5 The SRM templates, which are produced to help transport If you would like any further information, assistance or training operators create a comprehensive risk profile for their in the use of the SRMv6 and its associated outputs, please Information bulletin operations in support of their safety management activities, contact George Bearfield, safety risk assessment manager on are due to be released in August. A tool for undertaking 020 3142 5464 or risk@rssb.co.uk. We welcome feedback Cost-Benefit Analysis in accordance with ‘Taking Safe from users of the bulletin or templates and are keen to hear Decisions’ and ORR guidance is also in the final stages about our members particular needs for risk information, of development. models and tools. C O M M U N I C AT I N G W I T H O U R M E M B E R S A N D S TA K E H O L D E R S M AY / J U N E 2 0 11 RSSB to publish M & EE Group Codes of Practice this issue... New guide to supplier assurance published.......... 01 New guide to supplier assurance published Technical Specifications for Interoperability – Status update..................... 02 From 1 August 2009 RSSB will be publishing the content). See RSSB has published a new guide documents to supplier assurance Rail Industry Standard for Passenger Train Dispatch produced by the M&EE Networking Group on the rgsonline http://www.rgsonline.co.uk/Pages/M_and_EE.aspx arrangements practiced in today’s railway. The guide called and Platform Safety............ 02 website (www.rgsonline.co.uk). Securing Supplier Assurance is aimed at any rail company that Eco-driving research For further information aboutand the case publication of documents 03 studies................ undertakes procurement activity as well as the supply market. The M&EE Networking Group is dedicated to the sharing of contact Marie Marks at marie.marks@rssb.co.uk Risk Management category list, (ii) align audit Supplier assurance arrangements are Forum 2011........................ 03 professional engineering and railway operations information interventions to remove overlap deployed to assist in the management and to provide a focus to risk, the rail industry relatingand to duplication, (iii) Forintroduce further information about M&EE Networking Group of imported supply chain comply mutual of recognition of approvals with legislation, repetitive operational and avoid technical safety of plant. It is a meeting the documents contact Mick James at mick.james@rssb.co.uk and certifications and (iv) improve duplication of effort and help with professional heads of mechanical and electrical engineering alignment between SMS holders customer-supplier relationships. and operations from infrastructure contractors operating on-party scheme providers. and third Over the past 20 years a variety of RSSB Events 2009 track machines outside of possessions, Network • Rail, StageRSSB, 2 - Integration – building supplier assurance arrangements, on stage one to then establish (i) including a number of third London party Underground and the Rail Plant Association, elected Railway Group Standards a risk based approach to product schemes, have developed in an representatives from other infrastructure renewal companies, forthcoming consultations Date Event Location and service categories, (ii) a unstructured way across the rail See http://www. plant owners, manufacturers/suppliers of plant and mainline rail industry audit single industry and aand major opportunity has consultation.rssb.co.uk/pdf/ technical services. Forthcomingconsultations.pdf programme, and (iii)22anSept industry been identified to improve both the Freedom to Train Workshop York ‘information hub’ providing common effectiveness and efficiency of these access to supplier assurance existing arrangements. To help realise For details of changes to Railway The M&EE Networking Group produces Codes of Practice as 30 Sept DRACAS Seminar RSSB London information. this opportunity RSSB has worked with Group Standards view the Latest (Defect reporting and Corrective Action System Seminar) good practice for all members of the industry and they have its members and many other buyer Updates page on the RGS Online • Stage 3 - Performance website www.rgsonline.co.uk and supplier industry stakeholders to previously only been available on several disparate websites. improvement – use of real research the existing landscape and For more information on these RSSB organised events, performance feedback to refine plan how to improve. assurance processes and contact drive Stella Okezie, Youconference can subscribe to Information please manager on In order to make the Codes of Practice available to a wider Bulletin on the RSSB website. continuous improvement. A three-stage improvement plan has 020 