ETNA Electronic Transactions on Numerical Analysis. Volume 27, pp. 113-123, 2007. Copyright 2007, Kent State University. ISSN 1068-9613. Kent State University ORTHOGONAL POLYNOMIALS AND RECURRENCE EQUATIONS, OPERATOR EQUATIONS AND FACTORIZATION WOLFRAM KOEPF Abstract. This article surveys the classical orthogonal polynomial systems of the Hahn class, which are solutions of second-order differential, difference or -difference equations. Orthogonal families satisfy three-term recurrence equations. Example applications of an algorithm to determine whether a three-term recurrence equation has solutions in the Hahn class—implemented in the computer algebra system Maple—are given. Modifications of these families, in particular associated orthogonal systems, satisfy fourth-order operator equations. A factorization of these equations leads to a solution basis. Key words. orthogonal polynomials, Hahn class, differential equations, difference equations, -difference equations, hypergeometric functions, factorization of operator polynomials, computer algebra, Maple AMS subject classifications. 33C45, 33C20, 33D45, 33D15, 39A70 1. Classical Orthogonal Polynomials. To define families of orthogonal polynomials on the real line, one uses a scalar product ! ! %$%& with nonnegative measure and support in a real interval " # (which can be infinite in one or both directions). As special cases one considers ( )+*( ' absolutely continuous measures , * ' discrete measures supported in , , *! ' and discrete measures supported in -/. for some base -1032 . ! A family 465 of polynomials (1.1) 4 5 )87 5:9 5 7<; 5=?> 5 is called orthogonal w. r. t. the measure 46J 465 9 7; ; 5@=AB9 5 ! LK 7<; ; ; 5@=CB9+DEDED F7 8I 5HG 5 , if I A 8I G 5 if if M M ON G O N P The classical orthogonal polynomials can be defined as the common polynomial solutions (1.1) of a differential equation of the type Q (1.2) NVXW ! 4 5 ; ; ! 9SR 4 5 ; ! 9UT R ! 5 4 5 !)OI P R YZ( 9O[ % \I G The case shows that must be a!first order polynomial: , N]_^ ^ Q whereas because of the function turns out to be a polynomial of degree ` : A 9 $b 9Vc 5 edfN Ngd T Q !a # . Considering the coefficient of , one finally gets 5 # Wh 9 i . A complete characterization of the solution families of the differential equation (1.1) can be given and leads to the following scheme ([2], 1929): j Received January 18, 2003. Accepted for publication March 04, 2003. Recommended by F. Marcellán. Department of Mathematics, University of Kassel, Heinrich-Plett-Str. 40, D-34132 Kassel ( 113 ETNA Kent State University 114 WOLFRAM KOEPF Q !)