ETNA Electronic Transactions on Numerical Analysis. Volume 24, pp. 103-107, 2006. Copyright 2006, Kent State University. ISSN 1068-9613. Kent State University WEIERSTRASS’ THEOREM IN WEIGHTED SOBOLEV SPACES WITH DERIVATIVES: ANNOUNCEMENT OF RESULTS ANA PORTILLA , YAMILET QUINTANA , JOSE M. RODRIGUEZ , AND EVA TOURIS Abstract. We characterize the set of functions which can be approximated by smooth functions and by polynomials with the norm !"$# for a wide range of (even non-bounded) weights % ’s. We allow a great deal of independence among the weights % ’s. Key words. Weierstrass’ theorem, weight, Sobolev spaces, weighted Sobolev spaces AMS subject classifications. 41A10, 46E35, 46G10 1. Introduction. If & is any compact interval, Weierstrass’ Theorem says that the largest set of functions which can be approximated by polynomials in the norm if we identify, as usual, functions which are equal almost everywhere. In [29] and [24] we study the same problem with the norm ,2-/(43+ defined by 5768579 2:<;>=@?A ess supBDCFEHG 6 ')(*&+ is , ,.-/(0&1+ (4IJ+7G 3K(4IJ+JL where 3 is a (bounded or unbounded) weight, i.e. a non-negative measurable function. Considering weighted norms ,M-/(*3+ , has been proved to be interesting mainly because of two reasons: on the one hand, it allows to wider the set of approximable functions (since the functions in ,M-/(*3+ can have singularities where the weight tends to zero); and, on the 6 other hand , it is possible to find functions which approximate whose qualitative behaviour 6 is similar to the one of at those points where the weight tends to infinity. A If 3 (432N1L7OPO7O7LQ3.RS+ is a vectorial weight, we study this approximation problem with the Sobolev norm T RVU -W(43+ defined by 57685PX " :Y;>= ?ZA [ R \Q] N ^ ^ 6 : = \ ^ 9 ^ :<; = O The papers [27], [28], [29], [30], [31], [1], [32], [24] and [25] are the beginning of a theory of Sobolev spaces with respect to general measures for _a`cbd`fe . This theory plays an important role in the location of the zeroes of the Sobolev orthogonal polynomials (see [19], [20], [28] and [30]). The location of these zeroes allows to prove results on the asymptotic behaviour of Sobolev orthogonal polynomials (see [19]). g Received November 30, 2004. Accepted for publication February 3, 2005. Recommended by J. Arvesú. Departamento de Matemáticas, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, 30 Avenida de la Universidad, 28911 Leganés (Madrid), SPAIN (apferrei, jomaro, Research partially supported by a grant from DGI(BFM 2003-04870), Spain. Ana Portilla and Jose M. Rodriguez are also partially supported by a grant from DGI(BFM 2003-06335-C03-02), Spain. Departamento de Matemáticas Puras y Aplicadas, Edificio Matemáticas y Sistemas (MYS), Apartado Postal: 89000, Caracas 1080 A, Universidad Simón Bolı́var, Caracas, Venezuela ( 103 ETNA Kent State University 104 A. PORTILLA, Y. QUINTANA, J. M. RODRIGUEZ, AND E. TOURIS 6 2. Main results. The fundamental results of this paper guarantee that a function be: = of polynomials (respectively, smooth functions) in the norm longs to the closure of the space 6 \ RVU T -W(*3+ ,if and only if, belongs to the closure of polynomials (respectively, smooth functions) in the norm ,2-/(43 \ + , for every hi`kjl`nm . This article is an abridged version of the paper [26]. A (43 N L7OPO7OPL3 R + on o p@LQq>r satisfying: T HEOREM 2.1. Let be a vectorial weight 3 (i) suv t _FwF3.RKxye . \ \ F (ii) 3 \{z ,|}<- ~Q (o p@LQq>rF L7OPO7OPLQ +L for every h)`jlxnm . \ B 3 \ (4I+8 s _w(_@a3 \Q + `c , a.e. in some neighborhood of , for every _ ` B "1 V R ` \ , h`j`ym , and 3.RV (*IH + s _FwF3.R `¡ , a.e. in some neighborhood of for every _{` `¢WRV . Then the closure of the space of polynomials in T RVU -/(*3+ is 9 :Y; =7¨ : = £ ?A¥¤ 6 z ? 