T955: SRM Hazard Analysis for Rail Projects – Overview of guidance

T955: SRM Hazard Analysis for Rail
Projects – Overview of guidance
March 2013
Dr Reuben McDonald
Senior Risk Analyst
2, Angel Square
1 Torrens Street
London EC1V 1NY
020 3142 5461
T955 – Overview of guidance
The objective of R&D Project T955 is to investigate the extent to which a common set of
definitions, processes and tools for hazard identification analysis and safety risk
management would benefit the rail industry, and to develop such definitions, processes and
tools where a benefit is identified.
Overarching guidance on the application of the Common Safety Method on Risk Evaluation
and Assessment (CSM on REA) has already been produced by the Office of Rail Regulation;
this guidance was updated in December 2012. In addition to this guidance, as part of the
T955 project, a number of Rail Industry Guidance Notes are being produced to provide
practitioner-level information on the application of the CSM on REA. These are summarised
below in Figure 1.
Figure 1 A simplified representation of the Common Safety Method on Risk Evaluation and
Assessment process, showing the existing and planned supporting guidance
Two Rail Industry Guidance Notes (GNs) were published in September 2012
GE/GN8642: Guidance on Identifying Hazards and Assessing Risk (Issue 1), and
GE/GN8643: Guidance on Reducing Risk (Issue 1)
These GNs will be updated as part of the T955 project to align the guidance more closely
with the CSM on REA and, in particular, to address risk acceptance through one or more of
the three risk acceptance principles described in the CSM on REA.
Several new GNs are planned to be developed and published in 2013. These are:
Safety Plan Guidance: This will include criteria for deciding whether to apply the CSM
on REA, roles and responsibilities, guidance on co-ordination with the independent
assessment body, and a template safety plan.
System Definition Guidance: This will provide information on how to define the
‘system under change’ in the context of the wider railway system, functional models and
the data required to successfully perform a hazard identification exercise.
Risk Matrix Guidance: This will provide information on the application of risk matrices
within the context of the CSM on REA, especially in the context of hazard classification.
The use of a risk matrix within the supply chain and its unsuitability for making ALARP
assessment will also be discussed.
Generic Hazard List Guidance: A railway-specific generic hazard list is being
developed as part of the wider T955 project. For specific parts of the railway system this
generic hazard list has been linked to causes and codes of practise, including
requirements to control those hazards. This document will provide guidance on the
application of the generic hazard list and information on the various parts of the CSM on
REA process where it can be used.
Other GNs may be developed as the needs of industry in the application of the CSM on REA
develop and become better identified.