ETNA Electronic Transactions on Numerical Analysis. Volume 31, pp. 30-39, 2008. Copyright 2008, Kent State University. ISSN 1068-9613. Kent State University STABILITY RESULTS FOR SCATTERED DATA INTERPOLATION ON THE ROTATION GROUP∗ MANUEL GRÄF† AND STEFAN KUNIS† Abstract. Fourier analysis on the rotation group SO(3) expands each function into the orthogonal basis of Wigner-D functions. Recently, fast and reliable algorithms for the evaluation of finite expansion of such type, referred to as nonequispaced FFT on SO(3), have become available. Here, we consider the minimal norm interpolation of given data by Wigner-D functions. We prove bounds on the conditioning of this problem which rely solely on the number of Fourier coefficients and the separation distance of the sampling nodes. The reconstruction of N 3 Fourier coefficients from M well separated samples is shown to take only O(N 3 log2 N + M ) floating point operations. Key words. Scattered data interpolation, iterative methods, FFT. AMS subject classifications. 65T50, 65F10, 43A75, 41A05, 15A60. 1. Introduction. Scattered data interpolation and approximation on various domains is a practical problem with many important applications in science and engineering. In our particular setting, we are interested in functions defined on the rotation group SO(3); cf. [24, 26]. Recent applications include protein-protein docking problems [3] and texture analysis in crystallography [25]. Given a set of measurements (Gj , yj ) ∈ SO(3) × C, j = 0, . . . , M − 1, discrete least squares approximation by Wigner-D functions (similar to the complex exponentials on the circle) relies on two ingredients: a fast Fourier transform on the rotation group (see [9, 19]) and estimates on the involved condition numbers by means of MarcinkiewiczZygmund inequalities [6, 8, 13, 23]. On the other hand, interpolation by radial basis functions on Rd has become a mature tool during the last decade; see e.g. [27] and references therein. Recent generalizations to other domains include manifolds like the Euclidean spheres [10, 12, 17] or compact groups like SO(3) [4, 5, 7]. Central themes in the study of such methods are their convergence rates and the conditioning of proposed solution schemes; see [21, 22] for a trade-off principle. We are interested in the condition numbers of interpolation matrices and follow the seminal papers [1, 18] to prove explicit bounds for the extremal eigenvalues of the interpolation problem with respect to the separation distance of the sampling nodes. More specifically, the simple constraint that the polynomial degree is bounded from below by a constant multiple of the inverse separation distance turns out to be a sharp condition that allows for polynomial interpolation; cf. Theorem 3.4. Our result implies that N 3 Fourier coefficients can be computed from M well separated samples in O(N 3 log2 N + M ) floating point operations; see Corollary 3.5. Moreover, Corollary 3.7 generalizes and improves a recent result [17, Theorems 2.8, 3.6] on the deterioration of the smallest eigenvalue for interpolation with minimal Sobolev norm. The proof of our main result relies on a refined version of the packing argument [5, Lemma 5.1], the construction of strongly localized polynomials on the rotation group by using a smoothness-decay principle in Fourier analysis [11, 14, 16], and a simple eigenvalue estimate by the Gershgorin circle theorem. 