ELSEVIER Marine Micropaleontology 25 ( 1995) 269-288 Benthic foraminiferal distribution and abundance changes in Skagerrak surface sediments: 1937 (Hiiglund) and 1992/ 1993 data compared E. Alve ‘, J.W. Murray b “ Department c$Geology, University of Oslo. P.O. Box 1047 Blindern, N-0316 Oslo, Norway h Department ofGeology,Southampton Oceanography Centre. European Way, Southampton SO14 3ZH, UK Received 20 June 1994; accepted 16 March 1995 Abstract Both living (stained) and dead (unstained) foraminiferal assemblages from surface sediments (O-2 cm) in the northwestern part of the Skagerrak have been studied in order to (1) define and characterize the distribution of various modern benthic environments and (2) by comparing these findings with surface samples collected 40-60 years ago, to document possible fauna1 changes that might have occurred. The investigated area is physiographically divided into the Norwegian slope, the Skagerrak Basin, and the Danish slope. The latter is under the influence of the Jutland Current, while the basin and the investigated parts of the Norwegian slope are bathed in Atlantic water. All areas have bottom waters with a high oxygen concentration. Three living (stained) and three dead (unstained) assemblages occupy the three physiographic areas. Only one assemblage (on the Norwegian slope) is common to both the living and dead assemblages but the boundaries between them lie at comparable depths. The higher standing crops are found on the fertile Danish slope while the lower ones are in the deep basin where the diversity is at a maximum. In the dead assemblages, the relative abundance of agglutinated tests increases with depth. Comparison with data collected 40 to 60 years ago shows increases in absolute numbers of tests, especially in the deep basin. There are changes in assemblage compositions in all areas. The dominant species found in 1937 are different from those of 1992/ 1993. There is a major change in the basin where one agglutinated species has changed its depth distribution downslope and two present day abundant species are new arrivals. These fauna1 events are probably linked to environmental changes. 1. Introduction Since 1991 the Norwegian Geological Survey has been carrying out a marine geological investigation of the Norwegian sector of the Skagerrak. As part of this a study of surface sediments (O-2 cm) is being undertaken. We report here the lirst detailed analysis of recent foraminiferal distributions and dynamics in the northwestern part of the Skagerrak. Although there are several publications which consider the recent foraminifera of the Skagerrak and adja0377-8398/95/$09.50 0 1995 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved SSDIO377-8398(95)00026-7 cent areas (Van Weering and Qvale, 1983; Corliss and Van Weering, 1993; Moodley et al., 1993; Conradsen et al., 1994), the classic work is that of Hoglund (1947). In 1937 he collected core samples from the Skagerrak and 9 of his stations were within the present study area. Except for one station, his quantitative data have never been published but they have been made available to us, by courtesy of T. Cedhagen. This has enabled us to make a study of long term changes in surface sediment foraminiferal faunas of this shelf basin. During the five decades between Hoglund’s 270 E. Ah, J. W. Murray/Marine Micrr,paleontoloXy 1937 sampling and ours from 199211993, there have been progressive environmental changes due to the input of nutrients and other pollutants from man-made sources quite apart from any natural alterations in hydrography which may have occurred. Assessment of such long term fauna1 changes is important both from geological and from environmental management viewpoints. These data also represent a baseline for monitoring effects of future oil exploration or other anthropogenic alterations to the environment. 2. Description of the environment The Skagerrak forms the eastern continuation of the North Sea and has an open connection with the Baltic through the Kattegat (Fig. 1). The water depth increases gradually from the shoreline towards the Skagerrak Basin (maximum depth 700 m, Fig. 2) which is separated from the rest of the North Sea by a sill at about 270 m water depth. This is the deepest of those forming the Norwegian Channel and represents a continuation of the Oslo Rift Zone. The surface water circulation is anticlockwise. Coastal surface water from the southern North Sea, which has received the outflows from the major European rivers (North Sea Task Force, 1993)) flows, as the Jutland Current, northeastwards into the Skagerrak, along the western and northern coast of Denmark. As it turns northwards in the eastern Skagerrak, it mixes with surface water flowing out from the Baltic Sea and flows westwards along the Norwegian coast as the Norwegian Coastal Current (Svansson, 1975; Larsson and Rodhe, 1979). The deeper part of the basin is occupied by a stable water mass derived from the Atlantic. This water enters the North Sea between the Orkney and Shetland Islands and some of it flows episodically into the deeper ( > 200 m) Skagerrak Basin via the Norwegian Channel (Ljoen, 198 1) . The Atlantic Water in the Skagerrak has salinities of > 35%~ the temperature is generally between 6.0 and 65°C with occasional values below 5.O”C (Mork et al., 1976; Larsson and Rodhe, 1979) and it is well oxygenated ( > 87% saturation in our investigation area, Svansson, 1975; Bakker and Helder, 1993). Recent investigations have shown that deep water renewal in the Skagerrak Basin below sill depth (350 m) occurs every 1-3 years with an average residence time of 25 months, a mean oxygen depletion rate 25 (1995) 269-288 of 0.04 ml 0,/l per month at 600 m water depth but with no significant long term variation since 1947 ( Aure and Dahl, 1994). However, a minimum concentration of 4.8 ml 0,/l was recorded in September 1990 (the lowest since 1950) due to a prolonged residence time (40 months) between 1987 and 1991 caused by unusually high temperature regimes in the North Sea in the late 1980s (Aure and Dahl, 1994). The Skagerrak is the major depository of hnegrained sediments in the North Sea (e.g. Van Weering et al., 1987) with about 70% finer than 63 pm (Eisma and Kalf, 1987). These sediments are derived from the southern North Sea and transported, in suspension, along the Danish coast by the Jutland Current (Eisma, 198 1; Qvale and Van Weering, 1985). A major depositional area is found north of Skagen (northern tip of Denmark) and between Skagen and the Swedish west coast (Qvale and Van Weering, 1985). Additionally, substantial amounts of sediments are deposited in the basin below the low-velocity currents in the central Skagerrak vortex (Eisma and Kalf, 1987). The organic carbon, most of which is refractory, is associated with the clay and silt fractions; the lower values are in the shallower, well-sorted sands ( < 0.5%) and higher values ( > 3%) in the moderately-sorted silts in the deeper parts of the area where the sedimentation rate is lowest, about 0.1 cm/year (Van Weering and Qvale, 1983; Van Weering et al., 1987). Bottom current velocities in the deeper parts of the Skagerrak are generally low ( < 10 cm/s) in contrast to the variable, but signihcantly higher (sometimes > 30 cm/s), values at depths < 100 m (Larsson and Rodhe, 1979). The Skagerrak receives about 2.5 million tonnes of total nitrogen per year from the central North Sea and the Atlantic current. It is not clear whether part of this is of anthropogenic origin. However, it has been estimated that > 800,000 tonnes of anthropogenic total nitrogen is introduced to the Skagerrak from the Jutland Current and the Baltic, through atmospheric precipitation, and through riverine inputs and direct discharges from Denmark, Sweden, and Norway. Anthropogenic inputs of phosphorus from the same sources is estimated to be about 67,000 tonnes per year (North Sea Task Force, 1993). 