SPACE TELESCOPE SCIENCE INSTITUTE Jan 31 − Feb 1, 2000 CTE Workshop @ STScI STIS CTE: External Tests Paul Goudfrooij CTE of STIS CCD: External Tests Paul Goudfrooij STIS team @ STScI • Overview of External CTE Tests for STIS CCD • Inter-Comparison of Results of Different External CTE Tests • Linking Externally Measured CTE to CR Tail Intensity • Suggestions For Future Monitoring of CTE of STIS CCD 1 SPACE TELESCOPE SCIENCE INSTITUTE Jan 31 − Feb 1, 2000 CTE Workshop @ STScI STIS CTE: External Tests Paul Goudfrooij Overview of External Tests on CTE of STIS CCD (Will mostly consider CTI = 1 − CTE) 1. (Apparent) “Non-Linearity Method”, most apparent for faint sources. First results on M 67: Gilliland, Goudfrooij & Kimble (1999, PASP, 111, 1009). Parametrized in terms of Stetson’s (1998, PASP, 110, 1448) phenomenological model (used to correct WFPC2 data for CTI & “long vs. short” kind of loss): 1024 − Y 1024 sky = log10 (BKG) − 1 ∆Y = obj = log10 (CTS) − 4 Y−CTE = c1 + c2 × obj + c3 × sky C = 0.01 × (c4 + ∆Y ) × exp (Y−CTE) CTSCORR = (1 + C) × CTS 2 SPACE TELESCOPE SCIENCE INSTITUTE Jan 31 − Feb 1, 2000 CTE Workshop @ STScI STIS CTE: External Tests Paul Goudfrooij Figure 1: Best-fitting correction factors (parameter C of preceding set of equations) as a function of the extracted spectrum count level (per 7-pixel extraction box, in e−) for three different y positions on the STIS CCD. Overplotted symbols denote the observations; the solid lines are the best ‘Stetson-model’ fits. The largest fractional deviation from the fit is 2.5σ. Figure taken from Gilliland, Goudfrooij, & Kimble (1999). 3 SPACE TELESCOPE SCIENCE INSTITUTE Jan 31 − Feb 1, 2000 CTE Workshop @ STScI STIS CTE: External Tests Paul Goudfrooij 2. “Bi-directional Clocking Method”, using observations of sparse fields – Slope of AmpD/AmpB intensity ratio vs. AXIS2 yields parallel CTI. An 4 SPACE TELESCOPE SCIENCE INSTITUTE Jan 31 − Feb 1, 2000 CTE Workshop @ STScI STIS CTE: External Tests Paul Goudfrooij example is shown in the figure below, for two different intensity ranges. 5 SPACE TELESCOPE SCIENCE INSTITUTE Jan 31 − Feb 1, 2000 CTE Workshop @ STScI STIS CTE: External Tests Paul Goudfrooij Inter−Comparisons of Results of External CTE Tests • “Non-Linearity Method” (NLM) so far applied to: – Ron Gilliland’s deep imaging (gain = 4) GO data on 47 Tuc: Jul 4−11, 1999 – Slitless spectra (gain = 1) on NGC 346 (in nebulosity): Sep 2, 1999 – Slitless spectra (gain = 1) on M 67 (exact repeat of 1997 data): Nov 6, 1999 – Imaging (gain = 1) of NGC 6752 (in CVZ): Sep 15, 1999 • “Bi-directional Clocking Method” (BCM) so far applied to: – Imaging (gain = 1) of ω Cen (2 different exposure times): Jun 4, 1999 – Imaging (gain = 1) of NGC 6752 (in CVZ), same as above; Sep 15, 1999 • Results not always obviously consistent with one another ... cf. Figure on next page which shows the CTI vs. object intensity for the different datasets. The symbols depict BCM measurements, while the solid lines depict the best-fit NLM fits to the datasets, shown in the legend. 6 SPACE TELESCOPE SCIENCE INSTITUTE Jan 31 − Feb 1, 2000 CTE Workshop @ STScI STIS CTE: External Tests Paul Goudfrooij 7 SPACE TELESCOPE SCIENCE INSTITUTE Jan 31 − Feb 1, 2000 CTE Workshop @ STScI STIS CTE: External Tests Paul Goudfrooij • Best-fit NLM coefficients (e.g., the position-independent c4) rather jump around across the fits to the different datasets. There is no clear evolution in the coefficients, cf. the table below. Observing date c1 c4 c2 (object term) c3 (sky term) (Y-independent term) −0.798 +/− 0.344 −1.758 +/− 0.122 − − Jul 7, 1999 (47 Tuc) 1.019 +/− 0.110 −1.045 +/− 0.078 − 0.461 +/− 0.071 Sep 2, 1999 (NGC 346) 1.040 +/− 0.352 −0.680 +/− 0.125 −0.934 +/− 0.320 −0.145 +/− 0.081 Sep 15, 1999 (NGC 6752) 0.071 +/− 0.138 −1.685 +/− 0.053 −0.305 +/− 0.152 −0.289 +/− 0.011 Nov 6, 1999 (M 67) −1.092 +/− 0.175 −2.093 +/− 0.060 − Dec 27, 1997 (M 67) (basic Y dependence) − – Crucial to cover large range in intensity (and sky) for trustworthy functionality. Gain = 1 saturates at ~30,000 e− -> use gain = 4 for NLM. 8 SPACE TELESCOPE SCIENCE INSTITUTE Jan 31 − Feb 1, 2000 CTE Workshop @ STScI STIS CTE: External Tests Paul Goudfrooij Externally Measured CTE vs. CR Tail Intensity • STIS CTI-induced CR charge tails: Strong, Linear Growth with Time: : Y−CTI = 2.64893 + 0.032219 ∗ (MJD − 50509.6) • So far, external CTI tests do not show such a quick growth with time for 3pixel radius aperture photometry (but: limited time coverage yet), cf. figure. • Using CTI values from pre-flight internal sparse field test & Fe55 test (cf. Kimble’s talk) as reference CTI value at on-orbit time = 0: Source Intensity Functional dependence of CTI on time (∗ 10−5) ~ 100 ∼1.5 + (3.5 +/− 2.9) ∗ (MJD − 50509.6) ~ 1000 (1.5 +/− 0.1) + (1.8 +/− 2.8) ∗ (MJD − 50509.6) ~ 10,000 (0.9 +/− 0.1) + (1.2 +/− 0.4) ∗ (MJD − 50509.6) 9 SPACE TELESCOPE SCIENCE INSTITUTE Jan 31 − Feb 1, 2000 CTE Workshop @ STScI STIS CTE: External Tests Paul Goudfrooij 10 SPACE TELESCOPE SCIENCE INSTITUTE Jan 31 − Feb 1, 2000 CTE Workshop @ STScI STIS CTE: External Tests Paul Goudfrooij 11 Suggestions for Future CTE Monitoring for STIS CCD • Obtain some more external data (BCM, NLM) to pin down “effective” slope of CTI vs. time for different source intensities & sky backgrounds. • Effect of source structure (point vs. extended source) to be explored − important for, e.g., estimating CTI effects on absorption line profiles in galaxy spectra (galaxy dynamics represent a major fraction of STIS CCD science). • Use “internal” method(s) [CR tails, Internal Sparse Field Test, EPER, perhaps FPR (?)] for baseline CTI monitoring.