qumng suchother important work as paving or multiplate arch pipes. Because our data were from a short time- span, we assumed constant factor pricesfor capital, material, and man- power.Thejoint explanation of the effect of these variables with those ex- amined would require sampling a longer timespan,with both cross-section and time-seriesdata. Finally, use of the equationsshouldbe limited to the events they represent:they may not work well for predictingcostsof joint road-and-bridge construction projects. An economic interpretation of re- gressioncoefficients is possible.Since the dependentvariableis dollars,and all independentvariablesare physical units, the regressioncoefficientsare implicitunit prices.The equationscan be used directlyfor costanalysis.For example,the extra costof adding anothercubicyard of excavation per mile is $1.26. The equationscan also be used to develop average and total projectcosts.Interestinglyalso, the coefficients in the models are numeri- callycloseto the averageper unit costs usedby engineersin contractcostappraisals. bid than was the engineers'costestimate. Thus the regressionequations representa reasonablyaccurateway nomena II. 521 p. J^c•csoN,D. H. 1977. Some structural compo- were not reflected. For in- stance,bid pricesmayfollowbusiness cyclesand the degreeof competition in the publicworks sector.Also wage rates, capital costs,and the costsof materialthat underlythe costcoefficients, can be expectedto changein the future. Thus a more exhaustive studyrelyingon a mixed time-series/ cross-section samplewould be useful in capturingthesephenomenon. However, considerable variation in forest transportation construction costscan be explained by carefully enumeratinginterprojectdifferences in major physical characteristics. Using historical market data of construction contracts, we have devel- oped accuratemethodsfor predicting road-and-bridgeconstructionproject costs. Markets develop useful value information, and this study demonstrates how market LITERATURE information can be CITED BELSE¾, D. A., E. KUH, and R. E. WELSCH.1980. equations was closer to the winning Ten-Year Regression diagnostics. Wfiey,New York. Results of a PonderosaPine Progeny Test in the Black Hills Wayne D. Shepperdand Sue E. McElderry, USDA Forest Service, Rocky MountainForest andRangeExperiment Station, Fort Collins, CO 80526. Law and Econ. 13(1):49-70. ß1969. Transaction costs, risk aversion and the choiceof contractualarrangements.J. Law and Econ. 12(1):23-42. DEMSETZ, H. 1964.The exchangeand enforcement of propertyrights.J. Law and Econ.11:11-26. CONCLUSIONS In halfof thesampled contracts the and the theoryof a nonexclusive resource.J. of predictingcostsbasedon preliminary and limiteddata. Sincethe data used in the study were essentially cross-section (as opposed to time series)in nature,certaindynamicphe- employedfor transportationplanning and development. [] predicted value of the regression CHEUNG,S N S 1970 The structure of a contract FERCUSON, C. E. 1969. Microeconomic theory. Rev. Ed. Richard D. Erwin, Inc., Homewood, nentsof contractsas they relateto Canadian foresttenures.For. Chron. 53(1):33-36. ß and Alan G. McQuillan. 1979. A tech- niquefor estimatingtimbervaluebasedupon tree sizeßmanagementvariablesand market conditions. For. Sci. 25:620-26. JOHNSON, R. N. 1979. Oral auction versus sealed bidding. Nat. Res. 19:315-30. Jot, ms,J. G., and E.G. SCHUSTER. 1985.An applicationof discreteoptimizationfor developing economicallyefficient multiple-useprojects. USDAFor. Serv.Intermt.For.RangeExp.Stn. INT-178. 16 p. McQuILL,•'•,A. G. 1981. Evaluatingtimberland allocation and management intensity. Ph.D. --. thesis. Univ. Montana, 1985. Economic Valuation of Timber Po- tential for UndevelopedForestLand Using a Modified Dynamic ProgrammingAlgorithm. Pap. presentedInt. 