ELSEVIER Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 146 (1999) 171–193 Marginal marine environments of the Skagerrak and Kattegat: a baseline study of living (stained) benthic foraminiferal ecology Elisabeth Alve a,Ł , John W. Murray b b a Department of Geology, University of Oslo, P.O. Box 1047, Blindern, N-0316 Oslo, Norway School of Ocean and Earth Science, Southampton Oceanography Centre, European Way, Southampton, SO14 3ZH, UK Received 21 October 1997; accepted 29 April 1998 Abstract This is the first detailed investigation of the distribution and ecology of living (stained) shallow water (0–6 m) foraminifera along the Skagerrak–Kattegat coast, eastern North Sea. A total of 25 species (13 agglutinated; 12 calcareous) are common in the 169 sediment surface samples which were collected from 27 geographic areas. The sediment grain size and total organic carbon (TOC) content are strongly variable and the salinity and temperature ranges were 10–31‰ and 9–30ºC, respectively, at the time of sampling (July to October) but temperatures down to freezing occur during the winter. The species are divided into six environmental categories of which the first five comprise euryhaline and the sixth essentially stenohaline taxa: (1) species associated only with marsh plants, (2) species basically, but not entirely, associated with marsh plants, (3) species basically, but not entirely, restricted to non-marsh areas, (4) species solely recorded in non-marsh intertidal to subtidal environments, (5) species restricted to subtidal areas, (6) species basically living in the most open marine areas. In this region, marshes have a patchy distribution and they are small and compressed due to low tidal ranges (<40 cm). Balticammina pseudomacrescens (not reported here before) lives in the most elevated, landward, terrestrial parts of marshes and thus defines the uppermost limit of the influence of marine water. However, the marshes are generally dominated by Jadammina macrescens and Miliammina fusca at the landward and seaward sides, respectively. Jadammina macrescens is observed living epiphytically on decaying Carex leaf debris. The most widely distributed euryhaline species are Elphidium williamsoni, Miliammina fusca, Ammonia beccarii, and Haynesina germanica. The former two are common only in sediments with a mud content less than about 60%, whereas the latter two are common even in sediments with >80% mud. Ammoscalaria runiana is common only in coarse-grained sediments (<20% mud) with low TOC (0.7%). There are no marked biogeographic boundaries within the Skagerrak–Kattegat area but 10 of the 25 commonly occurring species have not been reported from the adjacent Baltic Sea, probably partly due to the brackish character of the water there. The southern limits of distribution of the northern species, Elphidium albiumbilicatum, Ammotium cassis, and Ophthalmina kilianensis, are in the Kattegat–Baltic Sea. 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. Keywords: ecology; biogeography; shallow water foraminifera; marsh; Skagerrak–Kattegat Ł Corresponding author. Tel.: C47 2285 7333; Fax: C47 2285 4215; E-mail: elisabeth.alve@geologi.uio.no 0031-0182/99/$ – see front matter 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. PII: S 0 0 3 1 - 0 1 8 2 ( 9 8 ) 0 0 1 3 1 - X 172 E. Alve, J.W. Murray / Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 146 (1999) 171–193 1. Introduction 2. Area description There continues to be considerable interest in the Quaternary history of the Skagerrak–Kattegat (eastern North Sea) region and foraminiferal studies have contributed significantly (e.g., Nordberg and Bergsten, 1988; Lykke-Andersen et al., 1993; Conradsen and Heier-Nielsen, 1995). However, interpretations of past environments depend upon comparison with modern analogues. Although there are some studies of the deeper water areas (Conradsen et al., 1994; Alve and Murray, 1995, 1997), the ecology of the shallow water foraminiferal assemblages has been little studied as noted below. This is a significant gap in knowledge, for recognition of shoreline deposits and former sea levels are important aspects of environmental reconstructions especially in relation to palaeoclimate. In this study, we systematically sampled the coastal zone of the Skagerrak and Kattegat from intertidal, with or without marsh, down to 6 m water depth in inner fjordic to open coastal waters, to establish a detailed record of living (stained) and dead (unstained) foraminiferal assemblages. The live, down-core distribution was not investigated as the main purpose has been to focus on the broader distributional trends. In the present paper, we address the biogeographic distribution of taxa and the ecological factors which control these patterns in the living assemblages. The dead assemblages, with particular attention to the taphonomic processes which modify the fossil foraminiferal record, are discussed in Murray and Alve (1999a,b). There are only a few published records of living shallow water benthic foraminifera along the Skagerrak–Kattegat coast. Studies along the Norwegian Skagerrak coast (all Oslo Fjord) include Christiansen (1958), Risdal (1964), Alve and Nagy (1986, 1990), Alve (1990, 1995), studies on the Swedish coast are Olsson et al. (1973), Nyholm and Olsson (1973), Olsson (1976), Nyholm et al. (1977), Cato et al. (1980). Except for the investigation of Hansen (1965) in Øresund, there are no published records of living shallow water assemblages along the Danish coast of the Kattegat. All these studies deal primarily with deeper water assemblages and generally there are only brief comments on those living in shallow waters. There are no previous records of marsh foraminiferal faunas. Low salinity waters originating in the Baltic Sea flow through the Danish Straits towards the northern Kattegat and the North Sea (Fig. 1). Consequently, the Kattegat and the Skagerrak waters form a transitional zone between the Baltic Sea and the North Sea, with surface salinities increasing from about 8–10‰ in the southwestern Baltic Sea, to about 30‰ in the northern Kattegat, due to entrainment from the higher salinity bottom water (The Belt Project, 1981). The surface water along the Swedish west coast has a salinity of <30‰ and is dominated by Baltic Sea water (Lindahl and Hernroth, 1983). The Jutland coastal water, with salinities between 30 and 33‰, enters the Skagerrak– Kattegat during periods of relatively strong winds from the southwest (Pedersen et al., 1988) and can be traced into the southwestern Kattegat (e.g., Aarhus Bay, Lund-Hansen and Skyum, 1992; Lund-Hansen et al., 1996). As the Baltic Water flows northwards, it mixes with east-flowing Jutland coastal water at the transition between the Kattegat and the Skagerrak and turns westwards in the outer Oslo Fjord area as the Norwegian Coastal Current. The degree of mixing between different shallow water masses increases along the current direction and there is a generally increasing salinity gradient from the Kattegat and along the Skagerrak coasts of Sweden and Norway (Anon., 1997). The area is microtidal with an astronomical tidal range of 20–30 cm along the Skagerrak and about 40 cm along the Kattegat coast. This implies that the general tidal effects cause virtually no mixing of water masses and no transport of sediment (or foraminiferal tests). However, meteorological effects (surge, caused by wind and barometric pressure, 1 millibar D a change in level of 9.75 mm) generally have a stronger impact on the prevailing sea level in this area than the astronomical tide and ranges of about 1 m occur several times a year along the Norwegian Skagerrak coast (Rune Braaten, pers. commun., 1997). The general range of tides is less than 0.5 m with the marshes being developed at the upper limit. “The term (coastal) salt marsh is generally restricted to intertidal areas where the bottom (consisting of loose sedimentary material) is more or less closely covered by a low, treeless vegetation of salt-tolerant or salt-requiring, predominantly