Based on draft minutes Traffic Operation and Management Standards Committee (TOM SC) 05 April 2016 Record of Decisions Minute No. Section and topic General 16/TOM/04/079 Minutes of Previous Meetings The approval of the draft minutes of the meeting held on 02 February 2016 were approved without amendment. A 16/TOM/04/080 The approval of the draft minutes of the meeting held on 01 March 2016 were approved without amendment A Applications approved by Chairman outside Standards Committee 16/TOM/04/081 None. Deviations against Railway Group Standards: New applications 16/TOM/04/082 16-005-DEV Continuation of the trial on the London North Eastern (LNE) route with Leeds and Newcastle Delivery Unit, and for further trials in London North Western (LNW) and Wales and Anglia Routes D [GERT8000-TS1, General signalling regulations] Lead Standards Committee: Traffic Operation and Management TOM SC deferred the decision on 16-005-DEV until their next meeting on 10 May 2016, when the applicant would return to present the application and supporting documentation. 16/TOM/04/083 16-006-DEV Continuation of the trial on the London North Eastern (LNE) route with Leeds and Newcastle Delivery Unit, and for further trials in London North Western (LNW) and Wales and Anglia Routes D [GERT8000-HB6, General duties of an individual working alone (IWA)] Lead Standards Committee: Traffic Operation and Management TOM SC deferred the decision on 16-006 until their next meeting on 10 May 2016, when the applicant would return to present the application and supporting documentation. For further information, please contact [] Key: Approved / supported* A Approved / supported* (subject to conditions) AC Deferred D Rejected R For noting N Withdrawn (by submitter) W *An ‘s’ suffix is applied when acting as a supporting committee PP259_L2 Page 1 of 6 Issue 2: 03 February 2014 Based on draft / approved minutes Minute No. Section and topic 16/TOM/04/084 16-007-DEV Continuation of the trial on the London North Eastern (LNE) route with Leeds and Newcastle Delivery Unit, and for further trials in London North Western (LNW) and Wales and Anglia Routes D [GERT/000-HB7, General duties of a controller of site safety (COSS)] Lead Standards Committee: Traffic Operation and Management TOM SC deferred the decision on 16-007 until their next meeting on 10 May 2016, when the applicant would return to present the application and supporting documentation. 16/TOM/04/085 16-014-DEV Compliance to GMRT2131 issue 1 As [GMRT2131, Audibility and Visibility of Trains] Lead Standards Committee: Rolling Stock TOM SC supported deviation application 16-014-DEV. 16/TOM/04/086 16-019-DEV Centre Door Footstep Oversail [GMRT2713, Requirements for the Size of Vehicles and Position Equipment] As Lead Standards Committee: Rolling Stock TOM SC supported deviation application 16-019-DEV. 16/TOM/04/087 16-021-DEV Isolation Switch Design As [GMRT2185, Train Safety Systems] Lead Standards Committee: Rolling Stock TOM SC supported application 16-021-DEV. 16/TOM/04/088 16-022-DEV Loss of Door Interlock Response [GMRT2473 Power Operated External Doors on Passenger Carrying Rail Vehicles] As Lead Standards Committee: Rolling Stock TOM SC supported 16-022-DEV, Loss of Door Interlock Response. 16/TOM/04/089 16-023-DEV Emergency Brake Application Deterrent [GMRT2044 Braking System Requirements and Performance for Multiple Units] As Lead Standards Committee: Rolling Stock TOM SC supported 16-023-DEV Emergency Brake Application Deterrent. 16/TOM/04/090 16-024-DEV Fire Extinguisher Position As [GMRT2100 Requirements for Rail Vehicle Structures] Lead Standards Committee: Rolling Stock TOM SC supported 16-024-DEV Fire Extinguisher Position. 16/TOM/04/091 16-026-DEV Signal Buzzer Functionality and Texture [GMRT2473 Power Operated External Doors on Passenger Carrying Rail Vehicles] Lead Standards Committee: Rolling Stock TOM SC supported 16-026-DEV. PP259_L2 Page 2 of 6 Issue 2: 03 February 2014 As Based on draft / approved minutes Minute No. Section and topic 16/TOM/04/092 16-027-DEV Provision of platform stop markers for: a) Class 800 ‘Super Express Train’ (SET) and all its sub-classes; As b) Class 365 ‘Electrical Multiple Units’ (EMU) and all its sub-classes; c) Class 387 ‘Electrical Multiple Units’ (EMU) and all its sub-classes [GIRT7033 Lineside Signs] Lead Standards Committee: Control Command and Signalling TOM SC supported 16-027-DEV in principle, but raised concerns about how further applications could impact on the variety of car stop markers installed across the network. Supporting Deviations and Proposals Not Included in the Pack 16/TOM/04/093 TOM SC noted the supporting deviations and proposals not included in the pack. N Changes to Standards New Proposals to Review, Revise or Withdraw Standards 16/TOM/04/094 16-012 Application of the ‘Rule Management Tool’ to all Railway Group Standards (RGSs) containing National Safety Rules (NSRs) TOM SC noted the paper on project 16-012 regarding the application of the Rule Management Tool to all Railway Group Standards containing National Safety Rules (NSRs). N Updates on Projects, Project Plans and Impact Assessments 16/TOM/04/095 15-021 Change to the Guards requirements during train dispatch TOM SC approved the recommendation that proposal 15-021 be placed on hold until the proposed PTI working group has completed its review following the RAIB report of 29 February 2016 A 16/TOM/04/096 15-034 Revise GKRT0094 Issue 1 to incorporate requirement changes TOM SC noted the project update on 15-034 N 