85 StorrsSummerConf. AMSE. Storrs,CT. Mimeo. 18 p. MERZ•CH,J.P., et al. 1980.Economic analysisof timber, Montana WildernessStudy Act areas. Mimeo. USDA For. Serv. Region1, Missoula, MT. R^o, P. and R. L. MILLER.1971. Applied economics. Wadsworth Publishing Company, Inc., Belmont,CA. 235p. UNITED STATESDEPARTMENTOF AGRICULTURE. 1979. Forestservicestandardspecifications for constructionof roads and bridges. EM-7720-100. U.S. Gov. Print. Off., Wash.ßDC. 461p. V^LF2½t1•, W. H. 1982. Improvingroad location and network design with digital terrain models. Mimeo. USDA For. Serv. Region 1, Missoula, MT. thispaperthe two areasarereferredto collectivelyas the BlackHills. Ponderosapine (Pinusponderosa var. scopulorum Engelm.)predominates on all geologiclandformsin the BlackHills, of which the central crystallineand limestoneareas are the most productive (Boldt and Van Deusen 1974). Ponderosa pine occurs mainly as a climax specieshere and is usually found in pure standsthat readily regeneratefrom seed. Even-agedmanagement utilizing the shelterwood method is the silvicultural technique mostcommonlyusedin theseforests (Shepperdet al. 1983);but, plantingis ABSTRACT. Ten-year survival and TheBlack Hills region ofwesternnecessarywhere fire or tornadoesregrowthof seedlings from 77 parenttrees South Dakota and northeasternWyosuitin inadequateregeneration(Boldt fromthroughout theBlackHills werecom- mingformsan ecologically and Van Deusen 1974). Seed zones uniqueforhave been established that include the pared,usinga cluster-analysis technique. ested island on the Great Plains. Fiveclusterswereidentifiedthat account Formed by a domal uplift of the Black Hills (Cunningham 1975), but for mostof thevariabilityin survivaland earth's surfacemillions of years ago, they encompass relativelylargeareas. growthof the open-pollinated families. the Black Hills consist of Precambrian Otherthanthe testingby Read(1983) Onecluster,containing 6 families,exhib- graniteand schistssurroundedby a of severalBlackHills provenancesfor itedexceptional survivalandgrowth.Anadaptationon the Great Plains, there seriesof inward-facinglimestoneand other,containing12 families,exhibited sandstone cuestas that are progreshas been no comparativetesting of poorsurvivaland growth. The perfor- sivelyyoungeraway from the central Black Hills seed sources. manceoffamiliesin thesetwogroupsap- dome (Hunt 1967). The Bear Lodge We reporthere the resultsof a study on and near the Black Hills National pearstoberelatedto location andelevation Mountains of northeasternWyoming ofparenttrees. are geomorphologically and ecologi- Forest begun in 1967 by JamesVan Deusen and Charles Boldt, formerly West.J. Appl.For. 1:79-83,July1986. callysimilarto the BlackHills, and in This file was created by scanning the printed publication. Errors identified by the software have been corrected; however, some errors may remain. WJAF 1(3)1986 79 parentsaveraged18 9 m in height, 33.3cmin diameter,and 86 yearsof sc•enhsts at the Rocky Mountain Forestand RangeExperimentStation. Their objectiveswere to determinethe extentof geneticvariationin silvicul- age. rurally importanttraits of ponderosa pine growingon differentparentmaterials;and to identify superiorgenotypes for use in local tree improvement programs.The study is limited to open-pollinatedprogeniesof Black Hills parents,which were plantedat a central location within the Hills. METHODS Coneswere collectedfrom77 parent trees in 1967, 1968, and 1969. The seed treesgrewon a varietyof parentmaterials between 1052 and 2052-m eleva- Seedlings were grown at the U.S.D.A.ForestService Bessey Tree Nursery, Halsey, NE. They were plantedas2-0 stockon the BlackHills Experimental Forest, 