ETNA Electronic Transactions on Numerical Analysis. Volume 26, pp. 228-242, 2007. Copyright 2007, Kent State University. ISSN 1068-9613. Kent State University PIECEWISE BILINEAR PRECONDITIONING OF HIGH-ORDER FINITE ELEMENT METHODS SANG DONG KIM Abstract. Bounds on eigenvalues which are independent of both degrees of high-order elements and mesh sizes are shown for the system preconditioned by bilinear elements for high-order finite element discretizations applied to a model uniformly elliptic operator. Key words. multigrid, high-order finite element methods, piecewise linear preconditioning AMS subject classifications. 65F10, 65M30 1. Introduction. High-order finite element methods for discretizing second-order uni a formly elliptic partial differential equation lead to a linear equation which requires efficient iterative methods, such as Schwarz-based methods (see [5, 14, 17]), preconditioning methods related to multilevel methods, multigrid methods (see [6, 7, 8]), etc. This is because such linear systems have large condition numbers which depend on the order of the elements used and the mesh spacing. In particular, an algebraic multigrid (AMG) method is useful in the case of irregular grids. However it was reported that a direct application of AMG to is not so efficient; see [8, 16]. The convergence factor degrades rapidly as the order of the elements is increased. For the case of Stokes and elasticity equations, the complexity from the high-order finite element discretizations for AMG is even worse than that of a simple elliptic partial differential equation. In [6] and [8], a preconditioner constructed by using the Legendre-Gauss-Lobatto quadrature points in each cell as mesh points for a bilinear discretization. The finite element preconditioning can be approximately inverted by one AMG V-cycle. This approach has several advantages, including the possibility to avoid assembly of the high-order stiffness matrix. Numerical results show that this preconditioning is very effective, especially when accelerated by a conjugate gradient method. It also has the advantage of a straightforward matrix-free implementation for the fine grid high-order element matrix. In this paper, it is proven that the preconditioning yields a preconditioned system with condition number bounded independently of the mesh space and the polynomial order of the spectral elements. In order to show that such a bilinear preconditioning is effective, we will consider a uniformly elliptic boundary value problem, like "!$#&%(')+*-,."!$#&%('/ (1.1) with boundary conditions (1.2) : <; on in #A@B: <; =?> 0 12435#63'782435#639' on = ?"!?#%(' where = is a strictly = >DC = ,.Ewith !$#&%.' a nonempty = > . Further, we assume that positive function and is a nonnegative smooth bounded function on 0 . The piecewise bilinear finite element preconditioner will be constructed by another uniformly elliptic boundary operator F , like FHG 9 G *-I G in 0 43J#39'7K43J#39' L Received April 3, 2006. Accepted for publication January 1, 2007. Recommended by T. Manteuffel. This work was supported by KRF R02-2004-000-10109-0 (KOSEF C00006). Department of Mathematics, Kyungpook National University, Daegu 702-701, Korea ( 228 ETNA Kent State University PIECEWISE BILINEAR PRECONDITIONING OF HIGH-ORDER FINITE ELEMENT METHODS 229 with the same boundary (1.2). This operator F yields a matrix OMF N to reduce the condition number of a matrix induced by high-order elements applied to (1.1) For convenience, we assume throughout this paper that the Dirichlet part of the boundary = is (1.3) P543JQR7TSU43J#636V C SU43J#3WVX7YP543JQ5Z = > '\[X] MF N The main object of