+I Q !)kW Q !)O Q !)O A Q !)O A 5 powers Hermite polynomials Laguerre polynomials powers, Bessel polynomials Jacobi polynomials dlW All other solutions of (1.1) are translations of the above systems.1 It turns out that—besides the powers—all these polynomial systems are orthogonal. However, the weight function of the Bessel polynomials is not defined in a real interval but in the complex plane. However, in both the Jacobi and Bessel case, for specific values of the parameters finite real orthogonal families arise [1, 13, 15, 20]. *! The weight function corresponding to the system satisfies Pearson’s differential equation *oH Q nm R !*! from which it follows that *) p Q [/q:wrtsu%v sxuyv%zb{ ! P Further details can be found in [17]. 2. Classical Discrete Families. The classical discrete orthogonal polynomials can be defined as the polynomial solutions of the difference equation !|~} Q (2.1) |~!aZ! 9 ! 9SR | 45 WhBd 465 9T 5<45 )8I~ }~!L!Bdd+Wh where and denote the forward and backward difference operators, respectively. _I NkW R ! 9][ % Q ! G Again, from (2.1)Nit8follows that (using ) and A 9 $ 9c ^ 5 f d N ! 3 N l d h W T 9 i # # (using ). The coefficient of yields also 5 . The classical discrete systems can be classified according to the scheme ([11]–[12], 1962, [18], 1991): Q !)8I Q !)W Q !)+ Q !B^ 5 +! dW DEDD ! dN 9 W falling factorials translated Charlier polynomials falling factorials, Charlier, Meixner, Krawtchouk polynomials Hahn polynomials Again, all these families—besides the falling factorials—form orthogonal polynomial families. *! The weight function corresponding to the system satisfies Pearson’s difference equation | from which it follows that m * *oH Q 9 *! Wh Q R !*! ! 9SR Q 9 Wh P 1 If ( is constant, one gets translated Hermite polynomials, if <( has degree 1, then translated Laguerre polynomials result, and if the degree of <( is 2, then Jacobi polynomials or Bessel polynomials follow depending on whether or not ( has two different zeros (giving the interval bounds and if they are real) or one double zero. ETNA Kent State University ORTHOGONAL POLYNOMIALS, RECURRENCE EQUATIONS AND FACTORIZATION 115 3. Hypergeometric Functions. The power series ¢ whose coefficients § P PP # # > E ¡ (6 $ b$ U P PEP ¢t£?¤¦¥ > ¢ ¢ have rational term ratio ¥ ¢t¨ > § § ¥ ¢ ¢t¨ > ¢t¨ > ¢ 7 ¢ 9 ¥ DEDD 7 # > $ E 7 D DD © > 9 ©7 ¢ ¢ 9 # $ 9 7 is called the generalized hypergeometric function. The summand 7 hypergeometric term w. r. t. . Hence, because of * W 9 *! Q 9SR ! Q ¢ § ¢ ¢ ¥ is called a W 9 Wh 9 *! R and since Q and are polynomials, the weight functions of the classical discrete orthogonal polynomials form hypergeometric terms w. r. t. the variable . For the coefficients of the generalized hypergeometric function one obtains the formula P PP # # > E $ b$ P PP > E ª ¢£?¤ 9 Wh DDED 9 ¡ ¢ # > ©$ > ¢ ¢ DDED ¢ # $ DEDED ¢ 7?