1830-m eleva- tion, in May 1971.The plantationis within the centralmetamorphic geologictype. Twenty-eightseedlings fromeachparenttreewereplantedin a randomized, complete blockdesign, with 4-treelinearplotsreplicated7 times.Spacingwas 2.4 m x 2.4 m. A 2.4-m deer-prooffence surrounded the entireplanting. Growthcharacteristics of surviving tion: granitic, metamorphic (schist), seedlingswere measuredin 1980, 10 northern growingseasons afterfield planting. and southern limestone, northern and southern hogback (sandstone), and Bear Lodge metamorphic (schist)(Figure 1). Selected treeswere largerthan their immediate neighbors of the same age growing under similarstand conditions.They were of average or better form and vigor, with no evidence of insect or disease damage. The 77 selected are difficultto interpretin light of the overall performanceand survival of specific families, they are not discussedhere. Instead,a two-stepprocedurethat consideredall growth and survival characteristics was used to isolate families of seedlings into groupsthat performedsimilarlyin the plantation. First, a clusteranalysisISODATA (BallandHall 1967)wasusedto group family meansby overallperformance Total height, root-collar diameter, average crown width (average of based on an additive at 90øanglefromwidest),andpercent live crown, and survival were normal- widest crown diameter and diameter live crown were measured on each tree. Initially,a two-wayanalysis of varianceseparatingseedlingsby parent tree within geologicregionwas per- Spe •turgis index of all vari- ablesmeasured.Height, basal diameter, average crown width, percent ized by division, with the standard deviationof each variableto give all variablesequalweightin thisanalysis. Next, a stepwisediscriminantanalysis was performed on the clustersassigned by ISODATA to analyze the relative importanceof each variable for distinguishingamongclustersand to determinewhethera reweightingof variableimportanceby discriminant analysisaffectedthe viabilityof cluster assignments. Posteriorprobabilityof correctclassification,although not a validationof clusterassignment, provides informationabout how closely each family is aligned with the group to which it was assignedby Sundance a N formed, but variation among parent seedsources(famlhes)within regions was of the sameorder as that among regions, obscuringmost patterns in the data. Linear regressionanalysis also failed to reveal any meaningful relationships between growth and parentlocation.Becausetheseresults x ISODATA. 5 The aboveanalysisonly considered growth variables measured in the plantation. Differencesin climate at seed source locations also could be exB H pectedto influenceprogeny perfor- Base mance. On-site climatic observations were not recordedat any of the locations where seed was collected, so limited climatic information available from other sources was utilized. Ele- x ß Parent tree location vationof parenttreelocationswas ob- x Cluster4 parents (goodgrowth) •, Cluster2 parents(poorgrowth) E] Plantation Geologic Type 1 Bear Lodge Limestone 2 Bear Lodge Metamorphic 3 Northern Hogback 4 Northern Limestone $ Metamorphic 6 Granitic 7 Southern Limestone 5 miles 8 Southern Hogback tainedfromUSGStopographic maps. NOAA iso-temperature maps of average monthly temperatures for South Dakota and Wyoming were used to estimatemaximumJuly and Januarytemperatures,and Isohyetal maps (Orr 1959)were used to determine yearlyprecipitationat thoselocations.One-way analysisof variance and Scheff•'smultiple-range comparisonswere usedto comparetheseclimatic factorsbetween clusters,geologic types, and other progeny groupings. RESULTS Fig. 1. Locationof parenttrees.Good sources(cluster4) were all locatedat high elevations in the western side of the forest