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Authors requiring further information regarding Elsevier’s archiving and manuscript policies are encouraged to visit: Author's personal copy Marine Micropaleontology 101 (2013) 1–9 Contents lists available at SciVerse ScienceDirect Marine Micropaleontology journal homepage: Benthic foraminiferal responses to water-based drill cuttings and natural sediment burial: Results from a mesocosm experiment Silvia Hess a,⁎, Elisabeth Alve a, Hilde Cecilie Trannum b, Karl Norling b, c a b c Department of Geosciences, University of Oslo, P.O. Box 1047, Blindern, 0316 Oslo, Norway Norwegian Institute for Water Research, Gaustadalléen 21, 0349 Oslo, Norway Department of Biosciences, University of Oslo, P.O. Box 1066, Blindern, 0316 Oslo, Norway a r t i c l e i n f o Article history: Received 4 September 2012 Received in revised form 6 March 2013 Accepted 13 March 2013 Available online 26 March 2013 Keywords: Drill cuttings Benthic ecosystem Foraminifera vs macrofauna Foraminiferal vertical migration Recovery following disturbance a b s t r a c t Effects of burial by water-based drill cuttings and natural test sediment on living (stained) benthic foraminifera were investigated in a mesocosm experiment. After 193 days, the foraminiferal response in sediment covered with drill cuttings was compared to the response in sediment covered with defaunated natural test sediment. Increasing thickness of added material, independent of type of material, significantly reduced the benthic foraminiferal abundance and species richness. While most species managed to migrate through added sediments of up to 12 mm thickness, results indicate that a burial depth of 24 mm severely limits the migration capability of the foraminifera. Textularia earlandi and Bulimina marginata dominated the 0–1 cm of sediment (including added material) in most mesocosms but the former was most resistant to maximum burial (24 mm). The physical disturbance caused by the burial triggered reproduction in surviving populations of B. marginata and Nonionellina labradorica. Addition of water-based drill cuttings and defaunated natural test sediments impacted the microhabitat of N. labradorica differently. Stainforthia fusiformis seems to be the species most tolerant to the water-based drill cuttings. Results indicate that the foraminiferal faunal composition respond differently to the two different materials added, even if only agglutinated forms are considered. This agrees with earlier macrofaunal results from the same experiment which indicate that the water-based drill cuttings represent an additional stress factor for the benthic community. © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. 1. Introduction Offshore petroleum activities affect the local marine environment in various ways. During drilling processes, large quantities of drill cuttings, i.e., a mixture of fragments of reservoir rocks, chemicals, and drilling mud, are produced. In some regions, these drill cuttings are partly discharged to the sea floor. Their impact on the marine benthic ecosystem depends on the amount, rate and type of waste products discharged which in turn influence e.g., the degree of burial, oxygen depletion, and toxicity of the drilling fluids used in the drilling mud (Singsaas et al., 2008). Drilling mud is a suspension of solids (e.g., clay, barite, ilmenite) in liquids (e.g., water, oil) containing chemical additives as required to modify its properties (Neff, 2005). Three main types of drilling mud have been used in exploration and production including oil-, synthetic- and water-based drilling mud. Of these, the water-based drilling mud, with relatively low hydrocarbon concentration and low toxicity, has been regarded as having the least environmental impact on marine ecosystems (Olsgard and Gray, 1995; Neff, ⁎ Corresponding author. Fax: +47 22854215. E-mail addresses: (S. Hess), (E. Alve), (H.C. Trannum), (K. Norling). 0377-8398/$ – see front matter © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. 2005). Consequently, the use of water-based drilling mud has increased in offshore production areas and water-based cuttings, which are produced when using this mud, are considered to affect the marine benthic community mainly through physical disturbance (burial) (Neff, 2005). However, recent impact-studies using water-based drill cuttings (Schaanning et al., 2008; Trannum et al., 2010, 2011) indicate that factors other than just sedimentation influence the macrofaunal community structure. Foraminifera are an important component of marine benthic communities. The usefulness of these heterotrophic protists in environmental monitoring has been shown for a wide range of environments over the past half century (summaries in Alve, 1995; Nigam et al., 2006; Martínez-Colón et al., 2009). Compared to macrofaunal organisms, which are traditionally used in environmental monitoring, most benthic foraminifera occur in high densities, respond fast to environmental changes (high population turnover rate), and mineral-walled forms commonly produce a fossil record. This fossil record provides information about the in situ pre-impacted ecological status of an environment (Alve et al., 2009; Dolven et al., 2013). A few studies have focused on the impact of oil drilling activities on benthic foraminifera (e.g., Locklin and Maddocks, 1982; Morvan et al., 2004; Ernst et al., 2006; Denoyelle et al., 2012) and only recently benthic foraminifera Author's personal copy 2 S. Hess et al. / Marine Micropaleontology 101 (2013) 1–9 have been used to evaluate effects of drill cutting disposals on benthic environments (Durrieu et al., 2006; Mojtahid et al., 2006; Jorissen et al., 2009; Denoyelle et al., 2010). The main aim of this study is to investigate possible impacts that burial by Water-Based drill cuttings (WB) may have on benthic foraminifera and compare the results with the effects of burial by natural Test Sediments (TS). Furthermore, the results of the foraminiferal study are used for comparison with macrofaunal community responses from the same experiment as described and discussed in Trannum et al. (2010). 