Scalable Evolvable Hardware Applied to Road Image Recognition

Scalable Evolvable Hardware Applied to Road Image Recognition
Jim Torresen
Department of Informatics
University of Oslo
P.O. Box 1080 Blindern
N-0316 Oslo, Norway
Phone: +47 2285 2454
Evolvable Hardware (EHW) has the potential to become
a new target hardware for complex real-world applications.
However, there are several problems that would have to be
solved to make it widely applicable. This includes the difficulties in evolving large systems and the lack of generalization of gate level EHW. This paper proposes new methods targeting these problems, where a system is evolved by
evolving smaller sub-systems. The experiments are based
on a simplified image recognition task to be used in a
roadway departure prevention system and later in an autonomous driving system. Special concern has been given
to improve the generalization of the system. Experiments
show that the number of generations required for evolution
by the new method can be substantially reduced compared
to evolving a system directly. This is with no reduction of
the performance in the final system. Improvement in the
generalization is shown as well.
1 Introduction
Evolvable hardware (EHW) has recently been introduced as a new scheme for designing systems for real-world
applications [17]. So far the number of applications is limited.
One of the main problems in evolving hardware systems
seems to be the limitation in the chromosome string length
[11, 19]. A long string is normally required for representing a complex system. However, a larger number of generations is required by genetic algorithms (GA) as the string
increases. Thus, work has been undertaken to try to diminish this limitation. Various experiments on speeding up the
GA computation have been undertaken [3]. The schemes
involve fitness computation in parallel or a partitioned pop-
ulation evolved in parallel. When small applications require
weeks of evolution time, there would probably be strict
limitations on the systems evolvable even by parallel GA.
Other approaches to the problem have been by using variable length chromosome [8]. Another option, called function level evolution, is to evolve at a higher level than gate
level [12]. Most work is based on fixed functions. However,
there has been work in Genetic Programming for evolving
the functions [10]. The method is called Automatically Defined Functions (ADF) and is used in software evolution.
Another improvement to artificial evolution — called coevolution, has been proposed [7]. In co-evolution, data
which defines the problem co-evolves simultaneously with
a population of individuals solving the problem. This could
lead to a solution with a better generalization than a solution evolved based on the initial data. A variant of coevolution — called cooperative co-evolutionary algorithms,
has been proposed by De Jong and Potter [9, 14]. It consists of parallel evolution of sub-structures, which interact
to perform more complex higher level structures. Darwen
and Yao have proposed a co-evolution scheme where the
subpopulations are divided without human intervention [5].
Task decomposition for robot controllers have been proposed in several different ways. Chavas et al [4] have developed a two-stage system using incremental evolution for a
neural network based controller. Another method, proposed
by Lee et al [11], evolves a distributed control architecture.
Every module only deals with the sensory information directly related to its particular need.
Incremental evolution for EHW was first introduced in
[16] for a character recognition system. The approach is a
divide-and-conquer on the evolution of the EHW system,
and thus, named increased complexity evolution. The goal
is to develop a scheme that could evolve complex systems
for real applications. In this paper, it is applied to a new
application and several improvements in the EHW architecture are introduced. These should improve the generaliza-
tion of gate level EHW. The application is to compute the
orientation of line markings in road images. This is of interest to vehicle safety systems and autonomous driving.
The next section introduces the increased complexity
evolution, the new application and the proposed improvements in the EHW architecture. Experimental results are
given in Section 3. Finally, Section 4 concludes the paper.
2 Increased Complexity Evolution
In this section, the increased complexity evolution
scheme is proposed for an EHW-based road image recognition system. The system is evolved to detect the position of a car in the road. The evolution is based on a set
of simplified road images, similar to highly pre-processed
real images. The purpose of applying increased complexity
evolution is to overcome the problem of a long chromosome
string. Most of the derived principles in this section are general and could be applied to many different problems. The
idea is to evolve a system gradually as a kind of divide-andconquer method. Evolution is first undertaken individually
on a set of basic units. These could be gates or higher level
functions. The evolved functions are the basic blocks used
in further evolution or assembly of a larger and more complex system. This may continue until a final system is at a
sufficient level of complexity.
The main advantage of the method is that evolution is not
performed in one operation on the complete evolvable hardware unit, but rather in a bottom-up way. It may be looked
at as a division of the problem domain. The chromosome
length can be limited to allow faster evolution. The problem
of the approach would be how to define the fitness functions
for the lower level sub-systems.