whereas poor sources(cluster 2) were located at low elevations 80 in the south and east side of the forest. WJAF 1(3)1986 Growth and survival of all sources are summarizedby clusterin Table1. Plantation average survival, height, Table1. Clusterand overallmeansfor 10-yeargrowthof an open-pollinated progenytestof ponderosa pinein the BlackHills(rangesin parenthesis). Clusteraverages with common subscripts are not statisticallydifferentat the 5% confidencelevel. Average Basal Survival Cluster Height (%) diameter (m) Parent crown Live tree width crown (m) (%) (cm) (m) I (n = 19) 53 1.28 4.5 0.65 88 2 (n = 12) (36--68) 47 (25- 71) (1.20--1.35) 0.89 (0.71- 0.97) (4.3--4.7) 3.4 (3.0- 3.7) (0.61--0.69) 0.46 (0.33- 0.51) (87--89) 79 (74- 82) 3 (n = 23) 47 (14--75) 4 (n = 6) 1.14 4.0 0.57 (1.03--1.20) (3.8--4.2) (0.52--0.61) 71 (68-86) 5 (n = 17) 1.47a (1.33-1.62) 39 5.1a (4.6-5.4) 1.41a 0.77• 92a 0.72• (4.6-5.3) (0.68-0.84) (88-93) 1.22 4.3 0.62 87 (14-86) (0.71-1.62) (3.0-5.4) (0.33-0.85) (74-94) gionwas clearlysuperiorin perfo? progenytestsin the West (Read1983, Shepperdet al. 1981).All geologicregionshad similarsurvivalcurveswith mostof the mortalityoccurringwithin the first 2 years following planting (Figure 2). Only progeny from the SouthernHogbackand Metamorphic regions survived in significantly different numbers(61% vs. 39%, p = .05). was added or deleted from clusters at each step based on the amount of unaccountedvariabilityamongthosevari- 1548 (1052-2052) more than 5 clusters did not isolate other cluster routine (1120-1991) isolatedinto2 of 5 clustersduringthe fifth step of the analysis. These clustersalso remained unchanged throughoutthe additionalstepsof the analysis. About 77 percent of the overallvariabilityin growth couldbe accounted for by groupingthe sources in 5 clusters.Splittingthe familiesinto mance to others. However, progeny from the Northern Hogback Region were consistentlyinferior in height, basaldiameter,and crown development (Table2). Theseseedsourcesare not spreadthroughoutthe Northern Hogback, but are clustered near Sturgis,ND (Figure1). Averagesurvivalof all sourcesin the plantationwas 49% after9 years. The ISODATA 1689a ablesin the analysis.Those families with the slowestoverallheight,basal diameter,andcrowngrowthwereisolated in a singleclusterin the third step. These clusters remained unchangedas additional clusterswere addedthroughoutthe analysis.Families with fastestoverallgrowth were and crown growth were somewhat less than those for some ponderosa pine plantationssummarizedby Read (1983),but within the rangeof datahe reported. Although some statistical differenceswere apparent,no geologicre- allowedto run in a stepwisefashionto produceup to 10 clusters.Familiesof progeny from a single parent were 1855• (1463-2024) 90a (1.30-1.57) with (1098--1915) (89-94) 49 This was not inconsistent 1482b, ½ (83--87) (21-54) Grand mean 1573a,b (1201--2052) 1284c (1052- 1540) 85 (0.69-0.85) 4.9• elevation additionalsourcesexhibitingpoor or goodperformance,and thereforewas judgedunnecessary. Eachof the five clustersisolatedby the ISODATA routine was distinctly different from the other clusters (Figure3). The meannormalizeddata values for cluster 2 were much lower than the other clusters. Survival of in- dividualsourcesplayed a role in the clustering.Clusters 1, 4, and 5 had significantdifferences in averagesurvival (Figure3). Poorsurvivalnegated theotherwisegoodgrowthof cluster5 sourcesin the plantation and ap- pearedto be responsible for the separation of clusters 4 and 5. Discriminantanalysisusing Wilk's method (Klecka 1975) indicated that Table2. Meanprogenygrowthandclimaticconditions whengroupedby geologicregionof seedsource.Variablemeanswith commonsubscripts are not statistically differentat the 10% level of confidence. GeologicRegion* M Height(m) BasalDiameter(cm) Crown Width (m) PercentLiveCrown PercentSurvival Elevation(m) Precipitation(cm) Max. JulyTemp. (øC) Max. Jan.Temp. (øC) 1.31b 4.56b 0.67. 