« 71dW ydenotes where # ¢ # # # the Pochhammer symbol or shifted factorial. Simple examples of hypergeometric functions are the exponential function [¬ the sine function ¤ ¤ ­y®¯ ­ ­y®¯ D ¤ > ¯ ¯ ¯ t%µª¶ t%µª¶ µ d W 9 °i± ^ A d ² ¶¹E yº¼»½¾ 5 ³ ³t· asµ well as ³E´ ,¸ , . . . , but for example not · . From the difference equation, one can determine a hypergeometric representation; see [9, 18]. As an example, the Hahn polynomials are given by2 ¿ 5 !À § Á dfNÃdfÄN %ÂHB C A § W 9 W(d¼Â 9 9 § 9 Á W P 4. q -Orthogonal Polynomials. To define orthogonal polynomials on the lattice -(. , we need some more notation. The operator ([6], 1949) Å ! !dS Wfd - - 2 In the Russian literature the parameters Æ and Ç are interchanged, È is replaced by ÈÉnÊ , and the standardization is different; see [18, p. 54]. The given definition is the one of the American school; see [7]. ETNA Kent State University 116 WOLFRAM KOEPF is called Hahn’s q-difference operator, and the - -brackets are defined by " 7i& Wfd ¢ - Wfd 9ODDED9 - - ¢ =Ë> P Å ¸ Í by de l’Hospital’s rule, the limit 7 - -equivalent of the term since 9 - ®Ì Since kW W -Î ®Ì ¸ Í 8 ; !t ! > yields the continuous case. The - -brackets are the " > 7i& 7 P The - -orthogonal polynomials of the Hahn class can be defined as the polynomial solutions Å Å Å of the - -difference equation Q >yÏ 4 5 ! 9SR 9UT 4 5 R !B8( 5 4 5 9U[ y !B+I OI !) P A 9 $b G Analogously to the classical case, one gets ,Q # kd N& N3dWE& dÐ N& T . 5 #" " >Ï " The classical - -systems can be classified according to the scheme ([19], 1993)3 Q B+I Q BkW Q BO Q * and powers and - -Pochhammer symbols (5.1) discrete - -Hermite II polynomials - -Charlier-, - -Laguerre-, - -Meixner polynomials - -Hahn polynomials, Big - -Jacobi polynomials !tB^ The weight function tion 9Uc corresponding to the system satisfies the - -Pearson difference equaÅ *oH m Q R !*! P Hence we have * * ! 9 Q - Q dW R ! P - 5. Basic Hypergeometric Series. ÒInstead of considering series whose coefficients ¢ 7< ± ¥ ¢ 0OÑ have rational term ratio ¢¨ > , we can also consider such series whose coeffi ¢ ± ¥ ¥ ¢ 03Ñ cients ¢ have term ratio ¢t¨ > w. r. t. some base -Y0g2 . ¥ ¥ ¥ This leads to the - -hypergeometric (or basic hypergeometric) series Now the ¡ P PP # Ó # > E À< ¢ ¢ ÓÔÃÕ¦ P $ %$ Õ S P E P P ¢t£?¤¥ > coefficients—that are called - -hypergeometric terms—are ¢ ¥ À ¢ #> $ À ¢ > - DEDED À ¢ ¢ # Ó DEDD $ À ¢ Õ - À - ¢ m dWh ¢ - given by the formula ¨ Õ = Ó ©Ö×y o > 3 Historically many more systems were introduced that fit in this list. A complete classification that boils down to essentially seven different types can be found in [14], see also [16]. ETNA Kent State University 117 ORTHOGONAL POLYNOMIALS, RECURRENCE EQUATIONS AND FACTORIZATION where (5.1) À # - ¢ Ë = > Ø W¼d ¢ Ù #i- Ù £?