPL‐E GTWOTSTF‐E GOWOTHAZ‐E GTCOTNOI‐E GTDOTSCA‐E GOWOTOTH‐E HEN‐63 GOWOHEAT‐E HEN‐63 HEN‐63 HEN‐63 HEN‐63 HEN‐63 HEN‐63 HEN‐63 HEN‐63 GTWOTDEF‐E GOWOTCAT‐E GOWOTSCA‐E GTDOTSYR‐E GTWOTLUG‐E GTWOTOBJ‐E GTDOTCAT‐E GTWOTINT‐E Train crew (other) on‐train: animal/insect bite Train crew (driver) on‐train: caught by sharp object Train crew (driver) on‐train: struck by droplight Train crew (other) on‐train: other Train crew (other) on‐train: struck by flying object from outside train Train crew (other) on‐train: electric shock Train crew (driver) on‐train: struck by flying object from outside train Train crew (driver) on‐train: other Other workforce on‐train: slip, trip or fall Other workforce on‐train: caught by internal train doors Train crew (other) on‐train: caught on needle/syringe Other workforce on‐train: struck by moving object Other workforce on‐train: other train defect Other workforce on‐train: caught by sharp object Train crew (driver) on‐train: exposed to noise Train crew (driver) on‐train: fainting/distress due to train overheating (not leading to evacuation) Other workforce on‐train: caught on needle/syringe Train crew (driver) on‐train: animal/insect bite Train crew (driver) on‐train: electric shock Other workforce on‐train: struck by droplight Infrastructure worker on‐train: slip, trip or fall Other workforce on‐train: exposure to hazardous substance Train crew (other) on‐train: exposed to noise Train crew (driver) on‐train: scald/burn Other workforce on‐train: other Other workforce on‐train: fainting/distress due to train overheating (not leading to evacuation) Infrastructure worker on‐train: other train defect Other workforce on‐train: injured by catering trolley Other workforce on‐train: scald/burn Train crew (driver) on‐train: caught on needle/syringe Infrastructure worker on‐train: struck by moving object Infrastructure worker on‐train: strike against object Train crew (driver) on‐train: injured by catering trolley Infrastructure worker on‐train: caught by internal train doors Version 7.1 — August 2011 Deriv. HEN of POS (% of total prec. split (%) HE risk) (D, E) Risk contribution (events/ normaliser) (events/ year) (FWI/ year) Pass trn km Tot trn km Tot trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km Tot trn km Tot trn km Pass jour Pass jour Pass trn km Pass jour Pass jour Pass jour Tot trn km 3.62E‐08 3.11E‐08 1.79E‐08 1.98E‐08 1.84E‐08 2.73E‐08 1.36E‐08 1.26E‐08 4.69E‐09 4.31E‐09 1.02E‐08 3.50E‐09 3.23E‐09 5.39E‐09 1.02E‐08 17.67 17.33 10.00 9.667 9.000 13.33 7.600 6.997 5.800 5.333 5.000 4.333 4.000 6.667 5.667 0.0214 0.0210 0.0203 0.0196 0.0183 0.0161 0.0154 0.0142 0.0118 0.0108 0.0102 0.0088 0.0081 0.0081 0.0069 0.95% 0.93% 0.90% 0.87% 0.81% 0.71% 0.68% 0.63% 0.52% 0.48% 0.45% 0.39% 0.36% 0.36% 0.30% D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D ‐ 1% 1% ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 1% 7% 7% ‐ 7% 7% 7% 1% Tot trn km 1.34E‐10 0.0744 0.0065 0.29% D 1% Pass jour Tot trn km Tot trn km Pass jour Infra worker hrs Pass jour Pass trn km Tot trn km Pass jour 2.43E‐09 8.62E‐09 6.58E‐09 1.62E‐09 2.60E‐08 1.08E‐09 3.41E‐09 2.87E‐09 6.47E‐10 3.000 4.800 3.667 2.000 1.429 1.333 1.667 1.600 0.8000 0.0061 0.0058 0.0044 0.0041 0.0029 0.0027 0.0020 0.0019 0.0016 0.27% 0.26% 0.20% 0.18% 0.13% 0.12% 0.09% 0.09% 0.07% D D D D D D D D D ‐ 1% 1% 7% 80% 7% ‐ 1% 7% Pass jour 1.32E‐11 0.0163 0.0014 0.06% D 7% Infra worker hrs Pass jour Pass jour Tot trn km Infra worker hrs Infra worker hrs Tot trn km Infra worker hrs 7.81E‐09 3.23E‐10 4.62E‐10 5.13E‐10 4.05E‐09 3.64E‐09 2.56E‐10 2.60E‐09 0.4286 0.4000 0.5714 0.2857 0.2222 0.2000 0.1429 0.1429 8.71E‐04 8.13E‐04 6.92E‐04 5.80E‐04 4.51E‐04 4.06E‐04 2.90E‐04 2.90E‐04 0.04% 0.04% 0.03% 0.03% 0.02% 0.02% 0.01% 0.01% D D D D D D D D 80% ‐ 7% ‐ 80% 80% ‐ 80% 109 Table B1 National frequency Hazardous event code Precursor code Cause precursor description