Priorities Means of Assessment & Criteria / Tasks Results Action & Follow-Up

Texas Success Initiative--Increase Enrollment
and Promote Student Success Dec 2013 - TSI
Developmental Education had 403 students
enroll in fall 2013. Out of these 364 students
205 students completed their developmental
sequence in one semester for a TSI Completion
of 51%.
Start Date:
End Date:
Strategic Planning Account - UE - SOAR Texas Success Initiative---Strengthen academic
quality and reputation Dec2013 - 1. TSI
represented Texas Tech University at the
02/19/2015 11:18 AM
Means of Assessment & Criteria / Tasks
Assessment Method:
SOAR Student Tracking Program
Action & Follow-Up
02/12/2014 - Comparison of Enrollment from fall 2009
– fall 2012 from Remediation 12-13
Result Type:
Goal Met
Action Status:
Action Complete
Related Documents:
Remediation areas academicyear 1112.xls
12/15/2014 - Enrollment reviewed.
02/12/2014 - Attachment shows the Performance
Measure report for 12-13.
Result Type:
Goal Met
Action Status:
Action Complete
Related Documents:
Performance Measure Report 12-13.doc
12/15/2014 - Performance reviewed
02/12/2014 - Graph shows small decrease in overall
completion rate from 39% to 38%.
Result Type:
Goal Met
Action Status:
Action Complete
Related Documents:
Remediation areas academicyear 1213.xls
12/15/2014 - Review completion rate.
02/12/2014 - Graph shows a decrease in total
enrollment in developmental education. As a result the
number of successful students also decreased.
Result Type:
Goal Met
Action Status:
Action Complete
Related Documents:
2013 TSI Bar Graphs.xlsx
2013 TSI Enrollment.xlsx
12/15/2014 - Review TSI enrollment
each semester.
12/15/2014 - TSI attended conferences regarding
developmental education and instruction.
Result Type:
12/15/2014 - Review upcoming
Generated by TracDat a product of Nuventive.
12/15/2014 - Compare enrollment for
each semester.
12/15/2014 - Continue to update
student completion rate for each
12/15/2014 - Update to include new
completion rates for upcoming year.
12/15/2014 - Review the successful
student completion.
Page 21 of 40
THECB TSI Assessment Review Conference in
February 2013. Throughout the 2013 Academic
Year, all TSI Faculty and Staff participated in
the yearlong THECB Professional Development
Series emphasizing developmental education
teaching excellence.
TSI Applied for the Gates Foundation
Adaptive Learning Market Acceleration grant.
TSI Literacy Instructor attended Summer
Literacy Institute at San Jacinto College.
TSI Assistant Director attended and
presented at the West Texas Assessment
TSI Assistant Director attended and
presented at the Collaborative Educational
Program for the Americas Conference.
Start Date:
End Date:
Means of Assessment & Criteria / Tasks
Strategic Planning Account - UE - SOAR Assessment Method:
Texas Success Initiative--Expand and enhance
SOAR Student Tracking Program
research and creative scholarship Dec2013 ETSI Developmental Education continued use
of the ALEKS and Aplia software with
curriculum directly aligned with the Texas
College, Career, and Readiness Standards.
Through the use of these innovative, adaptive
learning technologies, TSI Completion rates
rose from 37% in the fall 2012 semester to 51%
in the fall 2013 semester. 14% more
developmental students were able to complete
support coursework more quickly and improve
their abilities to enroll in credit-bearing
coursework to apply toward their degree plans in
a single-semester.
Start Date:
End Date:
Strategic Planning Account - UE - SOAR Texas Success Initiative--Further outreach and
engagement Dec2013 - TSI increased its
visibility by coordinating with Red Raider
Orientation and campus academic departments
02/19/2015 11:18 AM
Action & Follow-Up
Goal Met
Action Status:
Action Complete
12/15/2014 - Schedule conferences
for professional development.
12/15/2014 - Use of ALEKS and Aplia software for
curriculum for TSI courses.
Result Type:
Goal Met
Action Status:
Action Complete
12/15/2014 - Review curriculum each
12/15/2014 - Attended RRO each semester.
Result Type:
Goal Met
Action Status:
12/15/2014 - Ensure attendance and
visibility at all RRO and campus events.
Generated by TracDat a product of Nuventive.
12/15/2014 - Update curriculum for
Page 22 of 40
to preview new College Readiness Standards to
take effect fall 2013 in order to improve
awareness of TSI and its abilities to help
Means of Assessment & Criteria / Tasks
Action & Follow-Up
Action Complete
12/15/2014 - Strengthened efforts of
TSI visibility across campus.
TSI strengthened the collaborative efforts to
inform current and incoming students along with
TTU faculty and staff regarding TSI
requirements and developmental education
Start Date:
End Date:
Strategic Planning Account - UE - SOAR Assessment Method:
Texas Success Initiative--Increase and maximize SOAR Student Tracking Program
resources Dec2013 - TSI retained all faculty for
the academic year. A new TSI Academic
Advisor was hired and improved the
developmental, intrusive advising in place. TSI
began using ALEKS and Aplia along with
Blackboard to decrease the need for paper
printouts. This change allowed the TSI
Instructors to spend more time teaching in the
classroom and office hours. TSI also utilized
two temporary summer advisors for TSI
Advising to increase advising effectiveness and
TSI Continued to use Aplia software and
curriculum from previous semesters. TSI
continued to implement ALEKS software and
use coursework aligned with the Texas College
Career and Readiness Standards.
