ETNA Electronic Transactions on Numerical Analysis. Volume 35, pp. 1-16, 2009. Copyright 2009, Kent State University. ISSN 1068-9613. Kent State University DIAMETER BOUNDS FOR EQUAL AREA PARTITIONS OF THE UNIT SPHERE∗ PAUL LEOPARDI† Abstract. The recursive zonal equal area (EQ) sphere partitioning algorithm is a practical algorithm for partitioning higher dimensional spheres into regions of equal area and small diameter. Another such construction is due to Feige and Schechtman. This paper gives a proof for the bounds on the diameter of regions for each of these partitions. Key words. sphere, partition, area, diameter, zone AMS subject classifications. 11K38, 31-04, 51M15, 52C99, 74G65 1. Introduction. Stolarsky [12, p. 581] asserts the existence for any natural number N of a partition of the unit sphere Sd ⊂ Rd+1 into N regions of equal area and small diameter. The recursive zonal equal area (EQ) sphere partitioning algorithm [8, Section 3] is a practical means to achieve such a partition. Feige and Schechtman [5] give a construction which can easily be modified to give another such partition. In this paper we prove that the both EQ partition and the modified Feige-Schechtman partition satisfy Stolarsky’s assertion. This paper is the companion to [8] and is meant to be read in conjunction with that paper. Any definitions and notation not found here are to be found in [8]. The proofs given here are based on those in the Ph.D. thesis [7] and much of the technical detail which has been omitted here can be found there. This paper is organized as follows. Section 2 repeats enough of the definitions and theorems of [8] to orient the reader. Section 3 contains the continuous model of the EQ partition which is used in the proof of the properties of this partition. Section 4 proves that the EQ partition satisfies Stolarsky’s assertion. Section 5 contains estimates which will be used in the remainder of the paper. Section 6 provides a proof that the modified Feige-Schechtman construction satisfies Stolarsky’s assertion. An appendix provides proofs for some of the lemmas. Further proofs and more details can be found in [7]. 2. Preliminaries. For convenience, this section repeats some of the definitions and restates some of the theorems given in [8]. For any two points a, b ∈ Sd , the Euclidean and spherical distances are related by where (2.1) ka, bk = Υ s(a, b) , Υ(θ) := √ θ 2 − 2 cos θ = 2 sin . 2 For d > 0, the area of Sd ⊂ Rd+1 is given by [9, p. 1] d+1 2π 2 . σ(S ) = Γ( d+1 2 ) d ∗ Received January 10, 2008. Accepted for publication December 10, 2008. Published online on March 6, 2009. Recommended by V. Andriyevskyy. † Centre for Mathematics and its Applications, Bldg 27, The Australian National University, ACT 0200, Australia ( 1 ETNA Kent State University 2 P. LEOPARDI For all that follows, we will use the following abbreviations. For d > 1, we define ω := σ(Sd−1 ) and Ω := σ(Sd ). The area of a spherical cap S(a, θ) of spherical radius θ and center a is [6, Lemma 4.1 p. 255] V(θ) := σ (S(a, θ)) = ω (2.2) Z θ (sin ξ)d−1 dξ. 0 The function Θ is the inverse of V. This paper considers the Euclidean diameter of regions, defined as follows. D EFINITION 2.1. The diameter of a region R ∈ Sd ⊂ Rd+1 is diam R := sup{kx − yk | x, y ∈ R}. The following definitions are specific to the main theorems stated here. D EFINITION 2.2. A set