Two alternatives seem possible:
Partitioned training vectors. A first approach to incremental evolution is by partitioning the training vectors. For evolving a truth table - i.e. like those used in
digital design, each separate output could be evolved
separately. In this method, the fitness function is given
explicitly as a subset of the complete fitness function.
Partitioned training set. A second approach is to divide the training set into several subsets. This corresponds to the way humans learns: Learning to walk
and learning to talk are two different learning tasks.
The fitness function would have to be designed for
each task individually and used together with a global
fitness function, when the tasks are operating together.
This may not be a trivial problem.
Image recognition is a large research field including numerous problems. Several issues make it an interesting
problem to be solved by EHW:
Operations on many pixels in an image that can be performed in parallel.
Large amount of computation is required in real-time.
On-line adaptation to change in light conditions etc.
The systems in mind here are for real-time image recognition. That is, images arrive to the classification system at
a set frequency. Thus, a decision would have to be made
on the amount of time spent for analyzing each image. If
each image is going through a detailed analysis, a smaller
number of images could be processed compared to a less
detailed analysis.
Images input by a camera are digitized and then put
through a large number of processing steps (e.g. noise
removal and thinning) before the recognition can be performed. Each digitized pixel in an image has a fixed number of levels to represent its color and intensity. For many
applications this could be well below 32 bits, which is the
default floating point representation as further detailed in
the next section.
The target for the research presented in this paper is in
the near future to design a warning system for preventing
roadway departures – e.g. caused by driver inattention. In
the more far future, the approach could be applied in a system for autonomous steering of a vehicle. The rest of the
paper focus mainly on the latter system, as the former system may be regarded as a subset of the latter. However,
some comments are included on how to apply the approach
for a roadway departure warning system.
Several requirements exist for such systems [1]:
Adaptable to different road and weather conditions.
Compute a lot of data rapidly (real-time computing
All these items are properties that can be provided by EHW.
Through the use of the optimization by GA, EHW could
have the potential of providing better solutions to the requirements above, than what has been possible with traditional methods and technologies. E.g., the two last items
are often conflicting requirements. Traditional systems are
normally based on integer (16 bit) or floating point computation (32 bits). EHW, on the other hand, could be based on
one bit signals. Several such signals can be assembled into
a signal with a higher resolution. This implies that a system
could be designed with an adapted signal resolution. Thus,
it must be shown that an application can perform well with
a processing based on signals with less resolution than standard values. If this is possible, EHW-based systems could
be built with less hardware than traditional systems and then
provide a lower cost in commercial systems.
A system for autonomous driving would have to consist of many sub-processing systems, since several different
input sensors and outputs to units to be controlled are required. The vision system analyses the inputs and makes
decisions on how the driving should proceed. One approach
to driving control is partially based on line-marking detection, analyzing pre-processed input images where mainly
only line marking are left [2]. Outputs go to steeringwheels, cruise control and braking system. This is a highly
complex system. It would not be realistic to be designing
such a system in one step using EHW.
The work would have to start by some limited and possible simplified part of the system. Thus, the work to be presented herein is based on a very simplified steering control
system. It inputs images of lane markings. These are processed by EHW to decide the orientation of the line markings. This information can then be used to steer the wheels.
No concern about braking and cruise control are given here.
Further, it is assumed that there are no obstacles or other
cars present in the road. The goal of these initial experiments is to show that applying EHW is of interest to the
given real-world application. If appropriate, future work
would have to be on more complex road images. Similar
systems, e.g. ALVINN [13], have been designed using neural networks. An EHW system may not necessarily outperform these systems in performance. However, it may very
well outperform them on issues like adaptability, real-time
performance and cost.
The evolution will be based on gate level. However, as
several output bits will be used to represent an input image, this increases the signal resolution above the normal
two levels. The target EHW is an array of logic gates as
illustrated in Figure 1. This array can be configured in the
Xilinx XC6200. The array consists of n number of layers of
gates from input to output. Based on earlier experience, n
equal to four is used in the following experiments [18]. Further, 32 gates are applied in each layer of the array. Except
for layer 1, the Logic Gate (LG) is either a Buffer, Inverter,
Figure 1. An array of gates. “LG” indicates a
logic gate and can be Buffer, Inverter, AND or
OR gate.
AND or OR gate. In layer 1, only Buffer and Inverter gates
are available. Each gate’s two inputs1 in layer is connected
to the outputs of two gates in layer
. The function of
each gate and its two inputs are determined by evolution.
