THE AINSA BASIN: - A FIELD TRIP Tom Erik Maast and Lars-Christian Røsberg Universitetet i Oslo, Institutt for geofag. Desember 2006 ABSTRACT The Ainsa Basin is a piggy-back basin part of the south Pyrenean Gavarine thrust sheet, and was separated from the adjacent Jaca and Tremp-Graus Basins during Eocene. The separation of the three basins was due to the development of the Mediano and Boltaña Anticlines in response to thrusting. During this deformation sediments from the Pyreneans were transported to and deposited in the Ainsa Basin and its predescendant basin. The Ainsa Basin is therefore filled in by a shallowing upwards sequence: • • • The San Vincente formation deposited in submarine channels of the continental slope. The Sorbrarbre Delta. Prograding on the continental shelf. The Escanilla Formation. A fluvial depositional system. INTRODUCTION considered to be an analogue to the 7.-14. October 2006 the University of Oslo Sorbrarbre Delta in the Ainsa Basin. arranged a field course to the Pyreneans. Sedimentological The purpose of the field course was to processes will be emphasized. environments and study tectonic processes, basin infill dynamics and structural framework of the These formations will be discussed, but in Ainsa Basin, with particular emphasis on order to get an overview of the tectonic the Ainsa Basin as an analogue to potential setting at the time of deposition, the oil prospects in similar basins. evolution of the Ainsa Basin from Palaeocene to Oligocene, will be described The work done in the Ainsa Basin covers the San Vincent and Escanilla formations. The Rhoda delta in the adjacent TrempGraus Basin is also discussed and briefly. THE AINSA BASIN Figur 1. Map overview. 1. Locality: San Vincent, Ainsa 1 turbudites 2. Locality: Sorbrarbe Delta 3. Locality: Escanilla Formation 4. Locality: Rhoda Delta REGIONAL GEOLOGY - EVOLUTION PALAEOCENE TO EARLY EOCENE OF THE AINSA BASIN In Palaeocene to early Eocene, before the The Ainsa Basin represents a piggy-back basin and is part of the south Pyrenean Gavarine thrust sheet (Kjemperud, 2004). It is bounded by the Mediano Anticline to the east and the Boltaña Anticline to the west. The Mediano Anticline separates the Ainsa Basin from the Tremp-Graus Basin in the east, and the Boltaña Anticline separates the Ainsa Basin from the Jaca Basin to the west (figure 2). thrusting had generated the Boltaña and Mediano Anticline, the three basins were connected. The Ainsa Basin then functioned as a transfer basin. At this time coastal and delta depositional systems were prograding in the Tremp-Graus basin towards the WNW. These depositional systems with high sedimentation rates sourced turbidites which largely bypassed the Ainsa Basin and were deposited as large turbidite fans in the western Jaca 2 THE AINSA BASIN Figure 2. Regional overview. Figure from Kjemperud, 2004. Basin. The Ainsa Basin was at this time a develop and separated the Jaca, Ainsa and delta slope depositional environment with Tremp-Graus turbidite channels (San Vincent formation) blocked (Zühlke, 2005). transport. MIDDLE TO LATE EOCENE LATE EOCENE TO OLIGOCENE During the middle to late Eocene the In late Eocene to Oligocene deposition of Mediano and Boltaña Anticlines began to the Sorbrarbre formation and the Escanilla the basins. The anticlines ESE-WNW sediment Figure 3. Profile of the Ainsa Basin. Figure from Kjemperud, 2004. 3 THE AINSA BASIN Formation dominated. The Sorbrarbre Formation is a delta to alluvial depositional system, sourced from the S to SE (Zühlke, 2005) and as mentioned is compared closely to the Rhoda Formation. The fluvial Escanilla Formation is separated from the Sorbrarbre Formation by an erosional unconformity (Zühlke, 2005). SAN VINCENTE FORMATION – THE AINSA TURBIDITES Figure 4. Sketch. Ainsa Quarry. 4 Log 1. Ainsa Quarry THE AINSA BASIN The turbidite channels of the San Vincent The conglomerate beneath this erosional Formation were sourced from prograding surface clearly has a different genetical deltas in the Tremp-Graus Basin in origin then the turbidites, so this surface Palaeocene to early Eocene at the time probably represents the base of the Ainsa 1 when the Ainsa Basin functioned as a turbidite channel. transfer basin. The turbidite channel consists of sandstone The destination of study, the Ainsa Quarry, beds ranging from only a few tens of cm, is shown on fig.1 and represents the Ainsa or even less, in thickness up to about one 1 turbidite channel. The outcrop was or a few meters. These sandstone beds are studied as a whole to see the lateral trends most likely independent turbidites. This of the channel. A vertical section was also interpretation is further strengthened by the logged. lateral extent of the sandstone beds. They clearly show thinning or thickening laterally, and in some cases a single turbidite could be followed until it “died out”. The turbidites were both stacked on top of each other as amalgamated beds, and sometimes separated by a layer of mud. These mud layers are most likely either pelagic sediments or the fine grained tail of the turbidite (Bouma D/E). Among the sandstone and mud layers were also beds of conglomerate. These were quite chaotic and hard to trace laterally. A possible interpretation of these deposits would be cohesive debris flows or slumps Figur 5. Picture. Ainsa 1 turbudites. Logged section in the background. (The Picture is identical to the sketch in figure 4.) with clasts well rounded from fluvial systems of the prograding delta in a mud matrix. This should indicate that the LOG AND GENERAL OBSERVATIONS turbidite channel is quite close to the delta As base datum for the log an erosional slope. surface with clear solemarks such as groove casts and flute casts was chosen. 