Z of partitions of Sd is said to be diameter-bounded with diameter bound K ∈ R+ if for all P ∈ Z, for each R ∈ P , 1 diam R 6 K |P |− d . D EFINITION 2.3. The set of recursive zonal equal area partitions of Sd is defined as EQ(d) := {EQ(d, N ) | N ∈ N+ }. where EQ(d, N ) denotes the recursive zonal equal area partition of the unit sphere Sd into N regions, which is defined via the algorithm given in [8, Section 3]. The partition EQ(d, N ) has the following properties. T HEOREM 2.4. For d > 1 and N > 1, the partition EQ(d, N ) is an equal area partition of Sd . The proof of Theorem 2.4 is straightforward, following immediately from the construction of the EQ partition [8, Section 3]. T HEOREM 2.5. For d > 1, EQ(d) is diameter-bounded in the sense of Definition 2.2. Theorem 2.5 is a special case of Stolarsky’s assertion: T HEOREM 2.6. [12, p. 581] For each d > 0, there is a constant cd such that for all N > 0, there is a partition of the unit sphere Sd into N regions, with each region having area 1 Ω/N and diameter at most cd N − d . We will also often refer to the following quantities, defined in steps 1 to 3 of the EQ partition algorithm for EQ(d, N ) [8, Section 3.2]. (2.3) VR := Ω , N 1 θc := Θ(VR ), δI := VRd , nI := π − 2θc . δI 3. A continuous model of the partition algorithm. Step 4 of the EQ partition algorithm [8, 3.2] is the first rounding step, which produces n from nI . We define ρ := nI n so that (3.1) δF = ρδI . ETNA Kent State University DIAMETER BOUNDS FOR EQUAL AREA PARTITIONS For N > 2, if nI > 1 2 3 then Step 4 yields 1 1 , n ∈ nI − , nI + 2 2 and therefore [7, Lemma 3.5.1, p. 87] ρ∈ 1− 1 1 ,1 + 2nI + 1 2nI − 1 . We see that bounds for ρ are given by lower bounds for nI . The crudest such bound is given by nI > 12 which merely implies that ρ > 1/2. We can re-express the bound nI > 12 in terms of a lower bound on N by means of the function ν, where x d1 Ω ν(x) := π − 2Θ (3.2) . Ω x The function ν defined by (3.2) satisfies ν(2) = 0, ν(N ) = nI , and ν(x) is monotonically increasing in x for x > 2 [7, Lemma 3.5.2, p. 87]. As a consequence, it is possible to define the inverse function N0 where N0 (y) := ν −1 (y) for y > 0. We then have N0 ν(x) = x and ν N0 (y) = y for x > 2 and y > 0, and by the inverse function theorem, N0 (y) is monotonic increasing in y for y > 0. For N > x such that x > N0 (1/2), we then have (3.3) nI > ν(x) > (3.4) 1 2 and ρ ∈ [ρL (x), ρH (x)], (3.5) where (3.6) ρL (x) := 1 − 1 2ν(x) + 1 and ρH (x) := 1 + 1 . 2ν(x) − 1 We can make ρL (x) and ρH (x) arbitrarily close to 1 by making x large enough. More precisely, (3.7) ρL (x) ր 1, and ρH (x) ց 1 as x → ∞. Step 6 of the EQ partition algorithm is the second rounding step, which produces mi from yi . By examining steps 5 to 7 of the EQ partition algorithm, it is straightforward to verify that for d > 1, N > 1 and i ∈ {1, . . . , n} the following relationships hold [7, Lemmas 3.5.3, 3.5.4, pp. 88–89]: n n X X 1 1 mi = N − 2, yi = ai ∈ − , , an = 0, 2 2 i=1 i=1 V(ϑi+1 ) − V(ϑi ) ∈ N0 , VR V(ϑi ) = V(ϑF,i ) + ai−1 VR . mi = yi + ai−1 − ai = ETNA Kent State University 4 P. LEOPARDI To make it easier to find bounds for functions which vary from zone to zone, such as y and m, we define and use continuous analogs of these functions. This way, instead of having to find a bound for a function value over n + 2 points, where n varies with N , we