Department of M athematics Department of Physics Diploma C eremony Sunday, May 11, 2014 PR O G R A M L unch LSRC Dining Room W elcome Professor Harold Layton, Chair Department of Mathematics Professor Haiyan Gao, Chair Department of Physics Presentation of Diplomas for Degrees in Physics Professor Haiyan Gao, Chair Department of Physics Professor Kate Scholberg Director of Undergraduate Studies Department of Physics Professor Gleb Finkelstein Incoming Dir. of Graduate Studies Department of Physics Presentation of Diplomas for Degrees in M athematics Professor Harold Layton, Chair Department of Mathematics Professor Chad Schoen Director of Undergraduate Studies Department of Mathematics Professor Sarah Schott Associate DUS Department of Mathematics F I RST M A J O RS I N M A T H E M A T I CS Ms. Maria Arias De Saavedra Benitez Ms. Kristen Amelia Brown Mr. Nicholas Michael Calabro Mr. Scott Benjamin Cara Mr. Mark William Carrabine Mr. Andrew Jordan Chinn Mr. Julian Edwin Lovett Cooper Mr. Aashiq Dheeraj Mr. Christian Lawrence Drappi Ms. Katherine Iverson Fraile Mr. Matthew Evan Gordon Mr. Joseph Lewis Graves III Mr. Nathan Hsieh Mr. Billy Haoyang Huang Mr. Joshua Michael Izzard Mr. Brian Timothy Knierim Mr. Jayanth Kocherlakota Ms. Kathleen Lan Ɣ Mr. Lei Lei Ms. Veronica Marie Lepa Ms. Hanna Lencer Mar Ms. Christine Lynn McConnell ĭǺȀ Ms. Julia Ni Mr. Kevin Ward Rozell Mr. Alessio Santoro Ms. Jiarou Shen ĭǺȀ Mr. Amudan Jayram Srinivasan ĭǺȀ Mr. Daniel Leeco Stern Mr. Justin Louis Summerville Mr. Siyang Sun Mr. Kwang Jae Sung Mr. Scott Douglas Valentine Mr. Daniel Robert Vitek Mr. Taariq A. Watson Ms. Luxi Wei Mr. Alexander Joseph Wertheim ĭǺȀ Mr. Jonathan David Yach SE C O N D M A J O RS I N M A T H E M A T I CS Mr. Brian Anderson Bullins Mr. Jerren Roderic Chang Ms. Melissa Jessica Dalis Ms. Rebecca Ann DeNardis ĭǺȀ Ms. Qi Dong Mr. Cameron Michael Kim Mr. Justin Henry Leder ĭǺȀ Mr. David Liu Mr. Ryan Alexander McGeehan Mr. Yi Pan Mr. Taylor Gene Pospisil Mr. Nikhil C. Prakash Mr. Alexander Franke Stevens Mr. Benjamin Andrew Stone Mr. Andy Hoang Tran ĭǺȀ M I N O RS I N M A T H E M A T I CS Mr. Alexander Wyatt Bloedel Mr. Ali Habib Bootwala Mr. Robert James Collopy Mr. Steven Meyer Demers Ms. Sarah Madeline Eade Ms. Dana Elizabeth Fenster Mr. Nicholas John Gordon Mr. Soroush Jamali Pour Mr. Keerthighaan Kanagasegar Mr. Alexander G. Kazandjian Mr. Ang Li Mr. Nathan Xilong Li Mr. Jonathan Liu Mr. Jaisal Kohli Mariwala Mr. Joshua Samuel Miller Mr. Michael Robert Potts Mr. Patrick Allen Royal Ms. Angelica Beth Schwartz Ms. Kelsey Irene Siman Mr. Lucas Joseph Spangher Mr. Bradley Thomas Stankey Mr. Volodymyr Zavidovych Ms. Yuci Zhang Mr. Kevin Yangyang Ge Ms. Oriane Butler Matthys D O C T O R O F P H I L OSO P H Y I N M A T H E M A T I CS Dr. Miles Martin Crosskey Dr. Sean David Lawley Dr. Junchi Li Dr. Christopher David O'Neill ĭǺȀ Ɣ Dr. Hwayeon Ryu Dr. Ioannis Sgouralis Dr. John Joseph Steenbergen Dr. Hangjun Xu Graduation with Distinction ± Requires a paper demonstrating significant independent work in mathematics. Graduation with Highest Distinction ± Requires a paper produced by the candidate deemed publishable in a reputable journal. Phi Beta Kappa Graduated December 2013 In Memoriam F I RST M A J O RS I N B I O P H YSI