Road-Rail Interface Special Topic Report This report is issued by the RSSB If you would like to give feedback on any of the material contained in this report, or if you have any suggestions for future editions, please contact: Siona Pitman Senior Safety Intelligence Analyst RSSB Block 2 Angel Square 1 Torrens Street London EC1V 1NY 020 3142 5485 The report may be downloaded at no cost from the RSSB website: Hard copies may be ordered at cost price by contacting the RSSB enquiry desk on 020 3142 5400. © RSSB 2010 Published April 2010 Intentionally blank Road-Rail Interface Special Topic Report 2010 2 Contents Executive summary 5 1 Introduction 7 1.1 7 2 3 Scope and structure Overall risk 9 2.1 9 The risk at the road-rail interface Level crossings 3.2 3.1.1 SRMv6 level crossing modelling changes 10 3.1.2 Level crossing risk in context 11 3.1.3 Risk by crossing type 12 3.1.4 Precursor Indicator Model 14 3.1.5 Train accident risk at level crossings 16 3.1.6 All level crossing risk model 17 3.1.7 Level crossing population numbers 17 Progress against SSP trajectory 3.2.1 3.3 3.4 3.5 10 SSP trajectory – public behaviour at level crossings 18 18 Level crossing safety performance 19 3.3.1 Headlines 19 3.3.2 Fatalities and injuries in 2009 20 3.3.3 Trends in fatalities and injuries at level crossings 21 3.3.4 Pedestrian fatalities by time of day 22 3.3.5 Trends in harm at level crossings 23 3.3.6 Causes of harm at level crossings 24 3.3.7 Injuries by user behaviour 24 Train accidents at level crossings 26 3.4.1 Trends in collisions between trains and road vehicles 26 3.4.2 AOCL crossings 28 3.4.3 Causes of train collisions at level crossings 29 3.4.4 Level crossing collisions causing derailments 30 3.4.5 Trains striking barriers or gates 30 Near misses and misuse at level crossings 32 3.5.1 Near misses with road vehicles 32 3.5.2 Near misses with pedestrians 33 3.5.3 Near misses by time of day 35 3.5.4 Farm vehicle near misses and misuse 35 3.5.5 Misuse at level crossings 36 3.5.6 Users crossing when unsafe 37 3.5.7 Train performance delays due to level crossing misuse 38 3.6 Level crossing equipment failures 39 3.7 Level crossing vandalism 40 3.8 Performance against European targets 41 Road-Rail Interface Special Topic Report 2010 3 3.8.1 4 6 7 42 Bridge strikes 44 4.1 The risk from bridge strikes 44 4.1.1 Bridge strike risk in context 45 4.1.2 Risk by bridge type 46 4.1.3 Bridge numbers 47 4.2 5 Comparisons other European countries NRVs Safety performance relating to bridge strikes 47 4.2.1 Headlines 47 4.2.2 Trends in fatalities and injuries due to bridge strikes 47 4.2.3 Total bridge strikes 48 4.2.4 Strikes by bridge type and severity 49 4.2.5 Overline bridge strikes 51 4.2.6 Train performance delays due to bridge strikes 52 4.3 Comparison with other European countries 52 4.4 Case study of a serious underline bridge strike 53 Vehicle incursions 54 5.1 The risk from vehicle incursions 54 5.2 Safety performance relating to vehicle incursions 55 5.2.1 Headlines 55 5.2.2 Aircraft and vehicle incursions explained 55 5.2.3 Trends in fatalities and injuries due to incursions 56 5.2.4 Trends in rail incursion incidents 57 5.2.5 Road vehicle incursions leading to derailments 58 5.2.6 Detailed analysis by entry point and foul of the line 58 Learning from operational experience 60 6.1 RAIB investigation reports 60 6.2 Causal analysis of RAIB recommendations 61 6.3 Worldwide level crossing accidents 64 6.3.1 64 Australasian level crossing awareness Initiatives 65 Appendix 1. Key safety facts 77 Appendix 2. Collisions at level crossings 78 Appendix 3. Research and Development 79 Appendix 4. Investigation reports and recommendations 85 Appendix 5. Case study – Northern Rail train driver 86 Appendix 6. Pedestrian risks at level crossings 89 Appendix 7. Crossing numbers and types 93 Appendix 8. Bridge strike classification and process 97 Appendix 9. Definitions 99 Appendix 10. Glossary Road-Rail Interface Special Topic Report 2010 104 4 Executive summary In general, statistics show that the railways of Great Britain are safe relative to all other forms of transport. This has been achieved by continuous improvement through learning from experience and investment in newer and safer technologies, including the introduction of the train protection and warning system (TPWS) and the replacement of Mark I rolling stock with modern more crashworthy passenger trains. More information on these developments may be found in RSSB‘s Report on improvements in the safety of passengers and staff involved in train accidents. However, analysis shows that the risk at the road-rail interface remains an issue for the following reasons: By virtue of improvements in other areas, road-rail interface risk now represents almost half of the current PIM train accident risk (two of the three most recent multi fatality train accidents were caused by road vehicles). Most level crossings risk arises from users exposing themselves to local hazards (either wilfully or accidentally); this makes the risks much harder for the industry to ‗control‘. The rail industry has therefore focussed on mitigating the risk at the road-rail interface through the combined actions of the Road-Rail Interface Safety Group (R-RISG) and the specific actions of Network Rail and the law enforcement agencies. Recognition has also been given to worldwide good practice, expressed through the ‗5 Es‘; engineering, enforcement, education, engagement and evaluation. There has not been a multi-fatality interface accident since Ufton in 2004.1 The industry continues to monitor the risks via the high-level analysis produced by RSSB and Network Rail‘s management actions and specific local supervision and maintenance regimes. The latter is described in Network Rail‘s Safety Management System, which includes the use of the All Level Crossing Risk Model (ALCRM). Accidents and incidents occurring at the road-rail interface (including level crossings, bridge strikes and incursions through fences, bridges and access points) account for approximately 12.5 fatalities and weighted injuries (FWI) per year and represent 9% of the total system risk (excluding suicides). The Precursor Indicator Model (PIM) has shown that, since 2000, there have been greater improvements in train accident risk, thanks to the reduction in risk from signals passed at danger (SPADs), brought about by TPWS, improved rolling stock design and improved infrastructure integrity. Collisions at level crossings account for around 42% of all PIM train accident risk. 1 The accident at Ufton occurred when a road vehicle driver deliberately parked their car on the AHB level crossing. The vehicle was struck by a passenger train, which derailed killing five passengers and the train driver. Road-Rail Interface Special Topic Report 2010 5 Road vehicle occupant level crossing fatalities make up much less than 0.1% of the death toll on roads (2008 saw 1,8222 road vehicle fatalities); but while the number of road deaths has reduced by 23% over ten years, level crossing road vehicle fatalities have remained fairly constant over the same period, with (on average) around three per year. At such a low level, however, the statistical significance is questionable. Despite the obvious issues, the UK compares favourably with other European Union Member States. The risk expressed in terms of Fatalities and Weighted Serious Injuries (FWSI)3 per billion train kilometres at level crossings in the UK is the lowest of the Member States and nearly ten times lower than the average. This report examines the road-rail interface safety performance recorded on Network Rail managed infrastructure (NRMI) over the last ten years and the estimated underlying level of risk derived from version 6 of the Safety Risk Model (SRMv6). Level crossings SRMv6 estimates that 8% (11.8 FWI per year) of the total system risk occurs at level crossings. This includes risk to train occupants as a result of road user behaviour, as well as risk to level crossing users (vehicle occupants and pedestrians). There have been 80 fatalities to pedestrians at level crossings in the last ten years, an average of eight per year, although in 2006 there were five fatalities and in 2008 there were 13. With the exception of a low of 11 collisions recorded in 2006 and 2007, the number of collisions between trains and road vehicles at level crossings has remained broadly constant over the last ten years. On average, there are around 16 collisions per year. Bridge strikes There have been no rail-related passenger fatalities due to a bridge strike in the last ten years. The incident at Oyne in Scotland (May 1978) was the last recorded to result in passenger fatalities. Since 2000, there has been a continuing increase in reported bridge strikes. However, there was a significant decrease of 23% in the total number of bridge strikes in 2009, compared with 2008. The reduction in road freight transport due to the economic downturn is regarded as the main contributory factor to this decrease. Vehicle incursions There have been 17 fatalities arising from incursions over the last ten years: seven occurred to road vehicle occupants and ten to train occupants in the Great Heck accident. There have been 42 road vehicles struck (away from level crossings) in the last ten years, five of which have caused derailments. 2 Source Department for Transport (DfT); excludes other motor or non-motor vehicle users and unknown road users. 3 Ten serious injuries are considered to be statistically equivalent to one fatality. Minor injuries are not included. Serious injuries are defined as those requiring a 24-hour or longer stay in hospital. This is different from a major injury, which is defined in the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 1995 (RIDDOR). Road-Rail Interface Special Topic Report 2010 6 1 Introduction This is RSSB‘s second special topic report focusing on the risk that arises at the road-rail interface. It reviews the performance levels achieved during the last ten calendar years at the points where highways meet the railway. It presents the levels of risk and harm to passengers, the workforce and members of the public from bridge strikes, road vehicle incursions and the operation of level crossings. Note that the term ‗harm‘ refers to the actual level of injury to people that has been recorded, and the term ‗risk‘ refers to the average level of injury estimated by RSSB‘s Safety Risk Model. This report reviews recent trends to highlight areas of changing safety performance and presents the first detailed results of monitoring against the National Reference Values (NRVs) and the Strategic Safety Plan (SSP) trajectories. RSSB would appreciate your views on the content of this document, along with any ideas about additional information that you would like to see in future editions. Please provide your feedback either directly to the report manager, whose contact details are on the title page, or via the online feedback form at 1.1 Scope and structure The report considers safety performance on NRMI, based on safety data up to the end of December 2009. It should be noted that the figures given are subject to change either as a result of late reporting of events into the industry‘s Safety Management Information System (SMIS) or as a result of additional information, such as coroners‘ verdicts on suspected suicides, becoming available. We assess harm and risk in terms of fatalities, major injuries and minor injuries. When combining injury information into a composite measure, each fatality is given a weight of unity and each major injury a weight of 0.1. RIDDOR4-reportable minor injuries and the more severe cases of shock and trauma are given a weight of 0.005, with non-RIDDOR-reportable minor injuries and less severe cases of shock and trauma being given a weight of 0.001.The combined total is called ‗fatalities and weighted injuries‘ (FWI). This report includes the same reporting scope as the Road-Rail Interface Safety Group (RRISG) where safety performance is continually monitored throughout the year at quarterly meetings to discuss the issues surrounding the road-rail interface. The three main areas of risk; level crossings, bridge strikes and vehicle incursions are reviewed. The report will also focus specifically on: Injuries and fatalities to passengers, staff and members of the public. Those who have deliberately accessed the line via the level crossing for the purpose of trespassing on the running line are not included in this analysis. Trains striking road vehicles at level crossings and following incursions from bridges and through fences. Near misses and misuse at level crossings. SSP trajectories related to the risk from public behaviour at level crossings. 4 RIDDOR: The Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 1995. Road-Rail Interface Special Topic Report 2010 7 European level crossings NRVs and a comparison with other European countries. Vehicle5 incursions through fences where the road vehicle comes close to but does not land on the running line. National Programme Groups and their associated initiatives. Research and development. Scope exclusions The scope excludes any trespass/vandalism or suicides at locations other than at level crossings as this risk is covered in the scope of this report. There are two separate groups in the Community Safety6 umbrella, Community Safety Steering Group (CSSG) and the National Suicides Prevention Group (NSPG) that cover this type of public behaviour. See the Initiatives section for details on the National Programme Groups that focus on road-rail interface risks and the areas they cover. Road vehicle occupants whose death or injuries occur in a road traffic accidents rather than a result of railway operations are not in scope. Occupants of road vehicles who place their vehicle on the line with the intention to commit suicide are also excluded from the report. However, the injured parties who did not intend to come to harm (ie those onboard trains) are classed as accidental and are included in the analysis. Derailments that have had third party involvement (ie users of level crossings being on the interface either in error or violation) are considered. Therefore, any event where a train has derailed due to railway maintenance is not considered in this report. Bridge collapses caused by environmental factors, such as landslips or other permanent way failures that may have caused a bridge to fail are not included in this report. Road traffic accidents that occur on the public highway are not included in the scope and only includes events where a road vehicle leaves the road and infringes on railway property. Data sources SMIS is the main data source used in the analysis throughout this report and is supplemented by information from British Transport Police (BTP), Network Rail and the Department for Transport (DfT). The industry is required to report any safety related events including injuries and accidents into the SMIS database as mandated by the Railway Group Standard GE/RT8047: Reporting of Safety Related Information. SMIS has been the main reporting tool for the industry since 1998, being based on an amalgamation of a number of other reporting databases. RSSB began coding injuries in 2001; hence the injury charts only show data from 2001 onwards. 5 For the analysis of this report we consider vehicle types such as motorbikes, lorries, tractors, buses and for incursions this also includes aircraft. 6 Road-Rail Interface Special Topic Report 2010 8 2 Overall risk 2.1 The risk at the road-rail interface Version 6 of the RSSB Safety Risk Model (SRMv6) estimates the risk at the road-rail interface (including level crossings, bridge strikes, and vehicle incursions) to be 12.5 FWIs per year; this is 9% of the total system risk (excluding suicides). Chart 1 reveals that most of this risk involves pedestrians struck by trains. Such accidents are likely to prove fatal, largely because the mass and speed of a train are such that a collision is more likely to kill a person than cause injuries. The second largest grouping involves collisions between trains and road vehicles. Both types of accident are most likely to occur at level crossings. Crossing users can also be harmed if they are hit by, or collide with, barriers or other equipment (3%) – or if they slip, trip or fall (4%) while traversing the crossing. Note that train occupants are exposed to less than 4% of the risk. Chart 1. Overall risk associated with road-rail interface (SRMv6) Total system risk (excludes suicides) Risk associated with road-rail interface 141.3 FWI/year 67 fatalities and 74.3 weighted injuries 12.5 FWI/year 10.1 fatalities and 2.4 weighted injuries Road vehicle occupants, 23% Train occupants, 4% Pedestrian slips trips and falls, 4% Pedestrian accidents with crossing equipment, 3% 9% Road vehicle occupants bridge strikes, 1% Passengers on station crossings, 7% Public pedestrians, 58% Pedestrians struck by trains (excluding trespassers and suicides) Of all the road-rail interface site types, level crossings represent the largest proportion of risk, as shown in Chart 2. This is due to the fact that level crossings provide the greatest opportunity for misuse by road vehicles. Chart 2. Overall risk at road-rail interface by site type (SRMv6) Total system risk Risk associated with road-rail interface (excludes suicides) 141.3 FWI/year 67 fatalities and 74.3 weighted injuries 12.5 FWI/year 10.1 fatalities and 2.4 weighted injuries Bridges, 1% Fence, 3% 9% Level crossings, 95% Road-Rail Interface Special Topic Report 2010 Access point, 1% 9 3 Level crossings Crossings are open interfaces between the road and the railway. The greatest risk associated with level crossings arises from deliberate or erroneous misuse by road vehicle occupant crossing users as this group not only has the potential to cause itself harm, but can also cause harm to train occupants. Pedestrians who misuse level crossings are putting themselves at danger and the risk is entirely borne by the user. SRMv6 estimates that 8% (11.8 FWI) of the total system FWI risk occurs at level crossings. This includes risk to train occupants as a result of road user behaviour, as well as risk to level crossing users. It also includes the small amount of risk at level crossings that is not due to public behaviour (eg, injuries due to level crossing equipment failure). Other risks that arise at level crossings include user slips, trips and falls (including cyclists), equipment damage from vandalism, electric shock from overhead wires and road vehicle collisions with barriers or level crossing equipment. Most of the risk from train accidents at level crossings affects road users whose vehicles are involved in collisions with trains. Fatalities to people on board the train are relatively rare. Prior to the accident at Ufton in 2004, the last level crossing accident with on-train fatalities occurred in 1986 at Lockington.7 3.1.1 SRMv6 level crossing modelling changes SRMv5.5 estimated 3.5 FWI per year for collisions between trains and road vehicles at level crossings; SRMv6 estimates 2.8 FWI per year. The reason for the reduction is the decrease in the total number of events occurring in the data period and improvements in risk modelling. The level crossing models have been substantially re-modelled to achieve alignment with the All Level Crossing Risk Model (ALCRM).8 This has required the development of separate models for each crossing type and the development of a wider range of causes for each crossing type. For the models assessing the risk from collisions with road vehicles (HET-10 and HET-11), the change has also enabled for the scope of escalation factors of accidents to be considered at each type of crossing to be different to account for: The distribution of different types of road vehicles being struck. The distribution of operational speeds at each type of crossing. The subsequent likelihood of a derailment. A result of the modelling change is a reduction in the average consequence per event at some crossing types; in particular the likelihood of a derailment at lower speed crossings has been reduced. Additionally, the likelihood of derailment at some crossings has been reduced as account is taken of the types of vehicle that are typically struck at the different types of crossing, ie heavy vehicles, such as tractors, are more likely to be struck at user worked crossings than at AHBs. Furthermore, the consequences of passenger train 7 Eight passengers were killed when a diesel multiple unit struck a van which had been driven onto an automatic open level crossing against the red lights. 8 ALCRM was developed over many years using inputs from research and Network Rail‘s experience. It is used by Network Rail in the management of all its level crossings and is jointly owned by Network Rail and RSSB. Road-Rail Interface Special Topic Report 2010 10 derailment at level crossings have reduced in line with changes to the general passenger train derailment model (HET-12). There has also been a reduction in the predicted frequency of collisions with road vehicles (for HET-10 and HET-11 combined), from 15.6 to 12.4 per year. The cause of the reduction in frequency is the generally lower level of collisions since SRMv5.5 (using data up to the end of 2005)9: in 2006 and 2007, there were 11 collisions per year, whereas the rate in 2008 was higher at 19. Approximately 80% of such collisions are predicted to be with passenger trains rather than freight trains. Another, less significant cause of the reduction is caused by accounting for the decreasing population of crossings over the data period analysed. 3.1.2 Level crossing risk in context Level crossings are safe when used correctly. Over 90% of risk in the previous ten years has resulted from user misuse in the form of error or violation (the remainder being due to other causes, such as equipment failure, reduced visibility or railway operator error). Typical examples of user error include incorrect knowledge of operation, misjudging the time it takes the train to reach the crossing or making incorrect assumptions regarding who has priority of use, direction of travel or the presence of second train approaching (usually from the opposite direction). Typical examples of user violation/abuse include users driving around half-barriers, users crossing when the crossing lights are red, users not requesting the signaller‘s authority to cross (where required) and leaving gates open after use. The risk profile for level crossings is based on the quantification of risk resulting from hazardous events occurring on the mainline railway that could lead to fatalities, major or minor injuries and shock or trauma to passengers, workforce or members of the public (excludes bridge strikes and incursion risk see Chart 35 and Chart 41 for a breakdown). The risk at level crossings is estimated to be 11.8 FWIs per year. Chart 3 shows the breakdown of which level crossing users are most at risk. 58% of the risk is to members of the public on foot (including cyclists) being struck by trains. Chart 3. Fatalities and weighted injuries at level crossings (SRMv6) Total system risk Risk associated with level crossings (excludes suicides) 141.3 FWI/year 67 fatalities and 74.3 weighted injuries 11.8 FWI/year 10.8 fatalities and 1.0 weighted injuries Road vehicle occupants, 20% Train occupants, 4% Slips trips and falls, 4% Accidents with crossing equipment, 3% 8% Passengers on station crossings, 8% Public pedestrians, 62% Pedestrians struck by trains (excluding trespassers and suicides) 9 SRMv6 considers incident data up to and including 30 September 2008. Road-Rail Interface Special Topic Report 2010 11 Approximately 77% of the total risk at level crossings is to pedestrians. Most of pedestrian risk involves members of the public (62%) and passengers being struck by trains (8%) on level crossings. Approximately 4% of the total risk at level crossings is to passengers and members of the workforce on board the train. 3.1.3 Risk by crossing type Different types of level crossings offer different protection to users. There are two broad groups: Active crossings – where the road vehicle or pedestrian is warned of the approach of a train through closure of gates or barriers and/or by warning lights and/or alarms. Passive crossings – where no warning of a train‘s approach is given other than by the train driver who may use the train horn. Here, the onus is on the road vehicle user or pedestrian to determine whether it is safe to cross or not. Instructions for use are provided at each location, along with other appropriate signs. Generally automatic barrier and manually controlled crossings (including those monitored by CCTV) are installed on public roads where road traffic levels are high. Passive crossings for road vehicles are generally used in rural areas where there is a low frequency of trains. These crossings tend to be either on private roads, for example to provide access between a farm and fields or on roads which provide access to the farm which can be used by invitees (for example, those delivering milk or post). Footpath crossings are designed primarily for pedestrians. A small proportion of these (around 2%) have automatic protection in the form of miniature warning lights. There are also other types of crossing such as bridleway crossings which are intended for use by horses (and cycles) and station crossings. Barrow crossings are not public rights of way and are intended for station staff to use and are often protected by white lights. This information is not always well captured in incident reports, so footpath (including bridleway, barrow and station) crossings are analysed as a single category in this report. Information on the level crossing population of Great Britain, along with an illustrated guide to the different level crossing types, is in Appendix 7. Road-Rail Interface Special Topic Report 2010 12 Chart 4. Risk from trains striking road vehicles (SRMv6) 2.51 2.5 2 2.63 1.83 1.5 0.72 0.71 0.46 Overall risk OC UWC UWC+T 0.12 0.01 FP 0.19 0.14 UWC+MWL UWC UWC+T UWC+MWL AOCL/R AHB ABCL MCG MCB MCB-CCTV 0 FP 0.01 0.02 AOCL/R 0.23 0.44 0.46 AHB 0.05 0.11 0.04 0.03 MCB-CCTV 0.30 MCG 0.45 0.5 ABCL 0.83 MCB 1 OC Fatalities and weighted injuries per year 3 Risk per 1000 crossings The overall risk for each type of crossing is affected by the number of such crossings on the network, the hazards associated with them and their levels of usage. The risk per 1000 crossings is a useful metric for safety management purposes when compared to the overall risk, as it shows those crossings with the greatest individual risk. AHB and UWC (with and without telephones) account for most of the level crossing risk to road vehicle occupants. There are a large number of UWCs, but most are installed on private roads, AHBs are typically fitted at locations where road and railway is more heavily used and are often sited on busier, mainlines with a maximum line speed of 100mph. AHB, AOCL and UWC-MWL have the highest risk per crossing for road vehicle users. Both AOCL and UWC-MWL have low absolute levels of risk, but a much higher risk per crossing. This is partly because there are comparatively few crossings of this type on the network (around 2% of the total crossing population for each). AOCLs have the lowest level of protection of all the automatic crossings, not having barriers but are provided with lights and yodel alarms (see section 3.4.2 for further information on AOCLs). Some of highest risk UWCs were upgraded with the addition of telephones and/or miniature warning lights (to create UWC-Ts or UWC-MWLs). This led to a reduction in the risk at UWC crossings, but the greater risk remains at those at those crossings fitted with additional protection. Road-Rail Interface Special Topic Report 2010 13 Chart 5. Risk from trains striking pedestrians by crossing type (SRMv6) 4.5 4.23 Fatalities and weighted injuries per year 4 3.5 3 2.71 2.47 2.5 2.14 1.85 2 1.55 1.5 1.11 1.00 1 0.81 1.01 0.93 0.77 0.58 0.5 0.23 0.59 0.25 0.11 0.14 0.05 0.13 0.48 0.05 Overall risk FP OC UWC UWC+T UWC+MWL AOCL/R AHB ABCL MCG MCB MCB-CCTV FP OC UWC UWC+T UWC+MWL AOCL/R AHB ABCL MCG MCB MCB-CCTV 0 Risk per 1000 crossings Footpath crossings account for highest proportion of the overall risk to pedestrians and 37% of the total absolute risk at level crossings. ABCL, AHB and MCB-CCTV have the highest risk per crossing for pedestrians. It is worth noting that MCB-CCTV level crossings are one of the safest types of level crossings for road vehicle users, but not for pedestrians. This crossing type has a higher overall risk because of the high number of violations, such as users jumping over the lowered barriers. A recent example of this occurred on 17 December 2008 at Rainham MCB-CCTV crossing in Essex (South East). A member of the public jumped over the barriers and was clipped by the train, suffering a broken foot as a result. The person deliberately crossed in violation whilst the barriers were down; he was later arrested and charged by British Transport Police (BTP). 