Health and Wellbeing Policy Group (HWPG) Minutes of meeting held on 29th January 2015 RSSB Offices, Angel Square Attendees Dame Carol Black (Expert Advisor on Health and Wellbeing to the DoH) Chair Jonathon Wilcock (Alstom) Steve Hails (Crossrail) Susan Murray (Unite) Olivia Carlton (TFL) Chris Jones (Network Rail) Andrew Edwards (EMT) Claire Dickinson (ORR) Paul Clyndes (RMT) Michelle Smart (Abellio GA) Dave Bennet (ASLEF) Mary Sithole (TSSA) Darryl Hopper (RSSB) Darren Hockaday (LOROL) Claire Burles (EMT) Apologies Shamit Gaiger (RSSB) John Gillespie (ORR) 1. Introduction DCB welcomed the members and outlined the agenda items and matters for discussion. 2. Minutes form last meeting The minutes were approved. All action points from the previous meeting had been completed. Formation of the Health Economics Group The Health Economics Group has been set up and Steve Bevan, and Chris Jones are members. DH outlined the tasks of the group. Ongoing work: A Cost Benefit Analysis tool is being developed from a Department for Work and Pensions CBA spreadsheet. RSSB technical specialist contractor, Bridget Juniper, is developing a rail based ‘wrap around’ for the tool to make it easier for use. The economics group is considering how best to independently evaluate health projects in the railway industry. CJ made the point that this should be proactive and not retrospective. He also noted that the economic benefits need to be practical - something that managers can relate to. CJ suggested two possible and separate outputs of this work: 1. the development of guidance about how to evaluate interventions, and, separately, 2. actual robust evaluation of interventions. CB cited a recent systematic review of Wellbeing interventions by John Hopkins Hospital and suggested that this literature should be considered by the HEG. MS requested that the group did not reinvent the wheel. Look to the evidence already in place. Changes at RSSB RSSB are moving offices in May to the Moorgate area. RSSB has been going through a reorganisation and the Health and Wellbeing team now sits under the Innovation Directorate with David Clarke as Director. DH suggested that it is possible for this change to lead to a shift in emphasis in the group’s work to become more aligned with the ‘People’ Section of the innovation Directorate. The group should be aware that any shift in emphasis creates risks and opportunities and that the group should be alive to the situation. One benefit is a new piece of funded work to develop a matrix of technical deliverables to be considered for achievement in 15-30 years’ time that health and wellbeing aspirations will be entered onto. The Rail Technical strategy will seek to build capability to achieve these deliverables. The content of the matrix will be of future deliberation for the Health and Wellbeing Policy Group. Action 1 DH to liaise with HEG about the task to consider Independent Evaluation of Health Benefits: RSSB team HWPG should be consulted early about the formation of the project plan The outputs of the work should be guidance as to what a good framework of evaluation for a project should look like (from establishing the initial baseline, to measuring progress, impact) Promotion of any positive findings should be made in the form of case studies Existing projects should not be considered for evaluation Action 2 CJ to represent the HWPG view at HEG and provide liaison between the groups. RSSB team Action 3 HEG to review the systematic review of Wellbeing interventions, provided by the John Hopkins hospital. RSSB team to liaise with HEG to consider the review Note Future Health Economic Group dates outlined as: April 16th 2pm-4pm September 16th 2pm-4pm December 2nd 2pm-4pm Health and Wellbeing Team to keep HWPG informed about RTS portfolio mapping for health and wellbeing. Action 4 RSSB team 3. Programme Update DH highlighted the workstreams being developed from the road map – these have previously been commissioned by the RSSB Health and Wellbeing Team and are currently in development or in progress. DH briefly described the project on gathering “user” requirements for data collection. SH mentioned that Lawrence Waterman is doing work which brings together all the health and wellbeing initiatives in the construction industry and this could inform RSSB’s work. The group is content with the data project. DH then stated that steering groups are being set up for the ‘Absenteeism and Presenteeism’ and ‘Health Training’ work. The group had a useful discussion about this work but felt that they needed more information before they could fulfil their oversight role. Two page specifications will be prepared for the group to comment upon either at HWPG meetings or via email or social media packages such as Linked-in or Yammer. Action 5 SH to pass the details of Lawrence Waterman of BPSDC to DH. DH to make contact with LW. SH and RSSB team Action 6 DH to restructure interaction with the HWPG in line with the comments received from the group. This includes providing the group with specifications of tasks being developed so that they can be properly commented upon. RSSB team T1085 Business Case The group