Thor Willy Ruud Hansen, MD, PhD, MHA, DTM&H, FAAP

Thor Willy Ruud Hansen, MD, PhD, MHA, DTM&H, FAAP
Professor, Department of Neonatology
Women’s and Children’s Division
Home:Langmyrgrenda 45 B,
Oslo University Hospital HC - Rikshospitalet
N-0861 Oslo, Norway
N-0027 Oslo
Hansen, T.W.R. Dipyridamol (PersantinR). Vurdering av dets effekt i
behandlingen av angina pectoris og forslag til en klinisk utprøvning av
medikamentet. Monograph, Institute of Pharmacology, University of Oslo,
1971. (Eng.title: Dipyridamol (PersantinR). An evaluation of its effect in the
treatment of angina pectoris, and suggestions for a clinical trial of the drug.)
Hansen, T.W.R. Undersøkelse av den bakterielle forurensning i
pølsemakerier ved hjelp av kontaktskålmetoden. Norsk Veterinærtidsskr (Nor
Vet J) 5:295-308,1972. (Eng.title: An investigation of microbial contamination
in meat processing plants using the contact disc method.)
Hansen, T.W.R. Cancer duodeni. Tidsskr Nor Lægeforen (J Nor Med Assoc)
1:16-17, 1975.
Ormstad,K.,Ruud Hansen,T.W.,Solheim,K. Thyreoidealidelser i et sentralsykehus. Tidsskr Nor Lægeforen (J Nor Med Assoc) 1:21-5,1976. (Eng. title:
Thyroid disease in a central hospital.)
Hognestad,J.,Ruud Hansen,T.W. Stenosis of the gastric antrum after
sulphuric acid ingestion. Zeitschr Kinderchir 21:52-5, 1977.
Hansen, T.W.R.,Odberg,P.A. Tallquists hemoglobinskala - brukbarhet i et
utviklingsland. Tidsskr Nor Lægeforen (J Nor Med Assoc) 29: 1451-2,1979.
(Eng.title: Tallquist's hemoglobin scale - its usefulness in a developing
Hansen, T.W.R. Almenpraksis i et utviklingsland. Tidsskr Nor Lægeforen (J
Nor Med Assoc) 27:1600-3,1980. (Eng.title: General practice in a developing
Hansen, T.W.R.,Seip,M.,deVerdier,C.-H.,Ericson,Å. Erythrocyte pyrimidine-5'nucleotidase deficiency. Report on two new cases, with a review of the
literature. Scand J Haematol 31: 122-8,1983.
Ericson,Å.,deVerdier,C.-H.,Hansen, T.W.R.,Seip,M. Erythrocyte nucleotide
pattern in two children in a Norwegian family with pyrimidine-5'-nucleotidase
deficiency. Clin Chim Acta 134:25-33,1983.
De Verdier,C.-H., Ericson Å., Hansen, T.W.R., Seip, M. Cytosine and urasil
nucleotides in erythrocytes from two patients with pyrimidine 5'-nucleotidase
deficiency. Biomed Biochim Acta 42:S293-4, 1983.
Hansen, T.W.R.,Monn,E. Liver enzyme ratios in neonatal liver disease. Zschr
Kinderchir 39:376-9,1984.
Odberg,P.A.,Hansen, T.W.R. Erfaringer med en mobil mor/barn-klinikk i
Angola. Tidsskr Nor Lægeforen (J Nor Med Assoc) 104:1210-3,1984.
(Eng.title: Experiences with a mobile mother and child clinic in Angola.)
Hansen, T.W.R.,Lingaas,E.,Bratlid,D. Kapillær blodkultur. Et hjelpemiddel i
diagnosen av neonatal bakteriemi. Tidsskr Nor Lægeforen (J Nor Med Assoc)
104:588-90,1984. (Eng.title: Capillary blood culture. A tool in diagnosing
neonatal bacteremia.)
Hansen, T.W.R. Ikterus hos spedbarn etter annen leveuke. Tidsskr Nor
Lægeforen (J Nor Med Assoc) 27:1913-15,1984. (Eng.title: Jaundice in infants
after the second week of life.)
Hansen, T.W.R.,Lingaas,E.,Bratlid,D. Kapillær blodprøvetagningsteknikk ved
infeksjonsmistanke i nyfødtperioden. Tidsskriftkassetten Nr.4,1984. (Eng.title:
Use of capillary blood sampling techniques when neonatal infection is
Hansen, T.W.R. Ikterus hos spedbarn etter annen leveuke.
Tidsskriftkassetten Nr.8,1984. (Eng.title: Jaundice in infants after the second
week of life.)
Hansen, T.W.R.,Bratlid,D. Bilirubin and brain toxicity. Acta Paediatr Scand
Hansen, T.W.R.,Bratlid,D. Bilirubin og hjerneskade. Tidsskr Nor Lægeforen (J
Nor Med Assoc) 106:1791-3,1986. (Eng. title: Bilirubin and brain damage.)
Hansen, T.W.R.,Bratlid,D. The neurotoxicity of bilirubin. Wiss Z Ernst-MoritzArndt-Univ Greifswald, Med Reihe 35:39-43,1986.
Bratlid,D.,Stiris,T.,Hansen, T.W.R. Light exposure as a possible risk factor in
the development of retinopathy of prematurity. Wiss Z Ernst-Moritz-Arndt-Univ
Greifswald, Med Reihe 35:58-60,1986.
Hansen, T.W.R.,Sagvolden,T.,Bratlid,D. Open field behavior of rats
previously subjected to to short-term hyperbilirubinemia with or without bloodbrain barrier manipulations. Brain Res 242:26-36,1987.
Hansen, T.W.R.,Odden,J.-P.,Bratlid,D. Effects of hyperoxia on entry of
bilirubin and albumin into rat brain. J Perinatol 7:217-20,1987.
Hansen, T.W.R.,Helland,G.F.,Lund,O.,Spangen,S.,Torgner,I. Galaktosemi i
Norge. Tidsskr Nor Lægeforen (J Nor Med Assoc) 27:2325-8,1987. (Eng.title:
Galactosemia in Norway.)
Hansen, T.W.R.,Paulsen,O.,Gjerstad,L.,Bratlid,D. Effects of bilirubin on field
potentials in rat hippocampal slices. In: Stern,L.,Oh.,W.,Friis-Hansen,B. (eds)
Physiologic foundations of perinatal care Vol.2. New York, Elsevier Science
Publ Co, 1987, pp.311-9.
Hansen, T.W.R.,Bratlid,D.,Walaas,S.I. Bilirubin decreases phosphorylation of
synapsin I, a synaptic vesicle-associated neuronal phosphoprotein, in intact
synaptosomes from rat cerebral cortex. Pediatr Res 23:219-23,1988.
Hansen, T.W.R.,Paulsen,O.,Gjerstad,L.,Bratlid,D. Short-term exposure to
bilirubin reduces synaptic activation in rat transverse hippocampal slices.
Pediatr Res 23:453-6,1988.
Hansen, T.W.R. Bilirubin and brain toxicity. Studies on the entry, localization,
and effects of bilirubin in rat brain. University of Oslo, Thesis for the degree of (Ph.D.), 1988.
Stiris,T.,Hansen, T.W.R.,Odden,J.-P.,Mørkrid,L.,Bratlid,D. Effect of light and
hyperoxia on ocular circulation in the newborn piglet. Biol Neonate 55:1916,1989.
Hansen, T.W.R.,Bratlid,D. Cerebral blood volumes in young rats without and
with in situ flushing of cerebral vasculature. Implications for in vivo studies of
brain substance uptake. Biol Neonate 56:15-21,1989.
Hansen, T.W.R.,Øyasæter,S.,Stiris,T.,Bratlid,D. Effects of sulfisoxazole,
hypercarbia, and hyperosmolality on entry of bilirubin and albumin into brain
regions in young rats. Biol Neonate 56:22-30,1989.
Stiris,T.,Odden,J.-P.,Hansen, T.W.R.,Hall,K.,Bratlid,D. The effect of arterial
PCO2-variations on ocular and cerebral blood flow in the newborn piglet.
Pediatr Res 25:205-8, 1989.
Odden,J.-P.,Stiris,T.,Hansen, T.W.R.,Bratlid,D. Cerebral blood flow during
experimental hypoxaemia and ischaemia in the newborn piglet. Acta Paediatr
Scand Suppl 360:13-9,1989.
Hansen, T.W.R.,Bratlid,D. Estimation of cerebral blood volume in young rats.
Possible implications for brain bilirubin measurements. In:
Stern,L.,Orzalesi,M., Friis-Hansen,B. (eds) Physiologic foundations of
perinatal care Vol.3. New York, Elsevier Science Publ Co, 1989, pp.218-22.
Hansen, T.W.R.,Sagvolden,T.,Bratlid,D. Behavioral sequelae of transient
hyperbilirubinemia in young rats. In: Stern,L., Orzalesi,M., Friis-Hansen,B.
(eds) Physiologic foundations of perinatal care Vol.3. New York, Elsevier
Science Publ Co, 1989, pp.223-30.
Rogers,B.B.,Berns,S.D.,Maynard,E.C.,Hansen, T.W.R. Pericardial
tamponade secondary to central venous catheterization and
hyperalimentation in a very low birthweight infant. Pediatr Pathol 10:81923,1990.
Hansen, T.W.R., Lie,S.O. Barn og sykdommer in den tredje verden. Tidsskr
Nor Lægeforen (J Nor Med Assoc) 111:1371-5,1991. (Eng.title: Children and
diseases in the third world.)
Hansen, T.W.R. Perkutant sentralvenekateter hos nyfødte. Tidsskr Nor
Lægeforen (J Nor Med Assoc) 112:776-7,1992. (Eng.title: Percutaneous
central venous catheter in neonates.)
Werner,J.C., Sicard,R.E., Hansen, T.W.R., Solomon,E., Cowett,R.M., Oh,W.
Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy associated with dexamethasone therapy for
bronchopulmonary dysplasia. J Pediatr 120:286-91,1992.
Hansen, T.W.R.,Poulsen,J.P.,Bratlid,D. The effects of hypoxanthine, xanthine
oxidase, and hyperoxia on the accumulation of bilirubin and albumin in young
rat brain. Early Hum Dev 30:171-7,1992.
Hansen, T.W.R. Smerter og smertelindring hos nyfødte og spedbarn. Tidsskr
Nor Lægeforen (J Nor Med Assoc) 112:3422-5,1992. (Eng.title: Pain and pain
relief in neonates and infants.)
Abrahamsen,T.G., Gaustad,P., Sund,S., Hansen, T.W.R. Disseminerte
soppinfeksjoner hos nyfødte: Risikofaktorer, behandling og forløp. Tidsskr
Nor Lægeforen (J Nor Med Assoc) 112:3548-51,1992. (Eng.title:
Disseminated yeast infections in neonates. Risk factors, treatment and
subsequent course.)
Hansen, T.W.R., Cashore,W.J., Oh,W. Changes in piglet auditory brainstem
response amplitudes without increases in serum or cerebrospinal fluid
neuron-specific enolase. Pediatr Res 32:524-9,1992.
Danbolt,N.C.,Hansen, T.W.R.,Øyasæter,S.,Bratlid,D.,Storm-Mathiesen,J. In
vitro binding of [3]bilirubin to neurons in rat brain sections. Biol Neonate
Hansen, T.W.R., Maynard, E.C., Cashore, W.J., Oh, W. Endotoxemia and
brain bilirubin in the rat. Biol Neonate 63:171-6,1993.
Hansen, T.W.R., Wallach, M., Dey, A.N., Boivin, P., Vohr, B., Oh, W.
Prognostic value of clinical and radiological status on day 28 of life for
subsequent course in very low birthweight (<1500 g) babies with
bronchopulmonary dysplasia. Pediatr Pulmonol 15:327-31,1993.
Hansen, T.W.R., Gaustad,P., Abrahamsen,T.G., Finne,P.H. Diagnostikk og
behandling av infeksjoner i en neonatalavdeling. Bakterie- og soppinfeksjoner.
Tidsskr Nor Lægeforen (J Nor Med Assoc) 113:1730-4,1993. (Eng.title:
Diagnosis and treatment of infections in a neonatal intensive care unit.
Bacterial and fungal infections.)
Hansen, T.W.R., Gaustad,P., Rollag,H., Abrahamsen,T.G., Finne,P.H.
Diagnostikk og behandling av infeksjoner i en neonatalavdeling. Virus-,
spiroket- og toxoplasma-infeksjoner. Tidsskr Nor Lægeforen (J Nor Med
Assoc) 113:1701-5,1993. (Eng.title: Diagnosis and treatment of infections in a
neonatal intensive care unit. Viral infections, spirochetal infections and
Fagerli,I., Hansen, T.W.R. Bruk av naloxon til nyfødte ved fødeavdelinger i
Norge. Tidsskr Nor Lægeforen (J Nor Med Assoc) 114:305-7,1994. (Eng.title:
Administration of naloxone to neonates in Norwegian birthing centers.)
Holtmon,L.W., Hansen, T.W.R., Holter,E. Torch-undersøkelsen. En
revaluering. (Eng.title: TORCH-titres. A reevaluation.) Tidsskr Nor Lægeforen
(J Nor Med Assoc) 114:311-2,1994.
Hansen, T.W.R., Finne,P.H. Resuscitering av nyfødte. Tidsskr Nor
Lægeforen (J Nor Med Assoc) 114:1948-54,1994. (Eng.title: Resuscitation of
Hansen, T.W.R. Bilirubin in the brain. Distribution and effects on
neurophysiological and neurochemical processes. Clin Pediatr 33:452-9,1994.
Hansen, T.W.R. , Sponheim,S., Pedersen,T., Svennevig,J. Persisterende
pulmonal hypertensjon hos en nyfødt behandlet med ekstrakorporal
membranoksygenering. (Eng.title:Persistent pulmonary hypertension in a
neonate treated with ECMO.) Tidsskr Nor Lægeforen (J Nor Med Assoc)
115:591-4, 1995.
Hansen, T.W.R., Finne,P.H. Opplæring i gjenopplivning av nyfødte. En
rundspørring til norske barneleger. (Eng.title: Training in neonatal
resuscitation. A survey of Norwegian pediatricians.) ) Tidsskr Nor Lægeforen
(J Nor Med Assoc) 115:609-11,1995.