¤ denotes the - -Pochhammer symbol. Since * *! Q 9 - Q dlWh R ! - *! is rational, the weight of a - -orthogonal system of the Hahn tableau is a - -hypergeometric ¢ 3 - . term w. r. t. Classical orthogonal systems have (generally several) - -hypergeometric equivalents. For example, the Big - -Jacobi polynomials are - -equivalents of the Jacobi polynomials and are given by 465 !À # %$/ c À - C Ô A - =5 b$ # c #@- 5 ¨ > y - À - - P - The families of the Hahn class that we considered in this article—with absolutely continuous, arithmetically discrete and geometrically discrete weights—can be generated by suitable limit procedures from the Big - -Jacobi polynomials. 6. Computing the Difference Equation from a Recurrence Equation. From the differential or ( - )-difference equation one can determine the three-term recurrence equation for R ! 4 5 in terms of the coefficients of Q and . Using a computer algebra system like Maple one can easily compute how the three-term recurrence equation corresponding to a %$ c y [ given system can be expressed by the five parameters # and . As an example case, we consider the discrete situation. This defines the forward and backward difference operators Ú Delta:=(f,x)->subs(x=x+1,f)-f: Ú nabla:=(f,x)->f-subs(x=x-1,f): We consider the three highest coefficients of the orthogonal polynomial Ú p:=k[n]*xˆn+kprime[n]*xˆ(n-1)+kprimeprime[n]*xˆ(n-2); Û Ü87 5 5 9lÝbÞßtàâáäã 5 » 5@=Ë> ¾ 9lÝ%Þßtàâá~ãÞßtàâáäã 5 R ! » 5@=A ¾ and we define the polynomials Q and with symbolically given coefficients %$ c y¦ [ # : Ú Ånå sigma:=a*xˆ2+b*x+c: Ú tau:=d*x+e: 8I The polynomial 4 5 satisfies the difference equation with: Ú DE:=sigma*Delta(nabla(p,x),x)+tau*Delta(p,x)+lambda[n]*p; æèç dS^ Üé 7 5 # 5 9lÝ%Þßtàâá~ã A 9 $ 5 ÝbÞßtàâáäã 5 ndW » 5=?> 9 5 Ý%Þßtàâá~ãÞßtàâáäã W » 5=?> 9lÝ%Þßtàâá~ã d 9Uc E7 dS^ 5 » 5@=A ! We replace the powers 9 Wh 5 9lÝ%Þßtàâá~ã 5 5 » @ S d ^ ÝbÞßtàâáäãÒÞßtàâá~ã 5 =Ë> ¾ 5 ndW ¾ 9lÝbÞßtàâáäãÒÞßtàâá~ã 5 9 W ¾ 9lÝbÞßtàâáäãÒÞßtàâá~ã 5 ©7 5 9lÝbÞßtàâáäã ¾ 9T 5 5 5 W ! dW 5 9 5 and 9 Wh » 5@=?> ¾ 9lÝbÞßtàâáäãÒÞßtàâá~ã » 5@=A ¾ 9 7 » 5=A ¾ 9 » 5=A ¾ dS7 5 5 !ndlWh 5 5 9U[ ©7 d 5 ÝbÞßtàâáäã 9 » 5@=Ë> ¾ 9lÝ%Þßtàâá~ãÞßtàâáäã by the binomial theorem 5 5 5 9 W 5 » 5=?> ¾ » 5=A ¾ Wh » 5@=A ¾ ETNA Kent State University 118 WOLFRAM KOEPF Ú DE:=subs( ê (x+1)ˆn=xˆn+n*xˆ(n-1)+n*(n-1)/2*xˆ(n-2), Ú (x+1)ˆ(n-1)=subs(n=n-1,xˆn+n*xˆ(n-1)+n*(n-1)/2*xˆ(n-2)), Ú (x+1)ˆ(n-2)=subs(n=n-2,xˆn+n*xˆ(n-1)+n*(n-1)/2*xˆ(n-2)), Ú (x-1)ˆn=xˆn-n*xˆ(n-1)+n*(n-1)/2*xˆ(n-2), Ú (x-1)ˆ(n-1)=subs(n=n-1,xˆn-n*xˆ(n-1)+n*(n-1)/2*xˆ(n-2)), Ú (x-1)ˆ(n-2)=subs(n=n-2,xˆn-n*xˆ(n-1)+n*(n-1)/2*xˆ(n-2)) ë , Ú DE): and collect coefficients: Ú Ú de:=collect(simplify(DE/xˆ(n-4)),x); Ü ì ã ^ 9 d 7 N A 5 Ý%Þßtàâá~ã # 9 # ÝbÞßtàâáäã 9Uc 7 W 9 ^ 5 N A NÄ C 9Uï d 5 c 7 ÝbÞßtàâáäã d ° [ÃÝ%Þßtàâá~ã ^ N A 5 5 ° d ^ 5 ð ^ N W 9 ^ N A 5 d ° [ÃÝ%Þßtàâá~ãÞßtàâáäã 5 N A 5 5 5 5 N N # N 5 ^ 9 5 5 9 5 $ ÝbÞßtàâáäã