5 THE AINSA BASIN If we zoom out and look at the Ainsa A Quarry as a whole, it can be recognized especially in the mud layers. Here epi that the beds are dipping slightly towards relief structures seemed to be especially the north (Nystuen, pers. com.). This common. Also the sandy deposits of the indicates that the turbidites here might be turbidites contained some traces. These part of huge point bars, which indicates were typically vertical semi relief and that turbidite might be escape structures (or attempted channel probably was meandering at this escape structures) from benthic organisms point. buried by the turbidites. BIOTURBATION AND STRUCTURES INTERPRETATION/SUMMARY the submarine Ainsa1 number of traces where present Observations and work done on the Ainsa Quarry indicate a submarine meandering channel in close proximity to the delta which sourced the turbidites. The channel consists mainly of turbidites and debris flow deposits. Figure 6.Flute casts at the base of Ainsa 1 turbudite channel Groove casts at the base of the turbidite lying immediately above the erosional surface indicate the palaeoflow direction. The direction was measured to be approximately 310 degrees, but a lot more measurements should be done for more reliable results. Despite of this the palaeoflow direction measured fits well into the model of the turbidites being sourced from a delta prograding towards the WNW. 6 THE AINSA BASIN THE RHODA FORMATION –THE PROGRADING RHODA DELTA Figure 7. Overview of Rhoda Delta and Sis Palaeo valley. We have considered the Sorbrarbre Formation of the Ainsa Basin to be genetically similar to the Rhoda Delta. Both the Sorbrarbre and the Rhoda localities are seen on the map (figure 1). LOGG AND GENERAL OBSERVATIONS The Rhoda Delta in the Tremp-Graus Basin represents a shallow marine environment with the prograding Rhoda Delta sourced from the Sis Palaeovalley. The lower parts of the log show mudstone very rich in fossils indicating a low energy environment favouring an abundant and diverse fauna. Above this a sandstone bed a few meters thick, showing crossbedding appears. This might be interpreted as a muddrapes. Approaching the top of the log sandstone beds dominate. The sandstones at the top of the log represent the delta Log 2. Rhoda tidal channel with tidal bundles and front. The Rhoda Formation therefore is coarsening and shallowing upwards due to the prograding Rhoda Delta. In terms of 7 THE AINSA BASIN delta terminology, the lower, muddy parts ESCANILLA of the log represent the prodelta/shelf, FLOODPLAIN DEPOSITS FORMATION –FLUVIAL while the upper sandier parts of the log represents the delta front. No delta plain deposits were observed at the logging locality, but fossils indicating very shallow Two whole days were spent studying the Escanilla formation at a locality close to Olson (se figure 1). water is abundant at the top. LOG AND GENERAL OBSERVATIONS INTERPRETATION/SUMMARY The presence of tidal channels and mud drapes tells us that the Rhoda Delta was influenced at least by tidal processes and might be a tide-dominated delta. The presence of the prodelta mud, rich in organisms, the tidal influence and the total thickness of the formation leads to the conclusion that this was probably a shelf delta (shallow water delta). The Escanilla Formation situated in the middle part of the Ainsa Basin was logged in a scale 1:100. A massive sandstone body was chosen as our datum level, and approximate 51 meters in height was logged above the datum. The whole formation is around 800 meters (pers. com. Jens Jahren) in thickness, and consists largely of sandstone alternating layers, mudstone lying and relatively horizontal, with both light and dark redFigure 7. Escanillia Formation, Olson in the background. Dotted line shows the logged section. Photo from Nystuen. 