ETNA Electronic Transactions on Numerical Analysis. Volume 36, pp. 168-194, 2010. Copyright 2010, Kent State University. ISSN 1068-9613. Kent State University CONDITION NUMBER ANALYSIS FOR VARIOUS FORMS OF BLOCK MATRIX PRECONDITIONERS OWE AXELSSON AND JÁNOS KARÁTSON Dedicated to Richard S. Varga on the occasion of his 80th birthday Abstract. Various forms of preconditioners for elliptic finite element matrices are studied, based on suitable block matrix partitionings. Bounds for the resulting condition numbers are given, including a study of sensitivity to jumps in the coefficients and to the constant in the strengthened Cauchy-Schwarz-Bunyakowski inequality. Key words. preconditioning, Schur complement, domain decomposition, Poincaré–Steklov operator, approximate block factorization, strengthened Cauchy-Schwarz-Bunyakowski inequality AMS subject classifications. 65F10, 65N22 1. Introduction. Preconditioning is an essential part of an efficient iterative solution method when solving large-scale linear and nonlinear systems of equations. This paper deals with systems arising from the finite element discretization of elliptic partial differential equations. The efficiency of a preconditioner is mostly judged by the condition number of the resulting preconditioned operator, and in applications it is important to know whether the condition number depends critically on certain problem parameters such as jumps in the material coefficients. The most efficient preconditioners are based on some block partitioning of the matrix. Common structures are block tridiagonal and two-by-two partitionings. Elementwise constructed preconditioners can be efficient as they can be constructed locally and relatively cheaply but still can provide a significant reduction of the condition number of the unpreconditioned operator. Block tridiagonal matrices arise in many applications. For instance, such a structure arises when decomposing the domain of definition of an elliptic operator using unidirectional stripes, or more generally, for a decomposition such that (in addition to a corresponding portion of the original boundary) each subdomain has a common boundary only with its previous and next neighbours in the sequence of subdomains. This subdivision can often be done according to different values of the coefficients in the differential operator, i.e., different materials in the underlying physical domain. Each diagonal block in the matrix corresponds to the restriction of the operator to one of the subdomains, and ordering the nodes in each domain in groups and then the domains consecutively, results in a block tridiagonal matrix. An interesting example of matrices of two-by-two block structure arises by ordering the interior domain nodes separately from the interface nodes and ordering all interface nodes last. This in turn results in a block diagonal submatrix with uncoupled blocks, which are only coupled to the interface nodes ordered last. The part of the system which corresponds to the different interior node sets can then be solved in parallel. In both cases there arise Schur complement matrices when solving systems with these matrices. For the block tridiagonal case, they arise at each step of the consecutive elimination of the pivot blocks, and in the latter case by elimination of the interior nodes. Schur complement matrices are in general full matrices and must be approximated by some sparse matrix Received March 29, 2009. Accepted for publication August 12, 2009. Published online on September 7, 2010. Recommended by J. Li. Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University, Sweden, and Institute of Geonics AS CR, Ostrava, Czech Republic ( Department of Applied Analysis, ELTE University, H-1117 Budapest, Hungary ( 168 ETNA Kent State University 169 BLOCK MATRIX PRECONDITIONERS in the construction of the preconditioner. The construction of such approximations and the analysis of condition numbers of the Schur complements, both on continuous and discrete level, are the main topic of this paper. We give here first a general framework for the analysis of approximations of Schur com , and let , plement matrices. Consider a symmetric positive definite bilinear form be two subspaces of a linear space , where the intersection of , contains only the trivial element. Here the spaces can be more general function spaces as well, but in our applications is a finite element space, i.e., spanned by a set of finite element basis functions. As has been shown in early publications [3, 4, 11, 13, 14], the strengthened Cauchy-SchwarzBunyakowski inequality plays a fundamental role in the analysis of matrices partitioned in two-by-two block form. The inequality takes the form !" #$ %'& ) *& ( ,+.- where is the smallest such constant and is referred to as the CBS constant. In fact, is the cosine of the angle between the two subspaces, measured by the inner product . / / For matrices in the form /1032 / the CBS inequality can be written as / / 8 9 8 8 9 $ 8 4 5 76 / : 8 9 / $ 0FE 8 $ /HG " #$ / / % 8 /IG / G #$ &<;>=@? 8 &<;=BADC #$ #$ E C Alternatively, we can define by 5 , where denotes $ the spectral radius. Hence measures the size of the off-diagonal blocks in relation to the / / diagonal blocks. It is readily seen that 0R/ -KJL 8 9 / / J 5 where M QP number satisfies (1.1) G $ / 8 8 9 M 8 8 9 8 $ % 8 &N; =OA is the Schur complement matrix. Hence the condition 4 S / G $ M - -JL C The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. In Section 2 we discuss briefly the factorization of block tridiagonal matrices. We are in particular interested in approximating the arising Schur complement matrices in such a way that their quality is insensitive to jumps in the coefficients in the differential operator. This will be discussed in Section 3. Section 4 is devoted to an algebraic derivation of condition numbers in the approximations of matrices partitioned in two-by-two block form, where the pivot block is block diagonal, such that the condition number depends only on the CBS constant. A continuous analogue of the method of Section 3 is presented on some model problems in Section 5. In Section 6 we analyze the case of using elementwise approximations of Schur complements, and how to define them so that they also become insensitive to coefficient jumps. / / Except when it is otherwise stated, the inequalities UTV E +UT / / TWJ between/ two symmetric matrices (of the same order) mean that is positive / semidefinite or positive definite, respectively. The notation for a symmetric positive semidefinite / 01X YZ5[ / X Y] / matrix stands for its maximal eigenvalue. The spectral condition number of is defined $\ = by S . ETNA Kent State University 170 O. AXELSSON AND J. KARÁTSON / 2. Recursive approximation of Schur complements. Let us consider a symmetric, block structure positive definite matrix with/ tridiagonal / / /10_^` / (2.1) / 0n/ ]ml c C7C7C $ C7CeC b b l] 9 Here for all o qp / `a b C7C7C d $ C7CeC / Yg C7f C7Y C C7CeC b YKhji / C7Y C7C k i G MNrts(u Y 7CeC7C ] M / u and su is the strictly lower block triangular part of are0ndetermined recursively as / gP M 0n/ $ CCCCC / J P $ M CCC] CC 01/]] M 5 9 MNrs takes the form o~@ where M M Here the Schur complements M (2.2) M C / . The/1 exact block factorization of 0 G 0wv5xy{ze|} C7C7C b J P / G 5 M /]f ] G . ]G 4 /g] G M f] G , for o . The application ] 0 of this factorization to solve a linear system involves the solution of the block triangular factors using a forward and a backward sweap. ] At each of them, systems -BeC7C7C7 , appear that must ] G be solved. In addition, matrix-vector multiwith matrices M , o plications with s u and s 9u , respectively, appear. In general, the M are full matrices and their ] ] construction and the computation of actions of can be expensive. M ] 0v5xy{ze|} Y ]G whichG is sparse and the computation Our goal is to approximate M by some matrix 0 eCCC of and applied to vectors are cheap. We define o~@ ' , 9 and let the preconditioner be defined by . At the same time, rLs u rLs u / ] ] ]G G the approximation must be sufficiently it hasbeen shown in [1] that /g]] accurate. For instance, /]] , the following lower bound . S M ] holds for the condition number: S are generally inexpensive to solve, we could try Since systems with the matrices as an approximation of M . At each step of the method we then deal with a two-by-two block /]] /g]f ] matrix in the form 2 /] f ]/] f ] where / / ]] ^` / ` `a b 0/] f ] / $ 5 $ .. . ] 56 / / 0 .. .. . b .. . CeC7C f] /]] . b G C7C7C b C7C7C $d C7CeC /g] C7CeC b /]f ] 0 b hji /]] i k i G .. . -BceCCC wJ,-@C o /]f ] /] / ]G f ] ] 0 ] -{\4-JL f ] As pointed out in J the introduction, the accuracy of the approximation ] of M HP is given by S . M Here depends on the stage of the elimination. For a model elliptic problem with constant coefficients on a unit square and constant mesh size , it can be seen (see, e.g., [1]) that the ETNA Kent State University 171 BLOCK MATRIX PRECONDITIONERS PSfrag replacements 7 O¡ F IG . 2.1. The functions ] and £© ¤jª~§ for which the CBS constant is taken. £© ¤¦¥¨§ ]0 $¢ 5 ] e basis functions which at stage o are as]shown in Figure 2.1, where ¬®give ­ ¯° rise ° to the -constant 0 ] + +«J 0. 8 8 8 , b . ] ! -gJ1 \{² Y <0± Since , one finds . In the limit as oK³ 0 ] 0 Y ] ² -IJ and , one finds ³ . For more general problems, such as with variable -J<´ \O² -JN´ coefficients, one gets and . It follows that the quality of this approximation deteriorates with increasing stage numbers o . As discussed in several publications (see, e.g., [1, 9, 18]), the approximation method can be improved in various ways. A simple method is to use a diagonal compensation in some form, where ] 0Q/g]] ] (2.3) ] µ where J¶µ P is a diagonal matrix, such that ] ] 0n/]f ] µ (2.4) ]G G ] for some positive vector . ] given First, let be the eigenvector to value · of this matrix. Then / ]f ] ]G G G /¹]f ] /] ]G f] G corresponding to the smallest eigen ] · ] ] ] f] G ]0 ]q¸] µ / ] µ ](0 /] G 5 ] ] f] ] /g]] /g]f ] 01v5x¨y{z7|} where µ o~B u / Hence / / / J J ]]>$0 /gY Y su r 7C7CeC ] /]f ] G 5 E f] G u u /] f] G is G the smallest /]] J b C / G J»µ 9 s , and ]G G r , which yields /g] ]G G G G i.e., for the o th block. J Since G · /]] ])0 · ] is a multiple of the identity matrix ºµ and then eigenvalue, it follows that 5 J»µ . Here /«0 G «-@C / G G / In this method we must estimate the smallest eigenvalue of , which we will not do here as the choice of should rather be¾!] such that the smallest eigenvalue of is bounded ] 01 0 ! ¾ ] ½below by constant ¼ . ] unity or some positive -B7CeC7Ce7-¿ Consider now the choice P , i.e., has all components equal to unity. Then is obtained from ] 0n/]] ] (2.5) P J»µ ETNA Kent State University 172 O. AXELSSON AND J. KARÁTSON where ]¨¾!])01/]f ] µ (2.6) / ]G /] G 5 Assume here for simplicity/ that ]G ] ]G G f ]¨¾!] G C /] wef ] have componentwise À ]f ]-matrix. Then is an /g G G b G b C b /¹]] /g]f ] J G ]G / ]] G /] ] G f] ¾ ] 0 It/ follows induction is] b componentwise. Hence / µ ]] / ]by / ] that ]] f] f ] ¾ ] ]G ] 0 J1 G i.e., G all itsG off-diagonal components are non-positive. Since a Á -matrix, J J1µ , it holds that if this vector is / nonzero then / ]] ] ¾ ] 0 ]] is positive definite, and also an À -matrix. Should the matrix lose positive definiteness (by J1µ b ), we must perturb the matrices with some (small) positive having number. This has been discussed, e.g., in [1]; see also [5]. ]0Q/g]] ] /]] we /have ]f ] /] f] Assuming that no perturbation is required, ]G J¶µ G J G G 5 / ]]0 semidefinite ] /]f ] / ] f] /]] with the inequality in the positive sense. Therefore ]G / that is, J G r and G G X ] b / G J «-BC Hence we have a lower bound. The upper bound follows from a theorem in [18], there stated / in a somewhat more0 general form.G ÄÃW T HEOREM 2.1. Let be a symmetric positive definite matrix partitioned in / 9 block Let , where is symmetric positive definite block rs 0Q / r,s X ] 0 ] 0nform. ] G diagonal and s is strictly lower block triangular, both with consistent partitioning to . Let J J È{É Å +U Y Æ Æ Å 9 P L Ç P Ç , where , let and assume that . Then s s / G S , 0 In particular, if s s u Å ] , then µ E®/ ]] Ç µ E X YZ5[ Ç /¹]f ] / ]G ]G /g] ÏJ,-®eÐC E and if u 4-J ¼ G ] Hence J Å +½-®\B for some then by (2.5), ¾!] Í ]Î ¹J oËÊ(Ì ])0«XD] (2.7) (2.8) ] - / ]] C ]] f] -J E +ÑC G G R EMARK 2.2. The above two G choices have somewhat opposite properties. In particular, /g]f ] /g] f] ]G G eigenvector G if is also an of for the smallest eigenvalue, then it can be G seen that is a multiple of the identity matrix. In the following we assume that this does not hold. In the following section it is analyzed how the Schur complements depend on jumps in the coefficients in the differential operator. ETNA Kent State University 173 BLOCK MATRIX PRECONDITIONERS 3. Schur complements for elliptic problems with jumps in their coefficients. Let us consider a domain decomposition (DD) method for an elliptic problem discretized with FEM, such that (in addition to a corresponding portion of the outer boundary) each subdomain has a common boundary only with its previous and next neighbours in the sequence of subdomains. Elliptic operators with different constant diffusion coefficient in each subdomain often arise in the context of various (DD) procedures [2, 15, 16, 17, 19]. Our goal in this section is to study the sensitivity of Schur complements to coefficient jumps. In the classical DD approach, the interior domain nodes are ordered separately from the interface nodes and all interface nodes are ordered last. Like in multigrid methods, to avoid large condition numbers of the corresponding Schur complements, an efficient method has proved to be to introduce one or more proper auxiliary coarse spaces that have a global balancing effect; see, e.g., the BDD method [19] and the approach of so-called exotic coarse spaces [16] in a Schwarz method framework. An alternative to the above approach is to take the interface nodes into account together with the previous subdomain in the mentioned sequence of subdomains. This approach, considered in the present paper, leads to a tridiagonal block structure as in (2.1). It will be verified for a model problem that the condition numbers of the Schur complements are sensitive to the jump in the first approach (namely, proportional to the magnitude of the jump) but are not in the second approach. That is, one can have independence of jumps without introducing auxiliary problems. 0 For simplicity, 0 the detailed study is given for a decomposition of the domain Ò in three subdomains Ò , Ò and Òd . According to the above, we have common boundaries Ó<P ÒKÔ Ò and ÓUP ÒÔ Òd , but Ò and Òd have no common boundary. We will first formulate the block forms of the stiffness matrix under the two mentioned approaches for an ] isotropic Poisson equation. Then we rewrite the stiffness matrices under different diffusion coefficient in each Ò , and study the variation of the corresponding condition numbers. 