Forest Ecology and Management 303 (2013) 148–159 Contents lists available at SciVerse ScienceDirect Forest Ecology and Management journal homepage: The influence of ground disturbance and gap position on understory plant diversity in upland forests of southern New England Marlyse C. Duguid a,⇑, Brent R. Frey b, David S. Ellum c, Matthew Kelty d, Mark S. Ashton a a Yale School of Forestry & Environmental Studies, New Haven, CT, United States Department of Forestry, Mississippi State University, Mississippi State, MS, United States c Environmental Studies Department, Warren Wilson College, Asheville, NC, United States d Department of Natural Resources Conservation, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA, United States b a r t i c l e i n f o Article history: Received 6 December 2012 Received in revised form 8 April 2013 Accepted 15 April 2013 Keywords: Evenness Forest harvesting Herbaceous Microsite Richness Soils a b s t r a c t The forest understory contains the majority of vascular plant diversity in eastern temperate forests, and its diversity, composition, and dynamics contribute directly to ecosystem function. Forest managers have traditionally viewed the understory as primarily affecting forest regeneration or wildlife habitat, but the growing recognition of goods and services the understory provides (e.g., ecosystem function, ecological resiliency, non-timber forest products) has increased concerns about the impacts of forest management on understory diversity. We monitored response of understory diversity to microsite position and degree of ground-level disturbance within experimental gaps for 10 years. We did this at four sites with distinct soil types and topographic positions of a glacial geology in southern New England that were categorized as (i) mesic, (ii) mid-slope, (iii) outwash, and (iv) sandy-skeletal. We analyzed differences in patterns of species richness, Shannon diversity, and evenness across sites and through time. Understory species richness was generally enhanced by gap formation. Gap position was the primary factor influencing species richness across all sites, but the patterns of diversity and evenness within gaps was site specific. Ground-disturbance was influential on drier sandy sites, and more pronounced earlier in the experiment. Temporal differences were also evident across sites, with richness stabilizing at all sites 10 years after gap creation. The one exception was the sandy-skeletal site, which was still increasing in richness. Resource managers interested in protecting and enhancing understory species diversity need to consider underlying site, specifically soil type when planning silvicultural treatments, as the response of the understory community to disturbance can vary greatly with site. Ó 2013 Published by Elsevier B.V. 1. Introduction The importance of maintaining biodiversity has been widely recognized at both national and international levels (U.S., 2000; Brooks et al., 2006; UNEP, 2010). Plant diversity is a fundamental component of ecosystem diversity, contributing to both habitat structure and ecosystem function (Srivastava and Vellend, 2005). In eastern deciduous forests, the majority of the vascular plant species diversity is found in the herbaceous layer (Whigham, 2004). Diversity within the herbaceous layer increases structural complexity, which has a beneficial effect on compositional diversity of many insects, small mammals, birds, amphibians and reptiles (Ricketts, 1999; Dauber et al., 2003). Indeed, studies have demonstrated that the richness of birds, butterflies, and certain mammals is better correlated with understory rather than overstory richness ⇑ Corresponding author. Address: Yale University School of Forestry and Environmental Studies, Marsh Hall, 360 Prospect St., New Haven, CT 06511, United States. Tel.: +1 203 650 9118. E-mail address: (M.C. Duguid). 0378-1127/$ - see front matter Ó 2013 Published by Elsevier B.V. (Ricketts, 1999). The herbaceous layer plays an important role in ecosystem function, contributing organic matter, aiding in decomposition, and conserving nutrients (Muller and Bormann, 1976; Peterson and Rolfe, 1982; Zak et al., 1990; Roberts and Gilliam, 1995; Muller, 2003; Falk et al., 2008). The structure of the forest understory has direct implications for forest succession and management. Herbaceous layer competition influences germination, establishment, and thus, spatial arrangement of regenerating tree species (Maguire and Forman, 1983; Berkowitz et al., 1995; George and Bazzaz, 2003). Structural characteristics, such as density of the forest understory, can determine forest regeneration processes. For example, vigorous monodominant clonal understories, such as hayscented fern (Dennstaedtia punctilobula Michx.) can severely inhibit regeneration (Beckage et al., 2000; De La Cretaz and Kelty, 2002). In managed forests biodiversity can increase economic and ecological resiliency, productivity, and community stability (Burton et al., 1992). In many regions, understory species provide opportunities for alternative revenue streams through non-timber forest products (NTFPs) (Hammett and Chamberlain, 1998). For all of these reasons forest 149 M.C. Duguid et al. / Forest Ecology and Management 303 (2013) 148–159 management should strive to preserve and, where possible, enhance understory plant diversity (Roberts and Gilliam, 1995). Species diversity is driven by disturbance, forest cover type, and site history (Bormann and Likens, 1979; Whitney and Foster, 1988; Singleton et al., 2001; Bellemare et al., 2002; Ellum et al., 2010). Forest