Nordic Society Oikos Venue and Outcome in Ecological Experiments: Manipulations of Larval Anurans Author(s): David K. Skelly and Joseph M. Kiesecker Reviewed work(s): Source: Oikos, Vol. 94, No. 1 (Jul., 2001), pp. 198-208 Published by: Wiley-Blackwell on behalf of Nordic Society Oikos Stable URL: . Accessed: 25/09/2012 20:47 Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of the Terms & Conditions of Use, available at . . JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and facilitate new forms of scholarship. For more information about JSTOR, please contact . Wiley-Blackwell and Nordic Society Oikos are collaborating with JSTOR to digitize, preserve and extend access to Oikos. FORUM FORUM M~l FORtJI\U It existing information. FORUM is intended fornewideas or newwaysof interpreting on currentthinking and for challenging hypotheses providesa chancefor suggesting Formal prose,designedto attractreaders,willbe permitted. ecologicalissues.A lighter and all contributions shouldbe concise albeitshort,willnotbe accepted, research reports, A summary is notrequired. shortlistof references. witha relatively of manipulations Venueand outcomein ecologicalexperiments: larval anurans Studiesand Dept of Ecologyand David K. Skelly and JosephM. Kiesecker,School of Forestryand Environmental Biology,Yale Univ.,370 ProspectStreet,New Haven, CT 06520, USA (david.skelly( Evolutionary Park, PA 16802, USA). addressof JMK: Dept of Biology,MuellerLab, PennsylvaniaState Univ.,University The choice of venue is believedto be a criticaldecisionfor ecological research programs (Peters 1991, Werner ecologistsconducting experiments, yettheexistenceof tradeoffs 1998, Wootton and Pfister1998). in designand the impactof venueon outcomehave not been There is a broad perceptionamong ecologiststhat quantitatively evaluated.To theseendswe revieweda set of 227 venue is a criticaldecision comparisonsfrom52 studiesdesignedto quantifythe effectof the choice of experimental of larval anurans.We pre- thatcan constrainotherattributes densityon the growthperformance of an experiment. In dictedthatbothdesignand outcomewouldbe relatedto experia number of particular, have that ecologists suggested mentalvenue(laboratory,mesocosm,and field).We foundthat, tendto be limitedto less complicated in contrastto our predictions, did not fieldexperiments laboratoryexperiments includemorefactorsor yieldmorepreciseestimatesof responses designs and lower levels of replication(Mertz and comparedwith mesocosmand field manipulations.In partial McCauley 1980, Hairston 1989a, Jaeger and Walls we foundthatlaboratoryexperiments supportof our prediction, did utilizesomewhatlargernumbersof replicatesand included 1989,Peters1991,Morin 1998). In addition,it has been more levels per factorcomparedto the alternativevenues.In hypothesizedthat the fieldenvironment is more variadditionwe foundthat,as predicted,raisingtadpolesat higher able leading to less precision among replicates densitiesof conspecifics, or in the presenceof heterospecifics tendedto decreasegrowth.This effect,consistent withcompeti- (Hairston 1989a, b, Morin 1998). Finally,exposureto venue.In particu- the naturalenvironment tion,was strongly dependenton experimental is thoughtto limitthe ability lar, we foundthat interspecific effectswere muchstrongerin of an experimenter to controlconditionsexperiencedby mesocosmversusfieldmanipulations. This resultis particularly relevantbecause conceptionsof amphibianassemblageshave the subjectsof the manipulation(Mertz and McCauley includedinterspecific competition as integralto naturalpatterns 1980, Morin 1989, 1998, Peters 1991). These perceived of amphibiandistribution. We concludethathypothesized trade- tradeoffs, coincidentwithrisingstandardsforstatistical offsamongexperimental venueshave notacted in a particularly rigor, have motivatedecologiststo experimentwithin strongway in shapingthe designof tadpoledensitymanipulations.However,venuemay mediatestrongeffectson the out- laboratories(e.g. Mertz and McCauley 1980). come of such experiments. of such methodology Quantification Even as the benefitsof laboratorymanipulationhave based biases willhelpecologistsmoreeffectively matchthegoals been repeatedlyasserted,criticsalso have been nearly of theirexperiments withdecisionsregardingvenue. Over thelast threedecades ecologyhas becomebroadly experimental.As experimentation has become part of the culture of ecology, ecologists have contemplated strategiesforchoosingamong the various optionsthat confrontall experimenters. Importantexamplesinclude theselectionof experimental venue,thechoice of experimentaldesign, and the