HEN‐63 HEN‐63 HEN‐63 HEN‐63 HEN‐63 HEN‐63 HEN‐63 GOWOTELE‐E GOWOTBIT‐E GTWOTOTH‐E GOWOTFOO‐E GTWOTSHA‐E GOWOTNOI‐E GTWOTSCA‐E HEN‐63 GTWOHEAT‐E HEN‐63 HEN‐63 HEN‐63 HEN‐63 HEN‐63 HEN‐63 GTWOTHAZ‐E GTWOTFOO‐E GTWOTSYR‐E GTWOTELE‐E GTWOTBIT‐E GTWOTNOI‐E Other workforce on‐train: electric shock Other workforce on‐train: animal/insect bite Infrastructure worker on‐train: other Other workforce on‐train: struck by flying object from outside train Infrastructure worker on‐train: caught by sharp object Other workforce on‐train: exposed to noise Infrastructure worker on‐train: scald/burn Infrastructure worker on‐train: fainting/distress due to train overheating (not leading to evacuation) Infrastructure worker on‐train: exposure to hazardous substance Infrastructure worker on‐train: struck by flying object from outside train Infrastructure worker on‐train: caught on needle/syringe Infrastructure worker on‐train: electric shock Infrastructure worker on‐train: animal/insect bite Infrastructure worker on‐train: exposed to noise HEN‐64 HEN‐64 HEN‐64 HEN‐64 HEN‐64 HEN‐64 HEN‐64 Passenger assault PSTPHYAS‐E POTPHYAS‐E PSTVERAS‐E POTVERAS‐E PSTTHRAS‐E POTTHRAS‐E Passenger assault: physical on‐station concourse or platform Passenger assault: physical on‐train Passenger assault: verbal on‐station concourse or platform Passenger assault: verbal on‐train Passenger assault: threat on‐station concourse or platform Passenger assault: threat on‐train HEN‐65 HEN‐65 HEN‐65 HEN‐65 HEN‐65 HEN‐65 HEN‐65 HEN‐65 HEN‐65 HEN‐65 HEN‐65 HEN‐65 Workforce assault GOWSTPHY‐E GTCOTPHY‐E GTCSTPHY‐E GTCOTVER‐E GOWSTVER‐E GTCOTTHR‐E GOWSTTHR‐E GTDOTPHY‐E GTCSTVER‐E GTDSTPHY‐E GOWOTPHY‐E Other workforce assault: physical on station concourse Train crew (other) assault: physical on train Train crew (other) assault: physical on station concourse Train crew (other) assault: verbal on train Other workforce assault: verbal on station concourse Train crew (other) assault: threat on train Other workforce assault: threat on station concourse Train crew (driver) assault: physical on train Train crew (other) assault: verbal on station concourse Train crew (driver) assault: physical on station concourse Other workforce assault: physical on train Version 7.1 — August 2011 Normaliser Deriv. HEN of POS (% of total prec. split (%) HE risk) (D, E) Risk contribution (events/ normaliser) (events/ year) (FWI/ year) Pass jour Pass jour Infra worker hrs Pass jour Infra worker hrs Pass jour Infra worker hrs 1.62E‐10 1.62E‐10 2.02E‐09 8.98E‐11 2.60E‐09 1.13E‐10 2.02E‐09 0.2000 0.2000 0.1111 0.1111 0.1429 0.1392 0.1111 2.42E‐04 2.42E‐04 2.26E‐04 2.26E‐04 1.73E‐04 1.69E‐04 1.35E‐04 0.01% 0.01% 0.01% 0.01% 0.01% 0.01% 0.01% D D D D D D D 7% 7% 80% 7% 80% 7% 80% Infra worker hrs 2.13E‐11 0.0012 1.03E‐04 0.00% D 80% Infra worker hrs Infra worker hrs Infra worker hrs Infra worker hrs Infra worker hrs Infra worker hrs 9.04E‐10 3.63E‐10 1.81E‐10 1.81E‐10 1.81E‐10 7.54E‐11 0.0496 0.0200 0.0099 0.0099 0.0099 0.0041 1.01E‐04 4.05E‐05 2.02E‐05 1.20E‐05 1.20E‐05 5.02E‐06 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% D D D D D D 80% ‐ ‐ 80% 80% 80% Pass jour Pass jour Pass jour Pass jour Pass jour Pass jour 7.04E‐07 6.09E‐07 1.91E‐08 1.68E‐08 9.54E‐09 8.41E‐09 1690.6 870.8 753.2 23.59 20.80 11.79 10.40 8.109 4.316 3.733 0.0253 0.0223 0.0063 0.0056 100.00% 53.23% 46.04% 0.31% 0.27% 0.08% 0.07% D D D D D D ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ Pass jour Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass jour Pass trn km Pass jour Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass jour 3.35E‐07 5.77E‐07 1.75E‐07 3.22E‐07 8.77E‐08 1.73E‐07 4.27E‐08 4.44E‐08 3.64E‐08 1.62E‐08 5.66E‐09 1289.6 414.8 281.7 85.57 157.4 108.5 84.50 52.83 21.70 17.75 7.917 7.000 2.294 0.8994 0.6107 0.1855 0.1684 0.1161 0.0924 0.0578 0.0470 0.0190 0.0172 0.0152 100.00% 39.20% 26.62% 8.09% 7.34% 