Hansen, T.W.R. Acute entry of bilirubin into rat brain regions. Biol Neonate
67:203-7, 1995.
Hansen, T.W.R., Finne,P.H. Etiske overveielser i nyfødtmedisinen. (Eng.title:
Ethical reflections in neonatal medicine.) Tidsskr Nor Lægeforen (J Nor Med
Assoc) 115:1721-3,1995.
Hansen, T.W.R., Cashore, W.J. Rates of bilirubin clearance from rat brain
regions. Biol Neonate 68:135-40, 1995.
Hansen, T.W.R. Nitrogenoksid i behandlingen av oksygeneringssvikt hos
nyfødte. (Eng.title: Nitric oxide in the treatment of oxygenation difficulties in
neonates). Tidsskr Nor Lægeforen (J Nor Med Assoc) 115:3493-5,1995.
Hansen, T.W.R. Bilirubin entry into and clearance from rat brain during
hypercarbia and hyperosmolality. Pediatr Res 39:72-6,1996.
Hansen, T.W.R., Allen,J.W. Hemolytic anemia does not increase entry into,
nor alter rate of clearance of bilirubin from rat brain. Biol Neonate 69:26874,1996.
Hansen, T.W.R., Mathiesen,S.B.W., Walaas,S.I. Bilirubin has widespread
inhibitory effects on protein phosphorylation. Pediatr Res 39:1072-7,1996.
Hansen, T.W.R. Therapeutic practices in neonatal jaundice: An international
survey. Clin Pediatr 35:309-16,1996.
Hansen, T.W.R., Henrichsen,B., Rasmussen,R.K., Carling,A., Andreassen,
A.B., Skjeldal,O. Neuropsychological and linguistic follow-up studies of
children with galactosemia from an unscreened population. Acta Paediatr
Hansen, T.W.R., Allen,J. Bilirubin-oxidizing activity in rat brain. Biol Neonate
70:289-95, 1996.
Hansen, T.W.R. Treatment of jaundice in the neonate. Norwegian guidelines
in an international perspective. Tidsskr Nor Lægeforen (J Nor Med Assoc)
Rasmussen,R.K., Andreassen,A.B., Strømme,P., Hansen, T.W.R. Learning
disabilities and language pathology in patients with galactosemia. Log Phon
Vocol 21:157-62,1996.
Hansen, T.W.R., Allen,J.W. Oxidation of bilirubin by brain mitochondrial
membranes - dependence on cell type and postnatal age. Biochem Molec
Med 60:155-60,1997.
Fjær,R., Abrahamsen, T., Bruu, A.-L., Hansen, T.W.R. Cytomegalovirusinfeksjon hos nyfødte. Erfaringer med diagnostikk og behandling. (Eng.title:
Cytomegalovirus-infection in neonates. Experiences with diagnosis and
treatment.) Tidsskr Nor Lægeforen (J Nor Med Assoc) 117:1460-4,1997.
Hansen, T.W.R. Acute management of extreme neonatal jaundice -- the
potential benefits of intensified phototherapy and interruption of enterohepatic
bilirubin circulation. Acta Paediatr 86:843-6,1997.
Medbø,S., Finne,P.H., Hansen, T.W.R. Respiratory syncytial virus pneumonia
ventilated with high frequency oscillatory ventilation. Acta Paediatr 86:7668,1997.
Hansen, T.W.R., Mathiesen,S.B.W., Walaas,S.I. Modulation of the effect of
bilirubin on protein phosphorylation by lysine-containing peptides. Pediatr Res
Hansen, T.W.R., Tommarello, S., Allen,J.W. Oxidation of bilirubin by rat brain
mitochondrial membranes - genetic variability. Biochem Molec Med 62:12831, 1997.
Sigurdsson,L., Reyes,J., Kocoshis,S.A., Hansen, T.W.R., Rosh,J.,
Knisely,AS. Neonatal hemochromatosis: outcomes of pharmacological and
surgical therapies. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr 26:85-9, 1998.
Hansen, T.W.R., Tommarello, S. Effects of phenobarbital on bilirubin
clearance and metabolism in rat brain. Biol Neonate 73:106-11, 1998.
Sigurdsson L, Hansen, T.W.R. Neonatal hemokromatose. (Eng.title: Neonatal
hemochromatosis). Tidsskr Nor Lægeforen (J Nor Med Assoc) 118:882-3,
Allen,J.W., Tommarello, S., Carcillo, J., Hansen, T.W.R. Effects of
endotoxemia and sepsis on bilirubin oxidation by rat brain mitochondrial
membranes. Biol Neonate 73:340-5, 1998.
Roseth S., Hansen T.W.R., Fonnum F., Walaas S.I. Bilirubin inhibits transport
of neurotransmitters in synaptic vesicles. Pediatr Res 44:312-6,1998.
Watchko, J.F., Daood, M.J., Hansen, T.W.R. Brain bilirubin content is
increased in P-glycoprotein deficient transgenic null mutant mice. Pediatr Res
Hansen, T.W.R. Tidlig hjemskrivning fra fødeavdeling og neonatalavdeling begrensninger og muligheter. Tidsskr Nor Lægeforen 119:1893-6, 1999. (Eng.
Title: Early discharge from maternity hospitals and neonatal intensive care
units - limitations and perspectives).
Hansen, T.W.R., Mathiesen,S.B., Sefland,I., Walaas,S.I. Bilirubin inhibits
Ca++-dependent release of norepinephrine from permeabilized nerve
terminals. Neurochem Res 24:733-8,1999.
Hansen, T.W.R. Neonatal hyperbilirubinemia and kernicterus - a 1998
update. J Med Liban 47:22-7,1999.
Hansen, T.W.R. Early discharge from the nursery: implications for the care of
healthy and sick neonates. J Med Liban 47:28-33,1999.
De Carvalho, M., De Carvalho, D., Trzmielina, S., Lopes, J.M.A., Hansen,
T.W.R. Intensified phototherapy using daylight fluorescent lamps. Acta
Paediatr 88:768-71, 1999.
Hansen, T.W.R., Allen,J.W., Tommarello, S. Oxidation of bilirubin in the brain
- further characterization of a potentially protective mechanism. Molec Genet
Metab 68:404-9, 1999.
Hansen, T.W.R., Liavåg, A.H. Forsoning, forløsning og vekst - et annet
perspektiv på eutanasidebatten. (Eng.title: Reconciliation, redemption, and
growth - a different perspective on the euthanasia debate). Tidsskr Nor
Lægeforen 119:4359-62, 1999.
Hansen, T.W.R. Lever og galleveissykdommer hos barn. Tidsskr Nor
Lægeforen 119;3788, 1999. (Eng.title: Liver and biliary disease in children.)
Høgåsen, A.K., Øverlie,I., Hansen, T.W.R., Abrahamsen,T.G., Finne,P.H.,
Høgåsen,K. The analysis of the complement activation product SC5b-9 is
applicable in neonates in spite of their profound C9 deficiency. J Perinat Med
28;39-48, 2000.
Meslo, M., Tveiten, L., Hansen, T.W.R. Effektivisering av lysbehandling med
enkle midler. (Eng.title: Simple means to more effective phototherapy).
Jordmorbladet (Journal of Midwifery) 7 (4); 18-21, 2000.
Hansen, T.W.R. Fetal and neonatal bilirubin metabolism. In: Maisels, M.J. &
Watchko, J.F.,eds., Neonatal jaundice. Harwood Academic Publishers;
London, 2000, pp. 3-20.
Hansen, T.W.R. The pathophysiology of bilirubin toxicity. In: Maisels, M.J. &
Watchko, J.F.,eds., Neonatal jaundice. Harwood Academic Publishers;
London, 2000, pp. 89-104.
Hansen, T.W.R., Allen, J.W. Bilirubin oxidation by brain mitochondrial
membranes is not affected by hyperosmolality. Biol Neonate 78; 68-9, 2000.
Hansen, T.W.R. Pioneers in the scientific study of neonatal jaundice and
kernicterus. Pediatrics 106: e15, 2000. URL:
Hansen, T.W.R. Phototherapy for neonatal jaundice - still in need of fine
tuning. Acta Paediatr 89; 7707-2, 2000.
Hansen, T.W.R., Whitelaw, A. Nevrologisk undersøkelse av nyfødte. In:
Gjerstad, L., Skjeldal, O.H. (eds.): Nevrologi - fra barn til voksen, 2.utgave.
Oslo: Vett & Viten, 2000, pp 27-44. (Eng.title: Neurological examination of the
newborn. In: Neurology - from child to adult, 2.ed.) ISBN: 82-142-0396-9
Hansen, T.W.R. Bilirubin oxidation in brain. Molec Genet Metab 71:411-7,
Hansen, T.W.R. Neonatal jaundice, Scientific plagiarism 200 years ago.
Perinatal Section News: AAP 26:11-12, 2000.
Hansen, T.W.R. Kernicterus in term and near-term infants - the specter
walks again. Acta Paediatr 89:1155-7, 2000.
Hansen, T.W.R. Amishene og det enkle liv - glimt fra historie, samfunn og
helse i en religiøs minoritet. Tidsskr Nor Lægeforen 120: 3789-92, 2000.
(Eng.title: The Amish and plain living. Glimpses of history, society, and health
in a religious minority.)
Hansen, T.W.R., Tommarello, S., Allen, J.W. Subcellular localization of
bilirubin in rat brain following in vivo i.v. administration of 3H-bilirubin. Pediatr
Res 49:203-7, 2001.
Hansen, T.W.R. Guidelines for treatment of neonatal jaundice - is there a
place for evidence based medicine? Acta Paediatr 90:239-41, 2001.
100. Mahmood, B., Daood, M.J., Hart, C., Hansen, T.W.R., Watchko, J.F.
Ontogeny of P-glycoprotein in mouse intestine, liver, and kidney. J Invest Med
49:250-7, 2001.
101. Hansen, T.W.R. Neonatal jaundice. In:Pediatrics: An On-line Medical
Reference. 1st Edition. St. Petersburg. Emedicine Online Textbooks. Ed.
Altschuler S et al., Inc. <
topic1061.htm>, 2001.
102. Hankø,E., Lindemann,R., Hansen, T.W.R. Spectrum of outcome in infants
with extreme neonatal jaundice. Acta Paediatr 90:782-5, 2001.
103. Hansen, T.W.R. Bilirubin production, breast-feeding, and neonatal jaundice.
Acta Paediatr 90:716-7, 2001.
104. Hansen, T.W.R. Fiberoptisk fototerapi ved neonatal ikterus. Kommentar til
Cochrane-rapport. Läkartidningen 45:4964-9, 2001. (Eng.title: Fiberoptic
phototherapy for neonatal jaundice. Commentary to a Cochrane
report.)(invited commentary for The Journal of the Swedish Medical
105. Hansen, T.W.R. Bilirubin brain toxicity. J Perinatol 21:S48-51; 2001.
106. Hansen, T.W.R. Fiberoptisk fototerapi ved neonatal ikterus. Kommentar til
Cochrane-rapport. (Eng.title: Fiberoptic phototherapy for neonatal jaundice.
Commentary to a Cochrane report.) Tidsskr Nor Lægeforen 122:45-7, 2002.
(Nordic Paper of the Month, reprint from 104).
107. Tsai, C.E., Daood, M.J., Lane, R.H., Hansen, T.W.R., Gruetzmacher, E.M.,
Watchko, J.F. P-glycoprotein expression in mouse brain increases with
maturation. Biol Neonate 81:58-64, 2002.
108. Hansen, T.W.R. Kernicterus: An international perspective. Semin Neonatol
7:103-9, 2002.
109. Kaldestad, R.H., Wingaard, L., Hansen, T.W.R. Screening for medfødt
hørselstap - en pilotstudie. (Eng.title: Screening for congenital hearing loss - a
pilot study). Tidsskr Nor Lægeforen 122:2190-3, 2002.
110. Hansen, T.W.R. Neonatal jaundice and scientific fraud in 1804. Acta
Paediatrica 91: 1135-8, 2002.
111. Hansen, T.W.R. Mechanisms of bilirubin toxicity: clinical implications. Clin
Perinatol 24; 765-78, 2002.
112. Hansen, T.W.R. Guidelines for treatment of neonatal jaundice - is there a
place for evidence based medicine? Neonatal Intensive Care 15:47-9, 2002
(reprinted from 99).
113. Hansen, T.W.R. Bruk av diagnose- og prosedyrekoder i nyfødtmedisinen effekter av innsatsstyrt finansiering (ISF). Report to the Ministry of Health and
Social Affairs 2002. (Eng.title: Use of diagnostic and procedural codes in
neonatal medicine - effects of activity-based financing). This publication was
also approved for a master's thesis in health administration in 2003.
114. Hansen, T.W.R., A. Nevrologisk undersøkelse av nyfødte. In: Gjerstad, L.,
Skjeldal, O.H., Helseth, E. (eds.): Nevrologi og nevrokirurgi. Fra barn til
voksen, 3.utgave. Oslo: Vett & Viten (Eng.title: Neurological examination of
the newborn. In: Neurology and neurosurgery. From child to adult, 3.ed.)
2003, pp.31-48.
115. Hankø, E., Tommarello, S., Watchko, J.F., Hansen, T.W.R. Administration of
drugs known to inhibit P-glycoprotein increases brain bilirubin and alters the
regional distribution of bilirubin in rat brain. Pediatr Res 54:441-5, 2003
116. Kalikstad, B., Hansen, T.W.R. Medikamentell behandling av nyfødte - et
sjansespill? Tidsskr Nor Lægeforen 123:2738-40, 2003. (Eng.title:
Pharmacological treatment of neonates - a game of hazard?).
117. Hansen, T.W.R. Svensk lærebok i pediatri. Tidsskr Nor Lægeforen 123;3077,
2003. (Eng.title: Swedish textbook of pediatrics). Book review.
118. Hansen, T.W.R. Recent advances in pharmacotherapy for
hyperbilirubinaemia in the neonate. Exp Opion Pharmacother 4:1939-48,
119. Hagen, C.M., Hansen, T.W.R. Deaths in a neonatal intensive care unit: A 10year perspective. Pediatr Crit Care Med 5:463-8,2004.
120. Hansen, T.W.R. Tratamento da Icterícia Neonatal (Eng.title: Management of
the jaundiced neonate [invited review]). In: deCarvalho M., Lopes J.M.A.