3. Previous foraminiferal studies The classic taxonomic work on Skagerrak foraminifera is that of Hoglund ( 1947). Additional useful E. Abe, J. W. Murruy /Marine Micropaleontology 25 (I 995) 269-288 8’00 8’60 271 1 o;oo 1 odoo 12”OO Fig. 1. General water circulation in the Skagenak (after Svansson, 1975). Inset map (after Eisma and Kalf, 1987) shows the the Skagerrak (Sk) in relation to the North Sea and Norwegian Channel (N.Ch.). Continuous arrows = surface water circulation; broken arrows = deep water circulation. taxonomic studies are those of Feyling-Hanssen (1964) and Feyling-Hanssen et al. (1971). Also, Gabel ( 197 1) gave line drawings of many of the taxa. The commonly occurring bolivinid identified as Bolivim cf. robusta in the older literature was named B. skugerrukensis by Qvale and Nigam ( 1985). According to modern generic usage (Loeblich and Tappan, 1987)) this species should be referred to Brizalina. Previous distribution studies have generally been based on widely spaced samples collected by various methods (grabs, cores, etc.), some stained to distinguish living from dead (e.g. Corliss and Van Weering, 1993) others not stained so only total data were recorded (Lange, 1956; Jarke, 1961; Gabel, 197 1; Van Weering and Qvale, 1983)) and processed on sieves of varying mesh size (63-150 pm). The earliest study is that of Hoglund ( 1947) but quantitative distributional information was provided for only one station. Some of his data were used by QvaIe et al. (1984) in a comparative study of fjords. Lange ( 1956) studied the total assemblages ( > 63 pm) of 12 surface samples and 4 gravity cores from the Skagerrak and Kattegat. Only 3 of the samples (collected in 1949 and 1951) were from within the 212 E. Alve, J. W. Murray /Marine 8’bO Micropaleontology 9*bo 25 (I 995) 269-288 lo:00 Fig. 2. Bathymetric map (contour interval 200 m) of investigation area showing the location of samples collected in 1992/ 1993 (this study) and samplescollected by Hiiglund in 1937 and Lange in 1946/ 1951 discussed here (Fig. 2, Danish slope). Station 24 (196 m) was dominated by Cassidulina laevigata, Anomalina baltica ( = Hyalinea balthica) and Elphidium incertum which made up 24, 14, and lo%, respectively. Station 26 (422 m) was dominated by Boliuina cf. robusta ( =Brizalina skagerrakensis) making up 44% with subsidiary C. laeuigata and Uuigerina peregrina, each 11%. The upper 3.3 m of core M5a was also dominated by B. skagerrakensis. Two surface sediment samples from the general area of the Skagerrak were included by both Jarke (1961) and Gabel ( 1971) in their studies of the North Sea. One sample had the dominant species Stainforthiafusiformis, (as Bulimina), Bulimina marginata, and Hyalinea balthica (as Anomalina) and the other had Brizalina skagerrakensis (as Bolivina spathulata) in the > 63 pm fraction. Van Weering and Qvale ( 1983) area using the > 125 pm fraction found a Bolivina robusta ( = B. skagerrakensis) total assemblage in the deeper basin and a Cassidulina laevigata total assemblage on its southern slope. The absence of S. fusiformis from their results is no doubt due to the relatively coarse sieve size used. Conradsen et al. ( 1994) have reviewed some of the data on distributions in the Skagerrak and Kattegat areas. The depth distribution of stained foraminifera ( > 1.50 pm) in the sediment has been investigated in 2 cores from within our study area (Corliss and Van Weering, 1993). Core 13 (621 m) yielded few stained forms. Core 4 (530 m) had 56% of the stained forms in the top 2 cm of sediment with a B.skagerrakensis assemblage in both the O-2 cm and 2-20 cm intervals. Variations in abundance patterns based on core data have been discussed by Moodley et al. (1993). A comparison between original dead E. Alve, J. W. Murray /Marine assemblages and experimentally produced agglutinated assemblages (derived by acid treatment) has been made by Alve and Murray ( 1995). 4. Material and methods The present study is based on surface sediment samples (top 2 cm of short gravity cores). Thirteen were collected by the Norwegian Geological Survey (NGU) in July 1992 [University of Bergen (UiB) cruise no. 92051 and eighteen by E.A. in July 1993 (UiB cruise no. 9307) (Fig. 2; Table 1) . At eight of the 1993 stations, 250 ml of water from just above the sedimentTable 1 Details of samples collected in 1992/ 1993 Station no. Latitude (“N) Longitude Yeur 1992 48 10 21 18 49 28 SO 32 40 44 51 52 53 (“E) Depth (m) 58O24.41’ 58O52.45’ 58’40.52’ 58O44.40’ 58O20.36’ 58”36.62’ 58O16.94’ Y~S”28.84’ SS”21.31’ 58O17.66’ 58O13.33’ 58OO9.87’ 58OO6.44’ 09”01.57’ 09O50.52’ 09O43.76’ 09O50.95 ’ 09”09.63’ 09”36.58’ 09O16.67’ 09O37.60’ 09O37.52’ 09”30.68’ 09O23.99’ 09”3 1.08 ’ 09”39.64’ 283 349 377 393 394 556 558 594 647 662 666 598 431 58O16.30’ 58”19.95’ 58”12.01’ 58OO8.70’ 58O12.61’ 58”16.56’ 58”08.65’ 58W.69’ 58”01.39’ 58OO8.98’ .58”12.64’ 58OO9.28’ 58OO5.66’ 58OO1.59’ 57O57.76’ 58OO2.06’ 57”58.21’ 5lO59.3 1’ 57Y5.86’ 08’48.86’ 08O55.37’ 08’42.35’ Og”34.75’ 08Y6.73’ 09”03.04’ 08O49.99’ 08O43.19’ 08O49.99’ 09W.65’ 09”10.84 09O17.39’ 09”10.81’ 09v4.15 08O57.42’ OY17.95 09”11.13’ OY23.87’ 09”16.11 285 298 304 310 399 404 427 473 595 640 651 652 626 581 534 514 483 359 266 Year 1993 60 59 71 12 61 58 70 73 14 62 51 S6 63 68 75 64 67 65 66 Micropaleontology 25 (1995) 269-288 213 water interface (O-15 cm) in the core liner was transferred to glass bottles for determination of the dissolved oxygen concentrations by the standard Winkler titration method (performed by the Institute of Marine Research, Bergen, Norway). The 1992 cores were stored in a cold room (7” 10°C) until they were opened and subsampled in September 1992. The 13 subsamples were transferred to cylindrical containers and gently mixed with 70% ethanol. After about 24 hours, the sample volumes were determined by measuring the height and diameter of the sediment in the containers. The samples were processed by washing them on a 63 pm sieve and staining the residues with rose Bengal for about one hour before they were washed again on the same sieve and dried at 50°C. At least 250 dead and all stained individuals were picked from these samples. However, the volumes of most of the 1992 samples were too small (only subsamples of 7.5-15.1 cm were available) to give statistically significant numbers of stained individuals. Therefore, the