Comprehensive Exam for MS Students in Coursework Option General Information Mechanical Engineering Master Students in the Coursework Option are required to pass a comprehensive exam before graduating. (This requirement does not apply to the other two MS Degree Options). The exam is typically administered by a faculty with whom the student took at least one course included in his/her Degree Plan. The examiner is assigned by the Director of Graduate Studies, but the student has an opportunity to provide suggestions when submitting the Comprehensive Exam Request Form. Scheduling Comprehensive Exam At the beginning of the semester students who intend to graduate submit the Comprehensive Exam Request Form to Gwen Clymo at or in ME Office 104. The examiner will be selected based on the student record and the information provided in the form. After the student has been notified about the examiner selection, it is the student's responsibility to coordinate with the chosen professor to schedule a date, time and place to take the exam. Students who do not pass the Comprehensive Exam by the deadline will not be able to graduate that term and will need to enroll in the following semester. Comprehensive Exam Format and Requirements The exam is written, open books and notes, and lasts approximately 2 ½ hours The exam is based on graduate courses completed by the student; it can include problems related to individual courses and also questions that require a synthesis of knowledge from different areas of mechanical engineering science. The student should discuss the exam scope and format with the examiner in advance, and reserve sufficient time for preparations and reviewing the material. Submission of the Comprehensive Exam Results 1 The Comprehensive Exam should take place prior to the Graduate School deadline, during the semester of graduation. Consult the Graduate School Academic Calendar for important dates and deadlines. To report the outcome of the Comprehensive Exam, a Report on Comprehensive Exam Form needs to be completed. The professor who administered the exam will submit the signed form to Graduate School. A copy of the form also needs to be submitted to Gwen Clymo at o The form is available at: Revised 03/11/2016