harvesting can significantly alter edaphic and microclimate conditions (through increased light, soil moisture and nutrient availability), and in turn shape the diversity and composition of the herbaceous layer (Bhatti et al., 2000; Gilliam, 2002; Roberts and Gilliam, 2003; Zenner et al., 2006). Much depends on intensity of canopy removal (amount of basal area removed or gap size) and degree of ground disturbance. The amount of canopy removal may alter understory diversity and composition (Reader and Bricker, 1992; Battles et al., 2001; Jackson et al., 2006), or may have limited impacts (Hughes and Fahey, 1991; Ruben et al., 1999; Schumann et al., 2003; Kern et al., 2006). While it is apparent that ground disturbance can substantially alter understory composition (Armesto and Pickett, 1985; Peltzer et al., 2000; Roberts and Zhu, 2002; Frey et al., 2003; Aikens et al., 2007), the extent of its influence on diversity in respect to increased light availability is not well understood. There has been significant work in temperate forests examining understory response to clearcuts with inconsistent results (see reviews by Roberts and Gilliam (2003) and Moola and Vasseur (2008)). Many studies examining group selection treatments have found increases in understory diversity (Jenkins and Parker, 1999; Falk et al., 2008), although the temporal component must also be considered. Additionally, the mechanisms driving these patterns may shift with succession (Gilliam et al., 1995), and it is unclear what the permanent effects of forest harvesting are on understory diversity (Duffy and Meier, 1992; Meier et al., 1995). Many studies only look at a moment in successional time, but examining longer time frames is necessary to isolate treatment effects (Falk et al., 2008). Further, understory cover and compositional change may be more influenced by gap dynamics than diversity (Moore and Vankat, 1986). Few studies have been able to carefully assess the impacts of ground-disturbance intensity and gap position, using both pre- and post-disturbance data, controlled and compared across varying soil types over successional time. To truly understand the biological diversity of a community species abundance measures must be incorporated; evenness may represent a different suite of ecological functions than species richness (Magurran, 2004). Our objective was to examine patterns in understory plant species diversity in response to microsite position and two levels of ground-disturbance intensity. The disturbance levels included ‘‘lethal’’ treatments (all vegetation removed and mineral soil exposed), and ‘‘release’’ (only the overstory removed). We conducted the study at four distinct sites in southern New England (different soils and canopy compositions) to examine whether patterns are similar across the region’s common forest types. We examined data over a multi-year time period to capture successional changes in diversity. We hypothesize that both ground layer disturbance and gap position influence understory diversity, but expect gap position will be more influential. We predict that diversity will be highest in gap positions that offer the greatest levels of resources (light) and the least competition (from edge trees), and that these trends will be parallel across the four soil types studied. Across all sites we predict diversity to increase initially before stabilizing and then eventually decrease with resource limitations due to canopy development and shading effects. 2. Methods 2.1. Study sites We conducted this study at four sites in southern New England selected to represent the variety of soils found in the region. Three are glacial till soils and one is of glacial–fluvial origin (Table 1). The climate throughout the region is cool-temperate and humid; approximately 110 cm of precipitation is evenly distributed throughout the year. The first two sites are located at Yale-Myers Forest (41°560 N, 72°70 W), a 3213-hectare research and demonstration forest in northeastern, Connecticut. The forest belongs to the region classified as Central Hardwood–Hemlock–Pine (Westveld, 1956). The forest consists primarily of mixed-deciduous second-growth developing on abandoned agricultural land from the mid 19th century (Meyer and Plusnin, 1945). The topography is ridge-valley with an elevation range between 170 m and 300 m above sea level. The soils are glacial tills composed of moderate to well-drained stony loams overlying bedrock. Average temperatures at YaleMyers Forest in July and January are 21.2 °C and 4.1 °C, respectively (Ashton and Larson, 1996; McKenna, 2007). The first site, labeled ‘‘Mesic’’, has a gentle slope (<10% slope) with an easterly aspect. Soils are well-drained coarse-loamy tills. The canopy is composed primarily of Quercus rubra L., with components of Acer rubrum L., Acer saccharum Marsh., Betula alleghaniensis Britton., Betula lenta L., Betula papyrifera Marsh., Carya ovata (Mill.) K. Koch, Fraxinus americana L., Liriodendron tulipifera L., and Tsuga canadensis L. The midstory–woody species that will never grow into canopy trees – includes Carpinus caroliniana Walter, and Hamamelis virginiana L. The understory is fairly diverse, with Carex spp., Aralia nudicaulis L., and a variety of ferns (Thelypteris noveboracensis (L.) Nieuwl., Polystichum acrostichoides (Michx.) Schott, D. punctilobula, Athyrium filix-femina (L.) Roth) as the dominant species. The mesic site had the highest levels of pre-treatment understory richness. The second site, labeled ‘‘Mid-slope’’, has a slight northwest aspect (<10% slope). Soils are well-drained coarse-loamy till