stained data from the 1992 samples will, in the following, only be used with caution to supplement the stained data from the 1993 samples. All samples were dry-picked with a moistened brush and there was no difficulty in recognising stained agglutinated individuals. However, when, in some cases, there was reason to question the presence of stain, particularly in Haplophragmoides bradyi, the specimens were completely soaked in water. The subsampling of the 1993 samples were performed as follows: Most of the water overlying the sediment in the core liner was carefully siphoned off slowly. The sediment was gently pushed up through the core liner and the last few millimetres of water was carefully removed with a pipette and transferred to the sample container. The surface 2 cm was then sectioned off, put into the same container, and gently mixed with 70% ethanol. As two different core liners were used, 15 samples had a volume of 39.25 cm3, whereas the remaining 3 had volumes of 51.0 cm”. After return to the laboratory, the samples were processed and analysed in the same way as described for the 1992 samples. At least 250 stained and 250 unstained individuals were picked from each of the 1993 samples. Fragments of tubular and branching forms were treated as a separate category and are not included in the calculations (for discussion, see Murray and Alve, E. Ah, 274 J. W. Murray /Marine Micropaleontology 25 (1995) 269-288 5. Results 1994). All species mentioned in the text are given in the fauna1 reference list. Two measures ofdiversity have been used: the alphaindex of Fisher et al. (1943), which is an indicator of species richness, relating the number of species to the number of individuals, and, the information function, H(S), which is a measure of heterogeneity taking into account the evenness of the species abundances (Murray, 1991). Varimax factor analysis was carried out on species making up >5% of the assemblages in at least two samples, using the Q-mode factor analysis program CABFAC (Imbrie and Kipp, 197 1; Klovan and Imbrie, 1971). A visual evaluation of the relative content of organic detritus of the > 63 pm fraction was performed on the wet 1993 samples during processing and recorded on a scale from 1 to 4 (from little to abundant). 5.1. Organic matter and oxygen Analyses of the total organic carbon (TOC) content of the surface sediments (O-2 cm) were performed on replicate cores from the 1993 stations by the Norwegian Geological Survey and their data have been placed to our disposal. The TOC content is relatively constant (2.1-2.3 wt.%) except in the sandy sample (67) from the Danish slope ( 1.1%) (Fig. 3). The distribution of the TOC values is in accordance with earlier findings (Van Weering and Qvale, 1983; Anton et al., 1993; Bakker and Helder, 1993). However, the visual examination of the wet samples revealed that there are major differences in the amount of fragile, delicate, fluffy, easily oxidized, organic detritus in the > 63 hum fraction. The sediments from the Skagerrak Basin con- NW SE 120 n - loo- 4 Stained / cm3 -3,s TOC (%) -3 80; .-? s * -2,5 ‘;; 5 * 8 l- 60- -1,5 40- -1 20- ‘)A” 60 59 71 72 61 58 70 73 74 62 57 63.68 75’ 64’ 67’ 65’ Skagerrak Basin 1 Danish slope 66’ E 300 z h 400 $2 500 2 600 700 Norwegian slope I Fig. 3. Upper diagram: numerical density of stained foraminifera and TOC (both 1993 data). Figures on abscisa refer to sample numbers. Lower diagram: projection of stations onto a NW-SE profile through the investigation area. Figures in circles reflect the relative content in organic detritus ( > 63 pm) on a scale from 1 to 4 (from little to abundant). E. Alve, J. W. Murray/Marine Micropaleontology 25 (1995) 269-288 27s Table 2 Percent abundance of important Sample no. Depth (m) species (see text) and calculated fauna1 parameters of living (stained) assemblages. 1993 data 60 285 59 298 71 304 72 310 61 399 58 404 70 427 73 473 74 594 62 640 57 651 63 626 68 581 75 534 64 514 67 483 65 66 35’3 266 2 2 4 3 3 10 2 5 0 4 I 2 2 2 I 2 0 1993, stained (%) Cassidulina iueuijiafu Eggerelloides me&us Glohohulimina Epistominella auriculutu clitreu 2 125310360311635006 12 40 II 13 4 4 I1 3 I 0 I 0 0 I I 0 70 12 0 I 1 0 9 6 2 5 II 12 8 16 16 13 12 1 0 0 0 0 5 2 0 1 3 3 IO 2 2 4 4 0 6 0 0 0 I 0 4 0 21 7 10 II 14 9 7 16 16 19 19 0 0 0 Lrehusellu goesi 5 0 5 22 4 5 I 0 I 0 8 0 6 2 I1 5 I I I 5 2 0 0 0 Noniorzellu irideu 3 I 1 2 7 0 3 I1 16 21 0 4 3 0 3 0 17 9 0 5 10 4 2 Melonis barleeunum 6 11 9 I 0 1 Pullenia bullodes 0040113 10 3 7 21 5 2 4 4 0 0 0 Haplophragmoides bra&i Huplophragnroides memhrunuceum I P ulleniu od0ensi.s 17 4 30 8 15 16 12 I 2 0 4 5 3 10 8 2 2 I Reophax micuceu 17 I 6 25 6 9 8 9 2 4 6 0 I I 1 I 2 17 Stainforthiafusiformis 13 32 3 3 4 17 5 10 3 13 2 4 3 7 5 86 6 19 Te.xtulariu tenuissimu 15 5 4 10 4 11 15 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 I 2 5 26 251 No. counted No. species % agglutinated Alpha index H(S) Stained/cm’ Stained agglutinated/cm’ 272 275 235 261 269 247 259 282 235 268 322 244 257 259 339 324 281 25 22 28 20 34 24 28 35 42 39 40 42 46 40 46 16 19 42 6.5 2.4 21 9 11 5.5 1.9 7 1 35 8 2.6 33 11 64 5 2.2 34 22 39 10.5 2.8 9 4 33 6.5 2.6 5 2 52 8 2.8 16 8 42 11 3.0 22 9 38 14 2.9 6 2 29 13 3.0 I1 3 30 12 2.9 16 5 40 14 3.1 8 3 51 17 3.1 15 8 32 13.5 2.9 13 4 42 14.5 3.0 35 15 6 17 3.5 4.5 0.8 1.3 120 48 7 8 tained little of this organic detritus compared with the samples from the shallower areas on the Norwegian and Danish slopes. Sample 67 (Danish slope), contained so much >63 pm organic detritus that it was difficult to pick out the foraminifera. The oxygen results from the 1993 cruise revealed well-oxygenated bottom water conditions for all 8 investigated stations (6.3-6.6 ml 02/1). 5.2. Standing crop and number of tests The standing crop is variable and ranges between 5 and 120 per cm3, indicating patchiness in the distribution of the living individuals (Table 2). However, there is a pronounced pattern with intermediate values (average 18 per cm3, n = 8) on the Norwegian slope, generally low values in the Skagerrak Basin (average 11 per cm3, n = 5)) and maximum values on the Danish slope (average 63 per cm3, n = 5) (Fig. 3). These high values are found in the area of maximum abundance of delicate organic detritus in the > 63 pm fraction (encircled values in lower diagram, Fig. 3). 35 56 11 2.4 98 55 The number of empty tests in the 1993 samples varies from 18-1007 per cm3 and generally follows the abundance patterns of the stained (linear correlation; r = 0.72, n = 18). The average values are higher; 94, 132, and 355 for the Norwegian slope, the Skagerrak Basin and the Danish slope, respectively (Table 3). The 1992 samples generally follow the same pattern with average empty test values of about lOO/cm” for the Norwegian slope and basin and a maximum value of 236/cm” on the Danish slope (Table 4). Only scattered juvenile individuals of planktic foraminifera were present (O-6 per 250 dead benthic individuals). 