ETNA Electronic Transactions on Numerical Analysis. Volume 30, pp. 247-257, 2008. Copyright 2008, Kent State University. ISSN 1068-9613. Kent State University NUMERICAL BLOW-UP SOLUTIONS FOR SOME SEMILINEAR HEAT EQUATIONS FIRMIN K. N’GOHISSE AND THEODORE K. BONI Abstract. This paper concerns the study of the numerical approximation for the following initial-boundary value problem, "!#$&%' (!&)*+( (!&)*!,&%-. +$/012345 *,6 .78 :9 9 and ; . We give some conditions under which the solution of a semidiscrete form of the above where problem blows up in a finite time and estimate its semidiscrete blow-up time. Under some assumptions, we also show that the semidiscrete blow-up time converges to the continuous blow-up time when the mesh size goes to zero. Finally, we give some numerical results to illustrate our analysis. Key words. semidiscretizations, discretizations, semilinear heat equations, semidiscrete blow-up time AMS subject classifications. 35B40, 35K65, 65M06 1. Introduction. In this paper, we consider the following initial-boundary value problem for semilinear heat equation of the form (1.1) (1.2) (1.3) <2=>?<@@BADC <@FAG<IH+JKEMLON&PIJRQS1JUTVLON&PWJXYS1J E < @ N&PIJTSZ>[PWJ\<-NQJTSZ>]PIJ\TVLON&PIJXYS J <-N&E^J_PSZ>[<2`aNbE)S1JKEcLed PWJfQ1g J which models the temperature distribution of a large number of physical phenomenon from physics, chemistry and biology. The term < ` H represents nonlinear heat generation with hMi Q and C is a positive parameter. Here < ` LMj Nd PWJfQfg8S , <)`k N&PSZ>[P , < ` NQSZ>]P , N&PWJXYS is the maximal time interval on which l <-N&E^JTS lm is finite where l <'NbE^JTS lRm >onqpsr `Rt)@tvuw <-N&E^JTS w . The time X may be finite or infinite. When X is infinite, we say that the solution < exists globally. When X is finite, the solution < develops a singularity in a finite time, namely x5y =&z|n { l <'NbE}JTS l m >]~[ In this case, we say that the solution < blows up in a finite time and the time X is called the blow-up time of the solution < . The theoretical study of blow-up of solutions for semilinear parabolic equations has been the subject of investigations of many authors; see [2, 5, 7, 9, 10], and the references cited therein. The authors have proved that under some assumptions, the solution of (1.1)–(1.3) blows up in a finite time and the blow-up time is estimated. Let us notice that if we consider the semilinear heat equation <2=><@R@FAG<WH/J\EcLJKTVLON&PIJXYS J Received January 8, 2008. Accepted for publication May 22, 2008. Published online on September 12, 2008. Recommended by O. Widlund. Universite d’Abobo-Adjame, UFR-SFA, Departement de Mathematiques et Informatiques, 02 BP 801 Abidjan 02, Cote d’Ivoire ( Institut National Polytechnique Houphouet-Boigny de Yamoussoukro, BP 1093 Yamoussoukro, Cote d’Ivoire ( 247 ETNA Kent State University 248 F. K. N’GOHISSE AND T. K. BONI with boundary conditions <-N&E^JTS>[PWJ\EcL JKTLeN&PWJXYS1J and initial data <-N&E^J_PSZ>[<2`N&E)SL 3J where >REML' w E w+ Q , >REML'e w E w >Q , the radial symmetric solutions are solutions of (1.1)–(1.3) with C >Q . In this paper, we are interested in the numerical study using a semidiscrete form of (1.1)– (1.3). Let be a positive integer and define the grid E'> , P , where >Qs . Ap{ proximate the solution < of (1.1)–(1.3) by the solution N&TSY>N `aN&TS J usN&TS JRffRJ Z N&TSS of the following semidiscrete equations `aNbTS >NQA S s¡ `aNbTS^A ` H NbTS J¢TLeN&PWJX £ S J T (1.4) C NbTS >] ¡ NbTS}A C s¤ N&TS^A H N&TS J¥Q¦ § QJ\TLON(PIJX £ S J T (1.5) (1.6) NbTS>]PIJ\TVLeN(PIJX £ S J (1.7) N(PSZ>]¨'J©Pª¦Z J where su NbTS § s¡ ` N&TS>« s u & N T S s¡ N&TS> ¤ u N&TS s¤ N&TS> ¤ `NbTS « J ¡ § « NbTS^A &¬vuNbTS ­ J Q®¦ ¡ §O N&TS J­Q¦ ,§ Q Here, N(PIJX £ S is the maximal time interval on which lR NbTS lfm lR N&TS l m § QJ is finite where >¥¯°I± w NbTS w `ftbt When X £ is finite, we say that the solution N&TS blows up in a finite time and the time X £ & N T S is called the blow-up time of the solution . We give some conditions under which the solution of (1.4)–(1.7) blows up in a finite time and estimate its semidiscrete blow-up time. We also show that the semidiscrete blow-up time converges to the theoretical one when the mesh size goes to zero. A similar study has been undertaken in [1, 4, 6, 8]. In [1, 8], the authors have considered the equation (1.1) for C >²P with Dirichlet boundary conditions and nonnegative initial data. Numerical methods for heat equations with nonlinear boundary conditions have been described in [4, 6]. In the same way in [2], the numerical extinction has been studied using some discrete and semidiscrete schemes (a solution < extincts in a finite time if it reaches the value zero in a finite time). The paper is organized as follows. In the Section 2, we give some properties concerning our scheme. In Section 3, under some conditions, we prove that the solution of the semidiscrete problem blows up in a finite time and estimate its semidiscrete blow-up time. In Section 4, we study the convergence of the semidiscrete blow-up time. Finally, in Section 5 we report on some numerical experiments using several discretisations of (1.1)–(1.3). ETNA Kent State University NUMERICAL BLOW-UP SOLUTION FOR HEAT EQUATIONS 249 2. Properties of the semidiscrete scheme. In this section, we give some results about the discrete maximum principle. The following lemma is a discrete form of the maximum principle. ` u u u L EMMA 2.1. Let ³I N&TS:Lej Nd PWJXBg J ¤ S and let ´) N&TSFLj Nd PWJXBg J ¤ S such that for TVLN(PIJXYS , `/NbTS ´ T § NQA C S s¡ ´ `aN&TS^A ³ `aNbTS ´ `/NbTSµPIJ NbTS ´ T § ¡ ´ _NbTS § C s¤ ´ N&TS^A ³ _NbTS ´ ¶N&TSVµ¦PWJ·Q|¦Z |§ QJ (2.1) ´W NbTSVµPIJ ´ _N&PSVµPIJKP¦Z Then we have ´ N&TSµ¸P , Pª¦Z , TVLN(y$PIº+J» XYS . `ftbt = ¼+½ `R¾ {¿.À ´ NbTS . Since for ÁLPWJffR1J , Proof. Let X `? X and let ¹ > b N T S T ´ is a continuous function, there exists ` LÂd PWJX ` g such that ¹ > ´ ¿aNbT ` S for a certain `ªL¸PWJfRf1J . If `,> , we have a contradiction because of (2.1). When ` is between P and |§ Q , we observe that 5¿aNbT.