2. Materials and methods 2.1. Mesocosm set-up Twenty-four box-core samples (inner liner surface area 0.09 m 2) with benthic communities were collected 3rd March 2006 at 41 m water depth in the Bjørnhodebukta, Oslofjord, Norway (58°42.78′N, 10°33.19′E). The box-core liners were transferred to a mesocosm set-up at the Norwegian Institute for Water Research's (NIVA) Marine Research Station Solbergstrand. All box-core liners were carefully placed in two basins filled with seawater, and during the experiment continuously supplied with Oslofjord seawater from 60 m water depth. The temperature was kept at ambient level of about 10 °C throughout the experiment. After 8 weeks (18th May 2006), WB and TS were added to the mesocosms. The WB, taken from a land-based deposition plant, originated from a drilling operation in the Barents Sea and contained, in addition to rock fragments (cuttings), remnants of ilmenite (FeTiO3) as weighting material and polyalkylene glycol as lubricant. The TS, collected at the same location as the box-core sediments, was sieved through a 1 mm sieve and the smaller fraction was defaunated by freezing prior to addition to the mesocosms. Both kinds of material, WB and TS, were mixed with seawater into a slurry and gently poured into the overlying water of the mesocosms with minimal disturbance of the sediment surface. Water-based drill cuttings were added to obtain thicknesses of 3, 6, 12, and 24 mm (WB3, WB6, WB12 and WB24) and TS was added to obtain thicknesses of 6, 12, and 24 mm (TS6, TS12 and TS24), with 3 replicate mesocosms per treatment. Three box-core liners were left untreated and used as controls (C). For further information concerning the experimental design, see Trannum et al. (2010). Limitations of the experimental design are discussed in Section 4.5. 2.2. Measurements and data analyses After 193 days (5th December 2006), the experiment was terminated and the mesocosms were sampled for faunal analyses. A short sediment core (5.5 cm diameter; 23.8 cm2 surface area) was collected from each mesocosm for benthic foraminiferal examination. In order to sample the majority of the assemblages in each sediment core and to investigate preferred living depths after burial, the upper 4 cm of each core (including added sediment layers) were sliced as follows: 0–1, 1–2, and 2–4 cm. Most samples were preserved in 3% buffered formalin (Natriumtetraborat-10-hydrate) in seawater whereas six 1– 2 cm-samples were preserved in 70% ethanol (due to logistical problems; samples are marked in Appendix Table 1), all stained with rose Bengal (1 g L −1) to distinguish between live and dead individuals (Walton, 1952; Murray and Bowser, 2000). The remaining sediment in each mesocosm was washed through a 0.5 mm sieve for retrieval of macrofauna (see Trannum et al., 2010). The foraminiferal samples were washed through 500 and 63 μm-sieves. The residues were dried at 40 °C. All rose Bengal stained benthic foraminifera >63 μm in the 0–1 and 1–2 cm of each core were picked with a wet brush, mounted on micro-sample slides, identified and counted. A previous field-study in the same area showed very low foraminiferal abundances at 2–4 cm sediment depth in this environment (Alve and Bernhard, 1995). In the present study, 10 samples from this sediment level representing different treatments were analyzed in order to check the foraminiferal abundance. Counting results were standardized to individuals per 10 cm3 sediment. Maximum abundance of benthic foraminifera commonly occurs in the surface 0–1 cm of the sediment (Murray, 2006). Therefore, although deeper layers were examined to consider burial/migration effects; most analyses focused on the top 0–1 cm. Response in abundance (N) and species richness (S) were tested using t-test and 2-way ANOVA analyses. Prior to analyses the homoscedasticity was tested by Levene's test (Levene, 1960). Univariate statistical analyses were performed using the statistical language R version 2.13.2. To analyze similarities in the community structure, non-metric multidimensional scaling (MDS)-ordinations were performed. These analyses were based on Bray–Curtis similarity (Bray and Curtis, 1957). Before calculating the Bray–Curtis similarity, the raw abundance data were transformed to square root in order to equalize the potential contribution of each species. PERMANOVA was conducted to test the multivariate patterns. However, due to low number of permutations (b 60), analyses of difference between each set of treatments were not performed (Anderson et al., 2008). Planned comparisons were performed for differences between WB and TS in the top 0–1 cm sediment. The C and WB3 cores were excluded, and the 6, 12 and 24 mm cores were treated together (i.e. WB consists of WB6(0–1), WB12(0–1) and WB24(0–1) and TS consists of TS6(0–1), TS12(0–1) and TS24(0–1)). Prior to PERMANOVA, the PERMDISP test was used to check the homogeneity of variances. The multivariate statistics were conducted using PRIMER version 6.1.6 and PERMANOVA + version 1.0.3. During the course of the experiment, biogeochemical variables in the mesocosms, including total organic carbon (TOC) and oxygen penetration depth were measured as discussed by Trannum et al. (2010). 