degree of replication.At the same time, the wider use of experimentshas led to considerationof the role of experimentationwithin 198 unanimous in contendingthat field experimentsare morerealisticand thatonlyfieldexperiments can tellus about the quantitativeimportanceof factorsin natural populations (e.g. Carpenter 1996). Perhaps for this reason, major reviewsof ecological experimentsoften have been limitedto field experiments(e.g. Connell 1983,Schoener1983,Goldbergand Barton 1992,Gurevitchet al. 1992,2000). In responseto theirperceptions of these tradeoffsin experimentation, some ecologists turnedto a compromisesolutionin the formof hybrid experimentsconducted in mesocosms (Wilbur 1989, 1997, Morin 1998). For experimenters employingthis hybridapproach, a major goal has been the developOIKOS 94:1 (2001) techniquesthat captureat- represent ment of experimental a widearrayof designsand venues.In adwithoutsufferingdition,we havetargeted of thenaturalenvironment tributes thatincludemaexperiments of fieldex- nipulations limitations as acutelyfromtheattendant on of density. The impactof competition perimentation. duringthe populationshas been a focusof interest The backdropfor decisionsabout experimentalentirehistoryof experimental ecology (Kingsland venuesare the goals whichmotivateecologiststo 1995). As a resultof thisresearch, for competition in thefirstplace (Woottonand foodresources, conductexperiments betweenspecies,continues particularly conductedto test to be considered Pfister1998). Thus, experiments the an important factorin regulating set- abundanceand distribution ecologicaltheoryoftentake place in laboratory of species(e.g. Rowe and tings.It has been reasonedthat it is simplytoo Dunson 1994, Wilbur 1997, Resetaritsand Fauth to deal with the challengesof replicating1998, Alford 1999, Fauth 1999, Petranka and difficult sufficiently againsta noisybackgroundto conduct Kennedy1999). in thefield(e.g. Morin1998).By suchinvestigations allowsus to Finally,a focuson anuranexperiments designedto quan- construct experiments, contrast, mensurative each venuecategories threenonoverlapping of an interaction, oftenhave been represented tifythe strength numberof studies:laboby a substantial in thefield(e.g. Paine 1992).In thiscase, ratory, conducted experiments mesocosm,and field.Laboratory it is believedthatthe fieldsettingwill yieldresults includethose manipulations conductedindoorsin thecon- small containers.Mesocosmexperiments whichare moreapplicableto understanding have been In all cases,the conducted ditionsfacedby naturalpopulations. containers. outdoorsin replicated, artificial choices Most commonly, appearto reflect decisionsmadeby ecologists mesocosms used foranuranexperibased on personalassessmentsof the costs and mentshave been constructed using cattlewatering in differenttanks.Fieldexperiments benefitsof conductingan experiment bymahavebeendominated havebeen nipulations venues.However,to date,thosereckonings in meshenclosures butalso inconducted made largelyin theabsenceof formalanalyses.Nei- clude manipulations of entirewetlands(e.g. Smith therthe degreeto whichvenuemediatedtradeoffs 1983).Note thatwhilethe definitions describedhere affectexperimental design,nor thesize of venueme- are consistent with usage by amphibianecologists outcomehave been diated effectson experimental (e.g. Wilbur1997, Morin 1998),it is obviousthat Thus,we may not knowhow previously. quantified fordifferent ecolthesetermshavedifferent meanings of one venueoveranotherreally largetheadvantages ogists(e.g. mesocosm:Odum 1984, Petersenet al. data it is possible are. In theabsenceof quantitative et al. 1992,2000). 1999;field:Gurevitch theadvantages maydistort thatprevailing perceptions regardIn thisstudy,we evaluatethreepredictions of different venues. and disadvantages on widelyheld of based attributes experiments ing in venuemediatedtradeoffs In orderto quantify we expect Relativeto fieldexperiments, we reviewdesignsand perceptions. on outcome, designand effects and of mesocosm laboratory experithe design (1) To meet resultsfroma set of publishedexperiments. within more (2) replication ments to be complex, we have focusedon a singletaxon, theseobjectives, to be higher, experiments mesocosm and laboratory anuranlarvae.Anuranlarvaehave been used extenexwithinmesocosmand laboratory designedto elucidateprinciples and (3) precision sivelyin experiments Within each to be reviewed, study higher. periments of communities the structure ecological concerning as thenumberof experimen(e.g. Morin1983),and of therole of com- we measuredcomplexity generally the numberof levelsperfacincluded and tal