6 R z ¦l§ RFU - (43+ T , - (*3 R + O (iii) , R EMARK 1. (i) We observe that this theorem characterizes the closure of ¦©§ T RVU -ª(43+ in T RVU -/(43+ , in terms of the similar problem in , - (*3RD+ . This question of approximation in , - (43.RD+ is solved in [24]. A e (ii) The hypothesis (ii) is not restrictive at all, since if ess lim sup BF« 3 \ (4IJ+ for n z ¬ an infinite number of points , for some hk`­jx®m , then h is the only polynomial in RVU ,|-/(*3 \ + , and it is trivial to find the closure of the space of polynomials in T -W(*3+ . B \ (4I+8 s _Fw(_|a3 \Q S + `n , is much weaker than B 3 \ (4IJ+ s _wF3 \Q are allowed to be h . `¡ , since some 3 \Q (iv) The possibility of some 3 \ to be bounded is, naturally, allowed. That is to say, \ \ V L7O7OPO¯LQ might be the empty set. Sketch of the proof. It is obvious that the closure of the space of polynomials in T RFU -W(43+ £ is contained in . £ (iii) Notice that hypothesis, 3 Then, it suffices to prove that every function in can be approximated by polynomials 6 z £ = (43+ . Let us consider then, and Qb° ° a sequence of polynomials in the norm T 6 RV: U -W R converging to in the norm ,M-/6 (43.RD+ . From the sequence b° ° we will construct another RVU -W(*3+ . one of polynomials converging to in the norm T The key idea in order to carry out such a process, is to find, from b±° , a polynomial ²P°U R in ³ ³ , where is the space of polynomials which have a primitive of order m in T RFU -W(43+ . If ¦ ³ were a Hilbert space ³ and a closed subspace, it would suffice to take as ²°U R the orthogonal projection of b ° on . However, since our norms do not come from an inner product, the problem is much more complicated; fortunately, we can find a finite set of polynomials ´ in , - (*3 R + , such that ² °U R can be expressed as a linear combination of b ° and elements of ´ . A D EFINITION 2.2. We say that a vectorial weight 3 (43.N1L7O7OPO7LQ3RD+ in o Lµr is of type _ if _wF3 R z , (o Lµr4+ and 3 N L7OPO7OPL3 RV z ,M-ª(o ¶L"µr4+ . In the following theorems we describe the closure of smooth functions in Sobolev spaces with weights. A T HEOREM 2.3. Let us consider a vectorial weight 3 (*3.N!LPO7OPO¯L3.RD+ of type _ in a A RVU RFU compact interval & o Lµr . Then the closure of ¦§ T -/(0&LQ3+ , ' -/( ¬ + § T -W(*&¶L3+ R ¬ RVU RFU § and ' ( + T -W(*&¶L3+ in T -W(*&¶L3+ are, respectively, ETNA Kent State University 105 WEIERSTRASS’ THEOREM IN WEIGHTED SOBOLEV SPACES WITH · DERIVATIVES £ ?ZA ¤ 6 z ¤ 6 £)¹{?ZA T T z - RVU z £)º{?ZA®¤ 6 RVU : = ? 6 R z (*&¶L3+ : = ? 6 R z (*&¶L3+ - RVU T (*&¶L3+ : = R z ? 6 - ¦l§ , - ' (0&1+ § - ')(0&1+ § (0&LQ3 R + , , - 9 :<¸ ; = ¨ U L 9 :Y¸ ; = ¨ U (*&¶L3.RD+ 9 :Y¸ ; = ¨ U (*&¶L3.RS+ L O R EMARK 2. (i) We observe that Theorem 2.3 characterizes the closure of ' R ( ¬ + § RVU RVU RVU RVU T -W(0&LQ3+ , ' -W( ¬ + § T -W(*&¶L3+ and ¦ª§ T -/(*&¶L3+ in T -W(0&LQ3+ , in terms of the similar problem in ,M-/(*&¶L3.R!+ . This question of approximation in ,2-ª(*&¶L3.R!