(eds.) Avanços em Perinatologia, Rio de Janeiro: Editores Alves Filho &
Trindade, 2004, pp.111-9.
121. Hankø, E., Hansen, T.W.R., Almaas, R., Lindstad J., Rootwelt, T. Bilirubin
induces apoptosis and necrosis in human NT2-N neurons. Pediatr Res
57:179-84, 2005.
122. Hansen, T.W.R. Behandling av gulsott hos nyfødt. (Eng.title: Treatment of
jaundice in newborn infants). Tidsskr Nor Laegeforen 125; 594-8, 2005.
123. Hansen, T.W.R. Nyttig veileder i nyfødtmedisin for den tredje verden. (Eng.
Title: Useful handbook in neonatal medicine for the Third World). Tidsskr Nor
Laegeforen 125; 618, 2005 (book review).
124. Kalikstad, B., Hansen, T.W.R. Medikamentell behandling av nyfødte - et
sjansespill? NAFForum Tidsskrift for Norsk anestesiologisk forening 18; 4-6,
2005. (Eng.title: Pharmacological treatment of neonates - a game of hazard?
Reprinted from 116).
125. Hansen, T.W.R. Koding, DRG og insatsstyrt finansiering. (Eng.title: Coding,
DRG, and activity-based financing.) Tidsskr Nor Lægeforen 16; 125, 2005.
126. Hansen, T.W.R. Changes in the utilization of diagnostic codes in neonatology
following the introduction of activity-based financing. Health Policy 74;218-23,
2005. [Available online Feb.2, 2005 ]
127. Meberg, A., Hansen, T.W.R. Kvalitetsvurdering av transport av syke nyfødte.
(Eng.title: Quality evaluation of neonatal transports). Tidsskr Nor Lægeforen
125;2474-6, 2005.
128. Hansen, T.W.R. Nils Rosén von Rosenstein and neonatal jaundice in the 18th
century. Acta Paediatr 94:1834-6, 2005.
129. Hansen, T.W.R. A Quisling on neonatal jaundice. Acta Paediatr 95:108-12,
130. Hankø, E, Hansen, T.W.R., Almaas, R., Lindstad, J., Paulsen, R., Rootwelt,
T. Synergistic protection of a general caspase inhibitor and MK-801 in
bilirubin-induced cell death in human NT2-N neurons. Pediatr Res 59:72-7,
131. Hansen, T.W.R. Prophylaxis of intraventricular hemorrhage in premature
infants - new potential tools, new potential challenges. Pediatr Crit Care Med
132. Hankø, E., Hansen, T.W.R., Almaas, R., Rootwelt, T. Recovery after short
term bilirubin exposure in human NT2-N neurons. Brain Res 1103:56-64,
133. Hansen, T.W.R. Neonatal jaundice. In:Pediatrics: An On-line Medical
Reference. 1st Edition. St. Petersburg. Emedicine Online Textbooks. Ed.
Altschuler S et al., Inc. <
PED/topic1061.htm>, 2006. (This is an update/revision of publication 101).
134. Djokomuljanto, S., Quah, B.S., Surini, Y., Noraida, R., Ismail, N.Z.N.,
Hansen, T.W.R.,Van Rostenberghe, H.L.A. Efficacy of phototherapy for
neonatal jaundice is increased by the use of low-cost white reflecting curtains.
Arch Dis Child 91(6):F439-42, 2006 (published online July 28 2006;
doi:10.1136/ adc.2006.095687)
135. Hansen, T.W.R. Nevrologisk undersøkelse av nyfødte. In: Gjerstad, L.,
Skjeldal, O.H., Helseth, E. (eds.): Nevrologi og nevrokirurgi. Fra barn til
voksen, 4.utgave. Oslo: Vett & Viten (Eng.title: Neurological examination of
the newborn. In: Neurology and neurosurgery. From child to adult, 4.ed.),
pp.31-48, 2007. ISBN:978-82-412-0628-3
136. Saugstad, O.D., Hansen, T.W.R., Rønnestad, A., Nakstad B., Tølløfsrud,
P.A., Reinholt, F., Hamvas A., Cole, F.S., Dean, M., Wert, S., Whitsett, J.A.,
Nogee, L.M. Novel mutations in the gene encoding ATP binding cassette
protein member A3 (ABCA3) resulting in fatal neonatal lung disease. Acta
Paediatr 96:185-90, 2007.
137. Hansen, T.W.R. Svensk lærebok i pediatri. Tidsskr Nor Lægeforen 8:127,
2007. (Eng.title: Swedish textbook of pediatrics). Book review.
138. Hansen, T.W.R. Patency of the ductus arteriosus in the newborn - now you
want it, now you don't (editorial). Pediatr Crit Care Med 8:302-3, 2007.
139. Hansen, T.W.R. Avoiding catheter-related blood stream infections - killing the
bugs or improving the procedures? (editorial). Pediatr Crit Care Med 8: 58991, 2007.
140. Hansen, T.W.R. Extreme neonatal jaundice - how frequent is it? (Invited
commentary). Acta Paediatr 8:1002-3, 2008.( Published ahead of print: doi:
141. Huizing, K.M.N., Røislien, J., Hansen, T.W.R. Intravenous immune globulin
significantly reduces the need for exchange transfusions in infants with
Rhesus and AB0 incompatibility. Acta Paediatr 97:1362-5, 2008. (Published
ahead of print DOI:10.1111/j.1651-2227.2008.00915.x)
142. Finne, P.H., Dalen, I., Ikonomou, N., Ulimoen, G., Hansen, T.W.R. Diagnosis
of congenital hip dysplasia in the newborn - evaluation of a screening
program. Acta Orthopaed 79 (3): 313–320, 2008. (DOI: 10.1080/
143. Hansen, T.W.R. Vanlige problemer i nyfødtperioden. (Eng.title: Common
problems in the neonatal period). In: Nyfødtsykepleie I. (Eng.title: Neonatal
nursing) Tandberg, B.S., Steinnes, S. (eds.). Oslo: Cappelen Akademisk
Forlag, pp.116-164, 2009. ISBN 978-82-02-25392-9
144. Hansen, T.W.R. Neonatal jaundice. In:Pediatrics: An On-line Medical
Reference. 1st Edition. St. Petersburg. Emedicine Online Textbooks. Ed.
Altschuler S et al., Inc. <
PED/topic1061.htm>, 2009. (This is an update/revision of publication
145. Hansen, T.W.R., Nietsch, L., Norman, E., Bjerre, J.V., Hascoet, J.M., Mreihil,
K., Ebbesen, F. Apparent reversibility of acute intermediate phase bilirubin
encephalopathy. Acta Paediatr 98:1689-94, 2009 (DOI:10.1111/j.16512227.2009.01409.x)
146. Førde, R., Hansen, T.W.R. Involving patients in a Norwegian Clinical Ethics
committee - what have we learned? Clin Ethics 4:125-30, 2009.
147. Hansen, T.W.R. Management of jaundice in newborn nurseries - measuring,
predicting, and avoiding the sequelae (invited commentary). Acta Paediatrica
98:1866-8, 2009 (DOI:10.1111/j.1651-2227.2009.01537x)
148. Hansen, T.W.R. Treatment of jaundice in the newborn infant - "many roads to
Rome". (editorial) Indian Pediatr 47: 396-7, 2010.
149. Mreihil, K., McDonagh, A.F., Nakstad, B., Hansen, T.W.R. Early isomerization
of bilirubin in phototherapy of neonatal jaundice. Pediatr Res 67:656-9, 2010.
(Publish ahead of print: DOI: 10.1203/PDR.0b013e3181dcedc0)
150. Hansen, T.W.R. Phototherapy for neonatal jaundice - therapeutic effects on
more than one level? Semin Perinatol 34:231-4, 2010.
151. Hansen, T.W.R. Twists and turns in phototherapy for neonatal jaundice
(invited commentary). Acta Paediatrica 99:1117–8, 2010. (Publish ahead of
print: DOI:10.1111/j.1651-2227.2010.01898.x)
152. Kalikstad, B., Skjerdal, Å. Hansen, T.W.R. Compatibility of drug infusions in
the NICU. Arch Dis Child 95:745-8, 2010. DOI: 10.1136/adc.2009.174268
153. Hansen, T.W.R. Bilirubin metabolism. NeoReviews 11: e316-22, 2010. DOI:
10.1542/neo.11-6-e316 (also in NeoReviews en Español 4:2010)
154. Hansen, T.W.R. Nevrologisk undersøkelse av nyfødte (Eng.title: Neurological
examination of the newborn.) In: Gjerstad, L., Helseth, E., Rootwelt,T. (eds.):
Nevrologi og nevrokirurgi. Fra barn til voksen, 5.utgave, 2010:31-42. Oslo: Vett
& Viten. (A revision of publication 135.) ISBN: 978-82-412-0686-3
155. Rønnestad, A., Rootwelt, T., Hansen, T.W.R. Nevrologiske tilstander hos
nyfødte (Eng.title: Neurologic conditions in newborn infants). In: Gjerstad, L.,
Helseth, E., Rootwelt,T. (eds.): Nevrologi og nevrokirurgi. Fra barn til voksen,
5.utgave, 2010:159-76. Oslo: Vett & Viten. ISBN: 978-82-412-0686-3
156. Erlandsen, M. Hansen, T.W.R. Treatment of neonatal jaundice - more than
phototherapy and exchange transfusions. East J Med 15:175-85,2010.
157. Solberg, M.T., Hansen, T.W.R., Bjørk, I.T. Nursing assessment during oxygen
administration in ventilated preterm infants. Acta PaediatricaActa Paediatrica
100; 193-7, 2011 (DOI:10.1111/j.1651-2227.2010.02094.x.)
158. Bratlid, D., Nakstad, B., Hansen, T.W.R. National guidelines for treatment of
jaundice in the newborn. Acta Paediatrica 100: 499–505, 2011.
159. Akmadeeva, E.N., Hansen, T.W.R. Pain in newborns, assessment and
management of pain (In Russian). Bashkortostan Med J 6:96-105, 2011.
160. Hansen, T.W.R. The role of phototherapy in the crash-cart approach to
extreme neonatal jaundice. Semin Perinatol 35:171-4, 2011.
161. Hansen, T.W.R. Prevention of neurodevelopmental sequelae of jaundice in the
newborn. Dev Med Child Neurol 53 (Suppl 4): 24-8, 2011.
162. Hansen, T.W.R. Neonatal jaundice. In: Oh, W. (ed) Evidence Based
Handbook of Neonatology. Singapore, World Scientific Publishing Co., 339-72,
2011 (ISBN-13-978-981-4313-46-9).
163. Meberg, A., Hansen, T.W.R. Neonatal transports - risks and opportunities.
Open J Pediatr 1: 45-50, 2011.
164. Hansen, T.W.R. Mechanisms of bilirubin-induced brain injury (Chapter 122).
In: Polin RA, Fox WW, Abman SH (eds.) Fetal and neonatal physiology, 4th
ed. Philadelphia, Elsevier Saunders, 1295-1306, 2011 (ISBN 978-1-41603479-7).
165. Hansen, T.W.R. Advanced clinical medicine requires advanced clinical ethics.
Neonatology 2012;101:8-12 (DOI: 10.1159/000325162).
166. Hagen, E.M., Therkelsen, Ø.B., Førde, R., Aasland, O., Janvier, A., Hansen,
T.W.R. Challenges in reconciling best interest and parental exercise of
autonomy in pediatric life-or-death situations. J Pediatr 2012;161:146-51
(Online at:
167. Hansen, T.W.R., Bhutani, V. Origins of phototherapy for neonatal jaundice: the
Brazilian connection. Educ Contin Saúde Einstein 2012;10:3-9.
168. Hansen, T.W.R., Bratlid, D. Physiology of neonatal unconjugated
hyperbilirubinemia (Chapter 5). In: Stevenson, D.K., Maisels, M.J., Watchko,
J.F. (eds) Care of the jaundiced neonate. New York, McGraw-Hill, 65-96, 2012
169. Hansen, T.W.R. Let there be light - but should there be less? J Perinatol 2012;
32, 649–651 (doi:10.1038/jp.2012.80)
170. Hansen, T.W.R. Curing neonatal jaundice with ‘language of friendship and
rays of hope’ in the 18th century. Acta Paediatrica 2013;102:119-22.
171. Hansen, T.W.R., Aasland, O., Janvier, A., Førde, R. Ethics, choices, and
decisions in acute medicine - a national survey of Norwegian physicians’
attitudes. Pediatr Crit Care Med 2013; 14:e63-9. (DOI: 10.1097/PCC.0b013e
172. Hansen, T.W.R., Saugstad O.D. Management of periviable newborns in the
Nordic countries. Curr Pediatr Rev 2013;9:19-24.
173. Solberg, M.T., Bjørk, I.T., Hansen, T.W.R. Adherence to ventilation and
oxygenation targets in mechanically ventilated premature and sick newborns a retrospective study. BMC Pediatrics 2013;13:126
174. Hansen, T.W.R. Forstår de hva de gjør? (Eng.title: Do they understand what
they are doing?) Omsorg - Nord Tidsskr Pall Med 2013;3:4-7.
175. Hansen, T.W.R. Reflections from across the Atlantic on SUPPORT,
disclosure, consent, and the need for neonatal research (OPC). Am J Bioethics
176. Hansen, T.W.R. An approach to the management of hyperbilirubinemia in the
preterm infant less than 35 weeks of gestation (invited commentary). Yearbook
of Neonatal Perinatal Medicine, 2013;222-3.
177. Barrington, K., Janvier, A., Aziz, K., Bancalari, E., Batton, D., Bellieni, C.,
Bensouda, B., Blanco, C., Cheung, P-Y, Cohn, F., Daboval, T., Davis, P.,
Dempsey, E., Dupont-Thibodeau, A., Ferretti, E.,Farlow, B., Fontana, M.,
Fortin-Pellerin, E., Goldberg, A., Hansen, T.W.R.; Haward, M., Kovacs, L.,
Lapointe, A., Lantos, J., Moore, G., Morley, C., Moussa, A., Musante, G.,
Nadeau, S., O'Donnell, C., Orfali, K., Payot, A., Ryan, C.A., Sant'Anna, G.,
Saugstad, O.D., Sayeed, S., Stokes, T., Verhagen, E.. Commentary: CPS
policy statement for prenatal counselling before a premature birth: Simple rules
for complicated decisions. Paediatr Child Health 2014;19:22-4.