2. Prerequisite. Let SO(3) := {G ∈ R3×3 : GT G = I, det G = 1} denote the (compact semisimple Lie) group of rotations in the Euclidean space R3 ; cf. [24, 26]. The parameterization of SO(3) in terms of Euler angles (φ1 , θ, φ2 ) ∈ [0, 2π) × [0, π] × [0, 2π) ∗ Received November 30, 2007. Accepted July 3, 2008. Published online on October 24, 2008. Recommended by Oliver Ernst. † Chemnitz University of Technology, Department of Mathematics, 09107 Chemnitz, Germany ({m.graef,kunis} 30 ETNA Kent State University 31 STABILITY RESULTS FOR SCATTERED DATA INTERPOLATION ON THE ROTATION GROUP allows the following representation of rotations G = G(φ1 , θ, φ2 ) = Rz (φ1 )Ry (θ)Rz (φ2 ), where cos(t) Rz (t) = sin(t) 0 cos(t) Ry (t) = 0 sin(t) 0 0 , 1 − sin(t) cos(t) 0 0 − sin(t) 1 0 . 0 cos(t) Moreover, SO(3) can be identified with the three dimensional projective space such that SO(3) ∋ G 7→ ωx with rotation axis x ∈ R3 , i.e., Gx = x, kxk = 1, and rotation angle ω ∈ [0, π] given by ω = ω(G) := arccos trace(G) − 1 . 2 In particular, this yields the translation invariant metric d(G, H) := ω(H −1 G). Now, let a sampling set X := {Gj ∈ SO(3) : j = 0, . . . , M − 1}, M ∈ N, be given and measure its “nonuniformity” by the separation distance qX := min d(Gj , Gl ). 0≤j<l<M The sampling set X is called q-separated for some 0 < q ≤ π if qX ≥ q. Moreover, we decompose the sampling set X ⊂ SO(3) into shells RX ,q,m := {G ∈ X : mq ≤ d(G, I) < (m + 1)q} , m ∈ N. (2.1) For measurable functions f : SO(3) → C, the normalized Haar integral is given by Z f (G) dµ(G) = SO(3) 1 8π 2 Z 0 2π Z 0 π Z 2π f (φ1 , θ, φ2 ) sin(θ) dφ2 dθ dφ1 . 0 A function only depending on the rotation angle ω = ω(G) is called conjugate invariant (or central) and the above integral simplifies to Z Z ω 2 π f (G) dµ(G) = f (ω) sin2 dω. π 0 2 SO(3) ′ In analogy to the complex exponentials eikx on the circle, the Wigner-D functions Dlk,k of degree l ∈ N0 and orders k, k ′ = −l, . . . , l are the key to Fourier analysis on the rotation group. First, let the space of square integrable functions on the unit sphere f : S2 → C be decomposed into the mutual orthogonal spaces of spherical harmonics of degree l ∈ N0 and let {Ylk : S2 → C : k = −l, . . . , l} denote an orthonormal basis for each of them; see [15] for details. Then, the Wigner-D functions are defined pointwise by Z Z ′ ′ dµS2 (ξ) = 4π. Dlk,k (G) := Ylk G−1 ξ Ylk (ξ) dµS2 (ξ) and S2 S2 ETNA Kent State University 32 M. GRÄF AND S. KUNIS ′ They form an orthogonal basis of L2 (SO(3)), are normalized by kDlk,k k2L2 = 1/(2l + 1), and every f ∈ L2 (SO(3)) obeys the series expansion f= X l X ′ fˆlk,k Dlk,k ′ l∈N0 k,k′ =−l with Fourier-Wigner coefficients ′ fˆlk,k = (2l + 1) Z ′ SO(3) f (G) Dlk,k (G) dµ(G). For later reference we define a family of Sobolev spaces Hs2 ⊂ L2 (SO(3)), s > inner product and norm hf, giHs2 := X l X 2s−1 (1 + l) ′ ′ fˆlk,k ĝlk,k , kf kHs2 = l∈N0 k,k′ =−l q 3 2, with hf, f iHs2 . One of the more remarkable properties of the Wigner-D functions is the addition theorem l X ′ Dlk,k ′ (G) Dlk,k (H) = U2l k,k′ =−l d (G, H) cos 2 , (2.2) where Ul (cos ω) = sin((l + 1)ω)/ sin(ω) denotes the l-th Chebyshev polynomial of the second kind. For a sampling set X = {Gj ∈ SO(3) : j = 0, . . . , M − 1}, we call ′ ∈ CM ×dN D = Dlk,k (Gj ) ′ j=0,...,M,(l,k,k )∈JN the nonequispaced Fourier matrix on the rotation group, where 1 (2N + 1)(2N + 2)(2N + 3), 6 := {(l, k, k ′ ) : l = 0, . . . , N ; k, k ′ = −l, . . . , l}. dN = JN Given a vector of Fourier coefficients fˆ ∈ CdN we call X ′ ′ fˆlk,k Dlk,k (G) f (G) = (l,k,k′ )∈JN the corresponding polynomial on the rotation group and denote by PN (SO(3)) the linear space of all such polynomials. Its evaluation at the sampling nodes X ⊂ SO(3) can be written in matrix vector form by f = (f (Gj ))j=0,...,M −1 = D fˆ. In what follows, we study the underdetermined interpolation of scattered data on SO(3) by polynomials. Let M < dN , a sampling set X = {Gj ∈ SO(3) : j = 0, . . . , M − 1}, values yj ∈ C for j = 0, . . . , M − 1, and weights ŵl > 0 for l = 0, . . . , N be given. Then, the minimal norm interpolation problem is given by ˆk,k′ 2 fl X min s.t. f (Gj ) = yj , j = 0 . . . M − 1. (2.3) ŵl fˆ ′ (l,k,k )∈JN ETNA Kent State University STABILITY RESULTS FOR SCATTERED DATA INTERPOLATION ON THE ROTATION GROUP 33 3. Results. We begin with the following lemmas. L EMMA 3.1. Every q-separated sampling set X ⊂ SO(3) has cardinality M≤ 109π . 2q 3 Moreover, there exists a q-separated sampling set of cardinality M ≥ 6π/q 3 . Given a qseparated sampling set, its decomposition into shells RX ,q,m (cf. (2.1)) allows for the cardinality estimate |RX ,q,m | ≤ 48m2 + 48m + 28. Proof. Let Br (H) := {G ∈ SO(3) : d(G, H) ≤ r} denote the ball of radius r ∈ (0, π] around H ∈ SO(3) with given measure Z Z 2 r 2 t dt. (3.1) sin µ (Br (H)) = dµ (G) = π 0 2 Br (I) q3 From [5, Lemma 5.1], we know that µ Bq/2 (I) ≥ π2 109 for 0 < q ≤ π. Since the sampling set is q-separated, we can consider all balls of radius q/2 with centers at the sampling nodes Gj to obtain the upper bound of the cardinality M≤ µ (SO(3)) 109π ≤ . 2q 3 µ Bq/2 (I) Regarding the second claim, we presume the contrary, i.e., let a q-separated sampling set X with M < 6π/q 3 nodes be given. Around each node, we place a ball of radius q and obtain M −1 M −1 X [ q3 µ (Bq (Gj )) ≥ 1 − M Bq (Gj ) ≥ µ (SO(3)) − µ SO(3)\ > 0, 6π j=0 j=0 where the estimate µ(Bq (Gj )) ≤ q 3 /(6π) is due to sin(t/2) ≤ t/2 in (3.1). Hence, the set SM −1 SO(3)\ j=0 Bq (Gj ) is not empty and there exists a point G ∈ SO(3) such that X ∪ {G} remains q-separated. For the last assertion, we start by the estimate Z 1 n2 + 1 n2 − 1 n2 − 1 n2 + 1 ′ Tn (t) − dt ≤ 0, x− − Tn (x) = − 2 2x 2 2t2 x where x ∈ (0, 1], n ∈ N and Tn (t) = cos(n arccos t) denotes the Chebyshev polynomials of ′ 2 the first kind, √ which derives from the upper bound max0≤t≤1 |Tn (t)| ≤ n . Multiplying both sides by x 1 − x2 , substituting x = cos r, and adding r on both sides, we get the equivalent formulation sin3 (r) r + (3n2 + 4) sin(r) − cos(nr) cos(r) sin(r) ≤ r + (3n2 + 3) sin(r) + 6 π for r ∈ 0, 2 . Truncating the power series of the arcsine, we obtain the bound sin(r) + sin3 (r)/6 ≤ arcsin(sin(r)) = r. Bringing (3n2 +4) sin(r) to the right, dividing by r−sin(r), and