E. Alve, J.W. Murray / Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 146 (1999) 171–193 173 Fig. 1. Map of the Skagerrak–Kattegat with investigated areas shown by numbers from 1 to 27: 1 D Isefjærfjord; 2 D Kvastadkilen; 3 D Dype Holla (Lyngør); 4 D Tøkersfjord (Lyngør); 5 D Hasdalen; 6 D Kilsfjord; 7 D Tjøme; 8 D Borre; 9 D Horten; 10 D Sandebukta; 11 D Bunnefjord; 12 D Hunnebotn; 13 D Hålkedalskilen; 14 D Tjärnö; 15 D Finnsbobukten; 16 D Gullmarsvik; 17 D Hafstensfjord; 18 D Kungsbackafjord; 19 D Jonstorp; 20 D Kildehuse; 21 D Kalundborg; 22 D Vejle Fjord; 23 D Havhuse (Kalø Vig); 24 D Vosnæs Pynt (Kalø Vig); 25 D Løgstør; 26 D Valsted; 27 D Frederikshavn. Long arrows show general surface water circulation in the Skagerrak (after Svansson, 1975). JCW D Jutland Coastal Water; BW D Baltic Water; NCC D Norwegian Coastal Current. phanerogamic plants” (Fairbridge and Bourgeois, 1978). “Coastal marshes may be defined as areas, vegetated by herbs, grasses or low shrubs, bordering saline water bodies. Although such areas are exposed to the air for the majority of the time, they are subjected to periodic flooding as a result of fluctuations (tidal or non-tidal) in the level of the adjacent water body” (Adam, 1990). 174 E. Alve, J.W. Murray / Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 146 (1999) 171–193 Table 1 Details of sample localities (salinity and temperature data from the time of collection unless otherwise indicated) Area Sample numbers Salinity (‰) Temperature (ºC) Plants Sampled 0 m: 4.7–20.8 a 5 m: 7.0–19.6 a 0 m: 0.2–21.0 b 5 m: 2.6–198 b 14.2–18.0 14.0–16.5 Zostera 14 July ’94 Zostera 4 July ’94 84–89 50–53 167 42–49 164–166 34–41 152–155 171 159–161 168–170 0 m: 0.7–30.0 a 5 m: 27.7–30.5 a 0 m: 0.1–28.6 b 5 m: 25.5–32.1 b 26–29 27–30 23 24–28 0 m: 3.9–31.2 a 5 m: 24.0–32.8 a 25.5 c 19–22 28 16–20 17 16 28 22–29 d 24 20 19 156–158 54–61 74–79 66–73 62–65 141–148 136–140 27 18–19 23–25 21–23 21–25 18–20 15 9.1 21.0–27.4 22.2–30.0 21.0–22.4 19.4–21.4 22.6–23.6 18.9 129–135 119–128 113–118 107–112 17–18 10–16 19–24 16–18 24–29 e 19–20 24–29 e 25 16 31 24.5 18.5–21.5 17.2–18.7 24.5–26.6 Potamogeton, Zostera Salicornia Zostera Zostera 23 July ’94 23 July ’94 24 July ’94 21 July ’94 23.6–23.9 Zostera 21 July ’94 22.4 21.3 15.7 Cladophora 20 July ’94 20 July ’94 25 July ’94 Norway 1. Isafjærfjord 27–32 2. Kvastadkilen 14–19 3. Dype Holla, Lyngør 4. Tøkersfjord, Lyngør 5. Halsdalen 6. Kilsfjord 9–13 1–8 80–83 20–26 7. Tjøme 8. Borre 9. Horten 10. Sandebukta 11. Bunnefjord 12. Hunnebotn Sweden 13. Hålkedalskilen 14. Tjärnö 15. Finnsbobukten 16. Gullmarsvik 17. Hafstensfjord 18. Kungsbackafjord 19. Jonstorp Denmark 20. Kildehuse 21. Kalundborg 22. Vejle Fjord 23. Havhuse Kalø Vig 24. Vosnaes Pynt Kalø Vig 25. Løgstør 26. Valsted 27. Frederikshavn a Bøhle 98–106 94–97 90–93 149–151 16.1–20.5 0 m: 2.8–16.8 a 5 m: 4.3–16.0 a 1–18 c 22 20.5–24.5 22.5 21.0–24.4 11.0 4–20 d 25 10.1 21.4 Zostera Zostera Zostera Carex Zostera Phragmites, Carex Zostera Salicornia Salicornia Salicornia Zostera Potamogeton Zostera Potamogeton, Salicornia 3 July ’94 3 July ’94 25 July ’94 6 July ’94 8 Aug. ’94 19 July ’94 21 July ’96 18 July ’94 21 July ’96 18 July ’94 24 Oct. ’95 22 July ’96 25 Oct. ’95 22 July ’96 25 Oct. ’95 19 July ’94 20 July ’94 20 July ’94 20 July ’94 24 July ’94 24 July ’94 et al., 1989, 1990; b Bøhle, 1987; Bøhle et al., 1990; c Anon., 1997; d Magnusson et al., 1996; e Lund-Hansen et al., 1996. In terms of classification based on vegetation, the investigated marshes fall in the Scandinavian subgroup of the North European Group of Chapman (1977) and in the boreal type of Adam (1990). In the latter case, the examples from southern Norway and Sweden are close to the boreal=temperate boundary which lies in southern Sweden (Adam, 1990). Although marshes are known for plant zonation, there is no regular pattern found in marshes in general. The plants show spatial variation on three different scales: micro-, meso- and macroscale. In the present context, only the micro- and mesoscales are relevant. E. Alve, J.W. Murray / Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 146 (1999) 171–193 On the microscale, patchiness of individuals of a given plant species are on a scale of several centimetres. On a mesoscale, there may be zonation on a scale of tens to hundreds of metres. Apart from variables such as climate, elevation, tidal range, wave and current energy, nutrients, etc., salinity is regarded as an important control. Elsewhere, the salinity of the sediment pore water does not show any clear relationship with elevation and it varies in a complex fashion both spatially and temporally (Adam, 1990). Apart from the input of marine or brackish water from the sea, there is freshwater input from the land. The presence of Phragmites swamps has been attributed to pore water dilution by freshwater (Adam, 1990). Because of the very small tidal range, the vegetational zonation along the Skagerrak–Kattegat coast is compressed and marshes are developed in small patches (generally up to a few tens of m2 ) in sheltered bays and fjords. They have three dominant phanerogamic plants: Phragmites australis, Carex acuta, and Salicornia. In summer, the Phragmites australis are commonly 2 m tall, the Carex acuta about 50 cm and the Salicornia often not more than 10–15 cm. Each plant type may form a marsh by itself but sometimes the Carex acuta and Salicornia are mixed. At the sediment surface, between the plants shoots, there may be mats of filamentous green algae or cyanobacteria. At the landward margin there is commonly several cm of leaf litter overlying the moist sediment between the living marsh plants. In this study, 27 geographical areas along the Skagerrak–Kattegat coast were generally sampled from the upper tidal limit to a water depth of 6 m (Fig. 1, Table 1). Areas 1–12 are located in Norway, 13–19 in Sweden, and 20–27 in Denmark. During the winter, for several months most of the Skagerrak coast of Norway and the Kattegat coast of Sweden is ice-covered to a depth of about 10–30 cm. Consequently, the annual temperature range in the nearshore, shallow water is from around 0 to >20ºC, much more extreme than in the adjacent North Sea. The Kattegat coast of Denmark is less subject to freezing during the winter. Published hydrographic information on shallow water areas is scarce and that cited here generally represent data collected <1 to several km away from the actual sampling profiles. Because these shallow waters generally lack 175 tidal currents, they develop stratification during the spring (when the snow melts) and during the warmer summer months. The annual temperature range is from at least 0 to 20ºC and salinities ranged from 10 (Kalundborg) to 30‰ (Frederikshavn) at the time of sampling. The inshore waters are commonly clear, enabling meadows of seagrass to develop, and this is quite different from the open North Sea coasts. 3. Material and methods 3.1. Samples A total of 171 sediment samples (each of around 100 cm3 ) were collected (see the Online Background Dataset 1 ), but two (162, 163) were not used. The majority were collected in the month of July; the exceptions were 84–89 (Aug.) and 152–159 (Oct.). Collection was either with a small grab or, at exposed sites, simply by scraping off the oxygenated surface 1–2 cm sediment. The grab was carefully operated so that negligible loss of surface sediment took place. On removal from the water, the grab was gently opened in a bowl and the surface sediment layer was removed. All foraminiferal samples were preserved in 70% ethanol. At most stations additional samples were taken for grain size and total organic carbon (TOC) analysis. Water temperature and salinity were measured using a Salinity Temperature Bridge, type M.C.5, or a thermometer and Atago salinity refractometer. The water depths recorded are those at the time of sampling. Because of the irregular tidal pattern, it was difficult to know the exact position of average sea level in the investigated areas. However, it was clear that the water level was never very high or very low because it was always within the range of intertidal algal cover on rocks or jetties, i.e. the maximum deviation from mean sea level was in the range of about 20–30 cm at most stations. For a number of stations from water depths of less than around 0.5 m at the time of sampling, it has not been possible to be certain whether they are normally subtidal or intertidal. 