ÝbÞßtàâáäãÒÞßtàâá~ã 5 W [ 7 A B7 ^ N A 5 ^ Ý%Þßtàâá~ã 5 Nd 9[ÃÝ%Þßtàâá~ã W d ^ N N 5 9 ° 9 5 [ÝbÞßtàâáäãÒÞßtàâá~ã ^ [ÝbÞßtàâáäã ^ 9U[ÝbÞßtàâáäã cÄÝbÞßtàâáäãÒÞßtàâá~ã N 5 N A 5 W 5 5 [ 7 5 N 5 9 5 5 N A 5 [ÝbÞßtàâáäãÞßtàâáäã 5 N A 5 N Equating the highest coefficient gives the already mentioned identity for Ú 9UT W N W 9 N A 5 ÝbÞßtàâáäã [ÃÝ%Þßtàâá~ãÞßtàâáäã 9Uï 5 ° $ ÝbÞßtàâáäã ° ° 9 $?7 9 ÝbÞßtàâáäãÒÞßtàâá~ã # $ ÝbÞßtàâáäãÒÞßtàâá~ã N A cÄÝbÞßtàâáäãÒÞßtàâá~ã d d Ý%Þßtàâá~ãÞßtàâáäã # NdS^ dSð 5 N A N A 5 5 9 5 ÝbÞßtàâáäãÞßtàâáäã 5 Ý%Þßtàâá~ãÞßtàâáäã ÝbÞßtàâáäã ÝbÞßtàâáäã cÄÝ%Þßtàâá~ã Ý%Þßtàâá~ãÞßtàâáäã dSð dSð 5 9lT 5 5 9 ÝbÞßtàâáäã # dÐ $ ÝbÞßtàâáäã ÝbÞßtàâáäãÞßtàâáäã ÝbÞßtàâáäã 5 9 N A N 5 9 5 @îí 5 B7 ^ $ ÝbÞßtàâáäãÒÞßtàâá~ã ð ^ 5 9 7 5 W N cÄÝ%Þßtàâá~ã Nd 9 N 9UT ÝbÞßtàâáäãÞßtàâáäã ^ 9 5 9UcÄÝbÞßtàâáäãÒÞßtàâá~ã d N 5 9[ 7 NdS^à N A 5 5 7 # ÝbÞßtàâáäãÞßtàâáäã 9U[ÃÝ%Þßtàâá~ãÞßtàâáäã 9UcÄÝbÞßtàâáäã N 9 # 5 $ ÝbÞßtàâáäãÒÞßtàâá~ã ï Nd 5 dS$?7 5 5 [ÃÝ%Þßtàâá~ã B7 9 T : 5 rule1:=lambda[n]=solve(coeff(de,x,4),lambda[n]); ßtñòãó T ôdfNäd 5 9 # NÄ # This result can be substituted into the differential equation: Ú de:=expand(subs(rule1,de)): 7 ; 7 Equating the second highest coefficient gives 5 as rational multiple of Ú 5 rule2:=kprime[n]=solve(coeff(de,x,3),kprime[n]); ßtñòãEõ Ü ÝbÞßtàâáäã 5 ^ W 7 5 Nä and equating the third highest coefficient gives Ú Ú N3dÐ^ :dS^ 7 ;; 5 $ ^ # 9 9 ^ $N dÐ # 9 ^ [ N as rational multiple of 7 5 :4 rule3:=kprimeprime[n]=solve(coeff(subs(rule2,de),x,2), kprimeprime[n]); 4 Of course, taking into consideration the fourth highest coefficients yields ö/ø÷ ÷ ÷ as rational multiple of ö ø , and so forth. ETNA Kent State University 119 ORTHOGONAL POLYNOMIALS, RECURRENCE EQUATIONS AND FACTORIZATION Ü ßtñòãEù c N A ú 9 Ý%Þßtàâá~ãÞßtàâáäã # ðà A N 9 dlW ï [ A N ² 9 $ A N A 5 d ² N 5 d [ N:$ 9 ^(I)$ A N3d 9 dÐ^à A 7 ú [ N A $BdÐ^(I ú 9 W [ A $ A ú N dlW ï [ )N A $ c NdlW ï)c N ² W^ 9 $ A N C ² 9 ú $ [ d $ ú ú 9 A N C ± ydû^ 9 [ N A ² 9 # c d # d # ^ 9 # $N C ² 9 # [ N ú c ² N ^(I 9 ² 9 @?^ 9 # # N:$ 9 [ d A N A ² [ ² 9 # N3d [ N A ² ° 9 # iy We consider the monic case, hence Ú k[n]:=1; 7 ôW 5 and therefore Ú rule2; Ý%Þßtàâá~ã Ú Nä 5 N3dS^ $ 9 ^ ^¼dS^ $N3dü ^ 9 # ^ [ 9 NÄ # rule3; ÝbÞßtàâáäãÒÞßtàâá~ã dW ï d $N A c ² dÐ^à A d 9 ú 9 ² c [ A +N 5 # ú ² dlW ï $ A N A ^ªI)$)N $ A N C ² 9 d A N C $N A [9 d $ A ú A N A ± ú [ N A :dÐ^ d ² # ^(I)$ A Nd 9 9 # ^ 9 Now we would like to find the coefficients (see (7.1)): Ú ðà A N 9 Á 5 $ NÄ?d # # [ Nèd ú ú c N A ú 9 W^ 9 ° 9 # [ N ú $ [)9 c Nè:dW ï ² 9 ² [ ^ 9 ² 9 # c N 9 ² $N C # N : S d ª ^ I [ [ N:$ A ² 9 [ # # NÄy ² 9 [ A N å 8I and ý5 in the recurrence equation þ RE:=P(n+1)-(x-beta[n])*P(n)+gamma[n]*P(n-1); ÿûç Ú Ü ûN 9 Wh6dV! dÁ 5 ûNÄ 9 ûNdlWh ý 5 RE:=subs( ê P(n)=p,P(n+1)=subs(n=n+1,p),P(n-1)=subs(n=n-1,p) ë ,RE); Ú O » 5 ¨ > ¾ 9ÝbÞßtàâáäã 5 9ÝbÞßtàâáäãÞßtàâáäã » 5@=Ë> ¾ 5 ¨ > 5 ¨ > dlndüÁ ? 