CS Mr. Adam Hatim Attaar Mr. John T. Canty Mr. Donald Christian Ellis 636 Mr. Neil Jay Krishnan )%. Mr. Antonio Kufoy Mr. Kevin Le 0U'DQLHO(XJHQH2¶.HHIH Mr. Xiangyu Wang SE C O N D M A J O RS I N B I O P H YSI CS Mr. Joshua Elliott Lewis 636 Mr. Aashiq Dheeraj F I RST M A J O RS I N P H YSI CS Mr. Steven Meyer Demers Ô Mr. Blake Fenton Hament Ms. Kirsten Elana Kaplan 636 )%. Ms. Huan Chen Lu Mr. Jackson Van Horn Matteucci ÔÔ 636 )%. Mr. Ryan Alexander McGeehan Ô 636 )%. Mr. Brandon Robert Meiseles Mr. Robert James Mello Mr. Glenn Andrew Palmer 636 Mr. Alec John Petersen Mr. Ryan Alexander Stribley SE C O N D M A J O RS I N P H YSI CS Mr. Kushal Seetharam 636 Mr. Daniel Robert Vitek Mr. Alexander Wyatt Bloedel Mr. Christian Lawrence Drappi Mr. Dennis Karl Li M I N O RS I N P H YSI CS Mr. Adam Hatim Attaar Ms. Maria Arias De Saavedra Benitez Ms. Virginia Chen Mr. Brian Timothy Knierim Mr. Kevin Le Mr. James Eric Posen M AST E RS O F A R TS I N P H YSI CS Ms. Meizhen Shi D O C T O R O F P H I L OSO P H Y I N P H YSI CS Dr. Kristine Elizabeth Callan Dr. Abram Henry Clark, IV Dr. Seth Daniel Cohen Dr. Christopher Edward Coleman-Smith Dr. Ethan Robert Elliott Dr. Kevin Daniel Finelli Dr. Yuan Lin Dr. Jonathan Michael Mueller Dr. Joshua Wayne Powell ÔÔ Ô ȈȆȈ ĭǺȀ Dr. Mengyang Sun Dr. Shangying Wang Dr. Taritree Michael Wongjirad Dr. Di-Lun Yang Dr. Yang Yang Dr. Qiujian Ye Dr. Huaixiu Zheng Dr. Yunhui Zhu Graduation with High Distinction ± Highest Honor in Physics. Requires a thesis comparable to papers in peer reviewed journals and unanimous support from thesis committee members. Graduation with Distinction ± Requires a significant thesis with originality and thesis defense. Physics Honor Society Phi Beta Kappa G R A D U A T I O N W I T H D IST I N C T I O N I N M A T H E M A T I CS A ashiq Dheeraj: Graduation with Distinction ± A Stochastic Spatial Model for Tumor Growth Joshua M ichael Izzard: Graduation with Distinction ± Rank p2 Representations of Semisimple Lie Algebras K athleen L an: Graduation with Distinction ± Coalescing random walks on n-block Markov chains L ei L ei: Graduation with Distinction ± Infinite Swapping Si mulated Tempering Julia Ni: Graduation with Distinction ± A convex approach to tree-based wavelet compression Jiarou Shen: Graduation with Distinction ± Merge times and hitting times of ti meinhomogeneous Markov chains Daniel L eeco Stern: Graduation with Highest Distinction ± Low-Order Lagrangians Depending on a Metric and a Matter F ield of Arbitrary Rank Daniel Robert V itek : Graduation with Distinction ± Knot Contact Homology and the Augmentation Polynomial A lexander Joseph W ertheim: Graduation with Distinction ± Complex Multiplication on Elliptic Curves L uxi W ei: Graduation with Distinction ± Modeling Credit Risk Incorporating Credit Rating and an Environmental F actor G R A D U A T I O N W I T H D IST I N C T I O N I N P H YSI CS Steven Demers: Graduation with Distinction ± DNA Origami Nanofabrication of Plasmonic Structures and S ERS Burning Jackson M atteucci: Graduation with High Distinction ± Characterization of =ȖDQG=ȖȖ Production as Observed in Proton-Proton Collisions at 8 TeV Ryan M c G eehan: Graduation with Distinction ± Noise-induced Nucleation in a Bistable Tunnel Diode Circuit