1 URL: http:==www.elsevier.nl=locate=palaeo; mirror site: http:==www.elsevier.com=locate=palaeo. 176 PLATE I E. Alve, J.W. Murray / Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 146 (1999) 171–193 E. Alve, J.W. Murray / Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 146 (1999) 171–193 Since the primary aim of this study has been to investigate the environmental and biogeographic distribution of the various species, no effort was made to collect quantitative samples representing an exact sediment surface area nor to study vertical habitat partitioning between species. Fresh algal sheets were collected at Hunnebotn (next to sample 169) and Bunnefjord (next to sample 171) in order to look at in-situ living foraminifera. These were studied directly under the microscope without further preservation=processing. 3.2. Methods In the laboratory, the foraminiferal samples were washed on a 63-µm sieve (large fragments of organic material were removed on a 1-mm sieve), stained for 1 h in rose Bengal (1 g=l), and washed again to remove the surplus stain. Those samples not rich in organic matter were dried at 40ºC, and then the foraminifera were concentrated using carbon tetrachloride or tetrachloroethylene. Organic-rich samples were spread out over a large area (Lehmann and Röttger, 1997) and allowed to dry without forming a hard block. The dry material was then gently brushed off into a container. It was not necessary to float such samples in a heavy liquid. For each sample, separate assemblages of living and dead individuals were picked (ideally, at least 250 individuals in each, although some were too small to yield this number). Of the 169 samples studied, 47 yielded fewer than 50 live individuals and are marked with a star in the Online Background Dataset 2 . Species diversity was calculated for samples with >100 individuals using the Fisher alpha index (Fisher et al., 1943) and the information PLATE I SEM photographs of calcareous taxa. The scale bar is 100 µm for all except fig. 5 where it is 10 µm. # refers to sample number (area number; see text Fig. 1). 1, 2. Haynesina germanica (Ehrenberg), #94 (25). 3, 4. Cibicides lobatulus (Walker and Jacob), #12 (3). 5–7. Rosalina anomala Terquem, #9 (3). 8–10. Elphidium excavatum (Terquem), #13 (3), live. 11. Elphidium margaritaceum Cushman, #12 (3). 12, 13. Elphidium albiumbilicatum (Weiss), #94 (25). 14, 15. Elphidium oceanensis (d’Orbigny), #122 (21). 177 function H(S) (see Murray, 1991, for formula and application). Since many Reophax moniliformis tests were fragmented, only stained fragments with three or more chambers were counted. Individuals of Goesella waddensis lacking their initial chambers are impossible to distinguish from R. moniliformis so they were counted together. However, where G. waddensis could be confidently identified, its presence was noted in order to establish its distribution. Sediment grain size analysis has been carried out using standard sieving techniques, sieved on 63, 125, 250, 500, and 1000 µm meshes. TOC analyses were made using the Leco combustion method. SEM pictures of the most common calcareous species are shown in Plates I and II, whereas those of the agglutinated species are presented in Murray and Alve (1999a,b). 4. Results The species have been categorised according to their environmental distribution based on presence or absence of marsh plants, whether they are intertidal or subtidal, and salinity (Table 2). Categories 1–5 comprise euryhaline and category 6 comprises essentially stenohaline species. We use the terms intertidal and subtidal to differentiate between non-vegetated areas which are frequently exposed (intertidal), even though the exposure is not solely due to tidal cycles, and areas which are not exposed (subtidal). The category 1 species, Tiphotrocha comprimata and Balticammina pseudomacrescens, are recorded only associated with marsh plants. Category 2, Jadammina macrescens, Trochammina inflata, and Haplophragmoides wilberti, comprises species which are basically associated with marsh plants but also occur outside the marshes. The category 3 species are characteristic of non-marsh areas, but sometimes are present at the seaward edge of marshes as noted below. The seven species listed under category 4 are solely recorded in non-marsh intertidal to subtidal environments, whereas category 5 comprises the euryhaline, subtidal species 2 URL: http:==www.elsevier.nl=locate=palaeo; mirror site: http:==www.elsevier.com=locate=palaeo. 178 E. Alve, J.W. Murray / Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 146 (1999) 171–193 Table 2 Environmental and water depth distribution of principal living species (salinity measured at time of collection) Species Category Depth range (m) Makes up ½5% of ass. Makes up ½10% of ass. As dominant species Salinity range (‰) B. pseudomacrescens T. comprimata 1 IT* IT* IT* IT* IT* IT* IT* IT* 20 20–28 T. inflata J. macrescens H. wilberti 2 IT–0.5 IT–1 IT–4 IT* IT–0.3 IT–2 IT* IT IT* ND IT* IT* 10–28 10–28 10–27 3 IT–1 IT–4 IT–6 IT–5 IT–6 IT–6 IT–1 IT–2 IT–5 IT–5 IT–6 IT–6 IT IT–0.5 IT–5 IT–5 IT–4.5 IT–6 ND IT IT–3.5 IT–5 1–4.5 IT–6 16–26 15–27 10–29 10–31 15–31 15–31 E. pulchella R. moniliformis A. balkwilli E. oceanensis E. excavatum P. (L.) haynesi A. runiana 4 IT–4 IT–6 IT–5.5 IT–2 IT–6 IT–5 IT–6 IT–4 IT–5 IT–5 1–2 0.2–6 2 0.2–6 IT–4 IT–3 IT–4 1–2 0.4–6 2 2–5 IT–4 0.2–3 0.5 1–2 0.4–4.5 ND 2–2.5 15–27 15–28 15–29 15–24 15–31 18–28 16–28 O. kilianensis E. scaber A. cassis 5 1–5 2–4.5 3–6 3.5 – 3–6 – – 3–6 ND ND ND 16–27 19–28 19–22 6 IT–4 IT–5 IT–5 1–5 IT–2 IT 2 4–5 2 – – 4–5 2 ND ND 5 24–28 25–28 26–28 24–28 E. albiumbilicatum A. salsum M. fusca E. williamsoni H. germanica A. beccarii C. lobatulus E. margaritaceum R. anomala N. depressulus Ophthalmina kilianensis, Eggerelloides scaber, and Ammotium cassis, solely restricted to water depths below 1, 2, and 3 m, respectively. Category 6, Cibicides lobatulus, Elphidium margaritaceum, Rosalina anomala, and Nonion depressulus, are relatively stenohaline and are found living only at stations with >24‰ salinity at the time of sampling. 4.1. Marsh environments Six marsh areas were sampled: Borre (area 8), Horten (9), Bunnefjord (11), Hunnebotn (12), Hålkedalskilen (13), and Kalundborg (21) (Fig. 1, Online Background Dataset 3 ). With the exception of Borre and Hålkedalskilen, samples were collected from dense Phragmites australis=Carex acuta marsh 3 URL: http:==www.elsevier.nl=locate=palaeo; mirror site: http:==www.elsevier.com=locate=palaeo. with some Salicornia on the seaward side. In most instances, Phragmites australis was most abundant landward of the Carex acuta marsh. The sediment between the plants was usually covered with green filamentous algae which could be removed in sheets. The ‘marsh’ at Borre was only 1–2 m wide and there was some green algal cover between the Carex acuta but no Salicornia. At Hålkedalskilen, there were only scattered Salicornia plants with no Phragmites australis or Carex acuta. We include these localities under this heading even though they are not well-developed marshes. None of the typical marsh species of categories 1 and 2 was present at Borre. Elsewhere, J. macrescens is invariably present but the associated species differ from one area to another. Balticammina pseudomacrescens was recorded only at Hunnebotn, T. comprimata at Horten, Bunnefjord and Hunnebotn, T. inflata at all except Borre, and H. wilberti at Horten, E. Alve, J.W. Murray / Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 146 (1999) 171–193 179 Table 3 Geographical distribution of living species arranged in rank order Area Norway E. williamsoni M. fusca A. beccarii H. germanica R. moniliformis E. excavatum A. runiana A. balkwilli A. salsum J. macrescens O. kilianensis P. (L.) haynesi E. oceanensis H. wilberti E. scaber T. inflata E. albiumbilicatum E. pulchella A. cassis T. comprimata C. lobatulus E. margaritaceum N. depressulus B. pseudomacr. R. anomala a Number Sweden 1 2 3 4 5 ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð 6 7 ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð Denmark 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð No. of areas a ð ð ð 27 ð 25 ð ð ð 24 ð ð ð 24 19 ð ð ð 19 18 16 ð 14 ð ð 11 ð 9 ð 7 ð 7 7 6 5 ð 4 4 3 3 2 ð 2 2 1 1 of areas in which the species occur. Hålkedalskilen, and Kalundborg (Table 3). The category 3 species, Miliammina fusca and Elphidium williamsoni, are also present (and may even dominate) at the seaward edge of any marsh, Ammonia beccarii and Haynesina germanica occur in the ‘marsh’ at Borre, Ammotium salsum and Elphidium albiumbilicatum are present at the seaward edges of the marsh at Horten, and the former also at Hunnebotn. The number of species ranges between 3 and 8 but is generally 4–6. The Fisher alpha and H(S) species diversity values are 0.7–1.7 and 0.5–1.3, respectively. Examination of the fresh algal sheet from Hunnebotn (next to sta. 169) revealed the presence of living individuals of J. macrescens and B. pseudomacrescens clinging in random orientation to the filaments, while T. comprimata was more firmly attached by its umbilical side. Jadammina macrescens has its maximum abundances on the degraded sur- faces of decaying Carex acuta leaf debris. The same was true for the algal sheet from Bunnefjord (next to sta. 171) except that B. pseudomacrescens was not observed and the density of individuals (although not quantified) was several times higher. The sediment median diameter shows a wide range (from phi 0.2 to C4.2; very coarse sand to coarse silt; see the Online Background Dataset 4 ). The TOC values analysed in six of the fourteen marsh samples, vary from 0.4 to 14.8%. 4.2. Non-marsh intertidal and subtidal environments Samples were collected from non-marsh environments in all 27 areas and the live occurrence of the principal species are summarised in Table 2, 4 URL: http:==www.elsevier.nl=locate=palaeo; mirror site: http:==www.elsevier.com=locate=palaeo. 180 E. Alve, J.W. Murray / Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 146 (1999) 171–193 PLATE II PLATE II SEM photographs of calcareous taxa. The scale bar is 100 µm for all except for figs. 3, 5 and 11 where it is 10 µm. # refers to sample number (area number; see text Fig. 1). 1. Ammonia beccarii (Linné), #80 (5). 2, 3. Nonion depressulus (Walker and Jacob), #94 and 12 (25 and 3, respectively). 4. Ophthalmina kilianensis Rhumbler, #11 (3), live. 5. Eoeponidella pulchella (Parker), #9 (3). 6. Elphidium williamsoni Haynes, #77 (15), live, typical variety. 7. Elphidium williamsoni, #55 (14), typical variety. 8–11. Elphidium williamsoni, #23 (6), variety with fewer and shorter retral processes, all live showing etched surfaces and enlarged pores. 11. Detail of fig. 10. E. Alve, J.W. Murray / Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 146 (1999) 171–193 categories 4–6. In Table 2 a distinction is made between presence and dominance. Although category 3 and 4 species are present in both intertidal and subtidal environments, assemblages dominated by certain taxa are more restricted. Some category 3 assemblages dominated by Miliammina fusca, Ammonia beccarii, Elphidium williamsoni or category 4 Eoeponidella pulchella, occur both in the intertidal and subtidal areas. Other assemblages are confined to subtidal areas where the dominant species are either category 3 (Haynesina germanica), category 4 (Ammobaculites balkwilli, Ammoscalaria runiana, Reophax moniliformis, Elphidium excavatum, E. oceanensis), or category 6 (Cibicides lobatulus, Nonion depressulus). Most live individuals of E. williamsoni in Kilsfjorden (area 6) show clear signs of chemical etching (Plate II). Severe etching of living individuals is also common in area 2. This is only reported as an observation as it is discussed in Murray and Alve (1999b). The number of species ranges between 1 and 16 but is generally 4–9. The greater numbers, 13–16, were recorded at Lyngør and Tjøme. The Fisher alpha and H(S) species diversity values are 0.3– 181 4.0 (>2.7 only at Lyngør and Tjøme) and 0.1–1.9, respectively. The sediment median diameter is in the range phi 0.4 to C4.5 (very coarse sand–coarse silt). The TOC values vary from 0.1 to 39.1%, but the maximum values (>9%) are only found in areas 1 and 2. The relative abundance of the most commonly occurring species plotted against water depth, per cent mud (clay and silt <63 µm) in the sediments, and TOC are shown in Figs. 2–4, respectively. 4.3. Colour of the cytoplasm After staining with rose Bengal, apart from the red-stained final chamber, all E. albiumbilicatum, N. depressulus, E. margaritaceum, and the vast majority of E. williamsoni had a pale cream colour while only scattered specimens of the latter were pale green in the earlier chambers. Most A. beccarii and H. germanica were also pale cream but some individuals of the former graded into brown whereas some of the latter were light green. No particular colour was seen in E. oceanensis but E. excavatum was usually distinctly brown. Fig. 2. Depth distribution of mean relative abundances of living species. The data are averaged over 1-m water depth intervals. Marshes are treated as a separate category. Only those species with a mean value of ½20% within one or more depth intervals are included. 182 E. Alve, J.W. Murray / Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 146 (1999) 171–193 Fig. 3. Relative abundance of common species versus % mud (<63 µm) in the sediment. E. Alve, J.W. Murray / Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 146 (1999) 171–193 Fig. 4. Common species versus TOC %. Note that the single sample with 40% TOC is omitted from the diagrams. 183 184 E. Alve, J.W. Murray / Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 146 (1999) 171–193 4.4. Rarer species Living species recorded only as scattered individuals are Nodulina dentaliniformis, Psammosphaera bowmanni, Textularia truncata, Buliminella elegantissima, Cornuspira involvens, Elphidium macellum, Fissurina marginata, Gavelinopsis praegeri, Guttulina lactea, Pateoris hauerinoides, and some unidentified textulariids, trochamminids, elphidiids, Brizalina sp, Ammonia sp., and Quinqueloculina sp. They are listed as ‘other agglutinated’ and ‘other calcareous’ in the Online Background Dataset 5 . Of these, T. truncata, C. involvens, E. macellum, G. praegeri, and G. lactea are recorded only at Lyngør (areas 3, 4). 5. Discussion Marginal marine environments are very variable in terms of physico-chemical conditions because they respond to diurnal, seasonal and even longerterm changes. In a sense, the only constant attribute of marginal marine environments is their variability. As noted in Section 3.1, the majority of samples were collected in July of successive years. Consequently, there should not be any major differences caused by seasonality. 