5.06% 4.03% 2.52% 2.05% 0.83% 0.75% 0.66% D D D D D D D D D D D 0.4% ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 1% ‐ ‐ 5% 110 Table B1 National frequency Hazardous event code Precursor code Cause precursor description HEN‐65 HEN‐65 HEN‐65 HEN‐65 HEN‐65 HEN‐65 HEN‐65 HEN‐65 HEN‐65 HEN‐65 HEN‐65 HEN‐65 HEN‐65 HEN‐65 HEN‐65 HEN‐65 HEN‐65 HEN‐65 HEN‐65 HEN‐65 HEN‐65 HEN‐65 GTCSTTHR‐E GOWNSPHY‐E GTWNSPHY‐E GTDOTVER‐E GTDSTVER‐E GTDOTTHR‐E GOWOTVER‐E GTDSTTHR‐E GTDNSPHY‐E GOWNSVER‐E GOWOTTHR‐E GTWSTPHY‐E GTDNSVER‐E GOWNSTHR‐E GTWNSTHR‐E GTCNSPHY‐E GTDNSTHR‐E GTWNSVER‐E GTWSTVER‐E GTWSTTHR‐E GTCNSVER‐E GTCNSTHR‐E Train crew (other) assault: threat on station concourse Other workforce assault: physical not at station eg signal box, trackside, etc Infrastructure worker assault: physical not at station eg signal box, trackside, etc Train crew (driver) assault: verbal on train Train crew (driver) assault: verbal on station concourse Train crew (driver) assault: threat on train Other workforce assault: verbal on train Train crew (driver) assault: threat on station concourse Train crew (driver) assault: physical not at station eg signal box, trackside, etc Other workforce assault: verbal not at station eg signal box, trackside, etc Other workforce assault: threat on train Infrastructure worker assault: physical on station concourse Train crew (driver) assault: verbal not at station eg signal box, trackside, etc Other workforce assault: threat not at station eg signal box, trackside, etc Infrastructure worker assault: threat not at station eg signal box, trackside, etc Train crew (other) assault: physical not at station eg signal box, trackside, etc Train crew (driver) assault: threat not at station eg signal box, trackside, etc Infrastructure worker assault: verbal not at station eg signal box, trackside, etc Infrastructure worker assault: verbal on station concourse Infrastructure worker assault: threat on station concourse Train crew (other) assault: verbal not at station eg signal box, trackside, etc Train crew (other) assault: threat not at station eg signal box, trackside, etc HEN‐66 HEN‐66 HEN‐66 HEN‐66 HEN‐66 HEN‐66 HEN‐66 MOP (non‐trespasser) assault KASSPHYS‐E MOP (non‐trespasser) assault: physical on‐station concourse or platform KLIPHYS‐E MOP (non‐trespasser) assault: physical lineside KASSVERS‐E MOP (non‐trespasser) assault: verbal on‐station concourse or platform KLIVERS‐E MOP (non‐trespasser) assault: verbal lineside KASSTHRS‐E MOP (non‐trespasser) assault: threat on‐station concourse or platform KLITHRS‐E MOP (non‐trespasser) assault: threat lineside HEN‐67 MOP (non‐trespasser) fall from platform onto track (no electric shock nor struck by train) MOP (non‐trespasser) fall from platform onto track (no electric shock nor struck by train) KPNLFALL‐H under the influence MOP (non‐trespasser) fall from platform onto track (no electric shock nor struck by train) ‐ KPNGFALL‐H general causes HEN‐67 HEN‐67 Version 7.1 — August 2011 Normaliser Deriv. HEN of POS (% of total prec. split (%) HE risk) (D, E) Risk contribution (events/ normaliser) (events/ year) (FWI/ year) Pass trn km Pass jour Infra worker hrs Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass jour Pass trn km Pass trn km Pass jour Pass jour Infra worker hrs Pass trn km Pass jour Infra worker hrs Pass trn km Pass trn km Infra worker hrs Infra worker hrs Infra worker hrs Pass trn km Pass trn km 2.74E‐08 4.45E‐09 6.68E‐08 1.47E‐08 1.37E‐08 7.24E‐09 1.83E‐09 4.30E‐09 2.05E‐09 9.70E‐10 8.09E‐10 7.29E‐09 9.10E‐10 3.23E‐10 5.41E‐09 2.93E‐10 4.55E‐10 4.05E‐09 2.02E‐09 9.92E‐10 7.40E‐11 2.80E‐11 13.40 5.500 3.667 7.200 6.700 3.533 2.267 2.100 1.000 1.200 1.000 0.4000 0.4444 0.4000 0.2971 0.1429 0.2222 0.2222 0.1111 0.0545 0.0361 0.0137 0.0146 0.0119 0.0079 0.0077 0.0072 0.0039 0.0024 0.0023 0.0022 0.0013 0.0011 8.67E‐04 4.75E‐04 4.37E‐04 3.25E‐04 3.10E‐04 2.43E‐04 