ETNA Electronic Transactions on Numerical Analysis. Volume 27, pp. 34-50, 2007. Copyright 2007, Kent State University. ISSN 1068-9613. Kent State University FACTORIZATION OF THE HYPERGEOMETRIC-TYPE DIFFERENCE EQUATION ON THE UNIFORM LATTICE R. ALVAREZ-NODARSE , N. M. ATAKISHIYEV , AND R. S. COSTAS-SANTOS Abstract. We discuss factorization of the hypergeometric-type difference equations on the uniform lattices and show how one can construct a dynamical algebra, which corresponds to each of these equations. Some examples are exhibited, in particular, we show that several models of discrete harmonic oscillators, previously considered in a number of publications, can be treated in a unified form. Key words. discrete polynomials, factorization method, discrete oscillators AMS subject classifications. 33C45, 33C90, 39A13 1. Introduction. The study of discrete system has attracted the attention of many authors in the last years. Of special interest are the discrete analogs of the quantum harmonic oscillators [2, 5, 6, 9, 11, 12, 16, 17, 18, 21, 25] among others. There are several methods for studying such systems. One of them is the factorization method (FM), first introduced for solving differential equations [28, 19]. This classical FM is based on the existence of the so-called raising and lowering operators for the corresponding equation, which allow to find the explicit solutions in a simple way, see e.g. [7, 22]. Later on, Miller extended it to difference equations [23] and -differences –in the Hahn sense– [24]. In the case of difference equations this method has been also extensively used during the last years (see e.g. [9, 11, 14, 22, 29] for difference analogs on the uniform lattice and [4, 5, 6, 9, 11, 12, 15] for the -case). Later on, references [7, 8, 13] indicated a way of constructing the so-called “dynamical symmetry algebra” by applying the FM to differential or difference equations [3, 11, 12] and then this technique has been used to consider some particular instances of -hypergeometric difference equations. Of special interest is also the paper by Smirnov [29], in which the equivalence of the FM and the Nikiforov et al formulation of theory of -orthogonal polynomials [26], was established. In [4], following the papers [15, 22] for the classical case, it has been shown that one can factorize the hypergeometric-type difference equation (2.1) in terms of the above-mentioned raising and lowering operators. Our main purpose here is to show how to deal with all different cases of difference equations on the uniform lattice in an unified form. One should consider this paper as an attempt to provide a background for the more general -linear case (since in the limit as goes to , the -linear case reduces to the uniform one). Some results concerning this general case will be also given in the last section. The structure of the paper is as follows. In Section 2 some necessary results on classical polynomials are collected. In section 3 the factorization of the hypergeometric-type difference equation is discussed, which is used in section 4 to construct a dynamical symmetry algebra in the case of the Charlier polynomials. In section 5 the Kravchuk and the Meixner cases are considered in detail. Finally, in section 6 we briefly discuss a possibility of applying this technique to the -case. Received June 16, 2003. Accepted for publication April 22, 2004. Recommended by F. Marcellán. Departamento de Análisis Matemático, Universidad de Sevilla, Apdo. 1160, 41080-Sevilla, Spain ( Instituto de Matemáticas, UNAM, Apartado Postal 273-3, C.P. 62210 Cuernavaca, Morelos, México ( Departamento de Matemáticas, E.P.S., Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Ave. Universidad 30, E-28911, Leganés, Madrid, Spain ( 34 ETNA Kent State University 35 FACTORIZATION OF DIFFERENCE EQUATIONS 2. Preliminaries: the classical “discrete” polynomials. The discretization of the hypergeometric differential equation on the lattice [26, 27] leads to the second order difference equation of the hypergeometric type % & "(' "$# % & )+*-, ! /. . . . . . 