3. Results In total, 72 living (stained) foraminiferal species were determined to species level: 40 agglutinated and 32 calcareous ones. All identified species are listed with taxonomic references in Appendix A. Living (stained) foraminifera were present in all 0–1 and 1–2 cm samples (Fig. 1, Appendix Table 1). In samples strongly dominated (> 75%) by agglutinated species, some calcareous tests were thin and etched indicating carbonate dissolution (Ca(0–1, 1–2), TS6b(0–1), TS6c(0–1), TS24b(1–2), TS24c(0–1), WB6b(1–2), WB12b(1–2)). These samples are marked in Fig. 1 and in Appendix Table 1. Of all samples from the 1–2 cm level which either had been preserved in ethanol or in formalin, individuals with calcareous tests made up 81% in the former and 78% in the latter. Substantial variability of species richness (S) and abundance (N) occurred between replicates in all treatments. The species richness in the 0–1 and 1–2 cm was 10–40 and 4–32, respectively (Fig. 1). Overall, species richness decreased with increasing thickness of added material (Fig. 2). WB24 and TS24 had significantly fewer (p b 0.001) species in the 0–1 cm (10–20 and 16–19, respectively) than the other treatments (17–40 species), C included (Fig. 2, Table 1). The same pattern (but with a weaker significance, p b 0.05) was observed if the WB + TS 12 + 24 mm treatments or if only agglutinated species (i.e., excluding all calcareous species) were considered (Fig. 3). There was no significant difference in species richness between the C + TS and WB samples (all treatments considered) (Table 1). Highest abundances (N > 500 individuals ∗ 10 cm−3) in the top 0–1 cm were recorded in cores treated with 3–12 mm WB and in control core Ca (Fig. 1). The lowest values (N b 30 individuals ∗ 10 cm−3) occurred in two of the WB24 cores. The overall abundance in the 0–1 cm was significantly higher than in the 1–2 cm (t-test, p b 0.005; Fig. 4). The abundance in the 0–1 cm in the WB24 and TS24 cores was significantly lower than in the remaining cores (p b 0.001, Table 1). Author's personal copy 0 - 1 cm 800 40 600 30 400 20 200 0 10 a* b c a C b* c* a TS 6 b c a TS 12 c* b a TS 24 b c a WB 3 b c WB 6 a b c WB 12 a 0 b c WB 24 1- 2 cm 800 40 600 30 400 20 200 10 0 number of species stained individuals/10 cm3 3 number of species stained individuals/10 cm3 S. Hess et al. / Marine Micropaleontology 101 (2013) 1–9 0 a* b c C a b c a TS 6 b TS 12 c a b* c TS 24 a b c WB 3 a b* c WB 6 a b* c WB 12 a b c WB 24 Fig. 1. Foraminiferal abundance (stained individuals/10 cm3) of agglutinated (dark color) and calcareous (light color) taxa and species richness (• = number of species) in 0–1 cm and 1–2 cm. * = samples influenced by carbonate dissolution. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.) T-test analyses and 2-way ANOVA indicate that the thickness of added material influenced the complete foraminiferal assemblages significantly, independent of the material used (Tables 1, 2). The agglutinated assemblages (i.e., excluding all calcareous species) were impacted by the added material and showed a significant interaction between the 2 factors “type of added material” and “thickness”, whereas the complete Species richness (0-1cm) number of species 40 30 20 10 0 stained individuals/10 cm3 0 5 10 15 20 25 20 25 Abundance (0-1 cm) 800 600 400 200 0 5 10 15 thickness of added material (mm) control sediment (C) test sediment (TS) water-based drill cuttings (WB) Fig. 2. Species richness (number of species) and foraminiferal abundance (stained individuals/10 cm3) in the 0–1 cm sediment layer. assemblage did not (Table 2). The abundance in the 2–4 cm level was highest in WB3 − 6 and TS6 cores (0–42 individuals ∗ 10 cm−3) and lowest (0–4 individuals ∗ 10 cm−3) below the added 24 mm layer in both the TS24 and WB24 treatments (Appendix Table 1). The absolute abundance was significantly lower (p b 0.001) in the 0–4 cm (i.e., added layer plus original surface sediment) of WB24 and TS24 than in the 0–2 cm of C and WB3. This relationship was equally significant if the WB12 and TS12 treatments were included (together with WB24 and TS24). The most abundant species (> 10% in at least 2 cores) were Textularia earlandi, Bulimina marginata, Stainforthia fusiformis, and Nonionellina labradorica, accompanied by less abundant species such as Adercotryma wrighti (Fig. 4). The foraminiferal assemblages in the 0–1 cm were mainly dominated by T. earlandi and B. marginata irrespective of treatment. Both species had a significantly higher abundance in the 0–1 cm than in 1–2 cm (p b 0.05). Textularia earlandi occurred in all 0–1 cm samples and it was the dominant species in WB24. The absolute abundance of S. fusiformis was about twice as high in the WB as in the TS samples, and its maximum abundance occurred in