Scholarship Application Undergraduate/Graduate Students

Texas Tech Alumni Association – Hill Country Chapter
Scholarship Application
Undergraduate/Graduate Students
Students accepted to Texas Tech University and meeting the following residence requirements may apply for scholarships from
the Texas Tech Alumni Association – Hill Country Chapter. The student must have his/her home of record in the following
counties: Gillespie, Kerr and Kendall County. These scholarships have a variety of eligibility requirements based on the
information you provide on this form. All application considered must be postmarked no later than January 17, 2015. You
will be requested to provide a school transcript along with a written document presenting your need and desire for the
scholarship. It is highly recommended that you complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid. Scholarship recipients
will be notified before January 31, 2015. All applications will remain on file with our local Texas Tech Alumni – Hill Country
Please print or type all information. Incomplete applications will not be considered.
The completed application should be sent to:
Monty Melcher
Texas Tech Alumni Scholarship Committee
1306 Warbler Drive
Kerrville, Texas 78028
Name: _________________________________________
Date of Birth: ______________________________
Address: ________________________________________
Telephone #: _______________________________
City, State, Zip: _______________________________________________
Male _______
Female ________
Texas Tech ID# or Social Security#: __________________________
E-mail address: ______________________
Guardian’s Name & Home Phone: ________________________________________________________________________
Student Marital status:
Single _______
Texas Tech Campus Planning to attend:
Married _______
____ Lubbock
Widowed _______
____ Fredericksburg
HS Graduated from: _______________________________
Year ______
Divorced _______
____ Marble Falls
_____ Junction
Any Family Attended TTU: Y / N
Last School Attended: ________________________________ Intended major: ____________________________________
School Transcript (High School or College) Attached: Yes / No
SAT Score (1440 – 2400) _________ (Only High School Graduates – If attending Tech currently you do not have to show)
ACT Score (22-36)
__________ (Only High School Graduates – If attending Tech currently you do not have to show)
Employment (if any): __________________________________
Address: ______________________________________
Employment (if Any): __________________________________ Address: ______________________________________
List your employment experience during the past four years along with your responsibilities.
Texas Tech Alumni Association
* 1306 Warbler Drive * Kerrville, Texas 78028
* Tel (830) 377-6902
* Fax (830) 895-0971
What is your family income for last year? _____________________________________________________________
Parent’s highest level of education completed and list college if attended
Father ____________
College ______________________
Mother ____________
College ______________________
Others in your family who are currently attending college _____________________________________
Describe any unusual or unique circumstances relating to your need for financial assistance in the space below.
Have you filed a Financial Aid for Student Assistance (FAFSA form) with TTU?
_____ Yes
_____ No
If you have currently received any grants or scholarship list the awards and amount received: ___________________________
EDUCATIONAL GOALS (Attach student’s transcript)
What will be your field of study? ___________________________________________________________________
What is your career goal? _________________________________________________________________________
How many hours do you plan to take each semester? ___________________________________________________
Spring 2015
Summer 2015
Fall 2015
Please list any UIL involvements, community service projects, church related service projects and/or personal
accomplishments with a brief description.
1. School transcript
2. Written personal letter explaining your need and desire for scholarship.
3. SAT or ACT Scores
Texas Tech Alumni Association
* 1306 Warbler Drive * Kerrville, Texas 78028
* Tel (830) 377-6902
* Fax (830) 895-0971