Homotopy and Dynamics for Homeomorphisms of Solenoids and Knaster Continua

Homotopy and Dynamics for
Homeomorphisms of Solenoids and
Knaster Continua
Jaroslaw Kwapisz1
Department of Mathematical Sciences
Montana State University
Bozeman MT 59717-2400
tel: (406) 994 5358
fax: (406) 994 1789
e-mail: jarek@math.montana.edu
web page: http://www.math.montana.edu/~jarek/
April 12, 2001
AMS-classication: 37B40, 37B45 (also 28D20, 54H20)
We describe homotopy classes of self-homeomorphisms of solenoids and
Knaster continua. In particular, we demonstrate that homeomorphisms
within one homotopy class have the same (explicitly given) topological entropy and that they are actually semi-conjugated to an algebraic homeomorphism in the case when the entropy is positive.
This work has been partially supported by NSF EPSCoR grant MONTS-190729 and NSF
grant DMS-9970725
1 Introduction
A solenoid goes back to [20, 5] and is an indecomposable continuum that can be
visualized as intersection of a nested sequence of progressively thiner solid tori
that are each wrapped into the previous one a number of times as suggested by
Figure 1.1. Any radial cross-section of a solenoid is a Cantor set each point of
which belongs to a densely immersed line, called a composant. The wrapping
numbers may vary from one torus to another; we shall record their sequence by
P = fp1; p2; : : : g, and we shall refer to the associated solenoid as the P -adic solenoid,
denoted by SP . No generality is lost in assuming that all pi 's are prime.
Figure 1.1: Two tori | one wrapped into another 3 times | and an approximation to
the (3 2 2
)-adic solenoid.
For the sequence P , we also have the associated P -adic Knaster continuum KP
that is an intersection of a nested sequence of disks each traversing the previous
one in a snake-like fashion a number of times indicated by the corresponding term
in P (see Figure 1.2). KP is related to SP by a 2-1 branched cover SP ! KP (see
Section 9 and c.f. [3]).
Figure 1.2: Two embedded disks and an approximation to the (3 2 2
)-adic Knaster
In dynamics, which serves as our main motivation, one usually encounters SP
and KP for periodic sequences P , P = fn; n; : : : g. Particularly, for n = 2 we
get two classical attractors: the Smale's Solenoid and the Smale's Horseshoe (see
e.g. [11]). These are basic examples among a bewildering variety of complicated
continua that are observed in chaotic systems. One naturally wonders to what
extent the rich structure of such sets determines the underlying dynamics. We
solve this problem in the simplest setting of SP and KP by classifying all their
homeomorphisms. Let us describe our results for SP now; analogous theorems
hold for KP (see Section 9).
SP has a structure of a topological group (see Section 2 or [10]). Its translations roughly turn SP axially and may x or permute its composants. Besides
translations and the involution r : z 7! z 1 , the simplest maps of SP are Frobenius
homomorphisms gb : SP ! SP , z 7! zb , where b 2 N. (The action of gb roughly
wraps SP longitudinally b times onto itself.) We shall prove that gb is a homeomorphism i b is P -recurrent (i.e. every prime dividing b repeats innitely many times
in P ). In that case, we can also form maps ga=b := gb 1 ga. The compositions
s ga=b and r s ga=b where s is a translation and a; b 2 N are co-prime and
P -recurrent form a group of ane homeomorphisms of SP .
THEOREM 1 1 Suppose that P is an innite sequence of prime numbers and
f : SP ! SP is a homeomorphism of the P -adic solenoid. Then there are unique
P -recurrent and co-prime natural numbers a; b 2 N such that f is isotopic to the
ane map g = s ga=b or g = r s ga=b .
We note that g is determined uniquely up to a translation that xes the composants of SP so that there are actually uncountably many homotopy classes for
homeomorphisms of SP | each class is determined by the winding ratio a=b and
the composant that contains the image f (e) of the neutral element e 2 SP .
Our second theorem assures that the topological entropy is constant across any
xed homotopy class.
THEOREM 2 In the context of Theorem 1, the topological entropies of f and g
coincide and are given by
h(f ) = h(g) = log maxfa; bg:
In particular, if f is homotopic to a translation then the entropy is zero.
Finally, our third theorem shows that if h(f ) > 0, then f is conjugated to g
after perhaps collapsing some arcs in SP to points.
THEOREM 3 In the context of Theorem 1, if a=b 6= 1, then f is semi-conjugated
to g; namely, there is a surjective continuous map h : SP ! SP such that h f =
g h. Moreover, h 1(z) is a point or an arc for any z 2 SP .
This result is hardly new; see the comments at the end of this introduction.
It is easy to see that the semi-conjugacy does not in general exist when a=b = 1
(c.f. [13]).
Let us mention that the above results show that the set of entropies exhibited
by homeomorphisms of SP determines all the P -recurrent primes and that this
already determines SP up to a homeomorphism in the dynamically interesting case
when P is a periodic sequence. Indeed, in [15, 1], it is shown that two solenoids
SP and SP~ are homeomorphic i, after perhaps removing a nite number of terms,
P and P~ contain each prime the same number of times. In general, however, nonhomeomorphic solenoids may exhibit the same entropies as exemplied by a pair
S(2;3;5;7;::: ) and S(2;2;3;3;5;5;7;7;::: ) | both solenoids admit only self-homeomorphisms
of zero entropy.
The proofs of the three theorems hinge on constructing for an arbitrary homeomorphism of SP its lift to P R where P is the cross section of SP . The lift,
although generally no longer a homeomorphism, is a skew product over the base
P because it has to permute the composants f!g R. Moreover, the base map
on P is purely algebraic and universal across each homotopy class.
To indicate other ingredients making up our arguments, we outline the contents
of the sections to follow. In Section 2, we give a formal denition of SP and recall
the standard identication of the cross section P of SP with an adding machine.
Section 3 collects number-theoretical facts about P used in Section 4 to classify
the algebraic homeomorphisms of SP . Theorem 1 is shown in Section 5 by using
\small cross sections" of SP to lift an arbitrary homeomorphism of SP to P R.
A short Section 6 combines the results of Sections 4 and 5 to provide an explicit
formula for such a lift. Section 7 establishes Theorem 2 by computing the entropy
in P R as the sum of the entropies in the bers and in the base. This requires
a suitable version of Bowen's formula from [4], which we prove in the appendix.
Section 8 mimics Handel's [9] to implement Katok's idea of global shadowing in
order to show Theorem 3. Finally, Section 9 develops the analogues of Theorems
1, 2, and 3 for the Knaster continua by lifting the homeomorphisms from KP to
SP .
To end, let us put our results into perspective.2 Solenoids are old and we inevitably included some known material hoping to make the presentation accessible
even to a novice. The author's initial thrust came from conversations with Marcy
Barge. In [3], a special case of Theorem 2 was established for P = fn; n; : : : g and
f homotopic to a power of the very Frobenius homomorphism gn. [3] shows also
the formula for h(ga=b ) for all a; b, which however, goes back to [2] and belongs to a
long line of works as cited in [14]. Theorem 1, in turn, is not original: it belongs to
\folklore" among topologists and can be extracted from any of [15, 18, 12, 16, 7]; in
particular, its version for maps xing the unit element can be found on page 45 in
[7]. A quick proof amounts to observing that a homeomorphism of a solenoid must
The author was greatly aided by feedback from the preliminary circulation of the manuscript
and is especially grateful to M. Barge, L. Block, J. Keesling, P. Minc, V. Ssembatya, and the
anonymous referee.
permute the components according to its cohomological action on the dual group.
Nevertheless, to present all three results from a unied point of view, we supply a
careful elementary argument. Also, we should add that the analogue of Theorem 1
for KP with periodic P has been attributed in [3] to W. T. Watkins3 and it follows
from Lemma 9.5 in [6]. Theorem 3 seems genuinely new although it relies on tested
tools of hyperbolic dynamics and is a natural extension of the classical result in
[8, 9]. We mention that our result complements [12], where the group of homeomorphisms of a solenoid was studied as a topological space. Finally, non-locally
connected coverings like P R ! SP were used in [17]; however, our approach
to homeomorphisms of SP via their (non-invertible) lifts to P R seems original
and is the key idea of this paper.