5.1. Marsh assemblages In recent years much attention has been given to using marsh foraminiferal assemblages as indices of former sea levels (e.g., Scott and Medioli, 1986; Williams, 1994; Guilbault et al., 1996). Most marshes are found in tidal regions but even in the essentially non-tidal Skagerrak–Kattegat there are small patches of Phragmites australis, Carex acuta, and Salicornia marsh developed in sheltered areas. Unlike tidal marshes, these have no regular tidal movement of water but they experience short-term fluctuations related to winds and seiches. With the exception of the small marsh at Borre and the most seaward sample at Horten, the marsh assemblages are strongly dominated by organo- and ferro-aggluti5 URL: http:==www.elsevier.nl=locate=palaeo; mirror site: http:==www.elsevier.com=locate=palaeo. nated taxa (i.e., none with a calcareous cement). The main species (J. macrescens, T. inflata, M. fusca) are cosmopolitan (summary in Murray, 1991), whereas T. comprimata and B. pseudomacrescens are reported from this area for the first time. Marsh environments have commonly been divided into high and low marshes associated with characteristic dominant species and even more refined faunal subdivisions have been used in many areas (e.g., Scott and Medioli, 1980; Williams, 1994; Ozarko et al., 1997). Due to the small tidal range and compressed nature of the vegetational zonation in the Skagerrak–Kattegat area, refined subdivisions are meaningless here. Despite this compressed zonation, the commonly recorded faunal distributional trend is clearly present with J. macrescens and M. fusca dominating the landward and seaward side of the marshes, respectively. In contrast to most larger marshes, which often show an irregular topography due to drainage creek systems, the surface of these small marshes shows a generally decreasing elevation from about 10–40 cm above mean sea level down to the essentially non-vegetated, intertidal, more or less muddy sands. The relative importance of salinity versus elevation above mean sea level for the distribution of marsh species is a matter of current debate (e.g., Scott and Medioli, 1980; Scott et al., 1990; De Rijk, 1995; De Rijk and Troelstra, 1997). In the Skagerrak– Kattegat area, the tides are too small to allow investigations about the importance of elevation. However, it is reasonable to assume that the sediment pore water is relatively more influenced by infiltration of rain water than sea water at the most elevated sites compared to the lower sites, leaving the former less saline. Balticammina pseudomacrescens has been recorded in only one area (12) and shows an increasing relative abundance towards the most elevated parts of the marsh. Additionally, B. pseudomacrescens has recently been found living associated with damp, rotting leaf litter close to the upper tidal limit in the River Cur, near Southampton, U.K (Murray and Alve, unpublished data). In the work of Scott et al. (1990) their Trochammina macrescens f. macrescens is equivalent to B. pseudomacrescens and their Trochammina macrescens f. polystoma is equivalent to J. macrescens sensu Brönnimann and Whittaker (1984) (D.B. Scott, pers. commun., 1997). E. Alve, J.W. Murray / Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 146 (1999) 171–193 Also, De Rijk (1995) previously reported B. pseudomacrescens as Trochammina macrescens type A (De Rijk and Troelstra, 1997). Balticammina pseudomacrescens should be a more low salinity species than J. macrescens (De Rijk, 1995; De Rijk and Troelstra, 1997). This fits remarkably well with the distribution of the two species in the present study area. Investigation of the fresh algal sheets and the degraded surfaces of decaying Carex acuta leaf debris revealed abundant, free living J. macrescens with maximum abundances (although not quantified) on the latter. This reflects a typical epiphytal mode of life and its high abundance on the decaying phanerogam leaf debris indicates that it probably feeds on bacteria and decay products from rotting plants, in addition to grazing on fresh algae. The majority of marsh-dwelling macro-invertebrates are either detritivores or they consume the microflora (algae, cyanobacteria, bacteria) (Adam, 1990) and the same is probably true of the foraminifera. An epiphytal life style for J. macrescens was also observed by Matera and Lee (1972) but whereas we also recorded abundant living individuals within the sediments (between the plants), they did not record it in the psammolittoral communities living in the sediments below the plants. Recently, it has been recorded living in sediments down to 30 cm below the surface (Ozarko et al., 1997). In summary, these findings imply that J. macrescens is a generalist, with both an epiphytal as well as an infaunal mode of life. However, regardless of whether it lives within or above the sediment it seems to be able to flourish only in vegetated environments. The latter also seems to hold for the other species of categories 1 and 2 (Table 2). Trochammina inflata was abundant in only two areas (11 and 21), in sediments associated with marsh plants but it was not recorded on the examined plant fragments. Morphologically, T. inflata strongly resembles Ammonia beccarii in that it has the aperture on the umbilical side, it is inflated to an extent that it can be regarded as biconvex, and it has a large interlocular space (deep umbilical cavity) which, according to Langer et al. (1989), is beneficial for locomotion. These features are in contrast to the attached, immobile, trochospiral epifaunal species (e.g., Cibicides lobatulus, Rosalina spp; see Kitazato, 1988) which are typically planoconvex. Although A. bec- 185 carii and T. inflata have been recorded in small numbers in epiphytic communities (Matera and Lee, 1972), they are most commonly found living within the sediments (e.g., Steineck and Bergstein, 1979; Langer et al., 1989; Goldstein and Harben, 1993; Ozarko et al., 1997) and none of them seems to live in symbiotic association with algae or algal chloroplasts (Knight and Mantoura, 1985). Both in culture and field studies, Langer et al. (1989) observed A. beccarii to dig itself into the sediment surface with a cork-screw movement, and the direction of the rotation corresponds to the growth direction. It is possible that this morphological similarity between the agglutinated marsh species and the calcareous, essentially intertidal species reflects adaption to the same mode of life, just in different environments. The wide range in sediment grain size and sediment TOC does not seem to have any obvious impact on the assemblage compositions in the limited number of marsh samples where these were recorded. 5.2. Non-marsh intertidal and subtidal assemblages Except for the most extremely marsh-bound species of category 1 (Table 2), there are no species solely restricted to the non-marsh intertidal environment. On the other hand, the three species of category 5 are completely restricted to and characteristic of subtidal areas. In the shallow waters of the Skagerrak–Kattegat area, there are the typical shallow water species E. williamsoni, M. fusca, and H. germanica, together with species that are known to be widely distributed onto continental shelves elsewhere, A. beccarii and E. excavatum. These are the most abundant and widely distributed species both environmentally and geographically in the study area. Elphidium excavatum is common (>10% of living assemblage) only in subtidal areas, whereas the others are common from intertidal to 5–6 m water depth. However, assemblages dominated by E. williamsoni and M. fusca are basically restricted to water depths of less than 2 m, those dominated by E. excavatum to 2–4 m, whereas A. beccarii can dominate throughout the investigated depth interval. Although present in most areas, H. germanica is dominant only in five samples, and generally more common along the Swedish and Danish coasts than along the Norwegian coast. 