this article is to prove that the eigenvalues of O are independent of the degrees of high-order elements and the mesh sizes. As a result the condition numbers of the preconditioned systems are fixed and small, so that the complexity is no longer a problem when the AMG algorithm is applied. This allow one to employ multigrid algorithms for solving problems like (1.1) with high-order element discretizations, which guarantees convergence of the strategy of preconditioning the high-order matrix with a bilinear or trilinear matrix based on Legendre-Gauss-Lobatto quadrature nodes well suited to a solution by multigird methods. For a single spectral element, this kind of preconditioning was analyzed for Legendre spectral collocation methods in [3, 12, 13, 15], for example. The goal of this paper can be achieved by extending the results of [12] to high-order ] _ ba elements and by applying ^ , estimates in [18] of a local interpolation operator ` c to ] N a a global interpolation operator ` c . Further, we note that such an ^ semi-norm estimate of the local interpolation operator defined on a space of piecewise linear functions can be ] extended to the space of ^ by modifying the relevant results in [1]. We also note that the discussions here can be extended to singular value results for general elliptic operators which are not positive definite. For this, one should refer to [12]. This paper is organized as follows. In the next Section, we recall some known results on piecewise polynomial bases, interpolation operators, etc. In Section 3, we extend the results in [12] and [18] which lead to one and two dimensional preconditioning results for the constant coefficients case in Section 4. The variable coefficients case is dealt with in Section 5 using the tensor representation that appeared in [4]. In Section 6, we provide some numerical results which support the theories developed. Finally, we mention some conclusions in the last Section. D! % 2. Preliminary. With the direction notation d or , we assume that ef and ghi f are P Qlk a 1Sr435#63WV natural numbers. Let d&j jnmpo be the knots in the interval q such that 43 ) oHs ] s 6 s k a [X] s k a 35Z d d d d a a Pt Q c Pu Q c Let j jnmXo and j jnmpo be the Legendre-Gauss-Lobatto (=:LGL) points in q 43 )vt oBs t ] s 6 s t ba [p] s t a w 3 c c arranged by and its corresponding LGL weights respectively. Here ef denotes the number of subinter xSr435#636V N vals of q and gi f denotes the number of LGL points on a yzf subinterval by a { S # V N translation of a q . a By the translation from q to a y f subinterval q i f d i [p] d i we denote | }P9~ i& Q ik ] c f j m jnpm o as the zf (2.1) ~ i&f i [p] ~ i&f ] 6 ~ i&f )l~ if b a s s s c a X[ ] s d i d o c enumerate them as where N LGL points in each subinterval qi f for y 3 ~ i f I if t j * I i [p] * i 'W# d d j if d i d i [p] }3J#\I.#66p# ef and ETNA Kent State University 230 S. D. KIM (2.3) ~ i f [p] # if [p] a <~ i f o a < &if o # y DI(#66p# e f *D3JZ c c a P9 &i Q c and the corresponding LGL weights f j nj mpo are given by if I if u j # 35#I.#6# f Z (2.2) y e j ~ a ] k a d , note that in (2.1) and (2.2) With k f o ' dSU4defined 3J#3WV on q whose degrees are less than consisting of piecewise polynomials N a basis for c is given by a piecewise Laof degree less than or equal to gi f in q5i f . a The a P? i [X]2 a 'nQ ik ] c [p] ] C P o Q C P k a a Q ik a ] P i a Q ik a ] [X] grange polynomial basis and j c c c m m m jnm | Let j be the space of all polynomials j N a or equal to and let c be the subspace of with respect to which satisfy p"~9J' 6 o E~6(' o k a a E~6(' k c z# where y 39' g # ;(#3J#66# g i f # a a # 1 e f 3' g c i f * # 1"?3' g i f *,z# i f #66X# e f g i f # and i a E~6(' D i a # y 35#I.