the 1–2 cm irrespective of treatment. In the TS samples, the maximum abundance of N. labradorica occurred in the 1–2 cm, whereas in the WB samples, the maximum abundance was in the 0–1 cm layer. Adercotryma wrighti occurred regularly, with maximum abundances at 0–1 cm, and with slightly higher abundances in the TS than in the WB samples. Small individuals (b about 130 μm) of B. marginata and N. labradorica were common in both TS and WB cores. The MDS analyses based on all living (stained) foraminifera in the surface 0–1 cm separated all WB24 and two WB12 assemblages from the others (Fig. 5a). The stress value of 0.11 shows that the MDS plot gives a representative picture of the similarities or dissimilarities between the various treatments and replicates. Analyses based solely on agglutinated species showed comparable groupings (Fig. 5b). At the same time, the PERMANOVA on WB vs. TS (Table 3) indicates that the communities in these two sample sets differ, even if only agglutinated forms are considered (p = 0.009 and p = 0.004, respectively), i.e. that the response to the capping materials is different. Author's personal copy 4 S. Hess et al. / Marine Micropaleontology 101 (2013) 1–9 Table 1 Results of two-tailed t-tests. The possible effects of selected treatments on the species richness (S) and abundance (N) are calculated to identify significant (p ≤ 0.05) changes in the 0–1 cm sediment layer. Agglut. = agglutinated. C, TS and WB include all replicates. t-Test Species richness (S): all taxa Ho df t-Value p-Value df t-Value p-Value df t-Value p-Value df t-Value p-Value C + TS6–24 = WB3-24 C + TS6 + WB3 + WB6 = TS12 + TS24 + WB12 + WB24 C + TS6 + TS12+ WB3 + WB6 + WB12 = TS24 + WB24 19 18 12 −0.05 3.11 5.86 0.96 b0.01 b0.001 21 21 9 1.57 3.66 3.14 0.13 b0.01 0.01 21 22 20 −0.09 3.09 5.48 0.93 b0.01 b0.001 16 13 21 1.29 2.7 2.91 0.22 0.02 b0.01 4. Discussion 4.1. Foraminiferal response to sediment thickness and material added Some foraminiferal species are well known to be able to migrate through the sediment (e.g., Severin, 1987; Gross, 2000; Ernst et al., 2002). In the present study, the maximum benthic foraminiferal abundance mainly occurred in the upper 0–1 cm (Fig. 1) and the assemblages were dominated by small, shallow infaunal species b0.5 mm in size. After addition of the new 3–24 mm thick sediment layers, the pre-treatment “sediment surface” was suddenly situated at subsurface depths equal to the thickness of the added layer (e.g., below 12 or 24 mm), i.e., at least 6–48 times the size of the individuals. The assemblages in these buried sediments could respond either by migrating up to the new sediment surface, by staying at the buried depth level, or by dying. It is reasonable to assume that before addition of the new material, the foraminiferal abundance in all cores was comparable to that of the C and the 3 mm (WB3) cores (Fig. 2). Consequently, the significantly lower foraminiferal abundance in the top 0–4 cm (i.e., added layer plus the original 0–2 cm) of the WB24 and TS24 cores compared to the 0–2 cm in the C and WB3 cores shows that the vast majority of individuals had died rather than migrated during Species richness (0-1 cm; only agglutinated taxa) number of aggl. species 40 30 20 10 0 stained individuals/10 cm3 5 10 15 20 25 Abundance (0-1 cm; only agglutinated taxa) 800 600 400 Species richness (S): only agglut. taxa Abundance (N): all taxa Abundance (N): only agglut. taxa the 193 days of the experiment. The facts that the abundance below the thickest added layer was extremely low in both the TS and WB cores, and that the redox boundary was mainly situated at 1–10 mm sediment depth (see Trannum et al., 2010), also shows that the foraminiferal cytoplasm must have decayed in the anoxic pore waters during the course of the experiment (otherwise it would have been stained by the rose Bengal). On the other hand, Ernst et al. (2006) explained a higher infaunal compared to epifaunal abundance after a 112 day exposure to oil pollution as being due to staining of dead infaunal individuals during slow protoplasm degradation. The significantly lower foraminiferal abundance in the 2–4 cm of the 24 mm treatments than the abundance in those which had received no or b6 mm sediment, indicates that the physical component of the burial (i.e., not only the anoxia) at least was co-responsible for the death of the foraminifera. In our experiment, most of the common species managed to migrate through sediments up to 12 mm thickness, but a severe reduction in species richness as well as abundance was recorded when the sediment layer had increased to 24 mm, independent of added material. A burial thickness of about 2 cm was also observed as a limiting migration boundary for some foraminiferal species after the Mt. Pinatubo ash layer deposit in the South China Sea (Hess and Kuhnt, 1996; Hess et al., 2001; Kuhnt et al., 2005). In concert, these findings indicate that 2 cm is a layer thickness which severely limits the migration of benthic foraminifera. It appears that, due to the small test size and the relatively slow migration speeds (e.g., b 10 μm/min, Gross, 2000) of benthic foraminifera, there is a critical burial thickness, beyond which the migration of the foraminifera back to the sediment surface is not possible. Laboratory experiments by Severin (1987) investigated the vertical movement of the miliolid Quinqueloculina