3.1.4 Precursor Indicator Model RSSB‘s Precursor Indicator Model (PIM) measures the underlying risk from train accidents by tracking changes in the occurrence of accident precursors. It was first developed in 1999, and has since been subject to a series of modelling improvements. The PIM monitors the risk from train derailments, train collisions, buffer stop collisions, train fires and trains striking road vehicles at level crossings. The precursors covered by the PIM fall into six main groups, encompassing 28 separate sub-groups and 46 lower level groups. Road-Rail Interface Special Topic Report 2010 14 About 95% of the train accident risk at level crossings occurs from public behaviour (rather than workforce errors or equipment failures). This is measured in the PIM by near misses between trains and road vehicles. Chart 6. PIM model showing a breakdown of road-rail interface risk 140 Other train accident risk Level crossing failures Level crossing incidents due to weather 120 Irregular working affecting level crossing Train striking road vehicles away from level crossings Public behaviour at level crossings PIM indicator 100 80 60 40 20 0 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Overall, train accident risk has fallen by two-thirds during the last ten years. This has been driven by a large reduction in the risk from SPADs. The PIM is made up of six groups. Currently, the largest (in risk terms) is public behaviour at level crossings. Road-Rail Interface Special Topic Report 2010 15 The lower coloured section on in Chart 6 shows the risk from road-rail interface activities. This is dominated by the risk from public behaviour at level crossings, but it also includes small contributions from failures, irregular working and non-rail vehicles on the line at other locations that lead to derailments. Greater improvements in the Other train accident risk areas, such as the reduction in SPADs and improved rolling stock design, mean that road-rail interface risk now accounts for half of the current PIM train accident risk. 3.1.5 Train accident risk at level crossings Collisions between trains and road vehicles at level crossings are classified as train accidents (unlike collisions with pedestrians or cyclists). Collisions at level crossings account for around 42% of all PIM train accident risk. Chart 7. Causes of train accident risk at level crossings (SRMv6) Road vehicle driver error 53% Road accidents and stranded vehicles 7% Road vehicle driver deliberate action (including suicide) 17% Signaller, crossing keeper and track worker errors 7% SPAD, overspeeding and train driver error <1% Environment 11% Vandalism 4% Equipment failure 1% The total train accident risk at level crossings is 2.8 FWI per year. The majority of risk, 77%, is caused by road vehicle drivers. Road vehicle driver error is the largest cause category for risk at level crossings, accounting for 53% of the total. Just over 8% of the total risk relates to sources within the direct control of the rail industry. The majority of this risk is associated with workforce errors. Road-Rail Interface Special Topic Report 2010 16 3.1.6 All level crossing risk model There are around 6,500 level crossings on the mainline railway. The risk varies from crossing to crossing, depending on its type and usage levels as well as a range of local factors. The risk is assessed at each individual crossing using the All Level Crossing Risk Model (ALCRM).10 The model is used by Network Rail to assess the level of protection required. The level of protection is specified in legislative requirements and industry standards, which are supplemented by Office of Rail Regulation (ORR) guidance. The principal factors which can influence the level of protection are: maximum train speed, train frequency, crossing user frequency and whether it is for public or private use. The road layout and environment in the vicinity of the crossing are also considered when determining the level of protection on public roads. 3.1.7 Level crossing population numbers The level crossing population in Great Britain has changed over the years. This is due to the fact that the type of level crossings can change (for example, because they are upgraded to a higher level of protection) or because they are closed. Historically, there have been differences in the way that crossings have been counted and categorised. Recent improvements in the quality of Network Rail‘s level crossing census will reduce the instance of changes in numbers of the total numbers of level crossings. During 2009/10, there was a major UWC closure programme, in which approximately 383 crossings of this type were either designated for closure or were actually closed. The current census of level crossing population by region and crossing type can be seen in Appendix 7 along with a chart showing the number of road public level crossings since 1960. Table 1 shows the total level crossing population on Network Rail managed infrastructure by type from 2002/03 to 2008. The introduction of the ‗open active‘ category in 2006 allowed all disused crossings (such as sleeping dogs or crossings on mothballed lines) to be separated from those in use. This facilitated an improvement in the calculation of risk based on crossings currently in use. Since 2006, there has been a 3.5% decrease in the total number of level crossings. Table 1. Level crossing numbers on NRMI by type 2002/03-2008 Protected Year Totals MG Unprotected Manual Automatic MCBUWCMCB CCTV AHB ABCL AOCR AOCL MWL Manual UWC UWC-T OC FP SFB 2002/03 8188 264 242 358 470 45 1 140 155 2290 1617 60 2546 - 2003/04 7937 259 255 361 462 49 1 134 172 1979 1677 60 2528 - 2004 7833 245 249 364 457 49 1 131 162 2003 1613 62 2497 - 2005 7674 253 235 373 456 49 1 127 129 1551 1668 58 2593 181 2006 6785 213 238 377 451 50 1 128 93 1060 1661 63 2266 184 2007 6652 191 234 380 452 48 1 120 88 980 1624 51 2290 193 2008 6542 193 240 378 455 50 1 119 104 940 1624 56 2206 176 Source: Network Rail Level Crossing Census Note: Data prior to 2004 is on a financial year basis (April - March) and is therefore not directly comparable Data changes: from 2006 the classification of open active crossings removed all disused crossings (ie sleeping dogs) 10 ALCRM is used to gain a greater understanding of crossing risk and to target investment to close/divert or improve crossings where reasonably practicable. Road-Rail Interface Special Topic Report 2010 17 3.2 Progress against SSP trajectory Planning is a key part of the industry‘s approach to safety management. Companies produce individual safety plans, detailing the activities and initiatives for the forthcoming period, and indicating the associated expected benefits. The overall expected benefit of industry planning is brought together in the Strategic Safety Plan (SSP), which is based on the information in individual plans. The current SSP covers the five-year period from April 2009 to March 2014. 3.2.1 SSP trajectory – public behaviour at level crossings The risk that arises as a result of public behaviour at level crossings amounts to 10.3 FWI per year (including 7.8 fatalities). This covers incidents at level crossings in which the crossing user makes a genuine error (for example, failing to check for trains) as well as cases of wilful misuse (such as weaving round half-barriers). Most of the risk (8.5 FWI per year) is caused by pedestrians traversing level crossings when it is not safe to do so. Such actions usually place only the crossing user at risk. The behaviour of road vehicle drivers at level crossing accounts for 2.5 FWI per year, with most of the harm again occurring to the crossing user. Collisions between road vehicles and trains at level crossings have the potential to cause a derailment, as evidenced by the incident at Ufton in 2004, in which six people were killed on board the train. The following list contains some of the actions that the industry is taking to tackle the issue of public behaviour at level crossings and some are explained in more detail in the initiatives section of this report: Ways of facilitating the closure of level crossings or their conversion to lower-risk types. Campaigns to raise public and workforce awareness of level crossing risks, to reduce levels of misuse. Adoption of new technologies where these prove successful in trials, to use technology to help users or constrain misuse. Work to secure convictions and appropriate sentences for those who misuse level crossings, to discourage misuse among the public. Implementation of a new design of level crossing telephone, which will be easier to use in emergencies and therefore help reduce unintentional misuse. Performance against the SSP trajectory related to public behaviour at level crossings is shown in Chart 8. The red line shows the average level of harm that occurred at level crossings over the period 2006-09 normalised by train miles. This accounts for changes in rail traffic, but not changes to road traffic and pedestrian use of level crossings. The blue line shows the expected trajectory. Road-Rail Interface Special Topic Report 2010 18 Chart 8. Performance against SSP trajectory related to public behaviour at level crossings 140% 120% 100% 80% 60% Trajectory 40% 20% Performance against trajectory 0% 123412341234123412341234123412341234 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Based on the number and type of incidents that have occurred at level crossings, performance is currently in line within the trajectory. After a rising trend in 2007 and 2008, performance has levelled off in 2009; the situation will continue to be monitored. 3.3 Level crossing safety performance Safety performance at level crossings has been well publicised in the media over the last five years. This is due to the high-profile events that have caused multiple fatalities, not just in Great Britain, but all over the world. 3.3.1 Headlines There have been 80 fatalities to pedestrians in the last ten years, making the average number of fatalities to be around eight per year. This has generally been the case over the period, with the exception of 2006, which saw five, and 2008, when there were 13 recorded pedestrians killed on level crossings. There were a total of 161 collisions between trains and road vehicles at level crossings in the last ten years; 27 road vehicle occupants lost their lives as a result of collisions with trains. AOCLs have featured in 33% of the all collisions between trains and road vehicles at level crossings in the last ten years (including a multi-fatality incident in September 2009 – see section 3.3.2). Reported near misses with trains and road vehicles at level crossings peaked in 2003 and followed a decreasing trend until 2007. In 2008, there was an increase of 19% in total numbers reported. The total number of reported events in 2009 saw a return fewer numbers as those reported in 2007. Road-Rail Interface Special Topic Report 2010 19 3.3.2 Fatalities and injuries in 2009 There were five road vehicle occupants (in three separate events) fatally injured as a result of trains striking road vehicles at level crossings in 2009. This compares with one11 in the previous year and three in 2007. On 5 January, a passenger train struck a car that was involved in a road traffic accident at South Drove AHB crossing (London North East). The driver of the car was fatally injured. The severe weather conditions may have been a contributing factor in causing the road traffic accident. On 2 September, a light locomotive train struck a car on Penrhyndeudraeth UWC-T (Western). The road vehicle driver was fatally injured. The road vehicle driver regularly used the level crossing however the train was an unscheduled service. On 29 September, a passenger service struck a car at Halkirk (AOCL) automatic locally monitored level crossing (Scotland). All three vehicle occupants received fatal injuries. There were eight pedestrians struck and fatally injured on level crossings in 2009. This compares with 13 in 2008 and nine in 2007. On 23 January, a passenger train struck a person at Gatehead AHB level crossing, near Kilmarnock (Scotland). On 7 February, an elderly male was struck and fatally injured on Moulinearn Red/Green miniature light level crossing (Scotland). The man was local and used the crossing regularly. On 2 April, a 17-year-old male pedestrian was struck on Pleth Lane footpath level crossing (London North East). He was using the crossing whilst listening to an iPod. On 3 April, a cyclist was struck on Eyton (AHB) level crossing (Western). The cyclist ignored the lights and rode around the barriers and was struck by an oncoming train. On 6 May, a woman walking two dogs was struck by a train at Fairfield footpath (no lights) level crossing (Western). On 23 May, a member of public was struck by a train at Tuckers UWC level crossing near Trowbridge (Western). On 7 September, a passenger train struck a two year old child at Fox Covert foot crossing, (London North East). The child ran onto the crossing as the train approached. On 2 November, a pedestrian was struck and fatally wounded on Attenborough nature reserve footpath level crossing (London North East). There were six major injuries to pedestrians in 2009; two people struck by trains, two slips, trips and falls, and two people injured by the crossing equipment. This compares with 12 in 2008 and three in 2007. A more recent event occurred at Morton-on-Lugg on 16 January 2010. One road vehicle occupant was fatality injured and another three road vehicle occupants received major and minor injuries. RAIB is carrying out an investigation to determine the cause of the accident. 11 Previous RSSB reports show that a collision with a road vehicle occurred on Marston-on-Dove on 10 May 2008 as accidental. The coroner has since held an inquest and returned a verdict of suicide. Road-Rail Interface Special Topic Report 2010 20 3.3.3 Trends in fatalities and injuries at level crossings For a fatality to be classed as occurring on a level crossing, the deceased must have been on board a train, in a road vehicle, or have been a pedestrian on the crossing at the time of the incident. Due to the time it takes for coroners‘ reports and inquests to be returned, it can take some time for information to become available. It is for this reason that numbers can change from year to year. Chart 9 shows the numbers of accidental fatalities that have occurred on level crossings since 2000. The chart is broken down by level crossing user, pedestrian, road vehicle occupant and train occupants. The majority of fatalities over the ten year period are to pedestrians (71%) and road vehicle occupants (24%). Only one accident resulted in fatalities to people on a train in the accident at Ufton in 2004. Chart 9. Fatalities at level crossings by user (excluding suicides) 16 Pedestrian 15 Road Vehicle 14 14 On board train 14 13 Total Level crossing fatalities 12 12 11 11 10 10 8 8 6 5 4 2 0 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Table 2 below shows that suicides and suspected suicides at level crossings increased during 2009. The crossing type that has featured most is footpath level crossings. The majority of fatalities are to pedestrians, road vehicle occupants accounting for only 3% of the total over the period. Table 2. Number of suicides and suspected suicides recorded at level crossings 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 11 12 18 14 20 26 23 20 22 31 Chart 10 shows the number of level crossing fatalities by crossing type and user. It shows pedestrian and road vehicle occupant fatalities separately, and identifies the type of crossing involved. The figure for accidental fatalities to road vehicle occupants and those on board trains contrasts sharply with the pedestrian fatalities. Road-Rail Interface Special Topic Report 2010 21 Chart 10. Fatalities at level crossings by crossing type (excluding suicides) 14 13 Footpath UWC-T 12 UWC UWC-MWL AOCL 10 9 9 9 AHB Fatalities 8 MCG 8 8 MCB-CCTV 7 MCB 6 6 6 6 5 5 5 4 3 3 2 3 3 2 2 1 Pedestrians Road vehicle occupants 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 0 On board train Pedestrian fatalities occur mainly on footpath crossings (40%) followed by fatalities at automatic half barrier crossings (23%). The road vehicle occupant fatality at Penrhyndeudraeth UWC-T in 2009 was the first since 2003 at this type of crossing. 3.3.4 Pedestrian fatalities by time of day Table 3 shows the pedestrian fatalities that have occurred at footpath crossings by time of day. Table 3. Pedestrian footpath level crossing fatalities by time of day and year Year 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Total 23:00-06:59 07:00-11:59 12:00-17:59 18:00-22:59 0 5 0 0 0 0 2 2 0 0 2 1 1 1 2 3 1 0 1 1 0 3 0 1 0 2 0 2 0 1 0 3 0 3 2 3 0 0 2 1 2 15 11 17 Total 5 4 3 7 3 4 4 4 8 3 45 The majority of fatalities to pedestrians at footpath level crossings occur between the hours of 18:00 and 22:59 (38%) and 07:00-11:59 (33%). Road-Rail Interface Special Topic Report 2010 22 Since the introduction of the night time quiet period in April 2007 (where train drivers no longer required to routinely sound their horns at whistle boards) there have been no fatalities between the hours of 23:00 and 07:00. (See Section 3.5.3 for further analysis on near miss by time of day during the quiet period.) 3.3.5 Trends in harm at level crossings Chart 11 shows that most injuries at level crossings are fatal. Only a small proportion of FWI total is made up from non-fatal injuries. Non-fatal injuries are mostly caused by events such as, slips, trips and falls and when a barrier (or other crossing equipment) causes injury to a person using the interface. At 13, the number of fatalities for 2009 is higher than the average of 11 fatalities per year. One of the events (at Halkirk AOCL) involved a train collision with a road vehicle which resulted in the deaths of three road vehicle occupants. Over the period shown, there was one train collision with a road vehicle that resulted in a derailment and on-board fatalities: the road user suicide at Ufton in November 2004, which resulted in the deaths of five passengers and the train driver. Chart 11. 18 Harm at level crossings since 2001 (excluding suicides) Weighted injuries (all) Pedestrian fatalities (public) Fatalities and weighted injuries 15.3 13.8 14 3 12.5 12 5 2 1 12.4 1 2 11.0 3 5 8.8 5 8 3 2 6 4 Pedestrian fatalities (passenger) 15.5 16 10 Road vehicle occupant fatalities Train occupant fatalities 16.9 2 9 1 5.8 11 9 6 8 6 2 5 5 2005 2006 8 0 2001 2002 2003 2004 2007 2008 2009 There was an overall reduction of harm at level crossings in 2009 when compared with 2008. The total harm for 2009 is slightly above the ten year average of 12.6 FWI per year. Suicide fatalities by level crossing users are not shown in the chart. However, the injuries that were subsequently caused as a result of their actions are. Including the Ufton incident, there have been six road vehicle driver suicides at level crossings since 2000 (all of which occurred at AHB crossings). Road-Rail Interface Special Topic Report 2010 23 3.3.6 Causes of harm at level crossings Chart 11 above showed the trends in harm at level crossings over the last nine years, confirming that most injuries at level crossings are fatal. Chart 12 shows the proportion of fatal and non-fatal injuries and the causes of harm. Only a small proportion of the total is made up from non-fatal injuries (8%). Chart 12. Breakdown showing the causes of harm at level crossings since 2001 Public behaviour: RV fatalities 22% Public behaviour: train occupant fatalities 5% Non-fatal injuries 8% Level crossing equipment failure/condition Workforce error Public behaviour: pedestrian fatalities 65% Public behaviour When the non-fatal injuries are further analysed, most of them are again due to user behaviour (91%). The remainder have been recorded as due to level crossing equipment failure (eg lights fail to operate) or condition (eg crossing surface poorly maintained), or workforce error (eg operational errors on the part of signallers or crossing keepers). Since 2001, 99% of harm at level crossings has been recorded as due to public behaviour. 3.3.7 Injuries by user behaviour When analysing the trends in accidental injuries at level crossings the term ‗trespass‘12 is no longer used as a classification of user behaviour at level crossings. Therefore the most meaningful terms to determine a person‘s actions are categorised in three ways: proper use, misuse (error) and misuse (violation). These are defined as follows: Proper use: users begin to cross entirely legitimately, but unforeseen events lead to a transgression (as when a motor vehicle breaks down half-way across a crossing, or the level crossing fails due to an error outside the user‘s control). Misuse: error - users cross when a train is imminent, but are in some way honestly mistaken about its proximity and the warnings given by signs, sirens etc. 12 Level crossing users are never counted as trespassers, providing they are not using the crossing as an access point into a permanently unauthorised area, such as the trackside. Road-Rail Interface Special Topic Report 2010 24 Misuse: violation - users cross when a train is imminent, but deliberately disregard warnings and signs (as when users weave between half-barriers, or play ‗chicken‘ with oncoming trains). An example of proper use of a level crossing occurred on 19 December 2009, at Victory AHB level crossing, near Taunton (Western). The person‘s wheelchair became stuck in a pothole on the crossing surface as the barriers were lowered. They managed to remove themselves from the wheelchair and clear the line before the train‘s arrival. However, the wheelchair was subsequently struck and destroyed. The person suffered minor injures as a result of falling from the wheelchair. The RAIB is investigating the incident.13 Chart 13 demonstrates that in 2009 there has been an increase in incidents to road users while they are using the crossings correctly (proper use). This is mainly due to four road vehicle occupants (three in one event at Halkirk14) who were fatally injured on level crossings. There are also a number of events where pedestrians slipped, tripped or fell on a crossing. A number of pedestrians were also struck by the crossing barriers (see Chart 12 for the breakdown of causes). Chart 13. 18 Injuries by user behaviour Improper use - error 16.9 Improper use - violation 16 Proper use 15.5 Total 15.3 Fatalities and weighted injuries 14 13.8 12 12.5 12.4 11.0 10 8.8 8 6 5.8 4 2 0 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 13 Anecdotal evidence from the Netherlands suggests that a number of incidents have occurred involving mobility scooters being struck on level crossings. 14 The cause of the ongoing RAIB investigation will determine if the crossing users at Halkirk were using the crossing correctly. Road-Rail Interface Special Topic Report 2010 25 3.4 Train accidents at level crossings The following section analyses the safety performance in relation to train accident risk at level crossings. When considering the potential risk at level crossings, trains striking road vehicles has the highest consequences (mainly for road vehicle occupants). The potential for trains to strike road vehicles at any point on the railway presents potentially significant risk especially if derailment occurs (see Chapter 5 on vehicle incursion risk). The frequency of derailments at level crossings has reduced significantly over the last ten years. Conversely, there is little evidence of a sustained reduction in collisions at level crossings, which is an area over which the railway has only limited control. 3.4.1 Trends in collisions between trains and road vehicles Chart 14 shows the total number of collisions between trains and road vehicles at level crossings over the last ten years; there have been 161 events recorded over this period, which is an average of 16 collisions per year. This higher level chart is broken down by the level crossing class and shows that there have not been any collisions between trains and road vehicles at active manual crossings for the last three years (although one has recently occurred at Moreton-on-Lugg in 2010); 65% of collisions occur at active automatic level crossings. Chart 18 gives a further breakdown by the type of crossing involved. Chart 14. Collisions between trains and road vehicles at level crossings (inc suicides) 30 Passive Active - Manual protection Train collisions with road vehicles 6 20 15 Active - Automatic protection 24 25 17 17 5 4 19 16 16 5 4 16 9 6 1 10 5 1 18 11 13 12 11 11 11 4 4 2 9 5 14 5 10 9 2008 2009 7 0 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 During 2009, there was a reduction in the total numbers of collisions between trains and road vehicles from the previous year. The total of 14 is broadly in line with the ten year average of 16. There is no evidence of a change in the rate which is backed up by the analysis in the PIM. Road-Rail Interface Special Topic Report 2010 26 Chart 15 shows the breakdown of road vehicle types that are most commonly involved in collisions with a train; 63% of vehicles struck are cars. Heavy goods vehicles, lorries and farming tractors using level crossings are typically less manoeuvrable than smaller and lighter road vehicles. As the Hixon15 accident (1968) illustrated, the limited acceleration speeds of such vehicles can lead to greater exposure to collisions if due care is not taken. Chart 15. Vehicle type struck 2000-09 Van 11% Tractor 11% Lorry/HGV 7% Car 63% Motorcycle 4% Trailer 2% Bus/minbus 2% In recent years, has there has been increasing use of satellite navigation16 devices to guide drivers using unfamiliar routes. In some cases, and not just in the UK, the user has been guided onto level crossings without them realising they are on a railway interface. An incident occurred in Wales on 24 February 2007, in which a road vehicle driver mistakenly drove onto Flynnongain UWC-WML crossing and was struck by a passing train (Western). The road vehicle driver opened one of the crossing gates and drove half way over the crossing before getting out of the vehicle to open the second gate when a train stuck the road vehicle parked on the line. The road vehicle driver moved away from the area before the train arrived at the crossing. Chart 16 looks at the total number of collisions at each crossing type and the corresponding FWI for each crossing type. Note that although there are more collisions at AOCL crossings, AHBs suffer from a slightly higher number of fatalities and weighted injuries (excludes suicide fatalities). For a full list of level crossing collisions with road vehicles and trains that have resulted in accidental fatalities, see Appendix 2. Two of the collisions in 2009 occurred at Fairbourne AOCL level crossing (Western), on 14 May and 27 June. A Pwllheli service (with the same train driver) was involved in both incidents. In the first collision, the car driver admitted to ‗jumping‘ the red light. 15 The Hixon accident occurred on 6 January 1968. A slow moving low loader carrying a 120-ton electrical transformer was struck by an express train on a newly installed AHB level crossing. Eight passengers and three crew members were killed. 