2 Preliminaries
We x a sequence P = fp0 ; p1; p2; : : : g where pk > 1 for k 1 are prime numbers,
and p0 = 1 is added for convenience. We dene the P -adic solenoid SP as the
inverse limit space of mappings z 7! zpk , k = 1; 2; : : : , on the complex unit circle
S := fz 2 C : jzj = 1g; namely,
SP = lim(z 7! zpk ) := f(zk )1k=0 : zk 1 = zkpk ; k 1g:
(This SP is homeomorphic to the geometric model discussed in the introduction,
which justies the abuse of notation.) Being a closed subgroup of the product
1 S, S is a compact abelian topological group (c.f. x10 in Chapter II of [10]);
we write z z~ for the product of its two elements and e for the neutral element
(1; 1; 1; : : : ). SP is also a solenoidal group, meaning that there is a homomorphism
: R ! SP with dense image, (R) = SP . Explicitly,
(t) := (exp (2it=p0 : : : pk ))1
k=0 ; t 2 R:
generates a translation ow T : R SP ! SP , T tz := (t) z, which has an
obvious cross section with return time 1 along a subgroup given by
P := fz = (zk )1
T 1(P ) = P ;
k=0 2 SP : z0 = 1g;
(i.e. there is t 0 with T tz 2 P for any z 2 SP and ft 2 R : T t z 2 P g = Z for
z 2 P ). The return map is the translation by := (1),
T := T 1jP : P ! P ; T! := !;
and SP is homeomorphic with the suspension manifold of T , SP = P [0; 1]= where (!; 1) (T!; 0) for ! 2 P . Equivalently, SP is the orbit space of Z acting
(discretely) on P R so that k 2 Z is assigned the map
Dk : (!; x) 7! (T k !; x k):
although we could not locate a written account
We denote by the associated natural projection
: P R ! P R=Z = SP ;
which is a covering and a homomorphism of topological groups4 (c.f. [17]). Being
a covering, has the unique path lifting property and the homotopy lifting property
(see sec. 2, chap. 2 in [19]); however, unlike in the usual setting, P R is neither
connected nor locally connected so that the standard lifting theorems do not apply.
In particular, if : P ! Z is any continuous function, then the map
D() : P R ! P R;
D() : (!; x) 7! T (!) !; x (!) ;
is clearly a covering transformation, (i.e. D() = ), yet D() is not invertible
for non-constant . This (along with other features of T ) is made transparent by
viewing T as an \adding machine", which we recall below.
Topologically, P is a P -adic Cantor set: it is homeomorphic to CP :=
k=1 f0; : : : ; pk 1g via
CP 3 (dk k=1 7! (zk k=0 := exp 2i d1 + d2p1 + d3pp1pp2 + p + dk p1 pk 1 :
0 1
Here, we recognize the sequences [d1 : : : dk ] as the P -adic representations of the
sk := d1 + d2p1 + d3 p1p2 + + dk p1 pk 1;
and the group operation on P corresponds to the addition with carry performed
on [d1 : : : dk ]'s. More formally, the correspondence (zk )1
k=0 7! (sk )k=1 is an isomorphism of P as a topological group with the inverse limit of (additive) cyclic
P = lim Zp1 pk ;
where the bonding maps Zp1pk ! Zp1 pk 1 are given by
s (mod p1 pk ) 7! s (mod p1 pk 1); k > 1:
The action of T corresponds to the addition with carry of [1000 : : : ] and is given
on s 2 lim Zp1 pk simply by
T : (sk ) 7! (sk + 1):
It follows easily that the orbits of T are dense in P ; in particular, P =
f k : k 2 Ng and SP = fT te : t 2 Rg.
SP = P R=I where I is the subgroup I = f( k ; x
k) : k
2 Zg.
To compute the entropy in Section 7, we shall use the metric dP on P given
in terms of the P -adic representations by
dP ([dk ]1
k=1 ; [d~k ]k=1) := exp( minfk 1 : dk 6= d~k ; 1g):
Note that dP is induced by a norm | k[dk ]kP := exp( minfk : dk 6= 0g) | and
therefore dP is an invariant metric, i.e. the translations of P are isometries. On
P R and SP , we put the corresponding invariant metrics:
dP R((!; x); (~!; x~)) := maxfdP (!; !~ ); jx x~jg
dSP (z; z~) := minfdP R((!; x); (~!; x~)) : (!; x) = z; (~!; x~) = z~g:
In this way, the deck map D : P R ! P R becomes an isometry, and the
covering projection : P R ! SP becomes a local isometry.
3 Self-similarity of P
Let a sequence of primes P be xed as in the previous section. For determination
of possible types of homeomorphisms of SP in Section 4, it matters how the number
theory of P correlates with \self similarity of P ". Precisely: for a 2 N, we have
the associated Frobenius endomorphism
a : P ! P ;
a : ! 7! !a;
and we want to know that a is a monomorphism onto a subgroup of index a
exactly when a is P -recurrent (i.e. any prime that divides a appears in P innitely
many times). In fact, we shall need a bit more, which necessitates the following
Let P be the set of all prime numbers, and let P : P ! f0; 1; 2; : : : ; 1g be
the function that counts primes in P ,
P (p) := #fi 2 N : pi = pg; p 2 P:
For a 2 N, we have an analogous count of primes dividing a, a : P ! f0; 1; : : : g,
a(p) := maxfk 0 : pk divides ag; p 2 P:
The product a = p2P pa (p) can be decomposed according to the number of times
p shows in P : the primes p that repeat in P innitely many times contribute
aP ;1 :=
P (p)=1
pa(p) ;
the primes p that repeat in P nitely many times contribute
aP ;+ :=
0P (p)<1
pminfa(p);P (p)g ;
and there are the primes p that do not occur in P or occur in P fewer times than
in a,
aP ; :=
pa(p) minfa (p);P (p)g :
The number
0P (p)<1
aP := aP ;1 aP ;+
is the greatest common divisor of a and the (innite) product pi2P pi. We have
a = aP aP ; = aP ;1 aP ;+ aP ; ;
and a 2 N is P -recurrent i a = aP ;1.
Fact 3.1 For a 2 N, the kernel of a has cardinality j ker(a)j = aP ;+. In particular, a is a monomorphism i a = aP ;1aP ; , i.e. every prime in P that divides
a repeats in P innitely many times.
We shall argue for the representation of a on lim Zp1 pk P (see Section
2) given by
: lim Zp1 pk ! lim Zp1 pk ;
: s = (sk )1
k=1 7! as := (ask )k=1:
Proof of Fact 3.1. Let k0 be large enough so that aP divides p1 pk0 and no
prime pk divides aP ;+ for k > k0. In particular, aP ; and p1 pk =aP are co-prime
for k > k0 . Consider s 2 ker( a ). We have
ask = aP ; aP sk 0 (mod p1 pk ); k 1:
Thus, for k > k0, aP ; sk 0 (mod p1 pk =aP ) and, by the choice of k0,
sk 0 (mod p1 pk =aP ):
Also, for a xed k > k0 and l > k large enough, aP ;1 divides pk+1 pl so that
p1 pk =aP ;+ divides p1 pl =aP . The congruence (3.1) (applied for k = l) yields
that sl 0 (mod p1 pk =aP ;+), and thus sk sl 0 (mod p1 pk =aP ;+) since
s 2 lim Zp1pk . This shows that an arbitrary s 2 ker( a ) is of the form
sk = xk p1 pk =aP ;+ 2 Zp1pk ; k > k0;
where xk 2 ZaP;+ . As a result there are at most aP ;+ = jZaP;+ j elements in ker( a )
(because they would all have to dier on some xed coordinate sk for suciently
large k).
To see that j ker( a )j = aP ;+, for any xk0 2 ZaP;+ , we exhibit s 2 ker( a ) with
sk0 = xk0 p1 pk0 =aP ;+. For k < k0 , set sk := sk0 (mod p1 pk ). For k k0,
since pk+1 is co-prime with aP ;+ by the choice of k0, we can solve recursively for
xk 's the equations
xk+1 pk+1 xk (mod aP ;+); k k0;
and we can set sk := xk p1 pk =aP ;+. The recurrence (3.2) guarantees that sk+1 sk (mod p1 pk ) for all k 1, i.e. that s 2 lim Zp1pk . It is also immediate that
a (s) = 0. 2
Fact 3.2 For a 2 N, the image a(P ) = P a P is a subgroup of index
[P : P a ] = aP = aP ;1 aP ;+:
In particular, a is an epimorphism i a = aP ; , i.e. no prime in P divides a.