12/15/2014 - Faculty retained for academic year.
Result Type:
Goal Met
Action Status:
Action Complete
12/15/2014 - Provided professional
development for faculty and advisors in
order to increase effectiveness.
02/12/2014 - Goal met
Result Type:
Goal Met
Action Status:
Action Complete
12/15/2014 - Review other colleges to
determine collaboration.
12/15/2014 - Review resources
available for upcoming year.
Start Date:
End Date:
Strategic Planning Account - UE - SOAR Programs for Academic Development and
Retention--Increase Enrollment and Promote
Student Success Dec2013 - 1.Partnered with the
College of Arts and Sciences to take a
preventative approach by including first
02/19/2015 11:18 AM
Assessment Method:
SOAR Student Tracking Program
Generated by TracDat a product of Nuventive.
Page 23 of 40
Means of Assessment & Criteria / Tasks
semester freshmen below a 2.25 in the mandated
2.Increased staff attendance of campus events
and marketing efforts.
Action & Follow-Up
Related Documents:
PADR 201357 College.docx
PADR 201357 Report edit.docx
12/15/2014 - Speak with College
representatives to request possible
PADR course within the college.
Start Date:
End Date:
Strategic Planning Account - UE - SOAR Programs for Academic Development and
Retention--Strengthen academic quality and
reputation Dec2013 - 1.Continued student
academic coaching program.
Assessment Method:
SOAR Student Tracking Program
2.Lengthened the new instructor training and
began professional development sessions.
Start Date:
End Date:
Assessment Method:
SOAR Student Tracking Program
Strategic Planning Account - UE - SOAR Assessment Method:
Programs for Academic Development and
SOAR Student Tracking Program
Retention--Expand and enhance research and
creative scholarship Dec2013 - 1.Continued data
collection and analysis study of PADR student
2.Continued PADR curriculum development of
new course materials and defined learning
12/15/2014 - Discontinued academic coaching program 12/15/2014 - Review the instructor
and increased instructor opportunities for training.
training and availability to instructors
Result Type:
throughout the year.
Goal Met
Action Status:
Action Complete
12/15/2014 - Add more options for
instructor training.
12/15/2014 - Completed curriculum review
Result Type:
Goal Met
Action Status:
Action Complete
12/15/2014 - Review data collection
and annual report.
12/15/2014 - Completed parent mailing and increased
number of PADR instructors.
Result Type:
12/15/2014 - Review instructor need
each semester.
12/15/2014 - Review curriculum and
complete changes where needed.
Assessment Method:
SOAR Student Tracking Program
Start Date:
End Date:
Strategic Planning Account - UE - SOAR Programs for Academic Development and
Retention--Further outreach and engagement
02/19/2015 11:18 AM
Assessment Method:
SOAR Student Tracking Program
Generated by TracDat a product of Nuventive.
Page 24 of 40
Dec2013 - 1.Continued information mailing
directed to parents of PADR required students.
Means of Assessment & Criteria / Tasks
2.Added additional instructors to allow for
expansion of course offerings.
Action & Follow-Up
Goal Met
Action Status:
Action Complete
12/15/2014 - Add additional
instructors as needed.
Assessment Method:
SOAR Student Tracking Program
Start Date:
End Date:
Strategic Planning Account - UE - SOAR Programs for Academic Development and
Retention--Increase and maximize resources
Dec2013 - 1.Continued administrative
development in order to accommodate the
growing population of mandated students.
2.Continued usage of the mass hold application.
3.Extensive training in Banner for all Office
Assessment Method:
SOAR Student Tracking Program
4.Advising training for all full-time Staff
Assessment Method:
SOAR Student Tracking Program
12/15/2014 - Completed administrative development
and use of mass hold application.
Result Type:
Goal Met
Action Status:
Action Complete
12/15/2014 - Review training
possibility for all staff.
12/15/2014 - Tutoring contacts increased.
Result Type:
Goal Met
Action Status:
Action Complete
12/15/2014 - In the Learning Center,
results analyzed by comparing contacts
and contact hours from year to year to
review the offered subjects for tutoring.
12/15/2014 - Added professional
development opportunity for all staff
to attend.
Start Date:
End Date:
Strategic Planning Account - UE - SOAR Learning Center---Strengthen academic quality
and reputation Dec2013 - 1. The number of
tutoring contacts within the SOAR Learning
Center increased from 7960 to13695. This is a
72% increase from the previous year. Those
13695 contacts accounted for 18380 contact
hours. 2. Partnership with TSI added 1177
contacts for a total of 1704 contact hours. 3.
Computer lab usage within the Learning Center
increased from 1084 to 1432 from previous
year. That is a 32% increase. Those 1084
contacts accounted for 1820 contact hours. 4.
The number of License Professional Counseling
and Learning Specialist contacts increased from
02/19/2015 11:18 AM
Assessment Method:
SOAR Student Tracking Program
12/15/2014 - Additional courses and
sections are added each term for
more comprehensive tutoring
02/12/2014 - Student Contacts and Contact hours
Result Type:
Generated by TracDat a product of Nuventive.