5.3. Distribution of species > 10% In order to emphasise the distribution patterns of the most abundant species, this section highlights the distribution of those species which comprise > 10% of the assemblage in at least one sample. The only species with frequent stained individuals at all water depths is E. Alve, J. W. Murray /Marine Micropaleontology 25 (I 995) 269-288 276 Table 3 Percent abundance of key species and calculated fauna1 parameters of dead assemblages, 1993 data 70 421 73 473 74 594 62 640 Sample no. Depth (m) 60 285 59 298 7b 304 72 310 61 399 58 404 1993, dead (%) Brizalina skagerrakensis 4 I 3 3 8 5 8 22 21 3 Cassidulina laevigata Eggerelloides medius Elphidium spp. Epistominella oitrea Haplophragmoides bradyi 10 3 5 4 3 15 2 2 3 0 8 3 3 3 1 12 5 4 2 0 11 10 2 1 6 5 4 1 2 2 6 9 0 4 4 10 13 0 0 7 6 10 2 2 17 7 11 2 3 11 Nonionella iridea Pullenia bulloides Pullenia osloensis Reophar micacea Saccammina spp. Stainforthia fusiformis Textularia tenuissima Trochamminopsispusillus 1363326408 003003117691111000 19 26 25 19 538334421022122001 0 0 0 0 12 4 8 15 20 18 15 21 0 0 0 0 21 12 15 15 0 0 1 4 8 6 0 2 19 11 1 5 3 11 2 4 3 0 2 8 2 0 4 7 9 0 8 No. counted No. species % agglutinated Alpha-index H(S) Dead/cm’ Dead agglutinated/cm3 212 35 36 10.5 2.7 88 31 262 33 35 10 2.8 45 16 256 48 30 18 3.1 18 5 261 41 42 16 3.1 44 19 253 42 35 13 2.8 297 104 257 39 51 13 2.9 45 23 260 47 47 16 3.3 50 23.35 Table 4 Percent abundance 273 38 26 12 2.6 46 12 262 38 32 12 2.1 90 29 of key species and calculated 261 36 31 11 2.7 126 39 51 651 63 626 68 581 75 534 64 514 67 483 5 1 9 13 1 1 12 1 5 0 0 20 65 359 66 266 5 1 0 1 6 0 5 12 4 9 2 0 12 2 2 2 3 6 0 1 0 1 0 2 3 0 4 2 9 3 0 3 1 14 4 0 3 7 8 8 3 2 3 10 1 0 8 19 3 0 15 4 10 0 10 9 25 0 3 2 43 1 6 0 65 3 0 0 45 6 0 0 39 4 0 288 43 54 13 3.0 102 55 258 34 79 10.5 2.5 41 32 275 45 52 15 3.2 423 222 258 41 47 13.5 2.8 55 26 294 46 29 15 2.5 128 37 283 38 8 12 1.8 362 28 255 44 18 15 2.5 222 41 288 47 18 16 2.8 1007 181 50342000 faunal parameters of dead assemblages, 1992 data Sample no. Depth (m) 48 283 10 349 21 377 18 393 49 394 28 556 50 558 32 594 40 647 44 662 51 666 52 598 53 431 1992, dead (%) Brizalina skagerrakensis Cassidtdina laeoigata Eggerelloides medius Epistominella oitrea Haplophragmoides bradvi Nonionella iridea Pullenia osloensis Saccammina spp. Sfaiflforthiafusiformis Textularia tenuissima Trochamminopsis pusillus 5 13 7 1 1 3 25 0 5 15 0 1 13 3 2 0 2 14 0 7 26 0 I 6 8 5 3 8 27 0 3 4 0 6 I 4 0 2 2 38 0 4 17 0 25 10 6 5 3 6 22 2 3 1 2 7 4 6 2 5 12 19 5 8 2 5 14 10 14 0 8 4 12 4 1 0 3 6 8 14 1 9 9 10 4 2 0 5 4 2 5 0 12 3 6 11 1 0 14 1 4 9 0 13 4 12 11 3 0 7 3 4 I 4 9 13 8 8 3 0 7 2 2 7 1 26 2 7 11 7 0 6 2 3 3 3 3 8 20 1 34 3 0 No. counted No. species % agglutinated Alpha-index Dead/cm3 Agglutinated/cm3 525 49 30 13 92 27 494 50 34 14 77 26 273 32 23 9.5 134 31 258 29 29 8.5 43 12 504 43 19 11 161 30 277 34 38 10.5 145 54 468 45 39 12.5 127 49 250 46 44 16 113 49 251 41 66 13.5 77 51 267 41 51 13,5 62 35 583 59 44 17 103 46 512 53 69 16 92 64 558 51 19 I3,5 236 44 E. Alve, J. W. Murray/Marine Micropaleontology 25 (1995) 269-288 271 SE NW I Stained, 1993 * Norwegian slope Factor assemblage -+- Pullenia osloensis --c Haplophragmoides . 0 - Globobulimina I Skagerrak Basin (stained) membranaceum Factor assemblage --a- Pullenia osloensis -c Haplophragmoides +- auriculata Fig. 4. Varimax factor values for stained ( 1993) and dead ( 1992/ 1993) assemblages area. Stainforthia fusiformis. Globobulimina auriculata, Pullenia osloensis, Reophax micacea and Textularia tenuissima are abundant on the northern and southern slopes whereas Epistominella uitrea, Haplophragmoides membranaceum and Nonionella iridea are con- 1 Danish slope Stainforthia (dead) bradyI fusiformis projected onto a NW-SE transect through the investigation fined to the part of the basin deeper than 450 m (Table 2). For the distribution of empty tests, S. fusiformis is abundant on both slopes (down to 404 m on the north and 534 m on the south) ; Cassidulina laevigata (down to 473 m) , T. tenuisssima (down to 427 m) and Bri- E. Ah, 278 J. W. Murray/Marine Table 5 Varimax factor score matrix for living (stained) data. Significant values in bold assemblages, 1993 Varimax factor score matrix Variable 1 2 3 C. hwigufu G. auriculuta P. bulloides P. osloensis S. fusiformis N. iridea E. medius E. uitrea H. brudvi L. goesi H. membrunaceum T. tenuissima R. micacea M. barleeanum 0.070 0.067 0.288 0.057 0.206 0.454 0.113 0.503 0.142 0.051 0.587 0.072 0.010 0.132 0.034 0.691 0.152 0.200 0.495 0.178 0.066 0.080 0.031 0.0.50 0.171 0.252 0.248 0.115 0.107 0.1 II 0.166 0.724 0.011 0.205 0.030 0.021 0.047 0.286 0.175 0.336 0.309 0.238 Table 6 Varimax factor score matrix for dead assemblages, data. Significant values in bold Micropaleontology 25 (I 995) 269-288 because of the exceptionally high dominance of S.fusiformis. Three varimax factors account for 82% of the variance and have a clear distribution pattern (Fig. 4). Factor 1, characterised by H. membranaceum, E. vitrea and N. iridea, is restricted to the basin at depths greater than 473 m (Table 5). Factor 2, comprising G. auriculata and S.fusiformis, is present on the shallower part of the north and south slopes. Factor 3, P. osloensis with subsidiary T. tenuissima and R. micacea, is found only on the north slope between 285 and 427 m. The dead assemblages (both 1992 and 1993 data) also fall into three factor assemblages (Fig. 4; Table 6). These account for a higher proportion of the variance (91%) and show an even clearer pattern than for the living. Factor 1, P. osloensis and T. tenuissima, with subsidiary C. laevigata, is confined to the north slope down to 473 m (Fig. 5). Factor 2, comprising H. bradyi, Saccammina spp., E. medius, and T. pusillus, is confined to the basin > 473 m. Factor 3, S.fusiformis, occurs on the south slope down to 534 m. 1992 and 1993 Varimax factor score matrix Variable 1 2 3 B. skagerrakensis B. marginutu C. lueoigutu H. balthica P. osloensis S. fusiformis E. medius H. b&vi T. pusillus T. tenuissimu Succammina spp. 0.225 0.036 0.301 0.068 0.765 0.026 0.118 0.115 0.102 0.472 0.084 0.253 0.006 0.146 0.014 0.100 0.027 0.403 0.620 0.385 0.172 0.423 0.125 0.000 0.016 0.016 0.018 0.988 0.030 0.036 0.025 0.069 0.002 59’00 zalina skagerrakensis (473-594 m) are abundant only on the north slope. Eggerelloides medius and P. osloensis extend from the north slope into the basin, whereas Haplophragmoides bradyi, Trochamminopsis pusillus and Saccammina spp. are abundant in the basin only at depths > 534 m (Table 3 and Table 4). 58’30 58’oa 5.4. Assemblages For the stained assemblages (only 1993 data), sample 67 was excluded from the varimax factor analysis Fig. 5. Distribution of factor assemblages (empty tests) from 1992 and 1993 data. Diagonal lined area = factor 1, dotted area = factor 2, squared area= factor 3. E. Abe, J. W. Murray /Marine 80 Micropaleontology 25 (1995) 269-288 279 NW SE 60- 01, 60 ,,,(,,,,,,,,,,,, 59 71 72 61 58 Norwegian slope Fig. 6. Relative abundance 5.5. Proportion 70 73 1 of stained (stippled line) and unstained of agglutinated 74 62 57 63 68 Skagerrak Basin 75 1 64 67 65 66 Danish slope (solid line) agglutinated tests ( 1993 data) projected onto a NW-SE profile. tests Whereas the stained assemblages show no clear pattern of distribution, and the values are highly variable (Fig. 6; Table 2)) the proportions of dead agglutinated tests show a significant increase with depth (r = 0.71, II = 3 1, Table 3 and Table 4). Generally, the relative abundance of agglutinated forms is higher for the stained than for the dead assemblages on both slopes, whereas the contrary seems to be true for the basin. 