impressa after burial under a 4 cm thick sand layer. After 3.5 days the author found very few (b5) individuals of this rather fast moving species in the upper sediment centimeter. Most individuals were still present at 4 cm sediment depth. A foraminiferal recolonization monitoring after a rapid ash layer deposit of about 6 cm in the South China Sea resulted in a community composition on top of the new substrate which differed from the pre-ashfall communities. This indicates that recruitment to the new substrate happened from external sources (i.e., not a result of upward migration through the sediment) (Hess and Kuhnt, 1996). Comparable observations were made after a rapid turbidite deposition with a thickness varying between 8 and 18 cm in the Cap Breton Canyon in the Bay of Biscay (Hess et al., 2005). These two field observations show that a sediment cover of > 6 cm is a physical barrier for benthic foraminifera which they are unable to overcome and burrow through. 200 4.2. Species response to stressed conditions 0 5 10 15 20 25 thickness of added material (mm) control sediment (C) test sediment (TS) water-based drill cuttings (WB) Fig. 3. Species richness (number of species) and foraminiferal abundance (stained individuals/10 cm3) in 0–1 cm. Based on agglutinated taxa only. At the beginning of the experiment, the organic carbon content was the same in the C and TS sediments (TOC 2.13%, Trannum et al., 2010). The WB consisted primarily of inorganic particles and presumably some unknown organic compounds in addition to the polyglycol resulting in a TOC of 0.84% (Trannum et al., 2010). Since no food was added during the experiment, most labile food particles were probably exhausted by the end of the experiment leaving more refractory Author's personal copy S. Hess et al. / Marine Micropaleontology 101 (2013) 1–9 All stained individuals 140 400 Individuals/10cm3 5 Adercotryma wrighti 120 300 100 80 200 60 40 100 20 0 0 0 5 10 20 5 10 140 120 120 100 100 80 80 60 60 40 40 20 20 15 20 25 Bulimina marginata 0 0 0 5 10 140 Individuals/10cm3 0 25 Textularia earlandi 140 Individuals/10cm3 15 15 20 0 25 Stainforthia fusiformis 5 140 120 120 100 100 80 80 60 60 40 40 20 20 10 15 20 25 Nonionellina labradorica 0 0 0 5 10 15 20 0 25 Thickness of added sediment (mm) 5 10 15 20 25 Thickness of added sediment (mm) Fig. 4. Abundance (stained individuals/10 cm3, pooled replicates) of all and of the most common species in the 0–1 cm (filled symbols) and 1–2 cm (open symbols) sediment layers. Blue circle = control (C), green triangle = natural test sediment (TS) treatment, and red square = water-based (WB) drill cutting treatment. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.) material behind as food for organisms which are not dependant on fresh organic material (e.g., Alve, 2010). This might result in starvation and reduced abundance of the foraminiferal species which are dependent on fresh organic material. The degradable phase in the WB may also be used for bacterial growth which again may serve as food for the surviving organisms in the WB mesocosms (Trannum et al., 2010). Most of the species abundant in the experimental sediments are well known as opportunistic or stress-tolerant species (e.g., Barmawidjaja et al., 1992; Alve and Bernhard, 1995). Opportunistic behavior mainly becomes evident after environmental disturbances and is characterized by e.g., rapid reproduction. In the present study, T. earlandi represents such an example. Additionally, the fact that B. marginata and N. labradorica showed their maximum abundance in the WB and TS cores (relative to controls) and appeared with high abundance of young (small) specimens in both WB and TS cores, suggests that the physical disturbance had triggered reproduction. These species had probably reproduced following migration up to the new sediment Table 2 Two-way ANOVA results testing the effects of added material (TS vs WB) and added sediment thickness on foraminiferal species richness (S) and abundance (N) in the 0–1 cm sediment layer. Agglut. = agglutinated. 2-Way ANOVA Species richness (S): All spp. Species richness (S): Only agglut. species Abundance (N): All species Abundance (N): Only agglut. species Factors df MS F p-Value df MS F p-Value df MS F p-Value df MS F p-Value Added material (WB6−24, TS6 −24) Thickness⁎ (6, 12, 24 mm) Interaction (material × thickness) Residual Total 1 2 2 12 17 0.889 310.222 14.222 50.389 0.018 6.157 0.282 0.897 0.014 0.759 1 2 2 12 17 68.056 88.222 17.556 24.39 2.790 3.617 0.720 0.121 0.059 0.507 1 2 2 12 17 56.889 ### 88067.056 ### b 0.001 5.065 0.761 0.983 0.025 0.488 1 2 2 12 17 110763.556 130011.500 92311.722 23299.833 4.754 5.580 3.962 0.050 0.019 0.148 ⁎ Thickness of added material. Author's personal copy 6 S. Hess et al. / Marine Micropaleontology 101 (2013) 1–9 a) All living foraminifera (0-1 cm; 23.8 cm2) Transform: Square root Resemblance: S17 Bray Curtis similarity 2D Stress: 0.11 TS24a TS24c PERMANOVA TS12b WB24a TS24b Ca TS6c WB6a WB3c WB24c Table 3 PERMANOVA results a) based on all living (stained) foraminifera (calcareous and agglutinated) in 0–1 cm for WB6, 12, 24 vs TS6, 12, 24 and b) base on agglutinated living (stained) foraminifera in 0–1 cm or WB6, 12, 24 vs TS6, 12, 24. Significant levels in PERMANOVA were obtained from p-values calculated by permutations of residuals under a reduced model. No. of unique