10.5 Fitting Distributions to Reliability Data SAS Code for Appliance Cycle Data Example DM ’LOG; CLEAR; OUT; CLEAR;’; * ODS PRINTER PDF file=’C:\COURSES\ST528\CRSNOTES\REL1.PDF’; ODS LISTING; OPTIONS NODATE NONUMBER LS=78; ********************************************************************; *** Multiply censored appliance cycle data example (from Nelson) ***; ********************************************************************; DATA example1; INPUT cycles censor n @@; LABEL CYCLES = ’NUMBER OF CYCLES TO FAILURE’; LINES; 45 1 1 47 0 1 73 0 1 136 1 5 145 0 1 190 1 2 281 1 1 311 0 1 417 1 1 485 1 2 490 0 1 569 1 1 571 1 1 571 0 1 575 0 1 608 1 12 608 0 2 630 0 1 670 0 2 731 1 1 838 0 1 964 0 2 1164 1 7 1198 1 1 1198 0 1 1300 1 3 ; PROC LIFETEST DATA=example1 PLOTS=(LS,LLS,S) OUTSURV=survive ; TITLE F=SWISSB H=.4 CM ’RELIABILITY ANALYSIS: APPLIANCE CYCLE DATA’; TIME cycles*censor(1); FREQ n; SYMBOL1 H=1 V=DOT W=2; PROC PRINT DATA=survive; RUN; PROC RELIABILITY DATA=example1; DISTRIBUTION EXPONENTIAL; PROBPLOT cycles*censor(1) / WAXIS=2 WFIT=2 FONT=SWISSB; FREQ n; SYMBOL1 H=1.5 V=CIRCLE W=2; TITLE F=SWISSB H=.4 CM ’APPLIANCE CYCLE DATA: FITTING AN EXPONENTIAL DISTRIBUTION’; RUN; /* PROC RELIABILITY DATA=example1; DISTRIBUTION EXTREME; PROBPLOT cycles*censor(1) / WAXIS=2 WFIT=2 FONT=SWISSB; FREQ n; SYMBOL1 H=1.5 V=CIRCLE W=2; TITLE F=SWISSB H=.4 CM ’APPLIANCE CYCLE DATA: FITTING AN EXTREME VALUE DISTRIBUTION’; RUN; */ 263 /* PROC RELIABILITY DATA=example1; DISTRIBUTION LOGISTIC; PROBPLOT cycles*censor(1) / WAXIS=2 WFIT=2 FREQ n; SYMBOL1 H=1.5 V=CIRCLE W=2; TITLE F=SWISSB H=.4 CM ’APPLIANCE CYCLE DATA: DISTRIBUTION’; RUN; */ /* PROC RELIABILITY DATA=example1; DISTRIBUTION LOGLOGISTIC; PROBPLOT cycles*censor(1) / WAXIS=2 WFIT=2 FREQ n; SYMBOL1 H=1.5 V=CIRCLE W=2; TITLE F=SWISSB H=.4 CM ’APPLIANCE CYCLE DATA: DISTRIBUTION’; RUN; */ /* PROC RELIABILITY DATA=example1; DISTRIBUTION LOGNORMAL; PROBPLOT cycles*censor(1) / WAXIS=2 WFIT=2 FREQ n; SYMBOL1 H=1.5 V=CIRCLE W=2; TITLE F=SWISSB H=.4 CM ’APPLIANCE CYCLE DATA: DISTRIBUTION’; RUN; */ /* PROC RELIABILITY DATA=example1; DISTRIBUTION NORMAL; PROBPLOT cycles*censor(1) / WAXIS=2 WFIT=2 FREQ n; SYMBOL1 H=1.5 V=CIRCLE W=2; TITLE F=SWISSB H=.4 CM ’APPLIANCE CYCLE DATA: RUN; */ /* PROC RELIABILITY DATA=example1; DISTRIBUTION WEIBULL; PROBPLOT cycles*censor(1) / WAXIS=2 WFIT=2 FREQ n; SYMBOL1 H=1.5 V=CIRCLE W=2; TITLE F=SWISSB H=.4 CM ’APPLIANCE CYCLE DATA: DISTRIBUTION’; RUN; */ 264 FONT=SWISSB; FITTING A LOGISTIC FONT=SWISSB; FITTING A LOGLOGISTIC FONT=SWISSB; FITTING A LOGNORMAL FONT=SWISSB; FITTING A NORMAL DISTRIBUTION’; FONT=SWISSB; FITTING A WEIBULL 10.5.1 Fitting Distributions to the Appliance Cycle Data 265 266 267 10.5.2 Exponential Data • Suppose the sample times of the n units are y1 , y2 , . . . , yn of which r are failure times and n − r are censored survival times. n • The maximum likelihood estimate (MLE) for the mean θ is 1X b θ = yi . r i=1 Thus, the MLE is the total time for all n units divided by the number of failures r. • The following table contains data on 70 diesel engine fans with 344,400 hours of service. Only 12 of the 70 failed, with 58 censored times. Management wanted an estimate and a confidence interval for the fraction failing on an 8000 hour warranty. Example: Time to Fan Failure in Hours (+ denotes censored times) 268 Weibull Data 261 261 269 Lognormal Data • Formulas for MLEs and confidence intervals