5.6. Tubular and branching tests Tubular or branching agglutinated forms are present at all depths. The number of fragments depends to a great extent on the fragility of different species. On the slope the tubes are more fragmented so even though the maximum number of tube fragments is approximately the same in both shallower and deeper water samples (20-30 per 250 specimens of other taxa), the absolute abundance of tubular or branching forms is considerably higher in the deeper parts of the Skagerrak Basin. Marsipella spiralis and Rhabdammina scabra occur between 266 and 404 m water depth, whereas Bathysiphon hirudinea occurs at all depths below 300 m. Larger, more robust, coarse grained tubes of Rhabdammina spp. are most common at water depths greater than 500 m. These forms were excluded from diversity calculations. 5.7. Diversity patterns The alpha-values for the living assemblages increase from around 6 on the north slope to 17 in the basin. Anomalously low values are found on the south slope (stations 65,67) due to high dominance of two species (Fig. 7). For the dead assemblages the alpha-values are high (all > 10) and variable with no clear trend except that relatively lower values occur on the upper part of the north slope compared to the basin and the south slope. The general pattern of H(S) for the living and the dead assemblages basically follows that of the alphaindex with an increase from around I .9 and 2.5 on the north slope to 3.1 and 3.2 in the basin, respectively. E. Alve. J. W. Murray /Marine 280 Micropaleontology 25 (I 995) 269-288 6- -1 4- -c Alpha-index -0,5 2.-o. 0 I 60 H(S) I 59 Dead II 71 I 72 61 II, 58 70 Norwegian slope Fig. 7. Distribution of Fisher-alpha (solid lines) and H(S) onto a NW-SE profile ( 1993 data). They also show anomalously slope. I 73 1 74 I 62 T 57 I 63 I 68 Skagerrak Basin I 75 1 I 64 I 67 o I 65 66 Danish slope (stippled lines) diversity indices for live (stained) low values on the south 5.8. Hiiglund’s ahta from 1937 In 1937, Hiiglund collected a series of cores from the Skagerrak. Nine of these are from within the area discussed here. The inner core diameter was 4.8 cm and he studied the top 2 cm (sample volume 36 cm”). He did not sieve the samples but removed the clay fraction through careful decantation. This was repeated until the samples were clean and the decanted water was checked to ensure that there was no loss of foram- and dead assemblages projected iniferal tests. He picked his samples wet and did not differentiate between living and dead individuals. Because he should not have lost any fragile species through drying and he probably included forms smaller than 63 pm, his values should represent maximum abundances compared to our data. Hijglund did not publish his quantitative data, but, by courtesy of Dr Tomas Cedhagen, we had access to his counting sheets and fauna1 collection. Hijglundconcentrated on the taxonomy of the agglutinated forms. He did not identify Epistominella vitrea (grouped as rotaliids) which is relatively common in our material. Other groupings of abundant species included Pullenia E. Alve, .I. W. Murray /Marine Micropaleontology 2.5 (1995) 269-288 Table 7 Mean numerical density (no./cm3) of important species (total = live + dead populations) from the Norwegian slope, the Skagerrak Basin, and the Danish slope. Comparison between 1937 (HGglund) and 1992/1993 (present study) data Area Depth interval (m) No. of stations B. skqerrakensis C. luevigutu E. me&s Elphidium spp. H. hrff&i M. hdeeanum N. idea Pullenia spp. R. micacrcr Saccommina spp. S.fusiffwmis T. tenuissimcr T. pwillus Total/cm’ Agglutinated/cm’ Calcafeous/cm-’ Agglutinated (%) 199211993 H-1937 1992/1993 H-1937 199211993 H-1937 1992/1993 H-1937 199211993 H-1937 1992/1993 H-1937 1992/ 1993 H-1937 1992/ 1993 H-1937 199211993 H-1937 199211993 H-1937 199211993 H-1937 199211993 H-1937 1992/1993 H-1937 1992/1993 H-1937 199211993 H-1937 1992/1993 H-1937 199211993 H-1937 1992/1993 H-1937 1992/1993 H-1937 Norwegian slope Skagerrak Basin Danish slope 283473 242-500 13 5 11.1 3.4 9.9 25.0 1.7 13.0 1.8 3.2 3.3 2.2 2.4 7.0 4.5 2.0 22.7 7.3 4.2 7.6 1.5 0.0 6.9 0.4 II.2 4.6 0.8 0.0 55&666 520-700 12 3 6.9 2.2 5.2 7.0 10.0 2.7 0.9 0.3 14.0 3.7 2.6 2.0 6.8 3.1 13.6 5.4 1.2 0.3 7.8 0.0 6.6 0.3 0.5 0.1 9.2 0.0 266 201 1 3.5 0.0 29.5 19.0 19.7 18.0 136.7 190.0 3.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 4.3 1.1 28.8 1.8 26.9 9.0 0.0 0.0 410.0 83.0 67.4 56.7 0.0 0.0 111 116 36 33 75 83 33 31 122 46 61 16 61 30 52 36 1104 795 236 160 868 635 21 20 I spp. and Elphidium spp. Because of this lack of differentiation it has not been possible to study the diversity patterns or compare them with our data. The following list includes names of important species which have changed since 1947 (genera according to Loeblich and Tappan, 1987) : 281 Hoglund This work Bolivina robusta Brizalina skagerrakensis Bulimina fusiformis Stainforthia fusiformis Nonion labradoricum? Nonionella iridea Nonion umbilicatulum Melonis barleeanum Proteonina fusiformis Reophax micacea Trochammina pusilla Trochamminopsis pusillus Hoglund studied total (i.e. living plus dead) assemblages and, because the sample volume is known, it is possible to express his results as number/cm”. We have combined our living and dead data to make our results comparable with his. The comparison is based on species making up 2 5% in two or more samples in either data set. The absolute abundances are presented as mean values for samples within three depth ranges corresponding with the Norwegian slope, the Skagerrak Basin and the Danish slope (Table 7). Although the depth ranges of Hoglund’s samples and ours are not identical, they are similar. The total abundance of tests per cm3 is remarkably similar on the Norwegian slope with 111 in 1992/‘1993 and 116 in 1937 (Fig. 9). In the basin, the modem abundance shows almost a threefold increase since 1937. An increase, although based on only one sample from each data set, is also found on the Danish slope (from 795 to 1104 per cm”). 6. Discussion 6.1. Modern stained abundance patterns In general, the abundance of foraminifera is related to the fertility of the area. In the southern North Sea the average standing crop values are 2-10 with occasional values > 10 per cm3 (Murray, 1992). These values are slightly lower than those of the Norwegian slope and Skagerrak Basin (average 18 and 11, respectively) and significantly lower than those of the Danish slope (average 63). On the Norwegian slope at a depth of 304-3 10 m there is maximum abundance of 33-34 per cm3 (Fig. 3). Similar high abundance of macrobenthos was recorded by Aure et al. ( 1993) for annual sampling in the same area (340-360 m water depth) during 1990-1992. The macrofaunal density at this depth interval was about 2-5 times higher and the diversity (information function) was lower than that of shallower and deeper areas. The assemblages were domi- E. Alve, J. W. Murray /Marine 282 -y Micropaleontology 25 (1995) 269-288 c = 21.269 + 5.4165x R= 0.71646 II ,I -800 -600 t ; it+ n -400 60 59 , I 71 I 72 , I 61 58 Norweglan slope , 70 , 73 1 , 74 , 62 , 57 , 63 , 68 Skagerrak Sasln , 75 1 , 64 , 87 , 65 86 Danish slope Fig. 8. 