Departments of Mathematics Fall 2014 Montana State University Prof. Kevin Wildrick Measure Theory Problem Set 1Solutions Due Tuesday, September 8th , 11:00 am. Note: There are many ways to solve these problems. The way that I have done it below, problems 1 and 4b are solved independently, while solutions to the rest of the problems require the solutions to problems 1 and 4b. 1. Let {Ej }j∈N be a countable sequence of subsets of Rn . Show that [ X m∗ Ej ≤ m∗ (Ej ). j∈N j∈N Solution: Let > 0. For each j ∈ N, the definition of m∗ (Ej ) implies that we may find a countable collection {Ij,k }k∈N of cells such that S • Ej ⊆ k∈N Ij,k , P • m∗ (Ej ) ≥ k∈N vol(Ij,k ) − /2j+1 . Then, [ Ej ⊆ j∈N [ [ Ij,k . j∈N k∈N Hence, by definition m∗ [ Ej ≤ j∈N XX vol(Ij,k ) j∈N k∈N ≤ X m∗ (Ej ) + j∈N 2j+1 X ≤ m∗ (Ej ) + . j∈N 2. (?) Let E be a countable set in Rn . Show that m(E) = 0. Give an example of a measurable uncountable set E ⊆ R with m(E) = 0. Solution We first show that it E = {p} for some point p ∈ Rn , then E is measurable and has zero measure. To this end, note that in this case E is a closed set and hence measurable. Moreover, for any > 0 we may find a cell that contains p and has volume no greater than . For example, the cube centered at p with sidelengths 1/n will work. This cell covers E, and so by definition m(E) ≤ . Since was arbitrary, this implies that m(E) = 0. Now, note that if E = {pi }i∈N is an arbitrary countable subset of Rn , then it is the countable union of the singleton sets defined by its elements: [ E= {pi }. i∈N Hence, by the previous argument, it is the countable union of measurable sets and hence measurable, and moreover by the subadditivity of m, we see that X m(E) ≤ m({pi }) = 0. i∈N We now construct an uncountable set with with zero measure. Let S denote the collection of all finite sequences with entries in {0, 1}. Denote the length of a sequence σ ∈ S by |σ|. We declare that the empty sequence has length 0. Define I∅ = [0, 1]. Now, suppose that Iσ has been defined for all sequences σ ∈ S with |σ| = k ∈ N. We then define Iσ,0 and Iσ,1 to be the left-most and right-most closed subintervals of Iσ with length 1/3 of that of Iσ . For each k ∈ N, let [ Ck = Iσ . σ∈S,|σ|=k Since Ck is a finite union of closed sets, it is closed and hence measurable. The Cantor set C is defined by \ C= Ck . k∈N Since C is the intersection of closed sets, it is closed and hence measurable. Note also that C ⊆ [0, 1]. Hence, 1 = m([0, 1]) = m([0, 1] ∩ C) + m([0, 1]\C) = m(C) + m([0, 1]\C). (1) The complement [0, 1]\C is the countable union of disjoint open intervals given by [ [ [0, 1]\C = Iσ \(Iσ,0 ∪ Iσ,1 ). k∈N σ∈S,|σ|=k For a fixed k ∈ N, there are 2k sequences σ ∈ S with length k; for each such σ the open interval Iσ \(Iσ,0 ∪ Iσ,1 ) has length 3−(k+1) . Using exercise 3, we therefore see that m([0, 1]\C) = X 2k = 1. 3k+1 k∈N This, along with (1), shows that m(C) = 0. To see that C is uncountable, we argue by contradiction. By construction, there is a surjection (in fact it is a bijection) from C to the set S∞ of countably infinte sequences of zeros and ones. Hence it suffices to show that S∞ is not countable. Suppose that S∞ is countable, and let {σl }l∈N be an enumeration of it. Denote by σl (k) the kth entry of σl . Now, define τ ∈ σ∞ by τ (k) = 1 − σk (k). Then τ 6= σl for any l ∈ N, a contradiction. As a bonus, we prove that C contains no interval. First, note that any interval contains some interval of the form Iˆσ := Iσ \(Iσ,0 ∪ Iσ,1 ) where σ ∈ S. Hence, if C contains any interval, it will contain some Iˆσ . However, by construction C is precisely the complement of the collection of all such intervals. This is a contradiction. S 