Communications Tower Data Entry Form -- HEADER SHEET Unit: Comm.Tower ID # : Comm.Tower Name: Location: Catagory: Size (LF Height): Maintenance Level: Remoteness Factor: 1 Historic Status: Inspector Name: Inspection Date: Year Constructed: Year Surveyed: Benefitting Function: (Fill in: If Roaded Remote, 1.15; Wilderness/Primitive Remote, 1.5; Historic, 1.5; Roaded Remote & Historic, 1.65; Wilderness Remote & Historic, 2.00) (Fill in: E=eligible, I=ineligible, L=listed, U=undetermined) NFFA (Fill in: NFFA(facilities), QMQM(quarters), NFRM(recreation), NFFV(reforestation), NFRV(range), NFHR(heritage), etc.) NOTE: Information entered on this sheet is automatically transferred to the following spreadsheets. Comm.Tower Data Entry Form -- ANNUAL MAINTENANCE Unit: Benefitting function: Maintenance Level: Remoteness Factor = 0 NFFA 0 1 Catagory: 0 Location: 0 ID #: Name: Size (LF Height): Historic : 0 0 0 2 Safety Hazard 3 Structural Hazard 4 Not According to Code PRIORTITY for FUNDING: 1 High Safety Hazard 5 Critical Maintenance 6 Energy Conservation 7 Routine Maintenance 8 Outdated/Nice to Have CSI Division Measurements Description Quantity 101000 GENERAL AND SITE WORK Inspector Name: 0 Inspection Date: 01/00/00 Year Constructed: 0 Year Surveyed: 0 0 Units Cost/unit General and Site Work Totals: Annual Maint Cost H&S Res $0 $0 Priority for Funding Mis $0 Division 1 - General General Management Other Other Division 2 - Site Work Driveways, Parking Sidewalks, Trails Signage, Exterior Site Drainage Landscaping Fences, Guard rails Other Other Misc. Annual Maintenance and Repair (Small Items, Break Downs) Costs are per l.f. of tower height Direct costs only including specific proj prep, procurement, and, Contract Administration ( .50 s.f. of tower height) Seal Coat, Repaving, Restripping, Grading, Rock Replacement, etc ( .04 / s.f. of driveway) PMR&R ( .18 / s.f. of walk or trail) PMR&R ( actual-site specific ) Culvert, Catch Basin, Ditch Clearing ( actual-site specific ) Tree Removal, Trimming, Plant Replacement ( actual-site specific ) (not lawn mowing or upkeep of grounds) PMR&R ( actual-site specific ) 202000 ARCHITECTURAL WORK (Divisions 3 to 14) Division 3 - Concrete - Incl w/Tower Other Division 4 - Masonry Other Division 5 - Metals Metal Tower Other Division 6 - Wood "Telepnone" Poles Other Division 7 - Thermal & Moisture Protection Other Division 8 - Doors & Windows Other Division 9 - Finishes Other Division 10 - Specialties Other Division 11 - Equipment Antennas Filtering Equipment Other Division 12 - Furnishings Other Division 13 - Special Construction Other Division 14 - Conveying Systems Other 0 LF-Twr.Height $1.50 $0 7 0 LF-Twr.Height $0.50 $0 $0 $0 $0 7 7 7 $0.04 $0.18 $0 $0 $0 $0 7 7 7 7 $0 $0 $0 $0 7 7 7 7 SF SF EA Site Site LF Architectural Totals: $0 PMR&R EA $20.00 PMR&R EA $33.00 PMR&R PMR&R EA EA 315000 MECHANICAL WORK Mechanical Totals: Page 2 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $75.00 $50.00 $0 $0 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 $0 9/3/2004 Comm.Tower Data Entry Form -- ANNUAL MAINTENANCE Unit: Benefitting function: Maintenance Level: Remoteness Factor = 0 NFFA 0 1 Catagory: 0 Location: 0 ID #: Name: Size (LF Height): Historic : Inspector Name: 0 Inspection Date: 01/00/00 Year Constructed: 0 Year Surveyed: 0 0 0 0 0 2 Safety Hazard 3 Structural Hazard 4 Not According to Code PRIORTITY for FUNDING: 1 High Safety Hazard 5 Critical Maintenance 6 Energy Conservation 7 Routine Maintenance 8 Outdated/Nice to Have CSI Division Measurements Description Quantity Units Cost/unit Annual Maint Cost H&S Res Division 15 - Mechanical Other $0 $0 416000 ELECTRICAL WORK Electrical Totals: Division 16 - Electrical Power Distribution, Cables, Transformers Meters, Switchgear, Breakers, Fuses Solar Panels Grounding System Battery System Other Location Factor or Multiplier = Priority for Funding Mis $0 $0 PMR&R, (smaller panels:$50/yr/ea, larger panels $60/yr/ea) PMR&R (regular:$12.50/yr/ea, large: $25/yr/ea) PMR&R (small: $50, reg.: $100, large: $350, XL: $400) EA EA EA $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 PMR&R ( actual-site specific ) $50.00 $12.50 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 1 TOTAL Page 3 $0 $0 $0 9/3/2004 Communnications Tower Data Entry Form -- DEFERRED MAINTENANCE Unit: Remoteness Factor = Benefitting Function: NFFA 0 Catagory: Location: Maintenance Level: 0 1 0 0 ID #: 0 Name: Size (LF): 0 Historic : Inspector Name: 0 Inspection Date: 1/0/1900 0 Year Constructed: 0 Year Surveyed: 0 0 2 Safety Hazard 3 Structural Hazard 4 Not According to Code PRIORTITY for FUNDING: 1 High Safety Hazard 5 Critical Maintenance 6 Energy Conservation 7 Routine Maintenance 8 Outdated/Nice to Have CSI