3.1. Basic block forms for the isotropic Poisson equation. Let us consider the Poisson ] equation with homogeneous Dirichlet boundary conditions. The FEM subspace is chosen ] with piecewise linear basis functions, assumed either to have node points on one of Ó or to have its support entirely in one of Ò . / In the classical DD approach, the stiffness matrix/ isf Õ written in the block form /10 / ^` ` `a /KÕ b (3.1) b ? Here (3.2) lf Õ ¯ 9 0n/ /Õ gP Õ 9 /Ko Õ for all 2 0 f ? A P /Õ A . Then/Kone lets Õ 0Q/ / 0Â2 ÕOÕ (3.3) Õ ? /KÕ f /KÕ f ? A fÕ ? P / ? Õ A 6 / and thus obtains the more concise form /10 (3.4) ^` `a /Kb Õ b / Õ / b / b /Õ $ b /Kb Õ / Õ / Õ Õ jh i /KÕO k i d d$d d i k i A 01/ dIP 6 C C i /KÕ fÕ A h i A b b b fÕ A P / 2 0 9 / Õ d b Õ P b×6 ? d A b b fÕ b fÕ / ? fÕ Õ dd f / / ? b ? b qp fÕ / b f /KÕ $ b / Õ f f b /g]f ÕOÖ0n/ / $ ` 0 d 9 Õ P 2 /Õ f b A d6 ETNA Kent State University 174 / ]] O. AXELSSON AND J. KARÁTSON 0 ] 0 The solution of the corresponding linear system can be reduced to solving systems with Ø -BcÙ ,o , and01 an/additional with the ÕOÕ /Õ system / G / Õ /K Õ /Schur / complement Õ /KÕ / G matrix / Õ G (3.5) J ØnP J $ J d d$d P C d In the other approach, the interface nodes are taken into account together with the previous subdomain. Under this reordering, the stiffness matrix in (3.1) can be rewritten as / / fÕ /Õ ^` f ` ` fÕ /Õ ? `a (3.6) /Õ /½0 ? (3.7) b b b / (3.8) /KÕ fÕ $ Ú $¹P ? 2 0 / f $ Ú $P A A A 2 to obtain the concise form / /«0 d$d / b ? / / f b ? b bÛ6 /Õ f A b Ú dIP A 6 d 2 0 b /Õ 2 0 Ú cgP b®6 fÕ Ú $dP hji i i A k i / b d fÕ 2 b fÕ / d b 0 A 6 (3.9) / / fÕ A Ú P fÕ /KÕ 0 b /KÕ b f Õ A /KÕ f A A b ? 6 / /KÕ f b fÕ / ? / ? ? ? A b / the notation / fÕ where we/ introduce 2 0 f fÕ / b /Õ ? b Ú /KÕ / ? f d56 / a / / ^ Ú Ú / / Ú c b Ú 4 b / Ú Ú $d kh Ú d d$d C 0 / In the Schur complement approach, here only the first block remains unchanged: M gP Ú , and the solution of the original system can now be reduced to solving two additional systems corresponding to Schur recursively as 0 / complements, / / 0Q/ / / G determined G (3.10) M P J Ú $ Ú 5 M Using notation (3.7)-(3.8) and Õ letting 0Q/Õ (3.11) we obtain (3.12) The similar formula for M ? M / / $ M /Õ ? f A ? $ Ú d M ? Ú $d C fÕ ? / fÕ / G / ÕG J dd / ? /KÕ f ? M J f J ? Õ P M d fÕ P 0Â2 Ú fÕ /Õ fÕ A C A A 6 will not be needed here. d 3.2. Conditioning properties for problems with jumps in their coefficients. Now we ] can turn to the case of our interest. Instead of the above Poisson equation, we consider the FEM solution of an elliptic problem with a different constant diffusion coefficient in each Ò . Ü& ² ß Ò That is, in weak form, one seeks , such that ÝVÞ ­á (3.13) à ° ° V± 0 à ­Iâ ã % & Ý ETNA Kent State University 175 BLOCK MATRIX PRECONDITIONERS á ¯å ] is a weight function on Ò ,­ such that where áä 0 á In our model problem we assume -BcÙDC o á á (3.14) and are interested in the case á á d á (3.15) gææ C When varying these coefficients, in order to avoid the loss of ellipticity in the limit, we also assume that there exists a constant ¼tæUb such that á á (3.16) d ¼ á C á \ unboundedly, then the condition numbers Below, we will find that if we vary the ratio also grow to infinity for the Schur complement in (3.5) but remain bounded for the Schur complements in (3.10). ] Let us first consider the ] classical DD approach again. The stiffness matrix (3.1) is] then á modified as follows. The entries corresponding to basis functions with support in Ò are multiplied by the weight . For simplicity, assume that for the node points on one of Ó , the support of the basis function is symmetric w.r.t the node point, and thus its parts intersecting ] l á á with the two domains have equal measure. (An opposite case will be mentioned in Remark \O 3.3.) Then the entries corresponding to such basis functions are multiplied by . r / matrix has the form / fÕ Therefore, the stiffness á á ^` /10 ` ` `a (3.17) / b Õ b á f ? / á $ b / á b Õ / á ? b á Õ f A f d /KÕ d$d f b ç ? A d fÕ b á / á b/ d / Õ ? / ? ? b A ç fÕ / b á fÕ b A ç ? á fÕ A d d Õ /K A hji i k i b A ç è C i fÕ A 0«é/Kone ÕBÕ /Õ sees / G that / Õ the Schur /Õ complement / G / Õ /KÕ becomes / G / Õ With these modifications, readily (3.5) á (3.18) é á Ø J P á á J z $ ¸5Õ d ? z J A d d$d ¸5d Õ A á where is the two-by-two block diagonal matrix, blockdiag ç ç ç çãè P ROPOSITION 3.1. There exist constants z á æUb z independent of , such that á (3.19) S Ø á K . C r " Proof.0 Using (3.2)-(3.3), a simple calculation yields á ØÚ (3.20) P á á - 0Û2 Ø 0 ? ç ( A Ø ç /KÕ /KÕ r fÕ b ? /KÕ J fÕ f ? /Õ / 4 G / b rf Õ ç çãAè / A fÕ J A 6 / Õ / G á / Õ J á d / Õ d / G dd d Õ ? ? ? ? . Here Ø where ØKP b (i.e., it is positive semidefinite) and $ is not a zero matrix since it is a Schur complement, corresponding to the positive definite ETNA Kent State University 176 O. AXELSSON AND J. KARÁTSON / 0 matrix -Bc o Ú $ modified by setting a zero diffusion coefficient outside Ò ½ 4çãAè , and , owing to (3.14). the matrix /KÕ Hence fÕ r ç X YZ5[ 0Â2 á ê ç A P ê ç A ç Ø ç X YZ5[ á satisfies ê the condition number of ? ? ? Ø and that S á K fÕ çãX Aè Y] r A /KÕ A 6 f Õ ç = A , which yields for A XDY] / Õ = Ø fÕ A C A ç á S Ø ´<ë á ì á as ³Rí 0 á á The condition numbers of the other two terms in (3.20) are bounded. Since S ØÚ , we obtain (3.19). ? C OROLLARY 3.2. If we vary ç 0 A unboundedly, then á á , X YZ5[ á á ê ê æ«b b á = . Further, /KÕ ? X Y] b á r Õ ¯ fÕ ¯ / Ø C ³Rí S ? R EMARK 3.3. The above sensitivity to ç A may be reduced if the supports of the basis ç functions on Ó> are not assumed to be symmetric with respect to the node point, but their parts intersecting with Ò have small measure. However, this would in turn lead to inpractically small element widths and very large gradients of the basis functions near Ó . á Let us now consider the second approach. We study the Schur complements (3.10) mod/ ified with respect to the diffusion coefficient . The corresponding modification of the matrix Ú in (3.6) comes by first replacing the considered blocks of (3.1) by the corresponding blocks of (3.17), and then using the same reassembling as for (3.6). Then the Schur complement M / as / Õ / / f Õ fÕ fÕ G in (3.12) becomes modified á á á 0î2 á á (3.21) where M M Õ ? P J / á ? Õ f A (3.22) ? M Introducing the notation (3.23) P we have 0Â2 á M P á ? M 0 á á - ï á á á á Since, by assumption, ? M )ï ë - /Õ f r á ? , we obtain /KÕ A fÕ C A f ? ? ? /KÕ á J ? / fÕ d á ? J r fÕ f C ? A 6 . ? M d r fÕ á fÕ / / / $ G ? / á G á á ì / Õ fÕ Õ / ? ? M Õ f /Õ - ? á ? /KÕ ë á /KÕ J á /Õ f $ á M A á á Õ L EMMA 3.4. There holds Proof. We haveÕ 0 J $ á ? á ? á P á (3.24) 0n/ á M r fÕ á in (3.11) has been 0 replaced á á by /KÕ Õ ? M / G $ / fÕ ? ì r / G fÕ ?$ð /KÕ ? fÕ ?