Page 25 of 40
292 to 341. This is a 17% increase from
previous year. Those 341 contacts accounted
for 436 hours due to increased average time
spent with each student.
Start Date:
End Date:
Means of Assessment & Criteria / Tasks
Goal Met
Action Status:
Action Complete
Related Documents:
SOAR Learning Center Reporting
Numbers 1.1.13-12.31.13.xlsx
Action & Follow-Up
12/15/2014 - The Learning Center
reviewed the student tracking system in
order to better identify the needs of the
students utilizing the Learning Center.
In addition, the students utilizing the
study foyer were also asked to use the
tracking system. The tracking system
continues to be modified on a semester
to semester basis to assist with
managing student utilization of the
Learning Center.
12/15/2014 - Review the tracking
Strategic Planning Account - UE - SOAR Learning Center--Increase Enrollment and
Promote Student Success Dec 2013 - 1. The
SOAR Learning Center continues to update all
websites to adjust to university identity
guidelines. 2. The SOAR Learning Center
continues to employ students highly competent
in specific subject areas to serve as peer tutors.
3. The SOAR Learning Center requires all
student employees to attend training once per
Start Date:
End Date:
Assessment Method:
SOAR Student Tracking Program
Strategic Planning Account - UE - SOAR Learning Center--Expand and enhance research
and creative scholarship Dec2013 - 1. The
SOAR Learning Center continued to promote a
peer Academic Coaching program, to serve
student interested in personal scholastic success.
Academic Coaching had 155 contacts at 185
contact hours. 2. The SOAR Learning Center
increased its tutoring services by hiring
additional Foreign Language and
Assessment Method:
SOAR Student Tracking Program
02/19/2015 11:18 AM
12/15/2014 - Websites were updated. Ten new student
tutors were hired each semester and students completed
training each semester.
Result Type:
Goal Met
Action Status:
Action Complete
12/15/2014 - Websites updated.
Result Type:
Goal Met
Action Status:
Action Complete
12/15/2014 - Students complete training
at the beginning of each semester.
12/15/2014 - Increase in academic coach contacts and
additional help for students needing foreign language
Result Type:
Goal Met
Action Status:
Action Complete
12/15/2014 - Research the need for
more tutors in foreign language and
expand language offerings.
Generated by TracDat a product of Nuventive.
12/15/2014 - Training scheduled for
12/15/2014 - Review training
schedule and update website for 2014
12/15/2014 - Review the peer
academic coaching tutors available
Page 26 of 40
English/Writing tutors.
Start Date:
End Date:
Means of Assessment & Criteria / Tasks
Action & Follow-Up
Strategic Planning Account - UE - SOAR Learning Center--Further outreach and
engagement Dec2013 - 1. The SOAR Learning
Center increased visibility as a whole through
involvement with RRO, Raider Ready, Week of
Welcome, PADR, and other outreach
presentations and tabling events. 2. The SOAR
Learning Center increased its presentation
contact hours from 130 to 577. Those 577
contacts accounted for 422 contact hours.
Start Date:
End Date:
Assessment Method:
SOAR Student Tracking Program
12/15/2014 - Increased number of presentations
Result Type:
Goal Met
Action Status:
Action Complete
12/15/2014 - Review the presentations
for 2014.
12/15/2014 - Update Facebook status daily
Result Type:
Goal Met
Action Status:
Action Complete
12/15/2014 - Continue to update social
media daily as needed.
Strategic Planning Account - UE - SOAR Assessment Method:
Learning Center--Increase and maximize
SOAR Student Tracking Program
resources Dec2013 - 1. The SOAR Learning
Center continues to utilize social media
resources such as Facebook, as a medium for
informational and promotional notifications that
speak directly to students we serve. 2. The
SOAR Learning Center continues to update all
websites to adjust to university identity
guidelines. 3. The SOAR Learning Center’s
online tutoring system accounted for 412
contacts at 175 contact hours. This is a drop
from previous year due to more students seeking
to work in person with tutors.
12/15/2014 - Increase the number of
classroom presentations for 2014
12/15/2014 - Increase number of
social media posts for Learning
1. The SOAR Learning Center hired more Math
and Science tutors to keep up with the growing
demand. We shifted resources from other
offered subjects in order to keep up with that
demand as well. 2. The SOAR Learning Center
utilized social media outlets as Facebook. The
Facebook account reached a high of 339. This
was an increase of 125 in the previous year. 3.
The SOAR Learning Center continues to update
all websites to adjust to university identity
02/19/2015 11:18 AM
Generated by TracDat a product of Nuventive.
Page 27 of 40
Means of Assessment & Criteria / Tasks
Action & Follow-Up
Assessment Method:
SOAR Student Tracking Program
02/12/2014 - Increased participation
Result Type:
Goal Met
Action Status:
Action Complete
Related Documents:
SI Yearly Reports from 2009+.xls
12/15/2014 - Review participation for
all subjects.
12/15/2014 - Hire additional SI leaders for the
upcoming semesters and as needed.
Result Type:
Goal Met
Action Status:
Action Complete
12/15/2014 - Review the number of
sections and courses for 2014.
12/15/2014 - Monthly workshops hosted each month.