3. (?) Show that if E = k∈N Ik is a countable union of cells in Rn with disjoint interiors, then E is measurable and X m(E) = vol Ik . k∈N Solution Since each cell is measurable, and the countable union of measurable sets is measurable, we see that E is measurable. Since the measure of a cell is its volume, the sub-additivity of m implies that X X m(E) ≤ m(Ik ) = vol Ik . k∈N k∈N Denote the interior of a cell I by I o . Then E⊇ [ Iko . k∈N Hence, by monotonicity of m, ! m(E) ≥ m [ Iko . k∈N Note that k∈N Iko is a countable union of disjoint measurable sets. Hence, by exercise 4b, we have that ! X X [ X o vol(Ik ). vol(Iko ) = m Ik = m(Iko ) = S k∈N k∈N k∈N k∈N This completes the proof. 4. Let {Ei }i∈N be a countable sequence of measurable subsets of Rn . (a) (?) Show that ! m [ Ei i∈N = lim m n→∞ n [ ! Ei . i=0 (b) Show that if the sequence is pair-wise disjoint, then ! ∞ [ X m Ei = m(Ei ). i∈N i=0 (c) Show that if the sequence is increasing, i.e., E0 ⊆ E1 ⊆ E2 ⊆ . . . , then ! [ m Ei = lim m(Ei ). i∈N i→∞ (d) Show that if the sequence is decreasing, i.e., E0 ⊇ E1 ⊇ E2 ⊇ . . . , and there is a number i0 ∈ N such that m(Ei ) < ∞, then ! \ m Ei = lim m(Ei ). i∈N i→∞ Show that this can fail if m(Ei ) = ∞ for each i ∈ N. f0 = E0 , and define inductively Solution (a) Let E n−1 [ fn = En \ E ! . Ei i=0 fn is measurable, and E fn ∩ E g Then for each n ∈ N, the set E m = ∅ if n 6= m. Moreover, for each n ∈ N n n [ [ fi = E Ei , i=1 i=1 and [ fi = E [ Ei . i∈N i∈N By exercise 4b, ! m [ = fi E m n [ fi ), m(E i=0 i∈N and ∞ X ! = fi E i=0 n X fi ). m(E i=0 Thus ! [ m Ei ! [ =m i∈N fi E i∈N = ∞ X fi ) m(E i=0 = lim n→∞ n X fi ) m(E i=0 = lim m n→∞ = lim m n→∞ n [ i=0 n [ ! fi E ! Ei . i=0 (b) We first claim that for any n ∈ N, m n [ ! Ei = i=0 n X m(Ei ). i=0 Clearly this is true for n = 0. Suppose that it is true for some given n ∈ N. Write ! n+1 n [ [ Ei = Ei ∪ En+1 . i=0 Since i=0 Sn i=0 Ei is measurable, disjointness yields ! ! !! n+1 n+1 n [ [ [ Ei +m m Ei = m Ei ∩ i=0 i=0 i=0 =m n [ ! Ei i=0 = n+1 X i=0 m(Ei ). + m(En+1 ). n+1 [ i=0 ! Ei \ n [ i=0 !! Ei This proves the claim by induction. Applying the claim and monotonicity, ∞ X n X m(Ei ) = lim n→∞ i=0 m(Ei ) = lim m n→∞ i=0 ≤ lim m n→∞ ! Ei i=0 ∞ [ ! Ei i=0 ∞ [ =m n [ ! Ei . [ fi . E i=0 Sub-additivity of the measure implies that ! ∞ ∞ [ X m Ei ≤ m(Ei ), i=0 i=0 completing the proof. (c) Since the sequence is increasing, n [ Ei = En . i=0 Hence, this follows immediately from (a). (d) Consider, for each i ∈ N, the set fi := Ei \Ei . E 0 Then ! Ei0 \ \ Ei = Ei0 \ \ Ei = i≥i0 i∈N i≥i0 fi }i≥i is increasing, so by (c) Moreover, the sequence {E 0 !! \ [ fi = lim m(E fi ). m Ei0 \ Ei = m E i→∞ i≥i0 i∈N Consider any i ≥ i0 . Since Ei is measurable and the sequence {Ei } is decreasing, fi ). m(Ei0 ) = m(Ei0 ∩ Ei ) + m(Ei0 \Ei ) = m(Ei ) + m(E Since m(Ei0 ) < ∞, all quantities above are also finite, and so !! \ m Ei0 \ Ei = lim m(Ei0 ) − m(Ei ) = m(Ei0 ) − lim m(Ei ). i∈N Similarly, since T i∈N Ei i→∞ i→∞ is measurable, !! m(Ei0 ) = m Ei0 \ \ Ei ! +m i∈N Again, since m(Ei0 ) < ∞, we may write !! \ m Ei0 \ Ei = m(Ei0 ) − m i∈N Together with (2), this yields the desired equality. \ Ei . i∈N ! \ i∈N Ei . (2) 5. (?) Find a measurable subset A of R with the property that m(A) > 0, but A contains no cells of positive length. This indicates that an analogously defined “inner measure” would not coincide with the outer measure m∗ . Solution Consider the set A = R\Q of irrational numbers. Since Q is countable, it is measurable and has measure 0. Hence, A is also measurable. As a result, m(R) = m(R ∩ A) + m(R\A) = m(A) + m(Q) = m(A). However, the rational numbers are dense in R, and so A cannot contain any interval.