setting r = q/2 and n = 2m + 1 results in the assertion from the packing argument by q µ Bq(m+ 23 ) (I) \ Bq(m− 21 ) (I) − cos (2m + 1) 2q cos 2q sin 2q . |RX ,q,m | ≤ =42 q q µ B q (I) 2 − sin 2 2 Equality in the above estimates holds for q → 0. ETNA Kent State University 34 M. GRÄF AND S. KUNIS L EMMA 3.2. The optimal interpolation problem (2.3) is equivalent to the normal equations of the second kind fˆ = Ŵ D ⊢⊣ f˜, D Ŵ D ⊢⊣ f˜ = y, (3.2) ⊢ ⊣ where D denotes the conjugate transpose of D and the weighting matrix is given by Ŵ := diag(w̃) ∈ RdN ×dN for the vector ′ w̃ = (w̃lk,k )(l,k,k′ )∈JN ′ with w̃lk,k = ŵl , l = 0, . . . , N , |k|, |k ′ | ≤ l. Moreover, let the trigonometric polynomial KN : [−π, π] → R and its corresponding interpolation matrix K = (ki,j )i,j=0,...,M −1 be given by KN (t) := N X ŵl U2l (cos(t/2)), ki,j := KN (d(Gi , Gj )). (3.3) l=0 Then, we have the identity K = D Ŵ D ⊢⊣ . Proof. In matrix-vector form the optimization problem (2.3) reads as ⊢ ⊣ −1 min fˆ Ŵ fˆ s.t. D fˆ = y. fˆ∈CdN So the first assertion is due to [2, Theorem 1.1.2] for the matrix D Ŵ tion follows from the addition theorem (2.2), i.e., (D Ŵ D ⊢⊣ )i,j = N X ŵl = l=0 ′ . The second asser- ′ Dlk,k (Gi ) Dlk,k (Gj ) k,k′ =−l l=0 N X l X 1/2 d (Gi , Gj ) . ŵl U2l cos 2 Let the normalized B-spline of order β ∈ N be defined by 1 1 β gβ : − , → R, gβ (z) := βNβ βz + , 2 2 2 with the cardinal B-spline given by Z z Nβ (τ ) dτ, Nβ+1 (z) = z−1 Moreover, for N ∈ N let kgβ k1,N := ( 1 N1 (z) = 0 β ∈ N, N X l=−N gβ kgβ kL1 = 1, l 2(N + 1) 0 < z < 1, otherwise. denote a discrete norm of gβ . PN L EMMA 3.3. Let N, β ∈ N, N ≥ β − 1 ≥ 1, and Bβ,N (t) = l=0 ŵl U2l (cos(t/2)) with l l+1 − gβ 0 ≤ l < N, gβ 2(N + 1) 2(N + 1) 1 (3.4) 0 < ŵl := kgβ k1,N N l = N, gβ 2(N + 1) ETNA Kent State University 35 STABILITY RESULTS FOR SCATTERED DATA INTERPOLATION ON THE ROTATION GROUP be given and let ζ(β) := property P∞ l=1 l−β denote the Riemann zeta function. Then the localization |Bβ,N (t)| ≤ cβ |(N + 1)t| −β 2β − 1 ζ (β) β β cβ := β−1 , 2 − ζ (β) π −β , (3.5) holds true for t ∈ (0, π], with normalization Bβ,N (0) = 1. Proof. We first note that the Chebyshev polynomials of the first kind are related to the Pl Chebyshev polynomials of the second kind by Tl = 21 (Ul −Ul−2 ), U2l = k=0 (2−δ0,k )T2k . In conjunction with (3.4), we obtain N X l=0 ŵl U2l = N X (2 − δ0,k )T2k k=0 N X ŵl = N X k=0 l=k (2 − δ0,k ) 1 gβ kgβ k1,N k 2(N + 1) T2k . Applying the simple equality T2l (cos(t/2)) = cos(2lt/2) = Tl (cos(t)), we arrive at Bβ,N (t) = N X l=0 1 (2 − δ0,l ) gβ kgβ k1,N l 2(N + 1) Tl (cos(t)) from which the assertion follows by [8, Lemma 7]. We obtain the following result on the conditioning of the interpolation problem (2.3). T HEOREM 3.4. Let q > 0 and X ⊂ SO(3) be a q-separated sampling set of cardinality M ∈ N. Moreover, let N, β ∈ N, N ≥ β − 1 ≥ 3 be given and define the weights ŵk by (3.4) and the kernel matrix K ∈ RM ×M by (3.3). Then, the eigenvalues λ0 ≤ · · · ≤ λM −1 of K satisfy λ0 ≤ 1 ≤ λM −1 and |λj − 1| ≤ cβ (48ζ(β − 2) + 48ζ(β − 1) + 28ζ(β)) ((N + 1)q) −β (3.6) for j = 0, . . . , M − 1, where cβ is given in (3.5). In particular, the matrix D ∈ CM ×dN has full rank M whenever N + 1 ≥ 18/q and this condition is optimal in the