Result Type:
Goal Met
Action Status:
Action Complete
12/15/2014 - Review workshop topics
for upcoming year.
Start Date:
End Date:
Strategic Planning Account - UE - SOAR Supplemental Instruction--Increase Enrollment
and Promote Student Success Dec 2013 Supplemental Instruction contacted 18533
students in 2013. This accounted for 40638
contact hours.
Start Date:
End Date:
Strategic Planning Account - UE - SOAR Assessment Method:
Supplemental Instruction--Strengthen academic SOAR Student Tracking Program
quality and reputation Dec2013 - 1.
Supplemental Instruction recruits and hires
highly competent students to lead weekly review
session for classes that have high DFW rates. In
2013 SI offered additional support for 17
courses with a total of 63 sections.
2. The Supplemental Instruction Program
requires all student employees to attend training
sessions prior to the start of each semester and
on a monthly basis.
12/15/2014 - Monitor the
participation and subjects needed for
12/15/2014 - Added training and
additional SI leaders for upcoming
Start Date:
End Date:
Strategic Planning Account - UE - SOAR Assessment Method:
Supplemental Instruction-- Expand and enhance SOAR Student Tracking Program
research and creative scholarship Dec2013 - The
Supplemental Instruction Program required
student employees to host monthly workshops
for continued program development focusing on
session planning, student engagement, and
interactive learning strategies.
02/19/2015 11:18 AM
Generated by TracDat a product of Nuventive.
12/15/2014 - Add workshops and
student engagement activities to
Page 28 of 40
Means of Assessment & Criteria / Tasks
Action & Follow-Up
Strategic Planning Account - UE - SOAR Supplemental Instruction--Further outreach and
engagement Dec2013 - The Supplemental
Instruction Program added ZOOL2404 to the
courses offering SI review sessions.
Assessment Method:
SOAR Student Tracking Program
12/15/2014 - added course for the year.
Result Type:
Goal Met
Action Status:
Action Complete
12/15/2014 - Review offering for
following year.
12/15/2014 - Websites updated as needed.
Result Type:
Goal Met
Action Status:
Action Complete
12/15/2014 - Website reviewed.
Start Date:
End Date:
Strategic Planning Account - UE - SOAR Supplemental Instruction--Increase and
maximize resources Dec2013 - The
Supplemental Instruction Program continues to
update all website material to compliment the
university’s established identity guidelines.
Assessment Method:
SOAR Student Tracking Program
12/15/2014 - Will add additional
sections for upcoming year.
12/15/2014 - Continue to review and
update website as needed.
Start Date:
End Date:
Strategic Planning Account - UE - SOAR - Tech Assessment Method:
Transfer Acceleration Program--Further
SOAR Student Tracking Program
outreach and engagement Dec2013 - 1.TTAP
increased awareness of services by reaching out
and promoting to high school counselors
throughout the state of Texas.
2.Initiated a postcard mailing to all denied
3.Utilized e-mail addresses of denied students to
promote TTAP.
4.Participated in University Day at the United
Spirit Arena.
Start Date:
End Date:
Strategic Planning Account - UE - SOAR - Tech Assessment Method:
Transfer Acceleration Program--Increase
SOAR Student Tracking Program
Enrollment and Promote Student Success
Dec2013 - 1.Enrollment Increased from 90
02/19/2015 11:18 AM
02/14/2014 - Enrollment since Fall 2009
Result Type:
Goal Met
Action Status:
Generated by TracDat a product of Nuventive.
Page 29 of 40
Means of Assessment & Criteria / Tasks
Strategic Planning Account - UE - SOAR - Tech Assessment Method:
Transfer Acceleration Program--Expand and
SOAR Student Tracking Program
enhance research and creative scholarship
Dec2013 - 1.TTAP offered tutoring services to
students by hiring tutors to attend study hall.
2.TTAP Academic Specialists attended
NACADA webinars hosted by the TLPDC.
Action & Follow-Up
Start Date:
End Date:
Strategic Planning Account - UE - SOAR - Tech Assessment Method:
Transfer Acceleration Program--Increase and
SOAR Student Tracking Program
maximize resources Dec2013 - 1.TTAP offered
4 seminars during the Fall 2013 semester.
Topics include; Stress Management, Time
Management, Social Media Etiquette, and
Transfer seminar. Seminars promoted campus
resources at TTU and included guests from SBS,
Transfer Services, the Learning Center, and the
Counseling Center.
2.TTAP offered structured study halls conducted
by Learning Center tutors.
3.TTAP partnered with Student Housing and the
TTAP Learning Community to host a beginning
of the year ice cream social.
4.TTAP fostered student development with
referral based counseling through the Learning
Center counselor.
5.TTAP continues to update website material
and social media websites.
02/12/2014 - Survey Results
Result Type:
Goal Met
Action Status:
Action Complete
Related Documents:
Survey Results.docx
Start Date:
End Date:
Strategic Planning Account - UE - SOAR Assessment Method:
Learning Center---Strengthen academic quality SOAR tracking system
and reputation Dec2014 - The number of
tutoring contacts within the SOAR Learning
Center increased from 13695 to 18293. This is a
33.6% increase from the previous year. Those
18294 contacts accounted for 26139 contact
hours. 2. Partnership with TSI equaled 211
02/19/2015 11:18 AM
12/16/2014 - Learning center increased tutoring
Result Type:
Goal Met
Action Status:
Action Complete
Related Documents:
Generated by TracDat a product of Nuventive.