1993 standing crop (stippled line) and absolute number of empty tests (solid line) projected onto a NW-SE profile. Inset graph shows the linear correlation between the two. nated by the polychaete Heteromastusfiliformis which often is abundant in organic rich environments. All these features were attributed to higher organic sedimentation. The high standing crop values on the Danish slope are probably related to the availability of organic material supplied by the Jutland Current and to the associated bacteria which provide an additional food source for foraminifera. The area is also one of disturbance from the activities of trawlers scouring the seabed for prawns. This includes both physical disturbance of the sediment surface and the consequent resuspension of fine fractions, including organic matter. Some of this may be transported downslope into deeper areas not otherwise directly affected by the trawling. All these factors may contribute to the greater numbers of living foraminifera on the Danish slope. The combination of physical disturbance and frequent supply of organic matter may be particularly favourable for opportunistic species as they can easily recolonize and flourish in recently disturbed areas. One such species is S. fusiformis (Alve, 1994) which is dominant on the Danish slope and which probably reproduces throughout the year in more southwestern parts of the North Sea (Murray, 1992). 6.2. Comparison between modern stained and dead assemblages For almost all species, there are major differences in living and dead abundances and distributions. The exceptions are P. osloensis and T. tenuissima which both show similar high abundance and distribution only on the north slope. Consequently, the single varimax factor assemblage which is common to the living and the dead is that of P. osloensis. However, overall the boundaries between the stained factor assemblages and those of the dead lie at very similar depths (Fig. 4). Only one bloom of S. jiuiformis was sampled (station 67, Danish slope) but because it is the dominant species in the dead assemblages, it is clear that it must flourish here. In the living assemblages, the fragile agglutinated taxa R. micacea and H. membranaceum are common on the slopes and in the basin, respectively, whereas they are much reduced in abundance in the dead assem- E. Abe. *E i E ‘c =r B * J. W. Murray /Marine Microl,aleontolo~y 2.5 (1995) 60 60 30 30 6( 0 0 ( 269-288 2x3 16l Skagerrak Basin Fig. 9. Comparison of average relative and absolute abundance in I992/ I993 (this study) and I937 ( HGglund data). of agglutinated blages. Either these two taxa were unusually abundant at the time of sampling or there has been postmortem destruction of some of their tests. Likewise, the three calcareous taxa G. auriculatu (a slope species), N. iridea, and E. vitrea (both basin species) show reduced dead abundances. Dissolution damage (hyaline walls becoming white and etched and/or chamber breakage) is evident in some specimens of these species and also in other calcareous taxa such as B. skagerrakensis, C. laeuigata, H. balthica, and Melonis barleeanum. However, other small taxa, such as S. fusiformis, do not show these features. We conclude that some selective tests and of total abundance of tests between samples collected dissolution may take place. This may explain the difference between the percent abundance of agglutinated tests in the living and dead assemblages and why there is an increase with depth only in the dead assemblages (Fig. 6). On the other hand, there is a reasonably good correlation (r = 0.72, n = 18) between the number of living and dead tests per cm3 of sediment with the peaks and troughs in phase (Fig. 8). The factor analysis of both stained and dead assemblages show clear distributional patterns (Fig. 4). However, the marker species are different from those 284 E. Ah, J. W. Murray / Murine Micropaleontology of previous studies (e.g. Conradsen et al., 1994) due to dissimilar size fractions. Both alpha and H(S) show clear distribution patterns for the living and dead assemblages but they are invariably lower in the living than in the dead assemblages on the slopes. From the hydrographic data already discussed, it is known that the basin waters are more tranquil than those of the slopes, which are under the influence of various currents. This is also reflected in the sandier nature of the slope sediments compared with the muddy ones of the basin. Thus the slopes are more disturbed environments and the dominant species are mainly infaunal. For instance, the extremely low diversity values on the Danish slope are due to the high dominance of a single infaunal taxon in each of the two samples (S.fisiformis and G. auricuhta) . By contrast, the tranquil basin supports a more diverse assemblage with lower dominance including epifaunal suspension feeders (e.g. Saccammina spp. and tubular agglutinated forms, although the latter were excluded from the diversity calculations) and inferred vagile epifaunal and shallow infaunal taxa (e.g. T. pusillus, H. bradyi). Where the diversity values of the stained assemblages are higher than those of the dead, this may indicate some postmortem destruction of tests. 6.3. Comparison with Hiiglund’s data from 1937 Abundance From macrofaunal studies it has been suggested that the Skagerrak area is undergoing eutrophication; an increase in the supply of organic matter has been matched by an increase in the biomass and standing crop of the macrofauna (Rosenberg et al., 1987; Josefson, 1990). Based on stained and dead foraminiferal assemblages in box cores, two from our investigation area but mainly from the eastern Skagerrak and northern Kattegat, Moodley et al. ( 1993) concluded that the top 2 cm of sediment has fewer dead tests per unit volume than the level representing 47 years ago. They attributed this to increased predation by the macrofauna. Moodley et al. ( 1993) argued that “Exaggeration of foraminiferal densities in the 24-25 cm interval, as a result of sediment compaction or the later contribution of deep living Foraminifera to this fossil layer is repudiated because 1) the water content (calculated as per cent of wet sediment) exhibited limited variation 25 (1995) 269-288 between the different layers in individual cores ( ..) ,2) higher densities were also encountered in the surface layers in the Skagerrak in 1937” (referring to the only station where quantitative data were given by Hbglund in his 1947 work). Both arguments are hard to accept because ( 1) the general trend in most marine sediments (in particular muddy ones) is that the water content decreases with increasing