2.38E‐04 1.19E‐04 5.95E‐05 3.87E‐05 1.49E‐05 0.64% 0.52% 0.35% 0.34% 0.31% 0.17% 0.11% 0.10% 0.09% 0.06% 0.05% 0.04% 0.02% 0.02% 0.01% 0.01% 0.01% 0.01% 0.01% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D ‐ ‐ 80% 1% ‐ 1% 5% ‐ ‐ ‐ 5% ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 80% ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ Stations Trk m Stations Trk m Stations Trk m 0.0314 1.05E‐06 7.67E‐04 2.65E‐08 3.84E‐04 1.33E‐08 116.1 79.48 32.52 1.942 0.8246 0.9708 0.4123 1.121 0.7442 0.3735 0.0021 8.80E‐04 5.18E‐04 2.20E‐04 100.00% 66.37% 33.31% 0.18% 0.08% 0.05% 0.02% D D D D D D ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 3.200 0.0471 100.00% ‐ Trk m 7.08E‐08 2.200 0.0335 71.12% D ‐ Trk m 3.22E‐08 1.000 0.0136 28.88% D ‐ 111 Table B1 National frequency Hazardous event code Precursor code HEN‐68 HEN‐68 HEN‐68 HEN‐68 HEN‐68 HEN‐68 HEN‐68 HEN‐68 HEN‐68 HEN‐68 HEN‐68 HEN‐68 MOP (non‐trespasser) slip, trip or fall in station KSTRSLTF‐E MOP (non‐trespasser) slip, trip or fall (stairs) KCONCON‐‐E MOP (non‐trespasser) slip, trip or fall due to surface contamination on station concourse KESCSLTF‐E MOP (non‐trespasser) slip, trip or fall (escalator) KCONOTHE‐E MOP (non‐trespasser) slip, trip or fall on station concourse ‐ other KPLTSLTF‐E MOP (non‐trespasser) slip, trip or fall (platform) KCONALC‐‐E MOP (non‐trespasser) slip, trip or fall on station concourse due to being under the influence KCONOBJ‐‐E MOP (non‐trespasser) slip, trip or fall due to object on station concourse KCONSURF‐E MOP (non‐trespasser) slip, trip or fall due to uneven surface on station concourse KCONILL‐‐E MOP (non‐trespasser) slip, trip or fall on station concourse due to ill health KRAMSLTF‐E MOP (non‐trespasser) slip, trip or fall (ramps) KCHASLTF‐E MOP (non‐trespasser) slip, trip or fall (chair, bench, wheelchair) HEN‐70 HEN‐70 Witnessing a traumatic event (non‐movement) PNMSHOTRAM Witnessing a traumatic event (non‐movement) HEN‐71 HEN‐71A HEN‐71A HEN‐71B HEN‐71B HEN‐71C HEN‐71C MOP (adult trespasser) fall/jump onto railway infrastructure MOP (adult trespasser) fall/jump onto railway infrastructure from bridge KFALLBRG‐H MOP (adult trespasser) fall/jump onto railway infrastructure from bridge, footbridge MOP (adult trespasser) fall/jump onto railway infrastructure from wall, bank, roof or fence KFALLOTH‐H MOP (adult trespasser) fall/jump onto railway infrastructure from wall, bank, roof or fence MOP (adult trespasser) fall/jump onto railway infrastructure from other eg viaduct KFALLOTT‐H MOP (adult trespasser) fall/jump onto railway infrastructure from other eg viaduct HEN‐72 HEN‐72A HEN‐72A HEN‐72B HEN‐72B HEN‐72C HEN‐72C MOP (child trespasser) fall/jump onto railway infrastructure MOP (child trespasser) fall/jump onto railway infrastructure from bridge JFALLBRG‐H MOP (child trespasser) fall/jump onto railway infrastructure from bridge, footbridge MOP (child trespasser) fall/jump onto railway infrastructure from wall, bank, roof or fence JFALLOTH‐H MOP (child trespasser) fall/jump onto railway infrastructure from wall, bank, roof or fence MOP (child trespasser) fall/jump from outside onto railway infrastructure from other ‐ eg viaduct JFALLOTT‐H MOP (child trespasser) fall/jump onto railway infrastructure from other eg viaduct HEN‐73 HEN‐73 Passenger manual handling PMANHAND‐E Passenger injury through manual handling Cause precursor description Version 7.1 — August 2011 Normaliser Deriv. HEN of POS (% of total prec. split (%) HE risk) (D, E) Risk contribution (events/ normaliser) (events/ year) (FWI/ year) Stations Stations Stations Stations Stations Stations Stations Stations Stations Stations Stations 0.0090 0.0063 0.0050 0.0040 0.0040 0.0024 0.0016 0.0011 7.90E‐04 5.27E‐04 5.27E‐04 88.67 22.67 16.00 12.67 10.00 10.00 6.000 4.000 2.667 2.000 1.333 1.333 0.7030 0.2113 0.1223 0.0879 0.0764 0.0764 0.0458 0.0306 0.0204 0.0153 