sense that there is another q-separated sampling set X ′ ⊂ SO(3) of cardinality M and a constant C1 > 0 such that for N + 1 ≤ C1 /q the matrix D ′ has rank less than M . PM −1 Proof. The first assertion follows from j=0 λj = M Bβ,N (0) = M . Moreover, the Gershgorin circle theorem yields, for every 0 ≤ r ≤ M − 1 and some 0 ≤ l ≤ M − 1, that |λr − kl,l | ≤ M −1 X j=0 j6=l |Bβ,N (d(Gj , Gl ))| . Using the last assertion of Lemma 3.1 and the localization property as shown in Lemma 3.3, the assertion follows from the estimate ⌊πq −1 ⌋ |λr − 1| ≤ ≤ X m=1 ∞ X |RX ,q,m | max G∈RX ,q,m |Bβ,N (d(I, G))| cβ (48m2 + 48m + 28) ((N + 1)mq) −β . m=1 The last claim derives from c4 = 3840π 4 /719, i.e., we set β = 4. The optimality of this condition can be seen by applying Lemma 3.1 and using the fact that the number of Fourier ETNA Kent State University 36 M. GRÄF AND S. KUNIS coefficients is bounded by dN ≤ C2 N 3 . Hence, there is a constant C1 > 0 such that N + 1 ≤ C1 /q implies dN < M , and thus rank(D ′ ) < M . C OROLLARY 3.5. Under the conditions of Theorem 3.4 with β = 4, the conjugate gradient method applied to (3.2) converges linearly, i.e., kêl kŴ −1 ≤ 2 17.2 (N + 1)q 4l kê0 kŴ −1 , where the initial error is ê0 := Ŵ D ⊢⊣ K −1 y and the error associated to the l-th iterate fˆl is given by êl := fˆl − Ŵ D ⊢⊣ K −1 y. Proof. Applying the standard estimate for the convergence of the conjugate gradient method (cf. [2, p. 289]) and the estimate (3.6) yields the assertion. R EMARK 3.6. We solve problem (3.2) by a factorized variant of conjugated gradients (CGNE, where N stands for “Normal equation” and E for “Error minimization”) [2, p. 269], where we use the nonequispaced fast Fourier transform on the rotation group [19] for fast matrix vector multiplications with D and its adjoint D ⊢⊣ . Note that for (N + 1)q ≥ 18 a constant number of iterations l = O(log ε) suffices to decrease the error to a certain fraction kêl kŴ −1 /kê0 kŴ −1 ≤ ε. Thus, the total number of floating point operations is O((N 3 log2 N + M ) log ε). In the following we give an estimate of the smallest eigenvalue for an interpolation problem with minimal Sobolev norm. Our result generalizes [17, Theorems 2.8, 3.6] to the rotation group and improves the involved constant. Similar techniques have been used in [4, Theorem 5.1]. C OROLLARY 3.7. Let q > 0 and X ⊂ SO(3) be a q-separated sampling set of cardinality M ∈ N. Moreover, let s > 32 be given and consider the interpolation problem min kf kHs2 f ∈Hs2 s.t. f (Gj ) = yj , j = 0 . . . M − 1. (3.7) This problem is (only) mildly ill-posed in the sense that the smallest eigenvalue λ0 (M ) of the corresponding interpolation matrix M = (mi,j )i,j=0,...,M −1 , mi,j = ∞ X l=0 d (Gi , Gj ) , (1 + l)1−2s U2l cos 2 (3.8) satisfies λ0 (M ) ≥ 1 30 2s−2 q 2s−3 . Proof. We start with the polynomial interpolation matrix K from Theorem 3.4, with N = ⌊30/q⌋−1 ≥ 8 and β = 4. Due to q ≤ π, the estimate (3.6) yields a smallest eigenvalue λ0 (K) ≥ 2/3. For the corresponding weights ŵl , l = 0, . . . , N , according to (3.4) we have the formula 3l2 + 3l + 1 2l + 1 − for 0 ≤ l ≤ N2+1 − 1, 2 3 (N + 1) (N + 1) 16 1 1 + 2l 3l2 + 3l + 1 ŵl = − + for N2+1 ≤ l ≤ N, 2 3 N + 1 (N + 1) kg4 k1,N 3(N + 1) 1 1 for N even