Cleveland State University Teacher as a Responsive, Reflective Professional: A Partner in Learning College of Education and Human Services Office of Field Services Art Intern Field Experience Record and Evaluation Form Intern: Experience (PR/ST): School: Semester and Year: _________/__________ Grade Level(s)/ Subject: Completed by (print name and check role): ___ Supervisor ___ Mentor ___ CTE *Supervisors Complete: Date of Initial Visit ______/______/______ Date of Midterm Triad ______/______/______ Date of ______/______/______ Final Triad *Mentors complete the sections specific to the field; *If you have a split experience, leave the cumulative column blank; supervisor will complete Mentors Complete 7 week 15 week Cumulative Absences from the field Tardies in the field Missed/Late assignments in the field Weak/Unacceptable assignments in the field *Supervisors complete the sections specific to the seminar and the cumulative column. If the intern has a split experience, complete the cumulative columns for both your section and the mentor’s section. Supervisors Complete 7 week 15 week Cumulative Absences from seminar Tardies in seminar Missed/Late assignments in seminar Weak/Unacceptable assignments in seminar Rev Date: 03/14 Intern’s Name: _______________________________________ Performance Levels: Exemplary (E) Scores: 4 3.5 Supervisor’s Name: ________________________________ Proficient (P) Emerging (M) 3 2.5 2 Unsatisfactory (U) Not attempted 1 0 Average Domain Scores Domain A. Organizing Content Knowledge for Student Learning Average 7 A1. A2. A3. A4. A5. Use of student background information for planning instruction (OSTP Standard 1) Plans relate to intern’s knowledge of students. Plans accommodate for needs of English language learners and students with exceptionalities. Plans vary instruction based on students’ background. Plans demonstrate cultural competence by incorporating instructional content, resources, and strategies that are responsive to cultural, linguistic, and gender differences. Instructional goals and objectives (OSTP Standard 2) Plans establish clear goals. Plans establish measurable objectives. Goals and objectives relate to varied learning styles. Goals and objectives establish appropriate expectations for all students. Goals and objectives relate to Ohio Academic Content Standards and are aligned with school curriculum. Content of instructional plans (OSTP Standard 2) Plans demonstrate correct sequencing of subject matter. Plans demonstrate accurate content knowledge. Plans demonstrate cross-disciplinary connections where appropriate. Structure of planned activities and materials (OSTP Standards 1.1, 4) Structure of lesson is developmentally appropriate for students and subject matter. Activities and materials match with identified instructional goals. Activities and materials are appropriate for students’ diverse needs and characteristics. Assessment (OSTP Standard 3) Plan includes varied assessment strategies to measure the achievement of instructional goals and objectives. Assessment strategies are appropriate for students. Domain B. Enhancing the Learning Environment B1. B2. B3. B4. B5. 15 Average 7 15 Fairness to students (OSTP Standard 5) Intern establishes a climate of courtesy and respect Intern makes eye contact with students. Intern shows impartiality by involving all students. Rapport with students (OSTP Standard 5) Intern expresses interest in students and knows students’ names. Intern shows enthusiasm and appropriate tone. Intern establishes positive rapport with students. Challenging expectations for learners (OSTP Standard 1) Intern encourages students to ask questions. Intern provides students with choices in learning. Intern encourages students to pursue further learning. Classroom management skills (OSTP Standard 5) Intern states specific, appropriate expectations for classroom behavior and states reasons for expectations. Intern applies rules consistently and fairly. Intern maintains students’ attention throughout the lesson. Intern promotes positive behavior. Physical environment (OSTP Standard 5) Intern maintains a safe learning environment. Intern enhances student learning with bulletin boards/displays of student work. Intern uses space and materials to vary physical environment to meet students’ needs and instructional goals. 2 Rev Date: 03/14 Intern’s Name: _______________________________________ Supervisor’s Name: ________________________________ Domain C. Teaching for Student Learning C1. C2. C3. C4. C5. C6. C7. Average 7 15 Communicating goals and procedures (OSTP Standard 4) Intern makes goals and objectives clear to students. Intern makes instructional procedures clear to students. Communicating content (OSTP Standards 2, 4) Intern conveys content clearly and accurately. Intern uses correct language, spelling, and syntax in verbal and written explanations of content. Intern clarifies content for students having difficulty understanding. Structure and sequence of instructional activities (OSTP Standard 4) Intern uses lesson structure and sequence that is developmentally appropriate for students and subject matter. Intern uses a variety of individual and collaborative learning activities to achieve learning goals. Intern uses appropriate manipulatives and instructional materials to support student learning. Intern uses appropriate available technology to support student learning. Intern provides appropriate adaptations for English language learners and students with exceptionalities. Extending student thinking (OSTP Standards 1, 4) Intern structures specific learning activities that encourage students to extend their thinking. Intern recognizes and uses opportunities to help students extend their thinking. Intern uses questioning and other interaction strategies to foster students’ understanding and to stimulate creative and critical thinking. Intern allows sufficient wait-time for student