need only find a bound for a function over a fixed number of points and continuous intervals. We therefore define the functions (3.8) V(ϑ + δF ) − V(ϑ) , VR T (τ, ϑ) := Θ V(ϑ) − τ VR , M(τ, β, ϑ) := Y(ϑ) + τ + β, Y(ϑ) := B(β, ϑ) := Θ V(ϑ + δF ) + βVR , ∆(τ, β, ϑ) := B(β, ϑ) − T (τ, ϑ), W(τ, β, ϑ) := max ξ∈[T (τ,ϑ),B(β,ϑ)] sin ξ, 1 P(τ, β, ϑ) := W(τ, β, ϑ) M(τ, β, ϑ) 1−d , so that for i ∈ {1, . . . , n}, we have Y(ϑF,i ) = yi , T (−ai−1 , ϑF,i ) = ϑi , M(−ai−1 , ai , ϑF,i ) = mi , B(ai , ϑF,i ) = ϑi+1 , W(−ai−1 , ai , ϑF,i ) = wi , ∆(−ai−1 , ai , ϑF,i ) = δi , P(−ai−1 , ai , ϑF,i ) = pi . These functions have symmetries which follow from the symmetries of the trigonometric functions. The function Y satisfies Y(π − ϑ) = Y(ϑ − δF ). The functions T and B satisfy the identities T (τ, π − ϑ) = π − B(τ, ϑ − δF ) and B(β, π − ϑ) = π − T (β, ϑ − δF ). For each f ∈ {M, ∆, W, P}, the function f satisfies f (τ, β, π − ϑ) = f (β, τ, ϑ − δF ). For our feasible domain we therefore use the set D, defined as follows. D EFINITION 3.1. The feasible domain D is defined as D := Dt ∪ Dm ∪ Db , where (3.9) 1 1 , ϑ = ϑc }, Dt := {(τ, β, ϑ) | τ = 0, β ∈ − , 2 2 1 1 1 1 ,β ∈ − , , ϑ ∈ [ϑF,2 , π − ϑc − 2δF ]}, Dm := {(τ, β, ϑ) | τ ∈ − , 2 2 2 2 1 1 Db := {(τ, β, ϑ) | τ ∈ − , , β = 0, ϑ = π − ϑc − δF }. 2 2 We can now use the feasible domain D and the analogue functions ∆ and P to bound the maximum diameter of regions of the EQ partition. ETNA Kent State University DIAMETER BOUNDS FOR EQUAL AREA PARTITIONS 5 L EMMA 3.2. [7, Lemma 3.5.11] Assume that d > 1 and that EQ(d − 1) has diameter bound κ. Then for N > 2, if we define maxdiam(d, N ) := max R∈EQ(d,N ) diam R, then maxdiam(d, N ) 6 q (max ∆)2 + κ2 (max P)2 . D D We need only consider the northern hemisphere to obtain a valid bound for the diameter of a region of the recursive zonal equal area partition of Sd . First define the following subdomains of the feasible domain D, π δF D+ := (τ, β, ϑ) ∈ D ϑ 6 − , 2 2 π δF D− := (τ, β, ϑ) ∈ D ϑ > − , 2 2 (3.10) Dm+ := Dm ∩ D+ . The following result then holds. L EMMA 3.3. [7, Lemma 3.5.12] For f ∈ {M, ∆, W, P} and (τ, β, ϑ) ∈ D− , we can find (τ ′ , β ′ , ϑ′ ) ∈ D+ such that f (τ ′ , β ′ , ϑ′ ) = f (τ, β, ϑ). In particular, if (τ, β, ϑ) ∈ Db , then (τ ′ , β ′ , ϑ′ ) ∈ Dt , and if (τ, β, ϑ) ∈ Dm− , then (τ ′ , β ′ , ϑ′ ) ∈ Dm+ . C OROLLARY 3.4. For f ∈ {M, ∆, W, P}, max f = max f. D D+ An analysis of the diameter of the polar caps is not needed for the proof of Theorem 2.5. It is included for completeness, and for comparison to the Feige–Schechtman bound to be examined below. This is a consequence of the isodiametric inequality for Sd . T HEOREM 3.5. (Isodiametric inequality for Sd ) Any region R ⊂ Sd of spherical diameter δ < π has area bounded by δ . σ(R) 6 V 2 Equality holds only for spherical caps of spherical radius 2δ . This result is well known; see [2] for a proof of a generalized version of this inequality, based on the proof of [1]. We have the following upper bound for the diameter of a polar cap of EQ(d, N ). L EMMA 3.6. For d > 1 and N > 2, the diameter of each polar cap of EQ(d, N ) is 1 bounded above by Kc N − d , where Kc := 2 Ωd ω d1 . The following two bounds are used in the proof of Theorem 2.5. L EMMA 3.7. For d > 1, there is a positive constant N∆ ∈ N and a monotonic decreasing positive real function K∆ such that for each partition