with coarse unsorted rocks of varying sizes. Overstory composition is primarily Q. rubra, the midstory consists of A.rubrum, and B. lenta with an intermittent shrub layer of Kalmia latifolia L. The dominant herbaceous understory species are Carex spp., D. punctilobula, and Trientalis borealis Raf. Table 1 Summary of the four study sites in southern New England. Site Location Coordinates Elevation Soil series (m) Drainage class Richnessa Canopy composition Mesic Yale-Myers Forest, Eastford, CT Yale-Myers Forest, Eastford, CT Cadwell Forest, Pelham, MA Adam’s Brook, Amherst, MA 41°560 N, 72°070 W 41°570 W, 72°070 W 42°220 N, 72°240 W 42°230 N, 72°290 W Well-drained to poorly drained Well drained to excessively well-drained Excessively well-drained, heterogenous Excessively well-drained 39 (49) Mixed mesic hardwoods 14 (20) 14 (14) Red oak, with mixed hardwoods and pine Upland oak with pine 16 (22) White pine with oak Mid-slope Sandy-skeletal Outwash a 200 Charlton and Leicester 265 Brookfield/Brimfield and Paxton/Montauk Gloucester 325 90 Merrimac Total pre-harvest understory plant species richness sampled values are followed by a first-order jackknife estimator in parentheses. 150 M.C. Duguid et al. / Forest Ecology and Management 303 (2013) 148–159 The third site, labeled ‘‘Sandy-skeletal’’, is located in Pelham, Massachusetts in the Cadwell Memorial Forest (42°220 N, 72°240 W). Soils are well-drained ablation till, heterogeneous with isolated perched wetlands. Elevation is approximately 325 m, the highest of the four sites. Overstory composition is primarily mixed upland oak (Quercus alba L., Quercus coccinea Muench., Q. rubra, Quercus velutina Lam.), with minor components of A. rubrum and Pinus strobus (L.) Small. Dominant understory species include Gaultheria procumbens L., D. punctilobula, A. nudicaulis, Maianthemum canadense Desf., Medeola virginiana L., and Uvularia sessilifolia L. Prior to gap creation the sandy-skeletal site had the lowest understory species richness (Table 1). The fourth site, labeled ‘‘Outwash’’, is located in the Adams Brook Forest in Amherst, Massachusetts (42°230 N, 72°290 W) on a kame terrace. Soils are deep, excessively well-drained, sandy outwash. With an elevation of approximately 90 m, the outwash site is the lowest of the four sites. The overstory consists primarily of P. strobus. Common understory plants include Chimaphila maculata, Lycopodium spp., M. canadense, and Carex spp. Average temperatures at the Massachusetts sites in July and January are 22.1 °C and 4.6 °C, respectively (McKenna, 2007). 2.2. Experimental design At each site, during the summer of 1999 we delineated a rectangular area 108 m 30 m running east–west to serve as the experimental gap. The experimental gaps were harvested the following winter (1999–2000), removing all vegetation greater than 2 m in height. We designed the gap with the intention to create a light gradient including understory conditions, side shade, and direct sun. We left a 15 m buffer at both the eastern and western ends of the gap with no plots to mitigate east–west edge effects. Within the gap there were four parallel east–west environmental zones– north edge, north center, south center, and south edge. In addition, there were two zones located 5 m from the northern and southern gap edges in the adjoining forest understory parallel to the center and edge zones. Each of the six zones had four blocks of three contiguous rectangular plots 4 m 6.5 m. Our study included two treatment plots (lethal and release) randomly assigned within each block, totaling 48 plots per site. The third plot was part of another study examining planted tree seedling response and not included in this study (McKenna, 2007). Measurement plots 2 m 4 m were centrally located within each treatment plot to limit edge effects. We laid out plots in 1999 and took initial measurements prior to canopy removal and site treatments. All sites were harvested using a Timbco feller-buncher (Timbco Hydraulics, Shawano, WI). To minimize ground disturbance machinery traveled between the strips. As much material was carried off site as possible; remaining slash was arranged between the two center zones of the gap avoiding measurement plots. We treated the vegetation in the lethal plots with glyphosate herbicide (RoundupÒ, Monsanto Corporation, St. Louis, MO) in June 2000, and four weeks later followed up by scarifying the soil surface. Scarification was achieved by mixing the organic pad with mineral soil to 10 cm in depth with root rakes. The release plots received no additional ground-level treatment. We installed a 60 high electric fence for deer exclusion around the perimeter of the study site, and inspected and repaired every spring for the first 6 years of the study. Qualitative observations revealed no noticeable difference in browse between fenced and unfenced areas, and in the summer of 2006 the fencing was removed. 2006 and 2010. Additionally, we visited the sites in early spring to assure no spring ephemeral species were missed during summer sampling. We identified herbaceous and shrubby plants to species level for the majority of specimens. We used congeners for grasses, sedges, and mosses – and in rare cases used morpho-species. When we did use morpho-species we were confident that they were different than all other species sampled. We used USDA–NRCS for nomenclature (USDA, 2013), and recorded percent cover using the six point scale described by Daubenmire (1959). 