Document 11427762

Study Abroad Opportunities
for Students Interested in
When Can I Study Abroad?
Many students choose to study abroad for one semester,
usually during the junior year. However, it is possible to
study abroad for a full year with careful planning.
Full Year Abroad: Students who plan to study abroad for
one year usually delay their applications to health
professions graduate schools until at least the summer after
they graduate. They begin the B.C. Committee Process in
the fall of their senior year and apply in June following
Fall Semester Abroad: For students who plan to apply to
health professions graduate schools the summer after
junior year, study abroad during the fall is preferable, as this
would allow them to take the MCATs/DATs in the spring
and go through the traditional B.C. Committee process in
the spring of junior year. This plan may necessitate taking
one of the core premedical sciences in summer school. On
occasion, students may receive approval to study abroad in
the fall (only) of senior year. If this fits a student’s plans, he
or she should discuss the possibility with the OIP advisors
and must obtain the Dean's approval. This may be
appropriate for students who plan to begin the application
process for health professions graduate school after their
senior year at B.C.
Spring Semester Abroad: Study abroad during the spring of
junior year can be difficult, though not impossible, to plan.
Students applying at the end of junior year usually study for
and take the MCATs/DATs in the spring of junior year.
During this time they also become heavily involved in the
B.C. Committee process. Students who plan to study
abroad spring semester and hope to apply at the end of
junior year should probably complete all core premedical
sciences and the MCAT/DAT before studying abroad. This
may necessitate taking one of the premedical core science
courses in summer school.
Summer Abroad: Study abroad in the summer is a fine
option for pre-health students who prefer to spend their fall
and spring semesters on the B.C. campus.
Should I Study In A Foreign Language Destination?
Yes! Even if students have already met the BC language
requirement, they are strongly encouraged to study abroad
in a foreign language destination. For students who don’t
have language skills, there are several BC partnerships in
non-English speaking countries that offer excellent courses
in English.
What Classes Should I Take Before Studying Abroad?
The timeliness of completing the pre-health courses
depends largely on when students plan to apply to health
professions graduate schools. Students who plan to apply
at the end of the senior year can use that final year at BC to
complete any remaining pre-health courses (e.g., physics).
Students who plan to apply at the end of the junior year
may need to consider doubling up on science courses (e.g.,
physics and organic chemistry) during the sophomore year,
or they could complete a required pre-health science
course in summer school.
What Classes Should I Plan To Take Abroad?
Most students study abroad to learn the language, culture,
and history of a specific area and therefore take a variety of
humanities courses.
Some students study science while abroad. Health
professions graduate school admissions committees closely
examine student performance in the sciences, so it is
important that students (as well as the B.C. Premedical
Committee) fully understand the science course curriculum
that is completed while abroad. Therefore, science majors
must consult with 1) a staff member in the Premedical
Office and 2) the Major Department well before finalizing
study abroad plans. Non-science majors are only required
to consult with a staff member in the Premedical Office. The
Premedical Office will require a syllabus and a transcript, if
available, for any science course taken abroad.
Some students have completed a required core pre-health
course while abroad. Although this is a possibility, it is
strongly recommended that students consider all of options
before undertaking this step. Some of the concerns we
have regarding required core pre-health courses taken
abroad include: 1) Material covered – is the course
equivalent to those offered here at BC (or in the U.S.)? 2)
Will the course adequately prepare the student for the
MCAT/DAT? 3) Will the U.S. health professional schools
accept a course taken at a foreign institution? Indeed, some
schools will not accept required science courses taken in
study abroad programs. Unfortunately, sometimes the
answers to these questions/concerns do not become
apparent until after a student has completed the
MCAT/DAT and/or applies to health professional school.
Students who are considering completing a required core
pre-health course abroad are strongly recommended to
speak with a staff member in the Premedical Office before
making a final decision.
How Will Studying Abroad Impact My Application To
A Health Professions Graduate School?
The Premedical Committee strongly recommends that
students’ cumulative averages (science and overall) be
in the competitive range before studying abroad. For
example, over the last few years, students accepted to
U.S. M.D. granting medical schools have mean science
GPAs in the 3.5-3.6 range. If a student falls in this
“competitive range,” then studying abroad will simply add
an interesting aspect to his or her application. However,
if a GPA is lower (e.g., 3.3 and below), then studying
abroad may (relatively speaking) “hurt” an application in
that it takes away from a semester of work here at
Boston College. When admissions committees at health
professions graduate schools evaluate applicants, they
tend to rely heavily on coursework taken at an
applicant’s home institution. Indeed, it is often difficult for
them to evaluate courses taken abroad, so if a student’s
GPA is not quite competitive, serious consideration
should be given before studying abroad. In this situation,
if a student still chooses to study abroad, he or she is
recommended to delay the application process until after
senior year or later. This would give students time to
take additional science electives senior year and/or at a
post baccalaureate program.
Students whose GPAs are in the competitive range may
want to consider becoming involved in volunteer work
(medical or otherwise) while studying abroad. Time
spent volunteering abroad would expose students to
health care delivery in a different culture.
Should I Take the MCAT While Abroad?
An in-depth discussion of the content and timing of the
MCAT appears in the Premedical Program Office’s
Application Packet. Students should review this material
closely. Scores on the MCAT are an extremely important
aspect of the admissions process. Students should not
take the exam unless they have had ample time to
study, as a poor test score can severely impair chances
of acceptance -- even if students have an outstanding
academic record.
Therefore, even though the MCAT is administered in
several foreign countries, it is generally not
recommended that students take the exam while abroad.
Only if students are excellent standardized test takers,
have outstanding grades, and have sufficient time to
study, should they even consider taking the MCAT while
How Can I Find Out More Information?
 Review the BC Health Professions website:
 Visit OIP in Hovey House during business hours
 Go to the OIP web site:
 Attend OIP ”Discovery Night” to learn about study
abroad opportunities
 Visit OIP “Resource Room” at Hovey House to speak
with an Advising Assistant about study abroad
 Set up an appointment with an International Study
Advisor to discuss specific programs
 Set up an appointment with a Premedical Advisor (617552-4663) to discuss integrating study abroad with your
Premedical Program
University Partnerships with Programs for Students
Interested in Pre-Health Sciences
Terms of Study
Monash University
University of Melbourne
University of New South Wales
Fall, Spring, Full Year
Fall, Spring, Full Year
Fall, Spring, Full Year
Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de
Fall, Spring, Full Year
Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
Fall, Spring, Full Year
Universidad San Francisco de Quito
Fall, Spring, Full Year
University of Strasbourg
Fall, Spring, Full Year
Durham University
King's College London
Lancaster University
Royal Holloway
University College London
University of Glasgow (Scotland)
University of London, Queen Mary
Full Year
Fall, Spring, Full Year
Fall, Spring, Full Year
Fall, Spring, Full Year
Fall, Spring, Full Year
Fall, Spring, Full Year
Fall, Spring, Full Year
National University of Ireland Galway
University College Dublin
Fall, Spring, Full Year
Fall, Spring, Full Year
University of Parma
Fall, Spring, Full Year
University of Cape Town
Rhodes University
Fall, Spring, Full Year
Fall, Spring, Full Year
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Fall, Spring, Full Year
updated 1/23/13