Today’s Choices: U.S. Wine Consumption Trends Natalia Kolyesnikova, Ph.D. Associate Director Texas Wine Marketing Research Institute Texas Tech University Texas Tech University Texas Wine Marketing Research Institute Global Wine Trends Global consumption is down 0.8% from 2007’s level Decline in consumption in Europe negates any gains in the emerging markets New World countries’ collective share of global wine exports rise to 30% Americans top the world in winedrinking as global consumption shrinks Texas Tech University Texas Wine Marketing Research Institute Total U.S. Wine Consumption 1996-2007 (Millions 9-Liter Cases) 231.4 233.7 225.3 209.6 214.7 217.5 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 245.5 2002 258.2 2003 268.1 273.7 283 292.1 2004 2005 2006 2007 Texas Tech University Source: The Beverage Information Group Marketing Wine Handbook, 2008 Texas Wine Research Institute Consumption of Total Wine in Texas, 1998-2007 (9-Liter Cases) 13,847,390 13,414,400 13,331,100 13,676,740 12,791,300 11,630,800 11,528,000 12,047,300 10,677,500 10,041,700 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 In consumption of total wine ranked by state Texas ranks 4th (2007) Texas Tech35University th (2007) ranks In per capita consumption of total wine ranked by state, Texas Texas Wine Marketing Research Institute Percent Change in Total Wine Consumption in Texas, 1998-2007 (Based on 9-Liter Cases) 8.2% 5.7% 6.2% 5.9% 4.9% 4.3% 2.6% 1.2% -0.6% -0.9% 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 Texas Source: The Beverage Information Group Wine Handbook, 2008 2006 2007 Tech University Texas Wine Marketing Research Institute Percent Change in U.S. Wine Consumption by Category, 1997 vs. 2007 Total Wine Wine Coolers Dessert & Fortified 36.1% -96.3% -17.1% 8.1% -4.8% Champagne & Sparkling Vermouth /Aperitif 45.7% Table Wine Texas Tech University Institute Source: The Beverage Information Wine Handbook, 2008 Texas WineGroup Marketing Research Sources U.S. Table Wine Share by Volume, 2007 Domestic Other States 5.8% Imported 26.5% Domestic California 67.7% Source: The Beverage Information Group Wine Handbook, 2008 Texas Tech University Texas Wine Marketing Research Institute Imported vs. Domestic Wine Share by Category, 2007 48% 73.6% 62.8% 73.5% 91.3% 52% 26.4% 37.2% 26.5% 8.7% Dessert & Fortified Table Champagne & Sparkling Vermouth/Aperitif Total Wine imported domestic Source: The Beverage Information Group Wine Handbook, 2008 Texas Tech University Texas Wine Marketing Research Institute U.S. Table Wine Share by Varietal, 2007 Chardonnay 24% Others 28% Red Zinfandel 1% Merlot 13% Syrah/Shiraz 2% Pinot Noir 3% Pinot Grigio 3% Sauvignon Blanc 4% White Zinfandel 9% Cabernet 13% Texas Tech University Texas Wine Marketing Research Institute Source: The Beverage Information Group Wine Handbook, 2008 How the Recession is Affecting Tasting Room Sales and Wine Clubs (May 09) Direct to Consumer (DTC) Channels: Tasting Rooms (59%) Wine Clubs (16%) Events (8%) Web (8%) All other DTC Programs Source: Wine Business Monthly (May 2009) Texas Tech University Texas Wine Marketing Research Institute Direct to Consumer Growth Direct to Consumer Growth, 2006-2007 Direct to Consumer Growth, 2007-2008 Tasting Room 74% 63% Wine Club 79% 62% Web / Ecommerce 67% 52% Texas Tech University Texas Wine Marketing Research Institute Wine Clubs Sixty-four (64%) of U.S. wineries now have wine clubs Primary Sources of Wine Clubs Sign-Ups Tasting Room 77% Web / E-commerce 7% Consumer Events 6% Referrals 4% Direct Mail / Other 6% Texas Tech University Texas Wine Marketing Research Institute Wine Club Lessons Wine club attrition is fairly low, despite the weak economy (with an average19-24 months membership period) Most wineries lose less than 1% of members on average each month Interest about joining the wine club should not come from a hard-sell approach Provide complete experience: tell a story, educate, entertain, taste, and ask for the sale For cancellations: offer a reduced club (fewer shipments, with the option to upgrade later) Texas Tech University Texas Wine Marketing Research Institute Direct to Consumer Lessons Tasting room traffic should not be the only source of DTC sales View tasting room traffic as the jumping- off point for all future relationships. “ABC” – Always Be Collecting – customer information, that is. Become technology savvy Texas Tech University Texas Wine Marketing Research Institute Spending Trends: Do Americans drown recession blues in wine? High-end reds sales slowed dramatically Mid-range and lower price points wines sales are stable Conspicuous consumption has gone out of favor. Frugality becomes hip Consumers are not buying less wine. But they are buying less expensive wines Total wine sales in 2008 are still up, but most of the growth comes from the under $10 category Texas Tech University Texas Wine Marketing Research Institute Demographics Trends Do you most often drink liquor, wine, or beer? Texas Tech University Texas Wine Marketing Research Institute Preferred Alcoholic Beverage, drinkers aged 30-49 Texas Tech University Texas Wine Marketing Research Institute Preferred Alcoholic Beverage, drinkers aged 18-29 Texas Tech University Texas Wine Marketing Research Institute Preferred Alcoholic Beverage, drinkers aged 50+ (Gallup Poll) Texas Tech University Texas Wine Marketing Research Institute Other Trends: Women’s Wine Drinking Habits Global Vinexpo Survey: 4300 women (France, Germany, Japan, UK, and U.S.) Among U.S. respondents: Prefer reds Drink it most often with meals Purchasing decisions based on entire product (grape variety, label design, shape of bottle) Reasons why drink wine: Like the taste (92%) Goes well with food (71%) Image is NOT a key concern (2% think wine is fashionable) Compatible with healthy, balanced diet (97%) Texas Tech University Texas Wine Marketing Research Institute Other Trends: Millennials Experts say wine consumption will continue to grow among young adults The Millennials are: willing to experiment brand savvy prefer to buy on visual appeal and name recognition rather than winemaking region Technology (social networking) is the key in targeting this generation Texas Tech University Texas Wine Marketing Research Institute Texas Wine Marketing Research Institute Webpage: Twitter: Facebook: -TX/Texas-Wine-Marketing-ResearchInstitute/109109897221 (or search for “Texas Wine Marketing Research Institute” within Facebook) Email: Texas Tech University Texas Wine Marketing Research Institute The good news is… you are making WINE, not SUV’s ☺ Texas Tech University Texas Wine Marketing Research Institute