88b 41a 1625• 54cd 27.9a 0.8ab G 1.16•b 4.10•b 0.58•. 86ab 44ab 1582bc 48b 29.9ab 2.1c NL SL 1.26b 1.28b 4.43b 4.53b 0.64. 0.66b 88b 88b 56ab 49ab 1727c 1634c 55d 48b 28.4•. 29.8ab 0.7ab 1.1b BLM 1.36b 4.75b 0.69. 90b 56ab 1763• 52bc d 28.8•b 0.0a SH 1.17ab 4.18ab 0.60•. 86ab 61b 1333•b 41• 32.9. 0.8ab NH 0.97• 3.59a 0.49• 81a 47ab 1106• 51bc 31.2a. 1.7bc * M = Metamorphic; G = Granitic; NL = Northern Limestone;SL = SouthernLimestone;BLM = BearlodgeMetamorphic;SH = SouthernHogback;NH = NorthernHogback). basal diameter contributed the most to clusterassignment,followed by percent live crown, survival, average crown width and height. The small portionof variabilityaccountedfor by heightis a resultof the closecorrelation of heightwith basaldiameter(rE = 0.98). Little variabilityis accounted for by heightoncebasaldiameterhas been taken into consideration. Discriminantanalysisalso showed probabilities(0.99+ ) of correctcluster assignmentfor all familiesin cluster2 and for all but two families in cluster 4. Probabilityof correctclusterassignment for thesefamilieswas only 0.53 and 0.58, respectively, with clusters1 and 5 being the next most likely as- signments. Thesefamilieshad slower growthratesthan the otherfamiliesin cluster4, althoughboth were considerably above the overall plantation mean.In both cases,the high survival ratesof thesefamiliesprobablykept themfrombeingassignedto the other clusters(Table 1). Several relationships between growth of progenyin the plantation and climate at the seed source location were found,usingthe analysisof variance described earlier. First, differ- ences in progeny growth were apparent when the average temperatures of parent locations were comparedto thoseof the plantingsite. Progenywere assignedto two setsof groupsin which maximum July and Januarytemperaturesat parent locationswere (1) coolerthan the plantation site,(2) the sameasthe plantation site,or (3) warmerthan the plantation site. Height, diameter, and crown growthof progenyin group3 wassignificantly different than that of progenyin groups 1 and 2 when either July or Januaryparent site temperatureswere used. Significantdifferencesin elevationand yearly precipitationat parent sitesalso existed between progeny groups 1 and 3. Progeny from cooler more extreme temperature environments outgrew those from warmer, less extreme cli- mates(Table3). Similar differences are apparent when maximum July and January temperaturesare grouped according to clusterassignmentof progeny in the plantation. Average July maximum temperaturesat parent tree locationsof the poor performingseedlings in cluster2 were significantly higher than those at the parent tree locations of all other clusters. This 31.7øCaveragewas also several degreeswarmerthan the 28.3øC average Julymaximumat the plantingsite. In contrast,the fast-growing seedlings in cluster 4 came from locations where the averageJuly maximum temperatures were less than those of the planting site (27.2øCvs. 28.3øC). WJAF1(3)1986 81 SURVIVBL BY GEOLOGIO seedhngsnow canbe made, and controlled crossesamong the best individualsin the plantationwill be possiblein a few years as floweringin- REGION creases. In contrast, cluster2 families should be ruled out as sources of seed for planting in the central Black Hills. Progenyfrom trees growingon the Northern Hogback soil type near Sturgisperformedpoorlyin all measuredgrowthvariables.Their parents' origin is a small, isolatedpopulation not actually within the Black Hills, and their performance may be related to inbreedingdepression. Geologyappearsto