186 E. Alve, J.W. Murray / Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 146 (1999) 171–193 All five are well known euryhaline species (e.g., Murray, 1973, 1983), M. fusca being extremely so, as it tolerates salinities of <1–35‰, but although it is most common in hyposaline environments, no correlation has been found between its frequency distribution and salinity (De Rijk, 1995). The M. fusca biofacies (unstained samples) in the Lower Low Marsh Zone in the Fraser River Delta, British Columbia, was generally found only in areas on tidal flats where Zostera marina (eel grass) was present to stabilize the substrate (Patterson, 1990). In the Skagerrak–Kattegat it seems to live in all the environmental types investigated, including the Zostera belt, but we did not record it on the algae or Carex leaves. Ozarko et al. (1997) characterize M. fusca as being primarily epifaunal to very slightly infaunal, but it is not clear whether they actually observed it attached or clinging to objects elevated above the sediment surface or if they used the definition by Corliss (1991) of the term epifaunal (i.e., the upper 0–1 cm of the sediment). On the other hand, Wefer (1976) recorded it attached to algae where it could make up to 50% of the epiphytic assemblage. It has also been observed clinging to filamentous algae from an intertidal marsh near Southampton, England (Murray, unpublished observation). No species showed any clear linear correlation with sediment grain size distribution or TOC. However, some patterns are worthy of mention. Ammoscalaria runiana was common only in sediments with less than 20% mud, a median diameter in the medium to fine sand fraction, and low TOC values (0.2–0.7%), whereas abundant populations of E. excavatum, A. beccarii, and H. germanica lived in sediments with strongly variable TOC values and a mud content ranging from <5 to >80% (Figs. 3 and 4). Elphidium williamsoni was never common in sediments with >60% mud. Elphidium albiumbilicatum, a typical brackish water species (Lutze, 1965), occurs around the Skagerrak and in the Limfjord, Denmark, but basically only down to 1 m water depth. On the other hand, Lutze (1965) recorded it (as Cribrononion asklundi) living down to >30 m water depth in the brackish Baltic Sea, and in Drammensfjord, Norway, it lives most commonly at 7–13 m in the lower part of the brackish surface layer (Alve, 1995). This distributional pattern is a good example illustrating how hy- drographical parameters, here probably mainly salinity rather than water depth, control the distribution. This species has not been reported from the North Sea. Therefore, its southern limit of distribution is in the Kattegat–Baltic Sea. Reophax moniliformis and Elphidium oceanensis probably feed on plant debris (higher plants and green algae) and the pigments in R. moniliformis, E. williamsoni and H. germanica indicate that they live in symbiotic association with diatoms or their chloroplasts (Knight and Mantoura, 1985). On the other hand, E. oceanensis does not seem to have this symbiotic relation but they may concentrate algal carotenoids with which they frequently cover themselves and living specimens appear bright red when isolated from their environment (Knight and Mantoura, 1985). The colour of living E. williamsoni (from southern England) studied by Knight and Mantoura (1985) varied considerably, most being dark or light green, but pale cream and orange or red were also recorded and they showed that these variations correspond to real differences in pigment content. Their H. germanica varied from dark green to pale cream. In contrast, the vast majority of E. williamsoni and most H. germanica in the Skagerrak–Kattegat area are pale cream coloured. These differences possibly reflect seasonal differences in floral composition as indicated in a recently completed seasonal sampling programme of H. germanica near Southampton, southern England (Murray and Alve, unpublished data). It might be argued that the rose Bengal stain and subsequent drying of the specimens can weaken the colour appearance of the pigments but this does not seem to be the case, as bright green individuals were commonly found in our seasonal study. In an experimental study, Murray (1963) determined that the colour of the cytoplasm in Elphidium crispum was directly related to the colour of the algal food. Ammotium cassis characterizes vertically moving discontinuity layers (e.g., Lutze, 1965) which may cause organic material to be thrown into suspension and thereby cause additional food supply (Olsson, 1976). In the Baltic, Lutze (1965) found A. cassis at a depth of 17–23 m in the transition between the surface water mass (14–19‰ salinity) and the deeper water (20–24‰ salinity), while in Drammensfjord, Norway, living individuals were present only at the E. Alve, J.W. Murray / Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 146 (1999) 171–193 upper and lower border of the transitional water mass with maximum frequency at the upper border (12.8– 25.9‰ salinity, Alve, 1995). Olsson (1976) recorded peak abundances in connection with discontinuity layers at 4–5 m, 12–20 m, and 25–30 m water depth in Swedish estuaries. In the present study area, living A. cassis was recorded only subtidal (½3 m water depth) with a salinity range of 19–22‰ in the lower part of or just below the Zostera belt, and it was common in sediments with a wide range in mud and TOC content (1–83% and 0.5–4.3%, respectively). Only scattered living individuals of Eggerelloides scaber were recorded at some of the Norwegian, subtidal stations but higher abundances were found in the corresponding dead assemblages (Murray and Alve, 1999b). The apparently limited distribution is due to the fact that we collected only from shallow water (down to 6 m). Eggerelloides scaber requires at least 24‰ salinity for a longer part of the year (Lutze et al., 1983). It is otherwise a common species in these deeper subtidal areas (e.g., Conradsen, 1993; Alve, 1995). Eoeponidella pulchella seems to be an euryhaline, attached species characteristic of high-energy, intertidal to subtidal environments, as living specimens were only found in sandy sediments (<6% mud) associated with wave-exposed beaches. These findings agree with the single record by Lutze (1965) of this species (as Asterellina) in the Baltic Sea. Ophthalmina kilianensis is an epifaunal species which settles solely on algae (Wefer, 1976). In the western Baltic Sea it was typically associated with red algae where Lutze (1965, p. 94) recorded abundances of about 100 individuals per 10 cm2 plant surface. Wefer recorded only a few living individuals in the sediments and thought these to have fallen off the algae. This is probably also the case with the few individuals (max. 6% of live assemblage in Kalø Vig area) we recorded in the Skagerrak–Kattegat sediments. The nearly stenohaline species of category 6 basically live in the most open marine areas and show restricted distributions. They are: Cibicides lobatulus, Rosalina anomala, Nonion depressulus, and Elphidium margaritaceum. The former two are known to live epifaunally on substrates such as shells, hydroids, algae, bryozoans and other structures raised above the sea floor. Because of their elevated, at- 187 tached mode of life, the presence of living individuals in the sediment is relatively uncommon. Elphidium margaritaceum was recorded only in the higher salinity areas at Lyngør and Løgstør (areas 3, 25). Nonion depressulus is much less tolerant to reduced salinities than truly estuarine species (Murray, 1983) which is probably the reason why we recorded it only in the two most offshore areas on the Norwegian Skagerrak coast (areas 3, 4). Here, it was rare in the landward area (4) but actually dominated one of the samples on the island side (3) which also showed one of the highest salinity values (28‰) recorded throughout the study. The more marine character of the Lyngør areas is also reflected by the fact that the species diversities reach maximum values here and by the presence of typically marine species (see Section 4) which are not recorded in the other areas. This is also the only area with frequent Paratrochammina (Lepidoparatrochammina) haynesi which has been recorded living attached to larger objects (>1 cm) such as stones and bivalve shells on the sea floor exposed to strong tidal currents and in salinities of 32–33‰ (Murray and Alve, 1993; Alve and Murray, 1994). The species diversity of the living assemblages is low and this is consistent with other marginal marine environments (summarised in Murray, 1991). 