12/16/2014 - The Learning Center will
review and update the login system to
provide more detailed results (course
and section specific).
Page 31 of 40
contacts for a total of 207 contact hours. 3.
Computer lab usage within the Learning Center
decreased slightly from 1432 to 1295 from
previous year. That is a 10% decrease. Those
1295 contacts accounted for 1843 contact hours,
an increase of 1.3%. 4. The number of License
Professional Counseling and Learning Specialist
contacts increased from 341 to 451. This is a
32.6% increase from previous year. Those 451
contacts accounted for 519 hours due to
increased average time spent with each student.
Start Date:
End Date:
Priority Status:
Strategic Planning Account - UE - SOAR Learning Center--Increase Enrollment and
Promote Student Success Dec 2014 - 1. The
SOAR Learning Center continues to update all
websites to adjust to university identity
guidelines. 2. The SOAR Learning Center
continues to employ highly competent students
in specific subject areas to serve as peer tutors.
3. The SOAR Learning Center requires all
student employees to attend comprehensive
training once per semester and maintain strong
GPA during employment. 4. The Learning
Center partnered with Dr. Michael Dini (BIOL
1403/1404) to be the only place on campus to
view his recorded lectures. This contributed 551
contacts at 964 contact hours.
Start Date:
End Date:
Priority Status:
Strategic Planning Account - UE - SOAR Learning Center--Expand and enhance research
and creative scholarship Dec2014 - 1. The
SOAR Learning Center continued to promote a
peer Academic Coaching program, to serve
students interested in personal scholastic
success. Academic Coaching had 114 contacts
02/19/2015 11:18 AM
Means of Assessment & Criteria / Tasks
SOAR Learning Center Reporting
Numbers 1.1.14-12.31.14.xlsx
master final.docx
DFW summary recommendations spring
Assessment Method:
SOAR Tracking System
12/16/2014 - Hired qualified tutors and updated the
website as needed.
Result Type:
Goal Met
Action Status:
Action Complete
Action & Follow-Up
12/16/2014 - This will allow the
Learning Center to better target
courses and sections and better
understand student needs.
12/16/2014 - The Learning Center will
continue to hire the most qualified
tutors and focus trainings to better serve
our students. The Learning Center will
be more stringent with GPA
requirements with larger applicant pool.
12/16/2014 - Future partnerships
with professors who also record
lectures are possible with the success
of the BIOL 1403/1404 videos.
Assessment Method:
SOAR Tracking System
12/16/2014 - The Learning Center increased tutoring
services and academic coach contacts.
Result Type:
Goal Met
Action Status:
Action Complete
Generated by TracDat a product of Nuventive.
12/16/2014 - The Learning Center will
review the Academic Coach duties in
order to ensure they are assisting the
most students possible.
Page 32 of 40
at 109.14 contact hours. 2. The SOAR
Learning Center increased its tutoring services
by hiring additional Foreign Language,
English/Writing, Engineering, and Political
Science tutors.
Start Date:
End Date:
Priority Status:
Strategic Planning Account - UE - SOAR Learning Center--Further outreach and
engagement Dec2014 - . The SOAR Learning
Center increased visibility as a whole through
involvement with RRO, Raider Ready, Week of
Welcome, PADR, tabling events and other
outreach presentations. Several new events were
added this year, including IS 1100 courses and
the Engineering Kickoff Event. 2. The SOAR
Learning Center increased its presentation
contact hours from 577 to 2092. Those 2902
contacts accounted for 1623 contact hours.
Start Date:
End Date:
Priority Status:
Strategic Planning Account - UE - SOAR Learning Center--Increase and maximize
resources Dec2014 - 1. 1.The SOAR Learning
Center continues to utilize social media
resources such as Facebook and Twitter, as a
medium for informational and promotional
notifications that speak directly to the students
we serve. 2. The SOAR Learning Center
continues to update all websites to keep in line
with and adjust to university identity guidelines.
3. The SOAR Learning Center’s online tutoring
system accounted for 1226 contact logins at 518
contact hours. This is a large increase from
previous year (412 contacts) due to more
recognition and awareness of the offering.
1. The SOAR Learning Center hired more Math
and Science tutors to keep up with the growing
02/19/2015 11:18 AM
Means of Assessment & Criteria / Tasks
Action & Follow-Up
12/16/2014 - The Learning Center
will continue to branch out in our
hiring practices to new subjects to
entice new students to use our
Assessment Method:
SOAR Tracking System
Assessment Method:
SOAR Tracking System
12/16/2014 - The Learning Center was visible through
several outreach opportunities.
Result Type:
Goal Met
Action Status:
Action Complete
12/16/2014 - The Learning Center will
review the outreach opportunities for
the upcoming year.
12/16/2014 - Increased visibility using social media
outlets on a daily basis.
Result Type:
Goal Met
Action Status:
Action Complete
12/16/2014 - The Learning Center will
continue to increase visibility through
current events, as well as new ones.
