Proposals awaiting approval between 01 April and 09 May 2016 Project Manager Project Assigned reference Claudia Brogelli 13-043 Proposals Register Proposing Organisation Network Rail Proposal Stage Awaiting standards committee decision RIS on Train to Infrastructure RFID technology RSSB Awaiting standards committee decision Elena McCulloch 15-045 Introduction of the Flexible Train Arrival Point signage suite Network Rail Awaiting standards committee decision GIRT7033 Claudia Brogelli 15-046 Enhance Railway Group Standard GORT3119 on investigation process Network Rail Awaiting standards committee decision Matt Pierzchala 15-048 Revision of GMRT2100 Requirements for Rail Vehicle Structures and associated supporting documents to align it with the LOC and PAS TSI RSSB Abbas AlMamouri 15-044 Anthony McBride 15-051 Cara Fekri Philip Hunt 16-001 16-004 Project Name Review the Accident and Incident requirements in the light of emerging ERTMS knowledge and requirements Revision of GERT8000-HB15 RSSB on behalf of and GERT8000-HB15 ERTMS PLT SC arising from the publication of RIS-1710-PLT Addressing RAIBs Sutton Weaver Report (Recommendation 2) Rail Industry Standard Establishing Compatibility Between Infrastructure and Rolling Stock Good Practice Guide Proposals Register as at 09 May 2016 RSSB ATOC Likely affected document GORT3119 Other Likely affected documents Date (to be) presented to Lead SC /Decision date 14-Jun-16 CCS 12-May-16 CCS 21-Jan-15 GORT3119, GOGN3519 TOM 14-Jun-16 Awaiting standards committee decision GMRT2100 RST 15-Jan-15 Approved GERT8000-HB15, GERT8000-HB15 ERTMS Awaiting standards committee decision Awaiting standards committee decision GERT8000-AC GIGN7634 Lead Standards Committee TOM TOM 02-Feb-16 TOM GERT8270, GERT8273 RST Lead SC Minute ref Date to be presented at SC will change as awaiting further information from applicant. SC information CCS: Supporting - 9/6/2016 ENE: Not identified as supporting INS: Not identified as supporting PLT: Not identified as supporting RST: Not identified as supporting TOM: Lead CCS: Lead ENE: Supporting - 14/1/2016 INS: Supporting - 5/1/2016 PLT: Supporting - 4/2/2016 RST: Supporting - 4/12/2015 TOM: Supporting CCS: Lead ENE: Identified as supporting but agreed not to be consulted INS: Identified as supporting but agreed not to be consulted PLT: Not identified as supporting RST: Not identified as supporting TOM: Supporting - 15/12/2015 SC minute references Actions pending 16/ENE/01/010 16/INS/01/024 16/PLT/02/008 15/RST/12/318 CCS: Identified as supporting but agreed not to be consulted ENE: Supporting - 30/6/2016 INS: Not identified as supporting PLT: Identified as supporting but agreed not to be consulted RST: Supporting - 17/6/2016 TOM: Lead 16/RST/03/080 16/TOM/02/011 16/TOM/02/013 22-Mar-16 Lead SC decision notes Date Proposer Notified of outcome The Committee Deferred proposal 15-048 with reasons. Decision 5 TOM SC approved the change of wording and publication of the amendment to the Handbook under proposal 15-051. TOM SC 02/02/2016 (16/TOM/02/013) TOM SC agreed to merge projects 15-013, 15-004 and two new work stream proposals recieved (16-001) relating to them into one project, 15-014. TOM SC 05/04/2016 (16/TOM/04/098) Decision TOM SC approved continuation of work on project 16-001 and for its continued work to form a sub-project of 15-014. They approved continuation of work in relation to the recommended changes referred to in the cover paper which were to be included within the scope of project 15-014.Decision TOM SC approved the project plan for 15-014. CCS: Not identified as supporting ENE: Not identified as supporting INS: Supporting - 2/3/2016 PLT: Supporting - 6/4/2016 RST: Lead TOM: Supporting - 1/3/2016 CCS: Not identified as supporting ENE: Not identified as supporting INS: Not identified as supporting PLT: Supporting - 6/4/2016 RST: Identified as supporting but agreed not to be consulted TOM: Lead CCS: Supporting role to be determined ENE: Supporting - 5/5/2016 INS: Supporting role to be determined PLT: Supporting role to be determined RST: Supporting role to be determined TOM: Lead 16/INS/03/054 16/PLT/04/026 16/RST/03/080 16/TOM/03/055 16/PLT/04/027 16/TOM/02/011 16/TOM/02/013 CCS: Supporting role to be determined ENE: Supporting role to be determined INS: Supporting role to be determined PLT: Supporting role to be determined RST: Lead TOM: Supporting role to be determined Page 1 Proposals awaiting approval between 01 April and 09 May 2016 Project Manager Project Assigned reference Matthew Dalton 16-005 Project Name Platform Crossfalls Proposing Organisation TSP Railway Consultants Proposal Stage Awaiting standards committee decision Likely affected document GIRT7016 Other Likely affected documents Awaiting standards committee decision GORT3119 GOGN3519 TOM 14-Jun-16 RSSB on behalf of Awaiting Charter Train Safety standards Group committee decision GMRT2003 RIS-2700-RST, GMRT2000, Researtch project T1049, RT/D/S09 9Railtrack line specification, MT276 (BR legacy) RST 15-Apr-16 GMRT2003, MT276 TOM 16-006 Proposal to revise normal Southeastern investigation arrangements for SPAD risk ranked 18 plus or at multi-SPAD signal Andrew Perry 16-007 Engineering Requirements to support operation of heritage vehicles on mainline infrastructure Review and amend GORT3440 RSSB on behalf of Steam Locomotive Operation Charter Train Safety to encompass all operating Group aspects of charter trains operations Awaiting standards committee decision 16-009 Review and revise requirements in GERT8026 Safety Requirements for Cab Signalling Network Rail Awaiting standards committee decision Anthony McBride 16-010 Review of requirements relating to the requirements that need to take place when an unauthorised evacuation takes place First Great Western Awaiting standards committee decision Matt Pierzchala 16-008 Proposals Register as at 09 May 2016 Date (to be) presented to Lead SC /Decision date 11-May-16 Lead Standards Committee INS Claudia Brogelli Andrew Perry Proposals Register GORT3440 Lead SC decision notes 14-Apr-16 GERT8000-M1 05-Apr-16 SC information CCS: Not identified as supporting ENE: Not identified as supporting INS: Lead PLT: Identified as supporting but agreed not to be consulted RST: Identified as supporting but agreed not to be consulted TOM: Identified as supporting but agreed not to be consulted SC minute references Actions pending CCS: Identified as supporting but agreed not to be consulted ENE: Not identified as supporting INS: Not identified as supporting PLT: Identified as supporting but agreed not to be consulted RST: Supporting - 17/6/2016 TOM: Lead 16/RST/04/111 The Committee Approved Proposal 16-007. 10-May-16 GERT8026, GEGN8526 CCS TSI Guidance Note CCS TOM Lead SC Minute ref Date Proposer Notified of outcome CCS: Supporting - 14/4/2016 ENE: Not identified as supporting INS: Supporting - 11/5/2016 PLT: Not identified as supporting RST: Lead TOM: Supporting - 5/4/2016 CCS: Supporting - 14/4/2016 ENE: Supporting - 5/5/2016 INS: Supporting - 11/5/2016 PLT: Not identified as supporting RST: Supporting - 15/4/2016 TOM: Lead 16/RST/04/111 16/RST/04/112 CCS: Lead ENE: Supporting role to be determined INS: Supporting role to be determined PLT: Supporting role to be determined RST: Supporting role to be determined TOM: Supporting