178. Førde, R., Hansen, T.W.R. Do organizational and clinical ethics in a hospital
need different venues? HealthCare Ethics Committee Forum 2014;26:147-158.
179. Leerberg, M.N.N., Alme, T.N., Hansen, T.W.R. Metyrapone, an inhibitor of
cytochrome oxidases, does not affect viability in a neuroblastoma cell model of
bilirubin toxicity. Molec Genet Metab Reports 2014;1:197-202.
180. Fanaroff, J.M., Hascoet, J.-M., Hansen, T.W.R., Norman, M., Papageorgiou,
A., Shinwell, E., van de Bor M., Stevenson, D.K. on behalf of the International
Perinatal Collegium. The ethics and practice of neonatal resuscitation at the
limits of viability: An international perspective. Acta Paediatr 2014;103:701-8.
DOI: 10.1111/apa.12633.
181. Solberg, M.T., Hansen, T.W.R., Bjørk, I.T. Oxygen and ventilator treatment:
Perspectives on interprofessional collaboration in a neonatal intensive care
unit. J Res Interprof Pract Educ 2014;4 (1)
182. Hansen, T.W.R., Haaland, K. Kap.2 Nevrologisk undersøkelse av nyfødte.
(Eng.title: Solberg, M.T., Hansen, T.W.R., Bjørk, I.T. Neurological examination
of newborns). In: Gjerstad, L., Helseth, E., Rootwelt,T. (eds.): Nevrologi og
nevrokirurgi. Fra barn til voksen, 6.edition, Oslo: Vett & Viten. (A revision of
publication 154.) 2014, pp.31-41.
183. Rønnestad, A.E., Hansen, T.W.R. Kap. 10 Nevrologiske tilstander hos
nyfødte. (Eng.title: Neurologic conditionsin newborn infants): Gjerstad, L.,
Helseth, E., Rootwelt,T. (red.): Nevrologi og nevrokirurgi. Fra barn til voksen,
6.edition, Oslo: Vett & Viten. (Revision of 155). 2014;155-72.
184. Mreihil, K., Madsen, P., Nakstad, B., Ebbesen, F., Hansen, T.W.R. Formation
of bilirubin photoisomers during single and double fluorescent vs photodiode
phototherapy. Pediatr Res 2015; 78: 56-62.
185. Solberg, M.T., Hansen, T.W.R., Bjørk, I.T. The need for predictability in
coordination of ventilator treatment of newborn infants - A qualitative study. Int
Crit Care Nurs 2015; 31, 205-12.
186. Guillén, Ú., Weiss, E.M., Munson, D., Maton, P., Jefferies, A., Norman, M.,
Naulaers, G., Mendes, J., da Silva, L., Zoban, P., Hansen, T.W.R., Hallman,
M., Delivoria-Papadopoulos, M., Hosono, S., Williams, C., Boyle, E., Lui, K.,
Darlow, B., Kirpalani, H. International comparison of guidelines for the
management of extremely premature deliveries: A systematic review.
Pediatrics 2015; 136: 343-50. DOI: 10.1542/peds.2015-0542.
187. Hansen, T.W.R. Kliniske etikk-komitéer og behandling av barn (Eng.title:
Clinical ethics committees and treatment of children). Nord Tidsskr Barnepall
2015; 2: 13-7.
188. Hansen, T.W.R. En barnelege erindrer (Eng title: Recollections of a
pediatrician). Tidsskr Nor Legeforen 2015; 135: 2081.
189. Smerud O.-J.O., Solevåg A.L., Hansen, T.W.R., Grønn M. 14 dager gammelt
gutt med gulsott og apnoeanfall (Eng.title: 14 day old boy with jaundice and
apnoea). Tidsskr Nor Legeforen 2015; 135: 2167-70.
Hansen, T.W.R., Førde R. Premature og behandlingsgrenser. (Eng.title:
Treatment limitations in premature infants.). Tidsskr Nor Legeforen 2016; 136:
Solheim, B., Grønn, M., Hansen, T.W.R. Chapter 45: Hemolytic disease of the
fetus and newborn. In: Simon, T.L., McCullough, J.M., Snyder, E.L., et al (eds).
Rossi’s Principles of Transfusion Medicine, 5th ed. Hoboken, NJ, USA: John
Wiley & Sons, Ltd, pp. 528-34, In press 2016.
192. Hansen, T.W.R. Mechanisms of bilirubin-induced brain injury (Chapter 122).
In: Polin RA, Fox WW, Abman SH (eds.) Fetal and neonatal physiology, 5th
ed. Philadelphia, Elsevier Saunders, (extensively revised edition of 164) In
193. Fredheim, O.M.S., Hansen, T.W.R., Haugen, G., Magelssen, M. Bør man
kunne tilby keisersnitt ved trisomi 13 og 18? (Eng.title: Should we consider
offering caesarean section in cases of trisomy 13 and 18?). Submitted.
194. Laventhal N, Verhagen A.A.E., Hansen T.W.R., Dempsey E., Davis P.,
Musante G., Wiles A., Meadow W., Janvier A. International Variations in
Application of the Best Interest Standard Across the Age Spectrum. Submitted.
Glosli, H., Hansen, T.W.R. Palliasjon av barn – hva er spesielt? (Eng.title:
Pallation in children – what’s unique?) In: Kaasa, S. (ed.) Palliation – Nordic
textbook. In press.
Hansen, T.W.R., Glosli, H. Palliativ behandling av barn på intensivavdeling.
(Eng.title: Palliative treatment of children on an intensive care ward) In: Kaasa,
S. (ed.) Palliation – Nordic textbook. In press.
Glosli, H., Einen, M., Hansen, T.W.R. Palliasjon av barn – smerte og
symptomlindring. (Eng.title: Palliation in children – pain and symptom relief) In:
Kaasa, S. (ed.) Palliation – Nordic textbook. In press.
Glosli, H., Hansen, T.W.R. Når og hvordan avslutte livsforlengende behandling
av barn. (Eng.title: When and how to withdraw life-prolonging treatment in
children). In: Kaasa, S. (ed.) Palliation – Nordic textbook. In press.
Hansen, T.W.R. Patient autonomy – what does it mean for clinical decisionmaking in children and adolescents. Int e-J Sci Med Educ, In press.
Hansen, T.W.R. Biology of bilirubin photoisomers. Clin Perinatol, In press.
Hansen, T.W.R. Kernicterus in neonatal jaundice – finding the needle in the
haystack. Pediatr Crit Care Med, In press.
Hansen, T.W.R. Diagnoses and procedure codes on hospital discharge
summaries do not adequately reflect patient complexity in neonatal medicine.
Mreihil, K., Nakstad, B., Stensrud, H.J., Benth, J.S., Hansen T.W.R., and the
Norwegian NICU Phototherapy Study Group. A national prospective
epidemiological study of NICU-based phototherapy for neonatal jaundice. In
Mreihil, K., Nakstad, B., Stensrud, H.J., Benth, J.S., Hansen T.W.R., and the
Norwegian NICU Phototherapy Study Group. NICU-based phototherapy for
neonatal jaundice – a quality control study. In preparation.
Examination of the newborn. Video. In collaboration with R. Bentehaugen, A.
Lippert, C.Nissen, B.Ohnstad. Oslo 2003.
Pediatrics portal ( A web-based collection of learning tools.
Oslo 2007.
Cardiac examination in children. Video. In collaboration with P.G. Bjørnstad
and C.Nissen. Oslo 2009.
Tips and tricks for examining infants and toddlers. Video. In collaboration with
C.Nissen. Oslo 2009.
Basic techniques for resuscitating infants. Video. In collaboration with
C.Nissen. Oslo 2009.
Weighing, measuring, and using a growth chart. Video. In collaboration with
C.Nissen. Oslo 2009.
Bone marrow aspiration in children. Video. In collaboration with Anders
Glomstein and C.Nissen. Oslo 2009.
Lumbar puncture in children. Video. In collaboration with Anders Glomstein
and C.Nissen. Oslo 2009.
Intraosseous access. Video. In collaboration with C.Nissen. Oslo 2011.
Phototherapy. Video. In collaboration with C.Nissen. Oslo 2011.
Umbilical catheters - a practice model. Video. In collaboration with C.Nissen.
Oslo 2011.
de Verdier,C.-H.,Ericson,Å.,Hansen, T.W.R.,Seip,M. Erythrocyte nucleotide
pattern in pyrimidine 5'-nucleotidase deficiency. ISH/ISBT Congress, Budapest
1982, Abstract.
Hansen, T.W.R.,Seip,M.,de Verdier,C.-H:,Ericson,Å. Erytrocytt pyrimidin-5'nucleotidase-svikt hos et søskenpar. XX Nordic Pediatric Congress 1982,
Abs.42. (Eng.title: Erythrocyte pyrimidine-5'-nucleotidase deficiency in a pair of
Hansen, T.W.R.,Bratlid,D.,Lingaas,E. Kapillær blodkultur i diagnosen av
neonatale infeksjoner, samt vurdering av endel infeksjonsparametre. XX
Nordic Pediatric Congress 1982, Abs. 80. (Eng.title: Capillary blood cultures in
the diagnosis of neonatal infection, and an evaluation of some parameters of
Seip,M.,Hansen, T.W.R.,de Verdier,C.-H.,Ericson,Å. Erythrocyte pyrimidine-5'nucleotidase defiency with hemolytic anemia, intravascular hemolysis,
hemoglobinuria, and kidney changes in two siblings. Eur J Pediatr
Hansen, T.W.R. Galactosemia in a pair of double cousins. Norwegian
Pediatric Society, Oslo, 1983.
Hansen, T.W.R.,Tydal,T.,Jørgensen,H.,Bratlid,D. Effect of bilirubin on the
uptake of 5-HT and dopamine in rat brain synaptosomes. Pediatr Res
Hansen, T.W.R.,Paulsen,O.,Gjerstad,L.,Bratlid,D. Bilirubin reversibly reduces
synaptic transmission in rat hippocampal slices. Pediatr Res 19:1082A,1985.
Hansen, T.W.R.,Odden,J.-P.,Mørkrid,L.,Bratlid,D. Hyperoxia does not
increase bilirubin deposition in rat brain. Pediatr Res 19:1088A,,1985.
Hansen, T.W.R.,Sagvolden,T.,Bratlid,D. Effects of transient hyperbilirubinemia
on open-field behavior in young rats. Pediatr Res 19:1089A,1985.
Stiris,T.,Hansen, T.W.R.,Mørkrid,L.,Bratlid,D. The effect of light and hyperoxia
on ocular blood flow in the newborn piglet. Pediatr Res 19:1128A,1985.
Stiris,T.,Hansen, T.W.R.,Mørkrid,L.,Bratlid,D. The effects of light, hyperoxia,
and hypercarbia on ocular blood flow in the newborn piglet. Pediatr Res
Hansen, T.W.R.,Sagvolden,T.,Bratlid,D. Transient hyperbilirubinemia causes
long-term changes in the open-field behavior of young rats. Pediatr Res
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Hansen, T.W.R.,Westre,B.,Sagvolden,T.,Bratlid,D. Lack of neuropathological
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Hansen, T.W.R.,Walaas,S.I. Concentration-dependent inhibitory effect of
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Hansen, T.W.R.,Øyasæter,S.,Stiris,T.,Bratlid,D. Lack of regional differences in
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Hansen, T.W.R.,Poulsen,J.P.,Saugstad,O.D.,Bratlid,D. Hyperoxia (HO),
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Hansen, T.W.R., Wallach, M., Vohr, B., Boivin, P., Oh, W. Prognosis in
bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD). BYCONN (Brown Univ./Yale Univ./Univ.
of Connecticut) Conference, 1989.
Hansen, T.W.R., Walaas,S.I. Bilirubin inhibits in vitro protein phosphorylation.
International Perinatal Society, 1989.
Bratlid,D., Stiris,T., Hansen, T.W.R., Odden,J.-P., Hall C. Ocular blood flow
response to variations in arterial PCO2 levels. International Perinatal Society,
Hansen, T.W.R., Wallach, M., Vohr, B., Boivin, P., Oh, W. Prognostic value of
clinical and radiological status on day 28 (D28) of life for subsequent course in
very low birthweight infants with bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD). Pediatr
Res 27:208A,1990.
Hansen, T.W.R., Cashore,W.J., Oh,W. Relationship between auditory
brainstem response (ABR) and CSF/serum neuron-specific enolase (NSE) in
jaundiced newborn piglets. Pediatr Res 27:208A,1990.
Maynard,E.C., Hansen, T.W.R., Cashore,W.J., Oh,W. Effect of endotoxin on
entry of bilirubin into rat brain. Pediatr Res 27:215A,1990.
Cashore,W.J., Hansen, T.W.R. Relationship between auditory brainstem
response (ABR) and serum and brain bilirubin (B) in piglets. Pediatr Res
27:201A, 1990.
Werner,J.C., Sicard,R.E., Hansen, T.W.R., Solomon,E., Cowett,R.M., Oh,W.
Untoward cardiac effects of dexamethasone therapy for bronchopulmonary
dysplasia (BPD). Pediatr Res 29:249A,1991.
Gelardi,N.L., Hansen, T.W.R., Oh,W. Effect of postnatal nutrition on open-field
behavior and brain biochemical composition in rats with intrauterine growth
retardation (IUGR). Pediatr Res 29:295A,1991.
Abrahamsen,T.G., Gaustad,P., Hansen, T.W.R. Systemiske soppinfeksjoner
hos premature nyfødte. Norsk Pediatrisk Selskap, 1992. (Eng.title: Systemic
candidiasis in premature neonates. Norwegian Pediatric Society, 1992.)
Brockmeier,F., Rosenlund,E., Hansen, T.W.R., Bratlid,D., Finne,P.H.
Hoftekontroll hos nyfødte. Klinikk og ultralydundersøkelse. Norsk Pediatrisk
Selskap, 1992. (Eng.title: Hip examination in neonates. Clinical and ultrasound
exams. Norwegian Pediatric Society, 1992.)
Brockmeier,F., Næss,C.E., Rosenlund,E., Hansen, T.W.R., Bratlid,D.,
Finne,P.H. Hip examination in neonates: Clinical examination supplemented
with ultrasound studies according to defined risk criteria. A 2 year experience.
Norwegian Perinatal Society, 1992.
Fagerli,I., Hansen, T.W.R. Use of naloxone in Norwegian maternity centers.