2.4. Data analysis The four sites in this study are not true replicates, therefore we individually analyzed each site as a case study. To examine diversity response we performed two-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) models for species richness (total count of species per plot), ShanP non diversity (H0 = Ri¼1 pi log pi ), and evenness (J0 = H0 /ln S). Our variables were ground-disturbance, gap position, and disturbance gap position. Individual models were run for each site, in each post-harvest year (2002, 2004, 2006, and 2010). We carried out Tukey HSD post hoc comparisons on gap position to determine which positions were different from others. We assumed normality when / > .01 in Shapiro–Wilk normality tests. We ran non-parametric Kruskal–Wallis tests on both richness and Shannon diversity for each variable on pre-harvest (1999) data to look for pre-existing trends. We estimated total site richness and compared trends across sites using first-order jackknife richness estimators. We also examined species abundance curves based on bootstrapping with 100 permutations (Magurran, 2004). To visualize changes in richness and evenness we constructed rank abundance curves for each site by year. All statistics were carried out using R 2.11.1 (R Development Core Team, 2010) with the additional packages Vegan and BiodiversityR (Kindt and Coe, 2005; Oksanen et al., 2010). 3. Results 3.1. Richness: across sites and time In the mesic site we identified 39 species prior to gap creation, which increased after harvesting to 79 in 2002, 74 in 2004, and 86 in 2006. The highest richness observed was at 89 species in 2010, a 128% increase over pre-harvest levels. Throughout the study a total 2.3. Field sampling We sampled each plot in the summer of 1999 before the harvest, and then subsequently once each summer in 2002, 2004, Fig. 1. Trends in total site understory plant species richness over time as estimated with a first-order jackknife estimate. 1999 Indicates pre-treatment levels, gap creation in 2000. M.C. Duguid et al. / Forest Ecology and Management 303 (2013) 148–159 151 Fig. 2. Species accumulation curves showing extrapolated number of total understory plant richness based on bootstrapping with 100 permutations (±2SD) for each site. Initial levels (1999) are shown in gray, 10 years after gap creation (2010) is shown in black. of 129 species (including unidentified specimens) were observed. Percent cover of the majority of species was low, with the exception of Carex pennsylvanica Lam., ferns (e.g. Dennstaedtia punctilobula; T. noveboracensis), and Rubus spp. The only species present in 1999 that failed to appear again were Impatiens capensis Meerb., and Smilax rotundifolia L., of these only S. rotundifolia was present at more than two plots initially. At the mid-slope site there were 14 species present before gap creation, which increased after harvesting to 36 in 2002, peaking in 2004 with 38 species (171% increase), then declining to 37 species in 2006, and 33 in 2010. Overall, 62 different species were identified at this site throughout the study. Amphicarpaea bracteata (L.) Fernald, C. maculata (L.) Pursh, G. procumbens, and P. acrostichoides were present only during the pre-harvest sampling, and only in one or two plots. At the sandy-skeletal site we identified 14 species prior to gap creation, which increased to 25 in 2002, 28 in 2004, and 26 in 2006. Greatest richness was observed in 2010 with 44 species, a 214% increase over pre-harvest richness. Forty-eight species were observed over the study and no species that were initially present disappeared completely after the disturbance. Finally, at the outwash site, 16 species were present initially, increasing to 37 in 2002, and to 42 in both 2004 and 2006. Again, greatest richness was observed in 2010 with 44 species, a 175% increase over pre-harvest levels. In total 62 species were observed during the course of the study. The only species present pre-harvest to disappear from the site was Spiraea alba Du Roi. Total site richness via jackknife estimation exhibited differences in successional trends in richness amongst sites. At the mesic and mid-slope sites species richness peaks in 2006 and begins to level then decrease. At the two drier sites (sandy-skeletal and outwash) richness continued to increase (Fig. 1). Species accumulation curves show differences in slope and magnitude between preand post-treatment richness across sites, with trends are similar to the jackknife estimates. The two drier sites have flatter slopes in 1999, but become steeper than the moister till sites by 2010 (Fig. 2). 3.2. Richness: gap position and disturbance With one exception (sandy-skeletal, 2002), gap position was a significant predictor of species richness for all sites in all post-harvests years (Table 2). In the mesic, sandy-skeletal and outwash sites the general trend in all post-harvest years was greatest richness in the southern edge and southern center gap positions, and lowest in the understory positions (Fig. 3 & Table 3). The only significant pre-disturbance trend was in the sandy-skeletal site, where richness increased toward the northern gap positions, which is opposite of the post-harvest pattern at that site. The mid-slope site showed opposite results of all other sites, with greatest diversity values in the center and northern locations. Intensity of ground disturbance was only significant on the sandy-skeletal site initially after harvest (2002), but on the outwash site lethal ground disturbance produced higher species richness in 2004, 2006, and 2010 (Table 2). On the two drier, sandy sites lethal treatments had higher species richness initially; no difference by disturbance treatment was observed for the mesic and mid-story sites. Only the outwash site showed consistently higher richness on the lethal treatments throughout the study. The only interaction effect was on the mid-slope site in 2006. 