Working with specific departments can
help spread the word to faculty, staff,
and students we have not previously
worked with. The Learning Center will
review the Online tutoring availability
and increase hours to add more
12/16/2014 - The Learning Center
will add more in class outreach
opportunities and create more
presentations. The Learning Center
will hire a graduate student to assist
with presentations.
12/16/2014 - Daytime online tutoring
hours need to be reviewed for an
additional dimension to our services.
Generated by TracDat a product of Nuventive.
Page 33 of 40
demand and increased usage. We focused
resources in order to keep up with growth. 2.
The SOAR Learning Center utilized social
media outlets as Facebook. The Facebook
account reached a high of 451. This was an
increase of 112 in the previous year (33%). 3.
The SOAR Learning Center continues to update
all social media to adjust to university identity
Start Date:
End Date:
Priority Status:
Strategic Planning Account - UE - SOAR Supplemental Instruction--Increase Enrollment
and Promote Student Success Dec2014 SupplementalInstruction contacted 25398
students in 2014. This accounted for 47676
contact hours. SI contacts increased by 37%
from 2013 while a 17% increase in contact
hours occurred
Start Date:
End Date:
Priority Status:
Means of Assessment & Criteria / Tasks
Action & Follow-Up
Assessment Method:
SOAR Tracking System
12/16/2014 - Student contacts increase throughout the
Result Type:
Goal Met
Action Status:
Action Complete
Related Documents:
2014 SI Contacts Details.xlsx
master final.docx
DFW summary recommendations
spring14 summer14 fall14 -final.docx
12/16/2014 - Review student contacts
and contact hours throughout the year
12/16/2014 - Strengthened the quality of SI leaders and
partnership with faculty
Result Type:
Goal Met
Action Status:
Action Complete
12/16/2014 - Seek new SI leader
recommendations from faculty prior to
each term
Strategic Planning Account - UE - SOAR Assessment Method:
Supplemental Instruction--Strengthen academic SOAR Tracking System
quality and reputation Dec2014 - 1.
Supplemental Instruction recruits and hires
highly competent students to lead weekly review
sessions for classes that have high DFW rates. 2.
In 2014 SI offered additional support for 21
courses with a total of 69 sections.
Start Date:
End Date:
Priority Status:
02/19/2015 11:18 AM
Generated by TracDat a product of Nuventive.
12/16/2014 - Review the number of
SI leaders needed for the upcoming
12/16/2014 - Email faculty on a
monthly basis to review their
satisfaction with SI leader
Page 34 of 40
Means of Assessment & Criteria / Tasks
Action & Follow-Up
Strategic Planning Account - UE - SOAR Supplemental Instruction Expand and enhance
research and creative scholarship Dec2014 - The
Supplemental Instruction peer leaders are now
required to attend one-on-one meetings to
review job performance and session
management in addition to required monthly
workshops and semester training.
Start Date:
End Date:
Priority Status:
Strategic Planning Account - UE - SOAR Supplemental Instruction--Further outreach and
engagement Dec2014 - The Supplemental
Instruction Program added three new course
offerings for further outreach: BIOL3416,
HRDV3307, MATH3350, and ME2301.
Start Date:
End Date:
Priority Status:
Assessment Method:
SOAR Tracking System
12/16/2014 - There was improvement in the
performance of SI leaders and their knowledge of
facilitating best practices in review sessions
Result Type:
Goal Met
Action Status:
Action Complete
12/16/2014 - Increase the workshops
available to SI leaders
12/16/2014 - The courses were added to the list of
courses available for the year.
Result Type:
Goal Met
Action Status:
Action Complete
12/16/2014 - Assess D, F, and W rates
for all undergraduate courses prior to
the start of each term. Notify course
instructors with high D, F, and W rates
of the SI program and benefits of
Strategic Planning Account - UE - SOAR Supplemental Instruction--Increase and
maximize resources Dec2014 - The
Supplemental Instruction Program utilizes more
experienced peer-leaders to provide
observational feedback of other leaders’ review
sessions. This allows for more leadership
opportunities within student staff, and a
decreased need for the former SI graduate
assistant role.
Start Date:
End Date:
Assessment Method:
SOAR Tracking System
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Assessment Method:
SOAR Tracking System
12/16/2014 - Offer SI leaders a
survey at the end of each training to
comment on the success of each
12/16/2014 - Send an additional
email to course instructors after the
first exam with SI program details
and benefits
12/16/2014 - Students were given feedback regarding
their sessions and the feedback was used to assist
students in future sessions.
Result Type:
Goal Met
Action Status:
Action Complete
12/16/2014 - Increase leadership
training to peer leaders selected to
conduct observational feedback. Hold
one group training to emphasize best
practices for observing other peer
12/16/2014 - Hold an individual
meeting with each observer to review
their findings and identify future
Generated by TracDat a product of Nuventive.
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Means of Assessment & Criteria / Tasks
training topics
Priority Status:
Strategic Planning Account - UE - SOAR Programs for Academic Development and
Retention--Increase Enrollment and Promote
Student Success – Dec2014 - 1. Updated
curriculum introduced in fall 2014 designed to
address specific knowledge deficits common to
most at-risk students.
2. Continued focus on Texas Tech specific
campus resources available to students to aid in
academic recovery.
