RST Standards Committee 11 March 2016 Record of Decisions of Meeting

Based on Approved minutes
RST Standards Committee
11 March 2016
Record of Decisions of Meeting
Minute No.
Section and topic
Records of Decisions from other Standards Committees for noting
CCS SC 18 February 2016, RST SC 12 February 2016, PLT SC 04 February 2016,
ENE SC 14 January 2016
Minutes of previous meetings
Approval of minutes of the meeting held on 12 February 2016 and current list of
Deviations against Railway Group Standards: New applications
1.1 Deviation application 16-004-DEV, for Approval
Title: OTMR Memory Module
GMRT2472, Requirements for Data Recorders on Trains, Issue 2 June 2014
Applicant: Plasser UK
(Lead Committee: Rolling Stock)
The application sought a Deviation against clause and of the
Standard. Clause [is for the] level of protection that applied to the protected
storage medium shall be in accordance with parameter ‘A’ as defined in clause (Recorded data survivability).
Clause [is for] the non-volatile storage medium shall be orange as defined in
RAL 2003 as set out in clause of BE EN62625-1 (Optional Functions – make
easy the recognition of the non-volatile storage medium).
The scope of the Deviation applied to a number of OTM vehicles being constructed
by Plasser & Theurer.
Approved / supported
Approved / supported (subject to conditions)
For further information, please contact
[SC SSM –]
Rejected / Not supported
For noting
Withdrawn (by submitter)
*An ‘s’ suffix is applied when acting as a supporting
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Issue 6: July 2012
Based on Approved minutes
Minute No.
Section and topic
1.2 Deviation application 16-014-DEV, for Approval
Title: Class 387 – Compliance to GMRT2131 issue 1
GMRT2131, Audibility and Visibility of Trains, Issue 1December 2015
Applicant: Bombardier Transportation on behalf of Great Western Railway
(Lead Committee: Rolling Stock)
The application sought a Deviation against all clauses of the Standard.
The scope of the Deviation applied to the Class 387 type design and is applicable for
all routes over which the class 387 [vehicles] will operate.
1.3 Deviation application 16-015-DEV, for Approval
Title: Class 387 – Compliance to GMRT2472 issue 2
GMRT2472, Requirements for Data Recorders on Trains, Issue 2June 2014
Applicant: Bombardier Transportation on behalf of Great Western Railway
(Lead Committee: Rolling Stock)
The application sought a Deviation against all clauses of the Standard.
The scope of the Deviation applied to the Class 387 type design and is applicable for
all routes over which the class 387 [vehicles] will operate.
1.4 Deviation application 16-016-DEV, for Approval
Title: West Coast Railway Class 37 European Train Control System (ETCS) Fitment
Data Recorders
GMRT2472, Requirements for Data Recorders on Trains, Issue 2June 2014
Applicant: West Coast Railway
(Lead Committee: Rolling Stock)
The application sought a Deviation against clause and of the
Standard. Clause [is for the] level of protection that applied to the protected
storage medium shall be in accordance with parameter ‘A’ as defined in clause (Recorded data survivability).
Clause [is for] the non-volatile storage medium shall be orange as defined in
RAL 2003 as set out in clause of BE EN62625-1 (Optional Functions – make
easy the recognition of the non-volatile storage medium).
The scope of the Deviation applied to two Class 37 Locomotives (37668 and 37669)
that are being fitted with the Hitachi on-board subsystem to provide ETCS
functionality (baseline 2.3.0d).
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Based on Approved minutes
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Section and topic
1.5 Deviation application 16-017-DEV, for Approval
Title: [Class 345 units] Sanding Positions
GMRT2461, Sanding Equipment fitted to Multiple Units and On-Track Machines,
Issue 1 August 2001
Applicant: Bombardier Transportation on behalf of MTR Corporation (Crossrail) Ltd
(Lead Committee: Rolling Stock)
The application sought a Deviation against clauses 9.1 and 9.3.1 of the standards
which relates to the delivery of sand to the rail head and the braking mode.
The scope of the Deviation applied to all Class 345 units. It equally applied to both
the seven car and nine car formations.
