Track 21 • Programme grant funded by EPSRC • £3.1M, 2010-2015 • Universities of Southampton (lead), Birmingham and Nottingham • Aim: to develop new understandings and insights into track system and civil engineering infrastructure behaviour 15 key findings and outputs Areas covered • What lies beneath • Ballast and sleepers • Track system performance • Noise and vibration • Critical zones • Economic and environmental performance modelling 1. Behavioural mechanisms have been identified for discrete piles used to stabilise embankment and cutting slopes, that have led to more economic design and construction Discrete pile stabilization of infrastructure slopes Strain gauges and inclinometer tubes in piles Inclinometer tubes in between piles Also: • Inclinometer tubes at toe and crest of slope • Piezometers • Raingauge Discrete pile stabilization: monitoring Discrete piles: mechanisms (a) Hildenborough (b) Mill Hill, short term Displacement (c) Mill Hill, long term and Grange Hill Pressure Displacement Pressure Major driving pressure is inward shrinkage of embankment Pressure on the top of the pile is downslope Estimated financial benefits (from REF2014 impact case study on rail infrastructure): slope stabilization • £900k in cost (50%), 2 months (33%) in time, emergency remedial works at Acton Town, winter 2011 • £1.5M in cost (40%), 4 months (50%) in time at Cannons Park, January 2012 (Olympicscritical) • Estimated savings £65M to £100M over a 5year period 2. Seasonal shrink/swell is minimised if high water demand trees are more than the tree height away from the tracks 3. Leaving the trees in place at the toe of an embankment retains winter suctions Ballast Grass Trees (b) (a) (c) End of winter (February 2001) pore water pressure contours (a) For a slope with trees at the toe only (b) for a grass covered slope and (c) for a tree covered slope Benefits (from REF2014 impact case study on rail infrastructure): vegetation and slope stability • Influenced NR vegetation management guidance and strategy, with estimated national savings of £1M over the preceding two years from reduced costs and delays • Influenced LUL vegetation management guidance and strategy • Improved risk assessment of earthworks in NR adverse weather management strategy, reducing risk of trains running into landslides during periods of high rainfall by 14% Principal stress rotation As a train approaches, recedes, accelerates or brakes a soil element in the sub-base layer of a railway track experiences a rotation in principal stresses. Fig. 1.1 (a) Principal stress rotation redrawn from Brown (1996) Hollow cylinder sample with local instrumentation 4. Increasing the clay content reduces the susceptibility of the subsoil to failure in principal stress rotation 5. Principal stress rotation can reduce sub-base resilient modulus by 20% of its value under pure axial load. An increase in water content (loss of suction) can reduce it by almost 90%. 6. Response of old embankments to axle load is highly nonlinear (add-on work with Mott MacDonald, funded by RSSB) 7. Under-sleeper pads increase the number of particle contacts, reduce contact stresses and reduce long-term settlement USPs tested: results with monoblock Technical ID Thickness Weight Stiffness (CStat) Core material Type of USPs in the LAB tests (made by Tiflex) USPA - Hard USPB - Soft FC500 FC208GF 4 mm 9 mm 2 6 kg/m 5.6 kg/m2 0.228-0.311 0.079-0.105 N/mm3 N/mm3 Trackelast Bonded cork FC500 Sleeper/ballast interface with USPs under Mono-block Baseline test Mono-block Hard USP Soft USP 8. Altering the ballast grading curve by the addition of finer particles reduces particle contact stresses and long term settlements Increasing proportion of finer material 9. Random fibre reinforcement increases ballast ductility... …and reduces long term settlements 10. Reducing the shoulder slope, or constraining the ballast from lateral movement, has the greatest effect on reducing long-term settlements Reducing the shoulder slope Reducing the shoulder slope Ballast particle movements (a) start, (b) 0.25 million cycles (c) end twin-block sleeper test Shoulder slope 1V:1H RPS slope test Shoulder slope 1V:2H Subtraction of contrast: identical gives a black image. Where particles have moved about, the subtraction is not zero and shows as a shade of grey/white 11. Ballast disturbance features are caused by excessive movements, arising from soft features, sudden changes in support, or abnormal loads Migration (dynamic loads or soft support) Soft support (wetbed) Bridge expansion joints (dynamic loads, varied support) Ballast migration reproduced in discrete element analysis using potential particles 12. Measurement train data can be correlated … … with deflections measured at the trackside 13. Ballast fouling by sand increases stiffness and reduces long term settlement 14. Track renewal can increase noise • • • • • Case study: track renewal at Fishbourne. New track was slightly smoother (~1 dB) Old track: stiff pads; new track: soft pads Modern EMU – relatively small wheels. Noise increased by 3-4 dB. Correctly predicted by the TWINS model. Controlling track noise • Treating the track alone can give significant noise reductions of 4–5 dB. • Rail dampers: much less intrusive than noise barriers (and cheaper). 15. Varying the ballast gradation has more potential for controlling noise than varying the ballast stiffness Life cycle cost modelling Issues • Limited knowledge of the financial benefits of improved track maintenance and renewal measures • Wider benefits of improved track maintenance and renewal measures largely unknown TRACK21 research - ongoing • Quantification of cost implications of track system interventions – Direct impacts on maintenance and renewal costs – Noise and vibration levels – Passenger comfort – Maintenance-associated train delays – Rolling stock damage TRACK21 research - ongoing • Whole-life carbon modelling of track system interventions – Impacts of changes in renewal and maintenance activities – Embedded carbon in track materials – Wider emission impacts • Three research challenges: • Track4Life – New track forms and components – Stiffness, settlement and standard deviation – Extending ballast life and facilitating re-use • Designer crossings and transitions • Noise-less track Thank you