ETNA Electronic Transactions on Numerical Analysis. Volume 25, pp. 201-205, 2006. Copyright 2006, Kent State University. ISSN 1068-9613. Kent State University ON NORMS OF FACTORS OF MULTIVARIATE POLYNOMIALS ON CONVEX BODIES ANDRÁS KROÓ Dedicated to Ed Saff on the occasion of his 60th birthday Abstract. Estimation of norms of factors of polynomials is a widely investigated extremal problem with numerous applications in functional analysis, number theory, approximation theory. In this note we study the following problem: let be a convex body in and consider a product of polynomials , where is arbitrary and is a monic multivariate polynomial. The goal is to find an upper bound for the uniform norm of on provided that such bound for is known. Key words. multivariate polynomials, norms of factors, convex bodies AMS subject classification. 41A17, 41A63 1. Introduction. Estimation of norms of factors of polynomials is a classical extremal problem which has been widely investigated for various norms. This extremal problem frequently arises in number theory, functional analysis, approximation theory, and therefore it has been studied by many experts in these fields. (For corresponding results and references see [1].) Most of the known results are related to univariate polynomials. In the present note we shall consider this question for multivariate polynomials on convex bodies. A typical problem for norms"!#of %$ factors can be formulated as follows: given a polynomial , on with factorization & (' -/. ) 10324 )+*, provide sharp upper bounds for the norm of its factor 052 of degree at most 6 . In other words we want to estimate the norm of 072 provided that the norm of its product with a monic polynomial is given. The above question in one variable can be resolved using either Remez or Markov inequalities. A. Solution by the Remez inequality. Set <' = ! ; . ) ?A> @ . )CB ?D> @FEHG )+*, 8:9 8N9 L Clearly, I , , and for any KJ AM and 032 as above we have > = ?A@ ' 0 2 E G > O Here and in what follows IOP G#G3G stands for the Lebesgue measure in Q , while RTS#S3S#R3U indicates the uniform YX norm on V . Then by the Remez inequality (see [1]) with a proper absolute constant W we have ' = Y[A\ 2 9^_] ?D@ R%0#2R%Z E G > ` Received July 11, 2005. Accepted for publication November 28, 2005. Recommended by I. Pritsker. Supported 8:9 by the OTKA Grant T049196. This paper was partially written during the author’s visit at the Center of Constructive Approximation, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN, USA. Alfred Rényi Institute of Mathematics, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, Hungary ( 201 ETNA Kent State University 202 A. KROÓ ' Thus setting a6cbd yields R%0#2R3Zefg 6d G L > B. Solution by the Markov inequality. Let . point. Then by the Markov inequality [1] for any be such that 052 attains its norm at this L , ;hNiYjk.l , _ ! . B , _nm d2 d2 poq o o 0324 0324 r.n st. R%0A2 u R3Z R3032R3Zv -/. 6 d R%032R3Z (1.1) ? R%0#2R3Z G ' ( , , _ yz. ) is a monic Furthermore, since is an interval of length at least 2 and w4 x; d )+*, polynomial we have by the well known Chebyshev theorem = ' o ? x o ? '| , ' | , ' b b~ } E R{wR Z ] 6 bd G 6 d L , is such that w4 attains its uniform norm Finally, this and (1.1) yield that whenever , on at this point we have ? ? ' ' ' ? ~ 6 d fg 6 d G R%0#2R%Z 032 w4 p ' @ The asymptotic estimate fg 6d obtained above for R%0 2 R Z in case of a fixed is in general the best possible. Indeed, it is shown in [3] that for every there exist polynoa W L and at the same time 2 of whenever mials 0 o X degree 6 such that p0 2 X @ R%0 2 R Z 6d with' a proper positive constant depending only on . However, for large the estimate fg 6 d becomes inefficient o and it can be replaced (using another method) by |' fg 2 with a suitable constant (see [1]). 