Start Date:
End Date:
Priority Status:
Strategic Planning Account - UE - SOAR Programs for Academic Development and
Retention--Strengthen academic quality and
reputation – Dec2014 - 1. Regular instructor
evaluation based on adherence to curriculum,
engagement with students, creativity in the
classroom, and general demeanor while
2. Implementation of more strategic recruiting
processes in order to hire the most skilled and
committed instructors to the PADR program.
Start Date:
End Date:
Priority Status:
02/19/2015 11:18 AM
Action & Follow-Up
Assessment Method:
SOAR Tracking System
Assessment Method:
SOAR Tracking System
12/16/2014 - A more focused curriculum has been
developed to target skills and knowledge bases that atrisk students historically have lacked. This has led to a
2% increase in student success rate (students who pass
PADR and also achieve a 2.0 term GPA) and a 1%
increase in student completion rate (students who
complete PADR) from spring 2014.
Result Type:
Goal Met
Action Status:
Action Complete
Related Documents:
PADR 201457 report.docx
PADR 201457 report.docx
12/16/2014 - PADR will continue to
monitor the effectiveness of curriculum
updates by tracking trends in student
success rates. Adjustments will be
made as necessary.
12/16/2014 - In 2014, seventeen new instructors were
hired with backgrounds in Arts & Sciences,
Agricultural Sciences and Business Administration.
-Through the use of continuous evaluation and
coaching, existing PADR instructor evaluation scores
rose from a 3.4 average in spring 2014 to a 3.5 average
in fall 2014.
12/16/2014 - -PADR will continue to
hire skilled and committed instructors
from each college and will pair those
instructors with students from that
-PADR instructors will be given the
information and resources necessary to
act as a guide for students beyond the
scope of the PADR curriculum.
-Instructors with evaluations below 3.0
or with consistently decreasing
evaluation scores, will be coached in
areas of deficit or will be terminated
from teaching PADR.
Result Type:
Goal Met
Action Status:
Action Complete
Related Documents:
Survey Summary Fall 2014.xclx.xlsx
12/16/2014 - Consistent curriculum
updates will allow PADR to
continually meet the changing needs
of the at-risk student population.
12/16/2014 - Strategic recruitment,
development, and evaluation
methods will continue to strengthen
the PADR instructor base as well as
the quality of the PADR curriculum
Generated by TracDat a product of Nuventive.
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Means of Assessment & Criteria / Tasks
Action & Follow-Up
and pedagogy.
Strategic Planning Account - UE - SOAR Assessment Method:
Programs for Academic Development and
SOAR Tracking System
Retention--Expand and enhance research and
creative scholarship – Dec2014 - •Continued
mandatory professional developments for PADR
Instructors and Administrative staff members.
Start Date:
End Date:
Priority Status:
12/16/2014 - PADR will foster a learning environment
for all PADR instructors and staff and encourage the
pursuit of continuing education. Instructors will also
have the opportunity to learn about topics related to
curriculum and instruction.
Result Type:
Goal Met
Action Status:
Action Complete
Strategic Planning Account - UE - SOAR Programs for Academic Development and
Retention--Further outreach and engagement –
Dec2014 - 1. Creation of student surveys to
encourage student engagement and response,
and to assess strengths and weaknesses of the
PADR program.
2. Continued community involvement
opportunities offered as assignments in PADR
12/16/2014 - Student focused curriculum development
and student involvement/outreach within the
Result Type:
Goal Met
Action Status:
Action Complete
Assessment Method:
SOAR Tracking System
12/16/2014 - PADR will assess the
success of each professional
development and will continue to
schedule according to what
instructors find most helpful.
12/16/2014 - -PADR students
collaborate with instructors and PADR
administrative staff in an effort to
continually improve curriculum and
enhance learning opportunities.
-Students engage with the community
through service opportunities presented
by PADR instructors.
12/16/2014 - -PADR will analyze
student survey results each term
when reviewing the curriculum.
-Civic involvement assigned through
the PADR program will continue to
further outreach and build goodwill
with the community.
Start Date:
End Date:
Priority Status:
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12/16/2014 - PADR will continue to
schedule at least two professional
developments each term and will work
with members of the Teaching,
Learning, and Professional
Development Center to schedule
presentations that are particularly
relevant to instructors of an at-risk
student population.
Generated by TracDat a product of Nuventive.
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Means of Assessment & Criteria / Tasks
Action & Follow-Up
Strategic Planning Account - UE - SOAR Programs for Academic Development and
Retention--Increase and maximize resources –
Dec2014 - 1. Continued use and development of
the SOAR Appeals Software which aids in
student attendance tracking.
2. Continue to cross train all PADR employees
in order to maximize efficiency.
Assessment Method:
SOAR Tracking System
12/16/2014 - Over 1800 calls and 900 in-office visits
were logged through the SOAR Appeals Software.
-PADR office was downsized by 20% while
maintaining consistent productivity through crosstrained, efficient employees.
12/16/2014 - Logging student contact in
the Appeals Software will allow PADR
to catalog advising appointments for
future reference, creating a more
efficient advising process.
-Cross-Training employees will ensure
that every function in the office can be
performed in the office regardless of
who is on staff.
