Grain Sorghum Management Options TAWC, January 20th Brent Bean USCP Agronomist Why Sorghum Drought tolerant crop, but responds well to additional water Long planting window Rotation benefits for cotton Improved control of resistant weeds Lower input costs compared to many other crops AMS Approved Compare Input Costs Example: Seed Costs Sorghum Corn Cotton Population Cost* Population Cost* Population Cost* 30,000 $5 16,000 $54 39,000 $48 60,000 $10 24,000 $82 45,500 $56 90,000 $15 32,000 $109 52,000 $73 * Based on 2015 TAMU AgriLife D-2 Enterprise Budgets AMS Approved Minimizing Crop Inputs in a Low Commodity Price Environment Minimize seed costs Use lowest seeding rate to meet yield goal Soil sampling and testing • Including deep sampling for N Maximize irrigation efficiency • Timely application, efficient system Weed control • Compare costs of herbicides • Adjuvants – use only what is necessary and proven Insect control Scouting and timely application is critical AMS Approved Pre-Plant Decisions Hybrid Selection Seeding Rate Date to Plant Irrigation Plan Weed Control Plan Insect Control Plan AMS Approved Hybrid Selection Characteristics Sources of Information Adaptability to the region Yield, Yield, Yield Standability Days to maturity Drought tolerance Insect tolerance Seed Company Representative University Extension Good Sorghum Growers in the Area Sorghum Checkoff Webpage AMS Approved Hybrids Identified with Some SCA Tolerance Major Comp/Brands Hybrid Pioneer 83P17 Pioneer Maturity Med-Full Major Comp/Brands Hybrid Richardson Swift Maturity V. Early 83P56 Med-Full Alta AG1201 Early DeKalb 37-07 Med-Early DeKalb Sorghum Partners Sorghum Partners Sorghum Partners Richardson Pulsar Med-Early SP 7715 Med-Full Alta Alta Mycogen AG1301 AG1203 627 Med-Early Med-Early Med-Early Mycogen 1G688 Medium SP 78M30 Med-Full SP 73B12 RS260E Med-Full Med-Full Richardson Sprint W FG Med-Early Richardson Jowar I AMS Approved Full B&H Genetics BH 4100 Medium B&H Genetics BH 3400 V Early Warner Seed W-844-E Med-Full Channel Fontanelle Other Regional Brands Seeding Rate Managing water resources for maximum grain production Seeding Rate Dryland Yield Component % Contribution Seeds/Head 57 % Heads/Acre 12 % Seed Wt. 12 % Irrigated Yield Component % Contribution Seeds/Head 40 % Heads/Acre 32 % Seed Wt. 23 % Grain Wt per Head • • AMS Approved Range 0.06 to .17 lb/head Assume 0.1 lb per head, then need 30,000 heads to produce 3,000 lbs of grain Seeding Rate and Harvest Index Harvest Index is the ratio of grain produced vs total above ground plant weight. Range 0.35 to 0.55 Low Harvest Index AMS Approved Modified from High Harvest Index 6,000 lb 107 bu Seeding Rate Yield per Acre 4,000 lb 71 bu Optimum Population 16,000 – 32,000 2,000 lb 35 bu 10 20 30 Plant Population (1000/Acre) AMS Approved 40 50 Seeding Rate Seeding Rate per Acre 30,000 50,000 70,000 90,000 AMS Approved Yield Goal 3,000 - 4,500 lb 60 – 80 bu 5,000 – 7,500 lb 90 – 135 bu 8,000 - 10,000 lb 145 - 180 bu Greater than 10,000 lb or 180 bu Planting Date Planting date should be tied to soil temperature and rainfall patterns Sorghum can be planted when the soil temperature reaches 60 F and seven day forecast is for warm weather AMS Approved Water Management Sorghum requires 6 to 8 inches of water just to grow the vegetation necessary to produce any grain Yield response will increase 500 to 600 lbs of grain per inch of water after the 6 to 8 inches has been received. If 20 inches are available then a 7000 lb yield is obtainable AMS Approved Available water holding capacity of area soils Soil