factors (e.g. Morinand Johnson1988). petitionin particular as number of replicatesof the the tor, replication Anuranlarvae also are closelyassociatedwiththe and precisionas control treatment below), (defined to exploittheuse of mesoof techniques development of thecontrol of variation the coefficient % (% CV) mediated tradeoffs to venue in order cosms mitigate (e.g. Wilbur1997).For thesereasons,we believethat treatment. the We also evaluatedtwo predictions regarding taxonin appropriate larvalanuransare a particularly in conducted of outcomes experiments tadpole density of venue.In addition, theeffects whichto investigate These were and venues. field mesocosm, laboratory, chance focusprovidesthegreatest a sharptaxonomic of conspeto venue,ratherthan (1) thattadpolesraisedat higherdensities attributable of isolatingeffects of cifics,or in thepresenceof additionalheterospecifics to the mechanicaldistinctions those attributable would grow more slowlythan tadpolesraised at withdifferent typesof organisms. working and (2) that lowerdensityor withoutheterospecifics, additional advanOur choiceconfersa numberof on on larval the measuredimpactof densitymanipulations tages as well. Ecological experiments venue. of experimental anuransbeganin the 1960s(Dumas 1964)and their growthwouldbe independent were evaluatedusing mirrorsthat of ecologyas a whole. These lattertwo predictions development of In responseratios of growthreStudiesare numerousand, owing to the relative meta-analyses theseexperimentssponses. of larval amphibians, tractability OIKOS 94:1 (2001) 199 We have focusedon growthresponsesbecause growth is a sensitiveindicatorof performanceand a strong Literaturesearch predictor of metamorphic traits among anurans listof studiesby searching (Werner 1986). These metamorphictraits, in turn, We compileda preliminary Agri- have been related to survivorshipand reproductive databases(AquaticBiology, a setofcomputerized Biological& Agriculturalsuccess (e.g. Smith 1987). In addition, growth reResources; & Fisheries culture Index;BIOSIS; ScienceCitationIndex).In each data- sponses have been reportedby virtuallyall authorsof base, we used the searchstring"(tadpole?or anuran experimentsfocused on larval anurans, while other ordensity)". measures (e.g. survival, developmentrate) are reand(competition larvae?orlarvalanuran?) duringthe portedless frequently. listsof all papersidentified The reference databasesearchesalso weresearchedand potentially Following the standardconventionfor meta-analypaperswerealso includedin thepreliminaryses we have focused on comparisonsof control and relevant 1999. experimentaltreatmentsfrom each study. We desigthrough paperspublished list.Oursampleincludes We paredour listto includeonlythosestudiesthat nated the lowest densitytreatmentto be the control fivecriteria in intraspecificexperimentsand the single species meeting includedone or morecomparisons comparitreatmentto be the control in interspecific directly manipulated experimenter (1) the (Appendix): densitiesof at least one larvalanuran;(2) a growth sons. In both cases, if the experimentaltreatment relatedresponse(growth rate,finalsize)was measured mean is lower than the control treatmentmean, the ofthelarvalperiod trend is consistentwith a competitiveeffect.Most on a givenspeciesfortheremainder timeperiod,(3) the studiesincludedmore than one comparison.In some or untiltheendofa predetermined publishedgrowthresponseincludedthe mean,some cases a single control treatment(the one with the stan- lowest density) was compared with more than one standard ofvariance(variance, deviation, estimate (4) the experimental treatment (following convention of andsamplesizesforeachtreatment, darderror), and in the Gurevitchet al. 1992). Experimentaltreatmentswere wereconductedsimultaneously treatments treat- neverused more than once. pairsof density samelocation;and (5) relevant inothermanip- We gleaned the necessarydata from the text and werenotconfounded byvariation ments additional tables of each paper where possible. In some cases, predators, ulatedfactors(e.g. fooddensity, manipulations). hydroperiod competitors, growthresponses were presentedonly in figures.In intraspe- these instances,we estimatedmeans and errors by as including Each studywas characterized orboth. digitizingthe image and comparingthe lengthof bars manipulations, cificmanipulations, interspecific meso- (or position of symbols)relativeto the scale on the as laboratory, venuewasdesignated Experimental in the response axis. Stems estimatingerrorwere quantified presented cosm,or fieldbasedon thedefinitions Introduction. of this techsimilarly.We