0.0102 0.0065 100.00% 30.06% 17.39% 12.50% 10.87% 10.87% 6.52% 4.35% 2.90% 2.17% 1.45% 0.93% D D D D D D D D D D D ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ Trk m 3.60E‐07 11.20 11.20 0.0118 0.0118 100.00% 100.00% D ‐ ‐ 17.33 12.33 12.33 4.200 4.200 0.8000 0.8000 3.196 2.443 2.443 0.6077 0.6077 0.1445 0.1445 100.00% 76.46% 76.46% 19.02% 19.02% 4.52% 4.52% 0.1539 0.1189 0.1189 0.0308 0.0308 0.0043 0.0043 100.00% 77.24% 77.24% 19.99% 19.99% 2.77% 2.77% D ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 0.0631 0.0631 100.00% 100.00% D ‐ ‐ Trk m 3.97E‐07 Trk m 1.35E‐07 Trk m 2.57E‐08 Trk m 1.93E‐08 Trk m 6.84E‐09 Trk m 7.60E‐10 0.8362 0.6000 0.6000 0.2126 0.2126 0.0236 0.0236 Pass jour 2.75E‐09 3.400 3.400 D D D D D ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 112 Table B1 National frequency Hazardous event code Precursor code HEN‐74 HEN‐74 HEN‐74 HEN‐74 HEN‐74 Workforce manual handling GOTWKMAN‐E Other workforce injury through manual handling GTRWKMAN‐E Infrastructure worker injury through manual handling GTCOTMAN‐E Train crew (other) injury through manual handling GTCDRMAN‐E Train crew (driver) injury through manual handling HEN‐75 HEN‐75A MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian or cyclist/motorcyclist struck by a road vehicle or involved in a road traffic accident at a level crossing MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian or cyclist/motorcyclist struck by a road vehicle or involved in a road traffic accident on MCB + CCTV MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian or cyclist/motorcyclist injury due to road vehicle striking KRVECCTV1H LXs: MCB + CCTV 5.98E‐04 level crossing equipment on MCB + CCTV ‐ user error MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian or cyclist/motorcyclist injury due to road vehicle striking 1.99E‐04 KRVECCTV2H LXs: MCB + CCTV level crossing equipment on MCB + CCTV ‐ user violation MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian or cyclist/motorcyclist struck by road vehicle on MCB + KCOLCCTV1H LXs: MCB + CCTV 1.01E‐04 CCTV ‐ user error MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian or cyclist/motorcyclist struck by road vehicle on MCB + KCOLCCTV2H LXs: MCB + CCTV 1.01E‐04 CCTV ‐ user violation MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian or cyclist/motorcyclist struck by road vehicle on MCB + KCOLCCTV3H LXs: MCB + CCTV 1.01E‐04 CCTV ‐ proper use MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian or cyclist/motorcyclist struck by a road vehicle or involved in a road traffic accident on MCB MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian or cyclist/motorcyclist injury due to road vehicle striking KRVEMCB‐1H LXs: MCB 7.37E‐04 level crossing equipment on MCB ‐ user error MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian or cyclist/motorcyclist injury due to road vehicle striking KRVEMCB‐2H LXs: MCB 2.46E‐04 level crossing equipment on MCB ‐ user violation MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian or cyclist/motorcyclist struck by road vehicle on MCB ‐ LXs: MCB 1.19E‐04 KCOLMCB‐2H user violation MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian or cyclist/motorcyclist struck by road vehicle on MCB ‐ KCOLMCB‐3H LXs: MCB 1.19E‐04 proper use MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian or cyclist/motorcyclist struck by road vehicle on MCB ‐ KCOLMCB‐1H LXs: MCB 1.19E‐04 user error MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian or cyclist/motorcyclist struck by a road vehicle or involved in a road traffic accident on MCG MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian or cyclist/motorcyclist injury due to road vehicle striking KRVEMCG‐1H LXs: MCG 2.28E‐04 level crossing equipment on MCG ‐ user error MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian or cyclist/motorcyclist injury due to road vehicle striking