The encoding of each logic gate in the binary chromosome
string is as follows:
Input 1 (5 bit)
Input 2 (5 bit)
Function (2 bit)
The gates in layer 1 use a simplified coding consisting
of only one bit to distinguish if the function is a buffer or
inverter. One of the main goals of this work is to reduce
the evolution time for complex problems. The number of
generations required for evolving a gate array
could be
represented as follows:
are the number of training vectors, number of input gates, number of output gates and
number of chromosome bits, respectively. In the results section, a discussion of this equation is included.
The evolution is undertaken off-line using software simulation. However, since no feed-back connections are used
and the number of gates between the input and output is
limited to n, the real performance of such a digital system
should equal the simulation of it. Any spikes could be removed using registers on the output gates.
The application to be used in the experiments is the problem of recognizing the orientation of line markings in road
images of 8 x 4 pixels size, where each pixel can be “0” or
“1”. Examples of images are seen in Figure 2. A hatched
square indicates a “1”, while a non-hatched square indicates
a “0”. These images are hand coded and it is assumed that
1 Buffer
and Inverter gates have only one input.
Straight ahead
Turn right
Turn left
Figure 2. Examples of three training vectors.
all objects other than line markings are already removed
from the images. This has shown to be possible in other
autonomous driving systems, based on pre-processing the
input images [2]. The set of images used in the evolution
consists of 13 images. In a real system, both the image size
and the gate array size would be much larger and require
a much larger number of training images. Each of the input pixels is connected to one input gate. The output vector
indicates the direction to turn the steering wheels for the
corresponding input image. That is, if the line markings in
the input image indicate a turn to the right, we would like
the system to indicate a turn to the right on its outputs. To
apply the system for roadway departure warning, a set of
abnormal output vectors could lead to the activation of an
Output for cluster size = 1
Output for cluster size = 2
obtained, when more than one output gate are to be set to
“1”. Still, the performance will probably be below what
could be obtained by floating point computation (e.g. artificial neural networks). However, a gate array hardware
is a very much smaller than a floating point processor and
therefore, it could provide a low-cost system. Further, the
parallelized operations on pixels in an image make such a
system scalable and it could process a lot more data than a
program running on a single processor. By increasing the
amount of data analyzed — both the number of pixels in an
image and the number of images per second, it may show
to be possible to use a limited precision in the computation
of each pixel in the image. Thus, using a large number of
two-level pixels could be as valuable as processing a lesser
number of multilevel pixels. The precision level required
for acceptable performance can only be found by undertaking experiments on real data.
In the automatic steering application, we do not need to
classify an image into a unique class, but rather indicate the
approximate orientation of the steering wheels on the road.
Thus, a small deviation from the correct output (according
to the training set) value is acceptable. Further, in this application, the next output value will always be similar to the
present one. Therefore, to further improve the robustness of
the system, a comparison of the last previous output values
could be undertaken. This is illustrated in Figure 4, where
the steering is based on the short history of former outputs.2
In a roadway departure warning system this part will be important as well, to predict the probability of a roadway departure.
Output for cluster size = 4
Shift Registers
Output for cluster size = 8
Figure 3. An input image gives a response on
a cluster of outputs, when the output should
present “straight ahead”.
Logic Gate Array
Earlier experiments — classification of characters, have
shown the limitation in noise robustness of gate level circuits, when only one output gate is assigned to each character the system is trained to recognize [18]. Thus, it is here
proposed that for each input vector, a cluster of nearby outputs are set to “1”. Different cluster sizes are illustrated in
Figure 3 for the 16 outputs used in the road image experiment. As above, a hatched square indicates that this output
is “1”, while a non-hatched one is “0”. This figure illustrates driving straight ahead, while turn right and turn left
would have a cluster shifted to the right and left, respectively. When the cluster size is larger than one, an average
output value is computed based on the outputs equal to “1”.
Thus, when slightly different images are input — as a test
of generalization, it is estimated that better performance is
Figure 4. Including previous outputs in the
present output computation.
Each output from the gate array is fed into a shift register.
When the outputs of a new image are available at the outputs
of the gate array, the values are shifted into the leftmost bin
of the shift register. All the other stored values are simultaneously shifted one position to the right. In this operation,
the value in the rightmost bin is removed from the shift register storage. Each bit in the shift register is further input
to a comparator, which computes the output value mainly
2 This
feature has not been included in the following experiments.
based on the present3 input, but can compare it with the
previous outputs. Therefore, the comparator would have to
include some weight values to indicate how much old outputs should be allowed to influence the present output. A
strong influence prevents rapid (and maybe wrong) turns of
the steering wheels, but may lead to a slow response, when
a rapid turn is demanded. Another possible improvement is
to weight the inputs. Some pixels — e.g. those in the area
corresponding to the line markings, would be more important than other pixels in an image.