Result Type:
Goal Met
Action Status:
Action Complete
Start Date:
End Date:
Priority Status:
Strategic Planning Account - UE - SOAR Texas Success Initiative – Increase Enrollment
and Promote Student Success Dec2014 - In
2014, TSI courses increased college readiness
by implementing a standardized set of college
readiness standards in fall 2013. TSI had 414
students enroll in fall 2014. 250 students
completed their developmental sequence in one
semester for a TSI completion rate of 60%.
Start Date:
End Date:
Priority Status:
12/16/2014 - PADR will continue to
cross-train new employees and send
current employees to refresher
-PADR will continue to log all
student contact through the SOAR
Appeals Software.
Assessment Method:
SOAR Tracking System
12/16/2014 - TSI students successfully completed TSI
courses and became college ready.
Result Type:
Goal Met
Action Status:
Action Complete
Related Documents:
2014 TSI Bar Graphs.xlsx
Performance Measure Report 13-14
Remediation areas academic year 1314.xls
2014 TSI Enrollment
Remediation areas academic year 20142015.xls
12/16/2014 - Continue to improve TSI
college readiness for TSU students
12/16/2014 - Review and update TSI
data as needed.
Strategic Planning Account - UE - SOAR Texas Success Initiative – Strengthen academic
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Generated by TracDat a product of Nuventive.
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quality and reputation Dec2014 - 1. TSI
represented Texas Tech University at the
THECB Texas Success Initiative Conference in
June 2014. Throughout the 2014 Academic
Year, all TSI Faculty and Staff participated in
yearlong THECB Professional Development
Series emphasizing developmental education
teaching excellence. The TSI Literacy Instructor
attended the Cengage 2014 TeamUp Fall
Energizer Conference in Austin, TX. TSI
Assistant Director attended the West Texas
Assessment Conference. TSI Assistant Director
attended the THECB Final Integrative Reading
and Writing and TSI Assessment and
Developmental Education Updates Webinars.
Start Date:
End Date:
Priority Status:
Strategic Planning Account - UE - SOAR - The
Texas Success Initiative – Expands and
Enhances Research and Creative Scholarship
Dec2014 - W. Mark Lanier Scholarship
Endowment targeted students who complete one
semester—or equivalent of 12 hours—at Texas
Tech University with a minimum complete
grade point average of 2.5 and receive at least a
grade of “B” in the remedial math course are
eligible to receive $500.00 annually or $250.00
for two semesters.
Start Date:
End Date:
Priority Status:
Means of Assessment & Criteria / Tasks
Assessment Method:
SOAR Tracking System
Strategic Planning Account - UE - SOAR Texas Success Initiative – Increased Outreach
and Engagement Dec2014 - TSI coordinated
with Red Raider Orientation and other campus
academic departments to orient new students
and staff of TSI College Readiness standards
and how the TSI Program will benefit the
student. TSI increased engagement by
Assessment Method:
SOAR Tracking System
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Assessment Method:
SOAR tracking System
Action & Follow-Up
12/16/2014 - TSI staff members were able to obtain
valuable information from the conferences attended to
use in classrooms and the TSI program.
Result Type:
Goal Met
Action Status:
Action Complete
12/16/2014 - Continue reviewing
THECB updates and conferences.
Continue to attend conferences to assist
with TSI program curriculum.
12/16/2014 - Identified and awarded three participants
for the Mark. A. Lanier scholarship for the academic
Result Type:
Goal Met
Action Status:
Action Complete
12/16/2014 - Continue to monitor
possible students eligible for the 2015
Lanier Scholarship.
12/16/2014 - TSI was able to increase visibility with
orientation and collaborate with colleges across campus
to ensure all were informed about the new TSI
Assessment and procedures. TSI utilized the wiki to
assist with providing information to advisors across
Result Type:
12/16/2014 - Continue to review
opportunities to present information
regarding TSI standards and
Generated by TracDat a product of Nuventive.
12/16/2014 - Research upcoming
opportunities for professional
development and conferences.
12/16/2014 - Review possible
opportunities to expand and enhance
research within TSI.
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partnering with other academic offices on
Means of Assessment & Criteria / Tasks
Goal Met
Action Status:
Action Complete
Start Date:
End Date:
Priority Status:
Strategic Planning Account - UE - SOAR Texas Success Initiative – Increase and
Maximize Resources Dec2014 - TSI retained all
faculty for the academic year. A new TSI
Academic Advisor was hired and improved the
developmental, intrusive advising in place. TSI
uses ALEKS and Aplia software along with
Blackboard to provide an online application to
the learning process for students. This also
allows the TSI Instructors to spend more time
teaching in the classroom and optimize the use
of office hours. TSI also utilized three student
assistants and one graduate assistant to increase
office effectiveness and efficiency.
Start Date:
End Date:
Priority Status:
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Assessment Method:
SOAR Tracking System
12/16/2014 - Faculty and staff turnover decreased. In
addition, student support increased with the use of
online applications.
Result Type:
Goal Met
Action Status:
Action Complete
Generated by TracDat a product of Nuventive.
Action & Follow-Up
12/16/2014 - Review the upcoming
RRO dates and opportunities to
speak with college advisors about
TSI procedures early before RRO
12/16/2014 - Review the student
discussion sections to include optimal
student support and configure best
curriculum for student success.
12/16/2014 - Hire a new math
teaching assistant to assist with math
discussion sections.
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