permutations were 8148. WB12b TS12a WB6b Cb Cc TS6b TS6a WB3b TS12c WB3a WB24b SS MS Pseudo-F P (perm) ⁎⁎ p b 0.01. WB12c WB12a df a) Based on all living (stained) foraminifera (calcareous and agglutinated) in 0–1 cm 1 4023 4023 2.91 0.009⁎⁎ WB6, 12, 24 vs TS6, 12, 24 Residual 16 22,118 1382 Total 17 26,140 b) Base on agglutinated living (stained) foraminifera in 0–1 cm WB6, 12, 24 vs TS6, 12, 24 1 5345 5346 3.84 0.004⁎⁎ Residual 16 22,263 1392 Total 17 27,609 WB6c b) Living agglutinated foraminifera (0-1 cm; 23.8 cm2) Transform: Square root Resemblance: S17 Bray Curtis similarity 2D Stress: 0.1 TS12b TS24a WB6b TS24b WB24a Cb TS12a TS24c WB3c WB12c Cc WB6a WB3b WB6c WB12b WB24c TS6a TS12c Ca TS6b WB3a WB12a TS6c WB24b c) Macrofauna (90 cm2) Transform: Square root Resemblance: S17 Bray Curtis similarity 2D Stress: 0.15 TS24-1 WB12-1 TS24-2 C-3 WB24-3 TS6-1 WB12-2 WB3-3 WB6-1 WB6-3 TS24-3 TS12-3 TS6-2 WB24-1 WB12-3 C-1 TS6-3 TS12-2 WB6-2 C-2 WB24-2 TS12-1 WB3-2 WB3-1 Control test sediment drill cuttings Fig. 5. Plot of MDS-ordination of (a) all living foraminifera in 0–1 cm; (b) living agglutinated foraminifera in 0–1 cm; and (c) macrofauna (reprinted from the Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 383, Trannum et al., 2010: Effects of sedimentation from water-based drill cuttings and natural sediment on benthic macrofaunal community structure and ecosystem processes, with permission from Elsevier). surface. Reproduction in response to physical stress has been observed by e.g., Ernst et al. (2006). These authors also found a sudden appearance of T. earlandi in high numbers as a response to oil pollution. Other species, such as A. wrighti showed slightly higher abundance in the TS compared to the WB cores and maintained their low population size in most cores. This suggests that they survived the burial and that they seem to respond more negatively to WB than to TS. Surprisingly, S. fusiformis, a species well known for its opportunistic lifestyle (Alve, 2003), showed relatively low abundances in most TS cores compared to WB and C (Figs. 4). As S. fusiformis is known to reproduce within weeks in response to phytoplankton blooms (Gustafsson and Nordberg, 2001), this low abundance may be a response to the lack of labile organic matter input that could serve as food for this species. In most WB treatments, S. fusiformis was an important component of the foraminiferal assemblage suggesting that the WB contained food source(s) not present in TS. Nonionellina labradorica, which in natural environments often shows a preference for levels below about 1 cm, seemed to migrate to the sediment surface in the WB mesocosms after the sediment input while it had its maximum abundance in the 1–2 cm layer in the TS cores (Fig. 4). This might reflect a special food preference of this species. Pucci et al. (2009) described a trophic dependency of another infaunal species, Nonionella turgida, on bacteria involved in anaerobic degradation of organic matter. All living organisms in the TS material were killed by deep-freezing prior to the addition of the sediment to the mesocosms. The decay of this dead fauna might have been associated with bacteria preferred by infaunal species like N. labradorica. The foraminiferal assemblage composition, as reflected by the MDS- and PERMANOVA analyses, also indicates that burial by WB initiated a different effect on the benthic foraminiferal community than burial by TS. These observations suggest that the WB is associated with other, additional stressors influencing the foraminiferal community. It has been observed that the presence of an organic phase (polyalkylene glycol) in the WB cuttings leads to increased oxygen consumption and eventually hypoxia in the sediments (Schaanning et al., 2008; Trannum et al., 2010, 2011). Possibly, the WB cuttings also lead to a toxic response (Trannum et al., 2011). 4.3. Agglutinated foraminiferal assemblages: How much of the story can they tell? One advantage by using benthic foraminifera in environmental monitoring is their ability to leave a fossil record. If deposited in sediment accumulation basins, this allows comparison between the present-day and in situ pre-impact assemblages, the latter representing reference conditions (Alve et al., 2009; Dolven et al., 2013). However, some taphonomic processes will always modify the original faunal composition. Faunal components that most likely get destroyed are soft-shelled monothalamids. Furthermore, syn- and post-depositional dissolution of calcareous tests occurs in some environments, for example in Long Island Sound (Green et al., 1993) and in some marginal Author's personal copy S. Hess et al. / Marine Micropaleontology 101 (2013) 1–9 marine areas along the coasts of the Skagerrak, E North Sea (Murray and Alve, 1999). In such areas, it is useful to know if the preserved assemblages that remain after taphonomic loss of calcareous components still record useful ecological information. Indeed, in the present experiment the species richness and community structure showed similar responses to type of material added whether all fossilizable species or only agglutinated species were considered (Table 1, Fig. 5). As far as abundance is concerned, the agglutinated forms seem to be more negatively affected by the WB than the complete assemblage (Figs. 2, 3, Table 2). Consequently, our results show that even if assemblages have been impacted by carbonate dissolution, the agglutinated assemblage alone reflects differences in effects of TS and WB cover. Hence, the present study supports previous findings that agglutinated assemblages are useful to detect ecological responses to environmental variables (Murray and Alve, 2011 and references therein). 