#6# e f 3J#4 y 39' g i) f y *<3' g i f c c 35#I.#6p# i 13J(# ,D x;(#3J#66# i \# ¡3J#66 where ghf gf and y e}f and denotes the Kronecker delta function. Even though this Lagrangian basis is actually rather easy to work P¢. 'nQ with providing preconditioning results, one may prefer another basis d v. BThe ¤¢¥change ¦"~6(' of basis may be accomplished algebraically by use of the matrix £ given by £ . N a Then if ^ § is any matrix representation of an operator ^ cO¨ bN c a given in terms of the P9¢Q representations via the PQ basis then [X] the matrix representation ^ © of ^ in the Lagrangian basis is given by ^ © £ ^h§ £ . Hence it may be enough for us to use the above piecewise Lagrangian basis functions in this paper. For two dimensional high-order space, let S N V _ N ª N ¬ # ) c « c whose basis functions are given by tensor products of one dimensional piecewise Lagrange ® E!' a polynomials. Let with a ­ c be the space of all piecewise Lagrange linear functions § j P9t Q c N a as the space of all piecewise Lagrange linear functions j a jnmpo on q . Define ­ c a | P ® i \' Q ik ] c f j d m jnmpo with respect to . For two dimensional piecewise linear space, let S N V _ N ª # ­ ­ c « ­ N c¬ respect to whose basis functions are given by tensor products of one dimensional piecewise Lagrange linear functions. a SU43J#3WV a q ' such that Define two interpolation operators ` c c ¨ '6"t ' <¥"t 'W#A¯ Sr435#636V ` ca j j ETNA Kent State University PIECEWISE BILINEAR PRECONDITIONING OF HIGH-ORDER FINITE ELEMENT METHODS ' q such that N a G 'W"~ i&f j ' G "~ if j 'n# G ¯ c ?# SU43J#3WVX7 Define a discrete inner product ± Gz² on a [p] a c k # ³ ³ ¥"~ if ' "~ i&f '2 if *T¥"~ ± G.² j G j j i m ] jWmpo and ` N a Sr435#636V N a ¨ c c ` 231 SU43J#3WV°Z rS 435#636V as kf a c a ' G " ~ kf a c a '2 fk a c a and its corresponding norm is given by ´ ´ ± # # ²5µ for h¯ SU43J#3WV°Z Finally, the notation ¶Y·¹¸ for any two real quantities ¶ and ¸ means by that there are two positive constants which do not depend on mesh sizes and degrees of polynomials such ; Z Using this notation, the LGL numerical quadrature rule for a that s»º ½¼ ¾ s s»¿ I i polynomial of degree ghf (see [1], for example) can be compared as a ] _ ³ c _ "t '/à # ¯ Z '. À X[ ]pÁ d d· j j for all Á c a (2.4) Á jnpm o #ÄB' Æ Æ Ç {E ] #66p#pÈ9'2É Ä{ G for any two vectors The stands for Å and ] #6notation 6p# È ' É G ] G _ where the superscript Ê denotes the transpose of a vector. The standard spaces ^ and will be used. 3. Basic estimates. In this section, _ we will discuss some estimates of global interpola] ¯}Sr435#636V ¯}S i [X] # i V N a d d and a tion operator ` c in terms of ^ and norms. For d and Ë f h¯ ] function ^ , let 3 'w D¥ ' ÌÍ I if * I i [p] * i 'Î¥Z (3.1) Gi d Ëf d d d <;¦#635#66p# i f g we have Then for a i 'WEt ' i "t ' Ì Í if t * 3 i [p] * i ' Î < E~ i&f ' N a '6"~ if 'n# (3.2) ` cG j G j I j I d d ` c j j which yields Also, we have (3.3) and (3.4) 6' ' 1 '6 n' Z ` ca G i d ` N ca Ë f k ] _  * I ] ' _  ´ ´ _] ³ if ' i IÀ X[ ]Ð G d Ð d À Gzi Ñ d Ð d°Ò i m ]pÏ if [p]Ð k ] if ] ´ W' ' _  * I a aG i 'Ñd' _  dÒ # ` N a ´ _] ³ I i À X[ ] Ð ` c G d Ð d À ` c c Ð i m ]Ï if [p] Ð ETNA Kent State University 232 S. D. KIM ´ ´ ] ] where ´ ´ Sobolev ^ _ norm. From now on, we will use Ð Ð ] as the ] denotes the standard Sobolev ^ seminorm and as the usual norm. In order to discuss the piecewise linear ba finite elements preconditioner, it may be required to analyze the relations between ` c § and § _ ]l in the sense of ^ and norm. For this purpose, we recall the following lemma (see [1], [18, Lemma 7.2]) which can be also extended to higher dimensions; see in [18, Theorem 7.3]. We remark that the similar estimates with Chebyshev weight and Chebyshev-Gauss-Lobatto points are found in [1] and [11]. ¯ a L EMMA 3.1. It follows that for all G ­ c a ]# b ] Ð G Ð · Ð` c G Ð (3.5) and ´ ´ ´ ´Z ` ca G · G ¯ a ]l ' ^ q Note that the result ` c G ] G ] in (3.5) can be verified for any function G Ð Ð Ð Ð by modifying Theorem 1.7, Corollary 1.9 in Chapter II and Corollary 1.16, Theorem 1.19 in Chapter III with usages ´ ofa Theorem ´ ´ 1.15, ´ Lemma 1.18 and Proposition 1.17 in Chapter III therein in [1] where ` c G ] G ] is found. For reader’s convenience, we include the statement here. ¯ ] ' P ROPOSITION 3.2. For all G ^ q , there is a positive constant such that aG ] G ] Z `Ð c Ð Ð Ð bN a Now the extension of Lemma 3.1 to the global interpolation operator ` c can be done easily by combining (3.3), (3.4) Lemma 3.1. Here we state it as theorem. ¯ with ­ bN c a T HEOREM 3.3. For all N a ] ] Z Ð` c Ð · Ð Ð L EMMA 3.4. For Á ¯ N a SU43J#3WV , it follows that c ´ ´ ´ ´ Z Á · Á ' Proof. First note that d is a polynomial of degree S # Á V (2.4) on the interval d i [X] d i and using (2.3) yield (3.6) k ´ ´_ ³ Á im ³k · im k ³ im ·± Á g if on a S i [p] # i V d d . Then applying fc ' _  À /c Ó Ð Á d Ð d ] a f ca µ ³ E~ i&f ' _ i&f j Ð j ] jnmpo Ð Á a c a [X] k a [p] ³ "~ if ' _ i&f * E ~ kf a a ' _ fk a a * ³ " ~ i&f a ' _ if a j j c c c Ð c ÐÁ Ð i m ] ÐÁ ] jnmpo Ð Á _ Ð # ´ ´ Z Á ² Á In the last equivalence in (3.6), the observations (2.3) were used. ETNA Kent State University PIECEWISE BILINEAR PRECONDITIONING OF HIGH-ORDER FINITE ELEMENT METHODS 233 ¯ N a , we have ­ c ´ ´ ´ N a ´ # ´ ´ ´ N a ´ Z · ` c · ` c and T HEOREM 3.5. For all (3.7) N a <¯ N a SU43J#3WV , Lemma 3.4 yields ´ ` N a ´ · ´ ` N a ´ Z Hence for c c c c ¯ N a the proof of (3.7) it is enough to show that for ­ c ´ ´ ´ bN a ´ Z (3.8) · ` c ¯ ba h¯ N ­ c and ­ c f , we have Using (3.1) and (3.2) for functions G i a _ k³ a i k³ a i k³ a ³ c _ _ _ ´ ´ ´ i´ # ´ a i ´ N a p'WE~ i ' i Z I G I ` cG ` (3.9) j j im ] im ] i m ] jnmXo5Ô c ÔÔ ÔÔ Ô Proof. Since ` Since (see [12, Theorem 3.1]) ´ i´ ´ ´ # G · ` ca G i it follows that, using (3.9), ´ ´_ Therefore, it is enough to show a k³ a ³ c · i m ] jnmpo for all ¯ a# Gi ­ b c _ b ` N a '6"~ i ' i Z j j c ÔÔ ÔÔ Ô Ô a ca _ ³ ` N a p'W"~ i ' i · ´ ` bN a ´ _ Z j j c i m ] jnmpozÔ c Ô ÔÔ ÔÔ ³k (3.10) Actually, because of (2.3) we can rewrite the left term of (3.10) as a a ca _ _ _ k a ³ c [X] ³ b i i ³ N a p'WE~ i ' i * bN a '6"~ k a ' k a ` N a '6"~ ' ` ` c j j j j i j j i m ] jnmpozÔ c ] jnmpoÕÔ c m Ô Ô Ô Ô ÔÔ ÔÔ Ô_ Ô ÔÔ k a [X] ÔÔ i a ' Ô ia Ô * ³ N a p'WE~ ` c c im ] Ô c ÔÔ a ÔÔ _ k [X] Ô i a ' ia ´ N a ´ _ba * ³ N a p'WE~ ` c c i ] ` c c c m a ÔÔ ÔÔ _ Ô k Ô ´ N a ´ _ba * ³ bN a '6"~ i ' i Z ` c o o c i _ ` c m ÔÔ ÔÔ Ô Ô ³k Then one may see that (3.10) holds. These arguments complete the proof of (3.8) and consequently (3.7). ETNA Kent State University 234 S. D. KIM 39Ö IvÖ and we discuss the one dimensional 4. Case of constant coefficients: w w . First, ef and g i gi f for the one dimensional case. For convenience, let e 243J#39' case only. Consider two uniformly positive definite elliptic operators defined in q such that (4.1) × H ] Ñ ' Ñ * _p # ¶ ¶ in H ] ' * _ # ¸ GzÑ Ñ ¸ G in and (4.2) # FHG #Ø¥2439' < Ñ 2 3' D; q # q G 2439' GzÑ 39' ; _#¸_ nonnegative constants, leading to two bil] are 'W#A ¥2439' D 23' <;(Q ^ q , Ñ ] ] Ú ] " # ' *  " # ' *  Z G À p[ ] ¶ ] Ñ G Ñ ¶ _ G d and ¸ ] G À [p] ¸ ] Ñ G Ñ ¸ _ G d where ¶ ] ¸ ] are positive constants and ¶ 7 P¯ Ù , where Ù linear forms on Ù For the high-order and piecewise linear approximations to (4.1) and (4.2), let Û P ¯ N c G ­ N c Û P¯ Pl Q È whose suitable basis functions m # 439' 23' <;(Q5# N c G GÑ ­ N c #Ø¥ 243' < Ñ 39' D;.Q È ] and P ® Q m ] , respectively, can be given, with ÂÕ N Û ' N Û 'nZ (4.3) dim c dim ­ c | Then the stiffness matrix M with high-order elements based on of (4.1) is given by #\(' Ú ] Ü#\5'n# #\Ý }3J#\I.