102 " ! , 304 5( . where The most simple lattice is the uniform one + and it corresponds to the equation "6# ! "(' 7*-8 (2.2) (2.1) The above equation have polynomial solutions 9:; , usually called classical discrete or' ' :<=?>@ #-AB" >C! D A A EF . thogonal polynomials, if and only if It is well known [26] that under certain conditions the polynomial solutions of (2.2) are orthogonal. For example, if DGH! &JI;K S* , for all TUS*-,V,WX,Y8V8Y8 , then the polynomial solutions 9:Z of (2.2) satisfy [%9 : ,&9\^]&_ (2.3) bR `Za LNMPO KK LNMPOQ R 9 : X9\/ cGd 7e : \^fF:g , where the weight functions Gd are solutions of the Pearson-type equation h " ! DGH " ! @ ! "6# kjlGH! m8 : "on : : In the following we will consider the monic polynomials, i.e., 9 : ! )7 (2.4) ih ! DGH kjP # DGH! or `;a "qpYpVp . The polynomial solutions of (2.2) are the classical discrete orthogonal polynomials of Hahn, Meixner, Kravchuk and Charlier and their principal data are given in Table 2.1. TABLE 2.1 The classical discrete orthogonal monic polynomials. rds-t%umv wFxcs y z t%u!{D|/v }6s ~y t%uYv Meixner Kravchuk Charlier X N E | & v E |+6 & v t%umv ut|<umv u u u t%uYv tlmvt|UmvZtC!vNu tlmvNu- /u t%umvt|¢umv duB ¥ s ¦ t ¦ /C§mv tk¨Hv ¦ © t%umv Eª « ¬ xcc N­ ªJ« z ¬ ¡ ¬ ¡ ­ ªE« X N­ ªE« ¬ ­ µH¶·¸¹Bº»¶¼¾½£¿/¹1º sEË Jª « x ¬ z ¬Ì¬ s ¬ ¡ ­ x ¬ z ¬ Ê s ¬ Ê ¡ « s ¡ ­ Ë « x ¬ z ¬ s ¬ ¡ ­ÈÍ1¯ x ¬ s ¬ ¡ ° !® ªE« ~ ¬ N­ Jª « ~Y­ ªE« ¬ ¡ ­ ÀÁ<Â!¶ÃÄÅlÂ!¶ º&Æ sË « ~Y­ÈÍE Í « ¡ XV­ÏÎmÐÑ Í ¡ !c F ¡ t%u@£|¤v F s ¡ F tk@ v X ¯ °N± ± Ç^ÄÅÈÂ!¶&º&Æk¶¼½5¿/¹1º s tk@ v s ¯s °± ± ÉsÊ Hahn s t%umv 1s t%umv ¦ ²&³´ ® ªE« ¬ ¡ ­ þÁ< ¦;Ò s ETNA Kent State University 36 R. ALVAREZ-NODARSE, N. ATAKISHIYEV, AND R. COSTAS-SANTOS They can be expressed in terms of the generalized hypergeometric function Ó F Ô , shifted factorial) b Ó F PÔ Õ+Ö n a , , Ö n g V, ,Y8Y8V8Y8Y8V8Y,, nÖ Ô Ó KK Ø×iÚÙ KK a g I MZÛ Ö I Ö g I Vp pYp Ö Ó I HI a , n I n g I pYYp p n ÔY I dT Ü a Ö ¢ F,Ý Ö I Ö Ö " ! Y Ö " F pYpVp Ö " T! m,5T/=,WX,Þ-,Y8V8Y88 Û Using the above notations, we have for the monic polynomials of Hahn, Meixner, Kravchuk and Charlier, respectively ßÌà D ?â :Zã " ! D: æF,&ä " ã " > " " ,V?> K × , : Q á F,&â @ ä " ã " > " :6å F g Õ KK ?§ â ,&ã K çè êZ :cë : ?>,Yæ K ? ×¾, : Q é @ ë ì : g F a Õ KK ê ë K í Ó DîH : â6Ü ?>,Væ K ×¾, : @ %âï§>P »Ü g F a Õ 5â KK î K ð : : é ! )UD ë >,Yæ K × 8 ? KK ë g FÛ Õ K A further information on orthogonal polynomials on the uniform lattice can be found in [1, 20, 26, 27]. 3. Factorization of the difference equation. Let us consider the following second order linear difference operator h ñ ! @=æòZ5! có `dô ® 6òZ! -ó ô ® " E "$# NjlõÌ, a . " h à . where ó ôL ö ä÷ for all ä¢øù , òZ ¾ûú " "$# kj , and õ identity operator, and let ü1:- : be the set of functions (3.1) ü1:Z @ (3.2) is the ú dG 9:; m, fF: where fB: is a norm of the polynomials 9÷:Z , which satisfy equation (2.2), and Gd is the solution of the Pearson-type equation (2.4). If 9:; possess the discrete orthogonality property (2.3), then the functions ü1:Z! have the property [ü3:Z m,Wü \ ] _ Using the identity (3.3) i.e., the functions we will refer to ñ a bR `;a LNMPO ü3:Z &ü \ 7eY: \ 8 Q and the equation (2.2), one finds that ñ &ü3:; @ ' :Øü3:; m, a ü1:Z , defined in (3.2), are the eigenfunctions of ñ . a as the hamiltonian. In the following ETNA Kent State University FACTORIZATION OF DIFFERENCE EQUATIONS 37 n first step is to find two operators and ! such that the Hamiltonian ñ ! ^ Ö n