Norwegian Perinatal Society, 1992.
Holtmon,L.W., Hansen, T.W.R., Holter,E. TORCH-titers. A reevaluation.
Norwegian Perinatal Society, 1992.
Gaustad,P., Abrahamsen,T.G., Hansen, T.W.R. Disseminated fungal
infections in neonates. Risk factors, treatment, clinical course and an
epidemiological study based on DNA fingerprinting. 6th European Congress of
Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases. Seville, Spain, 1993.
Hansen, T.W.R., Cashore,W.J. Rate of bilirubin disappearance from brain
regions in rats with an intact blood-brain barrier. Pediatr Res 33:215A,1993.
Hansen, T.W.R. Acute entry of bilirubin into rat brain regions. Pediatr Res
33:214A, 1993.
Hansen, T.W.R. Bilirubin in the brain - distribution and effects on
neurophysiological and neurochemical processes. Presented at Kernicterus
Symposium, Society for Pediatric Research, Washington DC, 1993.
Fagerli,I., Hansen, T.W.R. Use of naloxone in Norwegian maternity centers.
Oslo-Gothenburg Pediatric Meeting, Gothenburg 1993.
Fagerli,I., Hansen, T.W.R. Use of naloxone in Norwegian maternity centers.
Norwegian Pediatric Society, Lillehammer 1993.
Henrichsen,B., Skjeldal,O., Rasmussen,R.K., Carling,A., Andreassen,A.B.,
Hansen, T.W.R. Neuropsychological, linguistic, and cerebral computed
tomographic studies in children with galactosemia. Norwegian Pediatric
Society, Lillehammer 1993.
Fjær,R., Hansen, T.W.R., Abrahamsen, T. CMV-infection in neonates aspects of diagnosis and treatment. Norwegian Pediatric Society, Lillehammer
Holtmon,L.W., Hansen, T.W.R., Holter,E. TORCH-titers. A reevaluation.
Norwegian Pediatric Society, Lillehammer 1993.
Hansen, T.W.R., Mathiesen,S.B.W., Walaas,S.I. Bilirubin inhibits cyclic AMPdependent protein kinase (PKA) by a non-competitive mechanism. Pediatr Res
35:229A, 1994.
Mathiesen,S.B.W., Hansen, T.W.R., Walaas,S.I. Bilirubin (B) inhibits
phosphorylation of the IP3-receptor by cAMP-dependent kinase (PKA), but not
by cGMP-dependent kinase (PKG). Presented at the 31st Norwegian
Biochemical Contact Meeting, Geilo, 1995.
Hansen, T.W.R. Acute entry of bilirubin (B) does not differ between rat brain
regions during hypercarbia (HC) or hyperosmolality (HO). Pediatr Res
Hansen, T.W.R. Clearance of bilirubin (B) does not differ between rat brain
regions during hypercarbia (HC) or hyperosmolality (HO). Pediatr Res
Hansen, T.W.R. Hypercarbia (HC) and hyperosmolality (HO) increase brain
bilirubin concentration (BB) by different mechanisms. Pediatr Res
Hansen, T.W.R., Mathiesen,S.B.W., Walaas,S.I. Polylysine (PLys), but not
polygluthamine (PGlu) or polyarginine (PArg), blocks the inhibitory effect of
bilirubin (B) on phosphorylation of phospholemman by the catalytic subunit of
cAMP-dependent kinase (PKA). Pediatr Res 37:210A,1995
Hansen, T.W.R., Mathiesen,S.B.W., Walaas,S.I. Different effects of bilirubin
(B) on the phosphorylation of the IP3-receptor by cAMP-dependent kinase
(PKA) and cGMP-dependent kinase (PKG). Pediatr Res 37:210A,1995
Hansen, T.W.R. International survey of therapeutic practices in neonatal
jaundice: I.General guidelines. Pediatr Res 37:210A,1995
Hansen, T.W.R. International survey of therapeutic practices in neonatal
jaundice: II.Treatment indications. Pediatr Res 37:209A,1995.
Hansen, T.W.R. International survey of therapeutic practices in neonatal
jaundice: III. Differences between North America and Europe. Pediatr Res
Hansen, T.W.R., Allen,J.W. Hemolytic anemia does not increase entry into,
nor alter rate of clearance of bilirubin from rat brain. Pediatr Res
Hansen, T.W.R., Mathiesen,S.B.W., Allen,J.W. The rate of bilirubin oxidation
by a crude mitochondrial fraction differs between rat brain regions. Pediatr Res
Fjær,R., Abrahamsen,T.G., Hansen, T.W.R., Bru,A.-L. Congenital
cytomegalovirus infection in neonates. Evaluation of a screening program.
Norwegian Pediatric Society, Kristiansand 1995.
Hansen, T.W.R., Allen,J.W. Bilirubin is oxidized by a crude mitochondrial
fraction from rabbit pup brain. Pediatric Research 38:436A,1995.
Hansen, T.W.R., Allen,J.W. The bilirubin oxidizing ability of mitochondrial
membranes from a pure neuronal source is significantly less than that of
mitochondrial membranes from a mixed glial/neuronal source. Pediatric
Research 38:436A,1995.
Sigurdsson, L., Knisely, A., Hansen, T.W.R., Rosh, J., Reyes, J., Kocoshis, S.
Antioxidants are not always effective against neonatal hemochromatosis. J
Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr 21:327,1995.
Hansen, T.W.R. Treatment of neonatal jaundice - Norwegian guidelines in an
international perspective. Presented at the Norwegian Society of Perinatal
Medicine, Trondheim, 1995.
Hansen, T.W.R. Intensified phototherapy pluss oral hydration may be very
effective in extreme hyperbilirubinemia. Presented at the Norwegian Society of
Perinatal Medicine, Trondheim, 1995.
Mathiesen, S.B.W., Sefland, I., Hansen, T.W.R., Walaas, I. Effect of bilirubin
on exocytotic neurotransmitter release from permeabilized, isolated nerve
terminals. Submitted to the 32nd Norwegian Biochemical Contact Meeting,
Allen,J.W., Hansen, T.W.R. Hyperosmolality does not alter bilirubin oxidation
by brain mitochondrial membranes. Pediatr Res 39:56A,1996.
Allen,J.W., Hansen, T.W.R. Bilirubin oxidation by brain mitochondrial
membranes is not significantly altered in endotoxinemia. Pediatr Res
Allen,J.W., Hansen, T.W.R. Variable effects of in vivo stimulators and
inhibitors of hepatic cytochrome P450 on bilirubin oxidation by brain
mitochondrial membranes. Pediatr Res 39:56A,1996.
Hansen, T.W.R., Allen,J.W. Depletion of cytochrome c inhibits bilirubin
oxidation by brain mitochondrial membranes. Pediatr Res 39:60A,1996.
Hansen, T.W.R., Allen,J.W. The bilirubin oxidizing activity in rat brain
mitochondrial membranes is inhibited by cyanide, byt not by inhibitors of
monoamine oxidase or malate dehydrogenase. Pediatr Res 39:60A,1996.
Hansen, T.W.R., Allen, J.W. The rate of bilirubin oxidation by brain
mitochondrial membranes increases with postnatal age. Pediatr Res
Hansen, T.W.R., Mathiesen, S.B.W., Sefland, I., Walaas, S.I. Bilirubin inhibits
Ca++-dependent release of norepinephrine from permeabilized nerve
terminals. Pediatr Res 39:60A,1996.
Hansen, T.W.R., Mathiesen, S.B.W., Sefland, I., Walaas, S.I. Bilirubin
increases leakage of 3H-norepinephrine from presynaptic vesicles in the
absence of Ca++. Pediatr Res 39:60A,1996.
Hansen, T.W.R., Mathiesen, S.B.W., Walaas, S.I. A lysine-containing peptide
corresponding to a ten aminoacid sequence of protein kinase subdomain II
partially prevents the inhibitory effect of bilirubin on phospholemman
phosphorylation by cAMP-dependent protein kinase. Pediatr Res 39:60A,1996.
Hansen, T.W.R., Mathiesen, S.B.W., Walaas, S.I. The ability of polylysine to
prevent the inhibitory effect of bilirubin on protein phosphorylation does not
depend on steric conformation. Pediatr Res 39:61A,1996.
Hansen, T.W.R., Henrichsen,B., Rasmussen,R.K., Carling,A.,
Andreassen,A.B., Skjeldal,O. Neuropsychological and linguistic follow-up
stuides of children with galactosemia from an unscreened population. Pediatr
Res 39:145A,1996.
Hansen, T.W.R. Efficacy of intensified phototherapy and oral hydration in
extreme neonatal jaundice. Pediatr Res 39:311A,1996.
Hansen, T.W.R. Bilirubin-induced neurotoxicity. Presented at "Frontiers in the
Care of the Neonate: Bilirubin-induced Neurologic Dysfunction", Pennsylvania
Hospital, Philadelphia, PA, March 21, 1996.
Hansen, T.W.R. Bilirubin toxicity - Toward a unifying mechanism. Presented
at the Oh Symposium, Brown University, Providence, RI, May 10, 1996.
Hansen, T.W.R. The ability of brain cells to protect themselves against
bilirubin toxicity by oxidation of bilirubin varies with cell type and postnatal age.
Treatment of Crigler-Najjar Syndrome, Conference proceedings, Rockefeller
University, May 26-28, 1996.
Hansen, T.W.R. Inhibition of protein phosphorylation as a candidate
mechanism for the mediation of bilirubin toxicity. Treatment of Crigler-Najjar
Syndrome, Conference proceedings, Rockefeller University, May 26-28, 1996.
Allen,J.W., Carcillo,J., Garrett,M., Hansen, T.W.R. Bilirubin oxidation by brain
mitochondrial membranes is minimally changed by Listeria monocytogenes
infection. Pediatr Res 40:516A,1996.
Hansen, T.W.R., Allen,J.W. The bilirubin oxidizing enzyme in brain
mitochondrial membranes may be a cytochrome oxidase. Pediatr Res
Hansen, T.W.R., Allen,J.W. Genetic and maturational variation in bilirubin
oxidation by brain mitochondrial membranes. Pediatr Res 40:532A,1996.
Hansen, T.W.R. What does bilirubin do to the brain, and what does the brain
do to bilirubin? Presented at the annual meeting of the Norwegian Society of
Perinatal Medicine, 1996.
Watchko,J.F., Daood, M.J., Hansen, T.W.R. Brain bilirubin influx is increased
in blood-brain barrier P-glycoprotein deficient null mutant mice. Pediatr Res
Hansen, T.W.R., Mathiesen, S.B.W., Østvold, A.C., Walaas, S.I. Bilirubin
inhibits casein kinase 2 by a non-competitive mechanism. Pediatr Res
Hansen, T.W.R., Roseth, S., Fonnum, F., Walaas, S.I. Bilirubin inhibits
glutamate and dopamine uptake in isolated presynaptic vesicles. Pediatr Res
Hansen, T.W.R. The clinical and pathological features of kernicterus and what
we do to prevent it. Invited presentation at the Kernicterus Symposium, Society
for Pediatric Research, Washington, D.C., May 1997.
Hansen, T.W.R., Tommarello, S. In vivo subcellular localization of [3H]bilirubin
in rat brain. Pediatr Res 42:386A, 1997.
Hansen, T.W.R., Tommarello, S. Phenobarbital does not affect bilirubin
metabolism in rat brain. Pediatr Res 42:404A, 1997.
Hansen, T.W.R. P-glycoprotein and bilirubin in the brain - is there a
connection? Invited presentation at the Department of Biophysics and Cell
Biology, University of Debrecen, Hungary, September 1997.
Hansen, T.W.R., Tommarello, S., Watchko, J.F. Inhibition of blood-brain
barrier P-glycoprotein function by various drugs enhances acute bilirubin entry
into brain. Pediatr Res 43:176A, 1998.
Hansen, T.W.R., Tommarello, S., Watchko, J.F. Inhibition of blood-brain
barrier P-glycoprotein function by ceftriaxone does not alter the regional
distribution of bilirubin entry into rat brain. Pediatr Res 43:175A, 1998.
Hansen, T.W.R., Tommarello, S. In vivo subcellular distribution of bilirubin in
rat brain during hypercarbia and hyperosmolality. Pediatr Res 43:175A, 1998.
de Carvalho, M., de Carvalho, D., Trzmielina, S., Lopes, J.M.A., Hansen,
T.W.R. Intensified phototherapy using daylight fluorescent lamps. Pediatr Res
43:171A, 1998.
Hansen, T.W.R., Tommarello, S., Daood, M.J., Watchko, J.F. P-glycoprotein in
the blood-brain barrier - another unknown in the bilirubin encephalopathy
puzzle. Oral presentation at the Winter Meeting of the Norwegian Pediatric
Society, Oslo, February 1998.
Hansen, T.W.R. Mechanisms of bilirubin neurotoxicity - the basic science
perspective. Invited presentation at the Kernicterus Symposium, Society for
Pediatric Research, New Orleans, May 1998.
Hansen, T.W.R. Hyperbilirubinemia and kernicterus: 1998 update. Invited
presentation at the XXXIIIrd Middle East Medical Assembly, Beirut, Lebanon,
May 1998.
Hansen, T.W.R. Early discharge from the nursery: Implications for the care of
healthy and sick neonates.Invited presentation at the XXXIIIrd Middle East
Medical Assembly, Beirut, Lebanon, May 1998.
Mahmood, B., Daood, M.J., Hansen, T.W.R., Watchko, J.F. Expression of Pglycoprotein in brush border membranes of mouse small intestine increases
with postnatal maturation. J Invest Med 46:248A,1998.
Tsai, C., Daood, M.J., Hansen, T.W.R., Watchko, J.F. Expression of Pglycoprotein is lower in brain microvessels of immature as compared with adult
mice. J Invest Med 46:249A,1998.
Hansen, T.W.R. Enkle måter for å effektivisere lysbehandling. Inivited
presentation at the Perinatal Care Conference, Oslo, 1998 (Eng.title: Simple
ways to more efficient phototherapy.)
Hansen, T.W.R. Holdninger til behandling ved ekstrem prematuritet i ikkenordiske land. Invited presentation at the Consensus Conference on Limits for
Intervention in Extremely Premature Infants, Oslo, 1998 (Eng.title: Attitudes
towards treatment of extreme prematurity in non-Nordic countries).