Proof of Fact 3.2. As before, take k0 large enough so that aP divides
p1 pk0 . Note that aP ; and p1 pk =aP are co-prime for k > k0 . Consider
a homomorphism h : lim Zp1 pk ! ZaP given by h : s 7! sk0 (mod aP ):
This is an epimorphism because, given x 2 ZaP , we clearly have h(s) = x for
s = (sk )1
k=1 := (x (mod p1 pk ))k=1 . It follows that [lim Zp1 pk : ker(h)] = aP .
To nish the proof, we show that ker(h) = a (lim Zp1 pk ).
If s 2 a (lim Zp1pk ), then s 2 ker(h) because sk0 0 (mod a). For the
other inclusion, observe that if h(s) = 0, then sk0 0 (mod aP ); and sk 0 (mod aP ) for k k0 because sk sk0 (mod p1 pk0 ) and aP divides p1 pk0 .
Hence, sk = xk aP (mod p1 pk ) for some xk 2 Zp1pk =aP , k k0. Because aP ;
and p1 pk =aP are co-prime for k > k0, we can solve the equations aP ; yk xk (mod p1 pk =aP ) for yk 2 Zp1 pk =aP , k k0 . It follows that aP ; aP yk aP xk sk (mod p1 pk ) so that a (y) = s, i.e. s 2 a (lim Zp1pk ). 2
4 Algebraic Homeomorphisms
We list in this section the self-homeomorphisms of solenoids that are to serve as
the representatives of the homotopy classes. (We shall proceed in a completely
elementary fashion that avoids Pontriagin's duality.)
The Inverse: Taking inverse with respect to the group operation in SP yields a
r : SP ! SP ; r : z 7! z 1 :
The corresponding map on the cover,
R : P R ! P R;
R : (!; x) 7! (! 1; x);
is a lift of r.
Translations: For w 2 SP , the translation by w yields a homeomorphism
sw : SP ! SP ; z 7! w z:
If (; t) 2 P R is a lift of w, (; t) = w, then
S(;t) : P R ! P R; S(;t) : (!; x) 7! (! ; x + t)
is a lift of sw .
Frobenius Automorphisms: For a 2 N, we have the Frobenius endomorphism
ga : SP ! SP ; ga : z 7! za ;
which lifts to the corresponding Frobenius endomorphism on P R,
Ga : P R ! P R; Ga : (!; x) 7! (a (!); ax):
(a : P ! P ; a(!) = !a was discussed in Section 3.)
Lemma 4.1 The Frobenius endomorphism ga is a homeomorphism of SP i a is
P -recurrent, i.e. a = aP ;1.
The idea is that ga is a homeomorphism exactly when a is 1-1 and [P :
a(P )] = a, which will translate to a = aP ;1 by the results of the previous
section. The rst condition is clear because a = ga jP , and the second condition
is to prevent the fundamental domain P [0; 1] from overlapping in the image of
Ga .
Proof of Lemma 4.1. Observe that ga is surjective for any a 2 N because
ga( (t)) = (at) for t 2 R and (aR) = SP .
Suppose that a = aP ;1. We shall rst prove that ga is a homeomorphism by
deriving an explicit formula for its (lifted) inverse. (This may not be the shortest
route but the formula will be crucial in all subsequent sections.) From Fact 3.2,
P decomposes into a disjoint union of a clopen cosets
P = P a [ P a [ : : : [ a 1 P a :
Let Ia : P ! Za ' P =P a be the natural projection so that ! 2 Ia(!) P a for
! 2 P : Dene G1=a : P R ! P R by the formula
G1=a : (!; x) 7! a
!); x + aIa (!) :
G1=a is manifestly continuous; and we claim that G1=a descends to a continuous
map g1=a : SP ! SP . It suces to see that, given (!; x) 2 P R, G1=a D(!; x) =
1 ( Ia (!)
Dk G1=a (!; x) for some k 2 N:
If Ia(!) < a 1, so that Ia ( !) = Ia (!) + 1, then
G1=a D(!; x) = G1=a ( !; x 1) =
a 1
If Ia(!) = a 1, so that ! 2 P , then
G1=a D(!; x) = G1=a ( !; x 1) = a
coincides with
D G1=a (!; x) = a
1 ( a+1
1 + Ia ( ! )
Ia(!) ! ; x + aIa(!) = G1=a (!; x):
Ia( !) ! ; x
1 (
! ); x a 1
!); x + aa 1 1 = a 1(
a+1 ! ); x
because a 1( a+1 !) = a 1( !), which is easily veried by applying a to
both sides and simplifying. Thus, indeed, g1=a is well dened.
Note that G1=a is a left inverse of Ga, G1=a Ga = IdP R. Therefore, since
ga is surjective (unlike Ga), g1=a is the (two-sided) inverse of ga, which makes ga a
To prove the other implication, suppose that ga is a homeomorphism. If a =
q1 qm is the prime decomposition of a, then ga = gq1 gqm where the gqi 's
are homeomorphisms as well. Let us consider then a single homeomorphism gq for
a prime q = qi. If q appears in P , then q must be P -recurrent since otherwise
q = gq jP is not 1-1 by Fact 3.1. If q does not appear in P , then Facts 3.2 and
3.1 imply that q : P ! P is a homeomorphism and so are the restrictions
gq j(P fk=qg) : (P fk=qg) ! P ;
k = 0; : : : ; q 1:
Therefore, each point of P has (exactly) q preimages, which contradicts gq being a
homeomorphism. This shows that any prime factor qi, and thus a, is P -recurrent.
By combining the Frobenius automorphisms, their inverses, translations, and
possibly the inverse involution we arrive with ane homeomorphisms of SP |
among which those that map P to itself we shall call normalized ane homeomorphisms.
Denition 4.1 (ane homeomorphisms) Suppose that 2 P and a; b 2 N
are co-prime and P -recurrent. We dene a homeomorphism
ga=b; : SP ! SP
to be the factor of Ga=b; : P R ! P R given by
Ga=b; : (!; x) 7! a=b (!); a(x +bIb (!))
a=b (!) := a b 1(
Ib (!) ! )
and Ib : P ! Zb is determined by Ib(!) ! 2 P b .
A map g : SP ! SP is called a normalized ane homeomorphism i g = ga=b; or
g = r ga=b; for some a; b; as above.
A map g : SP ! SP is called an ane homeomorphism i g = T t ga=b; or
g = r T t ga=b; for some a; b; as above and t 2 R.
Note that ga and gb commute so that ga=b; = s ga gb 1 = s gb 1 ga: Also,
if a~ and ~b fail to be co-prime, one may dene ga~=~b; := ga=b; where a=b = a~=~b is the
reduced fraction | which allows one to write5
ga1=b1 ; 1 ga2 =b2 ; 2 = ga1 =b1 a2 =b2 ; 1 a1=b1 (2 )
ga=b;1 = gb=a; b=a() : (4.5)
At the same time, keep in mind that if b 6= 1, then Ga=b; = S Ga G1=b 6=
S G1=b Ga ; and Ga=b; is neither 1-1 nor surjective.
Remark 4.1 The formula (4.4) takes on a more friendly appearance when interpreted on lim Zp1 pk = P . Namely, if w 2 lim Zp1 pk corresponds to 2 P ,
a; b 2 N are co-prime and b is P -recurrent, then a=b : P ! P is conjugated
to w + a=b : lim Zp1 pk ! lim Zp1 pk given by
(w +
a=b )(s)k
= wk + a(sk b) (mod p1 pk ); s 2 lim Zp1 pk ;
valid for k large enough to guarantee that b divides p1 pk . (Here the symbol stands for the integer division.)
We nish by classifying the ane homeomorphisms with respect to homotopy.
Lemma 4.2 Two normalized ane homeomorphisms ga=b; and ga1 =b1 ;1 are homotopic i a = a1 , b = b1 , and T n = 1 for some n 2 Z.
Proof. To prove necessity, it suces to argue for a1 = b1 = 1 and 1 = e (by
(4.5)). Suppose that ft : SP ! SP , t 2 [0; 1], is a homotopy such that f0 = ga=b;
and f1 = Id. As a covering, has a homotopy lifting property so that there is a
homotopy Ft : P R ! P R, t 2 [0; 1], covering ft and such that F0 = Ga=b; .
5 That is the ane homeomorphisms are a skew product of the group of P -adic fractions and
SP .