sediment depth due to compaction, and there is no reason to believe that Skagerrak sediments should deviate from this pattern. For instance, a sediment core collected from 645 m depth in the Skagerrak Basin had a water content of 74% at 2 cm depth and 57% at 25 cm (Paetzel et al., 1994). This decrease of 23% from 2-25 cm represents a minimum for the total reduction from the surface to 25 cm, as the water content of the surface O-2 cm undoubtedly was higher than 74% (Paetzel, pers. commun., 1994). (2) The single 1937 sample to which Moodley et al. refer was from the south western part of the Skagerrak (i.e. the Danish slope), whereas the majority of their own samples were collected in the eastern parts. Our results from the Skagerrak demonstrate strong variabilities in abundance from one regional area to another, particularly between the main basin and the Danish slope. Therefore, it is unlikely that these variations are due to either patchiness or seasonal/annual fluctuations. Consequently, we conclude that in the Skagerrak, comparisons of temporal abundance changes should be made only on samples from the same area. The average total abundance on the Norwegian slope does not seem to have altered since 1937 (Fig. 9). On the other hand, the almost threefold increase in the Skagerrak Basin indicates that the environmental conditions have changed here. To the authors’ knowledge, no biological data are available from the middle and western parts of the Skagerrak Basin to infer whether or not the benthic macrofaunal biomass has increased over the last 50 or 100 years. Consequently, it is not possible to draw any conclusions about possible interactions between macrofaunal and foraminiferal abundances. However, it has been demonstrated through several investigations that the Skagerrak Basin is one of the major depositional areas in the whole North Sea and acts as a sink for fine-grained sediments derived partly from the southern North Sea (e.g. Van Weering et al., 1987). Even though much of the organic material is refractory it probably supports an abundant bacterial flora, beneficial for some foraminifera. Additionally, E. Abe, J. W. Murray /Marine Micropaleontology the area has received an increasing amount of anthropogenically induced nutrient salts which enter the Skagerrak via the Jutland Current, the Baltic and from adjacent countries (North Sea Task Force, 1993). A reasonable conclusion is, therefore, that the abundance of benthic foraminifera has risen in the deeper parts ( > 550 m) of the Skagerrak Basin over the last 50 to 60 years due to enhanced nutrient conditions. The increased modern abundance compared to the 1937 values on the Danish side is noteworthy but no firm conclusions can be drawn, as the comparison is based on only one sample from each data set. Assemblage composition Each of the total assemblages discussed here is made up of the time-averaged successive dead assemblages from a period of several years plus the modern living assemblage at the time of sampling. The time-averaging process effectively eliminates any patchiness which may have occurred either spatially or temporally. Even though the average foraminiferal abundance on the Norwegian slope does not seem to have changed since 1937, the data sets indicate changes in the assemblage composition. Hoglund’s Norwegian slope samples were dominated by C. laeuigata, with subsidiary E. medius, Pullenia spp., R. micacea and Hyalinea balthica. By 199211993 Pullenia spp. had increased and become dominant with subsidiary T. tenuissima and S. fusiformis. The absolute abundance of C. laevigata has been more than halved whereas those of Pullenia spp. and T. tenuissima have been tripled and almost doubled, respectively. For the Danish slope, there is only one Hoglund station but 3 stations from 1949 and 195 1 (Lange, 1956) with which we can compare our relative abundance data. At Lange’s station 24, close to Hoglund’s station 10 and our station 66 (Fig. 2)) S. fusiformis was only an accessory species, The absolute abundances of Elphidium spp., T. tenuissima, and C. laevigata were essentially the same in 1992/ 1993 as in 1937, but S. fusiformis shows a fivefold increase (Table 7). We believe this to be a real increase and not attributable to the slightly different water depths as S. fusiformis is known to dominate at shallower water depths as long as the salinity is higher than about 30%0 (Alve, 1990). Lange’s stations 26 and M5a, close to our station 53, were dominated by B. skagerrakensis in 1949-1951 compared with S. fusiformis in 1992. Other changes 25 (1995) 269-288 include a significant reduction in relative abundance 285 of H. balthica and C. laeuigata. In 1937, the Skagerrak Basin was dominated by C. Pullenia spp., N. labradorica, B. skagerrakensis, and H. bradyi (all calcareous, except the latter). By 1992/ 1993 the picture had changed dramatically as the agglutinated H. brudyi had become the dominant form and of the important taxa from 1937 only Pullenia spp. was still frequent. On the other hand, the agglutinated forms E. medius, Succammina spp. and T. pusillus had increased in both relative and absolute abundance. According to Hoglund ( 1947, p. 184), E. medius had its maximum abundance between 150 and 250 m water depth, and this is also reflected in the distribution patterns represented by those of his stations that are used in the present comparison (Table 7). The 19921 1993 data show, however, that its absolute frequency in the Skagerrak Basin has tripled since 1937, indicating that it has moved its peak abundance towards water depths greater than about 550 m. A similar increase in the absolute frequency is evident for H. bradyi and T. pusillus but also for B.skagerrakensis, Pullenia spp., and S. fusiformis. Of special interest is the fact that Hoglund found only scattered individuals of T.pusillus (p. 202) in the Skagerrak in 1937 and it did not occur in any of his samples used in this comparison. In contrast, it was one of the most characteristic and common species in the Skagerrak Basin in 1992/1993. Other characteristic and common species in the deep basin today are Succammina spp., which were not recorded at ail by Hoglund in his Skagerrak material. It is highly unlikely that he overlooked them as he focused particularly on the taxonomy of the agglutinated forms and was meticulous with his work. Consequently, it seems that these forms have only recently established themselves in the Skagerrak Basin. Both the 1937 and the 199211993 data show a reasonably good correlation between the relative abundance of total (stained + dead) foraminiferal taxa and water depth (r=0.66 for both; n = 9 for 1937 and n = 3 1 for 199211993). Neither the absolute nor the relative abundances of agglutinated taxa seem to have changed significantly on the Norwegian and the Danish slopes since 1937. For the Skagerrak Basin, however, the situation is different, as the average relative abundance of agglutinated taxa shows an increase from 36% laeuigata but with subsidiary 286 E. Abe, J. W. Murray/Marine in 1937 to 52% in 199211993 and the absolute abundances show an increase from 16 to 61 individuals (total) per cm3. A similar increase in the relative abundance of agglutinated taxa over the same time period (based on sediment core data) was recorded by Moodley et al. (1993) in their 2 cores which were collected in our investigation area (at 627 and 424 m of water). However, they attributed these changes to represent “local unfavourable conditions affecting primarily the densities of calcareous Foraminifera”. All the fauna1 changes enumerated above are possible indicators of modified environmental conditions in the area over the last 50-60 years. These are particularly obvious on the Danish slope and in the deep basin. 