3.3. Shannon diversity The effect on Shannon diversity was less consistent across sites than species richness. On the mesic site disturbance type was important initially, and then the influence of gap position became more important – first as an interaction in 2004, then gap position only for 2006 and 2010. The mid-slope site was opposite with gap 152 M.C. Duguid et al. / Forest Ecology and Management 303 (2013) 148–159 Table 2 Significant ANOVA results for species richness, Shannon diversity, and evenness. Year Factora DfN DfD Sum sq. Mean sq. F Pr(>F) Mesic Species richness 2002 2004 2006 2010 GAP GAP GAP GAP 5 5 5 5 15 15 15 15 384.00 350 589.00 477.35 76.90 69.90 117.70 95.47 8.65 4.04 8.03 6.61 0.00 0.02 0.00 0.00 Shannon diversity 2002 2004 2006 2010 DIST GAP DIST GAP GAP 1 5 5 5 18 18 15 15 1.31 2.45 2.37 3.25 1.305 0.49 0.48 0.65 5.6 4.23 4.18 10.34 0.03 0.01 0.01 0.00 J evenness 2002 2004 2006 2010 DIST GAP DIST GAP DIST GAP 1 5 5 5 18 18 18 15 0.186 0.2889 0.1326 0.10 0.1864 0.06 0.02651 0.02 11.7 6.59 3.96 4.43 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.01 2010 GAP GAP GAP GAP DIST GAP 5 5 5 5 5 15 15 15 18 15 118.7 86.9 56.9 38.9 95.6 23.74 17.38 11.37 7.77 19.1 4.3 5.05 6.54 2.82 3.98 0.01 0.01 0.00 0.05 0.02 Shannon diversity 2002 2004 2006 2010 GAP DIST – – 5 1 – – 15 18 – 3.43 0.568 – – 0.69 0.57 – – 4.12 4.68 – – 0.02 0.04 – – 2004 2006 2010 GAP DIST GAP – – 5 1 5 – – 15 18 15 – – 0.98 0.25 0.6 – – 0.2 0.25 0.12 – – 6.75 6.9 3.58 – – 0.00 0.02 0.03 – – Sandy-skeletal Species richness 2002 2004 2006 2010 DIST GAP GAP GAP 1 5 5 5 18 15 15 15 133.3 89.6 74.1 94.8 133.3 17.92 14.82 18.95 31.79 5.04 3.59 6.15 0.00 0.01 0.03 0.00 Shannon diversity 2002 2004 2006 2010 – – – GAP – – – 5 – – – 15 – – – 0.75 – – – 0.15 – – – 3.67 – – – 0.02 GAP DIST GAP DIST GAP DIST GAP GAP DIST GAP DIST 5 1 5 1 5 5 5 5 15 18 15 18 18 15 18 18 0.28 0.18 0.23 0.02 0.06 0.17 0.13 0.05 0.06 0.18 0.05 0.02 0.01 0.03 0.03 0.01 4.86 16.96 8.74 6.38 3.28 8.08 5.39 5.14 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.00 GAP GAP DIST GAP DIST GAP DIST 5 5 1 5 1 5 1 15 15 18 15 18 15 18 169.4 227.4 20 202 27 190 50 33.9 45.5 20.02 40.4 27 38 50 9.57 14.7 6.28 7.39 4.42 3.07 8.9 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.00 0.05 0.04 0.01 GAP DIST GAP GAP 5 1 5 5 15 18 15 15 3.41 1.4 3.86 2.41 0.68 1.4 0.77 0.48 3.66 6.26 14.2 3.49 0.02 0.02 0.00 0.03 Mid-slope Species richness 2002 2004 2006 J evenness 2002 J evenness 2002 2004 2006 2010 Outwash Species richness 2002 2004 2006 2010 Shannon diversity 2002 2004 2006 153 M.C. Duguid et al. / Forest Ecology and Management 303 (2013) 148–159 Table 2 (continued) Year Factora DfN 2010 – – GAP DIST GAP GAP – 5 1 5 5 – J evenness 2002 2004 2006 2010 a DfD 15 18 15 15 – Sum sq. Mean sq. F Pr(>F) – – – – 1.85 0.59 0.47 0.84 – 0.37 0.59 0.09 0.17 – 18.1 10.27 5.63 11.4 – 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 – Significant factors in the model, GAP indicates microsite position; DIST indicates intensity of ground disturbance. position significant in 2002 followed by disturbance type in 2004 (Table 2). The sandy-skeletal site showed gap position significant only in 2010 with no disturbance effects. The outwash site was similar to the mesic site, with disturbance type significant only immediately post-harvest (2002), and gap position significant in 2002, 2004, and 2006 (Table 2). Across all sites the general trends were similar for Shannon diversity as for species richness, but the differences were less pronounced or absent. 3.4. Species evenness On the mesic site evenness followed the same pattern as Shannon diversity, with disturbance initially important, followed by its interaction with gap position, and then eventually only gap position (Figs. 4 and 5). Additionally, gap position was significant in nearly all post-harvest years among the other sites. Decreasing by 2006 at the mid-slope site, and then across the other sites by 2010. Evenness was highest in the shadiest gap positions (northern understory and southern understory) and lowest in the sunniest positions (north central and northern edge) across all sites. Disturbance was significant immediately post-harvest (2002) across all sites, only on the sandy-skeletal site was it significant beyond 2004. Interaction effects were evident on the sandy-skeletal site in 2004, 2006, and 2010 (Table 2). Rank abundance plots show different evenness responses to disturbance type across sites (Fig. 6). The mesic, mid-slope, and sandy-skeletal sites all initially had a few species with higher abundance than the majority of species present, while the outwash site exhibited a higher level of initial evenness. The lines diverge post-harvest for all sites, but the magnitude and effect is different across sites. On the mesic site the two species with the highest ranking – Carex spp. and New York fern (T. noveboracensis) had maintained or regained their dominance by 2010. Interestingly, Carex spp. had lower abundance in the final sampling, while the majority of species experienced higher abundance than pre-harvest. The mid-slope site had less difference between pre and post-harvest curves. Similar to the mesic site, the dominant species, hay-scented fern (D. punctilobula), maintained its dominance, although mountain laurel (K. latifolia) increased in dominance to ranked secondsupplanting starflower (T. borealis) and Carex spp. The pre- and post-harvest curves converge around the 20th ranked species with low abundances seen across the majority of species. The sandyskeletal site had fewer species initially; therefore, the post-harvest curve is longer and they never converge. A few species share slightly higher abundances than on the mid-slope and outwash sites, wintergreen (G. procumbens) holds a prominent place on both curves (first in 1999, second in 2010). Interestingly, hay-scented Fig. 3. Mean understory species richness by gap position for all sites in 2006. Gap positions are SU – southern understory, SE – southern edge, SC – southern center, NC – northern center, NE – northern edge, and NU – northern understory. Error bars represent one standard error. Within each site, columns sharing the same letter are not significantly different (Tukey HSD). 