#66p#¦# M | and the stiffness matrix MF N associated with piecewise linear elements based on corresponding to (4.2) is given by #¦' ] ® # ® 'W# MF N ¸ #Õ 3J#\I.#66#&ÂZ P Q È ] P ® Q È ] Denote e Þ and e Þ N by mass matrices with respect to and m m , respectively. #Õ 35#I(#66#&Â# That is, #(' Ü#\5'n# #\(' ® # ® J'WZ eÞ eÞ N Since all the stiffness and mass matrices are symmetric and positive definite, the preconditioned matrix below also has all positive real eigenvalues. 1" ] #&_J#66p# È ' É T HEOREM 4.1. For every , we have N #\4' #n4'n# #n4' #\H'nZ MF · M · eÞ and e Þ N [p] PßQ È ] Hence, the preconditioned matrix MF N M has all positive real eigenvalues m independent of mesh sizes i and degrees g i of polynomials. That is, there is absolute positive constants º and such that ; sº ¦ß Z sD¿ ETNA Kent State University PIECEWISE BILINEAR PRECONDITIONING OF HIGH-ORDER FINITE ELEMENT METHODS ) ' ¯ N Û d ­ c '4 d Å N p'W 'R d Å polynomial interpolation can be written as ` c Proof. Let be represented as bilinear forms yield that È 235 m ] ® d ' . Then its piecewise È m ] d ' . The definitions of #\H'¥ Ú ] N c # N c ' ´ N c ´ _] à # #n4' ] " #p' ´ ´ _] # M ` ` · ` MF ¸ · and #\4' 1 N c ? # N c p' ´ N c ´ _ # eÞ ` ` ` and N #\4' 1" #p' ´ ´ _ Z eÞ Then using Theorem 3.3 and 3.5 completes the proofs. Ú ] N ? # N ' N # N ' ` ` G and ` c ` c G c c calculated at LGL points. Define two matrices and e á as #(' Ú Ü #\ 'n# #\(' # # ] eá ± ² For actual computations, the bilinear form where Note that e á will be Ú ] " # ' ] # * _ ?# Z G ¶ ± Ñ GzÑâ² ¶ ± Gz² is the diagonal matrix which consists of LGL weights, that is eá diag E if ' j and employing (2.4) leads to #\4' #n4'n# #n4' #\4' M · · eá and e Þ and these matrices and e á are symmetric and positive [p] definite. CÈ OROLLARY 4.2. The preconditioned matrix MF N has all positive real eigenvalues Pß Q ] i i g independent of mesh sizes and degrees of polynomials. That is, there are m absolute positive constants º and such that ; sº ߦ Z sD¿ (4.4) Proof. Let } E ] &# _ #6X#pÈ'É be any nonzero vector. Since #\4' #n4' #\H' # M N #n4' #n4' N #\4' MF M MF using the min-max theorem, Theorem 4.1 and (4.4) we have the conclusion. This argument completes the proof because all involved matrices are symmetric and positive definite. ator We now turn to the two dimensional case. For this, we consider the model elliptic oper such that where = (4.5) > × }HS ãã*ä6ä6V.*-Iv?#åæ D; on = > #A@)æ <; on is the boundary described in (1.3), which leads to the bilinear form Ú E?# ' Ü)?#\ '$*I(E?# 'W# G G G for ?# ¯ ] 'W# G ^ > 0 = # ETNA Kent State University 236 S. D. KIM where Let ] 'bw P¯ ] ' × D; ^ > 0 ^ 0 Ð Q5Z = > on Û #àS N Û V _ N ª Û Û Z S N Û V _ N ª Û c « N c¬ ­ ­ c « ­ N c¬ P9çèbQ èÈ ] m #\Õ 35#I.#6#¦# Let us order the LGL points by horizontal lines and we list all LGL points çè8 1"~6#&~J'W# where é *-ÂÜ+39'n# as  è"!?#%('¯TS N Û V _ is defined in (4.3). Accordingly, we order the basis vectors and ê _ ëRè"!?