indirectlyaffect survivalof SouthernHogbackfamilies. This regionof the BlackHills receiveslessprecipitationand, because it is somewhatlower in elevation,may SH have a warmer NL BLM SL NH climate than the other soil types.Familiesof SouthernHogback parents ranked first out of the sevenparentmaterialsin survival,but fifth in eachof the measuredgrowth characteristics.This suggeststhat under droughty conditions,natural selection favors characters 0.0 12.0 24.0 36.0 48.0 60.0 MON?H$ SINCE 72.0 84.0 96.0 108.0 120.0 PL•N•ING Fig. 2. Ten-yearsurvivalcurvesof progenygroupedby geologicregionof seedsource.SH = SouthernHogback;NL = NorthernLimestone;BLM = BearlodgeMetamorphic;SL = SouthernLimestone;NH = NorthernHogback;G = Granitic;M = Metamorphic. The oppositeseemsto be true for January maximum temperatures. In this case,the fast-growingcluster4 parent locationswere significantly coolerthanthe slow-growing cluster2 parent locations (0øCvs. 1.7øC). This rangeis splitby the0.6øCaverageJanuarymaximumat the plantingsite. Climaticdifferences betweenparent locationsare alsoevidentwhen they are groupedby geologicregion.Seed sourcelocations in the SouthernHogbackregionhave significantly higher maximum July temperatures than those in the Granitic, Metamorphic, and NorthernLimestone regions.January maximum temperatures at parentsitesin the BearlodgeMountains are coolerthan thoseat parent sites in the Granitic and Southern Limestoneregions.BearlodgeMountain sites were also cooler in the winterthan the plantationsite. In addition to the indirect relation- icantlygreaterthan that of progeny from locationslower than the plantation. Again,thistrendwasreflectedin the clusterassignment.The average elevation of seed sources in clusters 2 and3, whichgrewpoorly,wassignificantly lower than that of the fast growingsourcesin cluster4. Only one of the sources in cluster 4 was from an elevationbelowthat of the plantation. Precipitationreceivedat parent lo- cationsmay affectgrowthor survival of progenyin the plantationonlyindirectlythroughthe relationshipto temperature mentioned above. No growth or survivaldifferenceswere apparent when progeny were assignedto groupswhere parent locations receivedmore or lessprecipitation than the plantingsite. DISCUSSION These 10-yearresultsindicate that several of the 77 families tested exhibit ship of elevationand temperature superiorgrowth and survivalin the mentioned above, elevation of seed central sourcewasdirectlyrelatedto progeny performance in the plantation. Height, diameter,and crowngrowth of progeny from parent locations higherthantheplantationweresignif- lized in a ponderosa pine tree-improvement program for the Black 82 WJAF1(3)1986 Black Hills and could be uti- Hills. All of the families in cluster 4 should be good candidates. Controlled crossesof parentsof cluster4 related to tree survivalrather than rapidity of growth. Basedon the climaticcomparisons discussed above,it would appearthat temperatureregime differencesbetween seed sourceand planting site can be critical to progeny growth, while elevationand precipitationdifferencesare less directly related. Moving ponderosapine progeny in the BlackHills to a temperatureregimeevenslightlycoolerthanthat of theparentlocationis clearlynot beneficialto overallgrowth.The indirect relationship between elevation and temperature of seedsourcegroupsin this study supportsthe well-establishedadagethat seedlingswill not growwell if movedto a higherelevation than their origin.The BlackHills do not have extreme variations in ele- vation,but it appearsthat a planting siteshouldbeno higherthanthelocation where seed was collected. An interestingpattern is apparent when the locationof parent treesof the worst and best clusters(2 and 4) areplottedon