Description Avail. Water in 3 ft. (inches) Sherm Silty Clay Loam 6.57 Olton Clay Loam 6.12 Pullman Clay Loam 5.94 Acuff Loam 5.71 Dalhart Fine Sandy Loam 5.67 Amarillo Fine Sandy Loam 5.20 Grandfield Fine Sandy Loam 4.80 Brownfield Fine Sand 3.36 AMS Approved Increasing Soil Water at Planting Maintain as much crop residue as possible Every tillage operation cost you at least some soil moisture Control winter and early spring weeds with herbicides Consider not only a glyphosate application, but a herbicide with some residual control AMS Approved Sorghum Daily Water Use 20 Yr Avg, Bushland, TX 3 gpm/acre AMS Approved Corn, Sorghum and Cotton Maximum Water Use 20 YR AVG 1991-2010, Bushland, TX HP-PET Network 0.45 Corn 34.5 inches Sorghum -- 26.8 inches Cotton 25.6 inches Daily Water Use, Inches 0.40 0.35 0.30 0.25 0.20 3 gpm/acre Corn: May 1 – Sep 15 Sorghum: May 15 – Oct 15 Cotton: May 15 – Oct 31 0.15 0.10 0.05 0.00 2-May AMS Approved 2-Jun 2-Jul 2-Aug 2-Sep 2-Oct Yield per Inch of Irrigation Water Field Demonstrations Crop 10 Years TAMU 9 Year TAWC Yield per Acre-Inch of Irrigation Water Wheat Corn Corn Silage Grain Sorghum 504 lbs 519 lbs 1.25 Tons 552 lbs 474 lbs 526 lbs 1.2 Tons 527 lbs Sorghum Silage Cotton (lint) 1.52 Tons 47 lbs 1.8 Tons 98.2 lbs TAMU – Mid 90’s to Mid 00’s TAWC – 2005 to 2013 AMS Approved Sorghum Water Use Efficiency at Different Irrigation Levels Irrigation Amount (% of PET) 0 AMS Approved Water Use Eff. lb/ac-in Irr. Amount Eff. lb/ac-in 102 25 279 518 50 420 572 75 422 527 100 385 452 Schneider et. al. Water Front. Feb 2003 Yield, bu/Ac Sorghum and Corn Response to Water 325 300 275 250 225 200 175 150 125 100 75 50 25 0 AMS Approved Sorghum Krieg 485 lb/in Corn Krieg 600 lb/in Sorghum Schnieder 425 lb inch ~ 15 in. Irr ~ 10 in. Irr 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 Total Water (inches) Corn 600 lb/in Sorghum 485 lb/in Sorghum 425 lb/in Timely Irrigation Management Moore County, Etter - Stallwitz 25.00 Yield = 5400 lbs/Ac 21.00" Total Use (Inches) 20.00 Cumulative PET 15.00 Rainfall Irrigation 10.00 Hard Dough Flag Leaf Flowering 6.79" 5.00 3.75" 0.00 6/15/2001 AMS Approved 7/6/2001 7/27/2001 8/17/2001 9/7/2001 9/28/2001 Optimizing Sprinkler Irrigation Water Always apply a minimum of 0.75 inches of irrigation water at a time 1.0 to 1.5 is better Minimizes evaporation loss, this adds up over the season • 6 applications x 0.2 inches = 1.2 inches or 660 lbs (12 bu). AMS Approved Grain Sorghum in a Cropping System Use in Rotation Improved yields with cotton and soybeans planted the following year Provides residue for improved soil erosion control and precipitation retention and storage Breaks up insect and disease cycles Improved control of resistant weeds Use in optimizing irrigation capacity Utilize planting dates of different crops to apply irrigation during key growth stages • Cotton/Sorghum • Corn/Sorghum AMS Approved AMS Approved 40 inch Single Row Spacing vs Double 12 inch Spacing Yield, lb/Ac 7000 6000 15% Yield Increase 40 inch Double 12 inch 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 0 30 DAP 45 DAP 72 DAP Irrigation applied 30, 45 and 72 days after planting AMS Approved Musick, USDA Summary AMS Approved Consider crop input costs Pre crop and in-season weed control Use minimum seeding rate for yield goal Optimize irrigation water by Maintaining crop residue Less frequent but higher water application rate Time water application to key growth stages and soil water storage Timely SCA scouting and insecticide application Brent Bean USCP Agronomist Ph: 806-674-0006 Email: Website: