ABSTRACT Tropospheric angle-of-arrival were made at X-band were made arrival (7.3 GHz) using sources ations of elevation Over a one-year every season, scintillation angle slowly period, were 458 hours below fluctuations, fluctuations fluctuations ranged from at a i O” elevation angle are expected values angles 1 to i 00 mdeg angle. at elevation Comparable for bias refraction of the refractive power correction The .. .. spanning show strong angles by a deep fades, signal. angles elevation below fluctuations models power). characterized The below angle 2” to less in elevation based upon the use index. iii —- (log amassed of the received above iO”. drifted by the rms vari- i to iO dB rms at elevation than 0.1 dB at elevation of observations The results angles angle slowly events that produce and depolarization than 5 mdeg allowing were 1 to 20 elevation ranged from The as they of received conditions. of multipath The measurements characterized of observation measurements orhits. irregularities time of day, and weather a@e-Of-aprival of surface changed and the logarithm number of random occurrences log power 42-day The fluctuations occurrences 2- to less with caused by atmospheric the ray path. scintillation and at UHF (0.4 GHz). on satellites of the ray path to a satellite of fluctuations across and amplitude —.a?=-e CONTENTS . iii I. n. m. Iv. v. Abstract List of Illustrations v INTRODUCTION i INSTRUMENTATION 5 A. Haystack 5 B. Millstone 8 OBSERVATIONS A. Amplitude B. Elevation C. Orthogonal Fluctuations Angle Fluctuations Polarization Fluctmtions i9 ANALYSIS A. Statistical B. Comparison 49 Summary with Scintillation Theoq 25 3i CONCLUSIONS 32 References ,, iv LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS Title Figure I-i , Elevation weather, andtraverse cloudy. n-i X-band receiver 11-2 X-band tracker. Page angle fluctiuations; i3-i5 September i975; system. 111-% Received signal levelsat 111-2 Received eignal levels 111-3 RMS fluctuations in log power at X-band. in log power at UHF. high elevation III-4 RMS fluctuations 111-5 Apparent elevation angle at X-band, 111-6 Apparent elevation angle at UHF, 111-7 Normalized elevation angle error angles. high-angle high-angle Elevation and traverse 111-9 Apparent elevation angle at X-band, 111-10 Apparent elevation angle at URF, Ill-ii Normalized angle residuals, angle error high-angle low-angle data. data. low-angle data. voltages, low -angle Elevation i5 111-i4 RMS fluctuations in elevation angle at X-band. i6 IH-i5 RMS fluctuations in traverse angle at X-band. 16 111-i6 Received sigml fluctuations in the principal and orthogonal polarization sum channels and the elevation and traverse difference channels, low-angle data at X-band. i7 111-i7 Received signal fluctuations in the principal and orthogonal polarization sum channe16, low-angle data W UHF. i8 2330 UT, 29 April Satellite IV-3 L-band radar observations of a rise sphere (LCS-4, Object No. 5398). IV-4 continued, data. 20 i975. Iv-2 rise low -angle data. Comparkon of received signal level and quadrature elevation angle error voltage fluctuations, low -angle data. rise, residuals, data. 111-12 Satellite angle high-angle 111-+3 Iv-i and traverse data. data. voltages, 111-8 elevation angles. at lowelemtion 0!00 UT, 30 April 2i i975. and set of a 1 -m2 calibration 22 Elevation angle and rms log cross section sphere track depicted in Fig. IV-3. values for calibration 22 IV-5 Three IV-6 RMS fluctuations in log power at X-band. IV-7 RMS fluctuations in log power at X-band, spring IV-8 RMS fluchratiom in log power at X-band, summer IV-9 RMS fluctuations in log power at X-band. fall season. at X-band, winter satellite rises witbin 12 hours, 29 April 24 24 season. season. Iv-io RMS fluctuations in log power Iv-ii RMS fluctuations in elevation angle at X-band, spring Iv-iz RMS fluctuations in elevation angle at X-band, summer v 23 i975, 24 24 26 season. season. season. 26 26 Page TiUe Figure Iv-i3 RMS fluctuations in elevation angle at X-band. faU seas On. 26 IV-14 RMS fluctuations in elevation angle at X-band, winter 27 Iv-i5 RMS fluctuations in log power, IV-46 RMS fluctuations in elevation IV-47 RMS fluctuations in log power at X-band v-i Median rms fluctuations 27 fu33 year. angle, in elevation 27 full year. and UHF, i [ d“ / ~,{ ..,., ‘....._ ,!:, 29-30 April angle by season. \ I season. i975. 29 31 LOW ELEVATION ANGLE AN MEASU~~NTS ANALYSIS OF MADE 1. AT IMPOSED SCINTILLATION HAYSTACK BY THE TROPOSP~RE: OBSERVATIONS AND MILLSTONE INTRoDUCTION Radar spatial systems operating and temporal variations cur at all elevation Millstone Propagation on radar study was sponsored fense Agency at Millstone July 1973 time periwl racy. This report for ABMDAto effects provide stone Hill refraction–elevation correction Study. and on the random (or correction) The residual errors The bias errors varying during an observation exist. included correspond Unfortunately, Residuals ae scintillation stationary behavior increasing observation in the correction tion error consider time. measurement accu- Hill Radar Facility and range errors –have amount of data on the state specifically remain of the refraction after for the Mill- the model errors duration errors corresponds between correc that occur - of the during correction and scintillation for short observation This difficulty occur arises about the does not periods from variances maybe the non- increase in the estimation in the atmosphere with of bias errors and to possible inadequacies can be made for the bias component of the refrac - A study of refraction (scintiDation). and scintilor slowly to random fluctuations and angle-o f-arrival complications variations bias errors that are constant bias effects intervals. range Additional Ideally, toti?=o classes: to be bias values but not for the random component effects must both components. futiher, of a radar operating here was devised. Program [IDCSP) at low elevation Northeast were multiple passes angles, transmissions satellites. stone Hill Radar Facility6 residuals and to establish In this etudyangle-of-arrival 0.4 and 7.3 GHzbyobserving bythe De- i969 to depends upon the sophistication refraction separation errors: (large-scale) mafel. errors as belonging scintillation considered for longer To s+mdy this problem curacy period; of refraction due both to long-term Missile can he found in handbooks. 2>3>4 These residuals fluctuations to residual a clear that maybe refraction Laboratory pericd. are often modeled lation. on radar based upon a limited of these of the propaga- Ballistic at the Millstone by Crane 4$5 was generated Residual The magnitude ocThe during the February angle errors models errors The model described procedure bias values. correction of refraction Radar Propagation an observation conducted of tropospheric andrefraction” the effects errors 5 to 10”. and Bell Telephone of the ionosphere program caused hy propagation to investigate Command errors angles below through the Advanced System of the troposphere. tions have been app3ied. Tropospheric Laboratory the effects an estimate of the atmosphere. Lincoln the effects a follow-m measurement only at elevation by the U.S. Army to investigate describes been studied in the past, models A joint and the SAFEGUARD investigate The gross concern Studyi was undertaken measurements. (ABM.DA) experience in the index of ref~actiim. angles but are of major Hill Radar tion medium within the troposphere Radio Observatory observed of i-, for each of the spheres and O.I-mz foruseaa the program of propagation the fnterim a 0.4-GHz beacon radar sphere calibration position references scintillation were spheres. studies were .s~. at the Mill- MadditiOn, Best fit orbits forobservations were at atellite Observatory, Radar observations ac - reported observed beacon tracker at the Haystack tracks. on the metric DefenseC ommunicationS monoptdse tracker CorWration(NEROC), using L-band 0.2-, it imposes andamplihlde from For reception, and a 7.3-GHz the limitations operated bias errOr were made of constmcted atlowelevation =gles ,.. Bias error on each of tie passes. accuracy to separate sphere. Considerable Using multipass the errors effort orbit fits, of better L-band radar sphere tracks the position tracking sessions fluctuations were cross tracked to provide has not been performed. radar Scintillation i975. The durations observations accurate of the observations was amassed of received calculated power over Observations were position for examples satellites interval only scintillation the correlation of the rereference is considered between for tropospheric scintillation. scintillation to account for the differences of refraction. analysis (rms) curves when the results larger to than the correlaobservations at both frequencies doppler, are but are useful of the frequency (log power), depen- and angle of theory ( Rytov approxi- given in Refs. 8, 9. and i O are dependence power squares has been made to The antennas used for these Tbe simultaneous power theory was in the The rms values No attempt The same weak scintillation in wavelength angles program fluctuations fitted by least significantly the fluctuations Weak scintillation at elevation in this report. frequency. of received and a total of 458 hours will be reported. the mean trend. of 0.7 km, i.e., and Millstone and i i December. observed An extensive at O.4 and 7.3 GHZ. at either in the logarithm caused by ionospheric number yields for estimation. further 27 January were about quadratic to remove made simultaneously dence of rms fluctuations (3-d) and phase an analysis made at Haystack for examining the frequency dependence of the rms fluctuation values. ~rane8, 9, i O has reported a theoretical amlysis and observations dimensional most have been generated 6 to 40 hours, and angle of arrival by a distance not useful for studying were made between conditions. fluctuations indices i 973 sessions scintillation of scintillation, of funding only root mean square and f -hr intervals errors: were were under all weather for amplitude spheric At first, esti’rnates for bias error The satellites are separated modified effects. State vectors within a set ranged from tion distance arrival i October also made during the last four (amplitide) data. during the year. observations mation) is valid between of funding for this program, Except (log power) 5-rein. tbe data within an observation study the angle b% sessions angle propagation on cross-section using the IDCSP but due to the termination logarithm were angles below 10” but during the last four tracking measurement sets of measurements 43” down to the horizon planned, facility.7 data will not be made in this report. Nineteen of observations caused by the atmo- of the Millstone than 4 mdeg at elevation data recordings due to a sudden termination sidual errors from objects, information to the L-band during the errors measurement at any instant within the time used for the of better Coherent emphasized. to provide each of the objects from made during 16 tracking section in addition to the position Unfortunately, of a sphere accuracy position than 70 pad). of large were target for the calibration i 974 for the study of low elevation were extreme caused by the instrument observations and 30 September observations requires has been expended orbit fit is known with an angular (an accuracy estimation between ionospheric and tropo. ‘* ’13 three- coupled with an assumed spectral density for tropospheric -7/12 an estimated A wavelength dependence refractivity fluctuations for rms variations ( K = wave- in log power (ox). The wavelength dependence for angle-of-arrival and Doppler fluctuations is given by 1° and ~-i. respectively. The last results do not depend upon the exponent of tbe assumed refractive index spectrum. wavelength The Haystack dependence and Millstone observations for Cx fm. measurements are in agreement at low elevaticm 2 angles. with tbe predicted co - I I -u@m . - :!:R:E;::*z:%?l::RFAcE \“ . . . RMs RESIDUALS ABOUT SURFACE REFRACTIVITY CORRECTION MADE WITH 3 N UNIT RM5 REFRACTIVITY MEAWREMEN7 ERROR \ 4 ,0 L“”\ :x\ t. \ - Ice : \“”” Y’ . 3 @ TX*” ‘ ‘ -.x x ?R.% e “a 5mi” I hr ELEVA7WN : . 0 TRAVERSE, x a ‘1 I I ‘\’;~ \ .,..[”,” “-’““L .-.., ‘-BAND . . ii’k ‘“ & NOISE UMIT ~~ APPARENT ELEVATION Fig. 1-!. Elevation and traverse i975; weather, cloudy. The angle -of -arrival creasing observation traverse [azimuth Figure I-i cumulus clouds and clear for elevation angles mation. tion. refractivity scintillations The results suggesting Bias error Figure sky. I-i ray tracing These estimates rms fluctuations the expected bias errors for the surface and of of less than 50 prad rms residual generated in- errors for Millstone.5 fluctuations The in hiss em-m. esti- of those obtained on each observation represents are expected in elevation sets made under conditions of two of the expected model in the rms value with data show rms errors also displays due to the natural analysis 13-$5 September increase the observed on Fig. 1-i are typical correction the rms fluctuations from displays model for estimating displayed correction angle fluctuations; show the expected are within a factor that the surface and because expected above i O”. ldeo 1 for one of the observation fair-weather observed I time. X cos (elevation) about the surface ) observations ANGLE a practical limit for refraction to apply for periods set correc - of an hour or mm-e, variability of the atmosphere correction model, better exceed thosez bias estimates are not warranted. This I report describes the X-band instrumentation Crom the configuration ple observations and rrns fluctuation observations are presented and the predictions in Section V. I instrumentation reported used at Haystack, the changes by GhiIoni,6 and the processing data are presented of weak scintillation in Section theory f.ff. programs. A comparison is given in Section in the U ED? IV. Sam- between Conclusions ,. _.. . . IL 1NSTRUMENTATION Haystack A. The goal of the measurement scintillation over the widest dependence angular was required measurement also desired program possible precision tions in angle of arrival (oe) with instrumental in angle a very narrow noise contributions To achieve frequency position due to theinstrmnent The 36.6-m feed. Four identical sum (zLH), difference tically stages receiver principal (AAZ), channels in Fig. 11-l. of frequency level. i2, i3 were elevation provided: and IF amplification. rections from orbital was provided on the computer were Computer-aided within 0.5 Hz of the apparent variations 4-horn polarization principal monopulse (left-hand polarization circular) traverse channels are to the A/D converters First-stage schema- after four amplifiers with an i2 feed in the radiometer box. Doppler cor- provided The frequency local This interchanged for DC offsets The quadrature was performed the role signals mixer at the second IF stage. tracking of the twophase for the long-term loop was closed Manual fre- drift of the os- through the CDC-3300 pointing Elevation and azimuth commands differential sampled the final autotrace as well error pointing at a 200-Hz commands Coherent corrections from the difference (demand offset). using orbital was used to positicm the antenna. by the CDC-3300 and azimuth normalized plex error error signals and used to generate signals values together were with thecmnplex recorded at a 10 sample pointing 5 ephemeris smoothed Antenna position polarization commands sum channel signals, per second were for use in post-test i“ phase with the principal the differential processing oscillator data. and used The sum of the U490 calculated and the demand offset elevation computer of the local ‘me u490 comput.e~. provided channels values) computer of the quadrature filter. in Fig.11-2. position sampled fifth A/D a means to compensate components encoder were 90” every andprovided rate. predetection is depicted as the Doppler data obtained detectors with the 90” phase advance 40-Hz system signal was advanced the sine and cosine synchronized to synthesize the initial reference between were data samples The computer-aided to generate oscillator and nonorthogonality of 20 successive 1 beacons, at the fourth stage. sample. encoder ii). and 0.4 mdeg rms less than O.i-dB The rezeiver at the third stage to compensate satellites, IDCSP The phase oftbe2-MHz video. calculations (AEL), was provided mounted behind