5 9lÝ%Þßtàâá~ã » 5@? » 5@=A ¾ = > ¾ 9ÝbÞßtàâáäãÒÞßtàâá~ã 5 5 5 ! » 5@=?> ¾ 9ÝbÞßtàâáäã » 5@ » 5@=C ¾ 9 = A ¾ 9ÝbÞßtàâáäãÒÞßtàâá~ã ý5 5@=Ë> 5 =?> @ ÿûç We substitute the already known formulas: Ú RE:=subs( ê rule2,subs(n=n+1,rule2),subs(n=n-1,rule2), Ú rule3,subs(n=n+1,rule3),subs(n=n-1,rule3) ë ,RE): and get a highly complicated expansion Ú Ú re:=simplify(numer(normal(RE))/xˆ(n-3)): Á %$ c Equating the highest coefficient gives 5 as rational function of # Ú rule4:=beta[n]= factor(solve(coeff(re,x,3),beta[n])); Ú ßtñòã Ü+Á 5 ôd )N A # 9 ^ $N A # dü N3dÐ^)$ # # :dS^ 9 ^ # # NdÐ^ NÄ? and equating the second highest coefficient yields finally ý Ú Ú 5 rule5:=gamma[n]=factor(subs(rule4, solve(coeff(re,x,2),gamma[n]))); [ 9 # A N 9 ^ y¦ [ # 9 N ^ and : $)N 9U[ NÄ as rational function, too: ETNA Kent State University 120 WOLFRAM KOEPF Ü ßtñòã W ï 9 d c # dlW ï dû^ N # 9 # c ^ N A ² 9 A # N ² $ A @ A 9 ² # [ A # 9 # N$ A ² 9 # NdS^ 9 # N $ A : : d ² 9 [ N A ú ý 5 d N ^ 9 # d A [ # d ^N S ° ^ÃN $ A :d ² dlW ï ú A # [ 9 A # c A ² :d N A 9 W ï $ [ èd ² A c # A # d 9 A # ú N $ A ² A c)9 # ² 9 $ A d $ A # N A N ú # C Ä N N ± ² 9 dü C N ú N d # NÄ # $èd ° 9 # $ # $:dW ï # # ^ ² 9 N A # [ # ú 9 [ # A c @ Starting from a given three-term recurrence equation, one can use these identities in the opposite direction to find the corresponding differential or ( - )-difference equation by solving a quadratic system of equations; see [10]. Example 1: Let the recurrence equation !dlndüN3dlWh 465 ¨ A (6.1) be given. The computations Ú read "hsum9.mpl"; ã %Þ<ãEß %Þ /ßtà Ú ã /áäã ©ßtà d ¼ó %Þ /ßtà Ú ÿ Ú , D 4 ç ß ©^ ß îà W ^ Þ d Þòã îà /ãß tà Þòã hãÒÞ d Þòã hãÞ á × ê òñîã ãEò Þòã ¦à ãEß tà Wh 9 9 +Iî [ # HG G !NÃydS^Y { Ð&Ò<*!)8^ ^ " × Wh? 9 ã [ » =A 5 E& 3 F & M3 5 ß áäã ÒãEß W B 9 ©ndlW " ^ ^à 9 /ã W B ^ 9 @ 9 5 ¨ > 7 5 d ^ W W ^ µ ¸ W EãEò N § { +I<¦$ Wh A ûNÄ 9 8^ c c I û!Nà 9 7 { 5 ¨ > 7 5 ¾ &Ò ² <6d 9 9 ê òñîã +I ^N c W § î1d ² ² c ë !NÃ@)+I< W& 9 OIî [ # W A îb$d µ< û!NÃî ^ <t< 9 !Nà 9 ! 9R !) y d W ûYd ^ ¦¦+î +¦ F µ ¸ !Nà 9 Wh< ©ndlWhËdû^6 ^f 9 W 9 9 9 µî û!NÃa ^à ² dW A O ë <y 9 +I< ? 9 Wh &©<*!)é dW 9 W { & W ± ² show that for § translated Laguerre polynomials and for Krawtchouk polynomials are solutions of (6.1).5 5 The A § PN O @ ^ÃN 9 B¦ W6d 9 W äd Q 9 ã N O @ P !B Yd ² ?? ^Y û!NÃa Q !)OI 465 REtodiscreteDE(RE,P(n),x); , D 4 7 /ã dW " " /ò bß á ^(6dV!ndüNdlWh û!N 9 áäã ÒãEß W d ªõ à æèç 5 E& 3 F & F3 5 HG G LK J Þ " ^ W Wh A 9 REtoDE(RE,P(n),x); ß îà Ú û!N á /ò bß ÿûç ã Bõ ñá õ Ý N § ! " # $ % ' & ##( *)+) -, . 0/- '. 21 43 5 46./ 55 read "retode.mpl"; + 7 8 " ( $ 9 :& ;)) , . </= >. ?1 43 5 4@A.B/ 55 RE:=P(n+2)-(x-n-1)*P(n+1)+alpha*(n+1)ˆ2*P(n)=0; C Ý c ! 