Viktoria R.T. Hsu teaching statement Throughout my scholastic and academic experience I have developed a high regard for excellent teaching. I have always had a strong desire to teach well, thoroughly enjoy a well taught lesson from the teacher’s or the student’s perspective, and am committed to continuously improving my teaching skill. I believe that all teaching starts with a commitment to learning, as the true skill in teaching lies in learning how understanding is achieved. In other words, by dedicating myself to understanding my students, I can learn to efficiently produce understanding in every class I instruct. I am convinced that, besides research and collegiality, teaching is among the most important services that I will provide for an academic department or institution. In addition to my natural interest in teaching, it is therefore particularly important to me to teach well. To me, teaching well means that when preparing to teach, I look back onto my personal experiences with learning a topic and choose the most straightforward approach to present it. This strategy includes planning to use correct and concise language that is appropriate for my audience and the material I am teaching. In addition, I care about creating a positive learning environment by showing students that I genuinely enjoy mathematics, by showing that I am excited about teaching mathematics, and by acknowledging the work they put forth to understand mathematics. At the University of Washington, and with the exception of summer quarters, I have been continuously employed as a teaching assistant or fellow since the fall of 1998. My teaching experience here began with a two week training session which is provided by the Mathematics Department to their teaching assistants. In addition to training before entering the classroom, I later received several classroom visits from mentors and peers to assess my teaching. Since then I have built a broad basis for furthering my teaching skills by working in a variety of settings. My experiences range from one-on-one tutoring to designing and teaching a course as an instructor, as well as observing and reflecting on teaching as a consultant. I have also had the opportunity to work with students at many different levels of development, as I have worked at the college and graduate school levels as well as elementary, middle, and high school levels. In the following, I will highlight a few special assignments, and then state my goals in future teaching. In the summer of 2000 I was an instructor for the Applied Mathematics Department, and taught Introduction to Numerical Methods, using matlab. My challenge in teaching this class is in helping students transition from deriving exact solutions to computing approximate solutions. This change requires one to acknowledge that computers commit errors and to analyse the size of those errors. I particularly value this teaching experience for the availability of advice by peers and faculty, and for the freedom I was given to outline, design, and run the course. In the summer of 1999 I was student lecturer and mentor at Mathcamp, an intensive, 5-week, summer camp in which gifted and highly motivated high school students are exposed to higher level mathematics. During this assignment, I particularly enjoyed the challenge of communicating complex material to students with talent and enthusiasm but mostly basic skills. In the 1999/2000 academic year I volunteered to be an elementary school teacher consultant in a joint 5th and 6th grade classroom. Since the 2002/2003 academic year I have returned to 5th, 6th, and 7th grade classrooms as a teacher consultant and NSF teaching fellow in the GK-12 program of the Applied Mathematics Department. My challenge in this project remains finding satisfying answers to very basic, but hard, questions like: “Why can’t I divide by zero?” Through this work far below university level I gained a new perspective on teaching and the potential role of university level educators beyond an academic or industrial setting. In the future, and in drawing from my experience in Germany, I would especially like to give students more of a voice in their education. I see the possibility for this even in individual classes by, for example, giving students a choice between two advanced, course-related, topics to be taught during a block worth 10%-15% of the course time. For a quarter-long course meeting three times weekly, this would mean three to five lectures on the topic of choice. I believe that, where applicable, such flexibility serves students’ needs better than the more rigid, traditional approaches to course design. Due to my background in applied mathematics, especially mathematical biology, I am particularly qualified to teach classes on continuous mathematical modeling, differential equations, and scientific computing. I hope to have the opportunity to teach one or more of such classes soon, and am genuinely looking forward to all future teaching opportunities. 1