the tracking cillators 5“(Ref. 7299.5-MHz with a conventional sum (ZRH). video were obtained to track principal difference polarization Quadrature conversion above was designed. to maintain was fitted 8-dB noise figure quency control , was required antenna polarization angles fluctua- set to obtain measurements and the lDCSP and to tune the receiver signal andorthogonal described elevation system 5“ were observations was used to keep the antenna pointed within 4 mdeg of This precision in received receiver above Earlier angle a specified than 0.2 dBa.ndrms goals were using Haystack tracking (i ZO-ft) Haystack on elevation angles frequencies. than 2 mdegfor and amplitude angle for achieving of less than 0.05 dB rms in log power tracking of the source Information (ox) should be less design angle at elevation at higher angles, these goals bandwidth monopulse of the mu-cc. Observations in log power elevation angle and frequency the apparent error). angles. useful elevation scintillation should be less at higher of arrivaL automatic minimum (rms amplitude had shown that the rms fluctuations To make observations was to observe range of elevation to de finetbe for modeling at Haystack data (i9-bit analysis. sum sigmd (demand offset). time, The were The Com- and antenna position rate for post processing. The angle -EmEL. ANTENNA ,,; t ,, ‘2MHz+ S0-++ t 2C0- H, LflL;~SS 11 d A/O WWFRTER 1 ,Fig. II-i. X-band receiver 6 m-m UW:ss A(D MRTER 1 system. HI,YSTLCK ANTE MA --EE1 -El -@El Fig.11-Z. X-bared tracker. )i j, ,! ,, 4 ,, I 7 ..—-,..-.-. encoder values . . .-. were ing the pointing sampled at the ZOO-HZ rate and averaged The recorded complex signal in a subsequent post-detection averaging, noise ranged between rose or set, of signal and as a result level receivers was available radio stars were switched for this radiometer B. system the satellite angles However, only one instance encoder values polarization ● obtained from the to analysis. correction The monopulse 0.005” in traverse. was also used during the measurement was on axis and no pointing A and was used to observe corrections prior path. sum channel. calibration. and +0.005 receiver precision. used with the X-band changes, The pointing position The X-band along the observation was used with the orthogonal plane. The receiver measurement were and re- ae the satellite These A t 5-GHz, 500-MHz - program. Tbe feed was required. Millstone by the IDCSP The receiver system Data obtained from computer at Millstone satellites. Because hand circular were complex equal amplitude polarization were in active intersite link. progressed, Radar available The elevation At first, orthogonal the telemetry observations. Propagation Study! to the CDC-3300 system polarization level was modsignal, and at UHF had highly elliptical on the principal and traverse signal trans- only the AGC the data transfer complex use, for scintillation Millstone The IDCSP transmission signals channels. telemetry at a i O-Hz rate and transferred channel signals, values. source for the earlier sampled As the experiment difference the 40i -MHz are no longer an adequate via the Millstone/Haystack antenna encoder Nearly and orthogonal the satellites was used as configured and recorded. to provide the Millstone was used to track and provided the receiver at Haystack was sampled izations. Observatory about the atmosphere —0.075 * 0.005” in elevation signal was stable in amplitude ified between the desired 40 to during the i975 season, O.Z to ~.4 mdeg rms. achieved at the Haystack mdiometer The UHF beacon tracker mitted ranged from from due to receiver within this range due at low elevation A and Cygnus for antenna pointing added to the reported bandwidth Dicke varied usage on the satellites. off axis in the elevation were ranged operating in the distance for use on any channel by cable Cassiopeia star observations still absorption processing radiometer satellites scintilla- and i O-sample in log power ratio that were system use was noted during the observations. information total power X-band feed was mounted offsets available additional This radiometer radio of transponder on angle measurement to provide the bright The signal-to-noise satellites change due to transponder Radiometer 20-MHz and to generat- and used to generate rms fluctuations caused by variations post-detection averaged, for the IDCSP detectable the eight IDCSP plus i O-sample system to recording Using this tracking and in tbe mmmnt of atmospheric noise limitations system minimum i“ signal level station detected, program. 0,04 and 0.06 dB. between due to changes ceiver data were analysis the signal-to-noise-ratio The corresponding to differences prior .. commands. tion statistics 45 dB. . ., (right-hand difference polar- circular) channels were right- polarization. 8 —.. - . .. . . . III. OBSERVATIONS Amplitude A. The lDCSP satellites synch ronoue orbits each satellite stack, Fluctuations were moving tracked slowly was approximately the apparent slow angle tracking the atmosphere as they rose with respect or set. The satellites to a ground station. i 2 days with each satellite visible only two beamwidths rate, station geometry the satellite across -to -ground in near- for about 5 days. angular motion was typically drifted were The orhit aI period for At Hay- in five minutes. was essentially At this fixed while the path. ‘“ ~ X- 8AN0 z 3 “ .. . : s z ~ ; J : ~ .x 30 — .0,05569 m 3 g ,0 . ; . signal levels at high 1 ! 0 Fig. III- i. Received elevation angles. 1 1 ! ,0 ““, G : : .0— : 2 ,. - .x .0.0.9d, d > 5 : m— “ z g ,0_ ; . 0 ! I m m TIME 35.25. APPARENT ELWATION ANGLE ,Examples of observed high and low elevation between \ ellite, 35.25 and 34.20’ at X-band the signal-to were higher noise Slight changes exceeded and display fluctuations The high-angle fluctuations than the values modulation increased spi% expected in the minimum received detectable signal (ml.) 6 ,4.X in Figs. III-i data are for elevation noise limit. The meamred due to thermal the satellites 1 5. and -2 for angles For this sat- was 42 dB in a 1-Hz band; at UHF (O.4 GHz) were at the spin rate was usually the X-band are given near the thermal ratio ratio was 39 dB in a i -H. band. caused by satellite peak-to-peak thermal eignal level respectively. (7.3 GHz) the signal-to-noise -noise slightly fluctuations received angles, t 40 1 so WYvalue were noise because of small spinning at i 50 rpm, evident. level rms fluctuations The combined fluctuations observed at X-band additimaal ‘and O.i to 0.2 dB effect of spin and to the O.06-dB level. but the minimum value never O.07 dB. 9 —...——_ .,. ..%W-,=,,., - Fig. 111-2. Received elevationlmgles. “ —— .. ,0 signal levels at low < 0.0 ‘0 Tm!m. # “.. . . .. . . :; ,. ..- . . “. “%. . . . 08 SERV’ITIOM IN,,, 0., ”,, 1 ). 1 Fig. III-3. at X-band, I . .... . . ..r. ...” .. . ...+ +- O8SERVATION INTERVAL . 5.,”. .,”, W,A.ENT . . ELEVATION ,, . 5.,”. b Ihr ..o~ RMS fluctuations in log power ,, W.RENT ANGLE (d!, ) Fig. DI-4. at UHF. ELEVAT (ON ANGLE RMS fluctuations 14<,1 in log power The signal-to-noise combined effect ratio for the UHF (O. 4-GHz) of satellite nel (right -hand circular) rotation ox values nel output was reconstructed IO-HZ predetection a coherent signals and December. onal channel had a minimum slightly The signal level fluctuations increased the i-see-averaged was at – 0.22” in the direction 40 min. before figure, i.e., At UHF, X-band disappearing due to interfering behavior quadratic remove rms values occurring curve least were on the hour. square intervals occurring uncertainty absorption. A similar observed that would be associated with a single appear similar caused by the ground. were fixed (in dB) ahout with the start of the calculated relative The quad rat ic curve observing station geom for successive intervals to a was used to in satellite-to-ground fitting procedure 5-rein. are at X-band rms fluctuations also calculated curve over atmosphere. 