16 ProRail, the infrastructure manager in the Netherlands, is in discussion with the makers of TomTom satellite navigation devices to improve the warnings given to road vehicle drivers on the approach to level crossings. Road-Rail Interface Special Topic Report 2010 27 Chart 16. Collisions at level crossings by crossing type over ten years 60 Number of collisions with road vehicles by crossing type 2009 53 2008 2007 50 2006 2005 2004 39 40 2003 2002 2001 2000 28 30 FWI 20 17 10 10 9.3 8.2 6 5.2 3 0 0.0 AOCL 3.4.2 AHB UWC-T UWC 2 3.3 3.1 UWC-MWL OC 0.0 ABCL 1 0.0 MCB 1 0.0 footpath 1 0.0 0.0 MCG MCB-CCTV AOCL crossings AOCL crossings represent only 3% (119) of the total vehicular level crossing population. However, over the last ten years, 33% of collisions have occurred at crossings of this type. This can also be seen in Chart 16, above and Table 4 below. Although AOCLs see the most collisions, they do not experience the highest number of fatalities (AHBs have 33% of the total fatalities whereas AOCLs have 26%). This is due to the fact that the Rules require the train driver to check that the crossing is clear before passing over at a maximum speed of 55mph (with most individual crossings having a lower speed). Therefore, any collisions occur at relatively low speeds. AHBs, on the other hand, are typically fitted at locations where road and railway is more heavily used and are often sited on busier, main lines with a maximum line speed of 100mph. Table 4. Collisions and fatalities at level crossings comparison over ten years Collisions % total collisions Fatalities % of total fatalities AOCL 53 33% 7 26% AHB 39 24% 9 33% UWC-T 28 17% 5 19% UWC 17 11% 3 11% UWC-MWL 10 6% 3 11% OC 6 4% 0 0% ABCL 3 2% 0 0% MCB 2 1% 0 0% footpath 1 1% 0 0% MCB-CCTV 1 1% 0 0% MCG 1 1% 0 0% 161 100% 27 100% Crossing type Total Road-Rail Interface Special Topic Report 2010 28 3.4.3 Causes of train collisions at level crossings Chart 17 looks at the causes of collisions between trains and road vehicles at level crossings from 2000-2009. The most common causes of collisions at level crossings are due to the road vehicle driver. Those who fail to use the crossing as designed account for 27% of all incidents. This includes RV drivers failing to use the telephone to check the line is clear and failing to stop, look and listen. This category also contains events where users fail to close the gates to road traffic and leave the crossing unsafe for future users of the level crossing. Chart 17. Causes of train collisions with road vehicles 2000-2009 RV driver suicide 4% RV stranded/failed or RTA 5% RV error- misuse: fails to use crossing correctly 27% RV struck: equipment failure or worker error 5% RV driver error: fails to observe crossing or grounding 9% RV deliberate action: zigzag/redlight running 24% RV struck: cause unclear 11% RV struck: environmental factors 15% Another common cause in 15% of collisions is due to road vehicle drivers not taking into account the environmental factors on the approach to or on the level crossing (eg fog/snow). Users can also place themselves in danger by taking unnecessary risk, such as running a red light and zig-zagging around the barriers; this has been the case for 24% of all collisions in the last ten years. Trains striking road vehicles due to equipment failure or workforce error feature in 5% of events. At AOCLs, there is a possibility that the road user may underestimate the time an approaching train might take to arrive at the interface and the speed at which it is travelling. This is exacerbated by the fact that not all types of level crossings have a set line speed and for a variety of reasons individual train speeds below the ruling rail speed limit. At AOCL crossings, train drivers must ensure the crossing is clear before approaching. However, some road users still drive across in error or violation without apparent consideration of all the risks involved in getting across the interface safely. The most recent collision between a train and a farm vehicle that was caused by worker error17 occurred in 2008. The incident occurred at Loover Barn UWC-T. The signaller had 17 The last fatality caused by workforce error within occurred in 1970, when a train struck a lorry on the level crossing at Shalmsford Street near Canterbury (South East) after the crossing keeper failed to close the gate to road traffic. The lorry driver and a train guard were killed. Road-Rail Interface Special Topic Report 2010 29 thought that the train had already passed over the crossing and gave permission for the farmer to use the crossing. The train struck the tractor just as the front of the tractor was entering the crossing. The only harm was a minor injury sustained by the train driver. An incident occurred in 2007 at Abbey Farm crossing in similar circumstances. 3.4.4 Level crossing collisions causing derailments Chart 18 shows the total number of collisions by crossing type and the total number each year that have caused derailments. Chart 18. Level crossing collisions by crossing type and the total causing derailments 30 4.5 footpath OC 4 UWC-T 24 25 AOCL UWC-MWL 3.5 AHB ABCL 20 19 3 MCG 3 MCB-CCTV 17 17 16 16 MCB 16 Derailments 2.5 14 15 2 2 2 11 11 10 Derailments Road vehicle collisions with trains 4 UWC 1.5 1 1 5 0.5 0 0 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 0 2006 0 2007 0 2008 0 0 2009 There have been no derailments at level crossings due to trains striking road vehicles since 2004. Details on recent improvements in vehicle standards regarding crashworthiness and obstacle deflectors may be found in chapter 2 of RSSB‘s Report on improvements in the safety of passengers and staff involved in train accidents. In 2009, for the first time in four18 years, there were no collisions with road vehicles at an OC type level crossing. 3.4.5 Trains striking barriers or gates Chart 19 shows the number of trains striking level crossing gates or barriers and the associated FWI as a result of the collision. Passive manual crossings, including user-worked crossings and trainman-operated crossings, contribute most to the overall trend. Although the numbers are low, and example of a more serious event occurred on 15 November 2004, when the up side gate at Rowston MCG level crossing (London North East) was struck and destroyed by a passenger train. The train window was smashed and the unit incurred a fuel 18 For a detailed list of all collisions between trains and road vehicles that have resulted in fatalities, see Appendix 2. Road-Rail Interface Special Topic Report 2010 30 leak. There were a number of on-board injuries. One person with head injuries was air-lifted to hospital; there were also minor injuries to two school children. The cause was due to the crossing keeper being distracted whilst talking to a member of the public. This is the first incident of a train striking a level crossing gate or barrier that has resulted in a major injury since 1991. In general, trains only strike barriers when a road vehicle has pushed them foul of the running line – immediately prior to the train reaching the crossing. Gates at UWCs should be hung in such a way that they cannot be opened or blown towards the line. Gates can be struck either when the clasp had become defective or they have become unhinged in some way. Trains striking level crossing gates or barriers Trains striking gates or barriers at level crossings 12 Passive Active - Manaul protection Active - Automatic protection FWI 9 10 10 8 0.12 0.1 0.08 5 7 4 6 6 6 0.06 2 5 4 5 1 3 4 0.04 2 3 3 3 2 4 1 2 6 Fatalities and weighted injuries (FWI) Chart 19. 1 0.02 4 3 2 2 2 2 2 1 0 0 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Active automatic protection classed level crossings have barriers for protection, during 2009 there were no level crossing barriers struck by trains. 2004 was the last time an injury occurred as a result of a train striking a level crossing gate or barrier. Passive level crossings suffer from more train strikes because they require human involvement in securing them properly after use. Although it is not within time period covered in this report, a more recent event occurred on 22 February 2010. A passenger train struck the gates of Stow Park Tillbridge Lane MCG level crossing (London North East). The signaller had left the gates open to road traffic when the collision occurred. The train driver suffered minor injuries as a result. RAIB is investigating the incident and will publish a bulletin highlight any lessons from the incident. Road-Rail Interface Special Topic Report 2010 31 3.5 Near misses and misuse at level crossings Due to the relatively small number of accidents at level crossings, it is hard to monitor trends and identify patterns from accident data alone. The industry therefore also uses data on reported near misses. Near misses are typically reported by train drivers who feel that they have had to take action (ie an emergency brake application) to avoid a collision, or feel that they came close to striking a road vehicle or pedestrian (ie where the train driver may have suffered traumatic shock). This obviously involves a certain level of subjectivity. They can also be reported by crossing operators, but this depends on whether or not the crossing is manned. Many near misses may go unobserved due to prevailing light and visibility conditions and even due to the curvature of the line preventing the driver getting a clear view of the crossing. 3.5.1 Near misses with road vehicles Chart 20 shows the number of reported near misses between road vehicles and trains at level crossings. There is a clear seasonal pattern which shows that the majority of near miss events are reported during summer months which may be due to increased daylight hours and farming activities (as seen in section 3.5.4). The AMA number of reported near misses with road vehicles has been quite variable over the past ten years but generally downward. Chart 20. Near misses with road vehicles and trains at level crossings Near misses with road vehicles 80 Unknown Passive Active - Manual protection Active - Automatic protection AMA 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 2001 2002 2003 The current AMA level is a 22% reduction from the level at the end of 2000. The number of near misses with road vehicles decreased by 17% in 2009 compared with 2008. The yearly total number of reported near misses with trains and road vehicles peaked in 2003 (Chart 21) and was followed a decreasing trend until 2007. In 2008, the decreasing trend was reverted and an increase of 19% was recorded. Road-Rail Interface Special Topic Report 2010 2004 2005 Chart 21. Near misses with road vehicles 2000 2006 150 2008 2009 Near misses with road vehicles 250 200 2007 223 186 190 191 173 183 160 174 146 145 100 50 0 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 32 Chart 22. Near misses with road vehicles and trains by route (normalised) 0.10 10 yr avg 2008 2009 0.09 Road vehicle near misses by route 0.08 0.07 0.06 0.05 0.04 0.03 0.02 0.01 0.00 Sussex Wessex Anglia Kent South East London North Eastern London North West Scotland Western The total number of (normalised by crossing numbers per route) near misses shows that the majority of reports are in the South East19 apart from the Wessex region, which has seen a decrease in the last two years compared with the ten-year average. Sussex has seen an increase in the last two years, compared with the ten-year average. London North Western has seen a slight decrease in the last two years, compared with the ten-year average. Chart 23 shows the majority of near misses with trains occur at UWC-T and UWC type level crossings with a combined total of 53%. AOCL type level crossings have also had a high proportion (22%) of events, followed by AHB crossings at 12% of all collisions occurring at this crossing type. 3.5.2 Near misses with pedestrians Chart 23. RV near misses by crossing type 2000-2009 Other Active OC 3% manual 4% 4% UWC-MWL 2% UWC-T 37% AHB 12% UWC 16% AOCL 22% The annual moving average shows there has been a steady increase of near miss events with pedestrians over the last ten years. Recorded numbers are generally lower in the autumn and winter months; this may well be due to generally poorer visibility conditions or possibly because leisure use by walkers is reduced. The trend in reported pedestrian near misses has been generally rising over the 19 The frequency of trains in the South East is generally higher than elsewhere. On a daily basis, more trains operate in Wessex than Scotland. Road-Rail Interface Special Topic Report 2010 33 period shown in Chart 24. However, over the same period, the number of reported road vehicle near misses has fallen slightly (as seen in the analysis above in section 3.5.1). Near misses with pedestrians Chart 24. Near misses with pedestrians and trains Unknown Passive Active - Manual protection Active - Automatic protection AMA 100 80 60 40 20 0 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 The last quarter of 2008 saw a large reduction in near misses with pedestrians, when measured against the last quarter of 2007. The end of 2009, however, saw a rise to a level more comparable with the close of 2006. The total number of near misses in 2008 (282) was the highest on record over the last ten years. A previous high was recorded in 2005, with 241 events. Chart 25. Near misses with pedestrians and trains by route (normalised) 0.30 Near misses normalised by crossing numbers 10 yr avg 2008 2009 0.25 0.20 0.15 0.10 0.05 0.00 Sussex Wessex Anglia South East Kent London North Eastern London North West Scotland Western When looking at the number of near misses normalised by crossing numbers per region, Sussex has again seen a large increase in the last two years when compared with the ten-year average. Road-Rail Interface Special Topic Report 2010 34 3.5.3 Near misses by time of day April 2007 saw the introduction of the night time ‗quiet‘ period, between 23:00 and 07:00, where train drivers are no longer routinely required to sound their horns at whistle boards. Chart 26 shows the overall increase in reported near misses in 2008 was not related an increase in the events reported during the night time period. Chart 26. Near misses with trains by time of day 300 281 18:00-22:59 266 12:00-17:59 07:00-11:59 250 24 101 75 94 86 144 100 78 45 89 61 10 5 5 2 3 7 9 13 2000 2001 2003 64 2009 2002 49 2008 10 59 62 2007 7 74 64 2006 8 66 2005 6 2001 63 106 93 106 84 63 2004 77 60 2000 0 71 95 84 64 50 125 126 26 76 67 62 142 17 72 156 45 Road vehicle 72 8 17 10 13 54 45 57 58 10 10 16 8 38 79 51 2009 150 41 34 19 2008 27 58 61 2007 25 54 172 158 49 2006 173 174 34 70 180 2005 26 73 207 2004 34 200 33 2003 200 232 220 2002 Near miss by time of day 221 186 188 190 241 23:00-06:59 211 Pedestrian The peak time for near misses to be recorded is between the hours of 12:00 and 18:00. In 2008 45% of all pedestrian and vehicle near misses were recorded in this period. The number of events during the quiet time increased slightly in 2009 for both road vehicle occupants and pedestrians. However, it is worth noting that this period only represents 5% of the total near misses when compared with other times of the day. The start of the quiet time has been specifically monitored to consider whether the frequency of incidents at this time are increasing and review any fatalities. 3.5.4 Farm vehicle near misses and misuse The following analysis was undertaken to assess the number of near misses and types of misuse with farm worker vehicles on level crossings. This was conducted using a word search on events where the words farmer, combine harvester, farm worker and tractor have been used in the narrative. Of the total number of near misses, farm-related events account for around 18% of the total. The analysis confirms that the majority of near miss events occur during the harvesting and hay-making months, which are generally from July to September each year. Road-Rail Interface Special Topic Report 2010 35 Chart 27. Near misses with farm vehicles (excludes pedestrians) 20 Unknown Passive Active - Manual protection Active - Automatic protection AMA Near miss with farm vehicles 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Reported near misses with farm vehicles and trains has decreased over the period shown but the annual moving average has slightly increased in 2008 and 2009. Misuse and near misses by farmers account for 69% of the total near misses reported. Chart 28. Other The causes of near miss and misuse by farm workers are shown in Chart 28. The chart shows both road vehicles and farmer workers on foot. The most common misuse is from farmers failing to contact the signaller to either report they are clear or indeed asking whether it is safe to cross in the first place. 3.5.5 Cause of incidents by farmers User fails to contact signaller RV strikes /struck by LX equipment Gate / barrier left open / raised RV crosses when unsafe Pedestrian crosses when unsafe Phone left off the hook Misuse at level crossings User behaviour in terms of misuse at level crossings can be analysed to determine if there are any underlying events that occur at any particular level crossing. At user-worked crossings with telephones, there are issues with users failing to phone the signaller, either before they use the crossing or report they have cleared it. In some cases, the phone has been left off the hook. Typical misuse reports involve road users jumping red lights and trying to beat the barriers, pedestrians ignoring warnings (including cases of people playing ‗chicken‘), and, at user-worked crossings, gates being left open. Most accidents involving trains at level crossings are caused by errors or, sometimes, deliberate violations by crossing users. It is important to remember that not all misuse will directly affect the person using the crossing, but may affect those who use the crossing in future. Often there are doubts in the reported numbers of misuse of level crossings, simply because there are no railway personnel to report the events, resulting in significant underreporting. In Road-Rail Interface Special Topic Report 2010 36 light of these difficulties, it is best to consider the overall patterns rather than the numbers themselves Active - Manual protection Active - Automatic protection Chart 29. Reported misuse of level crossings by category and crossing type 2000-2009 UWC-MWL RV crosses when unsafe 6% Pedestrian crosses when unsafe ABCL 1% Phone left of the hook / vandalism / children playing AHB 10% Gate / barrier left open / raised RV strikes /struck by LX equipment AOCL/R 4% MCG User fails to contact signaller Other 3% MCB-CCTV 17% MCB 14% Passive UWC-T 30% UWC 10% OC 1% footpath 3% 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% User worked crossings with telephones are the level crossing type with the most recorded misuse events; gates left open and users failing to contact the signaller making up most of the misuse at this type of crossing. Misuse events that are featured in the ‗other‘ category include users breaking down on the level crossing or general misuse of the crossing. 3.5.6 Users crossing when unsafe The most serious cases of misuse tend to be those where a pedestrian or vehicle occupant uses the crossing when it is unsafe to do so. Examples include crossing users trying to beat the lights or pedestrians running across when the barriers are lowering. Such incidents are not always classified as a ‗near miss with a train‘. The data suggests the number of events is a lot higher in the last five years than the preceding five years. This is believed to be due to increased reporting and improved data quality rather than an increase in actual numbers. Road-Rail Interface Special Topic Report 2010 37 Chart 30. Level crossing user crossing when unsafe (includes near misses) 900 786 790 800 775 742 711 Manually protected 610 653 652 Automatic protected 573 573 600 Unknown Unprotected 663 670 700 User crosses when unsafe 777 786 742 509 500 423 400 363 381 337 300 200 100 Road vehicle 3.5.7 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 0 Pedestrian Train performance delays due to level crossing misuse Delays to train services as a result of incidents, mainly equipment damage and failures, at level crossings result in delays to passengers and freight customers, financial penalties for industry parties and the potential loss of reputation and business for the railway overall. In performance terms it is estimated that 2% of delay minutes can be attributed to level crossing issues and there are many additional costs such as calling out staff to operate crossings after barriers are struck by road vehicles and the cost of repairing the damage caused. Table 5 shows the total number of performance delay minutes due to level crossing incidents (ie road vehicle collisions with trains or fatalities) and the delay due to misuse (ie road vehicles striking level crossing equipment). The cost per incident (CPI) and delay per incident (DPI) shows that whilst the total number of incidents has fluctuated over the last three years, the cost per incident is decreasing. This is a good indication that although incidents and misuse has increased, the industry has become more successful at managing them. Table 5. Performance delays due to level crossing incidents and misuse Year 2007 2008 2009 Total Incidents 2752 2926 2545 8223 Delay 69860 81046 66164 217071 Road-Rail Interface Special Topic Report 2010 Cost £1,808,162 £1,720,606 £1,477,210 £5,005,977 DPI 25 28 26 26 CPI £657 £588 £580 £609 38 3.6 Level crossing equipment failures The number of RIDDOR-reportable level crossing equipment failures is shown in Chart 31. These events relate to any failure of equipment at a level crossing that could endanger users, where the level crossing is on a running line. Note that it does not include misuse of equipment as seen in the misuse analysis above. Equipment failure accounts for a small proportion of the risk at level crossings, the risk being mitigated by the fact that equipment is designed to ‗fail safe‘; that is, it automatically defaults to a position of safety. For example, if the equipment fails at an automatic level crossing, the warning lights operate and the barriers lower. Equipment failure can range from minor component defects, to more serious disruptions caused by power cuts and technical faults. Damage to equipment is also caused by vandals, thieves, road traffic accidents and the weather (particularly wind, floods and lightning). Chart 31. Level crossing equipment failures (excluding telephone faults) 400 350 346 Other (including general system failures) Lights (including white lights) 300 CCTV system (including floodlights) Equipment failures Gate 250 Barrier Crossing surface 189 200 150 131 86 100 61 50 40 33 0 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 The number of RIDDOR-reportable incidents has increased again in 2009. It is believed that the increase in the number of recorded incidents in 2009 is due to an increase in reporting rather than a general increase in faults at level crossings. The number of telephone faults can be seen in Table 6. Table 6. RIDDOR-reportable telephone faults 2003 12 2004 10 2005 167 Road-Rail Interface Special Topic Report 2010 2006 444 2007 480 2008 302 2009 362 39 In the seven-year period shown in Chart 31 and Table 6, there have only been two minor injuries sustained as a result of equipment failure (one in 2004; the other in 2008). There have also been two reported cases of shock in the same period, both of which occurred in 2004. Performance delays due to level crossing failures or faults are shown in Table 7. The CPI and DPI has generally remained the same indicating that faults are continuing to cost the railways time and money. Table 7. Performance train delays due to level crossing failures or faults Year 2007 2008 2009 Total Incidents 1974 2294 2198 6466 Minutes 101089 99435 111521 312045 Costs £2,812,971 £2,512,381 £3,155,150 £8,480,502 DPI 51.2 43.3 50.7 48.3 CPI £1,425 £1,095 £1,435 £1,312 Failures and faults at level crossings cause almost twice as much delay and cost twice as much to repair as misuse and other level crossing incidents. 3.7 Level crossing vandalism Crime at level crossings is a serious issue, which has the potential to cost lives, as well as cause delays and cost to the industry. Usually, these incidents involve members of the public defacing signs or causing damage to gates, barriers, telephones and the like. In previous reports, the following data contained level crossing vandalism events that were caused by trespassers putting obstructions on the line and vandals throwing missiles. This type of event has been removed from the analysis to show only those where the level crossing equipment itself has been stolen or tampered with. This is because of the difficulty in recording the exact location at which the event occurred and the fact that this type of vandalism does not always occur exclusively at level crossings. Table 8. 2000 204 Incidents of level crossing vandalism 2001 159 2002 165 2003 193 2004 168 2005 78 2006 117 2007 67 2008 58 2009 62 Cases of vandalism have shown a significant decrease since 2004 with the exception of 2006, when the recorded number of incidents was significantly higher than in 2007 and 2008. Road-Rail Interface Special Topic Report 2010 40 3.8 Performance against European targets The European Railway Safety Directive requires the European Rail Agency (ERA) to develop a set of Common Safety Targets (CSTs) for Member States. The long-term aim is to prevent safety becoming a barrier to opening the rail market. The CSTs are based on the assumption that, although the level of safety differs greatly across all countries, the level of safety is acceptable in each. They seek to avoid compromising safety in countries with a superior safety performance. CSTs only relate to significant accidents associated with ‗rolling stock in motion‘ and are quantified in terms of Fatalities and Weighted Serious Injuries (FWSIs). The CSTs cover approximately 40% of the overall risk on the railway. An evolutionary process has been developed for the establishment of appropriate targets through the development of National Reference Values (NRVs) for each Member State which precede the delivery of more meaningful CSTs. NRVs are common in definition but have different values for each Member State. CSTs and NRVs are set at Member State level for the whole railway system, and do not apply to individual transport operators. They are therefore the responsibility of the Department for Transport (DfT) to manage on behalf of the UK. The first set of CSTs was set at a level to ensure that Member States would comply without taking special improvement action. This equates to CSTs at a level equal to the highest NRV for a Member State or the ten times the European average NRV, whichever is the lower. All six NRVs are suitably normalised to enable effective comparison year on year taking account of the passenger and train usage in each Member State. There are six NRVs adopted by the Commission for the UK in early 2009, covering the following categories: Passengers (6.22 FWSI/bn train kms and 0.062 FWSI/bn pass kms). Employees (8.33 FWSI/bn train kms). Level crossing users (23 FWSI/bn train kms and 93 FWSI/bn train traverses). Others (6.98 FWSI/bn train kms). Unauthorised persons (94.7 FWSI/bn train kms). Whole society (131 FWSI/bn train kms). The NRVs are based on the data recorded under the Common Safety Indicators (CSIs). The requirement is for Member States to maintain the level of safety as measured at the end of 2007 based on a four-year moving weighted average (MWA). A second set of CSTs, to be adopted by the Commission before 30 April 201120, will reflect priority areas where safety needs to be improved further. This will be a key evolutionary stage towards achieving a harmonised European safety performance. The following Chart 32 and Chart 33 show the UK position for the level crossing NRVs as at the end of 2008. Note that the data covers both Great Britain and Northern Ireland, whereas the remainder of this report covers Great Britain alone. 20 This date may not be achieved as the definition work has not yet been started by the ERA. Road-Rail Interface Special Topic Report 2010 41 Chart 32. NRV 3.1: Level crossing users (FWSI per billion train km) FWSI per billion train km 30.0 25.0 20.0 15.0 FWSI NRV 10.0 NRV Tolerance 5.0 MWA 0.0 2004 FWSI per billion train traverses Chart 33. 2005 2006 2007 2008 NRV 3.2: Level crossing users (FWSI per billion train traverses) 140.0 120.0 100.0 80.0 FWSI 60.0 NRV 40.0 NRV Tolerance 20.0 MWA 0.0 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 For both level crossing metrics, the FWSI level for 2008 is above both the NRV and the NRV tolerance level, while the four-year MWA is above the NRV level, but below NRV tolerance level. The calculation of NRV 3.2 (Chart 33) includes the number of level crossings recorded on the network each year. The number of level crossings recorded for 2008 (based on Network Rail data) at 6,542 was significantly below the average number for the period 2004 to 2007 at 7,657. It is considered that this is likely to be due to differences in reporting rather than an actual change in the number of crossings (this is further explained in Section 3.1.7). With the 2009 performance being similar to 2008 the NRVs to the end of 2009 are unlikely to exceed the NRV Tolerance levels for either NRV. 3.8.1 Comparisons other European countries NRVs When comparing UK level crossing NRVs with other European countries it can be seen from Chart 34 that the UK is the lowest among the Member States. Road-Rail Interface Special Topic Report 2010 42 National Reference Values (NRVs) FWSI/billion train KMs Chart 34. Level crossing National Reference Values (NRV 3.1) (excludes suicides) 800.0 700.0 NRV average 600.0 500.0 400.0 300.0 200.0 100.0 0.0 Source: recommendation on the first set of CSTs which was delivered by the European Railway Agency to the European Commission21. NRV 3.1 is expressed as: the number of level-crossing user FWSIs per year arising from significant accidents divided by the number of train-km per year. No comparison exists for NRV3.2 as the NRV3.2 data for other Member States is not available. Chart 34 suggests that while level crossing risk remains a significant topic for discussion within the UK, safety performance compares favourably with the other Member States being nearly ten times lower than the European average. 21 Data should be treated with caution as the scope and reliability of reported data for railway accidents may be significantly different from Member State to Member State. Road-Rail Interface Special Topic Report 2010 43 4 Bridge strikes The SRM covers the expected risk from bridge strikes that is presented to the railways and estimates a low level of risk to both road and rail users. Some bridge strikes cause injury and fatalities to road users, but these statistics are generally not recorded as the details of road user deaths or injuries are unrelated to rail industry operations.22 Whilst a fatality from a bridge strike has not happened recently in the UK there is still an underlying level of risk from road vehicles striking such structures. The last recorded case of a bridge strike leading to the displacement and derailment of a train was at Oyne, Scotland in May 1978. A low-loader carrying construction plant struck an underline bridge, displacing the structure and causing severe distortion to the track and subsequent derailment of a passenger train. 