Welcome to the Wilkinson lab.

Welcome to the Wilkinson lab.
Our studies are centered on two topics: homeobox gene circuits and RNA surveillance.
With regard to the first topic, we are investigating the function and regulation of the Rhox
genes, a large set of homeobox genes clustered together in a single region of the X
chromosome that encode transcription factors selectively expressed during
embryogenesis and in adult reproductive organs. Using knockout, tissue-specific
knockdown, and genome-wide molecular approaches, we are elucidating their biological
functions and gene targets in embryonic stem cells, spermatogonial stem cells, and adult
reproductive organs. To determine their place in transcriptional networks, we are
elucidating the mechanisms that control their expression. Epigenetic mechanisms are the
focus of our studies. Our second major interest is nonsense-mediated decay (NMD), a
RNA surveillance pathway that rapidly degrades aberrant mRNAs and ~5% of normal
mRNAs. Our long-term interest is to understand the underlying molecular mechanism of
NMD. More recently, our studies have expanded to examine how NMD is regulated by
both microRNAs and feedback networks. We are also determining the physiological
roles of NMD in mice in vivo.
To contact us:
Miles F. Wilkinson, Ph.D.
Department of Reproductive Medicine
Phone: 713-563-3215
Email: mwilkins@mdanderson.org
Assistant: Bette Cesna
Phone: 858-622-8440
Email: ecessna@ucsd.edu
Hopkins building
Hopkins building