verifiedthe effectiveness nique by digitizingthe relevantfiguresfromour own papers (e.g. Skelly 1995b) and comparingthe resulting estimateswiththe originaldata. Attributes of experiments In meta-analysisthe standard deviation is used as (twostudiescontained the estimate of error about treatmentand control For each of the54 experiments in morethanone venue)we recordedthe means. In cases where authors reportedthe standard experiments oflevelsper error (SE) instead,we calculated the standard deviathenumber factors, number ofexperimental used. Whenthe tion as (( i/n)SE) where n is the sample size for the factor,and thenumberof replicates we treatment.In a few cases whereno estimateof error variedwithintheexperiment, numberof replicates In addi- was reported,it was possible to estimatethe standard usedthenumberfromthecontroltreatment. the% CV ofgrowth ofthe deviationby calculatingthe square root of the within responses tion,wecalculated as thelowestdensity group mean square as reportedin an ANOVA table "control"treatment (designated in intraspecific treatment and the single (Gurevitchet al. 1992). experiments These in interspecific comparisons). speciestreatment Data from each study were analyzed using attributes were analyzedindividually usingone-way MetaWin (Rosenberg et al. 1997) and effectsizes ANOVAs to determine whethertheyvariedamong were calculated and analyzed as In response ratios venues. experimental (Hedges et al. 1999). In all of the comparisonsused in this meta-analysis,a positive effectsize indicates that growthtendedto be reducedat higherdensityor in the presence of the heterospecific(followingthe Meta-analysisof growthresponses convention of Gurevitchet al. 1992). Comparisons We performed a meta-analysis on growthresponses among subgroups were evaluated using the homoof tadpolessubjectedto different densitytreatments.geneitystatistic,Qb (Hedges and Olkin 1985). Methods 200 OIKOS 94:1 (2001) We also predictedthat laboratoryand mesocosm experimentswould be more precise than fieldexperiOur reviewincludeddata collectedfroma totalof 52 ments. However, % CV did not vary among venues 137intraspecific and 90 interspe- (Fig. 3; one-wayANOVA: df= 2.149, F= 1.02, P= studiesincorporating cificcomparisons (Table 1, Appendix).Studieswere 0.36). conductedon four continents(Australia,Europe, We made a second set of predictionsfocusedon the NorthAmerica, SouthAmerica)and includedanurans outcome of experimentsconductedin different experifromsix familiesand 35 species.Withinthe sample, mentalvenues.The firstof thesepredictionswas that, weremostnumerous irrespective manipulations in thelaboratory of venue,tadpolesof a givenspeciesreared Results followedby those conductedin (85 comparisons), mesocosms (79), and in thefield(63). Whileall experi- (a) 3 of density, additionalfacmentssharedmanipulations and torsfocusedon bioticmanipulations of predators and abioticmanipulations suchas pH and pathogens, hydroperiod. based on expected 0 We made a set of predictions in theattributes in of experiments conducted tradeoffs different venues.Contraryto the first experimental to labowe foundno evidencethat,relative prediction Laboratory Mesocosm Field fieldexperiments ratoryand mesocosmexperiments, factors(Fig. la, one-way includedfewerexperimental Experimental Venue ANOVA:df= 2.51,F= 1.61,P = 0.21).In partialsup- (b) 7 of we did findthatthenumber portof thisprediction, 6levelsperfactorwas relatedto venue(Fig. lb; one-way ANOVA: df= 2.51, F= 3.56, P < 0.04). Laboratoryex5 tendedto includemorelevelsperfactorthan periments venues(TukeyHSD test:P < 0.05); there alternative was no evidencethatmesocosmand fieldvenuesdifferedin thenumberof levelsper factor(TukeyHSD 2test:P > 0.05). In this focusedon replication. The secondprediction between case we foundsomesupportfora relationship 0venue(Fig. 2; one-way and experimental replication Laboratory Mesocosm Field exANOVA:df= 2.51,F= 4.97,P < 0.01).Laboratory Venue Experimental a higherdegreeof tendedto incorporate periments replication comparedwithmesocosmor fieldexperias (a) thenumberof Fig. 1. Designcomplexity represented ments(TukeyHSD test:P < 0.05). Therewas no evi- experimental and (b) thenumberof levels factorsemployed in perfactorin 54 experiments differed dencethatmesocosmand fieldexperiments in laboas occurring categorized or fieldvenues.Errorbarsrepresent 1 SE. mesocosm, theirdegreeof replication (TukeyHSD test:P > 0.05). ratory, Table 1. Attributesof comparisonsincludedin meta-analysisof competitionexperimentsfocusingon larval anurans. Each In or heterospecifics (interspecific). comparisonhas been characterizedas an