ð C A Õ A fÕ A 6 ETNA Kent State University 177 BLOCK MATRIX PRECONDITIONERS Õ M á ? á ï /KÕ - ë fÕ /KÕ ? f J ? / ? / G fÕ $ /Õ - ? ? r ì fÕ 0 Õ á ? ð C ? M / fÕ Õ G of Similarly to (3.23), let us denote the top left block (3.12) by 0n/ (3.25) M $ and then let P MÚ /KÕ M P f J 032 (3.26) /KÕ ? M ? / fÕ f A 4- ¼ r ? /KÕ A fÕ A A 6 á with ¼ from (3.16). Now we can prove the following required boundedness. X / Y 5 Z [ P ROPOSITION 3.5. The condition number of M satisfies á S = á Hence it is bounded independently of . Proof. Clearly M $ $ , and / 2 á (3.27) M To find a lower bound for yield á /KÕ A á M /Õ fÕ $ á d fÕ / r f C MÚ á Ú $ á / á X Y] M á A A owing to (3.14). Hence / 0 C Ú $ A 6 , note that Lemma 3.4 and the definitions (3.23) and (3.25) á (3.28) M K C $ M / fÕ Substituting (3.28) into (3.24),2 and using (3.16)á and (3.26), respectively, we then obtain á 0 á M á 0 Here á /Õ f $ M A á á 4- ¼ r á /Õ A á fÕ A A 6 MÚ C á , since by the above, M Ú is the Schur complement M in the case ¼ d . Together with (3.27), we obtain the required statement. Finally,/ we / consider/ the second Schur complement M d from (3.10). When replacing its á considered blocks from (3.1) by the corresponding blocks of (3.17), we observe that each of 0 / / Hence theG matrix / the blocks d$d , Ú d$ and Ú d á is multiplied by d . M d becomes modified as á á á (3.29) MÚ æñb M d P d J d$d d Ú d$ M C Ú $d á We can easily prove again the following required boundedness. X YZ5[ / P ROPOSITION 3.6. The condition number of M d satisfies á S M d / X Y] = á d$d M d C á á Hence it is bounded independently of . ò á á Proof. Obviously d d d$d . Further, in (3.24) we can estimate each M / fÕ by d and M $ below by M $ using (3.28), such that we obtain 2 0 á M á /KÕ K M d A á and substitution into (3.29) yields M bounds imply the desired estimate. d ó f /KÕ fÕ A á / d dd A 6 J below á A á á / d d Ú d$ M M / G 0 Ú $d á d M d . The two ETNA Kent State University 178 O. AXELSSON AND J. KARÁTSON 3.3. On the growth of condition number with the number of subdomains. Whereas we have obtained jump independence in the previous subsection, these estimates are inherently unable to compensate for the number of subdomains. This follows if we relate the new] á estimates to those on the original Schur complements (whose condition number is ] known to á increase with the number of subdomains). Namely, the appearance of the new constants ] makes each inequality worse (or unchanged if the constants/ coincide), therefore M cannot á be better conditioned than the original M . / á Ú $ , and (3.26) and the ordering In á fact, for M , definition (3.10) implies M Ú d$d . Hence the bounds in d implies M M Ú . Similarly, (3.10) implies M d X YZ5[ / 3.5 and 3.6, X YZ5respectively, X YZ5[ / X YZ5[ [ Propositions satisfy XDY] = Ú $ MÚ XDY] = M M 0 S X Y] M and = dd X Y] M d = M d M d 0 S M d 5C One can see that Proposition 3.5 can be extended to the case of more than the three subdomains considered in our example, if similar conditions are assumed. In particular, we assume a stripe-type decomposition] (i.e., each subdomain has a common boundary only with its previous and next neighboursá in the sequence of subdomains), and the subdomains are numbered such that the weights are ordered monotonically. Then the proof of Proposition 3.5 can be repeated such that the role of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd subdomains are played by ] ] JV-® -® á the o th, o th and o r th subdomains, respectively. Using the above arguments, however, ] the bounds obtained for S M cannot be less than S M . deteriorate even in the preAs shown in the introduction, the condition numbers S M conditioned form (1.1). This shows an important motivation for the efficient preconditioning of the Schur complements. A possible improvement was given in Section 2, and in the sequel we will study other block orderings to avoid the recursive growth of the condition numbers. The next section yields estimates in terms of the constant in the strengthened CauchySchwarz-Bunyakowski inequality. 4. Odd-even partitioning of subdomains. We assume now that we have ordered the / / subdomains in an odd-even fashion so that the finite element matrix takes the form /«0 / / b a ^ / (4.1) b /g] 0 / d / C $d kh / d d5 -Bc / d$ ] Here , o , correspond to interior node points and d to edge and vertex node points. Clearly the matrices themselves are block diagonal. This matrix can be factored into the / ¸ / G / form a ^ (4.2) / / / b b a d$ (4.3) M d d$d J ]G b dc / b b M 01/ / where M is the Schur complement matrix / b kh dc ¸ ^ b / b / 4d d $d kh d / G G / ¸ J / d$ / G $d and some simpler matrix is used in a corresponding approximate block matrix factorization. Although the actions of the matrices can be computed readily separately for each subdomain, the major problem remains how to/ precondition the matrix M d . As indicated in Section 2, and shown in papers on domain decomposition methods (see, e.g., [23, 22] and also [1]), if we just use dd as preconditioner then the condition number ETNA Kent State University / 179 BLOCK MATRIX PRECONDITIONERS G ´ \O²Ü ² grows as (as t³ôb ), where are the characteristic mesh sizes for the fine mesh and for the subdomains, respectively. Furthermore, as mentioned in Section 3, the condition number of M d itself deteriorates/ as the magnitude of coefficient jumps increase, which makes the construction of an efficient preconditioner to M d additionally difficult. Instead, we will use a preconditioner of that takes contributions from both interior and boundary points into account. This is similar to the second approach in Section 3. T The preconditioner will be in additive form 0 S d$d M d T (4.4) The matrices T $T T T C r are formed from the inverse matrices / ¸ T ^`a $ T b b T and 4d b d5 ^ / khji ö Md õ a G b G / ¸ 0 b b dc ¸ d / k b h d b G ¸ ^`a b T b T b ] ]ml 01/ / ö M dõ ]¨/ J d ^ / b b b d$ /] ]G $d kh d 0 d / / b khji $ö M dõ / a G d d where b T 0 d -B$÷ o / ] T ]l T T and the matrices need not be given as we only aim at a bound on S in which T will not appear. To form , the sub-block identity matrices are deleted from the above, i.e., 0 T (4.5) T ^`a T b b ¹P T 0 d b b G dcøb ö M dõ T kh i ^`a b b T b P T b b T d M dõ d $ $ö G kh i C ÙDÙù We will show that by use of perturbations of the subblocks in the position of 0øE / G / / G / / / G / / G S of the preconditioned matrix which dethe inverses, we can derive a condition number #$ pends only on the CBS constant dc d r d$ / $d d d ½-®\-JÜ #$ since S . T Let first the preconditioner be/« defined by/ ú (4.4)-(4.5). The matrix is split as 0ô / ú where / / ú 0 / / ú a ^ J»û r / b b d / k b h d b d5üb Then 0 / a ^ b / / b b b d$ 0 / b a ^ Ûû d kh d býb / b býb b býb ¸ T / ú 0 / ú a ^ ¸b b b b b b üb k d h T 0 ¸ a ^ b b ¸b b b b C k b d h C k d h #$ #$ , ETNA Kent State University 180 O. AXELSSON AND J. KARÁTSON A/ computation shows that /101/ / ú T 0 n / T ¿ v5xy{ze |} ¸ ^ býb J»ûH4T T / b / b b b r / ¸b b b b b b b / 4d b G dcøb ^`a d k b h / b d$ b býb b G dc b bþb b h d dc b b b k b h / d5üb b 0 b d$ $d kh b / kh i $d b b h d / hjk i / k b d$ / / b ^ b G ö M dõ b C P rtÿ d / / /10 T (4.6) 4d b d b d Hence / b / / Md õ b b / k b a bþb bþb / / 4ö $d / khji G b b ^`a ^ b ^ ¸b J»ûH b $ö Md õ / d5 b r / a b b a býb býb ö M dõ / r ^`a / ú d $d kh b r ^ b d kh b / ¸ a b b J»ûH " / / b / b / / b ^ b $d kh d / d$ T b J»ûH4T J»ûH4" / ú / h a r r k J¶ûò / ú d r / d d5 / r ^ b b b J»ûH a ^ / ú T a ^ / a ^ r / ú r / 0n/ 0n/ ¸ d d / 4 d kh r d / ú / ú býb b T a býb r b / ú J»ûH ¸ / a r / ú r / o~@ r 0n/ T J ÿ and / / / / 0n¸ 0½/ #$ T / #$ / ö / G ] #$ / r $ö G # C 0 ÿ -@$ ö Let d be split as d , where d õ (o ) arises from contributions to r dõ dõ / edge nodes from odd and / even numbered subdomains, respectively. Then the matrices a ^ / b b b d5øb / / and h ö dõ ] / ^ b k b / a d / b / b b ]q/ /] ]G b / d$ dõ $d k h ö 0 are the full contributions from odd and even numbered subdomains, respectively, so they are -B$ ö J positive semidefinite. Hence ) are / also positive semidefinite, thus d d (o dõ G G 0n/ / / / / / G ö M dõ and similarly, G / / d Md õ $ö ö r dõ G / dõ d5 ö d dõ $ö G Md õ / d5 G / J ö dõ d dõ . Hence / / ö d5 T / J / $d Md õ 4ö / b / / b dc d / d$ C G / d 4ö M dõ / 0n/ d / 4 d kh d ö / / a ^ dõ G / / or / and by (4.6), ö dõ $ö / / d ETNA Kent State University 181 BLOCK MATRIX PRECONDITIONERS Therefore / / ¸ # T (4.7) X YZ[ Ñ #$ / T and QC / T To derive a lower T bound, we will use perturbations. Let then let the preconditioner Ú to be defined as 0 T (4.8) Ú 0 P / T where r / /½0Q/ a P ^ býb b / býb G b býb / / / be defined as above, and d for some k h b C / The intention isJ to keep/ T sufficiently small so as not to increase the upper bound too much. / J / T We have Ú , and we wish to find a positive number · sufficiently r -¿ T large to make · r Ú . / / /10 / / / / / / Here -¿ · T J Ú r · -® · r T J r -® · r C r Further, / /10 a (4.9) ^ býb / b býb b k h býb and, using (4.6), we have / · / / -® T r / 0 J Ú ^ b · r 0n/ and · ¼ / · r / d / dc d -¿ r / Md õ / b / ö G / d d$ / M dõ d $d 4ö r,M d õ khji $ö a JW · -¿4" r ^ býb / b býb b d h d 0 M dõ 4ö r,M d õ k býb / G d r d kh µ d ¼ b / 4d ¼ d5 · r G d5 ¼ / $ö J¶µ d d 0 are positive numbers satisfying ·O¼ (4.11) M dõ -¿ / d 4d d / $ö r µ d5ü ¼ G r @¨ where ¼ -¿ / /b / · ^`a (4.10) / / a / d · r -¿ r -¿ · ·O¼ ÷ 0 r · 0 r -¿ · - ¨ · -¿ = Ú r r Now we can prove T HEOREM 4.1. Assume that Then X Y] / T (equating the off-diagonal matrices) r -® r (equating the / -terms) d d -terms) C / in (4.1) is positive definite, and let X YZ5[ - · · µ (equating the r - and / T Ú Ñ r -JÜ T be defined in (4.8). Ú ETNA Kent State University 182 0 where · · O. AXELSSON AND J. KARÁTSON satisfies the equation (4.11) and 0 E / / #$ d As / G / G d5 d / T S Ú - / ó Proof. We have/ / a b ¼ ¼ d5 G d Md õ 4d ¼ d kh µ d T S ß G # #$ C d G #$ d Ú #$ - C -JL / ¸ a ^ / / d5 b / ¼ ¸ / a / G b ¼ " -JÜ r ^ ¸b G d$ a b b b d b b b b b / G / G / ¸ ¼ b kh h ¸ ^ b k b / b ¼ / d / $ö / 0 ¼ ¼ d and / ^`a / ¸ / /b / / G d r and ^ / , ·I³Rí , the condition number is asymptotically bounded by ³îb / / / d5 b d Md õ d5 G b / ö / d d$ / d Md õ kh i $d 4ö r,Md õ $ö / 0 a ^ býb ^`a 4d k býb b býb M dõ býb b ^ bþb ^`a b bþb $d bþb Md õ býb / a r h $ö b k 4ö a býb h ^ G Md õ býb b b b b ^ b G 4ö M dõ b b M dõ k $ö h a b býb b d5üb býb khji $ö / / b hk i b b b b b d Md õ C k ö h It follows that the first two terms in (4.10) are positive semidefinite. Since by (4.11) the last term in (4.10) is zero, it follows that / / / X Y] whence / = T X YZ5[ / T Ú 0 T Ú r - Ú -¿ · . Further, using (4.7) and (4.9), - · r / [ Î / T/ 8 9 ß / 8 Ú Q r 8 9 8 0 / [ Î r [ Î 8 d d 8 9 d 8 9 ß 8 9 M d 8 d d 0 8 r r -JL / [ Î 8 0 8 9 ß / / / 8 9 ß d 8 9 8 d d 8 d5 d$ kh ETNA Kent State University 183 BLOCK MATRIX PRECONDITIONERS where M d is from (4.3). A computation from (4.11) shows that 0 · ¼ r · and 0 · 0 where · · - r . Hence r r +½- T T r Ú S ß r · -B r , and hence C - ³ \÷4-JL . / Hence Ú · / T U 0 · r - Ú ÷4-JL - / For the condition number we have r , then ·I³Rí , ³Âb X Y] S · gr - Kr . If 0 r - = which is minimized for · - -B -JL C 0 -J´ \O²Ü As follows from Section 2, for partitioning in subdomains, , where are the characteristic mesh sizes for the finest elements and for the macroelements, respectively. Hence it follows from Theorem 4.1 for the condition number that / 0 G $² S T 0 Ú ´ with ù \O²Ü #$ "C / 0 0 Therefore, the number of conjugate gradient iterations to solve a system with matrix using the preconditioner G ´ ù0 \{²Ü " 0 Ú T* Ú -JL ´ \O²Ü 0 G ! \{²Ü , , increases at most as # , which is fairly minor. For instance, , respectively 4, if . or / We remark that for convenience of the derivation of the condition number, weT have formulated the matrix based on an odd-even ordering. However, since the matrix is given in additive form, we implement the 0 can v5xactually y{z7|÷} / G / G actions of the local element inverses in any order, or even in parallel. The method can be further improved by use of a perturbation ma o~@ b b trix in the form instead of (4.8). It turns out that in this d M d d case the condition number does not depend on but only on , which can be chosen independently of the coefficient in the differential operator. This shows independence of both the mesh parameter and coefficient jumps, but will not be discussed further in this paper. The above method can be further extended by use of a splitting of node points in a coarse mesh set and a remaining fine mesh set. For the corresponding two-by-two block matrix the above method can be applied for the pivot block matrix, and the arising Schur complement matrix in the block preconditioner can likewise be preconditioned elementwise. This will be discussed in Section 6; see further analysis in [10, 12], and for related results [21]. In the following section elementwise preconditioners are also analyzed by more analytical means. ² - # T ² ETNA Kent State University 184 O. AXELSSON AND J. KARÁTSON 5. Some model analysis on the continuous level. A continuous analogue of the method of Section 3 is presented now on some model problems, including the introduction of a certain modified Poincaré–Steklov operator for the interfaces. This study on the continuous level can help the understanding of the properties of the studied factorization approach. 5.1. Preliminaries: the Poincaré–Steklov operator. As pointed out in Section 3, the analysis of standard domain decomposition methods relies strongly on the Poincaré–Steklov operator; see, e.g., [23, 22]. In this subsection we give a brief description, following [22]. Let us consider a boundary value problem 0 J " (5.1) %$ ä # â ­ 0 in Ò b â '$ & where Ò is a bounded domain with Lipschitz . The domain Ò is Ò s 0 0 boundary and decomposed in two nonoverlapping domains Òg and Ò , whose common boundary is denoted by Ó , further, we let Ó>gP ÒK Ó and ÓP Ò Ó . The Poincaré–Steklov operator is then defined in the following way. Let us choose an ½&Q² ² #$ #$ ß$ß Ó arbitrary function . (For the definition of ] ßß Ó 0 and other related Sobolev ² ² spaces, see also [23].) Let and denote the harmonic extensions of in Ò and Ò , ² -Bc respectively, with zero boundary condition on Ò , i.e., ,o , is the solution of the 0 ] ] problem & & $ * (5.2) J Õ ¯ ] ² () )+ ² ] ² ä 0 0 Õ ä b b C > in Ò G , ² #$ ß$ß Ó ² # ß$ß Then the Poincaré–Steklov operator is , which assigns to P ³ Ó jump of the normal derivatives of its harmonic extensions on Ó , i.e., $ 0 , (5.3) P $ ² Ê $ $ ² r Ê the C on Ó The plus sign represents the jump with the convention that the outward normal vector Ê of Ò is opposite to Ê of Ò on Ó , which will be understood throughout this paper. That is, for a smooth function on Ò , the two normal derivatives are the opposite of each other and hence the jump on Ó equals zero. R EMARK 5.1. Problem (5.1) can then be 0reduced to equation (5.4) - with ] . defined as follows. Let (5.5) P 0 ] ] ] 0 -Bc ,o ] J and let , 0 â '- " . $ $ J Ê .