`S $¿NbT.`sS §O´ $¿N&T.` §OÄ S ´ > x$y n ´ ¦PWJ T (2.2) à z` Ä $¿ uNbT.`S § ´ 5¿NbT.`S}A ´ 5¿f¬vuNbT.`sS s¡ ´ 5¿aNbT.`SZ> ´ ¤ « µ¦P if Q| `| |§ QJ (2.3) ¡ ´ ¿ ¤ u NbT ` S §O´ ¿N&T ` S µP (2.4) ¤ ´ 5¿aNbT.`SZ> if Q|¸ `| |§ QJ uNbT.`sS § ´ `/NbT.`S « ¡ ´ ¿aNbT ` SZ> « ´ µ¦P if ` >[PW (2.5) ¡ = Define the vector Å NbTS>[ÆsÇ ´2 NbTS where È is such that ³ $¿N&T.`S §OÈMi P . A straightforward computation reveals that $¿NbT.`sS Å T § NQA C S ¡ Å ¿NbT ` S^A]N ³ ¿NbT ` S §OÈ S Å ¿N&T ` SVµP if ` >]PIJ (2.6) $¿N&T.`S Å T (2.7) § s¡ Å 5¿NbT.`S § C ¤ Å $¿NbT.`sS^A]N ³ $¿NbT.`S §OÈ S Å $¿N&T.`SVµP if Q¦ ` § Q We observe from (2.2)–(2.5) that $¿N&T.`S Å PIJK s¡ Å ¿NbT ` SVµ¸P T ³aÉ ¤ Å ¿NbT ` Sµ¸PW Using (2.6)–(2.7), we arrive at N ³ ¿NbTS §[È S Å ¿N&T ` SµoP , which implies that Å ¿N&T ` S3µP . Therefore ´ ¿NbT ` SZ> ¹ µ¸P and we have the desired result. Another version of the discrete maximum principle is the following comparison lemma. u ` u L EMMA 2.2. Let ´) N&TS , Z NbTSLMj Nd PWJXBg J ¤ S and Ê LMj N&ÂËVJ:S such that for TLeN&PWJXYS (2.8) (2.9) ` NbTS ´ / ` N&TS T T § NQA C S s¡ ´ `aN&TS^A Ê N ´ `aN&TS JTS § NbTS ´ T § ¡ ´ _NbT S § C s¤ ´ _bN TS^A Ê N ´ N&TS JTS NQA C S s¡ `N&TS^A Ê N `aNbTS1JTS J ETNA Kent State University 250 F. K. N’GOHISSE AND T. K. BONI (2.10) (2.11) N&TS T § s¡ NbTS § C ¤ N&TS^A Ê N NbTS1JTS J­Q|¦Z¦ § ´2 NbTS NbTS J ´ _N&PS N&PaS J©P QJ Then we have ´) NbTS Z NbTS , t LN(PIJXYS Proof. Define the vector Å N&TSª> N&TS §[´2 NbTS . Let T.` be the first T i P such that b N T ÅZ S i P for TLGd PIJT`RS , but Å $¿N&T.`S>]P for a certain `LPWJfRf1J . If `Y> , we have a contradiction because of (2.10). If ` is between P and § Q , we observe that $¿N&T.`S $¿N&T.`S §GÅ $¿N&T.` §eÄ S Å > x$y n Å ¸PW T à z` Ä $¿ uN&T.`S § Å 5¿N&T.`SÌA Å $¿f¬vusN&T.`S s¡ Å 5¿N&T.`SZ> Å ¤ « µP if Q®¦ `| § QJ ¡ ¿ u N&T ` S §GÅ ¿N&T ` S ¤ Å 5¿N&T.`SZ> Å ¤ µP if Q|¦ `® § QJ u NbT ` S § Å ` NbT ` S ¡ Å ¿N&T ` SZ>« Å « µ¸P if ` >?PWJ ¡ which implies that $¿NbT.`sS Å S A Ê N ¿NbT ` S JT ` S O T § s¡ Å ¿NbT ` S § `C ¤ Å ¿N&T ` ^ § Ê ¿N&T ` S Å Q A S ¡ Å ¿N&T ` ^ S A Ê N ¿NbT ` S JT ` S O T § N § Ê C N ´ ¿NbT ` S JT ` SV¦P if Q|¦ ` N ´ ¿NbT ` S JT ` SV¦P if ` >[PW § QJ But these inequalities contradict (2.8) and (2.9). To finish this section, let us state a result on the operators ¡ and ¤ . u M L ¤ such that µP . Then we have L EMMA 2.3. Let ¬vu ¡ H µ hv H ¡ JÍQ|¸ |§ QJ ¬vu H H s¤ µ hv s¤ J­Q|¦Z |§ Q Proof. Using Taylor’s expansion, we get N QS ¬ ¬Ìu h N hq§ QS H ¬ ¡ J·Q|¦Z H ¡ A[N &¬vu ¡ H > h H ¡ A]N u §O S ¡ h hq§ §G S ¡ ¤ ¡ ¡ Î Ï « QS « N ¬Ìu ¬ H ¡ J s¡ ` H > h ` H s¡ `AÂN u §O `S¡ h hq§ ¡ Î N QS ¬Ìu ¬ H ¡ J­Q|¸ ¤ H > h H s¡ 2A]N u §O (S¡ h hq§ |§ QJ ¤ ¡ Ð « where Î and Ð are intermediate values between and ¤ u , Ï is an intermediate value between and &¬vu . Use the fact that is nonnegative to complete the rest of the proof. 