Division Measurements Description Deficiencies Quantity Units Cost/unit 101000 GENERAL AND SITE WORK General and Site Work Totals: Priority for Funding Deferred Maint Cost H&S Res Mis $0 $0 $0 Division 1 - General Other Other Division 2 - Site Work Driveways, Parking Sidewalks, Trails Signage, Exterior Site Drainage Landscaping Fences, Guard rails Other 0 0 Seal Coat, Repaving, Restripping, Grading, Rock Replacement, etc (.89 s.f. of driveway) ( 4.38 / s.f. of walk or trail) ( actual-site specific ) Culvert, Catch Basin, Ditch Clearing (actualsite specific ) Tree Removal, Trimming, Plant Replacement ( actualsite specific ) (not lawn mowing or upkeep of grounds) ( actual-site specific ) 202000 ARCHITECTURAL WORK (Divisions 3 to 14) SF $0.89 0 SF EA $4.38 0 0 Site 0 EA LF 0 0 0 Architectural Totals: $0 $0 $0 Division 3 - Concrete Foundations, Slabs Retaining Walls Precast, etc. Other Other Division 4 - Masonry ( 3.00 s.f of floor area if crawl space - 8.00 s.f if basement) ( actual-site specific ) ( actual-site specific ) 0 SF-Flr Area SF SF Page 4 0 0 0 0 0 9/3/2004 Communnications Tower Data Entry Form -- DEFERRED MAINTENANCE Unit: Remoteness Factor = Benefitting Function: NFFA 0 Catagory: Location: Maintenance Level: 0 1 0 0 ID #: 0 Name: Size (LF): 0 Historic : Inspector Name: 0 Inspection Date: 1/0/1900 Year Constructed: 0 Year Surveyed: 0 0 0 PRIORTITY for FUNDING: 1 High Safety Hazard 2 Safety Hazard 3 Structural Hazard 4 Not According to Code 5 Critical Maintenance 6 Energy Conservation 7 Routine Maintenance 8 Outdated/Nice to Have Measurements CSI Division Description Deficiencies Quantity Units Cost/unit Retaining Walls Other Other Division 5 - Metals Metal Tower Rails, Posts, etc. Other Other Division 6 - Wood "Telephone" Poles Other Other Division 7 - Thermal & Moisture Protection Other Other Division 8 - Doors & Windows Other Division 9 - Finishes Painting-Exterior Other Other Division 10 - Specialties Other Division 11 - Equipment Antennas Filtering Equipment Specialty Equipment Other Other Division 12 - Furnishings Other Division 13 - Special Construction Other Division 14 - Conveying Systems Other Tuck Pointing, Silicone Sealer, Expansion Joint Caulking (actual-site specific) SF (small: $500, large: $600) ( actual-site specific ) EA EA Deferred Maint Cost H&S Res Mis Priority for Funding 0 0 0 $500.00 0 0 0 ( actual-site specific ) EA $500.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .77 per s.f of wall area SF-Wall Area $0.77 0 0 0 0 (small: $500, large: $750) ( actual-site specific ) ( actual-site specific ) EA Ea $500.00 $500.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Page 5 9/3/2004 Communnications Tower Data Entry Form -- DEFERRED MAINTENANCE Unit: Remoteness Factor = Benefitting Function: NFFA 0 Catagory: Location: Maintenance Level: 0 1 0 0 ID #: 0 Name: Size (LF): 0 Historic : Inspector Name: 0 Inspection Date: 1/0/1900 Year Constructed: 0 Year Surveyed: 0 0 0 PRIORTITY for FUNDING: 1 High Safety Hazard 2 Safety Hazard 3 Structural Hazard 4 Not According to Code 5 Critical Maintenance 6 Energy Conservation 7 Routine Maintenance 8 Outdated/Nice to Have Measurements CSI Division Description Deficiencies Quantity Units Cost/unit 315000 MECHANICAL WORK Mechanical Totals: Deferred Maint Cost H&S Res Mis $0 $0 Priority for Funding $0 Division 15 - Mechanical Other 0 416000 ELECTRICAL WORK Electrical Totals: Division 16 - Electrical Power Distribution, Cables, Transformers Meters, Switchgear, Breakers, Fuses Solar Panels Battery Systems Grounding System Other Location Factor or Multiplier = $0 $0 $0 ( actual-site specific ) (smaller panels: $500, larger panels: $600) (small: $500, reg.: $1000, large: $3500, XL: $4000) (regular: $500, large: $1000) EA EA EA 0 0 0 0 0 0 $500.00 $1,000.00 $500.00 1 TOTAL Page 6 $0 $0 $0 9/3/2004 Building Data Entry Form -- W.O. Summary ID #: Name: Catagory: Benef.Funct.: Item Size (GSF): Inspection Date: Inspector Name: 0 0 0 NFFA Description Quantity Unit Cost Maintenance Level: Year Surveyed: Cost Data: Means 0 1/0/1900 0 Annual Maint. Cost Total H&S Res. Mis. 0 0 Year constructed: Historical: Age (years): Deferred Maint. Cost H&S Res. Total 0 0 0 9/3/2004 Critical Mis. Project Number 101000 SITE WORK $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 202000 ARCHITECTURAL WORK (Divisons 3 to 14) $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 315000 MECHANICAL WORK $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 416000 ELECTRICAL WORK $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Total Annual Maintenance Grand Total = $0 $0 = Deferred Maintenance Grand Total Form adapted from Means Facilities Maintenance Standards, 1988 edition by R.S. Means Company, Inc. Page 7 9/3/2004