5 -min. was also used for the were expected to represent geomet W (no change in ele - angle). Examples of tbe 5 -min. -2 amd observations and 4 -hr rms fluctuation -4. The data are for 3 IDCSP at 26o” azimuth elevation (A.), observation satellites, i975. The i-hr much longer period fluctuations. rms values the i -hr sample. B. remo”es for tbe data given Az, ax values periods spanning 3 to 4“ elevation The data were figures. obtained Tbe quasi-periodic (curve-fitting) process due to the long-period between and a highbetween 0900 for Figs. 111-1 and -2 and an additional while the ground reflection The det rending a difference observation in Figs. fU -f and in Figs. 111-3 and spanning 5“ to 0“ El at 100” A., most of the wmirmce This causes the 5-min. Elevation Angle at UHF have used to generate fluctuations and i -br variance the evident values, the recorded averaged were produced encoder for each of the ten/second values ii and averaged data samples inphase error voltages. in which Fluctuations estimates ! -hr fluctuations effects for the UHF data. Angle -of -arrival combining one ‘1rise” within the data set are shown in these shown on Fig. 111-2 have 2- to 4 -min. is largest viz, one “ set” observation spanning 37 to 33° El at i90” and 2iO0 UT i December time period values made within i2 hours of each of these data sets are given (El) 5-min. were for the data in this with a roughly for each hour of data, caused by the changes The fluctuations beam of the Haystack The fluctuations that hour. The 20 and 60 min. (time) fluctuations fl”ct”ations III-2 1.5 and 0“. caused by tbe lower between The rms fluctuations RIMS values within the hour. intervals, calculated Figure for an additional is negligible are calculated fit to the data over slow changes in signal level et ry and atmospheric 5-rein. from the ground. duration and orthogonal angles. For the 73-mdeg At UHF much smaller given on each of the figures for the Orthog- for the principal was tracked in Fig. HI-2 are entirely reflections made with ion bandwidth sets and iO HZ for measurethe ox values angles between diffraction is 2. 5“ and the fluctuations behavior. These one -hour interval vation depicted chan- an effective at UHF were at low elevation and the satellite and horizon appear to ride the longer The rms values tbe mean trend. significantly of set, polarization with changed. below the radio horizom tbe fluctuations to have a quasi-periodic temporal values and UHF data for elevation of ground multipath the antenna beamwidth primarily The minimum and the chan- The predetect With the i O-Hz filters, of 0.07 dB. depicts the effect measurements channel receiver. as the .t ransm itted polarization horizon antenna, (AGC ) voltage lower, polarization .The principal of 0.07 dB. polarization was slightly the principal was 250 Hz for most of the observation ments made in November varied limited gain control phase locked to the principal for the quadrature channels to a mf~mum Orthogonal observations noise from an automatic bandwidth. receiver and thermal by A 3’”’1 -EEL t 3*D o I I m I 40 I I 20 I ,0 - T!~E3k Fig. III-5. Apparent elevation X-bred, high-angle data. Fig. III-6. Apparent elevation UHF, high-angle data. angle at angle at ~ ‘: .g q: Q I t?l~ . 0. ‘5 : .m_ < .-4.sQ 5C4- -0.0.6mm ~. w_ “’ -, m I I I I ! i:~ Fig. UI-7. Normalized elevation angle error voltages, high-angle data. Fig. III-8. residuals, Elevation high-angle and traverse data. ~gle predetermined calibration channel voltage voltage) constant was used to convert inphase with the sum charnel into an angle deviation calibration curves were (The calibration were very program UHF system was manually required determined bration adjusted prior after initial data processing values ceive r noise limit. this defect suffered sampling by detecting for data reported level set at UHF. to the sum channel only once during disturbed.) the The and new calibration curves could only be of data reduction, the available rather than the correct one second are depicted cali - reported readings “glitches.” The observed the expected detrend the data (estimate due to receiver random errors positions in the computer expected error The theoretical using only a nominal to the angle-of-arrival fluctuation The autotrack rms fluctuation are displayed time constant. larger were data are also displayed A small non-zero exhibited in Fig. fI1-7. quadrature in part caused in the figure. error voltage small non-zero used to limitation estimate voltage These of for the data pre sented in voltages causing the observed and corresponding computer-aided system data were is apparent oscillation. t racker had a and The quadrature not used in real time for tracking. in these data. fluctuations is cent ribut ion was used to cent rol the antenna position, by tracker long-period The difference value. The closed-loop voltage to is less Due to the requirement than i see, angle error error measurement the error predicted and averaged fitting procedure unclere stimated constant elevaticm The inphase error fluctuations The quadrature that depended voltages upon the polarization transmission. The residual elevation are shown in Fig. f31-8. both angle encoder angle errors The tracker data and error any antenna positioning from the quadratic the bias errors. has a time inphase and quadrature angular deviations of the satellite was significantly system difficult, The theoretical curve, value to be less than the theoretically The X-band beam. to remedy was to cause an additional angle-of-arrival calibration proved was 0.6 mdeg. ratio and a i-33z bandwidtb. em-or voltage -to-angle Efforts rms measurement is due to the curve noise was 20 mdeg for the 2. 5“ Millstone ratio achieved The angle encoder per second were of the “glitches!’ The combined angle near the re - or ‘Iglitche s“ within each malfunction. taken at 200 values rms errors biases). were is 0, 3 mdeg (Ref. 2). system i -hr rms measurement and observed based upon a 39-dB signal-to-noise the observed limit The net effect than 0.4 mdeg. between for the high elevation fluctuations beam and the 42-dB signal-to-noise due to an encoder the improper of these The signal level one to two 5- to 10-mdeg interval of less than 0.3 mdeg. Fig. Ifl-6. over Haystack rms fluctuation removes voltage-to-angle feed were the calibration using a nominal angle measurement here the encoder reduce the effect generally relative had to be modified and, at the current averaged For the 73 -mdeg at Haystack tenth of a second error of the sum channel Error to each set of observations, (Fig. III- 1) in Figs. 111-5 and -6. in a i -Hz band, the theoretical ,! , (error and during each observation to the X-band Unfortunately, had to be generated angle estimates observations 7-see constants voltage curves. Elevation system value. channels connections error by the magnitude encoder at X-band The calibration for each data set. UEF angle-of-arrival divided and phases of the difference after the wavegufde curves were signal to the position obtained occasionally constants stable at X-band. observation relative the normalized curve Traverse that remained oscillation voltage data in constmcting uncertaintiess. which are cawed angle residual after curve is not evident The residual fitting angle -of -arri”al error are also displayed equation in Fig. U1-8. $3 ——... estimates data show slow deviations by using only a second-order. errors to one hour of data in these data since the use of -----————’-—-.--—..---—- to represent ‘“”l -i!mmL \ o 1 m I 30 I *O TIME Fig. III- 9. d X-band, Apparent low-angle .. 5. o I ! m TcME (.(”) elevat iOn angle data. 1 3. 1 20 0 ,0 5. [.!”1 Fig. 111-’10. Apparent elevation at UHF, low-angle data. lii~ ! , 4. angle 20 m’%.) Fig. III- i 2. Elevation and traverse residuals, low-angle data. angle ‘1 J At low elevation angles, fluctuations in Fig. 111-9 and fluctuations X-band inphase vation displayed decreases; 40 min. error angle residuals angle fluctuations errors due to the ground were and quadrature tion and traverse the traverse high above the horizon voltages are displayed angles below to exclude ground (Fig. ID-i 1) are all less than i O mdeg. the signal ievel fluctuations by the apparent angle-of-arrival successfully maintained may have occurred component fluctuations Fig. UI-2. A close comparison complex signal level combine to produce $”, i.e., more the horizon this effect. level caused system changes that voltage shows relatively fluctuations large quasi- displayed shows that the quasi-periodic in fluctua- Both UHF and X-band quarter-period displacement This relationship is characteristic !4 At X-band the characteristic to rnult ipath. in the figure Two signals Since the elevation for times between $0 and 20 min. with a i 2-dB difference angle for this multipath above the horizon, than 40 dB below tbe mainlobe a ground reflection to antenna gain changes curves. response is evident change is 4 dB. than ‘t6 beamwidths is more from system 4 mdeg, negligible. 3, and both show this apparent response Sufficiently show that the X-band as shown in Fig, III-13. error fitt~g angle exceed signal level the two curves ele - noise for only the last are at angles and that any signal error The The inphase angle deviations were to the received of a period receiver system scintillation reveal and cuwe the angle deviations observations deviations signal and quadrature monopulse monopulse The peak-to-peak originated in Fig. III-i the received of a complex severe between hy a quarter data are displayed effects. These as shown as the elevation measurement at times of the normalized that are similar tions are displaced between track during “glitc h,” increase than can be attributed deviation. at X-band observations than the noise. to exceed reflection are far larger These The X-band observations Although due to angle-of-arrival The quadrature periodic appear evident in Fig. J31-i %, and the X-hand eleva- angle residuals 0.25”. were at UHF as shown in Fig. III-f O. in Fig. III-12. greater The elevation angle residuals evident are displayed that are significantly in Fig. III-8, or for elevation due to the atmosphere can event is CIOse to and the antenna gain in the direction peak, the multipath but must have been generated FKCEIVED of signal could not have within the atmosphere. -mm — in level At .- BAND SIGNAL LEVEL . NORMAL\ZEO O“ADRb7URE ERROR vOLTAGE Fig. L31-13. Comparison of received signal level and quadrature elevation angle error voltage fhctuations, low-angle data. I $ 1 1 1 I I UHF .. I — RECEIVED I o SIGNAL , m I LEVEL 1 3. 20 11.6 [.1”1 I 40 , 50 II ., the antenna gafn toward UHF, tion angles source below the horizon i o which correspond of the multipath in Fig. 111-40 were was less than 3 dB below the mainlobe to times between at UHF is ground reflection. generated and hence the apparent using only the nominal fluctuations peak at eleva- i5 and 60 min. Thus the most likely The UHF elevation angle data displayed error due to this multipath voltage-to-angle calibration curve could be exaggerated. - I . . . . .. ,.6 “. . . . . . F,”,,.. .e , l“. 1 “. 8. . -i= A,h, APPARENT ELEVATION ANGLE [,,91 Fig. III- i 4. RMS fluctuations angle at X-band. The 5-min. corresponding at elevation “. . . .o%-:.& “> .* fluctuations. Polarization ;,,,,,.,, ~ polarization recorded at both frequencies. the end of the year, ly of tbe same level signals in received were with the values 10”. angle due to “glitches” and are significantly The i -hr rms fluctuations due to longer are roughly coherently Quadrature The orthogonally an order period (large- of magnitude larger i”. filters i“ level at X-band data were received implying signal ranged from was slow depending being observed. to the principal only from July to at Millstone at Millstone a linearly satellite for receiver obtained only installed signal and in phase relative expected and UHF using the video data with a i O-Hz bandwidth were were signal, polarization The variation detected video polarized polarized and the particular power The traverse angle fluctuations values angles below The UHF quadrature the orthogonal signal. ground station geometry fluctuations at elevation as the principally At X-band, angles below in traverse in Fig. If I -14, and the instrument al errors angle fluctuations and the i O-Hz predetection polarization are given Tbe elevation the 5 -min. signal as reference. observations. ANGLE [d., ) Fluctuations polarization principal the source. Z and 3 times The elevation The orthogonal O.5”. noise at elevation angle fluctuations 0rthogona3 the November above ELEVATION are given in Fig. 13-i 5. above the expected angles angle are between than the traverse identical angle fluctuations than the instrumental in elevation principal . Fig. 111-i5. RMS fluctuations angle at X-band. in elevation are not significantly noise c. . . &PP&RENT and i -hr rms ele”at ion angle fluctuations rms traverse fluctuations scale) A . . ~,~ ~,,~ greater A . OBSERVATION ,NTERV.L . 5 ml”, receiver A,h, .. “. . . I 1“. OBSERVATION INTERVAL ,0 polarized prior to was roughsignal at i5 to 25 dB below the upon the satellite-to- At high angles, polarization the rms signal were noise. 16 .—-. .—.__ . . . .._- “1-ImEL pRtNCIPAL , sum ORT”CIGONAL-PRINCIPAL o I ! 1 1 I ! 1 1 I 1 1 I ! 1 1 1 1 I 1 ,0 I ,0 -w .. “.. Q-EL o — .. . - I l-TR o -0.2 .2 O-7R -0.2 o I ,0 TIME I 40 I ,. m (ml. ) Fig. 221-i6. Received signal fluctuations in the principal and orthogonal polarization scan channels and the elevation and traverse difference channels, low-angle data at X-band. The orthogonal at low elevation polarization signal indicate the antenna. differences variation large signal-level excursions event that occurred variations different em-or voltages multipath at 52 deviations. between could, ICI and however, components min. to the principal Figure polarization are also displayed are in the figure and which variations accompanied polarization 211-46 displays signals. path at the two polarizations are due to antenna deviations due to angle-of-arrival and -i 7. to principal in the propagation The complex ratio These with respect angles as shown in Figs. III-96 and phase of the ratio of the orthogonal ratio varied by ratio 20 min. are @ correlated that combine to provide the logarithm Fluctuations in the or variations due to to help identify which are due to propagation The changes that appear On the other hand, the ratio variations a composite antema to be dm-ing the mult ipath with angle-of-arrival be caused by the cross-polarized signal response deviations. to the signal which the antenna ‘0 -i!EE!L ORTHOGONAL ,. I POLARIZATION — I o I I ! r I 20 PRINCIPAL POLARIZATION ,. I ,50 — !ta — w — .0 — m — ,~ T,ME Fig. III - i7. Received signal fluctuations channels, low-angle data at UHF. tracks. At UHF (Fig. III-17) ences between the logarithm the large [ml.) in the principal phase variations of the orthogonal observed, and principal reflections. 18 and orthogonal power combined variations, polarization with larger sum differ- are due to ground IV. ANALYSIS A. Statistical The fluctuation -35”, and low, observations Summary <i.5-, were conditions. time histories elevation angles Roughly equal numbers near the horizon a random taining cess of a single a physical Figs. IV-3, These -4, -44, problems to very satellite understanding ful only if the process times small rise is stationary. The 5-rein. significantly will be examined made during each season. that were large hy iOS elevation a time history process. at elevation angle. The data that is a single A quantitative of fhe process. and i.hr measure in ob- of the pro- in turn are use- values that the process with a limited sample is “sef”l These rms fluctuation suggesting in tum starting 458 hours Of meteorological number of time histories moments and -i 5 differed were values or set provide the statistical series, at high, with time of day. of a limited of the fluctuation from measurement of the day under different fluctuations and a variation An examination can only be acquired two hours of observations of hours of observations dependence process. for During, the entire angle and signal-level and decreased seasonal Observations from angles. above are made on 37 days at different The data all showed ele”aticm. showed a slight depicted depicted in is not stationary. rmmber of time-history exam- ples. A dependence angle is evident and displayed level, from the time in Figs. IV-1 elevation elevation of the magnitude angle, angles. changing from pIotted in Figs. nificant more level Iv-3 and - f4. fluctuations le”el component observed under clear fluct”atiom of the ele”ation decrease from The elevation