4.1 The risk from bridge strikes The risk from bridge strikes is estimated based on high frequency low consequence events The SRM provides estimates of the frequency and risk of train derailments resulting from road vehicles striking bridges. The SRM considers the frequency and risk of derailment from both bridge collapse and displacement. There has been only one recent derailment from a bridge strike which occurred at Barrow on Soar, whilst this was not a typical bridge strike it resulted in one major, two minor and one shock related injuries. There have been, on average, around six serious bridge strikes per year over ten years occurring at underline bridges; 12 events have led to the railway track being buckled or displaced. The SRM estimates the overall risk from bridge strikes to be 0.071 FWIs from subsequent train derailment. This risk estimate is low due to the fact that there have not been any injuries or fatalities to passengers or workforce since 1978. Those that have occurred recently occur outside of the railway boundary and therefore fall within the road accident statistics. An example of this would be injuries to passengers onboard a double-deck bus23 involved in a bridge strike with a low bridge. Incidents involving buses account for approximately 3% of all underline bridge strikes each year. The most common type of bridge strike occurs when an oversized vehicle (eg heavy goods or large goods vehicle) strikes an underline bridge. This type of event usually causes minimal damage however they are seen as precursor to more serious events. There is also been occasions when drivers of large goods vehicles are at risk when their vehicle overturns after colliding with a bridge that crosses over a road at a skew. The risk with which the railway is concerned involves the potential for a train to derail from displaced railway tracks, or the possibility that the damaged caused may affect the ability for a bridge to support trains. At overline bridges, debris falling on the line from dislodged masonry is a further concern. 22 This also means that such events are not recorded in industry systems such as SMIS unless they are to members of the public who are affected by a subsequent train derailment. 23 A notable accident occurred in Great Britain involving a double-deck bus at West Street, Glasgow, in 1994. Five people (three children and two adults) were killed when the top of the bus was ripped off after striking a low bridge. The group involved a girl guides who had been on an outing and were returning to Drumchapel when the accident occurred. Road-Rail Interface Special Topic Report 2010 44 4.1.1 Bridge strike risk in context There are, on average, five reports of road vehicles colliding with underline and overline bridges each day. The majority pose little threat to the safety of trains. However, almost one incident a week is classified as serious or potentially serious due to the damage caused. The rate of bridge strikes to overline bridges can be directly correlated to fluctuations in the total number of powered road goods vehicles that are registered24. See Table 9 for the total number of goods vehicles registered in the UK over the last ten years. The decrease in the total number of registered vehicles in 2009 corresponds with the decrease in bridge strikes. Table 9. Source: DfT Number of road goods vehicles registered by area of origin Year 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 UK 545 518 493 474 441 418 406 400 382 347 Foreign Unknown 1,043 18 1,174 20 1,290 18 1,322 19 1,446 10 1,513 10 1,606 9 1,719 11 1,672 5 1,404 13 Total 1,605 1,712 1,802 1,815 1,897 1,941 2,021 2,129 2,060 1,764 In recent years, some bridges have been painted to make them more visible to approaching drivers and in some cases, where a bridge, collision protection beams (steel or concrete) have been installed adjacent to flat soffit bridges and also in a few locations at arch bridges, with a headroom the same as the minimum bridge headroom, so that the bridge is protected. Vehicle interactive signs have been installed on the approach to some bridges; with the message ‗DANGER LOW BRIDGE AHEAD‘ appearing automatically when over height vehicles approach the bridge. Research just beginning is designed to evaluate and compare all the various initiatives and make recommendations about future policy. With these improvements to the signs at bridges, giving improved warning of the presence of low bridges, and the permitted road vehicle height along with good practice guides being made available for various user groups to raise awareness of the consequences of a bridge strike. The developers of such guidance documents have also recognised in that due to the improved transport links between mainland Europe and the UK there has been a need to educate foreign lorry drivers about the risks of bridge strikes in the UK. Developments in technology, along with guidance from Network Rail, are helping to manage these issues and the consequences of bridge strikes. A major new research study has just started (see Area 8 in the research and development section and Appendix 3, for more information).The Bridge Strike Prevention Group (BSPG) facilitated by Network Rail ensures the risks are managed with all relevant parties. (See the Initiatives and in Appendix 3 for further details of the work the group has conducted to manage the risk.) 24 Foreign registered vehicles that are temporarily brought into the UK by overseas residents are usually exempt from UK registration and licensing. The vehicle, which must be properly registered and taxed in its home country, may be used by the visitor for up to six months in twelve without being subject to domestic registration and licensing requirements. Road-Rail Interface Special Topic Report 2010 45 Chart 35 shows the estimated risk to the two groups that are directly at risk from bridge strikes. The chart separates out the proportion of risk at underline bridges and overline bridges and then shows the proportion of risk to the two categories that are affected; train occupants and members of the public. The members of the public category represents injuries to road vehicle occupants or other members of the public who happen to be present should a train derail. The estimate also looks at the potential consequences of a bridge strike from an overline bridge strike where debris may end up foul of the running line which may be subsequently struck by a train; this is where the potential for derailment could cause train occupant injuries. Chart 35. Risk associated with bridge strikes (SRMv6) Risk associated with bridge strikes Train occupant, 100% 0.071 FWI/year Members of the public, 27% Overline bridge strikes, 12% Underline bridge strikes, 88% Train occupant, 73% 4.1.2 Risk by bridge type There are two main classes of railway bridge; overline (road over rail) and underline (rail over road) bridges: Overline bridges are mostly owned by Network Rail although some are owned by local highway authorities, DfT and other bridge owners. Underline bridges are generally owned by Network Rail (though there are exceptions) and signs on public roads are the responsibility of the highway authority. The risks are shared by both the railway industry and the highways authorities. The risk is therefore difficult to manage due to the fact that road users are not under the direct control of the industry. Enforcement of mandatory height restrictions and other offences is the responsibility of the Home Office police. Joint co-operation with all the authorities responsible is vital to ensure safety of both transport links is maintained. Underline bridge strikes account for 92% of all bridge strikes; this occurs when lorries or buses that are too high to pass beneath become wedged. Although there are fewer bridge strikes at overline bridges, the strikes are of a greater concern, as the risk from a derailment is considered to be higher as there is also a chance that a train may strike debris that has fallen on the line. Road-Rail Interface Special Topic Report 2010 46 4.1.3 Bridge numbers Network Rail has rolled out a primary asset database for structures called the Civil Asset Register electronic Reports System (CARRS), which includes all data on bridges and their associated examination reports. The database is used in the main for creating examination requests of the bridge asset stock, a repository for accepting and reviewing the examination reports and a place for storing work items created against the bridge assets. One of the types of examination reports that are stored in CARRS is a Bridge Strike report. This type of report is called for when ever Network Rail Control sends out the Structures Examination Contractor to a reported bridge strike. The database then creates a unique exam ID for the report to be sent in and review against once the structure has been examined following the bridge strike. Upon receipt of the bridge strike report the SMIS database is updated. SMIS includes a bridge register but it only includes bridges which have been involved in a bridge strike. Whenever a bridge strike is reported a bridge that has not been previously struck, a new entry in the bridge register is required. On many occasions, however, it has not been possible to identify the bridge involved on the bridge register, although it is actually included, and consequently for the same bridge the bridge register includes multiple entries. CARRS has now been populated with a complete list of all bridges on the network and details are shown in Table 10. Table 10. Total number of bridges on the rail network in the CARRS database London North Western South East Western London North Eastern Scotland Grand Total Underline bridge 4191 4179 3539 3169 2728 17806 Overline bridge 3338 2277 1931 1946 1654 11146 Viaduct 356 759 202 281 254 1656 Intersection bridge 122 125 39 76 25 387 51 7 6 16 6 282 8058 7347 5717 5488 4667 31277 Bridge type Viaduct/Intersection Grand Total 4.2 Safety performance relating to bridge strikes 4.2.1 Headlines There have been no rail-related passenger fatalities due to a bridge strike in the last ten years. The incident at Oyne in Scotland (May 1978) was the last recorded to result in passenger fatalities. Since 2000, there has been a continuing increase in reported bridge strikes. However, there was a significant decrease of 23% in the total number of bridge strikes in 2009, compared with 2008. The reduction in road freight transport due to the economic downturn is regarded as the main contributory factor to this decrease. 4.2.2 Trends in fatalities and injuries due to bridge strikes It is not possible to give a comprehensive analysis of injuries resulting from bridge strikes to road users even those resulting in fatal injuries. Very few train accidents result from bridge strikes, and members of the public (that is, the motorists involved and other vehicle occupants, sustain almost all resulting injuries). Road-Rail Interface Special Topic Report 2010 47 There has been one derailment caused by a bridge strike in the last ten years which occurred on 1 February 2008 at Barrow-on-Soar (London North Eastern). A tipper lorry delivering ballast to site had moved off with its tipper raised and struck25 a footbridge which collapsed and fouled both lines. A passenger train struck the debris and derailed. The train driver and guard were both injured. A track worker suffered from shock and lost consciousness as a result. One passenger required hospital treatment for minor injuries. The total number of injuries, including the example above, are shown in Table 11 below. The majority are to train drivers who are involved in the incident and suffer from shock or trauma when their train has passed over debris from an overline bridge strike. Table 11. Harm due to bridge strikes Date Location DESCRIPTION Shock 01/03/2003 10:03 Linlithgow Lorry struck an overbridge demolishing the parapet. Debris was struck by two trains 2 28/02/2004 06:25 Roughcastle Sdg 01/02/2008 06:36 Barrow-on-Soar Car damaged boundary wall causing train to strike rubble on line Lorry struck footbridge which in turn was struck by 1L03 causing derailment Minor Major 2 1 Fatal 1 1 The incident at Barrow-on-Soar was the only incident to have resulted in passenger injuries; all the other injuries are to members of the workforce. 4.2.3 Total bridge strikes From Chart 36, it can be seen that underline bridge strikes account for 92% of all bridge strikes since 2000. Overline bridge strikes can affect the running of trains as debris can fall to the track below with the potential to cause a derailment. On 12 January 2009, a road vehicle struck Old Stockley overline bridge near Airport Junction (Western). The bridge was damaged, the brickwork on the parapet being pushed 120mm out of alignment and onto the track below. The line was closed until the debris was cleared and the parapet was made safe. The road was also closed to traffic due to the brickwork damage leaving the bridge unsafe for road users. The line was reopened once the bridge strike examiner confirmed the structure was safe for rail traffic to pass beneath. The Other category contains bridge types such as side bridges, footbridges and viaducts and also includes any events where the bridge type is not entered. 25 Although this event is technically a bridge strike, it was not a bridge strike that is commonly accepted as it did not occur on a public road, but on Network Rail land when a tipper lorry struck an overline footbridge. The lorry was on a haul route parallel to the tracks as part of a Network Rail project. Road-Rail Interface Special Topic Report 2010 48 Chart 36. Bridge strikes by bridge type 2500 Overline 2302 Underline 2125 2170 Other 1989 2000 2196 143 147 2072 Number of bridge strikes 1755 114 110 2083 129 152 107 1769 144 134 1610 114 1500 1000 1857 1640 1633 2000 2001 1942 2039 1986 2137 1902 1902 1433 500 0 2002 2003 2004 The number of bridge strikes decreased significantly in 2009; both UK and foreign freight vehicle registration numbers decreased in 2009 (see Table 9 above). 2005 2006 Chart 37. 4.2.4 2008 2009 Vehicle type involved in strike Light goods vehicle 12% Most bridge strikes occur at underline bridges. However, a higher proportion of strikes involving overline bridges are classed as serious. The most common vehicle types to strike underline bridges since 2000 are heavy goods and light goods class vehicles; 77% and 12% respectively. 2007 Bus/coach 4% Car 4% Other 2% Plant vehicle 1% Farm tractor/ machinery <1% Heavy goods vehicle 77% Strikes by bridge type and severity Chart 38 shows the total number of reported bridge strikes to underline bridges by the severity recorded over the last ten years. See Appendix 8 for details on classification of the bridge strike severity grading and the details of assessments carried out on underline bridge robustness. Road-Rail Interface Special Topic Report 2010 49 Chart 38. Underline bridge strikes by severity 2500 Bridge strikes by severity 1816 1813 1904 1869 2000 2117 1587 1601 2000 1884 1500 1399 1000 500 50 3 0 4 26 25 2 0 97 9 24 7 36 38 8 1 23 8 9 21 9 2006 13 Not entered 11 7 Potentially serious Not serious Not entered 0 9 9 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 Serious 4 Not serious 16 7 Potentially serious 5 Serious 2007 2008 2009 There was an increasing trend seen in the numbers of reported bridge strikes to underline bridges from 2000 to 2007. Although there are many more bridge strikes to underline bridges, the consequences are less severe than overline bridge strikes and this is represented by the low percentage of bridge strikes classed as serious and potentially serious. Chart 39. Overline bridge strikes by severity 124 140 101 Bridge strikes by severity 120 123 115 98 122 110 100 119 75 90 80 60 0 40 20 12 1 2 0 2000 2001 Serious Potentially serious Not serious Not entered 1 4 4 0 28 10 3 2002 3 16 7 17 0 6 10 14 4 2003 2004 2 0 23 2005 2006 2007 16 3 16 8 2 5 Not entered Not serious Potentially serious Serious 2008 2009 Although they occur less often, a higher proportion of bridge strikes to overline bridges are categorised as serious or potentially serious because debris from the parapet generally ends up on the railway below. Road-Rail Interface Special Topic Report 2010 50 4.2.5 Overline bridge strikes Overline bridges pose a greater risk as the debris may land on the line in front a train travelling at normal speed with the risk of possible derailment. Debris on the track or adjacent cutting slope occurs more frequently than an underline bridge moving with associated track distortion or damage being caused to an underline bridge that affects its carrying capacity. Overline bridge strikes are managed in accordance with the Rule Book (GSR 17.2) which requires the signaller to stop any train movements and requires the driver of the first train on each line to report whether the bridge parapet is damaged or if there is any debris or defects on the line. If no debris is reported then subsequent trains are able to pass under the bridge at 5 mph until bridge is examined, otherwise train movements are stopped. This method of management occurs irrespective of the type of parapet and period between the strikes and report of bridge strike is sent to Network Rail. A proposal to change to this rule to permit subsequent trains at 20 mph has been submitted for consideration by the Train Operations and Management Subject Committee. See Appendix 8 for further details on the process of examination. Chart 40. Overline bridge strikes resulting in debris on the line 45 Bridge strikes to overline bridges resulting in debris on the line Train strike 40 40 Debris on track Parapet unsafe 38 35 35 35 32 33 30 25 22 20 19 18 15 12 10 5 0 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 The chart shows the number of overline bridges that have been struck, resulting in the parapet being left unsafe or debris falling on the line and those that were struck by a train. The number of events for 2008 and 2009 were significantly lower than the number rerecorded for 2002 to 2007 and more in line with the 2000/01 performance. Road-Rail Interface Special Topic Report 2010 51 4.2.6 Train performance delays due to bridge strikes The total train delay caused by bridge strikes from TRUST for the last five years is shown in Table 12 below. Although the reported number of bridge strikes has increased up to 2008, the number of incidents that have caused a delay has decreased. This reflects the initiative to allow trains to continue running after a strike. Table 12. Train performance delays due to bridge strikes Year 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Total 4.3 Incidents 1619 1703 1564 1493 1148 7527 Minutes 268985 252221 235677 230238 188361 1175483 Cost £8,242,542 £7,653,980 £8,268,533 £6,293,131 £4,869,753 £35,327,939 DPI 166 148 151 154 164 156 CPI £5,091 £4,494 £5,287 £4,215 £4,242 £4,693 Comparison with other European countries Comparison of bridge strikes with other European countries is difficult since most of Europe do not collect bridge strike data. The vast majority of Member States only count a bridge strike if it resulted in an accident that involved a train in motion26. This was discovered during a survey which was sent to a selection of European countries at the ERA meeting in Lille in 2007. The findings of the survey are presented in a special topic report published by the Irish Railway Safety Commission in 2009, Railway Bridges in Ireland and Bridge Strike Trends.27 The survey aimed to investigate the risk of bridge strikes in Europe and whether they believed there was a safety risk posed by strikes at different types of bridge. The research discovered that Ireland experienced more accidents as a consequence of bridge strikes per route kilometre than most other EU Member States. In the UK and Ireland, there is a more robust data collection process compared to the rest of Europe; this is mainly because the risk of bridge strikes is greatest in these two countries. The report showed that some of the reasons why bridge strikes were seen as less of a problem in some European countries are: Drivers of heavy goods and similar vehicles are mandated to know their vehicle / load height (this is the case for UK but not for Ireland). There are more restrictions on the maximum height of road vehicles and it is written into national legislation. The fact that more freight is carried by rail in the majority of European countries. 26 The question asked, ―Do you collect statistics on under-bridge strikes?‖ Of the 18 responses received (including Australia and East Japan; 11 confirmed they did collect bridge strike data and seven confirmed they did not. 27 Road-Rail Interface Special Topic Report 2010 52 4.4 Case study of a serious underline bridge strike The following is an example of a serious underline bridge strike and gives the details of the effort required to allow the safe running of trains to resume. At 16:43 on 31 March 2009, a lorry which had been conveying two large containers struck Meddat Road underline bridge in Kildare (Scotland). The strike caused significant damage with the impact having moved the structure approximately one foot both horizontally and vertically and caused 20 metres of track misalignment. Services between Invergordon and Tain were suspended with a replacement bus service introduced. By 18:20, an emergency engineer‘s possession had been established in readiness for the arrival of additional resources to undertake a full assessment of the damage caused and provide an estimate for when full repairs would be completed. A road crane was brought to site and the track was removed and the bridge lifted by 08:00 on 2 April. Repairs thus commenced and were completed by 16:25. The route was then reopened with a 20 mph emergency speed restriction (ESR). After trains had been monitored and no further issues have been found, the ESR was withdrawn and normal working resumed from 07:00 on 3 April. Track misalignment Road-Rail Interface Special Topic Report 2010 53 5 Vehicle incursions Road vehicles can gain access to and obstruct the railways via road bridges, fences, access points and level crossings, and have the potential to cause a catastrophic train accident. There is also risk from aircraft (or parts of aircraft wreckage) landing on the railway. 5.1 The risk from vehicle incursions Vehicle and aircraft incursions include all incidents where a vehicle has infringed on railway property, whether or not a train strikes it. This includes all vehicles entering railway property through: fences, bridges and access points (see Chapter 3 on level crossings for separate analysis on incursions at this site type). It also includes any road traffic accidents that occur on the public highway and end up on NRMI. All injuries from incursions are included, except if they are injured before entering the railway property or in aircraft crashes. These are not considered in railway reporting scope and will appear on the air accident or road28 traffic accident statistics. The actual events will be included in the incursion data, but not the injuries themselves. While the railway can take steps to reduce road vehicle incursions and encourage road users to behave responsibly at level crossings, much of the risk at the roadrail interface remains beyond the industry‘s direct control. Over the last ten years, there have been six occasions when a light aircraft has landed on or near a railway line. Of these, there was one incident where the aircraft actually landed on the line, a further three where some debris was deposited on the line and two where the aircraft landed completely clear of the line. It is estimated that there are some 20 to 30 light aircraft (small planes, helicopters, gliders and microlights) crashes per year in the UK. Although there is very little risk associated with vehicle incursions (less than 1% of the total system risk) Chart 41 shows the proportion of risk at each site type and the proportion of risk to the two main groups; road vehicle occupants in collisions with trains and train occupants. 28 STATS19 is the form filled out by police recording traffic accidents. It includes all incidents the police become aware of within 30 days which occur on a highway where one or more person is killed or injured and involving one or more vehicles. Road-Rail Interface Special Topic Report 2010 54 Chart 41. Risk associated with vehicle incursions (SRMv6) Risk associated with vehicle incursions (excluding level crossings) Train occupant, 31% 0.61 FWI/year Vehicle occupant in collision with train, 69% Access point, 20% Bridge, 10% Vehicle occupant in collision with train, 89% Fence, 70% Train occupant, 22% Vehicle occupant in collision with train, 78% Train occupant, 11% 5.2 Safety performance relating to vehicle incursions 5.2.1 Headlines There was an increase in the number of incursions at fences during 2009 when compared with 2008. There have been 42 road vehicles struck (away from level crossings) in the last ten years, five of which have caused derailments. There have been 17 fatalities to those involved in incursions over the last ten years; seven to road vehicles occupants and ten to train occupants (Great Heck). There have been a total of six incidents where aircraft has ended up or come close to ending up on the running line since 2000. 5.2.2 Aircraft and vehicle incursions explained There are approximately 350 reported vehicle incursions entered into SMIS each year, approximately 20% of these are considered to be in scope. Many of these are counted in the misuse section only cause damage to level crossing equipment and do not affect the running of trains or cause a safety concern as they are often witnessed by railway personnel and the running of trains is stopped before a collision can occur. Those that occur away from level crossings are more serious as they occur on sections of the track where it is difficult to be seen by anyone other than train drivers and often it is too late to avoid collision. Road traffic accidents on the public highway are not included in the scope of this analysis and only include events where a road vehicle leaves the road and infringes on railway property. This is where a threat for a potential collision or derailment can occur. Road vehicles are not the only threat to the railway. Aircraft can accidentally end up on the railway line and cause issues. Over the last ten years, there have been six occasions where a light aircraft has ended up on or near the railway line (as noted above). An example of a Road-Rail Interface Special Topic Report 2010 55 recent potentially serious incursion of a light aircraft occurred on 2 January 2009. A light aircraft struck the overhead line at Colwich (London North West). There were no trains in the area at the time, but normal running was impaired. The three aircraft occupants were fatally injured. The Air Accident Investigation Branch carried out an investigation into the accident.29 The list below defines the places from which a vehicle can infringe the boundary: Level crossing: a road vehicle leaves the crossing surface or is left stranded on the running line. This can be caused either deliberately by vandals or by an accident eg road traffic accident. If the vehicle ends up foul of the crossing and is subsequently struck by a train, these events will appear in the train collision analysis (see level crossing risk in Chapter 3 above). Access point: railway maintenance vehicles are mistakenly left foul of the line and thieves accessing the track for theft of cable etc. Bridge: a road vehicle leaves the road via an overline bridge and lands on the railway property on the embankment below. Fence: a road vehicle enters rail property via a lineside fence parallel or adjacent to railway property and ends up on wholly within the boundary limits. If the fencing is struck and no infringement is made, these are not considered in scope. In each individual event, if the road vehicle becomes foul of the running line this will be indicated in the charts. If the vehicle is subsequently struck by a train, this will also be included (except for level crossing collisions as mentioned above). 