LandscapeManagementthroughIntegrationof ExistingToolsandEmergingTechnologies and diversityinherentin managing aturalresource professionals Alandscape approach toforest management facethestaggering taskofas- forestsoverlargeareas(Morganand must consider theimplications ofalternative maytake similating andmobilizing vast Henrion1990).Uncertainty scenarios across stands andthrough time. (Raup amountsof information.Changing theformof naturaldisturbances TheLandscape Management System, a marketandsocialvalues,increasing 1964), changingmarketvaluesfor population growth,andtheglobaliza- wood commodities(Oliver 1995), or computer program, facilitates implementation tion of trade andtransportation con- shifting cultural values attached toforofthisapproach byintegrating forest inventinually reshape the demands placed ests (Oliver 1992). Diversity is charactories, spatial information, growth models, on the world's forest resources. Conteristic of both landowners and the forvisualization, summarization, andanalysis. currently, the evolutionof ecosystem eststructures on theland.A landscape Acase study withthree scenarios--no science andlandscape ecology andthe of moderatesize (< 10,000 hectares) harvest, clearcut, andthinning--exposes the in the UnitedStates recognition of theroleof disturbancesnearlyanywhere complex tradeoffs inherent inforest manage- in forestdynamicshaveemphasized mayincludeforests managed by nonment andhighlights theneed forcompara- thecomplex tradeoffs in values associ- industrialprivateforestowners,forest tiveanalysis tools. atedwith managing theseresources industry, andstateor federalagencies. (Oliver et al. 1998). Successful man- Standstructures varywithin and beagement requires lookingfurtherinto tweenlandscapes; management objecthe future and more broadly across the tives and methods vary by ownership. ByJamesB.McCarter,JeremyS. landscape. Coordinating management Diverse stand structures reflect the Wilson,PatrickJ.Baker,Jeffrey activitiesandpredictinginteractions diverse patternsof previous manageL. Moffett, and Chadwick D. withinandamongspatial andtempo- mentpractices, forestgrowth,andnatOliver At the landscape ralscales isthemajorchallenge facing ural disturbances. forestmanagement professionals. scale,this diversityprovidesforest The landscapemanagement ap- managers withthe flexibilityto meet proach(Oliver1992;Boyce1995)ad- the changing demands on forestredresses the complexity of forestman- sources. Thus, maintainingdiverse agement.To coordinatethe vast standstructures across the landscape amountof informationat the many affords someinsurance against theunspatialand temporalscales, we have certaintyinherentin forestmanagedesigned a computer programto im- ment (0liver 1995). plementthe landscape management Traditional forest planning addresses approach. It allowsforestmanagers varying spatial andtemporal scales. For andpolicymakers to develop andeval- largeforest organizations therearethree uatestand-andlandscape-scale silvi- general levels ofplanning: strategic, tacticulturaloptionsfor both short-and cal,andoperational (Weintraub andBare long-term planning. 1996). Strategicplanningconsiders whole forestareas,from thomandsto LandscapeManagement Our approach uses a richhistoryof Peer-Reviewed millionsof acres,overlongplanning horizons. Thisscale requires considerable research and data collection in forest datareduction. Tactical planning considecology, mensuration, andsilviculture erssmaller spatial scales, suchaswateratthestandscale. Thisknowledge pro- sheds,on an annualbasisoveroneor two videsthe basisfor classifying forest decades. Operational planningimplestandsand predictingfuturecondi- ments tactical plans during each year. tionsat the landscape scale.The apOur approach combines aspects of proachaggregates thesetechniques to tacticaland operational planningfor thelandscape scale. bothspace andtime.Instead of explicThe landscape management ap- itly definingthreedistinctlevelsof proachacknowledges theuncertainty