a“d elewt The elewation with increasing error typical rise data show large fl”ctwdions voltage of two-ray variations angle error angle variations are evident angle quadrature occur which correspond error at 2° El. do not decrease voltage only in combination at t to 2- (p-p) is evident error signal voltage The difference ion angle fluctuations No significant sky conditions 11 dB peak-to-peak as in the eleva- in the rms values fluctuations elewat ion angle than do the s igrml le”el mult ipath. on elevation in the X-band 40 mdeg p-p at 2“ El to iO mdeg p-p at 5“ El. of signal rapidly quadrature fluctuations and quadrature a“d angle -of arrival of a satellite These and i.5 dB p-p at 5° El. tion angle dependence to decay history and -Z. level The signal -lem?l variations to 3 dB p-p at 3“ El, rapidly, of signal appear fhctu at ions. Sig- with the quasi-periodic voltage fluctuations or signal with the i O- to 2O-mdeg point ing angle var iat ions abcme 40. The data displayed in Figs. IV- I and -2 can be interpreted tuations that depend only on the initial i time. ff, as is usuaIIy assumed bias errors i , arise L-band radar The observations i6 min. for different observations were The cross-section through the atmosphere, observations. For the l-m2 for the i -see averages tion resulting from tion between 2 and 30 elevation receiver bias error station) fluc- and not on due to refraction, the fluct”atiom tbe d“e to the stratifi- azimuth directions. section represent are larger calibration displayed of bias errors index, of a calibration the south then north a“d were fluctuations hence, analysis of refractive of the cross made toward as representing angle (satellite-to-ground for ray-tracing from the stratification cation should be identical ele”ation signal level sphere, LCS-4, angle steering set in time by less than for the one-way the signal-to-noise The error noise was less than 0.2 dB. are shown in Fig. IV-3. changes for the two-way than the fluctuations i“ this figure. sphere separated in measuring The peak-to-peak exceeded 20 dB. satellite ratio the rms beacon exceeded log cross cross-section The detailed path 30 dB secvaria- fluctuation 60 m . b~ SIQNALLEVEL . .NGLE-OF-. . . s. ERRORS ELEVATION ------- TRAVERSE 0.6 6 QUADRATURE ERROR — ELEV,ir(ON ------ TRAVERSE : ~o g : ~ . R -0.6 VOLTAGE - ,0 : . g ~ -!0 I ! .000 2,3, 00,0 uNivERSL TIME [h,, APPARENT Fig. IV-I. Satellite 1 ,,. ELEVaTIO. rise, I 20 — 0!0, min., ur 1 1 2,0 I ,.. I RR, VAL — ANGLE (dog) 233o UT, 29 April i975. : 0 m X-BAND -EEm_ .. SIGNAL LEVEL $0 t ..~ ,0 0 ANGLE-OF-ARRIVAL : < ERROR ELEVATION — Y TRAVERSE -40 0.6 QUADRATURE — ERROR VOLTAGE ELEvATION - m TRAVERSE j : 0 != .,. I 0,,. 0.6 .!0. I 0,0, uNwERs#L , ! TIME (w, m;.., I ,.0 I ..0 Fig. IV-2. Satellite 02,0 .7) 1 s .0 APP&RENT ELEVATION ANGLE rise continued, (W) OiOO UT, 30 April 21 ..-—-–—-———.,.s 1975. : a ,. o I . II I * A A vwrv”v~ R!SE 1130uT 170-de, AZIMUTH -,0 - .20 I IIW11144. 1 1 1 ! 1 1 1 I ! 1 . -m .20 Fig. IV-3. L-band radar observations sphere (LCS-4, Object No. 5398). of a rise and set of a %-mz calibration . ,. :,, ,,,,. 0 SOUTH L ‘: . NORTH ” .<. “t ... .: ,.. , o<w g .i “.0 ,0. .. . . MVAT;ON y. 2:.. , . .:....J.-......~. : ., .. ~. .. .. +.. . .+ .“:“ . :..”. ” .“. . .. .. . . . :! IN STRUMEN LIMIT 1 1 ,468,012 TIME TIME (ml.) Elevation angle and rms Fig. IV-4. sphere track depicted in Fig. IV-3. 1 I I log cross 22 section values (rein) 1 , t~ls for calibration , TA $, time ~“ histOries values fOr observations These differ. Figure fluctuations. f valuee IV-4 displays The rms values detrending process t ion angles below above. i O” encompassing mate of the variance of the fluctuation elevation Because vals will have larger tervals, ~ ,,; i however, A time-of-day data are for the variance variances three mtellite in Fig. Iv-4 depends angle. rises observed six a useful identical larger provide at the same observation Smaller esti- vs elevation The rms values in the rms values used in computing in the fluctuations using the same to provide they are reasonably spread angles shows the rms values due to the change in elevation a larger for the section for elevation intervals the north and south. because peak spanned less than 0.6” at eleva- angle, (samples) dependence for 8. 5-see interval on elevation would also produce the number of fluctuations toward process is evident number of fluctuations The insert angle and these are found to be identical a good description angles. calculated Each 8.5-see a sufficient of the process. Even the peak-to alone is not responsible elevation” angle and rms cross The 0.2 -dB noise limit in this plot were as described are different. stratification both the apparent for the same pass of LCS-4. above 45”. E, tO the nOrth and wuth data show that large-scale observation due to a decrease interinin the value. is also evident hours apart a8 shown in Fig. IV-5. on the same day (same -,. g These day as for ~1 q60 -- l.,Jv-lJw ,- . :s,0 1 I 1 ! ( I T,ME , m (“, I [ , ) 1 I m 1 1 I IV-5. Three satellite rises 1 , (,.”1 ! .NGLE 1 %0 I .NGLE ELEVATION FM. I ! ) , ELEvATION I I ,,03 ,,1” 1 w (d*O) I within i2 hours. 1 1 29 ADril 1 1 i975. 23 —.--.—.— - -imma- .. .. . . ... Tixm .,.. : . ,, . . i.; ““. ‘$ ,8-,9 NovEMBER ‘ :,. . ~:’? W. THER: 1975 IV-6. at X-band. R Fig. CLEAR I ,0 I ELEVATION . . 00! L o, ‘ 0., ~~ 0.40.6 ANGLE (4.,1 MS fluctuations I APPARENT Fig. IV-7. at x-band, in log power ‘ z 4 ELEVATION 6s10 ‘0 J ““’m .NGLECdeQ) RMS fluctuations spring season. in log power 1’-----’:--’... , ‘ ....; , .’<... , ,:.:, _::-:~’ . 0.1 I. :, ‘waHit-- SUMMER JUNE- d“LY-AuwsT CLMR . I . C1.ouo 0.07 0., 0,2 RA4N 0.4 06 1 1 APPARENT Fig. IV-8. at X-band, . I 2 + ELEVATION 6 .10 ,. II 0.01 ,0 0.! ~o so j~ M-mm, ANGLE (d.ql RMS fluctuations summer season. Fig. in log power at 24 IV-9. X-band, R MS fall ELEvbT (ON ANGLE fluctuations season. in ld.gl log power Figs. IV-4 and -2). the morning, afternoon, The character low-frequency larger component. fluctuations fn the evening, had disappeared. at a given elevation obtained -i4, elevation in the rms values The seasonal (scattered Days with showery countered weather cluded thin scattered ,, :(” !. ,, were included through as !Irain.l! data set lv-i5 overcast), A single encountered. as clear If rain occurred weather as shown in for a given the ex- days with clear observation observations clear skies, and days with rain. get often enmay have in- sky and cloudy conditions at any time within an observation on weather fluctuations groups and -16 summarize including dependence lower eleva- 1 and 100. Data sets that encompassed No clear data at a given in rms values all the observations rain were below these from two sets of observa- cumulus to complete Sets displayed clouds. showed between dB range angles Although in rms values variation Figures -i4. angles in the ‘Iclo”d *1cat egory. was classified the ‘*cloud” cirrus a significant component narrow at elevation within four hours. the spread In By on them a high-frequency but the high-frequency angle data are obtained display encompass types. are evident. The data displayed all obtained fair-weather and widespread several for each rise. the data often fall into two different season for elevation summaries days with clouds large near i 00- and 260-, angle as shown in Figs. IV-7 tremes remained When the low elevation Data for an entire different variations at a given time of day span a relatively by more than six hours, Fig. IV-6. peak-to-peak which have superimposed and -i 5 were at azimuth angles tion angle is small. tions spaced are evident angle as shown in Fig. IV-4. -4, is markedly with small the fluctuations The rms variations iO” in Figs. IV-3, were of the fluctuations fluctuations type was ohserved. than for clear sky; set it In the spring in the fall the reverse : occurred. In general, seasons were rms “alues roughly i ‘, rms signal and were the measurement elevation the same. angles error The elevation-angle at elevation level variations angles able above the receiver tion model as shown in Fig. IV-i 6. in traverse ment measurement B. Scintillation arrival a“d relate refractive scribe theory attempts because a wider NO variations and satellite values of