2. New Results. Our goal is to solve the problem discussed above for multivariate polynomials on convex bodies. Both Remez and Markov inequalities are well developed in the multivariate setting but the approach using Markov inequality seems to be more suitable for several variables. O Thus we consider a convex body V in Q and the space of real multivariate polynomials O O in Q of total degree at most 6 denoted as usual by 2 . As in the univariate case we shall L O 2 with “monic” polynomials. We shall call a polynomial consider products of 0#2 C .^P L 2 O ] |c;; | # 2 .P G ] |T;; | * 2 ! Furthermore, let s r. denote the ball in Q O with center at . and radius , and for the convex body V set rVxhp Ps . ! :KV ! . L V ! monic if the sum of absolute values of its leading coefficients is 1, i.e., Vt& ¡¢# Ps . ! v£KV ! . L VH G As above RcS3S3S7R U is the uniform norm on V . O be a convex body, ¦§072 ' , where 0#2 and T HEOREM 2.1. Let V¤¥Q @ polynomials of degree 6 and , respectively, and in addition ' is monic. Then (2.1) ? @ B R30324R U ' = #¨"© ' Vt V d E 6 d 1R R U G ' are ETNA Kent State University MULTIVARIATE POLYNOMIALS ON CONVEX BODIES 203 Note that just as in the univariate case estimate (2.1) yields an upper bound for 072 of order ' @ fg 6d @ . This bound is sharp, in general, for fixed which is small relative to 6 , but for large the following statement provides a more efficient upper bound. In order to formulate it we need to recall inequality by Kneser (see [1]) stating that for any univariate ! !+ª«#¬ a classical polynomials 0 0 ­6 and any interval ® we have R%0pR#¯R R3¯ V 2 R%0 R3¯ where V-2 is the Kneser constant. The Kneser constant is sharp in the above inequality and 2 its exact value can be found in [1]. Roughly, it grows as ° G ° . T HEOREM 2.2. Under conditions of Theorem 2.1, the following estimate holds R3032R U V-2 |' = ? © Vt E ' RTR U G R EMARK. It should be noted that the estimate R3072R U ±fg 6d not hold, in general, when V is not convex. For instance, set ' of Theorem 2.1 does ! ² ! ! Vs²ln p L Q d "W W .- G L , constructed in [3] such that Consider the polynomial 072 2 ²' ph"! L !3%$³!7 oYX ' ² ' 0#2 W 032 rWP 6 d G ! ' L yd |' . Note that ' is monic. Then clearly Set p; 0 2 2 "! oYX ' ² ' RR3U&´ R%0 2 R3U&´ 6 d G Since .- the fg 6d ' bound fails here for the nonconvex set V ² . 3. Proofs. In order to verify the new results we shall need some lemmas. The first lemma is related to the geometry of convex bodies. O L EMMA! 3.1. Let V be a convex body in Q and W¶µ Vt . Then for any L V }^> the set s ¸·FV contains a ball of radius /; Vt+J V . > > that s rW ! rV+ L V and K Proof. Without loss of generality we may assume ¹ W . Set ? s­ J G We claim that > ! ! s x rs izV G > ! ? L Assume first that V . Then for any º s J we have > ^ ? » ? K¼½A¾ ¿! º J B J rV G > > > ! ? ! L s ! J ? we clearly have Hence s J CY W V+xKV G Moreover, for every º > > n ? B -/º J ? > G > > ! ? ! Thus we have the inclusion J eqs G Therefore relation (3.1) holds when also > > rV . ever l ? ! Assume now that V . Note that V . For any º L set ? À ; ºytp+J G Then > À ? J rV G > (3.1) ETNA Kent State University 204 Therefore À A. KROÓ L s rW ! rVvYV . Moreover = À B ? > E B ? > À ºÁ ? > !