additivemanipulationof conspecifics(intraspecific) venue:laboratory,mesocosm,or field(see Methodsfordetails). addition,manipulationswerecharacterizedby theexperimental The total numberof comparisonsconsideredis includedin parenthesesfollowingthe venue description.Experimentalunit volume(liters)is the volume of a singlecontaineror enclosureused in the manipulation.Stockingdensityis the total density added). Densityfactoris the ratioof (conspecificsor heterospecifics treatment of tadpolesin the experimental (individuals/liter) would result or conspecifics densityand thecontroldensity.An additionof an equal densityof heterospecifics the experimental in a densityfactorof two. For each measurethe mean + 1 SE is presented. Manipulation/Venue Intraspecific Laboratory(73) Mesocosm (34) Field (30) Interspecific Laboratory(12) Mesocosm (45) Field (33) OIKOS 94:1 (2001) Experimentalunit volume Stockingdensity Densityfactor 5+ 1 712 + 66 346 + 35 43.8 + 19.8 0.3 + 0.1 1.4 + 0.3 7.0 + 0.9 2.7 + 0.2 4.6 + 0.7 5+ 1 637 + 57 577 + 39 5.4 + 1.6 0.7 + 0.1 1.4 + 0.5 2.2 + 0.1 3.8 + 0.8 2.0 + 0.1 201 6 0.4 T~~~ U - v0. 0 X -0.2 S Laboratory Mesocosm Experimental Venue Field -0.4 - Laborato Mesocosm Field foreach ofreplicates ofthecontrol treatment Fig.2. Number Erpe entalVenue in laboratory, of 54 experiments categorized as occurring 1 SE. Error bars represent or field venues. mesocosm, ratios)in tadpole effect sizes(In response Fig.4. Cumulative as inwerecategorized Experiments experiments. competition (filledbars)manipula(openbars)or interspecific at higherdensityor in the presenceof a heterospecific, traspecific or mesocosm, venue.laboratory, tions,and by experimental grow more slowly.This predictionwas supportedfor field.Positiveeffect sizesindicatethattadpolegrowthwas both intraspecific (n = 137, In Response ratio= 0.1I, or when of conspecifics was increased reducedwhendensity wereadded. heterospecifics P < 0.05) and interspecific (n 90, In Response ratio= 0.06, P < 0.05) manipulations.Overall,the growthrethe designof duction was larger for tadpoles subjected to the way decisionsare made regarding inproducplay and role experiments of the experiments intraspecific manipulations.Whilemostindividualcomabout the naturalworld(e.g. Morin parisons were consistentwith the overall effectsde- ing inferences ecologists have scribed,a total of 33 (15%) showedthe oppositetrend. 1998,Werner1998).Broadlyspeaking, We also predictedthatexperimental outcomewould cometo believethatchoicesmadeaboutone aspectof otheraspectsof designmayconstrain be independentof venue. This predictionwas rejected an experimental the thedesign,and thatsuchchoicescouldinfluence for both intraspecific (Fig. 4; Qb = 108.8, df= 2, P < and theinferences drawn. outcomeof theexperiment comparisons (Fig. 4; Qb= 0.001), and interspecific the 1504, df- 2, P < 0.001). In both cases, effectsizes Of all the decisionsmade by an experimenter, as one the of rank of must venue experimental choice tendedto be highestamong mesocosmmanipulations, in thisregard.In thisstudywe setout to intermediateamong field manipulations,and lowest mostcritical in thedesignand outcomeof experipatterns quantify among laboratorymanipulations. Discussion fromthechoiceofvenue. mentsflowing Ourfirst goalwas to evaluatethreewidelyprofessed whendesigning encountered tradeoffs beliefs regarding wefound Muchto oursurprise, ecologicalexperiments. we reviewed.Rellittlesupportamong the experiments As experimentation has becomeingrainedin theirdisci- ative to theirmesocosmand fieldcounterparts, laborapline,ecologistshave begun to more closelyscrutinize tory experimentsutilized more levels per factor and more replicates,but were equivalentin the numberof factorsevaluated and in the precision of responses. 16 in Therewas no evidenceof venuemediateddifferences designbetweenmesocosmand fieldexperiments. 12deThe suppositionthatmorecomplexexperimental signs can be accomplishedin the laboratoryor in U8to add mesocosmsis based on theidea thatit is difficult additional factorsor levels, and thereforeadditional 4 experimentalunits, to experimentsconducted in the field.However, most of the experimentswe reviewed includedone, two or threefactors,and therewas no 0_ -. containedfewerfactors evidencethatfieldexperiments Field Laboratory Mesocosm withinthis range. As has been pointed out, factorial designs explode into large numbersof experimental Venue Experimental units when extended beyond three factors (Wilbur of variation(/o CV) of growth 1997). Perhaps the difficulty Fig. 3. Per centcoefficient of conducting(and interResponseswerecollected responses amongcontrolreplicates. of thissize