Math 1170

Math 1170
Web Page:
Prerequisite: Math ACT score of 28 or MATH 1050 and 1060 (grade of C or better).
Title: Modeling the Dynamics of Life: Calculus and Probability for Life Scientists.
Author: Frederick R. Adler
Your Host: Mark Zajac
Place: ST 205
Time: MWF, 09:40 AM – 10:30 AM
Your Host: James Moore
Place: LCB 115
Section 2: 9:40 AM – 10:30 AM
Section 3: 10:45 AM – 11:35 AM
The goal of the lectures is to give students a mastery of calculus, including limits, derivatives and integrals. Hopefully,
presenting this material in the context of biology will make the course more interesting and relevant for the students.
Time permitting, the course will cover all sections of the first four chapters from the text book, at the rate of roughly
one section each lecture.
Suggested Problems
Suggested problems will be announced in class, as the relevant material is covered, and then posted on the class web
page. These problems will not be collected for grading but will form the basis for test questions, including slightly
modified suggested problems or a direct combination of methods from two suggested problems.
Danger! The tests might not be easy if you try the suggested problems but it will definitely be hard if you
do not. Test questions will be carefully designed to reward students who learn the methods required for suggested
problems, without rewarding students who simply memorize the answers.
After each of the first three chapters, there will be a one hour test, in class. The tests will occur in September,
October and November. Exact dates will determined by a vote of class members, in order to minimize conflicts
with other courses. The fist test should fall in the week of September 21st with voting for the exact date held on
September 9th, in class. The second test should fall in the week of October 26th with voting for the exact date held
on October 9th, in class. The third test should fall in the week of November 16th with voting for the exact date
held on November 2nd, in class. Once determined by voting, the exact dates for each test will be announced in class
and posted on the class web page. Given at least two weeks notice, I will make every effort to avoid conflicts with
weddings and other momentous occasions.
Danger! There will be no make-up tests without a doctor’s note or an equivalent well-documented excuse.
Final Examination
There will be a two-hour final examination from 8:00 AM until 10:00 AM on Thursday the 17th of December, in
the usual lecture hall (ST 205). The exam will have two distinct parts. The first half will be like a test on the
fourth chapter. The second half will be on material from the first three chapters. Each half of the exam will be
designed for completion in about an hour but students can divide their time between the sections however they wish.
So, the course will basically include four test and a final, each lasting one hour, with the fourth test and the final
examination given simultaneously.
Danger! You must take the final. Do not make travel plans for leaving campus before the 17th of December or
make plans to return.
The goal of the laboratory sections will be to make students comfortable with computers as a useful tool, for the
application of calculus to biology, in particular. The pace and content of laboratory section will be determined by
the laboratory coordinator. Students who make an honest effort will not be penalized for issues resulting from the
obstinacy of computers.
Danger! Computers are supposed to make things go faster but the exact opposite can be true. Take care that
the computer projects do not fall behind. Lack of honest effort in laboratory will negatively impact your grade.
The three tests and two halves of the final exam (basically five tests), will each count equally towards the final grade.
Students who fail the laboratory (by not making an honest effort), will have the laboratory grade included as well.
The laboratory component will then have the weight of one test. Students who achieve an overall passing grade in
the laboratory will have the option of dropping the laboratory component from the total, if this will improve the
overall grade.
Getting Help
The Mathematics Tutoring Center is located between JWB and LCB, under ground. The hours are 8:00 AM – 8:00
PM from Monday to Thursday and 8:00 AM – 6:00 PM on Friday. The center is closed on weekends and holidays.
Each day, before class, I will ask if anybody wants to meet for extra help. I will then take appointments to
meet people in the Mathematics Tutoring Center. Remind me, if I forget. For improved efficiency, small groups are