EQ(d, N ) with ETNA Kent State University 6 P. LEOPARDI N > x > N∆ , 1 max ∆ 6 K∆ (x)N − d . D L EMMA 3.8. For d > 1, there is a positive constant NP ∈ N and a monotonic decreasing positive real function CP such that for each partition EQ(d, N ) with N > x > NP , 1 max P 6 CP (x)N − d . D 4. Proofs of main theorems. Proof of Theorem 2.5. The theorem is true for d = 1, with EQ(1) having diameter bound K1 = 2π, since the recursive zonal equal area partition algorithm partitions the circle S1 into N equal segments, each of arc length 2π/N , and therefore each segment has diameter less than 2π/N . Now assume that d > 1 and N > 2. We know from Lemma 3.2 that r 2 2 max ∆ + κ2 max P . maxdiam(d, N ) 6 D D From Lemma 3.7, we know that there is a positive constant N∆ ∈ N and a monotonic decreasing positive real function K∆ such that for each partition EQ(d, N ) with N > x > N∆ , 1 max ∆ 6 K∆ (x)N − d . D From Lemma 3.8, we know that there is a positive constant NP ∈ N and a monotonic decreasing positive real function CP such that for each partition EQ(d, N ) with N > x > NP , 1 max P 6 CP (x)N − d . D Define NH := max(N∆ , NP ). Assuming that EQ(d − 1) is diameter bounded, with diameter bound κ, then for 1 N > NH , we have maxdiam(d, N ) 6 KH N − d , where p KH := K∆ (NH )2 + κ2 CP (NH )2 . For d > 1 and N 6 NH , we note that the diameter of Sd is 2, and so the diameter of any 1 region is bounded by 2. Therefore for N 6 NH , maxdiam(d, N ) 6 KL N − d , where 1 KL := 2NHd . 1 Finally, we see by induction that for d > 1, maxdiam(d, N ) 6 Kd N − d , where Kd := max(KL , KH ). ETNA Kent State University DIAMETER BOUNDS FOR EQUAL AREA PARTITIONS 7 5. Estimates for caps. Later we will need to compare sin θ with sin(θ + φ), for various θ and φ. The following estimate is useful for this task. For all θ, φ ∈ R, we have φ φ . sin(θ + φ) − sin θ = 2 sin cos θ + 2 2 Therefore for φ ∈ (0, π], θ ∈ (0, π/2 − φ/2], we have sin(θ + φ) > sin θ > 0. In the estimate below, we assume that θ ∈ (0, ξ], ξ ∈ (0, π/2], and use the well-known sine ratio function sinc θ := sin θ . θ We have the well-known estimate sin θ ∈ [sinc ξ, 1] θ. (5.1) In the estimates below we assume that θ ∈ (0, ξ], ξ ∈ (0, π/2]. From (2.2) we have DV(θ) = ω sind−1 θ. Using the estimate (5.1) therefore gives us DV(θ) ∈ [(sinc ξ)d−1 , 1] ωθd−1 . Thus, (5.2) V(θ) ∈ [(sinc ξ)d−1 , 1] ω d θ . d If we then substitute Θ(v) for θ, we obtain for v ∈ [0, V(ξ)] that (5.3) Θ(v) ∈ [1, (sinc ξ) 1−d d d1 1 d ] vd. ω The estimates (5.2) and (5.3) are crude. There are instances where we need a sharper upper bound than that given by (5.2). The estimate below is more accurate for large d for θ away from π/2. L EMMA 5.1. [7, Lemma 2.3.18] For d > 2 and θ ∈ [0, π/2) we have V(θ) 6 (5.4) ω sind θ , d cos θ with equality only when θ = 0. If we combine (5.2) with (5.4), we obtain the following result. C OROLLARY 5.2. For d > 2 and θ ∈ [0, π/2) we have ω 1 1 (5.5) , sind θ. V(θ) ∈ sinc θ cos θ d Recall from (2.3) that ϑc = Θ (5.6) Ω N and define Jc (x) := sinc Θ Ω . x As a result of (5.3), for N > x > 2, we have (5.7) ϑc ∈ [1, Jc (x) 1−d d d1 d δI . ] ω ETNA Kent State University 8 P. LEOPARDI Using Lemma 5.1, we obtain the following upper bound for sin ϑc . L EMMA 5.3. [7, Lemma 3.5.14] For x > 2, 1 Ω Ωd d . x sin Θ 6 x ω 1 d (5.8) Therefore, for N > 2, sin ϑc 6 (5.9) d1 d δI . ω Combining (5.6), (5.7), and (5.9), we have the estimate d1 d sin ϑc ∈ [Jc (x), 1] δI ω (5.10) for N > x > 2. 