5.2.3 Trends in fatalities and injuries due to incursions The rail industry and road authorities have done a great deal to mitigate the risk at the roadrail interface, and this is reflected in the fact that there has not been a multiple fatality due to an incursion since Great Heck, nine yeas ago. The risk assessment methodology that was put in place has allowed the high risk sites to be identified and measures put in place to reduce the impact of incursions at these sites. (See Managing the obstruction of the railway by road vehicles in initiatives section for details on the work DfT has carried out.) The following table shows the number of fatalities and injuries by person type due to incursions since 2001. Table 13. Fatalities and harm due to vehicle incursions since 2001 Passenger Year Fatal 29 Major Minor 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 35 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 35 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total 6 35 35 Public Shock/ Fatal trauma 0 1 0 1 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 7 Major Minor 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 2 0 2 0 1 0 0 1 2 2 6 8 Workforce Shock/ Fatal trauma 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 3 4 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 Shock/ trauma 4 1 4 2 2 1 1 2 1 4 2 18 Major Minor FWI 15.20 1.11 2.11 0.11 0.02 1.01 0.01 0.02 2.22 21.79 Road-Rail Interface Special Topic Report 2010 56 5.2.4 Trends in rail incursion incidents Road vehicles can unintentionally or intentionally gain access to the railway and obstruct the running line via access points, bridges, fences and level crossings, and have the potential to cause a catastrophic train accident. A recent incursion from a bridge occurred on the 22 September 2009, when the driver of passenger service reported striking a car that had collided with a garden wall and then came off an overline bridge at Broken Cross bridge between Salisbury and Grately (South East). The driver was still in the vehicle when he saw the train approaching. He managed to escape before the collision. There were no reported passenger or traincrew injuries, although the train driver was shaken. Chart 42 shows the total number of vehicle incursions by entry point, and identifies those that were subsequently struck by trains (shown in darker shades). It includes incursions onto the railway after road traffic accidents, road vehicles abandoned or driven onto the railway and railway/contractor owned road vehicles that have been driven onto railway infrastructure via access points. It also includes aircraft landing on the railway from above or through fencing.30 Note that incursions at level crossings occur when a road vehicle has left the crossing and onto the track, accidentally or deliberately. Incidents where a train has subsequently collided with a road vehicle at level crossings are not on this chart as they are included in the level crossing collision charts in Chapter 3 above. Chart 42. Road vehicle incursions via entry point 60 Vehicle incursions by entry point 50 Darker colours refer to vehicle incursions being struck by trains 40 30 20 10 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 0 Access point Bridge Fence Level crossing The greatest number of incursions onto the railway is reported as being via lineside fencing. Over the last ten years 61% of all incursions were via the fence. However, since 2000 there has been a 31% fall in incursions of this type. 30 Aircraft incursions are included in the chart under the category Fence. Road-Rail Interface Special Topic Report 2010 57 5.2.5 Road vehicle incursions leading to derailments Derailments that are caused by a vehicle incursion on the railway are rare occurrences, there have only been five occurrences in the last ten years (see table below). However, they have the potential to harm those on board the train as seen at Great Heck. A significant accident (similar in some respects to the accident at Great Heck) occurred on 18 December 2008, when an empty car which was parked in a private car park rolled through a boundary fence and down the embankment onto the railway line near North Rode (LNW). It was struck by local passenger train on the up line, and subsequently by an express passenger train travelling in the opposite direction. The local train derailed by the leading bogie on the leading coach. Both trains remained upright and no major injuries or fatalities were reported, however one of the train drivers suffered severe shock and trauma as a result. The most recent derailment occurred on 12 November 2009. A freight train derailed one bogie at Cobham Road, near Derby Road Station, Ipswich (South East) when a road vehicle struck a wagon in the centre of the train. The cause was road vehicle driver error as the car left the public highway and ended up track side and struck by the passing train. The road vehicle driver was placed in custody. There were no reported injures on board the train. There was extensive damage to the track. Date Location 28/02/2001 06:20 Great Heck 28/02/2002 18:26 Metheringham 25/09/2006 21:07 Copmanthorpe 18/12/2008 17:59 North Rode 12/11/2009 12:25 Derby Road 5.2.6 Description Road vehicle ran down the embankment and onto the railway. The vehicle was struck by a passenger train, which derailed and was then struck by a freight train travelling in the opposite direction. Road vehicle collided with the boundary line and fouled the running line. The car was subsequently struck by a passenger train. Fatal collision between a passenger train and a car on the line at Copmanthorpe. Passenger train struck an empty car on line and became derailed, another train struck same car but did not derail. Road vehicle left the highway and fouled the running line, subsequently struck by a passing freight train. Passenger and workforce fatalities 10 0 0 0 0 Detailed analysis by entry point and foul of the line The following analysis looks at the number of times a vehicle has ended up on NRMI and either come close to or ended up foul of the running line. Road-Rail Interface Special Topic Report 2010 58 Chart 43. Road vehicle incursions foul and not foul of the running line 60 Fence 54 Bridge Level crossing Number of vehicle incursions 50 46 39 40 41 Access point 42 41 36 33 36 37 36 31 30 41 27 27 35 31 29 31 20 20 10 Foul of the line 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 0 Not foul of the line Around half of all incursions on the railway end up foul of the running line. The following Table 14 looks at the total number of incursions that are due to trespassers on the line. This type of event occurs when those involved in crime on the railway either stealing cables or deliberately driving rail or road vehicles on to the line or near the lineside. Table 14. Road vehicle incursions due to vandalism/crime Year 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Total Access point 1 0 9 13 13 9 6 8 2 7 68 Bridge 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 2 Fence 17 17 13 5 8 6 1 5 6 4 82 Level crossing 1 2 2 4 1 1 3 8 3 3 28 Total 19 20 24 22 22 16 10 21 12 14 180 A serious vehicle incursion and fatality occurred in December 2009. A quad bike was struck by an empty coaching stock (ECS) train in the vicinity of the Rumney River Bridge, Cardiff (Western). Two people who had been fleeing the scene of a robbery on the vehicle were fatally injured. The train sustained damage with part of one of the quad bikes wedged under the leading vehicle. There was also damage to the track as a result. Road-Rail Interface Special Topic Report 2010 59 6 Learning from operational experience 6.1 RAIB investigation reports RAIB was established in 2005 to investigate incidents on UK railway infrastructure without apportioning blame or liability.31 It is independent of the rail industry and ORR, with the Chief Inspector of Rail Accidents reporting directly to the Secretary of State for Transport. RAIB‘s recommendations are addressed to ORR, which must then ensure that they are considered by duty holders and that, where appropriate, action is taken. See Appendix 4 for a full list of RAIB investigation reports on level crossings, bridge strikes and vehicle incursions that have been published and those that are currently in progress. Chart 44 on the left shows the distribution of RAIB level crossing reports and the chart on the right shows which crossing types are featured in their reports. RAIB level crossing report distribution and crossing types featured 18 8 16 7 14 No. of reports No. of reports Chart 44. 12 10 8 6 4 2 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 UK heavy rail Tram Metro Heritage N Ireland 0 FP UWC AHB MCG AOCL SFP OC Most of the 22 reports (64%) have featured passive crossings (FP, UWC and OC). This aligns with the number of passive crossings, which – at 5,138 – represents 77% of the total level crossing population. It also aligns with the SRMv6 of which shows that footpath crossings account for highest proportion of the overall risk to pedestrians and 37% of the total absolute risk at level crossings, and UWCs (along with AHBs) account for most of the overall risk to road vehicle occupants. UWC-Ts are also the most misused crossing type, with 30.4% of all reported incidents of misuse. RAIB recognised the risk presented by UWCs and accordingly produced a ‗class review‘ on them in 2009. A similar review is for accidents at AOCL crossings are currently under proposal. RSSB is constitutionally obliged to report on progress against recommendations from Formal Inquiries. Traditionally, this was published in a separate report, which became part of the Annual Safety Performance Report (ASPR) after the closure of the Formal Inquiries department in 2005. 31 RAIB will lead an investigation, draw conclusions and make recommendations if an accident involves a derailment or collision which results in, or could result in, the death of at least one person, serious injury to five or more people or extensive damage to rolling stock, the infrastructure or the environment. RAIB may also investigate other incidents that have implications for railway safety, including those which, under slightly different circumstances, may have resulted in an accident. Road-Rail Interface Special Topic Report 2010 60 RSSB will be publishing its Learning from Operational Experience Annual Report in spring 2010. Given the progress made throughout 2009 in shaping the definition and objectives of LOE to Industry requirements, RSSB saw a need to produce a document which describes the new process and its evolution, while retaining the recommendations tracking function of previous documents. As learning is also a two-way process, some of the learning points raised in 2009 are also included. The report will provide a complete list of all recommendations published throughout 2009. ORR publishes RAIB report recommendations on their website and includes the status of each recommendation ie open, closed or in progress. See A summary of which has been added to the list of all RAIB investigation reports and Formal Inquiry reports are listed in Appendix 4. The table shows the total number of recommendations made for each investigation and the number of recommendations that are either open, closed or in progress (as at February 2010). 6.2 Causal analysis of RAIB recommendations The industry is continually monitoring and learning from accident investigations. RSSB is currently developing an Incident Causal Classification System (ICCS). The database is designed to allow accident and incident reports from rail and other industries to be classified and analysed. This allows trends in accident and incident causes to be monitored. The ICCS causal classification taxonomy is based on the one developed by RAIB for consistency, which is aligned with the European Rail Agency. Each cause is split into five levels and the user can pick more than one cause depending on what is written in the conclusions section of an investigation report. The five levels are: 1 Industry area is the general area of the industry where the cause originated. 2 Sub-area adds more detail to the industry area. 3 Phase, 4 Safeguard, 5 Weakness add increasing detail as to what and went wrong and why. For example, an incident that was caused by the lack of maintenance inspections of a footpath crossing (1) and an error by the level crossing user (2); would be coded as: 1 2 Industry area Infrastructure Third party action Sub-area Platforms, walkways, access routes Action by passengers or others Phase Maintenance Safeguard Inspections Weakness Absence Operation Human capabilities & performance Error by individual There are currently 20 RAIB reports into incidents at level crossings in the ICCS. The list of reports includes all level crossings on heritage railways and tramways including metro and Northern Ireland (see Chart 44 for distribution). Note however that, the report into safety at user worked crossings are excluded as this was a general report into crossings of this type. The Venn diagram shown in Chart 45 below shows the overlap in industry area causes that were stated by the 20 RAIB investigation reports. It shows that 75% list the third party (ie, user) action as one of the causes of a particular event. Road-Rail Interface Special Topic Report 2010 61 Chart 45. The Industry area causes stated by the 20 RAIB investigation reports into level crossing incidents 6 (30%) reports state Operations 15 reports (75%) state Third Party action 6 1 3 1 7 1 1 10 (50%) reports state Others Source: ICCS Chart 46 looks at the Industry area cause of railway ‗Operations’ in more detail. It focuses on the number of times a cause is stated and so cannot illustrate the overlap like a Venn diagram. It shows the number of occurrences of each cause stated by the six RAIB reports into level crossing incidents that state ‗Operations’ as an industy area cause. Chart 46. Causal classification of RAIB reports where the industry area cause is ‘Operations’ 4 4 Safeguard Total reports Competence & compliance Equipment / system / infrastructure Human capabilities & performance 3 Reports Environmental conditions Procedures / instructions 0 Driving 1 Operation & control (mgmt, instructions etc) Sub-area 1 1 Absence 1 Absence 1 Inappropriate 1 Human error 1 Human error 1 Env. conditions Absence 1 Human error 1 2 Failure 2 2 Inappropriate Warning & protection systems 2 Protection of staff when working Source: ICCS Chart 47 shows the number of occurrences of each cause stated by the ten RAIB reports into level crossing incidents that cite ‘Other’ industry area causes. Road-Rail Interface Special Topic Report 2010 62 Chart 47. Causal classification of RAIB reports where the industry area cause is ‗Other’ 6 Safeguard Total reports Competence & compliance Equipment / system / infrastructure Inspection and maintenance Organisational information management Organisational structure & management Procedures / instructions Protection of railway from third parties Sufficient resources Regulatory framework Planning 5 5 Reports 4 3 3 3 2 2 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 Infrastructure: Track - plain line S&T: Level crossing equipment Infrastructure: Buildings, platforms etc Others Industry area: Sub-area Source: ICCS With only 20 coded RAIB reports available, the conclusions to be drawn from this analysis are limited. However, it is RSSB‘s intention to code Formal Investigation reports in a similar way to give a more meaningful dataset in the future. Road-Rail Interface Special Topic Report 2010 63 6.3 Worldwide level crossing accidents The following Table 15 lists details of some recent published accident reports and train accidents from across the world, focussing on those within the scope of the R-RISG. Table 15. Recent reports published into accidents around the world Type Country Details Investigation report Investigation report Investigation report Investigation report Incident Ireland Incident Incident Vietnam USA Incident Pakistan Incident Germany Incident Bangladesh Incident Russia Ballast train collision with LC gates. Collision between tram and road vehicle. Collision between passenger train and road vehicle. Collision between freight train and road vehicle. Collision between passenger train and lorry. Collision between train and bus. Collision between passenger train and road vehicle. Collision between passenger train and bus. Collision between passenger train and lorry. Collision between passenger train and bus. Collision between passenger train and car. 6.3.1 France Estonia Portugal India Incident date 02/12/08 04/06/07 26/08/08 27/11/06 02/11/09 Key issues Competency management; training and procedures. Road user behaviour; road user education; LC ‗environment‘. Road user behaviour; sighting; road speed limit; risk assessment. Road user behaviour. 12/01/10 Road user behaviour; passenger loading. Infrastructure. Road vehicle behaviour; risk assessment. Weather conditions. 20/01/10 Misfortune. 09/02/10 Road user behaviour. 09/02/10 Road user behaviour. 23/11/09 10/12/09 Australasian level crossing awareness The worst level crossing accident in recent Australian history occurred on 5 June 2007 at Kerang in Victoria. It involved a Melbourne-bound passenger train, which was struck by a laden articulated lorry at an interface on the Murray Valley Highway. Eleven passengers were killed and a further 15 (including the lorry driver) were injured. The investigation report noted that the crossing was later fitted with barriers and rumble strips on the approach. However, it recommended that the maximum vehicle speed over the crossing be reduced from 100 km/h to help increase vehicle driver reaction times and that drivers of heavy road vehicles be ‗reassessed at regular intervals throughout their driving careers‘. This suggestion of cross-modal co-operation is also implicit in Canada‘s stance on level crossing safety. The report also recorded that the local ‗Don‘t risk it!‘ advertising campaign had been updated. The Australasian Railway Association had also established National Rail Safety Week, which is an initiative aimed at increasing community awareness about rail safety and improving behaviour at and around railways. More information may be found on the National Rail Safety Week website: Road-Rail Interface Special Topic Report 2010 64 7 Initiatives Road-Rail Interface Safety Group (R-RISG) The R-RISG was formed in 2008, after the National Level Crossing Safety Group was wound up. The role of the R-RISG is to work under the general direction of the Community Safety Steering Group (CSSG). The group seeks to steer the work of the rail industry – together with road authorities – in increasing awareness of the hazards and risk at level crossings arising from inappropriate behaviour by those who use the crossings. The group also considers bridge strikes and other incursions by motor vehicles onto the railway, working closely with Network Rail‘s BSPG. R-RISG is a member of the European Level Crossing Forum, which exchanges good practice, education campaigns and outcomes of research on level crossings. The group members are; Network Rail, RSSB, ORR, BTP, ATOC and ADEPT32 (Association of Directors of Environment, Economy, Planning and Transport). The DfT also attends to inform the group about legislative and policy issues. The group is chaired by Network Rail and facilitated by RSSB. The following are among the priority tasks of the R-RISG: Managing the obstruction of the railway by road vehicles Following the Great Heck accident in February 2001, a number of working groups from all interested parties produced Managing the obstruction of the railway by road vehicles, which the DfT published in 2003. This offers guidance on how highway authorities and rail authorities can demonstrate that they have ranked sites where roads cross or run alongside railways according to their relative risk and that they have considered how to manage that risk. After ORR‘s recognition of several years of unsuccessful pressure by Network Rail on local highway authorities (LHA), in May 2009 DfT wrote to 28 English LHAs with sites having a risk ranking score of 100 and above where remediation was outstanding seeking their timetable to completion; this was followed in October 2009 with approaches to a further 11 similar authorities on Network Rail‘s Western route. Also in October 2009 a letter was sent to 18 LHAs who appeared, from Network Rail data, to have identified sites without a risk ranking and in November 2009 a letter was sent to 33 LHAs who had sites with a risk ranking score of 90 to 99 outstanding. DfT‘s template letters were copied to the devolved administrations in Cardiff and Edinburgh and the Scottish Executive (SE) undertook a parallel exercise to the DfT‘s, but the Welsh Assembly Government (WAG) only issued a general ―reminder‖ letter. Returns received by both DfT and SE have built up an agreed listing between LHAs and Network Rail of the work completed, work outstanding and the programme to completion and established contacts within the LHAs to whom subsequent queries could be directed. 32 Previously known as the CSS (County Surveyors‘ Society). Road-Rail Interface Special Topic Report 2010 65 Road-Rail Partnership Groups (Network Rail) The National Level Crossing Safety Group helped Network Rail to set up the Road-Rail Partnership Groups, with local highway authorities around the country. There are now in excess of 36 groups. These partnerships provide opportunities for collaboration in order to help understand and resolve issues connected with: Optimal risk controls Impact of nearby planning decisions (with planning authorities) Obligations under the Road Safety Act Closure of crossings and diversion of traffic flows Improvement of safety performance by road-based controls and the effect of crossings on road traffic delay and congestion Environmental matters, such as street lighting, winter road gritting policies, use of town CCTV Use and development of the AXIAT model The partnerships cover the public road-rail interface, footpath and bridleway crossings, and occupation crossings. Review of Safety Principles and Guidance (Office of Rail Regulation) In early 2008, ORR announced that it intended to review the Railway Safety Principles and Guidance, specifically section 2E, which covers level crossings. RSSB and other members of the R-RISG were consulted in the preparation of the new document. Towards the end of 2009, ORR issued a draft of chapter 1, a guide for users of level crossings, of the new guidance Managing level crossings – Railway Safety Publication 7. A final draft of this was discussed at a meeting at ORR on 12 March 2010, and a first draft of the ‗technical‘ chapters was also circulated. Law Commissions’ review of level crossing legislation The Law Commission and the Scottish Law Commission are working on a joint project, which is reviewing the law relating to level crossings in Great Britain. The project is included in the Law Commission‘s Tenth Programme of Law Reform but is being undertaken as a joint project as much of the relevant legislation applies to Scotland as well as to England and Wales. The project arose following concerns raised by the ORR that the legislation relating to level crossings was in need of review. The project is complicated because the relevant legislation is scattered over several parts of the Statute Book and is contained in public general Acts, private Acts (for example those relating to the former British Transport Commission and numerous British Railways Acts) and statutory instruments as well as administrative orders made under statutory powers. It is also complicated by the fact that whilst health and safety law and most aspects relating to railways are reserved to the United Kingdom Parliament under the Scotland Act 1998, other areas of law which are relevant to level crossings (for example, roads, planning and access to land) fall within the legislative competence of the Scottish Parliament. Road-Rail Interface Special Topic Report 2010 66 The Commissions have been looking at possible ways of improving the procedures for closure of level crossings and considering whether changes are needed as regards regulation of safety at level crossings. They have also been looking at whether there is scope for improving consultation and co-operation between the various parties concerned with level crossings. In December 2009, the joint team had a meeting with the project Advisory Group and with key stakeholders to discuss the provisional proposals for reform. The team is in the process of preparing a joint consultation paper, which will be published in 2010. The paper will invite comments on a number of proposals and questions relating to reform. Annual Level Crossing Information Forum (RSSB) RSSB held a meeting in June 2009, on behalf of R-RISG, at which those interested in the use of level crossing were able to hear from the rail industry and others about these initiatives. It is intended to hold this public forum every year. The R-RISG will continue to work with the Driving Standards Agency to improve the coverage of level crossings in motorist driving testing and behaviour. In the past this has led to further information on how to use level crossings being put into the Highway Code, and questions on level crossings being available in the bank of questions used in the theory test for new drivers. The R-RISG will work with the Network Rail level crossing strategy group to introduce new technology at level crossings. The group will also support Network Rail in its work with the National Farmers‘ Union, authorised users and others to help and facilitate the closure programme for user worked and footpath crossings. Network Rail is on target to close 150 UWCs in the 12 months to March 2010. Network Rail initiatives Don’t run the risk Network Rail started a national safety campaign on television, radio and local community initiatives (eg, letter drops, leaflets), in 2006, called Don‘t run the risk. The campaign has been run each year since then and its main aim is to raise awareness of the dangers of level crossing misuse and ultimately to change user behaviour. This will then lead to a reduction in incidents, reduce risk and improve safety. Local awareness days have also been held with help from ORR and BTP (Operation Galley). The purpose is to explain directly to users how to use the crossings safely and the consequences of misuse. The short term objective of the campaign is to get the issue on people‘s agenda and to raise levels of awareness in the general public and at a national stakeholder level. Network Rail‘s latest research shows that over 65% of the general public and 82% of Members of Parliament have now seen and are more aware of the campaign. This is the first measurement of success. The long-term objective is to turn the campaign into a sustained behaviour change or to educate those who have a more limited understanding of how to use a level crossing safely. Road-Rail Interface Special Topic Report 2010 67 There is no evidence to support any improvement or change in user behaviour at this stage of the campaign. This is not a surprise as research carried out by Network Rail also shows that there should not be an expected change over such a relatively short time frame of four years. The build time of similar campaigns such as seat belts, drink driving and smoking, has taken at least ten years and up to 30 to see a real cultural shift in attitudes and behaviour. With this in mind, Network Rail will continue to run the public awareness campaign but will also target specific user groups for more intense and integrated communications, using a variety of media. Network Rail has 23 different workstreams dedicated to improving safety at level crossings during control period four, including: A dedicated community safety team visiting schools and youth forums to explain about railway safety. Engineering solutions such as obstacle detectors and new technology warning lights. A programme to close 383 UWCs in consultation with the land owners, or when land changes ownership on one side of a crossing. Operations Risk Control Co-ordinators Network Rail has dedicated Operations Risk Control Co-ordinators working with local authorities and private users to increase understanding of how to use level crossings correctly and the potential consequences of not doing so. British Transport Police initiatives Operation Galley Operation Galley was implemented by BTP in July 2009, working on the principles of ensuring that relevant enforcement and education methods are used at ‗hot spot‘ level crossings to prevent the risk of serious injury and fatal incidents. The operation has continued throughout November and December 2009. There have been 31 operations nationally in England, Wales and Scotland. 