Statute 3.3 – Deans Made by the Monash University Council Version incorporating amendments as at 20 December 2013 1. The vice-chancellor and president may appoint a person to be the dean of a faculty to hold office for such period, but not exceeding five years, as the vice-chancellor and president may determine. A dean shall be eligible for re-appointment to that office. When appointed, a dean may also be appointed a professor if not already a professor, and the vice-chancellor and president shall inform the Council of the appointment of the dean. 2. A dean of a faculty shall have the functions, powers and duties conferred or imposed upon the dean by the regulations made under this Statute. 3. To assist the dean of a faculty in the execution of the dean's functions, powers and duties 3.1 the vice-chancellor and president may on the recommendation of the dean appoint one or more deputy deans of the faculty and such other officers as the dean requires; and 3.2 the vice-chancellor and president may on the recommendation of the dean appoint one or more associate deans of the faculty to be responsible for high quality academic leadership within the faculty and collaboratively across the University . 4. A dean may delegate any of his or her powers and duties to any officer of the faculty appointed under section 3 or to any member or body of members of the faculty. 5. The vice-chancellor and president may appoint a member of the faculty to be acting dean of the faculty during the period of any absence of the dean from the University. 6. For the avoidance of doubt, a power to appoint conferred under this statute includes a power to remove, 7. The vice-chancellor and president may make regulations for or with respect to prescribing or providing for the functions, powers and duties of a dean. 1. End Notes Table of amendments from 1 November 2011 (as incorporated into this version): Amendment Sections Amended Commencement Date (Promulgation) Statute 1.4 – University Regulations (No. 7 of 2011) Section 4 inserted 17 February 2012 Statute 3.3 – Deans (Amendment) (No. 9 of 2013) Sections 1 - 4 20 December 2013