Figure 5. The increased complexity method
applied for designing systems for recognizing four different images A, B, C and D. This
is for an output cluster size equal to 1.
The aspect of increased complexity evolution is introduced by the way the evolution is undertaken as seen in
Figure 5. This corresponds to the partitioned training vector
approach presented in Section 2.1. We compare evolving a
system directly to evolving sub-systems. In the former case,
the system is evolved to classify all training vectors in the
training set. In the latter case, an evolved sub-system is able
to classify a subset of the training vectors – as shown in Figure 5. That is, each subsystem input all the 32 input pixels
and all training vectors are applied during fitness evaluation. However, each subsystem has a limited number of outputs. In this way, the sub-systems are evolved without lack
of generalization. That is, when all evolved sub-systems
are operated in parallel, they provide the same generalization as the directly evolved system. The benefit is that each
gate array is smaller and thus, should more easily become
evolved to perform the correct operation. The assignment
of output gates to a subsystem is shown in Figure 6, where
the output vector is represented in the same way as in Figure 2. For this application, the integration of sub-systems
are straightforward by running them in parallel. Dividing a
3 Given
in the leftmost position of the shift register.
task into simpler ones has earlier been proposed for parallel
processing applied to neural networks [15]. However, the
major issue in this work is that by using EHW, it is possible
to make a scalable low-cost system. This is for the reasons
discussed in Section 2.3.
Subsystem 1
Subsystem N
Figure 6. Assignment of outputs to subsystems.
Except for the output layer in the gate array, 32 gates are
applied in each layer in the array. Thus, the complete system will be larger as the number of sub-systems increases.
The main motivation for this work is to allow for evolution
of complex systems and limiting the number of gates is not
regarded as an important topic. The reason for this is that
the main problem of today’s research seems to be the lack of
evolutionary schemes overcoming the complex system design issues, more than the lack of large gate arrays. In each
new generation of CMOS chips, the number of digital gates
available on a single chip increases substantially. In fact,
by reducing the amount of information to be represented in
a digital circuit, the number of generations required by GA
could be reduced as well.
The simple GA style – given by Goldberg [6], was applied for the evolution with a population size of 50. For each
new generation an entirely new population of individuals is
generated. Elitism is used, thus, the best individual from the
previous generation is carried over to the present generation
if no individual in the present generation is any better. The
(single point) crossover rate is 0.9, thus the cloning rate is
0.1. Roulette wheel selection scheme is applied. The mutation rate - the probability of bit inversion for each bit in the
binary chromosome string, is 0.001.
The fitness function is equal to the sum of the number
of correct outputs for each training vector, summed for all
the vectors in the training set. That is, for each output gate
of the gate array that matches the output specified in the
training set, 1 is added to the fitness function.
For each experiment presented in the next section, ten
different runs of GA were performed. For each run, when a
circuit for which the maximum score is obtained, the evolution is stopped and the number of generations is stored for
comparison with the other runs. For the ten runs, quite often
only a few of them resulted in a correctly classifying circuit.
This was due to GA reaching the set maximum number of
generations before a correctly classifying circuit had been
found. Thus, it is impossible to compute any realistic average or variance analysis for the ten runs. Therefore, only
the number of generations for the run requiring the least
number of generations of the ten different runs is reported
in the result section. This circuit may not be providing the
same (or as good as) performance as a circuit evolved by a
larger number of generations. However, this topic is to be
considered in future work.
3 Results
In this section, various aspects of evolvable hardware are
investigated through different experiments. The results presented herein are the first to be published on the increased
complexity evolution applied to road image detection. Thus,
there are three goals of the work. First, to show the benefits of the increased complexity evolution method and second, to show the benefit of applying clusters of outputs
on the generalization of gate level EHW. Third, to see if
EHW seems applicable for the real-world application of autonomous driving.