Hansen, T.W.R. Hervieux and his 1847 study of neonatal jaundice. Pediatr
Res 45:200A, 1999.
Hansen, T.W.R. The first neuropathological descriptions of kernicterus:
Johannes Orth and Christian Schmorl. Pediatr Res 45:200A, 1999.
Tsai, C., Lane, R., Daood, M., Hansen, T.W.R., Watchko, J. The ontogeny of
P-glycoprotein expression in mouse brain microvessels. Pediatr Res 45:229A,
Mahmood, B., Lane, R., Daood, M.J., Hansen, T.W.R., Watchko, J.F. Small
intestinal P-glycoprotein mRNA levels and protein expression increase with
postnatal maturation in mice. Pediatr Res 45:209A, 1999.
Hansen, T.W.R., Allen, J.W., Tommarello, S. Bilirubin oxidation in brain.
Presented at the International Perinatal Collegium, Villars, Switzerland, July 8,
Hansen, T.W.R. Bilirubin og hjerneskade - en kliniker forsøker seg som
nevrobiolog. Lab seminar at the Institute for Medical Biochemistry, University
of Oslo, October 7th, 1999 (Eng.title: Bilirubin and brain damage - the clinician
as neurobiologist).
Wilhelmsen, C.M., Hansen, T.W.R. Deaths in a neonatal intensive care unit - a
10-year perspective. Norwegian Pediatric Society, Fall Meeting, Oct. 16, 1999.
Wilhelmsen, C.M., Hansen, T.W.R. Deaths in a neonatal intensive care unit:
Routines and caring - what was done and what was documented? XIIIth
Annual Meeting of The Norwegian Society for Perinatal Medicine, Nov. 14,
Hansen, T.W.R. Gulsott og hjerneskade hos nyfødte - klinikeren som
nevrobiologisk amatørdektektiv. Rikshospitalet Staff meeting, Jan.1,2000.
(Eng.title: Jaundice and brain damage in neonates - the clinician as an
amateur sleuth in neurobiology).
Wilhelmsen, C.M., Hansen, T.W.R. Dødsfall på Nyfødtseksjonen,
Barneklinikken - mye har endret seg på ti år. Rikshospitalet Staff meeting,
Jan.1,2000. (Eng.title: Deaths in the NICU, Department of Pediatrics - a lot
has changed during the past ten years).
Dukovic, B., Skjerdal, Å., Hansen, T.W.R. Forlikelighet/blandbarhet av
medikamenter i nyfødtintensivavdeling. (Eng.title: Compatibility of drugs used
in neonatal intensive care). Norwegian Pediatric Society, Winter Meeting,
Trondheim, Feb. 4, 2000.
Hansen, T.W.R. Neonatal jaundice and scientific fraud in the early 19th
century. Pediatr Res 47:196A, 2000.
Hankø, E., Tommarello S., Watchko J.F., Hansen, T.W.R. Inhibition of bloodbrain barrier (BBB) P-glycoprotein (PGP) by rifampin increases brain bilirubin
and alters the regional distribution of bilirubin (B) in brain. Pediatr Res
47:402A, 2000.
Hankø, E., Lindemann, R., Hansen, T.W.R. Spectrum of outcome in infants
with extreme neonatal jaundice. Pediatr Res 47:402A, 2000.
Daood, M.J., Tsai, C., Hansen, T.W.R. , Watchko, J.F. Regional expression of
P-glycoprotein in adult mouse brain. Pediatr Res 47:395A, 2000.
Wilhelmsen, C.M., Hansen, T.W.R. Dødsfall på en nyfødtavdeling - aspekter
av et fag i endring. Nordiska Barnlakardagar Helsinki, Finnland. 2000-06-09.
(Eng.title: Deaths in a NICU - aspects of a changing profession).
Wilhelmsen, C.M., Hansen, T.W.R. Hvordan helsepersonell forholder seg til
familie og barn når et barn holder på å dø. Perinatal Omsorg, Bærum Sykehus,
26.oktober 2000.
Hankø, E., Tommarello, S., Watchko, J.F., Hansen, T.W.R. Pharmacological
inhibition of blood-brain barrier P-glycoprotein ingreases brain bilirubin and
alters regional distribution of bilirubin in rat brain. 2000 Neurobiology Retreat,
University of Alabama, AL, U.S.A., October 19, 2000.
Hankø, E., Tommarello, S., Watchko, J.F., Hansen, T.W.R. Pharmacological
inhibition of blood-brain barrier P-glycoprotein ingreases brain bilirubin and
alters regional distribution of bilirubin in rat brain. "2nd Nordic Conference on
Chemoresistance to Cancer treatment, Oslo, October 26-27, 2000.
Wilhemsen,C.M., Hansen, T.W.R. Why is withholding therapy so difficult?
Changes in the approach to non-treatment in pediatrics during the past
decade. The Hadeland Seminar, Hadeland, Norway, November 8, 2000.
Hansen, T.W.R. Bilirubin brain toxicity. Invited presentation at the International
Congress on Neonatal Jaundice, Hong Kong, March 16-18,2001.
Wilhelmsen, C.M., Hansen, T.W.R. Deaths in a NICU - a 10-year perspective.
I. Population characteristics. Pediatr Res 49:180A, 2001.
Wilhelmsen, C.M., Hansen, T.W.R. Deaths in a NICU - a 10-year perspective.
II. End-of-life decisions and the involvement of parents. Pediatr Res 49:41A,
Hansen, T.W.R. Neonatal jaundice in 1753. Pediatr Res 49:223A, 2001.
Hansen, T.W.R. Neonatal jaundice in 19th century German pediatric
textbooks. Pediatr Res 49:223A, 2001.
Hansen, T.W.R. Glimpses from studies of neonatal jaundice in 18th and 19th
century Europe. Invited presentation at the Hershey Society for the History of
Medicine, Hershey, PA, May 2, 2001.
Ducovic, B., Skjærdal, Å., Hansen, T.W.R. Drug incompatibility in the NICU.
Poster presented at XVII Nordic Perinatal Congress, Odense, Denmark, May
23-26, 2001.
Hansen, T.W.R. Caesarean section in preterm deliveries. Invited presentation
at the conference "Caesarean Section - the current position". Ålesund,
Norway, June 13-15, 2001.
Hansen, T.W.R. Neonatal hearing screening. What is happening around the
world? Working meeting on OAE-screening, Drammen, Norway, Sept. 18-19,
Hansen, T.W.R. Neonatal medicine - working at life's extreme. The 175th
Anniversary of Rikshospitalet, Oslo, Norway, Oct. 15, 2001.
Hansen, T.W.R. Treatment and follow-up of jaundiced neonates. Seminar at
the Department of Pediatrics, Rogaland Central Hospital, Stavanger, Norway,
Oct.24, 2001.
Hansen, T.W.R. Hyperbilirubinemia. Course in pregnancy care and neonatal
medicine, Stavanger, Norway, Oct.24, 2001.
Hansen, T.W.R. Early discharge - pitfalls and opportunities. Course in
pregnancy care and neonatal medicine, Stavanger, Norway, Oct.24, 2001.
Hankø, E., Hansen, T.W.R., Østvold, A.C., Walaas, S.I. Magnitude of bilirubinmediated inhibition of protein phosphorylation is dependent on substrate
characteristics. Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA,
U.S.A., Nov.13, 2001.
Hansen, T.W.R. Nils Rosén von Rosenstein and neonatal jaundice in 1764.
Pediatr Res 51:261A, 2002.
Biniwale, M., Daood, M.J., Hansen, T.W.R., Watchko, J.F. Microarray analysis
of the differential gene expression in cerebellar tissue of the hyperbilirubinemic
Gunn rat. Pediatr Res 51:327A, 2002.
Hansen, T.W.R. A Quisling on neonatal jaundice. Pediatr Res 51:261A, 2002.
Hansen, T.W.R. Epidemiology of neonatal jaundice in Norway - A project
proposal. SpectRx International Neonatal Medical Advisory Board, Baltimore,
MD, U.S.A., May 3, 2002.
Hansen, T.W.R. Bronchopulmonary dysplasia - approach to fluids and
nutrition. Norwegian "Hot Topics", Oslo 2002.
Brun, H., Aagenæs, I., Husby, H., Rootwelt, T., Hansen, T.W.R. Discordant
twins - cerebral ultrasound findings in the neonatal period. XVIII European
Congress of Perinatal Medicine, Oslo 2002. (J Mat-Fet Neonat Med 11: 167,
Hankø, E., Hansen, T.W.R., Lindstad J., Rootwelt, T. MK-801, but not caspase
inhibitors, protects against bilirubin induced cell death in cultured NT2-N
neurons. XVIII European Congress of Perinatal Medicine, Oslo 2002. (J MatFet Neonat Med 11: 28, 2002.)
Wingaard, L., Kaldestad, R.H., Hansen, T.W.R. Low rate of referral using a
two-stage screening protocol for congenital hearing loss in healthy term and
near-term infants. XVIII European Congress of Perinatal Medicine, Oslo 2002.
(J Mat-Fet Neonat Med 11: 171, 2002.)
Aagenæs, I., Brun, H., Husby, H., Smevik, B., Rootwelt, T., Hansen, T.W.R.
Neonatal cerebral ultrasonography in twins with significant birth weight
difference. European Society for Pediatric Radiology, Bergen 2002.
Kalikstad, B., Skjerdal Å., Hansen, T.W.R. Drug compatibility in the NICU.
European Society for Developmental Perinatal & Paediatric Pharmacology 8th
Biennial Congress, Liège, Belgium 2002.
Aagenæs, I., Brun, H., Husby, H., Smevik, B., Rootwelt, T., Hansen, T.W.R.
Cerebral ultralyd av tvillinger med signifikant fødselsvekt-forskjell. Norwegian
Society for Pediatric Radiology, Oct. 2002. (Eng.title: Cerebral ultrasound of
twins with significant difference in birth weight).
Kalikstad, B., Skjerdal Å., Hansen, T.W.R. Drug compatibility in the NICU
Norwegian Society for Pharmacology and Toxicology, Beito, Jan.23.-26.,2003.
Hankø, E., Hansen, T.W.R., Lindstad, J., Holt, A., Rootwelt, T. Unconjugated
bilirubin induces rapid onset necrosis at high concentrations and slow onset
apoptosis av low concentrations in cultured human NT2-N neurons. Presented
at: Apoptosis 2003. From signalling pathways to therapeutic tools.
Luxembourg, Jan.29-Feb.1, 2003.
Thomassen, H., Boman, H., Hansen, T.W.R. Transient, neonatal severe
hyperparathyroidism (NSHPT) in a newborn apparently heterozygous for the
CASR mutation C562Y. Pediatr Res 53;408A, 2003.
Hansen, T.W.R. Changes in the utilization of diagnostic categories in
neonatology following introduction of national activity-based financing. Pediatr
Res 53;162A, 2003.
Hansen, T.W.R. Do diagnoses and procedure codes on discharge summaries
adequately reflect patient complexity in neonatal medicine? Pediatr Res
53;228A, 2003.
Hansen, T.W.R. Curing familial, lethal neonatal jaundice with ‘the language of
friendship and rays of hope' at the turn of the 18th century. Pediatr Res
53;305A, 2003.
Hansen, T.W.R., Paulsen, B.S. Treatment of neonatal jaundice in 18th and
19th century Europe. Pediatr Res 53;304A, 2003.
Hansen, T.W.R. Neonatal jaundice - Anno Domini 2003. Joint meeting of
Norwegian and British pediatricians, Oslo, May 24, 2003.
Kalikstad, B., Skjerdal, Å., Hansen, T.W.R. Drug compatibility in the NICU.
Nordic Perinatal Congress, Bergen, June 4.-6. 2003.
Hansen, T.W.R. Rhubarb - an old treatment for neonatal jaundice seen
through modern eyes. International Perinatal Collegium, Amboise, France,
June 28.-July 2., 2003.
Hansen, T.W.R. The jaundiced infant - perspectives on drug treatment.
Seminar: Medicating infants and children, Oslo, Norway, September 19.-20.,
Hansen, T.W.R. NO - thank you. Norwegian Anesthesiological Society,
October 2003.
Hansen, T.W.R. Ibuprofen vs indomethacin for closure of PDA. Norwegian
"Hot Topics", Oslo, November 7., 2003.
Hankø, E., Hansen, T.W.R., Lindstad J., Almaas, R., Rootwelt, T. Bilirubin
induserer apoptose og nekrose i humane NT2-N nevroner. Fall meeting of the
Norwegian Pediatric Society, Oslo, November 8, 2003. (Eng.title: Bilirubin
induces apoptosis and necrosis in human NT2-N neurons).
Hansen, T.W.R. NO - thank you. Staff meeting, Department of
Anesthesiology, Rikshospitalet, November 20., 2003.
Hansen, T.W.R. Patient classification. Inaugural conference for the Norwegian
Neonatal Network, Feb. 19-20, 2004:
Hansen, T.W.R. Chronic lung disease. Inaugural conference for the
Norwegian Neonatal Network, Feb. 19-20, 2004.
Hansen, T.W.R. Views on breast milk and neonatal jaundice from the 15th19th century. Pediatr Res 2004;55:312A.
Finne, P.H., Dalen, I., Ikonomou, N., Ulimoen, G., Hansen, T.W.R.
Undersøkelse av hofteledd hos nyfødte ved Bærum Sykehus og Martina
Hansens Hospital 1992-2001. Regional neonatology meeting, Tønsberg,
Norway, Sept.2, 2004. (Eng.title: Hip examinations in neonates at Bærum
Hospital and Martina Hansen's Hospital 1992-2001).
Hansen, T.W.R. Pharmacotherapy in the jaundiced neonate. Regional
neonatology meeting, Tønsberg, Norway, Sept.2, 2004.
Hankø, E., Hansen, T.W.R., Almaas, R., Lindstad J., Rootwelt, T. Additional
protection of the NMDA-receptor blocker MK-801 and pan-caspase inhibitors in
bilirubin-induced apoptosis in NT2-N neurons. European Society for Pediatric
Research, Stockholm, September 2004.
Hansen, T.W.R. American Academy of Pediatrics: Management of
hyperbilirubinemia in the newborn infant 35 or more weeks of gestation.
Should we adopt these guidelines in Norway? Fall meeting of the Norwegian
Pediatric Association - Neonatal Subgroup Meeting, Trondheim Oct.14, 2004.