# ] âóä â , respectively, 0 ]denote the solutions of the problems â ­D¯ $ â . : 0 J 0 $ b Ê in Ò . â ) on Ó 0 â â which represents the negative jump ofJ the corresponding normal derivatives. Then P ² -@$ on Ò (o ) satisfies on both Ò and Ò and is continuous on r . ETNA Kent State University 185 BLOCK MATRIX PRECONDITIONERS . Hence solves (5.1) if and only if its normal derivative has zero jump on Ó , which is equivalent to (5.4). R EMARK 5.2. Green’s formula implies that the bilinear form of the Poincaré–Steklov operator is 0 ° ° ° ° Ò , 0/ , 21 ­ Å (5.6) whence , ­ ² à *± ? ² Å ² à r A ± ² Å %ã Å &<² #$ ß$ß Ó 5 is a symmetric and strictly positive operator. On the discrete level, let us now consider a FEM discretization of problem (5.1) and let / Õ us decompose the stiffness matrix as / /«0 a ^ (5.7) /KÕ $ b / / /Kb Õ Õ /ÕO k h corresponding to the node points in Ò 0Q/ ÕOÕ be reduced to the Schur complement (5.8) , in / J ØQP Ò and on Ó , respectively. The linear system can / Õ Õ / G $ / Õ / Õ J / G $ Õ i.e., Ø /is ÕOÕ the Schur complement for Ó with respect to both Ò¹ and Ò . Then, as pointed out in [22], Ø is the discrete analogue of the Poincaré–Steklov operator (5.3). Essentially, the term is responsible for the boundary values of the considered function and the two other | terms represent the procedures involving the two harmonic extensions. R EMARK 5.3. The generalization of the above notions to the case of more (say, ) subdomains is straightforward. Then the Poincaré–Steklov operator involves harmonic extensions | |0 from the union of interfaces to all subdomains, and its bilinear formulation will contain a sum Ù of terms, e.g., for0 the form° (5.6) is replaced by ° ° ° ° ° 3/ , 21 ­ (5.9) > Å à | ­ ² ? ± ² Å r ­ à ² A *± /g]] ² Å ² à r d ± ² d Å C è |0 Similarly, the stiffness matrix (5.7) and the corresponding Schur complement (5.8) will inÙ 0n/ÕOÕ , e.g., /KÕ for / the / above Õ /Õ / G / Õ / G / Õ clude interior blocks example , / weÕ have G (5.10) as in (3.5). ØnP J $ J $ J $ d dd d Y 5.2. The modified Poincaré–Steklov operator. Let us consider again a FEM discretizaeC7CeC] Ò Ò Ò tion of problem (5.1). We decompose the domain in subdomains , such that, ] ] G of the original boundary Ò , each Ò in addition to a corresponding portion has a common ] f] ]f ] G Ò Ò boundary only with its neighbours and . Denoting here these common boundaries Y ]f ] Ó ]] by /g and Ó we decompose the stiffness matrix as in (2.1), correspond , respectively, 7CeC7] C Ò ing to the subdomains Ò , such that the node points on Ó are taken into account in (i.e., together with Ò ). Our goal is to study the factorization (2.2). Since, in con] trast ] to the idea of (5.7), the boundary node points are not considered here separately, the SchurG complements in (2.2) are understood recursively as complements for Ò with respect to Ò . This is an important difference as compared to (5.8), and therefore the continuous analogues of the Schur complements in (2.2) will also be appropriate modifications of ] G the Poincaré–Steklov operator (5.3). In fact, the proper operator takes only into account the previous subdomain Ò . ETNA Kent State University 186 O. AXELSSON AND J. KARÁTSON 4$ First, for simplicity, let us consider the case of two subdomains Ò and0 Ò , where one can follow more clearly how the operator in subsection 5.1 is modified. Similarly as therein, 0 the common boundary ÒK Ó and 0n/ / / G / of Òg and Ò is denoted by Ó , further, we let ÓÜP Ó) P Ò óÓ . We wish to define the continuous analogue of the Schur complement ­ 0 Õ J ä ä c . M P $ / J â A to Let us take a Õ function on Ò , such that A b . Applying the operator ä (which corrresponds to the term $ in M ), we want it to equal . Let us further consider ² the restriction , and calculate its harmonic extension to Òg , i.e., let be the solution 0 of the problem 6$ 5& 7& * (5.11) J ² () Õ 0 ä Õ 0 ä ? ² ² )+ b b in ÒK which solves the analogue of (5.2) only on Ò . Accordingly, the modified Poincaré–Steklov operator assigns to the jump of the normal derivative of its harmonic extension and of itself, i.e., 0 8 8 (5.12) $ $ ² P Ê $ $ r Ê C on Ó R EMARK 5.4. Similarly as in Remark 5.1, problem (5.1) can now be reduced to the 0 equation 9 (5.13) 0 ## 0 where J â ;. 8 â . :9 0 0 0 ² â . â P = with defined in (5.5). Letting on Ò and P r on Ò , it is readily seen that solves (5.1) if and only if s in Ò and (5.13) holds on Ó . ­ R EMARKJ 5.5.ä The analogue of Remark 5.2 holds if, according to our setting, we handle A and the operators together. Using Green’s formula, the pair Ú of these operators satisfies å 0 Õ Õ Õ Õ < 8 8 3= >= ? Ú ä ÷ ä ) ED (5.14) C «&t² 0 = à " 8 ° ­ ² ± ² = ä Õ = 0 r ° à A F 4J à ° ­ B= ­ ä ) ° ? ½&t² 3= @= A? ä J 0 = for all 8 < ± A Õ à r 8 = = , whence it] is a symmetric and strictly b positive operator. ] ] ] ] G subdomains, one can define G R EMARK] 5.6. For more in just an analogous way. ­ ¯ ¯ ¯ 0 0 ] Õ ] Õ ä ä Ó Namely, for simplicity, let . Let be denote the common boundary of Ò and Ò ] G ? ? b . We consider b and solve the Dirichlet defined on Ò , such that ±7±e± Ò problem on Ò with this boundary condition (which can be reduced to previous subproblems in a recursive way, just as is the Schur complement reduced to previous Schur ] G complements), and finally calculate the jump of the corresponding normal derivatives on Ó . ] ±e±7± Here the bilinear form that replaces (5.14) will thus include a term on Ò Ò and a term on Ò . For instance,Õ in the case of 0 three subdomains, we° have ° ° ° Õ Ò P Ò P A # 3G IH LK < (5.15) JH 8 K 8 K ä Ú d d ÷ d 0= >= ? ­ ä 5) à ­ M ? A ² 4 d ± ² = K r ­ à è d ± = ETNA Kent State University = C ,&<² ND 0 Õ #= G 187 BLOCK MATRIX ­ PRECONDITIONERS 0 Õ = ä &'² OF ² ä A Ò d P Ò d P b , where d denotes the harmonic for all è Ò . extension of d A to Ò R EMARK 5.7. For problems with jumps in the diffusion coefficients, the conditioning properties observed in Section 3 are in accordance with their analogues on the continuous level. This will be outlined here. Namely, we have observed in Section 3 that the condition numbers of the Schur complements are sensitive to jumps in the first approach but not in the second approach. Accordingly, one can indicate for the same example that the standard Poincaré–Steklov operator is sensitive to the jumps whereas the modified Poincaré–Steklov operator is not. 0 Let us 0 therefore consider the model problem of Section 3. The domain Ò is decomposed Ò Ô Ò in three subdomains Ò , Ò and ­ ° Ò d ,0 such that there 0 are common boundaries Ó P á â ä á Ò and Ò ­ d ¯ and Ó P Ò Ô Ò d , J but have no common boundary. We consider an elliptic å ] 0 áIä á á á á b , with weak form (3.13), where problem, formally as with is -B$÷Ù á á (o ). We assume a weight function on Ò , such that d and, \ varying the coefficients, we are interested in the case . ³Rí The standard Poincaré–Steklov operator can be extended directly to such piecewise con] á stant coefficient problems, such that one considers weighted normal derivatives on the interfaces with weights . Considering the bilinear form for our model problem with three subdomains, the form (5.9) is replaced by 0 ° ° ° ° ° ° (5.16) á á ­ á ­ á ­ K # 5P RQ /0, 21 ~ Å ² Ià á ? á ± ² ² òà r A á , á Å ± ² Å ² dHà r d ± ² C Å d è Factoring out , we see that is the constant multiple of an operator,\ á where the first \ á á term is proportional to and the other two terms are bounded as , i.e., ³üí behaves similarly as Ø in Corollary 3.2. The modified Poincaré–Steklov operator can be extended similarly to piecewise constant coefficient problems, using the same weighted normal derivatives as above. The bilinear form for our model problem with three subdomains is the proper modification of (5.15): , < 8 á ä : ÷ Õ á Õ 3= >= A? ä ) 0 ­ ° ° á ­ ² M # G = ± ² = á ° ­ ° = ± SD = = C for all F , where denotes the G # harmonic extension of to if and only if and K , that is, M , and further UT UT UT T (5.18) VK M = C # as required for (5.17), and denote Let= us now consider an= arbitrary test function $ and = = = . Then coincides with the by an extension of to = , such that $ -harmonic on K & since T extension = = equalsonzero,onandthealso = both = vanish onK the. latter. Hence entire , i.e., K = = in (5.18) and using = Setting , we obtain = = = M BM (5.17) Ï&½² ­ Õ ­ ä Ú d ? õ A ö 0 d A ­ á ­ Õ F&² ä P ° A d å ° ? ÒK á Òd Ú ° 0 ² P ² ­ à J Ú ­ á ? b ­ ° ° ² 0 ? Ú 0 à ­ ­ á ° ­ ä Òd Ò b ° ? A Ú á 0 Õ A d &<² ß Ò Ò C å 0 H± % b Ò Ò Ò d ä d '0 Ú å ° 4 d dà r è A 4 ² ± ,&'² ä A ² å d b ° Hà Ó I± ? ­ Ú LJ A ­ r ? 