Cluster size
# of generations
Table 1. The results of evolving circuits for
classifying the road image training set (direct
Initially, we would like to see if there are any difference
in the number of generations required for different output
cluster sizes. Table 1 shows the number of generations required for direct evolution of a system, when the cluster size
varies. The evolution stops when a circuit outputs correct
values according to the training set. The number of generations increases with the cluster size. This is understandable
since the gate array would have to overlap the output values
equal to ”1” for a larger number of different images as the
cluster size increases. Still, we would like to apply the system with the best performance rather than the one that could
be evolved in fewest possible generations.
Next, we would like to find out if the increased complexity evolution results in a lower number of generations. The
results are given in Table 2 for a cluster size equal to four.
If the evolution is undertaken in one operation no circuit is
found4 that correctly classifies all training images. A system based on real images would definitely not be evolvable
in one operation, since there are difficulties in evolving a
system in one operation for this simplified application. As
the number of outputs to be evolved is reduced, the number
of generations is decreased. In average, for each diving by
two undertaken, a ratio of about four times less generations
is required. This is the same as for an earlier conducted
character recognition experiment [18]. A larger number of
generations is required for sub-systems classifying center
outputs than those on the left side and right side. This is
4 The
maximum number of generations was set to 30000.
due to the fact that many training vectors have their output
clusters in the center area.
When an input image, which should not lead to a response on any of the outputs from a sub-system, the subsystem is evolved to output the value 0 on each output.
Thus, the final systems still has the same classification ability as the system evolved in one operation.
Equation (1) gives a relation between various parameters
and the number of generations required. In the experiments
conducted here, only
varies. Thus, they are included Table 2. The column with
lists the product
of these two numbers. An interesting observation from the
experiments are that:
In these experiments, the
is the major contributor to
. Thus, the chromosome string needs to be evolved to
solve a more complex problem as
increases. Further,
the chromesome string length
increases as well.
Cluster size
Percentage error
Table 3. The results of applying a test set to
the evolved systems.
An important feature of an image recognition system is
the generalization ability. To test this aspect, a separate test
set was made. It consists of 26 images (twice the number
used for the evolution). It is made by modifying 1 to 5 pixels
near the line markings in the training set images. The test
set was applied to test how well the systems classify slightly
different patterns from those used in the evolution. Only if
the output cluster5 is more than one output away from the
correct one, the image is said to give a wrong output. This
is possible since we aim at having a response in the correct area, rather than at the exact output. Table 3 shows the
importance of applying the clustered output method, when
the test set is employed. A cluster equal to one gives the
worst performance. Thus, demanding a single output to be
one is vulnerable. For some images all pixels became “0”,
when the cluster size was equal to one and two. This often
leads to a large (and unacceptable) error as seen in Table 4.
This is a major failure that could not be accepted in reliable
system. The best cluster size is equal to four, where the
maximum error is 1.5. The computation of the cluster average could probably be improved in such a way that larger
cluster sizes could provide better performances in the cases
when the output cluster sizes are larger or smaller than expected. Thus, these results indicate that it should be worth
testing the scheme on real images.
5 A cluster avarage value is computed based on the nearby outputs equal
to “1”. A “0” in between two “1”s are regarded as a “1”.
Number of (sub)systems
One (1,...,16)
Two (1,...,8),(9,...,16)
Four (1,...,4),...,(12,...,16)
Eight (1,2),...,(15,16)
Sixteen (1),...,(16)
Number of generations
Total ( )
Table 2. The results of evolving circuits for classifying the road image training set, for an output
cluster size of four.
Cluster size
Difference between correct and predicted output values
Table 4. The number of test vectors with a certain deviation from the correct output value.
4 Conclusions
In this paper, a scheme, called increased complexity evolution, is proposed for an EHW-based system for road image classification. The system is to be applied in a roadway departure warning system and later in an autonomous
driving system. Clusters of outputs are used to improve the
generalization ability of gate level circuits. The method is
based on sub-system evolution for the design of complex
The experiments are based on simplified images. There
are several important results from the simulations. First, the
total number of generations can be substantially reduced
by evolving sub-systems instead of a complete system in
one operation. When there are difficulties in finding a correct working system for this simplified application, a system based on real data will be even worse to evolve in one
operation. Second, by applying clusters of outputs instead
of single outputs, the generalization and reliability of gate
level circuits are improved. The robustness could be further
improved as indicated in the paper. Third, the road image
detection scheme is promising and experiments on real images should be undertaken next.
The author would like to thank the group leader Dr.
Higuchi and the researchers in the Evolvable Systems Laboratory, Electrotechnical Laboratory, Japan for inspiring discussions and fruitful comments on my work, during my visit
there in January-April 2000.
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