considered T1085 - Research into common rail health environments and roles, and their impacts on employees' health and wellbeing. A key deliverable of this work will be generic risk assessments for some common but complex hazards in the railway. Having reviewed the business case for this project the group felt that they had enough knowledge of the project and were supportive of it going ahead. The group had the following additional comments: CD asked that the project take into consideration existing risks within rail that had already been worked on and may not need additional data, for example, the work of the Ballast Dust Working Group and previous efforts to risks assess welding. CJ noted that he was a champion for this work and that he has requested that the project focus on a few key hazards than attempt to do too much at once. Issues associated with generic risk assessment were raised and the group wanted to ensure that when generic risk assessments are used, they can be modified to take into account local factors. SM stated that the work should consider how to ensure worker representation in assessing the risk. DH noted that the contractors bidding for this project will be asked to attend a session to be held at RSSB offices with railway stakeholder representatives of this work. The meeting will involve discussions on the types of hazard that might be important to put into a bid. A general discussion about health risk covered: ORR support for work by HSL to evaluate fatigue Use of Bow-Tie methodology to identify health risks Shift working and its effects Diesel fumes and its effects The group agreed that project T1085 should go ahead Action 7 R&D Project T1085 has been given the go-ahead to begin. RSSB to facilitate project. RSSB R&D Team 4. Health and Wellbeing Professions Committee OC presented a paper on the committee and requested comments on its development. The HWPG decided that it was a good idea to have this group within industry and provided comments to guide its establishment: With reference to any future projects undertaken by this group CJ highlighted that the group would need to address any conflict of interest in the Terms of Reference. For example: are people on the group allowed to bid for the work? If they can - what are the checks and balances? CJ questioned what a Health professional might be constituted as? For instance does it include an exercise physiologist? CJ thought that the aim of the group should be to transform the quality of occupational health provision, over a period of years, so it meets the sophisticated needs of operational railway managers. (ie clinicians who understand the environment, the roles and tasks of railway workers etc). CD thought that guidance about what and how to risk assess health should be called "Decision making tools" DB said that his trade union members have raised questions about use of pacemakers and hearing aids and a standardised response across industry would be beneficial. OC suggested that the Terms of Reference, possible membership and calls for suggestions for membership will be put out to the group in February for comment. Action 8 OC and SG to meet in February to finalise the terms of reference and membership OC / SG – RSSB Team to arrange Action 9 Health and Wellbeing Professions Committee TOR and membership to be emailed to group for comment RSSB team 5. AOB CD Noted that the RSSB Railway Group Standard associated with Noise and Vibration is about to be updated and that the current version is not good. CD suggested that the HWPG should be made aware of updates so that they may have an input. CD noted that if you are providing guidance about regulation, always start with understanding the intent of the regulation. This sort of information is missing from the standard. The HWPG agreed that they should be involved in update discussions and DH will speak to the relevant team. Action 10 RSSB Health and Wellbeing Team are to engage with the RSSB RSSB team Standards team to discuss how updates to health related standards are distributed and ensure the group is made aware of them. DH noted that for the first time health and wellbeing was mentioned within franchising for the InterCity East Coast Invitation to Tender (21st March 2014). DH stated that the health elements of future ITT’s, and supporting information, could be enhanced by the views of professionals from railway undertakings and that a workshop should be held to gather those views. The outputs could then be offered to the DfT for their consideration for inclusion into future ITTs. The TOC representatives and the wider HWPG felt that a workshop would be useful. Action 11 RSSB Health and Wellbeing Team to develop an industry workshop to gather health and wellbeing advice and knowledge in order to support franchising. The advice would be provided to the DfT for its own decision about use. RSSB team The HWPG is keen to define how it can best serve RSSB. There is a need to think carefully about when and how this group can be most effective. The group does not see itself providing a rubber stamp function. The Next Meeting is being held on 25th March 10.30 until 13.00 at RSSB offices