KRVEMCG‐2H LXs: MCG 7.60E‐05 level crossing equipment on MCG ‐ user violation MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian or cyclist/motorcyclist struck by road vehicle on MCG ‐ KCOLMCG‐1H LXs: MCG 3.55E‐05 user error HEN‐75A HEN‐75A HEN‐75A HEN‐75A HEN‐75A HEN‐75B HEN‐75B HEN‐75B HEN‐75B HEN‐75B HEN‐75B HEN‐75C HEN‐75C HEN‐75C HEN‐75C Cause precursor description Version 7.1 — August 2011 Normaliser Pass jour Infra worker hrs Pass trn km Tot trn km Deriv. HEN of POS (% of total prec. split (%) HE risk) (D, E) Risk contribution (events/ normaliser) (events/ year) (FWI/ year) 1.57E‐07 2.05E‐06 1.84E‐07 5.10E‐08 424.2 193.7 112.3 89.80 28.40 0.9565 0.4256 0.2773 0.2069 0.0467 100.00% 44.50% 28.99% 21.63% 4.88% 1.199 0.4305 0.0350 0.0126 100.00% 35.98% 0.2338 0.0055 15.78% D ‐ 0.0779 0.0018 5.26% D ‐ 0.0396 0.0017 4.98% D ‐ 0.0396 0.0017 4.98% D ‐ 0.0396 0.0017 4.98% D ‐ 0.3136 0.0091 26.04% 0.1726 0.0041 11.65% D ‐ 0.0575 0.0014 3.88% D ‐ 0.0278 0.0012 3.50% D ‐ 0.0278 0.0012 3.50% D ‐ 0.0278 0.0012 3.50% D ‐ 0.0751 0.0022 6.21% 0.0417 9.87E‐04 2.82% D ‐ 0.0139 3.29E‐04 0.94% D ‐ 0.0065 2.86E‐04 0.82% D ‐ D D D D 26% 7% 80% ‐ 1% ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 113 Table B1 National frequency Hazardous event code HEN‐75C HEN‐75C HEN‐75D HEN‐75D HEN‐75D HEN‐75D HEN‐75D HEN‐75D HEN‐75E HEN‐75E HEN‐75E HEN‐75E HEN‐75E HEN‐75E HEN‐75F HEN‐75F HEN‐75F HEN‐75F Precursor code Cause precursor description Normaliser MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian or cyclist/motorcyclist struck by road vehicle on MCG ‐ LXs: MCG user violation MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian or cyclist/motorcyclist struck by road vehicle on MCG ‐ KCOLMCG‐3H LXs: MCG proper use MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian or cyclist/motorcyclist struck by a road vehicle or involved in a road traffic accident on ABCL MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian or cyclist/motorcyclist injury due to road vehicle striking KRVEABCL1H LXs: ABCL level crossing equipment on ABCL ‐ user error MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian or cyclist/motorcyclist injury due to road vehicle striking KRVEABCL2H LXs: ABCL level crossing equipment on ABCL ‐ user violation MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian or cyclist/motorcyclist struck by road vehicle on ABCL ‐ KCOLABCL2H LXs: ABCL user violation MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian or cyclist/motorcyclist struck by road vehicle on ABCL ‐ KCOLABCL1H LXs: ABCL user error MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian or cyclist/motorcyclist struck by road vehicle on ABCL ‐ KCOLABCL3H LXs: ABCL proper use MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian or cyclist/motorcyclist struck by a road vehicle or involved in a road traffic accident on AHB MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian or cyclist/motorcyclist injury due to road vehicle striking KRVEAHB‐1H LXs: AHB level crossing equipment on AHB ‐ user error MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian or cyclist/motorcyclist injury due to road vehicle striking KRVEAHB‐2H LXs: AHB level crossing equipment on AHB ‐ user violation MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian or cyclist/motorcyclist struck by road vehicle on AHB ‐ LXs: AHB KCOLAHB‐1H user error MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian or cyclist/motorcyclist struck by road vehicle on AHB ‐ KCOLAHB‐2H LXs: AHB user violation MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian or cyclist/motorcyclist struck by road vehicle on AHB ‐ LXs: AHB KCOLAHB‐3H proper use MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian or cyclist/motorcyclist struck by a road vehicle or involved in a road traffic accident on AOCL MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian or cyclist/motorcyclist struck by road vehicle on AOCL ‐ KCOLAOCL3H LXs: AOCL proper use MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian or cyclist/motorcyclist struck by road vehicle on AOCL ‐ KCOLAOCL2H LXs: AOCL user violation MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian or cyclist/motorcyclist struck by road vehicle on AOCL ‐ KCOLAOCL1H LXs: AOCL user error KCOLMCG‐2H Version 7.1 — August 2011 Deriv. HEN of POS (% of total prec. split (%) HE risk) (D, E) Risk contribution (events/ normaliser) (events/ year) (FWI/ year) 3.55E‐05 0.0065 2.86E‐04 0.82% D ‐ 3.55E‐05 0.0065 2.86E‐04 0.82% D ‐ 0.0521 0.0015 4.27% 5.65E‐04 0.0294 6.95E‐04 1.98% D ‐ 1.88E‐04 0.0098 2.32E‐04 0.66% D ‐ 8.29E‐05 0.0043 1.90E‐04 0.54% D ‐ 8.29E‐05 0.0043 1.90E‐04 0.54% D ‐ 8.29E‐05 0.0043 1.90E‐04 0.54% D ‐ 0.2425 0.0069 19.79% 3.05E‐04 0.1379 0.0033 9.31% D ‐ 1.02E‐04 0.0460 0.0011 3.10% D ‐ 4.33E‐05 0.0196 8.62E‐04 2.46% D ‐ 4.33E‐05 0.0196 8.62E‐04 2.46% D ‐ 4.33E‐05 0.0196 8.62E‐04 2.46% D ‐ 0.0136 5.99E‐04 1.71% 3.87E‐05 0.0045 2.00E‐04 0.57% D ‐ 3.87E‐05 0.0045 2.00E‐04 0.57% D ‐ 3.87E‐05 0.0045 2.00E‐04 0.57% D ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 114 Table B1 National frequency Hazardous event code HEN‐75G HEN‐75G HEN‐75G HEN‐75G HEN‐75G HEN‐75G HEN‐75H HEN‐75H HEN‐75H HEN‐75H HEN‐75H HEN‐75H HEN‐75I HEN‐75I HEN‐75I HEN‐75I HEN‐75I HEN‐75I Precursor code Cause precursor description Normaliser MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian or cyclist/motorcyclist struck by a road vehicle or involved in a road traffic accident on UWC + MWL MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian or cyclist/motorcyclist injury due to road vehicle striking KRVEUWCM1H LXs: UWC + MWL level crossing equipment on UWC + MWL ‐ user error MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian or cyclist/motorcyclist struck by road vehicle on UWC + KCOLUWCM1H LXs: UWC + MWL MWL ‐ user error MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian or cyclist/motorcyclist struck by road vehicle on UWC + KCOLUWCM2H LXs: UWC + MWL MWL ‐ user violation MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian or cyclist/motorcyclist struck by road vehicle on UWC + KCOLUWCM3H LXs: UWC + MWL MWL ‐ proper use MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian or cyclist/motorcyclist injury due to road vehicle striking KRVEUWCM2H LXs: UWC + MWL level crossing equipment on UWC + MWL ‐ user violation MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian or cyclist/motorcyclist struck by a road vehicle or involved in a road traffic accident on UWC + T MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian or cyclist/motorcyclist injury due to road vehicle striking KRVEUWCT1H LXs: UWC + T level crossing equipment on UWC + T ‐ user error MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian or cyclist/motorcyclist struck by road vehicle on UWC + T ‐ KCOLUWCT3H LXs: UWC + T proper use MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian or cyclist/motorcyclist struck by road vehicle on UWC + T ‐ KCOLUWCT1H LXs: UWC + T user error MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian or cyclist/motorcyclist struck by road vehicle on UWC + T ‐ KCOLUWCT2H LXs: UWC + T user violation MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian or cyclist/motorcyclist injury due to road vehicle striking KRVEUWCT2H LXs: UWC + T level crossing equipment on UWC + T ‐ user violation MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian or cyclist/motorcyclist struck by a road vehicle or involved in a road traffic accident on UWC MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian or cyclist/motorcyclist injury due to road vehicle striking KRVEUWC‐1H LXs: UWC level crossing equipment on UWC ‐ user error MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian or cyclist/motorcyclist injury