0 4 á Ú 4 0 Õ è² ° Ò ² ä P ä á A ­ ± Ià A ? Ò ­ ± à à 0 Òd b d b Ú gÓ) ² Hà ,&N² Ú ° ­ á J ß ÒK Ò ° H± *C Ú A á Since by definition d , we have just obtained an equality for the first term of (5.17). Substituting this into the whole expression in (5.17), we obtain a form for Ú d that contains 8 ETNA Kent State University 188 O. AXELSSON AND J. KARÁTSON á < integrals only on Ò 8 (5.19) Ú d and Ò á with respective weights 0 Õ Õ d 0= >= ? ä ÷ d á ä 5) d á and ° ° ­ = I± >à A : d á ° dà r Ú ° ­ d = ± *C è To sum up, the behaviour of the Schur complements under jumps in Section 3 follows that of their continuous analogues. 5.3. Approximate modified Poincaré–Steklov operator on a model problem. In this subsection we consider a continuous analogue of the procedure (2.5)-(2.6), and show on a model problem that it can be carried out in a similar way as on the discrete level. This gives an alternate illustration of the fact that the condition numbers in Theorem 2.1 are mesh independent. Let us consider the 3D model problem 0 â " (5.20) where J T Þ ; d #VW ä 0 b T in | 0 is the unit ball. Let us fix a positive integer \[ [ 0 Z 8 Using notation P mains (5.21) , + ß + 0 and numbers ,YX -BC & for the Euclidean norm of vectors 8 ND l G ],;X &<T |0 8 P ,YX +1±e±7±÷+ 0 l Ò , b G + ¾V0 P + , d , we define annular subdo- 0 l G Z ,;X 0 ; F | -BeC7C7C7 C ¾0Q/ o -{\O f / / G µ f ¾ First, for simplicity, let 4-@7ú CeC7Cand I . Then (2.6) becomes $ e-¿ for the constant vector . Its continuous analogue, with the notation of subsecµ ú 0 tion 5.2, is to find an operator , such that ^ aD b$ %$ c& ^ 8_D ^ µ å (5.22) - 0 (5.23) 0 Ò 8 &NT 0 T P Z b$ F -®\BI+ &L; 8 for the constant function . Here Ó,P and the procedure0 before that. We have +1- 0 (5.24) * J () ä ä Õ #VW 0 b 0 P b -C Ò aD F , and 8 -®\B 0 8 &NT is defined in (5.12) + 8_^ Pgb Z F +1-{\O C . Then can be calculated explicitly. , where is the solution of in Ò 0 P fe 0 Ó `Z d and0 d& A^ Further, Ó>gP and ÓP ÒK >Ó Ò ² First, the harmonic extension of to Òg is 0 ^ on Ó )+ # V # h # # Here we use the form of the Laplace operator in 3D spherical coordinates, which reduces to g g Z g for radially symmetric functions. Then an elementary calculation yields Z # Z #V# h ##ji 'k ## # 'k Hence by (5.12) and using that now . g on , we obtain 8_^ g g g ^ on , which means that the operator That is, 8_^ is constant on , i.e., we can write 8_^ 'k required in (5.22) can be defined as 0 A 0 - J,-@C 0 0 J = Ó 0 J r Ó Ó ú (5.25) µ 0 P ä ë @¸ ì 0 Î #$ ETNA Kent State University 189 BLOCK MATRIX PRECONDITIONERS ¸ k where is the identity @¸ operator on Ó . / Our goal now is to verify a continuous analogue of condition (2.7). According to the µ above, corresponds to , further, as seen before, the analogue of is 0 the operator J the operator , such that homogeneous Dirichlet boundary conditions are considered on T Ò . Hence the required of (2.7) readsE as @¸ analogue E $ %$ k 1J (5.26) +«-®\BC for some X E X J Denoting by the smallest eigenvalue of with the given boundary conditions, and taking + +R-®\B into account the condition , inequality (5.26) is equivalent to . Here the J T eigenfunctions of are the restrictions to ÒK of the eigenfunctions on with homogeneous T 0 X 0 Dirichlet boundary conditions on . The first eigenfunction is the first three-dimensional á l $ nm Z m :l . Therefore (5.26) is satisfied. mZ aD X Z , jF (5.27) a D In order to determine the operator 8oX , problem (5.24) has now to be solved with replaced ]Z , F . The solution is by LX Z pg p , and accordingly, the above property Hence the constant 4 in (5.25) is replaced by p m l is replaced by condition m , (5.28) , p p satisfies the required analogue of (2.7), If this holds then the operator X for some . Analogous calculations i.e., X k can be carried out to find X . rq sqs . Concerning Inequality (5.28) is satisfied if, up to four digits, l , k the case of several % subdomains, one may define for technical convenience , X in k k (5.21) to have equal volume of the subdomains. Then the condition l , X Z Bessel function P , with eigenvalue æ Now let us consider more subdomains. Here by (5.21), 0 Ò 0 G Ó &<T 8 P &<; 8 d 0 JU- ? õ ú ú µ 7CeC7C µ C E ú G E J µ + ò+ 0 G ? õ P -®\B C JU- ? ú Ó P + + 0 ã µ + P¹b G ? ö -J C ¸ ? ö b C + I + |0 b is satisfied up to b Cm l C !- + l 0 P H 0 #d #$d , i.e., (5.28) is satisfied for any reasonable number of subdomains. à 6. Element by element preconditioners for matrices partitioned in block form. As the method described in Section 3 uses a recursive computation, its parallelism is restricted; on the other hand, the method in Section 4 is parallelizable. Now a highly parallelizable method to construct preconditioners for the Schur complement matrix is presented, which has also shown nice results in numerical tests [10, 12]. First the method is described briefly, then its robustness with respect to coefficient jumps is shown. 6.1. Construction of the method. Let us consider an elliptic problem with piecewise constant coefficients. We start with a coarse mesh of triangles (tetrahedra) or rectangles (cubes), which has been constructed such that all coefficient jumps occur across element edges only. Each of these macroelements is then subdivided in ó a number (say ) of minieleÃN ments. The corresponding global matrix / is then block form ý/ partitioned in 2 (6.1) Ytjt ]tju Yuvt ]vu u / / 6 ETNA Kent State University 190 uvu / / O. AXELSSON AND J. KARÁTSON / corresponds to the coarse (macroelement) vertex nodes. To form a preconditioner where T ¸ / G / of to , we will be guided /« by0 the2 /block matrix factorization , 2 t tjt tVu YtVt uvt u u (6.2) u Yuvu ]uvt tjt ]tju u Ytjt where is the corresponding Schur complement matrix. u Y j t t In general, is a full matrix and has a very large size. Therefore, to form , we replace and by some approximations. These will be based on macroelement tjt tjt by element constructed matrices. tjt , we first take the restrictions Rw to each macroeleFor the global assembled matrix tVt u by tjt Rw , and assemble them to a global matrix denoted ment, form their exact inverses , which will replace in (6.2). Similarly, each element version Rw of is computed exactly from the exact form of the corresponding element matrix j t t V t u x uvt uvuzy Rw Rw (6.3) Rw Rw u Rw uvu uvt tVt tju i.e., {w in (6.2) is replaced by the assembly of {w Rw Rw {w . Then t tjt thetju form to takes tjt Rw , denoted by , and the preconditioner u uvt (6.4) tjt tjt Note that the actions of can take place fully in parallel, from the local actions of Rw . / / b / 0n/ / / G / J M @/ / M 6 6 b / ¸ / M T M / / G / / G T ö õ ö õ / M õ / 0 ö M õ M õ ö / / J ö Ú õ ö Ú õ õ M ö Ú õ T/ T / 2 ö Ú õ ¸ / ¸ T b C b 6 M ö Ú õ / M T G 2 / ö Ú õ 0 ö Ú õ / ö Ú M / / ö õ G / / 0 ö 6 / T ö õ / G The above method can be extended to a multilevel version, but in this paper we only study T the two-level version. Our goal is to show that the condition number of is bounded independently of coefficient jumps in the given elliptic operator. We will use that B/ ¸ / G / ¸ @/ 2 2 2 (6.5)G /10 ¸ / ¸ @ / / ¸ G G JKT T t T tVt ]tju u b tjt ]tjt Yuvt |t tjt ]tjt 6 M J»T b M t u tjt Vt u u M 6 C 6 b 6.2. Independence of coefficient jumps in a model problem. For0 simplicity, we fol0 û û low the model problem in Section 3, and study the case of three macroelements , and û û û û û û d . Accordingly, we have common boundaries ÓP Ô and ÓIP Ô d , but û and d have no common boundary. These macroelements are defined to match