planningthatarevaguely linked,the Journalof Forestry • 7 landscape management approach considers multipleplanning levels simultaneously. Managers maycompareand contrast standstructures in a giventime or over multiple decades.Likewise, standstructures in a giventimeperiod canbeexamined across a largearea. Resources, University of Washington boundaries,and a digital elevation modelfor the landscape. At the indiNorthwest Research Station. vidualstandscale, growthmodels proLMSisa Microsoft Windows appli- jectstands intothefuture.Specific silcation that coordinates the flow of invicultural treatments, suchasthinning, formation among growth models, regeneration planting,and clearcutcomputervisualization software, and ting, can be modeled.The same analysis tools(seeMcCarteret al. 1996 process canbeapplied atthelandscape Overviewof the System andMcCarter1997).LMS organizes scale,eitheron a stand-by-stand basis TheLandscape Management System activities thatincludeapplication man- or as a uniform whole. (LMS)provides landmanagers witha agement, growthsimulation, silviculLMS hasbeendeveloped to incortoolforevaluating management alter- ture and disturbance simulation, and poratesomeexistingforestmodels natives byintegrating thelargeamounts outputprocessing. Preferred manage- andcomputer tools(McCarter1997). of information necessary fordesigning ment scenarios are developeditera- Data and estimated future conditions complex landscape plans.The system tivelyin LMS by criticallyevaluating canbeanalyzed andevaluated byavarequires knowledge andinformation at andrefining multipleprojections. rietyof methods, ranging fromtables the standscaleto projectchanges in Filterprograms translate datafrom andgraphs to three-dimensional stand landscape-scale processes. An under- oneformatto another, generating the and landscapevisualizations (SVS, standing of silvics, foreststanddynam- systemnetworkthat ultimatelylinks McGaughey 1997;andUVIEW, Ager ics,growth models, silviculture, andge- inputsto outputs.(fig.1). Incorporat- andMcGaughey1997).Further,the ographic information systems (GIS) is ing newgrowthmodelsor inventory benefits andrisks estimated foragiven necessary for creatingandevaluating dataformats intoLMSrequires chang- alternative, such asstand structure diforestplans.Withoutthisknowledge ing specificfilter programs,not the versityversussprucebudwormsustheprogram wouldsimply provide out- general architecture of thesystem (Me- ceptibility (Wilsonet al.,in press), can Carter 1997). putwithoutcontext. beassessed eitherby usingalgorithms The development of LMS ispartof Landscapes in LMSareorganized as withinLMSorbyexporting outputto a cooperative effortbetween theSilvi- portfolios tools.Additionalexamcontaining foreststandin- otheranalysis cultureLaboratory, Collegeof Forest ventorydata,a growthmodel,stand plesof interpreting LMS outputinand the USDA Forest Service, Pacific GIS spatial information•"/ Forest stand inventory•"• information (ARC/INFO) Landscape Management System Integrafiveprogramautomatinggrowth projection,analysis,and visualization I (•.gdSilvicultural operations '• LMS portfolio inventoryand spatial .,thinning, regeneration. information for stands isturbance simulation J in a landscape Growt mode (FVS-PN variant) snag-logsimulator (cwdsim.exe) /((e External analysis •'x'/ 5Summary and •'x'• 5Landscap visualizat ( .g.,wind hazard model in ] ] [ analysis tables] (e.g.,summaries and] •k•, Micrøsøft Acess) J •tructural {k•.(UVIEW)) classificationS// Stand visualization (SVS) Figure/.Theflowofinformation intoandthroughtheLandscape Management System. Eachconnecting linerepresents oneor morefilter programs that formatinformationbeingtransferredaccording to the client'srequirements. Theshadedareaidentifies the corecomponentsof LIqS. 18 June 1998 dude assessmentof crown-fire hazard Larson 1996), and evaluation of fi- uralResources. Approximately halfthe landscape iscomposed of youngplantations;theremainder ismostly60- to 80-year-old second-growth. TheForest Vegetation Simulator-Pacific Northwest Variant (FVS-PN) (Donnelly agementregimesdiffer considerably (fig.3, p. 20).Theno-harvest scenario results in a landscape of densestands withlargetrees andnoharvest openings (inventory andGISdatawereprovided by theWashington StateDNR). The nancial returns. 