106 prosecutions under the Road Traffic Act 1988. Prosecutions can vary from 3+ penalty points being imposed, large fines and disqualifications from driving. The operations have involved high profile attendance by BTP officers, Network Rail staff and in some cases the media with positive press releases. Educational safety leaflets have also been handed out. An educational approach has also been completed with local residents and communities being spoken to at hot spot level crossings. Feedback from communities and stakeholders has been very complimentary of BTP in relation to Operation Galley. Enforcement The BTP is liaising with the Crown Prosecution Service to improve evidence presented for prosecution of level crossing offences. There are two types of offences considered for motorists; Road-Rail Interface Special Topic Report 2010 68 Failure to comply with traffic signs (likely penalty £60 fine and 3 points on licence) Endangering the railway and passengers The R-RISG will monitor trends in the number of prosecutions for level crossing misuse. European Level Crossing Forum (ELCF) The European Level Crossing Forum was created in 2005, after the EU High Level Roads Group was discontinued and several members of that group decided there should be a means of exchanging information and outcomes of research on level crossings. The Forum consists of rail infrastructure managers and regulators, and road authorities from more than twenty countries in Europe, together with the International Union of Railways (UIC), European Transport Safety Council and the Directorate-General for Transport and Energy. RSSB, Network Rail and ORR have been full members since the forum was formed. RSSB currently chairs the ELCF. ELCF arranged the European level crossing awareness day, when national campaigns were coordinated across twenty seven countries on 25 June 2009, under the common banner STOP accidents! Europe for safer Level Crossings The European Commission held a high level press conference which was streamed live on the internet. Network Rail took part in the event with Don‘t run the risk. The event will go global with the international level crossing awareness day (ILCAD) on 22 June 2010, supported by the United Nations and the European Commission. The ELCF signed the European Road Safety Charter (ERSC) in March 2009, along with UIC, European Rail Infrastructure Managers (EIM) and Community of European Railway (CER). This commits the forum to raise awareness of level crossing safety to reduce lives lost in road accidents. This will be done through the awareness days and the website Other members of the ELCF, including RSSB, have also signed the ERSC. ELCF has contributed to the European Road Safety Action Programme (ERSAP) 20112020. The European Commission is holding a workshop with ELCF on 15-16 April 2010, to discuss level crossing policy, engineering, education and enforcement, involving rail companies and the road sector from across the EU. Level crossing information A source of information about level crossing issues is available through the Community Safety Partnerships Ltd (CSP) at The website and ‗online‘ magazine are the latest initiatives developed by CSP. Road-Rail Interface Special Topic Report 2010 69 The website and magazine are dedicated to bringing the latest information from around the world about level crossing issues to among others rail industry staff, safety professionals, government departments and specialist companies and contractors. CSP offers quality solutions to help address safety and other risks. CSP takes a holistic intelligence led approach to partnership between business and community, business and regulator and at other interfaces where risk arises. Bridge Strike Prevention Group (BSPG) The BSPG was formed following a recommendation by the Railway Inspectorate‘s report on the derailment at Oyne, Scotland in 1978. The BSPG includes of representatives of bridge owners (Network Rail, London Underground, ADEPT, Northern Ireland Railways; highway authorities (County Surveyors‘ Society, Highways Agency, Transport for London, Transport Scotland and the Welsh Assembly, regulatory bodies, DfT, ORR and transport organisations (Freight Transport Association, Road Haulage Association, Confederation of Passenger Transport). The Group is currently chaired by Network Rail. The BSPG is a forum for the exchange of information between Government, the road transport industry, local authorities and bridge owners about road traffic collisions in which rail bridges are struck by road vehicles. In particular the Group will: Drive policy and promote changes in legislation to reduce the risk of bridge strikes. Monitor the size and trends of the hazard of bridge strikes, and identify areas where the risk is increasing. Raise awareness, and clarify responsibilities. Promote the adoption of affordable solutions for the prevention and mitigation of bridge strikes. Support the development of cost effective measures for the prevention and mitigation of bridge strikes, and monitor their effectiveness. Be a source of information and guidance. Encourage collaboration between and to provide support to stakeholders affected by the hazard of bridge strikes. The group will influence the management of the risk of bridge strikes to be as low as reasonably practicable (ALARP) with the intent that the safety and reliability of the network (road and rail) and infrastructure is maintained. The following initiatives are among the group‘s successes in recent years and current work. Road-Rail Interface Special Topic Report 2010 70 Education of commercial vehicle drivers to raise their awareness of the dangers of striking a bridge Network Rail, in conjunction with other members of the BSPG, developed information booklets that provide good practice in the prevention of bridge strikes. These have been made available to freight and passenger transport companies through the various trade organisations in the BSPG. A leaflet is currently being developed which is aimed at foreign lorry drivers. The driving test for large vehicles incorporates a theory and hazard perception test. The theory test has been review by a BSPG working party to identify amendments considered necessary to questions associated with the risk of bridge strikes, and the results of the review will be passed to the Driving Standards Agency. European Directive EU 2003/59 Driver Certificate of Professional Competence (CPC), which came into force in September 2008 for professional bus and coach drivers and 12 months later for large goods vehicle drivers, requires drivers to have a minimum of 35 hours‘ training every five years. The BSPG proposes that a training course on the risk from bridge strikes is developed. The Road Operators‘ Safety Council and the Freight Transport Association have run awareness campaigns on bridge heights, and articles have been regularly published trade journals. Improved availability of information about bridge heights Network Rail is working with the Highways Agency to develop a national record of signed heights of low bridges that can be made available to satellite navigation and mapping companies. This should be available through the Highways Agency Electronic Service Delivery for Abnormal Loads (ESDAL) web site. Information provided by Network Rail and local Highway Authorities (Road Authorities in Scotland) is currently being collated. The Truckers‘ Atlas published by the AA, details heights of low bridges on A and B roads. Network Rail hosted a workshop in September 2008 to determine best practice for use and installation of satellite navigation systems, incorporating data on low bridges and diversion routes. However, currently there is no uniformity in telematic systems used in road vehicles. Overline bridge strike protocol During a HAZID workshop convened to consider the management of bridge strikes, a recommendation was made to write a protocol dealing with overline bridges, this lead to a Rule Book change. The protocol was developed in a series of workshops with representatives from Police (BTP, Association of Chief Police Officers and AOCPOS), highway authorities (ADEPT, SCOTS working group, Transport Scotland and Highways Agency) and Network Rail, and has been issued and briefed to all interested stakeholders. In addition the protocol for bridge owners has been developed by ADEPT and Network Rail representatives of BSGP. This protocol is aimed primarily at highway managers to improve signing at low bridges. Road-Rail Interface Special Topic Report 2010 71 Information and Guidance on bridge strikes Better reporting and recording of bridge strikes is considered necessary to understand trends and identify particular risks associated with bridge strikes by improving the accuracy and details provided in incident reports. The road traffic accident reporting form, STATS19 has recently been reviewed by the DfT but the comments made by Network Rail on behalf of the BSPG to enable improved recording of bridge strikes were not accepted. Web sites providing information about the risk of bridge strikes (Network Rail, Highways Agency, DfT and ESDAL) are available. Enforcement A workshop to consider actions to improve enforcement and prosecutions on bridge strikes is proposed to be held with enforcement agencies. Research Research is being commissioned by RSSB on behalf of the BSPG to monitor drivers‘ behaviour at low bridges to understand the root causes of why bridge strikes occur. This will inform the development of training packages to focus on the correct issues including effectiveness of existing signing. (See Area 8 in the research and development section and Appendix 3, for more information.) Department for Transport initiatives DfT has published Know your traffic signs for commercial vehicle drivers (a sister document to the Highway Code). This includes a four-page section on low bridge signs, advance warning/alternative route signs, a section on level crossings with signs for safe heights under power cables. RSSB Research and Development RSSB manages a programme of research and development (R&D) on behalf of government and the rail industry. The programme is funded by the Department for Transport (DfT) and aims to assist the industry and its stakeholders in achieving key objectives: Increasing capacity and availability Reducing cost Integrating all of these to compete effectively with other transport modes (or complement them as appropriate) and deliver a sustainable future for the railway The RSSB-managed rail industry research programme focuses on industry wide and strategic research that no individual company or sector of the industry can address on its own. The programme is also instrumental in supporting the development of a future vision that can best be delivered. In addition, RSSB manages the rail industry strategic research programme which has been specifically developed to support industry and its stakeholders in the delivery of ‗step changes‘ in industry strategy in ten, 20 and 30 years time – as outlined in the Rail Technical Strategy. The Road-Rail Interface research topic covers R&D into the causes of misuse, the effectiveness of existing and new technologies in reducing risk, and ways of improving the management of, level crossings, including improved risk profiling. It has also been extended Road-Rail Interface Special Topic Report 2010 72 to cover the causes and incidence of bridge strikes and other vehicle incursions. The scope of this topic includes both footpath and station crossings, as well as road vehicle crossings. It includes technical, human factors and economic issues that affect the railway (and roads) at level crossings, of which there are almost 6700 on the national rail network. At the broadest level, the topic considers the impact of external and societal changes on level crossings and other places where the road network impinges on the railway, including bridges. The scope extends beyond the rail industry and the British context to understand and learn from best practice elsewhere. Research in this area is underpinned by the Road-Rail Topic Research Plan (click for a link to the document). It is designed to be a living document and will be updated on a regular basis. The Community Safety Resource Centre website was launched in March 2009. It is a one-stop-shop for industry resources and information. The site will only be accessible to industry – users can apply for a login username and password via the main home page. For more information about the Road-Rail Interface Safety Group and the European level Crossing Forum, sign up for an account today! Click on the picture above to be directed their website. Please see Appendix 4 for a full list of all published research and research currently in progress. A considerable amount of research has been undertaken on road-rail interface safety covering footpath and station crossings, as well as road vehicle crossings. This guide pulls together summaries of this research in one document to provide a useful resource to assist industry with accessing relevant information. This booklet focuses on the Road-Rail Interface Safety area of RSSB research. Its aim is to: Inform you about research that has been done Show you where to find the results of the research Encourage you to find out more including registering to receive the RSSB R&D enewsletter Click here to download A guide to RSSB research in Road-Rail Interface Safety. Road-Rail interface research is conducted in nine main areas, which are: Area 1 – Understanding the risk at level crossings to enable prioritisation of remedial actions Road-Rail Interface Special Topic Report 2010 73 Research in this area looks at the societal and attitudinal changes to risk taking and to authority in general, and how changes may lead to positive or negative effects in terms of safety at level crossings. Different social groups may behave, and change their patterns of behaviour, in different ways. Practical application of knowledge in this area would include improving the design of safety communications. Area 2 – Identifying and sharing good practice in Britain and overseas to facilitate the adoption of appropriate solutions Research in this area investigates: International practices on road-rail issues that help deliver safety improvements, which are reasonably practicable and fundable within the current industry arrangements. Experience gained within Canada regarding ‗second train coming‘. Disability research carried out in Australia regarding the problems associated with flange way gaps. Good practice in the education of the risks associated with level crossings. Area 3 – Identifying new technical and operational solutions to prevent errors and misuse of crossings Research in this area aims to assist the industry by investigating possible solutions such as: Median strips (a form of physical barrier, separating adjacent lanes) on the road approaches to crossings although use of such a solution has not been found to be reasonably practicable in Great Britain (see report into research project T719 Monitoring motorists‘ behaviour at level crossing median strip trial sites). Alternative technology, such as signs, cameras, road markings, vehicle-activated signs and traffic calming to understand what works best. Area 4 – Understanding the costs of level crossings and the benefits of adopting alternatives to optimise societal benefits Research in this area reviews how the costs associated with maintaining, operating, upgrading, and renewing level crossings may be reduced. A comprehensive model to aggregate the various whole-life costs of a public road crossing allows the industry to decide, using cost benefit analysis, whether it is economic in the long term to replace any particular crossing by a bridge or by diverting traffic to other routes. This model will assist in the development of business cases for crossing closures or conversions to bridges. It is currently on trial in several local authority areas. Research can also assist in improving safety at public level crossings by understanding why current upgrade techniques can be expensive, and identifying how less expensive, yet effective, upgrades can be implemented. Area 5 – Working in collaboration with highway and planning authorities to design out safety risk and reduce the overall cost to society Research can contribute to the development of better relationships with external agencies representing public authorities and stakeholder groups. In particular, a better appreciation of highway issues and working together with planning authorities may help address the overall residual safety risk, design risk out of new schemes at source, reduce road congestion / delay issues and save money through integrated planning. Road-Rail Interface Special Topic Report 2010 74 Issues that have already been identified as requiring research support under this area include: The use of level crossing signs on private roads. The timing of amber lights and whether it is sufficient. The impact on the road network with the introduction of extra and faster trains. The impact of smart re-routeing to help high vehicles avoid bridges on the road network. The potential use of cheap bridge crossings and footpaths at level crossings. The lower overall weight of modern trains (especially their leading vehicles) against the increased size and weight of heavy goods vehicles. Area 6 – Understanding the needs of vulnerable users at level crossings to facilitate social inclusion Research is needed to inform future developments of new crossing types (or modifications to existing designs) to take account of the need of vulnerable users, particularly pedestrians and other non-motorised users at level crossings. A start has been made via R-RISG disability working party, which has helped identify areas of concern that need to be better understood and a major piece of research is now in progress. This research will also look at how to reduce the impact of any potential ‗vulnerable-user‘ solutions on ‗able-bodied‘ users. Area 7 – Review and overhaul of the legislative framework for level crossings to identify legal requirements and consolidate disparate regulations Members of R-RISG have identified the need for a review and overhaul of the legislative framework for level crossings, consolidating disparate laws/regulations into a single act covering road, rail and planning issues. Government has invited a review by the Law Commissions of England and Wales, and Scotland and inputs are being made to the process. Research could also assist in defining the needs and areas for change, and help secure a legislative, consultative and standards framework that engages all parties and facilitates adequate risk control by duty holders. Area 8 – Research into bridge strikes and vehicle incursions Despite a number of initiatives to reduce bridge strikes, the number of incidents has remained at a consistent level (apart from the impact of the recession on road freight movements), indicating that either the current reduction methods are not having the desired effect, or the underlying causes have not been fully identified and understood. Research now starting will specifically look at: Improved understanding of why bridge strikes occur and integration of human factors principles into the design of measures to reduce bridge strikes, numbers and severity of bridge strikes could be reduced. Reducing the number and impact of vehicle strikes on railway underline bridges and the effectiveness of interactive road signs. Road-Rail Interface Special Topic Report 2010 75 A study of bridge strikes through a detailed review of research projects, incidents, current legislation, surveys with key stakeholders and review of measures for mitigating bridge strikes. Improved guidance for reducing bridge strikes will then be produced. All work will be undertaken by subject matter experts with input from human factors specialists as necessary. Area 9 – Research to support inquiry recommendations, government and regulatory policies, proposed and new legislation Research is from time to time required to ensure recommendations relating to the management of relevant risks from investigations of recent major incidents, from RAIB investigations as well as other HMRI and industry investigations, are satisfactorily addressed. The impact on the railways from changes to Traffic Management Acts and the increase in the use of congestion charging may also need to be investigated in the future. Road-Rail Interface Special Topic Report 2010 76 Appendix 1. Key safety facts Level crossings Category 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Total fatalities 35 36 28 32 36 44 Accidental fatalites 15 10 5 12 14 13 Suicide and suspected sucides 20 26 23 20 22 31 16.9 11.0 5.8 12.4 15.3 13.8 16 16 11 11 19 14 3 0 0 0 0 0 Collisions with road vehicles, no derailment 13 16 11 11 19 14 Road vehicle level crossing near misses 173 183 160 146 174 145 Road vehicle level crossing misuse 923 1096 1167 1082 1042 1110 Pedestrian level crossing near misses 209 241 221 234 282 266 3136 3824 4304 3882 4284 3863 43 228 530 611 491 708 1961 1877 2026 2131 1900 1429 8 9 9 7 7 5 137 151 130 143 129 110 7 6 10 4 2 5 Vehicle incursions at fences 49 41 47 40 28 34 Vehicle incursions at bridges 1 1 2 3 2 2 Vehicle incursions at level crossings 13 5 15 19 17 20 Vehicle incursions at access points 20 19 13 23 9 11 Accidental FWI Collisions with road vehicles at lc Collisions with road vehicles, derailment Pedestrian level crossing misuse Incursions Bridge strikes RIDDOR reportable equipment failures Underline total Underline: serious Overline total Overline: serious Road-Rail Interface Special Topic Report 2010 77 Appendix 2. Collisions at level crossings Collisions between trains and road vehicles resulting in road vehicle occupant fatalities – ten years Date/time 23/10/2000 10:15 15/11/2000 12:16 28/11/2000 18:06 05/05/2001 19:34 26/07/2001 09:45 01/01/2002 11:25 29/04/2002 17:10 31/01/2003 14:12 07/07/2003 08:24 15/10/2003 19:45 17/02/2004 21:54 06/12/2004 13:24 30/06/2005 18:25 17/09/2005 09:40 19/10/2005 12:04 02/02/2007 08:15 01/03/2007 07:25 03/11/2008 12:33 05/01/2009 08:59 02/09/2009 11:35 29/09/2009 14:11 Location Territory Crossing type Treath Mawr LC W AOCL Coltishall LC SE UWC-T Waterbeach LC SE AHB Moulinearn LC Sc UWC-MWL Swineshead LC LNE AHB Norwood LC SE AHB Parkers No. 4 Occupation LC LNW UWC New Fishbourned LC SE AHB Pools LC W UWC-T Three Horseshoes No.1 LC SE AHB Kirknewton LC Sc AHB Pumphouse LC LNE UWC Creykes LC LNE UWC-MWL Rillington LC LNE AHB Black Horse Drove LC SE UWC-MWL Delny LC Sc AOCL Swainsthorpe LC SE AHB Wraysholme LC LNW AOCL South Drove LC LNE AHB Penrhyndeudraeth LC W UWC-T Halkirk LC Sc AOCL Description/cause Fatalities Passenger train struck a car on crossing RV deliberate action: ignoring lights/red-light running. 1 Passenger train struck car crossing due to RV driver error: failed to use phone to check line is clear. 1 Passenger train struck a car on crossing RV error due to blocking back of traffic on the crossing. 1 RV driver error: road user fails to use phone to check line is clear. 1 RV driver error: fails to observe level crossing. 1 RV struck train. RV incorrectly on LC due to snow / ice on the crossing. Driver error: user brakes too late. 1 RV driver error: misuse due to gates left open. 1 RV incorrectly on LC due to environmental factors/driver error: user brakes too late. 1 Passenger train stuck a minibus on crossing. RV driver error: road user fails to use phone to check line is clear. 3 RV driver deliberate action: zigzags barriers. 1 RV driver error: road user turns onto the railway. 1 Passenger train struck a van at the crossing and derailed. Cause remains unclear. 2 RV driver error: misuse due to gates left open. 1 RV incorrectly on LC due to environmental factors: sunlight obscures crossing/lights. 1 Passenger train struck a tractor. RV driver error: misuse due to gates left open 1 RV driver deliberate action: ignores lights/red-light running 2 RV driver deliberate action: zigzags barriers 1 RV driver error: fails to observe level crossing. 1 RV incorrectly on LC due to road traffic accident. 1 Light locomotive train struck a car. RV driver error: road user fails to use phone to check line is clear. 1 Passenger train struck a road vehicle at level crossing. Cause remains unclear. 3 * Grey shading represents multiple fatalities to road vehicle occupants. Road-Rail Interface Special Topic Report 2010 78 Appendix 3. Research and Development Published research (For further details and to view the reports, click on the project title) Project Number Project Title Current Position Date published T000 User worked and footpath level crossing research This was the first piece of research undertaken just as the research programme was beginning. It helped define the problems and led to a sequence of implementation activities. August 2001 T028 Development of a universal level crossing risk tool The project won the 2007 Award for the Advancement of Railway System Safety. The level crossing tool that was developed, the ‗All Level Crossing Risk Model‘ (ALCRM), is being used by Network Rail to assess the risk at their crossings and is a key plank in its level crossing strategy. It led directly to some further research T737 Documenting the All Level Crossing Risk Model to provide a description of the development of ALCRM and to an enhanced specification for the ALCRM so that future developers would be able to see the structure and functionality of the model easily and quickly thus facilitating future upgrades to the model. July 2007 T032 Trials of median strips / lane separators at level crossings This project was followed by research project T719 Monitoring motorists‘ behaviour at level crossing median strip trial sites, which has been continuing to monitor the crossings with CCTV equipment, although it was decided in early 2009 to reduce this activity to one crossing, Downham Market. July 2007 T105 Wayside horns at level crossings Since this research was carried out, there has been a review of the Rule Book requirements for the use of horns at level crossings, and changes have been made. May 2005 T232 Improving level crossing information systems It was decided to incorporate much of the functionality required in the ‗All Level Crossing Risk Model‘ (ALCRM). See research project T028 Development of a universal level crossing risk tool which itself has links to the various Network Rail databases. February 2006 Road-Rail Interface Special Topic Report 2010 79 T269 Human factors risk at user worked crossings The project has led to a number of initiatives and follow-on research. Using the results of this project, the industry was able to overcome a view that vehicle users at user worked crossings would not look again for oncoming trains once they had returned to their vehicles after going through the gate opening procedures. The project also highlighted that users did not understand well the differences in warble tone that signified another train was coming very close after the passage of a first train. This led to another research project that focused on this issue and produced guidance on the way forward, see T652 Examining the benefits of ‗another train coming‘ warnings at level crossings. June 2004 T332 Understanding the risk at station and barrow crossings Findings from this project have led to further research being undertaken, T730 Understanding human factors and developing risk reduction solutions for pedestrian crossings at railway stations and also T652 Examining the benefits of ‗another train coming‘ warnings at level crossings. November 2005 T333 Evaluating good practice deterrence and enforcement mechanisms at level crossings The project highlighted the need for a research-led examination of red light enforcement with a trial at a number of crossings focusing on clearly defined ‗before installation‘ and ‗after installation‘ phases to elucidate the costs and benefits of the current generation of red light enforcement equipment. This is now being taken forward by Network Rail. May 2007 T334 Reducing the risk to motorists traversing user worked crossings on foot A site specific risk assessment will be needed for each crossing where co-acting gates could be installed. Network Rail is now working towards a trial of these gates at two sites. The opportunity to consider wider adoption at more level crossings may be then considered. August 2009 T335 Improving road user and pedestrian behaviour at level crossings The Level Crossing Risk Management Toolkit (LXRMTK) produced by this project is widely used by Network Rail level crossing practitioners. The toolkit allows them to choose appropriate risk mitigations and gives salient details of each, such as the cost (range). The toolkit works well in tandem with the All Level Crossing Risk Model; the latter assesses the risk, the former suggests ways of managing it. A technical update for the toolkit is in the pipeline: T863 Updating the level crossing risk management toolkit. July 2008 T336 Modelling the economics of level crossing closures and conversions The project produced a model, AXIAT, which needs data from both Network Rail level crossing practitioners and from local authority representatives. As such, AXIAT provided a catalyst for the formation of road-rail partnership groups. The Model has been further developed in research project T738 Trialling the national roll out of the level crossing cost model. June 2007 Road-Rail Interface Special Topic Report 2010 80 T364 The cost of level crossings – an international benchmarking exercise The findings were shared with a large number of infrastructure managers, operating level and grade crossings throughout Europe and overseas. Many of them, including the infrastructure manager responsible for such crossings in Great Britain, Network Rail, were able to assess where they found themselves in the ‗league tables‘ which should help drive down costs and promote the adoption of smarter solutions. September 2006 T521 Developing enhanced consequence algorithms for level crossing risk models This was a very specialised research project which concentrated on low frequency, high consequence accidents following the accident at Ufton. The results were fed directly into T028 