3. Semidiscrete blow-up solutions. In this section under some assumptions, we show that the solution of the semidiscrete problem blows up in a finite time and estimate its semidiscrete blow-up time. T HEOREM 3.1. Suppose that there exists a positive integer A such that the initial data at (1.7) satisfies NQA C S s¡R¨-`VA¨ H` µ¦ÑY¨ H` J |§ QJ ETNA Kent State University 251 NUMERICAL BLOW-UP SOLUTION FOR HEAT EQUATIONS (3.1) C ¤ ¨ A¨ H µ¦ÑF¨ H J­Q| ¡ ¨ A Q |§ Then the solution NbTS of (1.4)–(1.7) blows up in a finite time X £ and we have the following estimate u ¬ Q l ¨ )l H m X £ Ñ N h§ QS Proof. Since &N PWJX £ S be the maximal time interval on which lR NbTS lfm is finite, our aim £ X is to show that is finite and obeys the above inequality. Introduce the vector Ò such that > T § Ñ H J©P¦Z Ò A straightforward calculation gives ` ` Ò T § NQA C S ¡ Ò ` > T N T § NQA C S ¡ ` S Ò ¡ > T § T N T § ¡ S § Ñ v Ò h From Lemma 2.3, we have ` Ò T § NQA C S ¡ Ò ` µ Ò T § s¡ Ò µ ¬vu ¡ H µ h H ` N N QVA T T § N § s¡ T T Use (1.4)–(1.5) to obtain ` Ò T § NQA C S s¡ Ò `|µ h Ò T § ¡ Ò µ h `H H ¬Ìu ¬Ìu ` T AÑ,NQA C S ¡ ` H J ¡ H ­ J Q| ,§ Q ¡ which implies that ¬vu ` S ¡ ` S § Ñ hv ` H N NQVA S ¡ ` S J C C T § ¬Ìu S § Ñ h H N s¡ S ­ J Q|¸ |§ Q T § Ò `aJ Ò A ¬Ìu H Ñ ` § h ¬vu A ÑY H T G C N& s¤ ¬vu H s¤ S1J­Q| T § Ñ hv |§ Q H Taking into account the expression of Ò NbTS , we get ¤ Ò >[ ¤,Ó1Ó Ôa= Õ § ÑY ¤ , which¬vimplies u H ¤ Ó1Ôa= Õ µ ¤ Ò fA3Ñ H ¤ . that ¤ Ó1Ó Ôa= Õ >] ¤ Ò RA3ÑF ¤ . From Lemma 2.3, we arrive at ¬Ìu Ó H Ñ ' ¦ µ 1 Ó a Ô Õ ¤ ¤ ¤ = Therefore, we get Ò and due to (3.1), we discover that Ó § ¬vu Ò T § s¡ Ò § C ¤ Ò µ hv H Ò J­Q¦ § Q Obviously, Ò NbTSZ>]P and the hypotheses on the initial data ensure that Ò N(PSVµP . It follows H from Lemma 2.1 that Ò/ N&TSBµ?P for TBLON&PWJX £ S , which implies that Ó1Ó Ôa= Õ µ?Ñ , Pq . This estimation may be rewritten as follows µÑ T J©P¸ | Ö Integrating this inequality over NbT JX £ S , we find that (3.2) X £ § TV Q N NbTSS u ¬ H J Ñ N hq§ QS ETNA Kent State University 252 F. K. N’GOHISSE AND T. K. BONI which implies that u¶¬ Q l ¨ 2 l m H Ñ N h§ Q S X £ Therefore X £ is finite and the proof is complete. R EMARK 3.2. The inequalities (3.2) imply that Q lZ N&T.`S l u ¬ H m X £ § T ` if Ñ N h3§ QS and there exists a constant j i P such that _NbTSV j NbX £ § T SG1Ø Ù × × P J©P¸ T `| X £ T HEOREM 3.3. Let NbTS be the solution of (1.4)–(1.7). Then we have u ¬ ¨ H X £ µ l )l m N h§ QS Proof. Let ` be such that 5¿NbTS>?nqpsr+`ftbt - NbTS . It is not hard to see that ¿ ¤ u NbTS § « ¿N&TS^A ¿ ¬Ìu NbTS P if Q|¸ ` ,§ QJ ¡ ¿ u NbTS §G ¿N&TS ¦P if Q| ` |§ QJ ¤ ¿N&TSZ> ¤ « uNbTS § `NbTS ¡ ¿N&TSZ>o« « ¦P if ` >]PI ¡ T Ó1ÔaÕ ¿ Ó1ÔaÕ ¿ H We deduce that Ó = $¿ , which implies that Ô Ø ¿ . Integrating this inequality over Õ N&PWJX £ S , we obtain N ¿N(PSS u¶¬ H X £ µ N h§ QS Use the fact that ¿N&PS> l ¨ lfm to complete the rest of the proof. s¡ $¿N&TSZ> 4. Convergence of the semidiscrete blow-up time. In this section, under some