1996;Tecket al. 1996) wasusedasthe dearcut scenario creates a mosaic of (Wilsonand Baker,in press)and windhazard(Wilsonin prep.),dassification of stand structures(e.g., Careyand Elliott 1994; Oliver and Thesystem hasbeendesigned asan growthmodelforallstandprojections. openings anddense youngplantations. interface to growthmodels thatoperThreemanagement alternatives were The thinningscenario produces fewer ate at the individual tree, distance- projected overfivedecades. Thefirstal- openings, less-dense stands, andgreater independent level,for two reasons. ternative excluded harvestFirst,mostgrowthmodelsoperateat ing. The seconddearcuta this resolution(Vanday1994). Sec- portionof thelandscape in ond, mostforestsamplingmethods each decade; the harvested currently provide thislevelofinforma- standswere replantedand tion or canbe readilymodifiedto do precommericallythinned tance-independentlevel provides after two decades. The third combined commercial thin- within-standsizedistributions,it offers ningandlimiteddearcutting a compromise between spatialresolutionanddataintensity for evaluating landscape-scale processes andmanage- in the older stands. ment alternatives. parethe management sce- Tobeapplied at thelandscape scale, modelingat the individualtreelevel with spatiallyexplicitdatawouldrequireprohibitively largeamounts of information. Thecostofobtaining tree locations ishigh,andthespatial competitionindices theypredict rarelyper- narios:wood volume, stand structure, and windthrow and cut volume in different mation are available. Stand Structure Classifica- so. Becausethe individual tree, dis- Stand initiation Forsimplicit)• onlythree criteria were used to com- II :1 susceptibility. The standing Stem exclusion sizeclasses of woodbeing harvested fromthelandscape wereprovidedin an LMS form better than stand-scale measures output table.Foreststruc(Vanclay1994;Wimberlyand Bare tureclasses provided a sub1996).In addition,fewforestgrowth jective classificationof models thatincorporate spatial infor- wildlife habitat(see"Oliver's Modeling atthestandscale doesnot tion," p. 22). Figure2 prerequirethelargeamounts of datathat sents visualizations of each individualtree, distance-dependentforest structure dassification. modelsdo; however,in an environment Forests on the Olympic of changing management goals,stand Peninsula have been affected averages donotalways provide enough by catastrophic windstorms information to address diverse ques- (Lynottand Cramer1966; tionseitherspadallyor temporally. Hendersonet al. 1989).The Standaveraging limitstheapplicability wind hazard model for Clalof themodelasnewquestions orcrite- lamBayincorporates comria ariseby adoptinga classificationplexspatial andtemporal inscheme earlyin themodeling process. formationto comparethe susceptibility of standsto windstorms (see "Wind The ClallamBay Portfolio A casestudy,comparing threeman- Hazard Model," p. 20). agementscenarios, showssomefea- Windhazardratings for the turesof LMS. Forpurposes of illustra- entire landscapeare estition we restrictedthe exampleto a matedforeachtimeperiod. Understory reinitiation Old-growth small area and few measurable criteria. The casestudylandscape is a 400hectare basinnearClallamBayon the OlympicPeninsula managedby the Washington StateDepartment ofNat- CaseStudy Results At the end of five decades theprojected landscape con- Figure2. Representativestandvisualizationof the four foreststructuresbeingusedto evaluate the landscapein this analysis. ditions under the three man- Journalof Forestry 19 variation of tree sizes. No-harvest Clearcut Standing andcutvolumeson theClallamBay landscape vary through timeandamongscenarios(figs.4, 