has moderatedthe as occurring in laboratory, preting)any experiments categorized from54 experiments 1 SE. or fieldvenues.Errorbarsrepresent impositionof a complexitybased tradeoff. mesocosm, 202 OIKOS 94:1 (2001) One of the primaryrationalesfor using mesocosms and laboratorycontainershas been the relativeease of replication.In practice,it appears thattheseadvantages have been expressedmoderatelyat best. There is no evidence from the structureof the experimentswe reviewedthat mesocosmsare easier to replicate.And while the typicallaboratoryexperimentalunit is more thanorderof magnitudesmallerthanthetypicalmesocosm or fieldenclosure,the relativeease of settingup extra laboratorycontainershas yielded just a small These patternsmay increasein replicatesper treatment. imply that the two to five replicatesused in most regardlessof venuehave suppliedstatistical experiments power adequate to researchers'goals. An alternative explanationis that the degree of replicationmay be determinedby otherconsiderations,(such as limitson thenumberof mesocosms,shelfspace, or availabilityof fieldsites),or even rules of thumb. Among our most puzzlingfindingsis the lack of a gradientin precision.We fullyexpectedto see more "noise" in responsesemanatingfromfieldversusmesoThese resultsdeserve cosm and laboratoryexperiments. additional investigation.Laboratory experimentson tadpoles are done in small,identicalcontainersusually in environments that impose some control over light and thermalregimesand where food is carefullymetered out. The fact that responsesfromthis environmentare as variableas thosefrommesocosmand field environments suggestsone of threelikelymechanisms. First,it may be that the largernumberof individuals that compriseexperimentalpopulations in mesocosm and field experimentsfoster an averaging effecton responsesnot foundamongsmallernumbersof individuals in laboratorycontainers(see discussionby Petersen thefieldenvironment may be et al. 1999). Alternatively, attributes more variable,but importantenvironmental may not vary in a synchronizedfashion. Thus, a more rapid growthalso may warmerlocationfostering have a lowerdissolvedoxygenor a lowerabundanceof food resourcesresultingin littlenetvariationin growth may be inamong replicates.Finally,experimentalists attributesthatmost correct.Among the environmental directlyimpactthe responseswe analyzed,the environmentsprovidedby alternatevenues may not vary the way we pre-supposed.Whatevertheirorigin,our findings suggestthat precisionhas not been a particular problem in field experimentson larval anurans and offerno mealaboratoryand mesocosmenvironments surableadvantagein thisregard. hypothOverall,our resultssuggestthatthetradeoffs esized to constrain researchers'abilities to conduct complex,powerful,and precise experimentshave not acted in an especiallystrongway to structureexperimental designs. Phrased another way, there is little evidencefromour analysesthatthereare strongadvantages or disadvantagesto usingone venueover another based on considerationsof designcomplexity,replicaOIKOS 94:1 (2001) tion, and precision.While thereis no guaranteethat conductedon othertaxa or otherinteracexperiments tions will produce the same message, our findings stronglysuggestthatthesewidelyheld beliefsshouldbe further evaluated.The advantagesof such scrutinyare several. Most notably, if venue does not constrain experimentaldesigns as much as is typicallythought, then ecologistscan choose experimentalvenues based on otherconsiderations. one of themostcritical Of all possibleconsiderations, to many ecologistsis the notion of realism.This conto define,but undeniably difficult cept is frustratingly importantto muchthatecologistsdo. When measuring the strengthof an interaction,and even when testing ecologicaltheory,manyecologistswould like to believe resultsoffera realisticpictureof thattheirexperimental the factorsthataffectnaturalpopulationsand communities. Unfortunately,realism is one of the most attributesto calibrate.An ecolodifficult experimental a manipulationunavoidablydecreases gist performing realismin hard to defineways.Whileit is oftenimplied in the fieldare morerealisperformed thatexperiments tic than those performedin mesocosmsor laboratory mechanisms,at base, this can only be called an assumption. A numberof ecologistshave dealt with this thorny approach. By rooting issue by adoptingan integrative and conducttheirresearchin a conceptualframework in different venues,theyseek to evaluing experiments ate hypothesesthroughconsensusin outcomesthatcan extendacross venues(e.g. Sarnelle1997,Werner1998). Consequently,one metricof theimportanceof