6. The modified Feige and Schechtman construction. Feige and Schechtman [5] give a constructive proof of the following lemma, which can be used to prove Stolarsky’s assertion. L EMMA 6.1. [5, Lemma 21, pp. 430–431] For each 0 < γ < π/2 the sphere Sd−1 can d be partitioned into N = O(1)/γ regions of equal area, each of diameter at most γ. 1 1 Lemma 6.1 corresponds to a diameter bound of order O(N d+1 ) rather than O(N d ), but the construction given in the proof [5, pp. 430–431] is easily modified to yield the following upper bound on the smallest maximum diameter of an equal area partition of Sd . L EMMA 6.2. For d > 1, N > 2, there is a partition F S(d, N ) of the unit sphere Sd into N regions, with each region R ∈ F S(d, N ) having area Ω/N and Euclidean diameter bounded above by diam R 6 Υ min(π, 8ϑc ) , with Υ defined by (2.1) and ϑc defined by (2.3). We now use the modified Feige–Schechtman construction to prove Stolarsky’s assertion, Theorem 2.6. Proof of Theorem 2.6. For d = 1, we partition the circle into equal segments and the proof is as per the proof of Theorem 2.5. For d > 1 and N = 1, there is one region of 1 diameter 2 = 2N − d . For d > 1 and N = 2, there are two regions, each of diameter d+1 1 2 = 2 d N − d . Otherwise, we use Lemma 6.2 and the estimates (5.7) and (5.9). Define NF S = Ω V π 8 Then for N > NF S , ϑc = Θ Ω N . 6 π , 8 with equality only when N = NF S . Therefore, for N > NF S , Lemmas 5.3 and 6.2 give us max R∈F S(d,N ) 1 diam R 6 2 sin 4ϑc < 8 sin ϑc < KF S N − d , ETNA Kent State University 9 DIAMETER BOUNDS FOR EQUAL AREA PARTITIONS where KF S := 8 Ωd ω d1 . For 2 < N < NF S , we have 1 1 1 1 maxdiam F S(d, N ) 6 2 = 2 N d N − d < 2 NFdS N − d . 1 Let KF SL := 2 NFdS . Using (5.5), we have π π ω π 1 ω sind > sind . > V 8 sinc π8 d 8 d 8 We also have sin π8 > 14 , so that V Therefore π 8 > ω . 4d d NF S = Ω V π 8 In other words, < 4d Ωd . ω KFd SL = 2d NF S < 8d Ωd = KFd S . ω We therefore have KF SL < KF S . For d > 2 we have [7, Lemma 2.3.20] r 2π Ω (6.1) > . ω d For the case N = 2, from (6.1) we obtain 2d+1 < 8d √ Ωd 2πd < 8d = KFd S . ω Therefore Theorem 2.6 is satisfied by cd = KF S . R EMARK 6.3. The Feige–Schechtman constant KF S thus provides an upper bound for the minimum constant for the diameter bound of an equal area partition of Sd . Theorems 2.4 and 2.5 yield an alternate proof of Theorem 2.6, with cd = Kd . Appendix A. Proofs of Lemmas. The definitions of the functions ∆ and P and the definition of the feasible domain D depend on the fitting collar angle δF . Thus the proofs of Lemmas 3.7 and 3.8 need an estimate for δF . Recall from (3.1) that δF = ρδI . Therefore, from (3.5), for N > x > N0 (1/2), where N0 is defined by (3.3), we have (A.1) δF ∈ [ρL (x), ρH (x)]δI . We also need estimates for ϑF,i , as defined by Step 5 of the EQ partition algorithm [8, Section 3.2], and for sin ϑF,i and V(ϑF,i ). Here and below, we generalize the definition of ϑF,i , by defining ϑF,ι := ϑc + (ι − 1)δF , ETNA Kent State University 10 P. LEOPARDI for ι ∈ [1, n + 1]. For N > x > N0 (1/2), where N0 is defined by (3.3), the estimates (5.7) and (A.1) now yield # " 1 d1 1−d d d d (A.2) ϑF,ι ∈ + (ι − 1)ρL (x), Jc (x) d + (ι − 1)ρH (x) δI . ω ω The estimates for sin ϑF,ι and V(ϑF,ι ) below assume that N > x > N0 (1/2), where N0 is defined by (3.3), and the lower bounds for these estimates also assume that (A.3) d1 π Ω Ω 6 . Θ + (ι − 1)ρH (x) x x 2 If we define d1 ! Ω Ω + (ι − 1)ρH (x) JF,ι (x) := sinc Θ , x x then from (5.1) and (A.2) we have the estimate " ! 