4.4. Macrofauna vs. foraminifera responses The distribution pattern of macrofauna and foraminifera in our mesocosm experiment indicates that both organism groups respond to the addition of WB cuttings (Fig. 5). Trannum et al. (2010) described a significant reduction in abundance and diversity of the macrofauna with increasing thickness of the WB layer. Since no macrobenthic response was observed to the addition of TS up to 24 mm thickness, Trannum et al. (2010) concluded that the impact of WB on the macrofauna is not related to the burial proper and must be triggered by a particular mechanism associated with the WB, like hypoxia or toxicity. The benthic foraminiferal assemblages also showed a reduction in abundance and species richness with increasing thickness of the WB layer. However, as opposed to the macrofauna, the foraminifera also responded negatively to the addition of TS, indicating that the burial overprinted a possible impact caused by the WB treatment. We observed that most common species in the mesocosms were able to migrate through sediment layers up to 12 mm thickness, but a highly significant decrease in abundance and species richness was recorded when the thickness was 24 mm, independent of the added material. This finding indicates that, as opposed to what is the case for the macrofauna, a sediment layer of about 2 cm thickness severely limits the migration of benthic foraminifera and represents a physical barrier for these meiofaunal organisms. In addition, the assemblage composition responded differently to the TS and WB treatments as shown by the MDS and PERMANOVA analyses. Consequently, as for the macrofauna, the foraminiferal WB assemblages seem to be influenced by a stress factor related to the WB (i.e., not only by the burial). 4.5. Limitations of the experiment and dataset A comparison of the three replicates per treatment showed considerable variability in foraminiferal abundance and species richness (Fig. 1). These differences may be due to patchiness in macrofaunal distribution within and between the mesocosms. The design of the experiment implied that organisms that physically disturb the sediments (e.g., polychaetes) or prey on foraminifera could not escape. Consequently, the influence the macrofauna had on the foraminiferal distribution might have varied between mesocosms and therefore was more pronounced than under natural conditions. On the other hand, considerable variability among replicates are described in a number of benthic foraminiferal studies from both shallow and deep-sea environments (e.g. Murray and Alve, 2000; Fontanier et al., 2003; Murray, 2003; Cornelius and Gooday, 2004), and natural patchiness seems to be higher in stressed compared to stable environments (Warwick and Clarke, 1993; Gustafsson and Nordberg, 2000). Even though efforts were made to spread the added sediment evenly out over the sediment surface in the mesocosms, there is no 7 guarantee that it was distributed at a 1 mm level accuracy all over the surfaces. Additionally, faunal activity during the experimental period probably caused some heterogeneity. Due to the small test size of benthic foraminifera, it is reasonable to assume that they are more influenced by possible inconsistencies in the thickness of the added layers than the macrofauna. The foraminiferal composition of the C samples reflect the assemblages of untreated, unfed mesocosms at the end of the experiment i.e., they do not reflect the assemblage in the natural situation or at time ‘0’ of the experiment. Nevertheless, some important differences between the C and some of the TS and WB treated samples were recorded regarding the foraminiferal abundance- and composition patterns after sediment disturbance. The Oslofjord, from which the sediments used in the experiment were collected, has served as a major recipient for nutrients, organic material and contaminants for more than a century. Consequently, the assemblages used in the present study were already before the onset of the experiment adapted to some degree of disturbance. Therefore, the response signal may have been stronger if the initial assemblages had consisted of more sensitive species. Owing to lack of information about the original drilling mud composition (e.g., concentration of glycol, trace metal concentration), we can only speculate about the agent having the strongest disturbing effect on the benthic community. Most of the samples were initially stored in 3% buffered formalin in sea-water. Buffering the formalin is essential to prevent dissolution of calcareous shells. The observed carbonate dissolution in some samples indicates that the storage time in formalin was probably too long. We still consider the results to be reliable because the difference in abundance of calcareous forms between formalin and ethanol samples is trivial (78 vs 81%) and they show meaningful patterns. 