Being a lift of f1 = Id, F1 must be a covering transformation, i.e. F1 = D() for
some continuous function : P ! Z (c.f. Section 2). Now, if prR : P R ! R
is the projection on the second factor, then the compactness of P implies that ft
has a bounded displacement; namely,
jprR(F0(!; x)) prR(F1 (!; x))j = ja(x + Ib (!))=b (x (!))j < C
for some C > 0 independent on x 2 R and ! 2 P . It follows (by considering
x ! 1) that a=b = 1, i.e. a = 1 and b = 1. Moreover | P being totally
disconnected | Ft must permute the leaves ! R in P R, which is to say that
the projection prP (Ft (!; x)) onto P is constant over the range (t; x) 2 [0; 1] R,
i.e. ! = (!) ! for all ! 2 P . In this way, () must be constant and = | which nishes the proof of necessity.
For suciency, observe that the ow T t provides isotopies from ga=b; to ga=b;k and back. 2
5 Homotopy Classes (Proof of Theorem 1)
In this section, we x a homeomorphism f : SP ! SP and construct an isotopy of
f to an ane homeomorphism g of SP in order to prove Theorem 1.
We record rst the simple fact that f is an orbit equivalence between the ow
T and itself or T t and its inverse, T t. (This suggests that the homotopy type of
f is solely determined by the way f permutes the orbits of T t .)
Fact 5.3 For every z 2 SP , there is a homeomorphism : R ! R such that
f T t z = T (t) f (z); t 2 R:
Depending on whether (t) is increasing or decreasing we shall call f orientation
preserving or orientation reversing | (which z is used is irrelevant because fT t (z ) :
t 2 Rg winds densely in SP .) At the expense of replacing f with r f , we may
assume that f is orientation preserving.
Proof of Fact 5.3. Fix z 2 SP . By path lifting, we have : R ! P R such
that (t) = f T t z for t 2 R. Because P is totally disconnected, prP is
constant and so (t) = (!; (t)) for some : R ! R and some ! 2 P . is 1-1
because f is 1-1. Also, (R) = R because otherwise (f(!; (t)) : t > 0g) =
ff T tz : t > 0g would not be dense in SP . 2
In order to lift f to a map of P R, we shall use \small cross-sections of
T ". For N 2 N, let c := p1 pN . Clearly, c = cP so that [P : P c] = c
by Fact 3.2. Hence, P c is a cross-section of the ow T t with constant return
time c. Moreover, since P c = f! 2 P : !i = 1; 8 0 i N g, we see that
limN !1 diam(P c) = 0 (with respect to any compatible metric). In this way, we
can nd N 2 N, ; 2 (0; 1=4), and x0 2 (0; 1) such that
f (P c ( ; )) (P (x0 ; x0 + ));
diam pr0 f 1 (! (x0 ; x0 + )) < 1=2; ! 2 P ;
dist (pr0 f (z1); pr0 f (z2 )) < 1=4 for z1 z2 1 2 P c; z1 ; z2 2 SP ;
where pr0 : SP ! S is the projection on the zeroth coordinate, pr0 ((zi)1
i=0 ) = z0 ,
and the metric on S is induced from R via the exponential t 7! exp(2it).
In particular, P c is chosen to be small enough cross-section so that a localized
isotopy will easily \straighten" f (P c) and put it into a ber of pr0 : SP ! S,
which then can be further isotoped into P via T t. This is formalized in the rst
step below.
Step 1: Construct an isotopy of f to f such that f (P c) P .
Construction. From (5.1), f (P c) is evenly covered by ; in particular, we
have a well dened and continuous := prP ~ 1 f jP c : P c ! P and
= prR ~ 1 f jP c : P c ! R where ~ := jP (x0 ;x0+). Clearly, f jP c (!) =
( (!); (!)). Observe that is 1-1. Indeed, if ! = (!1) = (!2) for !1; !2 2 P c,
then (5.1) implies that both !1 and !2 are contained in f 1 (! (x0 ; x0 + )),
which intersects P only once by (5.2) | hence, !1 = !2.
Thus we can invert , and 1j(P c) is a continuous function. Let ^ : P ! R
be its continuous extension to P . To construct a homotopy h : SP ! SP ,
2 [0; 1], supported on (P [x0 2; x0 + 2]), x a vector eld X supported
on [x0 2; x0 + 2] and such that X = 1 on [x0 ; x0 + ]. Denote by X t the ow
of X . For z 2 (P (x0 2; x0 + 2)), set
h (z) = !; X [x0
^(!)] x
where (!; x) 2 P (x0 2; x0 + 2) is the (unique) lift of z. Extend h by
identity to the whole SP . This denition assures that h0 = Id and h1 f (P c) =
( (P c) x0 ). Moreover, h is a homeomorphism for each 2 [0; 1]: it is
manifestly surjective, and it is 1-1 because it preserves the composants (! R)
and solves an ODE on each of them. In this way, the isotopy given by T x0 h f ,
2 [0; 1], deforms f to f := T x0 h1 f such that f (P c) P | as required.
Step 2: Adjust f by translation so that the neutral element e is a xed point;
namely, dene
so that f^(e) = e:
f^ := sf (e) 1 f
Fact 5.4 f^(P c) is a cross-section of T t with some constant return time d 2 N.
Proof. Fix !0 2 P c and set (t) := f^ T t (!0) for t 2 R. By Fact 5.3,
(t) = T (t) ! for some ! 2 P and : R ! R an increasing homeomorphism (since
we assumed that f preserved orientation). Because (0); (c) 2 f^(P c) P , the
winding number of the curve pr0 j[0;c] into the zeroth circle is well dened |
denote it by d 2 N. Since c is the rst return time of !0 to P c and f^ is an
orbit equivalence, d is the rst return time for f^(!0 ) to f^(P c). The condition
(5.3) assures that d does not depend on !0 because, as we vary !0 2 SP c, the
dierent curves pr0 (t) never depart from each other further than by 1=4, i.e.
dist (pr0 (t); pr0 ~(t)) 1=4 if ~(t) := f^ T t(~!0) for some !~0 2 P c. 2
Denote := f^jP c . Observe that ( cn) = dn for n 2 Z because the rst
return to P c corresponds via f^ to the rst return to f^(P ) after time d (see Fact
5.4). Since f n : n 2 Ng = P , we conclude that
c = d :
(Here k (!) = !k , see Section 3.) In particular, f^(P c) = P d.
Fact 5.5 The return times c and d are products of primes in P , i.e. c = cP and
d = dP . Moreover, c=d = cP ;1=dP ;1.
Proof. From Fact 3.2, the return time to P d equals [P : P d ] = dP which
shows that d = dP . That c = cP follows from the denition of c. For the \moreover
part", note that is 1-1 so that j ker(c)j = j ker(d)j by (5.4), which translates
to cP ;+ = dP ;+ via Fact 3.1. Hence, c=d = cP =dP = (cP ;+cP ;1)=(dP ;+dP ;1) =
cP ;1=dP ;1. 2
Step 3: There is an isotopy of f^ to the ane homomorphism gcP;1=dP;1 := gcP;1 gdP1;1 .
The idea is that (5.4) forces f^ to agree with gc=d on P c, and this agreement
can be easily spread onto the whole SP by \ironing out" the nonlinearities along
the bers ! R.
Construction. We only produce a homotopy and leave derivation of formulas
for an isotopy as an exercise. Because f^(P c) = P d we can cut SP along the cross
sections P c and P d and lift g to g~ as in the diagram below
P c [0; c]
! P d ? [0; d]
where the vertical arrows realize the boundary identications (!; c) (T c!; 0) and
(!; d) (T d!; 0).
Since f^ preserves the ow lines of T , (5.4) implies that g~(!c; x) := (!d; h(!c; x)),
(!c; x) 2 P c [0; c], for some h : P c [0; c] ! [0; d] that maps P c f0; cg to
f0; dg. (Note that !d is well in termsc of !c denedd because ker(d) = ker(c) by
(5.4).) We write a homotopy g~ : P [0; c] ! P [0; d], 2 [0; 1],
g~(!c; x) := !d; d=c x + (1 ) (h(!c; x) d=c x) :
Observe that g~ respects the identications on P c f0; cg and P d f0; dg so
that it descends to a homotopy g^ : SP ! SP . Clearly, g^0 = f^ and we claim that
g^1 = gcP;1=dP;1 . Indeed, given z 2 SP , we take its lift (!c; x) 2 P c [0; c] and see
that c=d = cP ;1=dP ;1 implies that
g~1 (!c cP;1 ; cP ;1 x) = !d cP;1 ; d=c cP ;1 x = !c dP;1 ; dP ;1 x ;
which shows that g^1(zcP;1 ) = zdP;1 for all z 2 SP , i.e. g^1 = gcP;1=dP;1 . 2
Conclusion of the proof of Theorem 1. The progression of the three steps above
shows that if f : SP ! SP is a homeomorphism, then gcP;1=dP;1 is isotopic to
s! 1 f in the orientation preserving case or to s! 1 r f in the orientation
reversing case. (Here ! := f (e).) Thus f is isotopic to gcP;1=dP;1; ! or to the
r gcP;1=dP;1 ; ! . 2
6 General Form of Homeomorphism
The results of the two previous sections yield a very explicit description of homeomorphisms of SP :
Corollary 6.1 If f : SP ! SP is an orientation preserving homeomorphism, then
f has a lift F : P R ! P R of the form
b (! ))
F : (!; x) 7! a=b (!);
+ (!; x)
where a and b are co-prime P -recurrent, 2 P , and : P R ! R is a bounded
continuous function invariant under the deck map: D = , i.e. ( !; x 1) =
(!; x) for all (!; x) 2 P R. If f : SP ! SP is orientation reversing, then it
has a lift of the form R F (where, recall, R(!; x) = (! 1 ; x)). Moreover, the
numbers a and b are uniquely determined by the homotopy type of f .