the range of elevation were evident ranged significantly angle fluctuation “p to 40”. fluctuations above spin were than at between 1 and higher than for observed data were fluctuations fluctuations using a surface of the orthogonal-to-principal all be- w ere measur- The elevation-angle expected angles larger as high as 2 mdeg were they did not show significant correc- polarization increases above instru- i o. Theory to describe the random the spectrum along the ray path. only for weak scintillation f O”. The elevation-angle angles angles the rms valw%’ to either the dependence displayed angle fluctuations RMS values i 0-. hiss-error with Scintillation index fluctuations model exists above noise at elevation Comparison noise angle and in the ratio further the rest 0.5 and i 4 dB at elevation above elevation i ~. noise for elevation to the predicted between angles The clear-sky identical are not discussed fluctuations The summer below angles are nearly signals rms i”. angles as high as 30”. low % mdeg rms for elevation Fluctuations ranged by the receiver The 5-min. angles below at elevation fluctuations; variations. introduced above i 50. seasons the largest less than O.2 dB at elevation i 00 mdeg for elevation the other data showed than did the signal-level The 5-rein.’ below the summer fluctuations or correlation At the present when ax < 5 dB [(Ref. of the rms fl”ct”ation values time, 9)1. m frequency, in signal level and angle function describing an adequate The theOw propagation of the theoretical cm be used tO degeometry, and on . ... . . .. . . . .. . . CLEAR . CLOUD . RAIN APPARENT Fig. IV-IO. at x-band, ELEVATION RMS fluctuations winter season. 0> 1 ,0 I ANGLE 1;. APPAFSNT ELEVATION (d*Q) ANBLE wag) Fig. IV-i i. R MS fluctuations in elevatiOn angle at X-band, spring season. in log Wwer -D@m_ ELEVAT,ON ANGLE .- I ,, ,,. . ,, 0., 1 ...’..’ APPb..& ELEvATI..AN;LE , RAIN . o x APPA.& (e+ol ELEVATION bNGLE RMS fluctuations Fig. IV-43. angle at X-band, fall season. RMS fluctuations in elevation Fig. IV-12. angle at X-band, summer season. @+U ) in elevation ,i 4 $ .;: 26 ;:,f ,,..,, ,,, ; ?,... ! ,:.! >,?- . Fig. IV- 44. RMS fluctuations in elevation angle at X-band, winter season. ,. ; :-. : “.. . & .,”, .. OECEM#?EER-~A#ARY ,,. ::j . CLEAR — . CLOUD . RAIN 1. J 01 APPARENT ELEVATION AN:LC i~d ,m 1, I A,,ARENT ELEVATION Fig. IV-i 5. full year. ANGLE RMS fluctuations , 1 ! 0,, ,0 !, (@l AF.PA. EN,ELEVATION Fig. IV-i6. RMS fluctuations angle, full year. in log power. 27 ,0 m ANGLE (’44’9) in elevation the intensity of either index fluctuations. the turbulence Following Crane or gravity (buoyancy) waves responsible for the refractive 8,9,+0 and noting that the results for tropospheric scintil- lation can be obtained from the expreasicms cation by k2/(2rr e), then UX in decibels developed for icmotipheric scintillation hy multipli- becomes: (i) \ where Z. = 2u/f.o, u p . expnent = outer scale of turbulence of power fluctuations u . axial ratio spectrum (or gravity of refractive waves) index *N(:) for the refractive index spectrum $ = zenith angle of tangent to ray at p k . 2T/A, A . wavelength re = classical electron 2 - variance ‘N - of the refractive Z = P(L - p)/L, = –r(z+) b P radims9 index fluctuations L = length of ray path, p . position Cos (+2 .1 2’P-4)’2 2<p<6 ; ; p/4 p=4 I . x/2 G(@,4)= along ray (i + cosz~ ; + az sinz~) (cosz * + az sinz *)(p-1)/2 and the power spectrum for refractive index fluctuations U;(P) aL:r(p/2) *N(P> ~) = z~r(3/2) K = =wemrnber S h, Sv = ~rimntal For isotropic reduced I turbulence r(~) i + [() L2 ~ and vertical 22 1 P12 (K; = 2 T/d, d = scale (CT. i ) with p . 1i/.3and by Tatarski i5 to the equation given is given by: +c! .“) size wavenumberif. Lo and L very large, this expression can be .3; =(*)2 where c; replaces u: A reasonable &56k’qLc’(p,p’/6 * N 0 as a measure expression of the intensitY For ionospheric across Of turbulence. for the angle-of-arrival of tbe values to be used in describing scintillation, the power Lo exceeds the path during a measurement (2) varimce spectrum requires a better understanding for the refractive-index fluctuations. any scale, size associated with atmospheric drift 10 In that case, a reasonably simple approxi - interval. mate expression for u: ban be generated. From analyses of tropospheric scintillation data re by Tatarsla, i 5 it is e~dent that L is larger than the Fresnel zone sizes typical Of mi 0 crowave and optical propagation through the lower atmosphere. For tropospheric turbulence i6 Anisotropy (a <1 ) occurs at scale at scale sizes smaller than Lo, the spectrum is isotropic. ported sizes larger greatly exceed than Lo. Since, the traverse-angle ciated with atmospheric inal 10-m/eec for the Haystack fluctuations, and are only valid for weak scintillation.9 the weak-scintillati~n frequency fluctuations than tbe scale sizes observation period. and (2) were The X-band dependence at kcdb frequencies given derived and UHF observations by Eq. (2 ). are plotted using the Rytov Five-minute in Fig. IV-17. approximation were used to check ox observations TWO curves separated 7,3 6!!, 0,4 EXPECTED OEPENOENCE LAYER AT 0,0, ~,, RMS fluctuations G14Z ELEVillON ANGLE OF A TURBULENT l-km HEIGHT I AP;RENT Fig. lV-i7. as so - For a nom- Lo << 3 km. for ax given in Eq. (i) made simultaneously the elevation-angle drift by the line of sight and a 5-rein. drift by the line of sight. The expressions measures, Lo must be smaller 1 20.0 ELEVATION in log power ANGLE at X-band ,@.! (t+q) and URF. 29-30 April i975. by A -7/i2 were plotted on this figure curves were generated be interpreted The X-band as being in reasonable This discrepancy by averaging Tatarski?3 weighted ~. over producing similar lar-ge.g For large randomly As a result, the elevation theory fluctuations events. results index perturbations of the spectrum spectrum waves for scintillation spectrum. geometrical at large scale frequencies, ture size, The angle -of -arrival data have an elevation between angle fluctuations reveal become a number of of strong model is not available. derived using a power spectrum for the i4 The beturbulence. for atmospheric of importance cause. fluctu- attenuated by -4, and -i4). appear to be characteristic used to derive a distinction fluctuations scale sizes, (ray tracing ). sizes), ~. to angle-of-arrival (t) only assumed The fluctuations is usually the two phenomena fluctuations the existence of a could be due to gravity drawn between waves are not important; the signal-level v , however, are dominated by the large the propagation phenomena In the limit tbe angle-of-arrival fluctuations, decreases for axfixed aperture beamwidth sizes angle in- and turbulence, the shape of the is of importance. At large optics scale zone below the value required the time histories e“ents above were hut not its Although The angle-of-arrival perturbations. gi”en analysis shape, the differences however, These that is often observed The theoretical m- to tm-bulence. Figs. IV-3, Fresnel as the elevation data. by for a uniformly which are not severely angle-of-arrival strong scintillation at the larger and its general decreases fluctuations was discussed by 20 percent for the X-band d >> ~Z, or strong scintillation, multipath a viable is not known. sizes, in the X-band effect of the size of the first of the aperture dependence. in ox as the elevation model is not valid when the signal-level Currently, havior slope scale The weak-scintillation refractive Again steeper to that for the UHF data (see occmring scintillation. are reduced is one-half and the antenna rapidly by the large The weak scintillation This latter antenna aperture. These The UHF data can elevation-angle decrease may be due in part to a reduction the layer the apparently dependence. at a t km height. a significant zone size to equal the diameter averaging. dependence layer freTJencY with this expected and exhibit when the diameter between are dominated aperture turbulent agreement the 36.6-m aperture The distance creases the expected He showed that the rms fluctuations circular for the firs t Fresnel ations for a hypothetical data are not in agreemerit angle increases. caused to represent as the frequency size, of