5.3. Biogeography Living species not previously reported in the literature from the Skagerrak or Kattegat include Ammotium salsum, Balticammina pseudomacrescens, Ophthalmina kilianensis, Elphidium oceanensis, Tiphotrocha comprimata, Trochammina inflata, and Eoeponidella pulchella. However, the latter three species were recorded living by Christensen in Kalø Vig (areas 23, 24), Denmark in 1971 (K.L. Knudsen, pers. commun., 1996). All these species have now been found living as far afield as the northern part of the Skagerrak. None of the recorded living species seem to reach their overall northern or southern distribution limit within the investigated area. They are either distributed throughout the area or their distribution is limited due to their restriction to particular local environmental characteristics. Because marshes are restricted in their development, the occurrence of species which are entirely 188 E. Alve, J.W. Murray / Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 146 (1999) 171–193 associated with marsh plants, T. comprimata and B. pseudomacrescens (category 1), is also patchy (Table 2). The marsh species of category 2, T. inflata, H. wilberti, J. macrescens, are more widespread, probably because they are not just associated with the marsh vegetation proper. The most widespread species belong to categories 3 and 4, whereas those of category 5 have a more limited distribution because our records only represent the shallowest limit of their distribution. The majority of the common euryhaline species are cosmopolitan and occur widely both in the adjacent North Sea and in the Baltic (summarized in Murray, 1991). However, there is clearly a faunal boundary between the Kattegat and the Baltic Sea. The following species which occur in the Kattegat have not been reported from the Baltic: Ammobaculites balkwilli, Goesella waddensis, Haplophragmoides wilberti, Paratrochammina (Lepidoparatrochammina) haynesi, Reophax moniliformis, Elphidium oceanensis, and Haynesina germanica. In view of the intensive study of the Kiel Bay area in particular (Rhumbler, 1935, 1936; Rottgardt, 1952; Lutze, 1965, 1968, 1974; Grabert, 1971; Wefer, 1976) it seems likely that these absences are real. Some can be explained by the low salinity (P. (L.) haynesi, E. oceanensis, and possibly A. balkwilli). For others, like H. germanica, which is strongly euryhaline, the explanation is less obvious but perhaps it needs higher salinities at least during parts of the year for successful colonisation. Extreme temperature conditions may also be a limiting factor or perhaps these species have not yet succeeded in migrating into the area. Living H. germanica often has a characteristic vivid greenish colour and lives in symbiotic association with diatoms or their chloroplasts (Knight and Mantoura, 1985). In general, Baltic species live at greater water depths than is normally recorded in other areas because of the wider depth range of the brackish surface water. Consequently, the absence of H. germanica in the Baltic might be due to adverse light conditions below the permanently low salinity (<10–15‰) upper part of the surface water. Except for C. lobatulus (which also lives in subarctic=arctic areas, Hansen and Knudsen, 1995) the essentially stenohaline group are southern species reaching their northeastern limits of distri- bution although the cause of this is due largely to the brackish salinities of the area. Stenohaline species showing restricted distributions include: C. lobatulus, Nonion depressulus, R. anomala, and E. margaritaceum. They are abundantly present in Dype Holla (area 3), and they typically occur in areas with direct contact to the open Skagerrak (i.e., they are not found in the inner parts of fjords). At Dype Holla, they are also associated with normal marine species (see Section 4) which are not found living in any of the other areas. Here the sediments are shell sands and the assemblages resemble those of similar sediments in the English Channel (Sturrock and Murray, 1981, groups 1 and 3). Cibicides lobatulus was not recorded by us in the Kattegat. However, some living occurrences have previously been reported from the southern Kattegat (Conradsen, 1993) and rare individuals were attached to red algae at 20 m water depth in the western Baltic (Lutze, 1965). This implies that even though its main distribution is in normal marine areas, minor populations may enter estuarine environments where there are suitable weed substrates. Nonion depressulus, R. anomala, and E. margaritaceum have not been reported from the Baltic. Cushman (1920) and Phleger and Walton (1950) considered Ammotium cassis to be an arctic species. According to Wefer (1976) it reproduces when the temperature is <3ºC. Because Rhumbler (1935, 1936) did not record it in the Baltic Sea and Rottgardt (1952) found only a few individuals, Lutze (1965) considered it to be a recent introduction into the Baltic. Olsson (1976) noted that this species was not recorded either by Christiansen (1958) in the Oslo Fjord or by Höglund (1947) in the Gullmar Fjord. However, only a few years after Christiansen’s investigation, Risdal (1964) recorded it as a dominant species at two shallow stations (3 and 4 m water depth) in the Oslo Fjord. Thus, the idea of it being a new introduction might apply for the Baltic, whereas no conclusion can be drawn concerning the fjordic areas of the Skagerrak and Kattegat. Not surprisingly, there seems to be a delay between naming a species and determining its distribution. This applies both to A. balkwilli and to B. pseudomacrescens. Ellison and Murray (1987) noted that at that time A. balkwilli was known only from the type locality (Dovey estuary, Wales, 1973) and E. Alve, J.W. Murray / Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 146 (1999) 171–193 the Santoña estuary (N. Spain). However, living individuals had also been recorded at various localities in the Oslo Fjord (as A. agglutinans by Risdal, 1964; Alve and Nagy, 1986). Now it is also known from southern England (Alve and Murray, 1994) and living specimens have been recorded in 16 of the 27 areas studied in the present investigation. Balticammina pseudomacrescens was described from, and thought to be endemic to, the Baltic Sea (Brönnimann et al., 1989) but has recently been recorded in high marshes in the Americas (see Section 5.1) and it is abundant at one of our localities (area 12) in the Oslo Fjord. Additionally, we have now found it associated with rotting leaves in the highest part of a Phragmites marsh in the River Cur, southern England (Murray and Alve, unpublished data). It is very significant that it is found in the most landward= terrestrial parts of the intertidal zone and thus defines the uppermost limit of the influence of marine water. In summary, the Skagerrak–Kattegat coastline does not show any marked biogeographic boundaries. The fact that some species are found in more areas than others, is due to local environmental differences, e.g. presence=absence of a marsh, varying degrees of wave action, etc. This implies that the most widely distributed species are those best adapted to the most commonly occurring environment, which along the temperate Skagerrak–Kattegat shore line is sand with a strongly variable mud content, usually partly covered by seagrasses and=or Fucus attached to cobbles and large shells. There is, however, a faunal boundary between the Kattegat and the brackish Baltic Sea as 10 of the 25 species which are commonly living in the former area have not been reported from the Baltic. 