Our n a , i.e., the operators Ö and factorize the Hamiltonian ñ . Ö DEFINITION a 3.1. Let ä be a real number. We define a family of ä -down and ä -up operators by ýXþ (3.4) ý à à c02ió ` ô ®5ÿ ó ô ® ú ! ú "$# -õ, à à c02 ÿ ú ! &ó `dô ® ú "6# -õ ó ô ® , respectively. A straightforward calculation (by using the simple identity all ä6ø ñ @ a ó ô® ) shows that for à à », ý ýXþ i.e., the operators à and à factorize the Hamiltonian, defined in (3.1). Thus, we have the following ý þ ý à and T HEOREM 3.2. Given a Hamiltonian ñ a , defined by (3.1), the operators à ! , defined in (3.4), are such that for all ä$øù , the relation ñ ! ) à à ýþ holds. a ý ý þ a dynami4. The dynamical algebra: The Charlier case. Our next step isý to find cal symmetry algebra, associated with the operator ñ , or, equivalently, with the correa and n , thath factorize sponding family of polynomials, i.e., To find two operators n Ö n the hamiltonian ñ , i.e., ñ ! ö , and are such that its commutator », kj) Ö the identity operator. Ö n ÷ n a @+õ , awhere õ denotes Ö THEOREM Ö 4.1. Let ñ be the hamiltonian, n defined in (3.1). The operators a à ! and ! à ,h given in (3.4), factorize the Hamiltonian ñ (3.1) and satisfy Ö », n NjZ for a certain complex numbera , if and only if the the ý commutation relation ý þ Ö following two conditions hold: h 5äh §ä÷ "$# æ§ä÷ kj U æ! "$# ! Nj and æ§ä " " 5ä "6# 5ä÷ ÷ ÷ # æ8 à and à , a straightforward calcu" Ö `Zô ® å þ ! õ , where g Ö Ö a þ " ?ä h §ä " "6# 5ä " ! m, ! )¢ ú a h "$# æä Y, ! )¢ ú æ§ä÷ ä g " ?§ä÷ " æ§ä÷ "$# æ§ä÷ »8 ! ) å In the same way, à à @=ñ ó ô ® " g ó `Zô ® " Dõ , where Ö Ö a å a þ "6# ! m8 @=æòZ m, =æòZ5( », +E! g a å Proof. Taking the expression for the operators " Ö ó lation shows that à ! à ! ) ó ô ® ETNA Kent State University 38 R. ALVAREZ-NODARSE, N. ATAKISHIYEV, AND R. COSTAS-SANTOS Consequently, h à m, à ! NjZ ÿ F ó ô ® " ÿ ! F ó `Zô ® " ÿ õÌ8 g g Ö Ö a a å å þ To eliminate the two terms in the right-hand side of (4.1), which are proportional to P , æ * and g g æ * . But æL one have to require that ! " " a a a a & g ! , hence, the requirement that @ ! entailsh the relation g g a a , and vice versa. Thus, from (4.1) it follows that the commutator à », à kj@ , g Ö Ö iff @ ! and ÷ ! @ . þ a a å å Using the main data for the discrete polynomials (see Table 2.1), we see that the only " # ! ^ >P »8 and possible solution of the problem 1 corresponds to the case when ! ä+* , i.e., the Charlier polynomials. Moreover, in this case ' : > . (4.1) C OROLLARY 4.2. For the hamiltonian, associated with the Charlier polynomials, ñ! ! )¢#" ë ó `Zô ® ú " ë ó ô ® " " ë DõÌ, a ñ a ! ü : 7>ü : m, ü : $ ó `Hé ë L` : ð : é », FÜ&>Ü ë&% *Ø, >+*-,YF,-,Y8Y8V8»8 Furthermore, the operators " " ;ó ô ® " ë õØ, @ " !ó `dô ® " ë õÌ, Û Û ý þ ý h are such that ñ' ! and Ö », Ö NjZ¢ . ' Û Û Û Û Notice that,a since ý ñ a ý þ &ü^ ü^þ , ñ ! )( &ü^+ *^ ! + ( ! ü^ +*^ ÷( +( ü^ +* Û Û Û Û Û Û Û a ý þ ý þ ý ý þ ý ' !ý ) þ ( ý &þ ü^+ *F, Û ñ !) ( &ü^+ *^ ! ý þ &ü^ Y '" ! ü^ Û Û Û Û Û a ý ý '" !ý ) þ ( ý &ü^+ *F8 ý Û ý In other words, if ü^ is an eigenvector of the hamiltonian ñ ! , then &ü^ is the ' Û a eigenvector of ñ ! , associated with the eigenvalue $ , and &ü^! isý þ the eigenvector h 'P" . In general then jÛ I- &ü^! and h jI- &ü^! a of ñ , associated with the eigenvalue ý Û a eigenvectors corresponding to the eigenvalues ' 6T andÛþ '" T , respectively. are also ý ý Using the preceding formulas for the Charlier polynomials, one finds ü : , : ü :- m, &ü : . : ü : », (4.2) ý Û a Û ý þ `;a where ,@: and ./: are some constants. If we now apply to the first equation of (4.2) and then use the second one and (3.3), ' Û , : . On the other hand, applying ! to the second equation in we find that :$// . ý :!