geometrical fluctuations a , increase due to th~increase the elevation-angle increases (increase size refractive are adequately optics (the Rytov index described by approximation are independent of frequency. At high 7/f2 ~a~ ~ ‘7/32). For a fixed aperas f in D/~Z fluctuations is linear 30 scale where D is aperture increase with frequency). diameter. as a percentageof the v. CONCLUSIONS Observations of tropospheric angle fluctuations angles ranging 5-rein. were from elevation period This result to 43”. made at Haystack in Fig. V-i uncertainties Single-antenna radar is independent of frequency. using the surface refractive measurement The median values are displayed angle measurement calculated were evident above the instrumental the horizon observation the troposphere. scintillation noise at initial These during a 5-rein. will not achieve The expected correction elevation are nearly within a data represent observation better rms residuals model Elevation- for the rms fluctuations for each season. expected systems and Millstone. period measurement the due to accuracies. for bias error estimation the same magnitude as these t SUMMER ~. , SUMMER FA. SPRING 0 FALL . wI mm t ~ 818, 1 t 0.1 APPARENT Fig. V-i. values. utes, Because the median parable rate procedures are therefore possible, designed in elevation in Fig. V-i represent model estimate longer the minimum provides a reasonable a better angle by season. apply for time intervals cm.rection it provides to provide scintillation theory aperture not significantly strong displayed !0 ANGLE (d.,) errors estimates correction than five in providing with errors procedure. of the hiss errors min- More comelabo- at one instant of time not warranted. The-tropospheric multipath tion was noted. observations for elevation averaging affect scintillation occurring estimates Since the sin-face of weak scintillation show severe correction rms values to the minimum ELEVATION Median rms fluctuations refraction for bias refraction. u !0 angles using tbe Haystack the angle-of-arrival occm-red. events. The strong signals i“ qualitative 2 to 30. scintillation was a result diffe=ing fluctuation angles below data averaging did 2 to 3”, of a number of randomly multipatb is presumed at slightly with the predictions The aperture At elevation scintillation polarization yeceived agreement The signal-level 36.6 -m antenna. scintillation. During the strong The change in apparent of the antenna to the multiple were above events, signal depolariza- to be caused by the response angles of arrival. REFERENCES *, J. V. Evans, editor, ,,Millstone Hill Radar Propagation Study: scientific Results, Parts I, 32, and 131j’ Technical Report 509, Lincoln Laboratory, Nf.1.l’. (i3 November i973), DDC Nos.: Part 1, AD-78 ii79/7; Part 11, AD-782748/8; Part 111, AtJ-7805<9/5. 2 D. K. Barton, Chapter 15 in Radar Svstem Englewood Cliffs, N. J., i964). 3, B. R. Bean, E. J. Dutton, and B. D. Warner, Chapter 24, “Weather on Radar:t in Radar Handbook, M. I. Skolnik, editor (McGraw-Hill, New York, i970). 4, crane, SeC. 2.5, ,,Refraction Methods of Experimental Pby.&s, demic Press, New York, i 976). 5, J. V. Evans, editor, ‘tMillstone Hill Radar Propagation Study; Technical Note i969-5i, Lincoln Laboratory, M.l. T. (26 September i969), DDC AD-701939. J, C, GbilOni, editor, ,,Millstone Hill Radar propagation Study: InSt ru mentation;’ Technical Report 507, Lincoln Laboratory, M. I.T. (20 Sepi40/7. tember 1973), DDC AD-775 6. Analy~ (Prentice Hall, Effects Effects in th$ Neutral Atmosphere,” in Vol. 13B, M. L. Meeks, editOr (Aca- EL K. 7, J. V. EVanS, editor, ,1Millstone Hill Radar Propagation Study: Calibra tion, “Technical Report 508, Lincoln Laboratory, M. I.T. (3 October f973, DDC AD-77968919. 8. R. K. Crane, “Spectra ~, 204i (i976), 9. R. K. Crane, 1’Ionospheric publication, i97 7). of Ionospheric Scintillation, Scintillation!’ Proc. IEEE J. Geopbys. (accepted Res. for 10. and Doppler R. K. Crane, ‘1Variance and Spectra of Angle-of-Arrival Fluctuations Caused by Ionospheric Scintillation; J. Geopbys. Res. (submitted for publication, t 976). il. R. K. Crane, “ Propagation Phenomena Affecting Satellite Communication Systems Operating in the Centimeter and Millimeter Wavelength Bands:’ Proc. IEEE ~9, 173 (i971), DDC AD-728i87. of tbe Haystack Antenna and Radome,” M. L. Meeks and J. Ruze, ,,Eval”atio” IEEE Trans. Antennas and Propag. -9, 723 (i971), DDC AD-737t66. <2. 13. H. G. Weiss, 11 The Haystack Microwave Research FacilityU IEEE Spec DDC AD-6i4734. tr”mz, NO. 2, 50 (t965), %4. s, ~. Sherman, ,,COmpIe X ~dica ted Angles Applied to Unre sO1ved Radar Targets and Multipath:’ IEEE Trans. Aerospace Electron. Systems ~7, i60 (i97i). i5. V. 1. Tatarskii, Tbe Effects of the Turbulent Atmosphere On Wave prOPAgan (Nauka, Moscow, t967j. (Translation available U. S. Depatiment of Commerce, National Technical Information Service, Springhill, Virginia, i97i.) 16. A. S. Monin and Y. M. Yaglom, Statistical Press, Cambridge, Mass., i975). 32 Fluid Mechanics, Vol. 2 (M. LT. uNCLASSIFIED JJRITY CLASSI FICATIQN OF THIS PAGE (When Dal. Entered) READ INSTRUCTIONS BEFDRE CDUPLETING FOSS! REPORT DOCUMENTATION PAGE REPORT I 2. NUMBER GOVT ACCESSION N 3. RECIPIENT’S CATALOG NUMBER ESD-TR-76-115 TITLE [and 5. TYPE OF REPORT & PER1OD COVERED Sub*itle) Low Elevation Angle Measurement Limitations Imposed by fhe Troposphere: An Analysis of Scintillation Observation! Made at Haystack and Millsmne Technical Report 6. PERFORMING ORG. REPORT NUMOER Report 518 Teclu!lcal 8. CONTRACT OR GRANT NUMBER(S) AU THO R(s) Robert K. Crane F19628-76-C-0002 10, PERFORMING ORGANIZATION NAME ANO ADDRESS Labcwatory, M. 1. T. P.O. Box 73 Lexington, M 02173 PROGRAM ELEMENT, AREA h WORK uNIT PROJEcT, NUMBERS TAsK Lincaf.n CONTROLLING OFFICE NbW 8x363304D215 12. ANO ADDRESS Ballimic Missile Defense Program Office Department of * Army 1320 W if son Emlevard Arlington, VA 22209 MONITORING AGENCY NAME 6 ADDRESS (i/ di//ereU from ConlwUing 15. Of/ice) Approved for public release; STATEMENT (.{ th. SUPPLEMENTARY SECURITY OF PAGES CLASS, (0/ Ibis rePorl) Unclassified 15c- ~~C;;;;l[lCATlON DOWNGRADING (./ thisRqort) STATEMENT DISTRIBUTION DATE 18 May 1976 13. N“ldBER 40 Elecmonic Systems Division Hanscom AFB Bedford, MA 01731 DISTRIBUTION REPORT abcract dimrib.tion enwed unlimited. in E1.mk Z3, if different /lore Report) NOTES None KEY WORDS (Continue on reverse side if naesmry fmiex of refraction tropospheric (Continua .?. wwr. e ride {daui/~ by blook number) x-band UHF muitipati propagation ampltmde scimflhion ABSTRACT md if .SG.S.V amd i&nti/~ by bkmk bizw errors Miflstone radar Haystack radar IDCSP satellites wmb.r) Tropospkrfc .an$Je-of-arrfval axd amplitude mimflhdon measurements wem made at X-band (7. 3 GHz) and at UHF (0.4 GNz). Tbe measurements were made using sources on safdlffes with 12-day O1bft.9. The ~le of arrivat of tbe ray Path m a satellite changed slowly alfowing observations of flucmadons caused by atmospheric irregularities as they slowly drifted across tie ray path ‘fbe fluctuations were cbaracterfzad by the rms variations of elevation angle and the logarfthm of received prover (fog power). Over a one-yeax period, 458 twurs of obee-ation were amassed spanning every season, time of day, and weather conditions. The leSIdtB show SUOW sclntflfation Occurrences below DD, %3 1473 EDITION OF 1 NOV 6S IS 00 S0i.EIE UNCLASSIFIED SECURITY CLAS$IFICAJ1ON OF THIS PAOE (When D.,ta .?”ler,d, UNCLASSIFIED SECURITY CLASSIFICATION Q. ABSTU ACT OF TtIIS PAGE @h.. Data Entered) (Con,lwd) 1 M 2“ elevation twgles cbaracferized by a number of random occurrexums of mtdtipaftt events that produce deep fades, angle-of-arrival flttctuationa, and depolarization of fk received s@tal. The log power fbtcmatlons ranged from 1 m 10 ds rms at elevation angles below 2° to less than 0.1 ds at elevation angles shve 10°. The elevation angle fluctuations ranged from 1 to 100 mdeg at elevation angles below 2° to less than 5 ntdeg at a 10” elevation angle. Comparable fluctuations h elevaUon angle are expected for bias refraction correction mcdels based upon tbe use of surface values of the refractive in&x. uNCLASSIFIED 5EcuR17Y cLAs$l FlcATlON OF nils pAoe 6%. Dote E.teredl