16/TOM/04/097 16-010 Review of requirements relating to the requirements that need to take place when an unauthorised evacuation takes place TOM SC approved the work on project 16-010 to continue and approved the revised wording (subject to the word ‘immediately’ being added) for publication in the PON. A 16/TOM/04/098 15-014 Revision of the 2.75 metre rule including 16-001 (sub project of 15-014) Revise module AC following the Sutton Weaver accident regarding leaving the driving cab to inspect damage to the overhead line TOM SC approved continuation of work on project 16-001 and for its continued work to form a sub-project of 15-014. They approved continuation of work in relation to the recommended changes referred to in the cover paper which were to be included within the scope of project 15-014. TOM SC approved the project plan for 15-014. A PP259_L2 Page 3 of 6 Issue 2: 03 February 2014 Based on draft / approved minutes Minute No. Section and topic 16/TOM/04/099 15-020 – Rule Book Module TW5 TOM SC approved the proposed revision of TW5 delivered the intentions of the proposal for change and approved the proposed revision of TW5 to be consulted on by industry. A 16/TOM/04/100 15-032 Inclusion of splitting distant signals and aspect sequences into document RS521 TOM SC agreed that the proposed revision delivered the intention of the proposal for change. TOM SC approved the proposed revised to RS-521 issue four draft 1d for industry consultation. A Documents for Consultation None. Comments Received Following Consultation None. Documents for Approval and Review of RSSB’s Responses to the Comments Received 16/TOM/04/101 15-023 GO/RT3208 issue three Arrangements Concerning the Non operation of Track Circuits During the Leaf Fall Contamination Period TOM SC agreed to carry out consultation of the revised RGS, RIS-3708-TOM issue one, by the TOM SC members and within the TOM SC meeting. TOM SC approved RIS-3708-TOM issue one for authorisation to publish and to supersede GORT3208 issue three As Schedule Standards Review Progress Report 16/TOM/04/102 TOM SC noted the noted the progress reports. N Review of Standards Change List of Submissions 16/TOM/04/104 TOM SC noted the list of submissions. N TOM SC noted the list of consultations. N TOM SC noted the European issues, including updates on Train Driver Licensing Directive, CER, EIM and OPE TSI BGB Implementation Plan Working Group. N List of Consultations 16/TOM/04/105 European Issues 16/TOM/04/106 PP259_L2 Page 4 of 6 Issue 2: 03 February 2014 Based on draft / approved minutes Minute No. Section and topic 16/TOM/04/107 OPE TSI – Clarification of Scope – Exceptional Loads TOM SC agreed the paper amended paper relating to 16/TOM/03/042 Clarification of scope of OPE TSI – Exceptional Loads should be endorsed in correspondence. A Recommendations from the West Wickham investigation and creation of TOM SC PTI WG TOM SC supported the proposal that the PTIS WG should be responsible for overseeing any activities relating to the West Wickham accident including recommendation two. TOM SC noted the interdependency of the PTI WG with project 15-021. As Accidents and Incidents 16/TOM/04/108 Members’ Reports on Safety Significant Incidents Safety Significant Incidents 16/TOM/04/109 TOM SC noted the report on Safety Significant Issues. N GSM-R Failures Working Group TOM SC agreed that the proposed new and revised documents delivered the intentions of the proposals for change approved that the proposed new and revised documents on GSM-R failures are consulted on by industry A TOM SC Sub-Groups 16/TOM/04/110 Driver Selection Governance Group There was no update and the group is not due to meet again until October 2016. Any Other Business 16/TOM/04/111 Future Rules Review Group TOM SC noted the report from the Future Rules Review Group. N 16/TOM/04/112 Record of Decisions TOM SC noted ENE SC, PLT SC, RST SC, INS SC and CCS SC Records of Decisions. N 16/TOM/04/114 Digital Rule Book TOM SC noted the next steps of project, agreed to continue as the client group. The Committee agreed to endorse the requirements within ten working days of 08 April 2016, agreed to provide members for a Digital Rule Book Advisory Group and agreed to request contacts for testing as and when required. N 16/TOM/04/115 Standards Strategy: Application of Rule Management Tool for GERT8217 Introduction and use of Axle Counters – Managing the Risk, issue 3 TOM SC supported the recommendation to withdraw GERT8217 and for its content to be retained in a new RIS. As PP259_L2 Page 5 of 6 Issue 2: 03 February 2014 Based on draft / approved minutes Minute No. Section and topic 16/TOM/04/116 Standards Strategy: Application of Rule Management Tool for GO/RT3350 Communication of Urgent Operating Advice, issue 5 TOM SC supported the recommendation to withdraw GO/RT3350 and for its content to be retained in a new RIS. As 16/TOM/04/117 Possession Collision Working Group TOM SC noted the Terms of Reference and agreed that there was no need for regular reports from the group to be presented to TOM SC, as the scope of the group’s remit is broader than RGSs and it should therefore continue to report into TORG. It was agreed to close the related action to the Possession Collison Working Group and remove this item from the agenda until any proposals for change are submitted. N 16/TOM/04/118 Night Time Working at Level Crossings TOM SC noted the presentation on Night Time Working at Level Crossings. N Date of Next Meeting: 10 May 2016 PP259_L2 Page 6 of 6 Issue 2: 03 February 2014