#%('B¯S N Û V M ì ì MF in the same order. Let and be the stiffness matrices induced ­ N S N Û V _ S N Û V _ by (4.5) on the space and ­ , respectively. From now on, assume that Æ Æ }3J#Ø¥ 35#I ¶ ¸ in the operators ] and F ] in (4.1) and (4.2). Then using the one dimensional stiffness a a a , e Þ a , we have matrices M c , MF N c and mass matrices e Þ c Nc ª # ì b¬ ª * b¬ (4.6) M eÞ c « M c M c « eÞ c ì ª * ªZ (4.7) MF N e Þ N c¬ « MF N c MF N c¬ « e Þ N c ¤ 1" ] #66X# È '2É where L EMMA 4.3. For every vector (4.8) and (4.9) , we have Í e Þ ¬ M ª '&#n Î · Í e Þ ¬ MF N ª '&#\ Î c Nc « c c « ª '#\ Î ª '&#\ Î Z Í M ¬ e Þ · Í MF N c¬ « e Þ N c c c « Proof. First note that all the matrices here are symmetric and positive definite. Hence it is enough to estimate (4.8) and (4.9) in terms of eigenvalues. Now because of Theorem 4.1 the conclusions (4.8) and B]O »(4.9) E ] # can 6X#&verified È9'2É byÄ)following ]O í ] # Lemma #6p# 5.4 È'2É in [12]. The details are _ #6be G G_ G . Theorem 4.1 implies as follows: Let and that (4.10) M a ] #n ] ' MF a ] #n ] 'W#$ Þ Ä ] #\Ä ] ' Þ a Ä ] #\Ä ] 'W# · e ca · e Nc Nc c Now consider eigenvalue problems (4.11) ] î a ]# M ca MF N c î ß and a Ä ] ß e Þ a Ä ] Z eÞ Nc c where d <!$#&%Z ã # ä From (4.10) and ã # we ä know that and are uniformly bounded in terms of mesh sizesB ] i i Ä) ] i i degrees g #Õ 3J#66pg# . Note that each in (4.11) has a complete set of eigenvectors and , . Therefore the vectors and eigenvalues ïv4 ¤ ] « Ä ] #ØðÕvH Ä ] « ] #AñbvO ¤îzß ETNA Kent State University PIECEWISE BILINEAR PRECONDITIONING OF HIGH-ORDER FINITE ELEMENT METHODS 237 are complete set of eigenvectors and eigenvalues of the eigenvalue problem ª '} DñR ¬ ª ' ñR ¬ ¬ '&# ¬ '&Z eÞ c « M c e Þ N « MF N ª MF N « e Þ N ª and M c « e Þ c ñv ã # ä of eigenvaluesã # ä because of the uniform bounds of Hence î ß one can see the uniform bounds and in terms of mesh sizes i i and degrees g i g i . } E ] #66X#& È 'É P ROPOSITION 4.4. For every , it follows that ì #\4' ì #\H'nZ MF N · M ì '\[X] bì ä bounded. The bounds are indeHence the eigenvalues of ã MF N ä M are all positive ã # and # pendent of the mesh sizes i i and the degrees g i g i of polynomials. Proof. It follows from Lemma 4.3 with (4.6) and (4.7). bì For actual computations of (4.5), that is, for computations of M , we use LGL quadrature formula. For this, consider Ú E?# ' ) # * G ± .G ² _ Û # ¯8S N V which can be written as, for G É Ú E?# ' ¤Ä ¬ ª * G eá c « c » E ] #66X# È '2É Ä ] G where the vectors and # # ± .G ² ª ' ¬ c « eá c #66p# È '2É G are vector representations È ³ E!$#%(' è è"!?#%('nZ G è m ]G ê of È ³ ¥"!?#%(' è è"!?#%(' and è m ] ê ì Now we will use the matrix MF N in (4.7) as the preconditioner for ì where ª * ¬ ª Z ì w ¬ eá c « c c « eá c ì '\[p] ì ä ä MF N ã Then weã can show that the eigenvalues of are bounded well in terms of # # mesh sizes i i and degrees g i g i . 1" ] #6p# È 6'2É L EMMA 4.5. For every vector , we have ª '#n4' & ¬ ª '&#\4' ¬ eá c « · e Þ N c « MF N c c (4.12) and ª '#n4' & ¬ ª '&#\4'WZ ¬ · MF N c « e Þ N c c « eá c Proof. Recall that ò « F is symmetric and positive definite if the matrices ò and F symmetric, positive definite. Note that & eá c¬ « ¬ e Þ N c « MF ª '&#n4' & ¬ c eá c « & ¬ N cª '#\H' eÞ c « M ª &' #\4' b eÞ c¬ « M ª '&#\4' ¬ e Þ N c « MF c c ª '&#\4' c # ªN '&#n4' c are ETNA Kent State University 238 and S. D. KIM & b ¬ e á ª '&#\4' c c « ªN ' #n4' ¬ MF N c « e Þ c M ¬ e á ª &' #\4' M c c « ¬ e Þ ª &' #\4' & MF c c « ¬ e Þ ª '#\H' c c « Z ¬ e Þ N ª &' #\4' c Nc « Therefore, due to min-max theorem and Lemma 4.3, it is enough to show that ª '#\H' ¬ ª ' #n4' ¬ eá c « c c « eá c # ª '#\H' ¬ ª ' #n4' and ¬ eÞ c « M c M c « eÞ c ã # ä ã# ä are bounded independently of degrees g i g i and mesh sizes i i . Due to (4.4), this can be done by following the similar arguments of Lemma 4.3. These arguments complete the proof. E ] #66p#& È 6'É T HEOREM 4.6. For every vector , it follows that (4.13) ì ì #\4' ì #n4'nZ · MF N 'nä [p] ì ã ä and bounded. are all positive i and the degrees g i g i . Hence the eigenvalues of F ã § N # pendent of the mesh sizes i Proof. It comes from (4.12) and (4.7) and Lemma 4.5 IvÖ 5. Case of variable coefficients: and (1.2) as The bounds are inde- . Consider the bilinear form corresponding to (1.1) Úó " # ' "!?