for µ and σ are complex, and can be found in Applied Life Data Analysis (1982) by Wayne Nelson. • Statistical packages, like SAS, provide MLEs and approximate confidence intervals for µ, σ, percentiles, and reliabilities. • The following table contains the singly-censored life data on 96 locomotive controls. There is also a lognormal probability plot of the data with 95% confidence bands about the percentiles from the fitted MLE-based lognormal distribution. • Management wanted an estimate and confidence intervals for the fraction of controls failing on an 80 thousand mile warranty. Example: Locomotive Control Time to Failure Data Lognormal Probability Plot of Locomotive Control Failures 270 10.5.3 Fitting Distributions to the Grinder Lifetime Data 271 272 273 10.5.4 Fitting Distributions to the Fan Failure Lifetime Data 274 275 276 10.5.5 Fitting Distributions to the Locomotive Control Lifetime Data 277 278 279 Competing Failure Modes 10.6 Failure Modes 10.6Competing Competing Failure Modes We now consider a case with two modes of failure with the mode of each failure known. We will Competing Failure Modes (i) consider fitting a life distribution ignoring the mode of failure and 10.6 (ii) fitting separate life distributions for each failure mode. 280 273 281 282 283 284 285 286 10.7 Confidence Intervals for Distribution Parameters • Let θ = (θ1 , θ2 , . . . , θk ) be the vector of distribution parameters, and θbM LE = (θb1 , θb2 , . . . , θbk ) be the vector of maximum likelihood estimates (MLEs). • The estimated covariance matrix of θbM LE is: 2 −1 ∂ l(θ) −1 b Σ = [c σij ] = −H = − . ∂θi ∂θj θ=θbM LE This is the negative of the matrix of second derivatives of the log likelihood l(θ) evaluated at the MLE parameter estimate vector θbM LE . • The negative of the matrix of second derivatives of the log likelihood l(θ) is called the Fisher information matrix. • The σ bii diagonal entry of θbM LE is an estimate of the variance of the ith MLE θbi . p bii . • The standard error of the ith MLE θbi is SE(θbi = σ • The following table summarizes the computation used by SAS to generate confidence intervals for the MLEs of the distribution parameters. Distribution Normal Lognormal Extreme Value µL µU µL µU µL µU Exponential Location =µ b − z ∗ SE(b µ) ∗ =µ b + z SE(b µ) ∗ =µ b − z SE(b µ) =µ b + z ∗ SE(b µ) ∗ =µ b − z SE(b µ) =µ b + z ∗ SE(b µ) Weibull Logistic Log-logistic µL µU µL µU =µ b − z ∗ SE(b µ) =µ b + z ∗ SE(b µ) ∗ =µ b − z SE(b µ) ∗ =µ b + z SE(b µ) Parameter Type Scale σL = σ b / exp[z ∗ SE(b σ )/b σ] ∗ σU = σ b × exp[z SE(b σ )/b σ] ∗ σL = σ b / exp[z SE(b σ )/b σ] σU = σ b × exp[z ∗ SE(b σ )/b σ] ∗ σL = σ b / exp[z SE(b σ )/b σ] σU = σ b × exp[z ∗ SE(b σ )/b σ] αL = exp[b µ − z ∗ SE(b µ)] αU = exp[b µ + z ∗ SE(b µ)] αL = exp[b µ − z ∗ SE(b µ)] αU = exp[b µ + z ∗ SE(b µ)] ∗ σL = σ b / exp[z SE(b σ )/b σ] σU = σ b × exp[z ∗ SE(b σ )/b σ] ∗ σL = σ b / exp[z SE(b σ )/b σ] ∗ σU = σ b × exp[z SE(b σ )/b σ] Shape βL = exp[−z ∗ SE(b σ )/b σ] / σ b βU = exp[ z ∗ SE(b σ )/b σ] / σ b • For the exponential distribution, µ b is the location parameter of the extreme value distribution for the logarithm of lifetime. This is denoted as “EV location” in the SAS output. • For the Weibull distribution, µ b and σ b are the location and scale parameters of the extreme value distribution for the logarithm of lifetime. These are denoted as “EV location” and “EV scale” in the SAS output. 287