8 THE AINSA BASIN brownish colour, indicating a subaerial environment (oxidation). Some small parts of the log that are marked as mudstone was covered by recent deposited mudstone erosive, and some small uncertainties should be taken into consideration. From the log we can distinguish three main depositional units: Unit 1: Mudstone often several meters up to ten or even more. Unit 2: Fine sand to silty deposits. These deposits were thin, typically around one meter. Unit 3: Medium to coarse sand and gravel deposits. These units were the ones that where studied in most detail. They ranged in thickness from approximately 2-4 meters in the logging area. DISCUSSION OF THE DEPOSITIONAL UNITS LOGGED IN THE ESCANILLA FORMATION Unit 1: This unit was not emphasized due to our strict schedule and because it is hence not as well preserved. The reddish colour is due to oxidation and traces of roots might have been observed, in other words this is likely a palaeosol. It should Log 3. Escanilla more easily eroded and weathered and be pointed out that the sand-shale ratio is 9 THE AINSA BASIN quite low (<1) in the logged section. The mixed load (meandering) river. The water connectivity of the sandstone bodies may depth is likely to have been close to 3 therefore be poor and the reservoir meters. qualities of the logged section is not great. Unit 2: This unit was often partially covered by erosive material from unit 1 and not easy to study. More work on these units could tell about lateral continuity, grading etc. Some of the units showed a tendency towards reverse grading. Unit 3: These deposits are channel infills. Figure 8. Type 1 channel deposits with ”mud blocks” and cross bedding. Some features in common for all the channels were: erosive base with paleoflow Type 2: Represented by the channel at indicators, thickness of about 2-4 meters 16,5 – 19 meters on the log. Here several and they were all laterally extensive normal graded units are found within a (probably hundreds of meters). We have single channel with a gravel lag at its base. decided to divide this unit into three types This is interpreted as bars deposited in a that might classify the channels according sandy bedload dominated river (braided). to type of load (bed- or suspended load) This type of channel has a higher width to depth ratio than type 1. The water depth in Type 1: Represented by channel deposits this channel was probably around one at 10-13 meters and 30-32,5 meters on the meter. log. Type one is a single, normal graded channel with a gravel lag at its base. “Mud Type 3: Represented by the coarse grained blocks” that are likely to have been eroded deposits at the top of the log. These from the thalweg banks of a meandering conglomerates were likely to have been river were found several places. These deposited in a gravel dominated bedload were rounded from the flow of the river river (braided). It would have been and probably represent the deepest point of interesting to study the deposits above to the palaeo channel. Cross-bedding was see if the change from mixed load/sandy common in this unit which has been bedload rivers to gravel bedload rivers interpreted as a migrating point bars in a continues above the log. Unfortunately 10 THE AINSA BASIN further studies where impossible because filled in by a shallowing upwards sequence of the topography and schedule, but this of sediments, ranging from: change should reflect maybe tectonic uplift or maybe even a change in base level. The turbidite channels of the San Poblet et al. (1998) suggested that the Vincente Formation. Representing Mediano Anticline was still active during the shelf slope to deep marine the deposition of the Escanilla Formation. environment. This could also be taken into consideration. The Sorbrarbre Delta or its INTERPRETATION/SUMMARY analogue which we studied in more A section consisting of floodplain deposits detail, (unit 1), crevasse splay deposits (unit 2) prograding the Rhoda shelf Delta. A delta. and fluvial channel deposits (unit 3) have been studied. The lower most 43 meters of The fluvial Escanilla Formation the log is probably dominated by mixed which in a way represents the final load to sandy bedload rivers (meandering infill of the Ainsa Basin. and braided morphology). in terms Above of the channel erosional During the deposition of these formations unconformity at 44 meters it seems to be thrusting has been active and separated the an abrupt increase in grain size to a fluvial Jaca, Ainsa and Tremp-Graus basins which system dominated by gravel dominated were initially one basin. We have seen bedload rivers. evidence of this synsedimentary deformation as the Mediano and Boltaña Anticlines. SUMMARY From the fieldtrip we have gained knowledge about the formation and infill mechanisms of thrust generated basins. Perhaps the most rewarding events have been studying the sedimentological successions of the Ainsa Basin and interpreting our observations. Through the localities we have been working on we have seen how the Ainsa Basin has been 11 THE AINSA BASIN REFERENCES Zühlke, R.(2005): Southern Pyrenees available at: Virtual Fieldtrip Foreland Basin, http://www.uni- /zuehlke/virttrip/pyr/stop14/ (Accessed: 12.11.06) Kjemperud, Brendsdal, A., A., Schomacker, Fält, L., E., Jahren, J., Nystuen, J.P. and Puigdefàbregas, C. (2004): The Fluvial Analogue Escanilla Formation, Ainsa Basin, Spanish Pyrenees: Revisited*, available at: ents/2004/kjemperud/index.htm (Accessed: 12.11.06) Poblet, J., Muñoz, J. A., Travé, A., and Serra-Kiel, J., 1998, Quantifying the kinematics of detachment folds using three-dimensional geometry: Application to the Mediano Anticline (Pyrenees, Spain): GSA Bulletin v. 110, no. 1, p. 111125. 12