1.6 Deviation application 16-019-DEV, for Approval
Title: [Class 345 units] Centre Door Footstep Oversail
GMRT2173, Requirements for the Size of Vehicles and Position of Equipment,
Issue 1 December 2015
Applicant: Bombardier Transportation on behalf of MTR Corporation (Crossrail) Ltd
(Lead Committee: Rolling Stock)
The application sought a Deviation against clause 3.2.1 and Appendix A of the
Standard. Clause 3.2.1 sets out the requirements for footsteps for passenger use
shall meet the following requirements relative to the dimensions for new platforms,
as set out in GIRT7016 ‘Interface between Station Platforms, Track and Trains’.
Appendix A relates to the Stepping Distance.
The scope of the Deviation applied to the Class 345 fleet over all its operational
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Based on Approved minutes
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1.7 Deviation application 16-020-DEV, for Approval
Title: [Class 345 units] Lead Axle Overhang
GMRT2173, Requirements for the Size of Vehicles and Position of Equipment,
Issue 1 December 2015
Applicant: Bombardier Transportation on behalf of MTR Corporation (Crossrail) Ltd
(Lead Committee: Rolling Stock)
The application sought a Deviation against clause 3.3.1 e) of the standard which
relates to the compatibility with train detection systems, as set out in GKRT0028 the
limiting vehicle dimensions that shall be achieved.
The scope of the Deviation applied to the Class 345 fleet over all its operational
1.8 Deviation application 16-021-DEV, for Approval
Title: [Class 345 units] Isolation Switch Design
GMRT2185, Train Safety Systems, Issue 2December 2001
Applicant: Bombardier Transportation on behalf of MTR Corporation (Crossrail) Ltd
(Lead Committee: Rolling Stock)
The application sought a Deviation against clauses B5.1 and B5.3 of the standard
regarding the prevention of isolation when the trains is moving and the resetting of
train safety systems once isolated.
The scope of the Deviation applied to all Class 345 units.
Deviation application 16-022-DEV, for Approval
Title: [Class 345 units] Loss of Door Interlock Response
GMRT2473, Power Operated External Doors on Passenger Carrying Rail Vehicles,
Issue 2June 2013
Applicant: Bombardier Transportation on behalf of MTR Corporation (Crossrail) Ltd
(Lead Committee: Rolling Stock)
The application sought a Deviation from clause B7.6 of the standard which relates to
the loss of interlock.
The scope of the Deviation is permanent for the life of the Class 345 units.
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Based on Approved minutes
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Deviation application 16-023-DEV, for Approval
Title: [Class 345 units] Emergency Brake Application Deterrent
GMRT2044, Braking System Requirements and Performance for Multiple Units,
Issue 4 June 2001
Applicant: Bombardier Transportation on behalf of MTR Corporation (Crossrail) Ltd
(Lead Committee: Rolling Stock)
The application sought a Deviation against clause 5.4.2 of the standard which relates
to the requirements to incorporate a deterrent feature to discourage the use of a
driver initiated brake application in non-emergency situations.
The scope of the Deviation is permanent for the life of the Class 345 units.
1.11 Deviation application 16-024-DEV, for Approval
Title: [Class 345 units] Fire Extinguisher Position
GMRT2100,Requirements for Rail Vehicle Structures, Issue 5June 2012
Applicant: Bombardier Transportation on behalf of MTR Corporation (Crossrail) Ltd
(Lead Committee: Rolling Stock)
The application sought a Deviation against clause of the standard which
relates to the fire extinguisher enclosure.
The scope of the Deviation is permanent for the life of the Class 345 units.
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Based on Approved minutes
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1.12 Deviation application 16-025-DEV, for Approval
Title: [Class 345 units] Axle Standards
GMRT2466, Railway Wheelsets, Issue 3February 2010
Applicant: Bombardier Transportation on behalf of MTR Corporation (Crossrail) Ltd
(Lead Committee: Rolling Stock)
The applications sought a Deviation against clause 2.1.1 of the standard which
mandated the following ‘To achieve consistency within a chosen methodology and
industry practice where British Standards, European Standards or Association of
American Railroads (AAR) standards are adopted to comply with this standard the
applicable full suite of British Standards, European Standards or AAR standards shall
be applied. Except where otherwise defined within this document, it is not
permissible to use selected elements only, nor mix between the regimes for design,
manufacture and maintenance of railway wheelsets’.