À L ? ? ? V and Wtµ J J Vt J . Thus by the convexity of V we where L V . Hence> s ! Âà > V . Moreover, as above s ! ÂÄs ! J ? º obtain that ! > s which verifies (3.1) in this case, as well. The proof of the lemma is now complete. > Our next lemma provides a Chebyshev-type estimate for the minimal norm of a monic multivariate polynomial. Its proof is based on a similar result by Kellogg for homogeneous polynomials and the univariate Chebyshev inequality. It was shown by Kellogg [2] (see also X @ [4]) that for every homogeneous polynomial of degree given by Å C n ] |T;; | * ' we have X n­© ' ! R3ÅR3Æ Ç ] ] |c;; | * ' O , O where È b denotes the unit sphere in Q . L O ' be a monic polynomial. Then for any a W and . L Q O we L EMMA 3.2. Let ' > have 9Í o ? 'x| , © ' b R ' R3ÉËÊ ²5Ì J G (3.2) > L È O b , , Î L Ï "!33$ set Proof. For any À ! ' ' , w ' Îx ' À Î B .Ëh ' Î B ' b , Î b B S3S#S B NÐ > where ' ; > and .^ ’s are the leading coefficients of ' ! .^ À ] |T;; | * ' ' . By the well-known Chebyshev theorem we have ' n ? ' , ' ? ' , ' b R{w R Z b R R3ÉËÊ ²5Ì 9Í G Thus using the Kellogg inequality mentioned above and recalling that ' is monic n © ' ? ' , ' b R R%É&Ê ²7Ì 9Í G .P J > ] |T;; | * ' This obviously yields (3.2). P! Proof of Theorem 2.1. Let RTR%U R%0 2 R%U 0 2 h inequality proved by Wilhelmsen [5] on convex bodies for any À ! L V . By a Markov-type L È O b , , L V p ? N 6d ! Vt ÑgÒ where ! denotes the derivative in direction À . By this inequality for arbitrary ± W and L > s iV > ? po no :6d 0#24 p a 0324 c/0324 a (3.3) G rV > ÑgÒ 0 2 p ETNA Kent State University 205 MULTIVARIATE POLYNOMIALS ON CONVEX BODIES }^ Vt+J V such that 3.1 there exists a ball of radius ­; Now according to Lemma ! > is a subset of s 4isV . Applying Lemma 3.2 for the monic polynomial ' and ball > we obtain o ? 'x| , © ' b R' RÉ J G L . Thus choosing L so that the norm of In addition, relation (3.3) holds for every ' on is attained at we obtain by (3.3) and (3.4) = ? yoq o © ' 6d ? 'x| , p 0 2 p ' p > E b J G rV Í 'xÓ Ê U Í _ Setting now 'x| , 2 and recalling the value of yields the needed estimate for Ô > dÊ R%0#2R U G ! L V be such that Proof of Theorem 2.2. Let ¿! R%0 2 R%U 0 2 R ' R%Uq ' p G ! $ By the convexity of V we have ®±;Õ ÖV . Hence applying the Kneser inequality mentioned above on the interval ® (and for corresponding univariate polynomials) we have (3.5) R%0 2 R%UgR ' R%U V 2 |' R1R3U G Since ' is monic and V contains a ball of radius Vt we obtain using (3.2) with rV > together with (3.5) (3.4) R%0 2 R%U ' ? © V 2 |' J Vt R1R%U G This completes the proof of Theorem 2.2. REFERENCES [1] P. B ORWEIN AND T. E RD ÉLYI , Polynomials and Polynomial Inequalities, Springer, New York, 1995. [2] O. D. K ELLOGG , On bounded polynomials in several variables, Math. Z., 27 (1927), pp. 55–64. [3] A. K RO Ó AND J. S ZABADOS , Markov-Bernstein type inequalities for multivariate polynomials on sets with cusps, J. Approx. Theory, 102 (2000), pp. 72–95. [4] M. R EIMER , Constructive Theory of Multivariate Functions, Wissenschaftsverlag, Mannheim, Wien, Zurich, 1990. [5] D. R. W ILHELMSEN , A Markov inequality in several dimensions, J. Approx. Theory, 11 (1974), pp. 216– 220.