assumptions, we show that the blow-up time for the solution of the semidiscrete problem converges to the blow-up time for the solution of the continuous problem when the mesh size tends to zero. In order to prove this result, firstly we show that for each fixed time interval d PWJXBg where the solution < of (1.1)–(1.3) is defined, the solution N&TS of (1.4)–(1.7) approximates <}J when the mesh parameter goes to zero by the following theorem. ¾u T HEOREM 4.1. Assume that (1.1)–(1.3) has a solution <MLcjÚ Nd PWJfQfgÌËd PIJXBg8S and the initial condition at (1.7) satisfies l ¨ § < N&PS l m >?Û+NQS as ÜÝPIJ { where < NbTS>ÞNb<'NbEW`aJTS1Jf$5$J<'NbE Ju TSS . Then, u for h sufficiently small, the problem (1.4)– (1.7) has a unique solution LMj Nd PWJXBg J ¤ S such that (4.1) `fnq t)= pst)r { l NbTS § < NbTS lfm >]ßN l ¨ § < N(PS lRm A¸)S as 3ÜÝPW ETNA Kent State University 253 NUMERICAL BLOW-UP SOLUTION FOR HEAT EQUATIONS Proof. Since <cLj Ú (4.2) ¾u , there exist positive constants à and á ¬vu á l < l m à J h N à A?QS0H The problem (1.4)–(1.7) has for each ÌJ a unique solution Lj the greatest value of T i P such that l NbTS § < NbTS lfm (4.3) Q such that u Nd PIJX S J_ u S ¤ . Let T1N()S Ö TVLeN(PIJT1N()SS for $y º T1N()S JX The relation (4.1) implies that T1N()S i P for sufficiently small. Let T¶âN()SV>ãn . By the triangle inequality, we obtain lR N&TS l m l < NbTS l m A lRZ NbTS § < N&TS l m for TLeN&PWJT â N()SS1J which implies that lZ NbTS l m (4.4) ]QA à TVLeN&PIJT â N()SS for Let Æ NbTS> Z NbTS § < N&TS be the error of discretization. Since <ÂLÂj Ú expansion, we have for TLeN&PWJT¶âN02SS , ÆR`aNbTS ¬vu H Æ`aNbTS^AÛ+N()S J T § NQA C S s¡fÆ`N&TSZ> h2ä ` Æ NbTS ¬vu H Æ_NbTS^AÛ+N()S J T § s¡RÆNbTS § C ¤ ÆN&TSZ> h2ä ¾u J using Taylor’s where ä is an intermediate value between N&TS and <'NbE)JTS . Using (4.2) and (4.4), there exists a positive constant á such that Æ ` NbTS T § NQA C S ¡ Æ`N&TS á w Æ`N&TS w A á ^J Æ_NbTS T § s¡fÆ NbTS § C ¤ Æ N&TS á w Æ N&TS w A á ^JÍQ®¦ § Q Introduce the vector Å N&TS such that uç8= N l ¨ § < N(PS lRm Å NbTS>]Æå$æ ¤ A straightforward calculation reveals that ` N&TS Å T § NQA C S s¡ Å `N&TS ¦ i á N&TS Å T § ¡ Å NbTS § C ¤ Å N&TS ¦ i á & N T S ÅZ i Æ A á )S JKP w Å `aNbTS w A á ^J w Å NbTS w A á NbTS ^J­Q¸ ,§ QJ It follows from Lemma 2.2 that ÅZ NbTS i Æ N&TS for TFL?N&PWJTâN()SS . In the same way, we also prove that Å N&TS i]§ Æ NbTS for TVLN(PIJT_âN02SS , which implies that uç8= N l ¨ § < N&PaS lfm A á 2S1JKTLeN&PWJT â N()SS l NbTS § < NbTS lfm ¦Æå$æ ¤ Let us show that T_âN02S>X . Suppose that X QF> lZ NbT1N()SS § < N&T1N()SS l m i T1N02S . From (4.3), we obtain uçb{ ¸Æå$æ ¤ N l ¨ § < N(PS l m A á )S ETNA Kent State University 254 F. K. N’GOHISSE AND T. K. BONI Since the term on the right hand side of the above inequality tends to zero as goes to zero, we deduce that Q¦èP , which is impossible. Consequently T¶âN()Sc>ÝX , and the proof is complete. Now, we are in a position to prove the main theorem