6. Summary and conclusions Analyses of living (stained) benthic foraminifera collected from a range of different shallow water environments (marsh to 6 m water depth) in 27 areas along the Skagerrak–Kattegat coast have given a detailed distribution pattern of the 25 most common species (13 agglutinated; 12 calcareous). The foraminiferal assemblage data are based on 169 sediment surface samples and some additional fresh samples of marsh and subtidal plant material which 189 were also analysed. The salinity and temperature were in the ranges 10–31‰ and 9–30ºC at the time of sampling (July, August, October) but the temperature gets down to freezing during the winter. The sediment grain size and total organic carbon (TOC) content are extremely variable. The species have been divided into six environmental categories based on presence or absence of marsh plants, whether they are intertidal or subtidal, and salinity. Categories 1–5 comprise euryhaline and category 6 comprises essentially stenohaline species. The marsh vegetational zonation is compressed, due to the small tidal range (<40 cm), but the species still show a general distributional trend with Jadammina macrescens and Miliammina fusca dominating the landward and seaward sides, respectively. Balticammina pseudomacrescens is reported both from this area and from England for the first time. It tolerates even lower salinities than J. macrescens sensu Brönnimann and Whittaker (1984) and is found in the most landward=terrestrial parts of the intertidal zone. Living M. fusca and Elphidium williamsoni were recorded in all the investigated environments from marsh, through non-vegetated intertidal, to subtidal areas in both sheltered, inner fjordic, and open coastal settings, reflecting their wide environmental tolerance. The same distributional pattern was recorded for Ammonia beccarii and Haynesina germanica, except that they were not found in the typical marsh environments. Elphidium excavatum is common only in subtidal areas although it is present in low abundance in the intertidal zone. The environmental data for the marsh samples show very variable values and they are too few to draw any firm conclusions about their significance for the species distribution. None of the intertidal– subtidal species showed any clear linear correlation with sediment grain size or TOC. However, Ammoscalaria runiana was common only in medium to fine sand sediments of low TOC. On the other hand, E. excavatum, A. beccarii, and H. germanica lived abundantly in a wide range of sediment types with median values from coarse silt to very coarse sand, and a variable TOC content, and showed the greatest tolerance to substrate variability. The number of living species at each station was generally less than 9 but higher values of 13–16 were 190 E. Alve, J.W. Murray / Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 146 (1999) 171–193 recorded in the most open marine environments, particularly at Lyngør, where normal marine species, not present in the other areas, were found. The species diversity values are low (Fisher alpha 0.3– 2.7, except for values of 2.7–4.0 at Lyngør, and H(S) 0.1–1.9). The recorded distribution of shallow water species along the Skagerrak–Kattegat coast has been extensively widened and the results show that there are no marked biogeographic boundaries within the area. However, several species, particularly those of categories 1, 5, and 6, show restricted distributions due to local environmental conditions or simply to limited sampling in particular environments. The following species which live in the Skagerrak–Kattegat area have not been reported from the brackish Baltic Sea: Ammobaculites balkwilli, Goesella waddensis, Haplophragmoides wilberti, Reophax moniliformis, Haynesina germanica, Paratrochammina (Lepidoparatrochammina) haynesi, Elphidium oceanensis, Nonion depressulus, Rosalina anomala, and Elphidium margaritaceum. The latter six are probably restricted by the low salinity waters. It is very significant that B. pseudomacrescens is found in the most landward= terrestrial parts of the intertidal zone and thus defines the uppermost limit of the influence of marine water. Ammotium cassis, Ophthalmina kilianensis, and Elphidium albiumbilicatum have not been recorded from the North Sea proper implying that the Kattegat might be their southern limit. Acknowledgements We are pleased to acknowledge the Natural Environment Research Council for grant GR9=1591’A’ and the Industrial Liaison fund (Oslo University) for financial support. We are grateful to Pål Glad for help with sampling in Norway, to Eva Larsen, Siggurd Gausdal, Arne M. Svendsen, Bent Åsnes, Trond Smith, John Ingebrigtsen, and Tjärnö Marinbiologiska Laboratorium for kindly letting us use their boats, to Inger-Ann Hansen for performing the TOC analyses, and to Daphne Woods for doing the grain size analyses. Karen Luise Knudsen, Marit-Solveig Seidenkrantz, Sacha DeRijk, and John E. Whittaker are kindly thanked for taxonomic help, and Leif Ryvarden for advice on the marsh plants.The manuscript was reviewed by Karen Luise Knudsen and Sacha De Rijk and by referees Bill Berggren, Jean-Pierre Debenay and Ron Martin; we kindly thank them all for their comments. Appendix A. Comments on taxonomy Ammonia beccarii is a group represented by several variants (e.g., Schnitker, 1974; Chang and Kaesler, 1974) and in the study area, tepida is the principal one. Typical individuals of batavus are present only in the dead assemblages of area 3. On the other hand, there are numerous individuals throughout the area which show some of the characteristics of both. Consequently, we have not distinguished between them. The Elphidium excavatum group comprises several forms (see for example Feyling-Hanssen, 1972; Poag et al., 1980; Miller et al., 1982), but in the present study the individuals seem transitional so we have not used form names. Most specimens of Elphidium williamsoni have unusually short retral processes (Plate II, figs. 8–1) compared with what is normally found in this species (Plate II, figs. 5 and 6). Appendix B. Faunal reference list Generic names are in accordance with Loeblich and Tappan (1987) with the exception of Pateoris which is retained because of common usage. Ammobaculites balkwilli Haynes, 1973 Ammoscalaria runiana (Heron-Allen and Earland) D Haplophragmium runianum Heron-Allen and Earland, 1916 Ammotium cassis (Parker) D Lituola cassis Parker, 1870 Ammotium salsum (Cushman and Brönnimann) D Ammobaculites salsus Cushman and Brönnimann, 1948 Balticammina pseudomacrescens Brönnimann, Lutze and Whittaker, 1989 Eggerelloides scaber (Williamson) D Bulimina scabra Williamson, 1858 Goesella waddensis van Voorthuysen, 1960 Haplophragmoides wilberti Anderson, 1953 Jadammina macrescens (Brady) D Trochammina inflata (Montagu) var. macrescens Brady, 1870 Miliammina fusca (Brady) D Quinqueloculina fusca Brady, 1870 Nodulina dentaliniformis (Brady) D Reophax dentaliniformis Brady, 1884 Paratrochammina (Lepidoparatrochammina) haynesi (Atkinson) D Trochammina haynesi Atkinson, 1969 Psammosphaera bowmani Heron-Allen and Earland, 1912 Reophax moniliformis Siddall D Reophax moniliforme Siddall, 1886 Textularia truncata Höglund, 1947 Tiphotrocha comprimata (Cushman and Brönnimann) D Trochammina comprimata Cushman and Brönnimann, 1948 E. Alve, J.W. Murray / Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 146 (1999) 171–193 Trochammina inflata (Montagu) D Nautilus inflatus Montagu, 1808 Ammonia beccarii (Linné) D Nautilus beccarii Linné, 1758 Buliminella elegantissima (d’Orbigny) D Bulimina elegantissima d’Orbigny, 1839 Cibicides lobatulus (Walker and Jacob) D Nautilus lobatulus Walker and Jacob, 1798 Cornuspira involvens (Reuss) D Operculina involvens Reuss, 1850 Elphidium albiumbilicatum (Weiss) D Nonion pauciloculum Cushman, subsp. albiumbilicatum Weiss, 1954 Elphidium excavatum (Terquem) D Polystomella excavata Terquem, 1875 Elphidium macellum (Fichtel and Moll) D Nautilus macellus Fichtel and Moll, 1798 Elphidium margaritaceum Cushman, 1930 Elphidium oceanensis (d’Orbigny) D Polystomella oceanensis d’Orbigny, 1826 Elphidium williamsoni Haynes, 1973 Eoeponidella pulchella (Parker) D Pninaella? pulchella Parker, 1952 Fissurina marginata (Montagu) D Vermiculum marginatum Montagu, 1803 Gavelinopsis praegeri (Heron-Allen and Earland) D Discorbina praegeri Heron-Allen and Earland, 1913 Guttulina lactea (Walker and Jacob) D Serpula lactea Walker and Jacob, 1798 Haynesina germanica (Ehrenberg) D Nonionina germanica Ehrenberg, 1840 Nonion depressulus (Walker and Jacob) D Nautilus depressulus Walker and Jacob, 1798 Ophthalmina kilianensis Rhumbler, 1936 Pateoris hauerinoides (Rhumbler) D Quinqueloculina subrotunda (Montagu) forma hauerinoides Rhumbler, 1936 Planorbulina mediterranensis d’Orbigny, 1826 Rosalina anomala Terquem, 1875 References Adam, P., 1990. 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