5). With no harvesting, the volume ofbothstanding sawtimberandlargesawtimber sawtimber and largesawtimber size class.Standing volumeremainsrelativelyconstant butis considerably less than the no-harvest scenario. The har- vestlevels in thethinningscenario producelessstanding volume thanthenoharvest scenario but resultin a higher proportion of largesawtimber. Figure dcompares theproportion of increases over time. Harthelandscape in eachstructural stage vestingin the clearcut amongscenarios. The no-harvest opscenario generates an in- tiongenerates old-growth structure by creasing flowof cutvol- the fourth decade;however,without ume,particularly in the anycutting,thestandinitiationstruc- scenario scenario ture is lost in the same decade. The clearcut scenario generates littleunderstoryreinitiation andnoold-growth. Baycasestudylandscape. Stands arecycled between standinitiaFigure3. Landscape visu- alization of the Clallam The landscapesare depictedduringthe fifth Thinning scenario decade of each scenario. Wind Hazard tion and stem exclusion. In the thin- ningscenario old-growth structure is created by thethirddecade. The lim- Model matrix(modifiedfrom Mitchell1995). Exposure isa measureof a stand's topographic positionrelative to upwindstands(wind direction is variablein the model). Severeexposure= ridges,mid- and upper-slope standswith aspectsparallelto the wind,and upper slopes with windwardaspects.Moderate exposure= upper-slope standsprotected by higher elevationsupwind,mid-slope standswith windwardaspects, andbottom-slopestandshavingaspectsparallelto stormwinds.Low exposure= mid- or respondto changing standconditions (Cremeret al. 1982; bottom-slopestandsprotectedby higherelevationsupwind. Soil describes the effect of a stand's soil attributes on Becqueyand Riou-Nivert 1987; Lohmanderand Helles we used 1987).Siteandstandratingsare combined to providea wind windthrowpotential.For the ClallamBaylandscape a soilwindthrowhazardcodedevelopedbytheWashington hazardrating. Soilsreceivea seInsteadof explicitlypredictingandsimulating disturbance StateDepartmentof NaturalResources. events, thisapproachratesthe susceptibility of eachstandto vere,medium,or low rankingbasedon their maximumrootwind. Hatrices for soil, exposure,and stand rankingsare ingdepth and soildrainagerates. Mitchell(I 995) proposeda simplemodelfor combining site andstandhazardratingsinto an overallwind hazardrating. Sitehazardsindexrootingdepth,soilmoisture,topographic exposure,and other environmental conditionsthat are not generally alteredbyforestmanagement (Cremeret al. 1982; Mitchell 1995;Quine 1995).Standcharacteristics, suchas tree heightanddiameter,crownsize,species, trees per area, and the conditionof neighboringupwindstands,are determinedbythe individual trees in the standandlandscape and combined into an overall wind hazard value. Values for site hazard from the first matrix are used for site in the second Site Hazard Exposure low Soil moderate severe low moderate severe low low moderate low moderate severe moderate severe severe Stand severe low low low moderate moderate low moderate severe severe severe severe moderate : 30 meters low < 80, moderate _<90, severe > 90 Site moderate low < 15 meters, moderate _<30 meters, severe > 2. Height to diameter ratio (sameunits) of the largest 250 trees per hectare: Wind Hazard low Stand refers to the conditions of trees in a stand and rel- ativeconditionsof upwindneighbors. Standfactorsandtheir weightinghavebeen developedfrom a reviewof the wind hazardliterature (Cremer et al. 1982;Becqueyand RiouNivert 1987;Lohmanderand Helles 1987;Mitchell 1995). Eachof thesefactorsis givenequalrating. I. Heightof the largest250 trees per hectare: 3. Upwindneighborheight/focus standheightratio: low > .75,moderate_<.75,severe< .50 (minimum 20 percentof focusstandborder) 4. Percentof trees retainedin thinningsduringprevious decade: low > 80, moderate -< 80, severe _<60 20 June1998 No-harvestscenario Clearcutscenario Thinningscenario 40,000 ' 35,000 '•E • 30,000 25,000 15,ooo ••20,000 • 5,000 ! :ß ß ß 0 1991 2001 2011 2021 2031 m 2041 1991 pole 2001 • 2011 2021 sawtimber • !