5. Conclusions The present experiment aimed to investigate which effects WaterBased drill cuttings (WB) may have on benthic foraminifera and to compare the results with simple burial effects caused by natural Test Sediments (TS). The burial had a severely negative effect on the benthic foraminiferal abundance and species richness when the sediment cover reached a thickness of 24 mm, irrespective of added material. Of the species dominating the surface 0–1 cm (including added material), T. earlandi seems to be more resistant to maximum burial (24 mm) than B. marginata. N. labradorica showed a negative response to WB by changing its microhabitat, while S. fusiformis seems to be the species most tolerant to WB. At community level, there are indications that the WB represents an additional stress factor affecting the foraminiferal faunal composition. The latter agrees with the macrofauna results from the same experiment (Trannum et al., 2010). Supplementary data to this article can be found online at http:// Acknowledgments We thank the captain and the crew of RV Trygve Braarud and the staff at the Marine Research Station at Solbergstrand for their assistance and help during field sampling and experimental performance. Jane K. Dolven kindly helped with sub-sampling for foraminiferal analyses. The late Frode Olsgard initiated the project and kindly suggested to include benthic foraminiferal studies in the mesocosm experiment. We express our thanks to Statoil for providing the drill cutting material. We also thank the two anonymous reviewers and the editor, Frans Jorissen, for their constructive comments. Hilde C. Trannum thanks the Norwegian Research Council for funding her doctoral grant (NFR projects 17333/S40 and 164410/S40). Author's personal copy 8 S. Hess et al. / Marine Micropaleontology 101 (2013) 1–9 Appendix A. Taxonomical reference list All foraminiferal species identified in this study are listed alphabetically. Generic classification follows Loeblich and Tappan (1987). Original descriptions can be found in the Ellis and Messina foraminiferal species catalog ( 1.1. Agglutinated species Adercotryma wrighti Brönnimann & Whittaker 1987 Ammodiscus gullmarensis Höglund 1948 Ammoscalaria pseudospiralis (Williamson) = Proteonina pseudospiralis Williamson 1858 Ammoscalaria tenuimargo (Brady) = Haplophragmium tenuimargo Brady 1882 Cribrostomoides jeffreysii (Williamson) = Nonionina jeffreysii Williamson 1858 Cribrostomoides subglobosus (Sars) = Lituola subglobosa Sars 1868 Cuneata arctica (Brady) = Reophax arctica Brady 1881 Eggerella europeum (Christiansen) = Verneuilina europeum Christiansen 1958 Eggerelloides medius (Höglund) = Verneuilina media Höglund 1947 Eggerelloides scaber (Williamson) = Bulimina scabra Williamson 1858 Haplophragmoides bradyi (Robertson) = Trochammina bradyi Robertson 1891 Haplophragmoides membranaceum Höglund 1947 Hippocrepina pusilla Heron-Allen & Earland 1930 Hippocrepinella alba Heron-Allen & Earland 1932 Leptohalysis catenata (Höglund) = Reophax catenata Höglund 1947 Leptohalysis gracilis (Kiaer) = Reophax gracilis Kiaer 1900 Leptohalysis scottii (Chaster) = Reophax scottii Chaster 1892 Liebusella goesi Höglund 1947 Morulaeplecta bulbosa Höglund 1947 Psammosphaera bowmani Heron-Allen & Earland 1912 Recurvoides trochamminiforme Höglund 1947 Reophax dentaliniformis Brady 1881 Reophax fusiformis (Williamson) = Proteonina fusiformis Williamson 1858 Reophax rostrata Höglund 1947 Reophax scorpiurus Montfort 1808 Spiroplectammina biformis (Parker & Jones) = Textularia agglutinans d'Orbigny var. biformis Parker & Jones 1865 Textularia contorta Höglund 1947 Textularia earlandi Parker 1952 = new name for Textularia tenuissima Earland 1933 Textularia kattegatensis (Höglund) = Textularia gracillima Höglund 1947 Textularia skagerakensis Höglund 1947 Textularia bigenerinoides Lacroix 1932 Trochamminopsis quadriloba Höglund 1948 = new name for Trochamminopsis pusilla Höglund 1947 1.2. Calcareous species Astrononion gallowayi Loeblich & Tappan 1953 Bolivina difformis (Williamson) = Textularia variabilis Williamson var. difformis Williamson 1858 Bolivina pseudoplicata Heron-Allen & Earland 1930 Bolivinellina pseudopunctata (Höglund) = Bolivina pseudopunctata Höglund 1947 Brizalina spathulata (Williamson) = Textularia variabilis Williamson var. spathulata Williamson 1858 Bulimina marginata d'Orbigny 1826 Buliminella elegantissima (d'Orbigny) = Bulimina elegantissima d'Orbigny 1839 Cassidulina laevigata d'Orbigny 1826 Cornuloculina inconstans (Brady) = Hauerina inconstans Brady 1879 Cornuspira involvens (Reuss) = Operculina involvens Reuss 1850 Elphidium albiumbilicatum (Weiss) = Nonion pauciloculum (Cushman) subsp. albiumbilicatum Weiss 1954 Elphidium excavatum (Terquem) = Polystomella excavata Terquem 1875 Epistominella vitrea Parker 1953 Globobulimina auriculata (Bailey) = Bulimina auriculata Bailey 1851 Hyalinea balthica (Schröter) = Nautilus balthicus Schröter 1783 Miliolinella subrotunda (Montagu) = Quinqueloculina subrotunda Montagu 1803 Nonionella auricula Heron-Allen & Earland 1930 Nonionella turgida (Williamson) = Rotalina turgida 1858 Nonionellina labradorica (Dawson) = Nonionina labradorica Dawson 1860 Pyrgo williamsoni (Silvestri) = Biloculina williamsoni Silvestri 1923 Stainforthia fusiformis (Williamson) = Bulimina pupoides d'Orbigny var. fusiformis Williamson 1858 Stainforthia loeblichi (Feyling-Hanssen) = Virgulina loeblichi Feyling-Hanssen 1954 Uvigerina peregrina Cushman 1923 References Alve, E., 1995. 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