7. Summary and conclusions This study is based on 3 1 surface sediment (O-2 cm) samples collected in 1992/ 1993 from the Norwegian slope, Skagerrak Basin and Danish slope of the northwestern Skagerrak. The TOC values are not very variable, whereas the relative abundance of organic detritus > 63 pm shows a pattern with low values in the basin and maximum values on the Danish slope. Nevertheless, the oxygen concentration of the bottom water is invariably high. Stained (living) and unstained (dead) foraminiferal assemblages ( > 63 pm) have been studied separately in order to interpret ecology and taphonomy. The standing crop shows a patchy distribution of abundance with the highest values on the Danish slope, in the area of highest nutrient supply and probably maximum disturbance of the sediment surface due to trawling. There are three living and three dead assemblages corresponding with the Norwegian slope, the Skagetrak Basin and the Danish slope. However, the dominant species of the living and dead assemblages are not the same in the basin and on the Danish slope, possibly partly due to dissolution of calcareous forms. Although there is no clear distribution pattern of the living agglutinated abundance, there is a progressive depth related increase in dead agglutinated tests which also may be explained by dissolution effects. However, the data indicate that the total amount of dissolution is modest. The highest values of diversity are found in the stable environment of the basin. Micropaleontology 25 (1995) 269-288 Fauna1 comparisons between Hoglund’s data from 1937, Lange’s from 1949/1951 and ours from 1992/ 1993 (all as total assemblages) have shown major changes to have occurred: -Norwegian slope. There is no obvious change in the absolute abundance of tests, but Pullenia osloensis has replaced Cassidulina laeuigata as the dominant species. -Danish slope. An increase in absolute abundance of tests represented principally by tests of Stuinforthia fusiformis, probably related to a combination of an opportunistic response to physical disturbance and an elevated nutrient supply. Additionally, there has been a significant reduction in both relative and absolute abundance of C. laevigata and Hyalirzea balthica. -Skagerrak Basin. This area has shown a threefold increase in the number of tests and a marked increase in the abundance of agglutinated tests especially of Haplophragmoides bradyi, Trochamminopsispusillus, Saccammina spp., and Eggerelloides medius. The latter has changed its depth peak from 150-250 m in 1937 to > 550 m. Neither Saccammina spp. nor T.pusillus were found by Hoglund in 1937 so these taxa seem to be new arrivals to the area. These fauna1 changes, which are particularly obvious on the Danish slope and in the deep basin, represent the biological response to probable modifications of the environment over the last 40-60 years. At present, we can not identify the precise causes but, possibilities which should be considered, are natural hydrographic changes (such as varying intensity of water exchange with adjacent areas) and anthropogenic influences (such as nutrient enrichment, due to sewage and fertiliser inputs, and physical disturbance through trawling). Further studies targeting these aspects will be necessary. As a first step towards testing long term (last couple of centuries) changes in the deep basin, the first author is undertaking downcore analyses of the microfaunas. These analyses are linked with an absolute chronology derived from isotopic datings. Acknowledgements First of all we sincerely thank Tomas Cedhagen for kindly placing Hbglund’s raw data and sample material at our disposal. We thank the Norwegian Geological Survey (NGU) and the University of Bergen for pro- E. Alve, J. W. Murray/Marine Micropaleontology 2.5 (1995) 269-288 viding the 1992 samples and for the opportunity for E.A. to participate in the 1993 cruise of the Htikon Mosby. We are also grateful to Oddvar Longva at NGU for the invitation to join the investigations in the Skagerrak; to NGU for 3 months funding for E.A.; to the Department of Geology, University of Oslo for the use of its facilities; to Per Ivar Steinsund for kindly providing the factor analysis program, to Lennart Sandberg at Riksmuseet in Stockholm for the loan of type material from the Hoglund collection, to Joan Bernhard for encouraging assistance during subsampling of the 1992 cores, to Brage Rygg for useful discussions, to Eigil Whist for preparing some of the drawings, and to the Institute of Marine Research, Bergen, for carrying out the Winkler titrations. The referees, Anne Jennings and Tjeerd van Weering, are acknowledged for helpful comments on the manuscript. Appendix A. Fauna1 reference list The identification of most species has been checked with Hoglund’s collection. Generic names are in accordance with Loeblich and Tappan ( 1987 1. Bathysiphon hirudinea (Heron-Allen and Earland) = Hippocrepinella hirudinea Heron-Allen and Earland, 1932 Brizalina skagerrakensis (Qvale and Nigam) = Boliuina skagerrakensis Qvale and Nigam, 1985. Cassidulina laevigata d’orbigny, 1826. Eggerelloides medius (Hoglund) = Verneuilina media Hoglund, 1947. Epistominella LaitreaParker, 1953. Globobuliminu auriculata (Bailey) = Bulimina auriculata Bailey, 1851. Haplophragmoides bradyi (Robertson) = Trochammina bradyi Robertson, 189 I. Huplophragmoides membranaceum Hoglund, 1947 Hyulinea balthica (Schroter) = Nautilusbalthicus Schroter, 1783. Marsipella spiralis Heron-Allen and Earland, 1912 Melonis barleeanum (Williamson) = Nonionina barleeana Williamson, 1858 Nonionella iridea Heron-Allen and Earland, 1932 Pullenia osloensis Feyling-Hanssen, 1954 Reophar micacea (Cushman) = Proteonina micacea Cushman, 1918 Rhubdummina scabra Hoglund, 1947 Stainforthiafusiformis (Williamson) = Bulimina pupoides d’Orbigny var.fisiformis Williamson, 1858 Textularia tenuissima Earland, 1933 Trochamminopsis pusillus (Hoglund) = Trochammina pusilla Hoglund, 1947 287 References Alve, E., 1990. Variations in estuarine foraminiferal biofacies with diminishing oxygen conditions in Drammensfjord, SE Norway. In: C. Hemleben, M.A. Kaminski, W. Kuhnt and D.B. Scott (Editors), Paleoecology, Biostratigraphy and Taxonomy of Agglutinated Foraminifera. Kluwer, Dordrecht, pp. 66 l-694. Alve, E., 1994. Opportunistic features of the foraminifer Stainforthia jiisiformis (Williamson) : evidence from Frierfjord, Norway. J. Micropalaeontol., 13: 24. 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