1 # d1 1−d d d d sin ϑF,ι ∈ JF,ι (x) + (ι − 1)ρL (x) , Jc (x) d + (ι − 1)ρH (x) δI ω ω and from (5.2) we have the estimate V(ϑF,ι ) ∈ [sL,ι (x), sH,ι (x)]VR , where ω d1 d 1 + (ι − 1)ρL (x) sL,ι (x) := JF,ι (x) , d ω d1 d 1−d sH,ι (x) := Jc (x) d + (ι − 1)ρH (x) . d d−1 If we define sι := ω d1 d , 1 + (ι − 1) d then, since JF,ι (x) ր 1, Jc (x) ր 1, ρL (x) ր 1 and ρH (x) ց 1, as x → ∞ we see that sL,ι(x) ր sι and sH,ι (x) ց sι as x → ∞. By making x large enough and ι small enough, we can ensure that (A.3) holds. L EMMA A.1. [7, Lemma 3.5.16] If x > N0 (5), where N0 is defined by (3.3), then (A.3) holds for 13 ι ∈ 1, . 4 For the remainder of this paper we use the abbreviation 1 η := √ . 8πd ETNA Kent State University 11 DIAMETER BOUNDS FOR EQUAL AREA PARTITIONS The proofs of Lemmas 3.7 and 3.8 require the following results, which are proved in [7, Chapter 3]. L EMMA A.2. [7, Lemma 3.5.17] There is an x > N0 (5), such that (A.4) d−1 JF,(1+η) (x) ω d1 d 3 > . 1 + η ρL (x) d 2 L EMMA A.3. [7, Lemma 3.5.19] If x > N0 (5), and x satisfies (A.4), then for N > x we have V(ϑc + ηδF ) > (A.5) 3 VR . 2 As a result of (A.5), we have V(ϑc + ηδF ) − V(ϑc ) > VR . 2 From (2.2) and the symmetries of the sine function, for ϑ ∈ (0, π/2 − ηδF /2], we have (A.6) ∂ (V(ϑ + ηδF ) − V(ϑ)) = DV(ϑ + ηδF ) − DV(ϑ) ∂ϑ = ω sind−1 (ϑ + ηδF ) − sind−1 ϑ > 0, with equality only when ϑ = π2 − η δ2F . This results in the following corollary. C OROLLARY A.4. [7, Corollary 3.5.20] If x > N0 (5), and x satisfies (A.4), then for N > x and ϑ ∈ [ϑc , π − ϑc − ηδF ] we have (A.7) V(ϑ + ηδF ) − V(ϑ) > VR . 2 If x > N0 (5), and N > x then n > 5, so ϑF,2 < therefore have (A.8) ηδF < π 2. Since 8πd > 16π > 49, we δF . 7 Proof of Lemma 3.6. Assume that d > 1 and N > 1. From (2.3) we know that the diameter of each of the polar caps of the partition EQ(d, N ) is 2 sin ϑc . From (5.9) we have the estimate 1 Ω d d −1 2 sin ϑc 6 2 N d. ω for N > x > 2. Proof of Lemma 3.7. Throughout this proof, we assume that N > x where x > N0 (5), with N0 defined by (3.3), so that n > 5. Using Corollary 3.4, we also assume that (τ, β, ϑ) ∈ D+ . For the top collar, (τ, β, ϑ) ∈ Dt , (3.9) gives τ = 0, β ∈ − 21 , 21 , ϑ = ϑc . From (2.2) we have V (B(β, ϑc )) = V(ϑc + δF ) + βVR 6 V(ϑc + δF ) + VR . 2 ETNA Kent State University 12 P. LEOPARDI Since n > 5, we have ϑc + δF ∈ [ϑc , π − ϑc − ηδF ], and we can use (A.7) to obtain V (B(β, ϑc )) 6 V(ϑc + δF ) + and therefore VR < V ϑc + (1 + η)δF , 2 B(β, ϑc ) < ϑc + (1 + η)δF . Therefore (3.8) yields ∆(τ, β, ϑ) = ∆(0, β, ϑc ) = B(β, ϑc ) − T (0, ϑc ) = B(β, ϑc ) − ϑc < (1 + η)δF . For (τ, β, ϑ) ∈ Dm+ (3.10) gives τ ∈ − 21 , 12 , β ∈ − 12 , 12 , ϑ ∈ ϑF,2 , π2 − δ2F . Since n > 5, we have ϑ + δF ∈ [ϑc , π − ϑc − ηδF ], since 3 π ϑc + δF < ϑc + 2δF < , 2 2 yielding ϑ + δF 6 δF π + < π − ϑc − δF . 2 2 From (2.2), (3.8), and (A.7), we now have VR V B(β, ϑ) = V(ϑ + δF ) + βVR 6 V(ϑ + δF ) + < V ϑ + (1 + η)δF . 