2006 demonstrates the pattern seen across all post-harvest years. 154 M.C. Duguid et al. / Forest Ecology and Management 303 (2013) 148–159 Table 3 Mean (standard error) plot level species richness for each year by gap position and disturbance type. For each year, columns sharing the same letter are not significantly different (Tukey HSD). a 1999a 2002 2004 Mesic SU SE SC NC NE NU Lethal Release Total 6.63 (0.68) 7.5 (0.76) 6.38 (0.91) 6 (0.73) 7.63 (0.53) 6.63 (1.02) 6.33 (0.48) 7.25 (0.4) 6.79 (0.32) 12.5 (0.87) 19.5 (1.1) 18.13 (1.89) 15.63 (0.75) 13 (0.6) 12.25 (0.7) 15.33 (0.88) 15.04 (0.79) 15.19 (0.59) 13.75 21.63 19.25 18.88 15.25 15.88 18.08 16.79 17.44 Mid-slope SU SE SC NC NE NU Lethal Release Total 2.88 (0.67) 2 (0.57) 2 (0.73) 3 (0.68) 3.38 (0.26) 4.13 (0.23) 2.63 (0.39) 3.17 (0.28) 2.9 (0.24) 4.25 6.13 9.25 7.38 8.13 7.25 7.04 7.08 7.06 Sandy-skeletal SU SE SC NC NE NU Lethal Release Total 5.25 (0.7) 6 (0.19) 6.88 (0.55) 6.63 (0.46) 7.38 (0.46) 7.13 (0.61) 6.71 (0.35) 6.38 (0.29) 6.54 (0.23) Outwash SU SE SC NC NE NU Lethal Release Total 2.88 (0.67) 3.13 (0.23) 2.5 (0.33) 1.75 (0.31) 3 (0.5) 3.25 (0.41) 2.83 (0.25) 2.67 (0.27) 2.75 (0.18) 2006 2010 13.88 (1.41) 24.13 (1.66) 22.88 (1.57) 19 (1.09) 17.75 (1.52) 16.88 (1.34) 19.75 (1.1) 18.42 (1.05) 19.08 (0.76) 13.25 (1.83) 20.25 (2.02) 22.5 (0.98) 17.38 (1.87) 15.63 (1.35) 15.13 (0.72) 18.38 (1.18) 16.38 (0.91) 17.38 (0.75) 5.5 (0.71) 7.75 (0.88) 9.13 (0.67) 9.38 (0.68) 8 (0.46) 9.25 (0.62) 8.58 (0.48) 7.75 (0.44) 8.17 (0.33) 6.5 (0.63) 8.13 (0.55) 9 (0.94) 8.25 (0.62) 9.88 (0.77) 9.38 (0.56) 8.88 (0.52) 8.17 (0.34) 8.52 (0.31) 5.38 (1.9) 7 (2.47) 5.75 (2.03) 5.75 (2.03) 8.5 (3.01) 9 (3.18) 6.67 (0.48) 7.13 (0.49) 6.9 (0.34) 7.38 (0.91) 10.38 (0.84) 10.25 (0.9) 7.75 (0.84) 8.38 (1.27) 8.13 (1.08) 7.04 (0.47) 10.38 (0.5) 8.71 (0.42) 8.88 (0.79) 12.38 (0.68) 12.38 (0.89) 12 (0.78) 10.88 (0.72) 9.63 (0.68) 10.67 (0.54) 11.38 (0.45) 11.02 (0.35) 9.5 (0.33) 13.25 (0.62) 10.88 (0.9) 12.75 (0.45) 12 (0.46) 11.25 (1.01) 11.38 (0.45) 11.83 (0.45) 11.6 (0.32) 8.5 (0.19) 13.13 (0.61) 10.38 (0.32) 11.5 (0.76) 11.38 (1.02) 11.38 (1.03) 12.33 (0.55) 11.38 (0.41) 11.85 (0.35) 3.5 (0.5) 6.13 (1.08) 8.63 (1) 6.25 (0.67) 3.25 (0.67) 4.25 (0.88) 5.63 (0.68) 5.04 (0.5) 5.33 (0.42) 5.25 (0.73) 11.25 (0.75) 9.5 (0.93) 8.25 (0.98) 5.75 (0.92) 6.13 (1.04) 8.33 (0.63) 7.04 (0.69) 7.69 (0.47) 5.88 (0.72) 11.13 (0.67) 9.25 (1.11) 9.5 (1.07) 6.38 (0.94) 5.88 (1.04) 8.75 (0.72) 7.25 (0.58) 8 (0.47) 4.88 (0.91) 10.38 (0.65) 8.13 (1.22) 8.75 (1.54) 5.5 (0.78) 5.75 (1.35) 8.25 (0.67) 6.21 (0.76) 7.23 (0.52) (0.53) (0.79) (0.96) (1) (0.97) (0.31) (0.57) (0.53) (0.39) (1.44) (1.98) (1.08) (0.74) (1.01) (0.83) (0.82) (0.94) (0.62) Pre-harvest observations. fern, which holds second place pre-harvest, does not rank in the top three in 2010. The largest discrepancy in curves is on the outwash site. The initial curve indicates an even community with the most abundant species, spotted wintergreen (C. maculata) and Canada mayflower (M. canadense), holding only a small dominance over the other species when compared to the other sites. Post-harvest trends show Carex spp. and moss with higher abundance than any pre-harvest species. Subsequent species abundances decrease slowly until it converges with the pre-harvest line around the 20th ranked species, similar to the mid-slope site (Fig. 6). 4. Discussion Our results suggest that underlying site conditions, specifically soil type, and potentially aspect, affect the way understory plant diversity will respond to ground disturbance and light availability. Gap formation alters the physical understory environment, creating resource gradients; the asymmetry of light in temperate forest gaps interacts with soil moisture and nutrient availability to define the floristic pattern of these gradients (McKenna, 2007). We found gap position (light availability) as the strongest driver of post-disturbance species diversity regardless of soil type, although the underlying patterns within these gaps are site specific. We did not find other studies to corroborate our findings, suggesting that more research is needed isolating different disturbance parameters in forest harvesting. We expected that maximum diversity would be in the position that minimized competition and maximized resources (Connell, 1978). The south-center strip has high light availability and high available moisture and nutrients due to no competition from the surrounding canopy. Although not all research corroborates this, North et al. (2005) found understory richness to be negatively correlated with direct light. At 41–42°N latitudes the northern edge is the brightest, driest, and therefore harshest environment (Oliver and Larson, 1996; Gray et al., 2002; McKenna, 2007), thus we expected lower diversity