+ is solved in [24]. R (ii) If 3 R z ,M-ª(*&+ , then the closure of ' ( ¬ + , ¦ and ' -W( ¬ + are the same. This is a consequence of Bernstein’s proof of Weierstrass’ Theorem (see e.g. [5, p. 113]), which gives a sequence of polynomials converging uniformly up to the m -th derivative for any function in R ' (*&+ . Sketch of the proof. The inclusion X R ' ( ¬ + § T RFU (*&¶L3+ :Y¸ > ; =¼» U - 6 £ £iº º is obvious. Let6 : us= now consider a function z , and let ½ z ')( R approximates in ,|-/(0&LQ3 R + norm. If we consider the function ¾ RF [ ?A (*I+ : = 6 \ \Q] N (*I¿k+ (*+ \ B Á jÀ ½>(4Â+ (*IlÂ+ ¬ + , be a function which RV (0mi¡_V+ÀÄà Â|L 6 ¾ it is possible to show that approximates in T RFU -/(*&¶L3+ norm. D EFINITION 2.4. We say that Å©LÆL are comparable functions in the set Ç if there exists Å`¡Æl`nÅ a.e. in Ç . a positive constant such that A D EFINITION 2.5. We say that weight 3 (43.N!LPO7OPO7L3.RS+ in o Lµr is of type a vectorial ¹ º if there exist real numbers xn x¡ xn! È `yµ such that ¿` (i) _FwF3 R z , (Qo LQ È r4+ , and 3 N L7OPO7O7LQ3 RV z ,M-É(Qo L"µrÊ+ , ¹ (ii) if kxÄ , then 3 \ is comparable to a finite non-decreasing weight in o LQ rËL for hi`kjl`nm , º (iii) if 1Èx̵ , then 3 \ is comparable to a finite non-increasing weight in o L"µrËL for hi`kjl`nm . A T HEOREM 2.6.A Let us consider a vectorial weight 3 (*3.N!LPO7O7O7L3.RD+ of type in a R ¬ RFU RVU o ¶L"µr . Then the closure of ' ( + § T -W(*&¶L3+ in T -(*&¶L3+ is compact interval & £ È ?A ¤ 6 z T RVU - (*&¶L3+ ? 6 : = \ z ')(0&1+ § 6 £ , - (*&¶L3 \ + 9 :Y¸ ; U ¨ = for h`j`nm O Sketch of the proof. Given a function z È , we can split it as a sum of three functions by using an appropriate partition of unity. The function in o LQ1È7r can be approximated with similar arguments than the measures of type _ . In the approximation of the functions in ¹ º o L r and o Lµ"r we use shift arguments that allow us to construct a convolution with an approximation of the identity. ETNA Kent State University 106 A. PORTILLA, Y. QUINTANA, J. M. RODRIGUEZ, AND E. TOURIS The next theorem makes the results of this paper more valuable since it allows to deal with weights which can be obtained by “gluing” simpler ones. T HEOREM 2.7. Let us consider strictly increasing sequences of real numbers V¶° , Fµ¯° (Í belonging to a finite set, to Î , Î or Î ) with µ° xÏ° xе° for every Í . Let A ?AÒÑ 3 (*3MN1L7OPO7OPL3.RS+ be a vectorial weight in the interval °>o °JLµ°1r . Assume that for & each Í there exists an interval &P°ÓÌo ° Lµ°1r with 3 L7O7OPO7LQ3R z ,M-/(*&¯°¶+ . Let us assume also that for each Í we have either 3 is of type _ in o °>L"µ°!r , or _FwF3.R z ,M-/(o 1°JL"µ°1r4+ . Then the closure of ' R (0&1+ § T RVU -/(0&LQ3+ in T RVU -/(0&LQ3+ is ?A¥¤ 6 £ & T º RFU z T - (*&¶L3+ ? 6 : = R z ')(0&1+ § , - (*&¶L3 R + 9 :Y¸ ; =±¨ U We can deduce the following consequence. A (43 N L7OPO7O7LQ3 T HEOREM 2.8. Let us consider a vectorial weight 3 R , with 3 z ,M}Y- ~ (0&1+ and _wF3.R z , }Y~ (0&1+ . Then the closure of ' (*&+ RVU -W(0&LQ3+ is £ º ?A ¤ 6 z T RFU - (*&¶L3+ ? 6 : = R z ')(0&1+ § , - (*&¶L3 R + § R + T 9 :Y¸ ; = ¨ U O in the interval RVU -(*&¶L3+ in O Proof. This theorem is a direct consequence of Theorems 2.3 and 2.7. It is enough to o L µ r Í Î Î Î split & as a union of compact intervals ( belonging to a finite set, to , or ), ° ° xÔ ° xÕµ ° for every Í . We have that 3 is of type _ in each o ° Lµ ° r , since with µ ° ?ZA 3 z ,|-/(o ° Lµ ° r4+ and _wF3 R z , (Qo ° Lµ ° rÊ+ for every Í . If we choose & ° o ° Lµ ° r , then we can apply Theorems 2.3 and 2.7. REFERENCES [1] V. A LVAREZ , D. P ESTANA , J. M. R ODR ÍGUEZ , AND E. R OMERA , Weighted Sobolev spaces on curves, J. Approx. Theory, 119 (2002), pp. 41–85. [2] A. B RANQUINHO , A. F OULQUI É , AND F. M ARCELL ÁN , Asymptotic behavior of Sobolev type orthogonal polynomials on a rectifiable Jordan curve or arc, Constr. 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