#%(') # ' *DÜ,."!?#%('/ # ' ?# ¯ ] 'nZ G G G for G ^ > 0 Ö a Let us denote c by the differentiation matrix at LGL points (see [4] for example) and diagonal matrices é and ô by õ:w T v 'n# Ü,õw , v 'W#÷öY *-ÂÜ+39' ô é diag diag ?"!?#%(' ,.E!$#&%.' IvÖ occurred from the expansions of the of "!?#%(' v E!'& and "%(' ,."!?#in%('øterms , v "Lagrangian !' E%(' basis Å Å functions such that and , respec_ tively. Then we will use the tensor representation for the approximations to (5.1) on the space Û S N V given by (see detailed discussions in [4]) É ª ' è Üù ¬ Ö ª '$*D Ö É ¬ ù ª ' è Ö ¬ ù ª '$* R Eù ¬ Ö áú}û c c áú c c « c « c « c áú c « ù a  where c is the identity matrix of order ª 'n# w ý ¬ ýT Z where áú ü eá c « eá c é or ô (5.1) Note that the matrix úá ý° # ' é ô and e á c ¬ ü « eá is diagonal whose elements are positive because the matrices ª' c are diagonal with positive elements. Further, if the ma- trix é is the identity and the matrix (4.12) with ô is IJù , then the matrix a Ö a Ö a# É a e á c c c c d <!?#%Z is the same as ì in ETNA Kent State University PIECEWISE BILINEAR PRECONDITIONING OF HIGH-ORDER FINITE ELEMENT METHODS } " ] 6# 6X# ' è Ü ù ¬ Ö ª ' Üù ¬ áú c · c « c « É ¬ ' è Ö ¬ ù ª ' Ö úá c · c « c « I¦ ¬ ú} á û · eá c L EMMA 5.1. For any vector Eù b ¬ Ö c « Ö É ¬ ù (5.3) c « (5.2) (5.4) É ª c ª c where the matrix equivalence ò¤·<F 239 È 2' É , it follows that É ª 'W ¬ ª W' Üù ¬ Ö ª ' Ö c c « c eá c « eá c ª 'W Ö ¬ ù ª ' ù ª 'W ¬ c eá c « eá c c c « ª 'W# « eá c should be understood as #n4' #\4'WZ ò · F Proof. Note that the variable coefficients ¬ e tions and the matrices úá ü ¬þ and e á á c « for any vector it follows immediately that " !?#%(' ,."!?#%(' and are positive bounded funcª' c are diagonal with positive elements. Hence ý # Z Í áú ü #\ Î · Í e á b ¬ e á ª &' #\ Î # where T é ô c c « ª ' Ä 1Eù ¬ Ö This argument complete (5.4). Let c . Since c « è É ª ' Üù ¬ Ö ª '&#\ Î Í è Ä #Ä Î # Í Üù ¬ Ö áú c c « c « c áú (5.5) we have the conclusion (5.2) with help of (5.5). The similar arguments complete (5.3). main goal of this section is to show that the eigenvalues of the preconditioned matrix The ì ' [X] MF N are real and bounded as follows. } E T HEOREM 5.2. For any vector ] #66X#& È 'É , we have ì #\4' #\H'nZ MF N · In the sense of eigenvalues, it follows that all eigenvalues of the matrix ã positive ã # ä and bounded. The bounds are independent of the mesh sizes i i g g i of piecewise polynomials. Proof. Note that ì ä '\[p] are real #MF N i and the degrees Eù b¬ Ö ¬ e á ª 'WÜù ¬ Ö ª ' e á b ¬ ¬ É ª W' e á b c c c « c « c « c « c c and É ¬ ù ª 6' ¬ ª '6 Ö ¬ ù ª ' ¬ Ö ¬Z c eá c « eá c c c « c « eá c c « Therefore, using Lemma 5.1 one may see that b9#\H' From Theorem 4.6, · ì #n4'nZ ì #n4' MF ì #\H'nZ · N These arguments complete the proof. ETNA Kent State University 240 S. D. KIM 35 30 25 diamond : n=6, h=1/5 20 Condion numbers 15 plus : n=10, h=1/3 10 5 star : n=4, h=1/2 0 −5 −10 −15 −0.6 −0.4 −0.2 0 gamma F IG . 6.1. Condition numbers of 0.2 ÿ 0.4 0.6 0.8 according to 6. Computational results. Because there are numerical results reported already in [6] and [8], we discuss a few numerical experiments for one dimensional problems. Consider (6.1) with boundary conditions (6.2) æ }Hr?E!'/ ' *-,."!'2?#Ø!