Proton-proton scattering from low to LHC-energies Finn Ravndal, Dept of Physics, UiO • Coulomb scattering • Low-energy strong interactions • Regge poles and the pomeron • The Froissart bound • Feynman parton model • Recent ideas and conclusion Odense, 24/11 - 2009 Coulomb scattering in CM-frame: e 2 Q 2 2 Q = 4p sin θ/2 e e2 V (r) = 4πr Coulomb potential e = V (Q) = + Q + e giving= scattering amplitude + e2 = 2 Q + !!! α f (Q) = 2 4E sin (θ/2) dσ 2 Figure 6: Coulomb propagator as an infinite sum.= |f (Q)| Differential cross-section: dΩ or Kummer function M (a, b; x)[23]. For the repulsive Coulomb potential VC = α/r the n-state solution with outgoing spherical waves in the future is 1 ψ (+) (r) = e− 2 πη Γ(1 + iη)M (−iη, 1; ipr − ip · r) eip·r (20) Full Coulomb propagator = + = + + + !!! results in non-perturbative scattering amplitude Figure 6: Coulomb propagator as an infinite sum. α −iη ln sin2 (θ/2) = M (a, b; x)[23].2For the repulsive e Coulomb potential V = α/r the or f Kummer function C (θ) in-state solution with 4E outgoing spherical waves in the future is sin (θ/2) C 1 ψp(+) (r) = e− 2 πη Γ(1 + iη)M (−iη, 1; ipr − ip · r) eip·r (20) η = α/v where parameter gives effective strength The corresponding out-state has incoming spherical waves in the distant past and is given by the wavefunction of the Coulomb interaction. 1 ψp(−) (r) = e− 2 πη Γ(1 − iη)M (iη, 1; −ipr − ip · r) eip·r (21) Coulomb cross-section is unmodified: dσ α = 2 dΩ 4E sin (θ/2) ! "2 Probability to find two protons at zero separation: 2πη |ψ(0)| = 2πη e −1 2 Becomes exponentially small when η > 1 i.e. when p < 10 MeV. Thus Coulomb interaction dominates for energies E < 1 MeV. E − p2 /2M + iε Low-energy interactions Vefstrong f = Cδ(r) mentary vertex Effective potential, valid at low energies: 4π E < 100 MeV here coupling constant C = a in first Born M proximation. Vef f = Cδ(r) 4πnow be obtain gherBorn order Born corrections can order correction from Feynman diagram where coupling constant C = a in first Born described by effective Langrangian M ective field theory approximation. 1 corrections C now Higher order can ∗ Born ∗ 2 ∗ 2be obta L = iψ4 ψ̇ + ψ ∇ ψ − (ψ ψ) 2M 2 effective field theory ing standard field-theoretic 1 ∗ perturbation C ∗ 2theor ∗ 2 L = iψ ψ̇ + ψ ∇ ψ − (ψ ψ) 2M 2 n-relativistic propagator using standard field-theoretic perturbation the I0 (p) = (2π)3 p2 − k 2 + i" 1 1 Higher order corrections Higher order diagram with n bubbles = MΛ + C 2π 2 CR with value CR + ...... + = 4π ... a M which+gives scatt .... with value C 2 I0 (p) with4π bubble 1integral T (p) = 2 I0 (p) with bubble integral gives similarly C n+1 I0n (p). Total amplitude: Z scattering 3 Z 2M d k ˆ ˜ 3 2 3 2M d k I (p) = where bubble Tintegral (p) = C 1 0+ CI0 + (CI0 ) + (CI 0 ) 2+ · · · 2 3 0 (p) = (2π) p − k + (2π)3 p2 − k 2 + i" 1 C M 1/a + ip i" and is now =unitary. = Differential cross-s 1 − CI 1/C − I (p) diagram with n bubbles Higher 0 0 order diagram with n bubbles 2 Bubble integral I0 (p) is divergent in d = 3 dimensions. a dσ Differential x-section: Regularize with cut-off Λ ≈ 1/R giving ... = „ « 2 dΩ 1 + (ap) i M Λ + πp I (p) = − 0 2π 2 2 ... Renormalized coupling C goes to which implies that bare coupling R C = C(Λ). zero as Λ For proton-proton scattering with E << 100 MeV must include Coulomb repulsion. Blatt & Weisskopf: Theoretical Nuclear Interactions E = 3 MeV Full scattering amplitude: f (θ) = fC (θ) + fS h Coulomb-dressed strong interaction bubble J0 (p): Coulomb-modified strongnow interactions: Strong interactions modified by Coulomb effects = + + + !!! fS = + + + !!! such Feynman diagrams again form geometric series ng scattering