2 We therefore have B(β, ϑ) < ϑ + (1 + η)δF . (A.9) Since ϑ − ηδF > ϑc , using (2.2), (3.8), and (A.7), we also have so that VR > V(ϑ − ηδF ), V T (τ, ϑ) = V(ϑ) + τ VR > V(ϑ) − 2 ϑ − ηδF < T (τ, ϑ). (A.10) Combining (A.9) and (A.10) and using (3.8), we therefore have ∆(τ, β, ϑ) = B(β, ϑ) − T (τ, ϑ) < (1 + 2η)δF . The estimate (A.1) now yields 1 ∆(τ, β, ϑ) < K∆ (x)N − d , where 1 K∆ (x) := (1 + 2η) ρH (x) Ω d , with ρH (x) defined by (3.6). We also have 1 K∆ (x) ց K∆ (∞) := (1 + 2η) Ω d as x → ∞, ETNA Kent State University DIAMETER BOUNDS FOR EQUAL AREA PARTITIONS 13 since ρH (x) ց 1 as x → ∞, by(3.7). Proof of Lemma 3.8. Throughout this proof, we assume that N > x where x > N0 (5), with N0 defined by (3.3), so that n > 5. Using Corollary 3.4, we also assume that (τ, β, ϑ) ∈ D+ . We will show that W(τ, β, ϑ) 6 C1 (x) sin ϑ, M(τ, β, ϑ) > C2 (x) sind−1 N d−1 d , with C1 monotonic non-increasing and C2 monotonic non-decreasing. We first examine W. Using (A.9) for ϑ 6 π/2 − (1 + η)δF , we have W(τ, β, ϑ) 6 sin(ϑ + (1 + η)δF ) < sin ϑ + (1 + η)δF . For ϑ ∈ [π/2(1 + η)δF , π/2 − δF /2], we have sin ϑ + (1 + η)δF > 2 π − (1 + η)δF + (1 + η)δF > 1. π 2 Hence, W(τ, β, ϑ) < sin ϑ + (1 + η)δF . Since ϑ ∈ [ϑc , π − ϑc ] we have sin ϑ > sin ϑc and therefore δF sin ϑ. W(τ, β, ϑ) < 1 + (1 + η) sin ϑc 1 From (A.1) we have δF 6 ρH (x)Ω d N −1 d . From (5.10) we have sin ϑc > Jc (x) Ωd ω d1 N −1 d , so that W(τ, β, ϑ) 6 C1 (x) sin ϑ, with C1 (x) := 1 + (1 + η) ρH (x) ω d1 , Jc (x) d (x) with ρJHc (x) ց 1 as x → ∞, since Jc (x) ր 1 and ρH (x) ց 1 as x → ∞. Thus C1 (x) is monotonic nonincreasing as x → ∞. Now for M. From (3.8) we have M(τ, β, ϑ) > V(ϑ + δF ) − V(ϑ) − 1. VR But V(ϑ + δF ) − V(ϑ) =ω VR Z ϑ+δF sind−1 ξ dξ > ωδF sind−1 ϑ ϑ for ϑ ∈ [0, π/2 − δF /2]. Therefore, δF M(τ, β, ϑ) > ω sind−1 ϑ −1 VR d−1 1−d 1 sind−1 ϑN d > ρωΩ d − d−1 d−1 d sin ϑc N ETNA Kent State University 14 P. LEOPARDI since ϑ > ϑc . Using (3.5) and (5.10) we therefore have M(τ, β, ϑ) > C2 (x) sind−1 ϑN d−1 d , where C2 (x) := ρωΩ 1 d−1 1−d d − Jc (x)1−d ω d−1 d . Ωd If Jc (x)d−1 ρL (x)ω d d d > 1 then we have C2 (x) > 0. This is true for x sufficiently large since ωdd−1 > 1 and since both Jc (x) ր 1 and ρL (x) ր 1 as x → ∞. We also see that C2 is monotonically nondecreasing. Proof of Lemma 6.2. This proof uses a modified version of the construction given the proof of [5, Lemma 21] in [5, p. 430–431]. 1. Given d > 1, N > 2, use (2.3) to determine ϑc . Then we have V(ϑc ) = VR = Ω/N , with VR being the area we need for each region of the partition. 2. A saturated packing of packing radius ρ is a packing of spherical caps of packing radius ρ such that another cap cannot be added without moving the existing caps. Create a saturated packing of Sd by caps of spherical radius ϑc , constructed via a greedy algorithm so that each cap kisses at least one other cap. Let m be the number of caps in the packing. We see that no point of Sd is more than 2ϑc from the centre of a cap, otherwise we could have added another cap. Therefore the m centre points of the packing are also the centres of a covering of Sd by spherical caps of spherical radius 2ϑc [13, p. 1091] [14, Lemma 1, p. 2112]. 3. Now partition Sd into Voronoi cells Vi , i ∈ {1, . . . , m} based on these m centre points. The Voronoi cell Vi corresponding to centre point i consists of those points of Sd which are at least as close to the centre point i as they are to of any of the other centre points. We see that the Voronoi cells must contain the packing caps and be contained in the covering caps. Thus each Vi has area at least VR and spherical diameter at most min(π, 2ϑc ). 