¯KÜ;(#63' Ñ Ñ ¥E;' <¥23' D; F . Let us take the preconditioner operator F × Ñ Ñ * #å!h¯8E;(#39' as ã In with the same homogeneous Dirichlet boundary conditions iã where will be chosen later. i for g g ã the following numeric tests, the uniform mesh size and uniform degree 3J#6p# y e are used. ?E!'4 3*Ì! _ ,.E!'H ã E XAMPLE 6.1. With a chosen and (6.1), we discuss the . Weinwill T 7;(Zó3 optimal preconditioning operator (6.2) by considering several take where is an integer between [p] and . The Fig. 6.1 shows that the condition ; number of the preconditioned matrix MF N becomes small relatively if we choose near among other ’s. These phenomena were pointed out in [9] if (6.1) is discretized by a finite difference scheme, that is to say, may be chosen by considering the advection coefficient in (6.1). D; Hence one may choose in this case. ¤; E XAMPLE 6.2. Stimulated by the numerical results in Example 6.1, we will take ?E!' ,."!'× {3 for the preconditioner operator in (6.1) are taken. The condi F while tion numbers of the matrix § are shown in Fig. 6.2 for various mesh sizes and degrees [p] of polynomials. Then we enumerate condition numbers of the preconditioned matrix MF N in Fig. 6.2 also, which shows that the condition numbers can be fixed for mesh sizes and degrees _[ of polynomials. We point ' out that the condition numbers grow as for a fixed degree of polynomial and g for a fixed mesh size. These also can be proven in a standard finite element theory and in spectral methods; see [1]. These phenomena are depicted in Fig. 6.3. 7. Conclusion. As we have shown that the condition numbers of the preconditioned systems are well bounded, it is possible to use AMG algorithms without increasing complexity for solving elliptic boundary value problems with high-order discretizations based on LGL quadrature nodes. As an immediate application, one may apply the techniques here to a first-order system of least-squares for an elliptic problem whose systems are found in [2], combining the results here and in [12] (for example, one may refer to [10]). In order to avoid the non-nested property of irregular LGL nodes occurring in the multigrid method, one ETNA Kent State University 241 PIECEWISE BILINEAR PRECONDITIONING OF HIGH-ORDER FINITE ELEMENT METHODS 1D conditionnumber of high−order elements 6 x 10 4 3.5 2.5 2.4 Number of subintervals plus + : 2 2.3 star * : 4 3 condition numbers condition number circle o : 8 cross x : 16 2.5 diamond : 32 2 1.5 1 2.1 2 Number of subintervals plus + : 2 star * : 4 circle o : 8 cross x : 16 diamond : 32 1.9 1.8 0.5 0 2.2 1.7 0 5 10 15 20 25 deg of polynomial 30 35 1.6 40 F IG . 6.2. Condition numbers of change of ratio of condition numbers for a meshsize 7 0 5 (left) and 10 15 20 25 deg of polynomials ÿ 30 35 40 (right). change of ratio of condition numbers for a fixed degree 4.2 degree of polynomial 6 star * : 8 change of ratio of condition numbers 1/2 3 1−d ratio of condition number O(n ) diamond : star: 1/4 5 plus: 1/8 cross: 1/16 4 circle : 1/32 3 2 1 plus + : 4 4.15 meshsize circle o : 16 4.1 cross x : 24 diamond : 32 4.05 4 3.95 5 10 15 20 25 deg of polynomial (n) 30 35 40 3.9 0 0.05 F IG . 6.3. Increasing rates of condition numbers of 0.1 mesh size 0.15 0.2 0.25 . may use Chebyshev-Gauss-Lobatto nodes for discretizations which has a nested property in communications at each level. This case will be dealt in a forthcoming paper. @ "!$# %'&# ()#z@ *JZ The author deeply thanks Professor Manteuffel for his kind guidance in preparing the present topic and also thanks to anonymous referees for pointing out some corrections. REFERENCES [1] C. B ERNARDI AND Y. 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