3142 5329 or stella.okezie@rssb.co.uk audience, RSSB has agreed to publish them (though the http://www.rssb.co.uk/Publications/ been established: As one of the early deliverables of Lists/infosubform.aspx Networking Group remains responsibleStage for all1,ofa new user-friendly guide •M&EE Stage 1 - Alignment – develop has been prepared. ‘Securing supplier a common product and services Front page photo: Courtesy of Northern Rail FOR MORE INFORMATION ON ANY OF RSSB ’ S PRODUCTS AND SERVICES PLEASE CONTACT THE RSSB BLOCK 2 ANGEL SQUARE RSSB ENQUIRY DESK ON 020 3142 5400 1 TORRENS STREET LONDON EC1V 1NY OR ENQUIRYDESK@RSSB.CO.UK WWW.RSSB.CO.UK ©©2011 RAIL SAFETY AND STANDARDS 2009 RAIL SAFETY AND STANDARDSBOARD BOARDLIMITED LIMITED 5 Page 02 Continued from front page The SRM templates, which are produced to help transport If you would like any further information, assistance or training assurance’ provides readers with the operators create a comprehensive riskfollowing: profile for their underway to make the vision a reality outputs, please in the use of the SRMv6 and its associated • A shared consistent of what supplier operations in and support of theirexplanation safety management activities, assurance is, the principles that underpin it, and how are due to be released in August. A tool for undertaking companies go about securing it Cost-Benefit Analysis in accordance with ‘Taking Safe • An overall understanding of the present-day supplier Decisions’ and ORR guidance is also in the final stages assurance arrangements, alongside signposts and of development. reference points to existing schemes and organisations which are designed to help The guide was formally launched at the conference, contact George Bearfield, safety risk assessment manager on ‘Delivering a Better Value Railway Summit’ organised by 020 3142 5464 or risk@rssb.co.uk. We welcome feedback Network Rail and London Underground at the Britannia from users ofHotel, the bulletin or on templates and are also keenbe to hear International London 20 June. It will about our on members particular needshttp://www.rssb-safp. for risk information, available the dedicated website com/default.aspx and copies will be circulated to nominated models and tools. representatives throughout the industry. • What future supplier assurance arrangements might look like, and the major cross-industry project which is RSSB to publish M & EE Group Codes of Practice Technical Specifications for Interoperability – Status update Technical Specifications for Interoperability (TSIs) are common European technical standards for the railway system. The use of TSIs is mandated by the Railways (Interoperability) Regulations 2006. A number of TSIs for the conventional rail network have recently been published in the Official Journal of the European Union (in this context, ‘conventional rail’ simply means ‘not high speed’). The new TSIs are: • Rolling Stock (Noise) TSI (Decision 2011/229/EU) • Energy TSI (Decision 2011/274/EU) 1 August 2009 will be publishing documents •From Infrastructure TSI RSSB (Decision 2011/275/EU) the M&EE Networking on the rgsonline TSI •produced Rollingby Stock (Locomotives and Group Passenger Carriages) website (www.rgsonline.co.uk). (Decision 2011/291/EU) • Operation and Traffic Management TSI (Decision 2011/314/EU) • Telematic Applications for Passenger Services TSI (Decision EU 454/2011) The publication of these TSIs represents an important step forward for interoperability. Together with previously published TSIs, they provide a complete suite of conventional rail TSIs for the first time. The RSSB website provides a TSI Status Summary chart listing details of all TSI. The chart has recently been updated to the publication of the new TSIs. The summary thereflect content). See chart can be found on the ‘Technical Specification for http://www.rgsonline.co.uk/Pages/M_and_EE.aspx Interoperability’ page of the RSSB website (http://www.rssb. co.uk/EUROPE/Pages/TSI.aspx). For further information about the publication of documents ForM&EE moreNetworking information on TSIs, pleasetocontact JonofTaylor, contact head of standards on 020 3142 5601 The Group is dedicated the sharing Marie Marks at policy marie.marks@rssb.co.uk or email jon.taylor@rssb.co.uk. professional engineering and railway operations information and to provide a focus to the rail industry relating to For further information about M&EE Networking Group operational and technical safety of plant. It is a meeting of the documents contact Mick James at mick.james@rssb.co.uk the Rail Association, London Underground elected The newPlant Rail Industry Standard (RIS) has, in its and development, been supported by a member of the public, Mr George Slade representatives