Development of a universal level crossing risk tool. February 2006 T522 Research into obstacle detection at level crossings The findings from this research project have been actively pursued by Network Rail. The first trial of a crossing fitted with obstacle detection is in progress at Filey. Further research work is being undertaken to understand some of the detailed implications, see T729 Further work on obstacle detection at level crossings. November 2006 T524 Use by other railways of risk models and risk assessments for level crossings This research project provided useful guidance to those involved in risk modelling in Great Britain as it showed that the ‗All Level Crossing Risk Model‘ (ALCRM) was one of the more sophisticated level crossings models in the world. Recently it was decided that one of the ideas from the project—to promulgate good practice in level crossing management—is to be taken up in the next update of the ‗Level Crossing Risk Management Toolkit‘. See T863 Updating the level crossing risk management toolkit. May 2007 T527 Analysis of research ideas from recent international level crossing conferences This work was supported by the National Level Crossing Safety Group (now the Road-Rail Interface Safety Group), which has been considering the potential research ideas identified by the project as part of the development of its topic research plan. It helped benchmark existing research against other ideas being investigated elsewhere. June 2007 T528 Attitudes to, processes and funding for, crossing closures in other countries The information produced by this project has been fed into the review of level crossing legislation being led by the Law Commissions of England and Wales, and of Scotland. The Commissions are scheduled to produce a consultation paper in Autumn 2009, and a draft Bill is planned for around two years after that. June 2007 Road-Rail Interface Special Topic Report 2010 81 T561 Evaluating safety benefits from miniature warning lights at level crossings This project has been put on hold while its links to physical works by Network Rail could be assessed. Further work is being planned for the future. On hold T652 Examining the benefits of ‗another train coming‘ warnings at level crossings Network Rail is currently considering how it should take forward the findings in the report. The research was also fed into project T730 Understanding human factors and developing risk reduction solutions for pedestrian crossings at railway stations. December 2008 T653 Safer European level crossing assessments and technology (SELCAT) The work was split into three work packages plus a ‗dissemination activity‘. A crucial prerequisite for the collection of relevant information in the form of documents or statistics was the design and development of a level crossing web portal: Its ontology based implementation features provided for an effective and easily accessible knowledge management system. Its functionality provides for the direct use of a tool for international level crossing safety performance monitoring in accordance with the Railway Safety Directive. March 2009 T668 Research into the safety benefits provided by train horns at level crossings The introduction of a night time quiet period and the use of the low tone has removed many of the concerns of the public and established a better balance between the safety of crossing users and the health of neighbours of the railway. This is evidenced by the considerable drop in the number of public complaints and media queries about train horn nuisance, since this change was implemented. The industry is keeping the actual level of risk at level crossings and the impact of horn noise on members of the public under review. This project supported an innovative industry decision to remove a control (and thereby increase the level of risk) in favour of reducing harm, caused by noise nuisance, to the health of neighbours of the railway. Further work on some specific signaler issues has recently been completed. December 2006 T680 Mapping the extent of the train horn noise problem Please see current position under T668 Research into the safety benefits provided by train horns at level crossings. November 2006 For further information, please visit: See also T681 Understanding the problems that train horn noise causes to neighbours. T681 Understanding the problems that train horn noise causes to neighbours Road-Rail Interface Special Topic Report 2010 Please refer to current position under T668 Research into the safety benefits provided by train horns at level crossings and T680 Mapping the extent of the train horn noise problem. For further information, please visit: 82 November 2006 T730 Understanding human factors and developing risk solutions for pedestrian crossings at railways stations The research showed that if it were possible to close a small number of the highest risk crossings (as is being planned by Network Rail), the total overall risk at station pedestrian crossings could be reduced significantly (for example replacing the top five crossings with footbridges could in theory reduce total risk by around 50%). In this case, the total benefits available from the options presented in the report would be reduced, and in many cases this would mean that they could not be justified on a cost-safety benefit basis. The findings from the research are being studied by DfT, Network Rail and ORR in order to inform their responses to RAIB recommendations. March 2009 T737 Documenting the All Level Crossing Risk Model The ‗Enhanced Specification‘ has been used to facilitate a technical audit by the ORR. It is soon to be updated to reflect minor changes to be made in the model. Meanwhile the history document will also be updated. Both documents help to spread knowledge about the model to facilitate the competition amongst suppliers or to enable Network Rail to maintain the model in-house. March 2008 T719 Monitoring motorists‘ behaviour at level crossing median strip trial sites Following project T032 Trials of median strips / lane separators at level crossings, RSSB continued to provide collection and analysis of CCTV footage from Beccles, Littleport and Downham Market. It was decided in early 2009 to reduce this activity to one crossing, Downham Market. It was also confirmed that Network Rail‘s updated strategy no longer supported the continuance of the filming, or the development of the planned trials. The Road-Rail Interface Safety Group consequently decided that the research should be terminated. December 2009 T818 Highlighting the presence of emergency level crossing phones in emergency situations This research took a human factors and risk based approach to provide guidance on the best methods for contacting the signaler/duty holder to take positive action in an emergency situation at a level crossing. The project recommendations have been accepted in principle by Network Rail and the BTP. Network Rail are considering which specific modifications will be taken forward in the redesign of level crossing phones and will be working up proposals for a Level Crossing Emergency Protocol. December 2009 T907 A guide to RSSB research in Road-Rail Interface Safety Designed for industry personnel who are short on time and need a general overview of research completed and in progress, this guide may help refresh knowledge throughout industry on research previously published and provide for further implementation of research outputs. Copies of the booklet are available to download from and printed copies can be requested by e-mailing November 2009 Road-Rail Interface Special Topic Report 2010 83 Research projects in progress Project Number Project Title Description Due for publication T650 Improving safety and accessibility at level crossings for disabled pedestrians Network Rail is currently planning for the next generation of level crossing designs and this research aims to find out what specific facilities for disabled pedestrians should be included in order to improve accessibility and reduce risk. August 2010 T707 Analysing the potential of vehicle activated signs at public road level crossings Vehicle activated signs (VASs) are widely used within the British road network. The project seeks to establish the efficacy of VASs in preventing blocking back of road traffic over AHB level crossings. January 2011 T729 Further work on obstacle detection at level crossings The risk from using obstacle detection systems to check that level crossings are clear of people and objects is compared to the risk of using a signaller to do the same task. March 2010 T756 Research into traffic signs and signals at level crossings Evaluating the effectiveness and comprehensibility of traffic signs and signals on the approach to level crossings. November 2010 T737 Documenting the All Level Crossing Risk Model Supplying a history of the All Level Crossing Risk Model, and a detailed, referenced explanation of its construction and functionality, and the main parameters used in its formulation. April 2010 T738 Trialling the national roll out of the level crossing cost model Trialling the national roll out of the level crossing cost model (AXIAT) using road-rail partnership groups. March 2010 T854 Reducing the number and impact of vehicle strikes on railway underline bridges To determine the effectiveness of interactive road signs, and to indentify bridges that are suitable for such installations; with recommendations for improvements where necessary. March 2012 T863 Updating the Level Crossing Risk Management Toolkit The widely used Level Crossing Risk Management Toolkit was completed in 2006 and is now in need of a technical content update. April 2010 Road-Rail Interface Special Topic Report 2010 84 Appendix 4. Event Investigation reports and recommendations Report title Link Publication No. of Status date recs (2/10) Report 12/07/05 23 23C Report 21/07/06 4 4C Report 28/03/06 NR date 06/11/04 RSSB Formal inquiry: Ufton Level Crossing: Passenger train collision with a road vehicle and subsequent derailment 19/10/05 Collision at Black Horse Drove Crossing, near Littleport, Cambridgeshire 13/11/05 Passenger-train collision with road vehicle at Swainsthorpe level crossing 21/11/05 The fatality at Barratt‘s Lane No1 footpath crossing Report 21/07/06 NR 03/12/05 RSSB Formal inquiry: Two girls were struck and fatally injured by a Report 12/05/06 9 9C Report 11/12/06 10 8C 2IP train on the station footpath crossing at Elsenham 03/12/05 Investigation in station pedestrian crossings initiated by a fatality at Elsenham Station 08/01/06 Serious injury to a cyclist at Scate Moor bridleway crossing Report 16/06/06 NR 01/05/06 & Two near misses at Crofton Old Station No. 1 level crossing, near Report 29/05/07 6 5C 1IP 18/05/06 Wakefield 22/05/06 Train collision with a road vehicle at Bratts Blackhouse No 1 User Report 26/04/07 8 8C Report 05/09/07 2 2C Report 26/09/07 UK Report 03/06/09 8 Worked Crossing, near Sizewell, Suffolk 25/09/06 Fatal collision between a Super Voyager train and a car on the line at Copmanthorpe 05/02/07 Collision between a train and a road vehicle on the M20 overline bridge at Aylesford Na Investigation into safety at user worked crossings 2C 4IP 2UK 22/01/08 Accident at West Lodge crossing Report 20/01/09 4 1C 3IP 01/03/08 Collision of a train with a demolished footbridge, Barrow upon Soar Report 25/09/08 4 3C 1IP 31/03/08 Fatal accident at Tackley station level crossing, Oxfordshire Report 30/03/09 6 3C 3IP 16/04/08 Accident at Moor Lane footpath level Crossing in Staines, Surrey Report 23/12/08 4 4IP 01/07/08 Near miss at Poplar Farm level crossing, Attleborough, Norfolk Report 11/06/09 2 2IP 21/10/08 Near miss at Llanbadarn AOCL near Aberystwyth Report 28/07/09 8 2C 6IP 03/11/08 Fatal accident at Wraysholme crossing, Flookburgh, Cumbria Report 06/10/09 5 1C 4IP 22/11/08 Double fatality at Bayles & Wylies crossing, Bestwood, Nottingham Report 19/11/09 8 8IP 18/12/08 Collision and derailment of a passenger train at North Rode, Report 14/12/09 3 2IP 1UK Bulletin 21/01/10 NR Report in progress Report in Fatal accident at Halkirk level crossing, near Wick Summary progress Report in Near-miss at Victory level crossing near Taunton Summary progress Report in Fatal accident on a level crossing at Moreton-on-Lugg Summary progress C = closed IP = in progress NR = no recommendations UK = unknown NA between Macclesfield and Congleton 22/09/09 Passenger train collision with road vehicle at Broken Cross bridge between Salisbury and Grateley 06/05/09 29/09/09 19/12/09 16/01/10 KEY: Fatal accident at Fairfield level crossing, Bedwyn, Wiltshire Road-Rail Interface Special Topic Report 2010 Summary NA NA NA 85 Appendix 5. Case study – Northern Rail train driver Level crossings are an operational interface as well as a road-rail interface. Their safety performance is as important to train operating companies as it is to the infrastructure manager. Northern driver, Ian Palmer, talks about his experiences and the impact level crossing incidents have had on him. Train driving requires a high level of skill and concentration. As a driver, it‘s my job to get my train from ‗A‘ to ‗B‘, safely and punctually. Having worked on the railways for over 25 years, it‘s rewarding to be the human part of a system helping to get people to work, school, to the shops and to see their friends. To meet these expectations, I have to stay focussed and have the safety and reliability of the system at the heart of everything I do – including observing and responding to signals, carrying out safety critical communication and contributing to the train crew‘s attention to the welfare of our passengers. On the Northern network we operate 2,500 train services every weekday across 1,675 route miles. While staff in train operating companies like Northern are committed to doing the best they can to manage safety, there are some issues over which we don‘t have direct control, and incidents that we can‘t prevent. Behaviour by road users – both motorists and pedestrians – at level crossings, is one such issue. If a motorist decides to disobey the flashing red lights, or if a pedestrian at a userworked crossing fails to follow the instructions on the signs and doesn‘t stop, look or listen, they take a massive risk. The biggest impact of this risk is likely to be on the person who has mistakenly or recklessly crossed the threshold onto the running railway. But there‘s a ripple effect on others – including train drivers and others who work on the railway and support it, like the BTP. Managers and ‗on call‘ staff have a critical role to play looking after the welfare of drivers and other staff and they often witness the horrific aftermath of incidents at the scene. There are also rare circumstances where the entry of a road vehicle on to the railway in the wrong place at the wrong time can lead to catastrophic consequences for the train – leading to loss of life of passengers and the workforce. Motorists‘ behaviour was the root cause of high profile accidents at Great Heck in 2001 – involving GNER and Freightliner – where four members of the workforce were killed, including both train drivers, and Ufton in 2004 involving First Great Western, where the train driver died. This kind of event is rare, and overall train accident risk is much lower now than ten years ago, but it‘s a sobering thought that, in recent times, motorists have been the root cause of most fatalities in train accidents, and not SPADs. Although thankfully not on the same scale as these events, about five years ago, I was personally involved in a near-miss incident with a tractor, on the Newcastle to Carlisle route. Having nearly completed a trouble free journey, about four miles outside of Carlisle my train rounded a blind corner, and to my utter horror, I was met with the sight of a green farm tractor crossing in front of my train, about 250 yards ahead. Road-Rail Interface Special Topic Report 2010 86 I immediately put the train‘s brake into emergency and watched in front, as 80 tonnes of my train doing 60 mph, headed towards the tractor. I phoned our conductor from our cab-to-cab phone to explain that we were potentially about to collide with a tractor, so he could carry out trained and drilled emergency procedures. We just avoided colliding with the tractor. Having come to an abrupt stop, I rang out from our cab telephone to our Northern control at York and explained that we had been involved in a near miss, and to request that British Transport Police (BTP) be called to attend the incident. I then had to make sure that our passengers were alright. There‘s nothing a train driver can do to prevent these events, but as the person in the cab, there‘s a significant impact on you – it can be traumatic. This can result in drivers needing counselling and time off work to recover – some suffer post-traumatic stress disorder, and some never recover. The ripple effect then continues to the railway network. This relies on train drivers to physically move the trains around, and so there‘s the impression an incident will make at the human level, to the wellbeing of the workforce, and also at the system level, which needs a full complement of people to meet our customer‘s expectations of services. In the wake of my particular incident, I quizzed the tractor driver and found that he had not contacted the signaller via the crossing telephone for permission to cross. Having gathered as much information as possible, I made a detailed report and sent if off to our control centre in York. Police could not find the tractor driver and unfortunately, there was not enough evidence to prosecute him, even if they had. The whole experience inspired me to propose the introduction of a new reporting form through our staff suggestion scheme, specifically for crossing misuse. I conducted a successful six month trial and we now have a company-wide ‗crossing misuse form 340‘. I have since used my own form in a successful crossing misuse case which went to court. The driver was prosecuted for endangering trains and with the help of the information captured on the form, helped BTP secure the court case. He received a total £800 penalty. The new form works because it brought the relevant railway organisations together in partnership - namely BTP, Network Rail Control, Northern Control, our Driver Team Managers, and last but not least the driver. And although this is just a form, I hope it makes a small contribution in reducing crossing misuse. It‘s also heartening to see the rail industry working together in other ways in response to these issues. Network Rail‘s Don’t Run The Risk campaign is a good way of promoting the right sort of behaviour by the public at level crossings. It helps show that the rules of the road aren‘t there for their own sake, there‘s a point to them, and the adverts on TV and radio hopefully help dissuade motorists and pedestrians from dangerous, hasty behaviour. I‘m also aware of RSSB‘s work in encouraging cooperation within the rail industry and with other agencies, like local highways agencies and the Driving Standards Agency. There‘s also a great deal of research into different technologies and risk. Road-Rail Interface Special Topic Report 2010 87 It‘s clearly a cross-industry issue with effects across different companies and people, and I hope we continue to work together to do what we can to improve level crossing safety, to protect the public from themselves, and protect the workforce and passengers from the effects incidents can potentially have. Road-Rail Interface Special Topic Report 2010 88 Appendix 6. Pedestrian risks at level crossings In early 2009, the R-RISG asked RSSB to convene a workshop to examine the problem of pedestrian accidents at level crossings. As the figures in this report show (see Chart 9 and Chart 10), the number of pedestrians killed has averaged eight over the last ten years but in 2007 the figure was nine and in 2008 13 pedestrians were killed. (In 2009 the figure reverted to eight.) Approximately 77% of the total risk at level crossings is to pedestrians and most of the pedestrian risk involves members of the public being struck by a train (58%) followed by passengers being struck on station crossings (7%). The workshop included representatives from ADEPT (previously known as County Surveyors‘ Society) DfT, Network Rail, ORR and RSSB. Two main questions were posed: Is the increase in pedestrian fatalities (applicable in March 2009) statistically significant? What actions can be taken to attempt to reduce the numbers? The group focused on accidents and near misses as well as the trend in fatalities. Expert advice was that the emerging figures showed that if the figure of 13 fatalities was repeated in 2009 the trend would be regarded as statistically significant but in any case societal concern was being expressed and if proportionate and effective action could be taken to help reduce the apparent trend that would be worth considering. The group was aware of work done by the European Level Crossing (Research) Forum and under the auspices of the SELCAT project that suggested that railway organisations had historically concentrated on level crossing risk as a potential cause of train accidents, rather than the individual risk to pedestrians. At crossings with fast trains, limited protection and high pedestrian use, while the overall risk of a fatality would be low, the risk to a specific regular pedestrian user could be relatively high. This quandary has been expressed in some of the reports into pedestrian accidents produced by RAIB. However, the level of risk to which an individual is exposed is a key consideration in the safety management process, but is not explicitly part of the criteria applied to deciding about whether or not to implement an action to improve safety. As an indication of this it is fair to say that most of the research undertaken by the rail research programme has focused on mitigating the risk posed by motor vehicle driver error and abuse, and at least the early stages of Network Rail‘s ‗Don‘t Run the Risk‘ campaigns have concentrated on this area also. In some European countries there is only a limited amount of recording of pedestrian accidents, although this is beginning to improve. The workshop attempted to disaggregate the events recorded and found some common threads: Leisure walkers. A high proportion of those involved in fatal accidents had appeared to involve leisure walkers and hikers whose activities, whilst perfectly legitimate, could not be categorised as ‗essential‘. Whilst the right to roam is an issue, the need for people not to put themselves in danger by virtue of their leisure activity, or perhaps to use routes which were intrinsically safer, could be considered. Whilst some of the leisure walkers were local and so could be expected to know how to use particular crossings safely, some of them would be so used to them that they might not treat them with the care needed. Dog walkers – as a sub-set of leisure walkers – appeared particularly vulnerable because of their protective responses to their pets / companions which may have the tendency to Road-Rail Interface Special Topic Report 2010 89 rush off into the path of a train (and probably survive the experience) when not on a lead. There appears to be a pattern where ‗dog escapes – owner follows – dog survives – owner trapped / injured / killed‘. A coroner considering his verdict on one of these accidents asked DfT to consider whether there should be a railway byelaw making it an offence to cross a railway level crossing with a dog which was not on a lead. It was considered to be completely unenforceable so was not progressed. Network Rail have prepared a factsheet for dog-walkers to distribute via places such as veterinary practices, camping/caravanning sites near to railways/level crossings, pet stores etc; they will also target organisations like the Ramblers Association. Other distractions, including the use of iPods and walkmans which can reduce the impact of audible warnings, can be a factor. Age profile and disabilities. While fatalities to pedestrians noted as falling into one of the disabled categories is rare, the proportion of elderly victims is higher than would be expected in the population as a whole. This is, however, not much different from the situation regarding road pedestrian fatalities where fatality rates are highest for those aged over 80 and nearly a third of road pedestrian fatalities are aged 70 and over. Children. Accidents to child pedestrians are rare at level crossings which is very different from the roads where pedestrian casualty and killed / seriously injury rates per are highest for 12-15 year olds, and high for those under 15. One child was killed – at Fox Covert foot crossing – in 2009. Error versus violation. It is always a difficult task to try and establish what was in the mind of a person fatally injured in an individual road or rail accident but the rail industry has spent a great deal of effort in establishing which events can be categorised as suicide in order to separate them from the level crossing accident trends. However, looking at the remainder (the eight or so fatalities a year as reported in this report) the overall conclusion is that the vast majority appear to be in the category of errors where people did not see a train approaching, or failed to see it in time, or misjudged its speed, or failed to get off the crossing quickly enough, or slipped and fell. There do not seem to be many which have the appearance of people recklessly trying to beat a train or wilfully ignoring red lights etc, although in places where telephones are provided there is often a tendency for them only to be used in exceptional circumstances such as in foggy weather. Educational deficiencies. It is possible that a significant proportion of pedestrian users do not understand the risk at level crossings, the meaning of fixed and dynamic signs, and telephones, the correct place to stand before taking a decision about whether it is safe to cross, and the speed of trains when seen. These areas are not well understood. Discussions took place about the best ways of improving the situation. These have been split between the traditional categories of engineering, enforcement, education, engagement and evaluation, as follows: Engineering Is the trade-off between the use of train horns only where the sighting distances are suboptimal, and not routinely at night working well? Road-Rail Interface Special Topic Report 2010 90 Should there be a campaign to produce a robust decision point at all / selected crossings and if so, how should they be marked so as not to confuse different user categories? Are there technological solutions which could be applied to make pedestrian crossings safer? (Noted that research into helping to better identify the location of trains on long rural branch lines is under development). Is the vegetation clearance activity undertaken by Network Rail sufficient? Are the sighting distances undertaken by Network Rail staff suitable and sufficient? Is enough attention given to surfaces and is any given to de-icing during bad weather? Enforcement Is the level of near miss reporting, especially by train drivers, satisfactory or could it be improved? Should there be penalties for pedestrian misuse of level crossings and, if so, how could they be enforced? What can the BTP (and other police forces) do to enforce the law or help people cross safely? Can private pedestrian users at user worked crossings with pedestrian rights be prosecuted for leaving gates open or failing to ensure that others close them? Education Do people understand the various signs and warning systems? Is research needed in this area? If decision points were provided, how should people be made aware of their meaning and what to do? Is it possible to train new users, such as rambler groups, or even casual walkers? Engagement Should local authorities and user groups continue to press to keep rights of way open or should legislation be brought forward to try to reduce the numbers of crossings to those where there is no alternative access? Evaluation Does the rail industry know enough about the causes of pedestrian accidents and does it need to monitor societal trends such as increased demand for leisure pursuits such as walking, dog ownership, causes of distraction (phones, personal music etc)? These issues were considered by R-RISG members and it was decided to pay particular attention to the emerging trends of pedestrian risk (which now appear to have gone back to the norm) and to consider research into pedestrian information needs to help reduce the Road-Rail Interface Special Topic Report 2010 91 error levels in the future. Research has been identified to follow the existing project T756 ‗Research into traffic signs and signals at [public road] level crossings‘ as that may have some important findings of a general nature which could be applied to pedestrian risk. That research is due for conclusion in early 2011; meanwhile, the scope of a possible follow-onproject is being considered. Road-Rail Interface Special Topic Report 2010 92 Appendix 7. Crossing numbers and types The level crossing