Video Protection by Partial Content Corruption

Multimedia and Security Workshop at ACM Multimedia,Bristol UK,September,1998
Video Protection by Partial Content Corruption
Carsten Griwodz
Darmstadt University of Technology
Merckstr. 25 • D-64283 Darmstadt • Germany
Tel.: (+49) 6151 166159
Many on-demand applications require that the same content is delivered to many different receivers in
short sequence. In video on demand the goal of the content provider is the frequent sale of content in the
most popular phase of their life cycle ([GrBW97]), which could be exploited by the introduction of
caching and prefetching techniques ([TDVK98]). It is not commercially feasible to restrict content
access to a small group of receivers.
For such applications we want to provide a simple approach that is able to protect the content owner
from data theft in the wide area network while protecting the infrastructure from an unnecessary
number of transmissions. We want to provide a straightforward mechanism for these applications which
can interoperate with caching systems as well as reasonably powerful servers. The mechanism should
be computationally cheap, in order not to overload the server with the task of modifying the content
(e.g. watermarking or encryption) for an arbitrary number of concurrent unicast transmissions. We
believe that partial content corruption provides similar protection for video content as full content
encryption but can still make efficient use of caching and pre-distribution for the bulk of the content,
using protected unicast only for a minimal amount of data. We propose a novel scheme for inhibiting
and investigating copyright violations.
Protecting the Cache
The initial approach towards video encryption was encryption of the whole stream. Various more efficient encryption algorithms were implemented. Maples and Spanos present in [MaSp95] an approach of
encrypting only I-frames of MPEG videos. Qiao et al. ([QiNT97]) propose a video encryption algorithm that works exclusively on the data bytes and does not parse the MPEG video. Still, each byte of
the video data is manipulated once for each transmission. Kunkelmann et al. present ([KRSB97]) a variety of approaches to the partial encryption of the complete video stream for use with a security gateway.
They consider a partial encryption of 10% of meaningful data appropriate for VoD applications, while
full protection requires a major part of all data to be encrypted to prevent reconstruction. All of these
approaches are compute intensive and put a heavy strain on a VoD server. Kunkelmann et al. report an
increase of CPU utilization by 10.5% for the playback in comparison to unencrypted content.
In the typical design of throughput-oriented commercial video servers, the computing power is considered sufficient for the envisioned scenarios. This does not hold when the server re-encrypts the content for each customer of the service in real-time. The use of caching and pre-distribution with an
acceptable compromise to protection reduces further the load on servers and networks. Figure 1 shows a
sketch of the distribution system we envision for our approach. From a video, we create two files by
writing bytes from the original video to a small data slice and destroy those bytes in the original. When
the larger part of the video is corrupted in this way, it can be distributed freely because it is useless by
itself, while the small slice is protected and unicasted on demand. The unicast access informs the content owner of each use. The corruption is content-independent, the small slice is encrypted on the server
Multimedia and Security Workshop at ACM Multimedia,Bristol UK,September,1998
Encoder Key
Unicast Transmission
Decoder Key
Figure 1: Distribution System
side using a personal key of the receiver. The computational load of encrypting this portion of the video
is relevantly below that of content-aware methods. At the receiver’s side, the unicasted slice is
decrypted and synchronized with the main part of the data coming from a cache server. For synchronization the methods described in [JaGe97]) can be applied.
For videos encoded in MPEG-1, Huffmann encoding improves the
original vs. fixed value insertion
effectiveness of the corruption of single bytes of data. Since the Huff0.012
mann algorithm is bit-oriented rather than byte-oriented, a Huffmann
byte ‘98’
decoder is unable to recover from the error for the rest of a data seg0.008
ment. Furthermore, a complete Huffmann decoding of the data is nec0.004
essary before the corruption is detected. As a result of this error
80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 propagation from a corrupted byte to the rest of a data segment in a
frame, the number of bytes that need to be destroyed to corrupt compressed data is much lower than for an uncompressed frame. Thus, the
Figure 2: Fixed value
destruction of larger blocks with the same overall ratio of corrupt to
correct bytes is not feasible. The corruption of single bits may be as efficient as the corruption of bytes,
but it increases the computational load.
We considered potential attacks to the scheme. In experiments we distinguished the selection of fixed or
variable byte values used for the corruption of the original stream, and the applications of this corruption at periodic or variable offsets from each other. An attacker can identify both a periodic offset (by
the use of auto-correlation) and a fixed replacement value (by gathering statistics on frequencies, see
Figure 2). Both information should be concealed as good as possible.