from other infrastructure renewal companies, who sadly lost his son in a platform-train interface accident. plant owners, and manufacturers/suppliers of plant and The document RIS-3703-TOM Rail Industry Standard for technical services. Passenger Train Dispatch and Platform Safety is written to provide a broad consideration of as many risks as feasible relating to train dispatch and sets out the operational The M&EE Networking Group produces Codes ofon Practice requirements and the management of behaviour stationas platforms. Thisfor document was of approved by the Traffic good practice all members the industry and they have Operation and Management Standards Committee on 1 previously only been available on several disparate websites. March 2011. and falls as well as low frequency but high consequence events dragging, falling from a platform and / or being Date such as Event Location struck by a train or electrocuted. Platform safety is therefore a key area of focus for railway undertakings and for the infrastructure manager.to Train Workshop 22 Sept Freedom York professional heads of mechanical and electrical engineering Rail Industry Standard for Passenger Train Dispatch and and operations from infrastructure contractors operating onPlatform Safety RSSB Events 2009 track machines outside of possessions, Network Rail, RSSB, The platform-train interface presents a number of hazards for In orderusers, to make the can Codes of Practice a wider station which be made worseavailable by their to behaviour, such as alighting or boarding trains in a hurry or standing audience, RSSB has agreed to publish them (though the too close to the platform edge. The key risks include slips, trips M&EE Networking Group remains responsible for all of FOR MORE INFORMATION ON ANY OF RSSB ’ S PRODUCTS AND SERVICES PLEASE CONTACT THE RSSB BLOCK 2 ANGEL SQUARE Some of the activities considered in the Rail Industry Standard include: 30 Sept DRACAS Seminar RSSB London • (Defect The development the train dispatch processSeminar) based on reporting andofCorrective Action System risk assessment • For Visibility to carry outon a train and monitoring more information thesesafety RSSBcheck organised events, during departure please contact Stella Okezie, conference manager on • 020 Staff roles andorresponsibilities 3142 5329 stella.okezie@rssb.co.uk • Performance, review and error management RSSB ENQUIRY DESK ON 020 3142 5400 1 TORRENS STREET LONDON EC1V 1NY OR ENQUIRYDESK@RSSB.CO.UK WWW.RSSB.CO.UK ©©2011 RAIL SAFETY AND STANDARDS 2009 RAIL SAFETY AND STANDARDSBOARD BOARDLIMITED LIMITED 5 Continued from page 02 The SRM templates, which are produced to help transport operators create a comprehensive risk profile for their • Communication operations in support of their safety management activities, • Promoting safe passenger behaviour are Signage, due to beposters released in August. A tool for undertaking • and announcements Cost-Benefit Analysis in accordance with ‘Taking Safe Page 03 If you would like any further information, assistance or training in theRail useIndustry of the SRMv6 andwas its associated please The Standard published inoutputs, June 2011 and is one of aGeorge series of materials on passenger risk at the platformcontact Bearfield, safety risk assessment manager on train interface which includes a Special Topic Report and the 020 3142 5464training or risk@rssb.co.uk. We welcome feedback RED 28 DVD package. from users of the bulletin or templates and are keen to hear For moreand information on any of these Enquiry Desk on 020 3142 5400 Decisions’ ORR guidance is also in the materials final stagesplease contact aboutRSSB’s our members particular needs for risk information, email enquirydesk@rssb.co.uk. ofor development. models and tools. Eco-driving research and case studies RSSB to publish M & EE Group Codes ofThePractice research has led ATOC and OFG to ask RSSB to Eco-driving is the name given to train driving techniques intended to reduce economic and environmental costs. It involves driving a train as energy efficiently as possible, ensuring safe and punctual arrival and departure times but without the excessive use of power and fuel. In December 2009, ATOC and RSSB co-hosted an industry seminar on eco-driving and an agreed action led to the crossindustry Operations Focus Group (OFG) sponsoring research undertaken by RSSB to collate details of existing experience and initiatives and produce a high level hazard assessment and validation of the potential energy savings that can be made. The work has now been completed and published. A key finding is that eco-driving provides broader benefits to the performance of the business and railway system over and above the direct benefits of fuel and