the coefficient ¯ å ] 0 of problem (3.13), i.e., áä á w / G -@$$Ù÷C o á We assume as in Section 3 that the relations (3.14)-(3.16) á hold. Our goal is to show that the ¨T \ condition number S remains bounded as the ratio grows unboundedly. The stiffness matrix then has a form as in (3.17), where the five rows/columns now û û û / in / :f Õ correspond to the nodes , and d , on Ó> and on Ó) á á ^` /10 (6.6) ` `a ` á b Õ /K b f ? b / á $ b á á /Õ f b /Õ f á A d /KÕ $ d df b d A ç d ? fÕ b á ? / á b/ ç ? / Õ ? ? b ? ç A fÕ / b á fÕ b A / á fÕ A d A /d Õ K fÕ h i i k i b çãè A C i A ETNA Kent State University 191 BLOCK MATRIX PRECONDITIONERS / we have With the notation of (6.1), á YtVt / ò0 a ^ á $ ò0Â2 á á á f /Õ f ? b u /Õ A A d (6.7) é J M where is the diagonal matrix 0î2 ? ç 0 T P where ments. Hence õ ¯ á A k d d A fÕ A ç ? Õ $ / á J h ? d d fÕ A çãè / Õ /Õ C b A ç / G b /KÕ fÕ / G d$d A 6 Õ d A ç ç / G / $ $ ^ ç è 6 fÕ G a / C b A fÕ ? ? / G / G / dd / fÕ b fÕ A k d A h . Further, by construction, we have tjt G a ^ ç T ? , ç b -Bc$Ù o @/ b T $ b b / (0 k h T dd çãè ^ fÕ / a T T / fÕ $ T ? $ T b fÕ /b T ? ] á b A , since the latter act independently on the three macroele- tjt ]tju ] $ b 0 ö / Õ b H0 tjt Rw J b / / T 01/ / á ] á ]] Õ is independent of the ? é tjt tju G ? ç / P / fÕ / b b G (6.8) First we observe that (0Â2 á / ? d 6 / Schur 0nécomplement / ÕBÕ / Õ is / From (3.18), the á fÕ b ^ á Yuvu / f fÕ / dd /KÕ / á a h d á (0 k b b f ? b/ á $ b Yuvt / / b b /KÕ Ytju / fÕ $ A k d$d d A h u á is also independent of the . That is, the left and right matrices in the product in (6.5) are / G independent of . It remains to study the matrix in the center. G ? 0 / 0 / 0 P ROPOSITION 6.1. The condition number of M is bounded as ç AH³ G í . M ç Ú Proof. Let Ø and M Ú P P A M A M . Then S S Ø Ú . Here, M M MÚ ç ç following (3.20), / Õ fÕ á 2 /Õ / G / Õ /KÕ / G / Õ (6.9)0î2 ? / Õ fÕ u ç A ØÚ ç Ø b r ? /KÕ b /Kb Õ 6 f Õ b0 f ? / G J b f rÕ / çãAè J u A A 6 ç / $ J á d d d$d d ? ? ? ? . As seen after (3.20), here ØK is a Schur complewhere ØóP 0 0 á ment, corresponding to the positive definite matrix Ú $ from (3.7), modified by setting the ? A weights and ç ç in the integrals. Hence ØK is still positive definite. Denoting by the second to fourth terms of0 (6.9), we have á 2 ,Y} á ØÚ Øøb b b 6 r ,} ETNA Kent State University 192 O. AXELSSON AND J. KARÁTSON ,} Rw ? ¯ has bounded coefficients as ç A ¯ ³ í . where / ç 0 Let us now similarly rewrite M Ú . By definition, M is the assembly of the Schur comple-BcÙ ö ö (o ). To form the latter, we note that by ments M õ û for the û element matrices õ û assumption and d only have interior vertices on Ó or Ód , respectively, whereas has / / / vertices on both of Ó>/ and Ó)d . Therefore fÕ the element matrices take the following f Õ form: Rw / 0 {w á 2 ? ö õ / á Õ á f ? / Rw õ é Rw Rw M õ ]uvu ? ö ? A 0«é / ç ç A ö M õ J 2 0 ? ç 0Â2 /KÕ J ? á ? ¯ f A Õ / ç Õè / M $ M á M 5 0 J 0 J M $ Therefore 2 0 MÚ ? r 0 ? J ç ? Õ ? b 6Õ /K G Õ / r fÕ ? A ? A J A G / fÕ / Õ f / G / fÕ /KÕ f / á /K J Õ ? / Õ ?f fÕ A ç è J A / ? /Õ $ f / G / G / A A / A A/ f Õ G ? á f d Rw d dd fÕ A d fÕ fÕ A A 6 / G fÕ $ / G C A 6 J fÕ ? /Õ f ÕJ ? where M 76 á / 4 M M c / G fÕ f Õ f / ? fÕ / / G $ /Õ á J ? $ f A ? /Õ J A / / A fÕ / G d d$d ? $ f d / G ? á f fÕ fÕ d C A b / b 6 /KÕ ? /Õ / G fÕ 4- ? ,;~ / / M G {w 2 0 / f bG / / ç fÕ G / A /KÕ f Õ ? á á A J A A d f ? ? f / øb b 0 r J ? f A M / / /KJ Õ /KÕ fÕ ? 2 ç A Õ ç A Õ ç fÕ / 2 / ? r á f / /KÕ / f /KÕ á A çãè 6 block matrix, where the first and second rows/columns ? ö ö and Ó , respectively. That is, M õ and M õ è are added to A ö : /KÕ á á f fÕ A 6 A A f ? fÕ A <à ö á fÕ Õ /KÕ P /KÕ Õ d çãè / Õ K f 0î2 A / d A ç d 9 ç /KÕ ? M A /6 fÕ ? Rw 0 J / A G / 2 A u ö è M õ á d$d P Rw ? á f d 0n/ 0 fÕ f / G The assembly of M õ is a correspond to the boundaries Ó the (1,1) and (2,2) blocks of M õ 0 Yu fÕ b Rw á / G / A ç fÕ / Õ d where ? Õ J $ f u ? / G ? A ç / Õ fÕ b / ? ç / /KÕ ö è / á / 6 á J /? A ç ]u ? á is 0 from (6.8). /Õ Then fÕ and / $ Rw õ ? 6 u ]uvu é/ á 0ý2 ? á / fÕ ? / á A ö Õ A ç Yu / 2 á 0 ? ç / ç Aè r ç A fÕ Õ A /K J Õ J A / f f / ? $ / G G / fÕ fÕ A J /KÕ A ç Aè f A ç d / / G dd d fÕ A 6 /KÕ f / / G fÕ / ? ? ? ? is a Schur complement of the matrix Ú $ in (3.7). where M óP $ Hence M is positive definite, further, denotes the second matrix above, which has bounded ? + ½coefficients as ç Aò³Rí . (Recall that, by assumption, b .) ¼ ç Aè ç ,_~ ç ETNA Kent State University 193 BLOCK MATRIX PRECONDITIONERS [ 0 [ Now it is easy to derive the spectral equivalence of M Ú and Ø Ú . Let us consider vectors in ? " 8 A the form , where the decomposition into the vectors 8 and 8 corresponds to the block form0 of á M Ú . Then MÚ 8 á ± 8 M 8 ± 8 ,;~ r Hence MÚ Here, by assumption, b M 8 ç ? Here the matrices Ø ØÚ 8 ± 8 and M 8 8 ± 8 A ç ? ç A ç ? r ,} ,~ ç ± 8 8 ± 8 8 ± 8 8 ØÚ ± 8 8 MÚ 8 Ø ± 8 M 8 0 MÚ b ,} r b 6 Ø r 8 ± 8 C ,Y} r ± 8 8 ± 8 C and MÚ 2 øb M P b b 6 0 = ,Y} were seen to be positive definite. Let us now define á á These matrices are also positive definite since they coincide with the case XDY] . G Then (6.10) X Yimplies ] X YZ5[ X G G ± 8 C ± 8 8 8 Ø r á ± 8 8 ØÚ ± 8 Øüb P and . Hence ,~ r 0î2 Ø M ç Ø ± 8 «- A ± 8 8 ± 8 8 0 ± 8 8 ØÚ (6.10) á 0 = MÚ ØÚ G / G MÚ ØÚ C and M Ú , respectively, in YZ5[ ØÚ ,~ r G M Ø Ú 5 ? ØÚ which yields the desired boundedness of S M Ú as ç A ³Rí . T ? ç C OROLLARY 6.2. The condition number of is bounded as ç Aó³Rí . ] á Proof. We have seen just before Proposition 6.1 that the left andç right matrices in the product in (6.5) are independent of the . ? Hence it remains to prove that the matrixBin / the center has bounded condition number as . Since this matrix is block diagonal, its ç A ô ³ í / G ¨T ç eigenvalues coincide with those of its diagonal blocks, therefore it suffices that S ? and S M M have bounded condition numbers as ç Aò³ í . The latter has been proved ç in Proposition 6.1, whereas in the former case / tjt Ytjt u tjt tjt / T 0 ^ a T / $ á b $ ] b T b b / $ b T k b d$d h dd is even independent of the . ] R EMARK 6.3. The above result can be extended to theá case of more than three subdomains under corresponding assumptions on the coefficients . Acknowledgements. The authors acknowledge the generous provisions at the Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, which enabled writing the first version of this paper during their ‘Research in Pairs’ stay at the Institute from 24 February–8 March 2008. The first author was also supported by the grant IET40030045 of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic (Program Information Society), and the second author was also supported by the Hungarian Research Grant OTKA No.K 67819 and by HAS via Bolyai János Scholarship. ETNA Kent State University 194 O. AXELSSON AND J. KARÁTSON REFERENCES [1] O. A XELSSON , Iterative Solution Methods, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1994. [2] O. A XELSSON , I. FARAG Ó , AND J. K AR ÁTSON , Sobolev space preconditioning for Newton’s method using domain decomposition, Numer. Linear Algebra Appl., 9 (2002), pp. 585–598. [3] O. A XELSSON AND I. G USTAFSSON , On the use of preconditioned conjugate gradient methods for red-black ordered five-point difference schemes, J. Comput. Phys., 35 (1980), pp. 284–289. [4] O. A XELSSON AND I. G USTAFSSON , Preconditioning and two-level multigrid methods of arbitrary degree of approximation, Math. Comp., 40 (1983), pp. 219–242. [5] O. A XELSSON , Y U . R. 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