venueis conductedin different the degreeto whichexperiments venuesachievecongruencein outcomes.If experimental outcomeis largelyindependentof venue,thenthereis some reason to think that resultingconclusions are more likelyto reflecta process or patternof interest rather than the methodological artifacts of our manipulations. Thus, the second goal of our reviewwas to evaluate the outcomeof tadpole densitymanipulations,particuvenue employed. larlywithrespectto the experimental As in manymodel systems,amphibianecologistshave measuredtheimpactof densityusingexperifrequently between ments.In thissystem,competition, particularly species,has been a cornerstoneof hypothesesof community structurein amphibian assemblages (Morin 1983,Wilbur 1997, Alford1999). thatmanipulaThe resultsof our reviewdemonstrate tions of tadpole densitieshave regularlyyieldedeffects consistentwith competition.Overall, larval anurans raised at higherdensitiesof conspecifics,and those raised in the presence of additional heterospecifics, experiencedreduced growth.However, it is equally clear that the measured impact of densityis highly As we discussbelow,our resultssuggest heterogeneous. thatdecisionsmade regardinghow to conducta density 203 manipulationmay have sizable impactson estimatesof Given that mesocosmswere firstimplementedas a more tractable,but quasi-naturalalternativeto field competitiveeffect. in estimated manipulations(Resetaritsand Fauth 1998), perhapsit Specifically,we found large differences effectsize among the threeexperimental venues.Meso- is not surprisingthat researchershave been successful cosm experimentswere associated with largerdeclines at mimickinga numberof aspectsof fieldexperiments. to in growththan eitherlaboratoryor fieldexperiments. These similaritiesmake it that much more difficult As seen in Fig. 4, estimatesof the impact of interspe- understandthe sharp distinctionin experimentaloutcific manipulationsare highly variable. Why would comes betweenvenues. Nevertheless,thereare at least interspecific effectsizes divergeso widely?A negative two possibilitiesthat bear furtherinquiry.First,it is workingin the two venues estimate(facilitation)for laboratorymanipulationsis clear that experimenters species (Appendix). derived fromjust two studies,both focusingon the have tended to focus on different same two species (Smith-Gilland Gill 1978, Werner Perhaps some specieswhichhave been examinedsolely 1992). As in mostlaboratorystudiesof tadpole compe- within mesocosms will also compete stronglywhen tition(and unlike the mesocosm and fieldstudies re- evaluated in the field.Second, we know of no studies viewed), these researchers provided tadpoles with comparing the composition and abundance of food regularlyreplenished,per-capitafood rations and in resourceswithinmesocosmsand naturalponds (or field both cases it appeared that tadpoles sometimes enclosures).If mesocosmscontain a lower diversityof benefitedfromincreasedtadpole density,perhaps be- food resources,or if resourcesbecome depletedduring cause it was associatedwitha greaterabsolute amount an experimentmore rapidly,the measuredimpact of of food. In addition,laboratoryexperiments have been densityon growthcould be increasedbecause of heightconductedin containersaveragingjust a fewliterswhile ened resourceoverlap. Whatevertheirorigin,the exisin outcomebetween difference both mesocosm and fieldexperimentshave been con- tenceof a characteristic mesocosm and field experiments has importantimplicaducted in experimentalunits of severalhundredliters. tions for amphibian ecologists. The impactof scaling,in theabsenceof otherfactors,is Of even largerrelevanceis our abilityto use any of capable of affectingresponsesmeasuredby ecologists the experimentsto make inferencesabout conditions (Petersenet al. 1997, 1999). These or otherdifferences betweenlaboratoryand fieldexperimentscould be re- experiencedby natural populations. Currently,such inferencesabout anuran communitiesoftenappear to sponsiblefor an observedswitchin competitivedomibe based on the predominantpatternemanatingfrom nance betweenexperiments conductedon leopard frogs mesocosm experiments(e.g. Wilbur 1997, Resetarits (Rana pipiens) and wood frogs(R. sylvatica)(Werner and Fauth 1998, Petrankaand Kennedy 1999). How1998). ever, if fieldexperimentsare assumed to be the most While mesocosmand fieldvenues yieldedsignificant appropriategauge of the naturalcondition(e.g. Coneffectsizes consistentwithcompetition,the effectsize nell 1983, Schoener 1983, Goldberg and Barton 1992, frommesocosm studies was severalfoldthat for field Gurevitchet al. 1992, Carpenter1996), then