due to road vehicle striking KRVEUWC‐2H LXs: UWC level crossing equipment on UWC ‐ user violation MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian or cyclist/motorcyclist struck by road vehicle on UWC ‐ KCOLUWC‐1H LXs: UWC user error MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian or cyclist/motorcyclist struck by road vehicle on UWC ‐ LXs: UWC KCOLUWC‐2H user violation MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian or cyclist/motorcyclist struck by road vehicle on UWC ‐ KCOLUWC‐3H LXs: UWC proper use Version 7.1 — August 2011 (events/ normaliser) Deriv. HEN of POS (% of total prec. split (%) HE risk) (D, E) Risk contribution (events/ year) (FWI/ year) 0.0098 2.90E‐04 0.83% 5.42E‐05 0.0052 1.23E‐04 0.35% D ‐ 9.94E‐06 9.55E‐04 4.21E‐05 0.12% D ‐ 9.94E‐06 9.55E‐04 4.21E‐05 0.12% D ‐ 9.94E‐06 9.55E‐04 4.21E‐05 0.12% D ‐ 1.81E‐05 0.0017 4.10E‐05 0.12% D ‐ 0.0216 6.48E‐04 1.85% 6.67E‐06 0.0111 2.63E‐04 0.75% D ‐ 1.35E‐06 0.0023 9.92E‐05 0.28% D ‐ 1.35E‐06 0.0023 9.92E‐05 0.28% D ‐ 1.35E‐06 0.0023 9.92E‐05 0.28% D ‐ 2.22E‐06 0.0037 8.76E‐05 0.25% D ‐ 0.0394 0.0011 3.22% 2.52E‐05 0.0223 5.27E‐04 1.50% D ‐ 8.41E‐06 0.0074 1.76E‐04 0.50% D ‐ 3.66E‐06 0.0032 1.42E‐04 0.41% D ‐ 3.66E‐06 0.0032 1.42E‐04 0.41% D ‐ 3.66E‐06 0.0032 1.42E‐04 0.41% D ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 115 Table B1 National frequency Hazardous event code HEN‐75J HEN‐75J HEN‐75J HEN‐75J HEN‐76 HEN‐76 HEN‐77 HEN‐77A Precursor code Cause precursor description MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian or cyclist/motorcyclist struck by a road vehicle or involved in a road traffic accident on OC MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian or cyclist/motorcyclist struck by road vehicle on OC ‐ user KCOLOC‐‐2H LXs: OC violation MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian or cyclist/motorcyclist struck by road vehicle on OC ‐ KCOLOC‐‐3H LXs: OC proper use MOP (non‐trespasser) pedestrian or cyclist/motorcyclist struck by road vehicle on OC ‐ user LXs: OC KCOLOC‐‐1H error MOP (non‐trespasser) struck/crushed by structural collapse or large object as a result of operations on railway infrastructure MOP (non‐trespasser) struck/crushed by structural collapse or large object as a result of KRCIOPS‐‐E Trk m operations on railway infrastructure HEN‐77B HEN‐77B Suicide (or attempted suicide) not involving rolling stock in motion Attempted suicide not involving rolling stock in motion Attempted suicide or suspected suicide (not resulting in fatality) not involving rolling stock KSUIATNRSH in motion Suicide not involving rolling stock in motion KSUICDNRSH Suicide or suspected suicide (resulting in fatality) not involving rolling stock in motion HEN‐82 HEN‐82 HEN‐82 HEN‐82 HEN‐82 Workforce awkward movement injury GTCAWKMVIN Train crew (other) awkward movement injury GOWAWKMVIN Other workforce awkward movement injury GTWAWKMVIN Infrastructure worker awkward movement injury GTDAWKMVIN Train crew (driver) awkward movement injury HEN‐83 HEN‐83 Passenger awkward movement injury PSGAWKMVIN Passenger awkward movement injury HEN‐77A Normaliser Version 7.1 — August 2011 (events/ normaliser) Deriv. HEN of POS (% of total prec. split (%) HE risk) (D, E) Risk contribution (events/ year) (FWI/ year) 7.30E‐04 3.22E‐05 0.09% 4.42E‐06 2.43E‐04 1.07E‐05 0.03% D ‐ 4.42E‐06 2.43E‐04 1.07E‐05 0.03% D ‐ 4.42E‐06 2.43E‐04 1.07E‐05 0.03% D ‐ 0.4000 0.0102 100.00% 0.4000 0.0102 100.00% 20.60 11.00 10.41 0.8002 100.00% 7.69% 1.29E‐08 ‐ ‐ D ‐ ‐ ‐ Trk m 3.54E‐07 11.00 0.8002 7.69% D ‐ Trk m 3.09E‐07 9.600 9.600 9.605 9.605 92.31% 92.31% D ‐ ‐ Tot trn km Pass jour Infra worker hrs Tot trn km 6.22E‐08 2.67E‐08 4.10E‐07 3.95E‐08 112.2 34.67 33.00 22.50 22.00 0.3688 0.1140 0.1085 0.0740 0.0723 100.00% 30.91% 29.42% 20.06% 19.61% D D D D 18% ‐ 7% 80% 1% Pass jour 3.77E‐09 4.667 4.667 0.0702 0.0702 100.00% 100.00% D ‐ ‐ 116