amplitude Again form geometric series strong interaction bubble J0 (p): with Coulomb-dressed C0 =bubble J0 (p) is amplitude for protons TSCf (p) S= Coulomb-dressed 1= − C0 J0 (p) + + + !!! Cη2 to move from zero separation back to zero separation, ves where Coulomb-modified length Coulomb-dressed bubble now is ! scattering i.e. J0 (p) =AllGsuch (E; r = 0, r = 0) or C Feynman diagrams again form geometric series 1 giving 4π scattering 1 Z 3 −amplitude = αM H(η) 2πη(k) d k 1 a M T (p) C SC J0 (p) = M C20 − k 2 + i# 3 e2πη(k) 2− 1 p (2π) TSC (p) = Cη 1 − C0 J0 (p) ere standard function Can be done Givesanalytically Coulomb-modified 1 (!): scattering length H(η) = ψ(iη) + 2 »− log(iη)√ – Regge poles and the pomeron E > 1 GeV s = (p1 + p2 )2 = 2mplab 2 t = (p1 − p3 ) = −Q2 2 2 = −4p sin (θ/2) Differential x-section: Total x-section: dσ 2 = π|T (s, t)| dt σT = 4πImT (s, 0) Including Coulomb interaction 2α 2 F (t)eiφ(t) + T (s, t) T (s, t) =⇒ t 1 with proton form factor F (t) = (1 − t/0.71)2 and calculable phase φ(t) ISR: √ s = 24 GeV propagator 1 E − p2 /2M + iε Strong interaction: E, p) = vertex = rn correction from Feynman diagram Regge amplitude: Total cross-section: 4 Regge trajectory: T (s, t) = βR (t)sαR (t)−1 αR (0)−1 σT = 4π Im βR (0)s αR (t) = 0.5 + ! αR t Pomeranchuk theorem (1958): σT (AB) = σT (ĀB) as s → ∞ Isaak Pomeranchuk (1913 - 1966) Pomeron trajectory: αP (t) = 1.0 + ! αP t √ σT (s → ∞) = 4πImβP (0) + O(1/ s) Total x-section should approach a constant value at high energies! Impact parameter representation from partial wave expansion: ∞ ! " 2iδ (s) # 1 (2" + 1)P! (cos θ) e ! − 1 f (s, θ) = 2ip !=0 Eikonal approximation: Replace sum over partial waves with integral over impact parameter b: 1: 2: ! + 1/2 −→ pb " ∞ " ∞ ! −→ d! = p !=0 0 ∞ db 0 3: P! (cos θ) −→ J0 [(2" + 1) sin θ/2] 4: 2δ! (s) → E(s, b) =⇒ ! 2 " # d b T (s, Q) = i 1 − eiE(s,b) eiQ·b 2π Eikonal expansion: 1 i T (s, Q) = E(s, Q) + E ⊗ E − E ⊗ E ⊗ E + . . . 2 6 = E E⊗E Hamer & Ravndal, 1970: E(s, Q = √ −t) = βR (t)sαR (t)−1 + βP (t)sαP (t)−1 σT R P P ⊗P √ −→ const s Total, asymptotic cross-section becomes " ! C σT (s → ∞) = 4πC 1 − ! 8αP log s with C = Im βP (0) Serphukov, 1970: plab = 60 GeV √ s = 10 GeV LHC, 2010: √ s = 14 000 GeV ISR (1971 - 1984): pp pp Total x-section increases at higher energies !! eron exchange, and they go nicely through the E710 Tevatron Landshoff & Donnachie(1984) TeV only the soft-pomeron term 21.7s0.0808 survives, givin ! . Non-standard pomeron: αP (t) = 1.08 + αP t σ (mb) 80 p̄p : 21.70s0.0808 + 98.39s−0.4525 pp : 21.70s0.0808 + 56.08s−0.4525 70 Landshoff: 0811.0260 60 SPS+TeV 50 40 30 10 Violates Froissart bound! 100 √ s (GeV) 1000 Froissart bound Radius of proton: R ! 1fm = 10 −13 2 cm Classical x-section: σT = πR = 30 mb Simplest inelastic process when one pion produced in overlap region where fraction √ energy s is available: −bmπ e Thus bmax Total x-section where e of total s ≥ mπ s 1 log 2 = 2mπ mπ σT ≤ 2 π/4mπ smaller value. √ −bmπ πb2max ! 15 mb (Heisenberg) π 2 s = log 4m2π m2π Fits need much Froissart saturation: s σT ∝ log m2π 2 M. Block: 0705.3037 Feynman parton model f (x)|x→0 ∝ 1 xα(0) 1 Pomeron: α(0) = 1 −→ wee partons: f (x) ∝ x Feynman, 1970: Assume completely absorptive scattering amplitude T (s, t) = iA(s, t) so that scattering operator in impact-parameter representation S(s, b) = 1 − A(s, b) Incoming parton wave function | Ψ! = ∞ ! Cn (x1 , x2 , · · · , xn )| P, n! n=0 Only wee partons contribute 2 |C | c c c 0 2 |Cn | = ··· n! x1 x2 xn where expect c << 1. Normalization !Ψ | Ψ" = 1 gives now: " # $n 1 1 dx 2 1 = |C0 | c = |C0 |2 sc n! x 1/s n=0 ∞ ! Each parton with energy xs scatters with amplitude ! S(xs, b) so that scattered state becomes " S(s, b) = !