The scope of the Deviation applied to all Class 345 units. All vehicle Types will have
FLEXX Eco Bogies.
1.13 Deviation application 16-026-DEV, for Approval
Title: [Class 345 units] Loss of Door Interlock Response
GMRT2473,Power Operated External Doors on Passenger Carrying Rail Vehicles,
Issue 2June 2013
Applicant: Bombardier Transportation on behalf of MTR Corporation (Crossrail) Ltd
(Lead Committee: Rolling Stock)
The application sought a Deviation from clause B8.4.2 of the standard which relates
to the ‘ready to start’ control.
The scope of the Deviation applied to all Class 345 units.
Deviations against Railway Group Standards: Update on previous applications (no papers)
Deviations against applications Railway Group Standards: approved outside Committee(no papers)
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Based on Approved minutes
Minute No.
Section and topic
Changes to Railway Group Standards: New proposals
1.14 Proposal 15/048 for Approval
Title: Revision of GMRT2100 Requirements for Rail Vehicle Structures issue 5
Submitted by: RSSB
(Lead Committee: Rolling Stock)
This proposal sought to revise GMRT2100 issue 5 which was published in
June 2012. The document needs to be aligned with the latest version of the
LOC&PAS TSI published on 01 January 2015 as many of the notified National
Technical Rules identified for GB operation are no longer mandatory. In addition
development of new EuroNorms means that some sections of GMRT2100 are
effectively superseded for example bogie frame requirements in Part 4 and lifting
and jacking requirements in Part 9.
Changes to Railway Group Standards: Project Updates and approvals
Changes to Railway Group Standards: Final approval (no papers)
European delegate remits and funding for approval and reports for noting
16/RST/03/082 1.1
CEN TC 256 WG6 Aerodynamics
Meeting no.46 held on 20-21 January 2016 in Berlin, Germany. Report for noting
16/RST/03/083 1.1
CEN TC 256 WG10 Vehicle Track Interaction
SG2 meeting held on 27 -28 January 2016 in Vienna, Austria. Report for noting
16/RST/03/084 1.1
CEN TC 256 SC3 WG8 HVAC Systems
Meeting held on 20-21 January 2016 in Modling, Austria. Report for noting
1.15 CEN TC 256 WG9 Lighting
Meetings held on 19 and 20 January 2016. Reports for noting
CEN TC 256 WG19 Survey Group – General Terms of the Railway Sector
Report no1 of a meeting held on 04 February 2016 in Erlangen, Germany.
Report for noting
16/RST/03/087 1.17
CEN TC 256 SC3 WG37 Driver’s Cab
Meeting held on 18-19 January 2016. Report for noting
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Based on Approved minutes
Minute No.
Section and topic
CEN TC 256 WG3 Noise Emissions
Subgroup F (Revision of ISO 3381 ‘Railway Applications’ Noise emission –
Measurement of noise inside railbound vehicles’.
Meeting held on 16-17 February 2016 at CAF, San Sebastian, Spain.
Subgroup G (Revision of EN15610 ‘Railway Applications – Noise emission – Rail
roughness measurement related to noise generation’.
Meeting held on 20 -21 January 2016 at CEN/CENELEC Meeting Centre, Brussels,
Reports for noting
1.18 CEN TC 256 WG47 and TF WSP
WG47 meeting held on 04 February 2016 in Brussels, Belgium.
WG47 TF WSP meeting held on 02-03 February 2016 Paris, France.
Reports for noting
Development of Technical Specification for Interoperability (TSIs) and Euronorms (ENs)
ISO Call for experts AG11 ‘Rubber suspension components’ for Information
ISO Call for experts AG13 ‘Body side windows’ for Information
Any other business(no papers)
Date of next meeting
Friday 15 April 2016
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