Statute 2.5 – Graduate Research Committee Made by the Monash University Council Version incorporating amendments as at 19 November 2013 1. Definitions In this statute and any regulations made hereunder, unless the contrary intention appears – Committee means the Graduate Research Committee Group A faculties means all of – Faculty of Art, Design and Architecture Faculty of Arts Faculty of Business and Economics Faculty of Education Faculty of Law Group B faculties means all of – Faculty of Engineering Faculty of Information Technology Faculty of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences Faculty of Science Faculty of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences Institute means the Monash Institute of Graduate Research established under section 7 Steering Committee means the subcommittee constituted under section 6 entitled “steering committee”. 2. Establishment of the Committee There shall be a Graduate Research Committee of the university. 3. Responsibilities of the Committee Statute 2.5 – Research Graduate School Committee Subject to the general supervision of the Academic Board, the Committee shall be responsible for – 4. 3.1.1 the conduct of all matters pertaining to doctoral degrees and master degrees by research; 3.1.2 dealing with all matters relating to the administration of scholarships; and 3.1.3 dealing with any matters concerning research or higher degrees which are referred to it by the Academic Board or the vice-chancellor and president. Composition of the Committee 4.1 The Committee consists of – 4.1.1 a chair and a deputy chair, nominated from time to time by the deputy vice-chancellor and vice-president responsible for university research; 4.1.2 one representative of each faculty nominated from time to time by the dean of the faculty; 4.1.3 one representative of the university institutes which do not form part of a faculty but are approved by the Committee to enrol higher degree by research students, nominated from time to time by the chair 4.1.4 two representatives of the Monash Postgraduate Association nominated by the executive committee of the association, one representing the Group A faculties and one representing the Group B faculties; and 4.1.5 the convenor of the Steering Committee – and may include any person co-opted from time to time by the Committee. 4.2 A representative of the Monash Postgraduate Association is entitled to hold office for a period of one year and is eligible for re-nomination. 4.3 The deputy vice-chancellor and vice-president must nominate a person to be secretary to the Committee. 4.4 An alternate may be nominated by a faculty dean or the Monash Postgraduate Association executive committee (as the case requires) to be a member of the Committee for a meeting in respect of which the relevant representative is or will be absent and an alternate so nominated has the duties and rights, including voting rights, of a member of the Committee at that meeting. 4.5 Any casual vacancy in the membership of the Committee created by a member holding office under paragraph 4.1.3 shall be filled by the Monash Postgraduate Association executive committee from either the Group A faculties or the Group B faculties, whichever is appropriate. Page|2 Statute 2.5 – Research Graduate School Committee 5. 6. Meetings of the Committee 5.1 Subject to any contrary provisions in this statute, the provisions of Statute 1.2 – Meetings shall apply to meetings of the Committee. 5.2 The quorum for a meeting of the Committee consists of the chair, or deputy chair, together with six other members, who may be alternate members. 5.3 A meeting of the Committee may not proceed in the absence of both the chair and deputy chair. 5.4 The chair, or deputy chair, shall after each meeting of the Committee report to the Academic Board on the conduct, status and progress – 5.4.1 of any matters referred to the Committee by the Academic Board or the vice-chancellor and president; 5.4.2 on any other matter which the Committee agrees should be reported to the Academic Board; and 5.4.3 on any matter which the deputy vice-chancellor responsible for research believes should be reported to the Academic Board. Subcommittees The Committee may – 7. 8. 6.1.1 constitute and appoint such subcommittees as it thinks fit, and appoint thereto such persons as it thinks fit whether or not they are members of the Committee; and 6.1.2 delegate to any subcommittee constituted under paragraph 6.1.1 any of its powers, functions and authorities other than this power of delegation. Monash Institute of Graduate Research 7.1 There shall be a Monash Institute of Graduate Research which shall support the functions and responsibilities of the Committee. 7.2 The responsibilities, role and function of the Institute may be prescribed by regulations. 7.3 The members of the Institute shall be those persons prescribed by the regulations or so appointed by the Committee. Regulations The Council may make regulations for or with respect to any matter or thing necessary, expedient or permitted to be prescribed for the purposes of this statute. Page|3 Statute 2.5 – Research Graduate School Committee 9. Transitional Provisions On and from the commencement of Statute 2.5 – Research Graduate School Committee (Amendment) (No. 6 of 2011), in any statute, regulation or other document of the university, unless the context otherwise requires a reference to – 9.1.1 the “Research Graduate School Committee” or “RGSC” shall be taken to mean the “Graduate Research Committee”; 9.1.2 the “Monash Research Graduate School” or “MRGS” shall be taken to mean the “Monash Institute of Graduate Research”. End Notes Table of amendments from 1 November 2011 (as incorporated into this version): Amendment Sections Amended Commencement Date (Promulgation) Statute 2.5 – Research Graduate School Committee (Amendment) (No. 6 of 2011) All 25 January 2012 Statute 2.5 – Graduate Research Committee (Amendment) (No. 2 of 2013) Sections 3 and 4 19 November 2013 Page|4