Observe that F D = D() F where (!; x) = 0 if Ib (!) < b 1 and (!; x) = a
if Ib(!) = b 1 (c.f. the proof of Lemma 4.1).
Proof. Theorem 1 supplies a homotopy f : SP ! SP , 2 [0; 1], that connects
f = f1 to an ane homeomorphism g = f0. Let F : P R ! P R, 2 [0; 1],
be a lift of this homotopy such that F0 is the lift Ga=b; of the ane homeomorphism
(see Denition 4.1). Recall that, since is a covering, F(!; x) is obtained by
unique path lifting of the path [0; 1] 3 7! f(z), z = (!; x), starting at a
point (; y) := Ga=b; (!; x). Total disconnectedness of P forces the lifted path
to have a constant projection onto P , i.e. to be of the form (; y + ~(!; x; ))
for some continuous ~ : P R [0; 1] ! R. Thus the corollary holds with
(!; x) := ~(!; x; 1). The equivariance of is immediate from the uniqueness of
path lifting. The uniqueness of a and b is a consequence of Lemma 4.2. 2
7 Entropy (Proof of Theorem 2)
To determine the entropy of an arbitrary homeomorphism f : SP ! SP and
prove Theorem 2, we shall pass to the lift F of f given by (6.1), compute the
entropies generated by F in the base P and in the individual bers ! R, and
apply a version of Bowen's formula for the entropy of skew-products (as shown in
the appendix). The references [4] and [21] may be consulted for the denition of
topological entropy. All the entropies are computed with respect to the metrics on
P , SP , and P R constructed in Section 2.
Lemma 7.3 For a map F as in Corollary 6.1, a compact segment I R, and
! 2 P , the entropy of a compact set ! I with respect to F and the metric dP R
h(F; ! I ) maxf0; log(a=b)g:
The lemma hinges on the well known basic fact that, given two partitions of a line
segment: one into p subsegments fIig and another into q subsegments fJj g, their
renement fIig_fJj g := fIi \ Jj gi;j can have at most p + q 1 non-empty elements.
This indicates that the entropy is produced solely by exponential stretching, which
is controlled by a=b. (Thus, in fact, hdP R (F; ! R) = maxf0; log(a=b)g.)
Proof of Lemma 7.3. Fix arbitrary ; > 0 such that > maxf1; ja=bjg. Set
!k := prP F k (! I ) and Ik := prR F k (! I ), k 0. It is easy to see from
(6.1) that there is C > 0 such that jIk j Ck for k 0. Let Ak be a partition
of !k Ik into closed segments of equal length 2 [=2; ] so that the cardinality
#Ak 2Ck =. The partition An := A0 _ F 1A1 _ : : : _ F n+1 An 1 has cardinality
#An 2C= (1 + : : : + n + n). Since any selector set of An is an (; n)-spanning
set in ! I , we obtain hdP R (F; ! I ) log after passing to the limit with
n ! 1 and then with ! 1. We are done by the arbitrariness of . 2
Lemma 7.4 For a; b 2 N co-prime with b P -recurrent, the topological entropy of
the map a=b : P ! P is
h( a=b ) = log b:
Proof of Lemma 7.4. It is more convenient to argue for := w + a=b :
lim Zp1 pk ! lim Zp1 pk that is conjugated to a=b (as explained in Remark
4.1). Let (kn)1
n=1 be a non-decreasing sequence such that p1 pkn is divisible by b ,
n 2 N; and set := exp( k1 ). We claim that if s and s~ 2 lim Zp1pk are such that
sk 6 s~k (mod bn ) for some k kn, then s and s~ are (n; )-separated. This would
yield h( ) log b because, by using the natural embedding : N ! lim Zp1pk
such that ((n)k )1
k=1 := (n (mod p1 pk ))k=1, we exhibit an (n; )-separated set
Sn := (f0; :::; b 1g) lim Zp1 pk and #Sn = bn.
We verify the claim by induction with respect to n. For n = 1, the P -adic
expansions [dk ] and [d~k ] of s and s~ | see (2.1) | must dier on some digit dk 6= d~k
for k k1 since otherwise s~k sk would be divisible by b. Thus dP (s; s~) by the denitions of and the distance dP (Section 2). Now, for the induction
step, assume that the claim holds for n 1 and that sk 6 s~k (mod bn). Unless
dP (s; s~) , and there is nothing to show, we have sk s~k (mod b) for k k1
by what we have already shown. Hence, (sk b) 6 (~sk b) (mod bn 1 ). Since a is
co-prime with b, it follows that
(s)k = wk + a(sk b) 6 wk + a(~sk b) = (~s)k (mod bn 1 );
and we conclude that (s) and (s) are (n 1; )-separated by the induction
hypothesis. This makes s and s~ (n; )-separated.
To prove h( ) log b, it suces to show that if s; s~ 2 lim Zp1pk are such that
sk s~k (mod p1 pk1 bn) for some k > k1 large enough so that p1 pk1 bn divides
p1 pk , then s and s~ are (n; )-close. Indeed, S~n := (f0; : : : ; p1 pk1 bn 1g) is
then an (n; )-spanning set with cardinality p1 pk1 bn | and can be made arbitrarily small by increasing k1. Thus, suppose that sk s~k (mod p1 pk1 bn).
Then sk s~k (mod p1 pk1 ) and so dP (s; s~) . Also, sk b s~k b (mod p1 pk1 bn 1) so that
(s)k = wk + a(sk b) wk + a(~sk b) = (~s)k (mod p1 pk1 bn 1 );
which shows that dP ( (s); (~s)) . By repeating the argument, i(s)k i (~
s)k (mod p1 pk1 bn i) so that dP ( i(s); i(~s)) for i = 0; : : : ; n 1. 2
Our Theorem 2 amounts to the following proposition.
Proposition 7.1 The topological entropy h(f ) of a homeomorphism f : SP ! SP
is given by
h(f ) = maxf0; log(a=b)g + log b = log maxfa; bg
where a and b are as in Corollary 6.1.
Proof. It suces to argue for f that is orientation preserving (otherwise,
consider f 2). First, note that h(f ) = h(F; K ) for K := P [ M; M ] where
M 1 (c.f. Theorem 8.12 in [21]). To see that, x 1=4 > r > 0 so that
jB(p;r) : B (p; r) ! B ((p); r) is a surjective isometry for all p 2 P R
(where B (p; r) = fz : d(z; p) < rg). Consider any 2 (0; r) small enough that
d(F (p); F (q)) < r if d(p; q) < . One can verify that if E is (n; )-spanning for
SP , then E~ := 1 (E ) \ fp 2 K : d(p; K ) g is (n; )-spanning for K ; and
#E~ (2M + 1)#E , which implies h(F; K ) h(f ). Also, if E~ is (n; )-spanning
for K , then E := (E~ ) is (n; )-spanning for SP , which implies h(f ) h(F; K ).
Since passing to f 1 interchanges the roles of a and b (c.f. (4.5)) and h(f ) =
h(f 1), we may assume that a=b 1. Suppose rst that a=b < 1. For some large
M > 1, K = P [ M; M ] is invariant under F , F (K ) K . The projection
K ! P factors F jK to a=b : P ! P . Since entropy cannot increase under
factoring, h(F jK ) h( a=b ) = log b, where we also used Lemma 7.4. Bowen's
theorem (Theorem 17 in [4], c.f. Theorem 5), combined with Lemma 7.3, yields
h(F jK ) h( a=b ) + sup h(F; ! [ M; M ]) = log b + 0:
Thus h(f ) = h(F; K ) = h(F jK ) = log b, and we are done for a=b 6= 1.