9 45 ¨ > parameters R S and "Q § W ± ² Meixner and UTVWR YX-S that appear in Maple’s output correspond to the translation . ETNA Kent State University ORTHOGONAL POLYNOMIALS, RECURRENCE EQUATIONS AND FACTORIZATION 121 Example 2: Let the recurrence equation ! ¨ A 4 5 (6.2) d 9 ¨ > 4 5 5 §Y- 5 ¨ > - dW !B+I 4 5 be given. The computations Ú RE:=P(n+2)-x*P(n+1)+alpha*qˆn*(qˆ(n+1)-1)*P(n)=0; Z Ü ÿûç Ú ûN [ ^(d 9 , D 4 9 § 5 - » 5 ¨ > ¾ dlWh - 9 \^] @\^] @ § * * ! ? A A - W û!NÃît 9 ß ¨ 5 7 § <t 7 § 5 &C 3 F & M3 D5 \^] @ Þ á~ã ãß 8I<<18î c ê [ A Wh 9 !NÄÃ+I REtoqDE(RE,P(n),q,x); ß ¦à " ûN kd - ã § 9 - <d ã ¦ § òxñîã ôd¼ # ? ûNÃt dlW - - îî$f8I 9 - 9 ë dW 5 dVWh A 9 - - !Nà OI< 5 ôWE& > 5 show that for every §U032 there are - -orthogonal polynomial solutions of (6.2). 7. Associated Orthogonal Polynomials. A monic orthogonal system )+ 5 45 9 7 ; 5@=?> 5 7 ; ; 5@=A 5 9 9+DEDED satisfies a recurrence equation of the form (see, e. g., [3]) ¨ > 4 5 (7.1) !)k düÁ 5 !Ãd 4 5 ý 5 4 5@=?> ! P The polynomials defined by » Ó ¾ !Bk!dÁ » Ó ¾ d 5 ¨ Ó 4 5 4 5 ¨ > _ » Ó ¾ !f ¨ Ó ý 5 4 5@=?> called the th associated orthogonal polynomials, are also orthogonal by Favards Theorem; see [3]. It turns out that the associated polynomials can be represented as linear combinations ` a 4 5 ` 4 Ó =Ë> » Ó ¾ !) » > ¾ ! 4 Ó = A Ó =?> ` » > ¾ !Ãd 4 5 ¨ Ó =?> 45 ¨ Ó Ó =?> 5 ¢t£ > ý ¢ ; see [4]. where 5 As examples, we consider the classical discrete polynomials. Then it turns out that the !B » Ó ¾ ! 4 5 associated polynomials satisfy a fourth order recurrence equation of the form b þ 5 » Ó ¾ with polynomials c b !B ¡ c í ¢ *d b ÄyNÄ ¢ ¢t£?¤ !NÄ 0g2 " ÄN& ¢ ! , where ¡ c í ¢ !ÄyNÄ ¢£?¤ d b ! 9 7< 8I denotes the shift operator. 8. Factorization of Fourth Order Difference Equations. By linear algebra, one can » Ó ¾ prove that a certain multiple of the difference operator þ 5 can be factorized as product of two difference operators of second order [5] e Q R 4 Ó =Ë> þ 5 f hg » Ó ¾ 5 » Ó ¾ 5 » Ó ¾ ETNA Kent State University 122 WOLFRAM KOEPF e R !Bd 5 Q 4 Ó =?> . Using computer algebra, in each specific case this factorfor some function ization can be computed explicitly. For example, let’s consider the Charlier polynomials and their associated. The monic Charlier polynomials are given by 45 # c » ¾ )d 5 # dfNÃEdf 5 A ¤ W d d _ P # The fourth order difference operator of the th associated Charlier polynomials is given by þ 5 » Ó ¾ # !N 9 dû^ 9 ©^ # ^ g 5 » Ó ¾ f _ 9 9 9 d ! 9 9 ! # W 9 ^ dS^ i (? 9 d C ¼NÄ # C)9 # 9ï d d A ² ° N düN A A ädlWI # # 9 N 9 N C 9 ² # adÐ^NÄ d ï A C 9ï N A A d ² N ° # Wht 9 ï dN A A düN A N 9 ( . The factorization yields the second order right factor6 = > 4 Ó ? 9 9 WhË! ² 9 dÐ^ adÐ^ 9 # WN 9 ^ÃN A CB9 ^ N ² ^ 9 dnd N # # N3dS^ # : = > 4 Ó ? d: í ² 9 adS^ ² N A èd ² 9 i _ *d i i i i i kj i ;d i i i Hi i Ii i i 7d i Hi i i i *d i (? äd # ädÐð 9 where i ^ 9 !