Kalikstad, B., Skjærdal, Å., Hansen, T.W.R. Drug compatibility in the NICU.
European Congress on Pharmacology, Poznan, Poland, June 6, 2005.
Hansen, T.W.R. Teaching and maintaining procedural skills in neonatology
through a lab-based course. International Perinatal Collegium, La Malbaie,
Quebec, Canada, 2005.
Hansen, T.W.R. Procedural Skills in Neonatology - a Lab-based Approach to
Learning. Pediatric Academic Societies, San Francisco, CA, USA, May 2006.
Hansen, T.W.R. Neonatal Jaundice in 19th Century English-Language
Textbooks. Pediatric Academic Societies, San Francisco, CA, USA, May
Mariampillai, E.T., Bjerre, A., Kyte, A., Fagerli, I., Hansen, T.W.R., Reisæter,
A.V. Hemodialyse hos nyfødte (Eng.title: Hemodialysis in neonates).
Nephrology Spring meeting, Fredrikstad, Norway, May 2006.
Saugstad, O.D., Hansen, T.W.R., Nakstad, B., Tølløfsrud, P.A., Reinholt, F.,
Hamvas, A., Cole, F.S., Sulenin, S., Dean, M., Wert, S., Whitsett, J.A., Nogee,
L.M. Novel mutations in the gene encoding ABCA3 resulting in fatal neonatal
lung disease. Biol Neonate 89;349, 2006 (Proceedings of the 21st International
Workshop on Surfactant Replacement, Oslo, June 2006).
Hansen, T.W.R. National Network for Pediatric Pharmacotherapy. Regional
Neonatology Meeting Health Regions South and East, Tønsberg, February 28,
Besançon, O.G., Hansen, T.W.R., Pedersen, R.D. Bilirubin-induced death in
human CHP212 neuroblastoma cells. Pediatric Academic Societies, Toronto,
Canada, May 2007.
Huizing, K., Røislien, J., Hansen, T.W.R. Intravenous immune globulin
significantly reduces the need for exchange transfusion in infants with Rhesus
and AB0 incompatibility. Pediatric Academic Societies, Toronto, Canada, May
Huizing, K., Røislien, J., Hansen, T.W.R. Intravenous immune globulin
significantly reduces the need for exchange transfusion in infants with Rhesus
and AB0 incompatibility. International Perinatal Collegium, Saltsjöbaden,
Sweden, July 2007.
Alme,T.N., Pettersen, R.D., Hansen, T.W.R. Assessment of bilirubin
accumulation in neuroblastoma cells by flow cytometry. European Society for
Pediatric Research, Praha, October 2007.
Alme,T.N., Pettersen, R.D., Hansen, T.W.R. Selective blocking of mdr1 and
mrp1 increases bilirubin-associated cell death. European Society for Pediatric
Research, Praha, October 2007.
Hansen, T.W.R. Neonatal jaundice and kernicterus - a historical perspective.
Invited poster, Hot Topics in Neonatology, Washington DC, USA, December
Alme, T.N., Pettersen, R.D., Hansen, T.W.R. Bilirubin accumulation and cell
death in neuroblastoma cells assessed by flow cytometry. Pediatric Academic
Societies, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, May 2008.
Nietsch, L., Hansen, T.W.R. Reversibility of acute bilirubin encephalopathy.
Pediatric Academic Societies, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, May 2008.
Erlandsen, M.A., Hansen, T.W.R. Effective treatment of neonatal jaundice.
Norwegian Pediatric Society Spring Meeting, Fredrikstad, May 2008.
Kumar, R.M., Hansen, T.W.R. Thrombocytosis in sick newborns. Norwegian
Pediatric Society Spring Meeting, Fredrikstad, May 2008.
Mreihil, K., McDonagh, A., Nakstad, B., Hansen, T.W.R. Early formation of
photoisomers in intensive phototherapy of neonates with jaundice. Fall meeting
of the Norwegian Pediatric Society, Bergen, October 2008.
Mreihil, K., McDonagh, A., Nakstad, B., Hansen, T.W.R. Tidlig isomerisering
ved intens fototerapi hos nyfødte med gulsott. Seminar at the inauguration of
the Children and Youth Clinic, AHUS, November 2008.
Mreihil, K., McDonagh, A., Nakstad, B., Hansen, T.W.R. Early isomerization
of bilirubin in intensive phototherapy of neonatal jaundice. Pediatric Academic
Societies, Baltimore, MD, USA, May 2009.
Mreihil, K., McDonagh, A., Nakstad, B., Hansen, T.W.R. Early isomerization
of bilirubin in intensive phototherapy of neonatal jaundice. International
Perinatal Collegium, Newport, RI, USA, July 29, 2009.
Janvier A., Hansen, T.W.R., Davis P.G., Verhagen, E.A.A., Laventhal, N.T.,
Musante, G.A., Aasland, O.Aa., Dempsey, E.M. International comparison of
triage for critically ill patients: children first, adults and neonates last. Pediatric
Academic Societies, Vancouver, CA, May 2010, platform presentation.
Janvier A., Laventhal, N.T., Dempsey, E.M., Davis P.G., Hansen, T.W.R.,
Førde, R., Musante, G.A., Verhagen, E.A.A. Who’s best interests? A
multicultural study of critically ill patients. Pediatric Academic Societies,
Vancouver, CA, May 2010, poster presentation..
Hagen, E., Therkelsen, Ø., Aasland, O., Førde, R., Janvier, A., Hansen,
T.W.R. Best interest vs parental autonomy and your own vs the other - are we
thinking clearly? Pediatric Academic Societies, Vancouver, CA, May 2010, 304.
Therkelsen, Ø., Hagen, E., Aasland, O., Janvier, A., Førde, R., Hansen,
T.W.R. Subspecialty affiliation predicts life-or-death decisions among
pediatricians. Pediatric Academic Societies, Vancouver, CA, May 2010, 395.
Hansen, T.W.R., Janvier, A., Aasland, O., Førde, R. Ethics, choices, and
decisions in acute medicine - a national survey. Pediatric Academic Societies,
Vancouver, CA, May 2010, platform presentation.
Hansen, T.W.R., Janvier, A., Aasland, O., Førde, R. A national survey of
ethics, choices, and decisions in acute medicine - the impact of specialty.
Pediatric Academic Societies, Vancouver, CA, May 2010, 306.
Hansen, T.W.R., Førde, R. Including patients/kin in meetings of a clinical
ethics committee (CEC). European Association of Centres of Medical Ethics
(EACME), Oslo, September 2010.
Hagen, E., Therkelsen, Ø., Aasland, O., Janvier, A., Førde, R., Hansen,
T.W.R. Subspecialty affiliation is a strong predictor of life-or-death decisions
among pediatricians. European Association of Centres of Medical Ethics
(EACME), Oslo, September 2010.
Therkelsen, Ø., Hagen, E., Aasland, O., Førde, R., Janvier, A., Hansen,
T.W.R. Best interest vs parental autonomy and your own vs the other.
European Association of Centres of Medical Ethics (EACME), Oslo,
September 2010.
Meberg, A., Hansen, T.W.R. Transport of sick newborns. The Norwegian
Perinatal Days, Lillehammer, November 4., 2010.
Hansen, T.W.R., Førde, R., Aasland, O.,Janvier, A. Children with disabilities
are not discriminated in acute scenarios. Pediatric Academic Societies,
Denver, CO, USA, May 2011.
Hansen, T.W.R., Førde, R. Pediatric cases in a referral hospital clinical ethics
committee (CEC). Pediatric Academic Societies, Denver, CO, USA, May 2011.
Hansen, T.W.R. Neonatal and infant cases in a referral hospital clinical ethics
committee (CEC) - a 5 year case material. International Perinatal Collegium,
Amalfi, Italia, June 2011.
Leerberg, M.N.N., Alme, T.N., Pettersen, R., Hansen, T.W.R. Metyrapone, an
inhibitor of cytochrome oxidases, does not affect viability in a neuroblastoma
cell model of bilirubin toxicity. Pediatric Academic Societies, Boston, MA, USA,
May 2012.
Tølløfsrud,P.A., Bjørhus, E., Vårdal, M.H., Ree, H.H., Hansen, T.W.R.
Cephalocaudal progression (CCP) of neonatal jaundice (NJ) examined with
transcutanous bilirubin (tcb) during the first 4 postnatal days in healthy
norwegian neonates > 36 weeks of gestation (GA). Pediatric Academic
Societies, Boston, MA, USA, May 2012.
Tølløfsrud,P.A., Bjørhus, E., Vårdal, M.H., Ree, H.H., Hansen, T.W.R. Bilirubin
(B) levels and need for phototherapy during the first 4 postnatal days in healthy
Norwegian neonates > 36 weeks of gestation (GA). Pediatric Academic
Societies, Boston, MA, USA, May 2012.
Mreihil, K., Madsen, P., Nakstad, B., Ebbesen, F., Hansen, T.W.R. Early
formation of photoisomers during phototherapy is not significantly enhanced by
increasing irradiance or employing photodiode lights. European Academy of
Paediatric Societies, Istanbul 2012.
Solberg, M.T., Bjørk, I.T., Hansen, T.W.R. Clinicians’ documentation of
oxygenation and ventilation in premature and sick newborns in a Norwegian
Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU). European Academy of Paediatric
Societies, Istanbul 2012.
Mreihil, K., Madsen, P., Nakstad, B., Ebbesen, F., Hansen, T.W.R. Early
formation of bilirubin photoisomers in neonatal jaundice correlates negatively
with hemoglobin levels. Pediatric Academic Societies, Washington DC, May
Mreihil, K., Madsen, P., Saltythe-Benth J., Nakstad, B., Ebbesen, F., Hansen,
T.W.R. Formation of bilirubin photoisomers during intensive phototherapy is
not influenced by light source or irradiance. International Perinatal Collegium,
Banff, Canada, July 2013.
Mreihil, K., Madsen, P., Nakstad, B., Ebbesen, F., Hansen, T.W.R. Tidlig
dannelse av fotoisomerer ved gulsott påvirkes av hemoglobin.
Pediaterdagene, Oslo, January 2014.
Smerud, O-J.O., Solevåg, A.L., Hansen, T.W.R., Grønn, M. 14 dager gammelt
barn med kjerneikterus - en kasuistikk. Pediaterdagene, Oslo, January 2014.
Guillén, Ú., Munson, D., Williams, C., Jefferies, A., Hansen, T.W.R., Hosono,
S., Boyle, E., Lui, K., Barlow, B., Kirpalani, H. International comparisons of
guidelines for the management of extremely premature deliveries: A
systematic review. Eastern Society for Pediatric Research, Philadelphia, PA,
USA, March 2014.
Solberg, M.T., Hansen, T.W.R., Bjørk, I.T. Challenges in coordination of
ventilator treatment in premature and sick newborns in a Norwegian Neonatal
Intensive Care Unit (NICU). The International Neonatology Association
Conference, Valencia, Spain, April 2014.
Guillén, Ú., Munson, D., Williams, C., Jefferies, A., Hansen, T.W.R., Hosono,
S., Boyle, E., Lui, K., Barlow, B., Kirpalani, H. International comparisons of
guidelines for the management of extremely premature deliveries: A
systematic review. Pediatric Academic Societies, Vancouver, B.C, Canada,
May 2014.
Hodnekvam, K., Iversen, H.H., Hansen, T.W.R., Skrivarhaug, T. How do
young people with Type 1 diabetes experience transition from pediatric to adult
health care? ISPAD 2014.
Mreihil K., Nakstad B., Hansen T.W.R., and the Norwegian NICU
Phototherapy Study Group. National guidelines for treatment of neonatal
jaundice (NJ) do not prevent variation in practical application of phototherapy
(Px). Pediatric Academic Societies, San Diego, CA, USA, April 26., 2015,
Publication 2919.552.
Mreihil K., Nakstad B., Hansen T.W.R., and the Norwegian NICU
Phototherapy Study Group.Variation in irradiance from phototherapy (Px)
units- a national quality control study. Pediatric Academic Societies, San
Diego, CA, USA, April 25., 2015, Publication 1582.606.
Mreihil K., Nakstad B., Stensvold, H.J., Hansen T.W.R., and the Norwegian
NICU Phototherapy Study Group. Phototherapy treatment (Px) for neonatal
jaundice (NJ) in Norwegian NICUs - a prospective national survey. Pediatric
Academic Societies, San Diego, CA, USA, April 25., 2015, Publication
Mreihil K., Nakstad B., Stensvold, H.J., Hansen T.W.R., and the Norwegian
NICU Phototherapy Study Group. Epidemiologisk studie av fototerapi hos
nyfødte innlagt på norske nyfødtavdelinger (NICU). NBF Pediatricians’ Days,
January 2015, Tromsø.
Solberg, M.T., Hansen, T.W.R., Bjørk, I.T. Success criteria for physician-nurse
collaboration on respirator treatment of premature and sick newborn infants in
intensive care. HELSAM – «Nursing research today – impact on future health
services», Oslo June 8.-9., 2015.
Mreihil K., Nakstad B., Stensvold, H.J., Hansen T.W.R., and the Norwegian
NICU Phototherapy Study Group. Use of phototherapy in Norwegian NICUs –
A 1 year national prospective study. International Perinatal Collegium, Napa,
CA, USA, July 13, 2015.
Hansen T.W.R., Gambaro S. The oxidation of bilirubin: P450 or bilirubin
oxidase? Or both? Don Ostrow Trieste Yellow Retreat, Trieste, Italy
September 2-3, 2015.
Hansen T.W.R. Phototherapy and photoisomer formation – is early
photoisomerization neuroprotective? Don Ostrow Trieste Yellow Retreat,
Trieste, Italy September 2-3, 2015.
Hansen, T.W.R.,Seip,M. Om effekter av bly på erytrocytter. Tidsskr Nor
Lægeforen (J Nor Med Assoc) 105:172-3,1985. (Eng.title: On the effects of
lead on erythrocytes. (letter to ed.))
Hansen, T.W.R. Bør vi screene på galaktosemi i Norge. NPS-Nytt 3:8,1986.
(Eng.title: Should we screen for galactosemia in Norway?)
Hansen, T.W.R.,Lie,S.O. Galactosemia - to screen or not to screen?
Pediatrics 81:327-8,1988.
Hansen, T.W.R. Personlig litteraturarkiv på datamaskin. Tidsskr Nor
Lægeforen (J Nor Med Assoc) 22:1793,1987. (Eng.title: Personal reference
files using computers.)
Hansen, T.W.R. Empyem. Tidsskr Nor Lægeforen (J Nor Med Assoc) 11:8678,1988. (Eng.title: Empyema.)
Hansen, T.W.R. Ultralydbestemmelse av fødselstermin - galt både tidlig og
sent? (Eng.title: Ultrasonographic determination of term - wrong both early and
late?) Tidsskr Nor Lægeforen 111:2997-8,1991.
Hansen, T.W.R. Intubering av døde i opplæringshensikt. (Eng.title: Intubation
of dead patients for the purpose of instruction.) Tidsskr Nor Lægeforen
Hansen, T.W.R. Svangerskap - det er fali det?? Legemidler & Samfunn
2:29,1992. (Eng.title: Preganancy - is it really that dangerous??)
Hansen, T.W.R. Hva skal den medisinske doktorgrad tjene til? (Eng.title: The
doctoral thesis in medicine - to what end?.) Tidsskr Nor Lægeforen
Hansen, T.W.R. More to be learned from Crigler-Najjar patients. Pediatrics
Hansen, T.W.R. Perkutant sentralvenekateter hos nyfødte (tilsvar). Tidsskr
Nor Lægeforen 112:2389,1992. (Eng.title: Percutaneous central venous
catheters in neonates (in reply)).
Hansen, T.W.R. Smerter og smertelindring hos nyfødte og spedbarn (tilsvar).
Tidsskr Nor Lægeforen 113:66,1993. (Eng.title: Pain and pain relief in
neonates and infants (in reply).)
Hansen, T.W.R. Bilirubin and brain toxicity in neonates: Dead but won't lie
down? Pediatrics 91:1218-9,1993.
Hansen, T.W.R. Bilirubin and other brain cells (in reply). Pediatrics
Hansen, T.W.R. Surfaktantbehandling ved neonatalt åndenødssyndrom.
Tidsskr Nor Lægeforen 113:2837-8,1993. (Eng.title: Surfactant treatment of
neonatal respiratory distress syndrome.)
Hansen, T.W.R. Kernicterus in a full term infant: the need for increased
vigilance. Pediatrics 95:798-9,1995
Hansen, T.W.R., Gaustad,P. Congenital pneumococcal sepsis in one of a set
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Hansen, T.W.R. Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh.Tidsskr Nor Lægeforen
115:624-5, 1995.
Hansen, T.W.R. For mange nyfødte lysbehandles? Kanskje, og kanskje ikke!
Tidsskr Nor Lægeforen 117:95-6, 1997. (Eng.title: Is phototherapy given to too
many newborns? Maybe, and maybe not!)
Hansen, T.W.R. Mer lys? Tidsskr Nor Lægeforen 117:411,1997. (Eng.title:
More light?)
Hansen, T.W.R. Frie foredrag ved møtene i barnelegeforeningen. NBF-Nytt
14:4, 1998. (Eng.title: Free presentations during meetings of the Norwegian
Pediatric Association.)
Hansen, T.W.R. Smerter hos nyfødte. Tidsskr Nor Lægeforen 118:4270,1998.
(Eng.title: Pain in neonates.)
Hansen, T.W.R.
Tidlig diagnose av medfødt hørselstap. Tidsskr Nor
Lægeforen 118:4561,1998. (Eng.title: Early diagnosis of congenital hearing
Hansen, T.W.R. Forskning kombinert med klinikk - eia var vi der! Tidsskr Nor
Lægeforen 119:1509, 1999. (Eng.title: Research or clinical medicine - would
that we were there!)
Hansen, T.W.R. Forskningsbevilgninger. Aftenposten, April 14, 1999.
(Eng.title: Research grants.)
Hansen, T.W.R. Mindre effektive sykehus? Aftenposten, evening ed.p.36,
12.6.1999. (Eng.title: Less efficient hospitals?)
Hansen, T.W.R. BiliBed og behandling av gulsott hos nyfødte.Tidsskr Nor
Lægeforen, 120:125,2000. (Eng.title: BiliBed and treatment of neonatal
jaundice .)
Hansen, T.W.R. En medisinsk B-nasjon - legenes skyld? (Eng.title: A B-rated
nation in medicine - are physicians to blame?) Aftenposten, April 15, 2000.
Hansen, T.W.R. Foredragsprisen ved NBF-møtene - bør vi tenke nytt? NBFNytt 16: 13-14, 2000. (Eng.title: The award for oral presentations at the
meetings of the Norwegian Pediatric Society - do we need to reconsider?)
Hansen, T.W.R., Finne, P.H., Grønn, M., Rønnestad, A., Rootwelt, T. Å få et
prematurt barn. Tidsskr Nor Lægeforen 120: 3815-6, 2000 (Eng.title: Having a
premature baby.)
Hansen, T.W.R. Phototherapy and mesenteric blood flow - too much, not
enough, or the wrong kind? Pediatrics 107:610-1,2001.
Hansen, T.W.R. International Congress on Neonatal Jaundice. NBF-Nytt 18:36,14,18, 2001.
Hansen, T.W.R. Nyfødtseksjonen på det nye Rikshospitalet. NPF-Posten
11:11-12, 2001. (Eng.title: The Section on Neonatology at the new
Hansen, T.W.R. Basofil punktering av erytrocytter og blyforgiftning. Tidsskr
Nor Lægeforen 122: 1817-8, 2002. (Eng.title: Basophilic stippling of
erythrocytes and lead poisoning).
Hansen, T.W.R. Ibuprofen for closure of patent ductus arteriosus - is it really
safe in hyperbilirubinemic infants? Eur J Pediatr 162;356, 2003.
Hansen, T.W.R. Ibuprofen for lukning av ductus arteriosus - en advarsel.
Paidos 3:40, 2003. (Eng.title: Ibuprofen for closure of peristent ductus
arteriosus - a warning.)
Hansen, T.W.R. Kurs i nyfødtmedisinske teknikker. Paidos 3:59, 2003.
(Eng.title: Course in neonatal techniques.)
Hansen, T.W.R. Inhaled nitric oxide and the societal perspective. Pediatrics
114: 1849-50, 2004.
Hansen, T.W.R. Gulsott og bilirubin-toksisitet - en klinikers søken etter
Nyfødtmedisin 2004; 1:7-9 (Eng.title: Jaundice and bilirubin toxicity - a
clinician's search for basic science mechanisms.)
Hansen, T.W.R. Ibuprofen bør erstatte indomethacin for behandling av PDA tja, mon det? Paidos 23:6-7, 2005. (Eng.title: Ibuprofen should replace
indomethacin for the treatment of PDA - may be not?)
Hansen, T.W.R. When do you inform about the positive aspects of Downs
syndrome? Pediatrics PR3, February 2005.
Hansen, T.W.R. Ibuprofen eller indomethacin for behandling av PDA? Paidos
2:23, 2005. (Eng.title: Ibuprofen or indomethacin for the treatment of PDA ? In
Hansen, T.W.R. Billigere NO-behandling. Det europeiske patentet for inhalert
nitrogenoksyd (NO) i form av INOmax er trukket tilbake. Paidos 1:22, 2006.
(Eng.title: Cheaper NO therapy. The European patent for inhaled nitric oxide
(NO) in the form of INOmax has been revoked.)
Kalikstad, B., Hansen, T.W.R. Bedre med nye medisiner til barn? (Eng.title:
Better with new drugs for children?) Aftenposten (morning edition), March
Hansen, T.W.R. Et annet perspektiv på nasjonal plan for nyfødtmedisin.
(Eng.title: A different perspective on the national plan for neonatal medicine.)
NPF-posten 1:16,2007.
Kalikstad, B., Wesenberg, F., Brunvand, L., Stiris, T., Hansen, T.W.R. Sikrere
legemidler for barn. (Eng.title: Safer drugs for children.) Aftenposten (morning
edition), March 26., 2007.
Hansen, T.W.R. Pediatricians' use of language services - interpretation does
not guarantee understanding. Pediatrics P3R, April 2007.
Hansen, T.W.R. Skjønner journalister og jurister hva de driver med? (Eng.title:
Do journalists and lawyers understand what they are doing?) (Essay),
Aftenposten, October 19, 2007.
Hansen, T.W.R. Fucidic acid and heparin lock solution for the prevention of
catheter-related bloodstream infections in neonates cannot be recommended
as a routine yet - in reply. Pediatr Crit Care Med 9:668-9, 2008.
Hansen, T.W.R. Forventningskrise i helsevesenet? (Essay), (Eng.title: Is
there a “crisis of expectations” in our health care system?) Dagsavisen, April
14th, 2008.
Hansen, T.W.R. Grunn forståelse av vitenskap (Eng.title:
understanding of science). Aftenposten, November 28, 2008.
Hansen, T.W.R. Er spesialistgodkjenninger i direktoratet en god idé?
(Eng.title: Is it a good idea to give the Directorate of Health Affairs control over
specialist training and approval?) Dagens Medisin 4:24;2009.
Hansen, T.W.R. Beslutninger om liv og død - tanker fra en amatør. (Eng.title:
Life and death decisions - reflections from an amateur.) Aftenposten, March
23, 2009.
Hansen, T.W.R. The Visible Human - en annen synsvinkel på etikken.
(Eng.title: The Visible Human - a different perspective on the ethics) Tidsskr
Nor Laegeforen 9:891;2009.
Kalikstad, B., Hansen, T.W.R. Medisin med ukjent virkning. (Eng.title: Drugs
with unknown effect). Dagbladet May 7., 2009.
Hansen, T.W.R., Førde, R. Når ble det uverdig å være syk? (Eng.title: What
has “undignified” got to do with being sick?). Aftenposten, June 2, 2009
Hansen, T.W.R. Analgesia, sedation and neuromuscular blockers in neonatal
end-of-life care. Arch Dis Child, Fetal Neonat Ed (eLetters) 2009
Kalikstad, B., Hansen, T.W.R. Samme medisin? - Barn får andre bivirkninger
enn voksne (Essay) (Eng.title: Same drug? - Children may experience different
side effects compared to adults). VG September 23.,2009.
Hansen, T.W.R. Noen refleksjoner om knokler og etikk. (Eng.title: Reflections
on skeletal remains and ethics). Forskningsetikk, submitted 2009.
Hansen, T.W.R. En høyst vital og oppegående 90 års jubilant! (Eng.title: A
very vital and active 90 year old!”) Paidos (president’s column) 4;60, 2009.
Hansen, T.W.R. Familiesentert nyfødtmedisin i Rhode Island, USA - inntrykk
fra et besøk (Family-centered neonatal care in Rhode Island, USA impressions from a visit.) Paidos 2010; 28(1): 22-25
Hansen, T.W.R. Pediatri og pediatere ute og hjemme - Barn ute og hjemme
(Eng.title: Pediatrics and pediatricians abroad and at home - Children at home
and abroad). Paidos (president’s column) 2010; 28(1): 4
Hansen, T.W.R. Gulsott og kjerneikterus hos afrikansk-ættede nyfødte.
(Jaundice and kernicterus in ifants of African descent). Paidos 2010; 28(1): 5
Hansen, T.W.R. Necrotizing enterocolitis and IVIG. Pediatrics
Hansen, T.W.R. Barn og passiv røyking. (Eng.title: Children and passive
smoking.) Paidos (president’s column) 2010; 28: 36.
Hansen, T.W.R. Begrenset behandling av dyre premature? (Eng.title: Limited
treatment of expensive premature infants?). Tidsskr Nor Legeforen
Hansen, T.W.R. Helsestasjonene og legetjenesten. (Eng.title: The doctors’
role in the clinics for child health maintenance) Paidos (President’s column)
Hansen, T.W.R. Pediatri, klinisk etikk og samarbeid i Bashkortostan.(Eng.title:
Pediatrics, clinical ethics, and cooperation in Bashkortostan.)
Hansen, T.W.R. Complicated math! Aftenposten Aften, September 9, 2010:
Hansen, T.W.R. Prinsene fra Serendip og medisinske gjennombrudd.
(Eng.title: The princes from Serendip and medical breakthroughs.) Tidsskr Nor
Legeforen 2010;22:2219.
Hansen, T.W.R. Når barn blir voksne. (Eng.title: When children become
grown-ups.) Paidos (President’s column) 2010;28(4):104.
Hansen, T.W.R. Norske sykehus - Barn som salderingspost. (Eng.title:
Norwegian hospitals - balancing the books with the children). Dagens Medisin
Hansen, T.W.R. Kursdisiplin. (Eng.title: Discipline for CME courses.) Paidos
(President’s column) 2011;29(1):4.
Hansen, T.W.R. Fordypningsseminar om behandlingsgrenser for barn.
(Eng.title: Reflection seminar on therapeutic limitations in children.) Paidos
Hansen, T.W.R. Takk for meg! (Eng.title: Thank you!.) Paidos (President’s
column) 2011;29(2):44.
Hansen, T.W.R. Norsk Barnelegeforening. (Eng.title: Norwegian Pediatric
Association). Overlegen 2011;2:38-9.
Hansen, T.W.R. Hilsen fra amerikanske barnelegekolleger. (Eng.title:
Greetings from American pediatricians.) Paidos 2011;29(3):97-9.
Hansen, T.W.R. Pediatrisk forskning i hverdagen. (Eng.title: Research in
everyday pediatrics). Paidos 2011;29(4): 148-9.
Bratlid, D., Hansen, T.W.R. Forskes det for mye her i landet? (Eng.title: Too
much research in this country?) Tidsskr Nor Legeforen 2012; 132:2367-8.
Bratlid, D., Hansen, T.W.R. Det forskes for lite (in response). (Eng.title: Too
little research - response). Tidsskr Nor Legeforen 2013; 133:135.
Hansen, T.W.R. Invitation to join the Norwegian NICU Phototherapy Study
Group! Paidos 2013; 31(1): 7.
Hansen, T.W.R. Knight 1st class Trond Markestad. Paidos 2013; 31(1): 18.
Hansen, T.W.R. Manual med begrensninger (Eng.title: Manual
limitations). Book review. Tidsskr Nor Legeforen 2014; 134:329..
I have written a total of 220 articles in Norwegian newspapers and magazines
on issues pertaining to health, the great majority of them dealing with health problems
in childhood. A complete listing of the titles is available, but has not been included
here for the sake of brevity.