Suppose now a=b = 1, that is a = b = 1. One easily checks that Theorem 5
(formulated and shown in the appendix) can be applied to X := P R with
G := Z acting as described in Section 2 and K := P [ 1; 1], Y := P , T := F ,
and S := 1. Therefore, we obtain
h(f ) = h(F; K ) h( 1) + sup h(F; ! [ 1; 1]) = log 1 + 0 = 0:
8 Global Shadowing (Proof of Theorem 3)
We shall prove in this section Theorem 3, that is we x a homeomorphism f :
SP ! SP with the winding ratio a=b 6= 1 and show that f is semi-conjugated to
the ane homeomorphism g : SP ! SP isotopic to f provided by Theorem 1, (i.e.
we construct a continuous surjective map h : SP ! G such that h f = g h). As
before, we shall argue mostly at the level of lifts F and G : P R ! P R of
f and g. By Corollary 6.1, these exist as a pair of equivariantly homotopic maps
of the form
F (!; x) = ((!); x + (!; x)) and G(!; x) = ((!); x + (!));
where = a=b according to whether f is orientation preserving or not, and
() = a=b Ib (). Note that we may assume that jj > 1 at the expense of
passing to f 1 if necessary. We shall also x 2 (1; jj) and set C := (sup jj +
sup jj)=(jj ) < +1.
Let us x (for a moment) points (!; x) 2 P R and (!; y) 2 P R together
with the sequences
xn := prR(F n(!; x)) and yn := prR(Gn(!; y)); n 0:
In adopting Katok's notion of global shadowing and by emulating [9], we say that
(!; x) is C -shadowed by (!; y), and write (!; x) (!; y), i jxn ynj C for
all n 0. The following proposition shows that H : P R ! P R that
associates to (!; x) its C -shadow (!; y) is well dened and factors to the sought
after semi-conjugacy h.
Proposition 8.2 (i) For any (!; x) 2 P R, there is a unique (!; y) that C -
shadows (!; x), i.e. (!; x) (!; y).
(ii) H : P R ! P R, (!; x) (!; y), is continuous.
(iii) D H = H D so that H factors to a map h : SP ! SP , H = h .
(iv) H F = G H and h f = g h.
(v) h is surjective.
Proof of Proposition 8.2. (i) Fix (!; x) 2 P R. Let = 1 if f is orientation
preserving or = 1 otherwise (so that = a=b). Consider the open sets
E := fy 2 R : n yn < n xn C for some n 0g
E + := fy 2 R : nyn > nxn + C for some n 0g:
We have to show that R n (E [ E +) is a single point as this is the set of y's for
which (!; x) (!; y). The choice of the constant C guarantees that, given k 0,
k yk > k xk + C implies nyn > nxn + n k C for n k
k yk < k xk C implies n yn < n xn n k C for n k:
Hence E and E + are disjoint. The monotonicity of the maps x ! x + (!; x)
and x ! x + (!) implies that E contains with each y all points in ( 1; y],
i.e. E is an innite segment E = ( 1; y ) for some y 2 R. Similarly,
E + = (y+; 1) for some y+ 2 R. Since y ; y+ 62 E [ E +, we have (!; x) (!; y )
and (!; x) (!; y+); however, yn+ yn = n(y+ y ) and thus necessarily y+ = y ,
which ends the proof of (i).
(ii) Fix an arbitrary > 0. Pick n 2 N so that 3C=jjn . Consider (!; x)
and (~!; x~) 2 P R. Take > 0 such that dP R((!; x); (~!; x~)) < forces
jx~k xk j C and (k (!)) = (k (~!)) for k = 0; :::; n | note that is locally
constant. For (!; y) := H (!; x) and (~!; y~) := H (~!; x~), we see then that
jy~n ynj jy~n x~nj + jx~n xnj + jyn xnj 3C
jy~n ynj = jjnjy~ yj;
which combine to yield jy~ yj 3C=jjn . This establishes continuity of H .
(iii) Since F is a lift, we have for all (!; x) 2 P R that F D(!; x) = Dk(!) F , where k : P ! Z. Because G is equivariantly homotopic to F , unique
path lifting forces that G D(!; x) = Dk(!) G with the same k. It follows that
if (!; x) (!; y) then D(!; x) D(!; y). This establishes equivariance of H and
secures the existence of factor h.
(iv) is a simple consequence of the denition of C -shadowing.
(v) Fix (!; y) 2 P R. We can reverse the roles of f and g in the proof of part (i)
and conclude that the orbit of (!; y) under G is C -shadowed by an orbit under F
of some (!; x) 2 P R. (Uniqueness of (!; x) may be lost due to non-linearities
in F , c.f. Remark 8.2 below.) 2
Remark 8.2 The bers of the semi-conjugacy h are arcs of the form h 1(z) =
(! (x ; x+)). In particular, h is guaranteed to be 1-1, and thus a conjugacy if
\f is C 1 -close enough to g" so that F is expanding the bers. This happens for
example when x 7! x + (!; x) has Lipschitz inverse with a constant L < 1 that
is uniform in ! .
Remark 8.3 Because h 1(z)'s are arcs, the ber entropy is zero in Bowen's Theorem 17 in [4]; and we conclude h(f ) = h(g). This leads to an alternative proof of
Theorem 2 for f with the winding ratio a=b 6= 1.
9 Knaster continua
Knaster continua can be realized by identifying each point of a solenoid with its
inverse, i.e. we have Z2 acting via the involution r : SP ! SP , r : z 7! z 1 , and
the P -adic Knaster continuum is
KP := SP =Z2 :
We shall denote by : SP ! KP the natural projection.QObserve Q
that the re1 [ 1; 1]
striction to SP of the product of the circle attening maps, 1
1 , establishes a homeomorphism of KP with the
where (eik )1
limit of interval maps
KP = lim(Ppk : [ 1; 1] ! [ 1; 1])
where Pp(cos ) = cosp is the Chebyshev polynomial and has exactly p monotonic
laps each of which is surjective. One can now verify that thus dened KP is
homeomorphic to the Knaster continuum pictured in the introduction.
The projection fails to be a cover at the xed points of r, and it is easy to
verify that we have two cases:
Even Case: P contains innitely many 2's | then the neutral element e is the
only xed point of r;
Odd Case: P contains only nitely many 2's | then, besides e, there is exactly
one more xed point e = (1; : : : 1; 1; 1; 1; : : : ) where the number of the leading
1's equals the maximal k for which pk = 2 (or there are no 1's if all pk 's are odd).
In the \odd case", e e = e ; and the two points e and e are interchanged by the
translation se : z 7! e z, which factors to an involution s^ : KP ! KP .
We distinguish a class of standard homeomorphisms of KP (c.f. [3]) that are
the factors (through ) of the ane homeomorphisms of SP . Since ga=b; r =
r ga=b;r() , an ane homeomorphism ga=b; commutes with r i r() = i.e.
2 fe; eg. The standard homeomorphisms come then in two kinds: those xing
g^a=b;+ : KP ! KP ; ga=b;e = g^a=b;+ ;
and those interchanging e and e ,
g^a=b; : KP ! KP ; ga=b;e = g^a=b; | the latter are well dened only in the \odd case". As before, a; b run over pairs
of P -recurrent co-prime natural numbers. Clearly, g^a=b; = s^ g^a=b;+ .
THEOREM 4 If f^ : KP ! KP is a homeomorphism, then
(i) there are P -recurrent and co-prime a; b 2 N such that f^ is isotopic to a standard
homeomorphism g, g = g^a=b; or g = g^a=b;+ ;
(ii) f^ is semi-conjugated to g provided a=b 6= 1;
(iii) f^ has topological entropy h(f^) = h(g) = log maxfa; bg.
We shall reduce the theorem to our results for SP via the following proposition.
Proposition 9.3 For any homeomorphism f^ : KP ! KP , there exists a unique
orientation preserving homeomorphism f : SP ! SP that is a lift of f^, f = f^ .
It follows that r f is the only other lift of f^. Before starting the proof, we put
a metric dKP on KP given on u; v 2 KP by dKP (u; v) := minfdSP (w; z) : (w) =
u; (z) = v; w; z 2 SP g: We mention that, by using the P -adic representation of
P , it is easy to verify that ! 7! ! 1 is an isometry of P an that Z2 acts on SP
isometrically so that is a local isometry at all points beside e and e. We will use
the following lemma which expresses the idea that the points z and z 1 in SP can
be distinguished by looking at the \orientation" of their composants projected to
KP .