To prevent the identification of offsets it is essential to vary them. We
original vs entropy version
use the Poisson distribution to compute offsets because of its memory-less property and select a random seed per video. The seed value
entropy choice
is distributed to the receiver at the start of the encrypted unicasted
transmission. The receiver’s implementation of the distribution func0.006
tion must behave identically to the sender’s to find exactly the same
80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 bytes. Figure 2 shows that constant values are easily detected. Since
the value is irrelevant for the reconstruction, we use values that are
well hidden in the stream instead. At each insertion point, we insert
Figure 3: Rare values
the least frequent byte from the beginning of the file, counting the
number of occurrences of bytes in the corrupted rather than the original file (see Figure 3). If an attacker
would look for these infrequent bytes in the same way, he could identify them if the insertion of the values would still leave them the least frequent. Since the entropy of MPEG streams is extremely high (we
found entropy values between 97.4% - 99% in our example videos), even a single insertion of a value
might make a different one least frequent.
Multimedia and Security Workshop at ACM Multimedia,Bristol UK,September,1998
It is known that header reconstruction is simple when the encoder is known, so we conducted our
experiments with reconstructed headers. The remaining errors are disturbing enough to yield results that
are unacceptable for commercial exploitation. We started experiments with a destruction ratio of 1%,
which rendered videos (with correct headers) unplayable to two MPEG players (ActiveMovie, VideoCharger Player) and showed nothing but artifacts in another (MpegTV). We found 0.5% to deliver bad
quality and 0.1% to provide a quality sufficient to read text in large font which remains unmoving for
several seconds. All of our numbers are adequately above current capabilities of restoration to good
quality which handle bit error rate of about to 10-4 well.
Protecting the Delivered Video
The scheme presented so far protects from the theft of data that is located in caches. However, the
authenticated receiver of the video, who has the full quality data available, may choose to record and resell it. We consider the insertion of random sequences of very scarce bit errors into the unicast portion
of the stream means, not to prevent, but to prove copyright violation. Like watermarking, this can be
exploited to prove copyright violation in a way that makes the danger of manipulation to the decoder
software irrelevant.
The unauthorized reseller may decide to request the video multiple times in order to use a voting
mechanism and eliminate the bit errors (since we assume that the technique is known). It is relevant to
find a scheme that will yield a sufficiently large number of remaining bit errors to single out the unauthorized reseller and take further measures to prove the contract violation. Bit errors that remain after
the execution of voting steps to eliminate bit errors can be identified by the content provider using a
brute force approach of computing these values based on the seed values on file.
We have examined a couple of schemes that insert infrequent bytes into the video stream randomly
and found that completely random errors are easily fixed by applying voting mechanisms. Our current
idea is to choose for each video a random sequence of intervals of the unicast portion. For each delivery
of the stream, a uniform distribution is applied to put one byte error into each interval. Similar to the
distortions of a watermark, each copy can be identified by these randomly inserted errors when the provider keeps the random seed values in a database. If unauthorized copies of the video are uncovered, the
bit error sequences can be compared with the series of bit errors which are generated by the seed value
on file using a brute force approach.
If the attacker chooses a 3-copy voting to eliminate the bit errors, errors remain with some probability that can be used to identification the original customer. Let the length of the video be Sf, the unicast
portion Su, with T = S f ⁄ S u . If the average offset is O and the length of each interval is I, there is a probability of S f ⁄ ( OT I 2 ) that a least one byte error remains. For a 1GB MPEG-1 video, 0.5% encrypted
transmission, O = 1000 bytes (resulting in a 0.5 ⋅ 10 –6 byte error rate in the video) and I = 100 , this computes to 0.537. Smaller intervals increase this probability considerably.
However, the necessary length of the video for the application of this idea is large, so further investigations are necessary to understand whether this is feasible.
We have presented a novel scheme for the protection of copyright in commercial video-on-demand systems that use caching and pre-distribution. The scheme exploits the error propagation of Huffmann
encoding to corrupt large parts of a video, which can then be distributed freely, while the information
that is necessary to reconstruct the content is delivered in a secure way. To help proving resale of videos
by authenticated customers, we propose to add the insertion of infrequent byte errors to this scheme.
Multimedia and Security Workshop at ACM Multimedia,Bristol UK,September,1998
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