4. Now create a graph Γ with a node for each centre point and an edge for each pair of kissing packing caps. 5. Take any spanning tree S of Γ (also known as a maximal tree [10, Section 6.2 pp. 101–103]). The tree S has leaves, which are nodes having only one edge, and either a single centre node, or a bicentre, which is a pair of nodes joined by an edge. The centre or bicentre nodes are the nodes for which the shortest path to any leaf has the maximum number of edges [3] [4, Volume 9, p. 430] [11, Chapter 6, Section 9, p. 135]. If there is a single centre, mark it as the root node. If there is a bicentre, arbitrarily mark one of the two nodes as the root node. Now create the directed tree T from S by directing the edges from the leaves towards the root [11, Chapter 6, Section 7, p. 129]. 6. For each leaf j, of T define nj := ⌊σ(Vj )/VR ⌋, (with ⌊x⌋ denoting the least integer function of x). 7. Partition Vj into the super-region Uj with σ(Uj ) = nj VR and the remainder Wj := Vj \ Uj . S 8. For each nonleaf node k other than the root, define Xk = Vk ∪ (j,k)∈T Wj , that is, we add all the remainders of the daughters of k to Vk to obtain Xk . 9. Now define nk := ⌊σ(Xk )/VR ⌋ and partition Xk into the super-region Uk with σ(Uk ) = nk VR and the remainder Wk := Xk \ Uk . 10. Continue until only the root node is left. ETNA Kent State University DIAMETER BOUNDS FOR EQUAL AREA PARTITIONS 11. For the root node ℓ, if we define Uℓ := Vℓ ∪ σ(Uℓ ) = nℓ VR , where nℓ := N − S (k,ℓ)∈T X 15 Wk , we see that we must have ni . i6=ℓ that is, the area of the super-region corresponding to the root node must be an integer multiple of VR . Since at each step we have assembled Ui only from the Voronoi cells corresponding to kissing packing caps, each Ui is contained in a spherical cap with centre the same as the centre of the corresponding packing cap, and spherical radius min(π, 4ϑc ), and so the spherical diameter of each Ui is at most min(π, 8ϑc ). 12. Now partition each Ui into ni regions of area VR , and let F S(d, N ) be the resulting partition of Sd . Then F S(d, N ) is a partition of Sd into N regions, with each region R ∈ F S(d, N ) having area Ω/N and Euclidean diameter bounded above by π , 4ϑc . diam R 6 Υ min(π, 8ϑc ) = 2 sin min 2 R EMARK A.5. Feige and Schechtman’s proof uses a maximal packing instead of a saturated packing, but maximality is harder to achieve and the proof of Lemma 6.2 only needs a saturated packing. Acknowledgments. Thanks to Ed Saff, who posed this problem, and to Ian Sloan, Rob Womersley, Ed Saff and Doug Hardin for valuable discussions and feedback. The support of the Australian Research Council under its Centre of Excellence program is gratefully acknowledged. Parts of this work were completed while the author was variously a Ph.D. student at the University of New South Wales, an employee of the School of Physics at the University of Sydney, and a postdoctoral research fellow at the Australian National University. REFERENCES [1] Y. B ENYAMINI, Two-point symmetrization, the isoperimetric inequality on the sphere and some applications, in Texas Functional Analysis Seminar 1983–1984 (Austin, Texas), Longhorn Notes, University of Texas Press, Austin, Texas, 1984, pp. 53–76. [2] B. 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