Lemma 9.5 There exists > 0 such that if < , and : [0; 1) ! [0; 1) is a
homeomorphism, and
dKP ((T tz); (T
(t) z )) < dSP (z; z 1 ) < 2:
for all t 0;
Proof: Since : P R ! SP is a local isometry, there is > 0
such that dSP (T tz; T (t) z) = t + (t) for t; (t) 2 [0; ]. Our hypothesis,
dKP ((T tz); (T (t) z)) = min dSP T tz; T (t) z ; dSP T t z; (T (t) z) 1 < <
, applied at the instance
when t + (t) = , yields that dKP ((T tz); (T (t) z)) =
dSP T tz; (T (t) z) 1 < . By the triangleinequality, dSP (z; z 1 ) dSP (z; T t z) +
dSP T tz; T (t) (z 1 ) + dSP T (t) (z 1 ); z 1 < t + + (t) = 2. 2
Under the projection := : P R ! KP , the lines ! R map onto the
composants of KP , of which all are immersed R's except for the composants of (e)
and (e) which are immersed half-lines [0; 1). We shall use the immersion iSP :
R ! SP , iSP (t) = (e; t), and the immersion iKP : [0; 1) ! KP iKP = iSP j[0;1).
Proof of Proposition 9.3: Fix a homeomorphism f^ : KP ! KP . We may assume
that f^ xes (e); otherwise s^ f^ xes (e) | and if f is its lift then se f is the lift
of f^. We have a homeomorphism : [0; 1) ! [0; 1) given by := iKP 1 f^ iKP ,
which we use to dene on a dense subset of SP a map f0 : iSP ([0; 1)) ! iSP ([0; 1))
by f0 (iSP (t)) = iSP (t); t 0. We claim that f0 is uniformly continuous so that
it uniquely extends to a continuous map f1 : SP ! SP . Note that then f1 is a lift of
f^ and that any such lift that preserves the orientation of the composant through e
must coincide with f1. Also f1 must be a homeomorphism: an analogous reasoning
applied to f 1 yields the inverse of f1.
To prove the claim, x > 0 such that =2 < where is an in Lemma 9.5.
There is > 0 such that dKP (f^(u); f^(v)) < =8 when dKP (u; v) < , u; v 2 KP .
Suppose that dSP (iSP (x1 ); iSP (x2 )) < . We shall show that dSP (f0 iSP (x1 ); f0 iSP (x2 )) < . Because translations are isometries of SP , dSP (iSP (x1 + t); iSP (x2 +
t)) < ; and thus also dKP (iKP (x1 + t); iKP (x2 + t)) < for all t 0. Since we
assumed that f^((e)) = (e), the composant of e is mapped onto itself, so (c.f.
Fact 5.3)
f^ iKP (xi + t) = iKP (yi + i (t))
where yi = (xi ) and i : [0; 1) ! [0; 1) is a homeomorphism, i = 1; 2. By the
choice of ,
dKP (iKP (y1 + 1 (t)); iKP (y2 + 2 (t))) < =8; t 0:
If dSP (iSP (y1); iSP (y2)) < =8, we are done. Otherwise, dSP (iSP (y1); iSP ( y2 )) <
=8 from the denition of dKP and (9:1) at t = 0. Therefore, dSP (iSP (y1 +
t); iSP ( y2 + t)) < =8 and so dKP ( iSP (y1 + t); iSP ( y2 + t)) < =8, for
all t 0. Together with (9.1), this yields that
dKP ( iSP (y2 + (t)); iSP ( y2 + t)) < =8 + =8 = =4
where := 2 1 1 and t 0. From Lemma 9.5, dSP (iSP (y2); iSP ( y2)) < 2=4 =
=2; and so dSP (iSP (y1); iSP (y2)) < 2=2 = . 2
Proof of Theorem 4.
(i) By Proposition 9.3, f^ lifts to a homeomorphism f : SP ! SP . As before, we
may suppose that f^((e)) = (e) and f (e) = e, as otherwise one can consider s^ f^.
Corollary 6.1 supplies a lift F : P R ! P R of f , and a suitable adjustment
by a deck transformation assures that F (e; 0) = (e; 0), i.e. = e in (6.1). We write
a homotopy Ft : P R ! P R, t 2 [0; 1], given by
b (! ))
+ t (!; x)
Ft (!; x) = a=b (!);
where a, b are co-prime P -recurrent and is continuous and equivariant, D = .
We claim that Ft factors through to a homotopy f^t : KP ! KP , which
connects f^ to the standard map g^a=b;+. To prove the claim, it is to show that there
is : P ! Z such that
Ft R = D() R Ft
for all t 2 [0; 1]. The above equation, explicitly written, amounts to the two
following identities imposed for all (!; t) 2 P R :
a=b (! 1) = k(!) a=b (!)
a=b Ib(! 1; x) + a=b Ib(!; x) + k(!) = t (! 1; x) + (!; x) :
Both F0 and F1 factor to a map of KP : F0 covers g^a=b;+ and F1 covers f^. Thus
(9.2) is satised for t = 0; 1 | and this is with the same determined uniquely
by (9.3). Moreover, inspection of (9.4) at t = 0 and t = 1 yields R = . It
follows that (9.4), and thus (9.2), holds for all t 2 [0; 1].
(ii) Let F0 and F1 be as in the proof of (i) above. Suppose that H : P R !
P R is the semi-conjugacy, H F1 = H F0 between F1 and F0 obtained via
global shadowing as in Proposition 8.2. From (9.2), if (!; y) shadows (!; x) then
R(!; y) shadows R(!; x), i.e. H R = R H . It follows that H descends to a
semi-conjugacy h : KP ! KP such that h f^1 = h f^0.
(iii) Because is nite-to-one, the entropy of f^ coincides with that of its lift
f : SP ! SP by Theorem 17 in [4] (c.f. the appendix). Theorem 2 completes the
proof. 2
10 Appendix: Bowen's Theorem
The following result generalizes Theorem 17 in [4], which can be obtained as the
special case when X = K is compact and G is a trivial group.
THEOREM 5 Suppose the following hypotheses are satised:
(i) (X; d) and (Y; e) are metric spaces, Y is compact, and : X ! Y is continuous and surjective;
(ii) a group G acts on X and Y by isometries (on the left), and 8g2G g = g;
(iii) K X is a compact set intersecting every orbit of G and there are ; b > 0
with #fg 2 G : g(A) \ K 6= ;g b for all A X with diam(A) ;
(iv) T : X ! X and S : Y ! Y are continuous and T = S ;
(v) 8g2G 9h2G T g = h T .
Then we have the following inequality for topological entropies
h(T; K ) h(S ) + sup h(T; 1(y) \ K ):
In applications, the natural projection G : X ! X=G is typically a covering
onto a compact Hausdor space, and then (iii) is satised by any compact K X
with G(K ) = X=G. For t : X=G ! X=G obtained as the quotient of T by G,
(10.1) yields then
h(t) h(S ) + sup h(T; 1(y))
because h(T; 1(y) \ K ) h(T; 1(y)) and h(t) h(T; K ). (In fact, h(t) =
h(T; K ).)
Example: Fix !; 2 R with irrational and let be a Z2 -periodic function
on R2, e.g. (x1 ; x2 ) = 41 (sin(2x1) + sin(2x2 ) + 5). Let X = R=Z R and
T (x1 ; x2) := (x1 ; x2 )+(!; 0)+(x1; x2 )(1; ) where x1 is taken mod 1. Set Y = R=Z
and S (x1 ) = x1 + ! so that T = S for (x1; x2 ) = x1 x2= . Finally, let
the action of G = Z on X be generated by (x1 ; x2) 7! (x1 ; x2 + 1) and take
K = R=Z [0; 1]. Taking the quotient of T by G yields t : R2=Z2 ! R2=Z2 that is
a homotopic to the identity torus map that permutes leaves of a dense foliation. If
t is a homeomorphism, then h(T; 1 (y)) = 0 (c.f. Lemma 7.3), and (10.2) implies
that h(t) = 0.
Question: Is the rotation set of t a single point in the case when t is a homeomorphism and !, , and 1 are rationally independent?
In the rationally dependent case, the answer can be extracted from [13].