Ψ | S | Ψ" = exp − c ! Self-consistency: =⇒ %& dx # $ 1 − S(xs, b) 1/s x 1 ! b) = S(s, b) S(s, 1 S(s, b) = 1 + F (b)sc where unknown function F(b) must decrease faster than any power - from unitarity. −b/a F (b) = e 1: with a ! 1 fm Transition amplitude: A(s, b) = 1 − S(s, b) = 1 eb/a−c log s + 1 FD-distribution! Expanding, black disk! bmax = ac log s σT = π(ac)2 log2 s and σT ! πb2max Froissart! h1 h1 h1 h1 h QCD: h2 h2 h2 Recent ideas and? conclusion 2 (a) (b) h1 h1 h1 h1 h1 h1 h1h1 Pomeron: h2 h2 (b) h2 (b) h2 h1 h1 (c) + .... h2 h2 h1 h1 h1 + ... + h2 h2 h1 (c) h1 h2 h2 h2 (d) h1 + + .... Figure 3: Hadron-hadron scattering: (a) what happens?, ( (c) two gluon exchange, (d) exchange of a reggeised gluon vacuum gluon field BFKL h2 (d) h2 h2 (e) pomeron is a single Regge pole, consists of two Regge poles 4 proceedings AdS/QCD: 4 printed on April 22, 2008 proceedings printed on April 22, 2008 a strongly coupled plasma of deconfined gauge fields. In this case, one may expect that features coupled of the AdS/CFT be relea strongly plasma of correspondence deconfined gaugemay fields. In this case, one 4-dim QCDtesting vant. Hence this problem appears to giveofa the stimulating ground for may be relemay expect that Minkowski: features AdS/CFT correspondence the Gauge/Gravity and its physical relevance for QCDtesting and ground for vant.correspondence Hence this problem appears to give a stimulating particle physics.the Gauge/Gravity correspondence and its physical relevance for QCD and Our aim inparticle these lectures physics. is to provide one possible introduction to those aspects of the string is theory and its Ourconstruction aim in theseoflectures to provide oneapplications, possible introduction to those aspects of the construction theory its applications, mainly the AdS/CFT correspondence, which could of be string of interest for and the stumainly thephenomenology. AdS/CFT correspondence, which could be “strongof interest for the students in QCD and QGP The presentation is thus dents in QCD andreasons QGP phenomenology. The presentation is thus “stronginteraction oriented”, with both that it uses as much as possible the interaction with that it uses as muchasas possible the particle language, and thatoriented”, the speaker is both morereasons appropriately considered particle and that In thethis speaker is more a particle physicist thanlanguage, a string theorist. respect he isappropriately deeply grate- considered as particle physicist thancollaborators, a string theorist. In this respect he is deeply grateful to his stringatheorists friends and in first place Romuald to his string subtle theorists collaborators, place Romuald Janik, for theirful help in many andfriends often and technical aspects in of first string Janik, for help in many subtle often technical aspects of string theory. In this respect, it their is quite stimulating to5-dim takeand part in casting a new Anti-de-Sitter: String theory In this bridge between theory. “particles and respect, strings”.it is quite stimulating to take part in casting a new bridge between “particles and strings”. 2. The Veneziano Formula and Dual Resonance Models 2. The Veneziano Formula and Dual Resonance Models s{ q^2 { { q^2 Reggeon: Pomeron: s{ Open string: J=1 Veneziano Amplitude string: J Shapiro-VirasoroClosed Amplitude =2 LHC (CMS): TOTEM 180 Cosmic ray data " = 2.2 (best fit) +-1 ! " = 1.0 160 140 !tot (mb) 120 100 20 0 10 102 FIGURE 1. Experimental 103 LHC !pp UA4 UA5 40 !pp ISR 60 TEVATRON 80 104 105 s (GeV) pp p̄p σtot and σtot with the prediction of [5]. Cosmic rays: hep-ph/0011167