@ Û `Za (4.2) and using the first one, as well as the fact that ý &þ ü : ! )U ' : " &ü : ! , one + " ' ' ' Û Û obtains that :0 , :1/ . :- :- , from which ý þ itý follows that : should be a linear a a function of > (that is also obvious from Table 2.1). ETNA Kent State University 39 FACTORIZATION OF DIFFERENCE EQUATIONS If we use the boundary conditions NGd tion by parts, we obtain KK LNMPO!Q R * &ü3:P ] _ , Û Û ý þ ý i.e., the operators and are mutually adjoint. Û Û From the above property) and (4.2) it follows that ./:2- ,@: , ý þ equalityý (the adjointness ' a thus , : g :- , therefore ,@:/ ú ' : - and ./:¤ " ' : , i.e., we have the following a a C OROLLARY 4.3. The operators ! and ! are mutually adjoint with respect to p p Û Û the inner product [ , ] _ and ý ý þ &ü : @43 " Pó ô ® " ë õ15ü : ! ) " > " ü 2: - ! m, a Û ý &ü @ 3 " " ;ó ® " ë õ 5 ü " >¾ü ô : : »8 : `Za Û ý þ [ &ü \ »,»ü3:; &] _ U[ü \ ! m, , as well as the formula of summa- From the above corollary one can deduce that " " ü Û " ! " ë ü Using the orthonormality of ü Û Û * , one obtains that â ü 6 Û Û @+â 7ó `Hé7 g ë L 8 Û $ F Ü . Thus :; ó H` é ë L h " ü : ! Nj : ü @ ;ó ô ® " ë õ2: $ 8 " " F Ü=< Û > Ü Û > Ü98 ý h Notice that h ñ ! m, kj; " ë ë ! " ë », ñ ! m, NjdU " ë ë ! ÷ ë »8 Û Û Û Û a a ý ý ý þ ý þ This example constitute a discrete analog of the quantum harmonic oscillator [9]. 5. The dynamical algebra: The Meixner and Kravchuk cases. From the previous results we see that only the Charlier polynomials (functions) have a closed simple oscillator algebra. What to do in the other cases? To answer to this question, we can use the following operators: " "6# 5! Xó ` a ô ® , a ® g Ö @ ú Xó g ô ú 5! " "$# æ! »8 a ® a ® Ö @ ó ` g ô ú qó g ô ú 5ì! For this operators ñ Ö Ö - ! "6# A § AA 8 a n nWe will define a new hamiltonian ñ and operators and g ð " > , n @ ð n - @ ð - », ñ ! ) g ñ and Ö O OÖ g O a ð > where and are some constants (to be fixed later on). Notice that from (3.3) it follows ð ' "?that > O the eigenfunctions of ñ are the same functions (3.2), but the eigenvalues are g : , g O i.e., ð ñ ü3:Z U g ' : "> &ü3:;! m8 g O ETNA Kent State University 40 R. ALVAREZ-NODARSE, N. ATAKISHIYEV, AND R. COSTAS-SANTOS A straightforward computation yields ð ñ n n - ! " # A A A g "?> , g O (5.1) and hn (5.2) ð », n - NjZ g O @ ' " ð " ñ " a Y% å g g g " å Y%æ O!@ ð g ÷ g E! "6# g O "6# 5 åg "6# æ ga " a å g g -ó `Zô ® " a m%5 å Ö m, Ö kj; @ g g " " å mæ " ñ @ ÷ìg "$# a "$# æ gå " $# a g õ " a g -ó `Zô ® Xó ô ® ð # A g , O ga A A or, equivalently, h a -ó ô ® g AA # A åg m 8 The right-hand side of (5.2) suggests us to use the following new operators ð n ð ð Xó ` ga ô ® ú " ! @ % " ! ó `dô ® òZ - », R R O (5.3) ð ð ð - ú " ! -ó ga ô ® n - @ % " ! 6òZ Xó ô ® », R R O " ! Y% "6# ! & . So, where, as before, òZ ú E h ð ð ñ »,AE NjZ= g % A A # A BE " g O h ð ñ »A, ! Njd g A A # A C - ÷ g O h ð ð ÿ A " E! mD, kjd g g a Dó `dô ® g O R ð O R ð ð O òZ ñ " 8 g A " R " òZ ó ð % A A # A g > 5 õ2:d A " a », O g h ð A A A " # > ag ñ g ! W3 % O g 5PõEjk, h A " ô ® a ÷ Xò gF ÷6òXgB?! Njlõ 8 g 3 The above expression leads to the following A A * , then the operators ñ , E and T HEOREM 5.1. If g and (5.3), respectively, form a closed algebra such that h , defined by (5.1) A ð g " ð ð A %*B 3 ñ ! # A ð g > 5 , R O g O O # A ð g - ÷ ð ð A %*B E3&ñ ! # A ð g > 5 , R O g O O g ÷ A *F Y ñ ÷ > IH-8 g R F G A " A Observe also that with this particular choice a @7 *F and g " - ð ð ñ ! " A *F "$# m, E R O a ò g ò g 5! @7 A *F YE "6# "$#-A »8 ñ »,D kj; # g h ñ »D, - kjZU g h ð E »D, kjZ ETNA Kent State University 41 FACTORIZATION OF DIFFERENCE EQUATIONS Furthermore, using the boundary conditions NGd ð ð bR `Za " ! &ü3:Z &ü \ ÷ O R LDMPO ð ð bR `Za " ! &ü3:Z &ü \ ÷ O R LDMPO U[ü3:;D, - ü \ ] _ , KK LDMPO!Q R 7* bR `Za [JPü3:Z,Wü \ ] _ , one finds ò;æ( &ü3:Zæ! &ü \ LNMPO ð ð bR `;a òZ &ü3:P &ü \ " O R LNMPO i.e., the following theorem follows. T HEOREM 5.2. The operators E and are mutually adjoint. Notice also that the operators ñ and ñ ! are selfadjoint operators. ' ' : =a ?