Proof of Theorem 5. The argument is an extension of that of Bowen and
we use many denitions and notations from [4]. In particular, en(x; y) :=
maxin=01 e(S i (x); S i(y)) and Bn(z; r; T ) := fx 2 X : d(T i(x); T i(z)) < r; 0 i < ng:
Set a := supy2Y h(T; 1(y) \ K ). Let ; M > 0 be arbitrary and let > 0 be
arbitrary yet small enough so that d(T (x); T (~x)) =2 if d(x; x~) < 2. For each
y 2 Y , pick a (m(y); )-spanning set Ey X for 1 (y) \ K so that
m(y) M and a + h(T; 1(y) \ K ) m1(y) ln #Ey :
Set Uy := z2Ey Bm(y) (z; 2; T ). Observe that 1(y) \ K Uy ; and compactness
of K assures that
9=(y)>0 1 (B (y; )) \ K Uy ;
where B (y; ) is the ball of radius about y. Fix y1; : : : ; yr so that fB (yi; (yi))gri=1
is a covering of Y , and let > 0 be the Lebesgue number of this covering.
Consider an arbitrary n 2 N, and let En be an (n; )-spanning set for Y . Fix
x 2 En. Consider also an arbitrary (n; 4)-separated subset F X \ K . We
shall estimate the cardinality of the set Fx := fp 2 F : en((p); x) g. To
this end, we shall assign to each p 2 Fx a sequence (g; z) = (g0; : : : ; gq ; z0 ; : : : ; zq )
where q = q(p) depends on p, gj 2 G, and zij 2 Eyij for some ij 2 f1; : : : ; rg,
j = 0; : : : ; q. We shall refer to (g; z) as the code of p. Fix p 2 Fx. We proceed
Step 0: Dene t0 := 0, p0 := p, and x0 := x. Set g0 = e where e is the neutral
element of G, and select i0 so that B (x; ) B (yi0 ; (yi0 )). By (10.4), we can pick
z0 2 Eyi0 with
dm(yi0 ) (z0 ; p0) < 2:
Step s+1: Suppose that (g0; : : : ; gs; z0; : : : ; zs) are already dened, and so are
(i0 ; : : : ; is). If
ts+1 := ts + m(yis ) = m(yi0 ) + : : : + m(yis ) n;
we stop, set q = s, and (g; z) = (g0; : : : ; gq ; z0 ; : : : ; zq ) is the code of p. Otherwise,
when ts+1 < n, we dene ps+1 = T m(yis )(ps) = T ts+1 (p), xs+1 = S m(yis )(xs) =
S ts+1 (x), and proceed as follows. Pick gs+1 2 G so that gs+1(ps+1) 2 K . Select is+1
so that B (gs+1(xs+1); ) B (yis+1 ; (yis+1 )).
From en((p); x) , e(S ts+1 (p); S ts+1 (x)) ; and e(S ts+1 (p); S ts+1 (x)) =
e(gs+1 S ts+1 (p); gs+1 S ts+1 (x)) = e(gs+1 T ts+1 (p); gs+1(xs+1)) = e( gs+1(ps+1); gs+1(xs+1)) by the hypotheses (ii) and (iv). Therefore,
e( gs+1(ps+1); gs+1(xs+1)) (10.7)
By (10.7), the choice of is+1, and (10.4), we can pick zs+1 2 Eyis+1 with
dm(yis+1 )(zs+1 ; gs+1(ps+1)) < 2:
This ends the iteration step.
Claim 1 If p; p~ 2 Fx have the same code (g; z) = (g0; : : : ; gq ; z0; : : : ; zq ), then
p = p~.
Indeed, for s = 0; : : : ; q, we have dm(yis ) (zs; gs(ps)) < 2 | c.f. (10.5) and (10.8)
| that is d(T k (zs); T k gs(ps)) < 2 for k = 0; : : : ; m(yis ) 1. Hypothesis (v),
supplies hs;k 2 G, 0 s q; 0 k < m(yis ), with T k gs = hs;k T k ; and we
d(hs;k1 T k (zs); T k (ps)) = d(T k (zs); hs;k T k (ps)) < 2;
since G acts by isometries (hypothesis (ii)). From (10.9) and its analogue for p~,
d(T i(p); T i(~p)) < 4 for i = 0; : : : ; tq+1 1. Since tq+1 1 n 1 by (10.6), and
p; p~ 2 F , we must have p = p~, which proves the claim.
Set := maxri=1 m(yi):
Claim 2 #f(g; z) : (g; z) is a code of some p 2 Fxg bn=M e(a+)(n+) .
Note that the two claims put together imply #F x2En #Fx #En bn=M e(a+)(n+) : Since n, , F and En were arbitrary, we conclude that h(T; K ) h(S ) + ln b=M + (a + ) so that (10.1) follows from arbitrariness of M; > 0.
It remains to demonstrate Claim 2. To ease the exposition, we build a weighted
graph as follows. For vertices we take all (g; z) = (g0; : : : ; gs; z0 ; : : : ; zs) that are
initial segments of a code, i.e. (g0; : : : ; gq ; z0 ; : : : ; zq ) with q s is a code of some
p 2 Fx for certain gs+1; : : : ; gq and zs+1; : : : ; zq . We also attach to each such vertex
a weight equal to m(yis ) and call s the level of the vertex. Then we place a directed
edge from (g; z) = (g0; : : : ; gs; z0 ; : : : ; zs) to (~g; z~) = (~g0 ; : : : ; g~s+1; z~0 ; : : : ; z~s+1) i
gi = g~i and zi = z~i for 0 i s; and we say that (~g; z~) follows (g; z). The
resulting graph G is clearly a collection of directed trees.
Claim 3 Fix a vertex (g; z) = (g0; : : : ; gs; z0 ; : : : ; zs) and consider the set V of all
vertices (~g; z~) = (g0 ; : : : ; gs+1 ; z0 ; : : : ; zs+1 ) following (g; z). There are at most b
dierent gs+1 2 G that appear in V . Moreover, for g 2 G, all vertices in Vg :=
f(~g; z~) 2 V : gs+1 = gg have the same weight equal to some m and #Vg e(a+)m .
For a proof, let B collect all p 2 Fx with an initial segment of their code coinciding with (g; z). Setting k = m(yis ) 1 in (10.9) yields d(hs;k1 T k (zs); T ts+1 1 (p)) <
2 for all p 2 B . By the choice of , d(T hs;k1 T k (zs); T ts+1 (p)) < =2 for p 2 B
so that diam(A) for A := T ts+1 (B ). Any gs+1 appearing in V has p 2 B
with gs+1(ps+1) 2 K so that gs+1(A) \ K 6= ;. Hypothesis (iii) allows then for at
most b possibilities for gs+1. Once gs+1 is xed so is is+1 and there are at most
#Eyis+1 e(a+)m(yis+1 ) possibilities for zs+1 2 Eyis+1 . Also, all the vertices in Vgs+1
have the same weight m(yis+1 ). This ends the proof of Claim 3.
Each code (g; z) = (g0; : : : ; gq ; z0; : : : ; zq ) of p 2 Fx determines a unique maximal path in G starting at some root (a level-0 vertex). The weight of such path is
tq+1 = m(yi0 ) + : : : + m(yiq ) = tq + m(yiq ) < n + . Claim 2 is then a consequence
of Claim 3 and the following general lemma.
Lemma 10.6 Suppose that G is a collection of trees with weighted vertices and
there are b; M; A > 0 so that
(a) no vertex is lighter than M ;
(b) there is m0 so that there are at most eAm0 roots and each root is heavier than
m0 ;
(c) for any vertex, all vertices following it can be grouped into sets U1 ; : : : ; U~b ,
~b b, so that #Ui eAmi and each vertex in Ui is heavier than mi for some
mi 0, i = 1; : : : ; ~b.
If no path in G is heavier than N , then the number of dierent maximal paths
(starting at a root) does not exceed bN=M eAN .
Proof. We proceed by induction on the height h dened as the maximal level of a
vertex in G . If h = 0, then G has only roots; their number does not exceed eAm0
where N m0 by (b). If h > 0, for any xed root R that is followed by some level-1
vertices, we group those vertices into U1 ; : : : ; U~b, ~b b, as stipulated by hypothesis
(c). For every maximal path P in G starting at R, there is a unique i 2 f1; : : : ; ~bg
so that P passes through some W 2 Ui ; let Q be the maximal subpath of P that
starts at W . There are at most b(N M )=M eA(N m0 ) possibilities for Q for any xed
i since, by (c), the induction hypothesis applies to the collection Gi of the maximal
subtrees of G that are rooted at the vertices in Ui. By summing over all roots and
all i, we see that the number of possibilities for P cannot exceed
eAm0 b bN=(N
M ) eA(n m0 )
= bn=M eAn:
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