response to questions. Assessing student understanding (OSTP Standard 3) Intern uses questioning and a variety of other appropriate assessment strategies to gauge student learning. Intern correctly interprets students’ verbal and non-verbal cues for levels of understanding. Plan includes varied assessment strategies to measure the achievement of instructional goals and objectives. Assessment strategies are appropriate for students. Use of assessment (OSTP Standards 3, 4) Intern keeps written documentation of assessments to track student learning over time. Intern adjusts instruction/activities based on formative assessment and uses teachable moments to meet students’ needs. Intern monitors students and gives them substantive feedback. Intern uses evaluation results in planning future instruction. Use of time (OSTP Standard 5) Instructional materials are ready prior to the lesson. Intern sues routines and procedures to maximize instructional time. Intern paces the lesson appropriately for the students and content. Intern makes smooth transitions between instructional activities to maximize instructional time. 3 Rev Date: 03/14 Intern’s Name: _______________________________________ Supervisor’s Name: ________________________________ Average Domain D. Professionalism D1. D2. D3. D4. D5. 7 15 Reflection and professional development (OSTP Standard 7) Intern uses self-reflection to recognize and correct weaknesses. Intern reflects on student achievement of the learning goals. Intern uses feedback from prior observations to improve instruction. Completion of work in the field (OSTP Standard 7) Intern follows school policies to maintain accurate student records and grades. Intern performs assigned professional duties in the classroom. Intern demonstrates initiative in getting involved in the classroom and working with the mentor. Collaboration (OSTP Standard 6) Intern requests professional assistance from appropriate sources. Intern establishes professional rapport with mentor and supervisor. Intern maintains appropriate oral and written communication with families. Professional habits in the field (OSTP Standard 7) Intern follows school policies. Intern displays dispositions listed on the CSU List of Student Dispositions (including punctuality, attendance, and appropriate appearance) in the field. Intern participates in additional contractual teacher obligations as required by the experience (planning meetings, faculty meetings, parent-teacher conferences, professional development activities, school functions). Intern uses appropriate vocabulary and correct grammar/punctuation in verbal and written communication. Professional habits in seminar (OSTP Standard 7) Intern displays dispositions listed on the CSU List of Student Dispositions (including punctuality, attendance, and active participation) in the seminar and with the supervisor. Intern completes all assignments and submits written work, including portfolio artifacts, in a timely fashion as assigned by supervisor, seminar leader, or mentor teacher. Intern uses appropriate vocabulary and correct grammar/punctuation in verbal and written communication. 4 Rev Date: 03/14 Intern’s Name: _______________________________________ Supervisor’s Name: ________________________________ Mentor teachers completing this form: Please note that all interns will receive two mentor observations unless the mentor teacher is a CTE. Please record the averages of each domain in the boxes below. The third box requires an average of domains A-C. Observations Observations Date Domain A Domain B Domain C A-C Average Domain D The intern and observer initial to indicate receipt of observation write-up #1 Intern: ________ Observer: _________ #2 Intern: ________ Observer: _________ #3* CTE’s only Intern: ________ Observer: _________ #4* CTE’s only Intern: ________ Observer: _________ This section is to be completed for the 7-week Triad Conference only. Midterm Evaluation (student teaching and practicum interns get a numeric grade at midterm): Grade (circle one): A (4.0) A- (3.7) B+ (3.3) B (3.0) B-(2.7) Strengths C+ (2.3) C (2.0) D(1.0) F(0.0) Goals for Second Half of Semester Signatures for Midterm Evaluation (7-week) Supervisor ____________________________________________________________ Date _____________________ Mentor Teacher ________________________________________________________ Date _____________________ Intern ________________________________________________________________ Date _____________________ 5 Rev Date: 03/14 Intern’s Name: _______________________________________ Supervisor’s Name: ________________________________ This section is to be completed for the 15-week Triad Conference only Final Evaluation (practicum interns receive a grade; student teaching interns are satisfactory or unsatisfactory): Practicum (circle one): A (4.0) Student Teaching (circle one): A- (3.7) B+ (3.3) B (3.0) B- (2.7) Satisfactory C+ (2.3) C (2.0) D (1.0) F (0.0) Unsatisfactory Supervisor (or CTE) will assign final grade based on mentor teacher and supervisor observations, seminar assignments, portfolio artifacts, and professionalism. Strengths Areas for Continued Professional Growth Signatures for Final Evaluation (15-week triad) Supervisor ________________________________________________________ Date _____________________ Mentor Teacher ____________________________________________________ Date _____________________ Intern ____________________________________________________________ Date _____________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- Honors and Recognition ****Promising Practicum Intern**** **Initial Check here if nominated for Promising Practicum Intern: Mentor Teacher ________ Supervisor ________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ****Outstanding Student Teacher**** **Initial here if nominated for Outstanding Student Teacher (top 20%): Mentor Teacher ________ Supervisor 6 ________ Rev Date: 03/14