and l = ⌊ N2+1 ⌋. − 4(N + 1) 12(N + 1)3 ETNA Kent State University STABILITY RESULTS FOR SCATTERED DATA INTERPOLATION ON THE ROTATION GROUP 37 Due to the estimate kg4 k1,N ≥ 1.9(N + 1) (cf. [11, Lemma 3.2]) the weights satisfy ŵl ≤ 10 2l + 1 , (N + 1)3 l = 0, . . . , N. (3.9) Now, let c ∈ CM be given. The assertion follows from the addition theorem (2.2) by M −1 M −1 ∞ X X X d (Gi , Gj ) 1−2s ci cj mi,j = ci cj (1 + l) U2l cos (3.10) 2 i,j=0 i,j=0 l=0 M −1 2 ∞ l X X X k,k′ 1−2s (1 + l) = ci Dl (Gi ) . ′ l=0 k,k =−l i=0 We decrease the right hand side by truncating to N terms and insert our “nice” weights ŵl : 2 M −1 N l X X X k,k′ 1−2s −1 ⊢ ⊣ ci Dl (Gi ) (1 + l) ŵl ŵl c Mc ≥ l=0 k,k′ =−l i=0 2 N −1 l M X X X k,k′ 1−2s −1 ≥ min (1 + r) ŵr ŵl ci Dl (Gi ) r=0,...,N ′ l=0 k,k =−l i=0 2 −1 N l M X 1 (N + 1)3 X X k,k′ (G ) c D ≥ min ŵ i i l l r=0,...,N 20 (r + 1)2s ′ l=0 ≥ k,k =−l i=0 M −1 X 1 (N + 1)3−2s ci cj ki,j . 20 i,j=0 (3.11) Finally, we use the fact that the minimal value in (3.10) is λ0 (M )kck22 and the last expression in (3.11) can be bounded from below by 1/20 · (q/30)2s−3 · λ0 (K)kck22 . R EMARK 3.8. For the actual solution of the interpolation problem (3.7), we use a socalled fast summation scheme [20] for multiplication with M ∈ CM ×M . Given ε > 0, we approximate M ≈ M̃ by truncating the series in (3.8) to a polynomial degree N ∈ N such that the remainder fulfills Z ∞ ∞ X d (Gi , Gj ) (1 + l)2−2s dl ≤ ε. ≤ 2 (1 + l)1−2s U2l cos |mi,j − m̃i,j | = 2 N l=N +1 Due to the addition theorem (2.2) and the nonequispaced FFT on the rotation group [19], this yields the factorization M̃ = D Ŵ D ⊢⊣ which can be applied to a vector in O(N 3 log2 N + M ) floating point operations. Since we ask at least for mildly ill-posed matrices M , M̃ , we moreover force N ≥ ⌊30/q⌋ − 1. Thus, for q-separated sampling sets with M ≥ C3 /q 3 nodes, the multiplication with M̃ takes O(M log2 M ) flops. R EMARK 3.9. As a further application of Theorem 3.4 we consider the minimal 2-norm interpolation problem min f ∈PN (SO(3)) kf kL2 s.t. f (Gj ) = yj , j = 0 . . . M − 1. Its corresponding interpolation matrix L ∈ CM ×M , li,j = N X l=0 d(Gi , Gj ) , U2l cos 2 ETNA Kent State University 38 M. GRÄF AND S. KUNIS has uniformly bounded condition number whenever N ≥ 18/q by an argument similar to Corollary 3.7. This time, we compare the interpolation matrix L with two kernel matrices K 1 , K 2 built upon the weights ŵ1,l1 , l1 = 0, . . . , N , and ŵ2,l2 , l2 = 0, . . . , 2N , setting β = 4 in Theorem 3.4. The lower bound on the smallest eigenvalue follows as in (3.11) from the upper bound (3.9) on the weights ŵ1,l1 , i.e., λ0 (L) ≥ λ0 (K 1 ) min r=0,...,N 2r + 1 (N + 1)3 ≥ λ0 (K 1 ). ŵ1,r 10 We slightly change the argument for the upper bound to N X l=0 M −1 2 l X X k,k′ (2l + 1) ci Dl (Gi ) ′ k,k =−l i=0 ≤ max r=0,...,N 2 −1 2N l M X ′ 2r + 1 X X ci Dlk,k (Gi ) . ŵ2,l ŵ2,r ′ i=0 l=0 k,k =−l Due to kg4 k1,2N ≤ 2.1(2N + 1) (cf. [11, proof of Lemma 3.2]) the second set of weights l2 +1 fulfill ŵ2,l2 ≥ (2N +1)3 for the indices l2 = 0, . . . , N , and thus λM −1 (L) ≤ 16(N + 1)3 λM −1 (K 2 ). Acknowledgments. The authors thank F. Filbir, R. Hielscher, D. Potts, and D. 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