in that position. Interestingly, the two moister till sites had opposite patterns of diversity, and neither peaked in center positions. The mesic site had highest diversity along the southern edge, and the mid-slope along the north edge and understory. Depending on gap size and latitude light may penetrate into the understory adjacent to gaps, but even in the brightest gap positions the duration of direct sun is brief (Canham et al., 1990). The discrepancy of the mid-slope’s diversity pattern may be explained by: (1) The pre-harvest species composition may have provided species with a competitive advantage in that microsite position; (2) The northern aspect may have provided protection from spring desiccation along the M.C. Duguid et al. / Forest Ecology and Management 303 (2013) 148–159 155 Fig. 4. Mean evenness by gap position for all sites in 2004. Gap positions are SU – southern understory, SE – southern edge, SC – southern center, NC – northern center, NE – northern edge, and NU – northern understory. Error bars represent one standard error. Within each site, columns sharing the same letter are not significantly different (Tukey HSD). Fig. 5. Interaction plots of mean evenness over time by gap position and ground-disturbance (4A Mesic, 4B Sandy-skeletal). Gap positions are SU – southern understory, SE – southern edge, SC – southern center, NC – northern center, NE – northern edge, and NU – northern understory. Ground disturbance levels are RE – release and LE – lethal. Asterisks indicate that significant interaction in the ANOVA. 156 M.C. Duguid et al. / Forest Ecology and Management 303 (2013) 148–159 Fig. 6. Rank abundance curves for all sites. Pre-harvest (1999) shown in black diamonds, 10 years post-harvest (2010) shown in gray triangles. normally harsh northern gap edge; or (3) The resource heterogeneity in the stony till soil provides greater resource availability than uniform soils (McKenna, 2007). The fact that the two sandy soils followed a similar pattern to the mesic site confirms that competition from regenerating trees is an influential spatial driver of understory plant diversity. Evenness on the other hand peaked in the shadiest understory positions and was lowest along the harsh, competitive north central and northern edge positions. Dominance in those positions by a few strong competitors is likely responsible for the low observed diversity, and is an important consideration for forest management. Many studies have examined herbaceous layer response to gaps with mixed results. Some found little to no relationship between opening size and herbaceous response, and species richness unaffected by gap dynamics (Moore and Vankat, 1986; Collins and Pickett, 1988; Reader and Bricker, 1992). Others found differences in species composition (Matlack, 1994; Schumann et al., 2003; Fahey and Puettmann, 2007; Naaf and Wulf, 2007), supporting the theory of resource partitioning within gaps. These differences could be explained by gap size; larger gaps possess larger resource gradients and as a result, show more differentiation by species (Fahey and Puettmann, 2007). Understory species composition may represent a better reflection of these resource gradients than associated overstory species, because of their greater diversity and niche partitioning (Matlack, 1994; Fahey and Puettmann, 2007). Our results, standardized by gap size and orientation across sites, suggest that the underlying site conditions are important. Disturbance may interact with microenvironment on these sites to create a secondary axis of diversification and provide additional opportunities for certain species to establish and contribute to further gap partitioning (Fahey and Puettmann, 2007). While size, shape, and orientation of gaps determine resource availability (Collins et al., 1985), our results show that location and underlying site conditions also have an effect on species diversity and sensitivity to different levels of disturbance. Interestingly, we found that the intensity of ground disturbance, when combined with increased light, plays a more important role on sites with dry and sandy soils. Further, ground disturbance is more influential immediately after a disturbance, but lessens in its importance as succession progresses. These effects also are more pronounced on the drier sandy sites. Interactions between gap position and disturbance have more influence on species evenness and diversity than richness, but these effects are also site specific. Our results support the idea that following a disturbance habitat heterogeneity and niche differentiation may be as or more important than overall site productivity in influencing species richness (Shmida and Wilson, 1985), at least at small spatial scales. Temporal factors must also be considered. Understory response to harvesting consists of the initial effects of the disturbance itself, and long-term effects resulting from successional change (Roberts and Gilliam, 2003). Our results from the mesic site show Shannon diversity and richness initially driven by ground disturbance, but as succession progressed the influence of gap position became more prominent. Environmental variation within gaps decreases with succession, and species cover and composition adjust temporally with these changes (Moore and Vankat, 1986; Collins and Pickett, 1988; Goldblum, 1997; Ford et al., 2000). Previous work on till soils found light to be the primary influence on tree sapling growth and not moisture (Pacala et al., 1994). Ashton and Larson (1996) found that height growth for oak seedlings is greatest in gap centers of