Document 11427768

Study Abroad Opportunities
for Students Interested in
When Can I Study Abroad?
Biochemistry interdisciplinary majors are eligible to study
abroad during either the fall or spring semester of their
junior year. For students who plan ahead, it may be
possible to study abroad for an entire academic year, but
students must be in early contact with the Program
Director. Because the Biochemistry program has more
curricular demands than other programs, early planning is
necessary for all Biochemistry students studying abroad.
Various BC summer programs are also offered every year
in which students may participate as early as the summer
after the freshman year.
Should I Study In A Foreign Language Destination?
There are several prestigious BC programs in English
speaking countries that offer excellent courses in
Biochemistry, such as King’s College in London.
Students interested in studying abroad in non-English
speaking countries must have a fluency level in order to
consider courses for major credit. Careful planning is
essential for all students.
What Classes Should I Take Before Studying Abroad?
Early planning is essential to make sure that students will
meet all BC requirements, and to ensure that they will
have a strong biochemistry background for study abroad.
Since most international education systems require a
higher degree of specialization at an earlier level, this
strong background will allow students to take advantage
of the best offerings at the host institution, including
upper-level seminars.
At a minimum, all Biochemistry majors should take the
following courses prior to study abroad:
BI200: Molecules & Cells
BI204: Investigations in Molecular Cell Biology Lab
3 additional Biology Courses (either [Option A] BI201,
(Ecology and Evolution) or BI303 (Intro to Physiology)
and 2 courses from the Intermediate List, or [Option
B] 3 courses from the Intermediate List)
CH109/111: General Chemistry I with Lab
CH110/112: General Chemistry II with Lab
CH231/233: Organic Chemistry I with Lab
CH232/234: Organic Chemistry II with Lab
MT101 or MT105: Calculus II
All Biochemistry majors must meet with their program
advisor before studying abroad. Prior to this meeting,
students should obtain their degree audits and map out a
tentative schedule for the semester(s) abroad and for the
remaining time on campus at Boston College to show
how students plan to meet the remaining major
What Classes Should I Plan To Take Abroad?
Courses that focus on academic strengths of the host
university department are highly recommended.
To receive major credit for courses taken abroad,
students must provide a course syllabus and obtain
approval from the Program Director.
Biochemistry students should remember that the program
allows a maximum of two courses to be taken abroad.
How Can I Find Out More Information?
 Visit OIP in Hovey House during business hours
 Go to the OIP website :
 Go to the Biochemistry website:
 Attend an OIP “Discovery Night” to learn about study
abroad opportunities
 Visit OIP “Resource Room” at Hovey House to speak
with an Advising Assistant about study abroad
 Set up an appointment with an International Study
Advisor to discuss specific programs
University Partnerships with Programs for Students Interested in Biochemistry
Terms of Study
University of New South Wales
University of Melbourne
Monash University, Melbourne
University of Queensland
University of Western Australia
Fall, Spring, Full Year
Fall, Spring, Full Year
Fall, Spring, Full Year
Fall, Spring, Full Year
Fall, Spring, Full Year
Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro-Portuguese only
Fall, Spring, Full Year
Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile-Spanish only
Fall, Spring, Full Year
University of Hong Kong-courses in English
Fall, Spring, Full Year
Universidad San Francisco de Quito-Spanish and English
Fall, Spring, Full Year
Eichstätt Catholic University
Spring, Full Year
University College London
King’s College, University of London
Queen Mary, University of London
University of Glasgow
Lancaster University
Royal Holloway, University of London
Fall, Spring, Full Year
Fall, Spring, Full Year
Fall, Spring, Full Year
Fall, Spring, Full Year
Fall, Spring, Full Year
Fall, Spring, Full Year
Trinity College
University College Dublin
National University of Ireland, Galway
Full Year
Fall, Spring, Full Year
Fall, Spring, Full Year
Seoul National University
Fall, Spring, Full Year
University of Otago
Fall, Spring, Full Year
University of Bergen-courses in English
Fall, Spring, Full Year
University of Cape Town -courses in English
Rhodes University -courses in English
Fall, Spring, Full Year
Fall, Spring, Full Year
Uppsala University-courses in English
Fall, Spring, Full Year
updated: 1-28-13
Summer Programs 2014 for Students Interested in Biochemistry
Program Title
Biological Chemistry (3 credits)
updated: 2/4/14