ß • m 2031 2041 • 1991 2001 2011 2021 2031 2041 large sawt•mber Figure4. Standingvolumeby yearand sizeclassin eachof the three scenarios. itedclearcut harvesting in thethinning scenariocontinuesto generatethe Clearcut scenario Thinning scenario standinitiationstructure throughout the50-yearprojection. • 5,000 The proportion of thelandscape in various windhazard classes iscompared '•E4,000 amongscenarios in figure7. In the '• 3.000 clearcut scenario, a largeproportion of • 2.000 1,000 thelandscape ismaintained in thelow 0 hazardclassthroughthe creationof 1991 2001 2011 2021 2031 2041 1991 2001 2011 2021 2031 openings andtheyoungstands thatdepole • sawtimber • large sawtimber velopin them.Severe windhazard ona smallproportion of the landscape reFigure5. Cut volumeby yearand sizeclassin eachharvestingscenario. sultsfromthecreation of openings up- No-harvest Clearcut scenario scenario 2041 Thinning scenario 100% 60 8ø l 40 20 o 1991 20;3120'112021 2031 • 2041 standinitiation 1991 2011 2(•212031 20411991 2001 2011 2021 20'312041 2001 -- stem exclusion • understoryreinitiation • old-growth FiRure6. Proportionsof the landscape in differentforeststructuralstagesthroughouteachmanagementscenario. No-harvest Clearcut scenario scenario Thinning scenario 100% 60 20 1 0 1991 20;312011 20'2120'31 2041 1991 2001 2011 2•21 2•31 2041 1991 2001 2011 2021 2031 2041 low I• moderate • severe Figure7. Proportions of the landscape in differentwindhazardclasses throughouteachmanagement scenario. Journalof Forestry 21 Oliver's Stand Structure Classification The classification of standstructureusedfor the ClallamBaycasestudyis basedon Oliver's(1981)fourstructuralstages: old-growth, understory reinitiation,stemexclusion, andstandinitiation. Althoughthere are manyclassifications(e.g.,Oliver 1981;Brown1985;FEMAT1993;CareyandElliott1994),we choseOliver's(1981)because it iswidelyapplicable in westernWashington. Standswere evaluatedfor structuralclassin the order presentedbelow;if a standdidnot meetthe requirements of one structuralclass,it waspassed to canbe expected fromnaturaldisturbances. Theclearcut scenario produces thelandscape mosaic withthelowest cumulative windhazard rating; thenoharvestandthinningscenarios have higherratings.Because windhazard ratingsaredetermined for individual stands, managers canplanto reduce stand-specific windhazardassociated the next one down. with certain sites or allow stand struc- Old-growth (OGDTG 1986) 2 or morespecies 20 or moretreesper hectare> 81.3 centimeters dbh 30 or moreshade-tolerant treesper hectare>40.6 centimeters dbh 7 or moreconifersnags perhectare>51 centimeters dbhand>4.5 meterstall 10or morelogsper hectare>61 centimeters diameterand> 15meterslong Canopyclosure> 30 percent Understory reinitiation Averagedbhof the largest250 treesper hectare_>51 centimeters Canopyclosure> 40 percent Stem exclusion turesthatarerelatively moresuscepubleto windthrow to growin protected sites(Wilson,in prep.). Forourexample wechose arelatively smalllandscape andjustthreeanalysis criteria. Realmanagement problems are morecomplex, andincluding otherobjectives-balanced timberflow,aesthetics,or recreation--would require developmentof additional management scenarios and measurable criteria. Never- Averagedbhof the largest250 treesper hectare< 51 centimeters Canopyclosure> 60 percent theless, eventhis limitedcasestudy shows thatLMS efficiently automates themanyrepetitive routines necessary Stand to use stand-scaleinformation for land- initiation Anystandthat doesnot fit in anothercategory scape-level projections. Projecting the ClallamBaylandscape (26stands) one timeperiodusingFVS-PN takesapwind of uncutstands. As treesgrow thetradeoffs among theClallam Bayal- proximately 15seconds using aPentium taller in the no-harvestscenario,more ternatives. Bothharvesting scenarios 133MHz desktop computer. stands move