valley positions in comparison to drier ridges, suggesting moisture does play a role. Our results show richness in the two moister sites already beginning to decrease within 10 years of gap creation, while richness in the drier sandy sites is still increasing. This implies that competition from the regenerating stand has usurped light resources within 10 years on the better sites, while the sandy sites still have ample available growing space. The relationship between certain guilds (e.g., ruderal species) and known patterns of establishment within gaps over time suggests that gap effects may be short-lived (Fahey and Puettmann, 2008). In fact, Beaudet et al. (2004) found that shade levels returned to pre-disturbance levels after just 13 years. Our data shows overall higher establishment and height growth of seedlings on the mesic and mid-slope sites, particularly within the M.C. Duguid et al. / Forest Ecology and Management 303 (2013) 148–159 lethal treatments (Frey, 2012). The role of succession is also evident in the interaction plots (Fig. 5). The mesic site, which has faster sapling growth, has more divergent interactions in 2004, becoming insignificant by 2010. The sandy-skeletal site shows a lag behind the mesic, becoming more divergent as time goes on. We only examined effects 10 years after gap-creation. It would be useful to revisit after a longer temporal scale to further elucidate the difference in successional time frame amongst sites. Across the four sites we see a positive correlation between species richness and site productivity before gap creation (Grime, 1973; Grace, 1999; Mittelbach et al., 2001), though the response to disturbance is not equal across sites. By 2010, jackknife estimates indicate the sandy-skeletal site almost quadrupled in richness while still trending upward, while the mesic site had only doubled at its peak. One explanation is pre-disturbance composition and species life-history traits, which play an important role in determining post-disturbance communities (Halpern, 1989; Aikens et al., 2007). In a compositional study on the mid-slope site, Aikens et al. (2007) found that although species composition changed in both lethal and release treatments, the release treatments more closely resembled pre-disturbance communities. Gap centers were dominated by early successional species, while edge plots were dominated by residual species (and did not differ between the north and south edge). We did not analyze species compositional change, but the compositional pattern Aikens et al. (2007) observed in the mid-slope location did hold true for diversity as well. Whether compositional diversity follows the same pattern as species diversity across the other sites is not clear. The importance of compositional diversity to ecosystem function is becoming increasingly clear (Diaz and Cabido, 2001). Further research is needed that incorporates the role of life history traits in determining response to disturbance. More research is also needed to evaluate whether compositional and functional diversity is maximized under the same conditions as species diversity. 157 ment. Managers should not necessarily avoid all soil disturbance during harvesting operations, but encourage an intimate mixture of site preparation treatments where scarification is done adjacent to protection of the understory. One way would be to combine protected areas that may have advance regeneration, and scarifying areas where there is no regeneration present. In selection treatments, larger irregular gaps with increased edge provide more habitat opportunities for a variety of species. The orientation of the gap is also important. When possible, gaps should be oriented so species of high conservation value can be maintained on south sides of gaps, and care should be taken to minimize harsh north edges that can contribute to dominance by aggressive colonizing species. Acknowledgements The Mellon Foundation and the Leopold Schepp Foundation funded this research. The authors would like to thank Yale-Myers Forest and The University of Massachusetts for infrastructure and logistical support. We are grateful to John McKenna, Melissa Aikens, Eli Sagor, Avril de la Cretaz, Caroline Kuebler, Samantha Rothman, Fulton Rockwell, and Jason Nerenberg for data collection and fieldwork. Thank you to Elaine Hooper, Stella Cousins, Kristofer Covey, Jeff Carroll, Karin Burghardt, the Silviculture & LMS labs at Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies for support and feedback during the preparation of this manuscript, and to two anonymous referees for their comments and feedback on earlier drafts. Appendix A. Supplementary material Supplementary data associated with this article can be found, in the online version, at 018. References 5. Management implications Resource managers interested in understory species diversity need to consider underlying site conditions (specifically soil type) when planning for treatments. Site-specific silviculture may appear obvious, but it is often ignored. There are inherently different baseline levels of understory diversity to work with based on soil type, and the response of the understory community to disturbance can vary greatly. Although light availability is generally more influential than ground disturbance in determining the development of the understory after forest harvesting, it can be site specific. Moderate ground-level disturbance during harvesting has the capacity to increase understory diversity, particularly in shaded microsites on dry sandy soils. 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