a mapof theBlackHills region(Figure1). The bestfamiliesare from parenttreeson the westernside of theBlackHills andin the Bearlodge Mountainsimmediatelyto the northwest;poor familiesare in a separate groupto the east.Sourcesin the Bearlodge Mountainsoccuron siteswith cooler January maximum temperaturesthan thoseof the plantingsite, whichmay explainthe betterperformanceof thoseprogenyin the central BlackHills planting site. July maximum temperaturesat the planting siteand at parenttreelocationsin the Bearlodge Mountains are similar, Cluster Means Survival 5O Height Basal E diameter 4O Avg. crn. width 30 %livecrown .o_ 20 ,41.1 lO '"' 0 -10 Cluster Cluster 1 4 • Cluster -20 3 • a. -30 Cluster 5 Cluster 2 -4O -5O Fig. 3. Ten-yearsurvival and growth meansfor eachclusterexpressedas a percentdeviationfrom the overall plantation mean. Table3. Mean progenygrowthand climaticconditiondata groupedby averagemaximum Julyand Januarytemperatures at seedsource.Progenywere assigned to groupsin which maximumJulyand Januarytemperatures at parentlocationswere (1) coolerthanthe plantationsite,(2) the sameas the plantationsite,or (3) warmerthan the plantationsite. Variablemeanswith commonsubscripts are not statistically differentat the 10% levelof confidence. techniquefor summarizingmultivariatedata Behav. Sci. 12:153-55. BOLDT,C. E., and J. L. VAN DEUSEN.1974. Silvi- cultureof ponderosapine in the BlackHills the statusof our knowledge.USDA For. Serv Res.Pap. RM-124.45 p. CUNNINGHAM,R. A. 1975. Provisional tree and Temperature Group I Height (m) BasalDiameter (cm) CrownWidth (m) Percent Live Crown PercentSurvival Elevation(m) 1.35b 4.72b 0.70b 89b 47a 1837b Max JulyTemp. 2 1.32ab 4.67b 0.67b 88ab 51a 1710b however. The average elevation of parent trees in the western group (cluster4) is significantly higherthan that of the easterngroup (cluster2) (Table2), and nearlythe sameas that of the 1830-m plantation site. The parentsof cluster2 seedlingsare located from 305 m to 760 rn lower than the plantation. Planting progeny of thesetreesat thishigherelevationappearsto have hurt their performance 3 1 Max Jan.Temp. 2 1.15a 4.12a 0.59a 85a 49a 1421a 1.35b 4.72b 0.69b 89b 56a 1822b 1.30b 4.$2b 0.66b 88b 45a 1536a shrub seed zones for the Great Plains. USDA 3 1.15a 4.10a 0.58a 85a 46a 1446a of ponderosa pines selected from throughout the Black Hills, and we identified potential superior seed sources for planting in the central Black Hills of South Dakota. The rela- tionshipbetweenthe geneticvariation of ponderosapine in the BlackHills and geologicregion or otherenvironmentalparametersremainsunclear.[] ablegeneticvariationamongprogeny 480 p. KLECKA, W. R. 1975. Discriminant analysis. In SPSSstatistical packagefor the socialsciences, Nie, H. H., C. H. Hull, J. G. Jenkins, K. Steinbrenner, and D. H. Bent, eds. Second edition McGraw-Hill,New York. p. 434-67. ORR,HOWARD K. 1959.Precipitation and streamflow in the Black Hills. USDA For. Serv. Res Pap. RM-44. 25 p. RF. AV, R. A. 1983.Ten-yearperformanceof ponderosapine provenances in the GreatPlainsof North America. USDA For. Serv. Res. Pap RM-250.17 p. SHEPPERD, W. D., R. M. JEFFERS, and F. RONCO,JR 1981.An Engelmannspruceseedsourcestudy in the central Rockies. USDA For. Serv. Res Pap. RM-231.5 p. SHEPPERD, W. D., R. R. ALEXANDER, and F. RONCO, JR.1983.Silvicultureof ponderosapine in the centraland southernRockyMountains.USDA For. Serv.Misc.Publ.RM-TT-4.36 p. in this case. In conclusion, we found consider- For. Serv.Res.Pap.RM-150.15 p. HUNT,C. G. 1967.Physiographyof the United States. W. H. Freeman and Company, CA LITERATURE CITED BALL,G. H., and D. J. HALL.1967. A clustering Sr,mDUCOR, G. W., and W. G. COCHRAN. 1967. Statistical Methods. Ed. 6. Iowa State Univ. Press, 543 p. WJAF 1(3)1986 83