into the moderate and seChanges in forestmanagement obproduce substantial cutvolumes in the verewind hazardclass.By the fifth sawtimber andlargesawtimber cate- jectivesgenerate newsuitesof quesand thinning tions. Consequently, decade only10percent ofthelandscapegories.The no-harvest analysistools is in the lowest wind-hazard class.The scenarios produce old-growth structure needto bereadily adaptable tovariable thinningscenario produces similarre- onthelandscape, environments. LMS inalthough thethinning management suits. Increasesin wind risk becauseof scenario creates old-growth structure cludes several analysis programs, such develops moreunderstory reini- assummary the creation of upwindopenings and sooner, standstatistics, landscape thinningin stands areoffset byreduced tiation structure, and maintains some timbervaluation(standing or cutvolheight-to-diameter ratios resulting from stand initiation structure. These three ume), and harvestadjacency conthinningand the creationof young structures havebeenidentified assup- straints. At thesame time,LMSoutput stands,which havelowerwind risk. porting thehighest relative diversity of is sufficiently genericthat it canbe wildlife(Franklinet al. 1986). readilytransferred to a widerangeof Discussion In theabsence of large-scale distur- analysis tools.Forexample, thewind The integration of growthmodels, banceor harvesting, thestandinitia- hazard ratingmodule wasdeveloped m inventorydata,geographic informa- tionstructure willeventually disappear a database program, andstandstructural classifications have been develtion,andanalysis toolsin LMScreates a fromthelandscape. If landscape-scale framework to helpusers compare man- hazards--wind, fires, insect infesta- opedin a spreadsheet program. The substandresolution of LMS inagement scenarios. Table1 summarizestions-arehigh,somestandinitiation formationallowsfor detailedanalysis For example, in our standstructure classification, theold-growth category requires anestimate of thenumberof treesof shade-tolerant species greater than40.6 centimeters dbh.Aggregationof stand-scale information might obscure this level of resolution. In con- trastto optimization methodologies, a desired stand structure distribution for 22 Junel998 a landscape isobtained iteratively with multipleprojections; however,optimizationtechniques canbeusedto developscenarios in conjunctionwith 1986.Interim definitions j•r old-growth Douglas-fir and mixed-coni•r j•rests inthePacific Northu•st andCali]br- scape visualization. General Technical Report PNWGTR-397. Portland,OR: USDA ForestService,Pacific Northwest ResearchStation. nia. Research Note PNW-447. Portland,OR: USDA Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station. 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Conclusion The landscape management approachaddresses theuncertainty, complexity,and tradeoffs associated with managing forestresources. LMSallows forestmanagers to synthesize andintegrate data and informationfrom growthmodels, forestinventories, and GIS databases to implement thelandscapemanagement approach. By provldinggraphical,tabular,and visual Teck,M. Moeur,andJ.Adams,15%67.Gen.Tech. outputs, LMS facilitates exploration of Rep.INT-GTR-373. Ogden, UT:USDAForest Service,Intermountain Research Station. current andprojected stand-andlandJamesB. McCarter (e-mail.'jmac@ J.B.,J.S.WILSON, P.J.BAKER, J.L.MOFscape-scale conditions andcomparative McCARTER, silvae. c•.washington. edu), Jeremy S.•lFETT,S.D. STINSON, and N. ALLISON. 1996. Landanalysis of potentialrisksandbenefits, scape son, Patrick J. Baker, and JerSey L. Moj• management user} manual, version 1.5 Seattle: as well as outreach and education. 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LMS can be obtained J3omthel•rld Widel•b siteoftheSilvicuhure Laboratory, College of Forest Resources, Universityof Washington (http://silvae. cJ3.washington. edu/lms/). Thesoftware ispublicdomainandmay bedownloadedJ3ee ofcharge. Journalof Forestry 2:3