>@ #-Am" %>ö g ! D A A E , the identity A A 7* is equivalent R EMARK 5.3. Since ' ' #-A to the statement that : is a linear function of > . In this case : =?> . A A * , i.e., the case of the In the following we will consider only the case when Meixner, the Kravchuk and the Charlier polynomials. If we define the operators ð @Sñ ! YD # A g `Za g O ð ð ð í @= # A g E ÷ ` R O ð ð í A # g ÷ -? @= R O í (5.4) then hí Û ! m, Û where kj; íLK ð Uæ -# A A *F g R ð > # A U D Û Û íLK a y ð A %*B E3&ñ ÷ # A g > @ 5 , O g O ð A ð %*B 3 ñ ÷ # A g > 5 , O g O hí í í », ? - NjZ " , ` Û Û a ðM -# A ð " #-A and D g Y % A %*B 6 O O ð ðON h g `Za " g -# A g A % *B # %*B ÷%*F #-A j8 O R O The case i* corresponds to the Charlier case (see the previous section). *, ð If ÛL+ Û P #-A we have ð two possibilities: . In the following we will choose g UöJ , * % * and # A g = . Û ÛRQ O i.e., ð > O In the first case * one can choose and in such a way that i and 7* . Û % R Û a Thus (5.5) ð R g #-A h , A *F # A " A % *B kj íSK í > h g A *F # % *F @§*F #-A j 8 R # A ð = Consequently, the operators and are such that Û hí hí íTK íLK (5.6) », kjZ and », Û ` í -? kj;7 This case corresponds to the Lie algebrað Sp -,DU . > In the second case one can choose and in such a way that R Thus (5.7) ð R g #-A A %*B h # A " A *F Nj , > ð R í Û Û m8 æ h g A %*B # *F ÷%*B #-A j 8 # A and a =* . ETNA Kent State University 42 R. ALVAREZ-NODARSE, N. ATAKISHIYEV, AND R. COSTAS-SANTOS í K í and are such that Consequently, the operators hí hí íLK íTK Û (5.8) », Njd and -? », Û í This case corresponds to the Lie algebra so ÞF . Notice that since the operator adjoint in both cases, i.e. ñ g NjZ7 ` í is selfadjoint, the operators Û »8 íTK are mutually í í [ - ü \ ,»ü3:-] _ = [kü \ , ü3:-] _ 8 ` Dynamical symmetry algebra Sp -,DUì . Let us consider the first case. 5.1. with the operator í g í í í where ! , -1! , and Û ` tion gives í Û g ÷ í í ! Û -? í ` We start », are the operators given in (5.4). A straightforward calcula- í g > > ! õØ, í > where is given by (5.5), i.e., the g > # *F A *F ÷ #-A %*B , E A %*F Y% A %*B "$# A is the invariant Casimir operator. Furthermore, if we define the normalized functions ü3:Z! @V we have (5.9) í GH! 9:P », f g: í g ü3:; @ > > ! ü3:Z », Û ! ü3:; @ > "?> &ü3:Z! m8 Now using the commutation relation (5.6), it is easy to show that h íLK í íLK &ü3:Z NjZ > "> 7 ! &ü3:P »8 Û Consequently, from (5.9) and the above equation we deduce that í í &ü : @X :- ü :- », ü : @X : ü : ! m8 a a ` `;a In order to compute XÌ: , use (5.9) and (5.10); this yields > > " > ! m8 ! @ > "> g ì> "?> ÷ZX g: 6 XÌ:/ ú >@> In this case the functions kü : : define a basis for the irreducible unitary representation > . - of the Lie group (algebra) Sp XD, U . From the above formula it follows that the functions ü5:Z can be obtained recursively í via the application of the operator -1 , i.e., í : ú Gd ü : @ 8 pYpYp XØ: - &ü Û », ü Û @ X f a Û where Gd is the weight function of the corresponding orthogonal polynomial family and f Û is the norm of the 9 . Û (5.10) í a m, í &ü3:; @XÌ:Øü3: »8 `Za í` K Y Employing the mutual adjointness of the operators , one obtains í í WXÌ:¤=[ -ü3:Z »,»ü3:- ] _ [ü3:Z! m, ü3: - ] _ XØ:- , a ` a a thus -? ü3:; @WXØ:Øü3:- - ETNA Kent State University 43 FACTORIZATION OF DIFFERENCE EQUATIONS 5.1.1. Example: The Meixner functions. Let consider the Meixner functions è ç è ê; L ü\:[ @ ë^] L` : _ 7 g D5 ë 7 g ;- : V m, F Ü >ÜÈêZ : : Q é >a`ì*-, ñ a [ ú ê ! ó `Zô ® ú ë " m " Zê ó ô ® " k " ë " ;ê D -õÌ, ñ @U ë B " ¨ a è ð ð > thus ñ [ &ü :[ >ü :[ . In this case we have »a `Hé , , O a R g a @ é @ aW`dé Therefore and the hamiltonian . " " Ñ ® n ! )¢ V ? Zê ë ó Ñ ® " ó , cb ô ` $ ? ë ë bô ? " " n - @U V æ ga ;ê ë ó Ñ ® " V ga ó Ñ ® 8 b ô ` bô ? ë ë d ? Consequently, ê ê ñ ñ " n n - " (F8 g ? ë a Moreover, ê ñ &ü :[ ! ) ÿ > " g í ü :[ ! m, ê " ë " ë @= ú B? " ê; ó ® ú " m " Zê ó ® " ÿ " Û ? ë `Zô ë ô ? í í and - ` í " ë õÌ, ? ë ! )U ú F5 " Zê ë ú " m " ê; ® " " ë ó d` ô ® óô F " êZ 1õÌ, ? ë ë ? ë ? @U ú " m " Zê ® " " ë ë ú B? " êZ ó `Zô ® óô F " êZ 3õÌ, ? ë ? ë ? ë Û ê &ü :[ ! @ ÿ > " í (5.11) Using the fact that finds * í ü :[ m, í ê ÿ ê g ! ü :[ @ ( ü :[ m, &ü :[ ! @ ú > " m%> " êZ ü :[ - », a í " ü :[ @=ú >@> ê£( &ü :[ m8 ` `;a è ñ ü [ ü [ ! , together with the formulas (5.4) and (5.11), one g Û g Û ` - &ü\[ ú Bæ " ê; Øü\[ æ( ë ` Ñb ü\[ », Û Û Û ETNA Kent State University 44 R. ALVAREZ-NODARSE, N. ATAKISHIYEV, AND R. COSTAS-SANTOS therefore the normalized function ü [ Û is D? ë è ë ê " ü\[ ! ) V e , V e L e ê; ê; " ! Û and ü\:[ V e e ? ë è í :af ë L ê " e e 3 - 8 V " >Ü ê P> " ! hg A similar result have been obtained before in [9]. 5.2. Dynamical symmetry algebra so %ÞB . Let us consider the second case and define the following operator í í í í í g g " ! " - »8 Û ` Û í í í where , - , and are the operators given in (5.4). Substituting the value of > Û ` , given by (5.7), and doing some straightforward computations yield # *F A *F ÷ # A %*B í > g > > ! õØ, , E A %*F Y% A %*B "$# A í i.e., the g is the invariant Casimir operator. Moreover, if we define the normalized functions as ü : ! @V we have í GH! 9 : », f g: í g ! ü3:Z > > ! ü3:Z », Û Now using the commutation relation (5.8), we have h íLK í "> Û &ü3:Z NjZ > &ü3:Z => "?> &ü3:; »8 7! íLK &ü3:P »8 Consequently, from (5.9) and the above equation, we conclude that í í ü : @WX : ü : - m, &ü : @X : ü : »8 a Z` a í K ` S Using the mutual adjointness of the operators , one obtains í í WX : =[ - ü : »,»ü : - ]&_ [ü : ! m, ü :- ] _ X : - , a ` a a thus (5.12) í - -? &ü3:; @XÌ:- a í ü3:- », a To compute XÌ: , use (5.9) and (5.12); this leads to > > ( @=%> "?> g " > "> " X g:- . - In this case the functions kü : : > of the Lie algebra so %ÞB . a 6 ` ü3:; @XØ:Øü3: XØ:¤ `;a ! m8 ú ¾>P Y> " > ( W8 define a basis for the irreducible unitary representation As in the previous case, from the above formula it follows that the functions í be obtained recursively via the application of the operator -1! , i.e., í : can ú Gd 8 pYpYp XØ: - &ü Û », ü Û @ X f a Û where GH! is the weight function for the associated orthogonal polynomial family and f the norm of the 9 ! . Û ü : @ ü : Û is ETNA Kent State University 45 FACTORIZATION OF DIFFERENCE EQUATIONS 5.2.1. Example: The Kravchuk functions. Let us consider now the Kravchuk functions >Ül%âï§>P »Ü í Ó üji: $î ] L` : _ 7 g ?£îd ]lk ` : `dL _ 7 g V F,â », Ül%âï6 »Ü : and the corresponding hamiltonian *nm>amâ, ñ a ú îHB%â 6 ú " ! î " ! Y%â 6! ® â î " 5mîH < " ® ñ ¢ ó `Zô õ¾ óô , " ?Cî " ?Cî ?Cî a ð ð thus ñ i &ü i: ! ) >ü i: . In this case " ?£î , ú î Z` a , > = k , therefore O R g a n @= ú î%âï6 " ! Dó a ® " ú ?£îd m " ! Nó a ® , ` g ô g ô i n - @U @ î%âï6 " a D ó ga ô ® " D?CîH m " a D ó ga ô ® 8 g g @ Consequently, ñ @ D?CîH Zñ ÷ g a â â n n - ! 8 Moreover, ñ &üji: ! @ Õ >C g í â ü i: », × j U¾ú îD?CîH Bâ 6 " Dó `dô ® ìú î D?CîH m " ! Y%â 6! &ó ô ® " h â$ î¤ ÷6B»î¤! NjlõÌ, ga í " ! Dó ® " îú " ! Y%â 6! ó ® ú î Ø?îH W5§â õØ, -? U Ø?îH Yú B%â 6 `Zô ô í @6îú Bâ 6 " Dó `dô ® " DØ?îd mú " ! Y%âï6 Dó ô ® ú î Ø?