a much experiments.In fact, interspecific field manipulations different pictureemerges.Interspecific competitionmay wereassociatedwithextremely small effects, equivalent occur in natural populations,but it may oftenbe of to a 2% changein growth.The outcomeof straightformoderateeffect.Patterns,such as segregateddistribuward densitymanipulationsis highlycontextdependent tions,previouslyattributedto interspecific competition promptingtwo importantquestions:What factorscon- may be due to other factors(Wellbornet al. 1996). tributeto differencesin outcome betweenmesocosm To what extentis the assumptionof greaterrealism and fieldexperiments? and, How do resultsfromthese valid forthefieldexperiments reviewedhere?A particuexperimentsrelate to the conditions experiencedby larly relevantconcern is that the mechanicsof field naturalpopulations? manipulationsmay, forwhateverreason,tend to mitiOne potential explanation for the discrepancyin gate the impacts of increased density.One common outcomes between mesocosm and field experiments criticismis thatthemeshwalls of enclosuresmay allow could be differences in stockingdensities(Jaegerand nutrientsand food resourcesto enterthus preventing Walls 1989). While mesocosm studieshave been criti- depletion.There are two counterarguments to thissugcized as havingunrealistically highdensities,we found gestion. First, there are usually tadpoles and other that stockingdensitieswithinmesocosm experiments grazersliving outside of enclosurewalls so it is not weresimilarto and tendingto be even lowerthanthose clear, a priori,whetherthe net flowof food resources foundin fieldexperiments (Table 1). Experimentscon- and nutrients will be into or out of enclosures.Second, ductedin mesocosmsand in the fieldwerecomparable singlespeciesfieldexperiments conductedunderidentiin otherrespectsas well. The volume of experimental cal conditionshave tendedto yield sizable impactsof units, the duration of experiments,and the density intraspecific densitymanipulations(Fig. 4). 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Cummins Dash and Hota DeBenedictis Gascon Gascon and Travis Griffiths Griffiths et al. Griffiths et al. Hokit and Blaustein Kieseckerand Blaustein Kupferberg Lawler and Morin Martinezet al. Morin Morin Morin et al. Newman Parrisand Semlitsch Peacor and Werner Pehek Reques and Tejedo Relyea and Werner Riha and Berven Semlitsch Semlitschand Caldwell Semlitschand Reyer Skelly Skelly Smith Smith-Gilland Gill Sredl and Collins Sredl and Collins Steinwascher Tejedo and Reques Tejedo and Reques Travis et al. Warneret al. Warneret al. OIKOS 94:1 (2001) 1985 1983 1996 1969 1991 1989 1980 1974 1992 1992 1991 1991 1993 1994 1999 1997 1993 1996 1986 1987 1988 1998 1998 1997 1995 1997 1999 1991 1993 1982 1992 1995a 1995b 1990 1978 1991 1992 1978 1992 1994 1985 1991 1993 BUAM, RASP RASY BUVI BUAM RATE RATE RATI RAPI, RASY EPFE, OSTA, PHTO RAUT BUCA, RATE BUCA, RATE BUCA, RATE RACS HYRE, RACS HYRE, RABO, RACT BUWO, PSCR RAPE PSCR HYVE, PSCR BUWO, HYAN SCCO RABL, RASP RACL, RACT HYAN, HYVE, RASP BUCA RACL, RACT RASY RAES, RALE SCHO RAES, RALE PSCR, PSTR PSCR, RACL PSTR RAPI, RASY PSTR HYEX RAUT BUCA BUCA HYGR HYFE, HYGR HYFE, HYGR M L L F M L L F M M M M M L M F M L M M M L M M M L, M F L M L M F F F L F F L L M F M M 15 I 2 I 4 2 2 3 2 2 6 2 3 2 1 1,1 6 4 4 2 7 8 1 2 4 3 2 4 6 4 Interspecific 2 8 6 4 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 4 2 6 2 7 3 8 8 207 Appendix(Continued) Author(s) Year Species Venue No. of comparisons Intraspecific Werner Wernerand Anholt Wernerand Glennemeier Wilbur Wilbur Wilbur Wilburand Alford Wiltshireand Bull Woodward 1992 1996 1999 1976 1977a 1977b 1985 1977 1987 RAPI, RASY RACA, RACL RAPI, RASY RASY BUAM, RAPA RASY BUAM, HYCR, RASP PDBI, PDSE BUWO L M F F L, F L M F L 4 4 5 5,5 3 2 2 Interspecific 4 8 0,3 2 Species codes. BUAM Bufoamericanus,BUCA Bufocalamita,BUVI Bufoviridis,BUWO Bufowoodhousii, EPFE Epipedobates HYCR Hyla chrysoscelis, HYEX Hyla eximia,HYFE Hylafemoralis,HYGR Hyla gratiosa, femoralis,HYAN Hyla andersonii, HYRE Hyla regilla,HYVE Hyla versicolor,OSTA Osteocephalustaurinus,PHTO Phyllomedusatomopterna, PDBI Pseudophryne bibroni,PDSE Pseudophryne semimarmorata, PSCR Pseudacris(= Hyla) crucifer, PSTR Pseudacristriseriata,RABL Rana blairi,RABO Rana boyl/i,RACL Rana clamitans,RACS Rana cascadae, RACT Rana catesbeiana,RAES Rana esculenta, RALE Rana lessonae,RAPA Rana palustris,RAPE Rana perezi,RAPI Rana pipiens,RASP Rana sphenocephala, RASY Rana sylvatica,RATE Rana temporaria,RATI Rana tigrina,RAUT Rana utricularia,SCCO Scaphiopuscouchi,SCHO Scaphiopus holbrooki. 208 OIKOS 94:1 (2001)