Ë! WhE! ^( 4 Ó =?> ^( A 9 ^( 9 # d li A ! A d <!N 4 Ó =?> Wh d 9 4 Ó =Ë> li i 9 # Wh 9 ! ^( 9 9 4 Ó =?> e ! ^( 9 = > 4 Ó ? 9 W A t h Wh 4 Ó =?> still denoting the monic Charlier polynomial. The function as well as the left factor 5 turn out to be rather complicated. One main advantage of the factorization is the following: In the general case, using the » Ó ¾ right factor 5 , one can find a solution basis for the fourth order difference equation of the th associated polynomials (for arbitrary ) consisting of the four linearly independent functions 465 _ g Å _ n p ¥ » Ó ¾ !BV*! ¨ 4 5 ¿ 4 Ó =Ë> 5 ¨ 5 ! » Ó ¾ !BV*! ¿ Ó =?> 45 ¨ 5 ! ¿ » Ó ¾ !BV*! ¿ Ó =?> 5 ¨ 5 5 » Ó ¾ !BV*! 4 Ó =Ë> !t Ó t Ó t Ó Ó ! P In a similar manner, the fourth order difference equations and their factorizations of differently modified polynomials like the generalized co-recursive and the generalized co-dilated polynomials can be detected [5]. 9. Conclusion. The software used was written in connection with my book [8] and is available from my home page.7 I hope to have shown that new and interesting research results in the classical topic of orthogonal polynomials can be obtained using computer algebra algorithms. The most important computer algebra algorithms utilized are the algorithms of linear algebra, polynomial factorization and the solution of polynomial systems, e. g. by Gröbner bases. 6 which doesn’t necessarily look simpler but is of second instead of fourth order 7˜koepf md y ETNA Kent State University ORTHOGONAL POLYNOMIALS, RECURRENCE EQUATIONS AND FACTORIZATION 123 Software development is a time consuming activity! Software developers love when their software is used. But they need your support. Hence my suggestion: If you use a computer algebra package for your research, please cite its use! REFERENCES [1] R. A SKEY , An integral of Ramanujan and orthogonal polynomials, J. Indian Math. Soc. (N.S.), 51 (1987), pp. 27–36. [2] S. B OCHNER , Über Sturm-Liouvillesche Polynomsysteme, Math. Z., 29 (1929), pp. 730–736. [3] T. S. C HIHARA , Introduction to Orthogonal Polynomials, Gordon and Breach, New York, 1978. [4] J. D INI , Sur les formes linéaires et polynômes orthogonaux de Laguerre-Hahn, Thèse de Doctorat, Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris VI, 1988. [5] M. F OUPOUAGNIGNI , W. K OEPF, AND A. R ONVEAUX , On fourth-order difference equations for orthogonal polynomials of a discrete variable: derivation, factorization and solutions, J. Difference Equ. Appl., 9 (2003), pp. 777–804. [6] W. H AHN , Über Orthogonalpolynome, die -Differenzengleichungen genügen, Math. Nachr., 2 (1949), pp. 4– 34. [7] R. K OEKOEK AND R. F. 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