îd W5§â DõÌ, ` Û and í Û ! ü i: @ ÕX>£ í â ×ü i: m, í g ü i: @ âo â " F Øü i: », &ü i: @=ú > " ! mâ >P ü :i - », a (5.13) í ü :i @=ú >@%â §> " &ü :i »8 ` `Za Using the fact that ñ ü i æ k ü i ! , together with the formulas (5.4) and (5.13), we g Û g Û find * í - ; î îdB%â " ! &ü i @ $ J ü i ÷ V ü i æ! , ` ?Cî ?C î < Û Û Û ETNA Kent State University 46 R. ALVAREZ-NODARSE, N. ATAKISHIYEV, AND R. COSTAS-SANTOS therefore the normalized function ü i Û is equal to >Ül%â § >P »Ü ü i îp] L` 2: _ 7 g ?£îd +]lk ` : `dL _ 7 g V , F Ül%â 6 ! mÜ Û and ü i: V AL s â §>P »ÜlD?CîH k ` : í î :rq â - Õ = 8 × Õ × : â6Ü î ?£î 6. The -case. To conclude this paper we will discuss here briefly what happens in the case. The preliminary results, related with this case, have been presented during the Bexbach Conference 2002 [3]. A more detailed exposition of these results is under preparation. ü : ! ú Gd 9 : ut&E », Bf : where fB: is the norm of the -polynomials 9÷:;2tE , GH is the solution of the Pearson-type equation 5 a g h NGd kj; # NGd or " ! DGH " ! @7Dææ ë DGH! m, n and is an arbitrary continuous function, not vanishing in the interval , of orthogoÖ nality of 9: . If 9:Z2tE possess the discrete orthogonality property (2.3), then the functions ü3:Z satisfy [kü3:;! m,Wü \ ]) (6.1) bR `Za ü3:Z ü \ ! LDMPO a +eY: \ 8 Q g ! Notice that if / ú , then the set ü1:- D: is an orthonormal set. Obviously, in a the case of a continuous orthogonality (as for the Askey-Wilson polynomials) one needs to change the sum in (6.1) by a Riemann integral [10, 26]. Next, we define the -Hamiltonian v Ô of the form v (6.2) where w Ô 304 Bw Ô , a ú æØ ë " D! ú DæÌ ë D " ! ® ó Z` ô ® óô ! ! " Õ D æÌ ë " × õØ8 ! Ô 1047 As in the previous case, one can easily check that v Ô &ü3:Z! ) ' :Ìü3:Z »8 Now we define the ä operators: ETNA Kent State University 47 FACTORIZATION OF DIFFERENCE EQUATIONS and £ are two arbitrary continD EFINITION 6.1. Let ä be a real number and uous non-vanishing functions. We define a family of ä -down and ä -up operators by ý þ (6.3) ý à ; Dææ ë ó ` ô® óô®V V , ! x< ú a ; Dææ ë à ® ú a ® ó c02 V ó V , `Zô x< ô £ a à c02 à ¨ respectively. The first result in this case is [3]: T HEOREM 6.2. Given a -Hamiltonian (6.2) vÔ , then the operators à ! and à ! , defined in (3.4), are such that for all ä6øù , v Ô à à . ý þ with the operator ý Our next step is again to find a dynamical symmetry algebra, ý associated ý þ v Ô , or equivalently, with the corresponding family of -polynomials. n D EFINITION 6.3. Let y be a complex number, and let and be two operators. Ö n We define the y -commutator of and as h Ö n n n Ö », Nj{z5 Ö ÷&y Ö »8 n We want to know whether the following problem: To find two operators and n and h », n kÖ j|z and a constant y such that the Hamiltonian v Ô ^ õ , has a Ö Ö non-trivial solution. n Obviously, we already know the answer to the first part: these are the operators æ à ! and ! à , given in (6.3). The answer to the second part of this problem is Ö in the following two theorems (in what follows we assume that ¨! ). summarized ý ý þ T HEOREM 6.4. [3]Let kü3:Ø : be the eigenfunctions of v Ô , corresponding to the ' eigenvalues : : , and suppose that the problem 1 has a solution for S* . Then the ' P eigenvalues the difference (3.3) are -linear or `;a -linear functions of > , i.e., ' : ð : " : ð of or ' : ð equation : " ð , respectively. g ` a å [3] Let å -Hamiltonian (6.2). The operators n ) à v ÔE be the T HEOREM 6.5. à ! , given in (6.3) withh £ 5} , factorize the Hamiltonian v Ô ý (6.2) and ? n kj~ 5 Ö ! m , z and satisfy the commutation relation for a certain complex number y , if and ý þ Ö only if the following two conditions hold æ! ! æ§ä÷ D ææ ë " ä÷ a a V V y, æ§ä÷ æä÷ æä÷ DDææ ë " ! a ̾ä " ! " ÌÌ ë " ä÷ " ÌÌ ë Õ × &y Õ × æ8 ̾ä÷ ؾä " ̾ ä a a a The proof of the theorem 6.5 is similar to the proof of the theorem 4.1, presented here for the case of the uniform lattice 7 . Let us point out that the (respectively, `;a )-linearity of the eigenvalues