energy savings. These include smoother rides for passengers and other indirect cost From 1 August 2009 RSSB will be publishing documents savings through decreased wear and tear on train and track. produced by theresonate M&EE Networking onofthe rgsonline The techniques with other Group aspects professional driving, and associated initiatives help to establish even website (www.rgsonline.co.uk). stronger relationships throughout the operational community. organise another seminar in 2012 on eco-driving in order to update and share good practice. OFG is also recommending that operators adopt relevant examples of good practice identified in the work, while reinforcing a key research finding that prioritises safety and performance over eco-driving, and continuing to raise awareness of the potential for distraction while eco-driving during driver training. A dedicated eco-driving section on Opsweb (www.opsweb. co.uk) has been developed to help explain what eco-driving is, and links through to the research findings which also include case studies on eight TOCs/FOCs. The report was presented at the World Congress on Railway Research in Lille at the end of May. The project was managed by RSSB as part of the rail industry’s research and development programme, and overseen by a cross-industry steering group drawn from the the content). See railway operations community. Technical input was provided http://www.rgsonline.co.uk/Pages/M_and_EE.aspx by RSSB in-house, including risk analysis and human factors expertise, thus keeping the costs down and the knowledge and experience within the industry. For further information about the publication of documents The M&EE Networking Group is dedicated to the sharing of contact Marie Marks at marie.marks@rssb.co.uk and to provide a focus to the rail industry relating to For further information about M&EE Networking Group operational and technical safety of plant. It is a meeting of the documents contact Mick James at mick.james@rssb.co.uk Full details of the research project can be found on www.rssb.co.uk. professional railway operations information The projectengineering referenceand is T839, Eco-driving: understanding the approaches, benefits and risks. professional heads of mechanical and electrical engineering Risk Management Forum 2011 and operations from infrastructure contractors operating ontrackannual machines of possessions, Network RSSB, The Riskoutside Management Forum was held atRail, RSSB’s offices on 6 April 2011. This year it was preceded by an the Rail Plant Association, London Underground and elected informal workshop held for risk practitioners the afternoon representatives from other companies, before. The conference wasinfrastructure split into fourrenewal sessions of equal length with each session having a separate theme; namely plant owners, and manufacturers/suppliers of plant and New Risk Assessment Requirements, Safety Culture, Health technical services. and Assurance. The speakers, who came from a range of industries, gave their time freely – their slides can be found at www.safetyriskmodel.co.uk. The M&EE Networking Group produces Codes of Practice as 127 were forthe theindustry event, 114 gooddelegates practice for all registered members of and attended they have representing 69 organisations. Many late applications to previously only been available on several disparate websites. RSSB Events 2009 participate had to be turned away due to high demand. Feedback was positive and there were a number of good suggestions for future RMF events. The RMF Steering Group Date Location will convene Event soon to start planning the 2012 event. The pre-forum workshop was split into two sessions; the first PatricktoDavis British Airways 22was Septled by Freedom Trainfrom Workshop Yorkthat involved the attendees developing “Bow tie risk models”. The second session was led by Kevin Thompson of RSSB; in30 thisSept attendees selected case studies and worked DRACAS Seminar RSSBthrough London the Takingreporting Safe Decisions framework, including of the (Defect and Corrective Action Systemuse Seminar) associated analysis tool. For more information on these RSSB organised events, In order to make the Codes of Practice available to a wider please contact Stella Okezie, conference manager on audience, RSSB has agreed to publish them (though the 020 3142 5329 or stella.okezie@rssb.co.uk M&EE Networking Group remains responsible for all of FOR MORE INFORMATION ON ANY OF RSSB ’ S PRODUCTS AND SERVICES PLEASE CONTACT THE RSSB BLOCK 2 ANGEL SQUARE RSSB ENQUIRY DESK ON 020 3142 5400 1 TORRENS STREET LONDON EC1V 1NY OR ENQUIRYDESK@RSSB.CO.UK WWW.RSSB.CO.UK ©©2011 RAIL SAFETY AND STANDARDS 2009 RAIL SAFETY AND STANDARDSBOARD BOARDLIMITED LIMITED