of this section. T HEOREM 4.2. Suppose that¾ u the problem (1.1)–(1.3) has a solution < which blows up in a finite time X £ such that <cLMj Ú Nd PWJfQ1g}Ëd PIJX £ SS and the initial data at N 1.7S satisfies l ¨ § < N&PaS l m >[Û+NQS as ܲPW Under the assumptions of Theorem 3.1, the problem (1.4)–(1.7) has a solution NbTS which blows up in a finite time X £ and x5y n X £ >[X £ z` P . There exists a positive constant N such that Q E u¶¬ H é ~ (4.5) for EcLed êcJ¶A|~¸S Ñ N h§ QS « X}u such that w X^u § X £ w ìë and l <-N&E^JTS l m µ Since < blows up at the time X £ , then there ¡ { exists {sí ê for T¦L²d X^usJX £ g . Letting X > × ¤ ¡ , we see that ¯°I± = ¼+½ `f¾ {îÀ w <-N&E^JTS wq ~ . It ¡ « follows from Theorem 4.1 that the problem (1.4)–(1.7) has a solution NbTS which obeys ¯°I± = ¼+½ `f¾ { î À w Z NbTS § < NbTS w m *ê . Applying the triangle inequality, we get lRV NbTS l m µ l < N&TS l m §lZ NbTS § < N&TS l m , which leads to l NbTS l m µïê for TeLðd PWJX ¡ g . From Theorem 3.1, NbTS blows up at the time X £ . We deduce from Remark 3.2 and (4.5) that Q lR NbX S l u ¬ H ¡ m é J w X £ § X £ w w X £ § X w A w X § X £ w é A ¡ ¡ Ñ N hq§ QS « Proof. Let éªi and we have the desired result. 5. Numerical experiments. In this section, we study the phenomenon of blow-up, using full discrete schemes (explicit and implicit) of (1.1)–(1.3). Firstly, we approximate the ç å >N ` J u JfRf1J S { solution < of (1.1)–(1.3) by the solution of the following explicit scheme uç ç å ¤ å ç ç ` §O ` >NQA S s¡ ` å A]N ` å S0HIJ ñ T (5.1) C ç ç uç ç å ¤ å ç ç å u å §O å A C N ¤ §G ] > s ¡ S^A[N å S H/J­Q|¦Z |§ QJ ñ T (5.2) ç å >]PIJ (5.3) `¶ç å (5.4) > « Pò1ó¯fNbZô S1J©P J « where É µ¦P , ç ñ T >n y5º ¡ J_2¡ å u ¬ H J l l m A C ç« ç ç uå § `å « s¡ ` å > « J ¡ ç ç ç u ç å u § å A bå ¬Ì å « ¤ ¡ > J­Q| § Q ¡ ETNA Kent State University NUMERICAL BLOW-UP SOLUTION FOR HEAT EQUATIONS 255 Let us notice that the restriction on the time step guarantees the positivity of the discrete solution. ç å Secondly, approximate the solution < of (1.1)–(1.3) by the solution of the following implicit scheme uç ç å ¤ å uç ç ` §G ` >NQA S s¡ ` å ¤ A[N ` å S H/J ñ T (5.5) C uç uç uç ç å ¤ å ¤ å ¤ å uç ç ¤ u §G §G å ¤ ] > s ¡ U A C N S}A[N å S H+J ñ T (5.6) . Q®¦ § QJ uç å ¤ >]PIJ (5.7) `_ç å (5.8) > « PZòfó¯1N&. ô S J©P¸ J « ç ñ T > ¡ å u¶¬ H lR l m The above equations may be rewritten in the following form where ñ T ñ T ç ç S ` å ¤ uç å ¤ uç > å A ñ T N ` å S0HIJ N Q A (5.9) § « ¡ u ` « ¡ ñ T ñ T ñ T ñ T ñ T &å ¬v u¤ uç A]NQA A C S å ¤ uç A C S å u¤ uç N § ¡ § (5.10) « ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¤ ç ç å A ñ T N å S0HIJÍQ|¸Z > |§ QJ uç å ¤ > PI (5.11) The equalities (5.9)–(5.11) lead us to the linear system below ç uç ç Ñ å ´ å ¤ >]õ å J ç å where Ñ is a Ë tridiagonal matrix defined as follows ö÷ ` þü ý P ùfùRù P ` ÷ ³ ý C ÷ ú u ý P R ù f ù ù u u ÷ ý ³ C ÷ ý ç ÷ ý .. .. .. .. P Ñ å > . . . . .. .. .. ¬ ø ... ÿ . . . C ¡ P ùfùfùûP ú ¬vu ³/ ¬vu with ñ T NQVA S1J Y ` > Q A ³ « ¡ C ñ T ñ T NQVA SÌA C JK->QJfRf1J > Q A ³ § QJ « ¡ C ¡ ñ T ñ T ñ T NQA S1J A C S1JK'>QJR5$5J ` > § > § N § « J « ¡ « ¡ C C C ¡ ñ T JK'>QJRfffJ ú1-> § |§ QJ ¡ õ > A ñ T N S H J©P¸ |§ QJ uç uç uç uç { å ¤ å å ¤ JRfffJ å ¬Ì¤ u ¤ > J ` u ´ ETNA Kent State University 256 F. K. N’GOHISSE AND T. K. BONI It is not hard to see that N(Ñ S 5 i PIJ¥N(Ñ S P > J¥N(Ñ S 5 i w N(Ñ S w These inequalities imply that the linear system has a unique solution for É µÝP and the discrete solution is nonnegative. For the proof, see for instance [3] We need the following definition. ç å D EFINITION 5.1. We say that the solution of (5.1)–(5.4) or (5.5)–(5.8) blows up in ç x5y å ¤ m ñ a finite time if n z ¤ mãl l >A|~ and the series ` T ç converges. The quantity å ¤ m ` ñ T is called the numerical blow-up time of the solution . In the Tables 5.1–5.6, we present the numerical blow-up times, values of É J the CPU times and the orders of the approximations corresponding to meshes of 16, 32, 64, 128. We ¬vu ` ñ T X > take for the numerical blow-up time which is computed at the first time u ¬Ìu ñ . The order(s) of the method is computed from when T > w X ¤ § X Ìw ÂQRP x ó NNbX § X ¡ S+N&X ¡ § X SS ®> x ó 2N S « `¶ç å For the numerical values, we take, > « PZòfó¯1N ¡ 2S , h > « J and > ¡ . First case: C >[P TABLE 5.1 Numerical blow-up times, numbers of iterations, CPU times (seconds), and orders of the approximations obtained with the explicit Euler method. I 16 32 64 128 % 0.056343 0.056231 0.056210 0.055203 n 7191 27359 103908 405086 "! 16 69 560 7052 s 2.31 1.68 TABLE 5.2 Numerical blow-up times, numbers of iterations, CPU times (seconds), and orders of the approximations obtained with the first implicit Euler method. I 16 32 64 128 % 0.056376 0.056240 0.056213 0.056207 n 7191 27360 103908 406009 "! 20 113 1460 20746 s 2.22 1.85 Second case: C >Q TABLE 5.3 Numerical blow-up times, numbers of iterations, CPU times (seconds), and orders of the approximations obtained with the explicit Euler method. I 16 32 64 128 % 0.067710 0.066986 0.066527 0.06630 n 7406 28264 107691 409301 "! 13 70s 594 7203 s 0.76 1.02 ETNA Kent State University NUMERICAL BLOW-UP SOLUTION FOR HEAT EQUATIONS 257 TABLE 5.4 Numerical blow-up times, numbers of iterations, CPU times (seconds), and orders of the approximations obtained with the first implicit Euler method. I 16 32 64 128 Third case: C > % 0.067802 0.067008 0.066532 0.066303 n 7407 28265 107692 409302 "! 18 109 1506 21000 s 0.84 1.05 « TABLE 5.5 Numerical blow-up times, numbers of iterations, CPU times (seconds), and orders of the approximations obtained with the explicit Euler method. I 16 32 64 128 % 0.090365 0.089372 0.087243 0.086658 n 7765 29778 114065 435971 "! 15 71 630 8580 s 0.85 0.95 TABLE 5.6 Numerical blow-up times, numbers of iterations, CPU times (seconds) and orders of the approximations obtained with the first implicit Euler method. 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