population on NRMI (December 2008) Scotland MCB-CCTV 18 MCB 16 MCG 3 Total active manual 37 UWC-MWL 6 ABCL 3 AHB 29 AOCR 1 AOCL 23 Total active automatic 62 OC 2 UWC 56 UWC-T 314 FP 77 Total passive 449 TOTAL 548 LNE 146 94 115 355 38 11 187 0 27 263 15 316 387 588 1306 1924 LNW 49 34 17 100 10 3 20 0 9 42 6 98 200 374 678 820 Anglia 47 20 28 95 28 17 95 0 16 156 2 179 125 179 485 736 Sussex 27 9 4 40 2 0 25 0 0 27 0 18 28 105 151 218 Kent 13 10 9 32 4 2 21 0 3 30 12 49 51 148 260 322 Wessex 44 8 3 55 6 0 33 0 3 42 0 7 57 166 230 327 Western TOTAL 34 378 49 240 14 193 97 811 10 104 14 50 45 455 0 1 38 119 107 729 19 56 217 940 462 1624 745 2382 1443 5002 1647 6542 Source: Network Rail. The table excludes disused crossings on mothballed lines and ‗sleeping dogs‘ (see definition section). The category of footpath crossings comprises footpath crossings (86%), bridleway crossings (6%) and station foot and barrow crossings (8%). These are analysed as a single category in the analysis because the data in SMIS is not always precise enough to differentiate between them. They have been collectively grouped under ‗passive‘ crossings, but in reality some have automatic protection: 2% (including some at stations) have miniature warning lights and 1% are station crossings with white lights. A further 4% are equipped with telephones and around one-third have whistle boards. Level crossing modernisation in Britain: public and road crossings 1960-2008 3000 PUBLIC ROAD LEVEL CROSSING MODERNISATION IN GREAT BRITAIN 1960 - 2008 Public road crossings 2500 2000 OC AOCR AOCL ABCL AHB CCTV Barriers Gates 1500 1000 500 0 Road-Rail Interface Special Topic Report 2010 93 ACTIVE CROSSINGS Manual crossings Manually controlled gate (MCG) This crossing is equipped with gates, which are manually operated by a signaller or crossing keeper either before the protecting signal can be cleared, or with the permission of the signaller or signalling system. At the majority of these crossings, the normal position of the gates is open to road traffic, but on some quiet roads the gates are maintained ‗closed to the road‘ and opened when required if no train is approaching. Manually controlled barrier (MCB) MCB crossings are equipped with full barriers, which extend across the whole width of the roadway, and are operated by a signaller or crossing keeper before the protecting signal can be cleared. Road traffic signals and audible warnings for pedestrians are interlocked into the signalling system. Manually controlled barrier protected by closed circuit television (MCB-CCTV) Similar to MCB crossings, except that a closed circuit television (CCTV) is used to monitor and control the crossing from a remote location. Automatic crossings Automatic half-barrier (AHB) AHB crossings are equipped with barriers that only extend across the nearside of the road (so that the exit is left clear if the crossing commences operation when a vehicle is on it). Road traffic signals and audible warnings are activated a set time before the operation of the barriers, which are activated automatically by approaching trains. The barriers rise automatically when the train has passed, unless another train is approaching. Telephones are provided for the public to contact the signaller in case of an emergency or, for example, to ensure it is safe to cross in a long or slow vehicle. These crossings can only be installed where the permissible speed of trains does not exceed 100mph. Road-Rail Interface Special Topic Report 2010 94 Automatic barrier locally monitored (ABCL) As far as the road user is concerned, this crossing looks identical to an AHB crossing. The difference is that train drivers must ensure that the crossing is clear before passing over it. Train speed is limited to 55mph or less. Automatic open crossing remotely monitored (AOCR) The AOCR is equipped with road traffic signals and audible warnings only: there are no barriers. It is operated automatically by approaching trains. Telephones are provided for the public to contact the signaller in an emergency. Only one crossing of this type remains on NRMI, at Rosarie in the Scottish Highlands. Automatic open crossing locally monitored (AOCL) Like the AOCR, this crossing is equipped with road traffic signals and audible warnings only and is operated automatically by approaching trains. The only difference is that no telephone is provided for crossing users: train drivers must ensure that the crossing is clear before passing over it and train speed is limited to 55mph or less. If a second train is approaching, the lights continue to flash after the passage of the first train, an additional signal lights up, and the tone of the audible warning changes. User-worked crossing with miniature warning lights (UWC-MWL) This crossing has gates or full lifting barriers, which the user must operate prior to crossing. Red/green miniature warning lights, operated by the approach of trains, inform the user whether it is safe to cross. Road-Rail Interface Special Topic Report 2010 95 PASSIVE CROSSINGS User-worked crossing (UWC) This crossing has gates or, occasionally, full lifting barriers, which the user must operate prior to crossing. The user is responsible for ensuring that it is safe to cross; hence there must be adequate visibility of approaching trains. Once clear, the user is required to close the gate or barriers. These crossings are often found in rural areas, for example providing access between a farm and fields. They often have an identified user, some of whom keep the crossing gates padlocked to prevent unauthorised access. User-worked crossing with telephone (UWC-T) These are similar to the standard user worked crossing, but a telephone is provided. In some circumstances (for example when crossing with livestock or vehicles) the user must contact the signaller for permission to cross, and report back when they are clear of the track. They are provided where visibility of approaching trains is limited, or the user needs to move livestock over the railway on a regular basis. Open crossing (OC) At open crossings, which are sited when the road is quiet and train speeds are low, the interface between road and rail is completely open. Signs warn road users to give way to trains. Road users must therefore have an adequate view of approaching trains. The maximum permissible speed over the crossing is 10mph or the train is required to stop at a stop board before proceeding over. Footpath crossing These are designed primarily for pedestrians and usually include stiles or wicket gates to restrict access. The crossing user is responsible for making sure that it is safe to cross before doing so. In cases where sufficient sighting time is not available, the railway may provide a ‗whistle‘ board, instructing drivers to sound the horn to warn of their train‘s approach, or miniature warning lights. A variant is the bridleway crossing, which is usually on a public right of way, although some are private and restricted to authorised users. Some footpath crossings are in stations and these can be protected by a white light generally used by railway staff only (which extinguishes when a train is approaching). All these crossing types, some of which clearly have automatic protection, are analysed as a single group in this report because of concerns over the accuracy of crossing type data in SMIS. Road-Rail Interface Special Topic Report 2010 96 Appendix 8. Bridge strike classification and process Network Rail has a severity classification scheme which currently classifies33 the severity of a bridge strike as follows: A: Serious bridge strike A bridge strike is classed as ‗serious‘ if any of the following result from it: The horizontal or vertical alignment of the track is affected. A load-carrying element is damaged, distorted or displaced to such an extent that its load-carrying capacity is in doubt. There is a physical obstruction to the passage of trains, such as fallen debris from the parapet of an overline bridge lying within the loading gauge. An arch or spandrel wall is damaged to such an extent that its stability is affected and an operational railway track has to remain closed, or subject to temporary speed restriction, until repairs have been carried out. A pre-stressed concrete element carrying live load is damaged to such an extent that the pre-stressing steel is exposed. A reinforced concrete element carrying live load is damaged to such an extent that the reinforcement is broken or displaced. B: Potentially serious bridge strike A bridge strike is classed as ‗potentially serious‘ if any of the following result from it: A load-carrying element suffers structural damage to the extent that it is necessary to carry out extensive repairs, but it is not necessary to impose a temporary speed restriction on rail traffic pending such repairs. An arch or spandrel wall is damaged to the extent that its stability is not immediately affected but any further significant damage would require part of the arch or spandrel wall to be replaced. Fallen debris, such as from the parapet of an overline bridge, is lying on a cutting slope or on the track, but it does not infringe the loading gauge. A reinforced concrete element carrying live load is damaged to the extent that the reinforcement is exposed but not broken or displaced. C: Not serious bridge strike Quite simply, a bridge strike is deemed ‗not serious‘ if none of the situations described in A or B occurs. Assessment of underline bridge robustness Network Rail implemented the national bridge strike initiative in 2004 to minimise the effect on performance from bridge strikes (see Table 12 for delay minutes). In the initiative, the robustness of underline bridges over public roads to withstand a strike by road vehicles is 33 Network Rail is currently reviewing the classifications to simplify and remove potential for confusion. Road-Rail Interface Special Topic Report 2010 97 assessed, by route, and for suitable bridges Signal Box Special Instructions (SBSI) are issued to authorise the signaller to continue to run trains prior to an examination of the bridge. The actions that a signaller is permitted to take are classified for each line over the bridge as follow: GREEN; trains continue to run as the bridge has sufficient weight and mass or the deck is so high that it will not be struck, that a strike has no affect on the structure. DOUBLE AMBER; the first train on each line approaches the bridge is permitted to pass over the bridge at 5mph and if the train driver positively reports that there is no track defects or any debris on the line, subsequent trains are able to cross the bridge at normal speed. AMBER; as for Double Amber, but subsequent trains on each line are able to cross the bridge at 20 mph. RED; all train movements are stopped until the bridge has been examined. ie the Rule Book requirements in GE/RT8000/TS1: general signalling regulations – regulation 17.2 are applied. Lines on bridges which are determined to have insufficient robustness are classified as Red. Similarly lines on bridges which have not been assessed are classified as Red. Examination process An initial bridge examination is carried out generally by a bridge strike nominee (BSN) against limits of damage defined in NR/L3/CIV/076, and this is followed up by an examination by a Bridge Strike Examiner (BSE). Provided the damage limits are not exceeded, a BSN is permitted to authorise train movements at normal speed. A BSE will examine the bridge to confirm the BSNs actions, or to determine action to be taken when the damage caused exceeds the limits for a BSN. The damage limits were reviewed and amended limits issue in 2008. NR/GN/CIV/201: Managing Bridge Strikes – A Good Practice Guide for Bridge Strike Nominees, gives guidance on the process to be followed and examples of damage to illustrate the damage limits which a BSN applies. Coincident with this change, the BSN training course was revised. Road-Rail Interface Special Topic Report 2010 98 Appendix 9. Definitions Term Definition Accident This term refers to an event that causes harm or damage that was not intended by its victims. Suicides are not therefore classed as accidental fatalities. However, injuries sustained as a result of other people‘s behaviour (for example, from assaults or trains striking objects that have been deliberately placed on the line) are classed as accidental if the injured party did not intend to come to harm. Train accidents are accidents occurring to trains and rolling stock. Individual accidents are accidents to people on railway premises or on trains, but excluding injuries sustained in train accidents. Bridge A structure of one or more spans greater than or equal to 1,800mm, whose prime purpose is usually to carry traffic or services over an obstruction or gap, but excluding culverts. For the purposes of this standard, structures whose prime purpose is to carry services (utilities) over an obstruction or gap are excluded. Bridge Strike An incident in which a road vehicle or its load, or a waterborne vessel or its load, impacts with the fabric of a Bridge. Bridge Strike Examiner (BSE) A person who has been certificated as competent to permit the movement of trains up to Normal Speed over or under Bridges following a Bridge Strike. Bridge Strike Nominee (BSN) A person who has been certificated as competent to permit the movement of trains at Normal Speed over or under Bridges following a Bridge Strike, when the damage is within defined limits. Child This term is used to describe a person aged 15 years or below. Controlling signaller A person appointed by Network Rail with responsibility for controlling train movements over or under a Bridge following a Bridge Strike. Escalation factors A system failure, sub-system failure, component failure, human error, physical effect or operational condition which could, individually or in combination with other escalation factors, result in significantly different outcomes following a hazardous event. For instance, following a train derailment there could be a bridge collapse onto a train, a fire or a hazardous goods release. Escalation factors are those that give rise to increased consequence outcomes following the occurrence of a hazardous event. Fatalities and weighted injuries (FWI) An overall measure of safety harm, taking account of injury and fatalities in the following way: One FWI = one fatality = ten major injuries = 200 RIDDOR-reportable minor injuries or class 1 shock/traumas = 1,000 non RIDDOR-reportable minor injuries or class 2 shock/traumas. Fatality Death within one year of the causal accident. Hazardous event An event that has the potential to lead directly to death or injury. Irregular working Irregularities affecting, or with the potential to affect the safe operation of trains or the safety and health of persons. The term irregular working applies to a disparate set of human actions involving an infringement of relevant rules, regulations or instructions. Road-Rail Interface Special Topic Report 2010 99 Term Definition Key Risk Area (KRA) A concept introduced by the Strategic Safety Plan. There are currently 15 KRAs, covering engineering, human error and public behaviour causes of risk. Individually, the KRAs make a significant contribution to the overall safety risk profile of the railway; collectively they represent over 95% of the residual risk on the railway. Late reported bridge strike A Bridge Strike when the first report of a Bridge Strike at an Underline Bridge is received by the Operations Controller either (a) after rail traffic has passed over the Bridge on one or more lines since the Bridge Strike occurred, or (b) when there is insufficient time to prevent rail traffic passing the protecting signal on the approach to the Bridge. Level crossing The ground-level interface between a road and the railway. The different types of crossing are defined in Appendix 7. Improper use refers to occasions when users cross when a train is imminent, but are either honestly mistaken about its proximity and the warnings given by signs, sirens and so on (error), or deliberately disregard them (violation). Proper use refers to occasions when users begin to cross entirely legitimately, but unforeseen events lead to a transgression (as when a motor vehicle breaks down half-way across a crossing, or the level crossing fails due to an error outside the user‘s control). RIDDOR-reportable level crossing equipment failures relate to any failure of equipment at a level crossing that could endanger users, where the level crossing is on a running line. Note it does not include misuse of equipment. Sleeping dogs are crossings that have fallen into disuse, although individuals may still have the legal right to use them. Open active is the classification given to all level crossings that are in use within the census period for any given year. AXIAT model brings together all the significant road and rail costs associated with continuing to use the level crossing and with an alternative to a level crossing. Major injury An injury to a passenger, staff or member of the public as defined in Schedule 1 to RIDDOR 1995 (including most fractures, amputations, losses of consciousness), or where the injury resulted in hospital attendance for more than 24 hours. Minor injury Physical injuries to passengers, staff or members of the public that are not major injuries. For workforce, minor injuries are RIDDOR-reportable if they result in greater than three days‘ lost time. For passengers and members of the public, minor injuries are RIDDOR-reportable if the injured person was taken from the accident site direct to the hospital. Other minor injuries are not reportable under RIDDOR. Network Rail managed infrastructure (NRMI) This falls within the boundaries of Network Rail‘s operational railway and includes the permanent way, land within the lineside fence, and plant used for signalling or exclusively for supplying electricity for operational purposes to the railway. It does not include stations, depots, yards or sidings that are owned by, or leased to, other parties. However, it does include the permanent way at stations and plant within these locations. Road-Rail Interface Special Topic Report 2010 100 Term Definition Normal speed In the context of bridge strikes, Normal Speed is the maximum speed on each line that applied immediately before the bridge strike occurred or was reported. Ovenstone criteria Explicit set of criteria, adapted for the railway, which provides an objective assessment of suicide where a coroner‘s verdict is not available. The criteria are based on the findings of a 1970 research project into rail suicides and cover aspects such as the presence (or not) of a suicide note, the clear intent to commit suicide, behavioural patterns, previous suicide attempts, prolonged bouts of depression and instability levels. Overline bridge A bridge carrying non-rail vehicular traffic over one or more operational railway tracks. An overline bridge usually carries a road and may also be referred to as an overbridge. Passenger A person on railway infrastructure, who either intends to travel, is travelling or has travelled. Note this does not include passengers who are trespassing or who commit suicide – they are included as members of the public. Passenger train A train that is in service and available for the use of passengers. Pedestrian A person travelling on foot. Note that the category also includes cyclists in relation to level crossings. Precursor A system failure, sub-system failure, component failure, human error or operational condition which could, individually or in combination with other precursors, result in the occurrence of a hazardous event. Precursor Indicator Model (PIM) An RSSB-devised model that measures the underlying risk from train accidents by tracking changes in the occurrence of accident precursors. Public (members of) Persons other than passengers or workforce members (that is, trespassers, persons on business and other persons). Note this includes passengers who are trespassing (when crossing tracks between platforms, for example). RIDDOR (Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations) RIDDOR 1995 is a set of health and safety regulations that require any major injuries, illnesses or accidents occurring in the workplace to be formally reported to the enforcing authority. It defines major injuries and lists notifiable diseases – many of which can be occupational in origin. It also defines notifiable dangerous occurrences, such as collisions and derailments. Road vehicle Include; cars, vans, buses, lorries, heavy goods vehicles, farming machinery, motorcycles and quad bikes (excludes pedal cyclists, mobility scooters and pedestrians on foot or horses). Running line A line that is ordinarily used for the passage of trains, as shown in Table ‗A‘ of the sectional appendices. Rule Book National operations publications are standards which set out mandatory requirements for direct application in the workplace. Safety Management Information System (SMIS) A national database used by railway undertakings and infrastructure managers to record any safety-related events that occur on the railway. SMIS data is accessible to all of the companies who use the system, so that it may be used to analyse risk, predict trends and focus action on major areas of safety concern. Road-Rail Interface Special Topic Report 2010 101 Term Definition Safety Risk Model (SRM) A quantitative representation of the safety risk that can result from the operation and maintenance of the GB rail network. It comprises 125 individual models, each representing a type of hazardous event (defined as an event or incident that has the potential to result in injuries or fatalities). Shock/trauma Shock or traumatic stress affecting an employee, passenger or member of the public who has been involved in, or a witness to, an event. Class 1 refers to shock or traumatic stress related to being involved in or witnessing fatality incidents and train accidents (collisions, derailments and fires). Class 2 refers to shock or traumatic stress related to all other causes of shock/trauma, such as verbal assaults, witnessing physical assaults, witnessing non-fatal incidents and near misses. Signal box special instruction (SBSI) A set of instructions required by a Controlling Signaller to perform his/her duties, and which in the context of management of the risk from Bridge Strikes, specifies for a particular Underline Bridge or Bridges (a) the criteria for rail traffic to be authorised to pass over the Bridge following a Bridge Strike until the Bridge has been examined, and (b) the speeds applicable. Statistical significance A concept used to determine whether a change in accident statistics implies that the safety of the system has really altered, or whether the change could be explained by ‗statistical variation‘. Strategic Safety Plan This is a joint statement by the companies responsible for Britain‘s mainline rail network setting out an agreed industry approach to managing safety. The 2008-2010 plan was developed by bringing together commitments made by industry companies in their own individual safety plans, thus creating a linkage with the duty holder planning process. Suicide and suspected suicide A fatality is classified as a suicide where a coroner‘s verdict is suicide. It is classified as a suspected suicide where the coroner has yet to return a verdict or returns an open verdict, but where objective evidence of suicide exists based on the application of Ovenstone criteria. Train accident See Accident – Train accidents. RIDDOR-reportable train accidents are defined in RIDDOR 1995. To be reportable under RIDDOR, the accident must be on or affect the running line. There are additional criteria for different types of accident, and these can vary depending on whether or not the accident involved a passenger train. Derailment This includes all passenger train derailments, derailments of non-passenger trains on running lines and any derailment in a siding that obstructs the running line. Accidents in which a train derails after a collision with an object on the track (except for another train or a road vehicle at a level crossing) are included in this category, as are accidents in which a train derails and subsequently catches fire or is involved in a collision with another rail vehicle. Train striking road vehicle All collisions with road vehicles on level crossings are RIDDOR-reportable. Collisions with road vehicles elsewhere on the running line are reportable if the train is damaged and requires immediate repair, or if there was a possibility of derailment. Trains running into objects This includes trains running into or being struck by objects anywhere on a running line (including level crossings) if the accident had the potential to cause a derailment or results in damage requiring immediate repair. Road-Rail Interface Special Topic Report 2010 102 Term Definition Trains striking animals This includes all collisions with large-boned animals and flocks of sheep, and collisions with other animals that cause damage requiring immediate repair. Trains being struck by missiles This includes trains being struck by airborne objects, such as thrown stones, if this results in damage requiring immediate repair. TRUST TRUST is a Network Rail owned system that records the times at which trains arrive, depart or pass specific locations and the causes of train delays. Trajectory A concept developed for the Strategic Safety Plan. There are three aspects to a trajectory: a statement of current safety performance in a particular risk area, details of the actions being taken to address the risk and an estimation of the safety performance improvement that the actions are expected to deliver. Trespass Trespass occurs when people go where they are never authorised to be, rather than where they behave inappropriately (either from error or violation) at places where they are allowed to go at certain times and under certain conditions, such as level crossings. Underline bridge A bridge carrying one or more operational railway tracks. An underline bridge usually carries the railway over a road or watercourse and may also be referred to as an underbridge. Vehicle Vehicle types such as cars, motorbikes, lorries, tractors, farm machinery, buses and for incursions this also includes aircraft. Workforce Persons working for the industry on railway operations (either as direct employees or under contract). Road-Rail Interface Special Topic Report 2010 103 Appendix 10. Glossary Acronym ABCL ADEPT AHB ALARP ALCRM AOCL AOCR ATOC AOCPOS BSPG BTP CARRS CCTV CER CPC CPI CSP CSS CST DfT DPI EC ECS EIM ELCF ERSAP ERSC ERA ESDAL ESR EU FP FWI FWSI HEM HEN HET HMRI LC LHA ILCAD LNE LNW Expansion automatic barrier crossing locally monitored Association of Directors of Environment, Economy, Planning and Transport automatic half-barrier crossing As low as reasonably practicable All Level Crossing Risk Model automatic open crossing, locally monitored automatic open crossing, remotely monitored Association of Train Operating Companies Association of Chief Police Officers in Scotland Bridge Strike Prevention Group British Transport Police Civil Asset Register electronic Reports System closed-circuit television Community of European Railway Certificate of Professional Competence Cost per incident Community Safety Partnerships Ltd County Surveyors‘ Society common safety targets Department for Transport Delay per incident European Commission empty coaching stock European Rail Infrastructure Managers European Level Crossing Forum European Road Safety Action Programme European Road Safety Charter (ERSC) European Railway Agency Electronic Service Delivery for Abnormal Loads Emergency speed restriction European Union footpath level crossing fatalities and weighted injuries fatalities and weighted serious injuries hazardous event movement hazardous event non-movement hazardous event train Her Majesty‘s Railway Inspectorate level crossing Local highway authorities International level crossing awareness day London North East London North West Road-Rail Interface Special Topic Report 2010 104 Acronym MCB MCG MWL MWA NRMI NRV OC ORR PIM RAIB RIDDOR R-RISG RSSB RTA RV SBSI Sc SE SE SELCAT SFP SMIS SPAD SRM SSP TPWS UIC UWC UWC-T WAG Expansion manually controlled barrier crossing manually controlled gate crossing miniature warning light moving weighted average Network Rail managed infrastructure National Reference Values open crossing Office of Rail Regulation Precursor indicator model Rail Accident Investigation Branch Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 1995 Road-Rail Interface Safety Group Rail Safety and Standards Board road traffic accident road vehicle signal box special instructions Scotland Scottish executive South East Safer European level crossing assessments and technology station footpath level crossing Safety Management Information System signal passed at danger Safety Risk Model Strategic Safety Plan train protection and warning system International Union of Railways user-worked crossing user-worked crossing with telephone Welsh Assembly Government Road-Rail Interface Special Topic Report 2010 105