is a necessary condition in order to provide that the solution of problem 1 exists. But this condition is not à sufficient. For example, if we take the discrete -Laguerre polynomials : &t E (for more ' details see [3]) with U `ZaD7 g , the problem has not a solution, but : is a -linear function Ö P of > . ETNA Kent State University 48 R. ALVAREZ-NODARSE, N. ATAKISHIYEV, AND R. COSTAS-SANTOS 6.1. Examples. We present here only two examples, others can be found in [3]. _ 6.1.1. The Al-Salam & Carlitz I -polynomials , : ] O ptE . We start with the very well known case: the Al-Salam & Carlitz I polynomials [20]. The corresponding normalized functions (3.2) are Í : Ñ ; ` : P , & t E D Ö `;a Ö ü3:Z%H V g g a D?E m%1tE : cÙ , Ö ,& Ö t&E Ù < ú dTFÔ , where TBÔ ga ` Putting ¨Sú a ü : : satisfy the orthogonality condition O . * ,& `Za g a 1t Ö < , 047 L 8 , we have that the functions a ü3:ZH ü \ H fBÔY +eY: \ , Q T Ô where the integral a d Df Ô denotes the classical Jackson -integral. O For these polynomials " # ! < Ö , therefore äqï* and yï a -Hamiltonian has the form v Ô @ " ý þ ý : ! ! . The g ú Ö % <( m%< Ö ú Ö D?H m Ö §d ® óô ó `Zô ® g %^! g g " ; " 1%1¨( c " Ö §d & õØ, £+ L 8 < %^( g g ³Í @+ Ñ a»` Ô Ô _ Ñ ü : and the operators (C L ) ] aW` ¡ ÿ ú %<(JJE Y< Ö JE ;ó ô ® " Ö õu, TBÔ» Û ý þ ¡ ÿ ú %<( m%< Ö ó `dô ® ú Ö J?õ , TBÔ» Û Consequently, vÔE! ü `Za ý are such that ý ýØþ ! )v Ô », and h ý-þ ! m, ý kj Ô ³ b 8 TBÔ A straightforward calculation shows that the operators and ! are mutually adjoint. A similar factorization was obtained earlier in [6] and ý more recently ý þ in [4] with the aid of a different technique. ß The special case of the Al-Salam & Carlitz I polynomials are the discrete -Hermite I :Zpt E , C7 L , polynomials, which correspond to the parameter Uö [20]. Ö 6.2. Continuous -Hermite polynomials. Let us now consider the particular case of the Askey-Wilson polynomials when all their parameters are equal to zero, i.e., the continuous ð\ -Hermite polynomials [20]. In this case gL. ETNA Kent State University 49 FACTORIZATION OF DIFFERENCE EQUATIONS <¨ ! ¤ ú Let us choose corresponding Hamiltonian is given by vS t%umv . a In this case u ? 1£ !+v t #¡ !v¢ ® Ê G# t a Ê p Ê Ê9 t Ê¥ ¦ !v ä and y E . The u £ !v+ t t d ¡ !v¢ ®¤ p Ê 2E Ê v ¤S¨ t Ê § p and the ä -operators ð a ô®V ó g Ö aC7 g T Ôg ©Cª{«d¬©Dªl« æ þ ð j gL V Ö Ca 7 g æT Ôg ©Dªl«\¬9©Dª{« ¬ " ð gL a ® § ó ` ô g V æ ¬ " T Ôg ©Dªl«d¬©Dªl« Ê ­{®2¯ E ð j ` gL ó ` ga ô ® V æT Ôg ©Dª{«d¬©Cª{« ¬ Ê­l®u¯ E are such that h o ` gL , ¬ Ê l­ ®u¯ E ó aô®, Ê­l®u¯ E g ðj Ö Ö @v Ô and Ö », Ö ! Nj aD7 Ô TBÔ 8 þ þ o Another possible choice is ° ¨ [12], hence a straightforward calculation ð T Ô `;a . With this shows that the two conditions in Theorem 6.5 hold if y i `Za , thus choice the orthogonality of the functions ü?: is a ü3:Z &ü \ fC+eY: \ . In this case, the Q `Za Hamiltonian is vL £ ® £ ® Y t%umv ² Y´ @ ³ ¢ t a ¢ !v t v Ê ¡ ¶µ ' · ¨'¸ 4± ¦9 Êp p Ê G and " ðj Õ ó ga TFÔ ©Dª{«d¬ Xý þ ð " 9 @ -Õ L ó T Ô ©Dª{«d¬ D7 g a ý ý 9 g ý þaD7 @ ô ® L ó ` ga ô ® `dL × , ` ga ô ® § `ZL ó ga ô ® ×8 With these operators v Ô ! @ Ö Ö þ This case was first considered in [12]. and h Ö », Ö ! Nj Ô»³ b þ o ðj TBÔ 8 Acknowledgments. We are grateful to A. Ruffing for inviting us to participate at the Bexbach Conference 2002 and present there our results [3]. This research has been partially supported by the Ministerio de Ciencias y Tecnologı́a of Spain under the grant BFM-200306335-C03 and the Junta de Andalucı́a under grant FQM-262. The participation of NMA in this work has been supported in part by the UNAM–DGAPA project IN112300. ETNA Kent State University 50 R. ALVAREZ-NODARSE, N. ATAKISHIYEV, AND R. COSTAS-SANTOS REFERENCES [1] R. 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