role to be determined 16/TOM/04/097 TOM SC approved the work on project 16-010 to continue and approved the revised wording (subject to the word ‘immediately’ considered as an addition) for publication in the PON. CCS: Not identified as supporting ENE: Not identified as supporting INS: Not identified as supporting PLT: Not identified as supporting RST: Not identified as supporting TOM: Lead 16/TOM/04/097 Page 2 Proposals awaiting approval between 01 April and 09 May 2016 Project Manager Project Assigned reference 16-012 Matthew Dalton Project Name Application of the ‘Rule Management Tool’ to all Railway Group Standards (RGSs) containing National Safety Rules (NSRs) Proposing Organisation RSSB Proposals Register Proposal Stage Approved 16-013 Use of a GSM-R REC as primary means of emergency communication in the event of a train accident East Midland Trains Awaiting standards committee decision 16-014 Recommendations from 12 month review of GIRT7016 RSSB 16-015 Likely affected Other Likely affected document documents GERT8015,GERT8034, GERT8037,GERT8048, GERT8064,GERT8072, GERT8106,GERT8403, GERT8408,GKRT0036, GKRT0075,GERT8023, GERT8250,GERT8270, GERT8273,GMRT2000, GMRT2001,GMRT2003, GMRT2004,GMRT2185, GMRT2273,GMRT2450, GMRT2452,GMRT2453, GERT8040,GERT8046, GERT8047,GERT8054, GERT8070,GERT8217, GORT3118,GORT3119, GORT3208,GORT3215, GORT3279,GORT3350, GORT3407,GORT3413, GORT3421,GORT3436, GORT3437,GORT3440, GORT3451,GORT3452, GORT3600 GERT8000-M1 GERM8000 Master Module Lead Standards Committee N/A Date (to be) presented to Lead SC /Decision date TOM Lead SC Minute ref Lead SC decision notes SC information CCS: Supporting - 14/4/2016 ENE: Supporting - 5/5/2016 INS: Supporting - 11/5/2016 PLT: Supporting - 6/4/2016 RST: Supporting - 15/4/2016 TOM: Supporting - 10/5/2016 Actions pending 16/PLT/04/028 16/RST/04/113 16/TOM/04/094 CCS: Supporting role to be determined ENE: Supporting role to be determined INS: Supporting role to be determined PLT: Supporting role to be determined RST: Supporting role to be determined TOM: Lead Awaiting standards committee decision GIRT7016 GIGN7616, GMRT2173, INS GEGN8573 11-May-16 CCS: Not identified as supporting ENE: Not identified as supporting INS: Lead PLT: Identified as supporting but agreed not to be consulted RST: Identified as supporting but agreed not to be consulted TOM: Identified as supporting but agreed not to be consulted Proposal to amend Rule Book Network Rail GERT8000-S7 following Digital Railway ETCS Industry Workshops Awaiting standards committee decision GERT8000-S7 GERM8000 Master Module TOM 10-May-16 CCS: Supporting role to be determined ENE: Not identified as supporting INS: Supporting role to be determined PLT: Not identified as supporting RST: Not identified as supporting TOM: Lead 16-016 Proposal to amend Rule Book GERT8000-TW5 following Digital Railway ETCS Industry Workshops Network Rail Awaiting standards committee decision GERT8000-TW5 GERT8000 Master Module TOM 10-May-16 CCS: Supporting role to be determined ENE: Not identified as supporting INS: Supporting role to be determined PLT: Not identified as supporting RST: Not identified as supporting TOM: Lead 16-017 Proposal to amend Rule Book GERT8000-TS11 following Digital Railway ETCS Industry Workshops Network Rail Awaiting standards committee decision GERT8000-TS11 GERM8000 Master Module TOM 10-May-16 CCS: Supporting role to be determined ENE: Not identified as supporting INS: Supporting role to be determined PLT: Not identified as supporting RST: Not identified as supporting TOM: Lead Proposals Register as at 09 May 2016 SC minute references Date Proposer Notified of outcome Page 3